97-521�� . . r. ; � :.ti . c8ui �{�i-�Tyl v' °��. R��S �JC , �l �soiarrxc� xn�n� nssESSr�� ny , ��—���� `~�'- . , v r � File No. 1�638-C Assass�er._t Tyv. D2�7 `?Ci.3.i:� � W�rd In the matter ef the asseasment �f i3enefiis, cost sr,d expenses fflr 3 The construction a£ storm sevrer stub car,nections, a� retguested by the progerty ovmer, in conjunction witn the PriorfS'neriaan ArEa grre?z PavirFg sn� S,l�rtinc� Ftoject. . � �reliminar�f urder_�32-1786 ap�rrUVe�3 i�cemher 1, 1�92 Final orler 93-1A �pproved Februery �, 1�93 A gu�lic hearinc� having been had vpon the as�essment Por tizs above impravement, and said assessxient haeing beer� fnrther considered by the Couricil, and h�ving be�n aonsiderecl finaliy satisfactory, thesefore, be it RE�6LV8I}, Tnat the. sai� asses�ment be and the same is hereb;; in a1I re�gect� ra*__fied. R8^c4LVEt`i F'+3RTZi�R That the said k�°ess�eri� `u� .�n� it is hare.�y determiraed to be paysi�la in �ne t;�ru m�urent�equa: iixstal2menta. ��2i3�� Itdapte� by the Council: ➢�t�__��n�l��� Ye�a�a Nays ✓ B,}.z�key Gerti�isd Faa�es b�r �ouacil �ecre�ar is / �� L � By �- Y�/ �� Y �iii r23vUi rd / ! �k8i�.a Il�`tis �a'123.5'C Mayor ��1� Yublic Hearing Date - May 7, 1997 RE 2-28-97 � 7-ga T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION �te. 2-19-97 Gr�n Sheet Number: 38738 EPAR1AfENTDIHE(.TOR C[TYCOUNCII, Peisoe and P�oae N�6er: AITORNEY C7.ER% Peter Wl►ite 266-8850 °°�` M,� DII2ECPOR .& MGT. SVC. DIB. V . V .. f YOB(ORe1S3ISCAN'n 1 OSINCII.Rn-cf+epCH ustbe on Council Agenda by :3-19-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-7-97 OTAL S OF SIGNATi7RE PAGES 1 (CL7p Aib LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESfED: � ettinq date of public hearing of the ratification of assessments for storm sewer connections in conjunetion with the PriorjSheridan Area Project. ile No. 18698-C Assessment No. 0257 OMA�t�IDATiONS: APPROVE (n) OR RE7ECT (lU NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MITb1' ANS WER'CHE FOLLAWING: . I7ss fhe peisonffirm ever worked under a contract foi Utis depertmeut? YES NO rLnNtmiccoMllffi.tilox A sPnlm . Hes Utis personffvm ever been a City employee? YES NO QVII.S&RVICS COMf�llSSfON . Dces this personJfirm possess a sloll nM norms➢y possess�vl by any YES NO current Ctty employee? c�cromnuTTr.e E ' all YES enswecs on a se te sheet and attach. PORTSWfIICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? Neiqhborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S7 3 DISTRICT PLANHING COUNCIL ] 5 IATING PROBI.RM, ISSIJE, OPPORTIINITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): roject is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin aollecting ssessments to help pay for the project. ou+�ci1 �ees�arch Cer�fer VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Same as above. r � ? � � 3 � --� � E.:�7 ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: enefitted property owners will have assessments payable via property taxes. ISADVANTAGES IN NOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be iaconsistent with City policy. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �S`$ � S 54 . 11 COSf/RP.VEHIJE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO INGSOURCE: ASSBSS1R0IItS ACTIVITYN[JMBER: 4 property owners will be natiEied of the public hearing and charges. � q-�_�a� � LLLy O� �L• F6u� L L'1L TYO• '�el../�fJ\ RE307iPPI�+7 ,PPRD{TIlJG ASSES".J�NT lIHI} Sy . FIXIl9G RIl� OF F�ARSNG �RE�i File No. 18699-C Assessment No._6257 Votinq � In the mattar of the sssessment of benePits, cast arad expenses for 3 The construction of storm sewer stub connections, as requested by the property owner, in conjunction with the Prior/Sheridan Area Street Pavinq and Lightinq Project. Preliminary Order_92-1786 epproved DeaemL 1, 1992 Fi:is2 Order 93-149 ap�roved Fe�sruary p, 19a3 The aaaeaament �f k:enefits, c�at and espenaea far and in cannectian witti the above improvement havinq been submitted to the Councll, end the Council having c:,n�idere� 3ar,te and fcund the said assassment satisfactery, Lherefore, be it R&SOLV&D, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all r�spECts approved. RE30LVED FURTF�R, Rhat a public hesring be hsd on ssid asseasment on t2xe 7th day of Mav.?y�7 at the hour of Four thirty o`clock P.M., in the Council C7�amber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Va2uation and Assessment Engineer give n�tice of aaid meetings, as reguired by the Charter, statin5 in said nctiae the time and place of hetariny, the nature af the improv?ment, and the amount assessed against the let or lots of the particular cwrier to whom the notice is directed. �CILFERS�.1 YEas Nays ✓Blakey ✓ Bostrom �xarris =r:n=� � - dac�/f ✓ Mec}as�d ✓ Rettman ,� s�hune �In Favor �Against As3opted by the Ce i d Pa°s a_. ( ��° % //.' I Secretsry Mayor City of St. Pau2 , �..�..,... ,,: y _� AC21 LvIIILC LY G1'J31 1'i�i'C. OY 'f@cTiaLtifs� R $�$�l��me$E $Bi� t�F�it2T OF` CQIvfFLETI�+i dF Is�fiSESS1�9ENT �C::i:�i�.aL F2�, 2ti�. F'iie T3o. 1�:,��c-C �sesszaent 2v'o. �2_°�`" �� _ 5a` t:�v_^� .,� iaa In tne mattar cf the eesestiment ci nexxefits, aost �ns3 E��en�es far 3 T�e ccnstructicn of stars sewer st�1b cor,nectiens, as recruested by che property owner, in conjunction wicn che Prior/Sheridan Psea S±reat aauinq an�3 i.;g?ar_r.g Pra�Act, r�reliminary iircier �z-i72o' a�proved irer_sml�er 3, iy�2 Final Orcter 53-1�9 spprave� February 9, 199i To the r�unci2 of �he City of St. F'�u? i Yaivatian an� ;�se�sment Enc?irear hereby rPports tc tae G'o>>noi= the fvllc:winc� �� a statenieri* af tixe expenc�itutes aece�vr�riiy i:�eLrrc� f�r a.id isi con�e�tian N:ith t-he ms;ina_, �f t-'rie at�n=,=a i�rF>ro v',_s: Total caadtructio:� costu En�.iineeriiic� �in� Ixaspection i ��r.if.l��iGTi �P_Cl e`�:�EuSICtP_IIt v2.iti1CB3 Admitiistration Ch�'tge - Public He&lth Re-i;he..k Gliaiy� - s�'uGiic $a�itn ALateser�t 5eruice Chara� $6.81G.�? 5�- r� �'v4,�v �__ S $ 2JiAL SXP: Ciiarye To Pdet_ Tasssssment $8,554.21 $ L '-`/.�i r .�lJ 9. . Z � ;�aid vaiu�Lici� a?xd �i.,�essr.aen* �r.gis:�er further rEpor�s that he r�a� s�ssssed r�::.; levi�cl tne total amount as abo�re ascartained, tc,-wi*; t<.e suzn �f �y8,5�4_j3 apr,r_ v�8Ci2 &f]C[ 2V'�TV tQt t73Y'� OY' n�rcel O'F i3^iC� dc.cx*;2<Y �FT?2f1��CY s5sr t�Yc `381t_ ;moro;�ement, snd ia tne oa�e af aach lot, part or purcei of �ar.ci ir. acc�ra,�r�e witP tas �enefits CO2Y'FII.TZ'�Ci C$72Y`�OY:: #h8t 'C�J.E' 3&:i� 38828°T1'.°3!2 ��8� �2?E2 Cn_fTlj-�.°t2s �YS� tf,�L �iEP�±C' attached, iciaa*ified by 4Y,e sign�t�are �f the sai� Vd�lidtlOR anci A�se°ss�ent Enqineer, an�' asd� a part hezevf, is �3,e sai� assessu�nt a� cc�:Yl�t�d Dy :��:, and wh=c�a S.s ?i�rewi.th suUmittsd to t?�e Cc�unail f�r such aatian tiz�reon as mav be considered p"tG}�E "t . LL L� i,ec� � � V iaation ar. Ass�ssmFnt En�inaer Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Ratif ication of Assessment OR'NER OR TAXPAYER � &�� �t' � ������ COUNCIL DISTRICT #3 PLANNING COUNCIL #15 FILE # '�'[��&�';��;:':::':� �;%: ASSESSMENT # ����� PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID ,,... "%:?` ..':%,,.. PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner wiil be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the assessment for: THE CONSTUCTION QF STQRM SEWER 5TU6 CONNECTIQNS, AS REQUESTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER, IN CONJUNCTIQN WITH THE PRIOR/SHERIDAN AREA STREET PAVWG AND UGHTING PROJECT. (WORK COMPLETED) ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above property is $ INFORMATIOI3 if the City Councif approves the assessment you wilf have 30 days to pay without interest. Any unpaid balance will be coliected with your property taxes over year(s) at 6.250% interest. The proposed assessment roll for this project is available for review in the F+nance Department, Room 140, Gity Hall. ASSESSMEI3T CALCULATION <,.:.. � �.�s�x,,� �;a�i�� �:F': � - : � 3 ;�:`�� NOTE: TAIS IS NOT YOUR BILL. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AFTER THB H&ARINC:, SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH COIvIFLETB INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE oai�8/s� DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent PAYMENTS and total disability may qualify for deferred payment of speciai assessments. You may apply for deferred payment if it would be a hardship and you homestead this property. This is not a forgiveness of payment. it is a deferred payment plan in which interest continues to accrue. You can apply for this plan only after the City Counci! approves the RATlFICATlON OF ASSESSMEtJTS. For more information an defe�ments, please ca(I 266-8858. QUESTIONS 8efore the pubiic hearing of a locai improvement, call 266-8850 and refer to the File # on page 1. City staff wiit be availabie to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room �40 City Hall the same day as the hearing. After the pubiic heari�g call 266-8858 and refer to the Assessment # on page 1. if this notice is for an assessment to be levied for a Summary Abatement (property cleanup), the Boarding-up of vacant buiidings, a Buiiding Demolition or Tree Removal, please call 266-8858 if you have questions. APPEAL City Councif decisions are subject to appeal to the Ramsey County District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for the appeal with the City Clerk within 20 days atter the order adopting the assessment. You must aiso file the same notice with the Clerk of D+strict Court within 10 days after filing with the City Clerk. NOTE: Failure to file the required notices within the times specified shall forever prohibit an appeal from the assessment. 5ection 64.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires regular assessment paymenfs to be made even if an assessment is u�der appeai. If the appeai is successful, the payments including interest will be refunded. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CtTY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 � � � � �� ' � ^ �4� V ` � � � s � � � P � � W i � • O ' W 0 � O •- � O (] � O � O � O � O 6 6 Y • • �Y ' 'S t-�N# •N# �NR •N} K. f ti r r W• M d • M a • M 4. • M O. 6�N$ �N£ �NE �N£ o�.w •� .w w s � �ox � wx � wx � aix O. � N W ' N W • N W � N W • # R a # y • N � N � N � N fq � 1!f II 1!� r P 11 P � N 11 N r y1 11 N F� I� O I� . N 11 N . P It P � Ii e� 2 . . 11 . . �I . . 11 . . �� . �� M II M ��O II �O � N Ii N � 1� � O. 1� 11 1� � P 11 P •`O �� `� � N 11 N • Vi £• P n P � N II N � M �� M • P �i P � Q � .�I .II . �II .II . • •NYN f'II'- •NIIN �p� {Y C�(R 11 fA .(A II fq � fF II fq � fq 11 H{ W O� 11 11 11 11 C'! F . 11 11 11 �1 4 U� II II II II Z 4� tt II 11 11 4 LL• 11 II II I� £ N� O � O � O � O �- � O � O � O � O 1� . in . P � N • v� N z� M1 � N � P N � • . . . � O • M + �O • N � y r r � P •.p � N # O. O� • N � M • P F i N � N �- U F 6 N y Q 1J � O � O • O � O F- � O � O � O � O 6� O � O � O • O U K • • • • W r P �O Z W � t- U W O K a � O W u_ g� z � a � z z 4� O � O � O � O F 2 N 1- • F- � i- V- 6' � U • U U U J O� W W W W �- Z � Z 2 Z V' U� 2 • Z Y 2 z a�o �o �o �o U U U U K 6 � M O • M V� W � Np r N 2 � 6d� 2 6 O V �T W 4 ¢T >S � ILL \ . W\ N � � 2 S W 1-� F^ i U' W N� r(,�� � Z.+ T � O 1-J�t'LL a � m m c� � 3 � z z • O m u» U � O vi W Z� 4 F_ 6 f' 2 � Q W 1- � W U' J K � F- 6 e' Q $ O� 1�» r y�2 � 1-�S�+JS � �N W U (n W �NK4�- � p NUC' \4� > i-- � W c� c� OM . o� zN � o O � o LL�-Qx. O 2� Np Z W N• N�+ � p p U� � 4200 �F- O K W�+5.1 U � Q W UQ 2 J N� 1 1� � Z W i-\2 � Z3w z6�iN � 2�N �-O £ U� 3CO� !-C � 3\N � x t9> F- � W£1a O� O D � N� QO r O C � f-�+ XFO � K •-Z 22 W� F W Y W W CO � r �� J•� J � � 6' 4 N N Q Q I� • U O• �+->SN • TO • 06��- � 7 � W \f- Q e-1' � NW041c1' ]C � [O� �ON� Y• J T� Nu.M u-2 � N Q 2'1i J� Q pp J\p� � M 1- . MZ� F- ' 1-\ � 3 2U' G� NdZ23 �'6C] � � K� 2 O Q i Z LL � • W O W Q 2 Q � �. W� O�O tqod� � O �1-S O� W� 2 N OZ W fnP • 4 � � �.N � .�p3M � > �-'-�JN � KY-NYNQ }� � O� ti W X 4' � � 1- V1 2 N � R' � 1' R' � W N\ W J O W K� U W W CJ � Ue' �tC •�W UF � 7 rJ6 J 1- • O. � W X S W W � W LL Z � Q�F-SU O� QO J p JJ O� �(nWW!/i4�N � N QOK �. vitn tnQ �, oF-2d W Q QQ �� � N ' � � � ry � � p � �O O M� M• M U M� M � N P• P� M P• P fq O P P� K �S P• P � p o� O� O� dC�M O� f� O N W � \ W Pk r' W� �O I� � J N➢N � N� NF �ODN � �OWN P L' � O F-M 60 � � p0 �[] 23�40 � W N�iO W� O NN OW �\W N ��06 . p } � z O Z�• N Z•� � J V fl O 2•� Q � O Q i U W � Q LL � N"" U' LL i�J �J � Q LL r W e" Y LL 6� VJ 2�(t p0 � N�O � 6UJ1Ilp O� £YV1J O Il� X• CU�^ F-O tA � �. W O]N�+ � OJ V�O O ¢� r O K�/1 . v) .T �n tn � oC C N � x O �a. tn f- • S 2.2 W 6 • v) Q Q � 1- t�J 2 W 6 � u Z C 6 � W Y-JSx � Uxll� 2 � N 1- V' SS � NKf O M c' � O� O N C� � z �- � C� � u. O N U �- O 2 c� O O• ZOU J 2� �+YIZ 2� LLO _I � Z� T2.-1 2 � W K 7 Vt �+ � £ O�+ � O 1' J� O�+ � C � in � N K� 6VOQ.?p • OV� Op • U W 6vf O� 6N 6N p I[� W� W W�040]2 � UOIOOZ � T W Y6M Z� FN 6P 2 Z• �£M � W � d'�-i0 W� F-£ � W � P �' W tp 3� ZOOF-06 + JOdOd ��ONN06 • F�1�00. O O�'+xON# %� NOE# *� Ux�fA% #• NON�Y i[ � e- 11 � � p � .11 v 11 � N II � N II V� ♦II - W 11 W �11� 1 Il 11 11 �I y 1� J 11 W �I u 11 K 11 6 n a II I I ti 11 C 11 £ II W 2 11 X o u w � II F- II J �.Y U il 6 W II H 2 11 O 2 II F- (n O 0 � U 11 F W 11 U U J 11 W 6' 6 11 � 6 t- 11 O 6 O 11 K F- n a .1 �� . . r. ; � :.ti . c8ui �{�i-�Tyl v' °��. R��S �JC , �l �soiarrxc� xn�n� nssESSr�� ny , ��—���� `~�'- . , v r � File No. 1�638-C Assass�er._t Tyv. D2�7 `?Ci.3.i:� � W�rd In the matter ef the asseasment �f i3enefiis, cost sr,d expenses fflr 3 The construction a£ storm sevrer stub car,nections, a� retguested by the progerty ovmer, in conjunction witn the PriorfS'neriaan ArEa grre?z PavirFg sn� S,l�rtinc� Ftoject. . � �reliminar�f urder_�32-1786 ap�rrUVe�3 i�cemher 1, 1�92 Final orler 93-1A �pproved Februery �, 1�93 A gu�lic hearinc� having been had vpon the as�essment Por tizs above impravement, and said assessxient haeing beer� fnrther considered by the Couricil, and h�ving be�n aonsiderecl finaliy satisfactory, thesefore, be it RE�6LV8I}, Tnat the. sai� asses�ment be and the same is hereb;; in a1I re�gect� ra*__fied. R8^c4LVEt`i F'+3RTZi�R That the said k�°ess�eri� `u� .�n� it is hare.�y determiraed to be paysi�la in �ne t;�ru m�urent�equa: iixstal2menta. ��2i3�� Itdapte� by the Council: ➢�t�__��n�l��� Ye�a�a Nays ✓ B,}.z�key Gerti�isd Faa�es b�r �ouacil �ecre�ar is / �� L � By �- Y�/ �� Y �iii r23vUi rd / ! �k8i�.a Il�`tis �a'123.5'C Mayor ��1� Yublic Hearing Date - May 7, 1997 RE 2-28-97 � 7-ga T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION �te. 2-19-97 Gr�n Sheet Number: 38738 EPAR1AfENTDIHE(.TOR C[TYCOUNCII, Peisoe and P�oae N�6er: AITORNEY C7.ER% Peter Wl►ite 266-8850 °°�` M,� DII2ECPOR .& MGT. SVC. DIB. V . V .. f YOB(ORe1S3ISCAN'n 1 OSINCII.Rn-cf+epCH ustbe on Council Agenda by :3-19-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-7-97 OTAL S OF SIGNATi7RE PAGES 1 (CL7p Aib LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESfED: � ettinq date of public hearing of the ratification of assessments for storm sewer connections in conjunetion with the PriorjSheridan Area Project. ile No. 18698-C Assessment No. 0257 OMA�t�IDATiONS: APPROVE (n) OR RE7ECT (lU NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MITb1' ANS WER'CHE FOLLAWING: . I7ss fhe peisonffirm ever worked under a contract foi Utis depertmeut? YES NO rLnNtmiccoMllffi.tilox A sPnlm . Hes Utis personffvm ever been a City employee? YES NO QVII.S&RVICS COMf�llSSfON . Dces this personJfirm possess a sloll nM norms➢y possess�vl by any YES NO current Ctty employee? c�cromnuTTr.e E ' all YES enswecs on a se te sheet and attach. PORTSWfIICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? Neiqhborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S7 3 DISTRICT PLANHING COUNCIL ] 5 IATING PROBI.RM, ISSIJE, OPPORTIINITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): roject is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin aollecting ssessments to help pay for the project. ou+�ci1 �ees�arch Cer�fer VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Same as above. r � ? � � 3 � --� � E.:�7 ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: enefitted property owners will have assessments payable via property taxes. ISADVANTAGES IN NOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be iaconsistent with City policy. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �S`$ � S 54 . 11 COSf/RP.VEHIJE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO INGSOURCE: ASSBSS1R0IItS ACTIVITYN[JMBER: 4 property owners will be natiEied of the public hearing and charges. � q-�_�a� � LLLy O� �L• F6u� L L'1L TYO• '�el../�fJ\ RE307iPPI�+7 ,PPRD{TIlJG ASSES".J�NT lIHI} Sy . FIXIl9G RIl� OF F�ARSNG �RE�i File No. 18699-C Assessment No._6257 Votinq � In the mattar of the sssessment of benePits, cast arad expenses for 3 The construction of storm sewer stub connections, as requested by the property owner, in conjunction with the Prior/Sheridan Area Street Pavinq and Lightinq Project. Preliminary Order_92-1786 epproved DeaemL 1, 1992 Fi:is2 Order 93-149 ap�roved Fe�sruary p, 19a3 The aaaeaament �f k:enefits, c�at and espenaea far and in cannectian witti the above improvement havinq been submitted to the Councll, end the Council having c:,n�idere� 3ar,te and fcund the said assassment satisfactery, Lherefore, be it R&SOLV&D, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all r�spECts approved. RE30LVED FURTF�R, Rhat a public hesring be hsd on ssid asseasment on t2xe 7th day of Mav.?y�7 at the hour of Four thirty o`clock P.M., in the Council C7�amber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Va2uation and Assessment Engineer give n�tice of aaid meetings, as reguired by the Charter, statin5 in said nctiae the time and place of hetariny, the nature af the improv?ment, and the amount assessed against the let or lots of the particular cwrier to whom the notice is directed. �CILFERS�.1 YEas Nays ✓Blakey ✓ Bostrom �xarris =r:n=� � - dac�/f ✓ Mec}as�d ✓ Rettman ,� s�hune �In Favor �Against As3opted by the Ce i d Pa°s a_. ( ��° % //.' I Secretsry Mayor City of St. Pau2 , �..�..,... ,,: y _� AC21 LvIIILC LY G1'J31 1'i�i'C. OY 'f@cTiaLtifs� R $�$�l��me$E $Bi� t�F�it2T OF` CQIvfFLETI�+i dF Is�fiSESS1�9ENT �C::i:�i�.aL F2�, 2ti�. F'iie T3o. 1�:,��c-C �sesszaent 2v'o. �2_°�`" �� _ 5a` t:�v_^� .,� iaa In tne mattar cf the eesestiment ci nexxefits, aost �ns3 E��en�es far 3 T�e ccnstructicn of stars sewer st�1b cor,nectiens, as recruested by che property owner, in conjunction wicn che Prior/Sheridan Psea S±reat aauinq an�3 i.;g?ar_r.g Pra�Act, r�reliminary iircier �z-i72o' a�proved irer_sml�er 3, iy�2 Final Orcter 53-1�9 spprave� February 9, 199i To the r�unci2 of �he City of St. F'�u? i Yaivatian an� ;�se�sment Enc?irear hereby rPports tc tae G'o>>noi= the fvllc:winc� �� a statenieri* af tixe expenc�itutes aece�vr�riiy i:�eLrrc� f�r a.id isi con�e�tian N:ith t-he ms;ina_, �f t-'rie at�n=,=a i�rF>ro v',_s: Total caadtructio:� costu En�.iineeriiic� �in� Ixaspection i ��r.if.l��iGTi �P_Cl e`�:�EuSICtP_IIt v2.iti1CB3 Admitiistration Ch�'tge - Public He&lth Re-i;he..k Gliaiy� - s�'uGiic $a�itn ALateser�t 5eruice Chara� $6.81G.�? 5�- r� �'v4,�v �__ S $ 2JiAL SXP: Ciiarye To Pdet_ Tasssssment $8,554.21 $ L '-`/.�i r .�lJ 9. . Z � ;�aid vaiu�Lici� a?xd �i.,�essr.aen* �r.gis:�er further rEpor�s that he r�a� s�ssssed r�::.; levi�cl tne total amount as abo�re ascartained, tc,-wi*; t<.e suzn �f �y8,5�4_j3 apr,r_ v�8Ci2 &f]C[ 2V'�TV tQt t73Y'� OY' n�rcel O'F i3^iC� dc.cx*;2<Y �FT?2f1��CY s5sr t�Yc `381t_ ;moro;�ement, snd ia tne oa�e af aach lot, part or purcei of �ar.ci ir. acc�ra,�r�e witP tas �enefits CO2Y'FII.TZ'�Ci C$72Y`�OY:: #h8t 'C�J.E' 3&:i� 38828°T1'.°3!2 ��8� �2?E2 Cn_fTlj-�.°t2s �YS� tf,�L �iEP�±C' attached, iciaa*ified by 4Y,e sign�t�are �f the sai� Vd�lidtlOR anci A�se°ss�ent Enqineer, an�' asd� a part hezevf, is �3,e sai� assessu�nt a� cc�:Yl�t�d Dy :��:, and wh=c�a S.s ?i�rewi.th suUmittsd to t?�e Cc�unail f�r such aatian tiz�reon as mav be considered p"tG}�E "t . LL L� i,ec� � � V iaation ar. Ass�ssmFnt En�inaer Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Ratif ication of Assessment OR'NER OR TAXPAYER � &�� �t' � ������ COUNCIL DISTRICT #3 PLANNING COUNCIL #15 FILE # '�'[��&�';��;:':::':� �;%: ASSESSMENT # ����� PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID ,,... "%:?` ..':%,,.. PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner wiil be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the assessment for: THE CONSTUCTION QF STQRM SEWER 5TU6 CONNECTIQNS, AS REQUESTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER, IN CONJUNCTIQN WITH THE PRIOR/SHERIDAN AREA STREET PAVWG AND UGHTING PROJECT. (WORK COMPLETED) ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above property is $ INFORMATIOI3 if the City Councif approves the assessment you wilf have 30 days to pay without interest. Any unpaid balance will be coliected with your property taxes over year(s) at 6.250% interest. The proposed assessment roll for this project is available for review in the F+nance Department, Room 140, Gity Hall. ASSESSMEI3T CALCULATION <,.:.. � �.�s�x,,� �;a�i�� �:F': � - : � 3 ;�:`�� NOTE: TAIS IS NOT YOUR BILL. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AFTER THB H&ARINC:, SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH COIvIFLETB INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE oai�8/s� DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent PAYMENTS and total disability may qualify for deferred payment of speciai assessments. You may apply for deferred payment if it would be a hardship and you homestead this property. This is not a forgiveness of payment. it is a deferred payment plan in which interest continues to accrue. You can apply for this plan only after the City Counci! approves the RATlFICATlON OF ASSESSMEtJTS. For more information an defe�ments, please ca(I 266-8858. QUESTIONS 8efore the pubiic hearing of a locai improvement, call 266-8850 and refer to the File # on page 1. City staff wiit be availabie to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room �40 City Hall the same day as the hearing. After the pubiic heari�g call 266-8858 and refer to the Assessment # on page 1. if this notice is for an assessment to be levied for a Summary Abatement (property cleanup), the Boarding-up of vacant buiidings, a Buiiding Demolition or Tree Removal, please call 266-8858 if you have questions. APPEAL City Councif decisions are subject to appeal to the Ramsey County District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for the appeal with the City Clerk within 20 days atter the order adopting the assessment. You must aiso file the same notice with the Clerk of D+strict Court within 10 days after filing with the City Clerk. NOTE: Failure to file the required notices within the times specified shall forever prohibit an appeal from the assessment. 5ection 64.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires regular assessment paymenfs to be made even if an assessment is u�der appeai. If the appeai is successful, the payments including interest will be refunded. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CtTY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 � � � � �� ' � ^ �4� V ` � � � s � � � P � � W i � • O ' W 0 � O •- � O (] � O � O � O � O 6 6 Y • • �Y ' 'S t-�N# •N# �NR •N} K. f ti r r W• M d • M a • M 4. • M O. 6�N$ �N£ �NE �N£ o�.w •� .w w s � �ox � wx � wx � aix O. � N W ' N W • N W � N W • # R a # y • N � N � N � N fq � 1!f II 1!� r P 11 P � N 11 N r y1 11 N F� I� O I� . N 11 N . P It P � Ii e� 2 . . 11 . . �I . . 11 . . �� . �� M II M ��O II �O � N Ii N � 1� � O. 1� 11 1� � P 11 P •`O �� `� � N 11 N • Vi £• P n P � N II N � M �� M • P �i P � Q � .�I .II . �II .II . • •NYN f'II'- •NIIN �p� {Y C�(R 11 fA .(A II fq � fF II fq � fq 11 H{ W O� 11 11 11 11 C'! F . 11 11 11 �1 4 U� II II II II Z 4� tt II 11 11 4 LL• 11 II II I� £ N� O � O � O � O �- � O � O � O � O 1� . in . P � N • v� N z� M1 � N � P N � • . . . � O • M + �O • N � y r r � P •.p � N # O. O� • N � M • P F i N � N �- U F 6 N y Q 1J � O � O • O � O F- � O � O � O � O 6� O � O � O • O U K • • • • W r P �O Z W � t- U W O K a � O W u_ g� z � a � z z 4� O � O � O � O F 2 N 1- • F- � i- V- 6' � U • U U U J O� W W W W �- Z � Z 2 Z V' U� 2 • Z Y 2 z a�o �o �o �o U U U U K 6 � M O • M V� W � Np r N 2 � 6d� 2 6 O V �T W 4 ¢T >S � ILL \ . W\ N � � 2 S W 1-� F^ i U' W N� r(,�� � Z.+ T � O 1-J�t'LL a � m m c� � 3 � z z • O m u» U � O vi W Z� 4 F_ 6 f' 2 � Q W 1- � W U' J K � F- 6 e' Q $ O� 1�» r y�2 � 1-�S�+JS � �N W U (n W �NK4�- � p NUC' \4� > i-- � W c� c� OM . o� zN � o O � o LL�-Qx. O 2� Np Z W N• N�+ � p p U� � 4200 �F- O K W�+5.1 U � Q W UQ 2 J N� 1 1� � Z W i-\2 � Z3w z6�iN � 2�N �-O £ U� 3CO� !-C � 3\N � x t9> F- � W£1a O� O D � N� QO r O C � f-�+ XFO � K •-Z 22 W� F W Y W W CO � r �� J•� J � � 6' 4 N N Q Q I� • U O• �+->SN • TO • 06��- � 7 � W \f- Q e-1' � NW041c1' ]C � [O� �ON� Y• J T� Nu.M u-2 � N Q 2'1i J� Q pp J\p� � M 1- . MZ� F- ' 1-\ � 3 2U' G� NdZ23 �'6C] � � K� 2 O Q i Z LL � • W O W Q 2 Q � �. W� O�O tqod� � O �1-S O� W� 2 N OZ W fnP • 4 � � �.N � .�p3M � > �-'-�JN � KY-NYNQ }� � O� ti W X 4' � � 1- V1 2 N � R' � 1' R' � W N\ W J O W K� U W W CJ � Ue' �tC •�W UF � 7 rJ6 J 1- • O. � W X S W W � W LL Z � Q�F-SU O� QO J p JJ O� �(nWW!/i4�N � N QOK �. vitn tnQ �, oF-2d W Q QQ �� � N ' � � � ry � � p � �O O M� M• M U M� M � N P• P� M P• P fq O P P� K �S P• P � p o� O� O� dC�M O� f� O N W � \ W Pk r' W� �O I� � J N➢N � N� NF �ODN � �OWN P L' � O F-M 60 � � p0 �[] 23�40 � W N�iO W� O NN OW �\W N ��06 . p } � z O Z�• N Z•� � J V fl O 2•� Q � O Q i U W � Q LL � N"" U' LL i�J �J � Q LL r W e" Y LL 6� VJ 2�(t p0 � N�O � 6UJ1Ilp O� £YV1J O Il� X• CU�^ F-O tA � �. W O]N�+ � OJ V�O O ¢� r O K�/1 . v) .T �n tn � oC C N � x O �a. tn f- • S 2.2 W 6 • v) Q Q � 1- t�J 2 W 6 � u Z C 6 � W Y-JSx � Uxll� 2 � N 1- V' SS � NKf O M c' � O� O N C� � z �- � C� � u. O N U �- O 2 c� O O• ZOU J 2� �+YIZ 2� LLO _I � Z� T2.-1 2 � W K 7 Vt �+ � £ O�+ � O 1' J� O�+ � C � in � N K� 6VOQ.?p • OV� Op • U W 6vf O� 6N 6N p I[� W� W W�040]2 � UOIOOZ � T W Y6M Z� FN 6P 2 Z• �£M � W � d'�-i0 W� F-£ � W � P �' W tp 3� ZOOF-06 + JOdOd ��ONN06 • F�1�00. O O�'+xON# %� NOE# *� Ux�fA% #• NON�Y i[ � e- 11 � � p � .11 v 11 � N II � N II V� ♦II - W 11 W �11� 1 Il 11 11 �I y 1� J 11 W �I u 11 K 11 6 n a II I I ti 11 C 11 £ II W 2 11 X o u w � II F- II J �.Y U il 6 W II H 2 11 O 2 II F- (n O 0 � U 11 F W 11 U U J 11 W 6' 6 11 � 6 t- 11 O 6 O 11 K F- n a .1 �� . . r. ; � :.ti . c8ui �{�i-�Tyl v' °��. R��S �JC , �l �soiarrxc� xn�n� nssESSr�� ny , ��—���� `~�'- . , v r � File No. 1�638-C Assass�er._t Tyv. D2�7 `?Ci.3.i:� � W�rd In the matter ef the asseasment �f i3enefiis, cost sr,d expenses fflr 3 The construction a£ storm sevrer stub car,nections, a� retguested by the progerty ovmer, in conjunction witn the PriorfS'neriaan ArEa grre?z PavirFg sn� S,l�rtinc� Ftoject. . � �reliminar�f urder_�32-1786 ap�rrUVe�3 i�cemher 1, 1�92 Final orler 93-1A �pproved Februery �, 1�93 A gu�lic hearinc� having been had vpon the as�essment Por tizs above impravement, and said assessxient haeing beer� fnrther considered by the Couricil, and h�ving be�n aonsiderecl finaliy satisfactory, thesefore, be it RE�6LV8I}, Tnat the. sai� asses�ment be and the same is hereb;; in a1I re�gect� ra*__fied. R8^c4LVEt`i F'+3RTZi�R That the said k�°ess�eri� `u� .�n� it is hare.�y determiraed to be paysi�la in �ne t;�ru m�urent�equa: iixstal2menta. ��2i3�� Itdapte� by the Council: ➢�t�__��n�l��� Ye�a�a Nays ✓ B,}.z�key Gerti�isd Faa�es b�r �ouacil �ecre�ar is / �� L � By �- Y�/ �� Y �iii r23vUi rd / ! �k8i�.a Il�`tis �a'123.5'C Mayor ��1� Yublic Hearing Date - May 7, 1997 RE 2-28-97 � 7-ga T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION �te. 2-19-97 Gr�n Sheet Number: 38738 EPAR1AfENTDIHE(.TOR C[TYCOUNCII, Peisoe and P�oae N�6er: AITORNEY C7.ER% Peter Wl►ite 266-8850 °°�` M,� DII2ECPOR .& MGT. SVC. DIB. V . V .. f YOB(ORe1S3ISCAN'n 1 OSINCII.Rn-cf+epCH ustbe on Council Agenda by :3-19-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-7-97 OTAL S OF SIGNATi7RE PAGES 1 (CL7p Aib LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESfED: � ettinq date of public hearing of the ratification of assessments for storm sewer connections in conjunetion with the PriorjSheridan Area Project. ile No. 18698-C Assessment No. 0257 OMA�t�IDATiONS: APPROVE (n) OR RE7ECT (lU NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MITb1' ANS WER'CHE FOLLAWING: . I7ss fhe peisonffirm ever worked under a contract foi Utis depertmeut? YES NO rLnNtmiccoMllffi.tilox A sPnlm . Hes Utis personffvm ever been a City employee? YES NO QVII.S&RVICS COMf�llSSfON . Dces this personJfirm possess a sloll nM norms➢y possess�vl by any YES NO current Ctty employee? c�cromnuTTr.e E ' all YES enswecs on a se te sheet and attach. PORTSWfIICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? Neiqhborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S7 3 DISTRICT PLANHING COUNCIL ] 5 IATING PROBI.RM, ISSIJE, OPPORTIINITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): roject is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin aollecting ssessments to help pay for the project. ou+�ci1 �ees�arch Cer�fer VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Same as above. r � ? � � 3 � --� � E.:�7 ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: enefitted property owners will have assessments payable via property taxes. ISADVANTAGES IN NOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be iaconsistent with City policy. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �S`$ � S 54 . 11 COSf/RP.VEHIJE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO INGSOURCE: ASSBSS1R0IItS ACTIVITYN[JMBER: 4 property owners will be natiEied of the public hearing and charges. � q-�_�a� � LLLy O� �L• F6u� L L'1L TYO• '�el../�fJ\ RE307iPPI�+7 ,PPRD{TIlJG ASSES".J�NT lIHI} Sy . FIXIl9G RIl� OF F�ARSNG �RE�i File No. 18699-C Assessment No._6257 Votinq � In the mattar of the sssessment of benePits, cast arad expenses for 3 The construction of storm sewer stub connections, as requested by the property owner, in conjunction with the Prior/Sheridan Area Street Pavinq and Lightinq Project. Preliminary Order_92-1786 epproved DeaemL 1, 1992 Fi:is2 Order 93-149 ap�roved Fe�sruary p, 19a3 The aaaeaament �f k:enefits, c�at and espenaea far and in cannectian witti the above improvement havinq been submitted to the Councll, end the Council having c:,n�idere� 3ar,te and fcund the said assassment satisfactery, Lherefore, be it R&SOLV&D, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all r�spECts approved. RE30LVED FURTF�R, Rhat a public hesring be hsd on ssid asseasment on t2xe 7th day of Mav.?y�7 at the hour of Four thirty o`clock P.M., in the Council C7�amber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Va2uation and Assessment Engineer give n�tice of aaid meetings, as reguired by the Charter, statin5 in said nctiae the time and place of hetariny, the nature af the improv?ment, and the amount assessed against the let or lots of the particular cwrier to whom the notice is directed. �CILFERS�.1 YEas Nays ✓Blakey ✓ Bostrom �xarris =r:n=� � - dac�/f ✓ Mec}as�d ✓ Rettman ,� s�hune �In Favor �Against As3opted by the Ce i d Pa°s a_. ( ��° % //.' I Secretsry Mayor City of St. Pau2 , �..�..,... ,,: y _� AC21 LvIIILC LY G1'J31 1'i�i'C. OY 'f@cTiaLtifs� R $�$�l��me$E $Bi� t�F�it2T OF` CQIvfFLETI�+i dF Is�fiSESS1�9ENT �C::i:�i�.aL F2�, 2ti�. F'iie T3o. 1�:,��c-C �sesszaent 2v'o. �2_°�`" �� _ 5a` t:�v_^� .,� iaa In tne mattar cf the eesestiment ci nexxefits, aost �ns3 E��en�es far 3 T�e ccnstructicn of stars sewer st�1b cor,nectiens, as recruested by che property owner, in conjunction wicn che Prior/Sheridan Psea S±reat aauinq an�3 i.;g?ar_r.g Pra�Act, r�reliminary iircier �z-i72o' a�proved irer_sml�er 3, iy�2 Final Orcter 53-1�9 spprave� February 9, 199i To the r�unci2 of �he City of St. F'�u? i Yaivatian an� ;�se�sment Enc?irear hereby rPports tc tae G'o>>noi= the fvllc:winc� �� a statenieri* af tixe expenc�itutes aece�vr�riiy i:�eLrrc� f�r a.id isi con�e�tian N:ith t-he ms;ina_, �f t-'rie at�n=,=a i�rF>ro v',_s: Total caadtructio:� costu En�.iineeriiic� �in� Ixaspection i ��r.if.l��iGTi �P_Cl e`�:�EuSICtP_IIt v2.iti1CB3 Admitiistration Ch�'tge - Public He&lth Re-i;he..k Gliaiy� - s�'uGiic $a�itn ALateser�t 5eruice Chara� $6.81G.�? 5�- r� �'v4,�v �__ S $ 2JiAL SXP: Ciiarye To Pdet_ Tasssssment $8,554.21 $ L '-`/.�i r .�lJ 9. . Z � ;�aid vaiu�Lici� a?xd �i.,�essr.aen* �r.gis:�er further rEpor�s that he r�a� s�ssssed r�::.; levi�cl tne total amount as abo�re ascartained, tc,-wi*; t<.e suzn �f �y8,5�4_j3 apr,r_ v�8Ci2 &f]C[ 2V'�TV tQt t73Y'� OY' n�rcel O'F i3^iC� dc.cx*;2<Y �FT?2f1��CY s5sr t�Yc `381t_ ;moro;�ement, snd ia tne oa�e af aach lot, part or purcei of �ar.ci ir. acc�ra,�r�e witP tas �enefits CO2Y'FII.TZ'�Ci C$72Y`�OY:: #h8t 'C�J.E' 3&:i� 38828°T1'.°3!2 ��8� �2?E2 Cn_fTlj-�.°t2s �YS� tf,�L �iEP�±C' attached, iciaa*ified by 4Y,e sign�t�are �f the sai� Vd�lidtlOR anci A�se°ss�ent Enqineer, an�' asd� a part hezevf, is �3,e sai� assessu�nt a� cc�:Yl�t�d Dy :��:, and wh=c�a S.s ?i�rewi.th suUmittsd to t?�e Cc�unail f�r such aatian tiz�reon as mav be considered p"tG}�E "t . LL L� i,ec� � � V iaation ar. Ass�ssmFnt En�inaer Saint Paul City Council Public Hearing Notice Ratif ication of Assessment OR'NER OR TAXPAYER � &�� �t' � ������ COUNCIL DISTRICT #3 PLANNING COUNCIL #15 FILE # '�'[��&�';��;:':::':� �;%: ASSESSMENT # ����� PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID ,,... "%:?` ..':%,,.. PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1997 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner wiil be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the assessment for: THE CONSTUCTION QF STQRM SEWER 5TU6 CONNECTIQNS, AS REQUESTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER, IN CONJUNCTIQN WITH THE PRIOR/SHERIDAN AREA STREET PAVWG AND UGHTING PROJECT. (WORK COMPLETED) ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above property is $ INFORMATIOI3 if the City Councif approves the assessment you wilf have 30 days to pay without interest. Any unpaid balance will be coliected with your property taxes over year(s) at 6.250% interest. The proposed assessment roll for this project is available for review in the F+nance Department, Room 140, Gity Hall. ASSESSMEI3T CALCULATION <,.:.. � �.�s�x,,� �;a�i�� �:F': � - : � 3 ;�:`�� NOTE: TAIS IS NOT YOUR BILL. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AFTER THB H&ARINC:, SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH COIvIFLETB INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE oai�8/s� DEFERRED Persons 65 and older or retired by virtue of a permanent PAYMENTS and total disability may qualify for deferred payment of speciai assessments. You may apply for deferred payment if it would be a hardship and you homestead this property. This is not a forgiveness of payment. it is a deferred payment plan in which interest continues to accrue. You can apply for this plan only after the City Counci! approves the RATlFICATlON OF ASSESSMEtJTS. For more information an defe�ments, please ca(I 266-8858. QUESTIONS 8efore the pubiic hearing of a locai improvement, call 266-8850 and refer to the File # on page 1. City staff wiit be availabie to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room �40 City Hall the same day as the hearing. After the pubiic heari�g call 266-8858 and refer to the Assessment # on page 1. if this notice is for an assessment to be levied for a Summary Abatement (property cleanup), the Boarding-up of vacant buiidings, a Buiiding Demolition or Tree Removal, please call 266-8858 if you have questions. APPEAL City Councif decisions are subject to appeal to the Ramsey County District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for the appeal with the City Clerk within 20 days atter the order adopting the assessment. You must aiso file the same notice with the Clerk of D+strict Court within 10 days after filing with the City Clerk. NOTE: Failure to file the required notices within the times specified shall forever prohibit an appeal from the assessment. 5ection 64.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires regular assessment paymenfs to be made even if an assessment is u�der appeai. If the appeai is successful, the payments including interest will be refunded. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CtTY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 � � � � �� ' � ^ �4� V ` � � � s � � � P � � W i � • O ' W 0 � O •- � O (] � O � O � O � O 6 6 Y • • �Y ' 'S t-�N# •N# �NR •N} K. f ti r r W• M d • M a • M 4. • M O. 6�N$ �N£ �NE �N£ o�.w •� .w w s � �ox � wx � wx � aix O. � N W ' N W • N W � N W • # R a # y • N � N � N � N fq � 1!f II 1!� r P 11 P � N 11 N r y1 11 N F� I� O I� . N 11 N . 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