97-510council Fi1e # � S �� Ordinance # Green Sheet # 35333 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 .�- r -.. � � , Presented By, Re£erred To RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �Z Committee: Date RESOLVPD: That application, ID #63514, for a new Gambling Manager's License by Kathleen Kirchoff DBA Royal Guard Jr. Drum & Bugle Corps at T. J. Bell�s, 1201 Jackson Street, be and the same is hereby approved. � n �� Requested by Department o£: Office of License Insoections and Environmental Protec ion By � By: � � S�uvc� By: `1��:n �' � Form Approved by City Attorney : i/[/291�—"—' �� hn�i� U proved by Mayor £or Submission to uncil By: q'1-Sio DEPARfMEM/OPFlCE./COUNdL DATE INRIATED r REEN SHEE �O 3 5 3 3 3 LIEP �� iNmnvonre --- - . _.— irvrrinwxre CONTACT PEfl50N & PHON � DEPARIMEM DIRECTOfl O CT' CAUNCIL ASSIGN CflYATTOFNEY Cf(YCLEflK ' William F. Gunthex — 266-9132 NUYBEPFON � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) pp�� � BUOGET DIRECTOfl � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES Dlp. OflDEft � MpVOF (ORASSISTANT) O earin : TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESiEO: Sathleen Rirchoff DBA Royal Guard Jr. Drum 5 Bugle Corps requests Council approval of hex application for a new Gambling Manager's License, ID /�63514> at T. J. Bell's, 1201 Sackson Steet. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (fi) PEiiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINCa QUESTIONS: _, PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION S- Ha5 iFtis pOTGOi1(E11m 0Ve[ WOiked UntlO( e CAntrAG fOf M15 depa(hllenl? - YES NO _ CIB COA1MfTTEE _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — ST� — YES NO _ DISTRICT CAUFiT _ 3. DoBS this person/firtn po5se5s a skill not normally po55e5setl by any curteM city employee? SUPPOFiBWM�CHGOUNpLO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on aeparate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOHTUNITY (WIro, Whaq WhBn, WM1are, Whyf: _ -- REtEIV`�� APR 1 � �97 Ct�°� ��T�RNEIf ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: C�l. �.,� �'G� � �.._ . � a *;�a;'�t APR 21 1997 _ � �_____.,�... � � .R. . _r DiSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensneet # q L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST oate: / fn TraCke�'?__ ����� APP'n aeceived / App'n Processed 63514 Gamblin Mana er �� +� � License ID # License Type: g g Company Name: Rathleen Rirchoff pgp Royal Guard Jr. Drum & Bugle Corps Business Addresss: 1201 Jackson St. (T. J. Be11's) BUSiness Phone: 644-5810 Contact NamelAddress:_?144 Eidridge AVe. E. 55109 Home Phone: 644-5810 Date ta Council Research:�ld" Public Hearing Date: �.a� '� , !R9'7 Notice Sent to Applicant: � l��/ g r / Labels Ordered: NJA District CouncN #: 06 Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: OS Departmentj Date Inspections Comments City Attorney � f, J �� g � , C:-/� /�' ` �� 7����� jIZ Environmental Health -t � /V,oO Fire /V1rl License ��e �� ����� Lease Received: ^ �1� Police `p j��1L��J �ieCd�"� ���� /Ts+�C'�YIP� �r� i 4� Zoning �'l� 97-510 East STATE OF MINNESOTA � POR BOARD USE Oh`Z,y GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD AMT. PAID - �� GRMBLING MANP.GER LZCENS,E RENEWAL APPLSCATION CHECK r LG212GMR PRINTED: 10/30/95 DATE LICENSE NUMBERo G-03146 004 EFFSCTZVn DATE: 10/O1/94 EXPZRATZON DATE: 04/30�96 NAMF OF ORGANIZATION: Drum And Hug1e Corps St Paul Royal Guard Sunior GAMBLItIG MANAGER INFORMATIOH _ Kathleen Baren Kirchoff DATE OF BIRTH: =�°°s--=-==a°��� a/yY e7d�c`� �. � sEx: .Ma 1-e -MN 551�9 S� �� I����� SOCZAL SECURZTY NUM3ER: DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER: 612-298-4480 MEMBER SINCE: 09/O1/86 LASS DATE YOU ATTENDED A GAMBLING MANAGERS SEMINAR(CONTINUING EDUCATION CLASS: BOND INFORMATION BOND COMPANY NAME: United Fire & Casual BOND NUMBER: 51082820 07/17/42 F 476-44-6863 11�15/94 I DECLARE THAT: • I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATSON AND ALL TNFORMATION SUBMITTED TO THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD; • ALL INFORMAT20N IS TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE; • ALL OTHER REQUZRED INFORMATION HAS BEEN FULLY DZSCLOSED; • I AM THE ONLY GAM&LING MANAGER OF THE ORGANSZATIONj • I HAVE BEEN AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE ORGANIZATION FOR AT LEAST TWO YEARS; • I WILL FAMIlZARIZE MYSELF WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESOTA GOVERNING LAWFUL GAMBLING AND RULES OF THE GAMBLING CONSROL BOARD AND AGREE, IF LICENSED, TO ABZDE THOSE LAWS AND RULES� INCLUDING AMENDMENTS TO TFSEM; ? • ANY CHANGES IN APPLICATION INFORMATION WILL BE SUBMITT$D TO THE GAMBLING CONSROL BOARD AI�� LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT WITHIN 10 DAYS�OF THE CHANGE; • AN AFFIDAVIT FOR GAMBLING MANAGER HAS BEEN COMPLETEA AND ATTACHED; AND • 2 UNDERSTAND THAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATZON OR PROVZDING FAT.SE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION MAY RESULT IN THE DENZAL OR REVOCATION OF THE LSCENSE. SIGNATUE2E � G MADTA �� - . � � - :.:. RE t,.- �: , SHIS FORM��WILL��BEJ�MADE��FiVA . .t�':i`c rz� ., ?v ` . �f"�5''<,�' ' - . .. }: � F' ?w'::� ' . . �. . .. . . .. iA z r��` DATE a_ �s- 9� R�TO THE CHECXI.IST FOR REQUIRED ATTACHF�NTS ;" _MAIL' TO:; GAMBLING" CONTROL� BOARD _,' i: "-' =- -.: :` �1711 WEST.�COUNTY_ ROAD,�B, � SUITE 3005 -�.-� -: . - - ` - �< ROSEVILLE��, MINNESOTA 55113 =-�r - _ _ � - .. � . :. ..' . -. �- - � BRAILLE) UPON�REQIIEST:�-� Y ; _ �. . -e _ � _ _ .� _ r -, Y _ _ "� _ �/ . .. .„ v�-;a"=,= . . -,-a.:.. �' 'In .,���� _' �_ ��', `�Y`� LG213 Mfnnesota Gambling Confrol Board ov�a�ss Gambling Manager Affidavif Atfach to the Gamb4ing Manager Application, Form LG212 STATE OF ��� j ,�1 � Gt1—Sl0 ' �� AFF(DAVIT OF QUALIF(CATION ) s.s. COUN7Y OF ,�-J��� � � i, c,�ry� / K1J���0��� , Under oath staie ihaf: ' (type/print name) FOR GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE AND CONSEt1T STA7EMENT (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes and Rules) 1. i have nevef heen convicfed of a fefony or a crime involving gambling. 2. I have not, within five years bafo�e fhe date of fhe license application, committed a viofation of faw or Board rule that resuited in the revocation of a license issued by the Board. 3. 1 have never been convicted of a crimina{ viofation involving fraud, theft, tax evasion, misrepreseniation, or gambling. 4. i have never been convicted of (i) assaulf, (i) a criminal violation involving the use of a firearm, or (iii) making terzoristic threats. ' 5. i am not, nor ever have been connected with or engaged in an illegal business. 6. I do not owe $500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined in section 27�.72, 7. I have not had a sales and use tax permit revoked by the commissioner of revenue within the past two years. 8. I have never, after demand, failed to fife tar retums required by the commissioner of revenue. 1n addition, 4 undersfand, agree and hereby irrevocably consent that suits and actions relating to the subject matter of the attached gambling manager ficense applicafion, or acts or omissions arising from such appiica- tion, may be commenced against my organization and I will accept the service of process for my organiza- tion in any court of competentjurisdiction in Minnesota by secvice on ths Minnesota Secrefary of State of any summons, process or pleading authorized by the laws of Minnesota., _�: By signaiure of this document, the undersigned authorizes the Deparfinent of Public Safety to conduct a criminal background check or review and to share the resufts with the Gambling Controi Board.. Failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. = � PURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, except that this A�davit and � support of the application for a gamb4ing manager license from the , - - °- -�: r_ _. h/F1TdOV �/ IO/ In Ine�nn�tnri�al � t . - ~/ . . - - ,-; (sfgn tur � .._ -—. .%:` _ ' �- -� S.j�:. " � of � e i'. �.. ' -' x,:c� = ,� - - = ';;�; ORGANIZ.4 _ -- ^= Name of Organization . .: = _ ��- :`= �� _:.��:;ny;�=�_r�- =�" — r_ `�.' � n':''' :='/1 Base t ��a. A /'. ./ � �-y - � L tted in� - � , '�. :-_ . ._ _ �.Y � ; :.. t3�' . ._ iS.. : r ,• � _ . JFORMATlOh!' `=�='r ;=` :. , ..-_ _ . , .. ,:.f:;= ._ ___ - r::c:�;'_� :;_..:-:s � . - council Fi1e # � S �� Ordinance # Green Sheet # 35333 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 .�- r -.. � � , Presented By, Re£erred To RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �Z Committee: Date RESOLVPD: That application, ID #63514, for a new Gambling Manager's License by Kathleen Kirchoff DBA Royal Guard Jr. Drum & Bugle Corps at T. J. Bell�s, 1201 Jackson Street, be and the same is hereby approved. � n �� Requested by Department o£: Office of License Insoections and Environmental Protec ion By � By: � � S�uvc� By: `1��:n �' � Form Approved by City Attorney : i/[/291�—"—' �� hn�i� U proved by Mayor £or Submission to uncil By: q'1-Sio DEPARfMEM/OPFlCE./COUNdL DATE INRIATED r REEN SHEE �O 3 5 3 3 3 LIEP �� iNmnvonre --- - . _.— irvrrinwxre CONTACT PEfl50N & PHON � DEPARIMEM DIRECTOfl O CT' CAUNCIL ASSIGN CflYATTOFNEY Cf(YCLEflK ' William F. Gunthex — 266-9132 NUYBEPFON � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) pp�� � BUOGET DIRECTOfl � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES Dlp. OflDEft � MpVOF (ORASSISTANT) O earin : TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESiEO: Sathleen Rirchoff DBA Royal Guard Jr. Drum 5 Bugle Corps requests Council approval of hex application for a new Gambling Manager's License, ID /�63514> at T. J. Bell's, 1201 Sackson Steet. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (fi) PEiiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINCa QUESTIONS: _, PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION S- Ha5 iFtis pOTGOi1(E11m 0Ve[ WOiked UntlO( e CAntrAG fOf M15 depa(hllenl? - YES NO _ CIB COA1MfTTEE _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — ST� — YES NO _ DISTRICT CAUFiT _ 3. DoBS this person/firtn po5se5s a skill not normally po55e5setl by any curteM city employee? SUPPOFiBWM�CHGOUNpLO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on aeparate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOHTUNITY (WIro, Whaq WhBn, WM1are, Whyf: _ -- REtEIV`�� APR 1 � �97 Ct�°� ��T�RNEIf ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: C�l. �.,� �'G� � �.._ . � a *;�a;'�t APR 21 1997 _ � �_____.,�... � � .R. . _r DiSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensneet # q L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST oate: / fn TraCke�'?__ ����� APP'n aeceived / App'n Processed 63514 Gamblin Mana er �� +� � License ID # License Type: g g Company Name: Rathleen Rirchoff pgp Royal Guard Jr. Drum & Bugle Corps Business Addresss: 1201 Jackson St. (T. J. Be11's) BUSiness Phone: 644-5810 Contact NamelAddress:_?144 Eidridge AVe. E. 55109 Home Phone: 644-5810 Date ta Council Research:�ld" Public Hearing Date: �.a� '� , !R9'7 Notice Sent to Applicant: � l��/ g r / Labels Ordered: NJA District CouncN #: 06 Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: OS Departmentj Date Inspections Comments City Attorney � f, J �� g � , C:-/� /�' ` �� 7����� jIZ Environmental Health -t � /V,oO Fire /V1rl License ��e �� ����� Lease Received: ^ �1� Police `p j��1L��J �ieCd�"� ���� /Ts+�C'�YIP� �r� i 4� Zoning �'l� 97-510 East STATE OF MINNESOTA � POR BOARD USE Oh`Z,y GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD AMT. PAID - �� GRMBLING MANP.GER LZCENS,E RENEWAL APPLSCATION CHECK r LG212GMR PRINTED: 10/30/95 DATE LICENSE NUMBERo G-03146 004 EFFSCTZVn DATE: 10/O1/94 EXPZRATZON DATE: 04/30�96 NAMF OF ORGANIZATION: Drum And Hug1e Corps St Paul Royal Guard Sunior GAMBLItIG MANAGER INFORMATIOH _ Kathleen Baren Kirchoff DATE OF BIRTH: =�°°s--=-==a°��� a/yY e7d�c`� �. � sEx: .Ma 1-e -MN 551�9 S� �� I����� SOCZAL SECURZTY NUM3ER: DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER: 612-298-4480 MEMBER SINCE: 09/O1/86 LASS DATE YOU ATTENDED A GAMBLING MANAGERS SEMINAR(CONTINUING EDUCATION CLASS: BOND INFORMATION BOND COMPANY NAME: United Fire & Casual BOND NUMBER: 51082820 07/17/42 F 476-44-6863 11�15/94 I DECLARE THAT: • I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATSON AND ALL TNFORMATION SUBMITTED TO THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD; • ALL INFORMAT20N IS TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE; • ALL OTHER REQUZRED INFORMATION HAS BEEN FULLY DZSCLOSED; • I AM THE ONLY GAM&LING MANAGER OF THE ORGANSZATIONj • I HAVE BEEN AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE ORGANIZATION FOR AT LEAST TWO YEARS; • I WILL FAMIlZARIZE MYSELF WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESOTA GOVERNING LAWFUL GAMBLING AND RULES OF THE GAMBLING CONSROL BOARD AND AGREE, IF LICENSED, TO ABZDE THOSE LAWS AND RULES� INCLUDING AMENDMENTS TO TFSEM; ? • ANY CHANGES IN APPLICATION INFORMATION WILL BE SUBMITT$D TO THE GAMBLING CONSROL BOARD AI�� LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT WITHIN 10 DAYS�OF THE CHANGE; • AN AFFIDAVIT FOR GAMBLING MANAGER HAS BEEN COMPLETEA AND ATTACHED; AND • 2 UNDERSTAND THAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATZON OR PROVZDING FAT.SE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION MAY RESULT IN THE DENZAL OR REVOCATION OF THE LSCENSE. SIGNATUE2E � G MADTA �� - . � � - :.:. RE t,.- �: , SHIS FORM��WILL��BEJ�MADE��FiVA . .t�':i`c rz� ., ?v ` . �f"�5''<,�' ' - . .. }: � F' ?w'::� ' . . �. . .. . . .. iA z r��` DATE a_ �s- 9� R�TO THE CHECXI.IST FOR REQUIRED ATTACHF�NTS ;" _MAIL' TO:; GAMBLING" CONTROL� BOARD _,' i: "-' =- -.: :` �1711 WEST.�COUNTY_ ROAD,�B, � SUITE 3005 -�.-� -: . - - ` - �< ROSEVILLE��, MINNESOTA 55113 =-�r - _ _ � - .. � . :. ..' . -. �- - � BRAILLE) UPON�REQIIEST:�-� Y ; _ �. . -e _ � _ _ .� _ r -, Y _ _ "� _ �/ . .. .„ v�-;a"=,= . . -,-a.:.. �' 'In .,���� _' �_ ��', `�Y`� LG213 Mfnnesota Gambling Confrol Board ov�a�ss Gambling Manager Affidavif Atfach to the Gamb4ing Manager Application, Form LG212 STATE OF ��� j ,�1 � Gt1—Sl0 ' �� AFF(DAVIT OF QUALIF(CATION ) s.s. COUN7Y OF ,�-J��� � � i, c,�ry� / K1J���0��� , Under oath staie ihaf: ' (type/print name) FOR GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE AND CONSEt1T STA7EMENT (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes and Rules) 1. i have nevef heen convicfed of a fefony or a crime involving gambling. 2. I have not, within five years bafo�e fhe date of fhe license application, committed a viofation of faw or Board rule that resuited in the revocation of a license issued by the Board. 3. 1 have never been convicted of a crimina{ viofation involving fraud, theft, tax evasion, misrepreseniation, or gambling. 4. i have never been convicted of (i) assaulf, (i) a criminal violation involving the use of a firearm, or (iii) making terzoristic threats. ' 5. i am not, nor ever have been connected with or engaged in an illegal business. 6. I do not owe $500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined in section 27�.72, 7. I have not had a sales and use tax permit revoked by the commissioner of revenue within the past two years. 8. I have never, after demand, failed to fife tar retums required by the commissioner of revenue. 1n addition, 4 undersfand, agree and hereby irrevocably consent that suits and actions relating to the subject matter of the attached gambling manager ficense applicafion, or acts or omissions arising from such appiica- tion, may be commenced against my organization and I will accept the service of process for my organiza- tion in any court of competentjurisdiction in Minnesota by secvice on ths Minnesota Secrefary of State of any summons, process or pleading authorized by the laws of Minnesota., _�: By signaiure of this document, the undersigned authorizes the Deparfinent of Public Safety to conduct a criminal background check or review and to share the resufts with the Gambling Controi Board.. Failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. = � PURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, except that this A�davit and � support of the application for a gamb4ing manager license from the , - - °- -�: r_ _. h/F1TdOV �/ IO/ In Ine�nn�tnri�al � t . - ~/ . . - - ,-; (sfgn tur � .._ -—. .%:` _ ' �- -� S.j�:. " � of � e i'. �.. ' -' x,:c� = ,� - - = ';;�; ORGANIZ.4 _ -- ^= Name of Organization . .: = _ ��- :`= �� _:.��:;ny;�=�_r�- =�" — r_ `�.' � n':''' :='/1 Base t ��a. A /'. ./ � �-y - � L tted in� - � , '�. :-_ . ._ _ �.Y � ; :.. t3�' . ._ iS.. : r ,• � _ . JFORMATlOh!' `=�='r ;=` :. , ..-_ _ . , .. ,:.f:;= ._ ___ - r::c:�;'_� :;_..:-:s � . - council Fi1e # � S �� Ordinance # Green Sheet # 35333 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 .�- r -.. � � , Presented By, Re£erred To RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �Z Committee: Date RESOLVPD: That application, ID #63514, for a new Gambling Manager's License by Kathleen Kirchoff DBA Royal Guard Jr. Drum & Bugle Corps at T. J. Bell�s, 1201 Jackson Street, be and the same is hereby approved. � n �� Requested by Department o£: Office of License Insoections and Environmental Protec ion By � By: � � S�uvc� By: `1��:n �' � Form Approved by City Attorney : i/[/291�—"—' �� hn�i� U proved by Mayor £or Submission to uncil By: q'1-Sio DEPARfMEM/OPFlCE./COUNdL DATE INRIATED r REEN SHEE �O 3 5 3 3 3 LIEP �� iNmnvonre --- - . _.— irvrrinwxre CONTACT PEfl50N & PHON � DEPARIMEM DIRECTOfl O CT' CAUNCIL ASSIGN CflYATTOFNEY Cf(YCLEflK ' William F. Gunthex — 266-9132 NUYBEPFON � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) pp�� � BUOGET DIRECTOfl � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES Dlp. OflDEft � MpVOF (ORASSISTANT) O earin : TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESiEO: Sathleen Rirchoff DBA Royal Guard Jr. Drum 5 Bugle Corps requests Council approval of hex application for a new Gambling Manager's License, ID /�63514> at T. J. Bell's, 1201 Sackson Steet. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (fi) PEiiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINCa QUESTIONS: _, PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION S- Ha5 iFtis pOTGOi1(E11m 0Ve[ WOiked UntlO( e CAntrAG fOf M15 depa(hllenl? - YES NO _ CIB COA1MfTTEE _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — ST� — YES NO _ DISTRICT CAUFiT _ 3. DoBS this person/firtn po5se5s a skill not normally po55e5setl by any curteM city employee? SUPPOFiBWM�CHGOUNpLO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on aeparate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOHTUNITY (WIro, Whaq WhBn, WM1are, Whyf: _ -- REtEIV`�� APR 1 � �97 Ct�°� ��T�RNEIf ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: C�l. �.,� �'G� � �.._ . � a *;�a;'�t APR 21 1997 _ � �_____.,�... � � .R. . _r DiSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensneet # q L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST oate: / fn TraCke�'?__ ����� APP'n aeceived / App'n Processed 63514 Gamblin Mana er �� +� � License ID # License Type: g g Company Name: Rathleen Rirchoff pgp Royal Guard Jr. Drum & Bugle Corps Business Addresss: 1201 Jackson St. (T. J. Be11's) BUSiness Phone: 644-5810 Contact NamelAddress:_?144 Eidridge AVe. E. 55109 Home Phone: 644-5810 Date ta Council Research:�ld" Public Hearing Date: �.a� '� , !R9'7 Notice Sent to Applicant: � l��/ g r / Labels Ordered: NJA District CouncN #: 06 Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: OS Departmentj Date Inspections Comments City Attorney � f, J �� g � , C:-/� /�' ` �� 7����� jIZ Environmental Health -t � /V,oO Fire /V1rl License ��e �� ����� Lease Received: ^ �1� Police `p j��1L��J �ieCd�"� ���� /Ts+�C'�YIP� �r� i 4� Zoning �'l� 97-510 East STATE OF MINNESOTA � POR BOARD USE Oh`Z,y GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD AMT. PAID - �� GRMBLING MANP.GER LZCENS,E RENEWAL APPLSCATION CHECK r LG212GMR PRINTED: 10/30/95 DATE LICENSE NUMBERo G-03146 004 EFFSCTZVn DATE: 10/O1/94 EXPZRATZON DATE: 04/30�96 NAMF OF ORGANIZATION: Drum And Hug1e Corps St Paul Royal Guard Sunior GAMBLItIG MANAGER INFORMATIOH _ Kathleen Baren Kirchoff DATE OF BIRTH: =�°°s--=-==a°��� a/yY e7d�c`� �. � sEx: .Ma 1-e -MN 551�9 S� �� I����� SOCZAL SECURZTY NUM3ER: DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER: 612-298-4480 MEMBER SINCE: 09/O1/86 LASS DATE YOU ATTENDED A GAMBLING MANAGERS SEMINAR(CONTINUING EDUCATION CLASS: BOND INFORMATION BOND COMPANY NAME: United Fire & Casual BOND NUMBER: 51082820 07/17/42 F 476-44-6863 11�15/94 I DECLARE THAT: • I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATSON AND ALL TNFORMATION SUBMITTED TO THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD; • ALL INFORMAT20N IS TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE; • ALL OTHER REQUZRED INFORMATION HAS BEEN FULLY DZSCLOSED; • I AM THE ONLY GAM&LING MANAGER OF THE ORGANSZATIONj • I HAVE BEEN AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE ORGANIZATION FOR AT LEAST TWO YEARS; • I WILL FAMIlZARIZE MYSELF WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESOTA GOVERNING LAWFUL GAMBLING AND RULES OF THE GAMBLING CONSROL BOARD AND AGREE, IF LICENSED, TO ABZDE THOSE LAWS AND RULES� INCLUDING AMENDMENTS TO TFSEM; ? • ANY CHANGES IN APPLICATION INFORMATION WILL BE SUBMITT$D TO THE GAMBLING CONSROL BOARD AI�� LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT WITHIN 10 DAYS�OF THE CHANGE; • AN AFFIDAVIT FOR GAMBLING MANAGER HAS BEEN COMPLETEA AND ATTACHED; AND • 2 UNDERSTAND THAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATZON OR PROVZDING FAT.SE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION MAY RESULT IN THE DENZAL OR REVOCATION OF THE LSCENSE. SIGNATUE2E � G MADTA �� - . � � - :.:. RE t,.- �: , SHIS FORM��WILL��BEJ�MADE��FiVA . .t�':i`c rz� ., ?v ` . �f"�5''<,�' ' - . .. }: � F' ?w'::� ' . . �. . .. . . .. iA z r��` DATE a_ �s- 9� R�TO THE CHECXI.IST FOR REQUIRED ATTACHF�NTS ;" _MAIL' TO:; GAMBLING" CONTROL� BOARD _,' i: "-' =- -.: :` �1711 WEST.�COUNTY_ ROAD,�B, � SUITE 3005 -�.-� -: . - - ` - �< ROSEVILLE��, MINNESOTA 55113 =-�r - _ _ � - .. � . :. ..' . -. �- - � BRAILLE) UPON�REQIIEST:�-� Y ; _ �. . -e _ � _ _ .� _ r -, Y _ _ "� _ �/ . .. .„ v�-;a"=,= . . -,-a.:.. �' 'In .,���� _' �_ ��', `�Y`� LG213 Mfnnesota Gambling Confrol Board ov�a�ss Gambling Manager Affidavif Atfach to the Gamb4ing Manager Application, Form LG212 STATE OF ��� j ,�1 � Gt1—Sl0 ' �� AFF(DAVIT OF QUALIF(CATION ) s.s. COUN7Y OF ,�-J��� � � i, c,�ry� / K1J���0��� , Under oath staie ihaf: ' (type/print name) FOR GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE AND CONSEt1T STA7EMENT (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes and Rules) 1. i have nevef heen convicfed of a fefony or a crime involving gambling. 2. I have not, within five years bafo�e fhe date of fhe license application, committed a viofation of faw or Board rule that resuited in the revocation of a license issued by the Board. 3. 1 have never been convicted of a crimina{ viofation involving fraud, theft, tax evasion, misrepreseniation, or gambling. 4. i have never been convicted of (i) assaulf, (i) a criminal violation involving the use of a firearm, or (iii) making terzoristic threats. ' 5. i am not, nor ever have been connected with or engaged in an illegal business. 6. I do not owe $500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined in section 27�.72, 7. I have not had a sales and use tax permit revoked by the commissioner of revenue within the past two years. 8. I have never, after demand, failed to fife tar retums required by the commissioner of revenue. 1n addition, 4 undersfand, agree and hereby irrevocably consent that suits and actions relating to the subject matter of the attached gambling manager ficense applicafion, or acts or omissions arising from such appiica- tion, may be commenced against my organization and I will accept the service of process for my organiza- tion in any court of competentjurisdiction in Minnesota by secvice on ths Minnesota Secrefary of State of any summons, process or pleading authorized by the laws of Minnesota., _�: By signaiure of this document, the undersigned authorizes the Deparfinent of Public Safety to conduct a criminal background check or review and to share the resufts with the Gambling Controi Board.. Failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. = � PURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, except that this A�davit and � support of the application for a gamb4ing manager license from the , - - °- -�: r_ _. h/F1TdOV �/ IO/ In Ine�nn�tnri�al � t . - ~/ . . - - ,-; (sfgn tur � .._ -—. .%:` _ ' �- -� S.j�:. " � of � e i'. �.. ' -' x,:c� = ,� - - = ';;�; ORGANIZ.4 _ -- ^= Name of Organization . .: = _ ��- :`= �� _:.��:;ny;�=�_r�- =�" — r_ `�.' � n':''' :='/1 Base t ��a. A /'. ./ � �-y - � L tted in� - � , '�. :-_ . ._ _ �.Y � ; :.. t3�' . ._ iS.. : r ,• � _ . JFORMATlOh!' `=�='r ;=` :. , ..-_ _ . , .. ,:.f:;= ._ ___ - r::c:�;'_� :;_..:-:s � . -