97-508Council File # �1tp Ordinance # Green Sheet # J ��� - ,. ; . Presented By _ Referred To �.� i 2 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #44058) for an Auto Repair Gazage License by Henry Stewart DBA Milans Motors (Henry Stewazt, Owner) at 741 University Avenue West be and the same is heseby approved with the following conditions: 1. Parking for customers and employees sha11 be arranged on the lot as shown on the site plan. No more than 8 vehicles shall be parked outdoors on the lot. 2. The licensee is responsible for managing the number of customer vehicles to that which may be repaired and returned to their owners in the shortest period. Only custoemr vehicles and personal vehicles of the licensee may be parked on the lot. This condition-is intended to prohibit long term storage of vehicles on the lot. 3. All vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 4. Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similar items may not be stored outdoors. 5. No repair of vehicles may occur on the exterior of the lot or in the public right-of-way. 4 5 6 Yea I3av 7 B a� 8 aostrom — 9 Harris 10 Me a d 11 — 12 T un 13 � — 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council 19 20 21 By: 22 23 Appr 24 25 26 By: 27 Requested by Department of: • - - -- �-�- •�- -�.' •�v-� - •: 1 gy. , \���y..+dMrnR/ Kf't�'���"' Form Approved by City Attorney {.L�r' '� �roved by Mayor for Submission to ncil By: RESOLUTION C1TY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA _____. _ 97 -So � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNGIL DA7E IN IATED GREEN SHEE N� 3� 3 0 8 LIEPJLicensin -- -- CANTACTPERSONBPNONE ODEPAPTMENT�IREGTOR �Cf7YCOUNGIL INRIAIJDATE Christine Rozek 266— 108 "��" �cmnrroaNev �cmci.Er+K NUMBEii Wfl MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA ��NG � BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. r'OL hearin : 5I'l OFOEB OypYON(ORASS4STAPfi) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCAt10NS FOR SIGNATURE) ACf10N RECIUESTED: Henry Stewart DBA Milans Motors requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 741 University Avenue West (ID /f44058). RECOMMENDAnONS: Approve (A) or Hejea (R) pEflSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLqNNNJC+CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE C/JMMISSION �� Hes thi5 (lef5on/fil'm eVBr wolked und@r a COnV2Ct for Mis depal'hnent? - _CIBCAMMRTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this par5onlfirm ever been a ciry ¢mpbyee? _ SiAFF — YES NO _ o1S7R1CT GOURi _ 3. Does this persoNf'vm possess a skifl noi normal by � ry possesseU arry wrcem city amployee. SUPPoRTSwNICH COUNC1l o&IEC7IVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separete sMeet and attaeh to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNRY (Who. Whel. Wlien. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISAWRNTAdES IF APPROVED: r ���f� �'3,n.n�;r?" �??�eg,�m�y 7 ��a� � i i:�:�7 _ � . . __�_ � _________.� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35308 fn Tracke�? License ID # 44058 L.LE.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/6/97 / APP�n Received / APP n Rocessed LicenseTypB: Auto Repair Garage � r Company Name: Henrv Stewart DBA: Milans Motors SusinOSS Addeesss: 741 University Avenue West Business Phone: Z91-8952 Contact Name/Address: Henry Stewart, 741 UniversitY W, 102 Home Phone: 644-4810 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: � 9 / Alr�tiro SonT tn AnMiront• 1f1/l�f�l / Labets Ordered: lv��� District Gounci! #: � ----- -- - -- - �� -- � �o Notice Seni to Public: C �'7 /��' Ward #: � Departmeat/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �' �� 'q� Q.'k . Environmental Health M .-AS Fire 3 •2��j�- n � . L'+cense Site a�an Raceived:,_ �ease aecetved: ' �� �' Police `3• i � '9�" a • Zoning �l � (�.`��. 0. � � � eoNp t�'1b��5 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Mazch 28, 1997 Henry Stewart 741 University Avenue West Saint Paul, MN 55102 OFPICE OF LICENSE, INSPECT[ONS AND �� � ENVIRONMENTALPROTECT[ON � � . Rober7 Keuler, Dirutor L7CENSEAND Tetephon¢:612-26b9096 1NSPEC770NS Faesimile:6]Z266-912t 350SG Pe[er Street Suite 300 SaintPau�Minnuota SS102 I agree to the following condit'sons being placed on the Auto Body Repair Garage License (ID #44058) at 141 University Avenue West as follows: Parking for customers and employees shall be ananged on the lot as shown on the site plan. No more than 8 vehicles sha3l be parked outdoors on the lot. 2. The licensee is respons'sble for managing the number of customer vehicles to that which may be repaired and returned to their owners in t6e shortest period. Only customer vehicles and personal vehicles of the licensee may be parked on the lot. This condition is intended to prohibit long term storage of vehicles on the tot. 3. 4. 5. All vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicte salvage is not permitted. Vehicle parts, tires, oit or similar items may not be stored outdoors. No repair of vehicles may occur on the exterior of the lot or in the pubiic right-of- way. c�i?���w_� Henry Stewart, Owner ����� Dat ----. yuo �� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICA7'ION IS SLBJECT TO RE VIEW BY THE PUBLIC T}pe of License(s) being applied For: PLEASE TYPE OR PRIIvTi IN INK CITY OF SAINT PAUL �a of Liccnsc, Inspections ana En,irmm,rnw r.ocen;on 3?OSLP�a5t.5vi1c300 /�� SdmP�vl.)fvmcsolc SSto] � � (61�1669090 Lx(61i)]6691ib� I S� s �3j7� �� S S CompanyName: _�'}�/�t4 i(�:S Y�'\t, t l�l''-� CorporationlPartnm4tip/SoleProprietorship . . If business is incorporated, gice date of incorporation: Doing Business As: � �Y � VI l� U-4 �'�3' J � Business Address: -f�F � u/1/ i� f�� � SWet Addrcss Beh+reen �rhat cross sveets is the business located? Are the premises now occupied? � i1LS� ' V.-'hat T}pe qf Business? Mail To Address 1 Svicet Addscu CiTy City Business Phonef� / � o' Y/ - �� L�'lfl� �J�" Sinte Zip Vdhich side of fhe sveet? _ /4 � _ tN , �Slo � Swic Zip r t� Applicant ]nformation: • ^�_ Name and IiUe: ��L��� � �'e- 1A �/�Y�'-L�'^-- �t , !waai� � �n��a�> t.�n " � ra� HomeAddress: R. i � �lf j � C�� stren Addrcss c;ry siete Zip Date of Binh: f Place of Birth:. .. �� (y�'7 /� (�� Home PhoneG•�25�= L"� � C� Ha��e you e��er been com•icted of an}' felony, crime or ��iolation of an}� cit}= ordinance other than traffic? YES NO� Date of arrest: Charge: � Conviction: VJhere? Sentence: List licenses �rhich }�ou currently hold, fonnerly he1d, or may ha�e an interest in: Ha��e assy oFthe abo��e named licrnses erer bern re�roked7 YES NO Ifyes, lisE the dates and reasons for revocation: z�asro� Lisi the names and residences of three persons of good moral chazacter, 3iving a�ithin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the app3icant or financially interesied in the premises or business, u�ho may be teferred to as to the applicant's character: .Ase }•ou going to operate this husiness personally? ,�YES N F_�y�� .. �,GPw ca r��� First\eme �tiddlcinitis! (! � Strect �nme Citc Are you going to ha��e a manager or usistant in this business7 � YES please complete the follouing information: Firstl�ame Home Add+ras: Sirzet \ame ?�4iddlelnitial (.11aiden) City Please list your emplo}ment history for the previous five (5) } ear period: $usiness/Emnlo�ment Address Lisc all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME NAME (OfficeHeld) ADDRESS .-._.. U � .n d o ,-� N !� v Y � 9�..� � I�'0 If not, u'ho w'ill opeca[e it? � �� �„ . .SaY�� � r � 'i e7 c� k�2� ' Lart Dale ofBinh vtni F "J � lc>`a Slatc Pl,ono Vumber NO If the manager is not the same as the operatar, !� Stnte HOME BiTSII3ESS PHONE PHONE Da<<ofairth Zip Phone\imber BATE OF BIRTH If business is a partnership, please include the fol]owing information for each partner (use additional pages if necessary): Fint \ame �.tiaai� m;tsd nze;am� Lest DateofHi�th Stnte Z�p Phone \umbcr L,as{ Dsmof6'vili HomeAddress: SVeci\�c Home Addrese: Street Seme Middle Initial (�laidrn) City Stete Zip Phone\umbcr MINI�'ESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUtvIBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Ta� Clearaz�ce; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze tequi7ed lo pro�tide to the State of Minnesota Comm'sssioner of Re�•rnue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the sociat securip� number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Prn acy Act of 1974, we ue requaed to advise you of the foilou�ing regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identifreation Number: - I'his information may be used to deny the issuance or reneu�al of your license in ihe event you o�re Minnesota saies, employer s nithholding or motor ��ehicle excise taxes; - Upon recei��ing this infoimation, the licensing authoriN k�ill supplc it only to the Mirmesota Departrnent of Re�•enue. Hon�ever, under the Fedaal Eachange of InformaUOn Ageement, the Department of Revenue may supplp this infosmation to the Intemal Revenue Senice. Miru�esota Tati IdentiScation Numbets (Sa]es 8z Use Tat Niunber) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, ] 0 Riti'er Park Plaza (612-246-6181). Social Security Numbcr:• �� �v J_��� Minnesota Tax Ident�cation Number: �Y I[�K'�� ��� If a Minnesota Tax IdentificaUOn Number is n�t required fo; the business being opzrated, indicate so b}' placing an"X" in the box. _ - � zrta,�� �'�� : JCA7ION OF VdORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESQTA STATUTE 176. i&2� � O � �? d uy catify Ihat I, or my compazry, am in campliance with the �cor}:ers' compensation insurance caverage requiremrnts of Minnesota Statute tf °� 0.182, subdi��ision 2. I also undecs1and that pro�nsion of false infoanavan in this ceriification constitutes �cirnt grounds for adverse action A '� gainst all licenses held, including re�•ocation and suspension of said licenses. <°. m g Name of Insurance Company: iC (' LJ � Policc Number: _ Q;� C.' G�=7,� �L} - I Cov age from i� -1 /- 9�, to )� 1� -°i� I ha��e no emplo}-ees co��ered under �z orl:ers' compensation insurance (INITIAI,S) ANY FALSI£ICATION OF A1�SR'ERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMIITED R`II.L RESULT IN DEl\7AL OF TFIIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I hace ansu�ered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained herein is true and coirect to the best of my knouledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I have received no mone}• or other consideration, by ���a}� of loan, gift, contribution, or othen�'ise, oth� than alread}� disclosed in the application uivch I bereulth submiried I also understand ihis premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and other cit}� officials at an}• and all times u�hen the business is in operation. �J " �Quu�n ror au We will accep[ payment bf' cash, c6eck (made pa��ab[e to Cit�' ot Saint Pau!) or credit card (M/C ur Visa). IFPA37NGBYCREDI7'CARDPLEASECOMPLETETAEFOLLOWINGINFORMATION: �MastcrCard � Visa EXPII2ATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ❑0/04 c�omo o�oo 000� ��o� or caz�o�a�� "'Note: If this application is Food/Liquor relatecl, please contact a Cif}� of Saint Pau1 Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9 ] 39), to reeiew plans. If any substanpal changes to swcture aze anticipated, p]ease contact a Cig� of Saint Paul Plan Exazniner ai 266-9007 to apply for building pemuts. If there are an}• changes to the parking ]ot, floor space, or for new operations, please confact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-4008. All appications require the foltoeing documents. Please attach these documeots nhen submitting �our application: 1. A detailed description of the design, lceation and square footage oithe premises to be licensed (site plan). The follo�cing data should be on the site plan (preferabl}' on an 8 1/2" x 71" or 81 /2' x? 4" paper): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The scate should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated towazd the top. - P3acemrnt of ali periinent features of the interior of the 3icensed facility such az seating azeas, kitchrns, offices, repair area, pazking, rest rooms, etc. - If a reques[ is for an addition or e�pansion of the licensed facility, indicate 6oth the current area and the proposed eapansion. 2. A cop}' of your lease agreemrni or proof of o«nership of the properry. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICAT701�S REQL3IItE ADDITZONAL Il\'k'OR1�IATIOhT. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETALLS»» 2/I S/97 Council File # �1tp Ordinance # Green Sheet # J ��� - ,. ; . Presented By _ Referred To �.� i 2 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #44058) for an Auto Repair Gazage License by Henry Stewart DBA Milans Motors (Henry Stewazt, Owner) at 741 University Avenue West be and the same is heseby approved with the following conditions: 1. Parking for customers and employees sha11 be arranged on the lot as shown on the site plan. No more than 8 vehicles shall be parked outdoors on the lot. 2. The licensee is responsible for managing the number of customer vehicles to that which may be repaired and returned to their owners in the shortest period. Only custoemr vehicles and personal vehicles of the licensee may be parked on the lot. This condition-is intended to prohibit long term storage of vehicles on the lot. 3. All vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 4. Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similar items may not be stored outdoors. 5. No repair of vehicles may occur on the exterior of the lot or in the public right-of-way. 4 5 6 Yea I3av 7 B a� 8 aostrom — 9 Harris 10 Me a d 11 — 12 T un 13 � — 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council 19 20 21 By: 22 23 Appr 24 25 26 By: 27 Requested by Department of: • - - -- �-�- •�- -�.' •�v-� - •: 1 gy. , \���y..+dMrnR/ Kf't�'���"' Form Approved by City Attorney {.L�r' '� �roved by Mayor for Submission to ncil By: RESOLUTION C1TY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA _____. _ 97 -So � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNGIL DA7E IN IATED GREEN SHEE N� 3� 3 0 8 LIEPJLicensin -- -- CANTACTPERSONBPNONE ODEPAPTMENT�IREGTOR �Cf7YCOUNGIL INRIAIJDATE Christine Rozek 266— 108 "��" �cmnrroaNev �cmci.Er+K NUMBEii Wfl MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA ��NG � BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. r'OL hearin : 5I'l OFOEB OypYON(ORASS4STAPfi) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCAt10NS FOR SIGNATURE) ACf10N RECIUESTED: Henry Stewart DBA Milans Motors requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 741 University Avenue West (ID /f44058). RECOMMENDAnONS: Approve (A) or Hejea (R) pEflSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLqNNNJC+CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE C/JMMISSION �� Hes thi5 (lef5on/fil'm eVBr wolked und@r a COnV2Ct for Mis depal'hnent? - _CIBCAMMRTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this par5onlfirm ever been a ciry ¢mpbyee? _ SiAFF — YES NO _ o1S7R1CT GOURi _ 3. Does this persoNf'vm possess a skifl noi normal by � ry possesseU arry wrcem city amployee. SUPPoRTSwNICH COUNC1l o&IEC7IVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separete sMeet and attaeh to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNRY (Who. Whel. Wlien. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISAWRNTAdES IF APPROVED: r ���f� �'3,n.n�;r?" �??�eg,�m�y 7 ��a� � i i:�:�7 _ � . . __�_ � _________.� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35308 fn Tracke�? License ID # 44058 L.LE.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/6/97 / APP�n Received / APP n Rocessed LicenseTypB: Auto Repair Garage � r Company Name: Henrv Stewart DBA: Milans Motors SusinOSS Addeesss: 741 University Avenue West Business Phone: Z91-8952 Contact Name/Address: Henry Stewart, 741 UniversitY W, 102 Home Phone: 644-4810 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: � 9 / Alr�tiro SonT tn AnMiront• 1f1/l�f�l / Labets Ordered: lv��� District Gounci! #: � ----- -- - -- - �� -- � �o Notice Seni to Public: C �'7 /��' Ward #: � Departmeat/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �' �� 'q� Q.'k . Environmental Health M .-AS Fire 3 •2��j�- n � . L'+cense Site a�an Raceived:,_ �ease aecetved: ' �� �' Police `3• i � '9�" a • Zoning �l � (�.`��. 0. � � � eoNp t�'1b��5 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Mazch 28, 1997 Henry Stewart 741 University Avenue West Saint Paul, MN 55102 OFPICE OF LICENSE, INSPECT[ONS AND �� � ENVIRONMENTALPROTECT[ON � � . Rober7 Keuler, Dirutor L7CENSEAND Tetephon¢:612-26b9096 1NSPEC770NS Faesimile:6]Z266-912t 350SG Pe[er Street Suite 300 SaintPau�Minnuota SS102 I agree to the following condit'sons being placed on the Auto Body Repair Garage License (ID #44058) at 141 University Avenue West as follows: Parking for customers and employees shall be ananged on the lot as shown on the site plan. No more than 8 vehicles sha3l be parked outdoors on the lot. 2. The licensee is respons'sble for managing the number of customer vehicles to that which may be repaired and returned to their owners in t6e shortest period. Only customer vehicles and personal vehicles of the licensee may be parked on the lot. This condition is intended to prohibit long term storage of vehicles on the tot. 3. 4. 5. All vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicte salvage is not permitted. Vehicle parts, tires, oit or similar items may not be stored outdoors. No repair of vehicles may occur on the exterior of the lot or in the pubiic right-of- way. c�i?���w_� Henry Stewart, Owner ����� Dat ----. yuo �� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICA7'ION IS SLBJECT TO RE VIEW BY THE PUBLIC T}pe of License(s) being applied For: PLEASE TYPE OR PRIIvTi IN INK CITY OF SAINT PAUL �a of Liccnsc, Inspections ana En,irmm,rnw r.ocen;on 3?OSLP�a5t.5vi1c300 /�� SdmP�vl.)fvmcsolc SSto] � � (61�1669090 Lx(61i)]6691ib� I S� s �3j7� �� S S CompanyName: _�'}�/�t4 i(�:S Y�'\t, t l�l''-� CorporationlPartnm4tip/SoleProprietorship . . If business is incorporated, gice date of incorporation: Doing Business As: � �Y � VI l� U-4 �'�3' J � Business Address: -f�F � u/1/ i� f�� � SWet Addrcss Beh+reen �rhat cross sveets is the business located? Are the premises now occupied? � i1LS� ' V.-'hat T}pe qf Business? Mail To Address 1 Svicet Addscu CiTy City Business Phonef� / � o' Y/ - �� L�'lfl� �J�" Sinte Zip Vdhich side of fhe sveet? _ /4 � _ tN , �Slo � Swic Zip r t� Applicant ]nformation: • ^�_ Name and IiUe: ��L��� � �'e- 1A �/�Y�'-L�'^-- �t , !waai� � �n��a�> t.�n " � ra� HomeAddress: R. i � �lf j � C�� stren Addrcss c;ry siete Zip Date of Binh: f Place of Birth:. .. �� (y�'7 /� (�� Home PhoneG•�25�= L"� � C� Ha��e you e��er been com•icted of an}' felony, crime or ��iolation of an}� cit}= ordinance other than traffic? YES NO� Date of arrest: Charge: � Conviction: VJhere? Sentence: List licenses �rhich }�ou currently hold, fonnerly he1d, or may ha�e an interest in: Ha��e assy oFthe abo��e named licrnses erer bern re�roked7 YES NO Ifyes, lisE the dates and reasons for revocation: z�asro� Lisi the names and residences of three persons of good moral chazacter, 3iving a�ithin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the app3icant or financially interesied in the premises or business, u�ho may be teferred to as to the applicant's character: .Ase }•ou going to operate this husiness personally? ,�YES N F_�y�� .. �,GPw ca r��� First\eme �tiddlcinitis! (! � Strect �nme Citc Are you going to ha��e a manager or usistant in this business7 � YES please complete the follouing information: Firstl�ame Home Add+ras: Sirzet \ame ?�4iddlelnitial (.11aiden) City Please list your emplo}ment history for the previous five (5) } ear period: $usiness/Emnlo�ment Address Lisc all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME NAME (OfficeHeld) ADDRESS .-._.. U � .n d o ,-� N !� v Y � 9�..� � I�'0 If not, u'ho w'ill opeca[e it? � �� �„ . .SaY�� � r � 'i e7 c� k�2� ' Lart Dale ofBinh vtni F "J � lc>`a Slatc Pl,ono Vumber NO If the manager is not the same as the operatar, !� Stnte HOME BiTSII3ESS PHONE PHONE Da<<ofairth Zip Phone\imber BATE OF BIRTH If business is a partnership, please include the fol]owing information for each partner (use additional pages if necessary): Fint \ame �.tiaai� m;tsd nze;am� Lest DateofHi�th Stnte Z�p Phone \umbcr L,as{ Dsmof6'vili HomeAddress: SVeci\�c Home Addrese: Street Seme Middle Initial (�laidrn) City Stete Zip Phone\umbcr MINI�'ESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUtvIBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Ta� Clearaz�ce; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze tequi7ed lo pro�tide to the State of Minnesota Comm'sssioner of Re�•rnue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the sociat securip� number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Prn acy Act of 1974, we ue requaed to advise you of the foilou�ing regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identifreation Number: - I'his information may be used to deny the issuance or reneu�al of your license in ihe event you o�re Minnesota saies, employer s nithholding or motor ��ehicle excise taxes; - Upon recei��ing this infoimation, the licensing authoriN k�ill supplc it only to the Mirmesota Departrnent of Re�•enue. Hon�ever, under the Fedaal Eachange of InformaUOn Ageement, the Department of Revenue may supplp this infosmation to the Intemal Revenue Senice. Miru�esota Tati IdentiScation Numbets (Sa]es 8z Use Tat Niunber) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, ] 0 Riti'er Park Plaza (612-246-6181). Social Security Numbcr:• �� �v J_��� Minnesota Tax Ident�cation Number: �Y I[�K'�� ��� If a Minnesota Tax IdentificaUOn Number is n�t required fo; the business being opzrated, indicate so b}' placing an"X" in the box. _ - � zrta,�� �'�� : JCA7ION OF VdORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESQTA STATUTE 176. i&2� � O � �? d uy catify Ihat I, or my compazry, am in campliance with the �cor}:ers' compensation insurance caverage requiremrnts of Minnesota Statute tf °� 0.182, subdi��ision 2. I also undecs1and that pro�nsion of false infoanavan in this ceriification constitutes �cirnt grounds for adverse action A '� gainst all licenses held, including re�•ocation and suspension of said licenses. <°. m g Name of Insurance Company: iC (' LJ � Policc Number: _ Q;� C.' G�=7,� �L} - I Cov age from i� -1 /- 9�, to )� 1� -°i� I ha��e no emplo}-ees co��ered under �z orl:ers' compensation insurance (INITIAI,S) ANY FALSI£ICATION OF A1�SR'ERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMIITED R`II.L RESULT IN DEl\7AL OF TFIIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I hace ansu�ered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained herein is true and coirect to the best of my knouledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I have received no mone}• or other consideration, by ���a}� of loan, gift, contribution, or othen�'ise, oth� than alread}� disclosed in the application uivch I bereulth submiried I also understand ihis premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and other cit}� officials at an}• and all times u�hen the business is in operation. �J " �Quu�n ror au We will accep[ payment bf' cash, c6eck (made pa��ab[e to Cit�' ot Saint Pau!) or credit card (M/C ur Visa). IFPA37NGBYCREDI7'CARDPLEASECOMPLETETAEFOLLOWINGINFORMATION: �MastcrCard � Visa EXPII2ATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ❑0/04 c�omo o�oo 000� ��o� or caz�o�a�� "'Note: If this application is Food/Liquor relatecl, please contact a Cif}� of Saint Pau1 Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9 ] 39), to reeiew plans. If any substanpal changes to swcture aze anticipated, p]ease contact a Cig� of Saint Paul Plan Exazniner ai 266-9007 to apply for building pemuts. If there are an}• changes to the parking ]ot, floor space, or for new operations, please confact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-4008. All appications require the foltoeing documents. Please attach these documeots nhen submitting �our application: 1. A detailed description of the design, lceation and square footage oithe premises to be licensed (site plan). The follo�cing data should be on the site plan (preferabl}' on an 8 1/2" x 71" or 81 /2' x? 4" paper): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The scate should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated towazd the top. - P3acemrnt of ali periinent features of the interior of the 3icensed facility such az seating azeas, kitchrns, offices, repair area, pazking, rest rooms, etc. - If a reques[ is for an addition or e�pansion of the licensed facility, indicate 6oth the current area and the proposed eapansion. 2. A cop}' of your lease agreemrni or proof of o«nership of the properry. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICAT701�S REQL3IItE ADDITZONAL Il\'k'OR1�IATIOhT. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETALLS»» 2/I S/97 Council File # �1tp Ordinance # Green Sheet # J ��� - ,. ; . Presented By _ Referred To �.� i 2 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #44058) for an Auto Repair Gazage License by Henry Stewart DBA Milans Motors (Henry Stewazt, Owner) at 741 University Avenue West be and the same is heseby approved with the following conditions: 1. Parking for customers and employees sha11 be arranged on the lot as shown on the site plan. No more than 8 vehicles shall be parked outdoors on the lot. 2. The licensee is responsible for managing the number of customer vehicles to that which may be repaired and returned to their owners in the shortest period. Only custoemr vehicles and personal vehicles of the licensee may be parked on the lot. This condition-is intended to prohibit long term storage of vehicles on the lot. 3. All vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 4. Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similar items may not be stored outdoors. 5. No repair of vehicles may occur on the exterior of the lot or in the public right-of-way. 4 5 6 Yea I3av 7 B a� 8 aostrom — 9 Harris 10 Me a d 11 — 12 T un 13 � — 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council 19 20 21 By: 22 23 Appr 24 25 26 By: 27 Requested by Department of: • - - -- �-�- •�- -�.' •�v-� - •: 1 gy. , \���y..+dMrnR/ Kf't�'���"' Form Approved by City Attorney {.L�r' '� �roved by Mayor for Submission to ncil By: RESOLUTION C1TY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA _____. _ 97 -So � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNGIL DA7E IN IATED GREEN SHEE N� 3� 3 0 8 LIEPJLicensin -- -- CANTACTPERSONBPNONE ODEPAPTMENT�IREGTOR �Cf7YCOUNGIL INRIAIJDATE Christine Rozek 266— 108 "��" �cmnrroaNev �cmci.Er+K NUMBEii Wfl MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA ��NG � BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. r'OL hearin : 5I'l OFOEB OypYON(ORASS4STAPfi) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCAt10NS FOR SIGNATURE) ACf10N RECIUESTED: Henry Stewart DBA Milans Motors requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 741 University Avenue West (ID /f44058). RECOMMENDAnONS: Approve (A) or Hejea (R) pEflSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLqNNNJC+CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE C/JMMISSION �� Hes thi5 (lef5on/fil'm eVBr wolked und@r a COnV2Ct for Mis depal'hnent? - _CIBCAMMRTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this par5onlfirm ever been a ciry ¢mpbyee? _ SiAFF — YES NO _ o1S7R1CT GOURi _ 3. Does this persoNf'vm possess a skifl noi normal by � ry possesseU arry wrcem city amployee. SUPPoRTSwNICH COUNC1l o&IEC7IVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separete sMeet and attaeh to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNRY (Who. Whel. Wlien. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISAWRNTAdES IF APPROVED: r ���f� �'3,n.n�;r?" �??�eg,�m�y 7 ��a� � i i:�:�7 _ � . . __�_ � _________.� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35308 fn Tracke�? License ID # 44058 L.LE.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/6/97 / APP�n Received / APP n Rocessed LicenseTypB: Auto Repair Garage � r Company Name: Henrv Stewart DBA: Milans Motors SusinOSS Addeesss: 741 University Avenue West Business Phone: Z91-8952 Contact Name/Address: Henry Stewart, 741 UniversitY W, 102 Home Phone: 644-4810 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: � 9 / Alr�tiro SonT tn AnMiront• 1f1/l�f�l / Labets Ordered: lv��� District Gounci! #: � ----- -- - -- - �� -- � �o Notice Seni to Public: C �'7 /��' Ward #: � Departmeat/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �' �� 'q� Q.'k . Environmental Health M .-AS Fire 3 •2��j�- n � . L'+cense Site a�an Raceived:,_ �ease aecetved: ' �� �' Police `3• i � '9�" a • Zoning �l � (�.`��. 0. � � � eoNp t�'1b��5 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Mazch 28, 1997 Henry Stewart 741 University Avenue West Saint Paul, MN 55102 OFPICE OF LICENSE, INSPECT[ONS AND �� � ENVIRONMENTALPROTECT[ON � � . Rober7 Keuler, Dirutor L7CENSEAND Tetephon¢:612-26b9096 1NSPEC770NS Faesimile:6]Z266-912t 350SG Pe[er Street Suite 300 SaintPau�Minnuota SS102 I agree to the following condit'sons being placed on the Auto Body Repair Garage License (ID #44058) at 141 University Avenue West as follows: Parking for customers and employees shall be ananged on the lot as shown on the site plan. No more than 8 vehicles sha3l be parked outdoors on the lot. 2. The licensee is respons'sble for managing the number of customer vehicles to that which may be repaired and returned to their owners in t6e shortest period. Only customer vehicles and personal vehicles of the licensee may be parked on the lot. This condition is intended to prohibit long term storage of vehicles on the tot. 3. 4. 5. All vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicte salvage is not permitted. Vehicle parts, tires, oit or similar items may not be stored outdoors. No repair of vehicles may occur on the exterior of the lot or in the pubiic right-of- way. c�i?���w_� Henry Stewart, Owner ����� Dat ----. yuo �� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICA7'ION IS SLBJECT TO RE VIEW BY THE PUBLIC T}pe of License(s) being applied For: PLEASE TYPE OR PRIIvTi IN INK CITY OF SAINT PAUL �a of Liccnsc, Inspections ana En,irmm,rnw r.ocen;on 3?OSLP�a5t.5vi1c300 /�� SdmP�vl.)fvmcsolc SSto] � � (61�1669090 Lx(61i)]6691ib� I S� s �3j7� �� S S CompanyName: _�'}�/�t4 i(�:S Y�'\t, t l�l''-� CorporationlPartnm4tip/SoleProprietorship . . If business is incorporated, gice date of incorporation: Doing Business As: � �Y � VI l� U-4 �'�3' J � Business Address: -f�F � u/1/ i� f�� � SWet Addrcss Beh+reen �rhat cross sveets is the business located? Are the premises now occupied? � i1LS� ' V.-'hat T}pe qf Business? Mail To Address 1 Svicet Addscu CiTy City Business Phonef� / � o' Y/ - �� L�'lfl� �J�" Sinte Zip Vdhich side of fhe sveet? _ /4 � _ tN , �Slo � Swic Zip r t� Applicant ]nformation: • ^�_ Name and IiUe: ��L��� � �'e- 1A �/�Y�'-L�'^-- �t , !waai� � �n��a�> t.�n " � ra� HomeAddress: R. i � �lf j � C�� stren Addrcss c;ry siete Zip Date of Binh: f Place of Birth:. .. �� (y�'7 /� (�� Home PhoneG•�25�= L"� � C� Ha��e you e��er been com•icted of an}' felony, crime or ��iolation of an}� cit}= ordinance other than traffic? YES NO� Date of arrest: Charge: � Conviction: VJhere? Sentence: List licenses �rhich }�ou currently hold, fonnerly he1d, or may ha�e an interest in: Ha��e assy oFthe abo��e named licrnses erer bern re�roked7 YES NO Ifyes, lisE the dates and reasons for revocation: z�asro� Lisi the names and residences of three persons of good moral chazacter, 3iving a�ithin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the app3icant or financially interesied in the premises or business, u�ho may be teferred to as to the applicant's character: .Ase }•ou going to operate this husiness personally? ,�YES N F_�y�� .. �,GPw ca r��� First\eme �tiddlcinitis! (! � Strect �nme Citc Are you going to ha��e a manager or usistant in this business7 � YES please complete the follouing information: Firstl�ame Home Add+ras: Sirzet \ame ?�4iddlelnitial (.11aiden) City Please list your emplo}ment history for the previous five (5) } ear period: $usiness/Emnlo�ment Address Lisc all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME NAME (OfficeHeld) ADDRESS .-._.. U � .n d o ,-� N !� v Y � 9�..� � I�'0 If not, u'ho w'ill opeca[e it? � �� �„ . .SaY�� � r � 'i e7 c� k�2� ' Lart Dale ofBinh vtni F "J � lc>`a Slatc Pl,ono Vumber NO If the manager is not the same as the operatar, !� Stnte HOME BiTSII3ESS PHONE PHONE Da<<ofairth Zip Phone\imber BATE OF BIRTH If business is a partnership, please include the fol]owing information for each partner (use additional pages if necessary): Fint \ame �.tiaai� m;tsd nze;am� Lest DateofHi�th Stnte Z�p Phone \umbcr L,as{ Dsmof6'vili HomeAddress: SVeci\�c Home Addrese: Street Seme Middle Initial (�laidrn) City Stete Zip Phone\umbcr MINI�'ESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUtvIBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Ta� Clearaz�ce; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze tequi7ed lo pro�tide to the State of Minnesota Comm'sssioner of Re�•rnue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the sociat securip� number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Prn acy Act of 1974, we ue requaed to advise you of the foilou�ing regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identifreation Number: - I'his information may be used to deny the issuance or reneu�al of your license in ihe event you o�re Minnesota saies, employer s nithholding or motor ��ehicle excise taxes; - Upon recei��ing this infoimation, the licensing authoriN k�ill supplc it only to the Mirmesota Departrnent of Re�•enue. Hon�ever, under the Fedaal Eachange of InformaUOn Ageement, the Department of Revenue may supplp this infosmation to the Intemal Revenue Senice. Miru�esota Tati IdentiScation Numbets (Sa]es 8z Use Tat Niunber) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, ] 0 Riti'er Park Plaza (612-246-6181). Social Security Numbcr:• �� �v J_��� Minnesota Tax Ident�cation Number: �Y I[�K'�� ��� If a Minnesota Tax IdentificaUOn Number is n�t required fo; the business being opzrated, indicate so b}' placing an"X" in the box. _ - � zrta,�� �'�� : JCA7ION OF VdORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESQTA STATUTE 176. i&2� � O � �? d uy catify Ihat I, or my compazry, am in campliance with the �cor}:ers' compensation insurance caverage requiremrnts of Minnesota Statute tf °� 0.182, subdi��ision 2. I also undecs1and that pro�nsion of false infoanavan in this ceriification constitutes �cirnt grounds for adverse action A '� gainst all licenses held, including re�•ocation and suspension of said licenses. <°. m g Name of Insurance Company: iC (' LJ � Policc Number: _ Q;� C.' G�=7,� �L} - I Cov age from i� -1 /- 9�, to )� 1� -°i� I ha��e no emplo}-ees co��ered under �z orl:ers' compensation insurance (INITIAI,S) ANY FALSI£ICATION OF A1�SR'ERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMIITED R`II.L RESULT IN DEl\7AL OF TFIIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I hace ansu�ered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained herein is true and coirect to the best of my knouledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I have received no mone}• or other consideration, by ���a}� of loan, gift, contribution, or othen�'ise, oth� than alread}� disclosed in the application uivch I bereulth submiried I also understand ihis premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and other cit}� officials at an}• and all times u�hen the business is in operation. �J " �Quu�n ror au We will accep[ payment bf' cash, c6eck (made pa��ab[e to Cit�' ot Saint Pau!) or credit card (M/C ur Visa). IFPA37NGBYCREDI7'CARDPLEASECOMPLETETAEFOLLOWINGINFORMATION: �MastcrCard � Visa EXPII2ATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ❑0/04 c�omo o�oo 000� ��o� or caz�o�a�� "'Note: If this application is Food/Liquor relatecl, please contact a Cif}� of Saint Pau1 Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9 ] 39), to reeiew plans. If any substanpal changes to swcture aze anticipated, p]ease contact a Cig� of Saint Paul Plan Exazniner ai 266-9007 to apply for building pemuts. If there are an}• changes to the parking ]ot, floor space, or for new operations, please confact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-4008. All appications require the foltoeing documents. Please attach these documeots nhen submitting �our application: 1. A detailed description of the design, lceation and square footage oithe premises to be licensed (site plan). The follo�cing data should be on the site plan (preferabl}' on an 8 1/2" x 71" or 81 /2' x? 4" paper): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The scate should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated towazd the top. - P3acemrnt of ali periinent features of the interior of the 3icensed facility such az seating azeas, kitchrns, offices, repair area, pazking, rest rooms, etc. - If a reques[ is for an addition or e�pansion of the licensed facility, indicate 6oth the current area and the proposed eapansion. 2. A cop}' of your lease agreemrni or proof of o«nership of the properry. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICAT701�S REQL3IItE ADDITZONAL Il\'k'OR1�IATIOhT. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETALLS»» 2/I S/97