D00562C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Pfovad CaPies to: _ c;iy a„k �o�„w� ADMINISTRAITVE ORDER: sunGET r�vtsiox - Fnam:9 Deptb AocouMing DWision "�(t �� •RepuesHngDept No: � Date: ADMINfSIRATtVE the request of the GeneralFUnd,the following manner. � DEPARih1ENT & OMSION: F�1ND AND AC7IVITY• FROM: with the General Fund Generrl Govemment Accaunts - E�cecutive Administration Innovations Reserve 007-09062-0518 Mayors Contingency T0: Generat Fund General Govemment Accounts - EuecuGve Administration Innovafions Reserve 001-09062-0219 ContractServices NETCHANGE Purpose: 1) Yo enMr tnto a 12 month contract for professional services 2) to establish an amount of resources to implement innovative ideas CURRENT BU�GET 200,000 0 .4 of ffie City Charter and basetl on nend the 1995 budget of the :ed ta amend said budget In the APPROVEO CNANGES (1QO,OUQ) 100,U00 0 � a 100,UQ0 100,OOU �►'It r'�'!� � � �al '� J Date / /Appmv y: Mayor Date � �'�� �- � � �' J `� �} t.wunwuayanuTn+otw�.o_aww &ss -,�n � , =, ;/ P F,dT70F IC DAT ItN .�MJ..�V G+ � , ` a�ag�offi� �vss GREEN SHEET No. 31114 � CONTACTPERSONBPHONE 4 DEPAR7MENfDIRECTOR 4OCfTYCOUNGI � JosephReid 266-8553 �� �cmn�rroar�er �crtrcLFRK MUSTBEONCOUNGLAGENOABY(DAT� � BUDGEfDiRECTOR OFlWMGi.SERVICESOiR D/3 3aMAYOR(ORASSISTANn � OTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S{GNATURE} cnoH t�ES�o Administrative approval of the ariached budget amendment to establish the spending budget for the Innovations Team, and to provide resources to implement action related to selected imovative ideas. , RECOUNENDATIONS:Approve(A)wRqeet(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERiHEFOLLOWINGQUES710NS: (ExPiahi a11 Yas answers on sepan0e shaetmtl allMh fo green sheet) _ PLaNN1NGCOMM�S51�N _ CMLSERVICECOhV.tIS510 1.HastlJsPpsu�fi�everwakeduMefacon6a4tartl�isdePa�trnent2 _ CIBCqb6Af1"IEE _ YFS NO . .,.- � 5iAFF _ 2Ffas4risPersuV@meVerbeanedH�P�pYaeT _ qSRtICfCDURT _ YES NO SUPPOR75YN11CH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? 3. Does tlus pr�sanlfirtn possCSS a sidll not npmallyposa¢ssed by airy wrtent tiry employee? VES NO . INIiW11VE PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNMTY(Who, VYhat, Whan, When, YVhy): 1'here is a need to apply a management effort to the review, organizatioq and implementation of several innovative service delivery ideas. ' The Mayor has announced the creatian af an Tnnovations Team ta take on this task. This effoR musC be supported by an inveshnent, and -� the team will need some level of resources to ope�ate. ��cEiv�D JUP� 14 1995 GfTY CCERK � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The opportunity to obtain budget savings rela[ed to the successes of the Innovations Team's work. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROYEd: ��^�;� g; � � dt ' Cost of ihe initial investment ��� 14 T995 �lUN 06 1995 ��� . DISADVANiAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �_ —' ^-- Los[ opporiunities: to lower costs, and [o set an example and direction on management efficiencies Inability to implement any ionovative ideas. rosniaxroueiroFTannsnc� $100,000hansfer COSTIREVENIIEBUDGETED(CiRCLEONE) rES wo FUNDING SOURCE GCIICCdl Futld ACTVITY NUMBER 09062 FlNANCIqL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) adminisuative traosfer authoriud by Gtity Charter providing for a I2 mornh sfaffcont�act, and for idea impiemenmlion fm�ds. d- W