97-497Council File # 9 � - y�� Green Sheet # 30017 ' �� P' " i} � s� 3,���-.¢ S"' 3�J +' 7 b a Presented By: Referred To: , z 3 a 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Requested by Department of: Fire & Safety S ces B ' / � Appro� Recommended by Bu,dget Dir�ekpr: By: Adopted by Council: Date �� �� Adoption Certified by Council Se etary: orm App d by City Attorney: By: BY= _; .,.i/i� �/L✓ bGt�/✓� �l l� � ? Approved by AA or for Submission to Council: Approved • Date /,f'" 97 ` ,( / By: '1� �--�� By: MINNESOTA Committee: Date , O Resolved, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Mall of America for the purpose of leasing space for a gathering/meeting of the Metropolitan Fire Chiefs; a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financial $@NIC2S. DEPARIMENI'/OFFICFICOUNCQ, DATEiNi'M q �- '� -9 � Fire&SafetyServices 4/8/97 GREEN SHEET NO. 30017 COMACI'PIIL50N&PHONE � DEPARTMENfDIRECfOR � CIfYCOUNCII, AssistantCluefAlBataglia 228-6212 Q mrwrroxr�r � cmrc�avc MOSCBEONCAUNN.AGQJDABY(DATE) � BSJM�TDIltECLOR � k1N.&MGI.SEItV1CFSDRt 3 MAYOR(O&AS4SfAN1) � CF�FACCOUM'ANl' TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CIIONREQUESIID To approve the attached Council Resolurion authorizing the Department of F'ue & Safety Services to enter into a lease agreement with the Mall of America RECOMME�IDA310NS:Appmve(A)wRejxt(R) PERSONAI.SERVICECONI'RACl'SMUSTAI�SR'ER1'HC' FOLIAWINGQIJF.Sl'fONS: _eu�GCOnft�ass�oa _CtvtcsE2vtceCOt�nmss[ox 1.E3asthispersodfirmeverworkedw�deraconhactfartLisdepaz�ent? cmco�.a�m'rse YES NO A_srntF _ I 2. Has this pe¢odfvm ever been a city employce? nrsrwcrcouxT YES NO stmrox�rs wtnpi coutacu,oehcnve+ 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nolmally possesseA by any curzent ciry employee? YES NO (Ezplaiu all ya answers on separate sheet and attach to gran sheet) INfITATINGPROBLEM1LISSUE.OPPORT(INI]Y(N'hn. WhsS When.NTae. WAy). The City of Saint Paul Depat6nent of Fire & Safety Services and the Minneapoli���ment aze hosting �� ������ evenis for the 1997 Metropolitan Chiefs Conference. "�� APR 21 1997 �„�R 17 ���� p ���� �A'�i��'� �-���� �° = u �� �, � �,.. , � � � � ADVANTAC�SIFAPPROVED� Hosting a successful conference will provide public relations benefits for both the Department and the Ciry of Saint Paul. DISADVANiAGESIFAPPROVED None "d ... „ ';:;'"r.;;� ��".s��� o:: � � d�'�� D19ADVANiAGPSOFNOTAPPROVID ��� � Less successfulconference 1'OTALAMOUNTOFTItANSe1CiION_ O COSf/REVF.�`UEBUDGE'1'ED(CIXCLEONL� YFS NO FIMDINGSOURCE ACTIVITYNOMBER a'm+nxcuc s�onacanox: �cnnv� FEB 7'9� 14�49 FP. 9b25oEe'6?E7 =T • rr �--..-, ,..w. IdCENSE AGR�EME;VT �+� �y[Q!! of,9neeriec °827EbEo�8 TC _223E25� P.Oc%03 x ���a+ro- n a q'1-y9`1 7.e�aa�(ah.strw�v) saiEars+� ar. Bloom;n�ton, r11'uueesaa SS425-5550 ur.,n G emWdenUon ef tM matutl PMw+la�s. coveanofs �i ays�mla set fereb itb s=reed 6y?nd pelww� t!e y�nt.n as foQow: T&RMOI +.msm�+�sm�0�ax.+4Y..r» �a+*�+�wn.r .tve,adi�ar ACRbLNR.NT One Ds7 SII9N7 5f19l9'i Room: x.au c�e�e cw: a�:smee�m,rm x�..na w,..a �ur er.i.. �.% �'` l800 27`p°8°ou., rta� no.Aura.D.gmt�t797 �t.m:Aae, t�00 _AwDa[.TerBslaoo.e Nlsm SW++pJ�bATfam 3pm Ta1�DoMLlD,t+@Tfaaa: 30pta A1fAadmro: fVA Now: Liom.xe 3mfrss ce use Uu Ma71 d'RmcYico Evmc $aW30I E Broedway (s s paim thrmf) fa �pmynac desmbed'z rhe 8raic L�cecse Tams ma�ed hareto rmd mwy�:ated hexa {aIl a sud� paeiaj aF�he Evmt �/eCT E. �ay, o dc�Led ai tLc Bmic Cicmx Tca�, is �a ha�ada :eCerted U,s ffie "Yrmssses"). I.iG4wic$al! mlkethe Pnemt4�savdabloTO Iicmiee upm acdsibjedtot4eprniamr oPthbAgrs�a+c ta cmedc�tim d'tl01x(�'+Lcem amt.imed, aod aChcg�admd valueBle amrideetim� t6e re�eipt aoda$rimry d�dfitL mxSceLy adawvledged, I.iems� ai Licrosee �aebY �8� a�PoUaw; ....w.r+Rlma a.s��m�rt�xeaeri�a' Licrostts�uaes a�l reapma'Oi;iry fa't�dy vactiagthe Pt�iae md agas WlwW Ucmcahxmlaaframimd ag�m4 mYmY, toaxs a 8� d ar�Yamac asi�g ac a xoilt dLic�ae'xfmdse [0 mGYC$e �!!y�[S n m0�v6�awlta t�iiA�C�t. �uQRB. WEIfO�f �4f. all dt�iga �S�Y� NmoGioO wAhf�e�➢Y ���5' bY �� = t�x L��al[r�r��r«nc(asa.5nea;,meEaacl��eeraa,)ar«eaa�matLiz.ngru�, rtI.iomsx�m.yeve�o�va.aay+t;snaeeaen aRerpayayat d'mY P�m af �heDosiefa m add'nim ia ke Diga� Lieiwor imYxr[am at] �amupvdm �ed dmngm for �atim 'fbepmero ��ee�attautramo�ts em�tiOAeareasmabieaqimaseeCtLedamsgst�diwaitdbeau8'aed�jl.iomttr. Ticmwmaiso��vesbpaymya3aFpodceecatsmamedbyi.ialmrarmc�o4imw'vhtL< evmt a+vatdbY�isP.�amuri5t adetiim W tLe liquidqted dmoogesfa oamtlaticu. 7. 9aTisea Ii��aIIprevide:StR�c�,�dmlytSext++pd�edin+Ile�cI.�mseTa�a. AIIad�timalsavica�q�md�d,wha�Cc A�idedbl' [UCmwr ar Licmcs, �utl bspmdTaby L.�am+ee A� a�m n Lin�:traaaaammed c1c d�sereFQ dseFaegodgaa�icm 8 w'6aaiCyZiomsc sd«zmnew�}�.. if r�brL�r.ayo��n<c��of�ae�.a�gaw;mms�ts�a��taa��tiyae�� �sti.at�rmty�era;amecym$�ao�ea+i� withdlla�s.o�mc�N Ala3tdieb�wagesetieltiCufy.9hdlbemade s�aitaMebyTiamsamlYwthaoa�P¢mGtaih'.mdmaaad�ecewq4aQapp&caStelewe.mla,a+�Imimaamda�taiaes ficmee�aIImtumeaWry�s�temtrsctasaLs Um Uaaae app�we3by IicmnawthwE Liomfot'i n�rmPaawsiIIm amat. Licmmt $nII hcvcfbe zi�t to msd'aiat itSOLem1 mpaymmi W LicrosQ N'a sm�a9e. 0.Uf0(tl� Lic�see�aQ.�modiately�oope�mtrFabAbyliomaa.P+Yfarsltup7'a.Y�+�Q+B�tamBa�aoL licmmra6aIItaY�amserreedraBmthe Fua day qfthentove� datamdIDtdnydUS� moveoit dttm atdbt4 Licmma¢orA'nyYy. 3.MaiuGmawofAemisas: C.iassceeahalle�saCdaert�w"ahi+oq�x'smbausc3��se�viceYaaud�a¢vicaattb�Wnausmtrdg L'nm�rdvl2Pm`tide de�cis bozm n�icD wiII be biild to liomsx at Ne caraK rLUge fa debtit 4nwa md a.odared laba. i IIw: LiamaceAvflimsthePeemi�es�aivfer'AePmPonstPammthe&aneLicroseTams�dtarnoa�harpm3+omcwi�Lowp�iarwecat�mwtaCLioio�.r. The Ptamuca6d16e mad mty bytiw Liomseead i[s e�bddsmdmy iotiterdsn�prxot, md sl! au�9�ma sim7 meiheA�isa a av�d��viqb 7bsAge�t md [�omrir'srcimandre�ylotimadMnRoCamc..� ficrosee�eilaatdoarpmadtoDodmem 'ytaxiyiaaabovt�hePr�ae�b�mgaYapmNhmSilsr+�vhidwiQmary uay maeaee t6erna dLre inaema vpca ffieYr�ixeu a mY af isasiaftsor maxmeeeIIotim oPrmY m..ameepWi�in avaaagz6ePr�ivsQ Ss�t�m. a whidi $Wl ai aoy xaY cmRia witA atyapPiieabklav, u�mz. tWe a�laCae ade6etglScasvpscy aod ssu dtl�ePt�iss.nor aII«a4ePrmixswbt usedfa aey impropar.mvaxal. wtawAdadryasiaabtepmpoee 3.[croseedmllSex�ombkfaaIIsapoaadasa+mtP++vgmm. 70DaY+Pcisto'�e�i�dseiiomasaiwllauLmisio fiamaorfarap�rova{a1tY�dhowiLnpmaes�wl37+ex[cPfatLeavmt Liamvc�a[Ina�+ts�aorP�itmyuqedxwdfivsmYam7s.hao{a.tad+cataaeusm�y m�'nw m tLeF+mas�s.Ot W etatLcAe�q�w�a m mY sapwi- T. Cop$dmolPr�mEaec PeipbihaSartd�yd�emovoou4d�s.liammsfiallxraaM�ePl�BtatA3sctiy7dti0natthe9mtoYffiemovamAatuf,taemob2ew�a �+�tl'�ceyted.stIiemzc'amieeoatmdapms�. IicamociallpryaawtswnpSnrxpmpptystLe�esdmnagoddmmBtlutrmaPtLisA�e�mt Licm9ee�aLpay L:omyor7 S.QUaKMmvowlaFmrefLi�mrs'.dctkiiarl�dmamvevfacnaN�«.s..,.�....�:.....�x:..-...a..e._�..� .�.,.i_._n_""' . .. . .. �. FEb 7'37 i.acSH FP 3E�SSE5S2E7 �T SH2SGSS7GB7� Tr 5223Ec55 ��.��?����3 . � a 7rr:a par�y w�r.m,«w: nny �a au as�u sawcm txc,ace satnna 7anr vsdors, ad��+ oavaaus. orq.sy«pro�nacs.hnu ix m wraing�oa �au ��amCicfoilawm8lapBiaga'[NmeafP+ovidcjdo�L¢TbYedeax.xgKOdracrc�'r—• - -Cm�pyny.ASwh:d�si�e.affidaus.xd6sxfltLQ:mqetsnc c�cc%. d'acctaaRvWaa. mployees.s�tx �d aygy (mQaavdy.ihe N�tat (hmp) dad Ecm ary cd ait mmor daeim a aaicat. y2+, da�s, d�sg4 ram»^�• �...:.• �.a...-�+.-...•.aw.��e..�...�.-�r.r:�...s.�..,s,�,.,a..�ts�...z....,:..y...,.c,o...d.nw.w.aP�meap,o.v�,c�exzasa.as�sm�ymve.a da� a6�'+��6m-<Wc Lf�tacm� O�o�q fa,�m, cr by rsa� ci sy mm.�. rz a�has moaaedw5h [Nms d ti�aJ a�h<usccFJx Ma�7 3Amaim Evmc Spsm'soi E BroaArsYMlAimedtia�eet' ��� 9. 8de Hus�bsc Lioaae+iull � md�ify �d ara harm4aa Liamsor. � w6ri�Saies, r�iya �d its zd t6�:e�ective cflicm. �4 7+�a e�,loyas +8� �d �gs, 5cm ald �[ �py md al[ la� cvr4 (IDdud'at8 aCCmer's .°em� d�a6a. oP� �d liabu`LY ���6 �" liah7ay m6 tiau�iry mad� Waka': Ca�im Laws) u eem«hm �.itL: a Cla�fa dam�e a s.euk d mpay adot� af�J P� � D+W�Y �+i� w mt� F='�� �roed Dy I.xmmr mdlar a�7 adcpasma waids aae fram v¢ �' mmna &�'oIIaFmy�ct, aaitrian �r� m a aba�tdxR� ac�madSy tLcmea o�ry af+hePtv�sw by Ii�as a.ncvvsiaama�cea:7u rrmusby ti�snc Ssoffmey. �ioyee'; ae�*. m�. n�as �, omtrsaas aau�saar. c.�••atp{4ulaid+�tl.ia�YO[ by RY vm�i md�mdmc mN[aCaa aevi¢ Yeond�ai Q otScpcsms a ogvqi�ia6f wa6..trcm Iioma amA�an Dusms� a c 390Gi➢[tdID omIIRtRA � 4SCBe a(tb6 � 10. IafmaneC Iicme� at %s c4� �6aQ mai�+m (a)'wdca�s c�pmstua axxmce �b) m4Ec�vs 5ab�2Y msra�e wrth i�a ad tm ih� One T�fiilim DaQs (SI.00Op00.00} Ia mty atvdmt (el ro�vs iianddY �++��4 mdu�Y F�� �l' �+d y�vpatY d�sg. maa& T..Kmsee md I�omsQ (md sudi ahm u Ii<oa may dapule) fQ a tmt Oo►A5D":m Dattas {57.900.000.0� Cwb� SngW I�it fa bod"eY mPaY � D�D�Y d�age• mda�e6°owza8o ia vw�C cm-awcd md'eiroc � mduda3loor�g zL rmloo3ic8 A�+� Ail a�¢ csvmfca�aElnme MaU dPmasa Cmq�Y.5mm MOA MamB�� �oX Mroatasipmm� CoorTmY-m< MallcfAmainMxicdma�c,asaddilim'flavao�mdy�oridcLioaaawdh�lattm{1o1dsY%'Pr+amMittef�im liomse�3�aitprovideLicmtacav&�aoFvu mwvanoe a laa tSdRy (Jpl daya bdae the Gvt �ry dtSau»�a ei dries Licaau'ntreby uai�a cvsY dam whidi ai�o ar mey rise m its fs�m� md a�aiut S:caowr 8am6 ih< �am a(this Ago�mmt Q my m�aim ar tmawi haeaF far xy sd aU km a dmce� coviced ay vaiid avi wlled�ble mmms pdid� so t6a aamt t6s s,� lo� Q damage i �a.vcd imda w�h mxv+ace Polics Sufi w�i+�r sLaII bcro sdm/im W, sd nc� s Q�iac of. ma atDa wwc a rclme autm�6 m IhisAgcmo�c.�pb x�ac to �y !ns w Jmagetop�apatyaf Licesse. I I. Ap�Dyup�t aod 3aWeataL: Liomsae Jhdl xt �gi �hia A�, a�y mtve4 m i4a Agema�; a pamtit th< �ex of �L< Pr�iscs by �aY D�Y dLr :ha LicytceasPamittndha�a«ptwjtlttFfepriawiit7m�pcovnldL"xmta. AnY+�Pm�gvemswREwrct�a4marinm�msmtufii<msxsWUEcauUmdvoid I2 Seaufry: fiamaoc a�g ilP raymabiSty fa sws'r.Y `a ati P�s a0mdm8 Licrosec's n^mt. ds9DuY DoclhA advat�g mvaial. Hood%hdd Far d:aplry a Wc n¢dparmai�'assawadamed6yiiansoc Sismax�adram�k�SadowAcdyesWaxfY�+riryaavimw4idtmaYbcpiwidedbyIi�sr�eUbefarlinrit�+dP�P��: �ndisnamQiamtwprovidsallaxtv2yn�yfaLiw�soe'sevmL T3aaa6nUaaJ�ecyrondes+damta�avi�cw'=mamtm cmtrdafits es ewiues �e �plul'eef. f�+sats a 13. Sd. L7 33aarer. ID tlu evmt 7ha lim�r sdls.lases a auvrys ihe P+mixs, Liomu mnY u�atap�wi�g Iba LioeiaewAh a tmdmrymti« a�g� 74is Agwnmt W its auoc�a �d licmwe s'taD be relmed Gom my iiabilbY siffig lhadlc Daaed t�pao aeY of dx ta� d 16is A�ammt and I�cmae ag�m io iook soldy K limisa'ssueamexehaedte. Lian 14. Ta:w aud Yea¢: Lioimes a9ao tn WY P'"�lY sll aeim. asa aasemd my othv;xvsaal m/ liemace fea..t�i� aee required w bepaid by Licmxe ar Liam.9w witL:eapai w Licrosae's meoStLoPr�so aey govmm.eiolairthority�. Ts. coudms: I;cros�,esav� �u anamqm, amama T'�e�. �ry �na sm�v,i�s ma may� prw�e � na�s a�a �vias.s rt ao� d'ami)'at6fa��tmdepmd�cmtraaaa. NowctidefoalmdbeveagcafJa�*disPiamam 'PP�'P^'�Cett6a x6 Premotlon snd Advaetlmlag: I,ioafm �eip amd to liemsa fae its M'iew aod appcoval (nd to bn w�avoeabty uittsfid3) two mpies d al[ cadio md :devaim amdmcmmfs mdalI �ctpltotocepiei{xowtityai a¢d aka•••••.=•t• pn� rdnus. adn'rltue�eeocs, aissbav mmdsa�d d"caXana JERrc3ut�d m o� J�mcvW wi$ �ha triul � 6Y i5ii�n�ml I�1maLWtRi0E5 wiQ IXamf by (.u�6oe b.' �nm9A'tQ. tca4 tbutl' (3�1 dayg�r[taft0 (o<ntmdeC dnle d Qi�ii di4i1MR34f Of rclems. Iaom'..eeaglers od W y�YK C'461p'sgK.b0tl0<K.D� R t�E I17C0 wlfhCUi o�WmmBA�Ia1'tNf'3� O�RLOL ftOm �.iCmsR. 17. 9erae MaJear: EI16tt DffitY �sg ta�o.Ke ar gtt}+md 'Es ooL•8etims audc W'tt 1�giaemdtt if a� obti�ti¢�g as a.w..�:srY �Y� 7mmted x rutdrted uvpnRirri by any e�mt io me aAmt au3 evmt is beycnd the:wem.chie amtrol o!'be Pmty whoee Pafa�mm'rs preventai a rmdeed �praceirrt hi my wd+ e�au. s�A Pnrt} �lall netbe nabkta the ahc �ar Casy x Poi[tmtoo�'wm $s ob`u8�ats. txs�tthw�alt be aprqvtaSZemKtirm ci t6e cm.ideatim w4i3t �eaad uSav.is be paysbs s a�hawiu duc iIDdc tfi'raAgieqnavl lII. T.iwaaor s l��t vf &pt�'� inPamillciSNevaooE+Le PS'emida. Licmmv� Axsaoc td'ctywda �d dvahQeby�va� IE¢ ti86t b miaec aU ueo�.vy md y�q�or tula !v �M maen&`mmt md c�r�4ms ^�f ywh �aoe Du}Y a�lhanud :eq(osalUtives oC:icmua may mta Wc Pt�a al my t�c md m afY oxaam witLouc my rmiaiai ++Aa�ec�wa. 19- Pea-&zd�dvoIIs« I.iomsor�aaRhavetheci�ttousecryamae6envofmYl�mdi6sH.�mtSpxsaag�antedtoLc�ee.mdcU�io,age�otmmypenm, Cma.trm4itYreg�eadt6enatuneaFQitweoPau�dLQ� I{anYPatLafiSeP4�isasbeoomo�smqeaaatttoedbyIiomaee.Liomaarmay�asttdtapncebd6as Iv d,r evm4 slt'scea+alram�<rdiemud�ss �a0 baatm LSomscc. xR TWaatt If S.icanee defadts m 4sc peqtaemma d' my d' f6e tams md amdtlims d this Agrcmmt, ro�ie, wdLaut I�Satioa. tbe p:ymmt aFFea wd tSc messrtmoce ot'maam«. �Lm Liwax. a da opnm. m+r �r:cmiene ue's A.Br�mt whaapm E:e�,s's�6ts md emdeg�,mde rhis ng..meus 9�a7I m�.triy tammste Sn1CeNdY5aths6dwillamvaro�hiieLimueaiammBthePt�L+�meorhasdfen�ytin�iadyxammael,i�snt'suxoflheP[�oQwitSartpric`adicOW Liemaec laadd'aicaLioa�eee3�aL6elinbkfaaUd�magaauedbywdsdd'�k 21. &tflnAymwenL•'I Ire modiCtnliars ofanel� dthis A��be m Paae er�ai �m1�ID �+xIIms txlo�tedby a0pvrtieLedn sz P�nww1 Avy.. c� 3�...: L�w�as +bnII brvo n:im !br a}t mwms mes Qan Lioexas apm it pnansl RiOP°�Y in Wa Ycma�ss oC Lxmax Q rts mv2era Such PT�?`�Y�Wlaabei�owdwitLa¢Utearumtd2iamar:�tsixiSamamtS�seIi�s6a11�asSavebe�paid VpmtlxomsrmssafineveWCfd#mhby+.i�s�.I.iommr �all hava �6e qftiqf, m adddiw to �y �La iemHies b mlr �Le Pc�sm md Like p�ao d�y P� P'�P°nY of Licrosa nt ils mr'asa. to edt iLe mmnawilb a w�.thout mCoet pmatexpub]ic sa:t, x u6i�h L�amav QibmiBu � makepm3raa� �d W aPDtY �he ptocwCs, 2es o�msn cmpmed wrt8 Uu hltm8 ofc�m a�d aale. as a rtedit �8� �S ��bY Liam�aew Ixmsa- AaY�Pbu drsU bepsdto 7i�essac Akemti�xly.tbe tim haeby �ntod ms1' be mfaxod by Ii �max m sty ehv mmmagovidcd by]au�CaforodesiuttfdcKdmo4g�ea. A�'ttAay6mCarmtuootbaebywevei 2S. 7.IUdAitloa d IiaeUitp; H I.ie,aux d%t�os a mmc! 1� s8� �� �g E� any dsFauh a atLa da� a�y waa a io oams�uca w;� thn F�e�m� Liomaee�dl eoD)eei b tlusie�+��Y faat mntg�e,loek adrlY b t6e mtaea d Lio�. LLs ma�aa md a�Bm, ie tbs H�m. Cmte fa the aiida�tim of su� 7Ndffiam� No abr roY a Pe+m� Pf�Y �iiomaor a+eY e�� P�+a � Liomas eb.iU bs aibjea w 7c.y m a�i� my w<h jed�m� No�md"mB suy�tring W We CmCm7 m iLis Apem�mttt�as�all Ee a�yaoAasma� jiabt�"KY m D�. f�c a mtiSio who cmSitIXe Ii�ar wikaxcyian W yY d fhe tentt oovmmts. cmdsims aed ON'++�ms oCthia Agammt�d my s� tiabliy sbaebywcv�ad rdmoaaby Licros�a x4 Ma�m¢niApnn + t�q m wbde p' a D�. bS �O�Y� af Li�o9[ b3't6s mioe�iY aBmt af Liaaaor cc its �IoY� � bY .ne a niatt iltcd yea�s laard by Liomaw v fLe mme�¢g sgaC of L+tmaer. Liamcee age� that upm Liemacr'a�xiltm isqaat 3 wiD mtc ato �rm age+mmts wCh themmssmg a�mt d L�.mar a ahc partia dm�m.d Dy Lauw fa s6e fiimi�lmeafsYaadasnaesra7u"sedtobe�dbyL�ommrhaa�udet.'nfamxdcmtmt+Fp+owdbyLi�wr. _ _ 25. BmiellameTems: 1 LsAp�c�n 3 iawb�e 6 battdihctams�dp[mivmsof�IIe 3 aseLicroseTamsaxpMb44emdmoapaatad6usaDylBittd'am�s ssiCfnllyaafanLLacm ' S6. T.rndmNoa: AimYe� Lio�v�Yfa�atstheAge�mtbyProwi�BLiwfrwu'iNtm(10)dryP�wr'ntmnaieeefiammalcm. �sEocvm�o(myw�L tammticu hy Iic.uwr.Ismsre's opygo{i+asPuravmtrotLeP+awdu ofWctAgfe�Lt �.i:l b.appatimd a ateSe �'aaivemie aftammatiao. 27. M1smHanw�s: AfI ri�qs, D�a ed W��� Wefa�� haramdet vDm Licmxr 3saII be trimuldnc s add'rtim co �Lae giveu by taw. T.iawsa's rula md �isimsaaa�dsadadmo�ar�rod'mtofhbAgemf�by[damce Iicmaaxo¢veslheri�tfodmi�sud�ruim�dxp�i�tiu6Gaml�etntimemdauhd�mmged:ul�aanz �+ous �aFl bame s pert c[this A.�mmi. 7PmY tam orymviim dthss Ago�mt �aq, to my oaa�t be d6mund by a mmt d�petmt Pvi�Ctim to Da invaiid a �[e, ehe s�+mdn af Wis A�mt yy�ll ad 6s a8aaad 0areby. ad md� tam acd p,oveim d i6s ABem� duII be wlid md bs mfa�q+We to+he 6ilE� eMmt P��� bY Iuw. 7n i6¢ �umt MmY ieigatieo aYSma oae oEtheae�tumtioa ]m�qtotLis nga�mt a a� amatim+rith thata� mdprovssims ofilin A�vmaa. Wepmailm8 penY m ay axfi L4S�m �a12 Da �tst(edia itsmtlsapdirama6le ft�e5''a [eea as�Dy tde eoutt M* TOTPL PP.GE.6�3 ** Council File # 9 � - y�� Green Sheet # 30017 ' �� P' " i} � s� 3,���-.¢ S"' 3�J +' 7 b a Presented By: Referred To: , z 3 a 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Requested by Department of: Fire & Safety S ces B ' / � Appro� Recommended by Bu,dget Dir�ekpr: By: Adopted by Council: Date �� �� Adoption Certified by Council Se etary: orm App d by City Attorney: By: BY= _; .,.i/i� �/L✓ bGt�/✓� �l l� � ? Approved by AA or for Submission to Council: Approved • Date /,f'" 97 ` ,( / By: '1� �--�� By: MINNESOTA Committee: Date , O Resolved, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Mall of America for the purpose of leasing space for a gathering/meeting of the Metropolitan Fire Chiefs; a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financial $@NIC2S. DEPARIMENI'/OFFICFICOUNCQ, DATEiNi'M q �- '� -9 � Fire&SafetyServices 4/8/97 GREEN SHEET NO. 30017 COMACI'PIIL50N&PHONE � DEPARTMENfDIRECfOR � CIfYCOUNCII, AssistantCluefAlBataglia 228-6212 Q mrwrroxr�r � cmrc�avc MOSCBEONCAUNN.AGQJDABY(DATE) � BSJM�TDIltECLOR � k1N.&MGI.SEItV1CFSDRt 3 MAYOR(O&AS4SfAN1) � CF�FACCOUM'ANl' TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CIIONREQUESIID To approve the attached Council Resolurion authorizing the Department of F'ue & Safety Services to enter into a lease agreement with the Mall of America RECOMME�IDA310NS:Appmve(A)wRejxt(R) PERSONAI.SERVICECONI'RACl'SMUSTAI�SR'ER1'HC' FOLIAWINGQIJF.Sl'fONS: _eu�GCOnft�ass�oa _CtvtcsE2vtceCOt�nmss[ox 1.E3asthispersodfirmeverworkedw�deraconhactfartLisdepaz�ent? cmco�.a�m'rse YES NO A_srntF _ I 2. Has this pe¢odfvm ever been a city employce? nrsrwcrcouxT YES NO stmrox�rs wtnpi coutacu,oehcnve+ 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nolmally possesseA by any curzent ciry employee? YES NO (Ezplaiu all ya answers on separate sheet and attach to gran sheet) INfITATINGPROBLEM1LISSUE.OPPORT(INI]Y(N'hn. WhsS When.NTae. WAy). The City of Saint Paul Depat6nent of Fire & Safety Services and the Minneapoli���ment aze hosting �� ������ evenis for the 1997 Metropolitan Chiefs Conference. "�� APR 21 1997 �„�R 17 ���� p ���� �A'�i��'� �-���� �° = u �� �, � �,.. , � � � � ADVANTAC�SIFAPPROVED� Hosting a successful conference will provide public relations benefits for both the Department and the Ciry of Saint Paul. DISADVANiAGESIFAPPROVED None "d ... „ ';:;'"r.;;� ��".s��� o:: � � d�'�� D19ADVANiAGPSOFNOTAPPROVID ��� � Less successfulconference 1'OTALAMOUNTOFTItANSe1CiION_ O COSf/REVF.�`UEBUDGE'1'ED(CIXCLEONL� YFS NO FIMDINGSOURCE ACTIVITYNOMBER a'm+nxcuc s�onacanox: �cnnv� FEB 7'9� 14�49 FP. 9b25oEe'6?E7 =T • rr �--..-, ,..w. IdCENSE AGR�EME;VT �+� �y[Q!! of,9neeriec °827EbEo�8 TC _223E25� P.Oc%03 x ���a+ro- n a q'1-y9`1 7.e�aa�(ah.strw�v) saiEars+� ar. Bloom;n�ton, r11'uueesaa SS425-5550 ur.,n G emWdenUon ef tM matutl PMw+la�s. coveanofs �i ays�mla set fereb itb s=reed 6y?nd pelww� t!e y�nt.n as foQow: T&RMOI +.msm�+�sm�0�ax.+4Y..r» �a+*�+�wn.r .tve,adi�ar ACRbLNR.NT One Ds7 SII9N7 5f19l9'i Room: x.au c�e�e cw: a�:smee�m,rm x�..na w,..a �ur er.i.. �.% �'` l800 27`p°8°ou., rta� no.Aura.D.gmt�t797 �t.m:Aae, t�00 _AwDa[.TerBslaoo.e Nlsm SW++pJ�bATfam 3pm Ta1�DoMLlD,t+@Tfaaa: 30pta A1fAadmro: fVA Now: Liom.xe 3mfrss ce use Uu Ma71 d'RmcYico Evmc $aW30I E Broedway (s s paim thrmf) fa �pmynac desmbed'z rhe 8raic L�cecse Tams ma�ed hareto rmd mwy�:ated hexa {aIl a sud� paeiaj aF�he Evmt �/eCT E. �ay, o dc�Led ai tLc Bmic Cicmx Tca�, is �a ha�ada :eCerted U,s ffie "Yrmssses"). I.iG4wic$al! mlkethe Pnemt4�savdabloTO Iicmiee upm acdsibjedtot4eprniamr oPthbAgrs�a+c ta cmedc�tim d'tl01x(�'+Lcem amt.imed, aod aChcg�admd valueBle amrideetim� t6e re�eipt aoda$rimry d�dfitL mxSceLy adawvledged, I.iems� ai Licrosee �aebY �8� a�PoUaw; ....w.r+Rlma a.s��m�rt�xeaeri�a' Licrostts�uaes a�l reapma'Oi;iry fa't�dy vactiagthe Pt�iae md agas WlwW Ucmcahxmlaaframimd ag�m4 mYmY, toaxs a 8� d ar�Yamac asi�g ac a xoilt dLic�ae'xfmdse [0 mGYC$e �!!y�[S n m0�v6�awlta t�iiA�C�t. �uQRB. WEIfO�f �4f. all dt�iga �S�Y� NmoGioO wAhf�e�➢Y ���5' bY �� = t�x L��al[r�r��r«nc(asa.5nea;,meEaacl��eeraa,)ar«eaa�matLiz.ngru�, rtI.iomsx�m.yeve�o�va.aay+t;snaeeaen aRerpayayat d'mY P�m af �heDosiefa m add'nim ia ke Diga� Lieiwor imYxr[am at] �amupvdm �ed dmngm for �atim 'fbepmero ��ee�attautramo�ts em�tiOAeareasmabieaqimaseeCtLedamsgst�diwaitdbeau8'aed�jl.iomttr. Ticmwmaiso��vesbpaymya3aFpodceecatsmamedbyi.ialmrarmc�o4imw'vhtL< evmt a+vatdbY�isP.�amuri5t adetiim W tLe liquidqted dmoogesfa oamtlaticu. 7. 9aTisea Ii��aIIprevide:StR�c�,�dmlytSext++pd�edin+Ile�cI.�mseTa�a. AIIad�timalsavica�q�md�d,wha�Cc A�idedbl' [UCmwr ar Licmcs, �utl bspmdTaby L.�am+ee A� a�m n Lin�:traaaaammed c1c d�sereFQ dseFaegodgaa�icm 8 w'6aaiCyZiomsc sd«zmnew�}�.. if r�brL�r.ayo��n<c��of�ae�.a�gaw;mms�ts�a��taa��tiyae�� �sti.at�rmty�era;amecym$�ao�ea+i� withdlla�s.o�mc�N Ala3tdieb�wagesetieltiCufy.9hdlbemade s�aitaMebyTiamsamlYwthaoa�P¢mGtaih'.mdmaaad�ecewq4aQapp&caStelewe.mla,a+�Imimaamda�taiaes ficmee�aIImtumeaWry�s�temtrsctasaLs Um Uaaae app�we3by IicmnawthwE Liomfot'i n�rmPaawsiIIm amat. Licmmt $nII hcvcfbe zi�t to msd'aiat itSOLem1 mpaymmi W LicrosQ N'a sm�a9e. 0.Uf0(tl� Lic�see�aQ.�modiately�oope�mtrFabAbyliomaa.P+Yfarsltup7'a.Y�+�Q+B�tamBa�aoL licmmra6aIItaY�amserreedraBmthe Fua day qfthentove� datamdIDtdnydUS� moveoit dttm atdbt4 Licmma¢orA'nyYy. 3.MaiuGmawofAemisas: C.iassceeahalle�saCdaert�w"ahi+oq�x'smbausc3��se�viceYaaud�a¢vicaattb�Wnausmtrdg L'nm�rdvl2Pm`tide de�cis bozm n�icD wiII be biild to liomsx at Ne caraK rLUge fa debtit 4nwa md a.odared laba. i IIw: LiamaceAvflimsthePeemi�es�aivfer'AePmPonstPammthe&aneLicroseTams�dtarnoa�harpm3+omcwi�Lowp�iarwecat�mwtaCLioio�.r. The Ptamuca6d16e mad mty bytiw Liomseead i[s e�bddsmdmy iotiterdsn�prxot, md sl! au�9�ma sim7 meiheA�isa a av�d��viqb 7bsAge�t md [�omrir'srcimandre�ylotimadMnRoCamc..� ficrosee�eilaatdoarpmadtoDodmem 'ytaxiyiaaabovt�hePr�ae�b�mgaYapmNhmSilsr+�vhidwiQmary uay maeaee t6erna dLre inaema vpca ffieYr�ixeu a mY af isasiaftsor maxmeeeIIotim oPrmY m..ameepWi�in avaaagz6ePr�ivsQ Ss�t�m. a whidi $Wl ai aoy xaY cmRia witA atyapPiieabklav, u�mz. tWe a�laCae ade6etglScasvpscy aod ssu dtl�ePt�iss.nor aII«a4ePrmixswbt usedfa aey impropar.mvaxal. wtawAdadryasiaabtepmpoee 3.[croseedmllSex�ombkfaaIIsapoaadasa+mtP++vgmm. 70DaY+Pcisto'�e�i�dseiiomasaiwllauLmisio fiamaorfarap�rova{a1tY�dhowiLnpmaes�wl37+ex[cPfatLeavmt Liamvc�a[Ina�+ts�aorP�itmyuqedxwdfivsmYam7s.hao{a.tad+cataaeusm�y m�'nw m tLeF+mas�s.Ot W etatLcAe�q�w�a m mY sapwi- T. Cop$dmolPr�mEaec PeipbihaSartd�yd�emovoou4d�s.liammsfiallxraaM�ePl�BtatA3sctiy7dti0natthe9mtoYffiemovamAatuf,taemob2ew�a �+�tl'�ceyted.stIiemzc'amieeoatmdapms�. IicamociallpryaawtswnpSnrxpmpptystLe�esdmnagoddmmBtlutrmaPtLisA�e�mt Licm9ee�aLpay L:omyor7 S.QUaKMmvowlaFmrefLi�mrs'.dctkiiarl�dmamvevfacnaN�«.s..,.�....�:.....�x:..-...a..e._�..� .�.,.i_._n_""' . .. . .. �. FEb 7'37 i.acSH FP 3E�SSE5S2E7 �T SH2SGSS7GB7� Tr 5223Ec55 ��.��?����3 . � a 7rr:a par�y w�r.m,«w: nny �a au as�u sawcm txc,ace satnna 7anr vsdors, ad��+ oavaaus. orq.sy«pro�nacs.hnu ix m wraing�oa �au ��amCicfoilawm8lapBiaga'[NmeafP+ovidcjdo�L¢TbYedeax.xgKOdracrc�'r—• - -Cm�pyny.ASwh:d�si�e.affidaus.xd6sxfltLQ:mqetsnc c�cc%. d'acctaaRvWaa. mployees.s�tx �d aygy (mQaavdy.ihe N�tat (hmp) dad Ecm ary cd ait mmor daeim a aaicat. y2+, da�s, d�sg4 ram»^�• �...:.• �.a...-�+.-...•.aw.��e..�...�.-�r.r:�...s.�..,s,�,.,a..�ts�...z....,:..y...,.c,o...d.nw.w.aP�meap,o.v�,c�exzasa.as�sm�ymve.a da� a6�'+��6m-<Wc Lf�tacm� O�o�q fa,�m, cr by rsa� ci sy mm.�. rz a�has moaaedw5h [Nms d ti�aJ a�h<usccFJx Ma�7 3Amaim Evmc Spsm'soi E BroaArsYMlAimedtia�eet' ��� 9. 8de Hus�bsc Lioaae+iull � md�ify �d ara harm4aa Liamsor. � w6ri�Saies, r�iya �d its zd t6�:e�ective cflicm. �4 7+�a e�,loyas +8� �d �gs, 5cm ald �[ �py md al[ la� cvr4 (IDdud'at8 aCCmer's .°em� d�a6a. oP� �d liabu`LY ���6 �" liah7ay m6 tiau�iry mad� Waka': Ca�im Laws) u eem«hm �.itL: a Cla�fa dam�e a s.euk d mpay adot� af�J P� � D+W�Y �+i� w mt� F='�� �roed Dy I.xmmr mdlar a�7 adcpasma waids aae fram v¢ �' mmna &�'oIIaFmy�ct, aaitrian �r� m a aba�tdxR� ac�madSy tLcmea o�ry af+hePtv�sw by Ii�as a.ncvvsiaama�cea:7u rrmusby ti�snc Ssoffmey. �ioyee'; ae�*. m�. n�as �, omtrsaas aau�saar. c.�••atp{4ulaid+�tl.ia�YO[ by RY vm�i md�mdmc mN[aCaa aevi¢ Yeond�ai Q otScpcsms a ogvqi�ia6f wa6..trcm Iioma amA�an Dusms� a c 390Gi➢[tdID omIIRtRA � 4SCBe a(tb6 � 10. IafmaneC Iicme� at %s c4� �6aQ mai�+m (a)'wdca�s c�pmstua axxmce �b) m4Ec�vs 5ab�2Y msra�e wrth i�a ad tm ih� One T�fiilim DaQs (SI.00Op00.00} Ia mty atvdmt (el ro�vs iianddY �++��4 mdu�Y F�� �l' �+d y�vpatY d�sg. maa& T..Kmsee md I�omsQ (md sudi ahm u Ii<oa may dapule) fQ a tmt Oo►A5D":m Dattas {57.900.000.0� Cwb� SngW I�it fa bod"eY mPaY � D�D�Y d�age• mda�e6°owza8o ia vw�C cm-awcd md'eiroc � mduda3loor�g zL rmloo3ic8 A�+� Ail a�¢ csvmfca�aElnme MaU dPmasa Cmq�Y.5mm MOA MamB�� �oX Mroatasipmm� CoorTmY-m< MallcfAmainMxicdma�c,asaddilim'flavao�mdy�oridcLioaaawdh�lattm{1o1dsY%'Pr+amMittef�im liomse�3�aitprovideLicmtacav&�aoFvu mwvanoe a laa tSdRy (Jpl daya bdae the Gvt �ry dtSau»�a ei dries Licaau'ntreby uai�a cvsY dam whidi ai�o ar mey rise m its fs�m� md a�aiut S:caowr 8am6 ih< �am a(this Ago�mmt Q my m�aim ar tmawi haeaF far xy sd aU km a dmce� coviced ay vaiid avi wlled�ble mmms pdid� so t6a aamt t6s s,� lo� Q damage i �a.vcd imda w�h mxv+ace Polics Sufi w�i+�r sLaII bcro sdm/im W, sd nc� s Q�iac of. ma atDa wwc a rclme autm�6 m IhisAgcmo�c.�pb x�ac to �y !ns w Jmagetop�apatyaf Licesse. I I. Ap�Dyup�t aod 3aWeataL: Liomsae Jhdl xt �gi �hia A�, a�y mtve4 m i4a Agema�; a pamtit th< �ex of �L< Pr�iscs by �aY D�Y dLr :ha LicytceasPamittndha�a«ptwjtlttFfepriawiit7m�pcovnldL"xmta. AnY+�Pm�gvemswREwrct�a4marinm�msmtufii<msxsWUEcauUmdvoid I2 Seaufry: fiamaoc a�g ilP raymabiSty fa sws'r.Y `a ati P�s a0mdm8 Licrosec's n^mt. ds9DuY DoclhA advat�g mvaial. Hood%hdd Far d:aplry a Wc n¢dparmai�'assawadamed6yiiansoc Sismax�adram�k�SadowAcdyesWaxfY�+riryaavimw4idtmaYbcpiwidedbyIi�sr�eUbefarlinrit�+dP�P��: �ndisnamQiamtwprovidsallaxtv2yn�yfaLiw�soe'sevmL T3aaa6nUaaJ�ecyrondes+damta�avi�cw'=mamtm cmtrdafits es ewiues �e �plul'eef. f�+sats a 13. Sd. L7 33aarer. ID tlu evmt 7ha lim�r sdls.lases a auvrys ihe P+mixs, Liomu mnY u�atap�wi�g Iba LioeiaewAh a tmdmrymti« a�g� 74is Agwnmt W its auoc�a �d licmwe s'taD be relmed Gom my iiabilbY siffig lhadlc Daaed t�pao aeY of dx ta� d 16is A�ammt and I�cmae ag�m io iook soldy K limisa'ssueamexehaedte. Lian 14. Ta:w aud Yea¢: Lioimes a9ao tn WY P'"�lY sll aeim. asa aasemd my othv;xvsaal m/ liemace fea..t�i� aee required w bepaid by Licmxe ar Liam.9w witL:eapai w Licrosae's meoStLoPr�so aey govmm.eiolairthority�. Ts. coudms: I;cros�,esav� �u anamqm, amama T'�e�. �ry �na sm�v,i�s ma may� prw�e � na�s a�a �vias.s rt ao� d'ami)'at6fa��tmdepmd�cmtraaaa. NowctidefoalmdbeveagcafJa�*disPiamam 'PP�'P^'�Cett6a x6 Premotlon snd Advaetlmlag: I,ioafm �eip amd to liemsa fae its M'iew aod appcoval (nd to bn w�avoeabty uittsfid3) two mpies d al[ cadio md :devaim amdmcmmfs mdalI �ctpltotocepiei{xowtityai a¢d aka•••••.=•t• pn� rdnus. adn'rltue�eeocs, aissbav mmdsa�d d"caXana JERrc3ut�d m o� J�mcvW wi$ �ha triul � 6Y i5ii�n�ml I�1maLWtRi0E5 wiQ IXamf by (.u�6oe b.' �nm9A'tQ. tca4 tbutl' (3�1 dayg�r[taft0 (o<ntmdeC dnle d Qi�ii di4i1MR34f Of rclems. Iaom'..eeaglers od W y�YK C'461p'sgK.b0tl0<K.D� R t�E I17C0 wlfhCUi o�WmmBA�Ia1'tNf'3� O�RLOL ftOm �.iCmsR. 17. 9erae MaJear: EI16tt DffitY �sg ta�o.Ke ar gtt}+md 'Es ooL•8etims audc W'tt 1�giaemdtt if a� obti�ti¢�g as a.w..�:srY �Y� 7mmted x rutdrted uvpnRirri by any e�mt io me aAmt au3 evmt is beycnd the:wem.chie amtrol o!'be Pmty whoee Pafa�mm'rs preventai a rmdeed �praceirrt hi my wd+ e�au. s�A Pnrt} �lall netbe nabkta the ahc �ar Casy x Poi[tmtoo�'wm $s ob`u8�ats. txs�tthw�alt be aprqvtaSZemKtirm ci t6e cm.ideatim w4i3t �eaad uSav.is be paysbs s a�hawiu duc iIDdc tfi'raAgieqnavl lII. T.iwaaor s l��t vf &pt�'� inPamillciSNevaooE+Le PS'emida. Licmmv� Axsaoc td'ctywda �d dvahQeby�va� IE¢ ti86t b miaec aU ueo�.vy md y�q�or tula !v �M maen&`mmt md c�r�4ms ^�f ywh �aoe Du}Y a�lhanud :eq(osalUtives oC:icmua may mta Wc Pt�a al my t�c md m afY oxaam witLouc my rmiaiai ++Aa�ec�wa. 19- Pea-&zd�dvoIIs« I.iomsor�aaRhavetheci�ttousecryamae6envofmYl�mdi6sH.�mtSpxsaag�antedtoLc�ee.mdcU�io,age�otmmypenm, Cma.trm4itYreg�eadt6enatuneaFQitweoPau�dLQ� I{anYPatLafiSeP4�isasbeoomo�smqeaaatttoedbyIiomaee.Liomaarmay�asttdtapncebd6as Iv d,r evm4 slt'scea+alram�<rdiemud�ss �a0 baatm LSomscc. xR TWaatt If S.icanee defadts m 4sc peqtaemma d' my d' f6e tams md amdtlims d this Agrcmmt, ro�ie, wdLaut I�Satioa. tbe p:ymmt aFFea wd tSc messrtmoce ot'maam«. �Lm Liwax. a da opnm. m+r �r:cmiene ue's A.Br�mt whaapm E:e�,s's�6ts md emdeg�,mde rhis ng..meus 9�a7I m�.triy tammste Sn1CeNdY5aths6dwillamvaro�hiieLimueaiammBthePt�L+�meorhasdfen�ytin�iadyxammael,i�snt'suxoflheP[�oQwitSartpric`adicOW Liemaec laadd'aicaLioa�eee3�aL6elinbkfaaUd�magaauedbywdsdd'�k 21. &tflnAymwenL•'I Ire modiCtnliars ofanel� dthis A��be m Paae er�ai �m1�ID �+xIIms txlo�tedby a0pvrtieLedn sz P�nww1 Avy.. c� 3�...: L�w�as +bnII brvo n:im !br a}t mwms mes Qan Lioexas apm it pnansl RiOP°�Y in Wa Ycma�ss oC Lxmax Q rts mv2era Such PT�?`�Y�Wlaabei�owdwitLa¢Utearumtd2iamar:�tsixiSamamtS�seIi�s6a11�asSavebe�paid VpmtlxomsrmssafineveWCfd#mhby+.i�s�.I.iommr �all hava �6e qftiqf, m adddiw to �y �La iemHies b mlr �Le Pc�sm md Like p�ao d�y P� P'�P°nY of Licrosa nt ils mr'asa. to edt iLe mmnawilb a w�.thout mCoet pmatexpub]ic sa:t, x u6i�h L�amav QibmiBu � makepm3raa� �d W aPDtY �he ptocwCs, 2es o�msn cmpmed wrt8 Uu hltm8 ofc�m a�d aale. as a rtedit �8� �S ��bY Liam�aew Ixmsa- AaY�Pbu drsU bepsdto 7i�essac Akemti�xly.tbe tim haeby �ntod ms1' be mfaxod by Ii �max m sty ehv mmmagovidcd by]au�CaforodesiuttfdcKdmo4g�ea. A�'ttAay6mCarmtuootbaebywevei 2S. 7.IUdAitloa d IiaeUitp; H I.ie,aux d%t�os a mmc! 1� s8� �� �g E� any dsFauh a atLa da� a�y waa a io oams�uca w;� thn F�e�m� Liomaee�dl eoD)eei b tlusie�+��Y faat mntg�e,loek adrlY b t6e mtaea d Lio�. LLs ma�aa md a�Bm, ie tbs H�m. Cmte fa the aiida�tim of su� 7Ndffiam� No abr roY a Pe+m� Pf�Y �iiomaor a+eY e�� P�+a � Liomas eb.iU bs aibjea w 7c.y m a�i� my w<h jed�m� No�md"mB suy�tring W We CmCm7 m iLis Apem�mttt�as�all Ee a�yaoAasma� jiabt�"KY m D�. f�c a mtiSio who cmSitIXe Ii�ar wikaxcyian W yY d fhe tentt oovmmts. cmdsims aed ON'++�ms oCthia Agammt�d my s� tiabliy sbaebywcv�ad rdmoaaby Licros�a x4 Ma�m¢niApnn + t�q m wbde p' a D�. bS �O�Y� af Li�o9[ b3't6s mioe�iY aBmt af Liaaaor cc its �IoY� � bY .ne a niatt iltcd yea�s laard by Liomaw v fLe mme�¢g sgaC of L+tmaer. Liamcee age� that upm Liemacr'a�xiltm isqaat 3 wiD mtc ato �rm age+mmts wCh themmssmg a�mt d L�.mar a ahc partia dm�m.d Dy Lauw fa s6e fiimi�lmeafsYaadasnaesra7u"sedtobe�dbyL�ommrhaa�udet.'nfamxdcmtmt+Fp+owdbyLi�wr. _ _ 25. BmiellameTems: 1 LsAp�c�n 3 iawb�e 6 battdihctams�dp[mivmsof�IIe 3 aseLicroseTamsaxpMb44emdmoapaatad6usaDylBittd'am�s ssiCfnllyaafanLLacm ' S6. T.rndmNoa: AimYe� Lio�v�Yfa�atstheAge�mtbyProwi�BLiwfrwu'iNtm(10)dryP�wr'ntmnaieeefiammalcm. �sEocvm�o(myw�L tammticu hy Iic.uwr.Ismsre's opygo{i+asPuravmtrotLeP+awdu ofWctAgfe�Lt �.i:l b.appatimd a ateSe �'aaivemie aftammatiao. 27. M1smHanw�s: AfI ri�qs, D�a ed W��� Wefa�� haramdet vDm Licmxr 3saII be trimuldnc s add'rtim co �Lae giveu by taw. T.iawsa's rula md �isimsaaa�dsadadmo�ar�rod'mtofhbAgemf�by[damce Iicmaaxo¢veslheri�tfodmi�sud�ruim�dxp�i�tiu6Gaml�etntimemdauhd�mmged:ul�aanz �+ous �aFl bame s pert c[this A.�mmi. 7PmY tam orymviim dthss Ago�mt �aq, to my oaa�t be d6mund by a mmt d�petmt Pvi�Ctim to Da invaiid a �[e, ehe s�+mdn af Wis A�mt yy�ll ad 6s a8aaad 0areby. ad md� tam acd p,oveim d i6s ABem� duII be wlid md bs mfa�q+We to+he 6ilE� eMmt P��� bY Iuw. 7n i6¢ �umt MmY ieigatieo aYSma oae oEtheae�tumtioa ]m�qtotLis nga�mt a a� amatim+rith thata� mdprovssims ofilin A�vmaa. Wepmailm8 penY m ay axfi L4S�m �a12 Da �tst(edia itsmtlsapdirama6le ft�e5''a [eea as�Dy tde eoutt M* TOTPL PP.GE.6�3 ** Council File # 9 � - y�� Green Sheet # 30017 ' �� P' " i} � s� 3,���-.¢ S"' 3�J +' 7 b a Presented By: Referred To: , z 3 a 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Requested by Department of: Fire & Safety S ces B ' / � Appro� Recommended by Bu,dget Dir�ekpr: By: Adopted by Council: Date �� �� Adoption Certified by Council Se etary: orm App d by City Attorney: By: BY= _; .,.i/i� �/L✓ bGt�/✓� �l l� � ? Approved by AA or for Submission to Council: Approved • Date /,f'" 97 ` ,( / By: '1� �--�� By: MINNESOTA Committee: Date , O Resolved, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Mall of America for the purpose of leasing space for a gathering/meeting of the Metropolitan Fire Chiefs; a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financial $@NIC2S. DEPARIMENI'/OFFICFICOUNCQ, DATEiNi'M q �- '� -9 � Fire&SafetyServices 4/8/97 GREEN SHEET NO. 30017 COMACI'PIIL50N&PHONE � DEPARTMENfDIRECfOR � CIfYCOUNCII, AssistantCluefAlBataglia 228-6212 Q mrwrroxr�r � cmrc�avc MOSCBEONCAUNN.AGQJDABY(DATE) � BSJM�TDIltECLOR � k1N.&MGI.SEItV1CFSDRt 3 MAYOR(O&AS4SfAN1) � CF�FACCOUM'ANl' TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CIIONREQUESIID To approve the attached Council Resolurion authorizing the Department of F'ue & Safety Services to enter into a lease agreement with the Mall of America RECOMME�IDA310NS:Appmve(A)wRejxt(R) PERSONAI.SERVICECONI'RACl'SMUSTAI�SR'ER1'HC' FOLIAWINGQIJF.Sl'fONS: _eu�GCOnft�ass�oa _CtvtcsE2vtceCOt�nmss[ox 1.E3asthispersodfirmeverworkedw�deraconhactfartLisdepaz�ent? cmco�.a�m'rse YES NO A_srntF _ I 2. Has this pe¢odfvm ever been a city employce? nrsrwcrcouxT YES NO stmrox�rs wtnpi coutacu,oehcnve+ 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nolmally possesseA by any curzent ciry employee? YES NO (Ezplaiu all ya answers on separate sheet and attach to gran sheet) INfITATINGPROBLEM1LISSUE.OPPORT(INI]Y(N'hn. WhsS When.NTae. WAy). The City of Saint Paul Depat6nent of Fire & Safety Services and the Minneapoli���ment aze hosting �� ������ evenis for the 1997 Metropolitan Chiefs Conference. "�� APR 21 1997 �„�R 17 ���� p ���� �A'�i��'� �-���� �° = u �� �, � �,.. , � � � � ADVANTAC�SIFAPPROVED� Hosting a successful conference will provide public relations benefits for both the Department and the Ciry of Saint Paul. DISADVANiAGESIFAPPROVED None "d ... „ ';:;'"r.;;� ��".s��� o:: � � d�'�� D19ADVANiAGPSOFNOTAPPROVID ��� � Less successfulconference 1'OTALAMOUNTOFTItANSe1CiION_ O COSf/REVF.�`UEBUDGE'1'ED(CIXCLEONL� YFS NO FIMDINGSOURCE ACTIVITYNOMBER a'm+nxcuc s�onacanox: �cnnv� FEB 7'9� 14�49 FP. 9b25oEe'6?E7 =T • rr �--..-, ,..w. IdCENSE AGR�EME;VT �+� �y[Q!! of,9neeriec °827EbEo�8 TC _223E25� P.Oc%03 x ���a+ro- n a q'1-y9`1 7.e�aa�(ah.strw�v) saiEars+� ar. Bloom;n�ton, r11'uueesaa SS425-5550 ur.,n G emWdenUon ef tM matutl PMw+la�s. coveanofs �i ays�mla set fereb itb s=reed 6y?nd pelww� t!e y�nt.n as foQow: T&RMOI +.msm�+�sm�0�ax.+4Y..r» �a+*�+�wn.r .tve,adi�ar ACRbLNR.NT One Ds7 SII9N7 5f19l9'i Room: x.au c�e�e cw: a�:smee�m,rm x�..na w,..a �ur er.i.. �.% �'` l800 27`p°8°ou., rta� no.Aura.D.gmt�t797 �t.m:Aae, t�00 _AwDa[.TerBslaoo.e Nlsm SW++pJ�bATfam 3pm Ta1�DoMLlD,t+@Tfaaa: 30pta A1fAadmro: fVA Now: Liom.xe 3mfrss ce use Uu Ma71 d'RmcYico Evmc $aW30I E Broedway (s s paim thrmf) fa �pmynac desmbed'z rhe 8raic L�cecse Tams ma�ed hareto rmd mwy�:ated hexa {aIl a sud� paeiaj aF�he Evmt �/eCT E. �ay, o dc�Led ai tLc Bmic Cicmx Tca�, is �a ha�ada :eCerted U,s ffie "Yrmssses"). I.iG4wic$al! mlkethe Pnemt4�savdabloTO Iicmiee upm acdsibjedtot4eprniamr oPthbAgrs�a+c ta cmedc�tim d'tl01x(�'+Lcem amt.imed, aod aChcg�admd valueBle amrideetim� t6e re�eipt aoda$rimry d�dfitL mxSceLy adawvledged, I.iems� ai Licrosee �aebY �8� a�PoUaw; ....w.r+Rlma a.s��m�rt�xeaeri�a' Licrostts�uaes a�l reapma'Oi;iry fa't�dy vactiagthe Pt�iae md agas WlwW Ucmcahxmlaaframimd ag�m4 mYmY, toaxs a 8� d ar�Yamac asi�g ac a xoilt dLic�ae'xfmdse [0 mGYC$e �!!y�[S n m0�v6�awlta t�iiA�C�t. �uQRB. WEIfO�f �4f. all dt�iga �S�Y� NmoGioO wAhf�e�➢Y ���5' bY �� = t�x L��al[r�r��r«nc(asa.5nea;,meEaacl��eeraa,)ar«eaa�matLiz.ngru�, rtI.iomsx�m.yeve�o�va.aay+t;snaeeaen aRerpayayat d'mY P�m af �heDosiefa m add'nim ia ke Diga� Lieiwor imYxr[am at] �amupvdm �ed dmngm for �atim 'fbepmero ��ee�attautramo�ts em�tiOAeareasmabieaqimaseeCtLedamsgst�diwaitdbeau8'aed�jl.iomttr. Ticmwmaiso��vesbpaymya3aFpodceecatsmamedbyi.ialmrarmc�o4imw'vhtL< evmt a+vatdbY�isP.�amuri5t adetiim W tLe liquidqted dmoogesfa oamtlaticu. 7. 9aTisea Ii��aIIprevide:StR�c�,�dmlytSext++pd�edin+Ile�cI.�mseTa�a. AIIad�timalsavica�q�md�d,wha�Cc A�idedbl' [UCmwr ar Licmcs, �utl bspmdTaby L.�am+ee A� a�m n Lin�:traaaaammed c1c d�sereFQ dseFaegodgaa�icm 8 w'6aaiCyZiomsc sd«zmnew�}�.. if r�brL�r.ayo��n<c��of�ae�.a�gaw;mms�ts�a��taa��tiyae�� �sti.at�rmty�era;amecym$�ao�ea+i� withdlla�s.o�mc�N Ala3tdieb�wagesetieltiCufy.9hdlbemade s�aitaMebyTiamsamlYwthaoa�P¢mGtaih'.mdmaaad�ecewq4aQapp&caStelewe.mla,a+�Imimaamda�taiaes ficmee�aIImtumeaWry�s�temtrsctasaLs Um Uaaae app�we3by IicmnawthwE Liomfot'i n�rmPaawsiIIm amat. Licmmt $nII hcvcfbe zi�t to msd'aiat itSOLem1 mpaymmi W LicrosQ N'a sm�a9e. 0.Uf0(tl� Lic�see�aQ.�modiately�oope�mtrFabAbyliomaa.P+Yfarsltup7'a.Y�+�Q+B�tamBa�aoL licmmra6aIItaY�amserreedraBmthe Fua day qfthentove� datamdIDtdnydUS� moveoit dttm atdbt4 Licmma¢orA'nyYy. 3.MaiuGmawofAemisas: C.iassceeahalle�saCdaert�w"ahi+oq�x'smbausc3��se�viceYaaud�a¢vicaattb�Wnausmtrdg L'nm�rdvl2Pm`tide de�cis bozm n�icD wiII be biild to liomsx at Ne caraK rLUge fa debtit 4nwa md a.odared laba. i IIw: LiamaceAvflimsthePeemi�es�aivfer'AePmPonstPammthe&aneLicroseTams�dtarnoa�harpm3+omcwi�Lowp�iarwecat�mwtaCLioio�.r. The Ptamuca6d16e mad mty bytiw Liomseead i[s e�bddsmdmy iotiterdsn�prxot, md sl! au�9�ma sim7 meiheA�isa a av�d��viqb 7bsAge�t md [�omrir'srcimandre�ylotimadMnRoCamc..� ficrosee�eilaatdoarpmadtoDodmem 'ytaxiyiaaabovt�hePr�ae�b�mgaYapmNhmSilsr+�vhidwiQmary uay maeaee t6erna dLre inaema vpca ffieYr�ixeu a mY af isasiaftsor maxmeeeIIotim oPrmY m..ameepWi�in avaaagz6ePr�ivsQ Ss�t�m. a whidi $Wl ai aoy xaY cmRia witA atyapPiieabklav, u�mz. tWe a�laCae ade6etglScasvpscy aod ssu dtl�ePt�iss.nor aII«a4ePrmixswbt usedfa aey impropar.mvaxal. wtawAdadryasiaabtepmpoee 3.[croseedmllSex�ombkfaaIIsapoaadasa+mtP++vgmm. 70DaY+Pcisto'�e�i�dseiiomasaiwllauLmisio fiamaorfarap�rova{a1tY�dhowiLnpmaes�wl37+ex[cPfatLeavmt Liamvc�a[Ina�+ts�aorP�itmyuqedxwdfivsmYam7s.hao{a.tad+cataaeusm�y m�'nw m tLeF+mas�s.Ot W etatLcAe�q�w�a m mY sapwi- T. Cop$dmolPr�mEaec PeipbihaSartd�yd�emovoou4d�s.liammsfiallxraaM�ePl�BtatA3sctiy7dti0natthe9mtoYffiemovamAatuf,taemob2ew�a �+�tl'�ceyted.stIiemzc'amieeoatmdapms�. IicamociallpryaawtswnpSnrxpmpptystLe�esdmnagoddmmBtlutrmaPtLisA�e�mt Licm9ee�aLpay L:omyor7 S.QUaKMmvowlaFmrefLi�mrs'.dctkiiarl�dmamvevfacnaN�«.s..,.�....�:.....�x:..-...a..e._�..� .�.,.i_._n_""' . .. . .. �. FEb 7'37 i.acSH FP 3E�SSE5S2E7 �T SH2SGSS7GB7� Tr 5223Ec55 ��.��?����3 . � a 7rr:a par�y w�r.m,«w: nny �a au as�u sawcm txc,ace satnna 7anr vsdors, ad��+ oavaaus. orq.sy«pro�nacs.hnu ix m wraing�oa �au ��amCicfoilawm8lapBiaga'[NmeafP+ovidcjdo�L¢TbYedeax.xgKOdracrc�'r—• - -Cm�pyny.ASwh:d�si�e.affidaus.xd6sxfltLQ:mqetsnc c�cc%. d'acctaaRvWaa. mployees.s�tx �d aygy (mQaavdy.ihe N�tat (hmp) dad Ecm ary cd ait mmor daeim a aaicat. y2+, da�s, d�sg4 ram»^�• �...:.• �.a...-�+.-...•.aw.��e..�...�.-�r.r:�...s.�..,s,�,.,a..�ts�...z....,:..y...,.c,o...d.nw.w.aP�meap,o.v�,c�exzasa.as�sm�ymve.a da� a6�'+��6m-<Wc Lf�tacm� O�o�q fa,�m, cr by rsa� ci sy mm.�. rz a�has moaaedw5h [Nms d ti�aJ a�h<usccFJx Ma�7 3Amaim Evmc Spsm'soi E BroaArsYMlAimedtia�eet' ��� 9. 8de Hus�bsc Lioaae+iull � md�ify �d ara harm4aa Liamsor. � w6ri�Saies, r�iya �d its zd t6�:e�ective cflicm. �4 7+�a e�,loyas +8� �d �gs, 5cm ald �[ �py md al[ la� cvr4 (IDdud'at8 aCCmer's .°em� d�a6a. oP� �d liabu`LY ���6 �" liah7ay m6 tiau�iry mad� Waka': Ca�im Laws) u eem«hm �.itL: a Cla�fa dam�e a s.euk d mpay adot� af�J P� � D+W�Y �+i� w mt� F='�� �roed Dy I.xmmr mdlar a�7 adcpasma waids aae fram v¢ �' mmna &�'oIIaFmy�ct, aaitrian �r� m a aba�tdxR� ac�madSy tLcmea o�ry af+hePtv�sw by Ii�as a.ncvvsiaama�cea:7u rrmusby ti�snc Ssoffmey. �ioyee'; ae�*. m�. n�as �, omtrsaas aau�saar. c.�••atp{4ulaid+�tl.ia�YO[ by RY vm�i md�mdmc mN[aCaa aevi¢ Yeond�ai Q otScpcsms a ogvqi�ia6f wa6..trcm Iioma amA�an Dusms� a c 390Gi➢[tdID omIIRtRA � 4SCBe a(tb6 � 10. IafmaneC Iicme� at %s c4� �6aQ mai�+m (a)'wdca�s c�pmstua axxmce �b) m4Ec�vs 5ab�2Y msra�e wrth i�a ad tm ih� One T�fiilim DaQs (SI.00Op00.00} Ia mty atvdmt (el ro�vs iianddY �++��4 mdu�Y F�� �l' �+d y�vpatY d�sg. maa& T..Kmsee md I�omsQ (md sudi ahm u Ii<oa may dapule) fQ a tmt Oo►A5D":m Dattas {57.900.000.0� Cwb� SngW I�it fa bod"eY mPaY � D�D�Y d�age• mda�e6°owza8o ia vw�C cm-awcd md'eiroc � mduda3loor�g zL rmloo3ic8 A�+� Ail a�¢ csvmfca�aElnme MaU dPmasa Cmq�Y.5mm MOA MamB�� �oX Mroatasipmm� CoorTmY-m< MallcfAmainMxicdma�c,asaddilim'flavao�mdy�oridcLioaaawdh�lattm{1o1dsY%'Pr+amMittef�im liomse�3�aitprovideLicmtacav&�aoFvu mwvanoe a laa tSdRy (Jpl daya bdae the Gvt �ry dtSau»�a ei dries Licaau'ntreby uai�a cvsY dam whidi ai�o ar mey rise m its fs�m� md a�aiut S:caowr 8am6 ih< �am a(this Ago�mmt Q my m�aim ar tmawi haeaF far xy sd aU km a dmce� coviced ay vaiid avi wlled�ble mmms pdid� so t6a aamt t6s s,� lo� Q damage i �a.vcd imda w�h mxv+ace Polics Sufi w�i+�r sLaII bcro sdm/im W, sd nc� s Q�iac of. ma atDa wwc a rclme autm�6 m IhisAgcmo�c.�pb x�ac to �y !ns w Jmagetop�apatyaf Licesse. I I. Ap�Dyup�t aod 3aWeataL: Liomsae Jhdl xt �gi �hia A�, a�y mtve4 m i4a Agema�; a pamtit th< �ex of �L< Pr�iscs by �aY D�Y dLr :ha LicytceasPamittndha�a«ptwjtlttFfepriawiit7m�pcovnldL"xmta. AnY+�Pm�gvemswREwrct�a4marinm�msmtufii<msxsWUEcauUmdvoid I2 Seaufry: fiamaoc a�g ilP raymabiSty fa sws'r.Y `a ati P�s a0mdm8 Licrosec's n^mt. ds9DuY DoclhA advat�g mvaial. Hood%hdd Far d:aplry a Wc n¢dparmai�'assawadamed6yiiansoc Sismax�adram�k�SadowAcdyesWaxfY�+riryaavimw4idtmaYbcpiwidedbyIi�sr�eUbefarlinrit�+dP�P��: �ndisnamQiamtwprovidsallaxtv2yn�yfaLiw�soe'sevmL T3aaa6nUaaJ�ecyrondes+damta�avi�cw'=mamtm cmtrdafits es ewiues �e �plul'eef. f�+sats a 13. Sd. L7 33aarer. ID tlu evmt 7ha lim�r sdls.lases a auvrys ihe P+mixs, Liomu mnY u�atap�wi�g Iba LioeiaewAh a tmdmrymti« a�g� 74is Agwnmt W its auoc�a �d licmwe s'taD be relmed Gom my iiabilbY siffig lhadlc Daaed t�pao aeY of dx ta� d 16is A�ammt and I�cmae ag�m io iook soldy K limisa'ssueamexehaedte. Lian 14. Ta:w aud Yea¢: Lioimes a9ao tn WY P'"�lY sll aeim. asa aasemd my othv;xvsaal m/ liemace fea..t�i� aee required w bepaid by Licmxe ar Liam.9w witL:eapai w Licrosae's meoStLoPr�so aey govmm.eiolairthority�. Ts. coudms: I;cros�,esav� �u anamqm, amama T'�e�. �ry �na sm�v,i�s ma may� prw�e � na�s a�a �vias.s rt ao� d'ami)'at6fa��tmdepmd�cmtraaaa. NowctidefoalmdbeveagcafJa�*disPiamam 'PP�'P^'�Cett6a x6 Premotlon snd Advaetlmlag: I,ioafm �eip amd to liemsa fae its M'iew aod appcoval (nd to bn w�avoeabty uittsfid3) two mpies d al[ cadio md :devaim amdmcmmfs mdalI �ctpltotocepiei{xowtityai a¢d aka•••••.=•t• pn� rdnus. adn'rltue�eeocs, aissbav mmdsa�d d"caXana JERrc3ut�d m o� J�mcvW wi$ �ha triul � 6Y i5ii�n�ml I�1maLWtRi0E5 wiQ IXamf by (.u�6oe b.' �nm9A'tQ. tca4 tbutl' (3�1 dayg�r[taft0 (o<ntmdeC dnle d Qi�ii di4i1MR34f Of rclems. Iaom'..eeaglers od W y�YK C'461p'sgK.b0tl0<K.D� R t�E I17C0 wlfhCUi o�WmmBA�Ia1'tNf'3� O�RLOL ftOm �.iCmsR. 17. 9erae MaJear: EI16tt DffitY �sg ta�o.Ke ar gtt}+md 'Es ooL•8etims audc W'tt 1�giaemdtt if a� obti�ti¢�g as a.w..�:srY �Y� 7mmted x rutdrted uvpnRirri by any e�mt io me aAmt au3 evmt is beycnd the:wem.chie amtrol o!'be Pmty whoee Pafa�mm'rs preventai a rmdeed �praceirrt hi my wd+ e�au. s�A Pnrt} �lall netbe nabkta the ahc �ar Casy x Poi[tmtoo�'wm $s ob`u8�ats. txs�tthw�alt be aprqvtaSZemKtirm ci t6e cm.ideatim w4i3t �eaad uSav.is be paysbs s a�hawiu duc iIDdc tfi'raAgieqnavl lII. T.iwaaor s l��t vf &pt�'� inPamillciSNevaooE+Le PS'emida. Licmmv� Axsaoc td'ctywda �d dvahQeby�va� IE¢ ti86t b miaec aU ueo�.vy md y�q�or tula !v �M maen&`mmt md c�r�4ms ^�f ywh �aoe Du}Y a�lhanud :eq(osalUtives oC:icmua may mta Wc Pt�a al my t�c md m afY oxaam witLouc my rmiaiai ++Aa�ec�wa. 19- Pea-&zd�dvoIIs« I.iomsor�aaRhavetheci�ttousecryamae6envofmYl�mdi6sH.�mtSpxsaag�antedtoLc�ee.mdcU�io,age�otmmypenm, Cma.trm4itYreg�eadt6enatuneaFQitweoPau�dLQ� I{anYPatLafiSeP4�isasbeoomo�smqeaaatttoedbyIiomaee.Liomaarmay�asttdtapncebd6as Iv d,r evm4 slt'scea+alram�<rdiemud�ss �a0 baatm LSomscc. xR TWaatt If S.icanee defadts m 4sc peqtaemma d' my d' f6e tams md amdtlims d this Agrcmmt, ro�ie, wdLaut I�Satioa. tbe p:ymmt aFFea wd tSc messrtmoce ot'maam«. �Lm Liwax. a da opnm. m+r �r:cmiene ue's A.Br�mt whaapm E:e�,s's�6ts md emdeg�,mde rhis ng..meus 9�a7I m�.triy tammste Sn1CeNdY5aths6dwillamvaro�hiieLimueaiammBthePt�L+�meorhasdfen�ytin�iadyxammael,i�snt'suxoflheP[�oQwitSartpric`adicOW Liemaec laadd'aicaLioa�eee3�aL6elinbkfaaUd�magaauedbywdsdd'�k 21. &tflnAymwenL•'I Ire modiCtnliars ofanel� dthis A��be m Paae er�ai �m1�ID �+xIIms txlo�tedby a0pvrtieLedn sz P�nww1 Avy.. c� 3�...: L�w�as +bnII brvo n:im !br a}t mwms mes Qan Lioexas apm it pnansl RiOP°�Y in Wa Ycma�ss oC Lxmax Q rts mv2era Such PT�?`�Y�Wlaabei�owdwitLa¢Utearumtd2iamar:�tsixiSamamtS�seIi�s6a11�asSavebe�paid VpmtlxomsrmssafineveWCfd#mhby+.i�s�.I.iommr �all hava �6e qftiqf, m adddiw to �y �La iemHies b mlr �Le Pc�sm md Like p�ao d�y P� P'�P°nY of Licrosa nt ils mr'asa. to edt iLe mmnawilb a w�.thout mCoet pmatexpub]ic sa:t, x u6i�h L�amav QibmiBu � makepm3raa� �d W aPDtY �he ptocwCs, 2es o�msn cmpmed wrt8 Uu hltm8 ofc�m a�d aale. as a rtedit �8� �S ��bY Liam�aew Ixmsa- AaY�Pbu drsU bepsdto 7i�essac Akemti�xly.tbe tim haeby �ntod ms1' be mfaxod by Ii �max m sty ehv mmmagovidcd by]au�CaforodesiuttfdcKdmo4g�ea. A�'ttAay6mCarmtuootbaebywevei 2S. 7.IUdAitloa d IiaeUitp; H I.ie,aux d%t�os a mmc! 1� s8� �� �g E� any dsFauh a atLa da� a�y waa a io oams�uca w;� thn F�e�m� Liomaee�dl eoD)eei b tlusie�+��Y faat mntg�e,loek adrlY b t6e mtaea d Lio�. LLs ma�aa md a�Bm, ie tbs H�m. Cmte fa the aiida�tim of su� 7Ndffiam� No abr roY a Pe+m� Pf�Y �iiomaor a+eY e�� P�+a � Liomas eb.iU bs aibjea w 7c.y m a�i� my w<h jed�m� No�md"mB suy�tring W We CmCm7 m iLis Apem�mttt�as�all Ee a�yaoAasma� jiabt�"KY m D�. f�c a mtiSio who cmSitIXe Ii�ar wikaxcyian W yY d fhe tentt oovmmts. cmdsims aed ON'++�ms oCthia Agammt�d my s� tiabliy sbaebywcv�ad rdmoaaby Licros�a x4 Ma�m¢niApnn + t�q m wbde p' a D�. bS �O�Y� af Li�o9[ b3't6s mioe�iY aBmt af Liaaaor cc its �IoY� � bY .ne a niatt iltcd yea�s laard by Liomaw v fLe mme�¢g sgaC of L+tmaer. Liamcee age� that upm Liemacr'a�xiltm isqaat 3 wiD mtc ato �rm age+mmts wCh themmssmg a�mt d L�.mar a ahc partia dm�m.d Dy Lauw fa s6e fiimi�lmeafsYaadasnaesra7u"sedtobe�dbyL�ommrhaa�udet.'nfamxdcmtmt+Fp+owdbyLi�wr. _ _ 25. BmiellameTems: 1 LsAp�c�n 3 iawb�e 6 battdihctams�dp[mivmsof�IIe 3 aseLicroseTamsaxpMb44emdmoapaatad6usaDylBittd'am�s ssiCfnllyaafanLLacm ' S6. T.rndmNoa: AimYe� Lio�v�Yfa�atstheAge�mtbyProwi�BLiwfrwu'iNtm(10)dryP�wr'ntmnaieeefiammalcm. �sEocvm�o(myw�L tammticu hy Iic.uwr.Ismsre's opygo{i+asPuravmtrotLeP+awdu ofWctAgfe�Lt �.i:l b.appatimd a ateSe �'aaivemie aftammatiao. 27. M1smHanw�s: AfI ri�qs, D�a ed W��� Wefa�� haramdet vDm Licmxr 3saII be trimuldnc s add'rtim co �Lae giveu by taw. T.iawsa's rula md �isimsaaa�dsadadmo�ar�rod'mtofhbAgemf�by[damce Iicmaaxo¢veslheri�tfodmi�sud�ruim�dxp�i�tiu6Gaml�etntimemdauhd�mmged:ul�aanz �+ous �aFl bame s pert c[this A.�mmi. 7PmY tam orymviim dthss Ago�mt �aq, to my oaa�t be d6mund by a mmt d�petmt Pvi�Ctim to Da invaiid a �[e, ehe s�+mdn af Wis A�mt yy�ll ad 6s a8aaad 0areby. ad md� tam acd p,oveim d i6s ABem� duII be wlid md bs mfa�q+We to+he 6ilE� eMmt P��� bY Iuw. 7n i6¢ �umt MmY ieigatieo aYSma oae oEtheae�tumtioa ]m�qtotLis nga�mt a a� amatim+rith thata� mdprovssims ofilin A�vmaa. Wepmailm8 penY m ay axfi L4S�m �a12 Da �tst(edia itsmtlsapdirama6le ft�e5''a [eea as�Dy tde eoutt M* TOTPL PP.GE.6�3 **