97-488Council File # ° E � — � �'�' Green Sheet # S Q y� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 3� 1 WI�REAS, the Minnesota State Legislature is considering forming a Criminai Gang Council and Strike Force; and 2 WHEREAS, the Cruninal Gang Council will be collecting data on individuals in out community to determine gang 3 affiliation, and there is no criteria set forth for determnung what a gang or gang member is; now therefore be it 4 RESOLVED, that the administration present before council on Apri130, 1997 an analysis of the current legislation 5 and propose criteria that would appropriately identify those persons associated with gangs, while protecting the other 6 members of our community. Requested by Department of: Adoptio� fied by Council Secretary B � `�- ��o�- - _ Approved by Mayor: Date �C� 1 I� �� 7' By: �./L� � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted 6y Council: Date N__�.J� 3�� .7 � u F�� DEPAfl7MENT10FFlCElCOUNqL DATE iNfT1ASED —� /' • u v GREEN SHEET No. 5 0 4 2 INff1Al! DAiE INfTIAUDA7E CON�A PERSON & PHONE � DEPAFi7MEM DIHECfOfl O CfTY COUNqL ea�em wn O«rr ArrawEV 0 cm a�a�c MUST 6E ON COU L AGENDA BV (DA'f� flOUiHiG � BUD(iEf DIFiECTOfl � FlN. & M(iT. SEPVICES dR. � � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANTI � TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUH� ACTION FEQUESTED: D'uecting the adminishation to provide an analysis of ihe Criminal Gang Council and Strike Force Legislation. RECOMMENDAiIONS: Appmee (A) a ReJect (F� CpUNqL CONMRTEE/RESEARCH FiEPOHT OPTIONAL __ PIANPNNG COMMiS510N — qVIL SERYICE CYJMMISSION ANALYST PNONE NO. _ qB COMMRTEE _ COMMENTS: _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL O&IECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNRV (NTo, Whet, When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISMVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPWN) Status of S.F. No. 1880 (1997f1998) Status of S.F. No.1880 in Senate: SOth Legislative Session (1997-1998) T�t of S.F. No. 1880 9'1 �l �'�' Page 1 of 1 SF1880 I DATE 104/18/97 STATUS RN=97-3554 � ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- SF 1880 1041�8/97�Introduction and first reading 104J08/97�Referred to Human Resources Finance SUB ( ) 104f10J97�COmmittee xeport: To pass as amended 104j1Oj971Second reading SPP: AUTHORS: �04I141971Special Order: Amended Ke11y, R.C. j04I14/97�Third reading Passed 062-003 Ranum �04/lA/97�AUthor added Knutson Neuville I I Spear I I Knutson I I I I SHORT DESCRIPTION � � Omnibus criminal justice,� I corxections and public I I de£ense appropriations I I SENATE INFORMATION DATE UNOFFICIAL STATUS SF2880 OMNIBUS CRINIE PREVENTION AND JUDICIARY BILL HUMAN RESOURCES FINANCE CONP�IITTEE 4/8/97 Meeting scheduled for 4 pm - Room 112, Capitol 4/8/97 Amended and recommended pass Status of S.F. No. 1880 in House. SF1880 I DATE 104/1�197 STATUS RN=97-3554 I SF 1880 SUB ( AOTHORS: Kelly, R.C. Ranum Neuville Spear Knutson 104j15/971Received from Senate 104/15/971Senate File first reading, referred to I IJudiciary I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SHORT DESCRIPTION I I Omnibus judiciary finance� f and crime prevention I I bill, and money I I appropriated. I I HOUSE INFORMATZON DATE UNOFFICIAL ACTION HISTORY SF1880 4-17-97 - Judiciary CommiGtee; hearzng scheduled for 10:00 a.m., 10 State Office Building Get Status for another bill. http:l/www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/getstatus.pl?number=1880&body=senate&session=lsf4/21 /97 H.F No. 163, as introduced Minn es+�ta �tate KEY: ���� = old language to be removed underscored = new language to be added Page 1 of 4 ��-�,�f NOTB: If you cannot see any difference in the key above, you need to chang.e the displav of stricken andior underscored language. H.F No.163, as introduced: 80th Legislafive Session (1997-1948) Authors and Status l.l 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 l.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1_22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2 . 10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 A bill for an act relating to crime prevention; creating a criminal ganq council and strike force to develop and implement a strategy to investigate and prosecute crimes committed by criminal gangs throughout the state; authorizing the council to make various grants; appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 299A. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 5ection l. [299A.625] [CRIMINAL GANG COUNCIL AND STRIKE FORCE; GRANTS AUTHORIZED.] http:((wwwsevisor.leg.state.mn.us(cgi-binlbldbi11.p1?bi11=H0163.0&session=1s80 4(21/97 H.F No. 163, as introduced z.i� 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.2? 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 J.2Z 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3_28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 A.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Page 2 of 4 �l''Z -`-1 �'8' http:/Jwww.revisor.leg.state.mn.usJcgi-binlbldbill.pl?bi11=H0163.0&session=1s80 4/21l97 H.F No. 163, as introduced 4.9 includinq, but not limit 4.10 prosecuting cases involv 4.11 witnesses, and cooperati 4.12 developing and building 4.13 approved by the council 4.14 (q) The assistant att 4.15 force, in addition to he 4.16 paragraph (f) and in car 4.17 in the policy after it i 4.18 generally advise the cou �.19 deems appropriate. 4.2� Subd. 2. {STATEWIDE 4.21 of£icers who are members 4.22 statewide juxisdiction t 4.23 shall possess the same F 4.24 sheriff. s in s as JURISDICTION.] strike and bv a 9.25 Subd. 3. [LIABILITY AND WORKERS' COMPENSATION.j While 4.26 operatinq under the scope of this section, members of the strike 4.27 force are "employees of the state" 4.28 and are considered employees of th 4.29 for purposes o£ chapter 176. 4.3Q Subd. 4. [REQUIRED REPORT.] By 4.31 the council shall report to the ch 4.32 of representatives committees or d 4.33 over criminal justice policV and f 4.34 the council and strike force. 4.35 Subd. 5. [REIMBURSEMENT GRANTS 9.36 may award grants to loca 5.1 attorney's and sheriff's 5.2 have contributed members 5.3 to replace those who hav 5_4 two-year period and reia 5.5 pexcent of the salary of 5.6 grant under this subdivi 5.7 person to replace the pe 5.8 thus, keeping its comple 5.9 The money may not be use 5.10 Subd. 6. [GRANTS TO 5.11 CRIMINAL GANGS.] (a) The 5.12 enforcement agencies anc 5.13 expand the aqency's or c 5.14 investiqate and prosecut 5.15 (b) Grant applicants 5.16 the council a detailed F 5.17 money wi11 be put. The 5.18 applications and award c 5.19 positive results. The c 5.20 necessary equipment and 5.21 if the council determine 5.22 recipient'S attempts to 5.23 require recipients of qr 5.24 council detailing the sti 5.25 criminal ganqs. 5.26 (c) The council shall 5.27 subdivision to require t 5.28 the council and the burE 5.29 and expanding a comprehe 5.30 and in implementing the 5.31 combat criminal gangs. 5.32 the council and bureau u 5.33 the activities and chara 5.34 members operating withir 5.35 Sec. 2. [ASSIGNMENT 5.36 AGBNTS TO STRIKE FORCE.] rs AOTHORIZED.] The council cement agencies, county nd other oraanizations that rse the re he departe� on shall u on who has nt of empl to pav for or Page 3 of 4 q "�j - `\ �'�' http:/{www.revisar.leg.state.mn.us{cgi-bin/bldball.pl?bi11=H0163.0&session=1s80 4/21f97 H.F No. 163, as introduced 6.1 The superintendent of the bureau of criminal apprehen. 6.2 shall assiqn experienced aqents to the strike force desc: 6.3 section 1. These agents sha11 operate exclusively for t: 6.4 purposes listed in section 1 under the protocol develope� 6.5 criminal gang oversiqht council. 6.6 Sec. 3. [ASSIGNMENT OF ASSiSTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL TO 6.7 STRSKE FORCE.] 6.8 The attorney general shall assi 6.9 qeneral experienced in the prosecu 6.10 criminal qanqs to the strike force 6.11 attorney shall operate exclusively 6.12 section 1 under the protocol devel 6.13 oversiqht council. 6.14 Sec. 4. [APPRQPRIATIONS.] 6.15 Subdivision 1. [PUBLIC SAFETY. 6.16 from the qeneral fund to the commi 6.17 the biennium endinq June 30, 1999, 6.18 qang oversiqht council to be used 6.19 authorized in section 1, subdivisi 6.20 organization and operation of the 6.21 section 1. The council mav use pa 6.22 procure necessary equipment and pa 6.23 necessary by the council. However 6.24 minimize expenses related to equip 6.25 entities to contribute equipment a 6.26 force. the gn an assistant attorney tion of crimes committed by described in section 1. This for the purposes listed in oped by the criminal gang ] $....... is appropriated ssioner of public safety for for a grant to the criminal by the council for the grants ons 5 and 6, and to fund the strike force described in rt of this appropriation to y other expenses deemed , the council shall seek to ment by encouraging local nd other suoport to the strike 6.27 Subd. 2. [BUREAU OF CRTMINAL APPREHENSION.] 6.28 is appropriated from the general fund to the st 6.29 the bureau of criminal apprehensio 6.30 30, 1999, to hire new agents to re� 6.31 criminal gang strike force. 6.32 (b) $....... is appropriated fr 6.33 superintendent of the bureau of cr 6.34 biennium ending June 30, 1999, to 6.35 database of information regarding 6.36 characteristics o£ criminal qangs 7.1 the state. 7.2 Subd. 3. [ATTORNEY GENERAL.] $ 7.3 the qeneral fund to the attorney g 7.4 June 30, 1999, to hire an assistan 7.5 the one assianed to the criminal a a ve of t Page 4 of 4 � http:!(www.revisor.leg.state.snn.uslcgi-binJbldbiil.pl?bi11=H0163.0&session=1s80 4121197 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 perpetrators. Sec. 18. [FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FAMILY VIOLENCE COORDINATING COUNCIL PILOT PROGE2AIK. ] Subdivision 1. [PLANNING GRANTS FOR FOURTH JUDICIAL �r Minnesota Statutes Sections 1 to 19 are efPective 3uly l, 1997. ARTICLE 3 CRIMINAL GANG PROVISIONS Section l. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 13.99, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 90b. CCRIMINAL GANG INVESTIGATIVE DATA SYSTEM.] Data in the criminal qang investigative data sVstem are classiPied in Page 25 of 115 q`1-�1 �'�' httpJiwwwsevisar.leg.state.mn.us/cgi-binibldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4/22/97 services to adult and child victims of domestic abuse and perpetrators of domestic abuse; S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 34.35 34.36 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 35.7 35.8 35.9 35.10 35.11 35.12 35.13 35.14 35.15 35.16 35.17 35.18 35.19 35.20 35.21 35.22 35.23 35.24 35.25 35.26 35.27 35.28 35.29 35.30 35.31 35.32 35.33 35.34 35.35 35.36 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.7 36.8 36.9 36.10 36_11 36.12 36.13 36.14 36.15 36.16 36.17 36.18 36.19 36.20 36.21 36.22 36.23 36.24 36.25 36.26 Page 26 of 115 section 299C.091. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 260.161, subdivision 1, is amended to xead: Subdivision L [RECORDS REQUIRED TO BE KEPT.] (a) The juvenile court judge shall keep such minutes and in such manner as the court deems necessary and proper. Excepti as provided in paragraph (b), the court shall keep and maintain records pertaining to delinquent adjudications until the person reaches the age of 28 years and sha11 release the records on an individual to another juvenile court that has jurisdiction of the juvenile, to a requesting adult court for purposes o£ sentencing, or to an adult courL or juvenile court as required by the right o£ confrontation oP either trie United States Constitution or the Minnesota Constitution. The juvenile court shall provide, upon the request of any other juvenile court, copies of the records concerning adjudications involvinq the particular child. The court also may grovide copies of records concerning delinquency adjudications, on request, to law enforcement agencies,"probation officers, and corrections agents if the court finds that providing these records serves public safety or is in the best interests of the child. Until July 1, 1999, juvenile court delinquency proceeding records of adiudications, court transcriots, and delino'uencv r�etitions, mental health reports may not be inclucfefl with those recorfls. The records have the same data classification in the hands of the agency receiving them as they had in the hands of the court. The court shall also keep an index in which files pertaining to juvenile matters sha11 be indesed under the name of the child. After the name o£ each file shall be shown the file number and, if ordered by the court, the book and page of the register in which the documents pertaining to such file are listed. The court shall also keep a register properly indexed in which shall be listed under the name of the child all documents filed pertaining to the child and in the order filed. The list shall show the name of the document and the date oP filing thereof. The juvenile court 1ega1 records shall be deposited in files and shall include the petition, summons, notice, findings, orders, decrees, judgments, and motions and such other matters as the court deems necessary and proper. Unless otherwise provided by law, all court records shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of any child to whom the records relate, and to the child's parent and guardian. (b1 The court shall retain records of the court finding that a juvenile committed an act that would be a£elony or gross misdemeanor level offense until the offender reaches the age of 28. If the o£fender commits a�elony as an adult, or the court convicts a child as an extended jurisdiction juvenile, the court shall retain the juvenile records for as long as the records would have been retained if the offender had been an adult at the time of the juvenile o£fense. This paragraph does not apply unless the juvenile was provided counsel as required by section 260.155, subdivision 2. Sec. 3. [299A.625] [CRIMINAL GANG COUNCIL AND STRIKS FORCE.] �( �"� _ �l �� http:/1www.revisorleg.state.mn.us/cgi-binlbldbill.pi?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4122197 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 36.27 36.28 36.29 36.30 36.31 36.32 36.33 36.34 36.35 Subd. 2. [WORKING GROUPS.] 36_36 enforcement workinq group and < 37.1 law en£orcement working grouo < 37.2 public safety; the superintendf 37.3 apprehension; the chiefs of po: 37.4 Duluth; the executive director 37.5 association; the executive dira 37.6 association; the executive dirE 37.7 peace officers association; an� 37.8 and Olmsted county sheriffs. 37.9 shall serve as its chair. 37.10 37.11 37.12 37.13 37.14 37.15 37.16 37.17 37.18 37.19 37.20 37.21 37.22 37.23 37.24 37.25 37.26 37.27 37.28 37.29 37.30 37.31 37.32 37.33 37.34 37.35 Subdivision l. 37.36 council shall coor 38.1 and shall develop 38.2 caused to the public by crimin� 3°.3 activities within the state of 38.9 strategy, the council shall co: 38.5 the community services divisio�. 38.6 corrections and federal probat. 38.7 United States district court o 38.8 practicable, the strate must 38.9 operatinq in the state regardl 38.10 or ethnicity of the qangs` mem 38.11 criminal gangs in both the met 38.12 Minnesota. The council shall 38.13 the needs of law en£orcement a 38.14 in qreater Minnesota in develo 38.15 must tarqet individuals or qro 38.16 behavior, not their physical a� 38.17 into account the rights of gro 38.18 strike force mav taraet and pr ess 0 a chieTS o lr iileqal developing the sentatives from ta department of loyed by the far as minal qanqs or the motivation egy must address nd greater take into account ecutorial offices y. The strategy ir criminal strateav must take Page 27 of ll5 �(� -`1�� http:llwwwsevisorleg.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/bldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4/22{97 [COORDINATION AND STRATEGY.) (a) The dinate the efforts of the two working groups, an overall strateav to eliminate the harm S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 38.19 38.20 38.21 38.22 38.23 38.24 38.25 38.26 38.27 38.28 38.29 38.30 38.31 38.32 38.33 38.34 38.35 38.36 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 39.6 39.7 39.8 39.9 39.10 39.11 39.12 39.13 39.14 39.15 39.16 39.17 39.18 39.19 39.20 39.21 39.22 39.23 39.24 39.25 39.26 39.27 39.28 39.29 39.3� 39.31 39.32 39.33 39.34 39.35 39.36 4Q,1 40.2 40.3 40.4 40.5 40.6 40.7 4Q.8 40.9 40.10 Page 28 of I 15 ��-�1��' httpJ/www.revisar.leg.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/bldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4/22/97 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 40.11 40.12 40.13 40.14 40.15 40.16 90.17 40.18 �0.19 �0.20 40.21 40.22 40.23 40_24 40.25 40.26 40.27 40.28 40.29 40.30 40.31 40.32 40.33 40.34 90.35 90.36 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.4 41.5 41.6 41.7 41.8 91.9 41.10 41.11 41.12 41.13 41.14 41.15 41.16 41.17 41.18 41.19 41.20 41.21 41.22 41.23 41.24 41.25 41.26 41.27 41.28 41.29 41.30 41.31 41.32 41.33 41.3A 41.35 41.36 42.1 42.2 on a [COMMANDERS.j The law enforcement workinq qroup te a law enforcement officer who is a member o£ the serve Page 29 of 115 a� -y �� http:/Iwww.revisarleg.state.mn.uskgi-bin/bldbiil.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4/22/97 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 42.3 qenerally advise the council on 42.4 deems appropriate. The council : �2_5 attorneys and, if the council de 42.6 may retain outside counsel. 42.7 Subd. 8. [REQUIRED REPORT.] 42.8 the council shall report to the 92.9 oP representatives committees or 42.10 over criminal justice policy and 92.11 the council and strike iorce. matters that the 42.12 Sec. 5. [299A.627] [JURISDICTION AND LIABILITY.] 42.13 Subdivision l. [STATEWIDE JURTSDICTION.] Law en1 42.14 of£icers who are members of the 42.15 jurisdiction to conduct criminal 42.16 same powers o£ arrest as those p 42.17 Prosecutors who are members of t 42.18 powers of county and city attorn 42.19 investiqated by the law en£orcem 42.20 strike £orce throughout the stat 42.21 Subd. 2. [LIABILITY AND WORK 92.22 operatinq under the scope of thi 42.23 force are "employees of the stat 42.24 and are considered employees of 42.25 for purposes of chapter 176. ons and possess the s ' COMPENSATION.] While oY nublic 42.26 Sec. 6. [299A.628] [GRANT PROGRAMS.] 42.27 Subdivision 1. [REIMBURSEMENT GRANTS AUTHORIZED.] The 42.28 commissioner of public safety, u 42.29 council, may award grants to loc 42.30 county attorney's and sherif£'s 42.31 that have contributed members to §2.32 persons to replace those who hav 42.33 cover a two-year period and reim 42.39 maximum oP 100 percent o£ the sa 42.35 to the strike force. A recipien 42.36 subdivision must use the money t 93.1 the person who has joined the st 93.2 complement of employees at the s 43.3 used to pay for equipment or uni 43.4 Subd, 2. [GRANTS TO EXPAND L 43.5 CRIMINAL GANGS.] (a) The commiss 43.6 recommendation of the council, m 43.7 enforcement agencies and city an 43.8 expand the aqency's or oPfice's 93.9 investiqate and prosecute crimes 43.10 (b) Grant applicants under th 43.11 the commissioner and the council 43.12 uses for which the money will be 43.13 council shall evaluate qrant app 43.14 -' 43_15 43.16 43.17 43.18 43.19 43.20 43.21 43.22 43.23 43.24 43.25 43.26 43.27 43.28 43.29 43.30 a s replace ng its mav not be APACITY TO COMBAT of oublic safetv, u a Page 30 of 115 �1 http:/iwwwxevisorleg.state.mn.usJcgi-bin/bldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4122197 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Bngrossment 43.31 Sec. 7. 43.32 SYSTEM.] 43.33 43.34 43.35 a3.36 44.1 94.2 44.3 44.4 94.5 44.6 44.7 aa_g 44.9 44.10 44.11 44.12 44.13 44.14 44.15 44.16 §4.17 44.18 44.19 44.20 44.21 44.22 44.23 (12 the individual h 44.24 or identifying characte 44.25 the criminal gang overs 44.26 requixed by the council 44.27 (2) the individual h 4A.28 misdemeanor or felony o 44.29 adjudication as a juven 44.30 misdemeanor or felony i 44.31 Subd. 3. [CLASSIFIC 44.32 criminal gang investiqa 44.33 individuals as defined 44.34 accessible to law enfor 44.35 the criminal justice ag 44.36 Subd. 4. [AUDIT OF 45.1 sha11 conduct periodic 45.2 that documents inclusio 45.3 investiqative data syst 45.4 validity, completeness, 45.5 system. The bureau has 45.6 purposes of conducting 45.7 45.8 45.9 45.10 45.11 45.12 45.13 45.14 45.15 45.16 45.17 45.18 45.19 45.20 45.21 45.22 AGENTS TO STRIKE FORCE. ight council uncter section ZyyH.bZ6 as ; and as been convicted o£ a gross r has been adjudicated or has a stayed ile for an offense that would be a gross f committed by an adult. ATION OF DATA IN SYSTEM.) Data in the tive data system are confidential data on in section 13.02, subdivision 3, but are cement aqencies and may be released to encies. DATA SUBMITTED TO SYSTEM.] The bureau random audits of data under subdivision 2 n of an individual in the criminal qanq em for the purpose of determining the and accuracy oP data submitted to the access to the documenting data for an audit. Page 31 of 115 1 l -`� �� http:1/wwwsevisar.leg.state.mn.us(cgi-bin/bldbill.pl?bi11=S188Q.2&session=1s80 4(22(97 [299C.091] [CRIMINAL GANG INVESTIGATIVE DATA S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 45 45 45 n5 a5 e5 45 45 45 45 a5 95 95 45 46 46 46 46 46 96 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 96 46 46 47 §7 47 Q7 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3fl 35 36 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1§ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Sec. 9. [P STRZKE FORCE.] The attorne IGNMENT OF ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL TO sha11 assian an assistant att te exclusive Page 32 of 115 in � '.1 _L� J j�d ( Minnesota Statutes, sections 299A.625 to 299A.628, expire June 30, 2001_ Sec. 11. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] Sections 1 to 10 are ef£ective July 1, 1997. ARTICLE 4 CHILDREN IN NEED OF PROTECTION OR SERVICES PROVISIONS Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 256E.03, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. (a) "Community social services" means services provided or arranged for by county boards to fu1fi11 the responsibilities prescribed in section 256E.08, subdivision l, to the £ollowing groups of persons: (1) families with children under age 18, who are experiencing child dependency, neglect or abuse, and also pregnant adolescents, adolescent parents under the age of 18,— and their children, and other adolescents; (2) persons, includinq adolescents, who are under the guaxdianship of the commissioner of human services as dependent and neglected wards; (3) adults who are in need of protection and vulnerable as de£ined in section 626.5572; (4) persons age 60 and over who are experiencing dif£iculty living independently and are unable to provide for their own needs; (5) emotionally disturbed children and adolescents, chronically and acutely mentally il1 persons who are unable to provide for their own needs or to independently engage in ordinary community activities; (6) pexsons with mental retardation as defined in section 252A.02, subdivision 2, or with related conditions as defined in section 252.27, subdivision la, who are unable to provide for their own needs or to independently engage in ordinary community activities; (7) drug dependent and intoxicated persons, including adolescents, as defined in section 254A.02, subdivisions 5 and 7, and persons, including adolescents, at risk of harm to self or others due to the ingestion of alcohol or other drugs; - (8) parents whose income is at or below 70 percent of the state median income and who are in need of child care services in order to secure or retain employment or to obtain the training or education necessary to secure employment; a-t� (9) children and adolescents involved in or at risk of involvement with criminal activitv: and (10) ather groups of persons who, in the judqment of the county board, are in need of social services. (b) Except as provided in section 256E.08, subdivision 5, community social services do not include public assistance programs known as aid to families with dependent children, Minnesota supplemental aid, medical assistance, general http:/lwww.revisorlegstate.mn.usfcgi-bin(bldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=ls8Q 4(22/97 �i � - yg8 Identificatian of Gang Members A gang is a group or association of three or more persons who may have a common identifying sign, symbol or name, and who individually or collectively engage in criminal activity. An individual is identified as a gang member based on verifyin� at least three o the ollawing criteria and thev have a convictiord� udication�'or a gross misdemeanor or j'elorrX: 1. Admits gang membership or association. 2. Is observed to associated on a regular basis with known gang members. 3. Has tattoos indicating gang membership. 4. Wears gang symbols to idemify with a specific gang. 5. Is in a photograph with known gang members andlor using gang hand signs. 6. Name is on a gang document or gang-related graffiti. 7. Is identified as a gang member by a reliable source. 8. Arrested in the company of identified gang members. 9. Corresponds with know gang members or writes and/or receives correspondence about gang activities. 10. Writes about gangs on wa11s, books, paper, etc. Council File # ° E � — � �'�' Green Sheet # S Q y� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 3� 1 WI�REAS, the Minnesota State Legislature is considering forming a Criminai Gang Council and Strike Force; and 2 WHEREAS, the Cruninal Gang Council will be collecting data on individuals in out community to determine gang 3 affiliation, and there is no criteria set forth for determnung what a gang or gang member is; now therefore be it 4 RESOLVED, that the administration present before council on Apri130, 1997 an analysis of the current legislation 5 and propose criteria that would appropriately identify those persons associated with gangs, while protecting the other 6 members of our community. Requested by Department of: Adoptio� fied by Council Secretary B � `�- ��o�- - _ Approved by Mayor: Date �C� 1 I� �� 7' By: �./L� � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted 6y Council: Date N__�.J� 3�I �� q�� .7 � u F�� DEPAfl7MENT10FFlCElCOUNqL DATE iNfT1ASED —� /' • u v GREEN SHEET No. 5 0 4 2 INff1Al! DAiE INfTIAUDA7E CON�A PERSON & PHONE � DEPAFi7MEM DIHECfOfl O CfTY COUNqL ea�em wn O«rr ArrawEV 0 cm a�a�c MUST 6E ON COU L AGENDA BV (DA'f� flOUiHiG � BUD(iEf DIFiECTOfl � FlN. & M(iT. SEPVICES dR. � � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANTI � TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUH� ACTION FEQUESTED: D'uecting the adminishation to provide an analysis of ihe Criminal Gang Council and Strike Force Legislation. RECOMMENDAiIONS: Appmee (A) a ReJect (F� CpUNqL CONMRTEE/RESEARCH FiEPOHT OPTIONAL __ PIANPNNG COMMiS510N — qVIL SERYICE CYJMMISSION ANALYST PNONE NO. _ qB COMMRTEE _ COMMENTS: _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL O&IECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNRV (NTo, Whet, When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISMVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPWN) Status of S.F. No. 1880 (1997f1998) Status of S.F. No.1880 in Senate: SOth Legislative Session (1997-1998) T�t of S.F. No. 1880 9'1 �l �'�' Page 1 of 1 SF1880 I DATE 104/18/97 STATUS RN=97-3554 � ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- SF 1880 1041�8/97�Introduction and first reading 104J08/97�Referred to Human Resources Finance SUB ( ) 104f10J97�COmmittee xeport: To pass as amended 104j1Oj971Second reading SPP: AUTHORS: �04I141971Special Order: Amended Ke11y, R.C. j04I14/97�Third reading Passed 062-003 Ranum �04/lA/97�AUthor added Knutson Neuville I I Spear I I Knutson I I I I SHORT DESCRIPTION � � Omnibus criminal justice,� I corxections and public I I de£ense appropriations I I SENATE INFORMATION DATE UNOFFICIAL STATUS SF2880 OMNIBUS CRINIE PREVENTION AND JUDICIARY BILL HUMAN RESOURCES FINANCE CONP�IITTEE 4/8/97 Meeting scheduled for 4 pm - Room 112, Capitol 4/8/97 Amended and recommended pass Status of S.F. No. 1880 in House. SF1880 I DATE 104/1�197 STATUS RN=97-3554 I SF 1880 SUB ( AOTHORS: Kelly, R.C. Ranum Neuville Spear Knutson 104j15/971Received from Senate 104/15/971Senate File first reading, referred to I IJudiciary I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SHORT DESCRIPTION I I Omnibus judiciary finance� f and crime prevention I I bill, and money I I appropriated. I I HOUSE INFORMATZON DATE UNOFFICIAL ACTION HISTORY SF1880 4-17-97 - Judiciary CommiGtee; hearzng scheduled for 10:00 a.m., 10 State Office Building Get Status for another bill. http:l/www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/getstatus.pl?number=1880&body=senate&session=lsf4/21 /97 H.F No. 163, as introduced Minn es+�ta �tate KEY: ���� = old language to be removed underscored = new language to be added Page 1 of 4 ��-�,�f NOTB: If you cannot see any difference in the key above, you need to chang.e the displav of stricken andior underscored language. H.F No.163, as introduced: 80th Legislafive Session (1997-1948) Authors and Status l.l 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 l.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1_22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2 . 10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 A bill for an act relating to crime prevention; creating a criminal ganq council and strike force to develop and implement a strategy to investigate and prosecute crimes committed by criminal gangs throughout the state; authorizing the council to make various grants; appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 299A. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 5ection l. [299A.625] [CRIMINAL GANG COUNCIL AND STRIKE FORCE; GRANTS AUTHORIZED.] http:((wwwsevisor.leg.state.mn.us(cgi-binlbldbi11.p1?bi11=H0163.0&session=1s80 4(21/97 H.F No. 163, as introduced z.i� 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.2? 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 J.2Z 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3_28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 A.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Page 2 of 4 �l''Z -`-1 �'8' http:/Jwww.revisor.leg.state.mn.usJcgi-binlbldbill.pl?bi11=H0163.0&session=1s80 4/21l97 H.F No. 163, as introduced 4.9 includinq, but not limit 4.10 prosecuting cases involv 4.11 witnesses, and cooperati 4.12 developing and building 4.13 approved by the council 4.14 (q) The assistant att 4.15 force, in addition to he 4.16 paragraph (f) and in car 4.17 in the policy after it i 4.18 generally advise the cou �.19 deems appropriate. 4.2� Subd. 2. {STATEWIDE 4.21 of£icers who are members 4.22 statewide juxisdiction t 4.23 shall possess the same F 4.24 sheriff. s in s as JURISDICTION.] strike and bv a 9.25 Subd. 3. [LIABILITY AND WORKERS' COMPENSATION.j While 4.26 operatinq under the scope of this section, members of the strike 4.27 force are "employees of the state" 4.28 and are considered employees of th 4.29 for purposes o£ chapter 176. 4.3Q Subd. 4. [REQUIRED REPORT.] By 4.31 the council shall report to the ch 4.32 of representatives committees or d 4.33 over criminal justice policV and f 4.34 the council and strike force. 4.35 Subd. 5. [REIMBURSEMENT GRANTS 9.36 may award grants to loca 5.1 attorney's and sheriff's 5.2 have contributed members 5.3 to replace those who hav 5_4 two-year period and reia 5.5 pexcent of the salary of 5.6 grant under this subdivi 5.7 person to replace the pe 5.8 thus, keeping its comple 5.9 The money may not be use 5.10 Subd. 6. [GRANTS TO 5.11 CRIMINAL GANGS.] (a) The 5.12 enforcement agencies anc 5.13 expand the aqency's or c 5.14 investiqate and prosecut 5.15 (b) Grant applicants 5.16 the council a detailed F 5.17 money wi11 be put. The 5.18 applications and award c 5.19 positive results. The c 5.20 necessary equipment and 5.21 if the council determine 5.22 recipient'S attempts to 5.23 require recipients of qr 5.24 council detailing the sti 5.25 criminal ganqs. 5.26 (c) The council shall 5.27 subdivision to require t 5.28 the council and the burE 5.29 and expanding a comprehe 5.30 and in implementing the 5.31 combat criminal gangs. 5.32 the council and bureau u 5.33 the activities and chara 5.34 members operating withir 5.35 Sec. 2. [ASSIGNMENT 5.36 AGBNTS TO STRIKE FORCE.] rs AOTHORIZED.] The council cement agencies, county nd other oraanizations that rse the re he departe� on shall u on who has nt of empl to pav for or Page 3 of 4 q "�j - `\ �'�' http:/{www.revisar.leg.state.mn.us{cgi-bin/bldball.pl?bi11=H0163.0&session=1s80 4/21f97 H.F No. 163, as introduced 6.1 The superintendent of the bureau of criminal apprehen. 6.2 shall assiqn experienced aqents to the strike force desc: 6.3 section 1. These agents sha11 operate exclusively for t: 6.4 purposes listed in section 1 under the protocol develope� 6.5 criminal gang oversiqht council. 6.6 Sec. 3. [ASSIGNMENT OF ASSiSTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL TO 6.7 STRSKE FORCE.] 6.8 The attorney general shall assi 6.9 qeneral experienced in the prosecu 6.10 criminal qanqs to the strike force 6.11 attorney shall operate exclusively 6.12 section 1 under the protocol devel 6.13 oversiqht council. 6.14 Sec. 4. [APPRQPRIATIONS.] 6.15 Subdivision 1. [PUBLIC SAFETY. 6.16 from the qeneral fund to the commi 6.17 the biennium endinq June 30, 1999, 6.18 qang oversiqht council to be used 6.19 authorized in section 1, subdivisi 6.20 organization and operation of the 6.21 section 1. The council mav use pa 6.22 procure necessary equipment and pa 6.23 necessary by the council. However 6.24 minimize expenses related to equip 6.25 entities to contribute equipment a 6.26 force. the gn an assistant attorney tion of crimes committed by described in section 1. This for the purposes listed in oped by the criminal gang ] $....... is appropriated ssioner of public safety for for a grant to the criminal by the council for the grants ons 5 and 6, and to fund the strike force described in rt of this appropriation to y other expenses deemed , the council shall seek to ment by encouraging local nd other suoport to the strike 6.27 Subd. 2. [BUREAU OF CRTMINAL APPREHENSION.] 6.28 is appropriated from the general fund to the st 6.29 the bureau of criminal apprehensio 6.30 30, 1999, to hire new agents to re� 6.31 criminal gang strike force. 6.32 (b) $....... is appropriated fr 6.33 superintendent of the bureau of cr 6.34 biennium ending June 30, 1999, to 6.35 database of information regarding 6.36 characteristics o£ criminal qangs 7.1 the state. 7.2 Subd. 3. [ATTORNEY GENERAL.] $ 7.3 the qeneral fund to the attorney g 7.4 June 30, 1999, to hire an assistan 7.5 the one assianed to the criminal a a ve of t Page 4 of 4 � http:!(www.revisor.leg.state.snn.uslcgi-binJbldbiil.pl?bi11=H0163.0&session=1s80 4121197 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 perpetrators. Sec. 18. [FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FAMILY VIOLENCE COORDINATING COUNCIL PILOT PROGE2AIK. ] Subdivision 1. [PLANNING GRANTS FOR FOURTH JUDICIAL �r Minnesota Statutes Sections 1 to 19 are efPective 3uly l, 1997. ARTICLE 3 CRIMINAL GANG PROVISIONS Section l. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 13.99, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 90b. CCRIMINAL GANG INVESTIGATIVE DATA SYSTEM.] Data in the criminal qang investigative data sVstem are classiPied in Page 25 of 115 q`1-�1 �'�' httpJiwwwsevisar.leg.state.mn.us/cgi-binibldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4/22/97 services to adult and child victims of domestic abuse and perpetrators of domestic abuse; S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 34.35 34.36 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 35.7 35.8 35.9 35.10 35.11 35.12 35.13 35.14 35.15 35.16 35.17 35.18 35.19 35.20 35.21 35.22 35.23 35.24 35.25 35.26 35.27 35.28 35.29 35.30 35.31 35.32 35.33 35.34 35.35 35.36 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.7 36.8 36.9 36.10 36_11 36.12 36.13 36.14 36.15 36.16 36.17 36.18 36.19 36.20 36.21 36.22 36.23 36.24 36.25 36.26 Page 26 of 115 section 299C.091. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 260.161, subdivision 1, is amended to xead: Subdivision L [RECORDS REQUIRED TO BE KEPT.] (a) The juvenile court judge shall keep such minutes and in such manner as the court deems necessary and proper. Excepti as provided in paragraph (b), the court shall keep and maintain records pertaining to delinquent adjudications until the person reaches the age of 28 years and sha11 release the records on an individual to another juvenile court that has jurisdiction of the juvenile, to a requesting adult court for purposes o£ sentencing, or to an adult courL or juvenile court as required by the right o£ confrontation oP either trie United States Constitution or the Minnesota Constitution. The juvenile court shall provide, upon the request of any other juvenile court, copies of the records concerning adjudications involvinq the particular child. The court also may grovide copies of records concerning delinquency adjudications, on request, to law enforcement agencies,"probation officers, and corrections agents if the court finds that providing these records serves public safety or is in the best interests of the child. Until July 1, 1999, juvenile court delinquency proceeding records of adiudications, court transcriots, and delino'uencv r�etitions, mental health reports may not be inclucfefl with those recorfls. The records have the same data classification in the hands of the agency receiving them as they had in the hands of the court. The court shall also keep an index in which files pertaining to juvenile matters sha11 be indesed under the name of the child. After the name o£ each file shall be shown the file number and, if ordered by the court, the book and page of the register in which the documents pertaining to such file are listed. The court shall also keep a register properly indexed in which shall be listed under the name of the child all documents filed pertaining to the child and in the order filed. The list shall show the name of the document and the date oP filing thereof. The juvenile court 1ega1 records shall be deposited in files and shall include the petition, summons, notice, findings, orders, decrees, judgments, and motions and such other matters as the court deems necessary and proper. Unless otherwise provided by law, all court records shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of any child to whom the records relate, and to the child's parent and guardian. (b1 The court shall retain records of the court finding that a juvenile committed an act that would be a£elony or gross misdemeanor level offense until the offender reaches the age of 28. If the o£fender commits a�elony as an adult, or the court convicts a child as an extended jurisdiction juvenile, the court shall retain the juvenile records for as long as the records would have been retained if the offender had been an adult at the time of the juvenile o£fense. This paragraph does not apply unless the juvenile was provided counsel as required by section 260.155, subdivision 2. Sec. 3. [299A.625] [CRIMINAL GANG COUNCIL AND STRIKS FORCE.] �( �"� _ �l �� http:/1www.revisorleg.state.mn.us/cgi-binlbldbill.pi?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4122197 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 36.27 36.28 36.29 36.30 36.31 36.32 36.33 36.34 36.35 Subd. 2. [WORKING GROUPS.] 36_36 enforcement workinq group and < 37.1 law en£orcement working grouo < 37.2 public safety; the superintendf 37.3 apprehension; the chiefs of po: 37.4 Duluth; the executive director 37.5 association; the executive dira 37.6 association; the executive dirE 37.7 peace officers association; an� 37.8 and Olmsted county sheriffs. 37.9 shall serve as its chair. 37.10 37.11 37.12 37.13 37.14 37.15 37.16 37.17 37.18 37.19 37.20 37.21 37.22 37.23 37.24 37.25 37.26 37.27 37.28 37.29 37.30 37.31 37.32 37.33 37.34 37.35 Subdivision l. 37.36 council shall coor 38.1 and shall develop 38.2 caused to the public by crimin� 3°.3 activities within the state of 38.9 strategy, the council shall co: 38.5 the community services divisio�. 38.6 corrections and federal probat. 38.7 United States district court o 38.8 practicable, the strate must 38.9 operatinq in the state regardl 38.10 or ethnicity of the qangs` mem 38.11 criminal gangs in both the met 38.12 Minnesota. The council shall 38.13 the needs of law en£orcement a 38.14 in qreater Minnesota in develo 38.15 must tarqet individuals or qro 38.16 behavior, not their physical a� 38.17 into account the rights of gro 38.18 strike force mav taraet and pr ess 0 a chieTS o lr iileqal developing the sentatives from ta department of loyed by the far as minal qanqs or the motivation egy must address nd greater take into account ecutorial offices y. The strategy ir criminal strateav must take Page 27 of ll5 �(� -`1�� http:llwwwsevisorleg.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/bldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4/22{97 [COORDINATION AND STRATEGY.) (a) The dinate the efforts of the two working groups, an overall strateav to eliminate the harm S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 38.19 38.20 38.21 38.22 38.23 38.24 38.25 38.26 38.27 38.28 38.29 38.30 38.31 38.32 38.33 38.34 38.35 38.36 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 39.6 39.7 39.8 39.9 39.10 39.11 39.12 39.13 39.14 39.15 39.16 39.17 39.18 39.19 39.20 39.21 39.22 39.23 39.24 39.25 39.26 39.27 39.28 39.29 39.3� 39.31 39.32 39.33 39.34 39.35 39.36 4Q,1 40.2 40.3 40.4 40.5 40.6 40.7 4Q.8 40.9 40.10 Page 28 of I 15 ��-�1��' httpJ/www.revisar.leg.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/bldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4/22/97 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 40.11 40.12 40.13 40.14 40.15 40.16 90.17 40.18 �0.19 �0.20 40.21 40.22 40.23 40_24 40.25 40.26 40.27 40.28 40.29 40.30 40.31 40.32 40.33 40.34 90.35 90.36 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.4 41.5 41.6 41.7 41.8 91.9 41.10 41.11 41.12 41.13 41.14 41.15 41.16 41.17 41.18 41.19 41.20 41.21 41.22 41.23 41.24 41.25 41.26 41.27 41.28 41.29 41.30 41.31 41.32 41.33 41.3A 41.35 41.36 42.1 42.2 on a [COMMANDERS.j The law enforcement workinq qroup te a law enforcement officer who is a member o£ the serve Page 29 of 115 a� -y �� http:/Iwww.revisarleg.state.mn.uskgi-bin/bldbiil.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4/22/97 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 42.3 qenerally advise the council on 42.4 deems appropriate. The council : �2_5 attorneys and, if the council de 42.6 may retain outside counsel. 42.7 Subd. 8. [REQUIRED REPORT.] 42.8 the council shall report to the 92.9 oP representatives committees or 42.10 over criminal justice policy and 92.11 the council and strike iorce. matters that the 42.12 Sec. 5. [299A.627] [JURISDICTION AND LIABILITY.] 42.13 Subdivision l. [STATEWIDE JURTSDICTION.] Law en1 42.14 of£icers who are members of the 42.15 jurisdiction to conduct criminal 42.16 same powers o£ arrest as those p 42.17 Prosecutors who are members of t 42.18 powers of county and city attorn 42.19 investiqated by the law en£orcem 42.20 strike £orce throughout the stat 42.21 Subd. 2. [LIABILITY AND WORK 92.22 operatinq under the scope of thi 42.23 force are "employees of the stat 42.24 and are considered employees of 42.25 for purposes of chapter 176. ons and possess the s ' COMPENSATION.] While oY nublic 42.26 Sec. 6. [299A.628] [GRANT PROGRAMS.] 42.27 Subdivision 1. [REIMBURSEMENT GRANTS AUTHORIZED.] The 42.28 commissioner of public safety, u 42.29 council, may award grants to loc 42.30 county attorney's and sherif£'s 42.31 that have contributed members to §2.32 persons to replace those who hav 42.33 cover a two-year period and reim 42.39 maximum oP 100 percent o£ the sa 42.35 to the strike force. A recipien 42.36 subdivision must use the money t 93.1 the person who has joined the st 93.2 complement of employees at the s 43.3 used to pay for equipment or uni 43.4 Subd, 2. [GRANTS TO EXPAND L 43.5 CRIMINAL GANGS.] (a) The commiss 43.6 recommendation of the council, m 43.7 enforcement agencies and city an 43.8 expand the aqency's or oPfice's 93.9 investiqate and prosecute crimes 43.10 (b) Grant applicants under th 43.11 the commissioner and the council 43.12 uses for which the money will be 43.13 council shall evaluate qrant app 43.14 -' 43_15 43.16 43.17 43.18 43.19 43.20 43.21 43.22 43.23 43.24 43.25 43.26 43.27 43.28 43.29 43.30 a s replace ng its mav not be APACITY TO COMBAT of oublic safetv, u a Page 30 of 115 �1 http:/iwwwxevisorleg.state.mn.usJcgi-bin/bldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4122197 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Bngrossment 43.31 Sec. 7. 43.32 SYSTEM.] 43.33 43.34 43.35 a3.36 44.1 94.2 44.3 44.4 94.5 44.6 44.7 aa_g 44.9 44.10 44.11 44.12 44.13 44.14 44.15 44.16 §4.17 44.18 44.19 44.20 44.21 44.22 44.23 (12 the individual h 44.24 or identifying characte 44.25 the criminal gang overs 44.26 requixed by the council 44.27 (2) the individual h 4A.28 misdemeanor or felony o 44.29 adjudication as a juven 44.30 misdemeanor or felony i 44.31 Subd. 3. [CLASSIFIC 44.32 criminal gang investiqa 44.33 individuals as defined 44.34 accessible to law enfor 44.35 the criminal justice ag 44.36 Subd. 4. [AUDIT OF 45.1 sha11 conduct periodic 45.2 that documents inclusio 45.3 investiqative data syst 45.4 validity, completeness, 45.5 system. The bureau has 45.6 purposes of conducting 45.7 45.8 45.9 45.10 45.11 45.12 45.13 45.14 45.15 45.16 45.17 45.18 45.19 45.20 45.21 45.22 AGENTS TO STRIKE FORCE. ight council uncter section ZyyH.bZ6 as ; and as been convicted o£ a gross r has been adjudicated or has a stayed ile for an offense that would be a gross f committed by an adult. ATION OF DATA IN SYSTEM.) Data in the tive data system are confidential data on in section 13.02, subdivision 3, but are cement aqencies and may be released to encies. DATA SUBMITTED TO SYSTEM.] The bureau random audits of data under subdivision 2 n of an individual in the criminal qanq em for the purpose of determining the and accuracy oP data submitted to the access to the documenting data for an audit. Page 31 of 115 1 l -`� �� http:1/wwwsevisar.leg.state.mn.us(cgi-bin/bldbill.pl?bi11=S188Q.2&session=1s80 4(22(97 [299C.091] [CRIMINAL GANG INVESTIGATIVE DATA S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 45 45 45 n5 a5 e5 45 45 45 45 a5 95 95 45 46 46 46 46 46 96 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 96 46 46 47 §7 47 Q7 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3fl 35 36 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1§ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Sec. 9. [P STRZKE FORCE.] The attorne IGNMENT OF ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL TO sha11 assian an assistant att te exclusive Page 32 of 115 in � '.1 _L� J j�d ( Minnesota Statutes, sections 299A.625 to 299A.628, expire June 30, 2001_ Sec. 11. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] Sections 1 to 10 are ef£ective July 1, 1997. ARTICLE 4 CHILDREN IN NEED OF PROTECTION OR SERVICES PROVISIONS Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 256E.03, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. (a) "Community social services" means services provided or arranged for by county boards to fu1fi11 the responsibilities prescribed in section 256E.08, subdivision l, to the £ollowing groups of persons: (1) families with children under age 18, who are experiencing child dependency, neglect or abuse, and also pregnant adolescents, adolescent parents under the age of 18,— and their children, and other adolescents; (2) persons, includinq adolescents, who are under the guaxdianship of the commissioner of human services as dependent and neglected wards; (3) adults who are in need of protection and vulnerable as de£ined in section 626.5572; (4) persons age 60 and over who are experiencing dif£iculty living independently and are unable to provide for their own needs; (5) emotionally disturbed children and adolescents, chronically and acutely mentally il1 persons who are unable to provide for their own needs or to independently engage in ordinary community activities; (6) pexsons with mental retardation as defined in section 252A.02, subdivision 2, or with related conditions as defined in section 252.27, subdivision la, who are unable to provide for their own needs or to independently engage in ordinary community activities; (7) drug dependent and intoxicated persons, including adolescents, as defined in section 254A.02, subdivisions 5 and 7, and persons, including adolescents, at risk of harm to self or others due to the ingestion of alcohol or other drugs; - (8) parents whose income is at or below 70 percent of the state median income and who are in need of child care services in order to secure or retain employment or to obtain the training or education necessary to secure employment; a-t� (9) children and adolescents involved in or at risk of involvement with criminal activitv: and (10) ather groups of persons who, in the judqment of the county board, are in need of social services. (b) Except as provided in section 256E.08, subdivision 5, community social services do not include public assistance programs known as aid to families with dependent children, Minnesota supplemental aid, medical assistance, general http:/lwww.revisorlegstate.mn.usfcgi-bin(bldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=ls8Q 4(22/97 �i � - yg8 Identificatian of Gang Members A gang is a group or association of three or more persons who may have a common identifying sign, symbol or name, and who individually or collectively engage in criminal activity. An individual is identified as a gang member based on verifyin� at least three o the ollawing criteria and thev have a convictiord� udication�'or a gross misdemeanor or j'elorrX: 1. Admits gang membership or association. 2. Is observed to associated on a regular basis with known gang members. 3. Has tattoos indicating gang membership. 4. Wears gang symbols to idemify with a specific gang. 5. Is in a photograph with known gang members andlor using gang hand signs. 6. Name is on a gang document or gang-related graffiti. 7. Is identified as a gang member by a reliable source. 8. Arrested in the company of identified gang members. 9. Corresponds with know gang members or writes and/or receives correspondence about gang activities. 10. Writes about gangs on wa11s, books, paper, etc. Council File # ° E � — � �'�' Green Sheet # S Q y� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 3� 1 WI�REAS, the Minnesota State Legislature is considering forming a Criminai Gang Council and Strike Force; and 2 WHEREAS, the Cruninal Gang Council will be collecting data on individuals in out community to determine gang 3 affiliation, and there is no criteria set forth for determnung what a gang or gang member is; now therefore be it 4 RESOLVED, that the administration present before council on Apri130, 1997 an analysis of the current legislation 5 and propose criteria that would appropriately identify those persons associated with gangs, while protecting the other 6 members of our community. Requested by Department of: Adoptio� fied by Council Secretary B � `�- ��o�- - _ Approved by Mayor: Date �C� 1 I� �� 7' By: �./L� � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted 6y Council: Date N__�.J� 3�� .7 � u F�� DEPAfl7MENT10FFlCElCOUNqL DATE iNfT1ASED —� /' • u v GREEN SHEET No. 5 0 4 2 INff1Al! DAiE INfTIAUDA7E CON�A PERSON & PHONE � DEPAFi7MEM DIHECfOfl O CfTY COUNqL ea�em wn O«rr ArrawEV 0 cm a�a�c MUST 6E ON COU L AGENDA BV (DA'f� flOUiHiG � BUD(iEf DIFiECTOfl � FlN. & M(iT. SEPVICES dR. � � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANTI � TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUH� ACTION FEQUESTED: D'uecting the adminishation to provide an analysis of ihe Criminal Gang Council and Strike Force Legislation. RECOMMENDAiIONS: Appmee (A) a ReJect (F� CpUNqL CONMRTEE/RESEARCH FiEPOHT OPTIONAL __ PIANPNNG COMMiS510N — qVIL SERYICE CYJMMISSION ANALYST PNONE NO. _ qB COMMRTEE _ COMMENTS: _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL O&IECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNRV (NTo, Whet, When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISMVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPWN) Status of S.F. No. 1880 (1997f1998) Status of S.F. No.1880 in Senate: SOth Legislative Session (1997-1998) T�t of S.F. No. 1880 9'1 �l �'�' Page 1 of 1 SF1880 I DATE 104/18/97 STATUS RN=97-3554 � ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- SF 1880 1041�8/97�Introduction and first reading 104J08/97�Referred to Human Resources Finance SUB ( ) 104f10J97�COmmittee xeport: To pass as amended 104j1Oj971Second reading SPP: AUTHORS: �04I141971Special Order: Amended Ke11y, R.C. j04I14/97�Third reading Passed 062-003 Ranum �04/lA/97�AUthor added Knutson Neuville I I Spear I I Knutson I I I I SHORT DESCRIPTION � � Omnibus criminal justice,� I corxections and public I I de£ense appropriations I I SENATE INFORMATION DATE UNOFFICIAL STATUS SF2880 OMNIBUS CRINIE PREVENTION AND JUDICIARY BILL HUMAN RESOURCES FINANCE CONP�IITTEE 4/8/97 Meeting scheduled for 4 pm - Room 112, Capitol 4/8/97 Amended and recommended pass Status of S.F. No. 1880 in House. SF1880 I DATE 104/1�197 STATUS RN=97-3554 I SF 1880 SUB ( AOTHORS: Kelly, R.C. Ranum Neuville Spear Knutson 104j15/971Received from Senate 104/15/971Senate File first reading, referred to I IJudiciary I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SHORT DESCRIPTION I I Omnibus judiciary finance� f and crime prevention I I bill, and money I I appropriated. I I HOUSE INFORMATZON DATE UNOFFICIAL ACTION HISTORY SF1880 4-17-97 - Judiciary CommiGtee; hearzng scheduled for 10:00 a.m., 10 State Office Building Get Status for another bill. http:l/www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/getstatus.pl?number=1880&body=senate&session=lsf4/21 /97 H.F No. 163, as introduced Minn es+�ta �tate KEY: ���� = old language to be removed underscored = new language to be added Page 1 of 4 ��-�,�f NOTB: If you cannot see any difference in the key above, you need to chang.e the displav of stricken andior underscored language. H.F No.163, as introduced: 80th Legislafive Session (1997-1948) Authors and Status l.l 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 l.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1_22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2 . 10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 A bill for an act relating to crime prevention; creating a criminal ganq council and strike force to develop and implement a strategy to investigate and prosecute crimes committed by criminal gangs throughout the state; authorizing the council to make various grants; appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 299A. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 5ection l. [299A.625] [CRIMINAL GANG COUNCIL AND STRIKE FORCE; GRANTS AUTHORIZED.] http:((wwwsevisor.leg.state.mn.us(cgi-binlbldbi11.p1?bi11=H0163.0&session=1s80 4(21/97 H.F No. 163, as introduced z.i� 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.2? 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 J.2Z 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3_28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 A.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Page 2 of 4 �l''Z -`-1 �'8' http:/Jwww.revisor.leg.state.mn.usJcgi-binlbldbill.pl?bi11=H0163.0&session=1s80 4/21l97 H.F No. 163, as introduced 4.9 includinq, but not limit 4.10 prosecuting cases involv 4.11 witnesses, and cooperati 4.12 developing and building 4.13 approved by the council 4.14 (q) The assistant att 4.15 force, in addition to he 4.16 paragraph (f) and in car 4.17 in the policy after it i 4.18 generally advise the cou �.19 deems appropriate. 4.2� Subd. 2. {STATEWIDE 4.21 of£icers who are members 4.22 statewide juxisdiction t 4.23 shall possess the same F 4.24 sheriff. s in s as JURISDICTION.] strike and bv a 9.25 Subd. 3. [LIABILITY AND WORKERS' COMPENSATION.j While 4.26 operatinq under the scope of this section, members of the strike 4.27 force are "employees of the state" 4.28 and are considered employees of th 4.29 for purposes o£ chapter 176. 4.3Q Subd. 4. [REQUIRED REPORT.] By 4.31 the council shall report to the ch 4.32 of representatives committees or d 4.33 over criminal justice policV and f 4.34 the council and strike force. 4.35 Subd. 5. [REIMBURSEMENT GRANTS 9.36 may award grants to loca 5.1 attorney's and sheriff's 5.2 have contributed members 5.3 to replace those who hav 5_4 two-year period and reia 5.5 pexcent of the salary of 5.6 grant under this subdivi 5.7 person to replace the pe 5.8 thus, keeping its comple 5.9 The money may not be use 5.10 Subd. 6. [GRANTS TO 5.11 CRIMINAL GANGS.] (a) The 5.12 enforcement agencies anc 5.13 expand the aqency's or c 5.14 investiqate and prosecut 5.15 (b) Grant applicants 5.16 the council a detailed F 5.17 money wi11 be put. The 5.18 applications and award c 5.19 positive results. The c 5.20 necessary equipment and 5.21 if the council determine 5.22 recipient'S attempts to 5.23 require recipients of qr 5.24 council detailing the sti 5.25 criminal ganqs. 5.26 (c) The council shall 5.27 subdivision to require t 5.28 the council and the burE 5.29 and expanding a comprehe 5.30 and in implementing the 5.31 combat criminal gangs. 5.32 the council and bureau u 5.33 the activities and chara 5.34 members operating withir 5.35 Sec. 2. [ASSIGNMENT 5.36 AGBNTS TO STRIKE FORCE.] rs AOTHORIZED.] The council cement agencies, county nd other oraanizations that rse the re he departe� on shall u on who has nt of empl to pav for or Page 3 of 4 q "�j - `\ �'�' http:/{www.revisar.leg.state.mn.us{cgi-bin/bldball.pl?bi11=H0163.0&session=1s80 4/21f97 H.F No. 163, as introduced 6.1 The superintendent of the bureau of criminal apprehen. 6.2 shall assiqn experienced aqents to the strike force desc: 6.3 section 1. These agents sha11 operate exclusively for t: 6.4 purposes listed in section 1 under the protocol develope� 6.5 criminal gang oversiqht council. 6.6 Sec. 3. [ASSIGNMENT OF ASSiSTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL TO 6.7 STRSKE FORCE.] 6.8 The attorney general shall assi 6.9 qeneral experienced in the prosecu 6.10 criminal qanqs to the strike force 6.11 attorney shall operate exclusively 6.12 section 1 under the protocol devel 6.13 oversiqht council. 6.14 Sec. 4. [APPRQPRIATIONS.] 6.15 Subdivision 1. [PUBLIC SAFETY. 6.16 from the qeneral fund to the commi 6.17 the biennium endinq June 30, 1999, 6.18 qang oversiqht council to be used 6.19 authorized in section 1, subdivisi 6.20 organization and operation of the 6.21 section 1. The council mav use pa 6.22 procure necessary equipment and pa 6.23 necessary by the council. However 6.24 minimize expenses related to equip 6.25 entities to contribute equipment a 6.26 force. the gn an assistant attorney tion of crimes committed by described in section 1. This for the purposes listed in oped by the criminal gang ] $....... is appropriated ssioner of public safety for for a grant to the criminal by the council for the grants ons 5 and 6, and to fund the strike force described in rt of this appropriation to y other expenses deemed , the council shall seek to ment by encouraging local nd other suoport to the strike 6.27 Subd. 2. [BUREAU OF CRTMINAL APPREHENSION.] 6.28 is appropriated from the general fund to the st 6.29 the bureau of criminal apprehensio 6.30 30, 1999, to hire new agents to re� 6.31 criminal gang strike force. 6.32 (b) $....... is appropriated fr 6.33 superintendent of the bureau of cr 6.34 biennium ending June 30, 1999, to 6.35 database of information regarding 6.36 characteristics o£ criminal qangs 7.1 the state. 7.2 Subd. 3. [ATTORNEY GENERAL.] $ 7.3 the qeneral fund to the attorney g 7.4 June 30, 1999, to hire an assistan 7.5 the one assianed to the criminal a a ve of t Page 4 of 4 � http:!(www.revisor.leg.state.snn.uslcgi-binJbldbiil.pl?bi11=H0163.0&session=1s80 4121197 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 perpetrators. Sec. 18. [FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FAMILY VIOLENCE COORDINATING COUNCIL PILOT PROGE2AIK. ] Subdivision 1. [PLANNING GRANTS FOR FOURTH JUDICIAL �r Minnesota Statutes Sections 1 to 19 are efPective 3uly l, 1997. ARTICLE 3 CRIMINAL GANG PROVISIONS Section l. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 13.99, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 90b. CCRIMINAL GANG INVESTIGATIVE DATA SYSTEM.] Data in the criminal qang investigative data sVstem are classiPied in Page 25 of 115 q`1-�1 �'�' httpJiwwwsevisar.leg.state.mn.us/cgi-binibldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4/22/97 services to adult and child victims of domestic abuse and perpetrators of domestic abuse; S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 34.35 34.36 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 35.7 35.8 35.9 35.10 35.11 35.12 35.13 35.14 35.15 35.16 35.17 35.18 35.19 35.20 35.21 35.22 35.23 35.24 35.25 35.26 35.27 35.28 35.29 35.30 35.31 35.32 35.33 35.34 35.35 35.36 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.7 36.8 36.9 36.10 36_11 36.12 36.13 36.14 36.15 36.16 36.17 36.18 36.19 36.20 36.21 36.22 36.23 36.24 36.25 36.26 Page 26 of 115 section 299C.091. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 260.161, subdivision 1, is amended to xead: Subdivision L [RECORDS REQUIRED TO BE KEPT.] (a) The juvenile court judge shall keep such minutes and in such manner as the court deems necessary and proper. Excepti as provided in paragraph (b), the court shall keep and maintain records pertaining to delinquent adjudications until the person reaches the age of 28 years and sha11 release the records on an individual to another juvenile court that has jurisdiction of the juvenile, to a requesting adult court for purposes o£ sentencing, or to an adult courL or juvenile court as required by the right o£ confrontation oP either trie United States Constitution or the Minnesota Constitution. The juvenile court shall provide, upon the request of any other juvenile court, copies of the records concerning adjudications involvinq the particular child. The court also may grovide copies of records concerning delinquency adjudications, on request, to law enforcement agencies,"probation officers, and corrections agents if the court finds that providing these records serves public safety or is in the best interests of the child. Until July 1, 1999, juvenile court delinquency proceeding records of adiudications, court transcriots, and delino'uencv r�etitions, mental health reports may not be inclucfefl with those recorfls. The records have the same data classification in the hands of the agency receiving them as they had in the hands of the court. The court shall also keep an index in which files pertaining to juvenile matters sha11 be indesed under the name of the child. After the name o£ each file shall be shown the file number and, if ordered by the court, the book and page of the register in which the documents pertaining to such file are listed. The court shall also keep a register properly indexed in which shall be listed under the name of the child all documents filed pertaining to the child and in the order filed. The list shall show the name of the document and the date oP filing thereof. The juvenile court 1ega1 records shall be deposited in files and shall include the petition, summons, notice, findings, orders, decrees, judgments, and motions and such other matters as the court deems necessary and proper. Unless otherwise provided by law, all court records shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of any child to whom the records relate, and to the child's parent and guardian. (b1 The court shall retain records of the court finding that a juvenile committed an act that would be a£elony or gross misdemeanor level offense until the offender reaches the age of 28. If the o£fender commits a�elony as an adult, or the court convicts a child as an extended jurisdiction juvenile, the court shall retain the juvenile records for as long as the records would have been retained if the offender had been an adult at the time of the juvenile o£fense. This paragraph does not apply unless the juvenile was provided counsel as required by section 260.155, subdivision 2. Sec. 3. [299A.625] [CRIMINAL GANG COUNCIL AND STRIKS FORCE.] �( �"� _ �l �� http:/1www.revisorleg.state.mn.us/cgi-binlbldbill.pi?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4122197 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 36.27 36.28 36.29 36.30 36.31 36.32 36.33 36.34 36.35 Subd. 2. [WORKING GROUPS.] 36_36 enforcement workinq group and < 37.1 law en£orcement working grouo < 37.2 public safety; the superintendf 37.3 apprehension; the chiefs of po: 37.4 Duluth; the executive director 37.5 association; the executive dira 37.6 association; the executive dirE 37.7 peace officers association; an� 37.8 and Olmsted county sheriffs. 37.9 shall serve as its chair. 37.10 37.11 37.12 37.13 37.14 37.15 37.16 37.17 37.18 37.19 37.20 37.21 37.22 37.23 37.24 37.25 37.26 37.27 37.28 37.29 37.30 37.31 37.32 37.33 37.34 37.35 Subdivision l. 37.36 council shall coor 38.1 and shall develop 38.2 caused to the public by crimin� 3°.3 activities within the state of 38.9 strategy, the council shall co: 38.5 the community services divisio�. 38.6 corrections and federal probat. 38.7 United States district court o 38.8 practicable, the strate must 38.9 operatinq in the state regardl 38.10 or ethnicity of the qangs` mem 38.11 criminal gangs in both the met 38.12 Minnesota. The council shall 38.13 the needs of law en£orcement a 38.14 in qreater Minnesota in develo 38.15 must tarqet individuals or qro 38.16 behavior, not their physical a� 38.17 into account the rights of gro 38.18 strike force mav taraet and pr ess 0 a chieTS o lr iileqal developing the sentatives from ta department of loyed by the far as minal qanqs or the motivation egy must address nd greater take into account ecutorial offices y. The strategy ir criminal strateav must take Page 27 of ll5 �(� -`1�� http:llwwwsevisorleg.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/bldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4/22{97 [COORDINATION AND STRATEGY.) (a) The dinate the efforts of the two working groups, an overall strateav to eliminate the harm S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 38.19 38.20 38.21 38.22 38.23 38.24 38.25 38.26 38.27 38.28 38.29 38.30 38.31 38.32 38.33 38.34 38.35 38.36 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 39.6 39.7 39.8 39.9 39.10 39.11 39.12 39.13 39.14 39.15 39.16 39.17 39.18 39.19 39.20 39.21 39.22 39.23 39.24 39.25 39.26 39.27 39.28 39.29 39.3� 39.31 39.32 39.33 39.34 39.35 39.36 4Q,1 40.2 40.3 40.4 40.5 40.6 40.7 4Q.8 40.9 40.10 Page 28 of I 15 ��-�1��' httpJ/www.revisar.leg.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/bldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4/22/97 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 40.11 40.12 40.13 40.14 40.15 40.16 90.17 40.18 �0.19 �0.20 40.21 40.22 40.23 40_24 40.25 40.26 40.27 40.28 40.29 40.30 40.31 40.32 40.33 40.34 90.35 90.36 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.4 41.5 41.6 41.7 41.8 91.9 41.10 41.11 41.12 41.13 41.14 41.15 41.16 41.17 41.18 41.19 41.20 41.21 41.22 41.23 41.24 41.25 41.26 41.27 41.28 41.29 41.30 41.31 41.32 41.33 41.3A 41.35 41.36 42.1 42.2 on a [COMMANDERS.j The law enforcement workinq qroup te a law enforcement officer who is a member o£ the serve Page 29 of 115 a� -y �� http:/Iwww.revisarleg.state.mn.uskgi-bin/bldbiil.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4/22/97 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 42.3 qenerally advise the council on 42.4 deems appropriate. The council : �2_5 attorneys and, if the council de 42.6 may retain outside counsel. 42.7 Subd. 8. [REQUIRED REPORT.] 42.8 the council shall report to the 92.9 oP representatives committees or 42.10 over criminal justice policy and 92.11 the council and strike iorce. matters that the 42.12 Sec. 5. [299A.627] [JURISDICTION AND LIABILITY.] 42.13 Subdivision l. [STATEWIDE JURTSDICTION.] Law en1 42.14 of£icers who are members of the 42.15 jurisdiction to conduct criminal 42.16 same powers o£ arrest as those p 42.17 Prosecutors who are members of t 42.18 powers of county and city attorn 42.19 investiqated by the law en£orcem 42.20 strike £orce throughout the stat 42.21 Subd. 2. [LIABILITY AND WORK 92.22 operatinq under the scope of thi 42.23 force are "employees of the stat 42.24 and are considered employees of 42.25 for purposes of chapter 176. ons and possess the s ' COMPENSATION.] While oY nublic 42.26 Sec. 6. [299A.628] [GRANT PROGRAMS.] 42.27 Subdivision 1. [REIMBURSEMENT GRANTS AUTHORIZED.] The 42.28 commissioner of public safety, u 42.29 council, may award grants to loc 42.30 county attorney's and sherif£'s 42.31 that have contributed members to §2.32 persons to replace those who hav 42.33 cover a two-year period and reim 42.39 maximum oP 100 percent o£ the sa 42.35 to the strike force. A recipien 42.36 subdivision must use the money t 93.1 the person who has joined the st 93.2 complement of employees at the s 43.3 used to pay for equipment or uni 43.4 Subd, 2. [GRANTS TO EXPAND L 43.5 CRIMINAL GANGS.] (a) The commiss 43.6 recommendation of the council, m 43.7 enforcement agencies and city an 43.8 expand the aqency's or oPfice's 93.9 investiqate and prosecute crimes 43.10 (b) Grant applicants under th 43.11 the commissioner and the council 43.12 uses for which the money will be 43.13 council shall evaluate qrant app 43.14 -' 43_15 43.16 43.17 43.18 43.19 43.20 43.21 43.22 43.23 43.24 43.25 43.26 43.27 43.28 43.29 43.30 a s replace ng its mav not be APACITY TO COMBAT of oublic safetv, u a Page 30 of 115 �1 http:/iwwwxevisorleg.state.mn.usJcgi-bin/bldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=1s80 4122197 S.F No. 1880, 2nd Bngrossment 43.31 Sec. 7. 43.32 SYSTEM.] 43.33 43.34 43.35 a3.36 44.1 94.2 44.3 44.4 94.5 44.6 44.7 aa_g 44.9 44.10 44.11 44.12 44.13 44.14 44.15 44.16 §4.17 44.18 44.19 44.20 44.21 44.22 44.23 (12 the individual h 44.24 or identifying characte 44.25 the criminal gang overs 44.26 requixed by the council 44.27 (2) the individual h 4A.28 misdemeanor or felony o 44.29 adjudication as a juven 44.30 misdemeanor or felony i 44.31 Subd. 3. [CLASSIFIC 44.32 criminal gang investiqa 44.33 individuals as defined 44.34 accessible to law enfor 44.35 the criminal justice ag 44.36 Subd. 4. [AUDIT OF 45.1 sha11 conduct periodic 45.2 that documents inclusio 45.3 investiqative data syst 45.4 validity, completeness, 45.5 system. The bureau has 45.6 purposes of conducting 45.7 45.8 45.9 45.10 45.11 45.12 45.13 45.14 45.15 45.16 45.17 45.18 45.19 45.20 45.21 45.22 AGENTS TO STRIKE FORCE. ight council uncter section ZyyH.bZ6 as ; and as been convicted o£ a gross r has been adjudicated or has a stayed ile for an offense that would be a gross f committed by an adult. ATION OF DATA IN SYSTEM.) Data in the tive data system are confidential data on in section 13.02, subdivision 3, but are cement aqencies and may be released to encies. DATA SUBMITTED TO SYSTEM.] The bureau random audits of data under subdivision 2 n of an individual in the criminal qanq em for the purpose of determining the and accuracy oP data submitted to the access to the documenting data for an audit. Page 31 of 115 1 l -`� �� http:1/wwwsevisar.leg.state.mn.us(cgi-bin/bldbill.pl?bi11=S188Q.2&session=1s80 4(22(97 [299C.091] [CRIMINAL GANG INVESTIGATIVE DATA S.F No. 1880, 2nd Engrossment 45 45 45 n5 a5 e5 45 45 45 45 a5 95 95 45 46 46 46 46 46 96 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 96 46 46 47 §7 47 Q7 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3fl 35 36 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1§ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Sec. 9. [P STRZKE FORCE.] The attorne IGNMENT OF ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL TO sha11 assian an assistant att te exclusive Page 32 of 115 in � '.1 _L� J j�d ( Minnesota Statutes, sections 299A.625 to 299A.628, expire June 30, 2001_ Sec. 11. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] Sections 1 to 10 are ef£ective July 1, 1997. ARTICLE 4 CHILDREN IN NEED OF PROTECTION OR SERVICES PROVISIONS Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 256E.03, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. (a) "Community social services" means services provided or arranged for by county boards to fu1fi11 the responsibilities prescribed in section 256E.08, subdivision l, to the £ollowing groups of persons: (1) families with children under age 18, who are experiencing child dependency, neglect or abuse, and also pregnant adolescents, adolescent parents under the age of 18,— and their children, and other adolescents; (2) persons, includinq adolescents, who are under the guaxdianship of the commissioner of human services as dependent and neglected wards; (3) adults who are in need of protection and vulnerable as de£ined in section 626.5572; (4) persons age 60 and over who are experiencing dif£iculty living independently and are unable to provide for their own needs; (5) emotionally disturbed children and adolescents, chronically and acutely mentally il1 persons who are unable to provide for their own needs or to independently engage in ordinary community activities; (6) pexsons with mental retardation as defined in section 252A.02, subdivision 2, or with related conditions as defined in section 252.27, subdivision la, who are unable to provide for their own needs or to independently engage in ordinary community activities; (7) drug dependent and intoxicated persons, including adolescents, as defined in section 254A.02, subdivisions 5 and 7, and persons, including adolescents, at risk of harm to self or others due to the ingestion of alcohol or other drugs; - (8) parents whose income is at or below 70 percent of the state median income and who are in need of child care services in order to secure or retain employment or to obtain the training or education necessary to secure employment; a-t� (9) children and adolescents involved in or at risk of involvement with criminal activitv: and (10) ather groups of persons who, in the judqment of the county board, are in need of social services. (b) Except as provided in section 256E.08, subdivision 5, community social services do not include public assistance programs known as aid to families with dependent children, Minnesota supplemental aid, medical assistance, general http:/lwww.revisorlegstate.mn.usfcgi-bin(bldbill.pl?bi11=S1880.2&session=ls8Q 4(22/97 �i � - yg8 Identificatian of Gang Members A gang is a group or association of three or more persons who may have a common identifying sign, symbol or name, and who individually or collectively engage in criminal activity. An individual is identified as a gang member based on verifyin� at least three o the ollawing criteria and thev have a convictiord� udication�'or a gross misdemeanor or j'elorrX: 1. Admits gang membership or association. 2. Is observed to associated on a regular basis with known gang members. 3. Has tattoos indicating gang membership. 4. Wears gang symbols to idemify with a specific gang. 5. Is in a photograph with known gang members andlor using gang hand signs. 6. Name is on a gang document or gang-related graffiti. 7. Is identified as a gang member by a reliable source. 8. Arrested in the company of identified gang members. 9. Corresponds with know gang members or writes and/or receives correspondence about gang activities. 10. Writes about gangs on wa11s, books, paper, etc.