97-48Retum copy to: y� Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 z� 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 WHEREAS, on November lb, 1948, the Council approved C.F.# 146172, a resolurion to vacate the following public property: the easC and west alley in the area bounded by Raymond Avenue on the east, a north and south alley on the west, Wabash Avenue on the north, and the right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company on the south. WFI�REAS, said resolution was subject to condiuons including the following Paragraph 3: 3. The bond grovided for in said ordinauce, to be filed by said petitioner, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,OOQ. WFIER.EAS, all conditions having been satisfied by the petitioner, the said vacation was duly filed in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office; and WF�REAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WHEREAS, administrauve changes involving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than provide a bond; THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that Council File # 146172 is hereby amended as follows: Paragraph 3 of the condirions shall read as follows: 3. That, the peutioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its o�cers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacauon or petitioner's use of this properiy, including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violauon of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. ��i . ; `>,. L� . . _ �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .30 Council File # �''�—_`ti� Green Sheet # 3U►Z- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BE TT FLJRTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms, condifions and reservarions of the said Coun i� File # 146172 shall remain in full force and effect. _ ,� � f �.,.".... ..� --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Adopted by Council: Date Adoption ertified by Cou; By: _ Approved by Ma or: Date By: L Requested by Department of: Finance & M eme tSeFVices By: Director Form Approv d by Ciry Attorney B �..e:Ct�.G�G��t.y-�— 12 — l t- g C �.�-- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council z �t7 sy: "1�,1c���� F.M.S.JREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: December 10, Green Sheet Number: 34249 1996 °�"� y� EPORTMENI' DIRECI'QR 4 CPfY COUNCII. ontact Person and PLone Nt�ber: 1 ATfORNEY 7� 5 GZEIt% Tom Sawyer 266'�Jr� i)pC,gr DIItEGTOR 2�IN. & MGT. SVC. DIIL YOR (OR ASS1S��gv V C� t l 03�Fi ust be on Council A enda b: OTAL fl OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S[GNATqRE) ������ � CT10N RFQUFSTED: o amend Council File # 146172 to allow the petitioner to idemnify the City rather than maintain a bond, as equired by the said Council File # 146172. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REIECT Qt) NAL SERVICE CONTRACT5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: - . Iias tLe person/firm ever worked under a contract for tLis depariment7 YES NO rutmwcco7m.ass� A srat� . Has this personlfirm evu been a Cit9 empWyee? YFS NO crvnssavrce co�nsstott ! . Does Wis pereon!£am possess a skiR nut normally poseessed by anp YES NO � � cuireut City employee? " aIl YES answers oa a se ate sbeM and ettac6. SUPPORTS WHICA COUNCII. OBJECTIVE? COUNCII. WARD(S) d DISfRICT PLANNING COUNCII. � 2 INIT7A1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITY (WLo, WLat, 1Vhen, Where, Whp?): C,F.# 146172, wiuch vacated the east-west alley bounded by Raymond Avenue, north-south alley, Wabash Avenue and the C.M.St.P. & P. railroad right-of-way, required the petitioner to maintain a$1,000 bond. absequent procedural changes allow the petitioner to idemnify the City instead of posting a bond. ��.:� �-- . vvarrrncFS � nrrxovEn: � +�' a,� � he petitioner will not have to maintain a perpetual bond. 13E� 3 1 $9�� �:: '��;:'':;v�. ,r , . ISADVANfAGES IF APPROVED: ��.; �-. _� ' _ ., ,.,. _ ,., � � � � = `� one �.i��; '.G'd a�rJ� I5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: „�, he petitioner would have to maintain a$1,000 bond in perpetuity. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $0 � CO5CfREVENUE BUBGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTdViTY NUMBER: FINANCIAL IIVFORMATION: (ERPLAIIh J , ��. � � � � ��, ..; � � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss, GITY OF ST. PAUL ) � �� ;�.. �; �vU; ,.:..., �-ca � Y , :O� ,. : r :: �'f R�f:8R6€6 0�P �p� 3 � 1997 1, Frances Swanson, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the attached copy of Council File No. 97-48 as adopted by the City Council on January 22, 1997 and approved by the Mayor on January 27, 1997 with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of :C�s�."a # �—�,-p�°-�= — i � :fS;1$ fGE �.�1.-.L" m- �ec co�y Cer co�y l::is's�t5 � ��a bY/�sil � �� �:� �;�, �^,�`� said original and the whole thereof. WtTNESS, my hand and the seai of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 26th day of March, 1997. ���'�° ��;,, _ � seaa .oa..,,, _�'��� � e ,�",� 1 t� s ' �, ;��; :� � °I:'{„ ��� `it,�',��,��>�:�t+�r. �. ���; . ���a_ '- .... �' ' �, a,�� y � �J e�y � A � °:". � a ;. �Y a� ;:., , �. pl ° � ° °�d . p 0 p6Pe"' � � - �����A �� �� Deputy City Clerk OM4w� . �lr �� � I � � � �� 1�3 � . Return,copy to: �r ;"taal Estate Division 140 City Hall Presenfed By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Za 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Referred To .- ; 29855'75 �� RESOLUTION t CITY OF SAiNT PAUL, M4NNESOTA Council File # ���� Green Sheet # 3uZ- 30 Committee: Date VVfIEREAS, on November 16, 1948, the Council approved C.F.#� 146172, a resolution to vacate the following public property: the east and west alley in the area bounded hy Raymond Avenue on the east, a nozth and south alley on the west, Wabash Avenue on the north, and the right-of-way of ttie Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paui and Pacific Railroad Company on the south. WFIEREAS, said resolution was suhject to conditions including the following Paragraph 3: 3. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said pefitioner, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,000. WHEREAS, all conditions having been satisfied by the pe6tioner, the said vacation was duly fiied in the Ramsey Counry Recorder's O�ce; and WHEREAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WHEREAS, administrauve changes invoiving vacadon procedures now a11ow the petitioner to indemnify the Ciry rather than provide a bond; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council File # 146172 is hereby amended as follows: Paragrapfi 3 of the conditions shall read as foIlows: 3. That, the petitioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless ffie Ciry of Saint Paul, its ofFicers, and employees from all suits, actions, or cfauns of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacauon or petitioner's use of this property, including but not limited to a claun brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. �, _w . .. 29856'75 _ Q 1 BE �T FURTIiER RESOLVEA, that ail other tezms, condi6ons and reservations of the said Councii� �.' File # 146172 shali remain in full force and effect. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "'�t; r r l� _� : �. t ,- � ti � . `-_ Ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ZQ 21 22 23 24 25 26 Adopted by Council: Date Adopuon ertified by Cou� By: Approved by Ma or: Date sy: ��L (L Requested by Department of: Finance & M a eme Se�v9ces By: Director Form Approv d by City Attorney By . �.��U�-�---- �2-rr-g� u.-�------ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Z �j 7 ^O� By ��1� �" _ trf/�� 1� �_-:. �r � Y' , �f 1 H� CITY 'vE' . ST. PAUL, 1948 -•.=-. � 793 . 1 .:. . .. - ' .. C. F. No. 146168—SY W. A. Yarranto -- Resotved, Tha[ A1Pred H. Sr.hroe- der, = City Architect, and Arthur Coleman, Housino IDLanageq are hereby authorized to go [o Chicago, Iliinois, and Washinoton D. C., to consult with the Public I�ousing au- thorities concerning existing hous- ine alterations: the eXDenses oP said Adopted by the Council Nov. ifi, 1345. Approved Nov. 16, 1948. (November 20, 1943) C. F. No. 146163—By W. A. Parranto Resolced, that Eimer E_ Johnson be permitted to oPera[e a used cac• lot at 1604 U»iversity Avenue, sub- ject to the following conditions: 1. That a standard or approved fence be placed around the entire lot except for tn�ress and egress drive- r�-ays Por (a) protec[ion to pede�- trians traveling On the sidewalk; (b) protection to adjoining building on south and east. 2. That an 8-foot drive�vay on P.oy Street be closed at the curb line. 3. That the surface be treated with a dustless surfacing. ldopted by the CounCil Nov. 16, 1943. �pp[ov¢d Nov 16, 1918. (:�ovember 20, 1943) C. F. No. 1�6170—Ey Niilton Rosen— Resolved, that the Northern 5tates Po�ver Company be given permission to instalt approsimately 9i Lineal feet of gas ma:n on bV. I�laho betvveen Dunlap and Lexin�- ton under provisions of Councii Fiie Fo. 123001 Ordinance �io. 3271, daced Julg 19, 19�F1. .\dopted UY the Councii Nov. 1�. iaas. approvea xou. ls, is�ls. <VOVembar 20, 1943) C. F. �o, 1d6171—By �V. A. Parranto Resolved, trtat a public hearing be held 6� and before [he Council of the CitS o: .�'.aint Paul,in the Coun- cil Chamber of the Court House and C�tc Aail, in sai�l City, at ien o'clock r. tii. on December 10, 1943, upon the aclvisability and necessi�y nf the ro- pzur, replacement, remo�leling, or wrecicin, and removal of the build- ing on Lots 6 and 7. Gem Addition, according to the plat thereof re- corded in the ofiice of the Re�ister oc Deeds of RamseY County, VLinne- so[a, also descriUed as 139-19:, SL. Anthony Avenue, because said s`.ruc- ture is reported to be danaerous and ur.safe to life, limb and adjoinine property. :\doptCd by the CounCil rov. 16, is4s. approved Nov, 16, 1943. (:IOVember 20, 1948) �� : � F. No. 146172—By Milton Rosen— - Resolced, that upon the petition ,.; �.''a.. - .ar.� oP the Waldorf Paper Products Com- pany, the alley hereinafter described be and it is hereby vacated and dis- continued as a pubiic atley, to-wit: the east and west alley in the area bounded by I2aymond Avenue on the east, a north and south alley on the west, Wabash Avenue an the north, ar.d the right-oP-way oY the Chica- go, �ilwaukee, St. Paul and Paciflc Railroad Company on the south: su67ect espressly to the Yollorving conditions and reservattons: 1. Alt the conditions, reserva- tions and provisions containeQ in Ordinance No. 3394, as amended, en- titied "An ordinance regulating the procedure and preseribin° the con- ditions for the vacatlon of public grounds. streets, alleys and hi€h- ways in the City of Saint Paui," ap- 2. That said petitioner shali con- vey to the City oP Saint Paul for altey purposes the strip of land de- scribed as Eollows: That part of Biock D, Desnoyer Park, Ramsey CountY, Minnesota, and atso Chat purt of the southeast qusrter of tha northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 32. Toivnship 2J, Range 23, lying within a strip oP land 20 feet in �vidth, said stri� lying northerly of and adjacent to the right-of-way of the Chicago, l�iilwaukee, St. Paul and Paciric Railroad and runnin�' from Ra1'- mond Avenue to the north and south ailey west of Raymond Avenue. 3. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said peti- iioner, is hereby fixed at the sum o: $1,000.00. 4. Said petitioner shall pay to the CitY of Saint Paul the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), together with the costs oP this vacation proceedina• Adopted by the Council rov. lti, 1943. Approved Nov. 16, 19d3. (VOVember 20, 19d3) G. F. No. 1461i3—By `[ilton F.osen— P.esolved, tha.t upon the petition of St. Paul Structural S'eel Co. that part of York Avenue lyina bericeen the west line of Lot 10 and the east line of Lot 12. Elock 9, Edmun�l Rice's 3rd Addition, as esten�� d south across said York Acenue, be and the same is vacated and d•=_- continued as a pu6lic street, sub- 7ect expressly to the follow.ng con- dicions ancl reservations: 1. All the conditions, reservstions anA provisions contained in Ordi- nance `o- 3394, as lmended, entiUed "dn ordinance revulating the pro- cedure and prescribing the condi- ticns for the vacation of pubiic grounds, streets, atlevs and hieh- ways in the City of Saint Paul;' an- proved �Iarch 16 191�. 2. The bond provided for in s2id ordinance, to be flied by said peti- tioner, is hereby fised at the sum of g=.0oo.oc. 3. Said petitioner shall pay to the City of SainG Paul [he sum of $200.Q0, together with the costs of tliis vacation proceedin�. 4. That petitioner, or its suc- cessors in interest, m�.int2.in ade- quate street drainaoe Yacilities for �� �� 33 1�. 1 i � � r,� ;I r� .. � COVENANT OF INDEMNITY To the Honorable City Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, Minnesota: Waldorf Corporation, a Minnesota corporation having a mailing address of 2250 RTabash Avenue, Saint Pau1 Minnesota 55114-1828, the owner of the properry previously vacated by resolution Council File No. 146172 approved on November 16, 1948, agrees on behalf of itself, its assigns and successors in interest to indemnify, defend, save and hold hannless the City of Saint Paul, its o�cers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property because of this vacation, including but not limited to claims brought because of any act or omission, misconduct or neglect or because of any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law on the part of itself, its agents, employees, assigns or successors in interest. This indemnification is offered in lieu of the bonding requirement set forth in Paragraph 3. of the above referencedvacation. �,(l�ct,/tQorf �vr/�c�a.t%`e+-� Its ,/�-ss i s �'u h� i�a�: � u rPr Date �vQ,y, �le,� f % . /5�j6 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF � F!-iC�'�-A ) The foregoing instrument w s acknowledged before me this � day of �Q v�'1� �h� , 1996, by �`G �A-�/ and , the �-���s'�A-eJ � T� F1-S c; R and � � of f� � '� �L1�OP.N'F�d� a_ � under the laws of the state Notary Pubtic, County urt � c; rr+ My commissioa eapires ) �--A� � �. � W � (<al[> <f10>indewury) RBBBCCA t WOODS � 1�TAAY PUBIIC • �IIINNEHOTA DkKOSA CAt#�'tY Ny t'AIDiettl�T B�IfMkl. �� � Retum copy to: y� Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 z� 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 WHEREAS, on November lb, 1948, the Council approved C.F.# 146172, a resolurion to vacate the following public property: the easC and west alley in the area bounded by Raymond Avenue on the east, a north and south alley on the west, Wabash Avenue on the north, and the right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company on the south. WFI�REAS, said resolution was subject to condiuons including the following Paragraph 3: 3. The bond grovided for in said ordinauce, to be filed by said petitioner, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,OOQ. WFIER.EAS, all conditions having been satisfied by the petitioner, the said vacation was duly filed in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office; and WF�REAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WHEREAS, administrauve changes involving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than provide a bond; THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that Council File # 146172 is hereby amended as follows: Paragraph 3 of the condirions shall read as follows: 3. That, the peutioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its o�cers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacauon or petitioner's use of this properiy, including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violauon of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. ��i . ; `>,. L� . . _ �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .30 Council File # �''�—_`ti� Green Sheet # 3U►Z- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BE TT FLJRTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms, condifions and reservarions of the said Coun i� File # 146172 shall remain in full force and effect. _ ,� � f �.,.".... ..� --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Adopted by Council: Date Adoption ertified by Cou; By: _ Approved by Ma or: Date By: L Requested by Department of: Finance & M eme tSeFVices By: Director Form Approv d by Ciry Attorney B �..e:Ct�.G�G��t.y-�— 12 — l t- g C �.�-- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council z �t7 sy: "1�,1c���� F.M.S.JREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: December 10, Green Sheet Number: 34249 1996 °�"� y� EPORTMENI' DIRECI'QR 4 CPfY COUNCII. ontact Person and PLone Nt�ber: 1 ATfORNEY 7� 5 GZEIt% Tom Sawyer 266'�Jr� i)pC,gr DIItEGTOR 2�IN. & MGT. SVC. DIIL YOR (OR ASS1S��gv V C� t l 03�Fi ust be on Council A enda b: OTAL fl OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S[GNATqRE) ������ � CT10N RFQUFSTED: o amend Council File # 146172 to allow the petitioner to idemnify the City rather than maintain a bond, as equired by the said Council File # 146172. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REIECT Qt) NAL SERVICE CONTRACT5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: - . Iias tLe person/firm ever worked under a contract for tLis depariment7 YES NO rutmwcco7m.ass� A srat� . Has this personlfirm evu been a Cit9 empWyee? YFS NO crvnssavrce co�nsstott ! . Does Wis pereon!£am possess a skiR nut normally poseessed by anp YES NO � � cuireut City employee? " aIl YES answers oa a se ate sbeM and ettac6. SUPPORTS WHICA COUNCII. OBJECTIVE? COUNCII. WARD(S) d DISfRICT PLANNING COUNCII. � 2 INIT7A1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITY (WLo, WLat, 1Vhen, Where, Whp?): C,F.# 146172, wiuch vacated the east-west alley bounded by Raymond Avenue, north-south alley, Wabash Avenue and the C.M.St.P. & P. railroad right-of-way, required the petitioner to maintain a$1,000 bond. absequent procedural changes allow the petitioner to idemnify the City instead of posting a bond. ��.:� �-- . vvarrrncFS � nrrxovEn: � +�' a,� � he petitioner will not have to maintain a perpetual bond. 13E� 3 1 $9�� �:: '��;:'':;v�. ,r , . ISADVANfAGES IF APPROVED: ��.; �-. _� ' _ ., ,.,. _ ,., � � � � = `� one �.i��; '.G'd a�rJ� I5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: „�, he petitioner would have to maintain a$1,000 bond in perpetuity. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $0 � CO5CfREVENUE BUBGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTdViTY NUMBER: FINANCIAL IIVFORMATION: (ERPLAIIh J , ��. � � � � ��, ..; � � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss, GITY OF ST. PAUL ) � �� ;�.. �; �vU; ,.:..., �-ca � Y , :O� ,. : r :: �'f R�f:8R6€6 0�P �p� 3 � 1997 1, Frances Swanson, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the attached copy of Council File No. 97-48 as adopted by the City Council on January 22, 1997 and approved by the Mayor on January 27, 1997 with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of :C�s�."a # �—�,-p�°-�= — i � :fS;1$ fGE �.�1.-.L" m- �ec co�y Cer co�y l::is's�t5 � ��a bY/�sil � �� �:� �;�, �^,�`� said original and the whole thereof. WtTNESS, my hand and the seai of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 26th day of March, 1997. ���'�° ��;,, _ � seaa .oa..,,, _�'��� � e ,�",� 1 t� s ' �, ;��; :� � °I:'{„ ��� `it,�',��,��>�:�t+�r. �. ���; . ���a_ '- .... �' ' �, a,�� y � �J e�y � A � °:". � a ;. �Y a� ;:., , �. pl ° � ° °�d . p 0 p6Pe"' � � - �����A �� �� Deputy City Clerk OM4w� . �lr �� � I � � � �� 1�3 � . Return,copy to: �r ;"taal Estate Division 140 City Hall Presenfed By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Za 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Referred To .- ; 29855'75 �� RESOLUTION t CITY OF SAiNT PAUL, M4NNESOTA Council File # ���� Green Sheet # 3uZ- 30 Committee: Date VVfIEREAS, on November 16, 1948, the Council approved C.F.#� 146172, a resolution to vacate the following public property: the east and west alley in the area bounded hy Raymond Avenue on the east, a nozth and south alley on the west, Wabash Avenue on the north, and the right-of-way of ttie Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paui and Pacific Railroad Company on the south. WFIEREAS, said resolution was suhject to conditions including the following Paragraph 3: 3. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said pefitioner, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,000. WHEREAS, all conditions having been satisfied by the pe6tioner, the said vacation was duly fiied in the Ramsey Counry Recorder's O�ce; and WHEREAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WHEREAS, administrauve changes invoiving vacadon procedures now a11ow the petitioner to indemnify the Ciry rather than provide a bond; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council File # 146172 is hereby amended as follows: Paragrapfi 3 of the conditions shall read as foIlows: 3. That, the petitioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless ffie Ciry of Saint Paul, its ofFicers, and employees from all suits, actions, or cfauns of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacauon or petitioner's use of this property, including but not limited to a claun brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. �, _w . .. 29856'75 _ Q 1 BE �T FURTIiER RESOLVEA, that ail other tezms, condi6ons and reservations of the said Councii� �.' File # 146172 shali remain in full force and effect. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "'�t; r r l� _� : �. t ,- � ti � . `-_ Ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ZQ 21 22 23 24 25 26 Adopted by Council: Date Adopuon ertified by Cou� By: Approved by Ma or: Date sy: ��L (L Requested by Department of: Finance & M a eme Se�v9ces By: Director Form Approv d by City Attorney By . �.��U�-�---- �2-rr-g� u.-�------ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Z �j 7 ^O� By ��1� �" _ trf/�� 1� �_-:. �r � Y' , �f 1 H� CITY 'vE' . ST. PAUL, 1948 -•.=-. � 793 . 1 .:. . .. - ' .. C. F. No. 146168—SY W. A. Yarranto -- Resotved, Tha[ A1Pred H. Sr.hroe- der, = City Architect, and Arthur Coleman, Housino IDLanageq are hereby authorized to go [o Chicago, Iliinois, and Washinoton D. C., to consult with the Public I�ousing au- thorities concerning existing hous- ine alterations: the eXDenses oP said Adopted by the Council Nov. ifi, 1345. Approved Nov. 16, 1948. (November 20, 1943) C. F. No. 146163—By W. A. Parranto Resolced, that Eimer E_ Johnson be permitted to oPera[e a used cac• lot at 1604 U»iversity Avenue, sub- ject to the following conditions: 1. That a standard or approved fence be placed around the entire lot except for tn�ress and egress drive- r�-ays Por (a) protec[ion to pede�- trians traveling On the sidewalk; (b) protection to adjoining building on south and east. 2. That an 8-foot drive�vay on P.oy Street be closed at the curb line. 3. That the surface be treated with a dustless surfacing. ldopted by the CounCil Nov. 16, 1943. �pp[ov¢d Nov 16, 1918. (:�ovember 20, 1943) C. F. No. 1�6170—Ey Niilton Rosen— Resolved, that the Northern 5tates Po�ver Company be given permission to instalt approsimately 9i Lineal feet of gas ma:n on bV. I�laho betvveen Dunlap and Lexin�- ton under provisions of Councii Fiie Fo. 123001 Ordinance �io. 3271, daced Julg 19, 19�F1. .\dopted UY the Councii Nov. 1�. iaas. approvea xou. ls, is�ls. <VOVembar 20, 1943) C. F. �o, 1d6171—By �V. A. Parranto Resolved, trtat a public hearing be held 6� and before [he Council of the CitS o: .�'.aint Paul,in the Coun- cil Chamber of the Court House and C�tc Aail, in sai�l City, at ien o'clock r. tii. on December 10, 1943, upon the aclvisability and necessi�y nf the ro- pzur, replacement, remo�leling, or wrecicin, and removal of the build- ing on Lots 6 and 7. Gem Addition, according to the plat thereof re- corded in the ofiice of the Re�ister oc Deeds of RamseY County, VLinne- so[a, also descriUed as 139-19:, SL. Anthony Avenue, because said s`.ruc- ture is reported to be danaerous and ur.safe to life, limb and adjoinine property. :\doptCd by the CounCil rov. 16, is4s. approved Nov, 16, 1943. (:IOVember 20, 1948) �� : � F. No. 146172—By Milton Rosen— - Resolced, that upon the petition ,.; �.''a.. - .ar.� oP the Waldorf Paper Products Com- pany, the alley hereinafter described be and it is hereby vacated and dis- continued as a pubiic atley, to-wit: the east and west alley in the area bounded by I2aymond Avenue on the east, a north and south alley on the west, Wabash Avenue an the north, ar.d the right-oP-way oY the Chica- go, �ilwaukee, St. Paul and Paciflc Railroad Company on the south: su67ect espressly to the Yollorving conditions and reservattons: 1. Alt the conditions, reserva- tions and provisions containeQ in Ordinance No. 3394, as amended, en- titied "An ordinance regulating the procedure and preseribin° the con- ditions for the vacatlon of public grounds. streets, alleys and hi€h- ways in the City of Saint Paui," ap- 2. That said petitioner shali con- vey to the City oP Saint Paul for altey purposes the strip of land de- scribed as Eollows: That part of Biock D, Desnoyer Park, Ramsey CountY, Minnesota, and atso Chat purt of the southeast qusrter of tha northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 32. Toivnship 2J, Range 23, lying within a strip oP land 20 feet in �vidth, said stri� lying northerly of and adjacent to the right-of-way of the Chicago, l�iilwaukee, St. Paul and Paciric Railroad and runnin�' from Ra1'- mond Avenue to the north and south ailey west of Raymond Avenue. 3. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said peti- iioner, is hereby fixed at the sum o: $1,000.00. 4. Said petitioner shall pay to the CitY of Saint Paul the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), together with the costs oP this vacation proceedina• Adopted by the Council rov. lti, 1943. Approved Nov. 16, 19d3. (VOVember 20, 19d3) G. F. No. 1461i3—By `[ilton F.osen— P.esolved, tha.t upon the petition of St. Paul Structural S'eel Co. that part of York Avenue lyina bericeen the west line of Lot 10 and the east line of Lot 12. Elock 9, Edmun�l Rice's 3rd Addition, as esten�� d south across said York Acenue, be and the same is vacated and d•=_- continued as a pu6lic street, sub- 7ect expressly to the follow.ng con- dicions ancl reservations: 1. All the conditions, reservstions anA provisions contained in Ordi- nance `o- 3394, as lmended, entiUed "dn ordinance revulating the pro- cedure and prescribing the condi- ticns for the vacation of pubiic grounds, streets, atlevs and hieh- ways in the City of Saint Paul;' an- proved �Iarch 16 191�. 2. The bond provided for in s2id ordinance, to be flied by said peti- tioner, is hereby fised at the sum of g=.0oo.oc. 3. Said petitioner shall pay to the City of SainG Paul [he sum of $200.Q0, together with the costs of tliis vacation proceedin�. 4. That petitioner, or its suc- cessors in interest, m�.int2.in ade- quate street drainaoe Yacilities for �� �� 33 1�. 1 i � � r,� ;I r� .. � COVENANT OF INDEMNITY To the Honorable City Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, Minnesota: Waldorf Corporation, a Minnesota corporation having a mailing address of 2250 RTabash Avenue, Saint Pau1 Minnesota 55114-1828, the owner of the properry previously vacated by resolution Council File No. 146172 approved on November 16, 1948, agrees on behalf of itself, its assigns and successors in interest to indemnify, defend, save and hold hannless the City of Saint Paul, its o�cers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property because of this vacation, including but not limited to claims brought because of any act or omission, misconduct or neglect or because of any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law on the part of itself, its agents, employees, assigns or successors in interest. This indemnification is offered in lieu of the bonding requirement set forth in Paragraph 3. of the above referencedvacation. �,(l�ct,/tQorf �vr/�c�a.t%`e+-� Its ,/�-ss i s �'u h� i�a�: � u rPr Date �vQ,y, �le,� f % . /5�j6 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF � F!-iC�'�-A ) The foregoing instrument w s acknowledged before me this � day of �Q v�'1� �h� , 1996, by �`G �A-�/ and , the �-���s'�A-eJ � T� F1-S c; R and � � of f� � '� �L1�OP.N'F�d� a_ � under the laws of the state Notary Pubtic, County urt � c; rr+ My commissioa eapires ) �--A� � �. � W � (<al[> <f10>indewury) RBBBCCA t WOODS � 1�TAAY PUBIIC • �IIINNEHOTA DkKOSA CAt#�'tY Ny t'AIDiettl�T B�IfMkl. �� � Retum copy to: y� Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 z� 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 WHEREAS, on November lb, 1948, the Council approved C.F.# 146172, a resolurion to vacate the following public property: the easC and west alley in the area bounded by Raymond Avenue on the east, a north and south alley on the west, Wabash Avenue on the north, and the right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company on the south. WFI�REAS, said resolution was subject to condiuons including the following Paragraph 3: 3. The bond grovided for in said ordinauce, to be filed by said petitioner, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,OOQ. WFIER.EAS, all conditions having been satisfied by the petitioner, the said vacation was duly filed in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office; and WF�REAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WHEREAS, administrauve changes involving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than provide a bond; THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that Council File # 146172 is hereby amended as follows: Paragraph 3 of the condirions shall read as follows: 3. That, the peutioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its o�cers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacauon or petitioner's use of this properiy, including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violauon of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. ��i . ; `>,. L� . . _ �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .30 Council File # �''�—_`ti� Green Sheet # 3U►Z- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BE TT FLJRTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms, condifions and reservarions of the said Coun i� File # 146172 shall remain in full force and effect. _ ,� � f �.,.".... ..� --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Adopted by Council: Date Adoption ertified by Cou; By: _ Approved by Ma or: Date By: L Requested by Department of: Finance & M eme tSeFVices By: Director Form Approv d by Ciry Attorney B �..e:Ct�.G�G��t.y-�— 12 — l t- g C �.�-- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council z �t7 sy: "1�,1c���� F.M.S.JREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: December 10, Green Sheet Number: 34249 1996 °�"� y� EPORTMENI' DIRECI'QR 4 CPfY COUNCII. ontact Person and PLone Nt�ber: 1 ATfORNEY 7� 5 GZEIt% Tom Sawyer 266'�Jr� i)pC,gr DIItEGTOR 2�IN. & MGT. SVC. DIIL YOR (OR ASS1S��gv V C� t l 03�Fi ust be on Council A enda b: OTAL fl OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S[GNATqRE) ������ � CT10N RFQUFSTED: o amend Council File # 146172 to allow the petitioner to idemnify the City rather than maintain a bond, as equired by the said Council File # 146172. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REIECT Qt) NAL SERVICE CONTRACT5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: - . Iias tLe person/firm ever worked under a contract for tLis depariment7 YES NO rutmwcco7m.ass� A srat� . Has this personlfirm evu been a Cit9 empWyee? YFS NO crvnssavrce co�nsstott ! . Does Wis pereon!£am possess a skiR nut normally poseessed by anp YES NO � � cuireut City employee? " aIl YES answers oa a se ate sbeM and ettac6. SUPPORTS WHICA COUNCII. OBJECTIVE? COUNCII. WARD(S) d DISfRICT PLANNING COUNCII. � 2 INIT7A1'ING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITY (WLo, WLat, 1Vhen, Where, Whp?): C,F.# 146172, wiuch vacated the east-west alley bounded by Raymond Avenue, north-south alley, Wabash Avenue and the C.M.St.P. & P. railroad right-of-way, required the petitioner to maintain a$1,000 bond. absequent procedural changes allow the petitioner to idemnify the City instead of posting a bond. ��.:� �-- . vvarrrncFS � nrrxovEn: � +�' a,� � he petitioner will not have to maintain a perpetual bond. 13E� 3 1 $9�� �:: '��;:'':;v�. ,r , . ISADVANfAGES IF APPROVED: ��.; �-. _� ' _ ., ,.,. _ ,., � � � � = `� one �.i��; '.G'd a�rJ� I5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: „�, he petitioner would have to maintain a$1,000 bond in perpetuity. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $0 � CO5CfREVENUE BUBGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTdViTY NUMBER: FINANCIAL IIVFORMATION: (ERPLAIIh J , ��. � � � � ��, ..; � � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss, GITY OF ST. PAUL ) � �� ;�.. �; �vU; ,.:..., �-ca � Y , :O� ,. : r :: �'f R�f:8R6€6 0�P �p� 3 � 1997 1, Frances Swanson, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the attached copy of Council File No. 97-48 as adopted by the City Council on January 22, 1997 and approved by the Mayor on January 27, 1997 with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of :C�s�."a # �—�,-p�°-�= — i � :fS;1$ fGE �.�1.-.L" m- �ec co�y Cer co�y l::is's�t5 � ��a bY/�sil � �� �:� �;�, �^,�`� said original and the whole thereof. WtTNESS, my hand and the seai of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 26th day of March, 1997. ���'�° ��;,, _ � seaa .oa..,,, _�'��� � e ,�",� 1 t� s ' �, ;��; :� � °I:'{„ ��� `it,�',��,��>�:�t+�r. �. ���; . ���a_ '- .... �' ' �, a,�� y � �J e�y � A � °:". � a ;. �Y a� ;:., , �. pl ° � ° °�d . p 0 p6Pe"' � � - �����A �� �� Deputy City Clerk OM4w� . �lr �� � I � � � �� 1�3 � . Return,copy to: �r ;"taal Estate Division 140 City Hall Presenfed By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Za 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Referred To .- ; 29855'75 �� RESOLUTION t CITY OF SAiNT PAUL, M4NNESOTA Council File # ���� Green Sheet # 3uZ- 30 Committee: Date VVfIEREAS, on November 16, 1948, the Council approved C.F.#� 146172, a resolution to vacate the following public property: the east and west alley in the area bounded hy Raymond Avenue on the east, a nozth and south alley on the west, Wabash Avenue on the north, and the right-of-way of ttie Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paui and Pacific Railroad Company on the south. WFIEREAS, said resolution was suhject to conditions including the following Paragraph 3: 3. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said pefitioner, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,000. WHEREAS, all conditions having been satisfied by the pe6tioner, the said vacation was duly fiied in the Ramsey Counry Recorder's O�ce; and WHEREAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WHEREAS, administrauve changes invoiving vacadon procedures now a11ow the petitioner to indemnify the Ciry rather than provide a bond; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council File # 146172 is hereby amended as follows: Paragrapfi 3 of the conditions shall read as foIlows: 3. That, the petitioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless ffie Ciry of Saint Paul, its ofFicers, and employees from all suits, actions, or cfauns of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacauon or petitioner's use of this property, including but not limited to a claun brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. �, _w . .. 29856'75 _ Q 1 BE �T FURTIiER RESOLVEA, that ail other tezms, condi6ons and reservations of the said Councii� �.' File # 146172 shali remain in full force and effect. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "'�t; r r l� _� : �. t ,- � ti � . `-_ Ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ZQ 21 22 23 24 25 26 Adopted by Council: Date Adopuon ertified by Cou� By: Approved by Ma or: Date sy: ��L (L Requested by Department of: Finance & M a eme Se�v9ces By: Director Form Approv d by City Attorney By . �.��U�-�---- �2-rr-g� u.-�------ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Z �j 7 ^O� By ��1� �" _ trf/�� 1� �_-:. �r � Y' , �f 1 H� CITY 'vE' . ST. PAUL, 1948 -•.=-. � 793 . 1 .:. . .. - ' .. C. F. No. 146168—SY W. A. Yarranto -- Resotved, Tha[ A1Pred H. Sr.hroe- der, = City Architect, and Arthur Coleman, Housino IDLanageq are hereby authorized to go [o Chicago, Iliinois, and Washinoton D. C., to consult with the Public I�ousing au- thorities concerning existing hous- ine alterations: the eXDenses oP said Adopted by the Council Nov. ifi, 1345. Approved Nov. 16, 1948. (November 20, 1943) C. F. No. 146163—By W. A. Parranto Resolced, that Eimer E_ Johnson be permitted to oPera[e a used cac• lot at 1604 U»iversity Avenue, sub- ject to the following conditions: 1. That a standard or approved fence be placed around the entire lot except for tn�ress and egress drive- r�-ays Por (a) protec[ion to pede�- trians traveling On the sidewalk; (b) protection to adjoining building on south and east. 2. That an 8-foot drive�vay on P.oy Street be closed at the curb line. 3. That the surface be treated with a dustless surfacing. ldopted by the CounCil Nov. 16, 1943. �pp[ov¢d Nov 16, 1918. (:�ovember 20, 1943) C. F. No. 1�6170—Ey Niilton Rosen— Resolved, that the Northern 5tates Po�ver Company be given permission to instalt approsimately 9i Lineal feet of gas ma:n on bV. I�laho betvveen Dunlap and Lexin�- ton under provisions of Councii Fiie Fo. 123001 Ordinance �io. 3271, daced Julg 19, 19�F1. .\dopted UY the Councii Nov. 1�. iaas. approvea xou. ls, is�ls. <VOVembar 20, 1943) C. F. �o, 1d6171—By �V. A. Parranto Resolved, trtat a public hearing be held 6� and before [he Council of the CitS o: .�'.aint Paul,in the Coun- cil Chamber of the Court House and C�tc Aail, in sai�l City, at ien o'clock r. tii. on December 10, 1943, upon the aclvisability and necessi�y nf the ro- pzur, replacement, remo�leling, or wrecicin, and removal of the build- ing on Lots 6 and 7. Gem Addition, according to the plat thereof re- corded in the ofiice of the Re�ister oc Deeds of RamseY County, VLinne- so[a, also descriUed as 139-19:, SL. Anthony Avenue, because said s`.ruc- ture is reported to be danaerous and ur.safe to life, limb and adjoinine property. :\doptCd by the CounCil rov. 16, is4s. approved Nov, 16, 1943. (:IOVember 20, 1948) �� : � F. No. 146172—By Milton Rosen— - Resolced, that upon the petition ,.; �.''a.. - .ar.� oP the Waldorf Paper Products Com- pany, the alley hereinafter described be and it is hereby vacated and dis- continued as a pubiic atley, to-wit: the east and west alley in the area bounded by I2aymond Avenue on the east, a north and south alley on the west, Wabash Avenue an the north, ar.d the right-oP-way oY the Chica- go, �ilwaukee, St. Paul and Paciflc Railroad Company on the south: su67ect espressly to the Yollorving conditions and reservattons: 1. Alt the conditions, reserva- tions and provisions containeQ in Ordinance No. 3394, as amended, en- titied "An ordinance regulating the procedure and preseribin° the con- ditions for the vacatlon of public grounds. streets, alleys and hi€h- ways in the City of Saint Paui," ap- 2. That said petitioner shali con- vey to the City oP Saint Paul for altey purposes the strip of land de- scribed as Eollows: That part of Biock D, Desnoyer Park, Ramsey CountY, Minnesota, and atso Chat purt of the southeast qusrter of tha northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 32. Toivnship 2J, Range 23, lying within a strip oP land 20 feet in �vidth, said stri� lying northerly of and adjacent to the right-of-way of the Chicago, l�iilwaukee, St. Paul and Paciric Railroad and runnin�' from Ra1'- mond Avenue to the north and south ailey west of Raymond Avenue. 3. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said peti- iioner, is hereby fixed at the sum o: $1,000.00. 4. Said petitioner shall pay to the CitY of Saint Paul the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), together with the costs oP this vacation proceedina• Adopted by the Council rov. lti, 1943. Approved Nov. 16, 19d3. (VOVember 20, 19d3) G. F. No. 1461i3—By `[ilton F.osen— P.esolved, tha.t upon the petition of St. Paul Structural S'eel Co. that part of York Avenue lyina bericeen the west line of Lot 10 and the east line of Lot 12. Elock 9, Edmun�l Rice's 3rd Addition, as esten�� d south across said York Acenue, be and the same is vacated and d•=_- continued as a pu6lic street, sub- 7ect expressly to the follow.ng con- dicions ancl reservations: 1. All the conditions, reservstions anA provisions contained in Ordi- nance `o- 3394, as lmended, entiUed "dn ordinance revulating the pro- cedure and prescribing the condi- ticns for the vacation of pubiic grounds, streets, atlevs and hieh- ways in the City of Saint Paul;' an- proved �Iarch 16 191�. 2. The bond provided for in s2id ordinance, to be flied by said peti- tioner, is hereby fised at the sum of g=.0oo.oc. 3. Said petitioner shall pay to the City of SainG Paul [he sum of $200.Q0, together with the costs of tliis vacation proceedin�. 4. That petitioner, or its suc- cessors in interest, m�.int2.in ade- quate street drainaoe Yacilities for �� �� 33 1�. 1 i � � r,� ;I r� .. � COVENANT OF INDEMNITY To the Honorable City Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, Minnesota: Waldorf Corporation, a Minnesota corporation having a mailing address of 2250 RTabash Avenue, Saint Pau1 Minnesota 55114-1828, the owner of the properry previously vacated by resolution Council File No. 146172 approved on November 16, 1948, agrees on behalf of itself, its assigns and successors in interest to indemnify, defend, save and hold hannless the City of Saint Paul, its o�cers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property because of this vacation, including but not limited to claims brought because of any act or omission, misconduct or neglect or because of any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law on the part of itself, its agents, employees, assigns or successors in interest. This indemnification is offered in lieu of the bonding requirement set forth in Paragraph 3. of the above referencedvacation. �,(l�ct,/tQorf �vr/�c�a.t%`e+-� Its ,/�-ss i s �'u h� i�a�: � u rPr Date �vQ,y, �le,� f % . /5�j6 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF � F!-iC�'�-A ) The foregoing instrument w s acknowledged before me this � day of �Q v�'1� �h� , 1996, by �`G �A-�/ and , the �-���s'�A-eJ � T� F1-S c; R and � � of f� � '� �L1�OP.N'F�d� a_ � under the laws of the state Notary Pubtic, County urt � c; rr+ My commissioa eapires ) �--A� � �. � W � (<al[> <f10>indewury) RBBBCCA t WOODS � 1�TAAY PUBIIC • �IIINNEHOTA DkKOSA CAt#�'tY Ny t'AIDiettl�T B�IfMkl. �� �