97-473qww»�1 S �..�5 - �-: - t�.,..� � - '-I Presented By �0 1 q;1 counoil sile # �— ��� Green Sheet � �T y�? RESOLUTION Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 WHEREAS, Chapter 62.104(11) of the City's Legislative Code prohibits driveways that lead 6 to front or side yazd parking sgaces; and � 8 WfIEREAS, the vaziance process for residents whose driveways do not conform with Chapter 9 62104(11) is castlp and time consmuing; and 10 11 WI�REAS, some non-confornung driveways have been in existence for several decades and 12 conform to the general character of the neighborhood; NOW THEREFORE 13 14 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council supports waiving the fees for variances 15 that would a11ow the existing non-conforming driveways to remain; AND BE IT 16 17 FURTHER RESOLVED, that in order to minimize the present costly and flme consuming 18 driveway evaluation process, the City Council directs the appropriate City Departments to 19 develop polices and prepare appropriate legislatio designed to simplify the process for 20 determine whether existing non-conforming drivev�ays may continue. 21 � b � �';,,�.� � 5� 1 �' a � Requested by Department of: By: Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' 3 ��(� Adoption Certified by Council Searetary B �, : ���jrJ/Y�L�. �+�f�.77 By: . -. . . ■_ - I .• , ,'', I j � �, � Council By: by Mayor for Submission to x� �6s6so� GREEN SHEET CITY ATTOflNEV BUDGET DIREC(O MAYOR (OR ASSISTAM) TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SfGNATURE) 'rt� -y � 3 N_ 33493 MlTIAVbA7E - � cm c�aK Q FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR � _ Directing Public Works to give five non-conforming driveays on Mo aaan Avemie and Worcester Ave curb cars and aprons as requested and directing LIEP to expedite the variavice process and waive the varia fee. ,_ PLANNING COMMISSIIXJ __ CIVILSEAVECE COMb145510N _ CIB COMMRTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ D4STflICTCOURT _ SUPPDRTS WHICH COUNCil08JECi1VE? PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: L Has tFris personRirm ever worked undar a corMact fpr this deparlmeM? - YES NO 2. Has this personflinn ever 6een a city employee? YES NO 3. Goes this perso�rm possess a skifl not nomrally possessad by any currant city employee? YES NO Explain a11 yes answers on seRarate aheet and attach to grean sheet In preparing for the Morgan / Edgcumbe residential meet paving project, LIEP found a number of driveways that do not conform to the City's zoning code and informed property owners that these would not be given curb cuts. Properry owners complained, citing the fact that these driveways have been in eustence for decades with no complaints from the City or the neighbors. Last yeaz, a similaz situation in the Cretin f Bayard street paving program resulted in significant cost to the city when curbs were laid in front of such driveways, oniy to be replaced wiih curb cuts later after property owners obtaiued vuiances. Public Works would be able to give curb cuts and aprons to e�sting driveways that aze used by property owners when new curbs aze first laid. None. IF NOT APPROVED: _ ��lUtlf,`�i ���a?ai�n C;�s.�?�,�` �'tS';i � i� ���� _ --- - -- - ..._ _ �r�:�'`:'�� Curbs will be laid in front of er,isting driveways ttiat aze currenfly used by property owners. These new curbs might have to be removed and reglaced with curb cuts and aprons if variances aze later obtained. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTfHEVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO 1NDIqG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER iANCIAI INFORMATiON: (EXPLAIN) Council File # q7_ �t '?3 RESOLUTION Presented bv �'�"��% `C• Referred To WF�REAS, Chapter 62.104(11) ofthe City's Legislative Code prohibits parking spaces; and WHEREAS, five such driveways have been identified by the Deparhnent Residential Street Pauing Project area; and � Green Sheet # ���3 I�F.S� that lead to front or side yazd within the Morgan / Edgcumbe WHEREAS, construction of the Morgan / Edgcumbe Residential eet Paving Project is scheduled to begin on April 28, 1997; and WHEREAS, during the Cretin ! Bayazd Residential Stree aving Project in 1996, several non-confornvng driveways were not given aprons or curb cuts only to have e curbs that were laid in front of them removed later when variances for the driveways were acquired; and WFIEREAS, the variance process for residents whose 'veways do not conform with Chapter 62.104(11) is costly, and, at this point, may not meet the deadline requi d by the construction schedule for the Morgan ( Edgcumbe Residential Street Pauing Project; and WI�REAS, no complaints have been register with any City deparhnent over the past several years regarding the existence of driveways at 1765 Morgan A nue, 1801 Morgan Avenue, 1934 Morgan Avenue, 2044 Morgan Avenue, or 1920 Warcester Avenue; and WHEREAS, these five driveways ofthe neighborhood;and CITI( OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �9, in existence for several decades and conform to the general character WI�REAS, the Office of LIEP� not expended any staff time or resources to the variance process for these five driveways; now, therefore, be ' 9? -4?3 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council supports waiving the fees for variances that ould allow the existing driveways at 1765 Morgan Avenue, 1801 Morgan Avenue, 1934 Morgan Avenue, 2044 organ Avenue and 1920 Worcester Avenue to zemain; and be it FINALLY RESQLVED, that, in order to avoid reconstrvcting new curbs, the ity Council requests that the Deparhnent of Public Works develop coustruction plans for the Morgan I Ed umbe Residential Str'eet Paving Project that wiil accomodate the five aforementioned driveways as if the pro rties will receive variances. Requested by Department of: Blakey Bostrom Harris Megard Morton Rettman Thune I ��r � � � / Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified 1 By: Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Mayor: Date � qww»�1 S �..�5 - �-: - t�.,..� � - '-I Presented By �0 1 q;1 counoil sile # �— ��� Green Sheet � �T y�? RESOLUTION Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 WHEREAS, Chapter 62.104(11) of the City's Legislative Code prohibits driveways that lead 6 to front or side yazd parking sgaces; and � 8 WfIEREAS, the vaziance process for residents whose driveways do not conform with Chapter 9 62104(11) is castlp and time consmuing; and 10 11 WI�REAS, some non-confornung driveways have been in existence for several decades and 12 conform to the general character of the neighborhood; NOW THEREFORE 13 14 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council supports waiving the fees for variances 15 that would a11ow the existing non-conforming driveways to remain; AND BE IT 16 17 FURTHER RESOLVED, that in order to minimize the present costly and flme consuming 18 driveway evaluation process, the City Council directs the appropriate City Departments to 19 develop polices and prepare appropriate legislatio designed to simplify the process for 20 determine whether existing non-conforming drivev�ays may continue. 21 � b � �';,,�.� � 5� 1 �' a � Requested by Department of: By: Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' 3 ��(� Adoption Certified by Council Searetary B �, : ���jrJ/Y�L�. �+�f�.77 By: . -. . . ■_ - I .• , ,'', I j � �, � Council By: by Mayor for Submission to x� �6s6so� GREEN SHEET CITY ATTOflNEV BUDGET DIREC(O MAYOR (OR ASSISTAM) TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SfGNATURE) 'rt� -y � 3 N_ 33493 MlTIAVbA7E - � cm c�aK Q FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR � _ Directing Public Works to give five non-conforming driveays on Mo aaan Avemie and Worcester Ave curb cars and aprons as requested and directing LIEP to expedite the variavice process and waive the varia fee. ,_ PLANNING COMMISSIIXJ __ CIVILSEAVECE COMb145510N _ CIB COMMRTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ D4STflICTCOURT _ SUPPDRTS WHICH COUNCil08JECi1VE? PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: L Has tFris personRirm ever worked undar a corMact fpr this deparlmeM? - YES NO 2. Has this personflinn ever 6een a city employee? YES NO 3. Goes this perso�rm possess a skifl not nomrally possessad by any currant city employee? YES NO Explain a11 yes answers on seRarate aheet and attach to grean sheet In preparing for the Morgan / Edgcumbe residential meet paving project, LIEP found a number of driveways that do not conform to the City's zoning code and informed property owners that these would not be given curb cuts. Properry owners complained, citing the fact that these driveways have been in eustence for decades with no complaints from the City or the neighbors. Last yeaz, a similaz situation in the Cretin f Bayard street paving program resulted in significant cost to the city when curbs were laid in front of such driveways, oniy to be replaced wiih curb cuts later after property owners obtaiued vuiances. Public Works would be able to give curb cuts and aprons to e�sting driveways that aze used by property owners when new curbs aze first laid. None. IF NOT APPROVED: _ ��lUtlf,`�i ���a?ai�n C;�s.�?�,�` �'tS';i � i� ���� _ --- - -- - ..._ _ �r�:�'`:'�� Curbs will be laid in front of er,isting driveways ttiat aze currenfly used by property owners. These new curbs might have to be removed and reglaced with curb cuts and aprons if variances aze later obtained. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTfHEVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO 1NDIqG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER iANCIAI INFORMATiON: (EXPLAIN) Council File # q7_ �t '?3 RESOLUTION Presented bv �'�"��% `C• Referred To WF�REAS, Chapter 62.104(11) ofthe City's Legislative Code prohibits parking spaces; and WHEREAS, five such driveways have been identified by the Deparhnent Residential Street Pauing Project area; and � Green Sheet # ���3 I�F.S� that lead to front or side yazd within the Morgan / Edgcumbe WHEREAS, construction of the Morgan / Edgcumbe Residential eet Paving Project is scheduled to begin on April 28, 1997; and WHEREAS, during the Cretin ! Bayazd Residential Stree aving Project in 1996, several non-confornvng driveways were not given aprons or curb cuts only to have e curbs that were laid in front of them removed later when variances for the driveways were acquired; and WFIEREAS, the variance process for residents whose 'veways do not conform with Chapter 62.104(11) is costly, and, at this point, may not meet the deadline requi d by the construction schedule for the Morgan ( Edgcumbe Residential Street Pauing Project; and WI�REAS, no complaints have been register with any City deparhnent over the past several years regarding the existence of driveways at 1765 Morgan A nue, 1801 Morgan Avenue, 1934 Morgan Avenue, 2044 Morgan Avenue, or 1920 Warcester Avenue; and WHEREAS, these five driveways ofthe neighborhood;and CITI( OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �9, in existence for several decades and conform to the general character WI�REAS, the Office of LIEP� not expended any staff time or resources to the variance process for these five driveways; now, therefore, be ' 9? -4?3 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council supports waiving the fees for variances that ould allow the existing driveways at 1765 Morgan Avenue, 1801 Morgan Avenue, 1934 Morgan Avenue, 2044 organ Avenue and 1920 Worcester Avenue to zemain; and be it FINALLY RESQLVED, that, in order to avoid reconstrvcting new curbs, the ity Council requests that the Deparhnent of Public Works develop coustruction plans for the Morgan I Ed umbe Residential Str'eet Paving Project that wiil accomodate the five aforementioned driveways as if the pro rties will receive variances. Requested by Department of: Blakey Bostrom Harris Megard Morton Rettman Thune I ��r � � � / Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified 1 By: Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Mayor: Date � qww»�1 S �..�5 - �-: - t�.,..� � - '-I Presented By �0 1 q;1 counoil sile # �— ��� Green Sheet � �T y�? RESOLUTION Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 WHEREAS, Chapter 62.104(11) of the City's Legislative Code prohibits driveways that lead 6 to front or side yazd parking sgaces; and � 8 WfIEREAS, the vaziance process for residents whose driveways do not conform with Chapter 9 62104(11) is castlp and time consmuing; and 10 11 WI�REAS, some non-confornung driveways have been in existence for several decades and 12 conform to the general character of the neighborhood; NOW THEREFORE 13 14 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council supports waiving the fees for variances 15 that would a11ow the existing non-conforming driveways to remain; AND BE IT 16 17 FURTHER RESOLVED, that in order to minimize the present costly and flme consuming 18 driveway evaluation process, the City Council directs the appropriate City Departments to 19 develop polices and prepare appropriate legislatio designed to simplify the process for 20 determine whether existing non-conforming drivev�ays may continue. 21 � b � �';,,�.� � 5� 1 �' a � Requested by Department of: By: Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' 3 ��(� Adoption Certified by Council Searetary B �, : ���jrJ/Y�L�. �+�f�.77 By: . -. . . ■_ - I .• , ,'', I j � �, � Council By: by Mayor for Submission to x� �6s6so� GREEN SHEET CITY ATTOflNEV BUDGET DIREC(O MAYOR (OR ASSISTAM) TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SfGNATURE) 'rt� -y � 3 N_ 33493 MlTIAVbA7E - � cm c�aK Q FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR � _ Directing Public Works to give five non-conforming driveays on Mo aaan Avemie and Worcester Ave curb cars and aprons as requested and directing LIEP to expedite the variavice process and waive the varia fee. ,_ PLANNING COMMISSIIXJ __ CIVILSEAVECE COMb145510N _ CIB COMMRTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ D4STflICTCOURT _ SUPPDRTS WHICH COUNCil08JECi1VE? PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: L Has tFris personRirm ever worked undar a corMact fpr this deparlmeM? - YES NO 2. Has this personflinn ever 6een a city employee? YES NO 3. Goes this perso�rm possess a skifl not nomrally possessad by any currant city employee? YES NO Explain a11 yes answers on seRarate aheet and attach to grean sheet In preparing for the Morgan / Edgcumbe residential meet paving project, LIEP found a number of driveways that do not conform to the City's zoning code and informed property owners that these would not be given curb cuts. Properry owners complained, citing the fact that these driveways have been in eustence for decades with no complaints from the City or the neighbors. Last yeaz, a similaz situation in the Cretin f Bayard street paving program resulted in significant cost to the city when curbs were laid in front of such driveways, oniy to be replaced wiih curb cuts later after property owners obtaiued vuiances. Public Works would be able to give curb cuts and aprons to e�sting driveways that aze used by property owners when new curbs aze first laid. None. IF NOT APPROVED: _ ��lUtlf,`�i ���a?ai�n C;�s.�?�,�` �'tS';i � i� ���� _ --- - -- - ..._ _ �r�:�'`:'�� Curbs will be laid in front of er,isting driveways ttiat aze currenfly used by property owners. These new curbs might have to be removed and reglaced with curb cuts and aprons if variances aze later obtained. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTfHEVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO 1NDIqG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER iANCIAI INFORMATiON: (EXPLAIN) Council File # q7_ �t '?3 RESOLUTION Presented bv �'�"��% `C• Referred To WF�REAS, Chapter 62.104(11) ofthe City's Legislative Code prohibits parking spaces; and WHEREAS, five such driveways have been identified by the Deparhnent Residential Street Pauing Project area; and � Green Sheet # ���3 I�F.S� that lead to front or side yazd within the Morgan / Edgcumbe WHEREAS, construction of the Morgan / Edgcumbe Residential eet Paving Project is scheduled to begin on April 28, 1997; and WHEREAS, during the Cretin ! Bayazd Residential Stree aving Project in 1996, several non-confornvng driveways were not given aprons or curb cuts only to have e curbs that were laid in front of them removed later when variances for the driveways were acquired; and WFIEREAS, the variance process for residents whose 'veways do not conform with Chapter 62.104(11) is costly, and, at this point, may not meet the deadline requi d by the construction schedule for the Morgan ( Edgcumbe Residential Street Pauing Project; and WI�REAS, no complaints have been register with any City deparhnent over the past several years regarding the existence of driveways at 1765 Morgan A nue, 1801 Morgan Avenue, 1934 Morgan Avenue, 2044 Morgan Avenue, or 1920 Warcester Avenue; and WHEREAS, these five driveways ofthe neighborhood;and CITI( OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �9, in existence for several decades and conform to the general character WI�REAS, the Office of LIEP� not expended any staff time or resources to the variance process for these five driveways; now, therefore, be ' 9? -4?3 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council supports waiving the fees for variances that ould allow the existing driveways at 1765 Morgan Avenue, 1801 Morgan Avenue, 1934 Morgan Avenue, 2044 organ Avenue and 1920 Worcester Avenue to zemain; and be it FINALLY RESQLVED, that, in order to avoid reconstrvcting new curbs, the ity Council requests that the Deparhnent of Public Works develop coustruction plans for the Morgan I Ed umbe Residential Str'eet Paving Project that wiil accomodate the five aforementioned driveways as if the pro rties will receive variances. Requested by Department of: Blakey Bostrom Harris Megard Morton Rettman Thune I ��r � � � / Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified 1 By: Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Mayor: Date �