D00560C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �vroved copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER - City Gerk (Originaq BUDGET REVISION - Finance Dept.'s Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. No: 17()05b Q Date: � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the St. Paul Police Department to amend the 1995 budget of the General Fund, the Director of the Department of Fnance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: FROM: 001 - General �und 04100 - Operations Division 0349-40015 - Other Equipment CURRENT APPROVEU AMENDED BUDGEf CHANGES BUDGEf 8,972 (5,000) 3,972 8,972 (5,000) 3,972 TO: 001 - General Fund 04100 - Operations Division • 0857-40015 - Data Processing Hardware 0 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,900 Net Change -0- The above change will enable ihe 1995 Police Youih Liaison Grant budget to reflec[ the manner in which these funds will be spent. u C ��Q-�, M �-c�Q �- $ �iJ p oved y: Budget Director Date A053095A � � FOR GREEN SHEET CITY ATTOflNEY MAVOR (OR ASSIST TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES Approval ofthe attached Adnuuistrative Order. __ PLANNM6 COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE GOMMISSION _ CiB COMMfTTEE _ _ ssq� _ _ DISTRICT COUfiT _ SUPPOfiT$ WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTWEI ryViw. ALL LOGATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ` v �oo�ba N°_ 31499 _ . _ . - �- � R`�ITIAIIOATE C(fY CLERK FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUSTANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: 5. Has thts personNirm ever worked under a conhact for this department? � YES NO 2. Has this persoNfmm ever been a ciy empbyee? YES NO 3. Does tYris persoNlirm possess a ski�l not normally possessea by any current ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on aepafate sheet and ettacP to graen sheet Why/: The Saint Paul Police Department desues to reallocate its spending authority in the Police Youth Liaison Progrant Grant to reflect the uianner in which the funds will be spent. The Sairn Paul Police Departmeirt spending plan in the Police Youth Liaison Program Grant will properly reflect the anticipated 1995 expenditures. RECEIVED JUN 12 lggy None. R���tVED JUN 6 �9g The 1995 Police Youth Liaison Program Grant budget will not properly reflect the uiauuer in w}rich the funds are to be spent. AMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N $ COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'UNDtN6 SOURCE c',�„�i F,,,�a �nni� ACTIVITY NUMBER n41p0 iNANC1AL INFORMATION. (EXPU+IN) � �