97-471�`°j i� � ��, e E t" � r� ': . : `�; : . s / Presented ` Referretl To: 7 2 3 4 5 6 � a s �o �� 72 13 �a ts ts 17 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 2s 27 28 29 � 31 32 � � 35 � 37 � 39 � 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 W 5i 52 53 54 � 56 57 58 59 Councii File # Green Sheet # Committee: Date 1? WHERERS, approved ca�iEaHfprovement projects, "Science Museum-City of Saint PaW Contribution" (C96-OT200), "Citywide Playground Equipment Improvements" (C97-3T130), "Children's Play Area Equipment Program" (C97-3S008} and "Hazef Park Recreation Center & Sitework' (C97-3B006} are financed in part with CapitaV Improvement Sond (CIB} funds and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds: and WHEREAS, it is desirabie to exchange a portion of the CIB and CDBG funding sources between the projects to provide greater flexibility in the applicatio� of those monies within approved project scope; and WHEREAS, a doliar-for-dollar exchange of these funds would neither increase or reduce the current budgets of these projects; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget as heretofore adopted and amended by the Councii is hereby further amended as follows: Financing -CPL Science Museum - City of Saint Paul Contribution C9Cr0T200 'Pria-year CD6G 1997 GB Bonds All other financing Spending - CPL Science Museum - City of Saint Paul Contribution C96-07200 Prelim. Design Grant Land Assembly PWlic improvements Civic CeMer Connectimis City Loan to SMM Real EstatelLegaUMisc. Lega4Mem of Understanding/Dev. Agmt Financing - CPL Citywide Ptayground Equipment Improvements C97-3T130 1997 CDSG 1997 CIB Bonds S eo ndiny-CPL Citywide Playground Equipment Improvements C97-3T130 Equipment OF S�NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Current Sudget 500,Q00 3,1DQDOD 78,255,000 21,855,000 1,000,000 6,975,000 10,500,000 500,W0 2,500,000 265,000 175,�00 21,855,000 � ��� � •i ��� T� ��� :� ��� Change t5oo,o00� 500,000 0 0 0 � ��� :� ��� � 0 0 9'�-y�l 32589 Amended Budget 0 3,600,000 18,255,000 21,855,D00 .�� .�� ��a � �� �r� �� v�� �� ��� . ��� ��� ��♦ � :� �a� :� ��� a� ��� � ��a � 6� Financing-CPL 62 Children's Play Area Equipment Program (CPAEP) s3 C97-3S008 64 55 '1997 CDBG 66 1997 CIB Bonds 67 � s9 Scending-CPL 70 Children's Pfay Area Equipmerrt Program (CPAEP) 7i C973S008 72 73 DesignlCor�.struction 74 75 76 77 Financinq^CPL 1s Hazei Park Neighborhood Recreation Center & Sdevrork 7s C97-36006 � 81 '1995 CIB Bonds a2 1994f1995 CDBG 83 7996 CIB Bonds 84 1997 CIB Bonds a5 f997 CDBG SG Prior-year CDBG 87 � '� 88 � m &9 Spendina - CPL o s0 Nazel Park Neighborhood Recreation Centx� ' k s� C97-38006 � � n 92 �. m '8 93 Design '� '" � 94 ConsVUetion " � 9�5 Inspection U � t � m a 98 CDBG Financinq � � � �f M 100 Building Neighborhoods Together � � � 107 P6-100-37812-0547-61519 �q .� �oz � 8 �03 Unspecified Contingency ro o 704 P6100-37818-0558-61999 a U s 105 � � � 106 Hazel Park Recreation Center � t07 P6-10037803-0565-61601 ,�,, � 'u 1a8 Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary: By: �\ �.. . I+�- ry.�� A .a-_.------ ���� Approved by Mayor:�� By: ' �i�-y'11 � ��� .� ��� :� rr� '� ��� � ��� 4Ei2,000 1,451,000 35,W0 766,W0 0 0 2,714,000 399,000 2,250.000 65.000 2,714,000 1 s�,000 �, s92,00a (!J . � _� ��� :� ��� .� r�� � ��a � �•� ��� � r. .. ��� �� �w �� ��� � ��� �'� � � ��• . ��� • r.� ts�,000� (513,0�) • ��� ��� .�� ��� � ��. Requested by Department ot Financiai Services By: Approval Recommer ed by Budget Director: By: _C{� ' � � "'� Farm Appr by C' �r ey: � �� Approved by yor fo�on to Councit 8 y: �_ SaiMPaWBUEgNOfliceM'�`ER5IBUOGtT123ViE50lN1UiE5_SWM.WK4 09/OBNn t ��� � ��� � 0 0 .�� �Trr �� �r. �� ��� � Adopted by Council: Date �� G' ���� �ice otFinancial Services 32589 DYPAItTARNIDIRECfOR C19YATCOP.NEY # OF SIGNATURE PAGES r.:rr� M0.YOR(ORNSSI4T/1M1 ATT. LOCATiON5 FOR SIGP fl2i &]SGT. SFAYICASDII2. l of a budget amendment to exchange Capital Improvement Bond (CIB) funds and Community Development Block gant (CDBG) monies vaziaus approved capitai improvement projects. R.�HIi@tGNWA55[ON 41V6SFRVtCEWAAffSAON omoknn�rrr(weo. wn+, wm4 wl�w. wn I. Has Nris pe�saJfum e�er woeAed ander a wnttact for this depaMUat? YES NO 2. Has Ims TxasuiJfiau ever been a city empWyee? YES NO 3. Daes Nis PersaJfum P�%a sldtl �ro[ mnnzOY Pos%e�� i'Y a'W �� YES NO f city ee? is desirable to cxchange a portion of the CIB Bond funds and CDBG monies between these projects to proride for �eater fle�bility in the application '[hese funds within their approved project scope. �LS��� APR 14 i997 �������� �.. ;� ,, , ������o�m: .....�..WV,...,. �,�,�,�. -_. , : � � � Thece will be fewer restricCions on the spending of fnnds within three of tliese projects as tUe CDBG funds are replaced with more flexible C1B Bond monies. 11tis ecchange, howevet; will not alter the size, scope or purpose of any of the projec[s. ���a�A ��T&P� �Sr:r'�.e�� rikF" � � �E �� asaov.wrwoES or xor nrexovm: 7nless CDBG fuuding is exchanged with CDHG monies, the application of those dollars within the Science Museum pmject, the Children's Play Area iquipment Program and the Citywide Playgound Equipment Improvements project will be less fle�ble. LAL,IMOV NT OP'IRANS4CSION tDINGSOURC$ �}IQxt ttII+ORMATtON� (ErTLAiM Net i• • �i CQSTIRSVSNUBBUDGElHDi�iRCLSON� O ACTIVitYNIfifHER C96-OT200 C97-3T130 NO � � i♦�• �`°j i� � ��, e E t" � r� ': . : `�; : . s / Presented ` Referretl To: 7 2 3 4 5 6 � a s �o �� 72 13 �a ts ts 17 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 2s 27 28 29 � 31 32 � � 35 � 37 � 39 � 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 W 5i 52 53 54 � 56 57 58 59 Councii File # Green Sheet # Committee: Date 1? WHERERS, approved ca�iEaHfprovement projects, "Science Museum-City of Saint PaW Contribution" (C96-OT200), "Citywide Playground Equipment Improvements" (C97-3T130), "Children's Play Area Equipment Program" (C97-3S008} and "Hazef Park Recreation Center & Sitework' (C97-3B006} are financed in part with CapitaV Improvement Sond (CIB} funds and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds: and WHEREAS, it is desirabie to exchange a portion of the CIB and CDBG funding sources between the projects to provide greater flexibility in the applicatio� of those monies within approved project scope; and WHEREAS, a doliar-for-dollar exchange of these funds would neither increase or reduce the current budgets of these projects; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget as heretofore adopted and amended by the Councii is hereby further amended as follows: Financing -CPL Science Museum - City of Saint Paul Contribution C9Cr0T200 'Pria-year CD6G 1997 GB Bonds All other financing Spending - CPL Science Museum - City of Saint Paul Contribution C96-07200 Prelim. Design Grant Land Assembly PWlic improvements Civic CeMer Connectimis City Loan to SMM Real EstatelLegaUMisc. Lega4Mem of Understanding/Dev. Agmt Financing - CPL Citywide Ptayground Equipment Improvements C97-3T130 1997 CDSG 1997 CIB Bonds S eo ndiny-CPL Citywide Playground Equipment Improvements C97-3T130 Equipment OF S�NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Current Sudget 500,Q00 3,1DQDOD 78,255,000 21,855,000 1,000,000 6,975,000 10,500,000 500,W0 2,500,000 265,000 175,�00 21,855,000 � ��� � •i ��� T� ��� :� ��� Change t5oo,o00� 500,000 0 0 0 � ��� :� ��� � 0 0 9'�-y�l 32589 Amended Budget 0 3,600,000 18,255,000 21,855,D00 .�� .�� ��a � �� �r� �� v�� �� ��� . ��� ��� ��♦ � :� �a� :� ��� a� ��� � ��a � 6� Financing-CPL 62 Children's Play Area Equipment Program (CPAEP) s3 C97-3S008 64 55 '1997 CDBG 66 1997 CIB Bonds 67 � s9 Scending-CPL 70 Children's Pfay Area Equipmerrt Program (CPAEP) 7i C973S008 72 73 DesignlCor�.struction 74 75 76 77 Financinq^CPL 1s Hazei Park Neighborhood Recreation Center & Sdevrork 7s C97-36006 � 81 '1995 CIB Bonds a2 1994f1995 CDBG 83 7996 CIB Bonds 84 1997 CIB Bonds a5 f997 CDBG SG Prior-year CDBG 87 � '� 88 � m &9 Spendina - CPL o s0 Nazel Park Neighborhood Recreation Centx� ' k s� C97-38006 � � n 92 �. m '8 93 Design '� '" � 94 ConsVUetion " � 9�5 Inspection U � t � m a 98 CDBG Financinq � � � �f M 100 Building Neighborhoods Together � � � 107 P6-100-37812-0547-61519 �q .� �oz � 8 �03 Unspecified Contingency ro o 704 P6100-37818-0558-61999 a U s 105 � � � 106 Hazel Park Recreation Center � t07 P6-10037803-0565-61601 ,�,, � 'u 1a8 Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary: By: �\ �.. . I+�- ry.�� A .a-_.------ ���� Approved by Mayor:�� By: ' �i�-y'11 � ��� .� ��� :� rr� '� ��� � ��� 4Ei2,000 1,451,000 35,W0 766,W0 0 0 2,714,000 399,000 2,250.000 65.000 2,714,000 1 s�,000 �, s92,00a (!J . � _� ��� :� ��� .� r�� � ��a � �•� ��� � r. .. ��� �� �w �� ��� � ��� �'� � � ��• . ��� • r.� ts�,000� (513,0�) • ��� ��� .�� ��� � ��. Requested by Department ot Financiai Services By: Approval Recommer ed by Budget Director: By: _C{� ' � � "'� Farm Appr by C' �r ey: � �� Approved by yor fo�on to Councit 8 y: �_ SaiMPaWBUEgNOfliceM'�`ER5IBUOGtT123ViE50lN1UiE5_SWM.WK4 09/OBNn t ��� � ��� � 0 0 .�� �Trr �� �r. �� ��� � Adopted by Council: Date �� G' ���� �ice otFinancial Services 32589 DYPAItTARNIDIRECfOR C19YATCOP.NEY # OF SIGNATURE PAGES r.:rr� M0.YOR(ORNSSI4T/1M1 ATT. LOCATiON5 FOR SIGP fl2i &]SGT. SFAYICASDII2. l of a budget amendment to exchange Capital Improvement Bond (CIB) funds and Community Development Block gant (CDBG) monies vaziaus approved capitai improvement projects. R.�HIi@tGNWA55[ON 41V6SFRVtCEWAAffSAON omoknn�rrr(weo. wn+, wm4 wl�w. wn I. Has Nris pe�saJfum e�er woeAed ander a wnttact for this depaMUat? YES NO 2. Has Ims TxasuiJfiau ever been a city empWyee? YES NO 3. Daes Nis PersaJfum P�%a sldtl �ro[ mnnzOY Pos%e�� i'Y a'W �� YES NO f city ee? is desirable to cxchange a portion of the CIB Bond funds and CDBG monies between these projects to proride for �eater fle�bility in the application '[hese funds within their approved project scope. �LS��� APR 14 i997 �������� �.. ;� ,, , ������o�m: .....�..WV,...,. �,�,�,�. -_. , : � � � Thece will be fewer restricCions on the spending of fnnds within three of tliese projects as tUe CDBG funds are replaced with more flexible C1B Bond monies. 11tis ecchange, howevet; will not alter the size, scope or purpose of any of the projec[s. ���a�A ��T&P� �Sr:r'�.e�� rikF" � � �E �� asaov.wrwoES or xor nrexovm: 7nless CDBG fuuding is exchanged with CDHG monies, the application of those dollars within the Science Museum pmject, the Children's Play Area iquipment Program and the Citywide Playgound Equipment Improvements project will be less fle�ble. LAL,IMOV NT OP'IRANS4CSION tDINGSOURC$ �}IQxt ttII+ORMATtON� (ErTLAiM Net i• • �i CQSTIRSVSNUBBUDGElHDi�iRCLSON� O ACTIVitYNIfifHER C96-OT200 C97-3T130 NO � � i♦�• �`°j i� � ��, e E t" � r� ': . : `�; : . s / Presented ` Referretl To: 7 2 3 4 5 6 � a s �o �� 72 13 �a ts ts 17 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 2s 27 28 29 � 31 32 � � 35 � 37 � 39 � 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 W 5i 52 53 54 � 56 57 58 59 Councii File # Green Sheet # Committee: Date 1? WHERERS, approved ca�iEaHfprovement projects, "Science Museum-City of Saint PaW Contribution" (C96-OT200), "Citywide Playground Equipment Improvements" (C97-3T130), "Children's Play Area Equipment Program" (C97-3S008} and "Hazef Park Recreation Center & Sitework' (C97-3B006} are financed in part with CapitaV Improvement Sond (CIB} funds and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds: and WHEREAS, it is desirabie to exchange a portion of the CIB and CDBG funding sources between the projects to provide greater flexibility in the applicatio� of those monies within approved project scope; and WHEREAS, a doliar-for-dollar exchange of these funds would neither increase or reduce the current budgets of these projects; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget as heretofore adopted and amended by the Councii is hereby further amended as follows: Financing -CPL Science Museum - City of Saint Paul Contribution C9Cr0T200 'Pria-year CD6G 1997 GB Bonds All other financing Spending - CPL Science Museum - City of Saint Paul Contribution C96-07200 Prelim. Design Grant Land Assembly PWlic improvements Civic CeMer Connectimis City Loan to SMM Real EstatelLegaUMisc. Lega4Mem of Understanding/Dev. Agmt Financing - CPL Citywide Ptayground Equipment Improvements C97-3T130 1997 CDSG 1997 CIB Bonds S eo ndiny-CPL Citywide Playground Equipment Improvements C97-3T130 Equipment OF S�NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Current Sudget 500,Q00 3,1DQDOD 78,255,000 21,855,000 1,000,000 6,975,000 10,500,000 500,W0 2,500,000 265,000 175,�00 21,855,000 � ��� � •i ��� T� ��� :� ��� Change t5oo,o00� 500,000 0 0 0 � ��� :� ��� � 0 0 9'�-y�l 32589 Amended Budget 0 3,600,000 18,255,000 21,855,D00 .�� .�� ��a � �� �r� �� v�� �� ��� . ��� ��� ��♦ � :� �a� :� ��� a� ��� � ��a � 6� Financing-CPL 62 Children's Play Area Equipment Program (CPAEP) s3 C97-3S008 64 55 '1997 CDBG 66 1997 CIB Bonds 67 � s9 Scending-CPL 70 Children's Pfay Area Equipmerrt Program (CPAEP) 7i C973S008 72 73 DesignlCor�.struction 74 75 76 77 Financinq^CPL 1s Hazei Park Neighborhood Recreation Center & Sdevrork 7s C97-36006 � 81 '1995 CIB Bonds a2 1994f1995 CDBG 83 7996 CIB Bonds 84 1997 CIB Bonds a5 f997 CDBG SG Prior-year CDBG 87 � '� 88 � m &9 Spendina - CPL o s0 Nazel Park Neighborhood Recreation Centx� ' k s� C97-38006 � � n 92 �. m '8 93 Design '� '" � 94 ConsVUetion " � 9�5 Inspection U � t � m a 98 CDBG Financinq � � � �f M 100 Building Neighborhoods Together � � � 107 P6-100-37812-0547-61519 �q .� �oz � 8 �03 Unspecified Contingency ro o 704 P6100-37818-0558-61999 a U s 105 � � � 106 Hazel Park Recreation Center � t07 P6-10037803-0565-61601 ,�,, � 'u 1a8 Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary: By: �\ �.. . I+�- ry.�� A .a-_.------ ���� Approved by Mayor:�� By: ' �i�-y'11 � ��� .� ��� :� rr� '� ��� � ��� 4Ei2,000 1,451,000 35,W0 766,W0 0 0 2,714,000 399,000 2,250.000 65.000 2,714,000 1 s�,000 �, s92,00a (!J . � _� ��� :� ��� .� r�� � ��a � �•� ��� � r. .. ��� �� �w �� ��� � ��� �'� � � ��• . ��� • r.� ts�,000� (513,0�) • ��� ��� .�� ��� � ��. Requested by Department ot Financiai Services By: Approval Recommer ed by Budget Director: By: _C{� ' � � "'� Farm Appr by C' �r ey: � �� Approved by yor fo�on to Councit 8 y: �_ SaiMPaWBUEgNOfliceM'�`ER5IBUOGtT123ViE50lN1UiE5_SWM.WK4 09/OBNn t ��� � ��� � 0 0 .�� �Trr �� �r. �� ��� � Adopted by Council: Date �� G' ���� �ice otFinancial Services 32589 DYPAItTARNIDIRECfOR C19YATCOP.NEY # OF SIGNATURE PAGES r.:rr� M0.YOR(ORNSSI4T/1M1 ATT. LOCATiON5 FOR SIGP fl2i &]SGT. SFAYICASDII2. l of a budget amendment to exchange Capital Improvement Bond (CIB) funds and Community Development Block gant (CDBG) monies vaziaus approved capitai improvement projects. R.�HIi@tGNWA55[ON 41V6SFRVtCEWAAffSAON omoknn�rrr(weo. wn+, wm4 wl�w. wn I. Has Nris pe�saJfum e�er woeAed ander a wnttact for this depaMUat? YES NO 2. Has Ims TxasuiJfiau ever been a city empWyee? YES NO 3. Daes Nis PersaJfum P�%a sldtl �ro[ mnnzOY Pos%e�� i'Y a'W �� YES NO f city ee? is desirable to cxchange a portion of the CIB Bond funds and CDBG monies between these projects to proride for �eater fle�bility in the application '[hese funds within their approved project scope. �LS��� APR 14 i997 �������� �.. ;� ,, , ������o�m: .....�..WV,...,. �,�,�,�. -_. , : � � � Thece will be fewer restricCions on the spending of fnnds within three of tliese projects as tUe CDBG funds are replaced with more flexible C1B Bond monies. 11tis ecchange, howevet; will not alter the size, scope or purpose of any of the projec[s. ���a�A ��T&P� �Sr:r'�.e�� rikF" � � �E �� asaov.wrwoES or xor nrexovm: 7nless CDBG fuuding is exchanged with CDHG monies, the application of those dollars within the Science Museum pmject, the Children's Play Area iquipment Program and the Citywide Playgound Equipment Improvements project will be less fle�ble. LAL,IMOV NT OP'IRANS4CSION tDINGSOURC$ �}IQxt ttII+ORMATtON� (ErTLAiM Net i• • �i CQSTIRSVSNUBBUDGElHDi�iRCLSON� O ACTIVitYNIfifHER C96-OT200 C97-3T130 NO � � i♦�•