97-47r Return copy to: V Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1f4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 i6 Referred To Committee: Date WfiEREAS, on May 29, 19b2, the Council approved C.F.# 207428, a resolurion to vacate the following public property: That part of Wabash Avenue described as follows: a strip of land 10 feet in width and 276 feet in length lying northerly of and adjoining Block B and Block C, Geo. H. Watson's Second Addidon, St. Paul, Minn., from a line 104.2 feet west of and parallel to the east line of said Block B extended north to a line 380.2 feet west of and paraliel to the eastline of said Block B extended north. WHEREAS, said resolution was subject to conditions including the following Paragraph 2: 2. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioner, is hereby fiYed at the sum of $1,000. WHEREAS, all conditions having been satisfied by the petitioner, the said vacation was duly filed in the Ramsey Counry Recorder's Office; and WHEREAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WHEREAS, administrative changes involving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than provide a bond; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council File �l 207428 is hereby amended as follows: Paragraph 2 of the conditions shall read as follows: 2. That, the petiuoner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save haruiless the City of Saint Paul, its o�cers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this properry, including but not limited to a ciaim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of saifl petitioner or because of any clanns or liabiliry arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. <'� � ' e`� � = a �u,� �'a . _' . . . _ . ., RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA d9 , Council File # �.�� Green Sheet #�5r1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IQ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 � `'t.`1 BE IT FiJILTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms, conditions and reservations of the said�ouncd File # 207428 shail remain in full force and effect. t^°� �'^, i P'�3 � ° %�, ' ��,,.1 , �. . �t..�` . . . : _ ..� Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by �ow Requested by Department of: Finance & Mana ement Services By: Director Fornt Apgr by City Attorney g �.� ���- T2. � l/-� C By: ������r�-�-�.__ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date "Z �17 � l � l � l� By: ��L (,L u By: t t r � _ I , 4 .1 . : t V;'r ,.>„i .: � `t _ �ii -. � y� CO 11� � STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF ST. PAUL _l. , L' M1 _. ✓lt.v.�_*'i 1 �. ._� r �` lJ � i ) SS. > f � �������� �� , . .. �;:.if. 1, Frances Swanson, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that t have compared the attached copy of Council File No. 97-47 as adopted by the City Council on January 22,1997 and approved by the Mayor on January 27,1997 with the original thereof on fite in my office. 1 further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. E��stru # ��.�.� Fiftr�fa� �� Rec copy _ Cer cop� _s,..�,� Inits�ts � Pd by/��.iil - /9 WITNESS, my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 26th day of March, 1997. = � �<,�� �, : -` ��'� z" a '�rv 0 a p (. . w '�.�i • � 9 9 G .�� r '� a ' � � ��� �b a � „ �; �w�, ; �' �,�, �! : �, „� '°�r' � �• � ; r le � p ��� f " �. � ° � ���I.a��9� �tti� �"'"�s g� . . �<as a.,! � . a r - ' "(F^� �0 � � �00� � K'+� O � 2 �:� �1 rlLCt�'t e�'�o -�d��G�t alco� Deputy City Clerk g p � :� ; r l���� �J'� � ���P�(��( i3 �n v 'lP/i�l"fi� �?�, p"" `�T � � � �� � ` E � z �3 Y �`+ / `Return copy Yo: V Real Estate Divisioa � 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To Cammittee. Date 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 21 z2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 WHEItEAS, on May 29, 1962, the Council approved C.F.# 207428, a resolution to vacate the following public property: That part of F�Jabash Avenue described as follows: a strip of land 10 feet in width and 276 feet in length lyang northerly of and adjoining Block B and Block C, Geo. H. Watson's Second Addition, St. Paul, Minn., from a line 104.2 feet west of and parallel to the east line of said Block B extended north to a lane 380.2 feet west of and parallei to ffie east line of said Block B extended norCh. WHEI2EAS, said resolution was subject to conditions including the following Paragraph 2: 2. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed hy said petitioner, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,000. «TFIEREAS, ali conditions having been satisfied by the petitionez, the said vacation was duly filed in the Ramsey County Recorder's O�ce; and WEIEREAS, the required $2,000 bond has now expired; and WF�REAS, administrative changes invoiving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than provide a bond; TI3EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council File # 207428 is hereby amended as follows: Paragraph 2 of the conditions shali read as follows: 2. That, the petitioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Pau1, its officers, and employees from a21 suits, actions, or ciaims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this property, including but not lunited co a claun brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any ciauns or liability azising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance w3th the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. 2�856'72; � , RESOLUTION � GiTY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Council File # �.� �� Green Sheet #�S� s'�l .' 0 '1 � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 � 29856'72 BE IT FURTF�R RESOLVED, that all other terms, conditions and reservations of the said� unc I r,ile # 207428 shall remain in fuli force and effect. � �.: , ��� 3 s,, Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by C By: fl�_l�. Approved by Mayor: Date By: 'Yk (L Requested by Depar�nent of: Finance & Mana ement Services 1 By: Director Form Appr by Ciry Attorney B ���1/�-- I2 • <t-� G -�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � `�'1 �/ � � &y: �'�L t� � ✓ F.M.S.iREAL ESTATE DIVISION �ontaM P�son and Pho� N�ber: Tom Sawyer be on Council 266-8g5� DEC � � ��� amend Council File # 207428 to aIlow the petitioner to idemnify the City rather than maintain a bond, as uired by the said Council �le # 2a7428. RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACIS MITST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Has We person/Erm ever worked under a contrad for lltis deparhnent? YFS NO PLAl�TI7NG COhAh91llSSION A STARF asa wis personlrvm ever neen a city emptoyeel CIVQ. SERVICE COb4IISSiON cm co�anee w�cx covxc�, oa.�cTTVEz Date: December 6, Green Sheet Number 39459 1996 EPABTMENTDIRE(,TOR 4 COUNCII, 1 n�rroxr� 5 cti�uc UDGET DIItE(.'COA 2 .& MGT. SVC, DiR. Dces this person/6rm possess a sId1I not normally posaessed by ang curtent City Empioyee? YE5 NO YES NO COL3NCII, WARD(S� a DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, � 2 ATA'G PROBI.EM, I5S[7E, OPPOR7'UNITY (Who, WLat, When, Where, W6Y?): .# 207428, which vacated part of Wabash Avenue, required the petitioner to maintain a$1,000 bond. sequent procedural changes allow fhe petitioner to idemnify the City instead of posting a bond. NTAGES IF APPROVED: petitioner will not have to maintain a perpetual bond. urarrnovEV: �, ,; �:�_..� ._..._...�_ d_ ��d �'� §��� �v,v�rrac�.s � xo�r arrxovEn: _�a petitioner would have to maintain a$1,000 bond in perpetuity. t ���� ��������� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $O.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) fG SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: YES NO INFORMAITON: (ERPLAA� �1�'uc� 462 PRQCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUI3CIL V � Council E'ile No. 207425—BY Severin A:? . Mortinson— Resolved, That the Saint Paul_ESSUre Skating Club be granteci the use of the Arena ice at the Auditorium from'�. Tune 25 1962, to August 25, 1962, for its summer sessions, dailY Wl� �e exception of Sundays and holidays, upon payment by the Saint Paul Figure Skating Ciub to the Auditorium the sum oE $3798.00 to be paid weekly on the following dates in the amount of $422 per week to be credited to Auditorium Fnnd 1021: .Tune 30. 1962 JulY 7, lstia � Suly 14, 1962 July 21, 1962 Suly 28. 1962 August 4, 1962 Avgust 11, 1962 Avgust I8, 1962 August 25, 1962 � Adopted by the Council May 29, 1962. Approved M une 2 2. 1 1962) Council File No. 207426—BY Bernard T. Aolland, by request— Whereas, The Council of the City ot Saint 1'aul heretofore has from time I to time authorized the establishment' of petty cash funds within the City by carious City departments, lvhich petty cash funds are to be used in making minor purchases wSthin and for an off�ce or department; and Whereas. It has become necessary for the Comptroller of the City, of Saint Paul to determine the propr�ety o£ using said funds to pay for lunch- eons and other non-office expenses connected with City business, and the Compttoller, in order to perform his auditing . responsibilities in a consist- enUy un�form manner, must be able to determine whether such expendi- tures are for a pub7ic purpose in accordance with a certain opinion of the Corporation Counsel dated Marck I5, 1962, hereta attached; and ' Whereas. The Comptroller of th< City of Saint Paul, in accordance k*�tY the Charter oS the City of Saint Pau: and the opinion above referred to, anc in order to iacilitate such consisten' audit, has recommended that suck f undsennow,tther fore,fbe �Petty cas] Aesolved. That petty cash funds sha] penses nd rnon off e� e incurred for a public purpose, and tha all such expendrtures for such item done to iurther the business of th City shall hereafter be approved b the appropriate department head, c other authorized person, and that pay ment for such expenditures shall t made by miscellaneous claim again: department tunds and not irom an petty cash fund, and be it �c...rhor ttecolved. That all paymen and prioi to tne appruv ion be and the same a; . and approved; and be No 207179, adopted�M: reby zepealed.�• the Council May 29, 19f iaY ?9. 1982.=- . .:. -. �. ...,.. � ioa2l �� File No. ZD7428—BY �ton Rosen— Resolved, That upon ihe petition of �aldarf paper Products Comgany, the ection of pubkc street hereinafter escribed, be and the same is vacated nd discontinued as public street, viz: That pazt o£ Wabash Avenve de- scribed as follows: a strip o£ land 10 feet in width and 276 Seet in length lY�g northerly of and ad- joining Block B and Block C, Geo. FL, Watson's Second Addition, St. Paul, Minn., from a line 1042 feet west of and parallel to the east line of said Block B eatended north to a line 3802 feet west of and parallei to the east line o£ said B7ock 8 extended north; subject expressly to the Eollowing con- ditions and reservations: reservations 1. All the conditions, and provisions contained in Ordinance No. 3394, as amended, entitled 'An ordinance regulating the procedure and prescribing the conditions for the vacaUon of public grounds, streets. alleys and highways in the Cit 1815. Saint Paul,^ approved A4arch 16. 2, The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be fi7ed by said petitioner, is hereUy fixed at the sum of $1,000. 3. Said petrtioner shall pay to the City of Saint Paul the sum of $1,840, together with the costs oi this vacation proceeding. Adopted by the 2 oi962 MaY Zg. 1962. Approved M une Z 1962) Council File No. 207429—BY Miltan Aosen— Resolved, Upon the report and rec- ommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works, that the installation of interrvptible gas service to the City Asphalt Plant at 841 North Dale Street is hereby authorized; and FurtheY Resolved„ The ProPer City '. officers are h t�bhe Norihern s directed to PaY �3� Wabasha Street, Power Company, as and EoY compensation for such installation oE interruptibJe gas service, of 350 feet of 6ev� h S s n $4S0 per foot, or a total amount of $1,575.00, there being no charge tor the install- ation of 40 additional ieet of such gas gipe. Approved y May 29u 1962May 29, a'J62• (June 2. 1962) � Council File No. 207437-207438--2 _ Resolved, That che to s the aggreGate e the City TreasurY. t amount of $1.610,794.76, covering checks Y numbered 3599 to 3757 inclusive, as per ehecks on SIe in the oSlce of the Council May 29, 1962. 2 2, 1962) •e it �- Council File No. 207445—BY Mrs. Donald ,y M. DeCour�a{Me nsesaPPliedforby Resolved, 2 � to this r solution be a d aze hereby granted, and the City Clezk is c. � � �1� yl COVENANT OF INDEMNITY To the Honorable City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota: Waldorf Corporation, a Minnesota corporation having a mailing address of 2250 Wabash Avenue, Saint Pau1 Minnesota 55114-1828, the owner of the properry previously vacated by resolution Council File No. 207428 approved on May 29, 1962, agrees on behalf of itself, its assigns and successors in interest to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from aii suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property because of tlus vacauon, including but not limited to claims brought because of any act or omission, misconduct or neglect or because of any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law on the part of itself, its agents, employees, assigns or successors in interest. Tlus indemnification is offered in lieu of the bonding requirement set forth in Paragraph 2. of the above referenced vacation. l�jc����{� C��rj��r��;`o� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) t �� ) ss. COUNTY OF � (�F 4�c� �=F ) DateJVav��,�e� �� The foregoing ins ent was acknowledged before me this ��� day of by _,(�i�t z�c�.q c.c�A-�-/ and , the � and ` r of LA`�'R- �c� c�` fZ'� Ci� J� 0�2f�- � a � � (<alt> <f10>indemniry) Nota[y Public, cA�ty, My commission expurs ��-(� � � e �v�� REBECCA L WQODB �..�'�� NOTARY PU9lIC • MlNNE80tA � pAKOTA COUN2Y �.� MyCommssionEzpitBSJN.81,� C�, By �G�� ���J\�[�/A/4.�fiv> �ts ss; s�k� j��� ���.�.� r Return copy to: V Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1f4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 i6 Referred To Committee: Date WfiEREAS, on May 29, 19b2, the Council approved C.F.# 207428, a resolurion to vacate the following public property: That part of Wabash Avenue described as follows: a strip of land 10 feet in width and 276 feet in length lying northerly of and adjoining Block B and Block C, Geo. H. Watson's Second Addidon, St. Paul, Minn., from a line 104.2 feet west of and parallel to the east line of said Block B extended north to a line 380.2 feet west of and paraliel to the eastline of said Block B extended north. WHEREAS, said resolution was subject to conditions including the following Paragraph 2: 2. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioner, is hereby fiYed at the sum of $1,000. WHEREAS, all conditions having been satisfied by the petitioner, the said vacation was duly filed in the Ramsey Counry Recorder's Office; and WHEREAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WHEREAS, administrative changes involving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than provide a bond; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council File �l 207428 is hereby amended as follows: Paragraph 2 of the conditions shall read as follows: 2. That, the petiuoner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save haruiless the City of Saint Paul, its o�cers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this properry, including but not limited to a ciaim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of saifl petitioner or because of any clanns or liabiliry arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. <'� � ' e`� � = a �u,� �'a . _' . . . _ . ., RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA d9 , Council File # �.�� Green Sheet #�5r1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IQ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 � `'t.`1 BE IT FiJILTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms, conditions and reservations of the said�ouncd File # 207428 shail remain in full force and effect. t^°� �'^, i P'�3 � ° %�, ' ��,,.1 , �. . �t..�` . . . : _ ..� Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by �ow Requested by Department of: Finance & Mana ement Services By: Director Fornt Apgr by City Attorney g �.� ���- T2. � l/-� C By: ������r�-�-�.__ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date "Z �17 � l � l � l� By: ��L (,L u By: t t r � _ I , 4 .1 . : t V;'r ,.>„i .: � `t _ �ii -. � y� CO 11� � STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF ST. PAUL _l. , L' M1 _. ✓lt.v.�_*'i 1 �. ._� r �` lJ � i ) SS. > f � �������� �� , . .. �;:.if. 1, Frances Swanson, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that t have compared the attached copy of Council File No. 97-47 as adopted by the City Council on January 22,1997 and approved by the Mayor on January 27,1997 with the original thereof on fite in my office. 1 further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. E��stru # ��.�.� Fiftr�fa� �� Rec copy _ Cer cop� _s,..�,� Inits�ts � Pd by/��.iil - /9 WITNESS, my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 26th day of March, 1997. = � �<,�� �, : -` ��'� z" a '�rv 0 a p (. . w '�.�i • � 9 9 G .�� r '� a ' � � ��� �b a � „ �; �w�, ; �' �,�, �! : �, „� '°�r' � �• � ; r le � p ��� f " �. � ° � ���I.a��9� �tti� �"'"�s g� . . �<as a.,! � . a r - ' "(F^� �0 � � �00� � K'+� O � 2 �:� �1 rlLCt�'t e�'�o -�d��G�t alco� Deputy City Clerk g p � :� ; r l���� �J'� � ���P�(��( i3 �n v 'lP/i�l"fi� �?�, p"" `�T � � � �� � ` E � z �3 Y �`+ / `Return copy Yo: V Real Estate Divisioa � 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To Cammittee. Date 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 21 z2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 WHEItEAS, on May 29, 1962, the Council approved C.F.# 207428, a resolution to vacate the following public property: That part of F�Jabash Avenue described as follows: a strip of land 10 feet in width and 276 feet in length lyang northerly of and adjoining Block B and Block C, Geo. H. Watson's Second Addition, St. Paul, Minn., from a line 104.2 feet west of and parallel to the east line of said Block B extended north to a lane 380.2 feet west of and parallei to ffie east line of said Block B extended norCh. WHEI2EAS, said resolution was subject to conditions including the following Paragraph 2: 2. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed hy said petitioner, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,000. «TFIEREAS, ali conditions having been satisfied by the petitionez, the said vacation was duly filed in the Ramsey County Recorder's O�ce; and WEIEREAS, the required $2,000 bond has now expired; and WF�REAS, administrative changes invoiving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than provide a bond; TI3EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council File # 207428 is hereby amended as follows: Paragraph 2 of the conditions shali read as follows: 2. That, the petitioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Pau1, its officers, and employees from a21 suits, actions, or ciaims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this property, including but not lunited co a claun brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any ciauns or liability azising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance w3th the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. 2�856'72; � , RESOLUTION � GiTY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Council File # �.� �� Green Sheet #�S� s'�l .' 0 '1 � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 � 29856'72 BE IT FURTF�R RESOLVED, that all other terms, conditions and reservations of the said� unc I r,ile # 207428 shall remain in fuli force and effect. � �.: , ��� 3 s,, Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by C By: fl�_l�. Approved by Mayor: Date By: 'Yk (L Requested by Depar�nent of: Finance & Mana ement Services 1 By: Director Form Appr by Ciry Attorney B ���1/�-- I2 • <t-� G -�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � `�'1 �/ � � &y: �'�L t� � ✓ F.M.S.iREAL ESTATE DIVISION �ontaM P�son and Pho� N�ber: Tom Sawyer be on Council 266-8g5� DEC � � ��� amend Council File # 207428 to aIlow the petitioner to idemnify the City rather than maintain a bond, as uired by the said Council �le # 2a7428. RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACIS MITST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Has We person/Erm ever worked under a contrad for lltis deparhnent? YFS NO PLAl�TI7NG COhAh91llSSION A STARF asa wis personlrvm ever neen a city emptoyeel CIVQ. SERVICE COb4IISSiON cm co�anee w�cx covxc�, oa.�cTTVEz Date: December 6, Green Sheet Number 39459 1996 EPABTMENTDIRE(,TOR 4 COUNCII, 1 n�rroxr� 5 cti�uc UDGET DIItE(.'COA 2 .& MGT. SVC, DiR. Dces this person/6rm possess a sId1I not normally posaessed by ang curtent City Empioyee? YE5 NO YES NO COL3NCII, WARD(S� a DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, � 2 ATA'G PROBI.EM, I5S[7E, OPPOR7'UNITY (Who, WLat, When, Where, W6Y?): .# 207428, which vacated part of Wabash Avenue, required the petitioner to maintain a$1,000 bond. sequent procedural changes allow fhe petitioner to idemnify the City instead of posting a bond. NTAGES IF APPROVED: petitioner will not have to maintain a perpetual bond. urarrnovEV: �, ,; �:�_..� ._..._...�_ d_ ��d �'� §��� �v,v�rrac�.s � xo�r arrxovEn: _�a petitioner would have to maintain a$1,000 bond in perpetuity. t ���� ��������� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $O.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) fG SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: YES NO INFORMAITON: (ERPLAA� �1�'uc� 462 PRQCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUI3CIL V � Council E'ile No. 207425—BY Severin A:? . Mortinson— Resolved, That the Saint Paul_ESSUre Skating Club be granteci the use of the Arena ice at the Auditorium from'�. Tune 25 1962, to August 25, 1962, for its summer sessions, dailY Wl� �e exception of Sundays and holidays, upon payment by the Saint Paul Figure Skating Ciub to the Auditorium the sum oE $3798.00 to be paid weekly on the following dates in the amount of $422 per week to be credited to Auditorium Fnnd 1021: .Tune 30. 1962 JulY 7, lstia � Suly 14, 1962 July 21, 1962 Suly 28. 1962 August 4, 1962 Avgust 11, 1962 Avgust I8, 1962 August 25, 1962 � Adopted by the Council May 29, 1962. Approved M une 2 2. 1 1962) Council File No. 207426—BY Bernard T. Aolland, by request— Whereas, The Council of the City ot Saint 1'aul heretofore has from time I to time authorized the establishment' of petty cash funds within the City by carious City departments, lvhich petty cash funds are to be used in making minor purchases wSthin and for an off�ce or department; and Whereas. It has become necessary for the Comptroller of the City, of Saint Paul to determine the propr�ety o£ using said funds to pay for lunch- eons and other non-office expenses connected with City business, and the Compttoller, in order to perform his auditing . responsibilities in a consist- enUy un�form manner, must be able to determine whether such expendi- tures are for a pub7ic purpose in accordance with a certain opinion of the Corporation Counsel dated Marck I5, 1962, hereta attached; and ' Whereas. The Comptroller of th< City of Saint Paul, in accordance k*�tY the Charter oS the City of Saint Pau: and the opinion above referred to, anc in order to iacilitate such consisten' audit, has recommended that suck f undsennow,tther fore,fbe �Petty cas] Aesolved. That petty cash funds sha] penses nd rnon off e� e incurred for a public purpose, and tha all such expendrtures for such item done to iurther the business of th City shall hereafter be approved b the appropriate department head, c other authorized person, and that pay ment for such expenditures shall t made by miscellaneous claim again: department tunds and not irom an petty cash fund, and be it �c...rhor ttecolved. That all paymen and prioi to tne appruv ion be and the same a; . and approved; and be No 207179, adopted�M: reby zepealed.�• the Council May 29, 19f iaY ?9. 1982.=- . .:. -. �. ...,.. � ioa2l �� File No. ZD7428—BY �ton Rosen— Resolved, That upon ihe petition of �aldarf paper Products Comgany, the ection of pubkc street hereinafter escribed, be and the same is vacated nd discontinued as public street, viz: That pazt o£ Wabash Avenve de- scribed as follows: a strip o£ land 10 feet in width and 276 Seet in length lY�g northerly of and ad- joining Block B and Block C, Geo. FL, Watson's Second Addition, St. Paul, Minn., from a line 1042 feet west of and parallel to the east line of said Block B eatended north to a line 3802 feet west of and parallei to the east line o£ said B7ock 8 extended north; subject expressly to the Eollowing con- ditions and reservations: reservations 1. All the conditions, and provisions contained in Ordinance No. 3394, as amended, entitled 'An ordinance regulating the procedure and prescribing the conditions for the vacaUon of public grounds, streets. alleys and highways in the Cit 1815. Saint Paul,^ approved A4arch 16. 2, The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be fi7ed by said petitioner, is hereUy fixed at the sum of $1,000. 3. Said petrtioner shall pay to the City of Saint Paul the sum of $1,840, together with the costs oi this vacation proceeding. Adopted by the 2 oi962 MaY Zg. 1962. Approved M une Z 1962) Council File No. 207429—BY Miltan Aosen— Resolved, Upon the report and rec- ommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works, that the installation of interrvptible gas service to the City Asphalt Plant at 841 North Dale Street is hereby authorized; and FurtheY Resolved„ The ProPer City '. officers are h t�bhe Norihern s directed to PaY �3� Wabasha Street, Power Company, as and EoY compensation for such installation oE interruptibJe gas service, of 350 feet of 6ev� h S s n $4S0 per foot, or a total amount of $1,575.00, there being no charge tor the install- ation of 40 additional ieet of such gas gipe. Approved y May 29u 1962May 29, a'J62• (June 2. 1962) � Council File No. 207437-207438--2 _ Resolved, That che to s the aggreGate e the City TreasurY. t amount of $1.610,794.76, covering checks Y numbered 3599 to 3757 inclusive, as per ehecks on SIe in the oSlce of the Council May 29, 1962. 2 2, 1962) •e it �- Council File No. 207445—BY Mrs. Donald ,y M. DeCour�a{Me nsesaPPliedforby Resolved, 2 � to this r solution be a d aze hereby granted, and the City Clezk is c. � � �1� yl COVENANT OF INDEMNITY To the Honorable City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota: Waldorf Corporation, a Minnesota corporation having a mailing address of 2250 Wabash Avenue, Saint Pau1 Minnesota 55114-1828, the owner of the properry previously vacated by resolution Council File No. 207428 approved on May 29, 1962, agrees on behalf of itself, its assigns and successors in interest to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from aii suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property because of tlus vacauon, including but not limited to claims brought because of any act or omission, misconduct or neglect or because of any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law on the part of itself, its agents, employees, assigns or successors in interest. Tlus indemnification is offered in lieu of the bonding requirement set forth in Paragraph 2. of the above referenced vacation. l�jc����{� C��rj��r��;`o� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) t �� ) ss. COUNTY OF � (�F 4�c� �=F ) DateJVav��,�e� �� The foregoing ins ent was acknowledged before me this ��� day of by _,(�i�t z�c�.q c.c�A-�-/ and , the � and ` r of LA`�'R- �c� c�` fZ'� Ci� J� 0�2f�- � a � � (<alt> <f10>indemniry) Nota[y Public, cA�ty, My commission expurs ��-(� � � e �v�� REBECCA L WQODB �..�'�� NOTARY PU9lIC • MlNNE80tA � pAKOTA COUN2Y �.� MyCommssionEzpitBSJN.81,� C�, By �G�� ���J\�[�/A/4.�fiv> �ts ss; s�k� j��� ���.�.� r Return copy to: V Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1f4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 i6 Referred To Committee: Date WfiEREAS, on May 29, 19b2, the Council approved C.F.# 207428, a resolurion to vacate the following public property: That part of Wabash Avenue described as follows: a strip of land 10 feet in width and 276 feet in length lying northerly of and adjoining Block B and Block C, Geo. H. Watson's Second Addidon, St. Paul, Minn., from a line 104.2 feet west of and parallel to the east line of said Block B extended north to a line 380.2 feet west of and paraliel to the eastline of said Block B extended north. WHEREAS, said resolution was subject to conditions including the following Paragraph 2: 2. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioner, is hereby fiYed at the sum of $1,000. WHEREAS, all conditions having been satisfied by the petitioner, the said vacation was duly filed in the Ramsey Counry Recorder's Office; and WHEREAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WHEREAS, administrative changes involving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than provide a bond; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council File �l 207428 is hereby amended as follows: Paragraph 2 of the conditions shall read as follows: 2. That, the petiuoner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save haruiless the City of Saint Paul, its o�cers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this properry, including but not limited to a ciaim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of saifl petitioner or because of any clanns or liabiliry arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. <'� � ' e`� � = a �u,� �'a . _' . . . _ . ., RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA d9 , Council File # �.�� Green Sheet #�5r1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IQ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 � `'t.`1 BE IT FiJILTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms, conditions and reservations of the said�ouncd File # 207428 shail remain in full force and effect. t^°� �'^, i P'�3 � ° %�, ' ��,,.1 , �. . �t..�` . . . : _ ..� Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by �ow Requested by Department of: Finance & Mana ement Services By: Director Fornt Apgr by City Attorney g �.� ���- T2. � l/-� C By: ������r�-�-�.__ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date "Z �17 � l � l � l� By: ��L (,L u By: t t r � _ I , 4 .1 . : t V;'r ,.>„i .: � `t _ �ii -. � y� CO 11� � STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF ST. PAUL _l. , L' M1 _. ✓lt.v.�_*'i 1 �. ._� r �` lJ � i ) SS. > f � �������� �� , . .. �;:.if. 1, Frances Swanson, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that t have compared the attached copy of Council File No. 97-47 as adopted by the City Council on January 22,1997 and approved by the Mayor on January 27,1997 with the original thereof on fite in my office. 1 further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. E��stru # ��.�.� Fiftr�fa� �� Rec copy _ Cer cop� _s,..�,� Inits�ts � Pd by/��.iil - /9 WITNESS, my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 26th day of March, 1997. = � �<,�� �, : -` ��'� z" a '�rv 0 a p (. . w '�.�i • � 9 9 G .�� r '� a ' � � ��� �b a � „ �; �w�, ; �' �,�, �! : �, „� '°�r' � �• � ; r le � p ��� f " �. � ° � ���I.a��9� �tti� �"'"�s g� . . �<as a.,! � . a r - ' "(F^� �0 � � �00� � K'+� O � 2 �:� �1 rlLCt�'t e�'�o -�d��G�t alco� Deputy City Clerk g p � :� ; r l���� �J'� � ���P�(��( i3 �n v 'lP/i�l"fi� �?�, p"" `�T � � � �� � ` E � z �3 Y �`+ / `Return copy Yo: V Real Estate Divisioa � 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To Cammittee. Date 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 21 z2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 WHEItEAS, on May 29, 1962, the Council approved C.F.# 207428, a resolution to vacate the following public property: That part of F�Jabash Avenue described as follows: a strip of land 10 feet in width and 276 feet in length lyang northerly of and adjoining Block B and Block C, Geo. H. Watson's Second Addition, St. Paul, Minn., from a line 104.2 feet west of and parallel to the east line of said Block B extended north to a lane 380.2 feet west of and parallei to ffie east line of said Block B extended norCh. WHEI2EAS, said resolution was subject to conditions including the following Paragraph 2: 2. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed hy said petitioner, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,000. «TFIEREAS, ali conditions having been satisfied by the petitionez, the said vacation was duly filed in the Ramsey County Recorder's O�ce; and WEIEREAS, the required $2,000 bond has now expired; and WF�REAS, administrative changes invoiving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than provide a bond; TI3EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council File # 207428 is hereby amended as follows: Paragraph 2 of the conditions shali read as follows: 2. That, the petitioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Pau1, its officers, and employees from a21 suits, actions, or ciaims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this property, including but not lunited co a claun brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any ciauns or liability azising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance w3th the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. 2�856'72; � , RESOLUTION � GiTY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Council File # �.� �� Green Sheet #�S� s'�l .' 0 '1 � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 � 29856'72 BE IT FURTF�R RESOLVED, that all other terms, conditions and reservations of the said� unc I r,ile # 207428 shall remain in fuli force and effect. � �.: , ��� 3 s,, Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by C By: fl�_l�. Approved by Mayor: Date By: 'Yk (L Requested by Depar�nent of: Finance & Mana ement Services 1 By: Director Form Appr by Ciry Attorney B ���1/�-- I2 • <t-� G -�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � `�'1 �/ � � &y: �'�L t� � ✓ F.M.S.iREAL ESTATE DIVISION �ontaM P�son and Pho� N�ber: Tom Sawyer be on Council 266-8g5� DEC � � ��� amend Council File # 207428 to aIlow the petitioner to idemnify the City rather than maintain a bond, as uired by the said Council �le # 2a7428. RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACIS MITST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Has We person/Erm ever worked under a contrad for lltis deparhnent? YFS NO PLAl�TI7NG COhAh91llSSION A STARF asa wis personlrvm ever neen a city emptoyeel CIVQ. SERVICE COb4IISSiON cm co�anee w�cx covxc�, oa.�cTTVEz Date: December 6, Green Sheet Number 39459 1996 EPABTMENTDIRE(,TOR 4 COUNCII, 1 n�rroxr� 5 cti�uc UDGET DIItE(.'COA 2 .& MGT. SVC, DiR. Dces this person/6rm possess a sId1I not normally posaessed by ang curtent City Empioyee? YE5 NO YES NO COL3NCII, WARD(S� a DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, � 2 ATA'G PROBI.EM, I5S[7E, OPPOR7'UNITY (Who, WLat, When, Where, W6Y?): .# 207428, which vacated part of Wabash Avenue, required the petitioner to maintain a$1,000 bond. sequent procedural changes allow fhe petitioner to idemnify the City instead of posting a bond. NTAGES IF APPROVED: petitioner will not have to maintain a perpetual bond. urarrnovEV: �, ,; �:�_..� ._..._...�_ d_ ��d �'� §��� �v,v�rrac�.s � xo�r arrxovEn: _�a petitioner would have to maintain a$1,000 bond in perpetuity. t ���� ��������� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $O.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) fG SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: YES NO INFORMAITON: (ERPLAA� �1�'uc� 462 PRQCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUI3CIL V � Council E'ile No. 207425—BY Severin A:? . Mortinson— Resolved, That the Saint Paul_ESSUre Skating Club be granteci the use of the Arena ice at the Auditorium from'�. Tune 25 1962, to August 25, 1962, for its summer sessions, dailY Wl� �e exception of Sundays and holidays, upon payment by the Saint Paul Figure Skating Ciub to the Auditorium the sum oE $3798.00 to be paid weekly on the following dates in the amount of $422 per week to be credited to Auditorium Fnnd 1021: .Tune 30. 1962 JulY 7, lstia � Suly 14, 1962 July 21, 1962 Suly 28. 1962 August 4, 1962 Avgust 11, 1962 Avgust I8, 1962 August 25, 1962 � Adopted by the Council May 29, 1962. Approved M une 2 2. 1 1962) Council File No. 207426—BY Bernard T. Aolland, by request— Whereas, The Council of the City ot Saint 1'aul heretofore has from time I to time authorized the establishment' of petty cash funds within the City by carious City departments, lvhich petty cash funds are to be used in making minor purchases wSthin and for an off�ce or department; and Whereas. It has become necessary for the Comptroller of the City, of Saint Paul to determine the propr�ety o£ using said funds to pay for lunch- eons and other non-office expenses connected with City business, and the Compttoller, in order to perform his auditing . responsibilities in a consist- enUy un�form manner, must be able to determine whether such expendi- tures are for a pub7ic purpose in accordance with a certain opinion of the Corporation Counsel dated Marck I5, 1962, hereta attached; and ' Whereas. The Comptroller of th< City of Saint Paul, in accordance k*�tY the Charter oS the City of Saint Pau: and the opinion above referred to, anc in order to iacilitate such consisten' audit, has recommended that suck f undsennow,tther fore,fbe �Petty cas] Aesolved. That petty cash funds sha] penses nd rnon off e� e incurred for a public purpose, and tha all such expendrtures for such item done to iurther the business of th City shall hereafter be approved b the appropriate department head, c other authorized person, and that pay ment for such expenditures shall t made by miscellaneous claim again: department tunds and not irom an petty cash fund, and be it �c...rhor ttecolved. That all paymen and prioi to tne appruv ion be and the same a; . and approved; and be No 207179, adopted�M: reby zepealed.�• the Council May 29, 19f iaY ?9. 1982.=- . .:. -. �. ...,.. � ioa2l �� File No. ZD7428—BY �ton Rosen— Resolved, That upon ihe petition of �aldarf paper Products Comgany, the ection of pubkc street hereinafter escribed, be and the same is vacated nd discontinued as public street, viz: That pazt o£ Wabash Avenve de- scribed as follows: a strip o£ land 10 feet in width and 276 Seet in length lY�g northerly of and ad- joining Block B and Block C, Geo. FL, Watson's Second Addition, St. Paul, Minn., from a line 1042 feet west of and parallel to the east line of said Block B eatended north to a line 3802 feet west of and parallei to the east line o£ said B7ock 8 extended north; subject expressly to the Eollowing con- ditions and reservations: reservations 1. All the conditions, and provisions contained in Ordinance No. 3394, as amended, entitled 'An ordinance regulating the procedure and prescribing the conditions for the vacaUon of public grounds, streets. alleys and highways in the Cit 1815. Saint Paul,^ approved A4arch 16. 2, The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be fi7ed by said petitioner, is hereUy fixed at the sum of $1,000. 3. Said petrtioner shall pay to the City of Saint Paul the sum of $1,840, together with the costs oi this vacation proceeding. Adopted by the 2 oi962 MaY Zg. 1962. Approved M une Z 1962) Council File No. 207429—BY Miltan Aosen— Resolved, Upon the report and rec- ommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works, that the installation of interrvptible gas service to the City Asphalt Plant at 841 North Dale Street is hereby authorized; and FurtheY Resolved„ The ProPer City '. officers are h t�bhe Norihern s directed to PaY �3� Wabasha Street, Power Company, as and EoY compensation for such installation oE interruptibJe gas service, of 350 feet of 6ev� h S s n $4S0 per foot, or a total amount of $1,575.00, there being no charge tor the install- ation of 40 additional ieet of such gas gipe. Approved y May 29u 1962May 29, a'J62• (June 2. 1962) � Council File No. 207437-207438--2 _ Resolved, That che to s the aggreGate e the City TreasurY. t amount of $1.610,794.76, covering checks Y numbered 3599 to 3757 inclusive, as per ehecks on SIe in the oSlce of the Council May 29, 1962. 2 2, 1962) •e it �- Council File No. 207445—BY Mrs. Donald ,y M. DeCour�a{Me nsesaPPliedforby Resolved, 2 � to this r solution be a d aze hereby granted, and the City Clezk is c. � � �1� yl COVENANT OF INDEMNITY To the Honorable City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota: Waldorf Corporation, a Minnesota corporation having a mailing address of 2250 Wabash Avenue, Saint Pau1 Minnesota 55114-1828, the owner of the properry previously vacated by resolution Council File No. 207428 approved on May 29, 1962, agrees on behalf of itself, its assigns and successors in interest to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from aii suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property because of tlus vacauon, including but not limited to claims brought because of any act or omission, misconduct or neglect or because of any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law on the part of itself, its agents, employees, assigns or successors in interest. Tlus indemnification is offered in lieu of the bonding requirement set forth in Paragraph 2. of the above referenced vacation. l�jc����{� C��rj��r��;`o� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) t �� ) ss. COUNTY OF � (�F 4�c� �=F ) DateJVav��,�e� �� The foregoing ins ent was acknowledged before me this ��� day of by _,(�i�t z�c�.q c.c�A-�-/ and , the � and ` r of LA`�'R- �c� c�` fZ'� Ci� J� 0�2f�- � a � � (<alt> <f10>indemniry) Nota[y Public, cA�ty, My commission expurs ��-(� � � e �v�� REBECCA L WQODB �..�'�� NOTARY PU9lIC • MlNNE80tA � pAKOTA COUN2Y �.� MyCommssionEzpitBSJN.81,� C�, By �G�� ���J\�[�/A/4.�fiv> �ts ss; s�k� j��� ���.�.�