97-468Council File # � � � Green Sheet # 40155 �� �'�'��. ��., '� . _ _ . . � . . . Presented bY Referred To 1 2 3 4 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CommiUee Date An Administrative Resolution adjusting the rates of pay for a number of Special Employment titles in the Salazy Plan and Rates ef Compensarion Resolution. 1� RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Itates of Compensation Resolurion be amended by smiking 5 out of Section IIB, where the titles appear under the heading "Special Employments", in the following: 6 Lifeguard 7 ist 500 hours of employment 8 2nd 500 hours of employment 9 3rd 500 hours of employment 10 4th S00 hours of employment and thereatter 11 Water Safety Instructor 12 ist 500 hours ofemployment 13 2nd 500 hours of employmern 14 3rd 500 hours of employment 15 4th 500 hours of employment and thereafter 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Senior Pool Attendant lst S00 hours of employment 2nd 500 hours of employmeirt 3rd 500 hours of employment 4th 500 hours of employment Swimming Pool Supervisor lst 500 hours ofemgloyment 2nd 500 hours of employment 3rd 500 hours of emp2oyment 4th 500 hours of employment $6.25 $6.54 $6.75 $7.00 $6.�5 $7.00 $7.25 $7.50 $8.25 $8.50 $8.75 $9.00 $9.25 $9.50 $9.75 $10.00 1 26 And substituting in lieu thereof the following: 27 Lifeguazd 28 lst i00 hours ofemployment 29 2nd 500 hours of employment 30 3rd 500 hours ofemployment 31 4th 500 hours of employment and thereafter 32 Water Safety Instructor 33 lst 500 hours of empioyment 34 2nd 500 hours of employment 35 3rd 500 hours of employment 36 4th 500 hours of employment and thereafter 37 Senior Pool Attendant 38 ist 500 hours of employment 39 2nd 500 hours of employment 40 3rd 500 hours of employment 41 4th 500 hours of employment 42 Sth 500 hours of employment and thereafter 43 5wimming Pool Supervisor 44 1 st 500 hours of employment 45 2nd 500 hours of employment 46 3rd 500 hours of employment 47 4th 500 hours of employment 48 Sth 500 hours of employment and thereafter 49 50 $7.25 $7.50 $7.15 $&.00 $7.75 $8.00 $825 $8.50 $8.75 $9.00 $9.25 $9.50 $9.�5 $10.25 $10.50 $10.75 $11.00 $11.25 �� � � V� FINALLY ItESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the Srst pay period following passage and aQproval. r� � Requested by Department of „ . _.` ,• : c ...\1..... . �� �... :.. . � � t. � Approved Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � �� � � Adopted by Council: Date ` J� Adoptio�ertified by Council Secretsty G ST aA_U� c� ! '- zr� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII,: DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET No.• 40155 Human Resources 4/10/97 • CONTAC7 PERSON & PHONE: ( l��i q �NITTpLmqiE AnytpuppTE John Shockley, 266-6482 �i or �ICx 1_DEFARTMENT D o-� s_ crnr covxcn. Milt Patka, 266-6485 xu,�ex z_crrr nrro� 6 cm� ctEiuc FOR 3_ BUDC'ET DIIL FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIR. MI]ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY {DATE) ROi1TING 4 MAYOR {OR ASST.) CNII, SERVICE CONA3ISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLTP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7'UStE) ACITON REQUESTED: The Pazks and Reereation Department requests an across the boazd salary adjustment for severat Special Employment aquatic titles. The last adjustrnent was effective on July 1 l, 1992. These titles aze not represented by a bazgaining unit. RECOMMENDATTONS: Approve (A) or RejeM (R.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONfRACI5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMI�9SSION _CNIL SERVICE COMIvIISS[ON 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a convact for this depazunent? CIB COMMI11'EE Yu No � _STAFF _ 2. Has ihis persontfirm ever bern a oity employee? DISTRICT COURT Yes No SOPPORTS WiIICH COUNCIL OBJECIIVE? 3. Does this persodfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet aod attach to green s6eet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTIINITY (Who What, When, Where, Why): The Parks and Recreation Department indicates that it is difficult to recruit, hire, and keep these employees on the payroll because of non-competitive pay rates. ADVAN'I'AGES IF APPROVED: To increase the Pazks and Recreation Division's applicant pool for these seasonal positions. ���'���E� DISADVANTAG'ESIFAPPROVED: �Pp �I p y�n� �� 1 V � J The annual budget impact for all increases is as follows: �� ���d � �����e`�.'`�'� t�c�d�� Lifeguard 1.60 FTE's X$1.00 per hours =$3,328.00 WSI .5 FTE's X$1.00 per hours =$1.040.00 APR 1� 1gg7 Senior Pool Attendant 1.42 FTE's X$.50 per hours =$738.40 � "�� 4�a ��'�� Swimniing Pool Supervisor 1.18 FTE's X$1.00 per hour = 454. 0 ���� ����` �°� �� TOTALS $7,560.80 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Lack of applicants to fill these seasonal positions may result in curtailing some of the activities. TOTAL'AMODNTOFTRANSACI'fON:S7,5b0 COST/REVENUEBDDGETED: p�v;r�.r�i�-r§ ;° -- -- P[JNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: _ _ �.:'.'� Gj �; k�d�! FINANCL4L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) F\CLASSNIII.TSPECEAIP - NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL pVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE (PHONE NO. 266-8900). ROLITING ORDER: Below aze coaut routings for ihe sir mosc frequent types of documen�: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exisu) COIJNCII. RFSOLLTCION (Amend Budgeu/Accept. Granu) I. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Outside Agenty Department D'uector City Attomey Mayor (for contracts over $15,000) Human Rights (for contracts over $50,000) Finance and Management Services Director Finance Accounting I. Department Director 2. BudgeYDirec[or 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. City Council 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADA4INISTRA'ITVE ORDERS (Budget Revision) 1. Acriviiy Manager Z DepanmentAccoaniant 3. Departrnent Director 4_ Budget Director 5. City Cl�k 6. Chief Accomtan� Finance and Management Services � COLJNCII. RESOLiTTION (ali othus, and Ordinazices) 1. DepattrnentDirectoc 2. City Atkomey � 3- Mayor /Assistant '" 4. City Council 6 ADMINISTRATiVE ORDERS (all others) ORDINANCF/RESOLUITON (amending the Civil Service Rules or the -.= Chuter esta6lishing an unc(assified position) 1. Depar�eatDirector 2. City Attorney 1. Depar��ent Director 5. City Council 3. Finance aad Management Seavices Dirutor 2. City At[omey 6. CivH Service Commission 4. City Clerk 3. Budget Direc[or 7. Ciry Clerk 4. Mayor(orAssistant} TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNAT'UR£ PAGES indicaze the # of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag eac6 of these pages. ACIYON REQUESTED Describe whaz the projeci/reqnest seeks to accompiish in either chrono7ogical onler or order of importance, wfdchever is most appropriate for the isue. Do not write comptete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Comple[e if the issue in question has been presented before anybody, public or private, SUPPORTS WFIICA COUNCII. OBJECTIVE? Indicate wluch council objective(s) your projecVrequest supports by listing the key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BIIDGET, SEWER SEPARATIONI. (SEE CO;vIPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANiTAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'IRACTS: This information will be used to determine the city's liability for wo�kers compensabon claims, taxes and proper civil service hicing mles. RSITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'I'C7NITY Esplain the siNarion or conditions thaz created a need for your project or request ADVANTAGES 1F APPROVED IndicaYe whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by Iaw/cfiarter or whether there aze spec�c �vays in wfiich t[te City of Saint Paul and its citize�s will benefit from this projecUac[ion. DISADVAN"LpGES IF APPROVED Wii.at negative effects or major changes ro�isting or pas[ processes might this projecUreques[ produce if it is passed(e.g., tr�c delays, noise, iaac increases or assessmenu)? To Whom? When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wifI be the negative consequences if the promised ulion is not approved? Inability to deliver service? Continued high treffic, noise, accident raie? Loss of revenae? FINANCIAL IMPACT - Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you aze addressing, in general you mus[ ansrver two questions: How much is it going to cost? �V[io is eoing to pay? q1-4�.�' COMPARATIVE AQUATIC SALARIES OF LOCAL .TIJRISDICTIONS Hennepin County Ramsey County Edina Bloomington Minneapolis Average Current Proposed LIFEGUARD $6.55 - $735 $7.85 - $9.05 $7.25 $735 - $7.75 $7.10 - $8.60 $7.25 - $8.20 WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOIi $735 - $8.55 $8.4� - $9.75 $�.75 None $7.35 - $8.60 $7.70 - $9.00 SAINT PAUL Raznsey County Edina Minneapolis Average SAINT PAUL $6.25 - $7.00 $7.25 - $8.00 $6.75 - $7.50 $7.75 - $8.50 SR POOL ATTENDANT �WIMMING POOL SUPV. $9.45 - $10.90 $10.55 - $12.20 $10.00 $12.50 $8.85 - $10.10 $12.25 - $13.80 $9.45 - $10.50 $11.75 - $13.00 Current Proposed $8.25 - �9.Q0 �8.75 - $9.75 $9.25 - $10.00 $10.25 - $11,25 F�lCLA5SN9f.'MQUATIC Council File # � � � Green Sheet # 40155 �� �'�'��. ��., '� . _ _ . . � . . . Presented bY Referred To 1 2 3 4 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CommiUee Date An Administrative Resolution adjusting the rates of pay for a number of Special Employment titles in the Salazy Plan and Rates ef Compensarion Resolution. 1� RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Itates of Compensation Resolurion be amended by smiking 5 out of Section IIB, where the titles appear under the heading "Special Employments", in the following: 6 Lifeguard 7 ist 500 hours of employment 8 2nd 500 hours of employment 9 3rd 500 hours of employment 10 4th S00 hours of employment and thereatter 11 Water Safety Instructor 12 ist 500 hours ofemployment 13 2nd 500 hours of employmern 14 3rd 500 hours of employment 15 4th 500 hours of employment and thereafter 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Senior Pool Attendant lst S00 hours of employment 2nd 500 hours of employmeirt 3rd 500 hours of employment 4th 500 hours of employment Swimming Pool Supervisor lst 500 hours ofemgloyment 2nd 500 hours of employment 3rd 500 hours of emp2oyment 4th 500 hours of employment $6.25 $6.54 $6.75 $7.00 $6.�5 $7.00 $7.25 $7.50 $8.25 $8.50 $8.75 $9.00 $9.25 $9.50 $9.75 $10.00 1 26 And substituting in lieu thereof the following: 27 Lifeguazd 28 lst i00 hours ofemployment 29 2nd 500 hours of employment 30 3rd 500 hours ofemployment 31 4th 500 hours of employment and thereafter 32 Water Safety Instructor 33 lst 500 hours of empioyment 34 2nd 500 hours of employment 35 3rd 500 hours of employment 36 4th 500 hours of employment and thereafter 37 Senior Pool Attendant 38 ist 500 hours of employment 39 2nd 500 hours of employment 40 3rd 500 hours of employment 41 4th 500 hours of employment 42 Sth 500 hours of employment and thereafter 43 5wimming Pool Supervisor 44 1 st 500 hours of employment 45 2nd 500 hours of employment 46 3rd 500 hours of employment 47 4th 500 hours of employment 48 Sth 500 hours of employment and thereafter 49 50 $7.25 $7.50 $7.15 $&.00 $7.75 $8.00 $825 $8.50 $8.75 $9.00 $9.25 $9.50 $9.�5 $10.25 $10.50 $10.75 $11.00 $11.25 �� � � V� FINALLY ItESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the Srst pay period following passage and aQproval. r� � Requested by Department of „ . _.` ,• : c ...\1..... . �� �... :.. . � � t. � Approved Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � �� � � Adopted by Council: Date ` J� Adoptio�ertified by Council Secretsty G ST aA_U� c� ! '- zr� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII,: DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET No.• 40155 Human Resources 4/10/97 • CONTAC7 PERSON & PHONE: ( l��i q �NITTpLmqiE AnytpuppTE John Shockley, 266-6482 �i or �ICx 1_DEFARTMENT D o-� s_ crnr covxcn. Milt Patka, 266-6485 xu,�ex z_crrr nrro� 6 cm� ctEiuc FOR 3_ BUDC'ET DIIL FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIR. MI]ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY {DATE) ROi1TING 4 MAYOR {OR ASST.) CNII, SERVICE CONA3ISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLTP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7'UStE) ACITON REQUESTED: The Pazks and Reereation Department requests an across the boazd salary adjustment for severat Special Employment aquatic titles. The last adjustrnent was effective on July 1 l, 1992. These titles aze not represented by a bazgaining unit. RECOMMENDATTONS: Approve (A) or RejeM (R.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONfRACI5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMI�9SSION _CNIL SERVICE COMIvIISS[ON 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a convact for this depazunent? CIB COMMI11'EE Yu No � _STAFF _ 2. Has ihis persontfirm ever bern a oity employee? DISTRICT COURT Yes No SOPPORTS WiIICH COUNCIL OBJECIIVE? 3. Does this persodfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet aod attach to green s6eet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTIINITY (Who What, When, Where, Why): The Parks and Recreation Department indicates that it is difficult to recruit, hire, and keep these employees on the payroll because of non-competitive pay rates. ADVAN'I'AGES IF APPROVED: To increase the Pazks and Recreation Division's applicant pool for these seasonal positions. ���'���E� DISADVANTAG'ESIFAPPROVED: �Pp �I p y�n� �� 1 V � J The annual budget impact for all increases is as follows: �� ���d � �����e`�.'`�'� t�c�d�� Lifeguard 1.60 FTE's X$1.00 per hours =$3,328.00 WSI .5 FTE's X$1.00 per hours =$1.040.00 APR 1� 1gg7 Senior Pool Attendant 1.42 FTE's X$.50 per hours =$738.40 � "�� 4�a ��'�� Swimniing Pool Supervisor 1.18 FTE's X$1.00 per hour = 454. 0 ���� ����` �°� �� TOTALS $7,560.80 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Lack of applicants to fill these seasonal positions may result in curtailing some of the activities. TOTAL'AMODNTOFTRANSACI'fON:S7,5b0 COST/REVENUEBDDGETED: p�v;r�.r�i�-r§ ;° -- -- P[JNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: _ _ �.:'.'� Gj �; k�d�! FINANCL4L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) F\CLASSNIII.TSPECEAIP - NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL pVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE (PHONE NO. 266-8900). ROLITING ORDER: Below aze coaut routings for ihe sir mosc frequent types of documen�: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exisu) COIJNCII. RFSOLLTCION (Amend Budgeu/Accept. Granu) I. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Outside Agenty Department D'uector City Attomey Mayor (for contracts over $15,000) Human Rights (for contracts over $50,000) Finance and Management Services Director Finance Accounting I. Department Director 2. BudgeYDirec[or 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. City Council 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADA4INISTRA'ITVE ORDERS (Budget Revision) 1. Acriviiy Manager Z DepanmentAccoaniant 3. Departrnent Director 4_ Budget Director 5. City Cl�k 6. Chief Accomtan� Finance and Management Services � COLJNCII. RESOLiTTION (ali othus, and Ordinazices) 1. DepattrnentDirectoc 2. City Atkomey � 3- Mayor /Assistant '" 4. City Council 6 ADMINISTRATiVE ORDERS (all others) ORDINANCF/RESOLUITON (amending the Civil Service Rules or the -.= Chuter esta6lishing an unc(assified position) 1. Depar�eatDirector 2. City Attorney 1. Depar��ent Director 5. City Council 3. Finance aad Management Seavices Dirutor 2. City At[omey 6. CivH Service Commission 4. City Clerk 3. Budget Direc[or 7. Ciry Clerk 4. Mayor(orAssistant} TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNAT'UR£ PAGES indicaze the # of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag eac6 of these pages. ACIYON REQUESTED Describe whaz the projeci/reqnest seeks to accompiish in either chrono7ogical onler or order of importance, wfdchever is most appropriate for the isue. Do not write comptete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Comple[e if the issue in question has been presented before anybody, public or private, SUPPORTS WFIICA COUNCII. OBJECTIVE? Indicate wluch council objective(s) your projecVrequest supports by listing the key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BIIDGET, SEWER SEPARATIONI. (SEE CO;vIPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANiTAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'IRACTS: This information will be used to determine the city's liability for wo�kers compensabon claims, taxes and proper civil service hicing mles. RSITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'I'C7NITY Esplain the siNarion or conditions thaz created a need for your project or request ADVANTAGES 1F APPROVED IndicaYe whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by Iaw/cfiarter or whether there aze spec�c �vays in wfiich t[te City of Saint Paul and its citize�s will benefit from this projecUac[ion. DISADVAN"LpGES IF APPROVED Wii.at negative effects or major changes ro�isting or pas[ processes might this projecUreques[ produce if it is passed(e.g., tr�c delays, noise, iaac increases or assessmenu)? To Whom? When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wifI be the negative consequences if the promised ulion is not approved? Inability to deliver service? Continued high treffic, noise, accident raie? Loss of revenae? FINANCIAL IMPACT - Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you aze addressing, in general you mus[ ansrver two questions: How much is it going to cost? �V[io is eoing to pay? q1-4�.�' COMPARATIVE AQUATIC SALARIES OF LOCAL .TIJRISDICTIONS Hennepin County Ramsey County Edina Bloomington Minneapolis Average Current Proposed LIFEGUARD $6.55 - $735 $7.85 - $9.05 $7.25 $735 - $7.75 $7.10 - $8.60 $7.25 - $8.20 WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOIi $735 - $8.55 $8.4� - $9.75 $�.75 None $7.35 - $8.60 $7.70 - $9.00 SAINT PAUL Raznsey County Edina Minneapolis Average SAINT PAUL $6.25 - $7.00 $7.25 - $8.00 $6.75 - $7.50 $7.75 - $8.50 SR POOL ATTENDANT �WIMMING POOL SUPV. $9.45 - $10.90 $10.55 - $12.20 $10.00 $12.50 $8.85 - $10.10 $12.25 - $13.80 $9.45 - $10.50 $11.75 - $13.00 Current Proposed $8.25 - �9.Q0 �8.75 - $9.75 $9.25 - $10.00 $10.25 - $11,25 F�lCLA5SN9f.'MQUATIC Council File # � � � Green Sheet # 40155 �� �'�'��. ��., '� . _ _ . . � . . . Presented bY Referred To 1 2 3 4 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CommiUee Date An Administrative Resolution adjusting the rates of pay for a number of Special Employment titles in the Salazy Plan and Rates ef Compensarion Resolution. 1� RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Itates of Compensation Resolurion be amended by smiking 5 out of Section IIB, where the titles appear under the heading "Special Employments", in the following: 6 Lifeguard 7 ist 500 hours of employment 8 2nd 500 hours of employment 9 3rd 500 hours of employment 10 4th S00 hours of employment and thereatter 11 Water Safety Instructor 12 ist 500 hours ofemployment 13 2nd 500 hours of employmern 14 3rd 500 hours of employment 15 4th 500 hours of employment and thereafter 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Senior Pool Attendant lst S00 hours of employment 2nd 500 hours of employmeirt 3rd 500 hours of employment 4th 500 hours of employment Swimming Pool Supervisor lst 500 hours ofemgloyment 2nd 500 hours of employment 3rd 500 hours of emp2oyment 4th 500 hours of employment $6.25 $6.54 $6.75 $7.00 $6.�5 $7.00 $7.25 $7.50 $8.25 $8.50 $8.75 $9.00 $9.25 $9.50 $9.75 $10.00 1 26 And substituting in lieu thereof the following: 27 Lifeguazd 28 lst i00 hours ofemployment 29 2nd 500 hours of employment 30 3rd 500 hours ofemployment 31 4th 500 hours of employment and thereafter 32 Water Safety Instructor 33 lst 500 hours of empioyment 34 2nd 500 hours of employment 35 3rd 500 hours of employment 36 4th 500 hours of employment and thereafter 37 Senior Pool Attendant 38 ist 500 hours of employment 39 2nd 500 hours of employment 40 3rd 500 hours of employment 41 4th 500 hours of employment 42 Sth 500 hours of employment and thereafter 43 5wimming Pool Supervisor 44 1 st 500 hours of employment 45 2nd 500 hours of employment 46 3rd 500 hours of employment 47 4th 500 hours of employment 48 Sth 500 hours of employment and thereafter 49 50 $7.25 $7.50 $7.15 $&.00 $7.75 $8.00 $825 $8.50 $8.75 $9.00 $9.25 $9.50 $9.�5 $10.25 $10.50 $10.75 $11.00 $11.25 �� � � V� FINALLY ItESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the Srst pay period following passage and aQproval. r� � Requested by Department of „ . _.` ,• : c ...\1..... . �� �... :.. . � � t. � Approved Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � �� � � Adopted by Council: Date ` J� Adoptio�ertified by Council Secretsty G ST aA_U� c� ! '- zr� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII,: DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET No.• 40155 Human Resources 4/10/97 • CONTAC7 PERSON & PHONE: ( l��i q �NITTpLmqiE AnytpuppTE John Shockley, 266-6482 �i or �ICx 1_DEFARTMENT D o-� s_ crnr covxcn. Milt Patka, 266-6485 xu,�ex z_crrr nrro� 6 cm� ctEiuc FOR 3_ BUDC'ET DIIL FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIR. MI]ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY {DATE) ROi1TING 4 MAYOR {OR ASST.) CNII, SERVICE CONA3ISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLTP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7'UStE) ACITON REQUESTED: The Pazks and Reereation Department requests an across the boazd salary adjustment for severat Special Employment aquatic titles. The last adjustrnent was effective on July 1 l, 1992. These titles aze not represented by a bazgaining unit. RECOMMENDATTONS: Approve (A) or RejeM (R.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONfRACI5 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMI�9SSION _CNIL SERVICE COMIvIISS[ON 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a convact for this depazunent? CIB COMMI11'EE Yu No � _STAFF _ 2. Has ihis persontfirm ever bern a oity employee? DISTRICT COURT Yes No SOPPORTS WiIICH COUNCIL OBJECIIVE? 3. Does this persodfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet aod attach to green s6eet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTIINITY (Who What, When, Where, Why): The Parks and Recreation Department indicates that it is difficult to recruit, hire, and keep these employees on the payroll because of non-competitive pay rates. ADVAN'I'AGES IF APPROVED: To increase the Pazks and Recreation Division's applicant pool for these seasonal positions. ���'���E� DISADVANTAG'ESIFAPPROVED: �Pp �I p y�n� �� 1 V � J The annual budget impact for all increases is as follows: �� ���d � �����e`�.'`�'� t�c�d�� Lifeguard 1.60 FTE's X$1.00 per hours =$3,328.00 WSI .5 FTE's X$1.00 per hours =$1.040.00 APR 1� 1gg7 Senior Pool Attendant 1.42 FTE's X$.50 per hours =$738.40 � "�� 4�a ��'�� Swimniing Pool Supervisor 1.18 FTE's X$1.00 per hour = 454. 0 ���� ����` �°� �� TOTALS $7,560.80 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Lack of applicants to fill these seasonal positions may result in curtailing some of the activities. TOTAL'AMODNTOFTRANSACI'fON:S7,5b0 COST/REVENUEBDDGETED: p�v;r�.r�i�-r§ ;° -- -- P[JNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: _ _ �.:'.'� Gj �; k�d�! FINANCL4L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) F\CLASSNIII.TSPECEAIP - NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL pVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE (PHONE NO. 266-8900). ROLITING ORDER: Below aze coaut routings for ihe sir mosc frequent types of documen�: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exisu) COIJNCII. RFSOLLTCION (Amend Budgeu/Accept. Granu) I. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Outside Agenty Department D'uector City Attomey Mayor (for contracts over $15,000) Human Rights (for contracts over $50,000) Finance and Management Services Director Finance Accounting I. Department Director 2. BudgeYDirec[or 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. City Council 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADA4INISTRA'ITVE ORDERS (Budget Revision) 1. Acriviiy Manager Z DepanmentAccoaniant 3. Departrnent Director 4_ Budget Director 5. City Cl�k 6. Chief Accomtan� Finance and Management Services � COLJNCII. RESOLiTTION (ali othus, and Ordinazices) 1. DepattrnentDirectoc 2. City Atkomey � 3- Mayor /Assistant '" 4. City Council 6 ADMINISTRATiVE ORDERS (all others) ORDINANCF/RESOLUITON (amending the Civil Service Rules or the -.= Chuter esta6lishing an unc(assified position) 1. Depar�eatDirector 2. City Attorney 1. Depar��ent Director 5. City Council 3. Finance aad Management Seavices Dirutor 2. City At[omey 6. CivH Service Commission 4. City Clerk 3. Budget Direc[or 7. Ciry Clerk 4. Mayor(orAssistant} TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNAT'UR£ PAGES indicaze the # of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag eac6 of these pages. ACIYON REQUESTED Describe whaz the projeci/reqnest seeks to accompiish in either chrono7ogical onler or order of importance, wfdchever is most appropriate for the isue. Do not write comptete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Comple[e if the issue in question has been presented before anybody, public or private, SUPPORTS WFIICA COUNCII. OBJECTIVE? Indicate wluch council objective(s) your projecVrequest supports by listing the key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BIIDGET, SEWER SEPARATIONI. (SEE CO;vIPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANiTAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'IRACTS: This information will be used to determine the city's liability for wo�kers compensabon claims, taxes and proper civil service hicing mles. RSITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'I'C7NITY Esplain the siNarion or conditions thaz created a need for your project or request ADVANTAGES 1F APPROVED IndicaYe whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by Iaw/cfiarter or whether there aze spec�c �vays in wfiich t[te City of Saint Paul and its citize�s will benefit from this projecUac[ion. DISADVAN"LpGES IF APPROVED Wii.at negative effects or major changes ro�isting or pas[ processes might this projecUreques[ produce if it is passed(e.g., tr�c delays, noise, iaac increases or assessmenu)? To Whom? When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wifI be the negative consequences if the promised ulion is not approved? Inability to deliver service? Continued high treffic, noise, accident raie? Loss of revenae? FINANCIAL IMPACT - Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you aze addressing, in general you mus[ ansrver two questions: How much is it going to cost? �V[io is eoing to pay? q1-4�.�' COMPARATIVE AQUATIC SALARIES OF LOCAL .TIJRISDICTIONS Hennepin County Ramsey County Edina Bloomington Minneapolis Average Current Proposed LIFEGUARD $6.55 - $735 $7.85 - $9.05 $7.25 $735 - $7.75 $7.10 - $8.60 $7.25 - $8.20 WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOIi $735 - $8.55 $8.4� - $9.75 $�.75 None $7.35 - $8.60 $7.70 - $9.00 SAINT PAUL Raznsey County Edina Minneapolis Average SAINT PAUL $6.25 - $7.00 $7.25 - $8.00 $6.75 - $7.50 $7.75 - $8.50 SR POOL ATTENDANT �WIMMING POOL SUPV. $9.45 - $10.90 $10.55 - $12.20 $10.00 $12.50 $8.85 - $10.10 $12.25 - $13.80 $9.45 - $10.50 $11.75 - $13.00 Current Proposed $8.25 - �9.Q0 �8.75 - $9.75 $9.25 - $10.00 $10.25 - $11,25 F�lCLA5SN9f.'MQUATIC