D00559CTTY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TIIE MAYOR AD1bIIlVISTRATIVE ORDER � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, No: �i.�0�,�q` D�: ��7��5 WHEREAS, the adopted 1994 Capital Improvement Budget includes an appropriation of $25,000.00 for the Youth Athletic Recreation Equipment Program (YAREP) administered by the Division of Parks and Recreation, and WHEREAS, the Farnsworth Community Playground project, log no. CF-05088, located at Farnsworth Elementary School has received a YAREP grant of $5,000.00 as authorized by Administrative Order D-00452, dated 7anuary 19, 1995, and WHEREAS, the Farnsworfh Community Playground project has been approved to receive addiUonal grant funding in the amount $3,800.00, and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Public Schools, I.S.D. 625, is acting as the fiscal agent for the Farnsworth Community Playground project, TYEREFORE, it is order that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay Independent School District 625, 360 Co2borne Street, Saint Paul, MN SSt02-3299, the amount of $3,80Q.OQ for � Farnsworth Community Playground project. C94-3S006-0882-30019 APPROVED AS TO FORM Asaiatant City Attorne DepaRmeM Head Date �� AdminishaGve Assisiant to Mayor Parks and Recreation John Wirka 266-6411 �UST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENOA BY (DATE) �!A TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 FOR � � 5'� F �OO J�J� GREEN SHEET ° 33241 INRIAVDATE INRIAL/DATE DEPARTMENTDIqECTOR OCI7YCOUNCIL CRY ATTOflNEY � CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR. MnroacoaASS�snwn � Parks & Recreation AlL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Administrative Order Farnsworth Community Playground Project Payment m _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ ( _ CIB CqMMITTEE _ _ — STAFF _ ' _ DISTflICT CqUFT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL O&IECTIVE7 ISSUE, 5/5/95 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC7S MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personRirm ever worketl untler a contmct for this tlepartment? - YES NO 2. Has this personKrm ever been a ciry emplqree? VES NO 3. Does ihis personHirm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yas answera on seperate sheet and attaeh to green sheet What, When, Where, Why)� The farnsworth Project has received a matching grant of $5,000.00 from the City's Youth Athletic Recreation Equipment Program and has been approved for an additional grant in the amount of $3,800.00. Independent School District 625 is acting as fiscal agent for the Farnsworth Community and has paid for the project construction, $17,820.00 to date. The City will make its payment to the School District. School District will receive payment for work completed, in the amount of $3,800.00. ,. �� None School District cannot be paid. _, � e/ � ,�,, ������ �o����t,�' JUN 05 1995 ���'� ��������"`��.� AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 3>HOO.00 FUNDIHG SOURCE C I B FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO NUMBER C94-3S006-0882-30019 �� J