97-46Return copy to: �/ Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, on June 27, 1946, the Council approved C.F.# 136975, a resolution to vacate the following public property: the southerly 6 feet of Wabash Avenue lying 21 feet, 9 inches on either side of the cenual line of Hampden Avenue, be and the same is vacated and discontinued as a public street. WI�EEREAS, said resolution was subject to conditions including the following Paragraph 2: 2. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioner, is hereby fviced at the sum of $1,000. WHEREAS, all conditions having been satisfied by the petitioner, the said vacarion was duly filed in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office; and WHEREAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WIiEREAS, administrative changes involving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than ptovide a bond; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council File # 136975 is hereby amended as follows: Paragraph 2 of the conditions shall read as follows: 2. That, the petitioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless ffie City of 5aint Paul, its officers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacafion or peutioner's use of ttris property, including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. � i� e��,. E_ . , _; , � �. RESOLUTiON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File #�� Green Sheet # �`'l�' ,�!d � �'� 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BE TT FLTRTI�R RESQLVED, that all other terms, conditions and reservazions of the said Cou�nc'��1 b File # 136975 shall remain in full force and effect. `- p.� ° . , ,, � °� . - Adopted by Council: Date Adopfio Certified by Counc ecretary By: �.�� � � Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested by Departmem of: Finance & Management Services By. Director Form Appr d by Ciry Attorney By: ��li`'�A�VNS ✓� —�� �6 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: G Y�f�� <���� � J' � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY } ss. CITY OF ST. PAUL ) .w�; � � =� :.l ; t: ��; Y" � 4M � 4�2 �,. n fl'�! �I 7 •t - _ ^. L �: !C VVL. � ._._ .. 5� �i�;_.r l 1 ��_ � ��������3 �� �lAR 311997 i, Frances Swanson, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the attached copy of Council File No. 97-46as adopted by the City Council on January 22,1997 and approved by the Mayor on January 27, 1997 with the originai thereof on file in my o�ce. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of 1;:5+.r� # '_-.�� ,�i1trE� f�e � ` "� Rec copy Cer capN ini[ials � PG by/kiii � !?���4�� �� ��U�� � � I ? b �v� said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS, my hand and the seai of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 26th day of March, 1997. �v �� �;•� ��" . � a�. � `��`"„ rAP` � 3 y �L„:. � � :ga � o� �r'. ...�: �ri.'i:j';�'a,,i;�;-{°. o� � ``'� dfi�'�.:f,,W�a:f�F :��- �° a � a° '�.+ �a � oetl a ' � .«es ���. a ' '�� l// �r f"/�-�'1 -�SL�r2'Qf�Q" ° 1 ;r2 Deputy C�ty Clerk �� 1�3 � ; R � „ Retu:,n copy to: �f Real Estate Division 140 City Aall Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 11 12 13 14 i5 16 17 lc4 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 WHEREAS, on June 27, 1946, the Council approved C.P.# 136475, a resolution to vacate the following pubiic property: the southerly 6 feet of Wabash Avenue lying 21 feet, 9 inches on either side of the central line of FIampden Avenue, be and the same is vacated and discontinued as a pubiic street. WI�ItEAS, said resolution was subject to conditions including the following Paragraph 2: 2. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioner, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,000. WfiEREAS, all conditions having been satis£ied by the petitioner, the said vacation was duly filed in the Ramsey County Recorder's O�ce; and WIiEREAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WfIEREAS, administrative changes involving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than provide a bond; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Councii File # 136975 is hereby amended as foilows: Paragraph 2 of the conditions shall read as follows: 2. That, the petitioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless the Ciry of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees from ail suits, actions, or claims of any character hrought as a result of injuries or damages zeceived or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of ttris vacation or petitioner's use of ihis property, including but not l'united to a claun brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or reguiation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. 29856�3 �-.n�, . � ; �. � `�. ,. _' t •. . ' �._ Council File # Green Sheet # �l� � � RESOLUTION \� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � - � , 3 4 5 b 7 8 1C 11 12 23 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 �-. -- , � , r., Adopted by Councii: Date G Adoptio,� Certified by Counci ecretary BY: � � � __��.� � -,.�� �.._ Approved by Mayor: Date Z By: `Y� (c, , R 29856�3 1 BE IT FCTRTHER RESQLVED, that all other terms, conditions and reservations of the said Co ncil b 2 File 3{ 136975 shall remain in full force and effect. Requested by Departrnent of: Finance & Mana2ement Services sy. � Director Form Appr d by Ciry Attomey By: ��l�'�i�'�'y�y`� �.2—�/—O/6 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B _ �2 lL .� 3 .O.R - -� -_� }' �= COMMON=� COUNCIL " in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled, ang rescinded� and all proceedings in said matter� be discontinued. -- Adopted by Yhe Covncil June 26, isas. _ Approved June 26. 1946.. . _ : - (Tune . 29, - 1946J - . CF. No. 136972--By Fred M. Truax- Resolved, Tk1at the following trans- fers be made on the � books of the OomptroIIei, as by so `doing ar. ur.- avoid�abie deficienc� in certain items may be me{ by transfers with- out fiampering the work provided by the money fn the items from which the ' transfers � are made. Code - from. ' 16-A; apportioned item, Library Service - Oash Re- ceipts: amount dr., $28,700.00: to, 16- Al; appoitioned item, Library Serv- vice Salaries• transferred cr. $28.- 500.00; to, 16-A8; apportioned item, Libnary Service' - New Equip- anent ;transferred cr., $100.00: do. 16-B6, appoTfioned atem, Building Mai»tenance - Supplies; transferred cr.. $706.00. Adopted by the Council Jnne 26. 1946. ' Approved June 26, 1996. (June 29, 1946.) CF. No. 136974-BY Severin Mortin- son- Resolved, That the Northern States Power fSompany be given permissioh to instaII� approxima4eIy 234 linea2 feet of gas main on Eleanor betw�Pn �umner and HoweIl, under provi- sio-s of Council File No. 123007, Or- dinance No. 8271, dated July 19. 1941. Adopted by �the Council June 27. 19�t6, - �Lpproved June 27. 1996. - �� -:,- (Tune 29. 1946.) ���.:: """ .. . , . . . . t AC.F'. No. 136975--BY Severin Mortin- : son- - ; Resoived. That upon the petition 'of the Waldorf Paper Products Com- pany, the southerly 6 feet of Wabash Avenue 1Ying 21 feet, 9.. inches on either side of. the centnal line of �� FIampden Avenue, be and the same is 'vaoated and discontinued as a pubt 7ic�_ street, sub9ect� expressly to the following; conditions. and . reserva- tions:�.. �,. :..:: , : -.- .-. . � + L.. All• the � conditions, reservatiops �and provisions contained in Ordin- ance No: 3394, as amendefl;' entit3ed °An'_ordinance regulating the proce- �-dure � and- Prescribing the conditions �+r. the vacation of� public� grounds, streets, ai3eys and highways in the City of 5aint Paul," approved March i6,•.1915._ -. �- ._ . . 2: The� boc[d' provided for in said ordinanee;� to� be by� said, p^ti- tioner, _ is _ hereby-_ fixed at the sum - - °s}i.all PaY to the . - 1= the.: sum of the costs of tuis a`. ,� � _� � 2 x+� ,r":,:, : � iNi ; -�:'; . .. e:�.. w:+ . S " , .: ,„ ' �. . � 3 - > � . � �" .�: OF.. THE� CITY� OP�. ST:: PAUI:; __ _,, __ :� , �. �.. _ , 3 �, U� _ n , _ v - . - - _ � ' _ .. . '�a'�� �u�:.' �: -"Adopted by ' the Counci] 7une 27. "' C:F: " No. 136'. 1946. �. .. . Resolved, . T - Apgroved June 27:. �I946.: ". � cial� bonds a� - _ �r. {dune 29, I946.)- . _ � . Benedict . �� , � -. " $I,000.00,' su CF. No. � 1369TCr-Bp Barfus�-Parran- � C�mpany o , to-FindSan- � . . Sohn M. . Resolved: That Gas Station License �erk ofi 1 No_ 7940-4 Pumps, expiring May 16, �1,000.00, . si 1947, issued to Frank J. Andrasko at Indemnity 246 S. Snelling, Avenue be and the Adopted� b� same is hereby transierred to Er- 19 �'' � u�in Jung at ihe same addTess, . Approved � � . Adopted by the Counci} June 27. � _ � 194G. � Approved June_27. 1946. � C.F. No.� 136: . (Tune 29, 1946.) Resolved. '! ' � ty Employes' C.F. No. � 136977 By � Barfuss-Find- ��5.68, expene � lan-Parranto- for Victory Resolved, That licenses a� ]ied for COUnty emF PP � Charge Misc� by the penons named on the list Accounk of � attached to this resolution be� and � Adopted' b; the same are hereby granted, and 1946. the City CIerk� is instructed to issue ' Appioved ' euch licenses ugon the payment in- , (1 +o the City treasury of the required ,_ fees. ' Adopted by, ihe . Council June 27, C.F. No. 136 � �gqg, , � � 8esolved, ' Approved June 2?, 1946, - City of Sain (June � 29. 1946.5 � the Commi� C.F. No. ]369'iB--By� Barfuss-Find- the. relief r� ]an-Parranto=- � Auditoi of � Resalved: That Gas Station License attached app PIO.. 7730-3 Pumps,- expiring Octobez' �for the canc 21, 1946, issued to� Ne1s L. Anderson 'sessments� an a4 794 E. Third Street be and the the northea: same is hereby tnansfened to Ger- '30,- McCloud ald N. Leach at the sasne address. 2: Vandenbc Adopted by the _Couneff June 2Y, Paul, becaus ' lgqg, . levied in ex Approved June 27,- 1946. Adopted t (June 29. 194�6J ' � 194&..'. . . . ... , . . • . ' � App1'oved : C.F. No. 136979-Bp , Barfuss-Find- � � �� Ian-Parranta- � • � ' �- Resolved, That licenses a�pplied £or . C•Resolved,� by the persons named on the list aMached to thls resolution be and Wiliiam A. � the same are hereby granhed, and of the Com � the � City Cierk is instructed bo issue grounds' an� snch 7icenses upon. the . pay�ment in- . upon the' f to the City treasurq of the required .�of the Saa� fees. � . , � is - hereby € AdopYed by the ' Council June 27. �: ' of , Se ly,ys _ . Ord3nance- ,1 Approved- Sune--27: 1946. - son to carr3 (Tune 29,, 1946.) , � � pagating' �an . ,- the lake. sit " - � ' ' . Prospect ':" A ' C.F: No..' 13698a-By Findlan=-. ��`` . Street , betw ' Resolved, That the appeal of Ern- 'anium'.Aven � est E. Klatt under Par, (i), Section :- Adopted� i ' 20, o€ � the � Zoning- Ordinance,. to � 1995:;-:: -:" �-.+ vary, the proyisions thereof to, allow ;-, qpproved the operation�: of= a�= trai3er ��: renta3 ',' . 4 business on, Lot 2D, Blnck 1. MichePs ` � Subdivision; also known. as 603, La- _�{,.,, �No.%�13� fond Avenue, is hereby granted, and ,: Resolved, the� said Ernest E. Klatt is hereby - cial b6nds' permitted-' to use� said ' property for . � ,, sald purpose, to all.licenses. .�� to� Water• � Adopted; by' the June ?7. , tna! Sure� 1946 .. :.:.:.. ..... ..., ..,;:e., ,;_. :;.. oration.;: '_Approv.ed Juae 27.` 1946?'- � .- p I3arrT: 7 � .. . . .., � fTune` 29. 1946.) `"-` - - . .._ � $5,000.00: I . ., - . , ,,.:, .,..t.,,.., �.��._ . � _�� surance� C � >,. c COVENANT�OF INDEMNITY To the Honorable City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota: Waldorf Corporation, a Minnesota corporation having a mailing address of 2250 Wabash Avenue, Saint Paul Minnesota 55114-1828, the owner of the property previously vacated by resolution Council File No. 136975 approved on 7une 27, 1946, agrees on behalf of itself, its assigns and successors in interest to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its o�cers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by anp person, persons, or property because of this vacarion, including but not limited to claims brought because of any act or omission, misconduct or neglect or because of any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law on the part of itself, its agents, employees, assigns or successors in interest. This indemnificauon is offered in lieu of the bonding requirement set forth in Paragraph 2. of the above referenced vacation. I�ate; �✓ode� �i ��— l9 /9 96 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) t, � ) ss. COUNTY OF � f�t�`�'A ) Ty e fo_ rego"�ng insmune t was acknowledged before me tlus �� day o d V�-wl YJ �; 1996, b ��i�.�. � � ��i� A=�1 and , the � � � - v and _----- -- -- �_ of 1A��- ��'� c� e BO n t+� "I�� d iJ under the laws of the state � Nomry Public, _ My commission er.p'ues (<alt> <fl0>indemnity) By �K �. �� �.-A� Its �'ss 7 sfu � d` j�p� S u�-P�- Return copy to: �/ Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, on June 27, 1946, the Council approved C.F.# 136975, a resolution to vacate the following public property: the southerly 6 feet of Wabash Avenue lying 21 feet, 9 inches on either side of the cenual line of Hampden Avenue, be and the same is vacated and discontinued as a public street. WI�EEREAS, said resolution was subject to conditions including the following Paragraph 2: 2. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioner, is hereby fviced at the sum of $1,000. WHEREAS, all conditions having been satisfied by the petitioner, the said vacarion was duly filed in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office; and WHEREAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WIiEREAS, administrative changes involving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than ptovide a bond; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council File # 136975 is hereby amended as follows: Paragraph 2 of the conditions shall read as follows: 2. That, the petitioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless ffie City of 5aint Paul, its officers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacafion or peutioner's use of ttris property, including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. � i� e��,. E_ . , _; , � �. RESOLUTiON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File #�� Green Sheet # �`'l�' ,�!d � �'� 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BE TT FLTRTI�R RESQLVED, that all other terms, conditions and reservazions of the said Cou�nc'��1 b File # 136975 shall remain in full force and effect. `- p.� ° . , ,, � °� . - Adopted by Council: Date Adopfio Certified by Counc ecretary By: �.�� � � Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested by Departmem of: Finance & Management Services By. Director Form Appr d by Ciry Attorney By: ��li`'�A�VNS ✓� —�� �6 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: G Y�f�� <���� � J' � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY } ss. CITY OF ST. PAUL ) .w�; � � =� :.l ; t: ��; Y" � 4M � 4�2 �,. n fl'�! �I 7 •t - _ ^. L �: !C VVL. � ._._ .. 5� �i�;_.r l 1 ��_ � ��������3 �� �lAR 311997 i, Frances Swanson, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the attached copy of Council File No. 97-46as adopted by the City Council on January 22,1997 and approved by the Mayor on January 27, 1997 with the originai thereof on file in my o�ce. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of 1;:5+.r� # '_-.�� ,�i1trE� f�e � ` "� Rec copy Cer capN ini[ials � PG by/kiii � !?���4�� �� ��U�� � � I ? b �v� said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS, my hand and the seai of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 26th day of March, 1997. �v �� �;•� ��" . � a�. � `��`"„ rAP` � 3 y �L„:. � � :ga � o� �r'. ...�: �ri.'i:j';�'a,,i;�;-{°. o� � ``'� dfi�'�.:f,,W�a:f�F :��- �° a � a° '�.+ �a � oetl a ' � .«es ���. a ' '�� l// �r f"/�-�'1 -�SL�r2'Qf�Q" ° 1 ;r2 Deputy C�ty Clerk �� 1�3 � ; R � „ Retu:,n copy to: �f Real Estate Division 140 City Aall Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 11 12 13 14 i5 16 17 lc4 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 WHEREAS, on June 27, 1946, the Council approved C.P.# 136475, a resolution to vacate the following pubiic property: the southerly 6 feet of Wabash Avenue lying 21 feet, 9 inches on either side of the central line of FIampden Avenue, be and the same is vacated and discontinued as a pubiic street. WI�ItEAS, said resolution was subject to conditions including the following Paragraph 2: 2. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioner, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,000. WfiEREAS, all conditions having been satis£ied by the petitioner, the said vacation was duly filed in the Ramsey County Recorder's O�ce; and WIiEREAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WfIEREAS, administrative changes involving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than provide a bond; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Councii File # 136975 is hereby amended as foilows: Paragraph 2 of the conditions shall read as follows: 2. That, the petitioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless the Ciry of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees from ail suits, actions, or claims of any character hrought as a result of injuries or damages zeceived or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of ttris vacation or petitioner's use of ihis property, including but not l'united to a claun brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or reguiation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. 29856�3 �-.n�, . � ; �. � `�. ,. _' t •. . ' �._ Council File # Green Sheet # �l� � � RESOLUTION \� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � - � , 3 4 5 b 7 8 1C 11 12 23 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 �-. -- , � , r., Adopted by Councii: Date G Adoptio,� Certified by Counci ecretary BY: � � � __��.� � -,.�� �.._ Approved by Mayor: Date Z By: `Y� (c, , R 29856�3 1 BE IT FCTRTHER RESQLVED, that all other terms, conditions and reservations of the said Co ncil b 2 File 3{ 136975 shall remain in full force and effect. Requested by Departrnent of: Finance & Mana2ement Services sy. � Director Form Appr d by Ciry Attomey By: ��l�'�i�'�'y�y`� �.2—�/—O/6 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B _ �2 lL .� 3 .O.R - -� -_� }' �= COMMON=� COUNCIL " in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled, ang rescinded� and all proceedings in said matter� be discontinued. -- Adopted by Yhe Covncil June 26, isas. _ Approved June 26. 1946.. . _ : - (Tune . 29, - 1946J - . CF. No. 136972--By Fred M. Truax- Resolved, Tk1at the following trans- fers be made on the � books of the OomptroIIei, as by so `doing ar. ur.- avoid�abie deficienc� in certain items may be me{ by transfers with- out fiampering the work provided by the money fn the items from which the ' transfers � are made. Code - from. ' 16-A; apportioned item, Library Service - Oash Re- ceipts: amount dr., $28,700.00: to, 16- Al; appoitioned item, Library Serv- vice Salaries• transferred cr. $28.- 500.00; to, 16-A8; apportioned item, Libnary Service' - New Equip- anent ;transferred cr., $100.00: do. 16-B6, appoTfioned atem, Building Mai»tenance - Supplies; transferred cr.. $706.00. Adopted by the Council Jnne 26. 1946. ' Approved June 26, 1996. (June 29, 1946.) CF. No. 136974-BY Severin Mortin- son- Resolved, That the Northern States Power fSompany be given permissioh to instaII� approxima4eIy 234 linea2 feet of gas main on Eleanor betw�Pn �umner and HoweIl, under provi- sio-s of Council File No. 123007, Or- dinance No. 8271, dated July 19. 1941. Adopted by �the Council June 27. 19�t6, - �Lpproved June 27. 1996. - �� -:,- (Tune 29. 1946.) ���.:: """ .. . , . . . . t AC.F'. No. 136975--BY Severin Mortin- : son- - ; Resoived. That upon the petition 'of the Waldorf Paper Products Com- pany, the southerly 6 feet of Wabash Avenue 1Ying 21 feet, 9.. inches on either side of. the centnal line of �� FIampden Avenue, be and the same is 'vaoated and discontinued as a pubt 7ic�_ street, sub9ect� expressly to the following; conditions. and . reserva- tions:�.. �,. :..:: , : -.- .-. . � + L.. All• the � conditions, reservatiops �and provisions contained in Ordin- ance No: 3394, as amendefl;' entit3ed °An'_ordinance regulating the proce- �-dure � and- Prescribing the conditions �+r. the vacation of� public� grounds, streets, ai3eys and highways in the City of 5aint Paul," approved March i6,•.1915._ -. �- ._ . . 2: The� boc[d' provided for in said ordinanee;� to� be by� said, p^ti- tioner, _ is _ hereby-_ fixed at the sum - - °s}i.all PaY to the . - 1= the.: sum of the costs of tuis a`. ,� � _� � 2 x+� ,r":,:, : � iNi ; -�:'; . .. e:�.. w:+ . S " , .: ,„ ' �. . � 3 - > � . � �" .�: OF.. THE� CITY� OP�. ST:: PAUI:; __ _,, __ :� , �. �.. _ , 3 �, U� _ n , _ v - . - - _ � ' _ .. . '�a'�� �u�:.' �: -"Adopted by ' the Counci] 7une 27. "' C:F: " No. 136'. 1946. �. .. . Resolved, . T - Apgroved June 27:. �I946.: ". � cial� bonds a� - _ �r. {dune 29, I946.)- . _ � . Benedict . �� , � -. " $I,000.00,' su CF. No. � 1369TCr-Bp Barfus�-Parran- � C�mpany o , to-FindSan- � . . Sohn M. . Resolved: That Gas Station License �erk ofi 1 No_ 7940-4 Pumps, expiring May 16, �1,000.00, . si 1947, issued to Frank J. Andrasko at Indemnity 246 S. Snelling, Avenue be and the Adopted� b� same is hereby transierred to Er- 19 �'' � u�in Jung at ihe same addTess, . Approved � � . Adopted by the Counci} June 27. � _ � 194G. � Approved June_27. 1946. � C.F. No.� 136: . (Tune 29, 1946.) Resolved. '! ' � ty Employes' C.F. No. � 136977 By � Barfuss-Find- ��5.68, expene � lan-Parranto- for Victory Resolved, That licenses a� ]ied for COUnty emF PP � Charge Misc� by the penons named on the list Accounk of � attached to this resolution be� and � Adopted' b; the same are hereby granted, and 1946. the City CIerk� is instructed to issue ' Appioved ' euch licenses ugon the payment in- , (1 +o the City treasury of the required ,_ fees. ' Adopted by, ihe . Council June 27, C.F. No. 136 � �gqg, , � � 8esolved, ' Approved June 2?, 1946, - City of Sain (June � 29. 1946.5 � the Commi� C.F. No. ]369'iB--By� Barfuss-Find- the. relief r� ]an-Parranto=- � Auditoi of � Resalved: That Gas Station License attached app PIO.. 7730-3 Pumps,- expiring Octobez' �for the canc 21, 1946, issued to� Ne1s L. Anderson 'sessments� an a4 794 E. Third Street be and the the northea: same is hereby tnansfened to Ger- '30,- McCloud ald N. Leach at the sasne address. 2: Vandenbc Adopted by the _Couneff June 2Y, Paul, becaus ' lgqg, . levied in ex Approved June 27,- icy,�. Adopted t (June 29. 194�6J ' � 194&..'. . . . ... , . . • . ' � App1'oved : C.F. No. 136979-Bp , Barfuss-Find- � � �� Ian-Parranta- � • � ' �- Resolved, That licenses a�pplied £or . C•Resolved,� by the persons named on the list aMached to thls resolution be and Wiliiam A. � the same are hereby granhed, and of the Com � the � City Cierk is instructed bo issue grounds' an� snch 7icenses upon. the . pay�ment in- . upon the' f to the City treasurq of the required .�of the Saa� fees. � . , � is - hereby € AdopYed by the ' Council June 27. �: ' of , Se ly,ys _ . Ord3nance- ,1 Approved- Sune--27: 1946. - son to carr3 (Tune 29,, 1946.) , � � pagating' �an . ,- the lake. sit " - � ' ' . Prospect ':" A ' C.F: No..' 13698a-By Findlan=-. ��`` . Street , betw ' Resolved, That the appeal of Ern- 'anium'.Aven � est E. Klatt under Par, (i), Section :- Adopted� i ' 20, o€ � the � Zoning- Ordinance,. to � 1995:;-:: -:" �-.+ vary, the proyisions thereof to, allow ;-, qpproved the operation�: of= a�= trai3er ��: renta3 ',' . 4 business on, Lot 2D, Blnck 1. MichePs ` � Subdivision; also known. as 603, La- _�{,.,, �No.%�13� fond Avenue, is hereby granted, and ,: Resolved, the� said Ernest E. Klatt is hereby - cial b6nds' permitted-' to use� said ' property for . � ,, sald purpose, to all.licenses. .�� to� Water• � Adopted; by' the June ?7. , tna! Sure� 1946 .. :.:.:.. ..... ..., ..,;:e., ,;_. :;.. oration.;: '_Approv.ed Juae 27.` 1946?'- � .- p I3arrT: 7 � .. . . .., � fTune` 29. 1946.) `"-` - - . .._ � $5,000.00: I . ., - . , ,,.:, .,..t.,,.., �.��._ . � _�� surance� C � >,. c COVENANT�OF INDEMNITY To the Honorable City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota: Waldorf Corporation, a Minnesota corporation having a mailing address of 2250 Wabash Avenue, Saint Paul Minnesota 55114-1828, the owner of the property previously vacated by resolution Council File No. 136975 approved on 7une 27, 1946, agrees on behalf of itself, its assigns and successors in interest to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its o�cers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by anp person, persons, or property because of this vacarion, including but not limited to claims brought because of any act or omission, misconduct or neglect or because of any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law on the part of itself, its agents, employees, assigns or successors in interest. This indemnificauon is offered in lieu of the bonding requirement set forth in Paragraph 2. of the above referenced vacation. I�ate; �✓ode� �i ��— l9 /9 96 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) t, � ) ss. COUNTY OF � f�t�`�'A ) Ty e fo_ rego"�ng insmune t was acknowledged before me tlus �� day o d V�-wl YJ �; 1996, b ��i�.�. � � ��i� A=�1 and , the � � � - v and _----- -- -- �_ of 1A��- ��'� c� e BO n t+� "I�� d iJ under the laws of the state � Nomry Public, _ My commission er.p'ues (<alt> <fl0>indemnity) By �K �. �� �.-A� Its �'ss 7 sfu � d` j�p� S u�-P�- Return copy to: �/ Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, on June 27, 1946, the Council approved C.F.# 136975, a resolution to vacate the following public property: the southerly 6 feet of Wabash Avenue lying 21 feet, 9 inches on either side of the cenual line of Hampden Avenue, be and the same is vacated and discontinued as a public street. WI�EEREAS, said resolution was subject to conditions including the following Paragraph 2: 2. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioner, is hereby fviced at the sum of $1,000. WHEREAS, all conditions having been satisfied by the petitioner, the said vacarion was duly filed in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office; and WHEREAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WIiEREAS, administrative changes involving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than ptovide a bond; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council File # 136975 is hereby amended as follows: Paragraph 2 of the conditions shall read as follows: 2. That, the petitioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless ffie City of 5aint Paul, its officers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacafion or peutioner's use of ttris property, including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. � i� e��,. E_ . , _; , � �. RESOLUTiON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File #�� Green Sheet # �`'l�' ,�!d � �'� 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BE TT FLTRTI�R RESQLVED, that all other terms, conditions and reservazions of the said Cou�nc'��1 b File # 136975 shall remain in full force and effect. `- p.� ° . , ,, � °� . - Adopted by Council: Date Adopfio Certified by Counc ecretary By: �.�� � � Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested by Departmem of: Finance & Management Services By. Director Form Appr d by Ciry Attorney By: ��li`'�A�VNS ✓� —�� �6 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: G Y�f�� <���� � J' � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY } ss. CITY OF ST. PAUL ) .w�; � � =� :.l ; t: ��; Y" � 4M � 4�2 �,. n fl'�! �I 7 •t - _ ^. L �: !C VVL. � ._._ .. 5� �i�;_.r l 1 ��_ � ��������3 �� �lAR 311997 i, Frances Swanson, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the attached copy of Council File No. 97-46as adopted by the City Council on January 22,1997 and approved by the Mayor on January 27, 1997 with the originai thereof on file in my o�ce. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of 1;:5+.r� # '_-.�� ,�i1trE� f�e � ` "� Rec copy Cer capN ini[ials � PG by/kiii � !?���4�� �� ��U�� � � I ? b �v� said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS, my hand and the seai of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 26th day of March, 1997. �v �� �;•� ��" . � a�. � `��`"„ rAP` � 3 y �L„:. � � :ga � o� �r'. ...�: �ri.'i:j';�'a,,i;�;-{°. o� � ``'� dfi�'�.:f,,W�a:f�F :��- �° a � a° '�.+ �a � oetl a ' � .«es ���. a ' '�� l// �r f"/�-�'1 -�SL�r2'Qf�Q" ° 1 ;r2 Deputy C�ty Clerk �� 1�3 � ; R � „ Retu:,n copy to: �f Real Estate Division 140 City Aall Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 11 12 13 14 i5 16 17 lc4 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 WHEREAS, on June 27, 1946, the Council approved C.P.# 136475, a resolution to vacate the following pubiic property: the southerly 6 feet of Wabash Avenue lying 21 feet, 9 inches on either side of the central line of FIampden Avenue, be and the same is vacated and discontinued as a pubiic street. WI�ItEAS, said resolution was subject to conditions including the following Paragraph 2: 2. The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioner, is hereby fixed at the sum of $1,000. WfiEREAS, all conditions having been satis£ied by the petitioner, the said vacation was duly filed in the Ramsey County Recorder's O�ce; and WIiEREAS, the required $1,000 bond has now expired; and WfIEREAS, administrative changes involving vacation procedures now allow the petitioner to indemnify the City rather than provide a bond; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Councii File # 136975 is hereby amended as foilows: Paragraph 2 of the conditions shall read as follows: 2. That, the petitioner, its successors, and assigns agree to idemnify, defend and save harmless the Ciry of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees from ail suits, actions, or claims of any character hrought as a result of injuries or damages zeceived or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of ttris vacation or petitioner's use of ihis property, including but not l'united to a claun brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or reguiation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. 29856�3 �-.n�, . � ; �. � `�. ,. _' t •. . ' �._ Council File # Green Sheet # �l� � � RESOLUTION \� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � - � , 3 4 5 b 7 8 1C 11 12 23 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 �-. -- , � , r., Adopted by Councii: Date G Adoptio,� Certified by Counci ecretary BY: � � � __��.� � -,.�� �.._ Approved by Mayor: Date Z By: `Y� (c, , R 29856�3 1 BE IT FCTRTHER RESQLVED, that all other terms, conditions and reservations of the said Co ncil b 2 File 3{ 136975 shall remain in full force and effect. Requested by Departrnent of: Finance & Mana2ement Services sy. � Director Form Appr d by Ciry Attomey By: ��l�'�i�'�'y�y`� �.2—�/—O/6 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B _ �2 lL .� 3 .O.R - -� -_� }' �= COMMON=� COUNCIL " in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled, ang rescinded� and all proceedings in said matter� be discontinued. -- Adopted by Yhe Covncil June 26, isas. _ Approved June 26. 1946.. . _ : - (Tune . 29, - 1946J - . CF. No. 136972--By Fred M. Truax- Resolved, Tk1at the following trans- fers be made on the � books of the OomptroIIei, as by so `doing ar. ur.- avoid�abie deficienc� in certain items may be me{ by transfers with- out fiampering the work provided by the money fn the items from which the ' transfers � are made. Code - from. ' 16-A; apportioned item, Library Service - Oash Re- ceipts: amount dr., $28,700.00: to, 16- Al; appoitioned item, Library Serv- vice Salaries• transferred cr. $28.- 500.00; to, 16-A8; apportioned item, Libnary Service' - New Equip- anent ;transferred cr., $100.00: do. 16-B6, appoTfioned atem, Building Mai»tenance - Supplies; transferred cr.. $706.00. Adopted by the Council Jnne 26. 1946. ' Approved June 26, 1996. (June 29, 1946.) CF. No. 136974-BY Severin Mortin- son- Resolved, That the Northern States Power fSompany be given permissioh to instaII� approxima4eIy 234 linea2 feet of gas main on Eleanor betw�Pn �umner and HoweIl, under provi- sio-s of Council File No. 123007, Or- dinance No. 8271, dated July 19. 1941. Adopted by �the Council June 27. 19�t6, - �Lpproved June 27. 1996. - �� -:,- (Tune 29. 1946.) ���.:: """ .. . , . . . . t AC.F'. No. 136975--BY Severin Mortin- : son- - ; Resoived. That upon the petition 'of the Waldorf Paper Products Com- pany, the southerly 6 feet of Wabash Avenue 1Ying 21 feet, 9.. inches on either side of. the centnal line of �� FIampden Avenue, be and the same is 'vaoated and discontinued as a pubt 7ic�_ street, sub9ect� expressly to the following; conditions. and . reserva- tions:�.. �,. :..:: , : -.- .-. . � + L.. All• the � conditions, reservatiops �and provisions contained in Ordin- ance No: 3394, as amendefl;' entit3ed °An'_ordinance regulating the proce- �-dure � and- Prescribing the conditions �+r. the vacation of� public� grounds, streets, ai3eys and highways in the City of 5aint Paul," approved March i6,•.1915._ -. �- ._ . . 2: The� boc[d' provided for in said ordinanee;� to� be by� said, p^ti- tioner, _ is _ hereby-_ fixed at the sum - - °s}i.all PaY to the . - 1= the.: sum of the costs of tuis a`. ,� � _� � 2 x+� ,r":,:, : � iNi ; -�:'; . .. e:�.. w:+ . S " , .: ,„ ' �. . � 3 - > � . � �" .�: OF.. THE� CITY� OP�. ST:: PAUI:; __ _,, __ :� , �. �.. _ , 3 �, U� _ n , _ v - . - - _ � ' _ .. . '�a'�� �u�:.' �: -"Adopted by ' the Counci] 7une 27. "' C:F: " No. 136'. 1946. �. .. . Resolved, . T - Apgroved June 27:. �I946.: ". � cial� bonds a� - _ �r. {dune 29, I946.)- . _ � . Benedict . �� , � -. " $I,000.00,' su CF. No. � 1369TCr-Bp Barfus�-Parran- � C�mpany o , to-FindSan- � . . Sohn M. . Resolved: That Gas Station License �erk ofi 1 No_ 7940-4 Pumps, expiring May 16, �1,000.00, . si 1947, issued to Frank J. Andrasko at Indemnity 246 S. Snelling, Avenue be and the Adopted� b� same is hereby transierred to Er- 19 �'' � u�in Jung at ihe same addTess, . Approved � � . Adopted by the Counci} June 27. � _ � 194G. � Approved June_27. 1946. � C.F. No.� 136: . (Tune 29, 1946.) Resolved. '! ' � ty Employes' C.F. No. � 136977 By � Barfuss-Find- ��5.68, expene � lan-Parranto- for Victory Resolved, That licenses a� ]ied for COUnty emF PP � Charge Misc� by the penons named on the list Accounk of � attached to this resolution be� and � Adopted' b; the same are hereby granted, and 1946. the City CIerk� is instructed to issue ' Appioved ' euch licenses ugon the payment in- , (1 +o the City treasury of the required ,_ fees. ' Adopted by, ihe . Council June 27, C.F. No. 136 � �gqg, , � � 8esolved, ' Approved June 2?, 1946, - City of Sain (June � 29. 1946.5 � the Commi� C.F. No. ]369'iB--By� Barfuss-Find- the. relief r� ]an-Parranto=- � Auditoi of � Resalved: That Gas Station License attached app PIO.. 7730-3 Pumps,- expiring Octobez' �for the canc 21, 1946, issued to� Ne1s L. Anderson 'sessments� an a4 794 E. Third Street be and the the northea: same is hereby tnansfened to Ger- '30,- McCloud ald N. Leach at the sasne address. 2: Vandenbc Adopted by the _Couneff June 2Y, Paul, becaus ' lgqg, . levied in ex Approved June 27,- icy,�. Adopted t (June 29. 194�6J ' � 194&..'. . . . ... , . . • . ' � App1'oved : C.F. No. 136979-Bp , Barfuss-Find- � � �� Ian-Parranta- � • � ' �- Resolved, That licenses a�pplied £or . C•Resolved,� by the persons named on the list aMached to thls resolution be and Wiliiam A. � the same are hereby granhed, and of the Com � the � City Cierk is instructed bo issue grounds' an� snch 7icenses upon. the . pay�ment in- . upon the' f to the City treasurq of the required .�of the Saa� fees. � . , � is - hereby € AdopYed by the ' Council June 27. �: ' of , Se ly,ys _ . Ord3nance- ,1 Approved- Sune--27: 1946. - son to carr3 (Tune 29,, 1946.) , � � pagating' �an . ,- the lake. sit " - � ' ' . Prospect ':" A ' C.F: No..' 13698a-By Findlan=-. ��`` . Street , betw ' Resolved, That the appeal of Ern- 'anium'.Aven � est E. Klatt under Par, (i), Section :- Adopted� i ' 20, o€ � the � Zoning- Ordinance,. to � 1995:;-:: -:" �-.+ vary, the proyisions thereof to, allow ;-, qpproved the operation�: of= a�= trai3er ��: renta3 ',' . 4 business on, Lot 2D, Blnck 1. MichePs ` � Subdivision; also known. as 603, La- _�{,.,, �No.%�13� fond Avenue, is hereby granted, and ,: Resolved, the� said Ernest E. Klatt is hereby - cial b6nds' permitted-' to use� said ' property for . � ,, sald purpose, to all.licenses. .�� to� Water• � Adopted; by' the June ?7. , tna! Sure� 1946 .. :.:.:.. ..... ..., ..,;:e., ,;_. :;.. oration.;: '_Approv.ed Juae 27.` 1946?'- � .- p I3arrT: 7 � .. . . .., � fTune` 29. 1946.) `"-` - - . .._ � $5,000.00: I . ., - . , ,,.:, .,..t.,,.., �.��._ . � _�� surance� C � >,. c COVENANT�OF INDEMNITY To the Honorable City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota: Waldorf Corporation, a Minnesota corporation having a mailing address of 2250 Wabash Avenue, Saint Paul Minnesota 55114-1828, the owner of the property previously vacated by resolution Council File No. 136975 approved on 7une 27, 1946, agrees on behalf of itself, its assigns and successors in interest to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its o�cers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by anp person, persons, or property because of this vacarion, including but not limited to claims brought because of any act or omission, misconduct or neglect or because of any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law on the part of itself, its agents, employees, assigns or successors in interest. This indemnificauon is offered in lieu of the bonding requirement set forth in Paragraph 2. of the above referenced vacation. I�ate; �✓ode� �i ��— l9 /9 96 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) t, � ) ss. COUNTY OF � f�t�`�'A ) Ty e fo_ rego"�ng insmune t was acknowledged before me tlus �� day o d V�-wl YJ �; 1996, b ��i�.�. � � ��i� A=�1 and , the � � � - v and _----- -- -- �_ of 1A��- ��'� c� e BO n t+� "I�� d iJ under the laws of the state � Nomry Public, _ My commission er.p'ues (<alt> <fl0>indemnity) By �K �. �� �.-A� Its �'ss 7 sfu � d` j�p� S u�-P�-