97-455City of St. Paul RESOLIITION RATIFYING ASSSSSMENT NO �1- � s.s �a, F e No. 702BB,J9701TDBC2,J9704AA �m���� J9 �� a3 J q�"1 Assessment No.9729, 9730, 9731, 9735 Voting � Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 39702BB (9729) Boardings-up oE vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at: 1086 Jessamine Ave E J9701TDBC2 (9730) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up)from mid-JUne to mid-Sept 1996 for property at: 383 Clinton Ave. 59704AA (9731J Summary Abatement (Property clean-up, snow removal and/or sanding walks)from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 £or properties at: 2067 Dayton Ave, 104 Larpenteur Ave W, 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St. J9701BB (9735) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for July 1996 for properties at: 1132 Central Ave W and 328 Lexington Pkwy N TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 4-15-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-9-97 TO 4-23-97 Preliminary Final A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. Yeas� Nays V Blakey � s trom ,/�Ffarris � Vin�e9 ard { In Favor �LZ rton ���� l i r �Agains t y/'Fhune Adopted by the Council: Date �3, 4��('� Certified Passes by Council Secretary By Mayor r + LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-4-97 TO 4-23-97 RE 4-11-97 I GREEN SHEET OCVIYWVtlVILXUCIYVN6T(VFICJ �ID OVER BY COUI3CIL ON 4-9-97 TO 4-23-97 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 O DEPARTMENTOIqECTdR � ❑CINATTORNEY O BUOGET OIRECTOR . o �,YOR �oR���„�,,, (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � q� -�SS JJ�L� INRIAWATE — � CT' G�UNCIL ] CRYCIFRK �7 FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ACIIONflEWESTEO:AY C011RC7.�.�S request on 4-9-97 Boardings-up of vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at 1086 Jessamine Ave E, Board-up of vac bldgs for July 1996 £or properties at 1132 Central Ave W& 328 Lexington Picwy N, Summ Abate from mi.d-June to mid-sept 1996 for property at 383 Clinton Ave and Summ Abate from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 for properties at 2067 Dayton, 104 Larpe c�c r�_t_ __�tiin �,.re..r To�n�urz ro�nimrnr� ro�ninn ro�ninrz. ....,... �6�,. o��o o��n o�zi o�� _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CI41L SERVICE COMMISSION _ CB COMMfTIEE _ _ASipFF g Ril�lic Haa1Th __ DISTAICfCOUqT �_ Varant Rl r7,v SUPPOPTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJEGTNE7 W'd2'd 2 Neighborhoods PER50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DVE5TIONS: 7. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a contmct for this Oepertment? YES NO 2. Has this persontfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaly possessed by any curcent cRy employae? YES NO Expiain all yes answaro on separata aheet and attaeh to green sheet "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER 39518" ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� �.vw����: MA` . ,.. �r. ..3 k I � ���� � `Y �.'e` S. .� ....��. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOIfdG SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER �INANCIAL INFOF1NiAT10N: (EXPlA1N) REPORT Date: April 15,1997 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd LEGISLATIVE HEARING Gerry Suathman Legislative Heazing Officer ��_��SS Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following: J97045A--Property ciean ug, snow removal, or sanding from August 1996 to 7anuary 1997 79722B—Boardings up of vacant buildings for September 1996 J9732B--Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for October 1996 J9702TDBC—Property clean-up from mid-Septembers to mid-October 1996 79701C--Demolitions of vacant buiidings from August to December 1996 Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following exceptions: 694 Sherburne (J9722B) laid over to May 6, 1997 403 Eichenwaid Street (J97045A) reduce assessment to $340 1078 Euclid Street (J97045A) reduce assessment to $440 703 St. Anthony (J97045A) assessment to be paid over 10 years 2. Resolution Ratifying Assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatement for the following: (L,aid over by Council on Apri19) 39701TDBC2--Properry clean-up from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 . 39702BB--Boatdings-up of vacant buildings for Aug 1996 J9701BB--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for 7uly 1996 J9704AA—Property clean-up, snow removal andlor sanding waiks from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 I.egislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following exceptions: 328 N. Lexington (J9701B) laid over to May 6, 1997 1132 Central (J9701BB) laid over to May 6, 1497 616 Idaho (9704AA) laid over to May 6, 1997 1086 E. 7essamine (J9702BB) laid over to May 6, 1997 1110 Forest Street (J9704A) laid over w May 6, 1497 Legislative Hearing April 15, 1997 Page 2 �� LlY 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 5$7 Strvker v u. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended the owner be given 18Q days to complete the repairs to the building. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at 7 F st Street If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 1383 Arcade Street. Tf the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Of�icer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 60 days. 5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at 557 7enks e u. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legisiative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 45 days. 6. Summary abatement appeal for 1359 Blair Avenue; Quoc Nguyes & Winston Nguyen, appellants. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied. 7. Summary abatement appeal for 1253 West Como Blvd.; 3ohn M. Sweeney, appellant. Legislative Hearing O'tFicer recommended appeal be denied; matter was withdrawn. 8. Summary abatement appeai for 1948 Fourth Street E.; Irving Rosenblum, appellant. Legislafive Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied; matter was withdrawn. � -y'S � MINUTES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING Apri115,1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legistative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Maynard Vinge, Public health; Cathy Ries, Roxanna Fiink, Real Estate. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. 1. Resolurion rarifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following: J97045A—Properiy clean-up, snow removal, or sanding from Aug to 1996 to 7an 1497 J9722B—Boardings-up of vacant buildings for September 1996 J9732B—Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for October 1996 79702TDBC—Property clean-up from mid-Septembers to mid-October 1996 J9701C—Demolitions of vacant buildings from August to December 1996 Property clean-up from mid-7une to mid-Sept 1996 J9702BB—Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for Aug 1996 J9701BB—Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for July 1996 39704AA—Propeny clean-up, snow removal andlor sanding waiks from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 1359 Blair Avenue Harold Robinson, Public Health, reported that the property has a history of police calls along with numerous calls from neighbors and community groups. A code inspecfion was completed but no bond was posted or permits pulied. People have been in the property late at night doing work tbat is improper. The building inspection report notes that work that has been done up to now has been substandazd. I3o one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1083 Bee�h ctreet I3o one appeared; recommended appmving the assessment. 11 2 ntr Av *+nP w�► Mr. Strathman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997. 657 Charles Aven No one appeazed; recommended approving the assessment. ( i ��-�I �5 �83 Cli�ton Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1470 ConcnrcLa Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 2067 Davton Avenne No o� appeared; recommended approving tbe assessmem. $50 Edmund Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. fi73 Ce�r�i Avenue West No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. d03 Eichenwad John Stoltenburg, properry owner, appeared and stated that when he received the notice, he notified the heaith inspector that the peopie flving in the house had been evicted. Before the appeal period expired, he again notified the inspector tbat the tenants were still in the house. The inspector issued condemnauon proceedings and the tenants were to be out by August 1. On Aagast 3 they were stitl in the house. He cleaned up the garbage that was outside, hauled 9 tires away, and put the other tires in the basement stairwell. The remaining property belonged to the tenants and by law he could not touch it. On the morning of August 11 before he went on vacation, he weni over to the property and the tenants were still there. When he got back from vacation a week later, the city crews had done the ciean up. Chuck Votel, Pab2ic Heatth, showed a video af the properry and reviewed the staff report. The city condemned the lower unit of the building for building and housing code violations. A summary abatement was issued, posted at the property, and mailed to Mr. Stoltenburg on 7uly 25. R'hen the property was rechecked on Augvst 2, the work had not been done. Ii was further rechecked on August 12, the work order was sent to the Parks Department and on August 14 the city cleaned it up. The properry has a long history of similar problems. Mr. Stratbman asked the appellant to explain his reason for not cieaning up the material that was cleaned up by the city. Mr. Stoltenburg responded that he picked up the garbage on the back porch and put it iu the trash cans by the alley. He was told by the tenants not to touch the sofas on the porch because it was their properry and they were taking them. By law he could not touch them. Mr. Sirathman stated that the sofas on the &ont porch probably could not have been removed since the tenantc claimed it was their property, but the rest of the clean up could have been taken care o£ He recommended redacing the assessment to $340, � 2 c ��_�ss $54 Euclid Street � No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1014 EucLid Strept No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1078 Eur_Ld Street Evelyn Klismith, property owner, appeared and stated that she and her son bad been collecting refrigerators from appliance companies. They would check the appliances over and then give them to poor peogle, One time ihey did take too many refrigerators. They came in late in the day, the back yard was fvll, and the �xt day the inspector was out. Mr. Klismith asked if the assessment could be cut in half. He stat�i tbat he had made a mistake and it would not happen again. Chuck Votel, Pubiic Aealth, reported that prior to last October, they never had a complaint on the property, but there was an excessive amount of appliances wlrich is not allowed in a residential area. The inspector talked to the pmperry owner a couple of times and extensions were given, but in the end, the city was compelled to remove the miisance. Mr. Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $440. � 1948 4th treet ct Chuck Votel, Public Health, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. Mr. Votel reported that a complaint was received on the properry for snow and ice on the sidewalks. T'he no6ce was mailed December 20, the recheck date was December 22, it was rechecked again on the 27, the work order was sent to the Pazks Department and the work was done on January 2. There apparemly was inadequate work or no work done all year and in 1996 there were six nodces issued on the properry for different nuisance violarions. Irvin Rosenbium, properry owner, appeazed and stated tUat the same day the letter was sent, he also received a phone call. He had been there that morning and shoveled the walk wide enough for two people w walk side-by-side. The properry is not occupied, he was aware that there was snow there, and he did go and shovel the walk the day he received the call. He shoveled at least 3 times during that period but the wind was very bad and within hours it covld have been covered. Mr. Strathman noted that the video showed fl�at the sidewalks on both sides of the property in question had been shoveled and recommended approval of the assessment. 1110 Forest StrePt A video was shown of the properry. � �11' �� ��j Tou Sao Vue and Kambau Ku Vue, proper owners appeared. Tou Sao Vue stated that right before they purchased the property on September 16, 1996, they went through the 4 units, the basement, and the garage and the previous owner promised she wovid clean up the properry. He presented a letter from the previous owner stating this. Mr. Strathulan asked the property owner if he had received natice from the ciry for Uie ciean up? Mr. Vue respo�ed that they had not. He explained that they had to clean and repair the buitding in arder w move in, so they moved everything outside that ihe previous owner was to haui away. She never came back a� they were not allowed to throw it away. Mr. i�otei reported that the notice was mailed to a Bob Vanl.ee, 1110 Forest,and it was aiso posted on site at the building. Kambau Ku Vue explained that on November 17, she came home from work and saw the city crew cieaning up. She asked them who gave them permission because she owned the property. He showed her the order and told her that if that was not her name on the order, not too worry but from now on she would have to take caze of the property. Mr. Strathman stated that it is the property owners responsibility to change the registration records when the properry is purchased. The proper notification was given, the building was posted, and the work was done by the city. Mr• Strathman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997. 1528 Gr�n_d Avenne Pat S�illivan, properry owner, appeazed and stated that he had talked to Carrolyn Shepard and was given untit Oct 23 to do the work. The city didn't do any boarding; screws were put in the doors so they couldn't be opened. Mr. VoteI stated that Mr. SulIivan is referring to a different order. iie presented copies of notices starting from last August which were se� to the progerry owner, The pmblem is the building gets secured but then it gets broken iruo. They had requests from the Police Team officers in that area to get the building secured because they were having groblems with it. Mr. Strathman stated that the order in ques6on was mailed on October 3 to compiy by October 9. Tfie records indicate that Mr. S�illivan was notified, nothing was done to secure the building, and the city crews went out on October 14 and did secure it. Proper procedure was followed and he recommended approval of the assessment.. 616 Idaho Aven � . Mr. Strathman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997. 4 ��_ ySS �� s�� ss�� � Chuck Votel showed a video of the properry. Denette Richards, properry owner, appeared and stated that they �ver received any notice and were not awaze of the antenna. Mr. Votel reported that ihe nofice was sent to 102 Bruno, Min�sota, 55�12. The first notice dated August 9 was to remove garbage, rubbish, cut the grass and weeds, remove the antenna that had fallen, and remove a dilapidated fence in the rear yard. That order come back undeliverable, no forwazding address on file. Ms. Richards explained that the house belonged to her mother-ia-law who died November 15, 1996. They bought the house from her 2 years and just finished paying off the back taxes. For some reason, they couid never get the property re�orded in their name. The address in Bruno, Minnesota was her mother-in-law's old address from 3 years ago. Mr. Strathman stated tt�at the tax records that ue used to send out notification had not been updated and therefore the nodce went to an address that no longer existed. The proper legai procedures were followed in giving notificarion and the work was do�. He recommended approving the assessment. � 104 T,ar�nte�� � No oue appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 328 I,exineton Parkw9v North Mr. S�atUman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997. 443 Marvland Avenne F No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1044 Mi neh a Av n�P W No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1902 Minneh h Av nue W Chuck Votel showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. Don Kelly, representing the owner of the property, appeared and asked where the notice was seni. Mr. Votel responded that it was sent to the Navy Deparlmern of the U.S. of America, 1902 W. Minnehaha, the recorded owner with Ramsey County Properry Taxation r�ords. Mr. Kelly stated that the Navy Department no longer owned the building and fl�at they never received proper notice. He explained that they began purchasing the property in early summer of 1996 and in late August, the seller transfened the tifle. He called the assessor for a wpy of i ��-��� the notice and found out that it was sent to the Navy and not to JLT Group wlrich is the recorded owner. Mr. Votel reported that after this order was issued, on January 8 another order was issued to remove snow and ice from the sidewalk and at the time the inspector noted that JLT Group was an owner and a no6ce was sent to 7139 Vandallia. ProperEy owners in the city are expected to know that they have to keep their sidewalks clear. The city did receive a number of wmplaints on this. Mr. Strathman stated on November 2b ihe orders were sent to ihe property owner on record and the work was done by the city on December 4, 1996. He recommended approval of the assessment. 703 St. Anthonv Avenue Chuck Vote showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. He stated that on January 24, 1995 a notice was issued to the property owner to remove a ditapidated garage and dispose of contents inside the garage or it would be removed by the city. The garage was in a severe state of deterioration. Prior correction notice had been issued on June 7, 1995 a� July 11, 1995. A citarion was issued, on August, 1995, which lead to a guitry plea and the property owner agreed to have repairs done to the garage by June 1, 1996. Work orders were sent to the Parks Department and the work was done on October 1, 1996. Byron Poole, property oavner, appeared and stated that he had received notice about the gazage but at that time he was financially unable to have it tom down a�i hauled away. Mr. Strathman stated the garage was tom down by the city and the assessment is $2,297. He recommended approving the assessment to be paid over 10 years. 3�-307 Thomas Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 2Q�1 Thomac Avenue Chuck Votel showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. He stated that orders were issued on August 12, 1996, to remove discarded fumiture, mattresses, and household articles from the yazd area. Orders were lefr with the 5rst floor tenant on Angust 9, 1996, and a phone message was left for Ronald Ttvazdowski on August 19 that crews would remove the nuisance on August 21, 1996. Terri Twazdowski, property owner, appeared and stated that she �ver received a notice or a telephone message. They would have taken care of it if they had known. Mr. Votel reported that the notice was sent to Ronald and Theresa Twazdowski at 360 Skillman Avenue E., Maplewood, 55117, The m�mber the inspector called was 7741299. � r�'}-�-�SS � Ms. Twudowski stated tbat they moved from that address; they purcl�ased a home Apri130, at 950 Lydia, Roseville. Mr. Votel noted that the ietter was never returned by the post office. Mr. Strattunan recommended approval of the assessment. 694 Ch�,erb�r�+e Mr• Strathman recomme�ed this matter be laid over to May 6, 1996. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at S87 Strvker Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. John McGovern and John Sadawski appeared. Mr. McGovem stated that they have a purchase agreement from HUB to close on the properry in eariy May. A bond has been posted, permits I�ave been pulled, and they have insurance. Weather permitting, they glan to complete the rehab work within 3 months. Mr. Votel noted that the vacant building fee is paid by HIJD at closing. Mr. Strathman reported that he received wmmunication &om HUD indicating that they are selling the property to Mr. McGodvem. A letter was received from WESCO stating that they haven't yet reviewed the latest proposai. He recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removai of the structure to 180 days. Mr. Votel noted that a certified resolution will be sern to the property owner at 5944 13th Avenue So., Mpls. 55417. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 578 Forest Street If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Aealth is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel reviewed the staff report stating that the building has been condemned since 1996 by Pubiic Heaith. The current properry owners are Roger and Mary Clazk; financial problems have prevented them from rehabilitating the properry. S�mmary abatemeni notices have been issued and the city has had to secure the building. The building regisiration fees are uupaid, and real estate talces are uupaid in the amount of $19,800. Code Enforcement inspectors estimate the amou� of mo�y �eded to properly repair this shucture makes this reLabilitation project uniikely and not economically feasible. The estimated cost to demolish is $5,900. No one appeared. � ���`��� ' Mr. Strathamn recommended approval. 4. Resotudon ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building Iocated at 1383 Arsade Str�t. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Chuck YoteI reported that the building has been vacant since January I995. The current properry owner is Valvoli� Oil Company. The owner has been involved in �gotiations with potentiai buyers of the properry. There have been 4 summary abateme� notices issued, registration fees are paid, and taxes aze paid. As of April 15, 1997 a Certificate of Occupaney has not beea applied for a� the $2,OOQ.00 ba� has not been posted. They are uoahie to estimate a cost to repair this building since it is wmmercial use. Cost to demolish is approximately $10,000. Bernar@ Mordorski appeared and stated thai he has beea �gofiating with Valvoline for the last year to purchase the pmperry. They had several banks lined up that were willing to finance the pmperry and they could have been in there last August or September if they could have gotten the approvat from tfie city's end. They also worked with We Eastside Neighborhood Developement. In May of last year, Kim Hunter supposedly gave approval for a$50,000 loan guarantee. At that time, they were with Signal Bank and ready to close. All they were waiting for was their conditional use permit, which was filed for and obtained in 7uly. When they came to close after the first of June, they found that Kim Hunter no longer worked for the Fastside Neighborhood Development and they had to start the process all over again. He presented a copy of the offer to purcbase, a letter from Rapid Oil Change extending their purchase agreement extending tfirough Apri130, and a copy of a letter from Lake Elmo Bank affirming the loan. They are planning to close on the ihe bvilding Apri130. If the city demolishes the building, he will be out the $8,000 he's invested because he is not going to buy an empty lot. Mr. Strathman asked how long it would take to get the building inio shape? Mr. Mordorsld responded tbat he plans to be in the building and operating within a week to 10 days after closing on the properry. His plans for the building aze quite extensive as far as the appearance of the building. A representative from the Wheelock/Sherwood/Cottage Blcek Club submitted a copy of a letter addressed to Councilmember Bostrom from the block ciub and petitions signed by residents over the past 2 years for mimerous people that had wa�ed to acquire the properry and rehab it. Last spring they met with Mr. Mordorski and he was supposediy going to acquire the praperty, rehabilitate it, and move in within a short period of time. The property has deteriorated, the walks weten't shoveted, the tawn hasn't been mowed, plumbing fixdues were laying out in the pazking lot for a number of months, the fence was vandalized and laying in the a11ey behind the properry for several months. Now they have a possible health hazard with the toilets being removed, and open waste pipes Ieading into the ground. Nothing has been do� because ,J 8 ��_�s� � Vavoline hasn't taken care of the property. At this poi�, they are looking at letting the demolition go through, they fcel that would be in the best interest. Jeff Anderson, adjacent business neighbor, s� that the building has gotten worse over the last couple of years. He operates a mortuary and just having tUat eyesore is something tUat constandy bothers them. Restroom doors, fence, the building needs a lot of work if anything is going to be done to it. They contacted the real estate people a couple of times expressing interest in purcbasing the property for a parldng lot. Mr. Strathman stated that at this point, the problem appears to be with Valvoline who is the cunent ovvner and hasn't met their responsibilities as a properry owner. Given the fact that there is a perspective owner who ciearly seems to have the financing w do the work that needs to be done, he recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 60 days. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair We refereaced building located at �ZI� A��e. If the owner fails to comply with the resolufion, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel reviewed the staff report stating tl�at the property was condemned on April 1996. The current properry owner Victor Sclileiss consents to the City demolishing the strucnue because they don't think iYs economically feasible to rehabilitate it. The registration fees ue paid, on August 6, 1996 the compliance inspection was done. The code enforcement inspector didn't estimate the amount of money needed to repair the building because they don't think iYs likely nor feasible. The cost to demolish is estimated at $8,400. John Miller, attorney for Knutson Mortgage Company, stated that they hold the mortgage on the properry and it is their position that the building is not capable of being rehabilitated. The mortgage is current and have not commenced foreclosure proceedings. They would like the opportunity to have 45 days in order to attempt to make arrangement with Mr. Schleiss to get a deed in lieu of foreciosure wlrich would preserve Knutson's abIlity to then tender the property back to HUD. Mr. Votel stated that they did have to issue notice in Mazch to secure a front entry door, but it is not a building that creates a lot of probiems. Mr. Strathman recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 45 days. 6. Summary abatement appeal for 1354 BI ;r Aven e; Quoc Nguyes & Winston Nguyen, appellants. No one appeared; appeal was denied. � E _`��-�55 7- Sumntary abatement appeai for 1253 Wecr omo Blvd.; John M. Swee�ey, appellant. > Mr. Votel noted that this appeal has been withdrawn. No one appeared; appeal denied. �� �, . . .. �� � . .. . � � : . _._� . _ � • � . � . �� . . .- . � Maynard Vinge reported this matter was withdrawn; No one agpeared; appeal denied. Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. ✓r 10 ' To Legislative Hearing Officer - April 1, 1997 te - Avril 9, 1997 Estate Must be in Office RE 1-24-97 � °E� —�-�. �S 39�1'= 1-1�-9� GREEN SHEET `' INITIAVDATE INRIAVDATE � DEPARTMEM DIREGTOR � CT' LOUNCIL Ae p PON ❑ CITY ATfORNEY � CRV CLERK lTING � QUDGET DIA£G[OR O FIN. & MGi SERYIC£S D10. �E� � M.AYOR(ORASSISTAfJn � Council Research TOTAL # OF SIGNATUAE PAGES - 1 (CIIP A�l LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) J9704A, 9716; J9701B, 9718; J9702B, 9719; J9701TDBC, 9720 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summary Abate from Aug 1996 to 3an 1997; from mid-Sune to mid-Sept 1996 and Boardings-up for Suly and Aug 1496. o� _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVII SERVICE CAMMISSION _ GB COMMtTTEE � STAFF A Public Health _ DISTFliCTCOURT A Vacant Bldes. SUPPOflTS WNICN COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 Ward 2 Neighboorhoods PEflSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUSTANSWEp THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this persoNfirm ever wolrted untler a coMrect tor this department? YES NO 2� Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee7 YES NO 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skili not normally possessetl by any current city emplpyeeT YES NO Explaln ell yes anawers on separate aheet a�d etteeh to green aheet Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. _........,,__ .. ... . .._. __. Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements and Boardings-up. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. iADYANTAGE51iAPPROVEO: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. Neighbozhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties Rodents, filth garbage and trash would accumlate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. AMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS ��+3� COST/REVENUEBUDGETEO(CIRCLEONE) VES NO L FUNDIUGSOURCE Assessments O171Y ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANCIAI INFORAnATION �E%PLAIN) ' 267 propezty owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. of Technology & Management Serv. RSPORT QF COMPL&TIODi OF COUNCIL FILE NO �� - 'l,� S File No.S9702BS,J9701TDBC2,J97�4AA, J9701BB Assessment No.9729,9730,9731,9735 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 39702BB (9729} Boardings-up of vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at: 1086 Jessamine Ave E 39701TDBC2 (9730) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up)from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 for property at: 383 Clinton Ave_ J9704AA (9731) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up, snow removal and/or sanding walks)from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 for properties at: 2067 Dayton Ave, 104 Larpenteur Ave W, 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St. J9701BB (9735) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for July 1996 for properties at: 1132 Central Ave W and 328 Lexington Pkwy N TO LEGI5LATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 4-15-97 LAID OVER SY COUNCIL ON 4-9-97 TO 4-23-97 ��_�L�S Preliminary Order Final To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs $1,496.78 Engineering and Inspection $ Valuation and Assessment Services $ Administration Charge - Public Health $_75.00 Re-Check Charge - Public Health $_125.00 Abatement Service Charge $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $1,816.78 $1,816.7 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $1,816.78 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completecl, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. " - d (� Dated � � 1 � - 9 � c-�� ���.i��• Valuation and Assessment Engineer �V W a K U C W ('J d £ 1� P � H F N N Q m N O P � U W > � a K O N J (:1 C 6 w x � z w > 0 s a E U J m � a n P O v O � O N i N � O O N � � O Y � N H C W N p. N O K P d N W N (A � OJ O O 11 OJ � r�t�oonr� z . . n �� O� v� N II CO � O� ON � 11 S� £' N fA fq 11 N� 6 � W 1� M � 11 � • II O . II ' � f � 11 U • 11 LL � II 11 (A � 000 ti � O O O � t000. 'L � I�00 � � . . ��� 2' O O N r U Q w � O O O 1- � O00 Q � O O O C � N N ti N � 2 � J� `' w � N U' U K n W � � � � £ r �(7x 6 • �- % 2 � V' N � 20�u��` C � U � O � O � 1- � K .> U i Q £ K LL i O � W � m 6 � / 2 � /; i z S f z � . � O � J � � F 6 n a w s � . c� � o VI � Vt 2 W � • p � .f� W W lA T � � Y 4 Y- � Q � W 6' � �t0 J�O W � C 6 P a�wW � o � > # �n K � O F # N a � O \ U � N d P W U W O � � 2 d W N � �+ W � �l .�a� ��yov W� W Q O W� } •..0�2. Q r H K � d � C N £ O • X� W Y N 6 6� 6 i- tn l/i � F- � 02Z1/JQ � � � � € W z � n O � c� � O � U J 2 � � C ��0.. � R' � W N 6 W � � w�� P n o z� Z� J W � W� 3• w � r o 2� O � YON% # � � tQ 0 0 11 W l�00111� . �I . O� vt v� II W ON�IIV NM1qtlN � 11� 1 n n II �I 11 II 11 �I II II II 11 �I W 11 (n C'! II U 1' 11 a , ¢ n J y S 11 f U II U' N II 2 O W II J � U U �I Q O �+ II f 6' .> II O 6 SK 111- O ow 1� m ¢ m n � II U J J J II W ¢ ¢ ¢ It � F 1- F- 11 O OOOIIK �-�i- n a � U 6 d H n f X W O N w V 6 d r � � -��� �.. W S K U K CJ 6 Q � O M h P # f N Q N U 0 O � � V W O K 6 a 0 F N J co K Q W F w 8 > O K d f V m � 6 A P O v 0 P N W M N .� � M p � O • �+ � O i V '- M C W N p. N O z m 1 N N O (A � 000 1� 0 • F� O O O II O� 2 • . il p � �O vi �n p �O � p� V� N � 11 P� g� � iq Ni II � Q � (A I� W � 11 � r 11 O 11 F � II U • 11 6 • II I� N � O O O f � O O O • O O O Z • O O O 7 b � � K v� O r U 6 W � O O O {_ r 000 Q r O O O K � N N 1- N � 2 C • W W W Vl U' 1- K w�asa E�mox Q • Q U U 2 � � T Y W L' � K U U O • Q W � 1- � £x'> v�svz ¢��ww N K N P P 7 K 2 � F- 1� O O � ^ � 1 y LL Y W p� r JN ti U � mt� O tn , Z W � W � O � 7 N w Q LL N T� d O Y 4 W• 1- i J W 1� � C� F 1- p] J I� r W � lALL 40 � n � P N � O � 1- in i[ • � � v��Tr# O � a�w O � 3 f n J 3� � P n P N � N W P • K � w N > o � W • 1� 4 T � H o 6 � O tn�z� 6 � N O O � X � C ��nF ¢�¢w am� �-. rnmz-+¢ � � oaf-� C� 6' N t J U' � O � � J Z � � � M � C� M 6 W o� W � W N 6 M 2• z � �n .- o w � 3� O O,- O a� p . - +O tn x i� � 000uo CY 0 0 II O .11 �O Vl N II �p NN�IIP � fA (A II '- � �1 � 11 i II It n II 11 II 11 II II 11 1/ c n • w w 11 w v� c� n 1- K I� 4 E ¢ 11 f L O x 1 I Q U U 11 It T Y W II J K U U �I 6 aw-. u e- �x>no £ U L' I I ti � W W �1 N K N II Y- If U J J I� W 6Q6 11 � r F- H 11 O OOOIIK F- �- '- 11 6 h U 6 n d £ X W O N J W U a 6 a ��_�`SS � W d a V C l:l Q f M P # � S a a S O � 1- U W a 6 O H � U z z x Z £ W > 0 z d £ U J R � � • N p • O � • O r . � F • C • ` w � M d � N O • • ¢ � [O 6 � N N � O tli � O O O II O F- � N O O �� ✓� Z . • 11 � � M v� ✓� II M O��O N � I� O f. ffl Ni �I N ¢ , ` W n w II C � II O • n F � II V � II Q � II n m�000 ` � O o O � O O O 2 � ulo0 7 � . . � M � � 5 � � O; LL w�000 r�000 a�000 � � . .- �n �, M i Nr � • M � M � N � O � N � O � O • O � N � O � O • O N N N N • N � N • N • N � N • N � P � P . 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V N / � W O O 1v U �9 1(1 LL J � C W O 2 G O ^ 1- O V LL O r O •z n z ovi �-z ¢ m z w o w ¢ a w � 1- w K� z LL i- z 3 t- .-. oJ �- � x t- U� '+O O ti O S£N O c� O N+ Y.E �2 ry 2 2 v' Z W� 1' 1- 1!1 > 6 U • F- M W O 6 W J G I� J � W W• O W 2 O� W � d LL Y N r pJ�iM-� yW '�O JY N ZY(p T� 00-�QM � M6Y6M � OtJ JQOJ � WQ.�Q� 1- � R' CJ �[O W M � N 7 N�Y J W P • K u- (O W OJ � J O1 W�1 6' � W \ JP � J Q�WLpJ�T � U' �O JN � Jv JN w � }ry�Pad � �F V� d�- � } PdN � •-Ih61h d� O W N � W Y M�T ' 2 W N N r^� O � 2 N P �k ^ � 'K W W N % � O V1 \ �K � � f V) � �k � K� N'€MFM O. G'K�F-t-F-�k O� Ff�l-R O� Nt-1-�k O a�wa o�w�� ao �-a o�aoo � p K 3 � 3�� N G W-+ � 3�� m w J 3� w � J 3 � Z � b • � � J P � 3 P 3 • � M � w P � O v O� W N> O � tJ �J �S Q � I� N P � ¢M N P 1' � w wMwO � NCO w � � �in> z1+.7 O T � 6 O ¢ • • � � W • 6� 7 W.- F- �- n� c� pu�20 � ce rv�ZO v X� U O N O � O z N W O 6• f O f-N � �-w 2N F� 3 a a¢� N n a¢¢ z£ 6 � W C£ 6 I� 6' � DU' • 1-Q JU' N O� Y1Y JJ $• �J 2 � c� � 7 I� �. �-a 7 v.. o z � ...�n¢�OD • .T40p W•[Y�N60Z•J06�3 2�'- t.'! 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P . P p � N � N � N M M N� O O O 11 O � O O O II O t- � 000 II O � Ih00 II Vl Z r . II . 11 �. 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COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nay Blakey Bostrom Harris _In Favor Adopted by the Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY. ReEtman _Against Mayor Thune �.y ; t �; �:kJ:' P�: � tl t�. ";iwt- �,., :'f.' City of St. Paul RESOLLTlION RATIFYIIQG ASSESSI�NT le No. 9702BB,J9701TDBC2,J9704AA J 1 Assessment No.9729,9730,97 ,9735 Voting Ward In the matter bf the assessment of benefits, cost and expen s for 2 J9702BB (9729) Boardings-up of vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at: 1086 Jessamine Ave J9701TDBC2 (9730) Summary Abatement (Property clean- p)from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 for pro erty at: 383 Clinton Ave. J9704AA (9731) Summary P3�atement (Property c an-up, snow removal and/or sanding walks rom Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 for properties t: 2067-Dayton Ave, 1D4 Larpenteur Ave W, 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St. J9701BB (9735)_ Boardings-up of vacant ldgs,for July 1996 for properties at: 11 Central Ave W and � 328 liexin`gton Pkwy N , -�-�� , � ��TO LEGI§LATIVE HEARING OFFIC R - � �. LAID OVER'.BY�COUNCIL-ON 4-9 97 *PO 4-23-97 � Pr�liininary rirr�Pr � . ,t,c �� .. , Fina1 Order e had upon the assessment for the above improvement, further cons3dered'by the Council, and having been y; therefore, be it assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects RESOLVED FURTHER, hat the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equa installments. � A`public hearing-h'aving and said assessment having b consiciered finally,satisfact RBSOLtiFED, That the sa < ratified., COIINCILPBRSON Yeas Nays Blakey , Bostrom Harris Megard „� � Morton "� _In Favor _Against Adopted by the Council: Date Certified Passes,by Council Secretary By Mayor City of St. Paul RESOLIITION RATIFYING ASSSSSMENT NO �1- � s.s �a, F e No. 702BB,J9701TDBC2,J9704AA �m���� J9 �� a3 J q�"1 Assessment No.9729, 9730, 9731, 9735 Voting � Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 39702BB (9729) Boardings-up oE vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at: 1086 Jessamine Ave E J9701TDBC2 (9730) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up)from mid-JUne to mid-Sept 1996 for property at: 383 Clinton Ave. 59704AA (9731J Summary Abatement (Property clean-up, snow removal and/or sanding walks)from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 £or properties at: 2067 Dayton Ave, 104 Larpenteur Ave W, 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St. J9701BB (9735) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for July 1996 for properties at: 1132 Central Ave W and 328 Lexington Pkwy N TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 4-15-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-9-97 TO 4-23-97 Preliminary Final A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. Yeas� Nays V Blakey � s trom ,/�Ffarris � Vin�e9 ard { In Favor �LZ rton ���� l i r �Agains t y/'Fhune Adopted by the Council: Date �3, 4��('� Certified Passes by Council Secretary By Mayor r + LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-4-97 TO 4-23-97 RE 4-11-97 I GREEN SHEET OCVIYWVtlVILXUCIYVN6T(VFICJ �ID OVER BY COUI3CIL ON 4-9-97 TO 4-23-97 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 O DEPARTMENTOIqECTdR � ❑CINATTORNEY O BUOGET OIRECTOR . o �,YOR �oR���„�,,, (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � q� -�SS JJ�L� INRIAWATE — � CT' G�UNCIL ] CRYCIFRK �7 FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ACIIONflEWESTEO:AY C011RC7.�.�S request on 4-9-97 Boardings-up of vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at 1086 Jessamine Ave E, Board-up of vac bldgs for July 1996 £or properties at 1132 Central Ave W& 328 Lexington Picwy N, Summ Abate from mi.d-June to mid-sept 1996 for property at 383 Clinton Ave and Summ Abate from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 for properties at 2067 Dayton, 104 Larpe c�c r�_t_ __�tiin �,.re..r To�n�urz ro�nimrnr� ro�ninn ro�ninrz. ....,... �6�,. o��o o��n o�zi o�� _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CI41L SERVICE COMMISSION _ CB COMMfTIEE _ _ASipFF g Ril�lic Haa1Th __ DISTAICfCOUqT �_ Varant Rl r7,v SUPPOPTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJEGTNE7 W'd2'd 2 Neighborhoods PER50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DVE5TIONS: 7. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a contmct for this Oepertment? YES NO 2. Has this persontfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaly possessed by any curcent cRy employae? YES NO Expiain all yes answaro on separata aheet and attaeh to green sheet "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER 39518" ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� �.vw����: MA` . ,.. �r. ..3 k I � ���� � `Y �.'e` S. .� ....��. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOIfdG SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER �INANCIAL INFOF1NiAT10N: (EXPlA1N) REPORT Date: April 15,1997 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd LEGISLATIVE HEARING Gerry Suathman Legislative Heazing Officer ��_��SS Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following: J97045A--Property ciean ug, snow removal, or sanding from August 1996 to 7anuary 1997 79722B—Boardings up of vacant buildings for September 1996 J9732B--Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for October 1996 J9702TDBC—Property clean-up from mid-Septembers to mid-October 1996 79701C--Demolitions of vacant buiidings from August to December 1996 Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following exceptions: 694 Sherburne (J9722B) laid over to May 6, 1997 403 Eichenwaid Street (J97045A) reduce assessment to $340 1078 Euclid Street (J97045A) reduce assessment to $440 703 St. Anthony (J97045A) assessment to be paid over 10 years 2. Resolution Ratifying Assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatement for the following: (L,aid over by Council on Apri19) 39701TDBC2--Properry clean-up from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 . 39702BB--Boatdings-up of vacant buildings for Aug 1996 J9701BB--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for 7uly 1996 J9704AA—Property clean-up, snow removal andlor sanding waiks from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 I.egislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following exceptions: 328 N. Lexington (J9701B) laid over to May 6, 1997 1132 Central (J9701BB) laid over to May 6, 1497 616 Idaho (9704AA) laid over to May 6, 1997 1086 E. 7essamine (J9702BB) laid over to May 6, 1997 1110 Forest Street (J9704A) laid over w May 6, 1497 Legislative Hearing April 15, 1997 Page 2 �� LlY 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 5$7 Strvker v u. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended the owner be given 18Q days to complete the repairs to the building. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at 7 F st Street If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 1383 Arcade Street. Tf the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Of�icer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 60 days. 5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at 557 7enks e u. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legisiative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 45 days. 6. Summary abatement appeal for 1359 Blair Avenue; Quoc Nguyes & Winston Nguyen, appellants. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied. 7. Summary abatement appeal for 1253 West Como Blvd.; 3ohn M. Sweeney, appellant. Legislative Hearing O'tFicer recommended appeal be denied; matter was withdrawn. 8. Summary abatement appeai for 1948 Fourth Street E.; Irving Rosenblum, appellant. Legislafive Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied; matter was withdrawn. � -y'S � MINUTES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING Apri115,1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legistative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Maynard Vinge, Public health; Cathy Ries, Roxanna Fiink, Real Estate. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. 1. Resolurion rarifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following: J97045A—Properiy clean-up, snow removal, or sanding from Aug to 1996 to 7an 1497 J9722B—Boardings-up of vacant buildings for September 1996 J9732B—Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for October 1996 79702TDBC—Property clean-up from mid-Septembers to mid-October 1996 J9701C—Demolitions of vacant buildings from August to December 1996 Property clean-up from mid-7une to mid-Sept 1996 J9702BB—Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for Aug 1996 J9701BB—Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for July 1996 39704AA—Propeny clean-up, snow removal andlor sanding waiks from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 1359 Blair Avenue Harold Robinson, Public Health, reported that the property has a history of police calls along with numerous calls from neighbors and community groups. A code inspecfion was completed but no bond was posted or permits pulied. People have been in the property late at night doing work tbat is improper. The building inspection report notes that work that has been done up to now has been substandazd. I3o one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1083 Bee�h ctreet I3o one appeared; recommended appmving the assessment. 11 2 ntr Av *+nP w�► Mr. Strathman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997. 657 Charles Aven No one appeazed; recommended approving the assessment. ( i ��-�I �5 �83 Cli�ton Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1470 ConcnrcLa Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 2067 Davton Avenne No o� appeared; recommended approving tbe assessmem. $50 Edmund Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. fi73 Ce�r�i Avenue West No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. d03 Eichenwad John Stoltenburg, properry owner, appeared and stated that when he received the notice, he notified the heaith inspector that the peopie flving in the house had been evicted. Before the appeal period expired, he again notified the inspector tbat the tenants were still in the house. The inspector issued condemnauon proceedings and the tenants were to be out by August 1. On Aagast 3 they were stitl in the house. He cleaned up the garbage that was outside, hauled 9 tires away, and put the other tires in the basement stairwell. The remaining property belonged to the tenants and by law he could not touch it. On the morning of August 11 before he went on vacation, he weni over to the property and the tenants were still there. When he got back from vacation a week later, the city crews had done the ciean up. Chuck Votel, Pab2ic Heatth, showed a video af the properry and reviewed the staff report. The city condemned the lower unit of the building for building and housing code violations. A summary abatement was issued, posted at the property, and mailed to Mr. Stoltenburg on 7uly 25. R'hen the property was rechecked on Augvst 2, the work had not been done. Ii was further rechecked on August 12, the work order was sent to the Parks Department and on August 14 the city cleaned it up. The properry has a long history of similar problems. Mr. Stratbman asked the appellant to explain his reason for not cieaning up the material that was cleaned up by the city. Mr. Stoltenburg responded that he picked up the garbage on the back porch and put it iu the trash cans by the alley. He was told by the tenants not to touch the sofas on the porch because it was their properry and they were taking them. By law he could not touch them. Mr. Sirathman stated that the sofas on the &ont porch probably could not have been removed since the tenantc claimed it was their property, but the rest of the clean up could have been taken care o£ He recommended redacing the assessment to $340, � 2 c ��_�ss $54 Euclid Street � No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1014 EucLid Strept No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1078 Eur_Ld Street Evelyn Klismith, property owner, appeared and stated that she and her son bad been collecting refrigerators from appliance companies. They would check the appliances over and then give them to poor peogle, One time ihey did take too many refrigerators. They came in late in the day, the back yard was fvll, and the �xt day the inspector was out. Mr. Klismith asked if the assessment could be cut in half. He stat�i tbat he had made a mistake and it would not happen again. Chuck Votel, Pubiic Aealth, reported that prior to last October, they never had a complaint on the property, but there was an excessive amount of appliances wlrich is not allowed in a residential area. The inspector talked to the pmperry owner a couple of times and extensions were given, but in the end, the city was compelled to remove the miisance. Mr. Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $440. � 1948 4th treet ct Chuck Votel, Public Health, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. Mr. Votel reported that a complaint was received on the properry for snow and ice on the sidewalks. T'he no6ce was mailed December 20, the recheck date was December 22, it was rechecked again on the 27, the work order was sent to the Pazks Department and the work was done on January 2. There apparemly was inadequate work or no work done all year and in 1996 there were six nodces issued on the properry for different nuisance violarions. Irvin Rosenbium, properry owner, appeazed and stated tUat the same day the letter was sent, he also received a phone call. He had been there that morning and shoveled the walk wide enough for two people w walk side-by-side. The properry is not occupied, he was aware that there was snow there, and he did go and shovel the walk the day he received the call. He shoveled at least 3 times during that period but the wind was very bad and within hours it covld have been covered. Mr. Strathman noted that the video showed fl�at the sidewalks on both sides of the property in question had been shoveled and recommended approval of the assessment. 1110 Forest StrePt A video was shown of the properry. � �11' �� ��j Tou Sao Vue and Kambau Ku Vue, proper owners appeared. Tou Sao Vue stated that right before they purchased the property on September 16, 1996, they went through the 4 units, the basement, and the garage and the previous owner promised she wovid clean up the properry. He presented a letter from the previous owner stating this. Mr. Strathulan asked the property owner if he had received natice from the ciry for Uie ciean up? Mr. Vue respo�ed that they had not. He explained that they had to clean and repair the buitding in arder w move in, so they moved everything outside that ihe previous owner was to haui away. She never came back a� they were not allowed to throw it away. Mr. i�otei reported that the notice was mailed to a Bob Vanl.ee, 1110 Forest,and it was aiso posted on site at the building. Kambau Ku Vue explained that on November 17, she came home from work and saw the city crew cieaning up. She asked them who gave them permission because she owned the property. He showed her the order and told her that if that was not her name on the order, not too worry but from now on she would have to take caze of the property. Mr. Strathman stated that it is the property owners responsibility to change the registration records when the properry is purchased. The proper notification was given, the building was posted, and the work was done by the city. Mr• Strathman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997. 1528 Gr�n_d Avenne Pat S�illivan, properry owner, appeazed and stated that he had talked to Carrolyn Shepard and was given untit Oct 23 to do the work. The city didn't do any boarding; screws were put in the doors so they couldn't be opened. Mr. VoteI stated that Mr. SulIivan is referring to a different order. iie presented copies of notices starting from last August which were se� to the progerry owner, The pmblem is the building gets secured but then it gets broken iruo. They had requests from the Police Team officers in that area to get the building secured because they were having groblems with it. Mr. Strathman stated that the order in ques6on was mailed on October 3 to compiy by October 9. Tfie records indicate that Mr. S�illivan was notified, nothing was done to secure the building, and the city crews went out on October 14 and did secure it. Proper procedure was followed and he recommended approval of the assessment.. 616 Idaho Aven � . Mr. Strathman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997. 4 ��_ ySS �� s�� ss�� � Chuck Votel showed a video of the properry. Denette Richards, properry owner, appeared and stated that they �ver received any notice and were not awaze of the antenna. Mr. Votel reported that ihe nofice was sent to 102 Bruno, Min�sota, 55�12. The first notice dated August 9 was to remove garbage, rubbish, cut the grass and weeds, remove the antenna that had fallen, and remove a dilapidated fence in the rear yard. That order come back undeliverable, no forwazding address on file. Ms. Richards explained that the house belonged to her mother-ia-law who died November 15, 1996. They bought the house from her 2 years and just finished paying off the back taxes. For some reason, they couid never get the property re�orded in their name. The address in Bruno, Minnesota was her mother-in-law's old address from 3 years ago. Mr. Strathman stated tt�at the tax records that ue used to send out notification had not been updated and therefore the nodce went to an address that no longer existed. The proper legai procedures were followed in giving notificarion and the work was do�. He recommended approving the assessment. � 104 T,ar�nte�� � No oue appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 328 I,exineton Parkw9v North Mr. S�atUman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997. 443 Marvland Avenne F No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1044 Mi neh a Av n�P W No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1902 Minneh h Av nue W Chuck Votel showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. Don Kelly, representing the owner of the property, appeared and asked where the notice was seni. Mr. Votel responded that it was sent to the Navy Deparlmern of the U.S. of America, 1902 W. Minnehaha, the recorded owner with Ramsey County Properry Taxation r�ords. Mr. Kelly stated that the Navy Department no longer owned the building and fl�at they never received proper notice. He explained that they began purchasing the property in early summer of 1996 and in late August, the seller transfened the tifle. He called the assessor for a wpy of i ��-��� the notice and found out that it was sent to the Navy and not to JLT Group wlrich is the recorded owner. Mr. Votel reported that after this order was issued, on January 8 another order was issued to remove snow and ice from the sidewalk and at the time the inspector noted that JLT Group was an owner and a no6ce was sent to 7139 Vandallia. ProperEy owners in the city are expected to know that they have to keep their sidewalks clear. The city did receive a number of wmplaints on this. Mr. Strathman stated on November 2b ihe orders were sent to ihe property owner on record and the work was done by the city on December 4, 1996. He recommended approval of the assessment. 703 St. Anthonv Avenue Chuck Vote showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. He stated that on January 24, 1995 a notice was issued to the property owner to remove a ditapidated garage and dispose of contents inside the garage or it would be removed by the city. The garage was in a severe state of deterioration. Prior correction notice had been issued on June 7, 1995 a� July 11, 1995. A citarion was issued, on August, 1995, which lead to a guitry plea and the property owner agreed to have repairs done to the garage by June 1, 1996. Work orders were sent to the Parks Department and the work was done on October 1, 1996. Byron Poole, property oavner, appeared and stated that he had received notice about the gazage but at that time he was financially unable to have it tom down a�i hauled away. Mr. Strathman stated the garage was tom down by the city and the assessment is $2,297. He recommended approving the assessment to be paid over 10 years. 3�-307 Thomas Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 2Q�1 Thomac Avenue Chuck Votel showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. He stated that orders were issued on August 12, 1996, to remove discarded fumiture, mattresses, and household articles from the yazd area. Orders were lefr with the 5rst floor tenant on Angust 9, 1996, and a phone message was left for Ronald Ttvazdowski on August 19 that crews would remove the nuisance on August 21, 1996. Terri Twazdowski, property owner, appeared and stated that she �ver received a notice or a telephone message. They would have taken care of it if they had known. Mr. Votel reported that the notice was sent to Ronald and Theresa Twazdowski at 360 Skillman Avenue E., Maplewood, 55117, The m�mber the inspector called was 7741299. � r�'}-�-�SS � Ms. Twudowski stated tbat they moved from that address; they purcl�ased a home Apri130, at 950 Lydia, Roseville. Mr. Votel noted that the ietter was never returned by the post office. Mr. Strattunan recommended approval of the assessment. 694 Ch�,erb�r�+e Mr• Strathman recomme�ed this matter be laid over to May 6, 1996. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at S87 Strvker Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. John McGovern and John Sadawski appeared. Mr. McGovem stated that they have a purchase agreement from HUB to close on the properry in eariy May. A bond has been posted, permits I�ave been pulled, and they have insurance. Weather permitting, they glan to complete the rehab work within 3 months. Mr. Votel noted that the vacant building fee is paid by HIJD at closing. Mr. Strathman reported that he received wmmunication &om HUD indicating that they are selling the property to Mr. McGodvem. A letter was received from WESCO stating that they haven't yet reviewed the latest proposai. He recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removai of the structure to 180 days. Mr. Votel noted that a certified resolution will be sern to the property owner at 5944 13th Avenue So., Mpls. 55417. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 578 Forest Street If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Aealth is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel reviewed the staff report stating that the building has been condemned since 1996 by Pubiic Heaith. The current properry owners are Roger and Mary Clazk; financial problems have prevented them from rehabilitating the properry. S�mmary abatemeni notices have been issued and the city has had to secure the building. The building regisiration fees are uupaid, and real estate talces are uupaid in the amount of $19,800. Code Enforcement inspectors estimate the amou� of mo�y �eded to properly repair this shucture makes this reLabilitation project uniikely and not economically feasible. The estimated cost to demolish is $5,900. No one appeared. � ���`��� ' Mr. Strathamn recommended approval. 4. Resotudon ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building Iocated at 1383 Arsade Str�t. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Chuck YoteI reported that the building has been vacant since January I995. The current properry owner is Valvoli� Oil Company. The owner has been involved in �gotiations with potentiai buyers of the properry. There have been 4 summary abateme� notices issued, registration fees are paid, and taxes aze paid. As of April 15, 1997 a Certificate of Occupaney has not beea applied for a� the $2,OOQ.00 ba� has not been posted. They are uoahie to estimate a cost to repair this building since it is wmmercial use. Cost to demolish is approximately $10,000. Bernar@ Mordorski appeared and stated thai he has beea �gofiating with Valvoline for the last year to purchase the pmperry. They had several banks lined up that were willing to finance the pmperry and they could have been in there last August or September if they could have gotten the approvat from tfie city's end. They also worked with We Eastside Neighborhood Developement. In May of last year, Kim Hunter supposedly gave approval for a$50,000 loan guarantee. At that time, they were with Signal Bank and ready to close. All they were waiting for was their conditional use permit, which was filed for and obtained in 7uly. When they came to close after the first of June, they found that Kim Hunter no longer worked for the Fastside Neighborhood Development and they had to start the process all over again. He presented a copy of the offer to purcbase, a letter from Rapid Oil Change extending their purchase agreement extending tfirough Apri130, and a copy of a letter from Lake Elmo Bank affirming the loan. They are planning to close on the ihe bvilding Apri130. If the city demolishes the building, he will be out the $8,000 he's invested because he is not going to buy an empty lot. Mr. Strathman asked how long it would take to get the building inio shape? Mr. Mordorsld responded tbat he plans to be in the building and operating within a week to 10 days after closing on the properry. His plans for the building aze quite extensive as far as the appearance of the building. A representative from the Wheelock/Sherwood/Cottage Blcek Club submitted a copy of a letter addressed to Councilmember Bostrom from the block ciub and petitions signed by residents over the past 2 years for mimerous people that had wa�ed to acquire the properry and rehab it. Last spring they met with Mr. Mordorski and he was supposediy going to acquire the praperty, rehabilitate it, and move in within a short period of time. The property has deteriorated, the walks weten't shoveted, the tawn hasn't been mowed, plumbing fixdues were laying out in the pazking lot for a number of months, the fence was vandalized and laying in the a11ey behind the properry for several months. Now they have a possible health hazard with the toilets being removed, and open waste pipes Ieading into the ground. Nothing has been do� because ,J 8 ��_�s� � Vavoline hasn't taken care of the property. At this poi�, they are looking at letting the demolition go through, they fcel that would be in the best interest. Jeff Anderson, adjacent business neighbor, s� that the building has gotten worse over the last couple of years. He operates a mortuary and just having tUat eyesore is something tUat constandy bothers them. Restroom doors, fence, the building needs a lot of work if anything is going to be done to it. They contacted the real estate people a couple of times expressing interest in purcbasing the property for a parldng lot. Mr. Strathman stated that at this point, the problem appears to be with Valvoline who is the cunent ovvner and hasn't met their responsibilities as a properry owner. Given the fact that there is a perspective owner who ciearly seems to have the financing w do the work that needs to be done, he recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 60 days. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair We refereaced building located at �ZI� A��e. If the owner fails to comply with the resolufion, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel reviewed the staff report stating tl�at the property was condemned on April 1996. The current properry owner Victor Sclileiss consents to the City demolishing the strucnue because they don't think iYs economically feasible to rehabilitate it. The registration fees ue paid, on August 6, 1996 the compliance inspection was done. The code enforcement inspector didn't estimate the amount of money needed to repair the building because they don't think iYs likely nor feasible. The cost to demolish is estimated at $8,400. John Miller, attorney for Knutson Mortgage Company, stated that they hold the mortgage on the properry and it is their position that the building is not capable of being rehabilitated. The mortgage is current and have not commenced foreclosure proceedings. They would like the opportunity to have 45 days in order to attempt to make arrangement with Mr. Schleiss to get a deed in lieu of foreciosure wlrich would preserve Knutson's abIlity to then tender the property back to HUD. Mr. Votel stated that they did have to issue notice in Mazch to secure a front entry door, but it is not a building that creates a lot of probiems. Mr. Strathman recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 45 days. 6. Summary abatement appeal for 1354 BI ;r Aven e; Quoc Nguyes & Winston Nguyen, appellants. No one appeared; appeal was denied. � E _`��-�55 7- Sumntary abatement appeai for 1253 Wecr omo Blvd.; John M. Swee�ey, appellant. > Mr. Votel noted that this appeal has been withdrawn. No one appeared; appeal denied. �� �, . . .. �� � . .. . � � : . _._� . _ � • � . � . �� . . .- . � Maynard Vinge reported this matter was withdrawn; No one agpeared; appeal denied. Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. ✓r 10 ' To Legislative Hearing Officer - April 1, 1997 te - Avril 9, 1997 Estate Must be in Office RE 1-24-97 � °E� —�-�. �S 39�1'= 1-1�-9� GREEN SHEET `' INITIAVDATE INRIAVDATE � DEPARTMEM DIREGTOR � CT' LOUNCIL Ae p PON ❑ CITY ATfORNEY � CRV CLERK lTING � QUDGET DIA£G[OR O FIN. & MGi SERYIC£S D10. �E� � M.AYOR(ORASSISTAfJn � Council Research TOTAL # OF SIGNATUAE PAGES - 1 (CIIP A�l LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) J9704A, 9716; J9701B, 9718; J9702B, 9719; J9701TDBC, 9720 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summary Abate from Aug 1996 to 3an 1997; from mid-Sune to mid-Sept 1996 and Boardings-up for Suly and Aug 1496. o� _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVII SERVICE CAMMISSION _ GB COMMtTTEE � STAFF A Public Health _ DISTFliCTCOURT A Vacant Bldes. SUPPOflTS WNICN COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 Ward 2 Neighboorhoods PEflSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUSTANSWEp THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this persoNfirm ever wolrted untler a coMrect tor this department? YES NO 2� Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee7 YES NO 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skili not normally possessetl by any current city emplpyeeT YES NO Explaln ell yes anawers on separate aheet a�d etteeh to green aheet Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. _........,,__ .. ... . .._. __. Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements and Boardings-up. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. iADYANTAGE51iAPPROVEO: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. Neighbozhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties Rodents, filth garbage and trash would accumlate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. AMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS ��+3� COST/REVENUEBUDGETEO(CIRCLEONE) VES NO L FUNDIUGSOURCE Assessments O171Y ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANCIAI INFORAnATION �E%PLAIN) ' 267 propezty owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. of Technology & Management Serv. RSPORT QF COMPL&TIODi OF COUNCIL FILE NO �� - 'l,� S File No.S9702BS,J9701TDBC2,J97�4AA, J9701BB Assessment No.9729,9730,9731,9735 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 39702BB (9729} Boardings-up of vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at: 1086 Jessamine Ave E 39701TDBC2 (9730) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up)from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 for property at: 383 Clinton Ave_ J9704AA (9731) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up, snow removal and/or sanding walks)from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 for properties at: 2067 Dayton Ave, 104 Larpenteur Ave W, 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St. J9701BB (9735) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for July 1996 for properties at: 1132 Central Ave W and 328 Lexington Pkwy N TO LEGI5LATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 4-15-97 LAID OVER SY COUNCIL ON 4-9-97 TO 4-23-97 ��_�L�S Preliminary Order Final To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs $1,496.78 Engineering and Inspection $ Valuation and Assessment Services $ Administration Charge - Public Health $_75.00 Re-Check Charge - Public Health $_125.00 Abatement Service Charge $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $1,816.78 $1,816.7 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $1,816.78 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completecl, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. " - d (� Dated � � 1 � - 9 � c-�� ���.i��• Valuation and Assessment Engineer �V W a K U C W ('J d £ 1� P � H F N N Q m N O P � U W > � a K O N J (:1 C 6 w x � z w > 0 s a E U J m � a n P O v O � O N i N � O O N � � O Y � N H C W N p. N O K P d N W N (A � OJ O O 11 OJ � r�t�oonr� z . . n �� O� v� N II CO � O� ON � 11 S� £' N fA fq 11 N� 6 � W 1� M � 11 � • II O . II ' � f � 11 U • 11 LL � II 11 (A � 000 ti � O O O � t000. 'L � I�00 � � . . ��� 2' O O N r U Q w � O O O 1- � O00 Q � O O O C � N N ti N � 2 � J� `' w � N U' U K n W � � � � £ r �(7x 6 • �- % 2 � V' N � 20�u��` C � U � O � O � 1- � K .> U i Q £ K LL i O � W � m 6 � / 2 � /; i z S f z � . � O � J � � F 6 n a w s � . c� � o VI � Vt 2 W � • p � .f� W W lA T � � Y 4 Y- � Q � W 6' � �t0 J�O W � C 6 P a�wW � o � > # �n K � O F # N a � O \ U � N d P W U W O � � 2 d W N � �+ W � �l .�a� ��yov W� W Q O W� } •..0�2. Q r H K � d � C N £ O • X� W Y N 6 6� 6 i- tn l/i � F- � 02Z1/JQ � � � � € W z � n O � c� � O � U J 2 � � C ��0.. � R' � W N 6 W � � w�� P n o z� Z� J W � W� 3• w � r o 2� O � YON% # � � tQ 0 0 11 W l�00111� . �I . O� vt v� II W ON�IIV NM1qtlN � 11� 1 n n II �I 11 II 11 �I II II II 11 �I W 11 (n C'! II U 1' 11 a , ¢ n J y S 11 f U II U' N II 2 O W II J � U U �I Q O �+ II f 6' .> II O 6 SK 111- O ow 1� m ¢ m n � II U J J J II W ¢ ¢ ¢ It � F 1- F- 11 O OOOIIK �-�i- n a � U 6 d H n f X W O N w V 6 d r � � -��� �.. W S K U K CJ 6 Q � O M h P # f N Q N U 0 O � � V W O K 6 a 0 F N J co K Q W F w 8 > O K d f V m � 6 A P O v 0 P N W M N .� � M p � O • �+ � O i V '- M C W N p. N O z m 1 N N O (A � 000 1� 0 • F� O O O II O� 2 • . il p � �O vi �n p �O � p� V� N � 11 P� g� � iq Ni II � Q � (A I� W � 11 � r 11 O 11 F � II U • 11 6 • II I� N � O O O f � O O O • O O O Z • O O O 7 b � � K v� O r U 6 W � O O O {_ r 000 Q r O O O K � N N 1- N � 2 C • W W W Vl U' 1- K w�asa E�mox Q • Q U U 2 � � T Y W L' � K U U O • Q W � 1- � £x'> v�svz ¢��ww N K N P P 7 K 2 � F- 1� O O � ^ � 1 y LL Y W p� r JN ti U � mt� O tn , Z W � W � O � 7 N w Q LL N T� d O Y 4 W• 1- i J W 1� � C� F 1- p] J I� r W � lALL 40 � n � P N � O � 1- in i[ • � � v��Tr# O � a�w O � 3 f n J 3� � P n P N � N W P • K � w N > o � W • 1� 4 T � H o 6 � O tn�z� 6 � N O O � X � C ��nF ¢�¢w am� �-. rnmz-+¢ � � oaf-� C� 6' N t J U' � O � � J Z � � � M � C� M 6 W o� W � W N 6 M 2• z � �n .- o w � 3� O O,- O a� p . - +O tn x i� � 000uo CY 0 0 II O .11 �O Vl N II �p NN�IIP � fA (A II '- � �1 � 11 i II It n II 11 II 11 II II 11 1/ c n • w w 11 w v� c� n 1- K I� 4 E ¢ 11 f L O x 1 I Q U U 11 It T Y W II J K U U �I 6 aw-. u e- �x>no £ U L' I I ti � W W �1 N K N II Y- If U J J I� W 6Q6 11 � r F- H 11 O OOOIIK F- �- '- 11 6 h U 6 n d £ X W O N J W U a 6 a ��_�`SS � W d a V C l:l Q f M P # � S a a S O � 1- U W a 6 O H � U z z x Z £ W > 0 z d £ U J R � � • N p • O � • O r . � F • C • ` w � M d � N O • • ¢ � [O 6 � N N � O tli � O O O II O F- � N O O �� ✓� Z . • 11 � � M v� ✓� II M O��O N � I� O f. ffl Ni �I N ¢ , ` W n w II C � II O • n F � II V � II Q � II n m�000 ` � O o O � O O O 2 � ulo0 7 � . . � M � � 5 � � O; LL w�000 r�000 a�000 � � . .- �n �, M i Nr � • M � M � N � O � N � O � O • O � N � O � O • O N N N N • N � N • N • N � N • N � P � P . 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V N / � W O O 1v U �9 1(1 LL J � C W O 2 G O ^ 1- O V LL O r O •z n z ovi �-z ¢ m z w o w ¢ a w � 1- w K� z LL i- z 3 t- .-. oJ �- � x t- U� '+O O ti O S£N O c� O N+ Y.E �2 ry 2 2 v' Z W� 1' 1- 1!1 > 6 U • F- M W O 6 W J G I� J � W W• O W 2 O� W � d LL Y N r pJ�iM-� yW '�O JY N ZY(p T� 00-�QM � M6Y6M � OtJ JQOJ � WQ.�Q� 1- � R' CJ �[O W M � N 7 N�Y J W P • K u- (O W OJ � J O1 W�1 6' � W \ JP � J Q�WLpJ�T � U' �O JN � Jv JN w � }ry�Pad � �F V� d�- � } PdN � •-Ih61h d� O W N � W Y M�T ' 2 W N N r^� O � 2 N P �k ^ � 'K W W N % � O V1 \ �K � � f V) � �k � K� N'€MFM O. G'K�F-t-F-�k O� Ff�l-R O� Nt-1-�k O a�wa o�w�� ao �-a o�aoo � p K 3 � 3�� N G W-+ � 3�� m w J 3� w � J 3 � Z � b • � � J P � 3 P 3 • � M � w P � O v O� W N> O � tJ �J �S Q � I� N P � ¢M N P 1' � w wMwO � NCO w � � �in> z1+.7 O T � 6 O ¢ • • � � W • 6� 7 W.- F- �- n� c� pu�20 � ce rv�ZO v X� U O N O � O z N W O 6• f O f-N � �-w 2N F� 3 a a¢� N n a¢¢ z£ 6 � W C£ 6 I� 6' � DU' • 1-Q JU' N O� Y1Y JJ $• �J 2 � c� � 7 I� �. �-a 7 v.. o z � ...�n¢�OD • .T40p W•[Y�N60Z•J06�3 2�'- t.'! 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P . P p � N � N � N M M N� O O O 11 O � O O O II O t- � 000 II O � Ih00 II Vl Z r . II . 11 �. 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COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nay Blakey Bostrom Harris _In Favor Adopted by the Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY. ReEtman _Against Mayor Thune �.y ; t �; �:kJ:' P�: � tl t�. ";iwt- �,., :'f.' City of St. Paul RESOLLTlION RATIFYIIQG ASSESSI�NT le No. 9702BB,J9701TDBC2,J9704AA J 1 Assessment No.9729,9730,97 ,9735 Voting Ward In the matter bf the assessment of benefits, cost and expen s for 2 J9702BB (9729) Boardings-up of vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at: 1086 Jessamine Ave J9701TDBC2 (9730) Summary Abatement (Property clean- p)from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 for pro erty at: 383 Clinton Ave. J9704AA (9731) Summary P3�atement (Property c an-up, snow removal and/or sanding walks rom Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 for properties t: 2067-Dayton Ave, 1D4 Larpenteur Ave W, 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St. J9701BB (9735)_ Boardings-up of vacant ldgs,for July 1996 for properties at: 11 Central Ave W and � 328 liexin`gton Pkwy N , -�-�� , � ��TO LEGI§LATIVE HEARING OFFIC R - � �. LAID OVER'.BY�COUNCIL-ON 4-9 97 *PO 4-23-97 � Pr�liininary rirr�Pr � . ,t,c �� .. , Fina1 Order e had upon the assessment for the above improvement, further cons3dered'by the Council, and having been y; therefore, be it assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects RESOLVED FURTHER, hat the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equa installments. � A`public hearing-h'aving and said assessment having b consiciered finally,satisfact RBSOLtiFED, That the sa < ratified., COIINCILPBRSON Yeas Nays Blakey , Bostrom Harris Megard „� � Morton "� _In Favor _Against Adopted by the Council: Date Certified Passes,by Council Secretary By Mayor City of St. Paul RESOLIITION RATIFYING ASSSSSMENT NO �1- � s.s �a, F e No. 702BB,J9701TDBC2,J9704AA �m���� J9 �� a3 J q�"1 Assessment No.9729, 9730, 9731, 9735 Voting � Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 39702BB (9729) Boardings-up oE vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at: 1086 Jessamine Ave E J9701TDBC2 (9730) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up)from mid-JUne to mid-Sept 1996 for property at: 383 Clinton Ave. 59704AA (9731J Summary Abatement (Property clean-up, snow removal and/or sanding walks)from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 £or properties at: 2067 Dayton Ave, 104 Larpenteur Ave W, 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St. J9701BB (9735) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for July 1996 for properties at: 1132 Central Ave W and 328 Lexington Pkwy N TO LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 4-15-97 LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-9-97 TO 4-23-97 Preliminary Final A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. Yeas� Nays V Blakey � s trom ,/�Ffarris � Vin�e9 ard { In Favor �LZ rton ���� l i r �Agains t y/'Fhune Adopted by the Council: Date �3, 4��('� Certified Passes by Council Secretary By Mayor r + LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-4-97 TO 4-23-97 RE 4-11-97 I GREEN SHEET OCVIYWVtlVILXUCIYVN6T(VFICJ �ID OVER BY COUI3CIL ON 4-9-97 TO 4-23-97 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 O DEPARTMENTOIqECTdR � ❑CINATTORNEY O BUOGET OIRECTOR . o �,YOR �oR���„�,,, (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � q� -�SS JJ�L� INRIAWATE — � CT' G�UNCIL ] CRYCIFRK �7 FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ACIIONflEWESTEO:AY C011RC7.�.�S request on 4-9-97 Boardings-up of vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at 1086 Jessamine Ave E, Board-up of vac bldgs for July 1996 £or properties at 1132 Central Ave W& 328 Lexington Picwy N, Summ Abate from mi.d-June to mid-sept 1996 for property at 383 Clinton Ave and Summ Abate from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 for properties at 2067 Dayton, 104 Larpe c�c r�_t_ __�tiin �,.re..r To�n�urz ro�nimrnr� ro�ninn ro�ninrz. ....,... �6�,. o��o o��n o�zi o�� _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CI41L SERVICE COMMISSION _ CB COMMfTIEE _ _ASipFF g Ril�lic Haa1Th __ DISTAICfCOUqT �_ Varant Rl r7,v SUPPOPTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJEGTNE7 W'd2'd 2 Neighborhoods PER50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DVE5TIONS: 7. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a contmct for this Oepertment? YES NO 2. Has this persontfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaly possessed by any curcent cRy employae? YES NO Expiain all yes answaro on separata aheet and attaeh to green sheet "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER 39518" ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� �.vw����: MA` . ,.. �r. ..3 k I � ���� � `Y �.'e` S. .� ....��. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOIfdG SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER �INANCIAL INFOF1NiAT10N: (EXPlA1N) REPORT Date: April 15,1997 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd LEGISLATIVE HEARING Gerry Suathman Legislative Heazing Officer ��_��SS Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following: J97045A--Property ciean ug, snow removal, or sanding from August 1996 to 7anuary 1997 79722B—Boardings up of vacant buildings for September 1996 J9732B--Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for October 1996 J9702TDBC—Property clean-up from mid-Septembers to mid-October 1996 79701C--Demolitions of vacant buiidings from August to December 1996 Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following exceptions: 694 Sherburne (J9722B) laid over to May 6, 1997 403 Eichenwaid Street (J97045A) reduce assessment to $340 1078 Euclid Street (J97045A) reduce assessment to $440 703 St. Anthony (J97045A) assessment to be paid over 10 years 2. Resolution Ratifying Assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatement for the following: (L,aid over by Council on Apri19) 39701TDBC2--Properry clean-up from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 . 39702BB--Boatdings-up of vacant buildings for Aug 1996 J9701BB--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for 7uly 1996 J9704AA—Property clean-up, snow removal andlor sanding waiks from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 I.egislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following exceptions: 328 N. Lexington (J9701B) laid over to May 6, 1997 1132 Central (J9701BB) laid over to May 6, 1497 616 Idaho (9704AA) laid over to May 6, 1997 1086 E. 7essamine (J9702BB) laid over to May 6, 1997 1110 Forest Street (J9704A) laid over w May 6, 1497 Legislative Hearing April 15, 1997 Page 2 �� LlY 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 5$7 Strvker v u. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended the owner be given 18Q days to complete the repairs to the building. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at 7 F st Street If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 1383 Arcade Street. Tf the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Of�icer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 60 days. 5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at 557 7enks e u. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legisiative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 45 days. 6. Summary abatement appeal for 1359 Blair Avenue; Quoc Nguyes & Winston Nguyen, appellants. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied. 7. Summary abatement appeal for 1253 West Como Blvd.; 3ohn M. Sweeney, appellant. Legislative Hearing O'tFicer recommended appeal be denied; matter was withdrawn. 8. Summary abatement appeai for 1948 Fourth Street E.; Irving Rosenblum, appellant. Legislafive Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied; matter was withdrawn. � -y'S � MINUTES OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING Apri115,1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legistative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Maynard Vinge, Public health; Cathy Ries, Roxanna Fiink, Real Estate. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. 1. Resolurion rarifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following: J97045A—Properiy clean-up, snow removal, or sanding from Aug to 1996 to 7an 1497 J9722B—Boardings-up of vacant buildings for September 1996 J9732B—Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for October 1996 79702TDBC—Property clean-up from mid-Septembers to mid-October 1996 J9701C—Demolitions of vacant buildings from August to December 1996 Property clean-up from mid-7une to mid-Sept 1996 J9702BB—Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for Aug 1996 J9701BB—Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for July 1996 39704AA—Propeny clean-up, snow removal andlor sanding waiks from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 1359 Blair Avenue Harold Robinson, Public Health, reported that the property has a history of police calls along with numerous calls from neighbors and community groups. A code inspecfion was completed but no bond was posted or permits pulied. People have been in the property late at night doing work tbat is improper. The building inspection report notes that work that has been done up to now has been substandazd. I3o one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1083 Bee�h ctreet I3o one appeared; recommended appmving the assessment. 11 2 ntr Av *+nP w�► Mr. Strathman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997. 657 Charles Aven No one appeazed; recommended approving the assessment. ( i ��-�I �5 �83 Cli�ton Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1470 ConcnrcLa Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 2067 Davton Avenne No o� appeared; recommended approving tbe assessmem. $50 Edmund Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. fi73 Ce�r�i Avenue West No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. d03 Eichenwad John Stoltenburg, properry owner, appeared and stated that when he received the notice, he notified the heaith inspector that the peopie flving in the house had been evicted. Before the appeal period expired, he again notified the inspector tbat the tenants were still in the house. The inspector issued condemnauon proceedings and the tenants were to be out by August 1. On Aagast 3 they were stitl in the house. He cleaned up the garbage that was outside, hauled 9 tires away, and put the other tires in the basement stairwell. The remaining property belonged to the tenants and by law he could not touch it. On the morning of August 11 before he went on vacation, he weni over to the property and the tenants were still there. When he got back from vacation a week later, the city crews had done the ciean up. Chuck Votel, Pab2ic Heatth, showed a video af the properry and reviewed the staff report. The city condemned the lower unit of the building for building and housing code violations. A summary abatement was issued, posted at the property, and mailed to Mr. Stoltenburg on 7uly 25. R'hen the property was rechecked on Augvst 2, the work had not been done. Ii was further rechecked on August 12, the work order was sent to the Parks Department and on August 14 the city cleaned it up. The properry has a long history of similar problems. Mr. Stratbman asked the appellant to explain his reason for not cieaning up the material that was cleaned up by the city. Mr. Stoltenburg responded that he picked up the garbage on the back porch and put it iu the trash cans by the alley. He was told by the tenants not to touch the sofas on the porch because it was their properry and they were taking them. By law he could not touch them. Mr. Sirathman stated that the sofas on the &ont porch probably could not have been removed since the tenantc claimed it was their property, but the rest of the clean up could have been taken care o£ He recommended redacing the assessment to $340, � 2 c ��_�ss $54 Euclid Street � No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1014 EucLid Strept No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1078 Eur_Ld Street Evelyn Klismith, property owner, appeared and stated that she and her son bad been collecting refrigerators from appliance companies. They would check the appliances over and then give them to poor peogle, One time ihey did take too many refrigerators. They came in late in the day, the back yard was fvll, and the �xt day the inspector was out. Mr. Klismith asked if the assessment could be cut in half. He stat�i tbat he had made a mistake and it would not happen again. Chuck Votel, Pubiic Aealth, reported that prior to last October, they never had a complaint on the property, but there was an excessive amount of appliances wlrich is not allowed in a residential area. The inspector talked to the pmperry owner a couple of times and extensions were given, but in the end, the city was compelled to remove the miisance. Mr. Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $440. � 1948 4th treet ct Chuck Votel, Public Health, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. Mr. Votel reported that a complaint was received on the properry for snow and ice on the sidewalks. T'he no6ce was mailed December 20, the recheck date was December 22, it was rechecked again on the 27, the work order was sent to the Pazks Department and the work was done on January 2. There apparemly was inadequate work or no work done all year and in 1996 there were six nodces issued on the properry for different nuisance violarions. Irvin Rosenbium, properry owner, appeazed and stated tUat the same day the letter was sent, he also received a phone call. He had been there that morning and shoveled the walk wide enough for two people w walk side-by-side. The properry is not occupied, he was aware that there was snow there, and he did go and shovel the walk the day he received the call. He shoveled at least 3 times during that period but the wind was very bad and within hours it covld have been covered. Mr. Strathman noted that the video showed fl�at the sidewalks on both sides of the property in question had been shoveled and recommended approval of the assessment. 1110 Forest StrePt A video was shown of the properry. � �11' �� ��j Tou Sao Vue and Kambau Ku Vue, proper owners appeared. Tou Sao Vue stated that right before they purchased the property on September 16, 1996, they went through the 4 units, the basement, and the garage and the previous owner promised she wovid clean up the properry. He presented a letter from the previous owner stating this. Mr. Strathulan asked the property owner if he had received natice from the ciry for Uie ciean up? Mr. Vue respo�ed that they had not. He explained that they had to clean and repair the buitding in arder w move in, so they moved everything outside that ihe previous owner was to haui away. She never came back a� they were not allowed to throw it away. Mr. i�otei reported that the notice was mailed to a Bob Vanl.ee, 1110 Forest,and it was aiso posted on site at the building. Kambau Ku Vue explained that on November 17, she came home from work and saw the city crew cieaning up. She asked them who gave them permission because she owned the property. He showed her the order and told her that if that was not her name on the order, not too worry but from now on she would have to take caze of the property. Mr. Strathman stated that it is the property owners responsibility to change the registration records when the properry is purchased. The proper notification was given, the building was posted, and the work was done by the city. Mr• Strathman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997. 1528 Gr�n_d Avenne Pat S�illivan, properry owner, appeazed and stated that he had talked to Carrolyn Shepard and was given untit Oct 23 to do the work. The city didn't do any boarding; screws were put in the doors so they couldn't be opened. Mr. VoteI stated that Mr. SulIivan is referring to a different order. iie presented copies of notices starting from last August which were se� to the progerry owner, The pmblem is the building gets secured but then it gets broken iruo. They had requests from the Police Team officers in that area to get the building secured because they were having groblems with it. Mr. Strathman stated that the order in ques6on was mailed on October 3 to compiy by October 9. Tfie records indicate that Mr. S�illivan was notified, nothing was done to secure the building, and the city crews went out on October 14 and did secure it. Proper procedure was followed and he recommended approval of the assessment.. 616 Idaho Aven � . Mr. Strathman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997. 4 ��_ ySS �� s�� ss�� � Chuck Votel showed a video of the properry. Denette Richards, properry owner, appeared and stated that they �ver received any notice and were not awaze of the antenna. Mr. Votel reported that ihe nofice was sent to 102 Bruno, Min�sota, 55�12. The first notice dated August 9 was to remove garbage, rubbish, cut the grass and weeds, remove the antenna that had fallen, and remove a dilapidated fence in the rear yard. That order come back undeliverable, no forwazding address on file. Ms. Richards explained that the house belonged to her mother-ia-law who died November 15, 1996. They bought the house from her 2 years and just finished paying off the back taxes. For some reason, they couid never get the property re�orded in their name. The address in Bruno, Minnesota was her mother-in-law's old address from 3 years ago. Mr. Strathman stated tt�at the tax records that ue used to send out notification had not been updated and therefore the nodce went to an address that no longer existed. The proper legai procedures were followed in giving notificarion and the work was do�. He recommended approving the assessment. � 104 T,ar�nte�� � No oue appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 328 I,exineton Parkw9v North Mr. S�atUman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997. 443 Marvland Avenne F No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1044 Mi neh a Av n�P W No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 1902 Minneh h Av nue W Chuck Votel showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. Don Kelly, representing the owner of the property, appeared and asked where the notice was seni. Mr. Votel responded that it was sent to the Navy Deparlmern of the U.S. of America, 1902 W. Minnehaha, the recorded owner with Ramsey County Properry Taxation r�ords. Mr. Kelly stated that the Navy Department no longer owned the building and fl�at they never received proper notice. He explained that they began purchasing the property in early summer of 1996 and in late August, the seller transfened the tifle. He called the assessor for a wpy of i ��-��� the notice and found out that it was sent to the Navy and not to JLT Group wlrich is the recorded owner. Mr. Votel reported that after this order was issued, on January 8 another order was issued to remove snow and ice from the sidewalk and at the time the inspector noted that JLT Group was an owner and a no6ce was sent to 7139 Vandallia. ProperEy owners in the city are expected to know that they have to keep their sidewalks clear. The city did receive a number of wmplaints on this. Mr. Strathman stated on November 2b ihe orders were sent to ihe property owner on record and the work was done by the city on December 4, 1996. He recommended approval of the assessment. 703 St. Anthonv Avenue Chuck Vote showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. He stated that on January 24, 1995 a notice was issued to the property owner to remove a ditapidated garage and dispose of contents inside the garage or it would be removed by the city. The garage was in a severe state of deterioration. Prior correction notice had been issued on June 7, 1995 a� July 11, 1995. A citarion was issued, on August, 1995, which lead to a guitry plea and the property owner agreed to have repairs done to the garage by June 1, 1996. Work orders were sent to the Parks Department and the work was done on October 1, 1996. Byron Poole, property oavner, appeared and stated that he had received notice about the gazage but at that time he was financially unable to have it tom down a�i hauled away. Mr. Strathman stated the garage was tom down by the city and the assessment is $2,297. He recommended approving the assessment to be paid over 10 years. 3�-307 Thomas Avenue No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment. 2Q�1 Thomac Avenue Chuck Votel showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. He stated that orders were issued on August 12, 1996, to remove discarded fumiture, mattresses, and household articles from the yazd area. Orders were lefr with the 5rst floor tenant on Angust 9, 1996, and a phone message was left for Ronald Ttvazdowski on August 19 that crews would remove the nuisance on August 21, 1996. Terri Twazdowski, property owner, appeared and stated that she �ver received a notice or a telephone message. They would have taken care of it if they had known. Mr. Votel reported that the notice was sent to Ronald and Theresa Twazdowski at 360 Skillman Avenue E., Maplewood, 55117, The m�mber the inspector called was 7741299. � r�'}-�-�SS � Ms. Twudowski stated tbat they moved from that address; they purcl�ased a home Apri130, at 950 Lydia, Roseville. Mr. Votel noted that the ietter was never returned by the post office. Mr. Strattunan recommended approval of the assessment. 694 Ch�,erb�r�+e Mr• Strathman recomme�ed this matter be laid over to May 6, 1996. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at S87 Strvker Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. John McGovern and John Sadawski appeared. Mr. McGovem stated that they have a purchase agreement from HUB to close on the properry in eariy May. A bond has been posted, permits I�ave been pulled, and they have insurance. Weather permitting, they glan to complete the rehab work within 3 months. Mr. Votel noted that the vacant building fee is paid by HIJD at closing. Mr. Strathman reported that he received wmmunication &om HUD indicating that they are selling the property to Mr. McGodvem. A letter was received from WESCO stating that they haven't yet reviewed the latest proposai. He recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removai of the structure to 180 days. Mr. Votel noted that a certified resolution will be sern to the property owner at 5944 13th Avenue So., Mpls. 55417. 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 578 Forest Street If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Aealth is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel reviewed the staff report stating that the building has been condemned since 1996 by Pubiic Heaith. The current properry owners are Roger and Mary Clazk; financial problems have prevented them from rehabilitating the properry. S�mmary abatemeni notices have been issued and the city has had to secure the building. The building regisiration fees are uupaid, and real estate talces are uupaid in the amount of $19,800. Code Enforcement inspectors estimate the amou� of mo�y �eded to properly repair this shucture makes this reLabilitation project uniikely and not economically feasible. The estimated cost to demolish is $5,900. No one appeared. � ���`��� ' Mr. Strathamn recommended approval. 4. Resotudon ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building Iocated at 1383 Arsade Str�t. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Heaith is ordered to remove the building. Chuck YoteI reported that the building has been vacant since January I995. The current properry owner is Valvoli� Oil Company. The owner has been involved in �gotiations with potentiai buyers of the properry. There have been 4 summary abateme� notices issued, registration fees are paid, and taxes aze paid. As of April 15, 1997 a Certificate of Occupaney has not beea applied for a� the $2,OOQ.00 ba� has not been posted. They are uoahie to estimate a cost to repair this building since it is wmmercial use. Cost to demolish is approximately $10,000. Bernar@ Mordorski appeared and stated thai he has beea �gofiating with Valvoline for the last year to purchase the pmperry. They had several banks lined up that were willing to finance the pmperry and they could have been in there last August or September if they could have gotten the approvat from tfie city's end. They also worked with We Eastside Neighborhood Developement. In May of last year, Kim Hunter supposedly gave approval for a$50,000 loan guarantee. At that time, they were with Signal Bank and ready to close. All they were waiting for was their conditional use permit, which was filed for and obtained in 7uly. When they came to close after the first of June, they found that Kim Hunter no longer worked for the Fastside Neighborhood Development and they had to start the process all over again. He presented a copy of the offer to purcbase, a letter from Rapid Oil Change extending their purchase agreement extending tfirough Apri130, and a copy of a letter from Lake Elmo Bank affirming the loan. They are planning to close on the ihe bvilding Apri130. If the city demolishes the building, he will be out the $8,000 he's invested because he is not going to buy an empty lot. Mr. Strathman asked how long it would take to get the building inio shape? Mr. Mordorsld responded tbat he plans to be in the building and operating within a week to 10 days after closing on the properry. His plans for the building aze quite extensive as far as the appearance of the building. A representative from the Wheelock/Sherwood/Cottage Blcek Club submitted a copy of a letter addressed to Councilmember Bostrom from the block ciub and petitions signed by residents over the past 2 years for mimerous people that had wa�ed to acquire the properry and rehab it. Last spring they met with Mr. Mordorski and he was supposediy going to acquire the praperty, rehabilitate it, and move in within a short period of time. The property has deteriorated, the walks weten't shoveted, the tawn hasn't been mowed, plumbing fixdues were laying out in the pazking lot for a number of months, the fence was vandalized and laying in the a11ey behind the properry for several months. Now they have a possible health hazard with the toilets being removed, and open waste pipes Ieading into the ground. Nothing has been do� because ,J 8 ��_�s� � Vavoline hasn't taken care of the property. At this poi�, they are looking at letting the demolition go through, they fcel that would be in the best interest. Jeff Anderson, adjacent business neighbor, s� that the building has gotten worse over the last couple of years. He operates a mortuary and just having tUat eyesore is something tUat constandy bothers them. Restroom doors, fence, the building needs a lot of work if anything is going to be done to it. They contacted the real estate people a couple of times expressing interest in purcbasing the property for a parldng lot. Mr. Strathman stated that at this point, the problem appears to be with Valvoline who is the cunent ovvner and hasn't met their responsibilities as a properry owner. Given the fact that there is a perspective owner who ciearly seems to have the financing w do the work that needs to be done, he recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 60 days. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair We refereaced building located at �ZI� A��e. If the owner fails to comply with the resolufion, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel reviewed the staff report stating tl�at the property was condemned on April 1996. The current properry owner Victor Sclileiss consents to the City demolishing the strucnue because they don't think iYs economically feasible to rehabilitate it. The registration fees ue paid, on August 6, 1996 the compliance inspection was done. The code enforcement inspector didn't estimate the amount of money needed to repair the building because they don't think iYs likely nor feasible. The cost to demolish is estimated at $8,400. John Miller, attorney for Knutson Mortgage Company, stated that they hold the mortgage on the properry and it is their position that the building is not capable of being rehabilitated. The mortgage is current and have not commenced foreclosure proceedings. They would like the opportunity to have 45 days in order to attempt to make arrangement with Mr. Schleiss to get a deed in lieu of foreciosure wlrich would preserve Knutson's abIlity to then tender the property back to HUD. Mr. Votel stated that they did have to issue notice in Mazch to secure a front entry door, but it is not a building that creates a lot of probiems. Mr. Strathman recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the structure to 45 days. 6. Summary abatement appeal for 1354 BI ;r Aven e; Quoc Nguyes & Winston Nguyen, appellants. No one appeared; appeal was denied. � E _`��-�55 7- Sumntary abatement appeai for 1253 Wecr omo Blvd.; John M. Swee�ey, appellant. > Mr. Votel noted that this appeal has been withdrawn. No one appeared; appeal denied. �� �, . . .. �� � . .. . � � : . _._� . _ � • � . � . �� . . .- . � Maynard Vinge reported this matter was withdrawn; No one agpeared; appeal denied. Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. ✓r 10 ' To Legislative Hearing Officer - April 1, 1997 te - Avril 9, 1997 Estate Must be in Office RE 1-24-97 � °E� —�-�. �S 39�1'= 1-1�-9� GREEN SHEET `' INITIAVDATE INRIAVDATE � DEPARTMEM DIREGTOR � CT' LOUNCIL Ae p PON ❑ CITY ATfORNEY � CRV CLERK lTING � QUDGET DIA£G[OR O FIN. & MGi SERYIC£S D10. �E� � M.AYOR(ORASSISTAfJn � Council Research TOTAL # OF SIGNATUAE PAGES - 1 (CIIP A�l LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) J9704A, 9716; J9701B, 9718; J9702B, 9719; J9701TDBC, 9720 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summary Abate from Aug 1996 to 3an 1997; from mid-Sune to mid-Sept 1996 and Boardings-up for Suly and Aug 1496. o� _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVII SERVICE CAMMISSION _ GB COMMtTTEE � STAFF A Public Health _ DISTFliCTCOURT A Vacant Bldes. SUPPOflTS WNICN COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 Ward 2 Neighboorhoods PEflSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUSTANSWEp THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this persoNfirm ever wolrted untler a coMrect tor this department? YES NO 2� Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee7 YES NO 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skili not normally possessetl by any current city emplpyeeT YES NO Explaln ell yes anawers on separate aheet a�d etteeh to green aheet Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. _........,,__ .. ... . .._. __. Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatements and Boardings-up. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofa chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. iADYANTAGE51iAPPROVEO: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. Neighbozhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties Rodents, filth garbage and trash would accumlate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. AMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS ��+3� COST/REVENUEBUDGETEO(CIRCLEONE) VES NO L FUNDIUGSOURCE Assessments O171Y ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANCIAI INFORAnATION �E%PLAIN) ' 267 propezty owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. of Technology & Management Serv. RSPORT QF COMPL&TIODi OF COUNCIL FILE NO �� - 'l,� S File No.S9702BS,J9701TDBC2,J97�4AA, J9701BB Assessment No.9729,9730,9731,9735 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 39702BB (9729} Boardings-up of vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at: 1086 Jessamine Ave E 39701TDBC2 (9730) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up)from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 for property at: 383 Clinton Ave_ J9704AA (9731) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up, snow removal and/or sanding walks)from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 for properties at: 2067 Dayton Ave, 104 Larpenteur Ave W, 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St. J9701BB (9735) Boardings-up of vacant bldgs for July 1996 for properties at: 1132 Central Ave W and 328 Lexington Pkwy N TO LEGI5LATIVE HEARING OFFICER - 4-15-97 LAID OVER SY COUNCIL ON 4-9-97 TO 4-23-97 ��_�L�S Preliminary Order Final To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs $1,496.78 Engineering and Inspection $ Valuation and Assessment Services $ Administration Charge - Public Health $_75.00 Re-Check Charge - Public Health $_125.00 Abatement Service Charge $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $1,816.78 $1,816.7 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $1,816.78 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completecl, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. " - d (� Dated � � 1 � - 9 � c-�� ���.i��• Valuation and Assessment Engineer �V W a K U C W ('J d £ 1� P � H F N N Q m N O P � U W > � a K O N J (:1 C 6 w x � z w > 0 s a E U J m � a n P O v O � O N i N � O O N � � O Y � N H C W N p. N O K P d N W N (A � OJ O O 11 OJ � r�t�oonr� z . . n �� O� v� N II CO � O� ON � 11 S� £' N fA fq 11 N� 6 � W 1� M � 11 � • II O . II ' � f � 11 U • 11 LL � II 11 (A � 000 ti � O O O � t000. 'L � I�00 � � . . ��� 2' O O N r U Q w � O O O 1- � O00 Q � O O O C � N N ti N � 2 � J� `' w � N U' U K n W � � � � £ r �(7x 6 • �- % 2 � V' N � 20�u��` C � U � O � O � 1- � K .> U i Q £ K LL i O � W � m 6 � / 2 � /; i z S f z � . � O � J � � F 6 n a w s � . c� � o VI � Vt 2 W � • p � .f� W W lA T � � Y 4 Y- � Q � W 6' � �t0 J�O W � C 6 P a�wW � o � > # �n K � O F # N a � O \ U � N d P W U W O � � 2 d W N � �+ W � �l .�a� ��yov W� W Q O W� } •..0�2. 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COUNCILPERSON Yeas Nay Blakey Bostrom Harris _In Favor Adopted by the Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY. ReEtman _Against Mayor Thune �.y ; t �; �:kJ:' P�: � tl t�. ";iwt- �,., :'f.' City of St. Paul RESOLLTlION RATIFYIIQG ASSESSI�NT le No. 9702BB,J9701TDBC2,J9704AA J 1 Assessment No.9729,9730,97 ,9735 Voting Ward In the matter bf the assessment of benefits, cost and expen s for 2 J9702BB (9729) Boardings-up of vac bldgs for Aug 1996 for property at: 1086 Jessamine Ave J9701TDBC2 (9730) Summary Abatement (Property clean- p)from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 for pro erty at: 383 Clinton Ave. J9704AA (9731) Summary P3�atement (Property c an-up, snow removal and/or sanding walks rom Aug 1996 to Jan 1997 for properties t: 2067-Dayton Ave, 1D4 Larpenteur Ave W, 616 Idaho Ave E and 1110 Forest St. J9701BB (9735)_ Boardings-up of vacant ldgs,for July 1996 for properties at: 11 Central Ave W and � 328 liexin`gton Pkwy N , -�-�� , � ��TO LEGI§LATIVE HEARING OFFIC R - � �. LAID OVER'.BY�COUNCIL-ON 4-9 97 *PO 4-23-97 � Pr�liininary rirr�Pr � . ,t,c �� .. , Fina1 Order e had upon the assessment for the above improvement, further cons3dered'by the Council, and having been y; therefore, be it assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects RESOLVED FURTHER, hat the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equa installments. � A`public hearing-h'aving and said assessment having b consiciered finally,satisfact RBSOLtiFED, That the sa < ratified., COIINCILPBRSON Yeas Nays Blakey , Bostrom Harris Megard „� � Morton "� _In Favor _Against Adopted by the Council: Date Certified Passes,by Council Secretary By Mayor