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Council Fi1e #���
Green Sheet # J`o G...Q 1
Committee: Date
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WHEREAS, Pubiic Health has requested the Ciry Council to hold pubiic hearings to consider
the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking and removal of a two-story, wood
frame dwelling located on property hereinafter refened to as the "Subject Properiy" and commonly
known as 557 Jenks Avenue. This properry is legally described as follows, to wit:
The West 47.65 feet of Lot i, Block 9, Fairview Addiaon to the City of St. Paul
WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and
information obtained by Public Health on or before February 20, 1997, the following are the now
known interested or responsible parties for the Subject Property: Victor P. Schleiss, 339 2nd Street
NE, Mpls., MN 55413; Mirna & Mlguel Macias, ?1 Front Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55117; Pedro
& Maria Gamez, 71 Front Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55117; Knutson Mortgage Co., 3001 Metro
Drive Ste. 400, Bloomington, MN 55425, I,oan# 0903942lSchleiss
WHEREAS, Pubiic Health has served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the
Saint Paul L,egislative Code an order identified as an "Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated
February 18, 1997; and
WHEREAS, this order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the
structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and
WHEREAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or
the structure located on the Subject Property by March 20, 1997; and
�IIEREAS, the enforcement of�cer has posted a placard on the Subject Property declarfng
ling{s) to constitute a nuisance condirion; subject to demolition; and
, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Public Health requested that
dule public hearings before the Legislarive Hearing Officer of the City Council
'�i�y Council; and
te interested and responsible parties have been served ttotice in accordance
Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the time, date, place and
heazings; and
WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the Saint Paul City
Council on Tuesday, April 15, 1997 to hear testimony and evidence, and after receiving testimony
and evidence, made the recommendation to approve the request to order the interested or responsffile
parties to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safery and
welfaze and remove its blighting influence on the communiry by rehabilitating this structure in
accordance with all appiicable codes. and ord'u�ances, or in the alternarive by demolishing and
removing the sixucture in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or
demolition of the structvre to be completed within after the date of the Council
Hearing; and -�d-� � � Cys )
WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, Aprii 23,
1997 and the testimony and evidence including the acrion taken by the Legisiative Hearing Officer
was considered by the Council; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the testimony and evidence presented at the above
referenced public hearings, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and
Order concerning the Subject Property at 557 Jenks Avenue:
That the Subject Property comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Paul
I.egislative Code, Chapter 45.
That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed
three thousand dollars ($3,QOO.OQ).
That there now exists and has existed mulriple Housing or Building code violations at
the Subject Property.
4. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible
parties to correct the de�ciencies or to demolish and remove the building(s).
That the deficiencies causing ttus nuisance condition have not been corrected.
That Public Heaith has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to
be a nuisance condition subject to demolition.
That this building has been routinely monitored by the VacantlNuisance Buildings
Code Enforcement Program.
8. Tl�at the known inierested parties and owners are as previously stated in this
resolution and that the notificaUon requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulfilled.
The Saint Paui City Council hereby makes the following order:
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The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Subject Property safe
and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its biighting
influence on the community by rel�abilitating this structure and conecting all deficiencies as
prescribed in the above referenced Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) in accordance with
all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the
struciure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or
demolition and removal of the structure must be completed withiu'_"�°°� ;'_`; days after the
date of the Council Hearing. � � c- C.'�S)
2. If the above conective acrion is not completed within this period of rime the Public Health
Code Enforcement Program is hereby authorized to take whatever steps aze necessary to
demolish and remove this structure, fIIl the site and chazge the costs incurred against the
Subject Property pursuantto the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code.
3. In the event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all
personal property or fixtures of any kind which interfere with the demolition and removal
shall be removed from the property by the responsible parties by the end of this time period.
If all personal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the City
of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property as provided by law.
4. It is further ordered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and interested
parties in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Izgislative Code.
Requested by Department of:
Adogtion Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor:
By: �{� '__ -
Form Apgrove by City to ey
�ggroved by Mayor f r Submission to
�� Council `
Adopted by Council: Date Q �_3 \�qrj
p,�v��� Health 3f28/9'7 GREEN SHEE N_ 36204
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23, 1997
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City Council to pass this resolution which will order the owner(s) to remove or repair the
referenced building(s). If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health
is ordered to remove the building. The subject property is located at 557 Jenks Avenue.
1. Has this persanffum ever worlced under a conVac[ for this department? -
2. Has thls personfirm ever been a ciiy employee?
3. Does lhis person/Firm possess a skili not normalty possessed by any curtent ciry employee?
Expfain ell yes answon on saparate sheet and atlach to green sl�eet
�van.v.ni+w.em.u;ev�. �.c.n�;n.u�l.nn..qnue..uvu...�e�e...n .
This building s)' is a nuisance ui ingis) as defined in Chapter 45 and a vacant buil ing
as defined in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interested
parties and responsible parties known to the Enforcement Officer were given an order to
repair or remove the building at 557 Jenks Avenue by March 20, 1997, and have failed to
comply with those orders.
The City will eliminate a nuisance.
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The City will spend funds to wreck and remove this building(s}. These costs will be
assessed to the property, collected as a special assessment against the property taxes.
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A nuisance condition wi11 remain unabated in the City. Triis building(s) will continue to
blight the community.
Nuisance Housing Abatement 33261
Nea! Holmn, MD., MP.X.. Direclar
� 3
Norm Coleman, Mayo� ENFORCEMENT
SSS Cedar Sbeet
Sain1 Pau� MN SSI01-2260
Mazch 28, 1997 �
Council President and
Members of the City Councii
5aint Paul Public Aealth, VacantlNuisance Buiidings Enforcement Unit has requested the
City Council schedule public hearings to consider a resolution ordering the repair or
removal� of the nuisance building(s) located at:
557 Jenks Avenue
The City Council has schednled the date of these heazings as follows:
Legislative Hearing - Tuesday, April 15, 1997
City Council Hearing - Wednesday, April 23, 1997
The owners and responsible parties of record are:
Name and Last Known Address
Victor P. Schleiss
339 2nd Street NE
Mpls., MN 55413
Mirna & Miguel Macias
71 Front Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55117
Pedro & Maria Ganiez
71 Front Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55117
Knatson Mortgage Co.
3001 Metro Drive Ste. 400
Bloomington, MN 55425
Loan# 09039421Schleiss
Interest �. �;��; e,� ��,�.
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Fee Owner �, :; ; ;�
-- __._�..._. _ .
Contract for Deed Holder Y " "
Contract for Deed Holder
557 Jenks Avenue
Mazch 28, 1997
Page 2
The legal description of this property is:
The West 47.65 feet of Lot 1, Block 9, Fairview Addirion to the City of St.
Paul, Minnesota.
Saint Paul Public Health has declazed this building(s) to constitute a"nuisance" as defined
by Legisiative Code, Chapter 45. Public Health has issued an order to the then known
responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by conecting the deficiencies or by
razing and removing this building(s).
Inasmuch as this Order to Abate has not been complied with the nuisance condition zemains
unabated, the community continues to suffer the blighting influence of this property. It is
the recommendation of Public Health that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the
responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and remove this building in a timely
manner, and failing that, authorize Public Health to proceed to demolition and removal, and
to assess the costs incurred against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in
the same manner as ta�ces.
. r' �
R eta Weiss
Program Supervisor
VacantlNuisance Building Unit
Saint Paui Public Heaith
cc: Jan Gasterland, Building Inspection and Design
Stephen Christie, City Attorneys O�ce
Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council
Steve Zaccazd, Fire Mazshall
Dan Pahl, PED-Housing Division
Date: April 15, 1997
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Room 330 Ciry Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Gerry StratUn�an
Legislative Hearing Officer
1. Resolution zatifying assessment of benefits, costs and elcpenses for summary abatemenu for the
797045A—Property ciean-up, snow removal, or sanding from August 1996 to January 1997
J9722B—Boardings-up of vacant buildings for September 1996
79732B—Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for October 1996
J9702TDBC--Property clean up from mid-Septembers to mid-0ctober 1996
J9701C—Demolitions of vacant buildings from August to December 1996
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of We assessments with tt�e following
b94 Sherburne (J9722B) laid over to May 6, 1997
403 Eichenwaid Sueet (J97045A) reduce assessment to $340
10'78 Euclid Street (J97045A) reduce assessment to $440
703 St. Anthony (J97045A) assessment to be paid over 10 yeazs
2. Resolution Ratifying Assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatement for ffie
following: (Laid over by Council on April 9)
J9701TDBC2--Property ciean-up from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 .
79702BB--Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for Aug 1996
79701BB--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for July 1996
J9704AA—Properry clean-up, snow removal andlor sanding walks from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following
32$ N. Leungton (J9701B) laid over to May b, 1997
1132 Central (79701BB) laid over to May 6, 1997
616 Idaho (9704AA) laid over to May 6, 1997
1086 E. Jessamine (J9702BB) laid over to May 6, 1997
1110 Forest Street (79704A) laid over to May 6, 1997
Legislative Hearing
April 15, 1997
Page 2
�1 j
2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair ffie referenced building, located at 587 Str_vker
ve e. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended the owner be given 180 days to complete the repairs
to the building.
3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at 578 Forest
. pt If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval.
4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 1383 Arcade
Street. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approvai and amended the date for repair or removal
of the structure to 60 days.
5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 55 7 Jenks
v e. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal
of We struchuce to 4S days.
6. Summary abatement appeal for 1359 Blair Avenue; Quoc Nguyes & Winston Nguyen, appeliants.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied.
7. Summary abatement appeai for 1253 West Como Blvd.; Iohn M. Sweeney, appellant.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied; matter was withdrawn.
8. Suuunary abatement appeai for 1948 Fourth Street E; Irving Rosenblum, appellant.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied; matter was withdrawn.
April 15, 1997
Room 330 c��y xau
Gerty Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Maynard Vinge, Public health; Cathy Ries, Ro�canna Flink,
Real Estate.
Gerry Strathman, I.egislative Hearing Officer, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.
1. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements
for the following:
I97045A—Property clean up, snow removal, or sanding &om Aug to 1996 to 3an 1997
39722B—Boardings-up of vacarn buildings for September 1996
J9732B--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for October 1996
J9702TDBC—Properry clean-up from mid-Septembers to mid-October 1996
J9703C—Demolitions of vacant buildings from August to December 1996
Properry clean-up from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996
J9702BB—$oardings-up of vacant buildings for Aug 1996
39701BB—Boardings-up of vacant buildings for July 1996
J9704AA—Property clean-up, snow removal and/or sanding walks from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997
1359 Blair Avenue
Hazoid Robinson, Public FIealth, reported that the property has a history of police calls along
with mimerous ca11s from neighbors and community groups. A code inspection was cotnpleted
but no bond was posted or pernuts pulled, people have been in the property late at night doing
work that is unproper. The building inspection report notes that work tUat has been done up to
now has been substandard.
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
1083 Beech ee
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
1132 Centrai Av n� W
Mr. Strathman recommended laying Uus atatter over to May 6, 1997.
567 Charles Av nne
No one appeared; recommended agproving the assessment.
383 Ciinton Avenne
No one appeared; recommended appmving the assessment.
1470 ConcorcLia Av�nne
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
1(!6_ 7 D�yton Aveaue
No o� appeared; recommendea approving the assessment.
850 Edmuad Avenue
No o� appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
673 C-�ntral Avenne West
No one appeared; recomme�ed appmving tt►e assessment.
403 Eichenwald
Iohn Sioltenburg, pmperry owner, appeared and stated that when he received the notice, he
notified the health inspector that the people living in the house had been evicted. Before the
appeal period exp'ued, he agaia notified the inspector that the tenants were still in the house.
The inspector issued condemnafion proceedings and the tenants were to be oui by August 1.
On August 3 ihey were sii11 in the house. He cleaned up the garbage that was outside, hauied
9 tires away, and put the other tires in the basement stairwell. The remaining property
belonged to the tenants and by law he could not touch it. On the morning of August 11 before
he went ott vacation, he went over to the pmperty and the tenants were still there. When he
got back from vacation a week later, the city crews had done the ciean up.
Chuck Votel, Public Heatth, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report.
The city condemned tfie iower unit of the building for building and housing code viola6ons. A
summary abatement was issued, posted at the property, and mailed to Mr. Staltenburg on )uly
25. When the properry was rechecked on August 2, ihe work had not been done. It was
further rechecked on August 12, the work order was sent to the Pazks Departmeat and on
August 14 the city cleaned it up. The groperty has a long history of simitar problems.
Mr. Strathman asked the appellant to explain his reason for not cleaning up the material d�at
was cleane@ up by the city. Mr. Stoltenburg responded that he pieked up the garbage on the
back porch and pui it in the trash cans by the atley. He was totd by the tenants not to touch the
sofas oa the porch becavse it was their pmperry and they were taking ihem. By law he could
not touch them.
Mr. �attiman stated that the sofas on the front porch probabiy could not have been removed
since the tenants cIaimed it was t6eir property, buc the rest of the clean up could have been
taken care of. He recommended reducing the assessment to $340.
aa . ra Str
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
101d Et+�did Ctreet
No one appeared; recommended apgroving the assessment.
l r ►aclid Streer_
Evelyn Kiismith, property owner, appeared and stated that she and her son had been collecting
refrigerators from agpliance companies. They would check the appliances over and then give
them to poor geople. Qne time they did take too many refrigerators. Ttiey came in late in the
day, the back yard was full, and the next day the inspector was out.
Mr- Kiismith asked if the assessment could be cut in haif. He stated that he had made a
mistake and it would not happen again.
Chuck Votel, Public Health, reported that prior to last October, they never had a complaint on
the properry, but there was an excessive amount of appliances which is not allowed in a
residential azea. The inspectar talked to ihe property owner a couple of times and extensions
were given, but in the end, the city was compelled to remove the nuisance.
Mr. Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $440.
� 1945 4th tr t
Chuck Votel, Public Health, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report.
Mr. Votel reparted that a complaint was received on the property for snow and ice on the
sidewalks. The notice was mailed December 20, the recheck date was December 22, it was
rechecked again on the 27, the work order was sem to the Pazks Department and ihe work was
done on Januazy 2. There apparentiy was inadequate work or no work done all year and in
1996 there were six notices issued on the properry for different nuisance violations.
Irvin Rosenblum, property owner, appeared and stated that the same day the letter was sent, he
aLso rezeived a phone call. He had been there that morning and shoveled the walk wide
cnough for two people to wa3k side-by-side. The property is not occupied, he was aware that
there was snow there, and he did go and shovel the walk the day he received the call. He
shoveled at least 3 times during that pexiod but the wind was very bad and within hours it
could have been covered.
Mr. Strathman noted that the video showed that the sidewatks on both sides of the groperty in
question had been shoveled and recommended approval of the assessment.
1110 Rorect Ct+�
A videa was shown of the properry.
Tou Sao Vue and Kambau Ku Vue, proper owners appeared. Tou Sao Vue stated that right
before they purchased the property on September 16, l996, they went through the 4 vnits, the �
basement, and the gazage and the previous owner promised she would clean up the properry.
He presented a letter from the previous owner stating this.
Mr. Suathman asked the property owner if he had received notice from the city for the ciean
up? Mr, Vue responded that they had not. He explained 8iat they had to clean and repair the
building in order to move in, so they moved everything outside that the previous owner was to
hau2 away. She never came back and they were not altowed to thmw it away.
Mr. Votel reported that the �tice was mailed to a Bob VanLee, 1110 Forest,and it was also
posted on site at the building.
Kambau Ku Vue explained tLat on November 17, she came itome from work and saw the city
crew cleaning up. She asked them who gave them permission because she owned tfie property.
He showed her the order and toid her that if that was not her name on the order, not too worry
but from now on she would have to take care of the property.
Mr. Strathman stated that it is the property owners responsibility to change the registration
records when the property is purchased, The proper notification was given, the buildin$ was
posted, and the work was done by the city.
Mr. Strat6man recommended Iaying this matter over to May 6, 1997.
I528 Gr�nd Avenue
Pat SutIivan, property owner, appeared and stated that he had talked to Carrolyn Shepard and
was given until Oct 23 to do the work. The city didn'2 do any boarding; screws were put in
the doors so they couldn't be opened.
Mr. Votel stated Yhat Mr. Sultivan is referring to a different order. IIe presented copies of
notices starting from last August which were sent to the property owaer. The problem is the
building gets secured but then it gets broken into. They had requests from the Potice Team
officers in that azea to get the buildiag secured because they were haviag prob2ems with it.
Mr. Strathman stated that the order in qaestion was mailed on October 3 to comply by October
9. The records indicate that Mr. Sullivan was notified, nothing was done to secure the
building, and the city crews went out on October 24 and did secure it. Proper procedure was
followed and he recomme�ed appmva2 of the assessment..
616 Id ho Aven
Mr. Strathman recommended taying this matter over to May 6, 1997.
76 T�
� Chuck Votel showed a video of the properry.
17e�ette Richards, properry owner, appeared and stated that they ffiver received any notice and
were aot awate of the antenna.
Mr. Votel reported that the notice was sent to 102 Bruno, Minnesota, i5712. The first notice
dated August 9 was to temove garbage, rubbish, cut the grass and weeds, remove the antenna
that had fallen, and remove a dilapidated fence in the rear yard. That order come back
undeliverable, na farwarding address on file.
Ms. Richards explai�d that the house belonged to her mother-in-law who died November 15,
1996. They bought the house from her 2 years and just finished paying off the back taxes. For
some reason, they could never get the property recorded in their name. The address in Bruno,
Minnesota was her mother-in-law's old address from 3 years ago.
Mr. Strathman stated that the tax records that aze used to send out notification had not been
updated and therefore the notice went to an address that no longer existed. The proper legal
procedures were followed in giving notification and the work was done. He recommended
approving the assessment.
� j04 rnen .�
No o� appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
328 Lexineton Parkwav North
Mr. Strathman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997.
44 Ma ! d Av n
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
1044 Minnehaha Avenu W
230 one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
19112 Min h a Av nue West
Chuck Votel showed a video of ihe property and reviewed the staff report.
Don Kelly, represerniug the owner of the property, appeared and asked where the notice was
sent. Mr. Votel responded that it was sent to the Navy Department of the U.S. of America,
1902 W. Minne2�aha, the recorded owner with Ramsey County Properry Taxation records.
Mr. Kelly stated that ihe Navy Department no longer owned the building and that they never
received proper �tice. He explained that they began purchasing the praperty in eazIy summer
of 1996 and in late August, the seller transfeaed the title. He called the assessor for a copy of
tt� notice a� found out that it was sent to the Navy a� not to JLT Group wLich is the �
recorded owner.
Mr. Yotel r6ported that afrer this order was issued, on January 8 another order was issued to
remove snow and ice &om the sidewatk and at the time tt� inspector �ted that JLT Gmup was
an owner and a notice was se� to 7134 Vandatlia. Property awners in the city are expected to
lmow that they have to kcep their sidewallcs clear. The city did receive a number of
complaints on this.
Mr. Strathman stated on November 26 ttte orders were sern to the property ow�r on record
and the work was done by the city on December 4, 1996. He recammended appmvat of the
703 St. AL*rthony A�
Chuck Vote showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. He stated tbat on
7anuary 24, 1995 a�tice was issued to the property owner ta remave a ditapidated garage and
dispose af contents inside the garage or it wouid be removed by the city. The garage was in a
severe state of deterioration. Prior coaection notice bad been issued on June 7, I995 and Ju[y
il, 1995. A citation was issued, on August, 1995, which lead to a guilty plea and ihe
properry owner agreed to have repairs done to the garage by June 1, 1996. Work orders were
sent to the Pazks Department and the work was do� on October 1, 1996.
Byron Poole, properry owner, appeared and stated that he had received notice aboui the garage
but at that time he was financia]Iy unable to have it tom down and hauIed away.
Mr. Strathman stated the garage was tom down by the ciry and the assessment is $2,297. He
recommended approving the assessment to be paid over 10 years,
�5-�7 Thomac Avenue
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
2(!9 Thomaa AvenL+�
Chuck Votel showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. He stated t6at
orders were issued on August 12, 1996, to remove discarded fiuniture, mamesses, and
household articles from the yazd area. Orders were left with the first floor tenant on August 9,
1996, and a phone message was left for Ronald Twardows� on August 19 that crews would
remove the nuisance on August 21, 1996.
Terri Twardowski, property owner, appeared a� sfated that she never received a notice or a
telepho� message. T6ey wouid have taken care of it if they had known.
Mr. Votel reported tUat the notice was sent to Ronald and Theresa Twazdowski at 360
Ski}lman Avemie E., Maplewood, 55117. The number the inspector called was 7741299.
� �-yS3
� Ms. Twardowski stated that they moved from that address; they purchased a home Apri130, at
� 930 Lydia, Roseville.
Mr. Votel nated tlsat the ktter was never returned by the post office.
Mr. Strathman reeommended approvat of the assessment.
594 Ch rb �rn
Mr• Suathman recommended this matter be laid over to May 6, 1996.
2. Resolu6on ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at
587 Strvker Avenue. If the owner faiis to comply with the reso3ution, Public Health is
ordered to remove the building.
John McGovem and 7ohn 5adawsld appeared. Mr. McGovern stated that they have a purchase
agreement from HUp to close on the properly in early May. A bond has been posted, permits
have been pulled, and they have inM��r�, yVeather permitting, they plan to complete the
rehah work within 3 months.
Mr. Votel noted that the vacant building fee is paid by FiI3U at ciosing.
Mr. Strathman reported that he received communication from HUD indicating that they are
selling the property to Mr. McGodvern. A letter was received from WESCO stating that they
haven't yet reviewed the latest proposai. He recommended approval and amended the date for
repair or removal of the structure to 180 days.
Mr. Votel noted that a certified resolution will be sent to the properry owner at 5944 13th
Avenue So., Mpls. 55417.
3. Resoluuon ordering the owner to remove oz repair the referenced building located at
578 Forest �±*�r If the owner fails to compiy with the resolution, Pubiic Health is
ordered to remove the building.
Chuck Votel reviewed the staff report stating that the building has been condemned since 1996
hy Public Health. The current property owners are Roger and Mary Clark; financiai problems
have prevented them from rehabilitating the property. S�mmary abatement notices have been
issued and the city bas had to secure the building. The building registration fces are u�aid,
and real estate taxes are uvQaid in the aznount of $19,800. Code Enforesment inspectors
estimate the amoum of money needed to properly repair this strueture makes this rehabilitation
project unlikely and not economically feasible. The esrimated cost to demolish is $5,900.
rto one appeared.
Mr. S�athamn recommended approvai.
4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at
1383 Arcade Street. ff the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Pubfic Heaith is
ordered w remove the building.
Chuck Votcl reported that the building k�as been vacant since January 1995. The current
property owner is Vatvoline Ofl Company. The owner has been involved in �gotiations wit6
potentiai buyers of the property. There iiave been 4 snmmary abatement notices issved,
registration fees are paid, and talces are paid. As of April 15, 199'7 a Certificate of Occupancy
has not been applied for and the $2,000.00 bond has noi been posted. They are unable to
estimate a cost to repair this bnildiag since it is commercial use. Cost to demotish is
approximately $iQ,00Q.
Bemard Mordorski appeared and stated that he has been negotiating with Va(voline for the Iast
year w purchase the properry. They had several banks Iined up that were willing to finance the
properry and they could have been in there last August or September if they could have gotten
the approval from the city's end. They also worked with the Eastside Neighborhood
Developemeni. In May of last year, Kim Humer supposedly gave appmval for a$SO,OOO loan
gaarantee. At that time, they were with Signai Bantc and ready to close. All they were
waiting for was their conditionat use permit, which was filed for and obtained in 7uty. When
they came to close after the fust of Ju�, they found that Kim Hunter no longer worked for t6e
Eastside Neighborhood Development and they had to start the process all over again. He
presented a copy of the offer to purchase, a letter from Rapid Oil Change extending the'u
purchase agreement ea�tendiag through April 30, and a copy of a letter from Lake Elmo Bank
affirming the loan. They are planning to close on the the building Apri13Q. ff the ciry
demolishes the building, he witl be out the $8,000 he's invested because he is not going to buy
an empry lot.
Mr. Strat6man asked how long it would take tv get the building into shape? Mr. Mordorski
responded ihat he plans to be in the bniiding and operating within a wcek to 10 days after
closing on the property. His plans for the buildiag are quite extensive as far as the appearance
of the bnilding.
A representative from the Wheelocic/Sherwood/Cottage BIock Club submitted a copy of a Ietter
addressed to Counciimember Bostrom from the block club and petitions signed by residents
over the past 2 years for numerous people that had wanted to acquire the property and rehab it.
Last spring ihey met with Mr. Mordorski and he was sapposedly going to acquire the property
rehabilitate it, and move in within a short period of time. The property has deteriorated, the
waiks weren't shoveled, the lawn hasn't been mowed, plumbutg fixtures werz laying out in the
parking lot for a number of montbs, the fence was vandalized and laying in the altey behind the
properry for several months. Now they have a possible fiealth hazard with the toilets being
removed, and open waste pipes ieading into the ground. Nothing has been done because
� � - �-�s�
� Vavoline hasn't taken care of the property. At this poi�, they are looking at letting the
demolition go through, they feel that would be in the best interest.
Jeff Anderson, adjacent Uusiness �ighbor, sYated that the building has gotten worse over the
last couple of years. He operates a mortuary and just having that eyesore is something that
constantlY bothers them. Restroom doors, fence, the building �eds a lot of work if anything
is going to be do� to it. They contacted the real estate people a couple of times expressing
interest in purchasing the property for a pazking lot.
Mr. Strathman stated that at this poi�, tho probiem appears to be with Valvoline who is the
current owner and hasn't met their resgonsibilities as a property owner. Given the fact that
there is a perspective owner who cieariy seems to have the financing to do the work that needs
to be done, he recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the
struct�re to 60 days.
5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at
7 k Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Heaith is
ordered to remove the building.
Chuck Votel reviewed the staff report stating that the property was condemned on April 1996.
The current properry owner Victor Schieiss consents to the City demolishing the siructure
because they don't think it's economically feasible w rehabilitate it. The registrarion fees are
paid, on August 6, 1996 the compiiance inspection was done. The code enforcement inspector
didn't estimate the amoum of money needed to repair the building because they don't think it's
likely nor feasible. The cost to demolish is estimated at $8,400.
John Miller, attomey for Knutson Mortgage Company, stated that they hold the mortgage on
the property and it is their position thai the building is not capable of being rehabilitated. The
mortgage is current and have not commes�ed foreclosure proceedings. They wouid like the
opportunity to have 45 days in order to attempt to make arrangement with Mr. Sclileiss to get a
deed in lieu of forecIosure which would preserve Knutson's ability to then tender the ptoperty
back w HUD.
Mr. Votel stated that they did have to issue notiee in March to secure a front entry door, but it
is not a building that creates a lot of probiems.
Mr. Strathman recommended approval and amended the date for repair or temoval of the
struchue to 45 days.
6• Summary abatement appeai for 1359 Bia�r Av n�P; Quoc Nguyes & Winston Nguyen,
No one appeared; appeal was denied.
7. Si�mntary abatement appeal for 1253 West Como Bivd.; John M. Sweeney, appellant. )
Mr. Yooel nooed that this appeai t�as been withdrawn.
No one appeared; appeal denied.
����. .�. �� � .�. . � :c: ._..� �; �• •. �. „ ...� .�
Maynard Vinge reported this matter was withdrawn;
No one appeared; appeal denied.
Meeting adjourne@ at 11:45 a.m.
�� � a 3 � °� � ,59
Council Fi1e #���
Green Sheet # J`o G...Q 1
Committee: Date
� m���,��, —
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-- . . . _ . . . . ��
WHEREAS, Pubiic Health has requested the Ciry Council to hold pubiic hearings to consider
the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking and removal of a two-story, wood
frame dwelling located on property hereinafter refened to as the "Subject Properiy" and commonly
known as 557 Jenks Avenue. This properry is legally described as follows, to wit:
The West 47.65 feet of Lot i, Block 9, Fairview Addiaon to the City of St. Paul
WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and
information obtained by Public Health on or before February 20, 1997, the following are the now
known interested or responsible parties for the Subject Property: Victor P. Schleiss, 339 2nd Street
NE, Mpls., MN 55413; Mirna & Mlguel Macias, ?1 Front Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55117; Pedro
& Maria Gamez, 71 Front Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55117; Knutson Mortgage Co., 3001 Metro
Drive Ste. 400, Bloomington, MN 55425, I,oan# 0903942lSchleiss
WHEREAS, Pubiic Health has served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the
Saint Paul L,egislative Code an order identified as an "Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated
February 18, 1997; and
WHEREAS, this order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the
structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and
WHEREAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or
the structure located on the Subject Property by March 20, 1997; and
�IIEREAS, the enforcement of�cer has posted a placard on the Subject Property declarfng
ling{s) to constitute a nuisance condirion; subject to demolition; and
, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Public Health requested that
dule public hearings before the Legislarive Hearing Officer of the City Council
'�i�y Council; and
te interested and responsible parties have been served ttotice in accordance
Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the time, date, place and
heazings; and
WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the Saint Paul City
Council on Tuesday, April 15, 1997 to hear testimony and evidence, and after receiving testimony
and evidence, made the recommendation to approve the request to order the interested or responsffile
parties to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safery and
welfaze and remove its blighting influence on the communiry by rehabilitating this structure in
accordance with all appiicable codes. and ord'u�ances, or in the alternarive by demolishing and
removing the sixucture in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or
demolition of the structvre to be completed within after the date of the Council
Hearing; and -�d-� � � Cys )
WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, Aprii 23,
1997 and the testimony and evidence including the acrion taken by the Legisiative Hearing Officer
was considered by the Council; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the testimony and evidence presented at the above
referenced public hearings, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and
Order concerning the Subject Property at 557 Jenks Avenue:
That the Subject Property comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Paul
I.egislative Code, Chapter 45.
That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed
three thousand dollars ($3,QOO.OQ).
That there now exists and has existed mulriple Housing or Building code violations at
the Subject Property.
4. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible
parties to correct the de�ciencies or to demolish and remove the building(s).
That the deficiencies causing ttus nuisance condition have not been corrected.
That Public Heaith has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to
be a nuisance condition subject to demolition.
That this building has been routinely monitored by the VacantlNuisance Buildings
Code Enforcement Program.
8. Tl�at the known inierested parties and owners are as previously stated in this
resolution and that the notificaUon requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulfilled.
The Saint Paui City Council hereby makes the following order:
°i� �-\S �
The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Subject Property safe
and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its biighting
influence on the community by rel�abilitating this structure and conecting all deficiencies as
prescribed in the above referenced Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) in accordance with
all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the
struciure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or
demolition and removal of the structure must be completed withiu'_"�°°� ;'_`; days after the
date of the Council Hearing. � � c- C.'�S)
2. If the above conective acrion is not completed within this period of rime the Public Health
Code Enforcement Program is hereby authorized to take whatever steps aze necessary to
demolish and remove this structure, fIIl the site and chazge the costs incurred against the
Subject Property pursuantto the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code.
3. In the event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all
personal property or fixtures of any kind which interfere with the demolition and removal
shall be removed from the property by the responsible parties by the end of this time period.
If all personal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the City
of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property as provided by law.
4. It is further ordered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and interested
parties in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Izgislative Code.
Requested by Department of:
Adogtion Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor:
By: �{� '__ -
Form Apgrove by City to ey
�ggroved by Mayor f r Submission to
�� Council `
Adopted by Council: Date Q �_3 \�qrj
p,�v��� Health 3f28/9'7 GREEN SHEE N_ 36204
.,.,���e�,.., e e��..� � ��,� � - ���
23, 1997
cm nrroEar�v
�cm�c�arc _
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City Council to pass this resolution which will order the owner(s) to remove or repair the
referenced building(s). If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health
is ordered to remove the building. The subject property is located at 557 Jenks Avenue.
1. Has this persanffum ever worlced under a conVac[ for this department? -
2. Has thls personfirm ever been a ciiy employee?
3. Does lhis person/Firm possess a skili not normalty possessed by any curtent ciry employee?
Expfain ell yes answon on saparate sheet and atlach to green sl�eet
�van.v.ni+w.em.u;ev�. �.c.n�;n.u�l.nn..qnue..uvu...�e�e...n .
This building s)' is a nuisance ui ingis) as defined in Chapter 45 and a vacant buil ing
as defined in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interested
parties and responsible parties known to the Enforcement Officer were given an order to
repair or remove the building at 557 Jenks Avenue by March 20, 1997, and have failed to
comply with those orders.
The City will eliminate a nuisance.
APR � 7 199�
, , � - � >
The City will spend funds to wreck and remove this building(s}. These costs will be
assessed to the property, collected as a special assessment against the property taxes.
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A nuisance condition wi11 remain unabated in the City. Triis building(s) will continue to
blight the community.
Nuisance Housing Abatement 33261
Nea! Holmn, MD., MP.X.. Direclar
� 3
Norm Coleman, Mayo� ENFORCEMENT
SSS Cedar Sbeet
Sain1 Pau� MN SSI01-2260
Mazch 28, 1997 �
Council President and
Members of the City Councii
5aint Paul Public Aealth, VacantlNuisance Buiidings Enforcement Unit has requested the
City Council schedule public hearings to consider a resolution ordering the repair or
removal� of the nuisance building(s) located at:
557 Jenks Avenue
The City Council has schednled the date of these heazings as follows:
Legislative Hearing - Tuesday, April 15, 1997
City Council Hearing - Wednesday, April 23, 1997
The owners and responsible parties of record are:
Name and Last Known Address
Victor P. Schleiss
339 2nd Street NE
Mpls., MN 55413
Mirna & Miguel Macias
71 Front Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55117
Pedro & Maria Ganiez
71 Front Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55117
Knatson Mortgage Co.
3001 Metro Drive Ste. 400
Bloomington, MN 55425
Loan# 09039421Schleiss
Interest �. �;��; e,� ��,�.
_ �_ .. ;,�<�� ;�: t
_ ,..� �• e� I���
Fee Owner �, :; ; ;�
-- __._�..._. _ .
Contract for Deed Holder Y " "
Contract for Deed Holder
557 Jenks Avenue
Mazch 28, 1997
Page 2
The legal description of this property is:
The West 47.65 feet of Lot 1, Block 9, Fairview Addirion to the City of St.
Paul, Minnesota.
Saint Paul Public Health has declazed this building(s) to constitute a"nuisance" as defined
by Legisiative Code, Chapter 45. Public Health has issued an order to the then known
responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by conecting the deficiencies or by
razing and removing this building(s).
Inasmuch as this Order to Abate has not been complied with the nuisance condition zemains
unabated, the community continues to suffer the blighting influence of this property. It is
the recommendation of Public Health that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the
responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and remove this building in a timely
manner, and failing that, authorize Public Health to proceed to demolition and removal, and
to assess the costs incurred against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in
the same manner as ta�ces.
. r' �
R eta Weiss
Program Supervisor
VacantlNuisance Building Unit
Saint Paui Public Heaith
cc: Jan Gasterland, Building Inspection and Design
Stephen Christie, City Attorneys O�ce
Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council
Steve Zaccazd, Fire Mazshall
Dan Pahl, PED-Housing Division
Date: April 15, 1997
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Room 330 Ciry Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Gerry StratUn�an
Legislative Hearing Officer
1. Resolution zatifying assessment of benefits, costs and elcpenses for summary abatemenu for the
797045A—Property ciean-up, snow removal, or sanding from August 1996 to January 1997
J9722B—Boardings-up of vacant buildings for September 1996
79732B—Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for October 1996
J9702TDBC--Property clean up from mid-Septembers to mid-0ctober 1996
J9701C—Demolitions of vacant buildings from August to December 1996
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of We assessments with tt�e following
b94 Sherburne (J9722B) laid over to May 6, 1997
403 Eichenwaid Sueet (J97045A) reduce assessment to $340
10'78 Euclid Street (J97045A) reduce assessment to $440
703 St. Anthony (J97045A) assessment to be paid over 10 yeazs
2. Resolution Ratifying Assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatement for ffie
following: (Laid over by Council on April 9)
J9701TDBC2--Property ciean-up from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 .
79702BB--Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for Aug 1996
79701BB--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for July 1996
J9704AA—Properry clean-up, snow removal andlor sanding walks from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following
32$ N. Leungton (J9701B) laid over to May b, 1997
1132 Central (79701BB) laid over to May 6, 1997
616 Idaho (9704AA) laid over to May 6, 1997
1086 E. Jessamine (J9702BB) laid over to May 6, 1997
1110 Forest Street (79704A) laid over to May 6, 1997
Legislative Hearing
April 15, 1997
Page 2
�1 j
2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair ffie referenced building, located at 587 Str_vker
ve e. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended the owner be given 180 days to complete the repairs
to the building.
3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at 578 Forest
. pt If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval.
4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 1383 Arcade
Street. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approvai and amended the date for repair or removal
of the structure to 60 days.
5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 55 7 Jenks
v e. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal
of We struchuce to 4S days.
6. Summary abatement appeal for 1359 Blair Avenue; Quoc Nguyes & Winston Nguyen, appeliants.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied.
7. Summary abatement appeai for 1253 West Como Blvd.; Iohn M. Sweeney, appellant.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied; matter was withdrawn.
8. Suuunary abatement appeai for 1948 Fourth Street E; Irving Rosenblum, appellant.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied; matter was withdrawn.
April 15, 1997
Room 330 c��y xau
Gerty Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Maynard Vinge, Public health; Cathy Ries, Ro�canna Flink,
Real Estate.
Gerry Strathman, I.egislative Hearing Officer, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.
1. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements
for the following:
I97045A—Property clean up, snow removal, or sanding &om Aug to 1996 to 3an 1997
39722B—Boardings-up of vacarn buildings for September 1996
J9732B--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for October 1996
J9702TDBC—Properry clean-up from mid-Septembers to mid-October 1996
J9703C—Demolitions of vacant buildings from August to December 1996
Properry clean-up from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996
J9702BB—$oardings-up of vacant buildings for Aug 1996
39701BB—Boardings-up of vacant buildings for July 1996
J9704AA—Property clean-up, snow removal and/or sanding walks from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997
1359 Blair Avenue
Hazoid Robinson, Public FIealth, reported that the property has a history of police calls along
with mimerous ca11s from neighbors and community groups. A code inspection was cotnpleted
but no bond was posted or pernuts pulled, people have been in the property late at night doing
work that is unproper. The building inspection report notes that work tUat has been done up to
now has been substandard.
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
1083 Beech ee
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
1132 Centrai Av n� W
Mr. Strathman recommended laying Uus atatter over to May 6, 1997.
567 Charles Av nne
No one appeared; recommended agproving the assessment.
383 Ciinton Avenne
No one appeared; recommended appmving the assessment.
1470 ConcorcLia Av�nne
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
1(!6_ 7 D�yton Aveaue
No o� appeared; recommendea approving the assessment.
850 Edmuad Avenue
No o� appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
673 C-�ntral Avenne West
No one appeared; recomme�ed appmving tt►e assessment.
403 Eichenwald
Iohn Sioltenburg, pmperry owner, appeared and stated that when he received the notice, he
notified the health inspector that the people living in the house had been evicted. Before the
appeal period exp'ued, he agaia notified the inspector that the tenants were still in the house.
The inspector issued condemnafion proceedings and the tenants were to be oui by August 1.
On August 3 ihey were sii11 in the house. He cleaned up the garbage that was outside, hauied
9 tires away, and put the other tires in the basement stairwell. The remaining property
belonged to the tenants and by law he could not touch it. On the morning of August 11 before
he went ott vacation, he went over to the pmperty and the tenants were still there. When he
got back from vacation a week later, the city crews had done the ciean up.
Chuck Votel, Public Heatth, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report.
The city condemned tfie iower unit of the building for building and housing code viola6ons. A
summary abatement was issued, posted at the property, and mailed to Mr. Staltenburg on )uly
25. When the properry was rechecked on August 2, ihe work had not been done. It was
further rechecked on August 12, the work order was sent to the Pazks Departmeat and on
August 14 the city cleaned it up. The groperty has a long history of simitar problems.
Mr. Strathman asked the appellant to explain his reason for not cleaning up the material d�at
was cleane@ up by the city. Mr. Stoltenburg responded that he pieked up the garbage on the
back porch and pui it in the trash cans by the atley. He was totd by the tenants not to touch the
sofas oa the porch becavse it was their pmperry and they were taking ihem. By law he could
not touch them.
Mr. �attiman stated that the sofas on the front porch probabiy could not have been removed
since the tenants cIaimed it was t6eir property, buc the rest of the clean up could have been
taken care of. He recommended reducing the assessment to $340.
aa . ra Str
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
101d Et+�did Ctreet
No one appeared; recommended apgroving the assessment.
l r ►aclid Streer_
Evelyn Kiismith, property owner, appeared and stated that she and her son had been collecting
refrigerators from agpliance companies. They would check the appliances over and then give
them to poor geople. Qne time they did take too many refrigerators. Ttiey came in late in the
day, the back yard was full, and the next day the inspector was out.
Mr- Kiismith asked if the assessment could be cut in haif. He stated that he had made a
mistake and it would not happen again.
Chuck Votel, Public Health, reported that prior to last October, they never had a complaint on
the properry, but there was an excessive amount of appliances which is not allowed in a
residential azea. The inspectar talked to ihe property owner a couple of times and extensions
were given, but in the end, the city was compelled to remove the nuisance.
Mr. Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $440.
� 1945 4th tr t
Chuck Votel, Public Health, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report.
Mr. Votel reparted that a complaint was received on the property for snow and ice on the
sidewalks. The notice was mailed December 20, the recheck date was December 22, it was
rechecked again on the 27, the work order was sem to the Pazks Department and ihe work was
done on Januazy 2. There apparentiy was inadequate work or no work done all year and in
1996 there were six notices issued on the properry for different nuisance violations.
Irvin Rosenblum, property owner, appeared and stated that the same day the letter was sent, he
aLso rezeived a phone call. He had been there that morning and shoveled the walk wide
cnough for two people to wa3k side-by-side. The property is not occupied, he was aware that
there was snow there, and he did go and shovel the walk the day he received the call. He
shoveled at least 3 times during that pexiod but the wind was very bad and within hours it
could have been covered.
Mr. Strathman noted that the video showed that the sidewatks on both sides of the groperty in
question had been shoveled and recommended approval of the assessment.
1110 Rorect Ct+�
A videa was shown of the properry.
Tou Sao Vue and Kambau Ku Vue, proper owners appeared. Tou Sao Vue stated that right
before they purchased the property on September 16, l996, they went through the 4 vnits, the �
basement, and the gazage and the previous owner promised she would clean up the properry.
He presented a letter from the previous owner stating this.
Mr. Suathman asked the property owner if he had received notice from the city for the ciean
up? Mr, Vue responded that they had not. He explained 8iat they had to clean and repair the
building in order to move in, so they moved everything outside that the previous owner was to
hau2 away. She never came back and they were not altowed to thmw it away.
Mr. Votel reported that the �tice was mailed to a Bob VanLee, 1110 Forest,and it was also
posted on site at the building.
Kambau Ku Vue explained tLat on November 17, she came itome from work and saw the city
crew cleaning up. She asked them who gave them permission because she owned tfie property.
He showed her the order and toid her that if that was not her name on the order, not too worry
but from now on she would have to take care of the property.
Mr. Strathman stated that it is the property owners responsibility to change the registration
records when the property is purchased, The proper notification was given, the buildin$ was
posted, and the work was done by the city.
Mr. Strat6man recommended Iaying this matter over to May 6, 1997.
I528 Gr�nd Avenue
Pat SutIivan, property owner, appeared and stated that he had talked to Carrolyn Shepard and
was given until Oct 23 to do the work. The city didn'2 do any boarding; screws were put in
the doors so they couldn't be opened.
Mr. Votel stated Yhat Mr. Sultivan is referring to a different order. IIe presented copies of
notices starting from last August which were sent to the property owaer. The problem is the
building gets secured but then it gets broken into. They had requests from the Potice Team
officers in that azea to get the buildiag secured because they were haviag prob2ems with it.
Mr. Strathman stated that the order in qaestion was mailed on October 3 to comply by October
9. The records indicate that Mr. Sullivan was notified, nothing was done to secure the
building, and the city crews went out on October 24 and did secure it. Proper procedure was
followed and he recomme�ed appmva2 of the assessment..
616 Id ho Aven
Mr. Strathman recommended taying this matter over to May 6, 1997.
76 T�
� Chuck Votel showed a video of the properry.
17e�ette Richards, properry owner, appeared and stated that they ffiver received any notice and
were aot awate of the antenna.
Mr. Votel reported that the notice was sent to 102 Bruno, Minnesota, i5712. The first notice
dated August 9 was to temove garbage, rubbish, cut the grass and weeds, remove the antenna
that had fallen, and remove a dilapidated fence in the rear yard. That order come back
undeliverable, na farwarding address on file.
Ms. Richards explai�d that the house belonged to her mother-in-law who died November 15,
1996. They bought the house from her 2 years and just finished paying off the back taxes. For
some reason, they could never get the property recorded in their name. The address in Bruno,
Minnesota was her mother-in-law's old address from 3 years ago.
Mr. Strathman stated that the tax records that aze used to send out notification had not been
updated and therefore the notice went to an address that no longer existed. The proper legal
procedures were followed in giving notification and the work was done. He recommended
approving the assessment.
� j04 rnen .�
No o� appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
328 Lexineton Parkwav North
Mr. Strathman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997.
44 Ma ! d Av n
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
1044 Minnehaha Avenu W
230 one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
19112 Min h a Av nue West
Chuck Votel showed a video of ihe property and reviewed the staff report.
Don Kelly, represerniug the owner of the property, appeared and asked where the notice was
sent. Mr. Votel responded that it was sent to the Navy Department of the U.S. of America,
1902 W. Minne2�aha, the recorded owner with Ramsey County Properry Taxation records.
Mr. Kelly stated that ihe Navy Department no longer owned the building and that they never
received proper �tice. He explained that they began purchasing the praperty in eazIy summer
of 1996 and in late August, the seller transfeaed the title. He called the assessor for a copy of
tt� notice a� found out that it was sent to the Navy a� not to JLT Group wLich is the �
recorded owner.
Mr. Yotel r6ported that afrer this order was issued, on January 8 another order was issued to
remove snow and ice &om the sidewatk and at the time tt� inspector �ted that JLT Gmup was
an owner and a notice was se� to 7134 Vandatlia. Property awners in the city are expected to
lmow that they have to kcep their sidewallcs clear. The city did receive a number of
complaints on this.
Mr. Strathman stated on November 26 ttte orders were sern to the property ow�r on record
and the work was done by the city on December 4, 1996. He recammended appmvat of the
703 St. AL*rthony A�
Chuck Vote showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. He stated tbat on
7anuary 24, 1995 a�tice was issued to the property owner ta remave a ditapidated garage and
dispose af contents inside the garage or it wouid be removed by the city. The garage was in a
severe state of deterioration. Prior coaection notice bad been issued on June 7, I995 and Ju[y
il, 1995. A citation was issued, on August, 1995, which lead to a guilty plea and ihe
properry owner agreed to have repairs done to the garage by June 1, 1996. Work orders were
sent to the Pazks Department and the work was do� on October 1, 1996.
Byron Poole, properry owner, appeared and stated that he had received notice aboui the garage
but at that time he was financia]Iy unable to have it tom down and hauIed away.
Mr. Strathman stated the garage was tom down by the ciry and the assessment is $2,297. He
recommended approving the assessment to be paid over 10 years,
�5-�7 Thomac Avenue
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
2(!9 Thomaa AvenL+�
Chuck Votel showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. He stated t6at
orders were issued on August 12, 1996, to remove discarded fiuniture, mamesses, and
household articles from the yazd area. Orders were left with the first floor tenant on August 9,
1996, and a phone message was left for Ronald Twardows� on August 19 that crews would
remove the nuisance on August 21, 1996.
Terri Twardowski, property owner, appeared a� sfated that she never received a notice or a
telepho� message. T6ey wouid have taken care of it if they had known.
Mr. Votel reported tUat the notice was sent to Ronald and Theresa Twazdowski at 360
Ski}lman Avemie E., Maplewood, 55117. The number the inspector called was 7741299.
� �-yS3
� Ms. Twardowski stated that they moved from that address; they purchased a home Apri130, at
� 930 Lydia, Roseville.
Mr. Votel nated tlsat the ktter was never returned by the post office.
Mr. Strathman reeommended approvat of the assessment.
594 Ch rb �rn
Mr• Suathman recommended this matter be laid over to May 6, 1996.
2. Resolu6on ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at
587 Strvker Avenue. If the owner faiis to comply with the reso3ution, Public Health is
ordered to remove the building.
John McGovem and 7ohn 5adawsld appeared. Mr. McGovern stated that they have a purchase
agreement from HUp to close on the properly in early May. A bond has been posted, permits
have been pulled, and they have inM��r�, yVeather permitting, they plan to complete the
rehah work within 3 months.
Mr. Votel noted that the vacant building fee is paid by FiI3U at ciosing.
Mr. Strathman reported that he received communication from HUD indicating that they are
selling the property to Mr. McGodvern. A letter was received from WESCO stating that they
haven't yet reviewed the latest proposai. He recommended approval and amended the date for
repair or removal of the structure to 180 days.
Mr. Votel noted that a certified resolution will be sent to the properry owner at 5944 13th
Avenue So., Mpls. 55417.
3. Resoluuon ordering the owner to remove oz repair the referenced building located at
578 Forest �±*�r If the owner fails to compiy with the resolution, Pubiic Health is
ordered to remove the building.
Chuck Votel reviewed the staff report stating that the building has been condemned since 1996
hy Public Health. The current property owners are Roger and Mary Clark; financiai problems
have prevented them from rehabilitating the property. S�mmary abatement notices have been
issued and the city bas had to secure the building. The building registration fces are u�aid,
and real estate taxes are uvQaid in the aznount of $19,800. Code Enforesment inspectors
estimate the amoum of money needed to properly repair this strueture makes this rehabilitation
project unlikely and not economically feasible. The esrimated cost to demolish is $5,900.
rto one appeared.
Mr. S�athamn recommended approvai.
4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at
1383 Arcade Street. ff the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Pubfic Heaith is
ordered w remove the building.
Chuck Votcl reported that the building k�as been vacant since January 1995. The current
property owner is Vatvoline Ofl Company. The owner has been involved in �gotiations wit6
potentiai buyers of the property. There iiave been 4 snmmary abatement notices issved,
registration fees are paid, and talces are paid. As of April 15, 199'7 a Certificate of Occupancy
has not been applied for and the $2,000.00 bond has noi been posted. They are unable to
estimate a cost to repair this bnildiag since it is commercial use. Cost to demotish is
approximately $iQ,00Q.
Bemard Mordorski appeared and stated that he has been negotiating with Va(voline for the Iast
year w purchase the properry. They had several banks Iined up that were willing to finance the
properry and they could have been in there last August or September if they could have gotten
the approval from the city's end. They also worked with the Eastside Neighborhood
Developemeni. In May of last year, Kim Humer supposedly gave appmval for a$SO,OOO loan
gaarantee. At that time, they were with Signai Bantc and ready to close. All they were
waiting for was their conditionat use permit, which was filed for and obtained in 7uty. When
they came to close after the fust of Ju�, they found that Kim Hunter no longer worked for t6e
Eastside Neighborhood Development and they had to start the process all over again. He
presented a copy of the offer to purchase, a letter from Rapid Oil Change extending the'u
purchase agreement ea�tendiag through April 30, and a copy of a letter from Lake Elmo Bank
affirming the loan. They are planning to close on the the building Apri13Q. ff the ciry
demolishes the building, he witl be out the $8,000 he's invested because he is not going to buy
an empry lot.
Mr. Strat6man asked how long it would take tv get the building into shape? Mr. Mordorski
responded ihat he plans to be in the bniiding and operating within a wcek to 10 days after
closing on the property. His plans for the buildiag are quite extensive as far as the appearance
of the bnilding.
A representative from the Wheelocic/Sherwood/Cottage BIock Club submitted a copy of a Ietter
addressed to Counciimember Bostrom from the block club and petitions signed by residents
over the past 2 years for numerous people that had wanted to acquire the property and rehab it.
Last spring ihey met with Mr. Mordorski and he was sapposedly going to acquire the property
rehabilitate it, and move in within a short period of time. The property has deteriorated, the
waiks weren't shoveled, the lawn hasn't been mowed, plumbutg fixtures werz laying out in the
parking lot for a number of montbs, the fence was vandalized and laying in the altey behind the
properry for several months. Now they have a possible fiealth hazard with the toilets being
removed, and open waste pipes ieading into the ground. Nothing has been done because
� � - �-�s�
� Vavoline hasn't taken care of the property. At this poi�, they are looking at letting the
demolition go through, they feel that would be in the best interest.
Jeff Anderson, adjacent Uusiness �ighbor, sYated that the building has gotten worse over the
last couple of years. He operates a mortuary and just having that eyesore is something that
constantlY bothers them. Restroom doors, fence, the building �eds a lot of work if anything
is going to be do� to it. They contacted the real estate people a couple of times expressing
interest in purchasing the property for a pazking lot.
Mr. Strathman stated that at this poi�, tho probiem appears to be with Valvoline who is the
current owner and hasn't met their resgonsibilities as a property owner. Given the fact that
there is a perspective owner who cieariy seems to have the financing to do the work that needs
to be done, he recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the
struct�re to 60 days.
5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at
7 k Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Heaith is
ordered to remove the building.
Chuck Votel reviewed the staff report stating that the property was condemned on April 1996.
The current properry owner Victor Schieiss consents to the City demolishing the siructure
because they don't think it's economically feasible w rehabilitate it. The registrarion fees are
paid, on August 6, 1996 the compiiance inspection was done. The code enforcement inspector
didn't estimate the amoum of money needed to repair the building because they don't think it's
likely nor feasible. The cost to demolish is estimated at $8,400.
John Miller, attomey for Knutson Mortgage Company, stated that they hold the mortgage on
the property and it is their position thai the building is not capable of being rehabilitated. The
mortgage is current and have not commes�ed foreclosure proceedings. They wouid like the
opportunity to have 45 days in order to attempt to make arrangement with Mr. Sclileiss to get a
deed in lieu of forecIosure which would preserve Knutson's ability to then tender the ptoperty
back w HUD.
Mr. Votel stated that they did have to issue notiee in March to secure a front entry door, but it
is not a building that creates a lot of probiems.
Mr. Strathman recommended approval and amended the date for repair or temoval of the
struchue to 45 days.
6• Summary abatement appeai for 1359 Bia�r Av n�P; Quoc Nguyes & Winston Nguyen,
No one appeared; appeal was denied.
7. Si�mntary abatement appeal for 1253 West Como Bivd.; John M. Sweeney, appellant. )
Mr. Yooel nooed that this appeai t�as been withdrawn.
No one appeared; appeal denied.
����. .�. �� � .�. . � :c: ._..� �; �• •. �. „ ...� .�
Maynard Vinge reported this matter was withdrawn;
No one appeared; appeal denied.
Meeting adjourne@ at 11:45 a.m.
�� � a 3 � °� � ,59
Council Fi1e #���
Green Sheet # J`o G...Q 1
Committee: Date
� m���,��, —
' ' �' ' l ` �
,-� . }
-- . . . _ . . . . ��
WHEREAS, Pubiic Health has requested the Ciry Council to hold pubiic hearings to consider
the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking and removal of a two-story, wood
frame dwelling located on property hereinafter refened to as the "Subject Properiy" and commonly
known as 557 Jenks Avenue. This properry is legally described as follows, to wit:
The West 47.65 feet of Lot i, Block 9, Fairview Addiaon to the City of St. Paul
WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and
information obtained by Public Health on or before February 20, 1997, the following are the now
known interested or responsible parties for the Subject Property: Victor P. Schleiss, 339 2nd Street
NE, Mpls., MN 55413; Mirna & Mlguel Macias, ?1 Front Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55117; Pedro
& Maria Gamez, 71 Front Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55117; Knutson Mortgage Co., 3001 Metro
Drive Ste. 400, Bloomington, MN 55425, I,oan# 0903942lSchleiss
WHEREAS, Pubiic Health has served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the
Saint Paul L,egislative Code an order identified as an "Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated
February 18, 1997; and
WHEREAS, this order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the
structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and
WHEREAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or
the structure located on the Subject Property by March 20, 1997; and
�IIEREAS, the enforcement of�cer has posted a placard on the Subject Property declarfng
ling{s) to constitute a nuisance condirion; subject to demolition; and
, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Public Health requested that
dule public hearings before the Legislarive Hearing Officer of the City Council
'�i�y Council; and
te interested and responsible parties have been served ttotice in accordance
Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the time, date, place and
heazings; and
WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the Saint Paul City
Council on Tuesday, April 15, 1997 to hear testimony and evidence, and after receiving testimony
and evidence, made the recommendation to approve the request to order the interested or responsffile
parties to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safery and
welfaze and remove its blighting influence on the communiry by rehabilitating this structure in
accordance with all appiicable codes. and ord'u�ances, or in the alternarive by demolishing and
removing the sixucture in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or
demolition of the structvre to be completed within after the date of the Council
Hearing; and -�d-� � � Cys )
WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, Aprii 23,
1997 and the testimony and evidence including the acrion taken by the Legisiative Hearing Officer
was considered by the Council; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the testimony and evidence presented at the above
referenced public hearings, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and
Order concerning the Subject Property at 557 Jenks Avenue:
That the Subject Property comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Paul
I.egislative Code, Chapter 45.
That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed
three thousand dollars ($3,QOO.OQ).
That there now exists and has existed mulriple Housing or Building code violations at
the Subject Property.
4. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible
parties to correct the de�ciencies or to demolish and remove the building(s).
That the deficiencies causing ttus nuisance condition have not been corrected.
That Public Heaith has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to
be a nuisance condition subject to demolition.
That this building has been routinely monitored by the VacantlNuisance Buildings
Code Enforcement Program.
8. Tl�at the known inierested parties and owners are as previously stated in this
resolution and that the notificaUon requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulfilled.
The Saint Paui City Council hereby makes the following order:
°i� �-\S �
The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Subject Property safe
and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its biighting
influence on the community by rel�abilitating this structure and conecting all deficiencies as
prescribed in the above referenced Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) in accordance with
all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the
struciure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or
demolition and removal of the structure must be completed withiu'_"�°°� ;'_`; days after the
date of the Council Hearing. � � c- C.'�S)
2. If the above conective acrion is not completed within this period of rime the Public Health
Code Enforcement Program is hereby authorized to take whatever steps aze necessary to
demolish and remove this structure, fIIl the site and chazge the costs incurred against the
Subject Property pursuantto the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code.
3. In the event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all
personal property or fixtures of any kind which interfere with the demolition and removal
shall be removed from the property by the responsible parties by the end of this time period.
If all personal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the City
of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property as provided by law.
4. It is further ordered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and interested
parties in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Izgislative Code.
Requested by Department of:
Adogtion Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor:
By: �{� '__ -
Form Apgrove by City to ey
�ggroved by Mayor f r Submission to
�� Council `
Adopted by Council: Date Q �_3 \�qrj
p,�v��� Health 3f28/9'7 GREEN SHEE N_ 36204
.,.,���e�,.., e e��..� � ��,� � - ���
23, 1997
cm nrroEar�v
�cm�c�arc _
0 _
City Council to pass this resolution which will order the owner(s) to remove or repair the
referenced building(s). If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health
is ordered to remove the building. The subject property is located at 557 Jenks Avenue.
1. Has this persanffum ever worlced under a conVac[ for this department? -
2. Has thls personfirm ever been a ciiy employee?
3. Does lhis person/Firm possess a skili not normalty possessed by any curtent ciry employee?
Expfain ell yes answon on saparate sheet and atlach to green sl�eet
�van.v.ni+w.em.u;ev�. �.c.n�;n.u�l.nn..qnue..uvu...�e�e...n .
This building s)' is a nuisance ui ingis) as defined in Chapter 45 and a vacant buil ing
as defined in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interested
parties and responsible parties known to the Enforcement Officer were given an order to
repair or remove the building at 557 Jenks Avenue by March 20, 1997, and have failed to
comply with those orders.
The City will eliminate a nuisance.
APR � 7 199�
, , � - � >
The City will spend funds to wreck and remove this building(s}. These costs will be
assessed to the property, collected as a special assessment against the property taxes.
��:�;.<^� E.�� , < Y
' zsi.3" iw eev..j�,.S�:.!)� k�::_,�F�t
�"i�{L � �Yi l��l
A nuisance condition wi11 remain unabated in the City. Triis building(s) will continue to
blight the community.
Nuisance Housing Abatement 33261
Nea! Holmn, MD., MP.X.. Direclar
� 3
Norm Coleman, Mayo� ENFORCEMENT
SSS Cedar Sbeet
Sain1 Pau� MN SSI01-2260
Mazch 28, 1997 �
Council President and
Members of the City Councii
5aint Paul Public Aealth, VacantlNuisance Buiidings Enforcement Unit has requested the
City Council schedule public hearings to consider a resolution ordering the repair or
removal� of the nuisance building(s) located at:
557 Jenks Avenue
The City Council has schednled the date of these heazings as follows:
Legislative Hearing - Tuesday, April 15, 1997
City Council Hearing - Wednesday, April 23, 1997
The owners and responsible parties of record are:
Name and Last Known Address
Victor P. Schleiss
339 2nd Street NE
Mpls., MN 55413
Mirna & Miguel Macias
71 Front Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55117
Pedro & Maria Ganiez
71 Front Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55117
Knatson Mortgage Co.
3001 Metro Drive Ste. 400
Bloomington, MN 55425
Loan# 09039421Schleiss
Interest �. �;��; e,� ��,�.
_ �_ .. ;,�<�� ;�: t
_ ,..� �• e� I���
Fee Owner �, :; ; ;�
-- __._�..._. _ .
Contract for Deed Holder Y " "
Contract for Deed Holder
557 Jenks Avenue
Mazch 28, 1997
Page 2
The legal description of this property is:
The West 47.65 feet of Lot 1, Block 9, Fairview Addirion to the City of St.
Paul, Minnesota.
Saint Paul Public Health has declazed this building(s) to constitute a"nuisance" as defined
by Legisiative Code, Chapter 45. Public Health has issued an order to the then known
responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by conecting the deficiencies or by
razing and removing this building(s).
Inasmuch as this Order to Abate has not been complied with the nuisance condition zemains
unabated, the community continues to suffer the blighting influence of this property. It is
the recommendation of Public Health that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the
responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and remove this building in a timely
manner, and failing that, authorize Public Health to proceed to demolition and removal, and
to assess the costs incurred against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in
the same manner as ta�ces.
. r' �
R eta Weiss
Program Supervisor
VacantlNuisance Building Unit
Saint Paui Public Heaith
cc: Jan Gasterland, Building Inspection and Design
Stephen Christie, City Attorneys O�ce
Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council
Steve Zaccazd, Fire Mazshall
Dan Pahl, PED-Housing Division
Date: April 15, 1997
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Room 330 Ciry Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Gerry StratUn�an
Legislative Hearing Officer
1. Resolution zatifying assessment of benefits, costs and elcpenses for summary abatemenu for the
797045A—Property ciean-up, snow removal, or sanding from August 1996 to January 1997
J9722B—Boardings-up of vacant buildings for September 1996
79732B—Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for October 1996
J9702TDBC--Property clean up from mid-Septembers to mid-0ctober 1996
J9701C—Demolitions of vacant buildings from August to December 1996
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of We assessments with tt�e following
b94 Sherburne (J9722B) laid over to May 6, 1997
403 Eichenwaid Sueet (J97045A) reduce assessment to $340
10'78 Euclid Street (J97045A) reduce assessment to $440
703 St. Anthony (J97045A) assessment to be paid over 10 yeazs
2. Resolution Ratifying Assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatement for ffie
following: (Laid over by Council on April 9)
J9701TDBC2--Property ciean-up from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996 .
79702BB--Boazdings-up of vacant buildings for Aug 1996
79701BB--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for July 1996
J9704AA—Properry clean-up, snow removal andlor sanding walks from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval of the assessments with the following
32$ N. Leungton (J9701B) laid over to May b, 1997
1132 Central (79701BB) laid over to May 6, 1997
616 Idaho (9704AA) laid over to May 6, 1997
1086 E. Jessamine (J9702BB) laid over to May 6, 1997
1110 Forest Street (79704A) laid over to May 6, 1997
Legislative Hearing
April 15, 1997
Page 2
�1 j
2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair ffie referenced building, located at 587 Str_vker
ve e. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended the owner be given 180 days to complete the repairs
to the building.
3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced buiiding located at 578 Forest
. pt If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval.
4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 1383 Arcade
Street. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approvai and amended the date for repair or removal
of the structure to 60 days.
5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at 55 7 Jenks
v e. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal
of We struchuce to 4S days.
6. Summary abatement appeal for 1359 Blair Avenue; Quoc Nguyes & Winston Nguyen, appeliants.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied.
7. Summary abatement appeai for 1253 West Como Blvd.; Iohn M. Sweeney, appellant.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied; matter was withdrawn.
8. Suuunary abatement appeai for 1948 Fourth Street E; Irving Rosenblum, appellant.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommended appeal be denied; matter was withdrawn.
April 15, 1997
Room 330 c��y xau
Gerty Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Maynard Vinge, Public health; Cathy Ries, Ro�canna Flink,
Real Estate.
Gerry Strathman, I.egislative Hearing Officer, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.
1. Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements
for the following:
I97045A—Property clean up, snow removal, or sanding &om Aug to 1996 to 3an 1997
39722B—Boardings-up of vacarn buildings for September 1996
J9732B--Boardings-up of vacant buildings for October 1996
J9702TDBC—Properry clean-up from mid-Septembers to mid-October 1996
J9703C—Demolitions of vacant buildings from August to December 1996
Properry clean-up from mid-June to mid-Sept 1996
J9702BB—$oardings-up of vacant buildings for Aug 1996
39701BB—Boardings-up of vacant buildings for July 1996
J9704AA—Property clean-up, snow removal and/or sanding walks from Aug 1996 to Jan 1997
1359 Blair Avenue
Hazoid Robinson, Public FIealth, reported that the property has a history of police calls along
with mimerous ca11s from neighbors and community groups. A code inspection was cotnpleted
but no bond was posted or pernuts pulled, people have been in the property late at night doing
work that is unproper. The building inspection report notes that work tUat has been done up to
now has been substandard.
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
1083 Beech ee
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
1132 Centrai Av n� W
Mr. Strathman recommended laying Uus atatter over to May 6, 1997.
567 Charles Av nne
No one appeared; recommended agproving the assessment.
383 Ciinton Avenne
No one appeared; recommended appmving the assessment.
1470 ConcorcLia Av�nne
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
1(!6_ 7 D�yton Aveaue
No o� appeared; recommendea approving the assessment.
850 Edmuad Avenue
No o� appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
673 C-�ntral Avenne West
No one appeared; recomme�ed appmving tt►e assessment.
403 Eichenwald
Iohn Sioltenburg, pmperry owner, appeared and stated that when he received the notice, he
notified the health inspector that the people living in the house had been evicted. Before the
appeal period exp'ued, he agaia notified the inspector that the tenants were still in the house.
The inspector issued condemnafion proceedings and the tenants were to be oui by August 1.
On August 3 ihey were sii11 in the house. He cleaned up the garbage that was outside, hauied
9 tires away, and put the other tires in the basement stairwell. The remaining property
belonged to the tenants and by law he could not touch it. On the morning of August 11 before
he went ott vacation, he went over to the pmperty and the tenants were still there. When he
got back from vacation a week later, the city crews had done the ciean up.
Chuck Votel, Public Heatth, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report.
The city condemned tfie iower unit of the building for building and housing code viola6ons. A
summary abatement was issued, posted at the property, and mailed to Mr. Staltenburg on )uly
25. When the properry was rechecked on August 2, ihe work had not been done. It was
further rechecked on August 12, the work order was sent to the Pazks Departmeat and on
August 14 the city cleaned it up. The groperty has a long history of simitar problems.
Mr. Strathman asked the appellant to explain his reason for not cleaning up the material d�at
was cleane@ up by the city. Mr. Stoltenburg responded that he pieked up the garbage on the
back porch and pui it in the trash cans by the atley. He was totd by the tenants not to touch the
sofas oa the porch becavse it was their pmperry and they were taking ihem. By law he could
not touch them.
Mr. �attiman stated that the sofas on the front porch probabiy could not have been removed
since the tenants cIaimed it was t6eir property, buc the rest of the clean up could have been
taken care of. He recommended reducing the assessment to $340.
aa . ra Str
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
101d Et+�did Ctreet
No one appeared; recommended apgroving the assessment.
l r ►aclid Streer_
Evelyn Kiismith, property owner, appeared and stated that she and her son had been collecting
refrigerators from agpliance companies. They would check the appliances over and then give
them to poor geople. Qne time they did take too many refrigerators. Ttiey came in late in the
day, the back yard was full, and the next day the inspector was out.
Mr- Kiismith asked if the assessment could be cut in haif. He stated that he had made a
mistake and it would not happen again.
Chuck Votel, Public Health, reported that prior to last October, they never had a complaint on
the properry, but there was an excessive amount of appliances which is not allowed in a
residential azea. The inspectar talked to ihe property owner a couple of times and extensions
were given, but in the end, the city was compelled to remove the nuisance.
Mr. Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $440.
� 1945 4th tr t
Chuck Votel, Public Health, showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report.
Mr. Votel reparted that a complaint was received on the property for snow and ice on the
sidewalks. The notice was mailed December 20, the recheck date was December 22, it was
rechecked again on the 27, the work order was sem to the Pazks Department and ihe work was
done on Januazy 2. There apparentiy was inadequate work or no work done all year and in
1996 there were six notices issued on the properry for different nuisance violations.
Irvin Rosenblum, property owner, appeared and stated that the same day the letter was sent, he
aLso rezeived a phone call. He had been there that morning and shoveled the walk wide
cnough for two people to wa3k side-by-side. The property is not occupied, he was aware that
there was snow there, and he did go and shovel the walk the day he received the call. He
shoveled at least 3 times during that pexiod but the wind was very bad and within hours it
could have been covered.
Mr. Strathman noted that the video showed that the sidewatks on both sides of the groperty in
question had been shoveled and recommended approval of the assessment.
1110 Rorect Ct+�
A videa was shown of the properry.
Tou Sao Vue and Kambau Ku Vue, proper owners appeared. Tou Sao Vue stated that right
before they purchased the property on September 16, l996, they went through the 4 vnits, the �
basement, and the gazage and the previous owner promised she would clean up the properry.
He presented a letter from the previous owner stating this.
Mr. Suathman asked the property owner if he had received notice from the city for the ciean
up? Mr, Vue responded that they had not. He explained 8iat they had to clean and repair the
building in order to move in, so they moved everything outside that the previous owner was to
hau2 away. She never came back and they were not altowed to thmw it away.
Mr. Votel reported that the �tice was mailed to a Bob VanLee, 1110 Forest,and it was also
posted on site at the building.
Kambau Ku Vue explained tLat on November 17, she came itome from work and saw the city
crew cleaning up. She asked them who gave them permission because she owned tfie property.
He showed her the order and toid her that if that was not her name on the order, not too worry
but from now on she would have to take care of the property.
Mr. Strathman stated that it is the property owners responsibility to change the registration
records when the property is purchased, The proper notification was given, the buildin$ was
posted, and the work was done by the city.
Mr. Strat6man recommended Iaying this matter over to May 6, 1997.
I528 Gr�nd Avenue
Pat SutIivan, property owner, appeared and stated that he had talked to Carrolyn Shepard and
was given until Oct 23 to do the work. The city didn'2 do any boarding; screws were put in
the doors so they couldn't be opened.
Mr. Votel stated Yhat Mr. Sultivan is referring to a different order. IIe presented copies of
notices starting from last August which were sent to the property owaer. The problem is the
building gets secured but then it gets broken into. They had requests from the Potice Team
officers in that azea to get the buildiag secured because they were haviag prob2ems with it.
Mr. Strathman stated that the order in qaestion was mailed on October 3 to comply by October
9. The records indicate that Mr. Sullivan was notified, nothing was done to secure the
building, and the city crews went out on October 24 and did secure it. Proper procedure was
followed and he recomme�ed appmva2 of the assessment..
616 Id ho Aven
Mr. Strathman recommended taying this matter over to May 6, 1997.
76 T�
� Chuck Votel showed a video of the properry.
17e�ette Richards, properry owner, appeared and stated that they ffiver received any notice and
were aot awate of the antenna.
Mr. Votel reported that the notice was sent to 102 Bruno, Minnesota, i5712. The first notice
dated August 9 was to temove garbage, rubbish, cut the grass and weeds, remove the antenna
that had fallen, and remove a dilapidated fence in the rear yard. That order come back
undeliverable, na farwarding address on file.
Ms. Richards explai�d that the house belonged to her mother-in-law who died November 15,
1996. They bought the house from her 2 years and just finished paying off the back taxes. For
some reason, they could never get the property recorded in their name. The address in Bruno,
Minnesota was her mother-in-law's old address from 3 years ago.
Mr. Strathman stated that the tax records that aze used to send out notification had not been
updated and therefore the notice went to an address that no longer existed. The proper legal
procedures were followed in giving notification and the work was done. He recommended
approving the assessment.
� j04 rnen .�
No o� appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
328 Lexineton Parkwav North
Mr. Strathman recommended laying this matter over to May 6, 1997.
44 Ma ! d Av n
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
1044 Minnehaha Avenu W
230 one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
19112 Min h a Av nue West
Chuck Votel showed a video of ihe property and reviewed the staff report.
Don Kelly, represerniug the owner of the property, appeared and asked where the notice was
sent. Mr. Votel responded that it was sent to the Navy Department of the U.S. of America,
1902 W. Minne2�aha, the recorded owner with Ramsey County Properry Taxation records.
Mr. Kelly stated that ihe Navy Department no longer owned the building and that they never
received proper �tice. He explained that they began purchasing the praperty in eazIy summer
of 1996 and in late August, the seller transfeaed the title. He called the assessor for a copy of
tt� notice a� found out that it was sent to the Navy a� not to JLT Group wLich is the �
recorded owner.
Mr. Yotel r6ported that afrer this order was issued, on January 8 another order was issued to
remove snow and ice &om the sidewatk and at the time tt� inspector �ted that JLT Gmup was
an owner and a notice was se� to 7134 Vandatlia. Property awners in the city are expected to
lmow that they have to kcep their sidewallcs clear. The city did receive a number of
complaints on this.
Mr. Strathman stated on November 26 ttte orders were sern to the property ow�r on record
and the work was done by the city on December 4, 1996. He recammended appmvat of the
703 St. AL*rthony A�
Chuck Vote showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. He stated tbat on
7anuary 24, 1995 a�tice was issued to the property owner ta remave a ditapidated garage and
dispose af contents inside the garage or it wouid be removed by the city. The garage was in a
severe state of deterioration. Prior coaection notice bad been issued on June 7, I995 and Ju[y
il, 1995. A citation was issued, on August, 1995, which lead to a guilty plea and ihe
properry owner agreed to have repairs done to the garage by June 1, 1996. Work orders were
sent to the Pazks Department and the work was do� on October 1, 1996.
Byron Poole, properry owner, appeared and stated that he had received notice aboui the garage
but at that time he was financia]Iy unable to have it tom down and hauIed away.
Mr. Strathman stated the garage was tom down by the ciry and the assessment is $2,297. He
recommended approving the assessment to be paid over 10 years,
�5-�7 Thomac Avenue
No one appeared; recommended approving the assessment.
2(!9 Thomaa AvenL+�
Chuck Votel showed a video of the property and reviewed the staff report. He stated t6at
orders were issued on August 12, 1996, to remove discarded fiuniture, mamesses, and
household articles from the yazd area. Orders were left with the first floor tenant on August 9,
1996, and a phone message was left for Ronald Twardows� on August 19 that crews would
remove the nuisance on August 21, 1996.
Terri Twardowski, property owner, appeared a� sfated that she never received a notice or a
telepho� message. T6ey wouid have taken care of it if they had known.
Mr. Votel reported tUat the notice was sent to Ronald and Theresa Twazdowski at 360
Ski}lman Avemie E., Maplewood, 55117. The number the inspector called was 7741299.
� �-yS3
� Ms. Twardowski stated that they moved from that address; they purchased a home Apri130, at
� 930 Lydia, Roseville.
Mr. Votel nated tlsat the ktter was never returned by the post office.
Mr. Strathman reeommended approvat of the assessment.
594 Ch rb �rn
Mr• Suathman recommended this matter be laid over to May 6, 1996.
2. Resolu6on ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at
587 Strvker Avenue. If the owner faiis to comply with the reso3ution, Public Health is
ordered to remove the building.
John McGovem and 7ohn 5adawsld appeared. Mr. McGovern stated that they have a purchase
agreement from HUp to close on the properly in early May. A bond has been posted, permits
have been pulled, and they have inM��r�, yVeather permitting, they plan to complete the
rehah work within 3 months.
Mr. Votel noted that the vacant building fee is paid by FiI3U at ciosing.
Mr. Strathman reported that he received communication from HUD indicating that they are
selling the property to Mr. McGodvern. A letter was received from WESCO stating that they
haven't yet reviewed the latest proposai. He recommended approval and amended the date for
repair or removal of the structure to 180 days.
Mr. Votel noted that a certified resolution will be sent to the properry owner at 5944 13th
Avenue So., Mpls. 55417.
3. Resoluuon ordering the owner to remove oz repair the referenced building located at
578 Forest �±*�r If the owner fails to compiy with the resolution, Pubiic Health is
ordered to remove the building.
Chuck Votel reviewed the staff report stating that the building has been condemned since 1996
hy Public Health. The current property owners are Roger and Mary Clark; financiai problems
have prevented them from rehabilitating the property. S�mmary abatement notices have been
issued and the city bas had to secure the building. The building registration fces are u�aid,
and real estate taxes are uvQaid in the aznount of $19,800. Code Enforesment inspectors
estimate the amoum of money needed to properly repair this strueture makes this rehabilitation
project unlikely and not economically feasible. The esrimated cost to demolish is $5,900.
rto one appeared.
Mr. S�athamn recommended approvai.
4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at
1383 Arcade Street. ff the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Pubfic Heaith is
ordered w remove the building.
Chuck Votcl reported that the building k�as been vacant since January 1995. The current
property owner is Vatvoline Ofl Company. The owner has been involved in �gotiations wit6
potentiai buyers of the property. There iiave been 4 snmmary abatement notices issved,
registration fees are paid, and talces are paid. As of April 15, 199'7 a Certificate of Occupancy
has not been applied for and the $2,000.00 bond has noi been posted. They are unable to
estimate a cost to repair this bnildiag since it is commercial use. Cost to demotish is
approximately $iQ,00Q.
Bemard Mordorski appeared and stated that he has been negotiating with Va(voline for the Iast
year w purchase the properry. They had several banks Iined up that were willing to finance the
properry and they could have been in there last August or September if they could have gotten
the approval from the city's end. They also worked with the Eastside Neighborhood
Developemeni. In May of last year, Kim Humer supposedly gave appmval for a$SO,OOO loan
gaarantee. At that time, they were with Signai Bantc and ready to close. All they were
waiting for was their conditionat use permit, which was filed for and obtained in 7uty. When
they came to close after the fust of Ju�, they found that Kim Hunter no longer worked for t6e
Eastside Neighborhood Development and they had to start the process all over again. He
presented a copy of the offer to purchase, a letter from Rapid Oil Change extending the'u
purchase agreement ea�tendiag through April 30, and a copy of a letter from Lake Elmo Bank
affirming the loan. They are planning to close on the the building Apri13Q. ff the ciry
demolishes the building, he witl be out the $8,000 he's invested because he is not going to buy
an empry lot.
Mr. Strat6man asked how long it would take tv get the building into shape? Mr. Mordorski
responded ihat he plans to be in the bniiding and operating within a wcek to 10 days after
closing on the property. His plans for the buildiag are quite extensive as far as the appearance
of the bnilding.
A representative from the Wheelocic/Sherwood/Cottage BIock Club submitted a copy of a Ietter
addressed to Counciimember Bostrom from the block club and petitions signed by residents
over the past 2 years for numerous people that had wanted to acquire the property and rehab it.
Last spring ihey met with Mr. Mordorski and he was sapposedly going to acquire the property
rehabilitate it, and move in within a short period of time. The property has deteriorated, the
waiks weren't shoveled, the lawn hasn't been mowed, plumbutg fixtures werz laying out in the
parking lot for a number of montbs, the fence was vandalized and laying in the altey behind the
properry for several months. Now they have a possible fiealth hazard with the toilets being
removed, and open waste pipes ieading into the ground. Nothing has been done because
� � - �-�s�
� Vavoline hasn't taken care of the property. At this poi�, they are looking at letting the
demolition go through, they feel that would be in the best interest.
Jeff Anderson, adjacent Uusiness �ighbor, sYated that the building has gotten worse over the
last couple of years. He operates a mortuary and just having that eyesore is something that
constantlY bothers them. Restroom doors, fence, the building �eds a lot of work if anything
is going to be do� to it. They contacted the real estate people a couple of times expressing
interest in purchasing the property for a pazking lot.
Mr. Strathman stated that at this poi�, tho probiem appears to be with Valvoline who is the
current owner and hasn't met their resgonsibilities as a property owner. Given the fact that
there is a perspective owner who cieariy seems to have the financing to do the work that needs
to be done, he recommended approval and amended the date for repair or removal of the
struct�re to 60 days.
5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building located at
7 k Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Heaith is
ordered to remove the building.
Chuck Votel reviewed the staff report stating that the property was condemned on April 1996.
The current properry owner Victor Schieiss consents to the City demolishing the siructure
because they don't think it's economically feasible w rehabilitate it. The registrarion fees are
paid, on August 6, 1996 the compiiance inspection was done. The code enforcement inspector
didn't estimate the amoum of money needed to repair the building because they don't think it's
likely nor feasible. The cost to demolish is estimated at $8,400.
John Miller, attomey for Knutson Mortgage Company, stated that they hold the mortgage on
the property and it is their position thai the building is not capable of being rehabilitated. The
mortgage is current and have not commes�ed foreclosure proceedings. They wouid like the
opportunity to have 45 days in order to attempt to make arrangement with Mr. Sclileiss to get a
deed in lieu of forecIosure which would preserve Knutson's ability to then tender the ptoperty
back w HUD.
Mr. Votel stated that they did have to issue notiee in March to secure a front entry door, but it
is not a building that creates a lot of probiems.
Mr. Strathman recommended approval and amended the date for repair or temoval of the
struchue to 45 days.
6• Summary abatement appeai for 1359 Bia�r Av n�P; Quoc Nguyes & Winston Nguyen,
No one appeared; appeal was denied.
7. Si�mntary abatement appeal for 1253 West Como Bivd.; John M. Sweeney, appellant. )
Mr. Yooel nooed that this appeai t�as been withdrawn.
No one appeared; appeal denied.
����. .�. �� � .�. . � :c: ._..� �; �• •. �. „ ...� .�
Maynard Vinge reported this matter was withdrawn;
No one appeared; appeal denied.
Meeting adjourne@ at 11:45 a.m.