97-45, � F�, ; -. ; , RESOLUTtON OF SAINT PAUL, M Presented By Referred To Council File # ���� Green Sheet # 31997 � Committee: Date a?; i 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 17 12 13 74 15 16 17 18 tis zo 2, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, the Department of Pubifc Works has authorized Ciry Forces to construc[ the s[reet signalizanon at Rice and Nebraska, antl WHEREAS, this work was origmally adopted 6y City Councd Resolu6on 95-1477, known as �og #SU-06783 antl Mere has been atltlitional work addetl to this prqect due [o the Sports Dome construction in ihis area, antl WHEREAS. this atltlNionaf work wiil be fundetl by Special Bontl issue and cosi sharinq by the Scboof Disttic[, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of ihe Ciry of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of t»e Mayo� and advice of the Long Range CapHal Improvement 8udget Commrttee, that Ne Capital Improvement eudget, as heretotore atloptetl antl amended � by this Gouncil is hereby further amendetl in fdlow�ng part�cular. G 23 Current Amendetl Butlget Change BuBget FINANCING PLAN StreetSgnaLZation Rice & Nebraska C96-2F016 MNDOT So,o0o.00 -80,000.00 0.00 MSA 1996 3a,000.00 34,000.00 CONTRIBUTIQNS 37,�00.00 385�0.00 75,5�0.0� SPECIAL BOND ISSUE .,, D.00 49,100.00 49,700.00 751,000.00 7,600.00 758,600.00 SPENDING PLAN � Street Signalization Rice & Nebreska G96-2F078 CQNST. PLAN 27,WOA� 6,445.48 33,446.48 CONSTRUCTION t24,00000 t,t53.52 125,15352 151,000.00 7,600A0 158,6�0,00 Budget Directot > O � �� O w F p � � U n�' tT � � M � � N m �0 �� E o � � p V � � � � � � � N ;� N ,, � � f W U N s G U, nj b � r w � � � 'q Requested by epartment of: MJEl�t�t(�,{ Public Works 11-8-96 /�'l�1f _ By: Adopted by Council: Date a.'a, � Form Appro�d by City Attorney 7 Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary B , ' B $''��'�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date �'� <� l� _�(�%�°> B : `� 1L BY _�-------- ,a,NCi�- HONE-�` " PAGES DATE iNtt1ATED " ' �vs�96 .; �GREEN SHEE� �. ASSiGN,.. EPARiMENYDiPECTOR ,� . . . .NUMBFA PoR Q CtiTY ATfORNEY �AOUi1NCa . � Q BUOGET OFFlGE , . - 09DFR � � MAYORIOR ASSISTAKn � . � (CLIPALL�IOGATIONSWRS1GNAiUR� . ❑2 � PProI � .. a � � No.31997 �n�m5i'rnaTC— Approva7 of attached Council Resolution increasing the 1996 Rice & Nebraska Street Signalization project PERSONALSERVICE,CANiRACfSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLIOWlNGQUESTIONS: �' 'SioN . �' , Hasihis persoNFrm ever workea unUer a comracefor Mis depamnem? � � C(TYCOUNqL, , qT/CLERK ' � .. - flNANCE-ACCOUfJ11NG - o o��� _� 616 COMMbTREE . ' � YES NO � - � ' ' � ���,: � . ,. � 2. Has ihis persoNFirtn aver been a ciry employes? . , ' , ., , _:.ATSTEiYOCE�t11YS7t � ' � YES °NO - , � " ., , ,3_ D6es this personffirm possess a sldll no[ normally possessed byany curtenE dry emp �eeY `SaRPOR59Y1�iCfCEi%haCiLOe.iEClivE? . . . ' YES ' �: ".NO .. , � , - , �� , � � � � � � ' � Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and aitach ro green sheet ' . �� ` , �9ROBLEM, tSSbE, OPRORTUM7Y (NMOv WHA7, NMEN; WHERE NM`�: � � . � ' . � - . �erral ivork was needed on tias'pioject due Co the.canstruction of the Sports Dome,in the area.^This additional work will be funded . �t�nby, the �Schoo3'�Distribt and proce8ds,from tiie-Special Bond Issne foi the Sports D.ome; '. �°� '�� � - „', �. :. . � � . .., . �������� . , .. v ,.:�. � � , _ . . ,, � {-� r ��} y } - '� ; ' .: , . � . , ,, �,. , ' � : ,_ : � � . �J.7��; � O' 'f�75i ' . �WA�NY'MGESIF�PROVED ' . � m . , , � �..: � - " Suf�caenf budge� WIll be available.m pap for addi6onal work �� �' -���Y �`Q�������-. �.. .; , Y . ,�t, �'��G�fY�D.�. ., ' � �sA1d.�-46� }997 � � � � � � � , . .� ISAO ANTAGES If APPROVFA. - . , . . . " ��Y�- . , . . . .. ` . None)�. . .. . . - .. . . ' � � � . , ' � � . .. . . . . , , . A . - . . . �Q��G� ,�a ��f.&11 �� � � � � � �� r��$��������� , JISADVANTAGES-IF NOT APPROVEDr � � ' ` � ' � `' - ' 'Fhex� will: be insufficient �ud"get io Pay Sor�adc(itional work and to collect zevenne from Schaol Dish a�d Special Bond Issue. �� TOFALAMOUNTOF7AANSACTION$ �60000 C6SLREVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRCLEONE) y�S .NO , ' FUNOINGSOURCE Spec Bond Issue ISD 625 � � acnvirv NuMeea C96-2F018 NNANCIALINFORMAiION:(EXPWN) � � ' _ Addirions - $87,600 - Deducfions - $80,000 (MnDOT financing in onginal budget) � ' � � � � � � , �. , � F�, ; -. ; , RESOLUTtON OF SAINT PAUL, M Presented By Referred To Council File # ���� Green Sheet # 31997 � Committee: Date a?; i 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 17 12 13 74 15 16 17 18 tis zo 2, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, the Department of Pubifc Works has authorized Ciry Forces to construc[ the s[reet signalizanon at Rice and Nebraska, antl WHEREAS, this work was origmally adopted 6y City Councd Resolu6on 95-1477, known as �og #SU-06783 antl Mere has been atltlitional work addetl to this prqect due [o the Sports Dome construction in ihis area, antl WHEREAS. this atltlNionaf work wiil be fundetl by Special Bontl issue and cosi sharinq by the Scboof Disttic[, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of ihe Ciry of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of t»e Mayo� and advice of the Long Range CapHal Improvement 8udget Commrttee, that Ne Capital Improvement eudget, as heretotore atloptetl antl amended � by this Gouncil is hereby further amendetl in fdlow�ng part�cular. G 23 Current Amendetl Butlget Change BuBget FINANCING PLAN StreetSgnaLZation Rice & Nebraska C96-2F016 MNDOT So,o0o.00 -80,000.00 0.00 MSA 1996 3a,000.00 34,000.00 CONTRIBUTIQNS 37,�00.00 385�0.00 75,5�0.0� SPECIAL BOND ISSUE .,, D.00 49,100.00 49,700.00 751,000.00 7,600.00 758,600.00 SPENDING PLAN � Street Signalization Rice & Nebreska G96-2F078 CQNST. PLAN 27,WOA� 6,445.48 33,446.48 CONSTRUCTION t24,00000 t,t53.52 125,15352 151,000.00 7,600A0 158,6�0,00 Budget Directot > O � �� O w F p � � U n�' tT � � M � � N m �0 �� E o � � p V � � � � � � � N ;� N ,, � � f W U N s G U, nj b � r w � � � 'q Requested by epartment of: MJEl�t�t(�,{ Public Works 11-8-96 /�'l�1f _ By: Adopted by Council: Date a.'a, � Form Appro�d by City Attorney 7 Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary B , ' B $''��'�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date �'� <� l� _�(�%�°> B : `� 1L BY _�-------- ,a,NCi�- HONE-�` " PAGES DATE iNtt1ATED " ' �vs�96 .; �GREEN SHEE� �. ASSiGN,.. EPARiMENYDiPECTOR ,� . . . .NUMBFA PoR Q CtiTY ATfORNEY �AOUi1NCa . � Q BUOGET OFFlGE , . - 09DFR � � MAYORIOR ASSISTAKn � . � (CLIPALL�IOGATIONSWRS1GNAiUR� . ❑2 � PProI � .. a � � No.31997 �n�m5i'rnaTC— Approva7 of attached Council Resolution increasing the 1996 Rice & Nebraska Street Signalization project PERSONALSERVICE,CANiRACfSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLIOWlNGQUESTIONS: �' 'SioN . �' , Hasihis persoNFrm ever workea unUer a comracefor Mis depamnem? � � C(TYCOUNqL, , qT/CLERK ' � .. - flNANCE-ACCOUfJ11NG - o o��� _� 616 COMMbTREE . ' � YES NO � - � ' ' � ���,: � . ,. � 2. Has ihis persoNFirtn aver been a ciry employes? . , ' , ., , _:.ATSTEiYOCE�t11YS7t � ' � YES °NO - , � " ., , ,3_ D6es this personffirm possess a sldll no[ normally possessed byany curtenE dry emp �eeY `SaRPOR59Y1�iCfCEi%haCiLOe.iEClivE? . . . ' YES ' �: ".NO .. , � , - , �� , � � � � � � ' � Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and aitach ro green sheet ' . �� ` , �9ROBLEM, tSSbE, OPRORTUM7Y (NMOv WHA7, NMEN; WHERE NM`�: � � . � ' . � - . �erral ivork was needed on tias'pioject due Co the.canstruction of the Sports Dome,in the area.^This additional work will be funded . �t�nby, the �Schoo3'�Distribt and proce8ds,from tiie-Special Bond Issne foi the Sports D.ome; '. �°� '�� � - „', �. :. . � � . .., . �������� . , .. v ,.:�. � � , _ . . ,, � {-� r ��} y } - '� ; ' .: , . � . , ,, �,. , ' � : ,_ : � � . �J.7��; � O' 'f�75i ' . �WA�NY'MGESIF�PROVED ' . � m . , , � �..: � - " Suf�caenf budge� WIll be available.m pap for addi6onal work �� �' -���Y �`Q�������-. �.. .; , Y . ,�t, �'��G�fY�D.�. ., ' � �sA1d.�-46� }997 � � � � � � � , . .� ISAO ANTAGES If APPROVFA. - . , . . . " ��Y�- . , . . . .. ` . None)�. . .. . . - .. . . ' � � � . , ' � � . .. . . . . , , . A . - . . . �Q��G� ,�a ��f.&11 �� � � � � � �� r��$��������� , JISADVANTAGES-IF NOT APPROVEDr � � ' ` � ' � `' - ' 'Fhex� will: be insufficient �ud"get io Pay Sor�adc(itional work and to collect zevenne from Schaol Dish a�d Special Bond Issue. �� TOFALAMOUNTOF7AANSACTION$ �60000 C6SLREVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRCLEONE) y�S .NO , ' FUNOINGSOURCE Spec Bond Issue ISD 625 � � acnvirv NuMeea C96-2F018 NNANCIALINFORMAiION:(EXPWN) � � ' _ Addirions - $87,600 - Deducfions - $80,000 (MnDOT financing in onginal budget) � ' � � � � � � , �. , � F�, ; -. ; , RESOLUTtON OF SAINT PAUL, M Presented By Referred To Council File # ���� Green Sheet # 31997 � Committee: Date a?; i 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 17 12 13 74 15 16 17 18 tis zo 2, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, the Department of Pubifc Works has authorized Ciry Forces to construc[ the s[reet signalizanon at Rice and Nebraska, antl WHEREAS, this work was origmally adopted 6y City Councd Resolu6on 95-1477, known as �og #SU-06783 antl Mere has been atltlitional work addetl to this prqect due [o the Sports Dome construction in ihis area, antl WHEREAS. this atltlNionaf work wiil be fundetl by Special Bontl issue and cosi sharinq by the Scboof Disttic[, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of ihe Ciry of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of t»e Mayo� and advice of the Long Range CapHal Improvement 8udget Commrttee, that Ne Capital Improvement eudget, as heretotore atloptetl antl amended � by this Gouncil is hereby further amendetl in fdlow�ng part�cular. G 23 Current Amendetl Butlget Change BuBget FINANCING PLAN StreetSgnaLZation Rice & Nebraska C96-2F016 MNDOT So,o0o.00 -80,000.00 0.00 MSA 1996 3a,000.00 34,000.00 CONTRIBUTIQNS 37,�00.00 385�0.00 75,5�0.0� SPECIAL BOND ISSUE .,, D.00 49,100.00 49,700.00 751,000.00 7,600.00 758,600.00 SPENDING PLAN � Street Signalization Rice & Nebreska G96-2F078 CQNST. PLAN 27,WOA� 6,445.48 33,446.48 CONSTRUCTION t24,00000 t,t53.52 125,15352 151,000.00 7,600A0 158,6�0,00 Budget Directot > O � �� O w F p � � U n�' tT � � M � � N m �0 �� E o � � p V � � � � � � � N ;� N ,, � � f W U N s G U, nj b � r w � � � 'q Requested by epartment of: MJEl�t�t(�,{ Public Works 11-8-96 /�'l�1f _ By: Adopted by Council: Date a.'a, � Form Appro�d by City Attorney 7 Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary B , ' B $''��'�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date �'� <� l� _�(�%�°> B : `� 1L BY _�-------- ,a,NCi�- HONE-�` " PAGES DATE iNtt1ATED " ' �vs�96 .; �GREEN SHEE� �. ASSiGN,.. EPARiMENYDiPECTOR ,� . . . .NUMBFA PoR Q CtiTY ATfORNEY �AOUi1NCa . � Q BUOGET OFFlGE , . - 09DFR � � MAYORIOR ASSISTAKn � . � (CLIPALL�IOGATIONSWRS1GNAiUR� . ❑2 � PProI � .. a � � No.31997 �n�m5i'rnaTC— Approva7 of attached Council Resolution increasing the 1996 Rice & Nebraska Street Signalization project PERSONALSERVICE,CANiRACfSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLIOWlNGQUESTIONS: �' 'SioN . �' , Hasihis persoNFrm ever workea unUer a comracefor Mis depamnem? � � C(TYCOUNqL, , qT/CLERK ' � .. - flNANCE-ACCOUfJ11NG - o o��� _� 616 COMMbTREE . ' � YES NO � - � ' ' � ���,: � . ,. � 2. Has ihis persoNFirtn aver been a ciry employes? . , ' , ., , _:.ATSTEiYOCE�t11YS7t � ' � YES °NO - , � " ., , ,3_ D6es this personffirm possess a sldll no[ normally possessed byany curtenE dry emp �eeY `SaRPOR59Y1�iCfCEi%haCiLOe.iEClivE? . . . ' YES ' �: ".NO .. , � , - , �� , � � � � � � ' � Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and aitach ro green sheet ' . �� ` , �9ROBLEM, tSSbE, OPRORTUM7Y (NMOv WHA7, NMEN; WHERE NM`�: � � . � ' . � - . �erral ivork was needed on tias'pioject due Co the.canstruction of the Sports Dome,in the area.^This additional work will be funded . �t�nby, the �Schoo3'�Distribt and proce8ds,from tiie-Special Bond Issne foi the Sports D.ome; '. �°� '�� � - „', �. :. . � � . .., . �������� . , .. v ,.:�. � � , _ . . ,, � {-� r ��} y } - '� ; ' .: , . � . , ,, �,. , ' � : ,_ : � � . �J.7��; � O' 'f�75i ' . �WA�NY'MGESIF�PROVED ' . � m . , , � �..: � - " Suf�caenf budge� WIll be available.m pap for addi6onal work �� �' -���Y �`Q�������-. �.. .; , Y . ,�t, �'��G�fY�D.�. ., ' � �sA1d.�-46� }997 � � � � � � � , . .� ISAO ANTAGES If APPROVFA. - . , . . . " ��Y�- . , . . . .. ` . None)�. . .. . . - .. . . ' � � � . , ' � � . .. . . . . , , . A . - . . . �Q��G� ,�a ��f.&11 �� � � � � � �� r��$��������� , JISADVANTAGES-IF NOT APPROVEDr � � ' ` � ' � `' - ' 'Fhex� will: be insufficient �ud"get io Pay Sor�adc(itional work and to collect zevenne from Schaol Dish a�d Special Bond Issue. �� TOFALAMOUNTOF7AANSACTION$ �60000 C6SLREVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRCLEONE) y�S .NO , ' FUNOINGSOURCE Spec Bond Issue ISD 625 � � acnvirv NuMeea C96-2F018 NNANCIALINFORMAiION:(EXPWN) � � ' _ Addirions - $87,600 - Deducfions - $80,000 (MnDOT financing in onginal budget) � ' � � � � � � , �.