97-447Council File # "l� �t�� Green Sheet # - {U�\ p � . - ; �—; � r- s � _ ;, _ � . . . ., . 6 • _ � � a Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date 5/ RESOLVED, that renewal of the Auta Body Repair Gazage license (License ID No. 26998) held by Larry's Auto Body dib/a Larry's Auto Body and located at 933 Aflantic Street in Saint Paul is hereby denied, effective immediately for failure to pay 1996-97 license fees. This Resolution and the action taken above aze based upon the facts contained in the February 6, 199? Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and such arguments as may have been presented to the Councii at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: Adopted by CounCil: Date � � �� � �� Adoption Certified by Council Searetary By: '� '.'y By: RESOLU710N CITY OF SA(NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � , f /� ! ri.� l.l !y� 1 Form Approved by City Attarne BY � �LCLC �� � Gc��-�,.��. V Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Covncil By: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler, 266-9112 1997, Public TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 40318 °`� k��i - iNRIAUDATE - � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CRY COUNCII � C(7YATTORNEY � CITYCIFRK � BUDGET OIRECiDfl O FIN. & Mf�T. SER � MAYOR IOR A551STANn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) Conceming license held by Larry's Auto Body, located at 933 Atlantic Street. (Uncontested) _ PIANNING COMMISSIDN _ ( _ GB CQMMITfEE _ . _ STAFF _ . _ DISTRICTCOURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNqlO&IECTIVE? ISSUE, OISAOVANTnGESIFAPPROVEA� PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: 1. Has this personfirm ever worketl under a contrect for ffifs tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has tnis personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill no[ normally possassed by any cunent city employaa? YE5 NO Explain aIl yes answera on separata 8heet and arieeh to gteen Sheet ryJno, Wnat, When, Whera, Why). ��ti:��? �`^9v+�?m,�r b . ..,:�� � ���� o-�a 4� � � ���� AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST7fiEYENUE BUDOETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Jit80 SOURCE ACTIVITY CIAL INFORA4ATION' (E%PLAIN) ��� ���� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Larry's Auto Body d/b/a Larry's Auto Body Address: 933 Atlantic Street Council Hearing Date: April 23, 1997 Violation: Failure to Pay 1996-97 License Fees Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behaif of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Non-renewal of {icense Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation and fotlow-up letter 3. License information 4. Delinquency Report OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTOANEY Peg B±rlt, Ciry Attorrsey ° � - 1 — `s `��{ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co7eman, Mayor April 8, 1997 crvrtn;�u,� 400 Ciry Hal! IS West%tloggBlvd Saint PauZ M'mnesom SS/Q2 Telephane: bl2 266-87I0 Facsimile: 61219&5619 NOTICS OF COUNCIL HEARING Owner/Manager Larry's Auto Body 933 Atlantic Street Saint Paul, Minnesota SS1Q6 RE: Auto Body Repair Garage license d/bja Larry's Auto Body for the Atlantic Street in St. Paul License ID No. 26998 Our File Number: G97-0107 Dear Sir/Madam: held by Larry's Auto Body premises located at 933 Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 23, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Pau1 City Ha11 and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in thaC the facts contained in the original Notice of Violation concerning tlie failure to pay the 1996-97 license fees have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, `�v��r� �r,.�, Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Smith, Community Organizer Civic Life, 281 Maria Ave., Secretary , Dayton`s Bluff Center for St. Paul, MN 55106 OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTOR2�EY Peg Birk Cip� Attornsy �� ��� d CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL Abrm Coleman, Mapor March ?, 1997 Cn�i1 D'n•ision aon crn� xau JS 8'est l:ellogg Bh�d St+int Paul, hTnnesow SSIOZ NOTIC3 OF VIOLATION OwnerJNanager Larry`s Auto Bocy 933 Atlantic Stree� Sair.t Paul, N,DI 5�1�; 7'eleyhane: 671166-Si10 Facsimik: 612 :98•3619 RE: Auto Body 3e;a'_r Garac=_ Lic2nse held by Larry's Auto 3ocy d/bja Larry's z�to �ouy ior t'r,e premises located at 933 Atlantic Stre_� in Sai-= Paul License �: 25��3 Dear Sir/Madam: Our office sent you a Notice.of Violation dated February 6, 1997, in which you were nctified that your 1996-1997 license fees had not been paid. The letter asked you to contact this o£fice in writi,g to let us know whet:�es you disputed that fact. As of today�s date, I have received no written cemmunicatian from you regarding this matter. If we have not heard �rom you in writing by Friday, March 21, 1997, I will assume that you do nct intend to dispute the fact that yovr fees have not been oaid, ar.d will set this matter for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to recommend non-renewal of your license. You may reach me at 266-8710 if you have questions about this matter. Sincerely, ^ ��(hQ/ x.LC � � C�Yr� �. Virgiia D. Palm=r Assistant City Attcr-ey cc: Robert Kessler, Directc; of ?�I�P Christine Roz={, Deputy �irector of LIEP Kristina Sci:wei^ler, L=c=^se Inspector ��=��Z � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. ARSIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY JOANNE G_ CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on March 4; 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: OwnerlManager Larry's Auto Body 933 Atlantic Street St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Pau1, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn.to before me this 4th day of March, 1997. �� �.c� � �GLLC�-� Notary Pu lic . ,.,..N,,.. RITA M. 8Q8� ' �' � � NOTARY PUBtiC - rt �_ "_. � � RAMSEY CC:,, . - 67y Cpmiti. F�prces Jan G . _.J. CII'Y OF SAL'�T P �L�L .'�'o>m Colemon, �1a}�or February 5, 1997 NOTIC3 OF VIOLATSON Owner/Nanager Larry's Auto 3ony 933 Atlantic Street Saint Pau1, MN ��iCS OFFICE "" THE C1TY ATTORKEY �� � � Cfri1 Dirttion �J00 Ciq� Ha1/ l� HestKelloggBtvd SaintPaul, ,1linnesata 55102 Telephm�e: bJ? ]66-5'1 B Facsimile: 67? '98-�6T 9 RB: Auto Body �epa_r Garage License held by Larry's Auto Body d/b/a Larry's ynto 3ody for the premises at 933 Atlantic Street License #: 25598 Dear SirjMadam: The Director of the Of=ice of License, Inspections and Environmental Prot=ction will recommend that adverse acCion be taken against the Auto Body �epair Garage license held by you zt the above-named premises. This recommandation is based on the following information: License fees were due for the 1996-97 license period by October 3, 1996, in the amount of Threefiundred and Seventeen Dollars ($317.00). Because the fee was not paid on time, there is also a late penalty due of Ninety-Five Dollars ($95.00). As of February 4, 1997, those fees have not been paid. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter stating that they Gre true so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on the appropriate penalty. You wi11 have a chance to appear and make a statement before the Council on your behalf. If you wish to dispute tae facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hear_ng, please send a letter stating that you are ry - -� �.-� yy contesting the fac�s. You u_11 thea be s=nt a notice of heari-g with the date, tir..e and p_�ce of the hearing, the name of t^� administrative law judge, a-3 an explanation of the procedures. Please let me know in writi�g no later thzn rriday, February 1=, 1997 how you wish to proce�3. Ii you have r about the_=e options, please -�e1 free �o contact me at 266-871Q to discuss them. Sincerely, r�/ Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attcrney ce: Robert Kessler, Directc_ oi LI�P Christine Roze�, LIn? Kristina Schweinler -� _� � �`�� l STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVIC$ 8Y MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being £irst duly sworn, deposes and says that on February 7, 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Larry's Auto Body 933 Atlantic Street Saint Paul, MN. 551�6 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of February, 1997. �iT,t( . ` i�i t .. �-/'�f�GZ�c� Notary Public . � RITq (N, gpS�ARD ' NOiA qyppg��C - M�r,'ti;$OTA � AAMSEY COUNTY i � MrCOmrti. Eeyires.tan. at. zxo s �,�-�y Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Address .................. Zip ...................... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. E� Date ................. Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... NOTE AREA ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 26998 AC LARRY'S AUTO HODY 933 ATLANTIC ST 55106 LARRY`S AUTO BODY AUTO BQDY REPAIR GARAGE 10/03/96 INSP CHANGE FROA7 12377 121190 PH ON APPN LICENSE APP'D C.F N.A 774-1339 O1 TO 02 ON 4j09/92 FOR NEW AUTO BODY REPAIR GARAGE 90-2166. O1/07/97 City of St. Paul - Depart�nent of LIEP 2699g �� ��� :*��r:��:�*:��::»�a�:�a��:<t�� D���, :x*�«��*��*:�*���x�:�:*:t*��*�: Sth printing ID # : 26998 L�ARRYS AUI'0 &�DY Inspector # : 07 IdtIS Due 10/03/96 - Delinquent Date --- T� : License Type(s) DBA: LARRYS AtFPO BODY 231� Atl'IU BODY REPAIR GP,RA�E 933 ATLANSIC ST ST• PAUL MN 55106 774-1339 Mgr : I,AURIl�TCE P V]EBINGII2 JR Atrount overdue: $317.00 Penalty atro�t: $95.00 Orders to be co�npleted by: Follaa up inspection on: Seat Count: Video C�ame Count: Vendor Name: Cigarettes: Counter Machine Retrote Activation Device? Yes No Location of I.iquor Service Area: �1�i�e of F�tertaizm�nt Construction or Re�deling? . Historical Notes : LEFT NEW IN�OICE IN HIS NFaIL BpX AT 933 ATL,ANTIC. Inspector Notes : Restxictions._sm License : Approval Flag: (3) = Approved (4) = Not Approved (5) = In Process Signature of Business Representative Signature of Ins�ctor Council File # "l� �t�� Green Sheet # - {U�\ p � . - ; �—; � r- s � _ ;, _ � . . . ., . 6 • _ � � a Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date 5/ RESOLVED, that renewal of the Auta Body Repair Gazage license (License ID No. 26998) held by Larry's Auto Body dib/a Larry's Auto Body and located at 933 Aflantic Street in Saint Paul is hereby denied, effective immediately for failure to pay 1996-97 license fees. This Resolution and the action taken above aze based upon the facts contained in the February 6, 199? Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and such arguments as may have been presented to the Councii at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: Adopted by CounCil: Date � � �� � �� Adoption Certified by Council Searetary By: '� '.'y By: RESOLU710N CITY OF SA(NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � , f /� ! ri.� l.l !y� 1 Form Approved by City Attarne BY � �LCLC �� � Gc��-�,.��. V Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Covncil By: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler, 266-9112 1997, Public TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 40318 °`� k��i - iNRIAUDATE - � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CRY COUNCII � C(7YATTORNEY � CITYCIFRK � BUDGET OIRECiDfl O FIN. & Mf�T. SER � MAYOR IOR A551STANn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) Conceming license held by Larry's Auto Body, located at 933 Atlantic Street. (Uncontested) _ PIANNING COMMISSIDN _ ( _ GB CQMMITfEE _ . _ STAFF _ . _ DISTRICTCOURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNqlO&IECTIVE? ISSUE, OISAOVANTnGESIFAPPROVEA� PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: 1. Has this personfirm ever worketl under a contrect for ffifs tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has tnis personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill no[ normally possassed by any cunent city employaa? YE5 NO Explain aIl yes answera on separata 8heet and arieeh to gteen Sheet ryJno, Wnat, When, Whera, Why). ��ti:��? �`^9v+�?m,�r b . ..,:�� � ���� o-�a 4� � � ���� AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST7fiEYENUE BUDOETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Jit80 SOURCE ACTIVITY CIAL INFORA4ATION' (E%PLAIN) ��� ���� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Larry's Auto Body d/b/a Larry's Auto Body Address: 933 Atlantic Street Council Hearing Date: April 23, 1997 Violation: Failure to Pay 1996-97 License Fees Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behaif of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Non-renewal of {icense Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation and fotlow-up letter 3. License information 4. Delinquency Report OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTOANEY Peg B±rlt, Ciry Attorrsey ° � - 1 — `s `��{ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co7eman, Mayor April 8, 1997 crvrtn;�u,� 400 Ciry Hal! IS West%tloggBlvd Saint PauZ M'mnesom SS/Q2 Telephane: bl2 266-87I0 Facsimile: 61219&5619 NOTICS OF COUNCIL HEARING Owner/Manager Larry's Auto Body 933 Atlantic Street Saint Paul, Minnesota SS1Q6 RE: Auto Body Repair Garage license d/bja Larry's Auto Body for the Atlantic Street in St. Paul License ID No. 26998 Our File Number: G97-0107 Dear Sir/Madam: held by Larry's Auto Body premises located at 933 Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 23, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Pau1 City Ha11 and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in thaC the facts contained in the original Notice of Violation concerning tlie failure to pay the 1996-97 license fees have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, `�v��r� �r,.�, Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Smith, Community Organizer Civic Life, 281 Maria Ave., Secretary , Dayton`s Bluff Center for St. Paul, MN 55106 OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTOR2�EY Peg Birk Cip� Attornsy �� ��� d CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL Abrm Coleman, Mapor March ?, 1997 Cn�i1 D'n•ision aon crn� xau JS 8'est l:ellogg Bh�d St+int Paul, hTnnesow SSIOZ NOTIC3 OF VIOLATION OwnerJNanager Larry`s Auto Bocy 933 Atlantic Stree� Sair.t Paul, N,DI 5�1�; 7'eleyhane: 671166-Si10 Facsimik: 612 :98•3619 RE: Auto Body 3e;a'_r Garac=_ Lic2nse held by Larry's Auto 3ocy d/bja Larry's z�to �ouy ior t'r,e premises located at 933 Atlantic Stre_� in Sai-= Paul License �: 25��3 Dear Sir/Madam: Our office sent you a Notice.of Violation dated February 6, 1997, in which you were nctified that your 1996-1997 license fees had not been paid. The letter asked you to contact this o£fice in writi,g to let us know whet:�es you disputed that fact. As of today�s date, I have received no written cemmunicatian from you regarding this matter. If we have not heard �rom you in writing by Friday, March 21, 1997, I will assume that you do nct intend to dispute the fact that yovr fees have not been oaid, ar.d will set this matter for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to recommend non-renewal of your license. You may reach me at 266-8710 if you have questions about this matter. Sincerely, ^ ��(hQ/ x.LC � � C�Yr� �. Virgiia D. Palm=r Assistant City Attcr-ey cc: Robert Kessler, Directc; of ?�I�P Christine Roz={, Deputy �irector of LIEP Kristina Sci:wei^ler, L=c=^se Inspector ��=��Z � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. ARSIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY JOANNE G_ CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on March 4; 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: OwnerlManager Larry's Auto Body 933 Atlantic Street St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Pau1, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn.to before me this 4th day of March, 1997. �� �.c� � �GLLC�-� Notary Pu lic . ,.,..N,,.. RITA M. 8Q8� ' �' � � NOTARY PUBtiC - rt �_ "_. � � RAMSEY CC:,, . - 67y Cpmiti. F�prces Jan G . _.J. CII'Y OF SAL'�T P �L�L .'�'o>m Colemon, �1a}�or February 5, 1997 NOTIC3 OF VIOLATSON Owner/Nanager Larry's Auto 3ony 933 Atlantic Street Saint Pau1, MN ��iCS OFFICE "" THE C1TY ATTORKEY �� � � Cfri1 Dirttion �J00 Ciq� Ha1/ l� HestKelloggBtvd SaintPaul, ,1linnesata 55102 Telephm�e: bJ? ]66-5'1 B Facsimile: 67? '98-�6T 9 RB: Auto Body �epa_r Garage License held by Larry's Auto Body d/b/a Larry's ynto 3ody for the premises at 933 Atlantic Street License #: 25598 Dear SirjMadam: The Director of the Of=ice of License, Inspections and Environmental Prot=ction will recommend that adverse acCion be taken against the Auto Body �epair Garage license held by you zt the above-named premises. This recommandation is based on the following information: License fees were due for the 1996-97 license period by October 3, 1996, in the amount of Threefiundred and Seventeen Dollars ($317.00). Because the fee was not paid on time, there is also a late penalty due of Ninety-Five Dollars ($95.00). As of February 4, 1997, those fees have not been paid. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter stating that they Gre true so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on the appropriate penalty. You wi11 have a chance to appear and make a statement before the Council on your behalf. If you wish to dispute tae facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hear_ng, please send a letter stating that you are ry - -� �.-� yy contesting the fac�s. You u_11 thea be s=nt a notice of heari-g with the date, tir..e and p_�ce of the hearing, the name of t^� administrative law judge, a-3 an explanation of the procedures. Please let me know in writi�g no later thzn rriday, February 1=, 1997 how you wish to proce�3. Ii you have r about the_=e options, please -�e1 free �o contact me at 266-871Q to discuss them. Sincerely, r�/ Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attcrney ce: Robert Kessler, Directc_ oi LI�P Christine Roze�, LIn? Kristina Schweinler -� _� � �`�� l STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVIC$ 8Y MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being £irst duly sworn, deposes and says that on February 7, 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Larry's Auto Body 933 Atlantic Street Saint Paul, MN. 551�6 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of February, 1997. �iT,t( . ` i�i t .. �-/'�f�GZ�c� Notary Public . � RITq (N, gpS�ARD ' NOiA qyppg��C - M�r,'ti;$OTA � AAMSEY COUNTY i � MrCOmrti. Eeyires.tan. at. zxo s �,�-�y Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Address .................. Zip ...................... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. E� Date ................. Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... NOTE AREA ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 26998 AC LARRY'S AUTO HODY 933 ATLANTIC ST 55106 LARRY`S AUTO BODY AUTO BQDY REPAIR GARAGE 10/03/96 INSP CHANGE FROA7 12377 121190 PH ON APPN LICENSE APP'D C.F N.A 774-1339 O1 TO 02 ON 4j09/92 FOR NEW AUTO BODY REPAIR GARAGE 90-2166. O1/07/97 City of St. Paul - Depart�nent of LIEP 2699g �� ��� :*��r:��:�*:��::»�a�:�a��:<t�� D���, :x*�«��*��*:�*���x�:�:*:t*��*�: Sth printing ID # : 26998 L�ARRYS AUI'0 &�DY Inspector # : 07 IdtIS Due 10/03/96 - Delinquent Date --- T� : License Type(s) DBA: LARRYS AtFPO BODY 231� Atl'IU BODY REPAIR GP,RA�E 933 ATLANSIC ST ST• PAUL MN 55106 774-1339 Mgr : I,AURIl�TCE P V]EBINGII2 JR Atrount overdue: $317.00 Penalty atro�t: $95.00 Orders to be co�npleted by: Follaa up inspection on: Seat Count: Video C�ame Count: Vendor Name: Cigarettes: Counter Machine Retrote Activation Device? Yes No Location of I.iquor Service Area: �1�i�e of F�tertaizm�nt Construction or Re�deling? . Historical Notes : LEFT NEW IN�OICE IN HIS NFaIL BpX AT 933 ATL,ANTIC. Inspector Notes : Restxictions._sm License : Approval Flag: (3) = Approved (4) = Not Approved (5) = In Process Signature of Business Representative Signature of Ins�ctor Council File # "l� �t�� Green Sheet # - {U�\ p � . - ; �—; � r- s � _ ;, _ � . . . ., . 6 • _ � � a Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date 5/ RESOLVED, that renewal of the Auta Body Repair Gazage license (License ID No. 26998) held by Larry's Auto Body dib/a Larry's Auto Body and located at 933 Aflantic Street in Saint Paul is hereby denied, effective immediately for failure to pay 1996-97 license fees. This Resolution and the action taken above aze based upon the facts contained in the February 6, 199? Notice of Violation letter to the licensee and such arguments as may have been presented to the Councii at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: Adopted by CounCil: Date � � �� � �� Adoption Certified by Council Searetary By: '� '.'y By: RESOLU710N CITY OF SA(NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � , f /� ! ri.� l.l !y� 1 Form Approved by City Attarne BY � �LCLC �� � Gc��-�,.��. V Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Covncil By: GREEN SHEET Robert Kessler, 266-9112 1997, Public TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 40318 °`� k��i - iNRIAUDATE - � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CRY COUNCII � C(7YATTORNEY � CITYCIFRK � BUDGET OIRECiDfl O FIN. & Mf�T. SER � MAYOR IOR A551STANn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) Conceming license held by Larry's Auto Body, located at 933 Atlantic Street. (Uncontested) _ PIANNING COMMISSIDN _ ( _ GB CQMMITfEE _ . _ STAFF _ . _ DISTRICTCOURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNqlO&IECTIVE? ISSUE, OISAOVANTnGESIFAPPROVEA� PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: 1. Has this personfirm ever worketl under a contrect for ffifs tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has tnis personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill no[ normally possassed by any cunent city employaa? YE5 NO Explain aIl yes answera on separata 8heet and arieeh to gteen Sheet ryJno, Wnat, When, Whera, Why). ��ti:��? �`^9v+�?m,�r b . ..,:�� � ���� o-�a 4� � � ���� AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST7fiEYENUE BUDOETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Jit80 SOURCE ACTIVITY CIAL INFORA4ATION' (E%PLAIN) ��� ���� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Larry's Auto Body d/b/a Larry's Auto Body Address: 933 Atlantic Street Council Hearing Date: April 23, 1997 Violation: Failure to Pay 1996-97 License Fees Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behaif of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Non-renewal of {icense Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation and fotlow-up letter 3. License information 4. Delinquency Report OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTOANEY Peg B±rlt, Ciry Attorrsey ° � - 1 — `s `��{ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co7eman, Mayor April 8, 1997 crvrtn;�u,� 400 Ciry Hal! IS West%tloggBlvd Saint PauZ M'mnesom SS/Q2 Telephane: bl2 266-87I0 Facsimile: 61219&5619 NOTICS OF COUNCIL HEARING Owner/Manager Larry's Auto Body 933 Atlantic Street Saint Paul, Minnesota SS1Q6 RE: Auto Body Repair Garage license d/bja Larry's Auto Body for the Atlantic Street in St. Paul License ID No. 26998 Our File Number: G97-0107 Dear Sir/Madam: held by Larry's Auto Body premises located at 933 Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 23, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Pau1 City Ha11 and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in thaC the facts contained in the original Notice of Violation concerning tlie failure to pay the 1996-97 license fees have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, `�v��r� �r,.�, Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Smith, Community Organizer Civic Life, 281 Maria Ave., Secretary , Dayton`s Bluff Center for St. Paul, MN 55106 OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTOR2�EY Peg Birk Cip� Attornsy �� ��� d CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL Abrm Coleman, Mapor March ?, 1997 Cn�i1 D'n•ision aon crn� xau JS 8'est l:ellogg Bh�d St+int Paul, hTnnesow SSIOZ NOTIC3 OF VIOLATION OwnerJNanager Larry`s Auto Bocy 933 Atlantic Stree� Sair.t Paul, N,DI 5�1�; 7'eleyhane: 671166-Si10 Facsimik: 612 :98•3619 RE: Auto Body 3e;a'_r Garac=_ Lic2nse held by Larry's Auto 3ocy d/bja Larry's z�to �ouy ior t'r,e premises located at 933 Atlantic Stre_� in Sai-= Paul License �: 25��3 Dear Sir/Madam: Our office sent you a Notice.of Violation dated February 6, 1997, in which you were nctified that your 1996-1997 license fees had not been paid. The letter asked you to contact this o£fice in writi,g to let us know whet:�es you disputed that fact. As of today�s date, I have received no written cemmunicatian from you regarding this matter. If we have not heard �rom you in writing by Friday, March 21, 1997, I will assume that you do nct intend to dispute the fact that yovr fees have not been oaid, ar.d will set this matter for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to recommend non-renewal of your license. You may reach me at 266-8710 if you have questions about this matter. Sincerely, ^ ��(hQ/ x.LC � � C�Yr� �. Virgiia D. Palm=r Assistant City Attcr-ey cc: Robert Kessler, Directc; of ?�I�P Christine Roz={, Deputy �irector of LIEP Kristina Sci:wei^ler, L=c=^se Inspector ��=��Z � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. ARSIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY JOANNE G_ CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on March 4; 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: OwnerlManager Larry's Auto Body 933 Atlantic Street St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Pau1, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn.to before me this 4th day of March, 1997. �� �.c� � �GLLC�-� Notary Pu lic . ,.,..N,,.. RITA M. 8Q8� ' �' � � NOTARY PUBtiC - rt �_ "_. � � RAMSEY CC:,, . - 67y Cpmiti. F�prces Jan G . _.J. CII'Y OF SAL'�T P �L�L .'�'o>m Colemon, �1a}�or February 5, 1997 NOTIC3 OF VIOLATSON Owner/Nanager Larry's Auto 3ony 933 Atlantic Street Saint Pau1, MN ��iCS OFFICE "" THE C1TY ATTORKEY �� � � Cfri1 Dirttion �J00 Ciq� Ha1/ l� HestKelloggBtvd SaintPaul, ,1linnesata 55102 Telephm�e: bJ? ]66-5'1 B Facsimile: 67? '98-�6T 9 RB: Auto Body �epa_r Garage License held by Larry's Auto Body d/b/a Larry's ynto 3ody for the premises at 933 Atlantic Street License #: 25598 Dear SirjMadam: The Director of the Of=ice of License, Inspections and Environmental Prot=ction will recommend that adverse acCion be taken against the Auto Body �epair Garage license held by you zt the above-named premises. This recommandation is based on the following information: License fees were due for the 1996-97 license period by October 3, 1996, in the amount of Threefiundred and Seventeen Dollars ($317.00). Because the fee was not paid on time, there is also a late penalty due of Ninety-Five Dollars ($95.00). As of February 4, 1997, those fees have not been paid. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter stating that they Gre true so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on the appropriate penalty. You wi11 have a chance to appear and make a statement before the Council on your behalf. If you wish to dispute tae facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hear_ng, please send a letter stating that you are ry - -� �.-� yy contesting the fac�s. You u_11 thea be s=nt a notice of heari-g with the date, tir..e and p_�ce of the hearing, the name of t^� administrative law judge, a-3 an explanation of the procedures. Please let me know in writi�g no later thzn rriday, February 1=, 1997 how you wish to proce�3. Ii you have r about the_=e options, please -�e1 free �o contact me at 266-871Q to discuss them. Sincerely, r�/ Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attcrney ce: Robert Kessler, Directc_ oi LI�P Christine Roze�, LIn? Kristina Schweinler -� _� � �`�� l STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVIC$ 8Y MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being £irst duly sworn, deposes and says that on February 7, 1997, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Larry's Auto Body 933 Atlantic Street Saint Paul, MN. 551�6 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of February, 1997. �iT,t( . ` i�i t .. �-/'�f�GZ�c� Notary Public . � RITq (N, gpS�ARD ' NOiA qyppg��C - M�r,'ti;$OTA � AAMSEY COUNTY i � MrCOmrti. Eeyires.tan. at. zxo s �,�-�y Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Address .................. Zip ...................... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. E� Date ................. Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... NOTE AREA ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 26998 AC LARRY'S AUTO HODY 933 ATLANTIC ST 55106 LARRY`S AUTO BODY AUTO BQDY REPAIR GARAGE 10/03/96 INSP CHANGE FROA7 12377 121190 PH ON APPN LICENSE APP'D C.F N.A 774-1339 O1 TO 02 ON 4j09/92 FOR NEW AUTO BODY REPAIR GARAGE 90-2166. O1/07/97 City of St. Paul - Depart�nent of LIEP 2699g �� ��� :*��r:��:�*:��::»�a�:�a��:<t�� D���, :x*�«��*��*:�*���x�:�:*:t*��*�: Sth printing ID # : 26998 L�ARRYS AUI'0 &�DY Inspector # : 07 IdtIS Due 10/03/96 - Delinquent Date --- T� : License Type(s) DBA: LARRYS AtFPO BODY 231� Atl'IU BODY REPAIR GP,RA�E 933 ATLANSIC ST ST• PAUL MN 55106 774-1339 Mgr : I,AURIl�TCE P V]EBINGII2 JR Atrount overdue: $317.00 Penalty atro�t: $95.00 Orders to be co�npleted by: Follaa up inspection on: Seat Count: Video C�ame Count: Vendor Name: Cigarettes: Counter Machine Retrote Activation Device? Yes No Location of I.iquor Service Area: �1�i�e of F�tertaizm�nt Construction or Re�deling? . Historical Notes : LEFT NEW IN�OICE IN HIS NFaIL BpX AT 933 ATL,ANTIC. Inspector Notes : Restxictions._sm License : Approval Flag: (3) = Approved (4) = Not Approved (5) = In Process Signature of Business Representative Signature of Ins�ctor