97-446r . . Presented By Referred To Committee: RESOLVED, that renewal of the LaundrylDC Plant license ('cense ID No. 15216) held by Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. dJb/a Distinctive Laundry rocessing, Inc. and located at 531 Ohio Street in Saint Paul is hereby denied, effective imme tely for failure to pay 1996- 9? license fees. This Resolution and the action taken above are February 6, 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the license presented to the Council at the public heazing. The f '`� � � �U � �� � �� � �� � �ed upon the facts contained in the md such arguments as may have been were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: r �� i� 1�/��.i � �i f Adopted by Adoption C By: � , Date ified by Council Secretary Appro}�d by Mayor: Date By: Council File # ������ Green Sheet # � �\� RESOLUTION \INT PAUL, MINNESOTA C a Form Approved by City Attor�ey �� ' / g� ' / 1 BY: �l/ (l" '_"Z�' �J �V��JC��/ .u/i� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ��-- �{4 �.��i� Ofrice of LIEP A io, i99� GREEN SHEET � DEPAR7MEM DIRECTOfl Robert Kessler, 266-9112 assi�N Q CtfYATfORNEY 9ER FOB iT BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BV (�ATE) ROUTiNG � BUOGET DIRECT01i Anri123_ 7997_ AihlicHearinv °RD ��"^^�foa"ssiST^'rn TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) uumavonre O CRY COUNqL � GffY CIEflK � FIN. & MGT. SE ❑ Concerning license held by Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc., located at 531 Ohio Street. (LTncontested) PtANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE _ STAFF �_ D15TRICT COURT _ JRTS WF11CH CqUNCIL O&1ECTI4E? Pq0@LEM, 1SSUE, OPPORTUNITY(Who, IF WOT APP80VED' 1 .;. � f't:i3 ITAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTfONS: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a coMract for this departmeni? YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employeel YES NO 3. Does this personHirm possess a skill no[ normally possessad by afry curcant city amployea? VES NO Expiafn all yes answers on aeparate a�ee[ antl attaeh to green shee[ COSUREVENUE BUDGETED (CiRCLE ONE) YES NO NDItdCa SOURCE ACTIVITY lNC1AL INFORGiAT10N' (EXPLAIN) G:� u�it� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARtNG Licensee Name: Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. dlb/a Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. Address: 531 Ohio Street Council Hearing Date: Apri! 23, 1997 Violation: Failure to Pay 1996-97 License Fees Recommendation of Assistant Cifiy Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmentat Protection: Non-renewal of {icense Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation and follow-up lefter 3. License information 4. Detinquency Report OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY Peg Bnl, Ciry Anorney �� � � CI'TIT OF St�IT PAtJL Civit Divirion Narm Coleman, Mayor 400 Crry Ha(1 Telephone: 612 266-871 D 1 S West Kelkgg Bhd Facsimile: 612 29&5679 Saint Pau{ M"mnesofa 55102 April 8, 1997 NOTICE OF COUNCIL BEARING Owner/Manager Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. 531 Ohio Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 RE: Laundry/DC Plant license held by Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. d/bJa Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. for the premises located at 531 Ohio Street in St. Paul License ID No. 15216 Our File Number: G97-0103 Dear Mr. Sir/Madam: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 23, 199? in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies o£ the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Cauncil for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts contained in the original Notice of Violation concerning the failure to pay the 1996-97 license fees have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ������� Virgin a D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Sandra Levine, Community Organizer, West Side Citizens Organization, 625 Stryker Ave., St. Paul, MN 55107 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY -' Peg Birk, Clry itttorney +,� t -' �� —l\'�.b CITIr OF SAINT' PAUL Torm Coleman, Mayo> March 4, 199? CiviZ Divisiart 400 Ciry HaR IS West Kellogg BHd Sa"mt Paut M'mnesota 55102 NOTICE OF VIOLATION telephone: 611166-8770 Fauimile: 611298-5619 OwnerfManager Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. 531 Ohio Street Saint Pau1, MN 55107 RE: Laundry/DC ?lant Processing, Inc. d/b/a premises located at 531 License #: 15216 Dear SirJMadam: License held by Distinctive Laundry Distinctive Laundry Processing for the Ohio Street in Saint Paul Qur affice sent you a Notice of �tiolation dated February 6, 1997, in which you were notified that your 1996-1997 license fees had not been paid. The letter asked you to contact this office in writing to let us know whether yau disputed that fact. As of today's date, I have received no written communication from you regarding this matter. If we have not heard £rom you in writing by Friday, March 21, 1997, I will assume that you do not intend to dispute the fact that your fees have not been paid, and will set this matter for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to recommend non-renewal of your license. You may reach me at 266-8710 if you have questions about this matter. Sincerely, «` �� , � a , ����.� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorttey cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Kristina Schweinler, License Inspector , �` �-l�-E b STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OR SfiRV2CTs BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on March 4, 1997, she served the attached�NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. 531 Ohio Street St. Paul, MN. 55107 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of March, 1997. f�.,� %. ���.� ' C Notary Public • ' � RITA M. BOSSAnD � NDTAHY PUBLIC - Mit:ic:SOTA RAMSEY CAUNTY �r Cppm. Exp've5 J2n. 35. 2000' OFFICF � rHE CITY ATTORNEY G'``i-� `�-t SAINi Pi�UL � A11AA CITY OF S�I\TT PaUZ ��orm Cateman, .dfm�or February 6, 1997 Cmil D"nasion ;�0 Citp Hall 1 S Aesr Ketlogg Bh�d Saint Paut, hTnneswa 53102 NOTIC3 OF VIOLATION ?rocess`__g, Inc. Te7epi�one: 6i? ]66-8"10 Facsimrle: 6i? 29&5619 Saint Paul, MN 55_�7 Owner/Nanager Distinctive Laundry 531 Ohio Street RE: Laundry/DC Pla-t Processing, Iac., for the premis=s License '�: 15215 Dear Sir/Madam: Licens= held by D_stinctive Laundry dfb/� Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. at 531 Ohio Street The Director of the Of'ice of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against the Laundry/DC plant license held by you at the above-named premis=s. Th`s recommendation is based on the following informaticn: License fees were due for the 1996-97 license period by December 6, 1996, in the amount of One Hundred and Sixty-Four pollars ($164.00). Because the fee was not paid on time, there is also a late penalty due of Sixteen Dollars ($16.00), As of Bebruary 4, 1997, those fees have not been paid. If you do not disp4te the above facts, please send me a letter stating that they are true so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Cou:�cil for a hearing on the appropriate penalty. You will have a cha_^.ce to apuear and make a statement before the Council on your behalf. If you wish to dispute t:e facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, plea=_e send a letter stating that you are- °t.� contest?ng the �ac�s. You u�ll then be sent a notice of heari^a with the date, ti:-e �nd place of the hearing, the nzme of t�e administrative law judge, G-d an exglanation of the procedures. Please let me kncw in writi-g ao later than Friday, February ld, 1997 how you wis2 �o procee3. If you have questions about these options, please ��=1 free �o contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, `��iu�.n_./J � Virgiriia D. Palmer Assistant City Attc=rey cc: Robert Kessle_, Directc° of LIP.P Christine �oze;c, LSEP Kristina Schwe_nler �� y�� STATE OF MINNESOTA } ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on February 7, 1a97, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Distinctive Laundry 531 Ohio Street Processing, Inc. Saint Paul, MN. 55107 (which is the last known address of said same, with postage prepaid, in the Unite Minnesota. �n) and depositing the tes mails at St. Paul, G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of February, 1997. ��a.z.u� Notary Public . , RITA M. BO�SARD z ; fJOTARYPU3LIC-0.`.L`;;�cSCTA S _ Ran�sEV cou�rv � My COinm. Expires,lan. 31. 200D � � a �i� `-1`lb Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Address .................. Zip ...................... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. Exp Date ................. Insurance Carrier......_. Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. E�iration Date..... I30TE ARE�:. ............... Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 15216 AC DISTINCTIVE LAUNDRY PROCESSING INC 531 OHIO ST 55107 DISTINCTIVE LAUNDRY PROCESSING INC LAUNDRY/DC PLANT 12/06J96 INSP CIiP,IdGE FROM O1 TO 02 ON 4/09/92 INSPECTOR CHANGE FROM RICH TO DENVER - 1/6/92 4498519 09/O1f94 222-2246 �`t O1J07/97 City of St. Paul - Department of LLIEtP 15216 ***k#�!***i*#�tY}*tk*!*f**#f*}!*T*leak DT.TTAWTG'� *Y**Ytf*k![a!}�k#4y[*Y[Yr*##Y[tkkkR*h#*R r.u�.ark�� 2nd printing ID # : 15216 DISTII�'PIVE LAUDIDRY pROCFSg7NG 1NC Inspector # : 07 I�2IS Due 12/06/96 - Delinque.nt Date . Tit[�e : License Type(s) DBA: DISTZNCI'1VE LAU1�IDRy PROCFSSING INC 2162 LAUt3DRY/DC PLANT 531 OHIO ST ST. PAUL N�T 55107 222 Atrount overdue: $164.00 Penalty a�rnunt: $16.00 Orders to be canpleted by: Seat Cotmt: Video Game Count: Cigarettes: Counter MaChi,ne Lrxation of Liquor Sezvice Area: �YAE'- of Entertaizut�nt . Construction or Remc�deling? , Follow up inspection on: Vendor Nar�: Re�te Activation Device? Yes No Historical Notes : 12/22/93 CK RTND FpR LATE FF� PAYNII�iT $15.00, T6TAL DtJE $165.00 -- CAM LIC Inspector Notes : Restrictions on License : Approval Flag: (3) = Approved �ignature of Business Representative (4) = Not Approved (5) = In Pr�ess Signature of Inspector OFFICE OR Tf� CITY ATTORNEY PegBirlG CityAttorney � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colenran, Mayor Civil Division 400 Crry Hall IS West KelZogg Blvd Saint Paul, Mirmesota 55102 Telephone: 612 266-87I0 Facsimi7e: 612 298-5619 April 18, 1997 Nancy Anderson 310 City Hall To ; Csa�..o: �w►�n�►beKS RE: Removal of Items From 4j23j97 Council Agenda Nancy: Please remove items number 50 and 52 from the council agenda for April 23, 1997. Item number 50: The licensee, Distinetive Laundry Processiag, is paying its licensing fee and the penalty fee, so the Council no longer needs to consider this matter. Item number 52: The licensee, Patrick`a Lounge, has requested a continuance of the public hearing, because he won't be available to attend the hearing on the 23rd. He has requested the matter be postponed until June 25 (we sent a notice that you'll be receiving shortly?, so our office has aqreed to accommodate him. If you have any questions, please give me a ca11. Thanks. ��- ��,' 877� r . . Presented By Referred To Committee: RESOLVED, that renewal of the LaundrylDC Plant license ('cense ID No. 15216) held by Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. dJb/a Distinctive Laundry rocessing, Inc. and located at 531 Ohio Street in Saint Paul is hereby denied, effective imme tely for failure to pay 1996- 9? license fees. This Resolution and the action taken above are February 6, 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the license presented to the Council at the public heazing. The f '`� � � �U � �� � �� � �� � �ed upon the facts contained in the md such arguments as may have been were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: r �� i� 1�/��.i � �i f Adopted by Adoption C By: � , Date ified by Council Secretary Appro}�d by Mayor: Date By: Council File # ������ Green Sheet # � �\� RESOLUTION \INT PAUL, MINNESOTA C a Form Approved by City Attor�ey �� ' / g� ' / 1 BY: �l/ (l" '_"Z�' �J �V��JC��/ .u/i� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ��-- �{4 �.��i� Ofrice of LIEP A io, i99� GREEN SHEET � DEPAR7MEM DIRECTOfl Robert Kessler, 266-9112 assi�N Q CtfYATfORNEY 9ER FOB iT BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BV (�ATE) ROUTiNG � BUOGET DIRECT01i Anri123_ 7997_ AihlicHearinv °RD ��"^^�foa"ssiST^'rn TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) uumavonre O CRY COUNqL � GffY CIEflK � FIN. & MGT. SE ❑ Concerning license held by Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc., located at 531 Ohio Street. (LTncontested) PtANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE _ STAFF �_ D15TRICT COURT _ JRTS WF11CH CqUNCIL O&1ECTI4E? Pq0@LEM, 1SSUE, OPPORTUNITY(Who, IF WOT APP80VED' 1 .;. � f't:i3 ITAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTfONS: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a coMract for this departmeni? YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employeel YES NO 3. Does this personHirm possess a skill no[ normally possessad by afry curcant city amployea? VES NO Expiafn all yes answers on aeparate a�ee[ antl attaeh to green shee[ COSUREVENUE BUDGETED (CiRCLE ONE) YES NO NDItdCa SOURCE ACTIVITY lNC1AL INFORGiAT10N' (EXPLAIN) G:� u�it� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARtNG Licensee Name: Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. dlb/a Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. Address: 531 Ohio Street Council Hearing Date: Apri! 23, 1997 Violation: Failure to Pay 1996-97 License Fees Recommendation of Assistant Cifiy Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmentat Protection: Non-renewal of {icense Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation and follow-up lefter 3. License information 4. Detinquency Report OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY Peg Bnl, Ciry Anorney �� � � CI'TIT OF St�IT PAtJL Civit Divirion Narm Coleman, Mayor 400 Crry Ha(1 Telephone: 612 266-871 D 1 S West Kelkgg Bhd Facsimile: 612 29&5679 Saint Pau{ M"mnesofa 55102 April 8, 1997 NOTICE OF COUNCIL BEARING Owner/Manager Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. 531 Ohio Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 RE: Laundry/DC Plant license held by Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. d/bJa Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. for the premises located at 531 Ohio Street in St. Paul License ID No. 15216 Our File Number: G97-0103 Dear Mr. Sir/Madam: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 23, 199? in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies o£ the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Cauncil for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts contained in the original Notice of Violation concerning the failure to pay the 1996-97 license fees have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ������� Virgin a D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Sandra Levine, Community Organizer, West Side Citizens Organization, 625 Stryker Ave., St. Paul, MN 55107 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY -' Peg Birk, Clry itttorney +,� t -' �� —l\'�.b CITIr OF SAINT' PAUL Torm Coleman, Mayo> March 4, 199? CiviZ Divisiart 400 Ciry HaR IS West Kellogg BHd Sa"mt Paut M'mnesota 55102 NOTICE OF VIOLATION telephone: 611166-8770 Fauimile: 611298-5619 OwnerfManager Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. 531 Ohio Street Saint Pau1, MN 55107 RE: Laundry/DC ?lant Processing, Inc. d/b/a premises located at 531 License #: 15216 Dear SirJMadam: License held by Distinctive Laundry Distinctive Laundry Processing for the Ohio Street in Saint Paul Qur affice sent you a Notice of �tiolation dated February 6, 1997, in which you were notified that your 1996-1997 license fees had not been paid. The letter asked you to contact this office in writing to let us know whether yau disputed that fact. As of today's date, I have received no written communication from you regarding this matter. If we have not heard £rom you in writing by Friday, March 21, 1997, I will assume that you do not intend to dispute the fact that your fees have not been paid, and will set this matter for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to recommend non-renewal of your license. You may reach me at 266-8710 if you have questions about this matter. Sincerely, «` �� , � a , ����.� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorttey cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Kristina Schweinler, License Inspector , �` �-l�-E b STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OR SfiRV2CTs BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on March 4, 1997, she served the attached�NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. 531 Ohio Street St. Paul, MN. 55107 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of March, 1997. f�.,� %. ���.� ' C Notary Public • ' � RITA M. BOSSAnD � NDTAHY PUBLIC - Mit:ic:SOTA RAMSEY CAUNTY �r Cppm. Exp've5 J2n. 35. 2000' OFFICF � rHE CITY ATTORNEY G'``i-� `�-t SAINi Pi�UL � A11AA CITY OF S�I\TT PaUZ ��orm Cateman, .dfm�or February 6, 1997 Cmil D"nasion ;�0 Citp Hall 1 S Aesr Ketlogg Bh�d Saint Paut, hTnneswa 53102 NOTIC3 OF VIOLATION ?rocess`__g, Inc. Te7epi�one: 6i? ]66-8"10 Facsimrle: 6i? 29&5619 Saint Paul, MN 55_�7 Owner/Nanager Distinctive Laundry 531 Ohio Street RE: Laundry/DC Pla-t Processing, Iac., for the premis=s License '�: 15215 Dear Sir/Madam: Licens= held by D_stinctive Laundry dfb/� Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. at 531 Ohio Street The Director of the Of'ice of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against the Laundry/DC plant license held by you at the above-named premis=s. Th`s recommendation is based on the following informaticn: License fees were due for the 1996-97 license period by December 6, 1996, in the amount of One Hundred and Sixty-Four pollars ($164.00). Because the fee was not paid on time, there is also a late penalty due of Sixteen Dollars ($16.00), As of Bebruary 4, 1997, those fees have not been paid. If you do not disp4te the above facts, please send me a letter stating that they are true so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Cou:�cil for a hearing on the appropriate penalty. You will have a cha_^.ce to apuear and make a statement before the Council on your behalf. If you wish to dispute t:e facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, plea=_e send a letter stating that you are- °t.� contest?ng the �ac�s. You u�ll then be sent a notice of heari^a with the date, ti:-e �nd place of the hearing, the nzme of t�e administrative law judge, G-d an exglanation of the procedures. Please let me kncw in writi-g ao later than Friday, February ld, 1997 how you wis2 �o procee3. If you have questions about these options, please ��=1 free �o contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, `��iu�.n_./J � Virgiriia D. Palmer Assistant City Attc=rey cc: Robert Kessle_, Directc° of LIP.P Christine �oze;c, LSEP Kristina Schwe_nler �� y�� STATE OF MINNESOTA } ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on February 7, 1a97, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Distinctive Laundry 531 Ohio Street Processing, Inc. Saint Paul, MN. 55107 (which is the last known address of said same, with postage prepaid, in the Unite Minnesota. �n) and depositing the tes mails at St. Paul, G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of February, 1997. ��a.z.u� Notary Public . , RITA M. BO�SARD z ; fJOTARYPU3LIC-0.`.L`;;�cSCTA S _ Ran�sEV cou�rv � My COinm. Expires,lan. 31. 200D � � a �i� `-1`lb Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Address .................. Zip ...................... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. Exp Date ................. Insurance Carrier......_. Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. E�iration Date..... I30TE ARE�:. ............... Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 15216 AC DISTINCTIVE LAUNDRY PROCESSING INC 531 OHIO ST 55107 DISTINCTIVE LAUNDRY PROCESSING INC LAUNDRY/DC PLANT 12/06J96 INSP CIiP,IdGE FROM O1 TO 02 ON 4/09/92 INSPECTOR CHANGE FROM RICH TO DENVER - 1/6/92 4498519 09/O1f94 222-2246 �`t O1J07/97 City of St. Paul - Department of LLIEtP 15216 ***k#�!***i*#�tY}*tk*!*f**#f*}!*T*leak DT.TTAWTG'� *Y**Ytf*k![a!}�k#4y[*Y[Yr*##Y[tkkkR*h#*R r.u�.ark�� 2nd printing ID # : 15216 DISTII�'PIVE LAUDIDRY pROCFSg7NG 1NC Inspector # : 07 I�2IS Due 12/06/96 - Delinque.nt Date . Tit[�e : License Type(s) DBA: DISTZNCI'1VE LAU1�IDRy PROCFSSING INC 2162 LAUt3DRY/DC PLANT 531 OHIO ST ST. PAUL N�T 55107 222 Atrount overdue: $164.00 Penalty a�rnunt: $16.00 Orders to be canpleted by: Seat Cotmt: Video Game Count: Cigarettes: Counter MaChi,ne Lrxation of Liquor Sezvice Area: �YAE'- of Entertaizut�nt . Construction or Remc�deling? , Follow up inspection on: Vendor Nar�: Re�te Activation Device? Yes No Historical Notes : 12/22/93 CK RTND FpR LATE FF� PAYNII�iT $15.00, T6TAL DtJE $165.00 -- CAM LIC Inspector Notes : Restrictions on License : Approval Flag: (3) = Approved �ignature of Business Representative (4) = Not Approved (5) = In Pr�ess Signature of Inspector OFFICE OR Tf� CITY ATTORNEY PegBirlG CityAttorney � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colenran, Mayor Civil Division 400 Crry Hall IS West KelZogg Blvd Saint Paul, Mirmesota 55102 Telephone: 612 266-87I0 Facsimi7e: 612 298-5619 April 18, 1997 Nancy Anderson 310 City Hall To ; Csa�..o: �w►�n�►beKS RE: Removal of Items From 4j23j97 Council Agenda Nancy: Please remove items number 50 and 52 from the council agenda for April 23, 1997. Item number 50: The licensee, Distinetive Laundry Processiag, is paying its licensing fee and the penalty fee, so the Council no longer needs to consider this matter. Item number 52: The licensee, Patrick`a Lounge, has requested a continuance of the public hearing, because he won't be available to attend the hearing on the 23rd. He has requested the matter be postponed until June 25 (we sent a notice that you'll be receiving shortly?, so our office has aqreed to accommodate him. If you have any questions, please give me a ca11. Thanks. ��- ��,' 877� r . . Presented By Referred To Committee: RESOLVED, that renewal of the LaundrylDC Plant license ('cense ID No. 15216) held by Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. dJb/a Distinctive Laundry rocessing, Inc. and located at 531 Ohio Street in Saint Paul is hereby denied, effective imme tely for failure to pay 1996- 9? license fees. This Resolution and the action taken above are February 6, 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the license presented to the Council at the public heazing. The f '`� � � �U � �� � �� � �� � �ed upon the facts contained in the md such arguments as may have been were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: r �� i� 1�/��.i � �i f Adopted by Adoption C By: � , Date ified by Council Secretary Appro}�d by Mayor: Date By: Council File # ������ Green Sheet # � �\� RESOLUTION \INT PAUL, MINNESOTA C a Form Approved by City Attor�ey �� ' / g� ' / 1 BY: �l/ (l" '_"Z�' �J �V��JC��/ .u/i� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ��-- �{4 �.��i� Ofrice of LIEP A io, i99� GREEN SHEET � DEPAR7MEM DIRECTOfl Robert Kessler, 266-9112 assi�N Q CtfYATfORNEY 9ER FOB iT BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BV (�ATE) ROUTiNG � BUOGET DIRECT01i Anri123_ 7997_ AihlicHearinv °RD ��"^^�foa"ssiST^'rn TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) uumavonre O CRY COUNqL � GffY CIEflK � FIN. & MGT. SE ❑ Concerning license held by Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc., located at 531 Ohio Street. (LTncontested) PtANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE _ STAFF �_ D15TRICT COURT _ JRTS WF11CH CqUNCIL O&1ECTI4E? Pq0@LEM, 1SSUE, OPPORTUNITY(Who, IF WOT APP80VED' 1 .;. � f't:i3 ITAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTfONS: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a coMract for this departmeni? YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employeel YES NO 3. Does this personHirm possess a skill no[ normally possessad by afry curcant city amployea? VES NO Expiafn all yes answers on aeparate a�ee[ antl attaeh to green shee[ COSUREVENUE BUDGETED (CiRCLE ONE) YES NO NDItdCa SOURCE ACTIVITY lNC1AL INFORGiAT10N' (EXPLAIN) G:� u�it� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARtNG Licensee Name: Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. dlb/a Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. Address: 531 Ohio Street Council Hearing Date: Apri! 23, 1997 Violation: Failure to Pay 1996-97 License Fees Recommendation of Assistant Cifiy Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmentat Protection: Non-renewal of {icense Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation and follow-up lefter 3. License information 4. Detinquency Report OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY Peg Bnl, Ciry Anorney �� � � CI'TIT OF St�IT PAtJL Civit Divirion Narm Coleman, Mayor 400 Crry Ha(1 Telephone: 612 266-871 D 1 S West Kelkgg Bhd Facsimile: 612 29&5679 Saint Pau{ M"mnesofa 55102 April 8, 1997 NOTICE OF COUNCIL BEARING Owner/Manager Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. 531 Ohio Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 RE: Laundry/DC Plant license held by Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. d/bJa Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. for the premises located at 531 Ohio Street in St. Paul License ID No. 15216 Our File Number: G97-0103 Dear Mr. Sir/Madam: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 23, 199? in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies o£ the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Cauncil for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts contained in the original Notice of Violation concerning the failure to pay the 1996-97 license fees have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ������� Virgin a D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Sandra Levine, Community Organizer, West Side Citizens Organization, 625 Stryker Ave., St. Paul, MN 55107 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY -' Peg Birk, Clry itttorney +,� t -' �� —l\'�.b CITIr OF SAINT' PAUL Torm Coleman, Mayo> March 4, 199? CiviZ Divisiart 400 Ciry HaR IS West Kellogg BHd Sa"mt Paut M'mnesota 55102 NOTICE OF VIOLATION telephone: 611166-8770 Fauimile: 611298-5619 OwnerfManager Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. 531 Ohio Street Saint Pau1, MN 55107 RE: Laundry/DC ?lant Processing, Inc. d/b/a premises located at 531 License #: 15216 Dear SirJMadam: License held by Distinctive Laundry Distinctive Laundry Processing for the Ohio Street in Saint Paul Qur affice sent you a Notice of �tiolation dated February 6, 1997, in which you were notified that your 1996-1997 license fees had not been paid. The letter asked you to contact this office in writing to let us know whether yau disputed that fact. As of today's date, I have received no written communication from you regarding this matter. If we have not heard £rom you in writing by Friday, March 21, 1997, I will assume that you do not intend to dispute the fact that your fees have not been paid, and will set this matter for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to recommend non-renewal of your license. You may reach me at 266-8710 if you have questions about this matter. Sincerely, «` �� , � a , ����.� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorttey cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Kristina Schweinler, License Inspector , �` �-l�-E b STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OR SfiRV2CTs BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on March 4, 1997, she served the attached�NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. 531 Ohio Street St. Paul, MN. 55107 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of March, 1997. f�.,� %. ���.� ' C Notary Public • ' � RITA M. BOSSAnD � NDTAHY PUBLIC - Mit:ic:SOTA RAMSEY CAUNTY �r Cppm. Exp've5 J2n. 35. 2000' OFFICF � rHE CITY ATTORNEY G'``i-� `�-t SAINi Pi�UL � A11AA CITY OF S�I\TT PaUZ ��orm Cateman, .dfm�or February 6, 1997 Cmil D"nasion ;�0 Citp Hall 1 S Aesr Ketlogg Bh�d Saint Paut, hTnneswa 53102 NOTIC3 OF VIOLATION ?rocess`__g, Inc. Te7epi�one: 6i? ]66-8"10 Facsimrle: 6i? 29&5619 Saint Paul, MN 55_�7 Owner/Nanager Distinctive Laundry 531 Ohio Street RE: Laundry/DC Pla-t Processing, Iac., for the premis=s License '�: 15215 Dear Sir/Madam: Licens= held by D_stinctive Laundry dfb/� Distinctive Laundry Processing, Inc. at 531 Ohio Street The Director of the Of'ice of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against the Laundry/DC plant license held by you at the above-named premis=s. Th`s recommendation is based on the following informaticn: License fees were due for the 1996-97 license period by December 6, 1996, in the amount of One Hundred and Sixty-Four pollars ($164.00). Because the fee was not paid on time, there is also a late penalty due of Sixteen Dollars ($16.00), As of Bebruary 4, 1997, those fees have not been paid. If you do not disp4te the above facts, please send me a letter stating that they are true so that the matter can be scheduled before the City Cou:�cil for a hearing on the appropriate penalty. You will have a cha_^.ce to apuear and make a statement before the Council on your behalf. If you wish to dispute t:e facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, plea=_e send a letter stating that you are- °t.� contest?ng the �ac�s. You u�ll then be sent a notice of heari^a with the date, ti:-e �nd place of the hearing, the nzme of t�e administrative law judge, G-d an exglanation of the procedures. Please let me kncw in writi-g ao later than Friday, February ld, 1997 how you wis2 �o procee3. If you have questions about these options, please ��=1 free �o contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, `��iu�.n_./J � Virgiriia D. Palmer Assistant City Attc=rey cc: Robert Kessle_, Directc° of LIP.P Christine �oze;c, LSEP Kristina Schwe_nler �� y�� STATE OF MINNESOTA } ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on February 7, 1a97, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Distinctive Laundry 531 Ohio Street Processing, Inc. Saint Paul, MN. 55107 (which is the last known address of said same, with postage prepaid, in the Unite Minnesota. �n) and depositing the tes mails at St. Paul, G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of February, 1997. ��a.z.u� Notary Public . , RITA M. BO�SARD z ; fJOTARYPU3LIC-0.`.L`;;�cSCTA S _ Ran�sEV cou�rv � My COinm. Expires,lan. 31. 200D � � a �i� `-1`lb Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Address .................. Zip ...................... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. Exp Date ................. Insurance Carrier......_. Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. E�iration Date..... I30TE ARE�:. ............... Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 15216 AC DISTINCTIVE LAUNDRY PROCESSING INC 531 OHIO ST 55107 DISTINCTIVE LAUNDRY PROCESSING INC LAUNDRY/DC PLANT 12/06J96 INSP CIiP,IdGE FROM O1 TO 02 ON 4/09/92 INSPECTOR CHANGE FROM RICH TO DENVER - 1/6/92 4498519 09/O1f94 222-2246 �`t O1J07/97 City of St. Paul - Department of LLIEtP 15216 ***k#�!***i*#�tY}*tk*!*f**#f*}!*T*leak DT.TTAWTG'� *Y**Ytf*k![a!}�k#4y[*Y[Yr*##Y[tkkkR*h#*R r.u�.ark�� 2nd printing ID # : 15216 DISTII�'PIVE LAUDIDRY pROCFSg7NG 1NC Inspector # : 07 I�2IS Due 12/06/96 - Delinque.nt Date . Tit[�e : License Type(s) DBA: DISTZNCI'1VE LAU1�IDRy PROCFSSING INC 2162 LAUt3DRY/DC PLANT 531 OHIO ST ST. PAUL N�T 55107 222 Atrount overdue: $164.00 Penalty a�rnunt: $16.00 Orders to be canpleted by: Seat Cotmt: Video Game Count: Cigarettes: Counter MaChi,ne Lrxation of Liquor Sezvice Area: �YAE'- of Entertaizut�nt . Construction or Remc�deling? , Follow up inspection on: Vendor Nar�: Re�te Activation Device? Yes No Historical Notes : 12/22/93 CK RTND FpR LATE FF� PAYNII�iT $15.00, T6TAL DtJE $165.00 -- CAM LIC Inspector Notes : Restrictions on License : Approval Flag: (3) = Approved �ignature of Business Representative (4) = Not Approved (5) = In Pr�ess Signature of Inspector OFFICE OR Tf� CITY ATTORNEY PegBirlG CityAttorney � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colenran, Mayor Civil Division 400 Crry Hall IS West KelZogg Blvd Saint Paul, Mirmesota 55102 Telephone: 612 266-87I0 Facsimi7e: 612 298-5619 April 18, 1997 Nancy Anderson 310 City Hall To ; Csa�..o: �w►�n�►beKS RE: Removal of Items From 4j23j97 Council Agenda Nancy: Please remove items number 50 and 52 from the council agenda for April 23, 1997. Item number 50: The licensee, Distinetive Laundry Processiag, is paying its licensing fee and the penalty fee, so the Council no longer needs to consider this matter. Item number 52: The licensee, Patrick`a Lounge, has requested a continuance of the public hearing, because he won't be available to attend the hearing on the 23rd. He has requested the matter be postponed until June 25 (we sent a notice that you'll be receiving shortly?, so our office has aqreed to accommodate him. If you have any questions, please give me a ca11. Thanks. ��- ��,' 877�