97-433�� � � �� � : ��� �';�.;. � n u a ; �� Presented By Sheet # ��� \\ RESOLUTION OF 1 2 3 Referred To Council File � ��' ��� Ordinance # � Committee: Date 37 RESOLVED: That application (ID #45880) for a Wine On Sale and On Sale Malt (Strong Beer) License hy Byerly's 1nc. DBA Syerly's St. Paul (Robert Lund, Owner) at 1959 Suburban Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yea Nays Abaent 7 B a eTc y � S Bost om —�"- 9 Ha r 's —�7`� Office of L�cense Insy�ections and 11 Me Y � Fnv�+'oxLR+ental Prot ction 12 T ne 15 �— �(� � " �- i`�U�' 16 Adopted by Council: Date �-i �,3, �� B Y' � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ly Form Approved by City torney 20 � ` � /�� y 21 By:�� Q � ry 22 � j ) By: �( , V 23 Approved by Mayor: Date `r! 3dt�i 7- 24 � 25 ��J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Z6 $y: �/(i Council 27 By: �i1 `iZZ DEPAqTMENT/OFFICE�COUNCIL DATEttJR1ATED �REEN SHEE �° -35311 / LIEP/Licensing -- — CONTACT PEfl$OM & PIiONE INI'f1AL/�ATE INITIAVDATE O DEPAflTMENT �IpECTOR � CRY COUNGIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 "�' �CINATTOHNEV �CRYCLERK NUYBER WH MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY � pOUTING � BUDGET DIFlECTOfl � FlN. & MC�L SEflVICES D�X. For hearin : 7 "or� �7 OflDEfl � „ �� ���„� � SOSAL # OF SIGNATl1RE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACf10N REbUESTED: Byerly's Inc. DBA Byerly's St. Paul requests Council approval of its application for a Wine On Sale and On Sale Malt (Strong &eer) License located at 1959 Suburban Avenue (ID ��45880). HECOMMENDATIONS: Apprave (A) ol Raject (R} pEHSONAL SEflY10E CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEH TfiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEKYICE COMMISSION 1. 4125 tS1�5 persunffirm aver wOrked under a Contrect fOr ihis department? � _ CIB COMMRSEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ D7S7RIC7 COUF7 _ 3. Does this perwn/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current ciy employee? SuPPOHTS WHICN cOUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explsin ell yes enswers on separata sheet pntl attaeh to green Sheet INRIA7ING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (WIro, Whe6 When. Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIfAPPPOVED: 013ADVANTA6ES IF APPROVED: ' �+ � t� �r��,as,d _:� tsiu tJ,`3da63d !i � � � �'t. a �J fw.a1 SNSADVANTA6ES IF NOT APPROVEd. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED iCiRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NOMBER FINANGIAL INFOPMATON: (IXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35311 L.I.E.P. REVtEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/7j97 � a�'''ti33 In Tracker? App'n Received f App'n Processed license 1D # 45880 License Type: Wine On Sale and On Sa e Ma1 (Gtr�„g t, ar� Company Name:BVerlv`s Inc. DBA: Bverlv's St. Paul Business Addresss: 1959 Suburban Avenue Business Phone: 735-6340 Contact Name/Address: Robert Lund, 3323 Ivv Lane. MinneavollE�me Phone: 927-5863 Date to Council Research: 55416 ������ Public Hearing Date: �°�� � � Labels Ordered: . �/ !�/ / _ _ __ _ _ Notice Sent to Applicant: �--� �!7 —,� District Counc7 #: � Notice Sent to Pubtic: J`�� - j�_______ Ward Department/ Date Inspections Comments Ciry Attomey 3•S� •�i�-- p.� . Environmental Heaith 3� f�•9� �.� • Fire 3 • t� -`�� c '�_ jC • License Site Plan Received: �ease aeceived: � '� I�f�� otv PoNCe �'� /"• + �`� � Zoning 3-1�. ` p.�,1 �Z y33 CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION -�.S4?°�tCAT'OVIS i.�`E TTOR=L�W YTi-�-P '"C r .���� PLEASE TYPE OR PR�T Pv I�,?C T�pe of License(si� y ^�Wg z�pi:zd ior Malt (.3!2) - on sale and wine - on sale Cc;Y Oc 5.�:�: P.�IL ,_._: �r_..-;<.:-;=��:..:s _.<�-.::��,.�� :-. -_,, :� ' Sa:'� — - . � .v`N`9G `lz ... _:.. _. S S 1,745 Compx:.y�ur,z _Byer1Y's, Inc. Co�oration Per^c-tc_p Sol<Propriewnlup :f b•siness is mca:pora;zd, gn e date of L�rarporation: 2/10/70 Doss:g Business as �Ier1y's St. Paul 735-6340 B�smzss Phone Busmess Address 1959 S�burban Avenue St. Paul MM[�tt 5511R s:� .aacz,. c,ry s�« Betu ee¢ u hat c:oss se�s is che business located? �ite Bear Aue. & Aith Street �,�,`ch side of the street? Are the premises now occupted� YeS What T}pe of Buiness� �staurant within g'oCeY'y stoie. 'vfazl To Address: 7171 France Avenue Sotlth Fdina MN s�� .aaeR„ AppLcant InformaUOn: c;p• z:� North 55435 s� ztp Name and Tide. __ Robert Thomas Lund Eeneficial Owne= fvst .Vuddle (�Liden) 1wa TiUe HomeAddtess 2'�94 Tv� Tane Minneanolis MN 55416 Stteee.4ddn+i Csry SLte Z�p Da;eofButh. 3/29171 PlaceofBirth: St. Anthony, M\' �;omePhone: 927-5863 Ha� e yen ever beer. cor.� icted of zny felony, crime or �7olation oFany ci[} ordinance other than traffic' YES � NO � Date of arresl: Charge _ Con��ction: Where? Swtence. Lisc the nactxs a�d rzs�de2ces of ehree persons of good moral character, living within the Ttiin Cities Mevo Atea, not related to the applicant or financialtp interzsced � the premises or business, who mac be refecred to as to che appiicant's chazac;er: NA_htE Lee P,DDRESS 2570 Cedar Ridge Road, Wayzata, M� 55391 PHO:�'E 475-2531 D. Robert Teslon, II 7035 Oak Grove Blvd., Richfield, MN 55423 861-4571 Von P. Martin 5425 County Rd. 140, Chaska, MN 55318 448-5994 L�st licenses Hh�ch � ou ci:rrrntly hold, formzrl}• held or may ha� e an interest m: See previous Ha� e any of the abo� e na�r:ed licenses erer been revoked? YES XXX NO If pes, list the dates a�d reasor.s for rz� ocztion: ' i s 9� �1 ��3 C��T;r:C?.TiO\ Or"�O:c:��5 CO\'3Eti5.4TI0\ CO� cR4Gc P��SI;.�.\T �0 \`�1��0 •,?. �'.3: i�E 1-5 :S= .^e-eb}ce: :�.::z�cecc�e:zee-eY_�e:ne�ue;\`.:.--.es�:aS:a:_.� �-5 182, s,�b�� ?. I zso ::^.,:�:sc�!d ::2: oro�ir.on of?at� vzfot?na�or. i� :h�s czr.:[itz:ie.^. cor.suc�:zs s sc:: :: �o�.:nCs `a zccz: � zctioa �_.^s: a1r l,c.�^.s:; hzid. �.c;ud;^.�, r���xzuon a.d sus�r.sic,^. of sa:d Lceaszs ��::eoiLsu:zr.czCc:-�_.1_ �lf InsuY'ed POS:C�"N1iTi�2r" I'�'1�-SO CO�'f!2E2�OP.3 4/1/88 - IO C%OI1t1IlU1I1Q I:^.2.'z �o z^ple� ys ce�e-.d ;�.�n wo.;:r, s' compz.^.sa,ion irsc �.�ce (i\"ITL�LS) A_rY FALSIFICATIO;V OF A.'�SR'ERS GNE\' OR �LATERIAL StiB4fITTED R"ILI. RESliLT L'�' DE!�TAL OF THIS APPLICATIO�' I he:eby state tt:at I ha�e ansuerzd atl of �e przceding questions, and that the information contained here'v1 is true and cocrect to thz bzst of m} ],2�ow Sedee a�d betizf I hereb}� state further that I have rxei�'ed no monep or other conside: ation, bc i� zc of loan, gift, co^a or oizr.aise, other tl:z� aLead}' disclosed in tht applicahon u�ich I heteuith submittzd. I also understand this premisz mat be inspected b� police, firz, health znd ochzr cm officizls ac anc xad all eur.es when the business is in opaation. Signature (REQI;IRED for R'e will acrept payment b� cash, check (made pa} ab3e to Ckr of Saint Paul) or credit card (�UC or Visa). Date IF PAYING BYCREDIT G4RD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWINGlNFOR4IATION: ❑:viasterCazd � Visa EY3II2ATION DATE: ❑C7f �❑ ACCOUNT Iv'L'?v1BER: i■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ of Card Holder(reauired [or *"1ote: if this apglication is Food/Liquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Stzce Olson {266-9139), to reliew pians. If an}� subs.anti�l changes to muc:vre are aaticipated, please contact a Cig� of Saint Paul Plan Exammer at 266-9007 to aQph for bU1ja1P.� P27IIllI5 ff thae �e azn changes to r1�e pul:ing ]o� IIoor space, or for new operations, piease contact a Cip of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9Q08. All applicatione require the fotloning documents. Please attach these documeats a hea submitting }our appticaiion: l. A deailed descripdon of the desigp, localion and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site pIan). The follouing data should be on the siie plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x I i"or 8 1(2` x 14" paper): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The scale sbould be stated such as I' = 20'. ^N should be indicated touud the top. - Placemeat of all pertinent featutes of the intenor of the licensed facility such as seating area>, kitchens, offices, repair arza, parl:u�g, rest rooms, ete. - If a requzst is for an add�von or e�pansion of the licensed facilitc, indicate both the current area znd thz proposed e�pansion. 2 A cop} of } o,u lease agre�ment or proof of ou nership of the propem�. SPECIFIC LICE?�SE APPLICATIONS REQUIItE ADDTTIO�AL L\�OR�IIATI0�1. PLEASE SEE RE VERSE FOR DETAII,S >>>> � ts 9� °l CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TI"S A.°PLICATIOV IS S��SJECT TO REV?EW BY TS-� pL �C Ci i Y" OF S.aI�T P.aL"L Cy.:t af �i�trs<.::s=t, .c.-s �,a � ,. � o ��,�:: � �: �� �. :� ; ;c s. =c� s: s�x?M. Sc^: �r1 va= :m� m.�..ei5t9L ix e.:`Cx =::: ,��'�-''� PLEASE TY?E OR PRINT IN iti?C ✓ Ttpz of License;s' bzi�g appliu+ for S � Ma1t �) — on sale and wine — on sale � 1,745 Cospanc?�ame BYerly'S, InC. Co:�o;ation Pan:.e:s:ip. SolePropneton}uQ If buiness is inco:pora:ed, gi�'e date of i�corporation: ZI10/70 Do'sg Business As �rly's St. Pau1 Busmess Phone �35 -634Q Business Ad�ess 1959 SUburban Avenue St. Paul MN 55119 S�-t.4ddress Ciry Stnte Z;p Betueen what c: oss str�s is the businzss located� � 1t2 BeaT Ave. & Ruth Street ��1ch side of the street� �� .4re the premises now occupied� YeS What T}pe of Busuress? R°staurant within gmeexy Stoie. _ Ivfaii io Address: 7171 France Avenue South Edina MI 55435 Svx: Addiesa Ciry Statc Zip Applicant laformauon: Eeneficial Name and Tide � auna Lund Lund McFeeley aaner F;m warv< Rr,tarn) Home Address: 1020 47ood ToT CirCle WaynE Sveet Addrtm Ciry DzteofBinh: 3j7j63 PlaceofBirth:St. Pattl..M�I Ha��e y�eu ever been � ict of �ti felonti�, crune m i°iolation of am• cit}� ordinance other than traffic� Date of arres[; Charge: _ Con�iction: Sentrnce: t.�a r�ua FA 19087 S �(610) 971p4909 Hor.�e Phone: YES NO X List the naznes azid reszdeaces of t�ree pe: sons of good moral character, hving uit2�in the Trx�in Cities Metro Area, not reiated to the applicant or financially mterested m the premises or business, who ma}� be referred to as to the applicant's chazaccer: N.A_ME ADDRESS � Dav 43 Leathexsix�oc.3 Drive Mrs. Pay Lauser 38 Leathe�xl Drive Mrs. Lbnna Cianci 2055 Wyndtree Lane Collegeville, PA 19426 C ollegeville, PA 19426 Malvern, FA 19355 List licenses u tuch � ou currrntl hold, focmertv hel� or mati• ha� e an interest in: Licenses that would Y be held by Lunds Poods. PHO:�`E (610) 650-0968 (610) 650-0800 (610) 407-4441 Ha� e any of the abo��e named licenses ei er been revoked7 YES X NO If yes,list the dates and reasors for re� ocacion Where? 3 18 47 CLASS III LICENSE APPLICAI'ION T?= 5?,PPL?CATiOV IS Si'�IECT' i 0 REV = ik' B�' T' ��LBi'C CiiYOr S��'� P�i:L V=.dG J. .:SY_.,0-5 �` - - � �•� �-_:--. � : �:;`�s� �__;w s.-:�.,.� _ .x.�u �� ... .x -- �`� 2�� PLEASE TY�2E OR PR.�? Lti i�,:� T�pz of License;si oe:rg appiizd for g Malt (�y - on sale and wine - on sale • � 1,745 COIP:�^u1� 1�2 �PSI.Y� S� ]�SSC. Cn:�orat:on PartnasFSp SoleRopnetonlup ;f bisiness is mca:poracr.d, gi�e c+ate of v�corporation: 2110/70 Domg Business As BI'�'ly's St. Pattl Business PSone. � 35-6340 Btsiness Address 1959 SUburl�n Avenue St. Paul MN 55119 S� Addxe° C+rv State Z�p Be;ueen abat c:ess st.�'s is the busmess focaced� �te Bear AVe. & Fdith Stseet �ch side of the screet? �� Are ehe pre.mises noa occupied� YeS What 7}pe of Business? �stattz'ant within grocezy stoze. . '�fazi To Address. 7171 EYance Avenue �uth Edina MN 55435 S�'� � City Stace Zip Applica, t Infmmation' \'ame and Ticle Kimberlv Anne Lund Beneficial Owner F;� waa�� HomeAddress: 4803 Fremont Ave. S., Minneapolis, NN�55409 � T ��� 5� aaax,. c,ry s,��� z;p Dace of Buth � 2/ 7 5159 P;ace of Birth: St. Paul MN Home Phone: $31-3601 Ha� e}eu ever bzea cor.� �cted of any fetoay, crime or �•toiation of any cic}' ordinance ocher than traffic? YES _ NO � Date of az:est. Chage: , Connction: Where? Srntence. List �e naznes and tcsidecces of t�ree persons of good moral character, living w�thin the Tuin Ciaes Metro Area, not related to the applicxnt or financ�ally inte: ested m the premises or business, who ma}• be referre3 to as to the appiicanYs chazacter: NAME Jodi Bentle ADDRESS 1443 Hewitt Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 PHO'�'E 644-4733 Jennifer Hunt 4712 Bryant Ave. S., Min MN 55409 823-4277 Karen Westwood 3704 20th Ave. 5., Minneapolis, MN 5 5407 72G-5721 List licrnses ahich �ou curendy ho1d, formarh• heid, or may ha� e an interest in: Se�..Rr?.�; �„G Ha�e any of the abo� e named ticenses e� er been revoked? YES ��O If }'es, hst the datzs and reasons for re� ocxuon � is 9; ,�- CLASS III LICE�ISE APPLICATIOv r:r.s aapt ?CA''ION IS S' 3'ECT''O REV�zW 9�' T- = PLB`'C c�r� s�:��: �:��t L-^<J(�.;,CS< .:S]d.l`:S _. - _��.� r,.,_ ..- :` `� � "��. ,:. k =,��-_�, :.���.:.> _ PLEASE TYPE OR PRP.a'T N I'.v?C T�reofLicense� e� z�pi:zd;or g Ma].t (. )— on sale and wine — on sale 1,745 S 5 CompanyNazr,z. Bverly's, Inc. Cc.�ora[:on Per^c.ti_p SolePropnecanlup If bisi�ess is inco:Forat;, +� �� e date of vlcor�oration 2 J10/70 Doir.g Btisiness As Byerly' S St. Pattl B:smzss Phone �3 5-6340 Busmess Address 1959 SUburban Avenue St. Paul MNI 55119 s �:.�ean,. ur� sv�< Betueen ubat cross s[r�s is Lhe busmess located� �ite Seat Ave. & Rt1th StY'eet ��� side of ehe street� .4re the premises nou occupied? Yes What T}pe of Business� �5taurant within grocery stoie. '.�iazl ?o Address 7171 France Avenue South Etlina MN sc� naaro,� c�ry sam Applicant Information. Zip North 554 Zip Name and Title Russell Thomas Lu nd, III Beneficial Owner Fvsc �,tiddle (�Saidrn> Lut ritle HomeAddress. 2950 Dean Parkwav /E264 Minneapolis MN 55416 5 �.��s+ Ciry SEate Zip DaceofBirth. R/2/67 PIaceofBinh: St. Paul, MN HomePhone: g 2 7— OZ13 Ha� e} ou eve; b� cor.r�c� of any feiony, enme or �iolatron of any cit} ordinance other than traffic' YES _ NO � Date of arrest: Chage: _ Comlcdon: Srntrnce: Lin the names azid resdeaces of three persons of good moral chuacter, tiving w7thin the Twzn Cities Mevo Area, not related to [he apphcant or finanaally inte: ested •,n the premises or business, who ma}• be referred to as to the applicanYs charac;er: NAME ADDRESS PHOKE Kennan Kro11 37� Leaf St., Orono, MN 5535 404-9134 Eric Thompson 3632 Larchwood Circle, Mi nnetonka, MN 55345 476-1318 Mitch Avery 29715 Linwood Road, Deephave MN 55331 474-4245 List licznses which �ou ea�rndy holc� formerh� he3d � may ha�e an interest in: _ GgP�RYPVI M1S Ha� e anc of the abo� e nzmed licenses e� er been revoked? YES �_ NO If yes, list the datcs and reasons for re� ocaUOn Where? ? I39� �� � � �� � : ��� �';�.;. � n u a ; �� Presented By Sheet # ��� \\ RESOLUTION OF 1 2 3 Referred To Council File � ��' ��� Ordinance # � Committee: Date 37 RESOLVED: That application (ID #45880) for a Wine On Sale and On Sale Malt (Strong Beer) License hy Byerly's 1nc. DBA Syerly's St. Paul (Robert Lund, Owner) at 1959 Suburban Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yea Nays Abaent 7 B a eTc y � S Bost om —�"- 9 Ha r 's —�7`� Office of L�cense Insy�ections and 11 Me Y � Fnv�+'oxLR+ental Prot ction 12 T ne 15 �— �(� � " �- i`�U�' 16 Adopted by Council: Date �-i �,3, �� B Y' � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ly Form Approved by City torney 20 � ` � /�� y 21 By:�� Q � ry 22 � j ) By: �( , V 23 Approved by Mayor: Date `r! 3dt�i 7- 24 � 25 ��J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Z6 $y: �/(i Council 27 By: �i1 `iZZ DEPAqTMENT/OFFICE�COUNCIL DATEttJR1ATED �REEN SHEE �° -35311 / LIEP/Licensing -- — CONTACT PEfl$OM & PIiONE INI'f1AL/�ATE INITIAVDATE O DEPAflTMENT �IpECTOR � CRY COUNGIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 "�' �CINATTOHNEV �CRYCLERK NUYBER WH MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY � pOUTING � BUDGET DIFlECTOfl � FlN. & MC�L SEflVICES D�X. For hearin : 7 "or� �7 OflDEfl � „ �� ���„� � SOSAL # OF SIGNATl1RE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACf10N REbUESTED: Byerly's Inc. DBA Byerly's St. Paul requests Council approval of its application for a Wine On Sale and On Sale Malt (Strong &eer) License located at 1959 Suburban Avenue (ID ��45880). HECOMMENDATIONS: Apprave (A) ol Raject (R} pEHSONAL SEflY10E CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEH TfiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEKYICE COMMISSION 1. 4125 tS1�5 persunffirm aver wOrked under a Contrect fOr ihis department? � _ CIB COMMRSEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ D7S7RIC7 COUF7 _ 3. Does this perwn/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current ciy employee? SuPPOHTS WHICN cOUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explsin ell yes enswers on separata sheet pntl attaeh to green Sheet INRIA7ING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (WIro, Whe6 When. Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIfAPPPOVED: 013ADVANTA6ES IF APPROVED: ' �+ � t� �r��,as,d _:� tsiu tJ,`3da63d !i � � � �'t. a �J fw.a1 SNSADVANTA6ES IF NOT APPROVEd. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED iCiRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NOMBER FINANGIAL INFOPMATON: (IXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35311 L.I.E.P. REVtEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/7j97 � a�'''ti33 In Tracker? App'n Received f App'n Processed license 1D # 45880 License Type: Wine On Sale and On Sa e Ma1 (Gtr�„g t, ar� Company Name:BVerlv`s Inc. DBA: Bverlv's St. Paul Business Addresss: 1959 Suburban Avenue Business Phone: 735-6340 Contact Name/Address: Robert Lund, 3323 Ivv Lane. MinneavollE�me Phone: 927-5863 Date to Council Research: 55416 ������ Public Hearing Date: �°�� � � Labels Ordered: . �/ !�/ / _ _ __ _ _ Notice Sent to Applicant: �--� �!7 —,� District Counc7 #: � Notice Sent to Pubtic: J`�� - j�_______ Ward Department/ Date Inspections Comments Ciry Attomey 3•S� •�i�-- p.� . Environmental Heaith 3� f�•9� �.� • Fire 3 • t� -`�� c '�_ jC • License Site Plan Received: �ease aeceived: � '� I�f�� otv PoNCe �'� /"• + �`� � Zoning 3-1�. ` p.�,1 �Z y33 CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION -�.S4?°�tCAT'OVIS i.�`E TTOR=L�W YTi-�-P '"C r .���� PLEASE TYPE OR PR�T Pv I�,?C T�pe of License(si� y ^�Wg z�pi:zd ior Malt (.3!2) - on sale and wine - on sale Cc;Y Oc 5.�:�: P.�IL ,_._: �r_..-;<.:-;=��:..:s _.<�-.::��,.�� :-. -_,, :� ' Sa:'� — - . � .v`N`9G `lz ... _:.. _. S S 1,745 Compx:.y�ur,z _Byer1Y's, Inc. Co�oration Per^c-tc_p Sol<Propriewnlup :f b•siness is mca:pora;zd, gn e date of L�rarporation: 2/10/70 Doss:g Business as �Ier1y's St. Paul 735-6340 B�smzss Phone Busmess Address 1959 S�burban Avenue St. Paul MM[�tt 5511R s:� .aacz,. c,ry s�« Betu ee¢ u hat c:oss se�s is che business located? �ite Bear Aue. & Aith Street �,�,`ch side of the street? Are the premises now occupted� YeS What T}pe of Buiness� �staurant within g'oCeY'y stoie. 'vfazl To Address: 7171 France Avenue Sotlth Fdina MN s�� .aaeR„ AppLcant InformaUOn: c;p• z:� North 55435 s� ztp Name and Tide. __ Robert Thomas Lund Eeneficial Owne= fvst .Vuddle (�Liden) 1wa TiUe HomeAddtess 2'�94 Tv� Tane Minneanolis MN 55416 Stteee.4ddn+i Csry SLte Z�p Da;eofButh. 3/29171 PlaceofBirth: St. Anthony, M\' �;omePhone: 927-5863 Ha� e yen ever beer. cor.� icted of zny felony, crime or �7olation oFany ci[} ordinance other than traffic' YES � NO � Date of arresl: Charge _ Con��ction: Where? Swtence. Lisc the nactxs a�d rzs�de2ces of ehree persons of good moral character, living within the Ttiin Cities Mevo Atea, not related to the applicant or financialtp interzsced � the premises or business, who mac be refecred to as to che appiicant's chazac;er: NA_htE Lee P,DDRESS 2570 Cedar Ridge Road, Wayzata, M� 55391 PHO:�'E 475-2531 D. Robert Teslon, II 7035 Oak Grove Blvd., Richfield, MN 55423 861-4571 Von P. Martin 5425 County Rd. 140, Chaska, MN 55318 448-5994 L�st licenses Hh�ch � ou ci:rrrntly hold, formzrl}• held or may ha� e an interest m: See previous Ha� e any of the abo� e na�r:ed licenses erer been revoked? YES XXX NO If pes, list the dates a�d reasor.s for rz� ocztion: ' i s 9� �1 ��3 C��T;r:C?.TiO\ Or"�O:c:��5 CO\'3Eti5.4TI0\ CO� cR4Gc P��SI;.�.\T �0 \`�1��0 •,?. �'.3: i�E 1-5 :S= .^e-eb}ce: :�.::z�cecc�e:zee-eY_�e:ne�ue;\`.:.--.es�:aS:a:_.� �-5 182, s,�b�� ?. I zso ::^.,:�:sc�!d ::2: oro�ir.on of?at� vzfot?na�or. i� :h�s czr.:[itz:ie.^. cor.suc�:zs s sc:: :: �o�.:nCs `a zccz: � zctioa �_.^s: a1r l,c.�^.s:; hzid. �.c;ud;^.�, r���xzuon a.d sus�r.sic,^. of sa:d Lceaszs ��::eoiLsu:zr.czCc:-�_.1_ �lf InsuY'ed POS:C�"N1iTi�2r" I'�'1�-SO CO�'f!2E2�OP.3 4/1/88 - IO C%OI1t1IlU1I1Q I:^.2.'z �o z^ple� ys ce�e-.d ;�.�n wo.;:r, s' compz.^.sa,ion irsc �.�ce (i\"ITL�LS) A_rY FALSIFICATIO;V OF A.'�SR'ERS GNE\' OR �LATERIAL StiB4fITTED R"ILI. RESliLT L'�' DE!�TAL OF THIS APPLICATIO�' I he:eby state tt:at I ha�e ansuerzd atl of �e przceding questions, and that the information contained here'v1 is true and cocrect to thz bzst of m} ],2�ow Sedee a�d betizf I hereb}� state further that I have rxei�'ed no monep or other conside: ation, bc i� zc of loan, gift, co^a or oizr.aise, other tl:z� aLead}' disclosed in tht applicahon u�ich I heteuith submittzd. I also understand this premisz mat be inspected b� police, firz, health znd ochzr cm officizls ac anc xad all eur.es when the business is in opaation. Signature (REQI;IRED for R'e will acrept payment b� cash, check (made pa} ab3e to Ckr of Saint Paul) or credit card (�UC or Visa). Date IF PAYING BYCREDIT G4RD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWINGlNFOR4IATION: ❑:viasterCazd � Visa EY3II2ATION DATE: ❑C7f �❑ ACCOUNT Iv'L'?v1BER: i■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ of Card Holder(reauired [or *"1ote: if this apglication is Food/Liquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Stzce Olson {266-9139), to reliew pians. If an}� subs.anti�l changes to muc:vre are aaticipated, please contact a Cig� of Saint Paul Plan Exammer at 266-9007 to aQph for bU1ja1P.� P27IIllI5 ff thae �e azn changes to r1�e pul:ing ]o� IIoor space, or for new operations, piease contact a Cip of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9Q08. All applicatione require the fotloning documents. Please attach these documeats a hea submitting }our appticaiion: l. A deailed descripdon of the desigp, localion and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site pIan). The follouing data should be on the siie plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x I i"or 8 1(2` x 14" paper): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The scale sbould be stated such as I' = 20'. ^N should be indicated touud the top. - Placemeat of all pertinent featutes of the intenor of the licensed facility such as seating area>, kitchens, offices, repair arza, parl:u�g, rest rooms, ete. - If a requzst is for an add�von or e�pansion of the licensed facilitc, indicate both the current area znd thz proposed e�pansion. 2 A cop} of } o,u lease agre�ment or proof of ou nership of the propem�. SPECIFIC LICE?�SE APPLICATIONS REQUIItE ADDTTIO�AL L\�OR�IIATI0�1. PLEASE SEE RE VERSE FOR DETAII,S >>>> � ts 9� °l CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TI"S A.°PLICATIOV IS S��SJECT TO REV?EW BY TS-� pL �C Ci i Y" OF S.aI�T P.aL"L Cy.:t af �i�trs<.::s=t, .c.-s �,a � ,. � o ��,�:: � �: �� �. :� ; ;c s. =c� s: s�x?M. Sc^: �r1 va= :m� m.�..ei5t9L ix e.:`Cx =::: ,��'�-''� PLEASE TY?E OR PRINT IN iti?C ✓ Ttpz of License;s' bzi�g appliu+ for S � Ma1t �) — on sale and wine — on sale � 1,745 Cospanc?�ame BYerly'S, InC. Co:�o;ation Pan:.e:s:ip. SolePropneton}uQ If buiness is inco:pora:ed, gi�'e date of i�corporation: ZI10/70 Do'sg Business As �rly's St. Pau1 Busmess Phone �35 -634Q Business Ad�ess 1959 SUburban Avenue St. Paul MN 55119 S�-t.4ddress Ciry Stnte Z;p Betueen what c: oss str�s is the businzss located� � 1t2 BeaT Ave. & Ruth Street ��1ch side of the street� �� .4re the premises now occupied� YeS What T}pe of Busuress? R°staurant within gmeexy Stoie. _ Ivfaii io Address: 7171 France Avenue South Edina MI 55435 Svx: Addiesa Ciry Statc Zip Applicant laformauon: Eeneficial Name and Tide � auna Lund Lund McFeeley aaner F;m warv< Rr,tarn) Home Address: 1020 47ood ToT CirCle WaynE Sveet Addrtm Ciry DzteofBinh: 3j7j63 PlaceofBirth:St. Pattl..M�I Ha��e y�eu ever been � ict of �ti felonti�, crune m i°iolation of am• cit}� ordinance other than traffic� Date of arres[; Charge: _ Con�iction: Sentrnce: t.�a r�ua FA 19087 S �(610) 971p4909 Hor.�e Phone: YES NO X List the naznes azid reszdeaces of t�ree pe: sons of good moral character, hving uit2�in the Trx�in Cities Metro Area, not reiated to the applicant or financially mterested m the premises or business, who ma}� be referred to as to the applicant's chazaccer: N.A_ME ADDRESS � Dav 43 Leathexsix�oc.3 Drive Mrs. Pay Lauser 38 Leathe�xl Drive Mrs. Lbnna Cianci 2055 Wyndtree Lane Collegeville, PA 19426 C ollegeville, PA 19426 Malvern, FA 19355 List licenses u tuch � ou currrntl hold, focmertv hel� or mati• ha� e an interest in: Licenses that would Y be held by Lunds Poods. PHO:�`E (610) 650-0968 (610) 650-0800 (610) 407-4441 Ha� e any of the abo��e named licenses ei er been revoked7 YES X NO If yes,list the dates and reasors for re� ocacion Where? 3 18 47 CLASS III LICENSE APPLICAI'ION T?= 5?,PPL?CATiOV IS Si'�IECT' i 0 REV = ik' B�' T' ��LBi'C CiiYOr S��'� P�i:L V=.dG J. .:SY_.,0-5 �` - - � �•� �-_:--. � : �:;`�s� �__;w s.-:�.,.� _ .x.�u �� ... .x -- �`� 2�� PLEASE TY�2E OR PR.�? Lti i�,:� T�pz of License;si oe:rg appiizd for g Malt (�y - on sale and wine - on sale • � 1,745 COIP:�^u1� 1�2 �PSI.Y� S� ]�SSC. Cn:�orat:on PartnasFSp SoleRopnetonlup ;f bisiness is mca:poracr.d, gi�e c+ate of v�corporation: 2110/70 Domg Business As BI'�'ly's St. Pattl Business PSone. � 35-6340 Btsiness Address 1959 SUburl�n Avenue St. Paul MN 55119 S� Addxe° C+rv State Z�p Be;ueen abat c:ess st.�'s is the busmess focaced� �te Bear AVe. & Fdith Stseet �ch side of the screet? �� Are ehe pre.mises noa occupied� YeS What 7}pe of Business? �stattz'ant within grocezy stoze. . '�fazi To Address. 7171 EYance Avenue �uth Edina MN 55435 S�'� � City Stace Zip Applica, t Infmmation' \'ame and Ticle Kimberlv Anne Lund Beneficial Owner F;� waa�� HomeAddress: 4803 Fremont Ave. S., Minneapolis, NN�55409 � T ��� 5� aaax,. c,ry s,��� z;p Dace of Buth � 2/ 7 5159 P;ace of Birth: St. Paul MN Home Phone: $31-3601 Ha� e}eu ever bzea cor.� �cted of any fetoay, crime or �•toiation of any cic}' ordinance ocher than traffic? YES _ NO � Date of az:est. Chage: , Connction: Where? Srntence. List �e naznes and tcsidecces of t�ree persons of good moral character, living w�thin the Tuin Ciaes Metro Area, not related to the applicxnt or financ�ally inte: ested m the premises or business, who ma}• be referre3 to as to the appiicanYs chazacter: NAME Jodi Bentle ADDRESS 1443 Hewitt Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 PHO'�'E 644-4733 Jennifer Hunt 4712 Bryant Ave. S., Min MN 55409 823-4277 Karen Westwood 3704 20th Ave. 5., Minneapolis, MN 5 5407 72G-5721 List licrnses ahich �ou curendy ho1d, formarh• heid, or may ha� e an interest in: Se�..Rr?.�; �„G Ha�e any of the abo� e named ticenses e� er been revoked? YES ��O If }'es, hst the datzs and reasons for re� ocxuon � is 9; ,�- CLASS III LICE�ISE APPLICATIOv r:r.s aapt ?CA''ION IS S' 3'ECT''O REV�zW 9�' T- = PLB`'C c�r� s�:��: �:��t L-^<J(�.;,CS< .:S]d.l`:S _. - _��.� r,.,_ ..- :` `� � "��. ,:. k =,��-_�, :.���.:.> _ PLEASE TYPE OR PRP.a'T N I'.v?C T�reofLicense� e� z�pi:zd;or g Ma].t (. )— on sale and wine — on sale 1,745 S 5 CompanyNazr,z. Bverly's, Inc. Cc.�ora[:on Per^c.ti_p SolePropnecanlup If bisi�ess is inco:Forat;, +� �� e date of vlcor�oration 2 J10/70 Doir.g Btisiness As Byerly' S St. Pattl B:smzss Phone �3 5-6340 Busmess Address 1959 SUburban Avenue St. Paul MNI 55119 s �:.�ean,. ur� sv�< Betueen ubat cross s[r�s is Lhe busmess located� �ite Seat Ave. & Rt1th StY'eet ��� side of ehe street� .4re the premises nou occupied? Yes What T}pe of Business� �5taurant within grocery stoie. '.�iazl ?o Address 7171 France Avenue South Etlina MN sc� naaro,� c�ry sam Applicant Information. Zip North 554 Zip Name and Title Russell Thomas Lu nd, III Beneficial Owner Fvsc �,tiddle (�Saidrn> Lut ritle HomeAddress. 2950 Dean Parkwav /E264 Minneapolis MN 55416 5 �.��s+ Ciry SEate Zip DaceofBirth. R/2/67 PIaceofBinh: St. Paul, MN HomePhone: g 2 7— OZ13 Ha� e} ou eve; b� cor.r�c� of any feiony, enme or �iolatron of any cit} ordinance other than traffic' YES _ NO � Date of arrest: Chage: _ Comlcdon: Srntrnce: Lin the names azid resdeaces of three persons of good moral chuacter, tiving w7thin the Twzn Cities Mevo Area, not related to [he apphcant or finanaally inte: ested •,n the premises or business, who ma}• be referred to as to the applicanYs charac;er: NAME ADDRESS PHOKE Kennan Kro11 37� Leaf St., Orono, MN 5535 404-9134 Eric Thompson 3632 Larchwood Circle, Mi nnetonka, MN 55345 476-1318 Mitch Avery 29715 Linwood Road, Deephave MN 55331 474-4245 List licznses which �ou ea�rndy holc� formerh� he3d � may ha�e an interest in: _ GgP�RYPVI M1S Ha� e anc of the abo� e nzmed licenses e� er been revoked? YES �_ NO If yes, list the datcs and reasons for re� ocaUOn Where? ? I39� �� � � �� � : ��� �';�.;. � n u a ; �� Presented By Sheet # ��� \\ RESOLUTION OF 1 2 3 Referred To Council File � ��' ��� Ordinance # � Committee: Date 37 RESOLVED: That application (ID #45880) for a Wine On Sale and On Sale Malt (Strong Beer) License hy Byerly's 1nc. DBA Syerly's St. Paul (Robert Lund, Owner) at 1959 Suburban Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yea Nays Abaent 7 B a eTc y � S Bost om —�"- 9 Ha r 's —�7`� Office of L�cense Insy�ections and 11 Me Y � Fnv�+'oxLR+ental Prot ction 12 T ne 15 �— �(� � " �- i`�U�' 16 Adopted by Council: Date �-i �,3, �� B Y' � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ly Form Approved by City torney 20 � ` � /�� y 21 By:�� Q � ry 22 � j ) By: �( , V 23 Approved by Mayor: Date `r! 3dt�i 7- 24 � 25 ��J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Z6 $y: �/(i Council 27 By: �i1 `iZZ DEPAqTMENT/OFFICE�COUNCIL DATEttJR1ATED �REEN SHEE �° -35311 / LIEP/Licensing -- — CONTACT PEfl$OM & PIiONE INI'f1AL/�ATE INITIAVDATE O DEPAflTMENT �IpECTOR � CRY COUNGIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 "�' �CINATTOHNEV �CRYCLERK NUYBER WH MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY � pOUTING � BUDGET DIFlECTOfl � FlN. & MC�L SEflVICES D�X. For hearin : 7 "or� �7 OflDEfl � „ �� ���„� � SOSAL # OF SIGNATl1RE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACf10N REbUESTED: Byerly's Inc. DBA Byerly's St. Paul requests Council approval of its application for a Wine On Sale and On Sale Malt (Strong &eer) License located at 1959 Suburban Avenue (ID ��45880). HECOMMENDATIONS: Apprave (A) ol Raject (R} pEHSONAL SEflY10E CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEH TfiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEKYICE COMMISSION 1. 4125 tS1�5 persunffirm aver wOrked under a Contrect fOr ihis department? � _ CIB COMMRSEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ D7S7RIC7 COUF7 _ 3. Does this perwn/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current ciy employee? SuPPOHTS WHICN cOUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explsin ell yes enswers on separata sheet pntl attaeh to green Sheet INRIA7ING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (WIro, Whe6 When. Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIfAPPPOVED: 013ADVANTA6ES IF APPROVED: ' �+ � t� �r��,as,d _:� tsiu tJ,`3da63d !i � � � �'t. a �J fw.a1 SNSADVANTA6ES IF NOT APPROVEd. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED iCiRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NOMBER FINANGIAL INFOPMATON: (IXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35311 L.I.E.P. REVtEW CHECKLIST Date: 3/7j97 � a�'''ti33 In Tracker? App'n Received f App'n Processed license 1D # 45880 License Type: Wine On Sale and On Sa e Ma1 (Gtr�„g t, ar� Company Name:BVerlv`s Inc. DBA: Bverlv's St. Paul Business Addresss: 1959 Suburban Avenue Business Phone: 735-6340 Contact Name/Address: Robert Lund, 3323 Ivv Lane. MinneavollE�me Phone: 927-5863 Date to Council Research: 55416 ������ Public Hearing Date: �°�� � � Labels Ordered: . �/ !�/ / _ _ __ _ _ Notice Sent to Applicant: �--� �!7 —,� District Counc7 #: � Notice Sent to Pubtic: J`�� - j�_______ Ward Department/ Date Inspections Comments Ciry Attomey 3•S� •�i�-- p.� . Environmental Heaith 3� f�•9� �.� • Fire 3 • t� -`�� c '�_ jC • License Site Plan Received: �ease aeceived: � '� I�f�� otv PoNCe �'� /"• + �`� � Zoning 3-1�. ` p.�,1 �Z y33 CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION -�.S4?°�tCAT'OVIS i.�`E TTOR=L�W YTi-�-P '"C r .���� PLEASE TYPE OR PR�T Pv I�,?C T�pe of License(si� y ^�Wg z�pi:zd ior Malt (.3!2) - on sale and wine - on sale Cc;Y Oc 5.�:�: P.�IL ,_._: �r_..-;<.:-;=��:..:s _.<�-.::��,.�� :-. -_,, :� ' Sa:'� — - . � .v`N`9G `lz ... _:.. _. S S 1,745 Compx:.y�ur,z _Byer1Y's, Inc. Co�oration Per^c-tc_p Sol<Propriewnlup :f b•siness is mca:pora;zd, gn e date of L�rarporation: 2/10/70 Doss:g Business as �Ier1y's St. Paul 735-6340 B�smzss Phone Busmess Address 1959 S�burban Avenue St. Paul MM[�tt 5511R s:� .aacz,. c,ry s�« Betu ee¢ u hat c:oss se�s is che business located? �ite Bear Aue. & Aith Street �,�,`ch side of the street? Are the premises now occupted� YeS What T}pe of Buiness� �staurant within g'oCeY'y stoie. 'vfazl To Address: 7171 France Avenue Sotlth Fdina MN s�� .aaeR„ AppLcant InformaUOn: c;p• z:� North 55435 s� ztp Name and Tide. __ Robert Thomas Lund Eeneficial Owne= fvst .Vuddle (�Liden) 1wa TiUe HomeAddtess 2'�94 Tv� Tane Minneanolis MN 55416 Stteee.4ddn+i Csry SLte Z�p Da;eofButh. 3/29171 PlaceofBirth: St. Anthony, M\' �;omePhone: 927-5863 Ha� e yen ever beer. cor.� icted of zny felony, crime or �7olation oFany ci[} ordinance other than traffic' YES � NO � Date of arresl: Charge _ Con��ction: Where? Swtence. Lisc the nactxs a�d rzs�de2ces of ehree persons of good moral character, living within the Ttiin Cities Mevo Atea, not related to the applicant or financialtp interzsced � the premises or business, who mac be refecred to as to che appiicant's chazac;er: NA_htE Lee P,DDRESS 2570 Cedar Ridge Road, Wayzata, M� 55391 PHO:�'E 475-2531 D. Robert Teslon, II 7035 Oak Grove Blvd., Richfield, MN 55423 861-4571 Von P. Martin 5425 County Rd. 140, Chaska, MN 55318 448-5994 L�st licenses Hh�ch � ou ci:rrrntly hold, formzrl}• held or may ha� e an interest m: See previous Ha� e any of the abo� e na�r:ed licenses erer been revoked? YES XXX NO If pes, list the dates a�d reasor.s for rz� ocztion: ' i s 9� �1 ��3 C��T;r:C?.TiO\ Or"�O:c:��5 CO\'3Eti5.4TI0\ CO� cR4Gc P��SI;.�.\T �0 \`�1��0 •,?. �'.3: i�E 1-5 :S= .^e-eb}ce: :�.::z�cecc�e:zee-eY_�e:ne�ue;\`.:.--.es�:aS:a:_.� �-5 182, s,�b�� ?. I zso ::^.,:�:sc�!d ::2: oro�ir.on of?at� vzfot?na�or. i� :h�s czr.:[itz:ie.^. cor.suc�:zs s sc:: :: �o�.:nCs `a zccz: � zctioa �_.^s: a1r l,c.�^.s:; hzid. �.c;ud;^.�, r���xzuon a.d sus�r.sic,^. of sa:d Lceaszs ��::eoiLsu:zr.czCc:-�_.1_ �lf InsuY'ed POS:C�"N1iTi�2r" I'�'1�-SO CO�'f!2E2�OP.3 4/1/88 - IO C%OI1t1IlU1I1Q I:^.2.'z �o z^ple� ys ce�e-.d ;�.�n wo.;:r, s' compz.^.sa,ion irsc �.�ce (i\"ITL�LS) A_rY FALSIFICATIO;V OF A.'�SR'ERS GNE\' OR �LATERIAL StiB4fITTED R"ILI. RESliLT L'�' DE!�TAL OF THIS APPLICATIO�' I he:eby state tt:at I ha�e ansuerzd atl of �e przceding questions, and that the information contained here'v1 is true and cocrect to thz bzst of m} ],2�ow Sedee a�d betizf I hereb}� state further that I have rxei�'ed no monep or other conside: ation, bc i� zc of loan, gift, co^a or oizr.aise, other tl:z� aLead}' disclosed in tht applicahon u�ich I heteuith submittzd. I also understand this premisz mat be inspected b� police, firz, health znd ochzr cm officizls ac anc xad all eur.es when the business is in opaation. Signature (REQI;IRED for R'e will acrept payment b� cash, check (made pa} ab3e to Ckr of Saint Paul) or credit card (�UC or Visa). Date IF PAYING BYCREDIT G4RD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWINGlNFOR4IATION: ❑:viasterCazd � Visa EY3II2ATION DATE: ❑C7f �❑ ACCOUNT Iv'L'?v1BER: i■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ of Card Holder(reauired [or *"1ote: if this apglication is Food/Liquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Stzce Olson {266-9139), to reliew pians. If an}� subs.anti�l changes to muc:vre are aaticipated, please contact a Cig� of Saint Paul Plan Exammer at 266-9007 to aQph for bU1ja1P.� P27IIllI5 ff thae �e azn changes to r1�e pul:ing ]o� IIoor space, or for new operations, piease contact a Cip of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9Q08. All applicatione require the fotloning documents. Please attach these documeats a hea submitting }our appticaiion: l. A deailed descripdon of the desigp, localion and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site pIan). The follouing data should be on the siie plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x I i"or 8 1(2` x 14" paper): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The scale sbould be stated such as I' = 20'. ^N should be indicated touud the top. - Placemeat of all pertinent featutes of the intenor of the licensed facility such as seating area>, kitchens, offices, repair arza, parl:u�g, rest rooms, ete. - If a requzst is for an add�von or e�pansion of the licensed facilitc, indicate both the current area znd thz proposed e�pansion. 2 A cop} of } o,u lease agre�ment or proof of ou nership of the propem�. SPECIFIC LICE?�SE APPLICATIONS REQUIItE ADDTTIO�AL L\�OR�IIATI0�1. PLEASE SEE RE VERSE FOR DETAII,S >>>> � ts 9� °l CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TI"S A.°PLICATIOV IS S��SJECT TO REV?EW BY TS-� pL �C Ci i Y" OF S.aI�T P.aL"L Cy.:t af �i�trs<.::s=t, .c.-s �,a � ,. � o ��,�:: � �: �� �. :� ; ;c s. =c� s: s�x?M. Sc^: �r1 va= :m� m.�..ei5t9L ix e.:`Cx =::: ,��'�-''� PLEASE TY?E OR PRINT IN iti?C ✓ Ttpz of License;s' bzi�g appliu+ for S � Ma1t �) — on sale and wine — on sale � 1,745 Cospanc?�ame BYerly'S, InC. Co:�o;ation Pan:.e:s:ip. SolePropneton}uQ If buiness is inco:pora:ed, gi�'e date of i�corporation: ZI10/70 Do'sg Business As �rly's St. Pau1 Busmess Phone �35 -634Q Business Ad�ess 1959 SUburban Avenue St. Paul MN 55119 S�-t.4ddress Ciry Stnte Z;p Betueen what c: oss str�s is the businzss located� � 1t2 BeaT Ave. & Ruth Street ��1ch side of the street� �� .4re the premises now occupied� YeS What T}pe of Busuress? R°staurant within gmeexy Stoie. _ Ivfaii io Address: 7171 France Avenue South Edina MI 55435 Svx: Addiesa Ciry Statc Zip Applicant laformauon: Eeneficial Name and Tide � auna Lund Lund McFeeley aaner F;m warv< Rr,tarn) Home Address: 1020 47ood ToT CirCle WaynE Sveet Addrtm Ciry DzteofBinh: 3j7j63 PlaceofBirth:St. Pattl..M�I Ha��e y�eu ever been � ict of �ti felonti�, crune m i°iolation of am• cit}� ordinance other than traffic� Date of arres[; Charge: _ Con�iction: Sentrnce: t.�a r�ua FA 19087 S �(610) 971p4909 Hor.�e Phone: YES NO X List the naznes azid reszdeaces of t�ree pe: sons of good moral character, hving uit2�in the Trx�in Cities Metro Area, not reiated to the applicant or financially mterested m the premises or business, who ma}� be referred to as to the applicant's chazaccer: N.A_ME ADDRESS � Dav 43 Leathexsix�oc.3 Drive Mrs. Pay Lauser 38 Leathe�xl Drive Mrs. Lbnna Cianci 2055 Wyndtree Lane Collegeville, PA 19426 C ollegeville, PA 19426 Malvern, FA 19355 List licenses u tuch � ou currrntl hold, focmertv hel� or mati• ha� e an interest in: Licenses that would Y be held by Lunds Poods. PHO:�`E (610) 650-0968 (610) 650-0800 (610) 407-4441 Ha� e any of the abo��e named licenses ei er been revoked7 YES X NO If yes,list the dates and reasors for re� ocacion Where? 3 18 47 CLASS III LICENSE APPLICAI'ION T?= 5?,PPL?CATiOV IS Si'�IECT' i 0 REV = ik' B�' T' ��LBi'C CiiYOr S��'� P�i:L V=.dG J. .:SY_.,0-5 �` - - � �•� �-_:--. � : �:;`�s� �__;w s.-:�.,.� _ .x.�u �� ... .x -- �`� 2�� PLEASE TY�2E OR PR.�? Lti i�,:� T�pz of License;si oe:rg appiizd for g Malt (�y - on sale and wine - on sale • � 1,745 COIP:�^u1� 1�2 �PSI.Y� S� ]�SSC. Cn:�orat:on PartnasFSp SoleRopnetonlup ;f bisiness is mca:poracr.d, gi�e c+ate of v�corporation: 2110/70 Domg Business As BI'�'ly's St. Pattl Business PSone. � 35-6340 Btsiness Address 1959 SUburl�n Avenue St. Paul MN 55119 S� Addxe° C+rv State Z�p Be;ueen abat c:ess st.�'s is the busmess focaced� �te Bear AVe. & Fdith Stseet �ch side of the screet? �� Are ehe pre.mises noa occupied� YeS What 7}pe of Business? �stattz'ant within grocezy stoze. . '�fazi To Address. 7171 EYance Avenue �uth Edina MN 55435 S�'� � City Stace Zip Applica, t Infmmation' \'ame and Ticle Kimberlv Anne Lund Beneficial Owner F;� waa�� HomeAddress: 4803 Fremont Ave. S., Minneapolis, NN�55409 � T ��� 5� aaax,. c,ry s,��� z;p Dace of Buth � 2/ 7 5159 P;ace of Birth: St. Paul MN Home Phone: $31-3601 Ha� e}eu ever bzea cor.� �cted of any fetoay, crime or �•toiation of any cic}' ordinance ocher than traffic? YES _ NO � Date of az:est. Chage: , Connction: Where? Srntence. List �e naznes and tcsidecces of t�ree persons of good moral character, living w�thin the Tuin Ciaes Metro Area, not related to the applicxnt or financ�ally inte: ested m the premises or business, who ma}• be referre3 to as to the appiicanYs chazacter: NAME Jodi Bentle ADDRESS 1443 Hewitt Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 PHO'�'E 644-4733 Jennifer Hunt 4712 Bryant Ave. S., Min MN 55409 823-4277 Karen Westwood 3704 20th Ave. 5., Minneapolis, MN 5 5407 72G-5721 List licrnses ahich �ou curendy ho1d, formarh• heid, or may ha� e an interest in: Se�..Rr?.�; �„G Ha�e any of the abo� e named ticenses e� er been revoked? YES ��O If }'es, hst the datzs and reasons for re� ocxuon � is 9; ,�- CLASS III LICE�ISE APPLICATIOv r:r.s aapt ?CA''ION IS S' 3'ECT''O REV�zW 9�' T- = PLB`'C c�r� s�:��: �:��t L-^<J(�.;,CS< .:S]d.l`:S _. - _��.� r,.,_ ..- :` `� � "��. ,:. k =,��-_�, :.���.:.> _ PLEASE TYPE OR PRP.a'T N I'.v?C T�reofLicense� e� z�pi:zd;or g Ma].t (. )— on sale and wine — on sale 1,745 S 5 CompanyNazr,z. Bverly's, Inc. Cc.�ora[:on Per^c.ti_p SolePropnecanlup If bisi�ess is inco:Forat;, +� �� e date of vlcor�oration 2 J10/70 Doir.g Btisiness As Byerly' S St. Pattl B:smzss Phone �3 5-6340 Busmess Address 1959 SUburban Avenue St. Paul MNI 55119 s �:.�ean,. ur� sv�< Betueen ubat cross s[r�s is Lhe busmess located� �ite Seat Ave. & Rt1th StY'eet ��� side of ehe street� .4re the premises nou occupied? Yes What T}pe of Business� �5taurant within grocery stoie. '.�iazl ?o Address 7171 France Avenue South Etlina MN sc� naaro,� c�ry sam Applicant Information. Zip North 554 Zip Name and Title Russell Thomas Lu nd, III Beneficial Owner Fvsc �,tiddle (�Saidrn> Lut ritle HomeAddress. 2950 Dean Parkwav /E264 Minneapolis MN 55416 5 �.��s+ Ciry SEate Zip DaceofBirth. R/2/67 PIaceofBinh: St. Paul, MN HomePhone: g 2 7— OZ13 Ha� e} ou eve; b� cor.r�c� of any feiony, enme or �iolatron of any cit} ordinance other than traffic' YES _ NO � Date of arrest: Chage: _ Comlcdon: Srntrnce: Lin the names azid resdeaces of three persons of good moral chuacter, tiving w7thin the Twzn Cities Mevo Area, not related to [he apphcant or finanaally inte: ested •,n the premises or business, who ma}• be referred to as to the applicanYs charac;er: NAME ADDRESS PHOKE Kennan Kro11 37� Leaf St., Orono, MN 5535 404-9134 Eric Thompson 3632 Larchwood Circle, Mi nnetonka, MN 55345 476-1318 Mitch Avery 29715 Linwood Road, Deephave MN 55331 474-4245 List licznses which �ou ea�rndy holc� formerh� he3d � may ha�e an interest in: _ GgP�RYPVI M1S Ha� e anc of the abo� e nzmed licenses e� er been revoked? YES �_ NO If yes, list the datcs and reasons for re� ocaUOn Where? ? I39�