97-431�i� �5 i � �� � �� _ S f � ` 1 R'�l Council Fi1e # ' 31 ordinance # Green Sheet # � I ` D RESOLUTION CiTY OF�SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �1 Presented By Referred 2o Coaunittee: Date 1 RESOLVED: T'haz application (ID #99433) for a Cigazette, Liquor On Sale-A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, 2 Restaurant-B, Entertainment-B, and Gambling-A License by American Sports Cafe DBA American 3 Sgorts Cafe/Club Exdreme (Daniel J. Busse) at 2554 Como Avenue be and the same is hereby 4 approved with the following conditions: 5 1. The licensee may not, itself or acting through agents or employees, advertise or sponsor � "18 and Up Nights", ° Teen Nights", or other such desi�ons which are targeted at 8 individuals under the age of 21 unless such funcdons are held in an area of the licensed 9 premises where no alcohol is served or perniitted. Hawever, the licensee shall be entitled to io advertise and sponsor "College Nights", so long as any such advertising or indication of i1 sponsarslup contains a written or verbal disclaimer, wirich is appropriate to the mode of 12 advertising, indicating that "No one under the age of Z 1 may possess, pwchase or consurue 13 alcoholic beverages". Nothing in this condition shall be dee�ed to prohibit 18, 19, and 20 14 yeaz olds from being present in the licensed prewises as petmitted by applicable law. 15 i5 2. The licensee shall insure that all individuals entering the licensed premises aze properly 1� identified to detercuine their age, and any individual under the age of 21 who is admitted to 18 the baz or nightclub shall be identified as such using a method, such as a non-removable 19 wristband or indelible ink stamp, which is visible and signifies that they may not be served zo or consume alcohol. 21 22 23 24 25 3. The licensee and all employees will undergo an aicohol awareness training program through an agency approved by the LIEP office and all new employees shall be required to undergo the training within four weeks of starting employmenk � S��S�;-���� - s J �ti 1�� �?-�t31 2 4. Thuing the hours of 4:00 p.m. until closing, the licensee, on those nights when the nightclub 3 portion of the establishment is open, will pmvide for staffing and monitoring of all 4 entrances and exits, it being the intent that at all times indicated at least one employee of 5 the licensee will be physically present at each entrance or eacit to monitor patrons entering 6 and exiting the establishmeni 7 8 9 _ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Requested by Department of: 35 Yeas Na� Absent 36 B a — 38 Hasz'is � Office of Licenae, Insggctions and 39 eaa� � Environmental Protection 40 Morton 41 T un e -- _ 42 Co ins 43 Q Q �, -�` / 44 Sy: �✓w.e/ � �t/� 45 Adopted by Council: Date _l4� 46 47 Adoption Certified by Council Se retary 48 Form Approved by City Attorney 49 =-� ' \ 50 By: 51 �Y' � 52 Agproved by Mayor: Date `� ���`t. 53 54 /� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to 55 By: �� `� ��-- COUncil 56 By: 2 Q �k'Z4 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE7COUNGL DA7E INRIATED GREEN SHEE �O 3 5 4 4 6 LIEP -- `- CONTACT PEFSON & PHONE O DEPRfRMENT DiRECiORNIT1AUDpTE � Cm ��� INRIAUDATE ASSIGN CINATTORNEY CT'CLERK Christine Rozek - 266-9108 NUM@EflFOR � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) pp��, � BU�GET DIHEGTOFi � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. J OROEfI � MAVOP (OP ASSISTAIin � Hear'n : � 3 TOSAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �n . (CLIP ALL LOCASIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REQUESTED: Minnesota Restaurants Inc. DBA All Star Sports Cafe (Daniel J. Busse) at 2554 Como Avenue requests Council approval o£ their application for new Cigarette, Liquor On-Sale Class A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Restaurant (B), Entertainment Class B& Gambling Location Class A Licenses. (ID 9699433) RECOMMENOAiIONS: Approve (y ar Raject (R) PERSONAL 5ERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNMG COMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISS�ON �� Has ttrs perSOnKrm ever worked ufWer a coMrect for this department? � _ CIB COMMIiTEE _ �S NO _ STAFF 2. Ffas this personnrm ever been e c�ty Bmployee? — YES NO �, DISTRICT CAURi _ 3. Does this peBOn/Firm possess a skill not normall � y possessed by any current cRy employee. SUPPORTS WHICM COUNCIL O&7EC77VE? YES NO Exp�ain all yes answers on seperate sheet and attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNI7V (Who, What, When, Where, Why�: . ADVAMAGES iF APPqOVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: d �, f"[�. `, � ���e ?f�Y"���Sea �il`.°Si��:;�' ��� � `a ���1 DSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPFOVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/HEVENIfE BUDGETED (CIflCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTfVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (E%PLAMI) Council File # R �—` J� � Green Sheet # Presented By Referred To Committee : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 T7 RESOLVED, that application, ID #99433, for new Cigarett , Liquor On-Sale Class A, Sunday On-Sale Liquor, Restaurant (B), Entertaimnent Class B d Gambling Location Class A licenses by Mimiesota Restaurants, Inc. d/bta All Star Sports afe (Daniel J. Busse) at 2554 Como Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, subject t the following conditions: 1) The licensee may not, himself or through a ents or employees, advertise or sponsor "18 and Up Nights", College Nights", "Teen Nights" ar other such designatio which are targeted at individuals under the age of 21 unles such functions are held in an area of the licensed premises w re no alcohol is served or permitted. 2) The licensee shall insure that 1 individuals entexing the licensed premises are properly idenf ed to deternune their age, and any individual under the age 21 who is admitted to the bar or nightclub sha11 be iden ' ed as such using a method, such as a non-removable wristb d or indelibie ink stamp, which is visibie and signifies that th many not be served or consume alcohol. 3) The licensee an all employees will undergo an alcohol awareness trai g program tt�rough an agency approved by the LIEP office d all new employees shall be required to undergo RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: By= ��.(�`� �- rLl�� Adopted by Adoption C By ' � . Date ied by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date � By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Jir�LO.� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �i�l-`t31 CITY OF SAIldI' PAC�I, D�ce oCLitense, Lti�:ions a�d Encuom�nen.a3 Proteccion 3W St Psa St Sssi¢ v'q s.:uts�t,>re� sc�m (612)1659.'97 fzc(bl?)'_6F°I+� ,. j y � THIS APPLICATIO�� IS SIIBTECT TO REVIEW BY TI� PtBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRL�'T N L�K � Type of License(s) being applied for. Company ra�: _ f71�} �GL�Q �; CorponvonJ crshiplSolePropriewn�ip Tf business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: DoingBusinessAs: ��� S"�aI' Spar`�'S � Business Address: e CLASS III LICEi'�ISE APPLICATION C Business Phone: �y6 — /3 3 � M�tl - 65�vg - .._ ,- . S¢eetAddrus - Ciry � State Zip Betc3�een ��hat cross s�eeu is the business located� �wy Z� �� 2��'t Jt� side of the street? Uu- Are the premises now occupied? e`� V��at Type of Business? �Q.S"�d lr.yiG� LWI�' ?�1ai1 To Address: � s�y �m o A-d e �-�. p� � ff?!V S6/o 8 . � �'S¢eztAd&ess Ciry State Zip Applicant Inforn�adon: -- " �ame and Tide: �l�» i Z l ��, �6t5S@ C—' � � _ __ . F¢sc Middle (fSaiden) Lsst Ti�e Home Address: --- 7� 2 � L�r�r'�va�r� c`a S P�1 � /Yl� . _�7 - � - - - � So-eeeAddress Ciry State Zip Aate of Birth: 8 Z5� Place of Bireh: S"E �� �N Home Phone: ��I2 —gS9Y Have you ever been convicted of any fe3ony, crime or ti�oIation of any city ordinance othei ihan naffic? YES _ NO � Daie of arrest ` Chaaz�ec _ _ Con�•ictian• Sentence• List tbe names and residences of three persons of good moral character, liviag witlun Y�e Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to ihe applieant ot financiaily interested in the premises oc business, who may be referred to as to the applicant's ebaracter: NAME ADDRESS PHO:.'E t;a,Nr Cb�erv,a� 2z`tv cM;___�Ia���Cave Pi� �3(��, '�osev,��e SS/�3 �3i-3e Sallu •�lelsu� ��� n�. 6fti ��: � 30� � MpLS ssya� 33����s _ -- gr� SeesZ- �o s�f� sf su�-Fe 93� inF�s Ssvoz �s�3-o2�0 Jast licenses which you currenfly hold, formerly field, or may have an interest in: Have any of the above named licenses evei been revoked? _ YES ,�_ NO Lf yes, list t6e dates and reasons for revocadon: Are you going to opente this business personally? � YES _ NO If not, who will operate it? e Firn Name Middle Inieial (Maiden) Last Date o( B irth �a�+ HomeAddress: Sbeett�amc G.y Swte Zip PhoneNumzt nre you gom2 to na� e a manaser or az;utat�t tn uus busioess' _ YY.S �_ � V ii me manager �s noi me sarne as me operaior �cou��ete the fallou�ing infozmatioa g`1-- �l31: � First 1.'ame hiiddle Initiat (93aiden) Lsst Dau of Birth Seea ivre Gry Plea'se list your emplo�ment history foT the pze�9ous five (� yeu period: Stau Zip 'Phone T:umbet � Lis[ all o[her officers of the corponvon: OFfICEEt TTTLE HOME __ ._.. __. H0:�3E BliSL'�"ESS DATEOF \ (OfSce Hel ADDRESS PHO\'E PHO\� BI[2TH 1 J0.s?�2� � V. IDtLSS� 1..�� �� � (.t7 i �E' �Oyz'77�Q� ���0'�� �7�Z�9/ z If bu'siness is a pannership, pleaze include c6e following informa6on for each pazmei (use additional pa�es if nuessazy�j: Fva 1:une E !�iiddle 3nidat (l.4aidcn) � Datt of Binb HomeAbdras: Svea?�ame Ciry . Suu tip PhomNumber _ , � Middielnival (.'.laidon) Iart Datc HomeAddr�s: Saeu::ame , - Ciry Swe 71p PLmrcNumber MINI�SOTA TAX IDEt�TITFYCATIO:�' h'UMBER - Pucsuant to the I.aws of Mmncsota, 1984, Cbapter 502, A� ticle 8, Secfion 2(270_72) (1"az G7tar.mce; Issaance of Licenses}, licensing autboriGes are rec}uired w provide to the Statt of Minnesota Comunssioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business taz idenrification number and tbe social security number of each license applicant Under tLe M'innesota Govemment Dara Pcacfices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze required to adeise you of the following regazding the use of the M'innesota Taz Identification 2.Tumber: � - This informadon may be used to deny the issuanct ot zenewal of your license in t6e event you owe 3+4innesota sales, empIoyer s a�thholding or motor vehicle ezcise tazes; s-(Ipon receiving this information, the liceasing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Depactu�nt of Revenua However, e under tLe Fede:al Fachange of Informa6on Agcement, the Department of Revenue may supply rhis information to tve Intemal Revenue Service. '_ Minnesota Taz Idenfification A'ambers {Sales & Use Taz A'umber) may be obtained from the State of Mianesot�, �usiness Records Department, 10 River Pazk P3aza (612-296-filSlj. Sociat Securiry A'umbet: y7� -� - L7"7 2 Minnesota Taz idenrification A'umber. ^ If a Minoaota Tu Iden�cation Number is not required for the busiaess being opemted, indicate so by i boz. -� '�ng an "X" in� ,� usinesslEmolo�•ment Address � FRTIFICATIO� OF:Vr'ORKERS' CO!vIPENSATION CO�'ERAGE PliRSUA\T TO MLvn�ESOTA STATUTE 176.182 I hereby cenify that I, or my compzny, am in compliance witb cl�e a�orkers' compensauon iasurance coverzge mquiremenu of T4innesota Statute 17b.182, subdivisian 2. I also understaod that proeision af faise informaaon in this cenifrcaaon constimtes sufficient groun3s for adverse action aasinst all licenses he1d, including revocatioa znd cvspension of said licenses. G�'"�–� \Tame of Insurance Comp�a � �CC,�, � Q,� f✓�' �a'}n� Pol"scy Numlvr: ��J�; �y �o t' Cover�e fram �'aM i5� � 4 7 ta �� J 5'� 7 - -r — I hace flo empIoyees cot�ezed under �,•orkers' compensation iasurance ' A'��S' FALSi£ICATION OP A:\SR�RS GIVEN OR'�'L4TERIAL SL13?�a'i'TED VJII.L RESULT L\ DE:'�Z�L OF THIS .APPLICATIO� I bereby state tfiat I have ansuered all of the preceding quesaons, and tbat the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knou�]edge and belief. I bereby state fiuther that I have received no money or ocher consideration, by w�ay of laaa, �ift, contdbution, ot otherwnse, othet than already disclosed in tf�e application w�hicH I herewith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected �y police, fue, hea3tfa and otl�er city officials at any and all ti�s a•ben the busiaess is in operation. SiLnature {REQli1RED all applications} Date *"�ote: If this application is FoodlLiguor related, p3ease contact a City of Saint PauJ Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), io review plans: If any substanaal changes w strncnue a� anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paut Plan Examiner az 2b6-9D07 ±o appiy for buIlding permits. If there are any cbanges to t6e pazking lot, floor space, or for new operalions, please contact a City of Saiat Paul Zoning Inspector at266-9Q08. AddifionaI application requiremenfs, please attach: A detailed descrigtion of the design, Iocat�on and square foofage of the premises fo be licensed (�ite ptan}. Tbe foBowing data shou3d be on the site pIan (prefuably on an 8112" x Il" or S 1/2" x 14" pager): - Name, address, and phone number, - The scaSe should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^'�' sLou3d be indicated to�card the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facilitp such as seating arezs, kifchens, offices, repair azea, park rest roocces, etc. - If a reguest is foc an addition or espansion of the licensed facility, mdicate both the currenf azea and the proposed ea A copy of pou.r tease agreement or pr�f of oticnershiQ of the property. '"1 FOR SPECI�IC APPLICATiON REQUII2ED4ENTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> Greensneet # 35440 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST oate: L In Tracker? 3- ��}? App'n Recaived / App Processed ' �i'�'a3 \ Cigarette, Liquar On-Sale Class A, Sunday On-Sale License ID # 99433 Ucense Type: Liauor Restaurant (Bl Entert°�nment ("i °cs B& C�mp3�y Narri2: Minnesota Restaurants Inc. Gambling Lo pn Class A � �/�. All Star C nrtc Cafe Business Addresss: 2554 Como Ave. Business Phone: 646-i'��9 Contact Name% Date to Council Public Hearing I Daniel .3. Home Phone: 642-8894 — �p �o�pa3�3 0003 aQa 9aaa3 aoovc. C � 7 � Labels Ordered: District Council #: 12 � � . C'ew C if� Notice Sent to Applicant: Notice Sent to Ward DepartmentJ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney 2 's-� '�( -�„ Q ' Environmental Health � .5 -`� �- ��J� � ���aG... i n���. - i - �r�sy F�re �' S '�� Q � r ticense Sice wan aecetved:_ Lease Receivetl: Police �• �•�'1� �.� . Zoning Counciimember Roberta Megard 310-D City Hall G iJl-`,3 \ ���� SAINT PAUL C1TY COUNCIt E,icerne A�piication Puhf ic iiearing Notice FILE NO.: 99433 YURPnSE: Apptication for Liquor On-Sale (A), Sunday On-Sale Liquor, Cigarette, Restaurant (B), Entertainment {B} & Gambling Location (A) l.icense a� 2554 Como tive.. < APPLICANT: Minnesota Restaurants Mc. DBA AII Star Sports Cafc, Daniei J. Busse, 646-1334. HEARiNG DATE: Mac� at A:30 p.m. Gt�tA�(' .� 3� J�( `I 7 7 Af� f'iz6Eic Hear+ngs are heid during the City Gonncii meetin� in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hatt; {5 Kell�g� Boulevard West. T17is date may be cfian�d without notice prior ro the fiearin�. Please cail the LiEP OFfice at 266-9090 prior to the hearing for eonfirmation of hearing date. 4 �i� �5 i � �� � �� _ S f � ` 1 R'�l Council Fi1e # ' 31 ordinance # Green Sheet # � I ` D RESOLUTION CiTY OF�SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �1 Presented By Referred 2o Coaunittee: Date 1 RESOLVED: T'haz application (ID #99433) for a Cigazette, Liquor On Sale-A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, 2 Restaurant-B, Entertainment-B, and Gambling-A License by American Sports Cafe DBA American 3 Sgorts Cafe/Club Exdreme (Daniel J. Busse) at 2554 Como Avenue be and the same is hereby 4 approved with the following conditions: 5 1. The licensee may not, itself or acting through agents or employees, advertise or sponsor � "18 and Up Nights", ° Teen Nights", or other such desi�ons which are targeted at 8 individuals under the age of 21 unless such funcdons are held in an area of the licensed 9 premises where no alcohol is served or perniitted. Hawever, the licensee shall be entitled to io advertise and sponsor "College Nights", so long as any such advertising or indication of i1 sponsarslup contains a written or verbal disclaimer, wirich is appropriate to the mode of 12 advertising, indicating that "No one under the age of Z 1 may possess, pwchase or consurue 13 alcoholic beverages". Nothing in this condition shall be dee�ed to prohibit 18, 19, and 20 14 yeaz olds from being present in the licensed prewises as petmitted by applicable law. 15 i5 2. The licensee shall insure that all individuals entering the licensed premises aze properly 1� identified to detercuine their age, and any individual under the age of 21 who is admitted to 18 the baz or nightclub shall be identified as such using a method, such as a non-removable 19 wristband or indelible ink stamp, which is visible and signifies that they may not be served zo or consume alcohol. 21 22 23 24 25 3. The licensee and all employees will undergo an aicohol awareness training program through an agency approved by the LIEP office and all new employees shall be required to undergo the training within four weeks of starting employmenk � S��S�;-���� - s J �ti 1�� �?-�t31 2 4. Thuing the hours of 4:00 p.m. until closing, the licensee, on those nights when the nightclub 3 portion of the establishment is open, will pmvide for staffing and monitoring of all 4 entrances and exits, it being the intent that at all times indicated at least one employee of 5 the licensee will be physically present at each entrance or eacit to monitor patrons entering 6 and exiting the establishmeni 7 8 9 _ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Requested by Department of: 35 Yeas Na� Absent 36 B a — 38 Hasz'is � Office of Licenae, Insggctions and 39 eaa� � Environmental Protection 40 Morton 41 T un e -- _ 42 Co ins 43 Q Q �, -�` / 44 Sy: �✓w.e/ � �t/� 45 Adopted by Council: Date _l4� 46 47 Adoption Certified by Council Se retary 48 Form Approved by City Attorney 49 =-� ' \ 50 By: 51 �Y' � 52 Agproved by Mayor: Date `� ���`t. 53 54 /� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to 55 By: �� `� ��-- COUncil 56 By: 2 Q �k'Z4 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE7COUNGL DA7E INRIATED GREEN SHEE �O 3 5 4 4 6 LIEP -- `- CONTACT PEFSON & PHONE O DEPRfRMENT DiRECiORNIT1AUDpTE � Cm ��� INRIAUDATE ASSIGN CINATTORNEY CT'CLERK Christine Rozek - 266-9108 NUM@EflFOR � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) pp��, � BU�GET DIHEGTOFi � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. J OROEfI � MAVOP (OP ASSISTAIin � Hear'n : � 3 TOSAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �n . (CLIP ALL LOCASIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REQUESTED: Minnesota Restaurants Inc. DBA All Star Sports Cafe (Daniel J. Busse) at 2554 Como Avenue requests Council approval o£ their application for new Cigarette, Liquor On-Sale Class A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Restaurant (B), Entertainment Class B& Gambling Location Class A Licenses. (ID 9699433) RECOMMENOAiIONS: Approve (y ar Raject (R) PERSONAL 5ERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNMG COMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISS�ON �� Has ttrs perSOnKrm ever worked ufWer a coMrect for this department? � _ CIB COMMIiTEE _ �S NO _ STAFF 2. Ffas this personnrm ever been e c�ty Bmployee? — YES NO �, DISTRICT CAURi _ 3. Does this peBOn/Firm possess a skill not normall � y possessed by any current cRy employee. SUPPORTS WHICM COUNCIL O&7EC77VE? YES NO Exp�ain all yes answers on seperate sheet and attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNI7V (Who, What, When, Where, Why�: . ADVAMAGES iF APPqOVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: d �, f"[�. `, � ���e ?f�Y"���Sea �il`.°Si��:;�' ��� � `a ���1 DSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPFOVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/HEVENIfE BUDGETED (CIflCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTfVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (E%PLAMI) Council File # R �—` J� � Green Sheet # Presented By Referred To Committee : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 T7 RESOLVED, that application, ID #99433, for new Cigarett , Liquor On-Sale Class A, Sunday On-Sale Liquor, Restaurant (B), Entertaimnent Class B d Gambling Location Class A licenses by Mimiesota Restaurants, Inc. d/bta All Star Sports afe (Daniel J. Busse) at 2554 Como Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, subject t the following conditions: 1) The licensee may not, himself or through a ents or employees, advertise or sponsor "18 and Up Nights", College Nights", "Teen Nights" ar other such designatio which are targeted at individuals under the age of 21 unles such functions are held in an area of the licensed premises w re no alcohol is served or permitted. 2) The licensee shall insure that 1 individuals entexing the licensed premises are properly idenf ed to deternune their age, and any individual under the age 21 who is admitted to the bar or nightclub sha11 be iden ' ed as such using a method, such as a non-removable wristb d or indelibie ink stamp, which is visibie and signifies that th many not be served or consume alcohol. 3) The licensee an all employees will undergo an alcohol awareness trai g program tt�rough an agency approved by the LIEP office d all new employees shall be required to undergo RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: By= ��.(�`� �- rLl�� Adopted by Adoption C By ' � . Date ied by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date � By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Jir�LO.� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �i�l-`t31 CITY OF SAIldI' PAC�I, D�ce oCLitense, Lti�:ions a�d Encuom�nen.a3 Proteccion 3W St Psa St Sssi¢ v'q s.:uts�t,>re� sc�m (612)1659.'97 fzc(bl?)'_6F°I+� ,. j y � THIS APPLICATIO�� IS SIIBTECT TO REVIEW BY TI� PtBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRL�'T N L�K � Type of License(s) being applied for. Company ra�: _ f71�} �GL�Q �; CorponvonJ crshiplSolePropriewn�ip Tf business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: DoingBusinessAs: ��� S"�aI' Spar`�'S � Business Address: e CLASS III LICEi'�ISE APPLICATION C Business Phone: �y6 — /3 3 � M�tl - 65�vg - .._ ,- . S¢eetAddrus - Ciry � State Zip Betc3�een ��hat cross s�eeu is the business located� �wy Z� �� 2��'t Jt� side of the street? Uu- Are the premises now occupied? e`� V��at Type of Business? �Q.S"�d lr.yiG� LWI�' ?�1ai1 To Address: � s�y �m o A-d e �-�. p� � ff?!V S6/o 8 . � �'S¢eztAd&ess Ciry State Zip Applicant Inforn�adon: -- " �ame and Tide: �l�» i Z l ��, �6t5S@ C—' � � _ __ . F¢sc Middle (fSaiden) Lsst Ti�e Home Address: --- 7� 2 � L�r�r'�va�r� c`a S P�1 � /Yl� . _�7 - � - - - � So-eeeAddress Ciry State Zip Aate of Birth: 8 Z5� Place of Bireh: S"E �� �N Home Phone: ��I2 —gS9Y Have you ever been convicted of any fe3ony, crime or ti�oIation of any city ordinance othei ihan naffic? YES _ NO � Daie of arrest ` Chaaz�ec _ _ Con�•ictian• Sentence• List tbe names and residences of three persons of good moral character, liviag witlun Y�e Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to ihe applieant ot financiaily interested in the premises oc business, who may be referred to as to the applicant's ebaracter: NAME ADDRESS PHO:.'E t;a,Nr Cb�erv,a� 2z`tv cM;___�Ia���Cave Pi� �3(��, '�osev,��e SS/�3 �3i-3e Sallu •�lelsu� ��� n�. 6fti ��: � 30� � MpLS ssya� 33����s _ -- gr� SeesZ- �o s�f� sf su�-Fe 93� inF�s Ssvoz �s�3-o2�0 Jast licenses which you currenfly hold, formerly field, or may have an interest in: Have any of the above named licenses evei been revoked? _ YES ,�_ NO Lf yes, list t6e dates and reasons for revocadon: Are you going to opente this business personally? � YES _ NO If not, who will operate it? e Firn Name Middle Inieial (Maiden) Last Date o( B irth �a�+ HomeAddress: Sbeett�amc G.y Swte Zip PhoneNumzt nre you gom2 to na� e a manaser or az;utat�t tn uus busioess' _ YY.S �_ � V ii me manager �s noi me sarne as me operaior �cou��ete the fallou�ing infozmatioa g`1-- �l31: � First 1.'ame hiiddle Initiat (93aiden) Lsst Dau of Birth Seea ivre Gry Plea'se list your emplo�ment history foT the pze�9ous five (� yeu period: Stau Zip 'Phone T:umbet � Lis[ all o[her officers of the corponvon: OFfICEEt TTTLE HOME __ ._.. __. H0:�3E BliSL'�"ESS DATEOF \ (OfSce Hel ADDRESS PHO\'E PHO\� BI[2TH 1 J0.s?�2� � V. IDtLSS� 1..�� �� � (.t7 i �E' �Oyz'77�Q� ���0'�� �7�Z�9/ z If bu'siness is a pannership, pleaze include c6e following informa6on for each pazmei (use additional pa�es if nuessazy�j: Fva 1:une E !�iiddle 3nidat (l.4aidcn) � Datt of Binb HomeAbdras: Svea?�ame Ciry . Suu tip PhomNumber _ , � Middielnival (.'.laidon) Iart Datc HomeAddr�s: Saeu::ame , - Ciry Swe 71p PLmrcNumber MINI�SOTA TAX IDEt�TITFYCATIO:�' h'UMBER - Pucsuant to the I.aws of Mmncsota, 1984, Cbapter 502, A� ticle 8, Secfion 2(270_72) (1"az G7tar.mce; Issaance of Licenses}, licensing autboriGes are rec}uired w provide to the Statt of Minnesota Comunssioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business taz idenrification number and tbe social security number of each license applicant Under tLe M'innesota Govemment Dara Pcacfices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze required to adeise you of the following regazding the use of the M'innesota Taz Identification 2.Tumber: � - This informadon may be used to deny the issuanct ot zenewal of your license in t6e event you owe 3+4innesota sales, empIoyer s a�thholding or motor vehicle ezcise tazes; s-(Ipon receiving this information, the liceasing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Depactu�nt of Revenua However, e under tLe Fede:al Fachange of Informa6on Agcement, the Department of Revenue may supply rhis information to tve Intemal Revenue Service. '_ Minnesota Taz Idenfification A'ambers {Sales & Use Taz A'umber) may be obtained from the State of Mianesot�, �usiness Records Department, 10 River Pazk P3aza (612-296-filSlj. Sociat Securiry A'umbet: y7� -� - L7"7 2 Minnesota Taz idenrification A'umber. ^ If a Minoaota Tu Iden�cation Number is not required for the busiaess being opemted, indicate so by i boz. -� '�ng an "X" in� ,� usinesslEmolo�•ment Address � FRTIFICATIO� OF:Vr'ORKERS' CO!vIPENSATION CO�'ERAGE PliRSUA\T TO MLvn�ESOTA STATUTE 176.182 I hereby cenify that I, or my compzny, am in compliance witb cl�e a�orkers' compensauon iasurance coverzge mquiremenu of T4innesota Statute 17b.182, subdivisian 2. I also understaod that proeision af faise informaaon in this cenifrcaaon constimtes sufficient groun3s for adverse action aasinst all licenses he1d, including revocatioa znd cvspension of said licenses. G�'"�–� \Tame of Insurance Comp�a � �CC,�, � Q,� f✓�' �a'}n� Pol"scy Numlvr: ��J�; �y �o t' Cover�e fram �'aM i5� � 4 7 ta �� J 5'� 7 - -r — I hace flo empIoyees cot�ezed under �,•orkers' compensation iasurance ' A'��S' FALSi£ICATION OP A:\SR�RS GIVEN OR'�'L4TERIAL SL13?�a'i'TED VJII.L RESULT L\ DE:'�Z�L OF THIS .APPLICATIO� I bereby state tfiat I have ansuered all of the preceding quesaons, and tbat the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knou�]edge and belief. I bereby state fiuther that I have received no money or ocher consideration, by w�ay of laaa, �ift, contdbution, ot otherwnse, othet than already disclosed in tf�e application w�hicH I herewith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected �y police, fue, hea3tfa and otl�er city officials at any and all ti�s a•ben the busiaess is in operation. SiLnature {REQli1RED all applications} Date *"�ote: If this application is FoodlLiguor related, p3ease contact a City of Saint PauJ Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), io review plans: If any substanaal changes w strncnue a� anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paut Plan Examiner az 2b6-9D07 ±o appiy for buIlding permits. If there are any cbanges to t6e pazking lot, floor space, or for new operalions, please contact a City of Saiat Paul Zoning Inspector at266-9Q08. AddifionaI application requiremenfs, please attach: A detailed descrigtion of the design, Iocat�on and square foofage of the premises fo be licensed (�ite ptan}. Tbe foBowing data shou3d be on the site pIan (prefuably on an 8112" x Il" or S 1/2" x 14" pager): - Name, address, and phone number, - The scaSe should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^'�' sLou3d be indicated to�card the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facilitp such as seating arezs, kifchens, offices, repair azea, park rest roocces, etc. - If a reguest is foc an addition or espansion of the licensed facility, mdicate both the currenf azea and the proposed ea A copy of pou.r tease agreement or pr�f of oticnershiQ of the property. '"1 FOR SPECI�IC APPLICATiON REQUII2ED4ENTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> Greensneet # 35440 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST oate: L In Tracker? 3- ��}? App'n Recaived / App Processed ' �i'�'a3 \ Cigarette, Liquar On-Sale Class A, Sunday On-Sale License ID # 99433 Ucense Type: Liauor Restaurant (Bl Entert°�nment ("i °cs B& C�mp3�y Narri2: Minnesota Restaurants Inc. Gambling Lo pn Class A � �/�. All Star C nrtc Cafe Business Addresss: 2554 Como Ave. Business Phone: 646-i'��9 Contact Name% Date to Council Public Hearing I Daniel .3. Home Phone: 642-8894 — �p �o�pa3�3 0003 aQa 9aaa3 aoovc. C � 7 � Labels Ordered: District Council #: 12 � � . C'ew C if� Notice Sent to Applicant: Notice Sent to Ward DepartmentJ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney 2 's-� '�( -�„ Q ' Environmental Health � .5 -`� �- ��J� � ���aG... i n���. - i - �r�sy F�re �' S '�� Q � r ticense Sice wan aecetved:_ Lease Receivetl: Police �• �•�'1� �.� . Zoning Counciimember Roberta Megard 310-D City Hall G iJl-`,3 \ ���� SAINT PAUL C1TY COUNCIt E,icerne A�piication Puhf ic iiearing Notice FILE NO.: 99433 YURPnSE: Apptication for Liquor On-Sale (A), Sunday On-Sale Liquor, Cigarette, Restaurant (B), Entertainment {B} & Gambling Location (A) l.icense a� 2554 Como tive.. < APPLICANT: Minnesota Restaurants Mc. DBA AII Star Sports Cafc, Daniei J. Busse, 646-1334. HEARiNG DATE: Mac� at A:30 p.m. Gt�tA�(' .� 3� J�( `I 7 7 Af� f'iz6Eic Hear+ngs are heid during the City Gonncii meetin� in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hatt; {5 Kell�g� Boulevard West. T17is date may be cfian�d without notice prior ro the fiearin�. Please cail the LiEP OFfice at 266-9090 prior to the hearing for eonfirmation of hearing date. 4 �i� �5 i � �� � �� _ S f � ` 1 R'�l Council Fi1e # ' 31 ordinance # Green Sheet # � I ` D RESOLUTION CiTY OF�SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �1 Presented By Referred 2o Coaunittee: Date 1 RESOLVED: T'haz application (ID #99433) for a Cigazette, Liquor On Sale-A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, 2 Restaurant-B, Entertainment-B, and Gambling-A License by American Sports Cafe DBA American 3 Sgorts Cafe/Club Exdreme (Daniel J. Busse) at 2554 Como Avenue be and the same is hereby 4 approved with the following conditions: 5 1. The licensee may not, itself or acting through agents or employees, advertise or sponsor � "18 and Up Nights", ° Teen Nights", or other such desi�ons which are targeted at 8 individuals under the age of 21 unless such funcdons are held in an area of the licensed 9 premises where no alcohol is served or perniitted. Hawever, the licensee shall be entitled to io advertise and sponsor "College Nights", so long as any such advertising or indication of i1 sponsarslup contains a written or verbal disclaimer, wirich is appropriate to the mode of 12 advertising, indicating that "No one under the age of Z 1 may possess, pwchase or consurue 13 alcoholic beverages". Nothing in this condition shall be dee�ed to prohibit 18, 19, and 20 14 yeaz olds from being present in the licensed prewises as petmitted by applicable law. 15 i5 2. The licensee shall insure that all individuals entering the licensed premises aze properly 1� identified to detercuine their age, and any individual under the age of 21 who is admitted to 18 the baz or nightclub shall be identified as such using a method, such as a non-removable 19 wristband or indelible ink stamp, which is visible and signifies that they may not be served zo or consume alcohol. 21 22 23 24 25 3. The licensee and all employees will undergo an aicohol awareness training program through an agency approved by the LIEP office and all new employees shall be required to undergo the training within four weeks of starting employmenk � S��S�;-���� - s J �ti 1�� �?-�t31 2 4. Thuing the hours of 4:00 p.m. until closing, the licensee, on those nights when the nightclub 3 portion of the establishment is open, will pmvide for staffing and monitoring of all 4 entrances and exits, it being the intent that at all times indicated at least one employee of 5 the licensee will be physically present at each entrance or eacit to monitor patrons entering 6 and exiting the establishmeni 7 8 9 _ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Requested by Department of: 35 Yeas Na� Absent 36 B a — 38 Hasz'is � Office of Licenae, Insggctions and 39 eaa� � Environmental Protection 40 Morton 41 T un e -- _ 42 Co ins 43 Q Q �, -�` / 44 Sy: �✓w.e/ � �t/� 45 Adopted by Council: Date _l4� 46 47 Adoption Certified by Council Se retary 48 Form Approved by City Attorney 49 =-� ' \ 50 By: 51 �Y' � 52 Agproved by Mayor: Date `� ���`t. 53 54 /� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to 55 By: �� `� ��-- COUncil 56 By: 2 Q �k'Z4 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE7COUNGL DA7E INRIATED GREEN SHEE �O 3 5 4 4 6 LIEP -- `- CONTACT PEFSON & PHONE O DEPRfRMENT DiRECiORNIT1AUDpTE � Cm ��� INRIAUDATE ASSIGN CINATTORNEY CT'CLERK Christine Rozek - 266-9108 NUM@EflFOR � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) pp��, � BU�GET DIHEGTOFi � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. J OROEfI � MAVOP (OP ASSISTAIin � Hear'n : � 3 TOSAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �n . (CLIP ALL LOCASIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REQUESTED: Minnesota Restaurants Inc. DBA All Star Sports Cafe (Daniel J. Busse) at 2554 Como Avenue requests Council approval o£ their application for new Cigarette, Liquor On-Sale Class A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Restaurant (B), Entertainment Class B& Gambling Location Class A Licenses. (ID 9699433) RECOMMENOAiIONS: Approve (y ar Raject (R) PERSONAL 5ERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNMG COMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISS�ON �� Has ttrs perSOnKrm ever worked ufWer a coMrect for this department? � _ CIB COMMIiTEE _ �S NO _ STAFF 2. Ffas this personnrm ever been e c�ty Bmployee? — YES NO �, DISTRICT CAURi _ 3. Does this peBOn/Firm possess a skill not normall � y possessed by any current cRy employee. SUPPORTS WHICM COUNCIL O&7EC77VE? YES NO Exp�ain all yes answers on seperate sheet and attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNI7V (Who, What, When, Where, Why�: . ADVAMAGES iF APPqOVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: d �, f"[�. `, � ���e ?f�Y"���Sea �il`.°Si��:;�' ��� � `a ���1 DSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPFOVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/HEVENIfE BUDGETED (CIflCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTfVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (E%PLAMI) Council File # R �—` J� � Green Sheet # Presented By Referred To Committee : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 T7 RESOLVED, that application, ID #99433, for new Cigarett , Liquor On-Sale Class A, Sunday On-Sale Liquor, Restaurant (B), Entertaimnent Class B d Gambling Location Class A licenses by Mimiesota Restaurants, Inc. d/bta All Star Sports afe (Daniel J. Busse) at 2554 Como Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, subject t the following conditions: 1) The licensee may not, himself or through a ents or employees, advertise or sponsor "18 and Up Nights", College Nights", "Teen Nights" ar other such designatio which are targeted at individuals under the age of 21 unles such functions are held in an area of the licensed premises w re no alcohol is served or permitted. 2) The licensee shall insure that 1 individuals entexing the licensed premises are properly idenf ed to deternune their age, and any individual under the age 21 who is admitted to the bar or nightclub sha11 be iden ' ed as such using a method, such as a non-removable wristb d or indelibie ink stamp, which is visibie and signifies that th many not be served or consume alcohol. 3) The licensee an all employees will undergo an alcohol awareness trai g program tt�rough an agency approved by the LIEP office d all new employees shall be required to undergo RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: By= ��.(�`� �- rLl�� Adopted by Adoption C By ' � . Date ied by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date � By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Jir�LO.� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �i�l-`t31 CITY OF SAIldI' PAC�I, D�ce oCLitense, Lti�:ions a�d Encuom�nen.a3 Proteccion 3W St Psa St Sssi¢ v'q s.:uts�t,>re� sc�m (612)1659.'97 fzc(bl?)'_6F°I+� ,. j y � THIS APPLICATIO�� IS SIIBTECT TO REVIEW BY TI� PtBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRL�'T N L�K � Type of License(s) being applied for. Company ra�: _ f71�} �GL�Q �; CorponvonJ crshiplSolePropriewn�ip Tf business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: DoingBusinessAs: ��� S"�aI' Spar`�'S � Business Address: e CLASS III LICEi'�ISE APPLICATION C Business Phone: �y6 — /3 3 � M�tl - 65�vg - .._ ,- . S¢eetAddrus - Ciry � State Zip Betc3�een ��hat cross s�eeu is the business located� �wy Z� �� 2��'t Jt� side of the street? Uu- Are the premises now occupied? e`� V��at Type of Business? �Q.S"�d lr.yiG� LWI�' ?�1ai1 To Address: � s�y �m o A-d e �-�. p� � ff?!V S6/o 8 . � �'S¢eztAd&ess Ciry State Zip Applicant Inforn�adon: -- " �ame and Tide: �l�» i Z l ��, �6t5S@ C—' � � _ __ . F¢sc Middle (fSaiden) Lsst Ti�e Home Address: --- 7� 2 � L�r�r'�va�r� c`a S P�1 � /Yl� . _�7 - � - - - � So-eeeAddress Ciry State Zip Aate of Birth: 8 Z5� Place of Bireh: S"E �� �N Home Phone: ��I2 —gS9Y Have you ever been convicted of any fe3ony, crime or ti�oIation of any city ordinance othei ihan naffic? YES _ NO � Daie of arrest ` Chaaz�ec _ _ Con�•ictian• Sentence• List tbe names and residences of three persons of good moral character, liviag witlun Y�e Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to ihe applieant ot financiaily interested in the premises oc business, who may be referred to as to the applicant's ebaracter: NAME ADDRESS PHO:.'E t;a,Nr Cb�erv,a� 2z`tv cM;___�Ia���Cave Pi� �3(��, '�osev,��e SS/�3 �3i-3e Sallu •�lelsu� ��� n�. 6fti ��: � 30� � MpLS ssya� 33����s _ -- gr� SeesZ- �o s�f� sf su�-Fe 93� inF�s Ssvoz �s�3-o2�0 Jast licenses which you currenfly hold, formerly field, or may have an interest in: Have any of the above named licenses evei been revoked? _ YES ,�_ NO Lf yes, list t6e dates and reasons for revocadon: Are you going to opente this business personally? � YES _ NO If not, who will operate it? e Firn Name Middle Inieial (Maiden) Last Date o( B irth �a�+ HomeAddress: Sbeett�amc G.y Swte Zip PhoneNumzt nre you gom2 to na� e a manaser or az;utat�t tn uus busioess' _ YY.S �_ � V ii me manager �s noi me sarne as me operaior �cou��ete the fallou�ing infozmatioa g`1-- �l31: � First 1.'ame hiiddle Initiat (93aiden) Lsst Dau of Birth Seea ivre Gry Plea'se list your emplo�ment history foT the pze�9ous five (� yeu period: Stau Zip 'Phone T:umbet � Lis[ all o[her officers of the corponvon: OFfICEEt TTTLE HOME __ ._.. __. H0:�3E BliSL'�"ESS DATEOF \ (OfSce Hel ADDRESS PHO\'E PHO\� BI[2TH 1 J0.s?�2� � V. IDtLSS� 1..�� �� � (.t7 i �E' �Oyz'77�Q� ���0'�� �7�Z�9/ z If bu'siness is a pannership, pleaze include c6e following informa6on for each pazmei (use additional pa�es if nuessazy�j: Fva 1:une E !�iiddle 3nidat (l.4aidcn) � Datt of Binb HomeAbdras: Svea?�ame Ciry . Suu tip PhomNumber _ , � Middielnival (.'.laidon) Iart Datc HomeAddr�s: Saeu::ame , - Ciry Swe 71p PLmrcNumber MINI�SOTA TAX IDEt�TITFYCATIO:�' h'UMBER - Pucsuant to the I.aws of Mmncsota, 1984, Cbapter 502, A� ticle 8, Secfion 2(270_72) (1"az G7tar.mce; Issaance of Licenses}, licensing autboriGes are rec}uired w provide to the Statt of Minnesota Comunssioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business taz idenrification number and tbe social security number of each license applicant Under tLe M'innesota Govemment Dara Pcacfices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze required to adeise you of the following regazding the use of the M'innesota Taz Identification 2.Tumber: � - This informadon may be used to deny the issuanct ot zenewal of your license in t6e event you owe 3+4innesota sales, empIoyer s a�thholding or motor vehicle ezcise tazes; s-(Ipon receiving this information, the liceasing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Depactu�nt of Revenua However, e under tLe Fede:al Fachange of Informa6on Agcement, the Department of Revenue may supply rhis information to tve Intemal Revenue Service. '_ Minnesota Taz Idenfification A'ambers {Sales & Use Taz A'umber) may be obtained from the State of Mianesot�, �usiness Records Department, 10 River Pazk P3aza (612-296-filSlj. Sociat Securiry A'umbet: y7� -� - L7"7 2 Minnesota Taz idenrification A'umber. ^ If a Minoaota Tu Iden�cation Number is not required for the busiaess being opemted, indicate so by i boz. -� '�ng an "X" in� ,� usinesslEmolo�•ment Address � FRTIFICATIO� OF:Vr'ORKERS' CO!vIPENSATION CO�'ERAGE PliRSUA\T TO MLvn�ESOTA STATUTE 176.182 I hereby cenify that I, or my compzny, am in compliance witb cl�e a�orkers' compensauon iasurance coverzge mquiremenu of T4innesota Statute 17b.182, subdivisian 2. I also understaod that proeision af faise informaaon in this cenifrcaaon constimtes sufficient groun3s for adverse action aasinst all licenses he1d, including revocatioa znd cvspension of said licenses. G�'"�–� \Tame of Insurance Comp�a � �CC,�, � Q,� f✓�' �a'}n� Pol"scy Numlvr: ��J�; �y �o t' Cover�e fram �'aM i5� � 4 7 ta �� J 5'� 7 - -r — I hace flo empIoyees cot�ezed under �,•orkers' compensation iasurance ' A'��S' FALSi£ICATION OP A:\SR�RS GIVEN OR'�'L4TERIAL SL13?�a'i'TED VJII.L RESULT L\ DE:'�Z�L OF THIS .APPLICATIO� I bereby state tfiat I have ansuered all of the preceding quesaons, and tbat the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knou�]edge and belief. I bereby state fiuther that I have received no money or ocher consideration, by w�ay of laaa, �ift, contdbution, ot otherwnse, othet than already disclosed in tf�e application w�hicH I herewith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected �y police, fue, hea3tfa and otl�er city officials at any and all ti�s a•ben the busiaess is in operation. SiLnature {REQli1RED all applications} Date *"�ote: If this application is FoodlLiguor related, p3ease contact a City of Saint PauJ Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), io review plans: If any substanaal changes w strncnue a� anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paut Plan Examiner az 2b6-9D07 ±o appiy for buIlding permits. If there are any cbanges to t6e pazking lot, floor space, or for new operalions, please contact a City of Saiat Paul Zoning Inspector at266-9Q08. AddifionaI application requiremenfs, please attach: A detailed descrigtion of the design, Iocat�on and square foofage of the premises fo be licensed (�ite ptan}. Tbe foBowing data shou3d be on the site pIan (prefuably on an 8112" x Il" or S 1/2" x 14" pager): - Name, address, and phone number, - The scaSe should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^'�' sLou3d be indicated to�card the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facilitp such as seating arezs, kifchens, offices, repair azea, park rest roocces, etc. - If a reguest is foc an addition or espansion of the licensed facility, mdicate both the currenf azea and the proposed ea A copy of pou.r tease agreement or pr�f of oticnershiQ of the property. '"1 FOR SPECI�IC APPLICATiON REQUII2ED4ENTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> Greensneet # 35440 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST oate: L In Tracker? 3- ��}? App'n Recaived / App Processed ' �i'�'a3 \ Cigarette, Liquar On-Sale Class A, Sunday On-Sale License ID # 99433 Ucense Type: Liauor Restaurant (Bl Entert°�nment ("i °cs B& C�mp3�y Narri2: Minnesota Restaurants Inc. Gambling Lo pn Class A � �/�. All Star C nrtc Cafe Business Addresss: 2554 Como Ave. Business Phone: 646-i'��9 Contact Name% Date to Council Public Hearing I Daniel .3. Home Phone: 642-8894 — �p �o�pa3�3 0003 aQa 9aaa3 aoovc. C � 7 � Labels Ordered: District Council #: 12 � � . C'ew C if� Notice Sent to Applicant: Notice Sent to Ward DepartmentJ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney 2 's-� '�( -�„ Q ' Environmental Health � .5 -`� �- ��J� � ���aG... i n���. - i - �r�sy F�re �' S '�� Q � r ticense Sice wan aecetved:_ Lease Receivetl: Police �• �•�'1� �.� . Zoning Counciimember Roberta Megard 310-D City Hall G iJl-`,3 \ ���� SAINT PAUL C1TY COUNCIt E,icerne A�piication Puhf ic iiearing Notice FILE NO.: 99433 YURPnSE: Apptication for Liquor On-Sale (A), Sunday On-Sale Liquor, Cigarette, Restaurant (B), Entertainment {B} & Gambling Location (A) l.icense a� 2554 Como tive.. < APPLICANT: Minnesota Restaurants Mc. DBA AII Star Sports Cafc, Daniei J. Busse, 646-1334. HEARiNG DATE: Mac� at A:30 p.m. Gt�tA�(' .� 3� J�( `I 7 7 Af� f'iz6Eic Hear+ngs are heid during the City Gonncii meetin� in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hatt; {5 Kell�g� Boulevard West. T17is date may be cfian�d without notice prior ro the fiearin�. Please cail the LiEP OFfice at 266-9090 prior to the hearing for eonfirmation of hearing date. 4