D00554CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � 45,000.00 145,000.00 37,671.17 37,671.1� 526,869.17 �5,988.28 542,857.39 362,487.84 26,131.90 388,679.74 29,625.00 29,625.00 228,622.44 228,622.44 1,33D,275.50 42,120.18 1,372,395.68 ADMINISTRATIVE Date: • ORDER GS #: 26030 BUDGET REVISION ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of P ib 7 i Worka toamendthel9 _g,p_ budgetofihe ��y ital Pro�ts fund,lheDirecroroftheDepartment of Finance and Management Services is aulhonzed to amend said budget in the foltowing manner. � � a `� .� Curtent Amended �i Char�e B�� • FINANCING PLAN C90-2T623-29111 HazelwoodJMagnolia CSSP CA 1990 Water Utifity SewerReve�ue Bond CIB 1990 SewerRprFund Assessment SPENDING PLAN C90-2T623-29111 Hazelwood/Magnolia CSSP Construction Plan Construction FINANCING PLAN C94-2T640 CSSP Contingency SewerRevenue Bond CIB 1987 CIB 1990 SSx No.: �055 �{ t�-5-Q5 65,764.68 12,672.77 78,437.45 1,264,510.82 29,447.41 1,293,958,23 1,330,275.50 42,120.18 1,372,395.68 274,1 1 � .S3 10, 919.24 26,131.90 493,1'I 9.06 804,282.03 -15,988.28 -26,131.90 -42,120.18 258,123.55 10, 919.24 0.00 493,119.06 762,161.85 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATNE ORDER No.: �a055 Date: � - 5 -q 5 �s �: 26030 BL3DGET REVISION ADMIIVIST7ZATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authori r e,d to the Ma or in Section 10.07.4 of the Ci Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Departmen of ��u��ic Wo � toamendthet9 9 0 budgetofVie Capital Projects furxl,theDireciorofiheDepartment oE F�ance and Managemert Services is authorized to amend said budget in the foilowing manner: n��� {'� Curtent Mierckd &�t Chacge BUd�et FINANCING PLAN C94-2T640 CSSP Contingency • Construction � a / �Iji//���.� � • :.. w�.! . .� 804,282.03 -42,120.15 762,161.85 804,282.03 -42,120.18 762,161.85 YY�- CCR�„ aa,�as.en� . �'- � 1-� .s"' 0 PublicWorks UNCIL 4(3195 GREEN SHEET �� 2 INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE CONTACTPEqSON&PHONE (_(� ���� �DEPARTAAENTDIRECTOR ,s� � CITVCOUNGIL Michael J. Eggum 266-6143 tl/ l/L� ll� N � B� � � CRY ATfORNEY � CIT' CLEflK MUSTBEONCOUNqLAGENDABY(DA"fE) ROUTING �BUOGETDIflEGT ❑j FIN&MG7.SEFVICE �� � MAYOR(Oft ASSISTAN'� 1 Mke Eggum 07AL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CL1P ALL LOCA710N5 FOR SIGNATURE) O CAP Pfl0 O DEPAR7MENf A �� ACTION REWESSED Approval of attached Admuiiskaave Order t�ansfemng spending and financing from the CSSP Contingency to [he Hazelwood/Magnolia CSSP project RECOMMENDAnONS:Appwe (Aj or Rajea (Rj PEASONAL SERYICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSW ER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION_CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION � HasihispersonlfumeverwOACedunderaconttactforthisdepanment? CIe CAMMITfEE _ YES NO A STAFP 2. Has this persontfirm ever been a ciry employee? — — YES NO _ DISiRICTCOUNCIL _ 3. Does [his person/fitm possess a Skill not nOrmall y possessed by a�y current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCILOBJECTIVE� YES NO BUDGET Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INf(IATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1'�: The close out of the 1987-1990 CSSP projects was approved by Council on CF 94-1647. Subsequenfly there have been addirional expenses to the 1990 Hazelwood/Magnolia CSSP project. This necessitates a transfer of spending and financing from the Confingency account to cover these expens�i REC�IVED �u� 02 1995 ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Budget for the Hazelwood/Magnolia project wIll equal the actual spending. DISADVANTAGES IF APPAOVED: None. OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Budget for the Hazelwood/Magnolia project will be short by $42,120.18. LAMOUNTOFTpANSACTION$ NEt$0 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) yES No NoING SouRCE 1990 CIB & Sewer Rev Bnd ACTNITY NuMeER C90-2T623-291ll & C94-2T640 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINj Tiansfers - $42,120.18 � �