97-413�� __`j �f Rt' p3ll_ FtES{}LU`TIiiz�i RPPRfiiVrN6 A5�3SI�7'P �.27Ii CG•UI'7CI;, FILE :S•�. \� "`� i i� �"Y E��4����/�/U/�I� 31 i F�YC76 TIbS'� 6r I�P_r.ING SHERE4N Fii2 :VO. �35u�°-3�; 5�..�,�'��; �=i5�59-57; °g509.�.-97 Cs S45a02 A;ses�neat :70. 3a51.3y�". Ci3`�;, �358. C3S9 0360.G361,0363,0354,0365 Y .�Y. z:.,'j T-:�Iard 2� t?�e *s�atfi_r of rhe assessme^t cf =e+_�.�fats, c�ast anu e�sp�:ges Tc�r �2CGi.°,L�uC414R DS S1C�c°rl$1A.°, dL L�i2 L61iG.aiR6 �CCd.'�,1�R.°r: �+ u95038 - Sotti sides E Lawson Ave frazn arcade 5t to Aiea�ota St 535033 -�ast side Prosperity Ave irom F,mas Ave tn ; rI�tgnoiia l:ve 59504& - aoth sides � Law�on Ave €r�m Ed�ertcn St r� Pay.�e A�e 3�5D54 - F�Torth side F Hawthorne Ave from Flandrau �t to Breer. St and at 1729 E H�,�rEharr>e Aae 595055 - T3oth sictes E Hyaci_,th AvE from Kennard St t� Breen St �95(?56 - Bc�th sidLs E Lawrsor. Five frcm �ari Bt *� DuiuGh St SASOSf ^ BQtI1 side� E Ornncre fi.ve fr3m Fl�axdrau St to �reen vt S95G93 - Bo�t; sides Birminghvm St fr�iaa E Arlinator, �ve tn E N�bra�',:a �°we 595Q94 - Sou*_h side s=.ase Tz�e fro�t Hezeluao�d St ta �,e St 595�795 - North side E cGttaqe Ave from Germair. St io Kenn�rd st S95V!�E - Bath si�es E Niagna3ie �-.ve from �dger�on St to ?ayr_e Ave 5�750g7 - Ai 1378 Mca�ee �t ;,±�52C?� - Ea�t sid= �i^�Y.�13 st fres E Ncva�a ?�ve tc r. x�y* Ave ��l - y �'3 ,_.-: ;� -i'e31u��.cxl'y :1Z�._�- -,f >5-,`tiio: ayE:i�,veut npi3.1 i2, i�5:�: M�� i' i��i; r ab ba_ Sune 7, i�=•�5 �'2f�FS1 zr.u�r: 95-645, g� - t6..�.i iF 'S-�Y�f]Y�i�� J71�.Y .l� ?��. •3LI:YE �'� 239Ji S5-do�i; *_s5-i0I1 August 2, 1935; '�ac[ust i3 1�95 T.he assessnient of L�enefits, c�+�t arsd expei��es f;�r sncl in GnT1T��GT3.C+Y� .41'th ihe ar,o improvamErit havir�g �een 3'1�"iffiltfed tc the C�uncil, anti t�:e Cou�cil ha?=ina con�idered sama anci found the said assessment satisfac*_ory, therefare, �e =t RESOZ,VEp Trlat *he sai� rzssessfn�i7t he anrl the same i� ixereL�.,� iii �ii respoctv apprc�ved, RBSOLVE� FURTF�Et, Th�t a�u�lic hesrint� ue had on s3id assessmant on vn��!� �Y af --rrz- ^ q 7 at the hou of �o r r n� rrv a�2 of�;�� �i iss r}�� �nuncil Ch�imh�i of the Ccurt House and City Ha21 Buiidiag, in t_he City af St. Paulr trat the Yalus�io anc� Iassessment Enqineer yive notice of said mectin�s, as require� by t��e C'harter, 9t�ting in s�id n�tice the time and pZaoP of hearin�, ttiG rcature of th� im�rvvement, ar�d the amovnt ass2sse� against t;e lot or lots af ttxe particular owner t� srh^� the n�tice is directed, C{I[7AIGIE,PER86N Yeas N�y� f2akey �ostrom farris ��garci S In �avor ✓2�rton Re ttman-v acn*+�Teq ainst ThunE _Rhc�ro r As�opted by tne caur,ciic Late ry � � `q�� certifieci PAssed �y Cc•u<�cil �acratary �Y �-. I"� I layor ,� "�`O52r�S 4— PUAUSN�r MAY 31997 `Public Hearine Date - Jur� T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION 'ada� Pesaon �d Phooe N�ba: - Peter �Vhite �1nN �66-8850 Date: =�14arch 24, i997 �a � OFFINANCfALSVCS. �astt�emcoore�br- 4-23-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon F"day 4-11-9 YOY � OY ��' 1 �'`�� TOTAL iT OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �cr[ox x�u�s-rEV: 5etting date of pnblic hearing for the rati6cation of asse5sments for sidewalk improv�ents oa WINCHELL, 1378 MCAFEE, EAST MAGAiOLIA, EAST COTTAGE, CASE,'BIItMINGHAM, EAST flRANGE, EA5T I,AWSON, EAST HYACINTH, �AST HAWTHORNE, PROSPERITY Nyle No. 595038, 595039, S95048, 595054 - S95057, ASSESSMEIVT NO. 3991, 3992, 0356, 0358 - 0361, 595093 - 595097, 595102 0363 - ff367, d369 �,�..,�.,..�wa.,.�..� �evicscoNrsacrsnnrsrarrsweex�FOra.ownvc: . . Has fhe peasodfirm eva worked aoder a co� tor this depsrtmwtY YES NO �� A .�.. Has tLis pasoa/fam eva 6em a CYy mpbyeeS a..e.om..a smr�m )R1'SWffiCHCOUNCII,OB7EC17VER � COIINCII. WARD(S) (� (Who. What. W6�. W6ae. W69?). DISTRICf PLANNING COUNCII. �s xo YES iV0 ��� Project is completed. Ra�carion is necessary to begin #o colled assessments to help pay for the P�.1�• i:�a �;ucc.�wa fAGESIFhPPROVED: - - �-- - -- - -- 5ame as atwve. APR 0 41997 ,►rexovEO: prnperty owners have assessments payabie via property tages. nrrxovan: To not assess the bene�its would be inconsistent with City policy. , �C'�'TL.� �9 II�4'ORMATION: (E�LAI[� $54,549.53 $30,954.30 PIA 1996 $23,565.23ASSESSMENTS acnvnq�n�sx: �c�c�.EOr� Yes xo 158 property owners r,rill be notified of the public hearing and charges. Dae this Pe�ni6rm pomeas o do'0 nat sormaD9 P� 6 9 �7 c� CY5 �7a" - Green Sheet N�ber:" 39527 q�l-�+13 � �� __`j �f Rt' p3ll_ FtES{}LU`TIiiz�i RPPRfiiVrN6 A5�3SI�7'P �.27Ii CG•UI'7CI;, FILE :S•�. \� "`� i i� �"Y E��4����/�/U/�I� 31 i F�YC76 TIbS'� 6r I�P_r.ING SHERE4N Fii2 :VO. �35u�°-3�; 5�..�,�'��; �=i5�59-57; °g509.�.-97 Cs S45a02 A;ses�neat :70. 3a51.3y�". Ci3`�;, �358. C3S9 0360.G361,0363,0354,0365 Y .�Y. z:.,'j T-:�Iard 2� t?�e *s�atfi_r of rhe assessme^t cf =e+_�.�fats, c�ast anu e�sp�:ges Tc�r �2CGi.°,L�uC414R DS S1C�c°rl$1A.°, dL L�i2 L61iG.aiR6 �CCd.'�,1�R.°r: �+ u95038 - Sotti sides E Lawson Ave frazn arcade 5t to Aiea�ota St 535033 -�ast side Prosperity Ave irom F,mas Ave tn ; rI�tgnoiia l:ve 59504& - aoth sides � Law�on Ave €r�m Ed�ertcn St r� Pay.�e A�e 3�5D54 - F�Torth side F Hawthorne Ave from Flandrau �t to Breer. St and at 1729 E H�,�rEharr>e Aae 595055 - T3oth sictes E Hyaci_,th AvE from Kennard St t� Breen St �95(?56 - Bc�th sidLs E Lawrsor. Five frcm �ari Bt *� DuiuGh St SASOSf ^ BQtI1 side� E Ornncre fi.ve fr3m Fl�axdrau St to �reen vt S95G93 - Bo�t; sides Birminghvm St fr�iaa E Arlinator, �ve tn E N�bra�',:a �°we 595Q94 - Sou*_h side s=.ase Tz�e fro�t Hezeluao�d St ta �,e St 595�795 - North side E cGttaqe Ave from Germair. St io Kenn�rd st S95V!�E - Bath si�es E Niagna3ie �-.ve from �dger�on St to ?ayr_e Ave 5�750g7 - Ai 1378 Mca�ee �t ;,±�52C?� - Ea�t sid= �i^�Y.�13 st fres E Ncva�a ?�ve tc r. x�y* Ave ��l - y �'3 ,_.-: ;� -i'e31u��.cxl'y :1Z�._�- -,f >5-,`tiio: ayE:i�,veut npi3.1 i2, i�5:�: M�� i' i��i; r ab ba_ Sune 7, i�=•�5 �'2f�FS1 zr.u�r: 95-645, g� - t6..�.i iF 'S-�Y�f]Y�i�� J71�.Y .l� ?��. •3LI:YE �'� 239Ji S5-do�i; *_s5-i0I1 August 2, 1935; '�ac[ust i3 1�95 T.he assessnient of L�enefits, c�+�t arsd expei��es f;�r sncl in GnT1T��GT3.C+Y� .41'th ihe ar,o improvamErit havir�g �een 3'1�"iffiltfed tc the C�uncil, anti t�:e Cou�cil ha?=ina con�idered sama anci found the said assessment satisfac*_ory, therefare, �e =t RESOZ,VEp Trlat *he sai� rzssessfn�i7t he anrl the same i� ixereL�.,� iii �ii respoctv apprc�ved, RBSOLVE� FURTF�Et, Th�t a�u�lic hesrint� ue had on s3id assessmant on vn��!� �Y af --rrz- ^ q 7 at the hou of �o r r n� rrv a�2 of�;�� �i iss r}�� �nuncil Ch�imh�i of the Ccurt House and City Ha21 Buiidiag, in t_he City af St. Paulr trat the Yalus�io anc� Iassessment Enqineer yive notice of said mectin�s, as require� by t��e C'harter, 9t�ting in s�id n�tice the time and pZaoP of hearin�, ttiG rcature of th� im�rvvement, ar�d the amovnt ass2sse� against t;e lot or lots af ttxe particular owner t� srh^� the n�tice is directed, C{I[7AIGIE,PER86N Yeas N�y� f2akey �ostrom farris ��garci S In �avor ✓2�rton Re ttman-v acn*+�Teq ainst ThunE _Rhc�ro r As�opted by tne caur,ciic Late ry � � `q�� certifieci PAssed �y Cc•u<�cil �acratary �Y �-. I"� I layor ,� "�`O52r�S 4— PUAUSN�r MAY 31997 `Public Hearine Date - Jur� T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION 'ada� Pesaon �d Phooe N�ba: - Peter �Vhite �1nN �66-8850 Date: =�14arch 24, i997 �a � OFFINANCfALSVCS. �astt�emcoore�br- 4-23-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon F"day 4-11-9 YOY � OY ��' 1 �'`�� TOTAL iT OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �cr[ox x�u�s-rEV: 5etting date of pnblic hearing for the rati6cation of asse5sments for sidewalk improv�ents oa WINCHELL, 1378 MCAFEE, EAST MAGAiOLIA, EAST COTTAGE, CASE,'BIItMINGHAM, EAST flRANGE, EA5T I,AWSON, EAST HYACINTH, �AST HAWTHORNE, PROSPERITY Nyle No. 595038, 595039, S95048, 595054 - S95057, ASSESSMEIVT NO. 3991, 3992, 0356, 0358 - 0361, 595093 - 595097, 595102 0363 - ff367, d369 �,�..,�.,..�wa.,.�..� �evicscoNrsacrsnnrsrarrsweex�FOra.ownvc: . . Has fhe peasodfirm eva worked aoder a co� tor this depsrtmwtY YES NO �� A .�.. Has tLis pasoa/fam eva 6em a CYy mpbyeeS a..e.om..a smr�m )R1'SWffiCHCOUNCII,OB7EC17VER � COIINCII. WARD(S) (� (Who. What. W6�. W6ae. W69?). DISTRICf PLANNING COUNCII. �s xo YES iV0 ��� Project is completed. Ra�carion is necessary to begin #o colled assessments to help pay for the P�.1�• i:�a �;ucc.�wa fAGESIFhPPROVED: - - �-- - -- - -- 5ame as atwve. APR 0 41997 ,►rexovEO: prnperty owners have assessments payabie via property tages. nrrxovan: To not assess the bene�its would be inconsistent with City policy. , �C'�'TL.� �9 II�4'ORMATION: (E�LAI[� $54,549.53 $30,954.30 PIA 1996 $23,565.23ASSESSMENTS acnvnq�n�sx: �c�c�.EOr� Yes xo 158 property owners r,rill be notified of the public hearing and charges. Dae this Pe�ni6rm pomeas o do'0 nat sormaD9 P� 6 9 �7 c� CY5 �7a" - Green Sheet N�ber:" 39527 q�l-�+13 � �� __`j �f Rt' p3ll_ FtES{}LU`TIiiz�i RPPRfiiVrN6 A5�3SI�7'P �.27Ii CG•UI'7CI;, FILE :S•�. \� "`� i i� �"Y E��4����/�/U/�I� 31 i F�YC76 TIbS'� 6r I�P_r.ING SHERE4N Fii2 :VO. �35u�°-3�; 5�..�,�'��; �=i5�59-57; °g509.�.-97 Cs S45a02 A;ses�neat :70. 3a51.3y�". Ci3`�;, �358. C3S9 0360.G361,0363,0354,0365 Y .�Y. z:.,'j T-:�Iard 2� t?�e *s�atfi_r of rhe assessme^t cf =e+_�.�fats, c�ast anu e�sp�:ges Tc�r �2CGi.°,L�uC414R DS S1C�c°rl$1A.°, dL L�i2 L61iG.aiR6 �CCd.'�,1�R.°r: �+ u95038 - Sotti sides E Lawson Ave frazn arcade 5t to Aiea�ota St 535033 -�ast side Prosperity Ave irom F,mas Ave tn ; rI�tgnoiia l:ve 59504& - aoth sides � Law�on Ave €r�m Ed�ertcn St r� Pay.�e A�e 3�5D54 - F�Torth side F Hawthorne Ave from Flandrau �t to Breer. St and at 1729 E H�,�rEharr>e Aae 595055 - T3oth sictes E Hyaci_,th AvE from Kennard St t� Breen St �95(?56 - Bc�th sidLs E Lawrsor. Five frcm �ari Bt *� DuiuGh St SASOSf ^ BQtI1 side� E Ornncre fi.ve fr3m Fl�axdrau St to �reen vt S95G93 - Bo�t; sides Birminghvm St fr�iaa E Arlinator, �ve tn E N�bra�',:a �°we 595Q94 - Sou*_h side s=.ase Tz�e fro�t Hezeluao�d St ta �,e St 595�795 - North side E cGttaqe Ave from Germair. St io Kenn�rd st S95V!�E - Bath si�es E Niagna3ie �-.ve from �dger�on St to ?ayr_e Ave 5�750g7 - Ai 1378 Mca�ee �t ;,±�52C?� - Ea�t sid= �i^�Y.�13 st fres E Ncva�a ?�ve tc r. x�y* Ave ��l - y �'3 ,_.-: ;� -i'e31u��.cxl'y :1Z�._�- -,f >5-,`tiio: ayE:i�,veut npi3.1 i2, i�5:�: M�� i' i��i; r ab ba_ Sune 7, i�=•�5 �'2f�FS1 zr.u�r: 95-645, g� - t6..�.i iF 'S-�Y�f]Y�i�� J71�.Y .l� ?��. •3LI:YE �'� 239Ji S5-do�i; *_s5-i0I1 August 2, 1935; '�ac[ust i3 1�95 T.he assessnient of L�enefits, c�+�t arsd expei��es f;�r sncl in GnT1T��GT3.C+Y� .41'th ihe ar,o improvamErit havir�g �een 3'1�"iffiltfed tc the C�uncil, anti t�:e Cou�cil ha?=ina con�idered sama anci found the said assessment satisfac*_ory, therefare, �e =t RESOZ,VEp Trlat *he sai� rzssessfn�i7t he anrl the same i� ixereL�.,� iii �ii respoctv apprc�ved, RBSOLVE� FURTF�Et, Th�t a�u�lic hesrint� ue had on s3id assessmant on vn��!� �Y af --rrz- ^ q 7 at the hou of �o r r n� rrv a�2 of�;�� �i iss r}�� �nuncil Ch�imh�i of the Ccurt House and City Ha21 Buiidiag, in t_he City af St. Paulr trat the Yalus�io anc� Iassessment Enqineer yive notice of said mectin�s, as require� by t��e C'harter, 9t�ting in s�id n�tice the time and pZaoP of hearin�, ttiG rcature of th� im�rvvement, ar�d the amovnt ass2sse� against t;e lot or lots af ttxe particular owner t� srh^� the n�tice is directed, C{I[7AIGIE,PER86N Yeas N�y� f2akey �ostrom farris ��garci S In �avor ✓2�rton Re ttman-v acn*+�Teq ainst ThunE _Rhc�ro r As�opted by tne caur,ciic Late ry � � `q�� certifieci PAssed �y Cc•u<�cil �acratary �Y �-. I"� I layor ,� "�`O52r�S 4— PUAUSN�r MAY 31997 `Public Hearine Date - Jur� T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION 'ada� Pesaon �d Phooe N�ba: - Peter �Vhite �1nN �66-8850 Date: =�14arch 24, i997 �a � OFFINANCfALSVCS. �astt�emcoore�br- 4-23-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon F"day 4-11-9 YOY � OY ��' 1 �'`�� TOTAL iT OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �cr[ox x�u�s-rEV: 5etting date of pnblic hearing for the rati6cation of asse5sments for sidewalk improv�ents oa WINCHELL, 1378 MCAFEE, EAST MAGAiOLIA, EAST COTTAGE, CASE,'BIItMINGHAM, EAST flRANGE, EA5T I,AWSON, EAST HYACINTH, �AST HAWTHORNE, PROSPERITY Nyle No. 595038, 595039, S95048, 595054 - S95057, ASSESSMEIVT NO. 3991, 3992, 0356, 0358 - 0361, 595093 - 595097, 595102 0363 - ff367, d369 �,�..,�.,..�wa.,.�..� �evicscoNrsacrsnnrsrarrsweex�FOra.ownvc: . . Has fhe peasodfirm eva worked aoder a co� tor this depsrtmwtY YES NO �� A .�.. Has tLis pasoa/fam eva 6em a CYy mpbyeeS a..e.om..a smr�m )R1'SWffiCHCOUNCII,OB7EC17VER � COIINCII. WARD(S) (� (Who. What. W6�. W6ae. W69?). DISTRICf PLANNING COUNCII. �s xo YES iV0 ��� Project is completed. Ra�carion is necessary to begin #o colled assessments to help pay for the P�.1�• i:�a �;ucc.�wa fAGESIFhPPROVED: - - �-- - -- - -- 5ame as atwve. APR 0 41997 ,►rexovEO: prnperty owners have assessments payabie via property tages. nrrxovan: To not assess the bene�its would be inconsistent with City policy. , �C'�'TL.� �9 II�4'ORMATION: (E�LAI[� $54,549.53 $30,954.30 PIA 1996 $23,565.23ASSESSMENTS acnvnq�n�sx: �c�c�.EOr� Yes xo 158 property owners r,rill be notified of the public hearing and charges. Dae this Pe�ni6rm pomeas o do'0 nat sormaD9 P� 6 9 �7 c� CY5 �7a" - Green Sheet N�ber:" 39527 q�l-�+13 �