97-411�r � � 4 �'"� ' '� 4 �' � E i�: t e w,'; r_ Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 77 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Council File # \� ' ��� Green Sheet # 32206 RESOLUTtON INT�, MINNESOTA aq � � Committee: Date WHEREAS, in an effort to bring WamedShepard Rd budgets up to date wRh the latest estimates there is a need for technical adjustments, and W4iEREAS, these adjustmeMS consist o4 additional revenues not included in the original budget as we11 as some revenue sources that came in lower than anticipated at time of adoption, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works is recommending the fol�owing changes to resolve these conditions, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in the following particulaf: Current _ Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN Shepard/VJarner Reconst. C91-2S022-00000 MSA 1,287,921.06 J0,157A2 7,217,763.64 CA 72,000.00 72,000.00 WATERUTILITY 3,000.00 25,356.00 28,356.00 SEWERREVBON0.S 315,000.00 _ 315,000.00 PIA 4,406.00 4,406.00 CIB 503,009.44 503,009.44 2,185,336.50 -44,801.42 2,140,535.08 SPENDING PLAN Shepard/Wamer Reconst. C91-2S022-00000 Construction FINANCING PLAN WarnedShepartl Reconst. C93-2S023 2,185,336.50 -44,801.42 2,140,535.08 2,185,336.50 -44,801.42 2,140,535.08 MSA 4,943,500.00 -1,315,27�.35 3,628,222.65 71F 1,445,800.00 -144,550.00 1,301,250.00 CA t 92,00�.0� 192,000.00 6,581,300.00 -1,459,827.35 5,121,472.65 r 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 S5 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 SPENDMG PIAN WamerlShepard Reconst. C93-2S023 Construction 6,581,300.00 -t,459,827.35 5,�21,472.65 6,581,300.00 -7,459,827.35 5,121,472.65 FINANCING PLAN Shepard-Randolph to Robert C94-2S055 MSA 2,472,000.00 2,472,000.00 PIA 66,000.00 66,000.00 CA 200,000.00 -169,846.73 30,151.27 2,738,000.00 -�69,848.73 2,568,151.27 SPENDING PLAN Shepard-Randolph to Robert C94-2S055 Construction FINANCING PLAN Shepard-Randolph-Robert C96-2S057 MSA SPENDING PLAN Shepard-Randolph-Robert C96-2S057 Construction 2,738,000.00 -169,848.73 2,568,151.27 2,738,000.00 -169,848.73 2,568,751.27 200,000.00 -15,395.96 t84,604.04 200,000.00 -15,395.96 184,604.04 200,000.00 -�5,395.96 �84,604.04 200,000.00 -15,395.96 184,604.04 FINANCING PLAN Shepard-Randolph-Robert C97-2S058 CA MSA 169, 848.73 169, 848.73 7,927,000.00 1,400,830.73 3,327,830.73 1,927,000.00 1,570,679,46 3,497,679.46 a� -y�` � 99 100 101 102 103 104 G?('� -�l� SPQdDtNG PLAN Shepard-Randolph-RObert C97-2S058 Construction 1,927,000.00 1,570,679.46 3,497,679.46 �,927,000.00 1,570,679.46 3,497,679.46 The St. Paul Long • Range Capital Fmprovss���t Sndget Committee received this requ�s{ Q � �dafe)� �- �andreacm��nds ----_.._.� �� � _� 'T Eudae# Director �. _ � . Requested by Department of: EJW/jb Public Works z-zo-9� By: ��y N�"`n�s Adopted by Council . h Form Appro �d by City Attorney Date '' �/ Adopt' n Certified by Council Secretary v2�GL � g � 1 �_��.A{��^ved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date �Z �� K � By: � " a I'• — / ( OEPARTMENT/OF ICFlCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED � I� V`\ r�b��works a�zo�9� GREEN SHEET No. 32206 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE ECiw2iR 26(r6142 �EPARTMENTDIRECTOR ❑j CITYCAUNqL NUMBER FOR Q GITY ATTORNEY ❑ CIN CLERK MUSTBEONCOUNpLAGENDABV(DAT� ROIffING DGETOFPICE� �g FlNANCE-ACCOUNTIN ORDER O MAY�R(OR ASSIST � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOB SIGNATUB� ❑1 ���� ❑2 DEPARiMENTACCO � S- ACTON REQUESTED Approval of CouncIl Resolution consolidating capital project budgets for rhe Shepard Rd. and Warner Rd. reconstrucuon projects from 1991-1996 into one spending and financing budget in 1997 and to remove $144,550 in TIF financing from the 1993 Warner/Shepard Rd Reconstruction project, never colluted from PED and to add $25,356 in addifional Water Uulity funding. fiECAMMENDAiIONS:Apprwe (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESl70NS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION �_ Hastluspe�soNfirmeverworkeduntleracontractforthisdepaRment? G�B COMMITTEE _ YES NO s7aFF 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ oiSTAICr COUrvq� � 3. Does this person/firtn possess a sldll not normalty possessed by an urrent ciry e pl ee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain alf yes answers on sepaiMe sheet antl attach to green s INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH�: The Shepard/Warner Rd. reconstruction project has a mulu-yeaz budget from 1991 through 1997 making the anage ent and cou 'ng for this project cumbersome and difficult. It is the intention of the Depar[ment to consolidate the unused portio of these budgets i o the I99� Capital Project budget for Wamer/Shepard Rd. Also the $144,550 of TIF monies budgeted in the 1993 er/Shepard Reconstruction project were not collected, so therefore we ask that this portion of the spending and financing bud be re ed and addiuonal Water Utility financing be added. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED All future expenditures and receipts will be accounted for in one yeaz and one activity, but split out by separate job numbers, designaling the particular phase of the overall project. This will make management of this project less cumbersome and the accounting for the remainder of this project will be under one fund and one activity. The consolidated budget will show accurate funding sources with the removal of the TIF financing not collected and the additional W ater Utility funding. DI9ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: R4e'v���€� p��.y f £EL �`�.'���e� �'7 "�� None. APR 0 8 1997 �Pr� 07 19�7 �lRYOR'� €�€f{G� �` �� ��� ����i .�� FkSADWANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED. It wIll take an outside tracldng system to account for expenditures and receipts and aid in the management of this project. Addiaonal work for current staff using a microcomputer. The financing and spending budget for the 1993 Warner/Shepazd Reconstruction project will be overstated by $144,550. TOTALAMOUNTOFTAANSAC710N$ �_�19�194_00 CAST/REVENUEBUDGEIED(CIRCLEON� YES NO FUN��NG SOURCE Various Capital Funding Sources ACnVm� NUMSER C91-2S022, C93-2S023, C94-2S055, C96-2S057 & C97-2 58 RNANCIAL IPiFORMATiON' (EXPWN) Additons - $25,356 Transfers - $1,570,679.46 Deductions - $144,550 �r � � 4 �'"� ' '� 4 �' � E i�: t e w,'; r_ Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 77 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Council File # \� ' ��� Green Sheet # 32206 RESOLUTtON INT�, MINNESOTA aq � � Committee: Date WHEREAS, in an effort to bring WamedShepard Rd budgets up to date wRh the latest estimates there is a need for technical adjustments, and W4iEREAS, these adjustmeMS consist o4 additional revenues not included in the original budget as we11 as some revenue sources that came in lower than anticipated at time of adoption, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works is recommending the fol�owing changes to resolve these conditions, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in the following particulaf: Current _ Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN Shepard/VJarner Reconst. C91-2S022-00000 MSA 1,287,921.06 J0,157A2 7,217,763.64 CA 72,000.00 72,000.00 WATERUTILITY 3,000.00 25,356.00 28,356.00 SEWERREVBON0.S 315,000.00 _ 315,000.00 PIA 4,406.00 4,406.00 CIB 503,009.44 503,009.44 2,185,336.50 -44,801.42 2,140,535.08 SPENDING PLAN Shepard/Wamer Reconst. C91-2S022-00000 Construction FINANCING PLAN WarnedShepartl Reconst. C93-2S023 2,185,336.50 -44,801.42 2,140,535.08 2,185,336.50 -44,801.42 2,140,535.08 MSA 4,943,500.00 -1,315,27�.35 3,628,222.65 71F 1,445,800.00 -144,550.00 1,301,250.00 CA t 92,00�.0� 192,000.00 6,581,300.00 -1,459,827.35 5,121,472.65 r 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 S5 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 SPENDMG PIAN WamerlShepard Reconst. C93-2S023 Construction 6,581,300.00 -t,459,827.35 5,�21,472.65 6,581,300.00 -7,459,827.35 5,121,472.65 FINANCING PLAN Shepard-Randolph to Robert C94-2S055 MSA 2,472,000.00 2,472,000.00 PIA 66,000.00 66,000.00 CA 200,000.00 -169,846.73 30,151.27 2,738,000.00 -�69,848.73 2,568,151.27 SPENDING PLAN Shepard-Randolph to Robert C94-2S055 Construction FINANCING PLAN Shepard-Randolph-Robert C96-2S057 MSA SPENDING PLAN Shepard-Randolph-Robert C96-2S057 Construction 2,738,000.00 -169,848.73 2,568,151.27 2,738,000.00 -169,848.73 2,568,751.27 200,000.00 -15,395.96 t84,604.04 200,000.00 -15,395.96 184,604.04 200,000.00 -�5,395.96 �84,604.04 200,000.00 -15,395.96 184,604.04 FINANCING PLAN Shepard-Randolph-Robert C97-2S058 CA MSA 169, 848.73 169, 848.73 7,927,000.00 1,400,830.73 3,327,830.73 1,927,000.00 1,570,679,46 3,497,679.46 a� -y�` � 99 100 101 102 103 104 G?('� -�l� SPQdDtNG PLAN Shepard-Randolph-RObert C97-2S058 Construction 1,927,000.00 1,570,679.46 3,497,679.46 �,927,000.00 1,570,679.46 3,497,679.46 The St. Paul Long • Range Capital Fmprovss���t Sndget Committee received this requ�s{ Q � �dafe)� �- �andreacm��nds ----_.._.� �� � _� 'T Eudae# Director �. _ � . Requested by Department of: EJW/jb Public Works z-zo-9� By: ��y N�"`n�s Adopted by Council . h Form Appro �d by City Attorney Date '' �/ Adopt' n Certified by Council Secretary v2�GL � g � 1 �_��.A{��^ved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date �Z �� K � By: � " a I'• — / ( OEPARTMENT/OF ICFlCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED � I� V`\ r�b��works a�zo�9� GREEN SHEET No. 32206 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE ECiw2iR 26(r6142 �EPARTMENTDIRECTOR ❑j CITYCAUNqL NUMBER FOR Q GITY ATTORNEY ❑ CIN CLERK MUSTBEONCOUNpLAGENDABV(DAT� ROIffING DGETOFPICE� �g FlNANCE-ACCOUNTIN ORDER O MAY�R(OR ASSIST � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOB SIGNATUB� ❑1 ���� ❑2 DEPARiMENTACCO � S- ACTON REQUESTED Approval of CouncIl Resolution consolidating capital project budgets for rhe Shepard Rd. and Warner Rd. reconstrucuon projects from 1991-1996 into one spending and financing budget in 1997 and to remove $144,550 in TIF financing from the 1993 Warner/Shepard Rd Reconstruction project, never colluted from PED and to add $25,356 in addifional Water Uulity funding. fiECAMMENDAiIONS:Apprwe (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESl70NS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION �_ Hastluspe�soNfirmeverworkeduntleracontractforthisdepaRment? G�B COMMITTEE _ YES NO s7aFF 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ oiSTAICr COUrvq� � 3. Does this person/firtn possess a sldll not normalty possessed by an urrent ciry e pl ee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain alf yes answers on sepaiMe sheet antl attach to green s INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH�: The Shepard/Warner Rd. reconstruction project has a mulu-yeaz budget from 1991 through 1997 making the anage ent and cou 'ng for this project cumbersome and difficult. It is the intention of the Depar[ment to consolidate the unused portio of these budgets i o the I99� Capital Project budget for Wamer/Shepard Rd. Also the $144,550 of TIF monies budgeted in the 1993 er/Shepard Reconstruction project were not collected, so therefore we ask that this portion of the spending and financing bud be re ed and addiuonal Water Utility financing be added. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED All future expenditures and receipts will be accounted for in one yeaz and one activity, but split out by separate job numbers, designaling the particular phase of the overall project. This will make management of this project less cumbersome and the accounting for the remainder of this project will be under one fund and one activity. The consolidated budget will show accurate funding sources with the removal of the TIF financing not collected and the additional W ater Utility funding. DI9ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: R4e'v���€� p��.y f £EL �`�.'���e� �'7 "�� None. APR 0 8 1997 �Pr� 07 19�7 �lRYOR'� €�€f{G� �` �� ��� ����i .�� FkSADWANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED. It wIll take an outside tracldng system to account for expenditures and receipts and aid in the management of this project. Addiaonal work for current staff using a microcomputer. The financing and spending budget for the 1993 Warner/Shepazd Reconstruction project will be overstated by $144,550. TOTALAMOUNTOFTAANSAC710N$ �_�19�194_00 CAST/REVENUEBUDGEIED(CIRCLEON� YES NO FUN��NG SOURCE Various Capital Funding Sources ACnVm� NUMSER C91-2S022, C93-2S023, C94-2S055, C96-2S057 & C97-2 58 RNANCIAL IPiFORMATiON' (EXPWN) Additons - $25,356 Transfers - $1,570,679.46 Deductions - $144,550 �r � � 4 �'"� ' '� 4 �' � E i�: t e w,'; r_ Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 77 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Council File # \� ' ��� Green Sheet # 32206 RESOLUTtON INT�, MINNESOTA aq � � Committee: Date WHEREAS, in an effort to bring WamedShepard Rd budgets up to date wRh the latest estimates there is a need for technical adjustments, and W4iEREAS, these adjustmeMS consist o4 additional revenues not included in the original budget as we11 as some revenue sources that came in lower than anticipated at time of adoption, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works is recommending the fol�owing changes to resolve these conditions, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in the following particulaf: Current _ Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN Shepard/VJarner Reconst. C91-2S022-00000 MSA 1,287,921.06 J0,157A2 7,217,763.64 CA 72,000.00 72,000.00 WATERUTILITY 3,000.00 25,356.00 28,356.00 SEWERREVBON0.S 315,000.00 _ 315,000.00 PIA 4,406.00 4,406.00 CIB 503,009.44 503,009.44 2,185,336.50 -44,801.42 2,140,535.08 SPENDING PLAN Shepard/Wamer Reconst. C91-2S022-00000 Construction FINANCING PLAN WarnedShepartl Reconst. C93-2S023 2,185,336.50 -44,801.42 2,140,535.08 2,185,336.50 -44,801.42 2,140,535.08 MSA 4,943,500.00 -1,315,27�.35 3,628,222.65 71F 1,445,800.00 -144,550.00 1,301,250.00 CA t 92,00�.0� 192,000.00 6,581,300.00 -1,459,827.35 5,121,472.65 r 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 S5 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 SPENDMG PIAN WamerlShepard Reconst. C93-2S023 Construction 6,581,300.00 -t,459,827.35 5,�21,472.65 6,581,300.00 -7,459,827.35 5,121,472.65 FINANCING PLAN Shepard-Randolph to Robert C94-2S055 MSA 2,472,000.00 2,472,000.00 PIA 66,000.00 66,000.00 CA 200,000.00 -169,846.73 30,151.27 2,738,000.00 -�69,848.73 2,568,151.27 SPENDING PLAN Shepard-Randolph to Robert C94-2S055 Construction FINANCING PLAN Shepard-Randolph-Robert C96-2S057 MSA SPENDING PLAN Shepard-Randolph-Robert C96-2S057 Construction 2,738,000.00 -169,848.73 2,568,151.27 2,738,000.00 -169,848.73 2,568,751.27 200,000.00 -15,395.96 t84,604.04 200,000.00 -15,395.96 184,604.04 200,000.00 -�5,395.96 �84,604.04 200,000.00 -15,395.96 184,604.04 FINANCING PLAN Shepard-Randolph-Robert C97-2S058 CA MSA 169, 848.73 169, 848.73 7,927,000.00 1,400,830.73 3,327,830.73 1,927,000.00 1,570,679,46 3,497,679.46 a� -y�` � 99 100 101 102 103 104 G?('� -�l� SPQdDtNG PLAN Shepard-Randolph-RObert C97-2S058 Construction 1,927,000.00 1,570,679.46 3,497,679.46 �,927,000.00 1,570,679.46 3,497,679.46 The St. Paul Long • Range Capital Fmprovss���t Sndget Committee received this requ�s{ Q � �dafe)� �- �andreacm��nds ----_.._.� �� � _� 'T Eudae# Director �. _ � . Requested by Department of: EJW/jb Public Works z-zo-9� By: ��y N�"`n�s Adopted by Council . h Form Appro �d by City Attorney Date '' �/ Adopt' n Certified by Council Secretary v2�GL � g � 1 �_��.A{��^ved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date �Z �� K � By: � " a I'• — / ( OEPARTMENT/OF ICFlCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED � I� V`\ r�b��works a�zo�9� GREEN SHEET No. 32206 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE ECiw2iR 26(r6142 �EPARTMENTDIRECTOR ❑j CITYCAUNqL NUMBER FOR Q GITY ATTORNEY ❑ CIN CLERK MUSTBEONCOUNpLAGENDABV(DAT� ROIffING DGETOFPICE� �g FlNANCE-ACCOUNTIN ORDER O MAY�R(OR ASSIST � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOB SIGNATUB� ❑1 ���� ❑2 DEPARiMENTACCO � S- ACTON REQUESTED Approval of CouncIl Resolution consolidating capital project budgets for rhe Shepard Rd. and Warner Rd. reconstrucuon projects from 1991-1996 into one spending and financing budget in 1997 and to remove $144,550 in TIF financing from the 1993 Warner/Shepard Rd Reconstruction project, never colluted from PED and to add $25,356 in addifional Water Uulity funding. fiECAMMENDAiIONS:Apprwe (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESl70NS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION �_ Hastluspe�soNfirmeverworkeduntleracontractforthisdepaRment? G�B COMMITTEE _ YES NO s7aFF 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ oiSTAICr COUrvq� � 3. Does this person/firtn possess a sldll not normalty possessed by an urrent ciry e pl ee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain alf yes answers on sepaiMe sheet antl attach to green s INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH�: The Shepard/Warner Rd. reconstruction project has a mulu-yeaz budget from 1991 through 1997 making the anage ent and cou 'ng for this project cumbersome and difficult. It is the intention of the Depar[ment to consolidate the unused portio of these budgets i o the I99� Capital Project budget for Wamer/Shepard Rd. Also the $144,550 of TIF monies budgeted in the 1993 er/Shepard Reconstruction project were not collected, so therefore we ask that this portion of the spending and financing bud be re ed and addiuonal Water Utility financing be added. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED All future expenditures and receipts will be accounted for in one yeaz and one activity, but split out by separate job numbers, designaling the particular phase of the overall project. This will make management of this project less cumbersome and the accounting for the remainder of this project will be under one fund and one activity. The consolidated budget will show accurate funding sources with the removal of the TIF financing not collected and the additional W ater Utility funding. DI9ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: R4e'v���€� p��.y f £EL �`�.'���e� �'7 "�� None. APR 0 8 1997 �Pr� 07 19�7 �lRYOR'� €�€f{G� �` �� ��� ����i .�� FkSADWANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED. It wIll take an outside tracldng system to account for expenditures and receipts and aid in the management of this project. Addiaonal work for current staff using a microcomputer. The financing and spending budget for the 1993 Warner/Shepazd Reconstruction project will be overstated by $144,550. TOTALAMOUNTOFTAANSAC710N$ �_�19�194_00 CAST/REVENUEBUDGEIED(CIRCLEON� YES NO FUN��NG SOURCE Various Capital Funding Sources ACnVm� NUMSER C91-2S022, C93-2S023, C94-2S055, C96-2S057 & C97-2 58 RNANCIAL IPiFORMATiON' (EXPWN) Additons - $25,356 Transfers - $1,570,679.46 Deductions - $144,550