97-408C��►������_ Presented By _ Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 council File # � � — �{'6 � Green Sheet # ✓ `�� � Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature passed in 1994, a customized training program for dislocated workers called the Dislocated Worker Pilot Program; and a� WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has designated the City of Saint Paui as an eligible applicant under the Laws ofi Minnesota, 1993 Ghapter 369 and 1994 Section 268.9783; and WHEREAS, the Dislocated Worker Pilot Program will provide customized training and placement services to eligible dislocated workers; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota on January 24, 1997 has allocated $183,940 in discretionary funds to provide services for 60 participants for the period of April 1, 1997 through March 31, 1998; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon recommendation ofi the Mayor, the Council ofi the City ofi Saint Paul does hereby approve the City's participation in the Minnesota Software Employment and Training Program for Saint Paul; and be it RESOLVED, that the proper City of Sa+nt Paul officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute appropriate contracts for delivery of training-related services; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to section 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and 20 F14dALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor recommends the foflowing changes to the ��' ��� 21 1997 budget: 22 23 24 25 26 27 '� 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 � 37 � 39 40 41 Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANC{NG PLAN 0 183.940 183.940 345 Govemmental Emp & Tmg Prog 36579 Minnesota Sofiware 3111-67096 Job Training Partnership Act SPENDING PLAN $0 $183,940 Current 8udget Changes $183,940 Amended Sudget 345 Governmental Emp & Tmg Prog 36579 Minnesota Software 0547-67096 Payment to Subcontractors 0 157,24� 157,240 0558-67096 Transfer to PED Oper. Fund 0 26.700 26.700 $9 $183,949 $183,940 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the 1997 budget. APPROVAL RECOMMENDED APPROVED AS TO FUNDING ��:;.i�, ,� ► 1 ,.- � - . Director, Department of Finance and Management Services Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ��'/� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � • ��1� approved by Mayor: Date �-FIZL(`L�" `�`�-�lo� DEP1�RiG AFFlCFiCOUNCIL DATE INITATED 3 y L�. �� PED ORKPORCE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION O3 7-57 GREEN SH T CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITI INITIAVDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRE OR � CITY COUNGIL JACQUISHOHOLM, Z2H-3I IS A��C'N �CrtYATfOFNEY �GTYCLERK NUYBENFOR MUST BE ON CpUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROU7ING BUDGET DIRECTO � FIN. & MGT. SEqVICES �IR. APRIL Z. I JJ7 OBDEF I � JACQUI SHOH L_1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ONE ( I) (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION PE�UESTED: SIGNATURE ON ATfACHED CT( COUNCIL RESOLUTION WILL AUTHORIZE THE CT' OF SAINT PAUL TO ACCEPT $ 1 83�J4O FROM THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO ASSIST DISLOCATED WORKERS THROUGH THE MINNESOTA SOFTWARE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PROGR4M. FiECAMMENDA'fiONS: Approve (A) or Aejett (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISS�ON 1. Has this person/Firtn ever worked untler a conMact fo� this departmeni? _ qB CAMMIITEE _ YES �NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISiRIC7 GoURT _ 3- Does this ereon/lirm ossess a skill not normall p p y possessed by any curre�[ city employee? SUPPOFTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain all yas answers on separate sheet and ettach to green sheet INITIATING PR08LEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet When, Where. Why): , THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL HAS BEEN AWARDED $ I 83,540 OF STATE DISCREfIONARY FUNDING TO PROVIDE CUSTOMIZED AND PLACEMENT SERVICES TO 6O WORKERS TF1AT HAVE BEEN IMPACTED BY COMPU7ER INDUSTRY DOWNSIZING IN THE SAINT PAUL ARFA. PERfOD OF FUNDING IS FROM APRIL 1, I 997 THROUGH MARCH 3 I, I 998. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� SIXTY (CO) WORKERS THAT HAVE LOST EMPLOYMENT THROUGH COMPUTER INDU5TRY DOWNSIZING WILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNIN TO REGEIVE CUSTOMIZED TRAINING AND ULTIMATELY GAIN FULL'TIME EMPLOYMENT AT SAINT PAUL SOFfWARE COMPANIES. � DISADVANTAGES IF APGAOVED: .ygf+�k�L�4� - ie 4 a NONE. il'1AC\ L 1 �3J` '"" W ° A 'ePP.���.a�.� � ���� ��� IDr� DISADVANTAOES IF NOTAPPROVED: THESE DISLOCATED WORKERS WILL NOT RECEIVE THE CUSTOMIZED SERVIGES NECE5 POF�SU�C�C�SF�/L { NSRY INTO j THE SAiNT PAUL SOFNJARE INDUSTRY J06 MARKET. ti@'y}y� R,�6E ���Qe �� � f`i:'�i� U r�' �ed�l TOTA� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $ I 83.940 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIpCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIIBG SOURCE $TATE DISCREfIONARY GRANT ACTIVITY NUMBER P6 345-36579-3 I I I-67096 FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) STATE OF M3NNES0'fA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURiTY WOi2KFORCE PREPARATiON BRANCH Addendum to Job'fraining P1an ���� Project No. 6116701 SSA #8, City of St. Paui Funding: State Project Name: MN STEP: Minnesota Software Empioyment 8� Training Program SPECIAL CONDITIONS The Minnesota Department of Economic Security has approved your application to carry oui a project for disiocated workers financed with discretionary funds available under Minnesota Staiutes, Sections 268.022 (Disiocated Worker Fund2 and 268.975-98 (Plant Closing and Dislocated workers). FUNDING AND TERM: Funds in the amount of $183,940 from PY 1996; State Dislocated Worker Discretionary Funds are being made available under your Master Contract to fund the approved MN STEP Project. The term of the project shaU be from Aoril 1. 1997 through March 31. 1998. 2. INDfVIDUALS TO BE SERVED: This project will serve 60 disiocated workers from SSA 8's geographic area in accordance to the Appiication for Dislocated Worker Funds which was submitted by City of St. Paul, Department of Planning and Economic Development, SSA #8 on January 9. 1997 and identified as MN STEP: Minnesota Software Emplayment 8 Training Program project and is incorporated as part of this agreement by reference herein. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES: A. The City of St. Paul Departments of Planning and Economic Development, Workforce Development and the Business Resource Center in partnership with the MN Software Association will recruit and frain dislocated workers for employment in the software industry as detailed in their Minnesota Software Training and Employment Partnership Program proposal. B. Participating software industry companies in the Saint Paul area will create paid internship positions for dislocated workers. Individual internships will be designed for each dislocated worker. intern wages will be paid by participating companies. o�� you� C. Dislocated workers will be assessed to determine interest, background, skills, knowledge and abilities in order to train for entry level jobs designated by participating companies. Training objectives, based on job profiling and trainee assessment will include appropriate classroom training. Classroom training wiii be customized to each businesslintern relationship. Individual training p{ans will be developed for each dislocated worker. Training time will average six months. D. Upon successful completion of intemship and training, participants wili be employed in the industry at an average wage of $17.00 per hour. E. Program operator will prepare a thorough evaluation report of the pilot project. The evaluation will recap the planning process, implementation, monitoring, the outcomes, replicability and assessment of the project strengths, weaknesses and recommendations for changes. 4. PROJEC7 ACTIVtTY PLAN: A comprehensive program of services will be made available to assist the dislocated workers return to the labor force. in accordance to the activities outlined in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein, and made a part hereof, 5. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR THE PROJECT Planned cost per participant $3,066 Pianned cost per entered Empioymeni $3;832 Entered employment rate 80% Average wage at placement $17.00 per hour 6. EMPLOYABILITY DETERMINATION AND MIS: Grantee shall be responsible for determining and verifying eligibility in accordance with JTPA and State Policies. Documentation of Eligibility shall be maintained in ciient file. To al(ow proper reporting of this project, the Titie/Subtitle code 3M-54 must be entered on the State Change form (Section 8, Fields 1 and 2 for ail project participants. fn accordance to the rules estabfished, Grantee shall be responsible for conduoting a required post-program foliow-up. 7. PARTICtPANT PLAN: Pa�ticipants shall receive the services outlined in the Participant Plan which is marked Exhibit B, which is aitached hereto, incorporated by reference herein, and made a part hereof. 8. REPORTING: Grantee agrees to provide to CBS: A. Monthiy Financiai Status report, including matching funds, due 20th ofi month fofiowing activity; B. Month{y statistica{ report due 20th of month following activity. �1- ��� C. Monthiy Progress Report due 20th of the month following the end of the preceding month. Progress Report shall describe perFormance during preceding reporting period, identify any problems encounfered in advancing the objective of the grant; describe steps to overcome those probiems; and fist activities p{anned for the coming reporting period. D. An Evaluation Report (described in RESPONS4BILITIES: item E} due at the conctusion of the Grant. E. Final report in format prescribed by GB�due at end of grant. F. Other reports as may be required. 9. BUDGET: Funds are to be expended in the categories and amounts shown in the Budget, Exhibit C, which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein, and made a pa�t hereof. 10. MATCH: All match must be reporked and must be auditabie. Funds and type of Match are to be expended in the categories and amounts shown in the MATCH BUDGET Exhibit D, which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein, and made a part hereof. -- This Addendum shall become effective and an NFA issued for the funding when two copies of this document have been signed and submitted by the appropriate officials and returned to the Grantor for final processing. A fuNy executed copy will be sent to you for attachment to your Job Training Plan. ��-� State of Minnesota Department of Economic Security Workforce Preparation Branch Dislocated Worker Unit 390 N. Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55101 SECTION II Appiication for Pilot Funding, Abstract Business Applicant Name of Susiness MN Software Association Add ress/C ity/State/Zi p 1450 Energy Park Drive, #10 Saint Paul, MN 55108 Grantee /nformation Name of Crantee City of Saint Paul, Department of Planning and Economic Deve{�pment, SSA #8 Add ress/CityJStatelZi p 215 East Ninth Street Saint Paui, MN 55101 Contact Person/Phone/Fax Name/Signature of Authorized Official �,��� � _ Byron Z� ema, President Project Information JacquiShoholm 228-3262 (P) z2a-32�7 (fl Name/Signature of A th i ed Officia! )a i S olm, Director Project Name: MN STEP: Minnesota Software Employment & Training Program Type Of Project: Tra+ning At Risk Workers Employer �ocused X Toial Number of Workers to be Trained: 60 Total Funds Requested: $173,940 Project Dates: 4/1/97 - 3/31/98 ��_ �o� Pilot RFP Abstract Page Two Worksite /nformation Address of Project Site 1450 Energy Park Drive Saint Paul, MN 55108 Type of Industry Software Development Congressional District of Site 4th - - ... -- - ..... -- -- ...__..._- .... - ----... Management Contact Byron Zuidema Union N/A Legislative District of Site 66B - -- - ..... ....... -..._-- - ... ................. Participant /nformafion Total Number of Workers to be Served Total Number of Workers to be Trained Total f�umber of Workers Employed at Completion of Project Occupational Title Programmer Customer Service Software Engineer Administrative Support ees �wi I�(���i�e� cu Tota1 No. Workers 40 10 5 5 .� - 60 48 Comp{etion/ Placement Wa�e* Wa�e $17.25 per hour $17.00 per hour $20.00 per hour $12.00 per hour Cost /nformation CoSt Per Participant Cost Per Entered Employment Average Wage at Placement Administration Retraining Support Read}'ustment TOTAL _ ___ $173,440 - -- - .... % of Bud�et 10 52 0 38 100 °!o ................. $2,899 $3,624 $17.00 per hour Amount l 6, 700 9�,000 0 67,240 �� Pilot RFP Abstract Page Three Brief Summary of Project MnSTEP is an innovative customized training program developed to meet the mutual employment needs of the Software Industry and Dislocated Workers. A working public- partnership initiative, it is designed, and will be implemented, by committed and experienced organizations equally representing workers and industry. This partnership indudes the St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development, Workforce Development (Saint Paul Workforce Center) Division and the Business Resource Center (BRC) and the MN Software Association (MSA). MnSTEP will use a state of the art training approach discussed in more detail befow. Businesses will be recruited by the MSA and BRC, and participants wilf be recruited from existing Saint Paul Workforce Center caseloads. The Workforce Development Division wiff be the administrative entity, and the project will be managed jointiy by all parties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brief pescription of Proposed Training Plan - MnSTEP uses a dual approach to worker training. Internships, paid for by participating companies, wil! be designed for each participant. Training objectives will be based in state- of-the-art job profiling and trainee assessment, and incfude coord+nated classroom skills training in the areas most needed by the industry. Classroom tra+ning areas inctude but are not limited to, programming, and a variety of business management curricula. Each training plan will be customized for the traineefbusiness relationship. Training time will average 6 manths. Both the business and intern will make mutual commitments to a one year relationship in the regular employ of the company upon successful completion. AT LEAST 60 fNTERNSHIP POSITIONS HAVE BEEN PROMISED TO THE PROjECT BY INDUSTRY CQMPANfES IN THE SAINT PAUL AREA. Brief Description of Need for tHe Project This project is desperately needed both by workers and the industry. 7he Saint Paul Workforce Center has 700 clients on its taseloads laid off from information systems industries. Meanwhile, the Minnesota Software Industry, among the most rapidly growing in Minnesota, has an estimated 800 to 1,000 jobs open, primarily clustered in the Metro Area. 7he need for training and employment services is critical from both perspectives. The fact that in a recent and short three week outreach period Saint Paul area Software companies committed at least 60 internship positions to this project is a dramatic illustration of the industry demand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brief Description of Need for the Project The MN Software Ind�stry is exploding in a phenomena brought on by rapidly changing technology and the advent of the information age. Lack of available trained workers is a severe barrier to the industry's growth. Conversely, trained workers will heip grow the industry creating even more employment options. Lucrative, and long-term careers are available in the tndustry to trained workers. The need for new employees is immediate, critical, and pro}ected to last well past the year 2,000. Dislocated Workers training in this field can look forward to promising 4uture. C��►������_ Presented By _ Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 council File # � � — �{'6 � Green Sheet # ✓ `�� � Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature passed in 1994, a customized training program for dislocated workers called the Dislocated Worker Pilot Program; and a� WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has designated the City of Saint Paui as an eligible applicant under the Laws ofi Minnesota, 1993 Ghapter 369 and 1994 Section 268.9783; and WHEREAS, the Dislocated Worker Pilot Program will provide customized training and placement services to eligible dislocated workers; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota on January 24, 1997 has allocated $183,940 in discretionary funds to provide services for 60 participants for the period of April 1, 1997 through March 31, 1998; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon recommendation ofi the Mayor, the Council ofi the City ofi Saint Paul does hereby approve the City's participation in the Minnesota Software Employment and Training Program for Saint Paul; and be it RESOLVED, that the proper City of Sa+nt Paul officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute appropriate contracts for delivery of training-related services; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to section 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and 20 F14dALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor recommends the foflowing changes to the ��' ��� 21 1997 budget: 22 23 24 25 26 27 '� 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 � 37 � 39 40 41 Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANC{NG PLAN 0 183.940 183.940 345 Govemmental Emp & Tmg Prog 36579 Minnesota Sofiware 3111-67096 Job Training Partnership Act SPENDING PLAN $0 $183,940 Current 8udget Changes $183,940 Amended Sudget 345 Governmental Emp & Tmg Prog 36579 Minnesota Software 0547-67096 Payment to Subcontractors 0 157,24� 157,240 0558-67096 Transfer to PED Oper. Fund 0 26.700 26.700 $9 $183,949 $183,940 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the 1997 budget. APPROVAL RECOMMENDED APPROVED AS TO FUNDING ��:;.i�, ,� ► 1 ,.- � - . Director, Department of Finance and Management Services Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ��'/� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � • ��1� approved by Mayor: Date �-FIZL(`L�" `�`�-�lo� DEP1�RiG AFFlCFiCOUNCIL DATE INITATED 3 y L�. �� PED ORKPORCE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION O3 7-57 GREEN SH T CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITI INITIAVDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRE OR � CITY COUNGIL JACQUISHOHOLM, Z2H-3I IS A��C'N �CrtYATfOFNEY �GTYCLERK NUYBENFOR MUST BE ON CpUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROU7ING BUDGET DIRECTO � FIN. & MGT. SEqVICES �IR. APRIL Z. I JJ7 OBDEF I � JACQUI SHOH L_1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ONE ( I) (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION PE�UESTED: SIGNATURE ON ATfACHED CT( COUNCIL RESOLUTION WILL AUTHORIZE THE CT' OF SAINT PAUL TO ACCEPT $ 1 83�J4O FROM THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO ASSIST DISLOCATED WORKERS THROUGH THE MINNESOTA SOFTWARE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PROGR4M. FiECAMMENDA'fiONS: Approve (A) or Aejett (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISS�ON 1. Has this person/Firtn ever worked untler a conMact fo� this departmeni? _ qB CAMMIITEE _ YES �NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISiRIC7 GoURT _ 3- Does this ereon/lirm ossess a skill not normall p p y possessed by any curre�[ city employee? SUPPOFTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain all yas answers on separate sheet and ettach to green sheet INITIATING PR08LEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet When, Where. Why): , THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL HAS BEEN AWARDED $ I 83,540 OF STATE DISCREfIONARY FUNDING TO PROVIDE CUSTOMIZED AND PLACEMENT SERVICES TO 6O WORKERS TF1AT HAVE BEEN IMPACTED BY COMPU7ER INDUSTRY DOWNSIZING IN THE SAINT PAUL ARFA. PERfOD OF FUNDING IS FROM APRIL 1, I 997 THROUGH MARCH 3 I, I 998. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� SIXTY (CO) WORKERS THAT HAVE LOST EMPLOYMENT THROUGH COMPUTER INDU5TRY DOWNSIZING WILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNIN TO REGEIVE CUSTOMIZED TRAINING AND ULTIMATELY GAIN FULL'TIME EMPLOYMENT AT SAINT PAUL SOFfWARE COMPANIES. � DISADVANTAGES IF APGAOVED: .ygf+�k�L�4� - ie 4 a NONE. il'1AC\ L 1 �3J` '"" W ° A 'ePP.���.a�.� � ���� ��� IDr� DISADVANTAOES IF NOTAPPROVED: THESE DISLOCATED WORKERS WILL NOT RECEIVE THE CUSTOMIZED SERVIGES NECE5 POF�SU�C�C�SF�/L { NSRY INTO j THE SAiNT PAUL SOFNJARE INDUSTRY J06 MARKET. ti@'y}y� R,�6E ���Qe �� � f`i:'�i� U r�' �ed�l TOTA� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $ I 83.940 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIpCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIIBG SOURCE $TATE DISCREfIONARY GRANT ACTIVITY NUMBER P6 345-36579-3 I I I-67096 FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) STATE OF M3NNES0'fA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURiTY WOi2KFORCE PREPARATiON BRANCH Addendum to Job'fraining P1an ���� Project No. 6116701 SSA #8, City of St. Paui Funding: State Project Name: MN STEP: Minnesota Software Empioyment 8� Training Program SPECIAL CONDITIONS The Minnesota Department of Economic Security has approved your application to carry oui a project for disiocated workers financed with discretionary funds available under Minnesota Staiutes, Sections 268.022 (Disiocated Worker Fund2 and 268.975-98 (Plant Closing and Dislocated workers). FUNDING AND TERM: Funds in the amount of $183,940 from PY 1996; State Dislocated Worker Discretionary Funds are being made available under your Master Contract to fund the approved MN STEP Project. The term of the project shaU be from Aoril 1. 1997 through March 31. 1998. 2. INDfVIDUALS TO BE SERVED: This project will serve 60 disiocated workers from SSA 8's geographic area in accordance to the Appiication for Dislocated Worker Funds which was submitted by City of St. Paul, Department of Planning and Economic Development, SSA #8 on January 9. 1997 and identified as MN STEP: Minnesota Software Emplayment 8 Training Program project and is incorporated as part of this agreement by reference herein. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES: A. The City of St. Paul Departments of Planning and Economic Development, Workforce Development and the Business Resource Center in partnership with the MN Software Association will recruit and frain dislocated workers for employment in the software industry as detailed in their Minnesota Software Training and Employment Partnership Program proposal. B. Participating software industry companies in the Saint Paul area will create paid internship positions for dislocated workers. Individual internships will be designed for each dislocated worker. intern wages will be paid by participating companies. o�� you� C. Dislocated workers will be assessed to determine interest, background, skills, knowledge and abilities in order to train for entry level jobs designated by participating companies. Training objectives, based on job profiling and trainee assessment will include appropriate classroom training. Classroom training wiii be customized to each businesslintern relationship. Individual training p{ans will be developed for each dislocated worker. Training time will average six months. D. Upon successful completion of intemship and training, participants wili be employed in the industry at an average wage of $17.00 per hour. E. Program operator will prepare a thorough evaluation report of the pilot project. The evaluation will recap the planning process, implementation, monitoring, the outcomes, replicability and assessment of the project strengths, weaknesses and recommendations for changes. 4. PROJEC7 ACTIVtTY PLAN: A comprehensive program of services will be made available to assist the dislocated workers return to the labor force. in accordance to the activities outlined in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein, and made a part hereof, 5. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR THE PROJECT Planned cost per participant $3,066 Pianned cost per entered Empioymeni $3;832 Entered employment rate 80% Average wage at placement $17.00 per hour 6. EMPLOYABILITY DETERMINATION AND MIS: Grantee shall be responsible for determining and verifying eligibility in accordance with JTPA and State Policies. Documentation of Eligibility shall be maintained in ciient file. To al(ow proper reporting of this project, the Titie/Subtitle code 3M-54 must be entered on the State Change form (Section 8, Fields 1 and 2 for ail project participants. fn accordance to the rules estabfished, Grantee shall be responsible for conduoting a required post-program foliow-up. 7. PARTICtPANT PLAN: Pa�ticipants shall receive the services outlined in the Participant Plan which is marked Exhibit B, which is aitached hereto, incorporated by reference herein, and made a part hereof. 8. REPORTING: Grantee agrees to provide to CBS: A. Monthiy Financiai Status report, including matching funds, due 20th ofi month fofiowing activity; B. Month{y statistica{ report due 20th of month following activity. �1- ��� C. Monthiy Progress Report due 20th of the month following the end of the preceding month. Progress Report shall describe perFormance during preceding reporting period, identify any problems encounfered in advancing the objective of the grant; describe steps to overcome those probiems; and fist activities p{anned for the coming reporting period. D. An Evaluation Report (described in RESPONS4BILITIES: item E} due at the conctusion of the Grant. E. Final report in format prescribed by GB�due at end of grant. F. Other reports as may be required. 9. BUDGET: Funds are to be expended in the categories and amounts shown in the Budget, Exhibit C, which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein, and made a pa�t hereof. 10. MATCH: All match must be reporked and must be auditabie. Funds and type of Match are to be expended in the categories and amounts shown in the MATCH BUDGET Exhibit D, which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein, and made a part hereof. -- This Addendum shall become effective and an NFA issued for the funding when two copies of this document have been signed and submitted by the appropriate officials and returned to the Grantor for final processing. A fuNy executed copy will be sent to you for attachment to your Job Training Plan. ��-� State of Minnesota Department of Economic Security Workforce Preparation Branch Dislocated Worker Unit 390 N. Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55101 SECTION II Appiication for Pilot Funding, Abstract Business Applicant Name of Susiness MN Software Association Add ress/C ity/State/Zi p 1450 Energy Park Drive, #10 Saint Paul, MN 55108 Grantee /nformation Name of Crantee City of Saint Paul, Department of Planning and Economic Deve{�pment, SSA #8 Add ress/CityJStatelZi p 215 East Ninth Street Saint Paui, MN 55101 Contact Person/Phone/Fax Name/Signature of Authorized Official �,��� � _ Byron Z� ema, President Project Information JacquiShoholm 228-3262 (P) z2a-32�7 (fl Name/Signature of A th i ed Officia! )a i S olm, Director Project Name: MN STEP: Minnesota Software Employment & Training Program Type Of Project: Tra+ning At Risk Workers Employer �ocused X Toial Number of Workers to be Trained: 60 Total Funds Requested: $173,940 Project Dates: 4/1/97 - 3/31/98 ��_ �o� Pilot RFP Abstract Page Two Worksite /nformation Address of Project Site 1450 Energy Park Drive Saint Paul, MN 55108 Type of Industry Software Development Congressional District of Site 4th - - ... -- - ..... -- -- ...__..._- .... - ----... Management Contact Byron Zuidema Union N/A Legislative District of Site 66B - -- - ..... ....... -..._-- - ... ................. Participant /nformafion Total Number of Workers to be Served Total Number of Workers to be Trained Total f�umber of Workers Employed at Completion of Project Occupational Title Programmer Customer Service Software Engineer Administrative Support ees �wi I�(���i�e� cu Tota1 No. Workers 40 10 5 5 .� - 60 48 Comp{etion/ Placement Wa�e* Wa�e $17.25 per hour $17.00 per hour $20.00 per hour $12.00 per hour Cost /nformation CoSt Per Participant Cost Per Entered Employment Average Wage at Placement Administration Retraining Support Read}'ustment TOTAL _ ___ $173,440 - -- - .... % of Bud�et 10 52 0 38 100 °!o ................. $2,899 $3,624 $17.00 per hour Amount l 6, 700 9�,000 0 67,240 �� Pilot RFP Abstract Page Three Brief Summary of Project MnSTEP is an innovative customized training program developed to meet the mutual employment needs of the Software Industry and Dislocated Workers. A working public- partnership initiative, it is designed, and will be implemented, by committed and experienced organizations equally representing workers and industry. This partnership indudes the St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development, Workforce Development (Saint Paul Workforce Center) Division and the Business Resource Center (BRC) and the MN Software Association (MSA). MnSTEP will use a state of the art training approach discussed in more detail befow. Businesses will be recruited by the MSA and BRC, and participants wilf be recruited from existing Saint Paul Workforce Center caseloads. The Workforce Development Division wiff be the administrative entity, and the project will be managed jointiy by all parties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brief pescription of Proposed Training Plan - MnSTEP uses a dual approach to worker training. Internships, paid for by participating companies, wil! be designed for each participant. Training objectives will be based in state- of-the-art job profiling and trainee assessment, and incfude coord+nated classroom skills training in the areas most needed by the industry. Classroom tra+ning areas inctude but are not limited to, programming, and a variety of business management curricula. Each training plan will be customized for the traineefbusiness relationship. Training time will average 6 manths. Both the business and intern will make mutual commitments to a one year relationship in the regular employ of the company upon successful completion. AT LEAST 60 fNTERNSHIP POSITIONS HAVE BEEN PROMISED TO THE PROjECT BY INDUSTRY CQMPANfES IN THE SAINT PAUL AREA. Brief Description of Need for tHe Project This project is desperately needed both by workers and the industry. 7he Saint Paul Workforce Center has 700 clients on its taseloads laid off from information systems industries. Meanwhile, the Minnesota Software Industry, among the most rapidly growing in Minnesota, has an estimated 800 to 1,000 jobs open, primarily clustered in the Metro Area. 7he need for training and employment services is critical from both perspectives. The fact that in a recent and short three week outreach period Saint Paul area Software companies committed at least 60 internship positions to this project is a dramatic illustration of the industry demand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brief Description of Need for the Project The MN Software Ind�stry is exploding in a phenomena brought on by rapidly changing technology and the advent of the information age. Lack of available trained workers is a severe barrier to the industry's growth. Conversely, trained workers will heip grow the industry creating even more employment options. Lucrative, and long-term careers are available in the tndustry to trained workers. The need for new employees is immediate, critical, and pro}ected to last well past the year 2,000. Dislocated Workers training in this field can look forward to promising 4uture. C��►������_ Presented By _ Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 council File # � � — �{'6 � Green Sheet # ✓ `�� � Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature passed in 1994, a customized training program for dislocated workers called the Dislocated Worker Pilot Program; and a� WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has designated the City of Saint Paui as an eligible applicant under the Laws ofi Minnesota, 1993 Ghapter 369 and 1994 Section 268.9783; and WHEREAS, the Dislocated Worker Pilot Program will provide customized training and placement services to eligible dislocated workers; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota on January 24, 1997 has allocated $183,940 in discretionary funds to provide services for 60 participants for the period of April 1, 1997 through March 31, 1998; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon recommendation ofi the Mayor, the Council ofi the City ofi Saint Paul does hereby approve the City's participation in the Minnesota Software Employment and Training Program for Saint Paul; and be it RESOLVED, that the proper City of Sa+nt Paul officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute appropriate contracts for delivery of training-related services; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to section 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and 20 F14dALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor recommends the foflowing changes to the ��' ��� 21 1997 budget: 22 23 24 25 26 27 '� 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 � 37 � 39 40 41 Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANC{NG PLAN 0 183.940 183.940 345 Govemmental Emp & Tmg Prog 36579 Minnesota Sofiware 3111-67096 Job Training Partnership Act SPENDING PLAN $0 $183,940 Current 8udget Changes $183,940 Amended Sudget 345 Governmental Emp & Tmg Prog 36579 Minnesota Software 0547-67096 Payment to Subcontractors 0 157,24� 157,240 0558-67096 Transfer to PED Oper. Fund 0 26.700 26.700 $9 $183,949 $183,940 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the 1997 budget. APPROVAL RECOMMENDED APPROVED AS TO FUNDING ��:;.i�, ,� ► 1 ,.- � - . Director, Department of Finance and Management Services Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ��'/� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � • ��1� approved by Mayor: Date �-FIZL(`L�" `�`�-�lo� DEP1�RiG AFFlCFiCOUNCIL DATE INITATED 3 y L�. �� PED ORKPORCE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION O3 7-57 GREEN SH T CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITI INITIAVDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRE OR � CITY COUNGIL JACQUISHOHOLM, Z2H-3I IS A��C'N �CrtYATfOFNEY �GTYCLERK NUYBENFOR MUST BE ON CpUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROU7ING BUDGET DIRECTO � FIN. & MGT. SEqVICES �IR. APRIL Z. I JJ7 OBDEF I � JACQUI SHOH L_1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ONE ( I) (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION PE�UESTED: SIGNATURE ON ATfACHED CT( COUNCIL RESOLUTION WILL AUTHORIZE THE CT' OF SAINT PAUL TO ACCEPT $ 1 83�J4O FROM THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO ASSIST DISLOCATED WORKERS THROUGH THE MINNESOTA SOFTWARE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PROGR4M. FiECAMMENDA'fiONS: Approve (A) or Aejett (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISS�ON 1. Has this person/Firtn ever worked untler a conMact fo� this departmeni? _ qB CAMMIITEE _ YES �NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISiRIC7 GoURT _ 3- Does this ereon/lirm ossess a skill not normall p p y possessed by any curre�[ city employee? SUPPOFTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain all yas answers on separate sheet and ettach to green sheet INITIATING PR08LEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet When, Where. Why): , THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL HAS BEEN AWARDED $ I 83,540 OF STATE DISCREfIONARY FUNDING TO PROVIDE CUSTOMIZED AND PLACEMENT SERVICES TO 6O WORKERS TF1AT HAVE BEEN IMPACTED BY COMPU7ER INDUSTRY DOWNSIZING IN THE SAINT PAUL ARFA. PERfOD OF FUNDING IS FROM APRIL 1, I 997 THROUGH MARCH 3 I, I 998. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� SIXTY (CO) WORKERS THAT HAVE LOST EMPLOYMENT THROUGH COMPUTER INDU5TRY DOWNSIZING WILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNIN TO REGEIVE CUSTOMIZED TRAINING AND ULTIMATELY GAIN FULL'TIME EMPLOYMENT AT SAINT PAUL SOFfWARE COMPANIES. � DISADVANTAGES IF APGAOVED: .ygf+�k�L�4� - ie 4 a NONE. il'1AC\ L 1 �3J` '"" W ° A 'ePP.���.a�.� � ���� ��� IDr� DISADVANTAOES IF NOTAPPROVED: THESE DISLOCATED WORKERS WILL NOT RECEIVE THE CUSTOMIZED SERVIGES NECE5 POF�SU�C�C�SF�/L { NSRY INTO j THE SAiNT PAUL SOFNJARE INDUSTRY J06 MARKET. ti@'y}y� R,�6E ���Qe �� � f`i:'�i� U r�' �ed�l TOTA� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $ I 83.940 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIpCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIIBG SOURCE $TATE DISCREfIONARY GRANT ACTIVITY NUMBER P6 345-36579-3 I I I-67096 FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) STATE OF M3NNES0'fA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURiTY WOi2KFORCE PREPARATiON BRANCH Addendum to Job'fraining P1an ���� Project No. 6116701 SSA #8, City of St. Paui Funding: State Project Name: MN STEP: Minnesota Software Empioyment 8� Training Program SPECIAL CONDITIONS The Minnesota Department of Economic Security has approved your application to carry oui a project for disiocated workers financed with discretionary funds available under Minnesota Staiutes, Sections 268.022 (Disiocated Worker Fund2 and 268.975-98 (Plant Closing and Dislocated workers). FUNDING AND TERM: Funds in the amount of $183,940 from PY 1996; State Dislocated Worker Discretionary Funds are being made available under your Master Contract to fund the approved MN STEP Project. The term of the project shaU be from Aoril 1. 1997 through March 31. 1998. 2. INDfVIDUALS TO BE SERVED: This project will serve 60 disiocated workers from SSA 8's geographic area in accordance to the Appiication for Dislocated Worker Funds which was submitted by City of St. Paul, Department of Planning and Economic Development, SSA #8 on January 9. 1997 and identified as MN STEP: Minnesota Software Emplayment 8 Training Program project and is incorporated as part of this agreement by reference herein. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES: A. The City of St. Paul Departments of Planning and Economic Development, Workforce Development and the Business Resource Center in partnership with the MN Software Association will recruit and frain dislocated workers for employment in the software industry as detailed in their Minnesota Software Training and Employment Partnership Program proposal. B. Participating software industry companies in the Saint Paul area will create paid internship positions for dislocated workers. Individual internships will be designed for each dislocated worker. intern wages will be paid by participating companies. o�� you� C. Dislocated workers will be assessed to determine interest, background, skills, knowledge and abilities in order to train for entry level jobs designated by participating companies. Training objectives, based on job profiling and trainee assessment will include appropriate classroom training. Classroom training wiii be customized to each businesslintern relationship. Individual training p{ans will be developed for each dislocated worker. Training time will average six months. D. Upon successful completion of intemship and training, participants wili be employed in the industry at an average wage of $17.00 per hour. E. Program operator will prepare a thorough evaluation report of the pilot project. The evaluation will recap the planning process, implementation, monitoring, the outcomes, replicability and assessment of the project strengths, weaknesses and recommendations for changes. 4. PROJEC7 ACTIVtTY PLAN: A comprehensive program of services will be made available to assist the dislocated workers return to the labor force. in accordance to the activities outlined in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein, and made a part hereof, 5. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR THE PROJECT Planned cost per participant $3,066 Pianned cost per entered Empioymeni $3;832 Entered employment rate 80% Average wage at placement $17.00 per hour 6. EMPLOYABILITY DETERMINATION AND MIS: Grantee shall be responsible for determining and verifying eligibility in accordance with JTPA and State Policies. Documentation of Eligibility shall be maintained in ciient file. To al(ow proper reporting of this project, the Titie/Subtitle code 3M-54 must be entered on the State Change form (Section 8, Fields 1 and 2 for ail project participants. fn accordance to the rules estabfished, Grantee shall be responsible for conduoting a required post-program foliow-up. 7. PARTICtPANT PLAN: Pa�ticipants shall receive the services outlined in the Participant Plan which is marked Exhibit B, which is aitached hereto, incorporated by reference herein, and made a part hereof. 8. REPORTING: Grantee agrees to provide to CBS: A. Monthiy Financiai Status report, including matching funds, due 20th ofi month fofiowing activity; B. Month{y statistica{ report due 20th of month following activity. �1- ��� C. Monthiy Progress Report due 20th of the month following the end of the preceding month. Progress Report shall describe perFormance during preceding reporting period, identify any problems encounfered in advancing the objective of the grant; describe steps to overcome those probiems; and fist activities p{anned for the coming reporting period. D. An Evaluation Report (described in RESPONS4BILITIES: item E} due at the conctusion of the Grant. E. Final report in format prescribed by GB�due at end of grant. F. Other reports as may be required. 9. BUDGET: Funds are to be expended in the categories and amounts shown in the Budget, Exhibit C, which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein, and made a pa�t hereof. 10. MATCH: All match must be reporked and must be auditabie. Funds and type of Match are to be expended in the categories and amounts shown in the MATCH BUDGET Exhibit D, which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein, and made a part hereof. -- This Addendum shall become effective and an NFA issued for the funding when two copies of this document have been signed and submitted by the appropriate officials and returned to the Grantor for final processing. A fuNy executed copy will be sent to you for attachment to your Job Training Plan. ��-� State of Minnesota Department of Economic Security Workforce Preparation Branch Dislocated Worker Unit 390 N. Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55101 SECTION II Appiication for Pilot Funding, Abstract Business Applicant Name of Susiness MN Software Association Add ress/C ity/State/Zi p 1450 Energy Park Drive, #10 Saint Paul, MN 55108 Grantee /nformation Name of Crantee City of Saint Paul, Department of Planning and Economic Deve{�pment, SSA #8 Add ress/CityJStatelZi p 215 East Ninth Street Saint Paui, MN 55101 Contact Person/Phone/Fax Name/Signature of Authorized Official �,��� � _ Byron Z� ema, President Project Information JacquiShoholm 228-3262 (P) z2a-32�7 (fl Name/Signature of A th i ed Officia! )a i S olm, Director Project Name: MN STEP: Minnesota Software Employment & Training Program Type Of Project: Tra+ning At Risk Workers Employer �ocused X Toial Number of Workers to be Trained: 60 Total Funds Requested: $173,940 Project Dates: 4/1/97 - 3/31/98 ��_ �o� Pilot RFP Abstract Page Two Worksite /nformation Address of Project Site 1450 Energy Park Drive Saint Paul, MN 55108 Type of Industry Software Development Congressional District of Site 4th - - ... -- - ..... -- -- ...__..._- .... - ----... Management Contact Byron Zuidema Union N/A Legislative District of Site 66B - -- - ..... ....... -..._-- - ... ................. Participant /nformafion Total Number of Workers to be Served Total Number of Workers to be Trained Total f�umber of Workers Employed at Completion of Project Occupational Title Programmer Customer Service Software Engineer Administrative Support ees �wi I�(���i�e� cu Tota1 No. Workers 40 10 5 5 .� - 60 48 Comp{etion/ Placement Wa�e* Wa�e $17.25 per hour $17.00 per hour $20.00 per hour $12.00 per hour Cost /nformation CoSt Per Participant Cost Per Entered Employment Average Wage at Placement Administration Retraining Support Read}'ustment TOTAL _ ___ $173,440 - -- - .... % of Bud�et 10 52 0 38 100 °!o ................. $2,899 $3,624 $17.00 per hour Amount l 6, 700 9�,000 0 67,240 �� Pilot RFP Abstract Page Three Brief Summary of Project MnSTEP is an innovative customized training program developed to meet the mutual employment needs of the Software Industry and Dislocated Workers. A working public- partnership initiative, it is designed, and will be implemented, by committed and experienced organizations equally representing workers and industry. This partnership indudes the St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development, Workforce Development (Saint Paul Workforce Center) Division and the Business Resource Center (BRC) and the MN Software Association (MSA). MnSTEP will use a state of the art training approach discussed in more detail befow. Businesses will be recruited by the MSA and BRC, and participants wilf be recruited from existing Saint Paul Workforce Center caseloads. The Workforce Development Division wiff be the administrative entity, and the project will be managed jointiy by all parties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brief pescription of Proposed Training Plan - MnSTEP uses a dual approach to worker training. Internships, paid for by participating companies, wil! be designed for each participant. Training objectives will be based in state- of-the-art job profiling and trainee assessment, and incfude coord+nated classroom skills training in the areas most needed by the industry. Classroom tra+ning areas inctude but are not limited to, programming, and a variety of business management curricula. Each training plan will be customized for the traineefbusiness relationship. Training time will average 6 manths. Both the business and intern will make mutual commitments to a one year relationship in the regular employ of the company upon successful completion. AT LEAST 60 fNTERNSHIP POSITIONS HAVE BEEN PROMISED TO THE PROjECT BY INDUSTRY CQMPANfES IN THE SAINT PAUL AREA. Brief Description of Need for tHe Project This project is desperately needed both by workers and the industry. 7he Saint Paul Workforce Center has 700 clients on its taseloads laid off from information systems industries. Meanwhile, the Minnesota Software Industry, among the most rapidly growing in Minnesota, has an estimated 800 to 1,000 jobs open, primarily clustered in the Metro Area. 7he need for training and employment services is critical from both perspectives. The fact that in a recent and short three week outreach period Saint Paul area Software companies committed at least 60 internship positions to this project is a dramatic illustration of the industry demand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brief Description of Need for the Project The MN Software Ind�stry is exploding in a phenomena brought on by rapidly changing technology and the advent of the information age. Lack of available trained workers is a severe barrier to the industry's growth. Conversely, trained workers will heip grow the industry creating even more employment options. Lucrative, and long-term careers are available in the tndustry to trained workers. The need for new employees is immediate, critical, and pro}ected to last well past the year 2,000. Dislocated Workers training in this field can look forward to promising 4uture.