97-4069, �; :�" � _, �5 ♦ .. �. . , , . . - _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves ofthe appointment, z made by the Mayor, of Charles F. Senkler, to serve on the Neighborhood Sales Tax 3 Reinvestment (STAR) Program Board of Directors. Mr. Senkler shall serve as a Community 4 Development Corporation Representative. s 6 C.F. 97-206, adopted on March 12, 1997, appointed Mr. Cornell M. Tandooahnippah to serve � the remainder of Shem Shakir's unexpired term. Mr. Tandooahnippah is unable to serve at this s time. 9 io Charles Senkler shall serve the remainder of Cornell Tandooahnippah's unexpired term. This ii term shall expire on January 1, 1999. iz 13 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �� 9�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY= ; lA .� _ � rn-�� r%�_ � \ 1 I Approved by Mayor: Date `-�l3U(`� By: � Council File 8 1� — �ei f o Green Sheet � � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIN'r PAUL, MINNE50TA Bye Foz7n Approved by City Attorney f B r �' � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couneil By: 1� �'?-4 ��c�� DEPARiMENTAFFICFJCOUNdL DATE INITIATED J 1 V J J Mayor Coleman's Office 4-7-97 G REEN SH EE COFf�ACTPERSON & PHONE �NITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE ODEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CENCOUNCIL Roger Curtis {266-8531) ��+ �cinnrroc�»er �anc�aK NUMBENFOR MUSTBE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTNG � BU�GET DIRECTOR O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVIC DIR. OR�ER � MAVOR (OR ASSISfANn O TOSAL # OF S{GNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of appointment of Charles Senkler to serve on the Neighborhood Sales Tax Reinvestment (STAR) Program Board of Directors. He shall fill the remainder of Cornell Tandooahnippah's unexpired term as a Co�unity Development Corporation Representativ . RECOMMENOA7IONS: Approve (A) m Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLpNNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISS�ON �� Has this persoMirm ever workatl untler a coMrect for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF _ 2. Ffas Mis personlfirtn ever been a city employee? YES NO _ oiS7fuCr cOUai � 3. Does ihis person/firm possess s skifl not normal ly possessed by arcy currem city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNG�LO&IECTIVE? YES NO Expla{n afl yes answers on separate sheM antl aneoh �o green sheet INITIATWCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, Whaq Wheq. WhEra, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. n �..,. .y�y;r�a'� Pe g �� .m _ �C'�.":-�.-$s.i ��L't� �� �S, 4S �U sm3vJ .. DISAOVANTAGES IF NaT APPROYEO: _ _ . .. - � - ""-��� TOTAL AlAOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUOGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORk"�ATION: (EXPLAIN) /� �' /� , :�1 U.'� :�/" V% OFF2CE OF THE MAYOR ��� G l 390 CITY IiALL . OC;- 2����6 . SASNT PAIII,,. MI2INESOTA' :. SSIO2:.��- -, . . :. ' ;: '-,: : : .':: . .- _ 266-8525_- . . , FAX: 266-8513 . ': � '. ' . . -- - . P�'AY(}�`3 OFF1C� xame: �sfi��[.'G.�j /= � �1�srl�LL6�� . Home Address: ���5� ���� �.�:��-�L -. ���( �-�5--���� : . . Street . - - City - ' _ . .Zip . Telephone Number CHomel �6CO'"�3�8 -. iv„<v� '77/��77dL� rcev� Planning District CovnciZ: Preferred Hailing Address: —�'������f��f%�l _�co���i A�ra: �� ��`�� _�---...._ . . ` Ahat is pour occnpati P1ace�oE Employment: Co�ittee(s) Applied For. ���� i Ahat skills/training or eapezience do yau possess for the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? �/., .. . /l .� _n � . i � ' ��� iiii � s . ..��� .. ,� � �=� ,�� ,�___ / � �/ � � � t1� .� � � 1�,����� _"_�� � � i , j �� ��_� .` � --,/ _ � ���- �� . � � /i� .u_ .... Ga . . .. . � - • •• - �. . .- . . � �� ! /I I / F ��'``� ` f �.� ����� �� ��. . i - Y � v ' / - ion is considered private dat� cording�to As a result, this information is not released to (OVEg) Rev.4./21/93 . PE&502ZAL REFEREtICBS � Name • /"t �ifl Address: ' �S�✓� � � q���a� - Co `Iss cQoZ�o,e�t • �-�y`'�(��,.,-,k„ , Rame: " ��Y �.�i�sit se' ��Gsi�f� �T ���t�.,.� `-OGcvc Address: ��5 GF/f'+�T --�/I' �T.//s's�; /� c?�cS`l/9 Yhone: CHome) � �7' `���-� CAork) Name Addr YhoLe Reasons £or your � /��..� � / iL l�, - ifl �/ �/'-- - --= -��! _ � � , i 1�� `! _ / i _ v - v v � � - •� Have yon had p=evious contact with the co�ittee for vhich pou are making application. If so, vhen, and circvmstancesT /��i�-- In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re£lects the makeup of our co�unity, please check the line app2icable to yau. This ia£ozmation is strietly voluntasy. , � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander Amezican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo `' Male - Bemale Date of Bizth: � � Disabled: Yes No � If specSzl accommodations.�are needed, please `specify. ��/� � + T How did you hear about this opening7 . nr.,.,,o� � / 7 ' �ll � (Aork) 2 / � � �Z �S - _ THE PHALEN BRNK 774-9506 NORTH EAST NE�GHBORHOODS DEVELOPMENT CDRPORAl'fON Apri17, 1497 Mc Roger Curtis O�ca oi'Mayor Coleman 390 City Hali 15 Kellogg Boulevard Wcst Saint Paul MN 55102 Aear Mr. Curtis, I understaiid that Charles Senkler has applied f'or membershlp on the ST �R board us a cmnmunity developmen: represenu�ive. Mr. Senkler owns and manages the Hillcrest Entertainment Centcr (Connerly Hafnei s) in NFNnGs service area. His public service activities in this arca are many And varied, and include pariicipation as a mcmber of one of NENDCs standing committees. f believe cbac Mr. Senklcr has a good knowiec�ge and background in community deveiopment issues, and would be pleased to regazd him as representing our interests on [he S'i'�R bpard. 1 wiU ask for formal NENDC board action to confirm this nt NENDC's next hoard mceting (4/15). 'I'hank you very much for your positive consideration of Mr. Senkler's application. Cordia y, �rc..ti. s---.__J , Karen Swenson . Bxecutive Director P.01 �� —��� 'f 545 Maryland Avenue East Saint PaW, M:nnssoYa 55'106 (612) 777-fi955 (872) 776-6786 fax ��-�o� CITY OF SAINT PAUL svo c;ri aou Norm Colemars, Mayar 15 West Sellogg Baaleva,d Salnt Pau� Minnesota SSZO2 TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember 7anice Rettman �� DATE: RE: Roger C. Curtis �C. Assistant to the Mayor April 7, 1997 Telephorte: (612) 2668510 FaaimIIe: (6Z2)166-8513 Charles Senkler Appointment to Neighborhood Sales Tax Reinvestment (STAR} Program C.F. 97-206, adapted on March 12, 1997 appointed Cornell M. Tandooahnippah w serve as a Community Development Corporadon representa6ve, filling the remainder of Shem Shakir's unexpired term. Since the appointment was approved, Mr. Tandooahnippah has informed us that he is unabie to serve. Mayor Coleman has recommended Chazles Senkler's appointment to fill this posifion as a Community Development Corporation representative. He shall fill the remainder of this unexpired term. This term expires on January 1, 1999. Mr. Senkler has been nominated by the North East Neighborhood Development Corporation (NENDC). Attached is a copy NENDC's nomination and a copy of Charles Senkler's application. Feel free to contact me at 266-8531 if you wish to discuss this appointment. RCC:drm Attachment c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Amy Filice, STAR Staff, Planning & Economic Development 9, �; :�" � _, �5 ♦ .. �. . , , . . - _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves ofthe appointment, z made by the Mayor, of Charles F. Senkler, to serve on the Neighborhood Sales Tax 3 Reinvestment (STAR) Program Board of Directors. Mr. Senkler shall serve as a Community 4 Development Corporation Representative. s 6 C.F. 97-206, adopted on March 12, 1997, appointed Mr. Cornell M. Tandooahnippah to serve � the remainder of Shem Shakir's unexpired term. Mr. Tandooahnippah is unable to serve at this s time. 9 io Charles Senkler shall serve the remainder of Cornell Tandooahnippah's unexpired term. This ii term shall expire on January 1, 1999. iz 13 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �� 9�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY= ; lA .� _ � rn-�� r%�_ � \ 1 I Approved by Mayor: Date `-�l3U(`� By: � Council File 8 1� — �ei f o Green Sheet � � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIN'r PAUL, MINNE50TA Bye Foz7n Approved by City Attorney f B r �' � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couneil By: 1� �'?-4 ��c�� DEPARiMENTAFFICFJCOUNdL DATE INITIATED J 1 V J J Mayor Coleman's Office 4-7-97 G REEN SH EE COFf�ACTPERSON & PHONE �NITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE ODEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CENCOUNCIL Roger Curtis {266-8531) ��+ �cinnrroc�»er �anc�aK NUMBENFOR MUSTBE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTNG � BU�GET DIRECTOR O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVIC DIR. OR�ER � MAVOR (OR ASSISfANn O TOSAL # OF S{GNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of appointment of Charles Senkler to serve on the Neighborhood Sales Tax Reinvestment (STAR) Program Board of Directors. He shall fill the remainder of Cornell Tandooahnippah's unexpired term as a Co�unity Development Corporation Representativ . RECOMMENOA7IONS: Approve (A) m Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLpNNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISS�ON �� Has this persoMirm ever workatl untler a coMrect for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF _ 2. Ffas Mis personlfirtn ever been a city employee? YES NO _ oiS7fuCr cOUai � 3. Does ihis person/firm possess s skifl not normal ly possessed by arcy currem city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNG�LO&IECTIVE? YES NO Expla{n afl yes answers on separate sheM antl aneoh �o green sheet INITIATWCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, Whaq Wheq. WhEra, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. n �..,. .y�y;r�a'� Pe g �� .m _ �C'�.":-�.-$s.i ��L't� �� �S, 4S �U sm3vJ .. DISAOVANTAGES IF NaT APPROYEO: _ _ . .. - � - ""-��� TOTAL AlAOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUOGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORk"�ATION: (EXPLAIN) /� �' /� , :�1 U.'� :�/" V% OFF2CE OF THE MAYOR ��� G l 390 CITY IiALL . OC;- 2����6 . SASNT PAIII,,. MI2INESOTA' :. SSIO2:.��- -, . . :. ' ;: '-,: : : .':: . .- _ 266-8525_- . . , FAX: 266-8513 . ': � '. ' . . -- - . P�'AY(}�`3 OFF1C� xame: �sfi��[.'G.�j /= � �1�srl�LL6�� . Home Address: ���5� ���� �.�:��-�L -. ���( �-�5--���� : . . Street . - - City - ' _ . .Zip . Telephone Number CHomel �6CO'"�3�8 -. iv„<v� '77/��77dL� rcev� Planning District CovnciZ: Preferred Hailing Address: —�'������f��f%�l _�co���i A�ra: �� ��`�� _�---...._ . . ` Ahat is pour occnpati P1ace�oE Employment: Co�ittee(s) Applied For. ���� i Ahat skills/training or eapezience do yau possess for the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? �/., .. . /l .� _n � . i � ' ��� iiii � s . ..��� .. ,� � �=� ,�� ,�___ / � �/ � � � t1� .� � � 1�,����� _"_�� � � i , j �� ��_� .` � --,/ _ � ���- �� . � � /i� .u_ .... Ga . . .. . � - • •• - �. . .- . . � �� ! /I I / F ��'``� ` f �.� ����� �� ��. . i - Y � v ' / - ion is considered private dat� cording�to As a result, this information is not released to (OVEg) Rev.4./21/93 . PE&502ZAL REFEREtICBS � Name • /"t �ifl Address: ' �S�✓� � � q���a� - Co `Iss cQoZ�o,e�t • �-�y`'�(��,.,-,k„ , Rame: " ��Y �.�i�sit se' ��Gsi�f� �T ���t�.,.� `-OGcvc Address: ��5 GF/f'+�T --�/I' �T.//s's�; /� c?�cS`l/9 Yhone: CHome) � �7' `���-� CAork) Name Addr YhoLe Reasons £or your � /��..� � / iL l�, - ifl �/ �/'-- - --= -��! _ � � , i 1�� `! _ / i _ v - v v � � - •� Have yon had p=evious contact with the co�ittee for vhich pou are making application. If so, vhen, and circvmstancesT /��i�-- In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re£lects the makeup of our co�unity, please check the line app2icable to yau. This ia£ozmation is strietly voluntasy. , � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander Amezican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo `' Male - Bemale Date of Bizth: � � Disabled: Yes No � If specSzl accommodations.�are needed, please `specify. ��/� � + T How did you hear about this opening7 . nr.,.,,o� � / 7 ' �ll � (Aork) 2 / � � �Z �S - _ THE PHALEN BRNK 774-9506 NORTH EAST NE�GHBORHOODS DEVELOPMENT CDRPORAl'fON Apri17, 1497 Mc Roger Curtis O�ca oi'Mayor Coleman 390 City Hali 15 Kellogg Boulevard Wcst Saint Paul MN 55102 Aear Mr. Curtis, I understaiid that Charles Senkler has applied f'or membershlp on the ST �R board us a cmnmunity developmen: represenu�ive. Mr. Senkler owns and manages the Hillcrest Entertainment Centcr (Connerly Hafnei s) in NFNnGs service area. His public service activities in this arca are many And varied, and include pariicipation as a mcmber of one of NENDCs standing committees. f believe cbac Mr. Senklcr has a good knowiec�ge and background in community deveiopment issues, and would be pleased to regazd him as representing our interests on [he S'i'�R bpard. 1 wiU ask for formal NENDC board action to confirm this nt NENDC's next hoard mceting (4/15). 'I'hank you very much for your positive consideration of Mr. Senkler's application. Cordia y, �rc..ti. s---.__J , Karen Swenson . Bxecutive Director P.01 �� —��� 'f 545 Maryland Avenue East Saint PaW, M:nnssoYa 55'106 (612) 777-fi955 (872) 776-6786 fax ��-�o� CITY OF SAINT PAUL svo c;ri aou Norm Colemars, Mayar 15 West Sellogg Baaleva,d Salnt Pau� Minnesota SSZO2 TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember 7anice Rettman �� DATE: RE: Roger C. Curtis �C. Assistant to the Mayor April 7, 1997 Telephorte: (612) 2668510 FaaimIIe: (6Z2)166-8513 Charles Senkler Appointment to Neighborhood Sales Tax Reinvestment (STAR} Program C.F. 97-206, adapted on March 12, 1997 appointed Cornell M. Tandooahnippah w serve as a Community Development Corporadon representa6ve, filling the remainder of Shem Shakir's unexpired term. Since the appointment was approved, Mr. Tandooahnippah has informed us that he is unabie to serve. Mayor Coleman has recommended Chazles Senkler's appointment to fill this posifion as a Community Development Corporation representative. He shall fill the remainder of this unexpired term. This term expires on January 1, 1999. Mr. Senkler has been nominated by the North East Neighborhood Development Corporation (NENDC). Attached is a copy NENDC's nomination and a copy of Charles Senkler's application. Feel free to contact me at 266-8531 if you wish to discuss this appointment. RCC:drm Attachment c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Amy Filice, STAR Staff, Planning & Economic Development 9, �; :�" � _, �5 ♦ .. �. . , , . . - _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves ofthe appointment, z made by the Mayor, of Charles F. Senkler, to serve on the Neighborhood Sales Tax 3 Reinvestment (STAR) Program Board of Directors. Mr. Senkler shall serve as a Community 4 Development Corporation Representative. s 6 C.F. 97-206, adopted on March 12, 1997, appointed Mr. Cornell M. Tandooahnippah to serve � the remainder of Shem Shakir's unexpired term. Mr. Tandooahnippah is unable to serve at this s time. 9 io Charles Senkler shall serve the remainder of Cornell Tandooahnippah's unexpired term. This ii term shall expire on January 1, 1999. iz 13 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date �� 9�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY= ; lA .� _ � rn-�� r%�_ � \ 1 I Approved by Mayor: Date `-�l3U(`� By: � Council File 8 1� — �ei f o Green Sheet � � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIN'r PAUL, MINNE50TA Bye Foz7n Approved by City Attorney f B r �' � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couneil By: 1� �'?-4 ��c�� DEPARiMENTAFFICFJCOUNdL DATE INITIATED J 1 V J J Mayor Coleman's Office 4-7-97 G REEN SH EE COFf�ACTPERSON & PHONE �NITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE ODEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CENCOUNCIL Roger Curtis {266-8531) ��+ �cinnrroc�»er �anc�aK NUMBENFOR MUSTBE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTNG � BU�GET DIRECTOR O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVIC DIR. OR�ER � MAVOR (OR ASSISfANn O TOSAL # OF S{GNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of appointment of Charles Senkler to serve on the Neighborhood Sales Tax Reinvestment (STAR) Program Board of Directors. He shall fill the remainder of Cornell Tandooahnippah's unexpired term as a Co�unity Development Corporation Representativ . RECOMMENOA7IONS: Approve (A) m Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLpNNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISS�ON �� Has this persoMirm ever workatl untler a coMrect for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF _ 2. Ffas Mis personlfirtn ever been a city employee? YES NO _ oiS7fuCr cOUai � 3. Does ihis person/firm possess s skifl not normal ly possessed by arcy currem city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNG�LO&IECTIVE? YES NO Expla{n afl yes answers on separate sheM antl aneoh �o green sheet INITIATWCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, Whaq Wheq. WhEra, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. n �..,. .y�y;r�a'� Pe g �� .m _ �C'�.":-�.-$s.i ��L't� �� �S, 4S �U sm3vJ .. DISAOVANTAGES IF NaT APPROYEO: _ _ . .. - � - ""-��� TOTAL AlAOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUOGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORk"�ATION: (EXPLAIN) /� �' /� , :�1 U.'� :�/" V% OFF2CE OF THE MAYOR ��� G l 390 CITY IiALL . OC;- 2����6 . SASNT PAIII,,. MI2INESOTA' :. SSIO2:.��- -, . . :. ' ;: '-,: : : .':: . .- _ 266-8525_- . . , FAX: 266-8513 . ': � '. ' . . -- - . P�'AY(}�`3 OFF1C� xame: �sfi��[.'G.�j /= � �1�srl�LL6�� . Home Address: ���5� ���� �.�:��-�L -. ���( �-�5--���� : . . Street . - - City - ' _ . .Zip . Telephone Number CHomel �6CO'"�3�8 -. iv„<v� '77/��77dL� rcev� Planning District CovnciZ: Preferred Hailing Address: —�'������f��f%�l _�co���i A�ra: �� ��`�� _�---...._ . . ` Ahat is pour occnpati P1ace�oE Employment: Co�ittee(s) Applied For. ���� i Ahat skills/training or eapezience do yau possess for the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? �/., .. . /l .� _n � . i � ' ��� iiii � s . ..��� .. ,� � �=� ,�� ,�___ / � �/ � � � t1� .� � � 1�,����� _"_�� � � i , j �� ��_� .` � --,/ _ � ���- �� . � � /i� .u_ .... Ga . . .. . � - • •• - �. . .- . . � �� ! /I I / F ��'``� ` f �.� ����� �� ��. . i - Y � v ' / - ion is considered private dat� cording�to As a result, this information is not released to (OVEg) Rev.4./21/93 . PE&502ZAL REFEREtICBS � Name • /"t �ifl Address: ' �S�✓� � � q���a� - Co `Iss cQoZ�o,e�t • �-�y`'�(��,.,-,k„ , Rame: " ��Y �.�i�sit se' ��Gsi�f� �T ���t�.,.� `-OGcvc Address: ��5 GF/f'+�T --�/I' �T.//s's�; /� c?�cS`l/9 Yhone: CHome) � �7' `���-� CAork) Name Addr YhoLe Reasons £or your � /��..� � / iL l�, - ifl �/ �/'-- - --= -��! _ � � , i 1�� `! _ / i _ v - v v � � - •� Have yon had p=evious contact with the co�ittee for vhich pou are making application. If so, vhen, and circvmstancesT /��i�-- In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re£lects the makeup of our co�unity, please check the line app2icable to yau. This ia£ozmation is strietly voluntasy. , � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander Amezican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo `' Male - Bemale Date of Bizth: � � Disabled: Yes No � If specSzl accommodations.�are needed, please `specify. ��/� � + T How did you hear about this opening7 . nr.,.,,o� � / 7 ' �ll � (Aork) 2 / � � �Z �S - _ THE PHALEN BRNK 774-9506 NORTH EAST NE�GHBORHOODS DEVELOPMENT CDRPORAl'fON Apri17, 1497 Mc Roger Curtis O�ca oi'Mayor Coleman 390 City Hali 15 Kellogg Boulevard Wcst Saint Paul MN 55102 Aear Mr. Curtis, I understaiid that Charles Senkler has applied f'or membershlp on the ST �R board us a cmnmunity developmen: represenu�ive. Mr. Senkler owns and manages the Hillcrest Entertainment Centcr (Connerly Hafnei s) in NFNnGs service area. His public service activities in this arca are many And varied, and include pariicipation as a mcmber of one of NENDCs standing committees. f believe cbac Mr. Senklcr has a good knowiec�ge and background in community deveiopment issues, and would be pleased to regazd him as representing our interests on [he S'i'�R bpard. 1 wiU ask for formal NENDC board action to confirm this nt NENDC's next hoard mceting (4/15). 'I'hank you very much for your positive consideration of Mr. Senkler's application. Cordia y, �rc..ti. s---.__J , Karen Swenson . Bxecutive Director P.01 �� —��� 'f 545 Maryland Avenue East Saint PaW, M:nnssoYa 55'106 (612) 777-fi955 (872) 776-6786 fax ��-�o� CITY OF SAINT PAUL svo c;ri aou Norm Colemars, Mayar 15 West Sellogg Baaleva,d Salnt Pau� Minnesota SSZO2 TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton Councilmember 7anice Rettman �� DATE: RE: Roger C. Curtis �C. Assistant to the Mayor April 7, 1997 Telephorte: (612) 2668510 FaaimIIe: (6Z2)166-8513 Charles Senkler Appointment to Neighborhood Sales Tax Reinvestment (STAR} Program C.F. 97-206, adapted on March 12, 1997 appointed Cornell M. Tandooahnippah w serve as a Community Development Corporadon representa6ve, filling the remainder of Shem Shakir's unexpired term. Since the appointment was approved, Mr. Tandooahnippah has informed us that he is unabie to serve. Mayor Coleman has recommended Chazles Senkler's appointment to fill this posifion as a Community Development Corporation representative. He shall fill the remainder of this unexpired term. This term expires on January 1, 1999. Mr. Senkler has been nominated by the North East Neighborhood Development Corporation (NENDC). Attached is a copy NENDC's nomination and a copy of Charles Senkler's application. Feel free to contact me at 266-8531 if you wish to discuss this appointment. RCC:drm Attachment c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Amy Filice, STAR Staff, Planning & Economic Development