97-39(°� C`•. � a,�'� i � F`. � � f!' i t` '�,. a �' � ` ��% - • < • . � Council File LUTION Green sheet AUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refexred To 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 21 12 23 14 15 Ib i7 1& 19 ?Q 21 22 23 Committee: Date � `� V� � 36344 al WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has requested that the Deparnnent of Transpartation grant a variance from the State's standards for design of urban madways for the reconstrucdon of OHIO STREET from Annapolis Street to George Street; and WI-�REAS, The Ciry of Saint Paul requested a variance to allow a 3b foot wide street with pazking pernutted on both sides of the stceet in lieu of the required 11.4 meter width with parking on both sides; and WHEREAS, T'he Commissioner of the Department of Transponarion has by letter notified the City that the request for a variance has been ganted upon condidon that the Ciry of Saint Paul adopt a resolurion indemnifying, saving and holding har�iless the State of Minnesota from any claims arising out of the granting of this variance; and VI��REA5 The Ciry has no other opdon available to it to receive the variance requested unless it complies with the demand of the Commissioner of the Depamnent of Transportation; now , therefore, be it RESOLVED, That as the sole condition to receiving a variance from the provisions of State Aid Rules Secuan 8820.9936, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby agree to indemnify, save and hold haimless the State of Minnesota and all of its agents and employees of and from any and all claims, demands; actions, or causes of action arising out of or by reason of, the reconstruction of Municipal State Aid Street 177 (Ohio Street) located between Armapolis and Gearge Streets, in any other manner than as in accordance with Minnesota Rules 8820.4936 and further agrees to defend at their sole cost and eacpense any acrion or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising as a result of the granring of this variance. Requested by Department of: Public Works PAS 11I21 By: Certified by Council Secretary By: Appxoved by Mayor: Date Z Form Approved by City Attorney By: ���!✓I✓IM�°�, Approved by Mayox £or Submission to Council By: " _ ' � t'G J��2 ` � By: Adopted by Council: Date a � ic Works Department 1CT PEfl50N 8 PHONE St. Martin 266-6118 TOTAL 1 „rz,�ss GREEN OFPAFitMENT DIREC' '� cmarrorwev re� wn i7�Nfi BUDGETDIRECTOH )�i aMAYOR(ORASSIST/u P AlL LOGATIQNS FOR SIGNI Na.36344� � CITYCOUNdL _ CffYCLERK _ FIN. 8 MGT. SFAVICES Council Research DEPARTA4BITAL ACCAUNTANT Hok1 State of Minnesota harmless for granting variance on Municipal State Aid (MSA) St�eet 177 (Ohio Street ) beiween Annapotis and George Streets. PLPNNINGCAMMISSION _CIYILSFAVpECOMMI5S10N CIBCOMMfI'TEE _ STAFF DISTAICTCOUNCIL SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNCILOBJECTfYE? aeasowu. s�v�ce corrrnaets r�usr �wsweaTt+e Fouox�N� ouesnons: 1. H34Ihis � WotkCdt1f1d0f3C0litfHGi(oflfNSd2p3Nt10fit? 2 Has rhis pYES n/B �er been a ciry employee? 3. Does this orvfirm possess a slull `wt nomially passed by arry curtent city emploYee? NO Ezplain all yas a�wers on separate sheet aml ettaeh to gveen sheet Ohio Street property owners requested that Pubiic Works buifd Ohio Street at 36 feet wide and albw fivo side parking versus the MSA standard of 38 feei for both side parking. ��,����� ��� � a 1996 ��i�.�'v'�'� �Sr�'��F Building Ohio Street at 36 feet wouid reduce the tree removal necessitated by construction at 38 fest. None � � ..,: Y � `:. � Approximately 30 trees would be removed with the construction of a 38 foot roadway versus 3 trees with construction of a 36 foot wide road. l���4 ��s��w�'� C�'r �r �;.C�.�. Sd.k;.i� e#.L iJJ� unouwroF�aanisncrrows N/A CO3TfREYENUEBUDGETEO(CHEqCONE) a'E� NO FUNDING SOUHCE ACTIYRY NUMBER FINANCIAL INfORMA710N: (EXPWN) (°� C`•. � a,�'� i � F`. � � f!' i t` '�,. a �' � ` ��% - • < • . � Council File LUTION Green sheet AUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refexred To 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 21 12 23 14 15 Ib i7 1& 19 ?Q 21 22 23 Committee: Date � `� V� � 36344 al WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has requested that the Deparnnent of Transpartation grant a variance from the State's standards for design of urban madways for the reconstrucdon of OHIO STREET from Annapolis Street to George Street; and WI-�REAS, The Ciry of Saint Paul requested a variance to allow a 3b foot wide street with pazking pernutted on both sides of the stceet in lieu of the required 11.4 meter width with parking on both sides; and WHEREAS, T'he Commissioner of the Department of Transponarion has by letter notified the City that the request for a variance has been ganted upon condidon that the Ciry of Saint Paul adopt a resolurion indemnifying, saving and holding har�iless the State of Minnesota from any claims arising out of the granting of this variance; and VI��REA5 The Ciry has no other opdon available to it to receive the variance requested unless it complies with the demand of the Commissioner of the Depamnent of Transportation; now , therefore, be it RESOLVED, That as the sole condition to receiving a variance from the provisions of State Aid Rules Secuan 8820.9936, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby agree to indemnify, save and hold haimless the State of Minnesota and all of its agents and employees of and from any and all claims, demands; actions, or causes of action arising out of or by reason of, the reconstruction of Municipal State Aid Street 177 (Ohio Street) located between Armapolis and Gearge Streets, in any other manner than as in accordance with Minnesota Rules 8820.4936 and further agrees to defend at their sole cost and eacpense any acrion or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising as a result of the granring of this variance. Requested by Department of: Public Works PAS 11I21 By: Certified by Council Secretary By: Appxoved by Mayor: Date Z Form Approved by City Attorney By: ���!✓I✓IM�°�, Approved by Mayox £or Submission to Council By: " _ ' � t'G J��2 ` � By: Adopted by Council: Date a � ic Works Department 1CT PEfl50N 8 PHONE St. Martin 266-6118 TOTAL 1 „rz,�ss GREEN OFPAFitMENT DIREC' '� cmarrorwev re� wn i7�Nfi BUDGETDIRECTOH )�i aMAYOR(ORASSIST/u P AlL LOGATIQNS FOR SIGNI Na.36344� � CITYCOUNdL _ CffYCLERK _ FIN. 8 MGT. SFAVICES Council Research DEPARTA4BITAL ACCAUNTANT Hok1 State of Minnesota harmless for granting variance on Municipal State Aid (MSA) St�eet 177 (Ohio Street ) beiween Annapotis and George Streets. PLPNNINGCAMMISSION _CIYILSFAVpECOMMI5S10N CIBCOMMfI'TEE _ STAFF DISTAICTCOUNCIL SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNCILOBJECTfYE? aeasowu. s�v�ce corrrnaets r�usr �wsweaTt+e Fouox�N� ouesnons: 1. H34Ihis � WotkCdt1f1d0f3C0litfHGi(oflfNSd2p3Nt10fit? 2 Has rhis pYES n/B �er been a ciry employee? 3. Does this orvfirm possess a slull `wt nomially passed by arry curtent city emploYee? NO Ezplain all yas a�wers on separate sheet aml ettaeh to gveen sheet Ohio Street property owners requested that Pubiic Works buifd Ohio Street at 36 feet wide and albw fivo side parking versus the MSA standard of 38 feei for both side parking. ��,����� ��� � a 1996 ��i�.�'v'�'� �Sr�'��F Building Ohio Street at 36 feet wouid reduce the tree removal necessitated by construction at 38 fest. None � � ..,: Y � `:. � Approximately 30 trees would be removed with the construction of a 38 foot roadway versus 3 trees with construction of a 36 foot wide road. l���4 ��s��w�'� C�'r �r �;.C�.�. Sd.k;.i� e#.L iJJ� unouwroF�aanisncrrows N/A CO3TfREYENUEBUDGETEO(CHEqCONE) a'E� NO FUNDING SOUHCE ACTIYRY NUMBER FINANCIAL INfORMA710N: (EXPWN) (°� C`•. � a,�'� i � F`. � � f!' i t` '�,. a �' � ` ��% - • < • . � Council File LUTION Green sheet AUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refexred To 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 21 12 23 14 15 Ib i7 1& 19 ?Q 21 22 23 Committee: Date � `� V� � 36344 al WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has requested that the Deparnnent of Transpartation grant a variance from the State's standards for design of urban madways for the reconstrucdon of OHIO STREET from Annapolis Street to George Street; and WI-�REAS, The Ciry of Saint Paul requested a variance to allow a 3b foot wide street with pazking pernutted on both sides of the stceet in lieu of the required 11.4 meter width with parking on both sides; and WHEREAS, T'he Commissioner of the Department of Transponarion has by letter notified the City that the request for a variance has been ganted upon condidon that the Ciry of Saint Paul adopt a resolurion indemnifying, saving and holding har�iless the State of Minnesota from any claims arising out of the granting of this variance; and VI��REA5 The Ciry has no other opdon available to it to receive the variance requested unless it complies with the demand of the Commissioner of the Depamnent of Transportation; now , therefore, be it RESOLVED, That as the sole condition to receiving a variance from the provisions of State Aid Rules Secuan 8820.9936, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby agree to indemnify, save and hold haimless the State of Minnesota and all of its agents and employees of and from any and all claims, demands; actions, or causes of action arising out of or by reason of, the reconstruction of Municipal State Aid Street 177 (Ohio Street) located between Armapolis and Gearge Streets, in any other manner than as in accordance with Minnesota Rules 8820.4936 and further agrees to defend at their sole cost and eacpense any acrion or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising as a result of the granring of this variance. Requested by Department of: Public Works PAS 11I21 By: Certified by Council Secretary By: Appxoved by Mayor: Date Z Form Approved by City Attorney By: ���!✓I✓IM�°�, Approved by Mayox £or Submission to Council By: " _ ' � t'G J��2 ` � By: Adopted by Council: Date a � ic Works Department 1CT PEfl50N 8 PHONE St. Martin 266-6118 TOTAL 1 „rz,�ss GREEN OFPAFitMENT DIREC' '� cmarrorwev re� wn i7�Nfi BUDGETDIRECTOH )�i aMAYOR(ORASSIST/u P AlL LOGATIQNS FOR SIGNI Na.36344� � CITYCOUNdL _ CffYCLERK _ FIN. 8 MGT. SFAVICES Council Research DEPARTA4BITAL ACCAUNTANT Hok1 State of Minnesota harmless for granting variance on Municipal State Aid (MSA) St�eet 177 (Ohio Street ) beiween Annapotis and George Streets. PLPNNINGCAMMISSION _CIYILSFAVpECOMMI5S10N CIBCOMMfI'TEE _ STAFF DISTAICTCOUNCIL SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNCILOBJECTfYE? aeasowu. s�v�ce corrrnaets r�usr �wsweaTt+e Fouox�N� ouesnons: 1. H34Ihis � WotkCdt1f1d0f3C0litfHGi(oflfNSd2p3Nt10fit? 2 Has rhis pYES n/B �er been a ciry employee? 3. Does this orvfirm possess a slull `wt nomially passed by arry curtent city emploYee? NO Ezplain all yas a�wers on separate sheet aml ettaeh to gveen sheet Ohio Street property owners requested that Pubiic Works buifd Ohio Street at 36 feet wide and albw fivo side parking versus the MSA standard of 38 feei for both side parking. ��,����� ��� � a 1996 ��i�.�'v'�'� �Sr�'��F Building Ohio Street at 36 feet wouid reduce the tree removal necessitated by construction at 38 fest. None � � ..,: Y � `:. � Approximately 30 trees would be removed with the construction of a 38 foot roadway versus 3 trees with construction of a 36 foot wide road. l���4 ��s��w�'� C�'r �r �;.C�.�. Sd.k;.i� e#.L iJJ� unouwroF�aanisncrrows N/A CO3TfREYENUEBUDGETEO(CHEqCONE) a'E� NO FUNDING SOUHCE ACTIYRY NUMBER FINANCIAL INfORMA710N: (EXPWN)