97-384Council File � �2- 3d'�} Presented Referred �1������°��` � 9 . 4� S. u: . S.-, RESOLUTION i z 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #12288) for an Auto Repair Garage License by M& M Auto Repair DBA M& M Auto Repair (Anthony Mendez, Partner) at 1200 7ackson Street be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yea Nays Abaent 7 BS k� � 9 — �6eeri� Meet�.. _� Office of License Ins�ections and 10 Me a� ✓ Environmental Protection 11 Re tma� ✓ 12 Thune 14 Bostrom �� �// 15 gp _ �.�_ �'"'.�t,�- f J:_"5N'✓ 16 Adopted by Council: Date � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney 19 22 BY ��� � By: ` Zv „�- � �cc�/ix.P/l 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �/J� /`� � 24 25 �� � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 By. C._- Council 27 Bye Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� �� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE LIEPjLice CONTACT PEiISON S f Chzistine 266-9108 T07AL # OF 51GNATURE PAGES a� -�a�y GREEN SHEET N_ 35389 INITIAVDATE INIT7AVDATE — DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR � CITY CAUNCIL arrnnaaNer Q crrrc�a�c BUOCET DIflECTOR � PIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIq. MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � (CLIP AlL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) M& M Auto Repair DBA M& M Auto Repair is requesting Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 1200 Jackson Street (ID 1�12288) _ PLANNING CAhUAlSS1�N _ C _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFF _ _ _ DISTRICT COURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEC'fIVE? PERSONAL SERYICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEH TXE FOLLOWING pUESTiONS: 1. Has Nis person/Firm ever worked under a conVact for this department? � VES NO 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personflirm possess a skill not normally possessad by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yas answers on separate sheet antl attach to gresn sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, 75Sf1E, OPPORTUNIT! (WFw, Whal. WhM,1Nhe�e, Why): ���������� DcC 23 19�6 p i� � i r h . a.: Councii Research Genter �A�-�� � � �ss7 TOiAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIRG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOiiMAT10N: (EXPLAIN) ' Greensheet # 35389 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 12/9/96 /�� •�d'y In Tracker? npp'n Received / npp'n arocessed License lD # 1228$ LiCense Type: an Auto Repair GaraQe CompBny Name: M& M Auto Repair DBA: same Business Addresss: 1200 3ackson Street Business Phone: 489-0807 Contact Name/Address: Anthonv Mendez, 1521 6th St. 106 Ffome Pfione: 778-2418 Date to Council Research: /,� Public Hearing Date: � � � � � � � �i � Labels Ordered: �tf'/ Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: e�� , �a r,b Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: O� Department/ Date inspections Commerrts City Attorney I•��`��- a�t'. • Environmental Health t�.A� Fire � - �' °t�'' C� K` ' License Site Pien aeceived:_ Lease Received: ��a7 �?7 �3 /� Police �•�• g�` ��K Zoning a I2f�`�7 � � � � CLASS III LIC�NSE APPLICATIO� CITY OF SAL\'T P.�UZ 05ia of Limr.se, L^c�tio,s aid Em�iro:n P;o;ec:ion 5: R?er 5i Svie 3J] iirhd.l:ic � t��m (El?) }2�9°J fss (613) L',5-Sl:/ ��_ 3�y THIS APPLICATIOV IS SliBTECTTO REVIE�'✓ BY TI� PLbLIC PLEASE t`YPE OR PRLZT L'� L�K T��e of License{<) +��� a��lied for: Co:.,�any::��: � �'+- r I G�rc�.-'fb Ce;�,ation(Pz�� hiplSole � 2 212 � If business is ince;�erzted. gi��e date ef in:o;poration: Deino Busioecs As: P,v�o+'1 er�i J� �Cp/-�� �- Business Phone: �12 Hesiaess Address. I Z�� .�('���oN 5`[ ST �!a u. t� � I� L 'J S 7 i'� Scct.4ddrus � Ciry �-� Sute Zip Be� een �;tat aess streeu is tUe busioess la ated? f�� `"-�+�c1<So� t�� R'bich side of Lhe street? ST :3re the premises now occupied? �� �t'bat T�pe of Business? Cl�+2Y���� A iA'�o 5[CLE�, �1�i ro .�adrz�s: 1 Zc� �„��C�'.x�c.i S i- �-r, �i�, u r..- �'1r�( .r � i I'7 Sv�t Address ��� Cicy � . S:z[e Zip .4nplicaatInform2tion: Q.�:.1TIav� l,�pS£�.(a 1�ktitD��° r�il�r�lEf - " , .. \arne andTitle: 1-�Ai �i.kl.arV 9 l.4 �i'�r� '- 'QA�¢� - , n.�se �.Siddle � (�.* �3e � L2tt Ti;7t ,+"'�ENDE�' �S'�.1 �� S'r�AUL� I"�� �5�EC0 . He�eAddress:r-�,a��.t= 50� G�nn.rtyza� �� �� i �So�#Z ., ' t��r.��EZC�t,Ad�es� C'1Etanszs S� .'�i3;�U,1'1n.� c'lE� IDE i q 'z^°:'-�$ DzteofBinh:c-�.�..v�= � •�-eo� PlaceofBinh:�7AwaJ-5�i�-�t.t�l�itiC�1A�"S HomePhane:nnw,.i-tl3te Ha�•e you e�er been con��icled of zny fe3ony, cria� oc GtioIstion of any city ordinance othec than taffic? D�;e of a�est:��4T��t � Ch;rse � � Conti''sction: Sentencz: YL.S x i�Q Lisi che names aod residences of three persons of good noral chazacter, Iit•ing a•ithin the Twin Cides Meao Area, not related to tbe applicaot or fmancially interested in the premises ot business, u ho may be referred to az to tbe applicanCs chuacter. �AME ADDRESS PHO\B 221-\ q! � Li t—��Pa�l2✓.2.� z 7� I � lGk1.-� I ra f�-T �Df � M(�} -�� J tJ 1 �n0[� �,_� �, S,-,�1 2 9'71 r'1 c I'� ,�,-1�-c •'JZ� r �-v�m�s-,� nr�l 55 i oL? �'7 �7 ?3 0l List licenses ��hich you c_un hold for�rly be3d, o� may bave zn interest in: (�YQ1�.1Cr . Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES � ti'O If }'es, list zhe dates aod reasor� fo. revocation: Are you going to operate ihis business personally? � YFS ____ A`O If not, u•bo will operate it? � Firn :�amc Middle (.Maidrn) Lasl Hor,x Addrrss: So-ea �zme " � . Ciry State , Daic ot B'uth Phone:�umSez Are ��ou _oin� to hzcz a manager or Z«ist<,i{ in Lhi� besinecs? _�k�ES ^� �O If the nana�er is not Lhe <� �y the opzr�:ar, ple� -- co�lete che followina i,.formatio�: F; ct \�r.ie �c:'�Add S. G� Stzte Zp Pleze list }�our e�le; �nt histe;y fet the precious fi�'e (�) ;eaz �rio3: Be�iness/Er;v�)c�,—,knt Address n4�.o�-.i= . �.-�,- t � ���t�� �� 9 . la � „ �. — .�.0 _ - to �� rzic.� rtiN�1E�� �'�a� �`70 y 1-� � rrr�.5i 4�.AU�l� _:_,si�rzs /��-tran6�; �t u�i�erzs��/+�;�E sTP��- 19'�S-9'-� — r�t���.1,7�'�,.�-�'--,' "�4�� Lict ali othet eifice,s OFFICER \A.\SE t�l o �� � '.;fc:_e L�tixl t'`itiden) I,�tt tt�e co[poratien: TITLE - - HO'�iE (Office Hetd) ADDRESS �. 1-4yn-���rtl- S i- � r .a:.u� �-1- HO'�� PHO� U� t `J �I5 - `I g�;c��S P�IO\ DATE OF BIRTH If r b ` esiness is a p��ership, ple��e incl�de the fotfow'ine iyo�tion foreach pa-tner (�ce additional pa__es if nuess��'): l�tvT�o,�� _- �a �Et�(l..�Z- �-�-Lo(o �cce �ase ?�fid3le L (^..:uden) Lzs[ �ate of Bc,�xh 1�Z1 C��`` �-ra.� � S� I��.x� i` 11� ��loco �78Z-�1� ?ie::KAddress: S^^.'�:z-�e . . Ci.y ctyce Zap .n�nt?.uc:uer : RS[!�i..TIC Ho:net,ddress: Scea'�zme Mld�q'SJ�PI Dz:e ef birh PhOie \umY.s (;.tz;den) cty A� �-�-�� � , �� o: a;.-�t � r.� 5�d�`2. �3c��c - $S1C T.IjI .bSO:K?�112:15PS h�''�FSOTA'I.AX IDE.'�'Tff�ICA'IIOti \`[i:.�IDII2 - Rusua�t to the Lzws of A�finnesota, 1984, Chaptec 502, Article 8, Secdon 2(270.72) (I'ax C7earance; Issuaae of Licenses), licensing autborives z*e required to pro�•ide to the State of ?�3innesota Commissioner of Revenue, . tUe !vli�esota business taz identific2tion number and tUe so:ial security numSer of each license appGcaat tncL^r the :Jf'innesota Govemment Daza Pracdces Act and th� Federai Pri��acy.4ct of 1974, we are required to adrice you of tbe foUou7ng regazding t6e use of the VLinnesota Tu Idenufication I�'um3er: - This informarion may be used w deny t6e issuance or reoew�al of your license in the eveni you ov.�e ?.4innesota sales, employei s w•ithholding oc motor vehide ezcise tazes; - Upon receieing this iaformatioa, rhe liceasing authority will supply it only to tbe?vIinnesota Depatsent of Revenue. Aowevet, under the Federal Ezchange of InformaA oa Agreement, the Depaztment of Re�•enue may supply this information to the Intemal Revenue Sen'ice. Minnesota Taz Ideatification Numben (Sales & Use Tzz �umber) may be obtained from the State of ?v1'innesota, Busioess 12uorcLs Department, 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181 . ��1.r.��Z= �t�-9�-zz33 SocialSecurity;�'umber. t'Ist�r�— ��6 g�°'T9�� Minnesota Taz IdenuficaGon r�umber. Z`1 2 - ��� 3 If a.'vlinnesota Taz Identificstio¢ :�umber is not requ'ued for the bvsiaess being opented, indicau so by plazing zn "X" in the box. Are ��ou goine to hz� e a mana�er or zssi<t�nt in i}iis business? _�'ES x XO lf the manager is not the s�me � 4ae opzr�r, ple�e . complete the follok•ing informatioo: ,��'�.� F;�t tiune �;idve IrJu€1 t�:�den) L�.a Dzu of Birh 'r'c�ndd�s Sc:�t�zr.K Ci�• SLte Zip P3ea:�uTY.s Plezce list your e�lo}vxnt histeq� fer the prerious fi�'e (�) ;'ezr perio3: � � B u sinecSlEm�lo�tnent t �-lL� 5���l1c_t ��t�1T� CA, 2 .z�c+ct" ti�1�1ESr�s�a � S�i�.2s � i J E� �,tn.� i ���!�G+Zc 'p4L� `J� � Address P�� i g ,�. y�<<�.-�, List all other effice:s of the cotporatiea: OFFICER TITLE - _ \A14E (Office Held) ►.lo��' HO>g BliSI\`ESS D4TE OF PHO�'E P�IO� BIR7H HO'�� ADDRESS If besness is a Fa�er6ip, pleue inc)ade tbe follow•ing i, °o:mzGon for ea:b pa-mer (use additional page� if nuessa�•): �- � �v � rao�.iy' �l, t �f.rC�Z 1 �1- Co cn : rst `�a;x �9Sid:lle L`.iti�l ('�:tiden) Lut Datt of BL�A� ��� �.�-µ. �,-��� S �. ►"�.�..�� MtJ s�>«o 'i�ig2�f ?ie:z address: S�.'ti€.-ie fL'S[ �2RIC ITJ::2I Ci,y ('�Sziden) 96 YA..lL- Zip Pk,e:x M Dzte Ho:mAddras: Scea!:xme - Ciry —�-- Stxtt Zip Pboac hvmSer A�":CESOTA T.AX IDE.`�'T4SCATiO\ :�L'!dIDER - Pursu�t to the Izws of ?.'Gnnesota, 1984. Cliapter 502, Anicle 8, Secuon 2(270.72) (Ia Clearance; Issuan:.e of Licenses), licensiflg autborities ue requ'ued to pro�•ide to t6e State of ?vlinnaota Commissionex of Revenue, tbe ?vlinnesota business taz idenrification number and the so:ial suuriry number of each license applicaat Under tbe ?v&nnecota Govetnmeat Data Practices Act and tlr. Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze required to advise you of u} e follo�nng regazding tbe use of the ;.Tnnesou 7zz Idenrificavon A'umber: - T6is infoimarion may be used to deny tbe issuance or renev.•al of ;•our license in tbe event you oa�e DSinnesota sales, employer s w•ithboldingormotorvehicleezcise -w,es; -13pon reuicing this infoimation, tl�e Bcensing authority will supply it onty to the Minnesota Depaz�nt of Revenue. How�ever, uMiec tbe Federal Exchange of Informa6on Agexment, t6e Depait�nt of Revenue may supply chis information to the Intemal Reeenue Sen•ice. � Minnesota Taz Identification A'umbers (Sales & Use Tzz \'umber) may be obtained from the Stau of ATinnesota, Business Records Department, ]0 River Park Pla7a (612-296-5181 . r-ti�r�,��z: �7 t - 9�- zz3� SociaiSecuriryNumber. r_J'tt�--n�= 9`1S-gC�'"Zg2� _ Minnesota Taz Idenrification T'umber. ��1 2- � 3 �� _ If a Mianesota Tax Identification T'umbet is not required fot the business being operated, indicate so by pluing zn "X" in� fP_S7 C>E$TIFICA'IIO\ OF �'�'ORK£RS' C0�3PF.tiSATION CQ\�RAGE PtRSi:A.�Z TO A4L\hcSOTA ST�TI�T£ 176.1e2 I hereby ceru`y ivat I, oi my companv, atn in cempliance w;;S tbe v.•orkers cer., in<_urance co�•es�ge requi�es�n's of :�4in�esota Stamte 176.182, culxli.ision 2. I�:so understind t6at pro�isioa of ;21ce inforr.r:een in this cectification constitu�es su�ci�nt grounds for zdver�e ac�ea z�tinst zt licen<es held, iaclu�:ng revoca�e� �d <usQensioa ef s�id licences. � q �,/ larzr_ af Insc—��ce Comp�:�y: � ( � �1 �7 Policy \umb;r: Co�'er�e frem to I hace ¢o em ioyees co� ered undec a'orkers' covn�nsa!ie� =.:=urance �_ ' A\Y F:ILSIFIC9TI0'i� OR A.\SS��RS GI�'E'i OR'�iATERL4L SL�B?�IITTED �i'II,L RESL7.T L� DE\Z�L OF THIS .�PPLf CATI0:3 � I hereby sta's tbat I hz��e ansu•ered dl of the prueding ques�o�s, and tbat the iafer�tion contained herein is uue and ce,�ect to toz Er_st '' of my 3:novriedee and belief. I bereby state fiucfier that I bzl e re: eiced no mone}� oc other consideration, 6y w�ay of ]oan, �`t, conffibution, or ol�erwise, o:hec tban already disclosed in the a�plicaaon n•3uch I berew�ith submined. I also understand this premise m: y be inspected by police, rue, healt6 znd ocher ciq� o:;�cials at zny anri zll :�s n;en the b;;s:ne<s is ia ope,atioa. ���'c:1� ✓j� ---- Sitia:se (F 1�.-5- fez �!I applications) Date *"�ote: If this a�plication is Foo�l_iquor re14t,d. pieue co�.act a City of Szint Pa�,il Iiealtb Inspector, Steti�e Olson (266-4139), to re��iew ptaas. If any substantial chaoges to swcnu� are_anticip��, please contact a City of Saint Paul PIan Ezaminer at 2664��7 w apply for building.permiu. If tLere are any changes to tbe pa*king lot, floor spe: e., or for new operz5oas, please contact a Cit}°of Saint Paul Zoaing Inspe: tor az 265-9��08. AddiAonal application requiremenfs, please attach: A detailed description of the design, Iocation and square footage of the premises fo be licensed (rite p2an). 77�e follotiring data should be on the site pIan (preferahly on an S 1!2" x Il" or 81/2" z 14" paper): - I�'ame, address, and phone number. - Tbe scaie should be stafed snch as 1" = 20'. ^\ s6ould be indicated foward the top. • Piacement of all pertinent features of the interior of the lice[��ed facility such u seating areu, �itchens, offices, repair area, parh�ng, rest moms, etc - Sf a request is for an addifion or ezpansion of the licensed facilitp, indicate both the current area and the proposed ezpansion. A cop}• of your )ease agreement or proof of o�snership of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQLZREhiENTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> Tfappl}ingfor, ��� ����] �-� . _ K. Czbzret adu2G ple�e actac� uzitten proof that ezca enplo} ee is at ]eut 13 years o3d ConrersztienlRap par)or 2du]t plez�e anacb M_�cen prcwf thzt each e�lo; ee is at lez�t 18 }�e�s old. Entertzinment, ple�e sps-i:`y cl�sc A, B, oi C L:e�se; ebtain �*�d zr.ach sirna,wes of approvzl from 409c cf �eer nei�6bers ei'�fn 350 :ezt of the est�bl;<_hz:�nt. This licec>z zett be �pplied fer ia conjunction w'ith a Liquor, \�'ine,'�3�[ Oa Sae er RentaUD�ce Ha11 license. Firezrms, plezse attach a ler�er u ith the followi_� informa[ion: st�te if seIIine oc only repairinQ, Federzl Fue��:u Liczn<e ?�um'`zr, n t+z ef Arur..d Sen ices dischzrge (Hone �S':e, GeneraI, Bad Cenduct, tndesirable, Dishoaorable, ar oo �ic�r}' sen'ice. (�OTE: Establish�nt must be cemmerciaily ze�cd} -_ Game room, ptezu pro�•ide. �ue follou�ing infor�oa: nz� of �c.`,�ine znd list pace. (:�'OTE: A Peol Hall l;'cent i< requued if chere z:e �,ypool tzbles in the establishmenC) Healtb/Sgorfs clab adult, pleue attach written g.�f tUat euh e�1o;:z is at ]east 18 yeazs old. Liquor ofL�on sa1e refer to zr.a:hed liquor appLcs�on. -"' LocG opening ser�ices. ple<<e aCach a list of all c�plo}'ees (v. ich ho� 2ddress 2ad Yelep�one nuiaber} u�ho �'ill `��e doin� tbe locb oYZnia= sen�ice; attach S l0 Surety Bon3 . '�fassege centeq piease atcac� a detailed descripdea of ebe sen�ices beias pro��id:d. �f�szge center adult. pleze zttacb u�rirten preef ::at each emnloyee is at ]e2st IS years eld. '�Szs�ne prac6tioner, ple2�e zra:h a copy of Ier�; for appro��al fromHe�leh; pra�f of insur2nce co��erase of 51,O1a.0�A� za_h �ener� lizb:lip� and professienal liability x•ith the City of Saint Paul n-we,d as zn additinnzl inscred, as�d a?0 d�;' notice of czncellauaa; a letter from.; �.0 empioyer to veri,`y' e�lo}�nt w•ich a license msszoe center. '�iotorcccle dealer, plez�e in.lude State of ?.4innew:z IY_aler :�um�r. '�e� motor cehicIe dealer, please inct�de Stace of �linnesota IY_ater:iumSer. Par�iag IoUramp, please include tbe number of ga.-'sing spaces, and ztta,:L p12ns coataining a geaeral description of t',�e security prorided at rhe lot/ramp, a_site pian sbowing 'a-:t'ew�ays of the propose3 lo[ and the legal description of tbe pro�erty (this requirement necessary only if no site pIan is cunendy on file). Attach a cover letter dexribing your plzns to co�?;y w'ith the li�ting and pzinting require�nu. Pa� please attach 55,000.00 Surety Boa� Semnd hand dealer-motor Fehicle, ptease include State of ?�Rinnesota Dezler �omber. Second hxnd dealer-moWr rehicle parts, pleue 4: a:� SS,OO�.00I SvreEy Bon3 Steam roomlbath hoase adult, piease attach �ziaen proof t2�at each emp]oyee is az lezst 18 yeazs o13 Theatet adult, please attach wzineo proof thac ezch employee is ai lezst 18 yeazs old. If appl}ing for, �� � �o��� ' . . -. ' • . - . " Cabaret adu3t, p]edce anach s proof tbat ea:3 emplo; ee is at leza 13 pears old � L � Com ersa.ionJRap parlor zdult plez�e artach w'^�en proof thzt e:+ch em; lo;ee is zt ]ez�t 18 yeus old. Entertzinment, pleae sp°�i,`y d2ss A, B, or C li:cnce; obtain 2nd zrach si`natures of appro�•�l from 909c of }°ear nei�.`,� �it�'sa 350 f�t of the esta�lis�nt Ttus lice�e must be �pplie3 fec ia coajuncuon u•ith a Liquor, \Vine, ?,i�t On S� Rental.�D�ce Hall license. Firezrms, pleue attach a lztter v.�ith ttie followi*_e infonnation: stau ifi �ellin� or on]y repzirina, Federal Fi:e�� Liczn�e Iium�zr, nr+z of Am�ed Sen'ices dischzrge (Hone-<�le, Gener�l, Bad Ce�duct, tndesirable, Disbonorable, or no mi?it�' se��ice. (\OTE: Est�blishv�nt must be cemmerciaily zened) . -, Game room, pleue provide the follou•ing infor�en: nzme of m3chine x�d list price. (:�OTE: A Peel Hall licens, is reqv'ued if the;e �;e 2,ypool tables in tbe establishment) Healeh/Sportr ctub adult, plezse attach w�ritten p.� �f tha[ eazh emllo;;x is st Jeut ] 8 yeazs old Liquor ofUon sa1e. refer to �rached liquor applicz�on. '" ` L.ock apening ser�ices. ple�e attach a list of all e:.:�lopees (w'ith 6onz ad3ress and telep'�one nu;a'xr) u•ho W�iil bz doing the lo:k erzr�ia_ sen'ice; attach SI0,0�0 SuretyBon3 \iassa;e center, pleaze sttach a detailed descrip�an of the ser��ices beiae pio`•ided. \1a<sage center adult. plez e attach written pro.f - �at eac6 employee is at lezst 18 yeazs o7d. '�Sas oe practitioner. plrz�e z^a:L a copy of ]ee:: for zpprot•al frem Iie�ih; proof of insurance co��erege of SI,O��A��A� ea=6 �ene: �]izSlip� and professioaal liabiliry x•ith u e Ciry of Saint Pzul caned az zn ad3itienzl insered, and a.0 da;' noti: e of cancellztioa: a)ener from yo:u employer to veri5' e�lo;ment N�ith a license msszae center. �fotorcrcle dealer, plez�e in.lude State of b'tinnesoa Dealer:�amSer. '�eK motor sehicle deater, plrzse include State of �,innesota IYalet \umber. � Parlang IoVratnp, please in:lude the number of pa-k.ing spaces, and atta:b pians containing a general d�scription of :�e secuzity pro�•ided at the lotlramp, a site plan showing d:;�ew•a}�s of tbe proposed lot znd the legal desc[igrion of the pro�rty (this ree,uire�nt necessary only if ao site plan is curtea8y on file). Atta:L a cover ]etter dexribing your plans to co�Iy ��ith the lightine a�d pzinting requuemenu. . Pa�cnbroker, please attacb �5,00�.00 Surety Bon� Second hand deaJer-motor cehide, please inclucL State of ?�Tinnesota Dezler \Umber. Second }cand dealer-motor Fehide parts, pleZe auacb SS,OOa.Q� S+uety Bon3 Steam room/bath house adult, pleau attach x�ri:un pzoof that eacb employee is at least 18 yeazs o]d Theater adu3t, piease attach uzinen proof tbat eub employee is at lezct 18 years old. � Council File � �2- 3d'�} Presented Referred �1������°��` � 9 . 4� S. u: . S.-, RESOLUTION i z 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #12288) for an Auto Repair Garage License by M& M Auto Repair DBA M& M Auto Repair (Anthony Mendez, Partner) at 1200 7ackson Street be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yea Nays Abaent 7 BS k� � 9 — �6eeri� Meet�.. _� Office of License Ins�ections and 10 Me a� ✓ Environmental Protection 11 Re tma� ✓ 12 Thune 14 Bostrom �� �// 15 gp _ �.�_ �'"'.�t,�- f J:_"5N'✓ 16 Adopted by Council: Date � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney 19 2o BY �' `�'—� � By: `�/ Zv�,u�- � �cc�%_ 22 23 Approved by Mayor: Date � J� /`� � 24 25 �� � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 By. C._- Council 27 Bye Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� �� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE LIEPjLice CONTACT PEiISON S f Chzistine 266-9108 T07AL # OF 51GNATURE PAGES a� -�a�y GREEN SHEET N_ 35389 INITIAVDATE INIT7AVDATE — DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR � CITY CAUNCIL arrnnaaNer Q crrrc�a�c BUOCET DIflECTOR � PIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIq. MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � (CLIP AlL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) M& M Auto Repair DBA M& M Auto Repair is requesting Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 1200 Jackson Street (ID 1�12288) _ PLANNING CAhUAlSS1�N _ C _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFF _ _ _ DISTRICT COURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEC'fIVE? PERSONAL SERYICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEH TXE FOLLOWING pUESTiONS: 1. Has Nis person/Firm ever worked under a conVact for this department? � VES NO 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personflirm possess a skill not normally possessad by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yas answers on separate sheet antl attach to gresn sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, 75Sf1E, OPPORTUNIT! (WFw, Whal. WhM,1Nhe�e, Why): ���������� DcC 23 19�6 p i� � i r h . a.: Councii Research Genter �A�-�� � � �ss7 TOiAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIRG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOiiMAT10N: (EXPLAIN) ' Greensheet # 35389 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 12/9/96 /�� •�d'y In Tracker? npp'n Received / npp'n arocessed License lD # 1228$ LiCense Type: an Auto Repair GaraQe CompBny Name: M& M Auto Repair DBA: same Business Addresss: 1200 3ackson Street Business Phone: 489-0807 Contact Name/Address: Anthonv Mendez, 1521 6th St. 106 Ffome Pfione: 778-2418 Date to Council Research: /,� Public Hearing Date: � � � � � � � �i � Labels Ordered: �tf'/ Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: e�� , �a r,b Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: O� Department/ Date inspections Commerrts City Attorney I•��`��- a�t'. • Environmental Health t�.A� Fire � - �' °t�'' C� K` ' License Site Pien aeceived:_ Lease Received: ��a7 �?7 �3 /� Police �•�• g�` ��K Zoning a I2f�`�7 � � � � CLASS III LIC�NSE APPLICATIO� CITY OF SAL\'T P.�UZ 05ia of Limr.se, L^c�tio,s aid Em�iro:n P;o;ec:ion 5: R?er 5i Svie 3J] iirhd.l:ic � t��m (El?) }2�9°J fss (613) L',5-Sl:/ ��_ 3�y THIS APPLICATIOV IS SliBTECTTO REVIE�'✓ BY TI� PLbLIC PLEASE t`YPE OR PRLZT L'� L�K T��e of License{<) +��� a��lied for: Co:.,�any::��: � �'+- r I G�rc�.-'fb Ce;�,ation(Pz�� hiplSole � 2 212 � If business is ince;�erzted. gi��e date ef in:o;poration: Deino Busioecs As: P,v�o+'1 er�i J� �Cp/-�� �- Business Phone: �12 Hesiaess Address. I Z�� .�('���oN 5`[ ST �!a u. t� � I� L 'J S 7 i'� Scct.4ddrus � Ciry �-� Sute Zip Be� een �;tat aess streeu is tUe busioess la ated? f�� `"-�+�c1<So� t�� R'bich side of Lhe street? ST :3re the premises now occupied? �� �t'bat T�pe of Business? Cl�+2Y���� A iA'�o 5[CLE�, �1�i ro .�adrz�s: 1 Zc� �„��C�'.x�c.i S i- �-r, �i�, u r..- �'1r�( .r � i I'7 Sv�t Address ��� Cicy � . S:z[e Zip .4nplicaatInform2tion: Q.�:.1TIav� l,�pS£�.(a 1�ktitD��° r�il�r�lEf - " , .. \arne andTitle: 1-�Ai �i.kl.arV 9 l.4 �i'�r� '- 'QA�¢� - , n.�se �.Siddle � (�.* �3e � L2tt Ti;7t ,+"'�ENDE�' �S'�.1 �� S'r�AUL� I"�� �5�EC0 . He�eAddress:r-�,a��.t= 50� G�nn.rtyza� �� �� i �So�#Z ., ' t��r.��EZC�t,Ad�es� C'1Etanszs S� .'�i3;�U,1'1n.� c'lE� IDE i q 'z^°:'-�$ DzteofBinh:c-�.�..v�= � •�-eo� PlaceofBinh:�7AwaJ-5�i�-�t.t�l�itiC�1A�"S HomePhane:nnw,.i-tl3te Ha�•e you e�er been con��icled of zny fe3ony, cria� oc GtioIstion of any city ordinance othec than taffic? D�;e of a�est:��4T��t � Ch;rse � � Conti''sction: Sentencz: YL.S x i�Q Lisi che names aod residences of three persons of good noral chazacter, Iit•ing a•ithin the Twin Cides Meao Area, not related to tbe applicaot or fmancially interested in the premises ot business, u ho may be referred to az to tbe applicanCs chuacter. �AME ADDRESS PHO\B 221-\ q! � Li t—��Pa�l2✓.2.� z 7� I � lGk1.-� I ra f�-T �Df � M(�} -�� J tJ 1 �n0[� �,_� �, S,-,�1 2 9'71 r'1 c I'� ,�,-1�-c •'JZ� r �-v�m�s-,� nr�l 55 i oL? �'7 �7 ?3 0l List licenses ��hich you c_un hold for�rly be3d, o� may bave zn interest in: (�YQ1�.1Cr . Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES � ti'O If }'es, list zhe dates aod reasor� fo. revocation: Are you going to operate ihis business personally? � YFS ____ A`O If not, u•bo will operate it? � Firn :�amc Middle (.Maidrn) Lasl Hor,x Addrrss: So-ea �zme " � . Ciry State , Daic ot B'uth Phone:�umSez Are ��ou _oin� to hzcz a manager or Z«ist<,i{ in Lhi� besinecs? _�k�ES ^� �O If the nana�er is not Lhe <� �y the opzr�:ar, ple� -- co�lete che followina i,.formatio�: F; ct \�r.ie �c:'�Add S. G� Stzte Zp Pleze list }�our e�le; �nt histe;y fet the precious fi�'e (�) ;eaz �rio3: Be�iness/Er;v�)c�,—,knt Address n4�.o�-.i= . �.-�,- t � ���t�� �� 9 . la � „ �. — .�.0 _ - to �� rzic.� rtiN�1E�� �'�a� �`70 y 1-� � rrr�.5i 4�.AU�l� _:_,si�rzs /��-tran6�; �t u�i�erzs��/+�;�E sTP��- 19'�S-9'-� — r�t���.1,7�'�,.�-�'--,' "�4�� Lict ali othet eifice,s OFFICER \A.\SE t�l o �� � '.;fc:_e L�tixl t'`itiden) I,�tt tt�e co[poratien: TITLE - - HO'�iE (Office Hetd) ADDRESS �. 1-4yn-���rtl- S i- � r .a:.u� �-1- HO'�� PHO� U� t `J �I5 - `I g�;c��S P�IO\ DATE OF BIRTH If r b ` esiness is a p��ership, ple��e incl�de the fotfow'ine iyo�tion foreach pa-tner (�ce additional pa__es if nuess��'): l�tvT�o,�� _- �a �Et�(l..�Z- �-�-Lo(o �cce �ase ?�fid3le L (^..:uden) Lzs[ �ate of Bc,�xh 1�Z1 C��`` �-ra.� � S� I��.x� i` 11� ��loco �78Z-�1� ?ie::KAddress: S^^.'�:z-�e . . Ci.y ctyce Zap .n�nt?.uc:uer : RS[!�i..TIC Ho:net,ddress: Scea'�zme Mld�q'SJ�PI Dz:e ef birh PhOie \umY.s (;.tz;den) cty A� �-�-�� � , �� o: a;.-�t � r.� 5�d�`2. �3c��c - $S1C T.IjI .bSO:K?�112:15PS h�''�FSOTA'I.AX IDE.'�'Tff�ICA'IIOti \`[i:.�IDII2 - Rusua�t to the Lzws of A�finnesota, 1984, Chaptec 502, Article 8, Secdon 2(270.72) (I'ax C7earance; Issuaae of Licenses), licensing autborives z*e required to pro�•ide to the State of ?�3innesota Commissioner of Revenue, . tUe !vli�esota business taz identific2tion number and tUe so:ial security numSer of each license appGcaat tncL^r the :Jf'innesota Govemment Daza Pracdces Act and th� Federai Pri��acy.4ct of 1974, we are required to adrice you of tbe foUou7ng regazding t6e use of the VLinnesota Tu Idenufication I�'um3er: - This informarion may be used w deny t6e issuance or reoew�al of your license in the eveni you ov.�e ?.4innesota sales, employei s w•ithholding oc motor vehide ezcise tazes; - Upon receieing this iaformatioa, rhe liceasing authority will supply it only to tbe?vIinnesota Depatsent of Revenue. Aowevet, under the Federal Ezchange of InformaA oa Agreement, the Depaztment of Re�•enue may supply this information to the Intemal Revenue Sen'ice. Minnesota Taz Ideatification Numben (Sales & Use Tzz �umber) may be obtained from the State of ?v1'innesota, Busioess 12uorcLs Department, 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181 . ��1.r.��Z= �t�-9�-zz33 SocialSecurity;�'umber. t'Ist�r�— ��6 g�°'T9�� Minnesota Taz IdenuficaGon r�umber. Z`1 2 - ��� 3 If a.'vlinnesota Taz Identificstio¢ :�umber is not requ'ued for the bvsiaess being opented, indicau so by plazing zn "X" in the box. Are ��ou goine to hz� e a mana�er or zssi<t�nt in i}iis business? _�'ES x XO lf the manager is not the s�me � 4ae opzr�r, ple�e . complete the follok•ing informatioo: ,��'�.� F;�t tiune �;idve IrJu€1 t�:�den) L�.a Dzu of Birh 'r'c�ndd�s Sc:�t�zr.K Ci�• SLte Zip P3ea:�uTY.s Plezce list your e�lo}vxnt histeq� fer the prerious fi�'e (�) ;'ezr perio3: � � B u sinecSlEm�lo�tnent t �-lL� 5���l1c_t ��t�1T� CA, 2 .z�c+ct" ti�1�1ESr�s�a � S�i�.2s � i J E� �,tn.� i ���!�G+Zc 'p4L� `J� � Address P�� i g ,�. y�<<�.-�, List all other effice:s of the cotporatiea: OFFICER TITLE - _ \A14E (Office Held) ►.lo��' HO>g BliSI\`ESS D4TE OF PHO�'E P�IO� BIR7H HO'�� ADDRESS If besness is a Fa�er6ip, pleue inc)ade tbe follow•ing i, °o:mzGon for ea:b pa-mer (use additional page� if nuessa�•): �- � �v � rao�.iy' �l, t �f.rC�Z 1 �1- Co cn : rst `�a;x �9Sid:lle L`.iti�l ('�:tiden) Lut Datt of BL�A� ��� �.�-µ. �,-��� S �. ►"�.�..�� MtJ s�>«o 'i�ig2�f ?ie:z address: S�.'ti€.-ie fL'S[ �2RIC ITJ::2I Ci,y ('�Sziden) 96 YA..lL- Zip Pk,e:x M Dzte Ho:mAddras: Scea!:xme - Ciry —�-- Stxtt Zip Pboac hvmSer A�":CESOTA T.AX IDE.`�'T4SCATiO\ :�L'!dIDER - Pursu�t to the Izws of ?.'Gnnesota, 1984. Cliapter 502, Anicle 8, Secuon 2(270.72) (Ia Clearance; Issuan:.e of Licenses), licensiflg autborities ue requ'ued to pro�•ide to t6e State of ?vlinnaota Commissionex of Revenue, tbe ?vlinnesota business taz idenrification number and the so:ial suuriry number of each license applicaat Under tbe ?v&nnecota Govetnmeat Data Practices Act and tlr. Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze required to advise you of u} e follo�nng regazding tbe use of the ;.Tnnesou 7zz Idenrificavon A'umber: - T6is infoimarion may be used to deny tbe issuance or renev.•al of ;•our license in tbe event you oa�e DSinnesota sales, employer s w•ithboldingormotorvehicleezcise -w,es; -13pon reuicing this infoimation, tl�e Bcensing authority will supply it onty to the Minnesota Depaz�nt of Revenue. How�ever, uMiec tbe Federal Exchange of Informa6on Agexment, t6e Depait�nt of Revenue may supply chis information to the Intemal Reeenue Sen•ice. � Minnesota Taz Identification A'umbers (Sales & Use Tzz \'umber) may be obtained from the Stau of ATinnesota, Business Records Department, ]0 River Park Pla7a (612-296-5181 . r-ti�r�,��z: �7 t - 9�- zz3� SociaiSecuriryNumber. r_J'tt�--n�= 9`1S-gC�'"Zg2� _ Minnesota Taz Idenrification T'umber. ��1 2- � 3 �� _ If a Mianesota Tax Identification T'umbet is not required fot the business being operated, indicate so by pluing zn "X" in� fP_S7 C>E$TIFICA'IIO\ OF �'�'ORK£RS' C0�3PF.tiSATION CQ\�RAGE PtRSi:A.�Z TO A4L\hcSOTA ST�TI�T£ 176.1e2 I hereby ceru`y ivat I, oi my companv, atn in cempliance w;;S tbe v.•orkers cer., in<_urance co�•es�ge requi�es�n's of :�4in�esota Stamte 176.182, culxli.ision 2. I�:so understind t6at pro�isioa of ;21ce inforr.r:een in this cectification constitu�es su�ci�nt grounds for zdver�e ac�ea z�tinst zt licen<es held, iaclu�:ng revoca�e� �d <usQensioa ef s�id licences. � q �,/ larzr_ af Insc—��ce Comp�:�y: � ( � �1 �7 Policy \umb;r: Co�'er�e frem to I hace ¢o em ioyees co� ered undec a'orkers' covn�nsa!ie� =.:=urance �_ ' A\Y F:ILSIFIC9TI0'i� OR A.\SS��RS GI�'E'i OR'�iATERL4L SL�B?�IITTED �i'II,L RESL7.T L� DE\Z�L OF THIS .�PPLf CATI0:3 � I hereby sta's tbat I hz��e ansu•ered dl of the prueding ques�o�s, and tbat the iafer�tion contained herein is uue and ce,�ect to toz Er_st '' of my 3:novriedee and belief. I bereby state fiucfier that I bzl e re: eiced no mone}� oc other consideration, 6y w�ay of ]oan, �`t, conffibution, or ol�erwise, o:hec tban already disclosed in the a�plicaaon n•3uch I berew�ith submined. I also understand this premise m: y be inspected by police, rue, healt6 znd ocher ciq� o:;�cials at zny anri zll :�s n;en the b;;s:ne<s is ia ope,atioa. ���'c:1� ✓j� ---- Sitia:se (F 1�.-5- fez �!I applications) Date *"�ote: If this a�plication is Foo�l_iquor re14t,d. pieue co�.act a City of Szint Pa�,il Iiealtb Inspector, Steti�e Olson (266-4139), to re��iew ptaas. If any substantial chaoges to swcnu� are_anticip��, please contact a City of Saint Paul PIan Ezaminer at 2664��7 w apply for building.permiu. If tLere are any changes to tbe pa*king lot, floor spe: e., or for new operz5oas, please contact a Cit}°of Saint Paul Zoaing Inspe: tor az 265-9��08. AddiAonal application requiremenfs, please attach: A detailed description of the design, Iocation and square footage of the premises fo be licensed (rite p2an). 77�e follotiring data should be on the site pIan (preferahly on an S 1!2" x Il" or 81/2" z 14" paper): - I�'ame, address, and phone number. - Tbe scaie should be stafed snch as 1" = 20'. ^\ s6ould be indicated foward the top. • Piacement of all pertinent features of the interior of the lice[��ed facility such u seating areu, �itchens, offices, repair area, parh�ng, rest moms, etc - Sf a request is for an addifion or ezpansion of the licensed facilitp, indicate both the current area and the proposed ezpansion. A cop}• of your )ease agreement or proof of o�snership of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQLZREhiENTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> Tfappl}ingfor, ��� ����] �-� . _ K. Czbzret adu2G ple�e actac� uzitten proof that ezca enplo} ee is at ]eut 13 years o3d ConrersztienlRap par)or 2du]t plez�e anacb M_�cen prcwf thzt each e�lo; ee is at lez�t 18 }�e�s old. Entertzinment, ple�e sps-i:`y cl�sc A, B, oi C L:e�se; ebtain �*�d zr.ach sirna,wes of approvzl from 409c cf �eer nei�6bers ei'�fn 350 :ezt of the est�bl;<_hz:�nt. This licec>z zett be �pplied fer ia conjunction w'ith a Liquor, \�'ine,'�3�[ Oa Sae er RentaUD�ce Ha11 license. Firezrms, plezse attach a ler�er u ith the followi_� informa[ion: st�te if seIIine oc only repairinQ, Federzl Fue��:u Liczn<e ?�um'`zr, n t+z ef Arur..d Sen ices dischzrge (Hone �S':e, GeneraI, Bad Cenduct, tndesirable, Dishoaorable, ar oo �ic�r}' sen'ice. (�OTE: Establish�nt must be cemmerciaily ze�cd} -_ Game room, ptezu pro�•ide. �ue follou�ing infor�oa: nz� of �c.`,�ine znd list pace. (:�'OTE: A Peol Hall l;'cent i< requued if chere z:e �,ypool tzbles in the establishmenC) Healtb/Sgorfs clab adult, pleue attach written g.�f tUat euh e�1o;:z is at ]east 18 yeazs old. Liquor ofL�on sa1e refer to zr.a:hed liquor appLcs�on. -"' LocG opening ser�ices. ple<<e aCach a list of all c�plo}'ees (v. ich ho� 2ddress 2ad Yelep�one nuiaber} u�ho �'ill `��e doin� tbe locb oYZnia= sen�ice; attach S l0 Surety Bon3 . '�fassege centeq piease atcac� a detailed descripdea of ebe sen�ices beias pro��id:d. �f�szge center adult. pleze zttacb u�rirten preef ::at each emnloyee is at ]e2st IS years eld. '�Szs�ne prac6tioner, ple2�e zra:h a copy of Ier�; for appro��al fromHe�leh; pra�f of insur2nce co��erase of 51,O1a.0�A� za_h �ener� lizb:lip� and professienal liability x•ith the City of Saint Paul n-we,d as zn additinnzl inscred, as�d a?0 d�;' notice of czncellauaa; a letter from.; �.0 empioyer to veri,`y' e�lo}�nt w•ich a license msszoe center. '�iotorcccle dealer, plez�e in.lude State of ?.4innew:z IY_aler :�um�r. '�e� motor cehicIe dealer, please inct�de Stace of �linnesota IY_ater:iumSer. Par�iag IoUramp, please include tbe number of ga.-'sing spaces, and ztta,:L p12ns coataining a geaeral description of t',�e security prorided at rhe lot/ramp, a_site pian sbowing 'a-:t'ew�ays of the propose3 lo[ and the legal description of tbe pro�erty (this requirement necessary only if no site pIan is cunendy on file). Attach a cover letter dexribing your plzns to co�?;y w'ith the li�ting and pzinting require�nu. Pa� please attach 55,000.00 Surety Boa� Semnd hand dealer-motor Fehicle, ptease include State of ?�Rinnesota Dezler �omber. Second hxnd dealer-moWr rehicle parts, pleue 4: a:� SS,OO�.00I SvreEy Bon3 Steam roomlbath hoase adult, piease attach �ziaen proof t2�at each emp]oyee is az lezst 18 yeazs o13 Theatet adult, please attach wzineo proof thac ezch employee is ai lezst 18 yeazs old. If appl}ing for, �� � �o��� ' . . -. ' • . - . " Cabaret adu3t, p]edce anach s proof tbat ea:3 emplo; ee is at leza 13 pears old � L � Com ersa.ionJRap parlor zdult plez�e artach w'^�en proof thzt e:+ch em; lo;ee is zt ]ez�t 18 yeus old. Entertzinment, pleae sp°�i,`y d2ss A, B, or C li:cnce; obtain 2nd zrach si`natures of appro�•�l from 909c of }°ear nei�.`,� �it�'sa 350 f�t of the esta�lis�nt Ttus lice�e must be �pplie3 fec ia coajuncuon u•ith a Liquor, \Vine, ?,i�t On S� Rental.�D�ce Hall license. Firezrms, pleue attach a lztter v.�ith ttie followi*_e infonnation: stau ifi �ellin� or on]y repzirina, Federal Fi:e�� Liczn�e Iium�zr, nr+z of Am�ed Sen'ices dischzrge (Hone-<�le, Gener�l, Bad Ce�duct, tndesirable, Disbonorable, or no mi?it�' se��ice. (\OTE: Est�blishv�nt must be cemmerciaily zened) . -, Game room, pleue provide the follou•ing infor�en: nzme of m3chine x�d list price. (:�OTE: A Peel Hall licens, is reqv'ued if the;e �;e 2,ypool tables in tbe establishment) Healeh/Sportr ctub adult, plezse attach w�ritten p.� �f tha[ eazh emllo;;x is st Jeut ] 8 yeazs old Liquor ofUon sa1e. refer to �rached liquor applicz�on. '" ` L.ock apening ser�ices. ple�e attach a list of all e:.:�lopees (w'ith 6onz ad3ress and telep'�one nu;a'xr) u•ho W�iil bz doing the lo:k erzr�ia_ sen'ice; attach SI0,0�0 SuretyBon3 \iassa;e center, pleaze sttach a detailed descrip�an of the ser��ices beiae pio`•ided. \1a<sage center adult. plez e attach written pro.f - �at eac6 employee is at lezst 18 yeazs o7d. '�Sas oe practitioner. plrz�e z^a:L a copy of ]ee:: for zpprot•al frem Iie�ih; proof of insurance co��erege of SI,O��A��A� ea=6 �ene: �]izSlip� and professioaal liabiliry x•ith u e Ciry of Saint Pzul caned az zn ad3itienzl insered, and a.0 da;' noti: e of cancellztioa: a)ener from yo:u employer to veri5' e�lo;ment N�ith a license msszae center. �fotorcrcle dealer, plez�e in.lude State of b'tinnesoa Dealer:�amSer. '�eK motor sehicle deater, plrzse include State of �,innesota IYalet \umber. � Parlang IoVratnp, please in:lude the number of pa-k.ing spaces, and atta:b pians containing a general d�scription of :�e secuzity pro�•ided at the lotlramp, a site plan showing d:;�ew•a}�s of tbe proposed lot znd the legal desc[igrion of the pro�rty (this ree,uire�nt necessary only if ao site plan is curtea8y on file). Atta:L a cover ]etter dexribing your plans to co�Iy ��ith the lightine a�d pzinting requuemenu. . Pa�cnbroker, please attacb �5,00�.00 Surety Bon� Second hand deaJer-motor cehide, please inclucL State of ?�Tinnesota Dezler \Umber. Second }cand dealer-motor Fehide parts, pleZe auacb SS,OOa.Q� S+uety Bon3 Steam room/bath house adult, pleau attach x�ri:un pzoof that eacb employee is at least 18 yeazs o]d Theater adu3t, piease attach uzinen proof tbat eub employee is at lezct 18 years old. � Council File � �2- 3d'�} Presented Referred �1������°��` � 9 . 4� S. u: . S.-, RESOLUTION i z 3 RESOLVED: That application (ID #12288) for an Auto Repair Garage License by M& M Auto Repair DBA M& M Auto Repair (Anthony Mendez, Partner) at 1200 7ackson Street be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yea Nays Abaent 7 BS k� � 9 — �6eeri� Meet�.. _� Office of License Ins�ections and 10 Me a� ✓ Environmental Protection 11 Re tma� ✓ 12 Thune 14 Bostrom �� �// 15 gp _ �.�_ �'"'.�t,�- f J:_"5N'✓ 16 Adopted by Council: Date � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney 19 2o BY �' `�'—� � By: `�/ Zv�,u�- � �cc�%_ 22 23 Approved by Mayor: Date � J� /`� � 24 25 �� � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 By. C._- Council 27 Bye Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� �� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE LIEPjLice CONTACT PEiISON S f Chzistine 266-9108 T07AL # OF 51GNATURE PAGES a� -�a�y GREEN SHEET N_ 35389 INITIAVDATE INIT7AVDATE — DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR � CITY CAUNCIL arrnnaaNer Q crrrc�a�c BUOCET DIflECTOR � PIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIq. MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � (CLIP AlL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) M& M Auto Repair DBA M& M Auto Repair is requesting Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage License located at 1200 Jackson Street (ID 1�12288) _ PLANNING CAhUAlSS1�N _ C _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFF _ _ _ DISTRICT COURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEC'fIVE? PERSONAL SERYICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEH TXE FOLLOWING pUESTiONS: 1. Has Nis person/Firm ever worked under a conVact for this department? � VES NO 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personflirm possess a skill not normally possessad by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yas answers on separate sheet antl attach to gresn sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, 75Sf1E, OPPORTUNIT! (WFw, Whal. WhM,1Nhe�e, Why): ���������� DcC 23 19�6 p i� � i r h . a.: Councii Research Genter �A�-�� � � �ss7 TOiAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIRG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOiiMAT10N: (EXPLAIN) ' Greensheet # 35389 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 12/9/96 /�� •�d'y In Tracker? npp'n Received / npp'n arocessed License lD # 1228$ LiCense Type: an Auto Repair GaraQe CompBny Name: M& M Auto Repair DBA: same Business Addresss: 1200 3ackson Street Business Phone: 489-0807 Contact Name/Address: Anthonv Mendez, 1521 6th St. 106 Ffome Pfione: 778-2418 Date to Council Research: /,� Public Hearing Date: � � � � � � � �i � Labels Ordered: �tf'/ Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: e�� , �a r,b Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: O� Department/ Date inspections Commerrts City Attorney I•��`��- a�t'. • Environmental Health t�.A� Fire � - �' °t�'' C� K` ' License Site Pien aeceived:_ Lease Received: ��a7 �?7 �3 /� Police �•�• g�` ��K Zoning a I2f�`�7 � � � � CLASS III LIC�NSE APPLICATIO� CITY OF SAL\'T P.�UZ 05ia of Limr.se, L^c�tio,s aid Em�iro:n P;o;ec:ion 5: R?er 5i Svie 3J] iirhd.l:ic � t��m (El?) }2�9°J fss (613) L',5-Sl:/ ��_ 3�y THIS APPLICATIOV IS SliBTECTTO REVIE�'✓ BY TI� PLbLIC PLEASE t`YPE OR PRLZT L'� L�K T��e of License{<) +��� a��lied for: Co:.,�any::��: � �'+- r I G�rc�.-'fb Ce;�,ation(Pz�� hiplSole � 2 212 � If business is ince;�erzted. gi��e date ef in:o;poration: Deino Busioecs As: P,v�o+'1 er�i J� �Cp/-�� �- Business Phone: �12 Hesiaess Address. I Z�� .�('���oN 5`[ ST �!a u. t� � I� L 'J S 7 i'� Scct.4ddrus � Ciry �-� Sute Zip Be� een �;tat aess streeu is tUe busioess la ated? f�� `"-�+�c1<So� t�� R'bich side of Lhe street? ST :3re the premises now occupied? �� �t'bat T�pe of Business? Cl�+2Y���� A iA'�o 5[CLE�, �1�i ro .�adrz�s: 1 Zc� �„��C�'.x�c.i S i- �-r, �i�, u r..- �'1r�( .r � i I'7 Sv�t Address ��� Cicy � . S:z[e Zip .4nplicaatInform2tion: Q.�:.1TIav� l,�pS£�.(a 1�ktitD��° r�il�r�lEf - " , .. \arne andTitle: 1-�Ai �i.kl.arV 9 l.4 �i'�r� '- 'QA�¢� - , n.�se �.Siddle � (�.* �3e � L2tt Ti;7t ,+"'�ENDE�' �S'�.1 �� S'r�AUL� I"�� �5�EC0 . He�eAddress:r-�,a��.t= 50� G�nn.rtyza� �� �� i �So�#Z ., ' t��r.��EZC�t,Ad�es� C'1Etanszs S� .'�i3;�U,1'1n.� c'lE� IDE i q 'z^°:'-�$ DzteofBinh:c-�.�..v�= � •�-eo� PlaceofBinh:�7AwaJ-5�i�-�t.t�l�itiC�1A�"S HomePhane:nnw,.i-tl3te Ha�•e you e�er been con��icled of zny fe3ony, cria� oc GtioIstion of any city ordinance othec than taffic? D�;e of a�est:��4T��t � Ch;rse � � Conti''sction: Sentencz: YL.S x i�Q Lisi che names aod residences of three persons of good noral chazacter, Iit•ing a•ithin the Twin Cides Meao Area, not related to tbe applicaot or fmancially interested in the premises ot business, u ho may be referred to az to tbe applicanCs chuacter. �AME ADDRESS PHO\B 221-\ q! � Li t—��Pa�l2✓.2.� z 7� I � lGk1.-� I ra f�-T �Df � M(�} -�� J tJ 1 �n0[� �,_� �, S,-,�1 2 9'71 r'1 c I'� ,�,-1�-c •'JZ� r �-v�m�s-,� nr�l 55 i oL? �'7 �7 ?3 0l List licenses ��hich you c_un hold for�rly be3d, o� may bave zn interest in: (�YQ1�.1Cr . Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES � ti'O If }'es, list zhe dates aod reasor� fo. revocation: Are you going to operate ihis business personally? � YFS ____ A`O If not, u•bo will operate it? � Firn :�amc Middle (.Maidrn) Lasl Hor,x Addrrss: So-ea �zme " � . Ciry State , Daic ot B'uth Phone:�umSez Are ��ou _oin� to hzcz a manager or Z«ist<,i{ in Lhi� besinecs? _�k�ES ^� �O If the nana�er is not Lhe <� �y the opzr�:ar, ple� -- co�lete che followina i,.formatio�: F; ct \�r.ie �c:'�Add S. G� Stzte Zp Pleze list }�our e�le; �nt histe;y fet the precious fi�'e (�) ;eaz �rio3: Be�iness/Er;v�)c�,—,knt Address n4�.o�-.i= . �.-�,- t � ���t�� �� 9 . la � „ �. — .�.0 _ - to �� rzic.� rtiN�1E�� �'�a� �`70 y 1-� � rrr�.5i 4�.AU�l� _:_,si�rzs /��-tran6�; �t u�i�erzs��/+�;�E sTP��- 19'�S-9'-� — r�t���.1,7�'�,.�-�'--,' "�4�� Lict ali othet eifice,s OFFICER \A.\SE t�l o �� � '.;fc:_e L�tixl t'`itiden) I,�tt tt�e co[poratien: TITLE - - HO'�iE (Office Hetd) ADDRESS �. 1-4yn-���rtl- S i- � r .a:.u� �-1- HO'�� PHO� U� t `J �I5 - `I g�;c��S P�IO\ DATE OF BIRTH If r b ` esiness is a p��ership, ple��e incl�de the fotfow'ine iyo�tion foreach pa-tner (�ce additional pa__es if nuess��'): l�tvT�o,�� _- �a �Et�(l..�Z- �-�-Lo(o �cce �ase ?�fid3le L (^..:uden) Lzs[ �ate of Bc,�xh 1�Z1 C��`` �-ra.� � S� I��.x� i` 11� ��loco �78Z-�1� ?ie::KAddress: S^^.'�:z-�e . . Ci.y ctyce Zap .n�nt?.uc:uer : RS[!�i..TIC Ho:net,ddress: Scea'�zme Mld�q'SJ�PI Dz:e ef birh PhOie \umY.s (;.tz;den) cty A� �-�-�� � , �� o: a;.-�t � r.� 5�d�`2. �3c��c - $S1C T.IjI .bSO:K?�112:15PS h�''�FSOTA'I.AX IDE.'�'Tff�ICA'IIOti \`[i:.�IDII2 - Rusua�t to the Lzws of A�finnesota, 1984, Chaptec 502, Article 8, Secdon 2(270.72) (I'ax C7earance; Issuaae of Licenses), licensing autborives z*e required to pro�•ide to the State of ?�3innesota Commissioner of Revenue, . tUe !vli�esota business taz identific2tion number and tUe so:ial security numSer of each license appGcaat tncL^r the :Jf'innesota Govemment Daza Pracdces Act and th� Federai Pri��acy.4ct of 1974, we are required to adrice you of tbe foUou7ng regazding t6e use of the VLinnesota Tu Idenufication I�'um3er: - This informarion may be used w deny t6e issuance or reoew�al of your license in the eveni you ov.�e ?.4innesota sales, employei s w•ithholding oc motor vehide ezcise tazes; - Upon receieing this iaformatioa, rhe liceasing authority will supply it only to tbe?vIinnesota Depatsent of Revenue. Aowevet, under the Federal Ezchange of InformaA oa Agreement, the Depaztment of Re�•enue may supply this information to the Intemal Revenue Sen'ice. Minnesota Taz Ideatification Numben (Sales & Use Tzz �umber) may be obtained from the State of ?v1'innesota, Busioess 12uorcLs Department, 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181 . ��1.r.��Z= �t�-9�-zz33 SocialSecurity;�'umber. t'Ist�r�— ��6 g�°'T9�� Minnesota Taz IdenuficaGon r�umber. Z`1 2 - ��� 3 If a.'vlinnesota Taz Identificstio¢ :�umber is not requ'ued for the bvsiaess being opented, indicau so by plazing zn "X" in the box. Are ��ou goine to hz� e a mana�er or zssi<t�nt in i}iis business? _�'ES x XO lf the manager is not the s�me � 4ae opzr�r, ple�e . complete the follok•ing informatioo: ,��'�.� F;�t tiune �;idve IrJu€1 t�:�den) L�.a Dzu of Birh 'r'c�ndd�s Sc:�t�zr.K Ci�• SLte Zip P3ea:�uTY.s Plezce list your e�lo}vxnt histeq� fer the prerious fi�'e (�) ;'ezr perio3: � � B u sinecSlEm�lo�tnent t �-lL� 5���l1c_t ��t�1T� CA, 2 .z�c+ct" ti�1�1ESr�s�a � S�i�.2s � i J E� �,tn.� i ���!�G+Zc 'p4L� `J� � Address P�� i g ,�. y�<<�.-�, List all other effice:s of the cotporatiea: OFFICER TITLE - _ \A14E (Office Held) ►.lo��' HO>g BliSI\`ESS D4TE OF PHO�'E P�IO� BIR7H HO'�� ADDRESS If besness is a Fa�er6ip, pleue inc)ade tbe follow•ing i, °o:mzGon for ea:b pa-mer (use additional page� if nuessa�•): �- � �v � rao�.iy' �l, t �f.rC�Z 1 �1- Co cn : rst `�a;x �9Sid:lle L`.iti�l ('�:tiden) Lut Datt of BL�A� ��� �.�-µ. �,-��� S �. ►"�.�..�� MtJ s�>«o 'i�ig2�f ?ie:z address: S�.'ti€.-ie fL'S[ �2RIC ITJ::2I Ci,y ('�Sziden) 96 YA..lL- Zip Pk,e:x M Dzte Ho:mAddras: Scea!:xme - Ciry —�-- Stxtt Zip Pboac hvmSer A�":CESOTA T.AX IDE.`�'T4SCATiO\ :�L'!dIDER - Pursu�t to the Izws of ?.'Gnnesota, 1984. Cliapter 502, Anicle 8, Secuon 2(270.72) (Ia Clearance; Issuan:.e of Licenses), licensiflg autborities ue requ'ued to pro�•ide to t6e State of ?vlinnaota Commissionex of Revenue, tbe ?vlinnesota business taz idenrification number and the so:ial suuriry number of each license applicaat Under tbe ?v&nnecota Govetnmeat Data Practices Act and tlr. Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze required to advise you of u} e follo�nng regazding tbe use of the ;.Tnnesou 7zz Idenrificavon A'umber: - T6is infoimarion may be used to deny tbe issuance or renev.•al of ;•our license in tbe event you oa�e DSinnesota sales, employer s w•ithboldingormotorvehicleezcise -w,es; -13pon reuicing this infoimation, tl�e Bcensing authority will supply it onty to the Minnesota Depaz�nt of Revenue. How�ever, uMiec tbe Federal Exchange of Informa6on Agexment, t6e Depait�nt of Revenue may supply chis information to the Intemal Reeenue Sen•ice. � Minnesota Taz Identification A'umbers (Sales & Use Tzz \'umber) may be obtained from the Stau of ATinnesota, Business Records Department, ]0 River Park Pla7a (612-296-5181 . r-ti�r�,��z: �7 t - 9�- zz3� SociaiSecuriryNumber. r_J'tt�--n�= 9`1S-gC�'"Zg2� _ Minnesota Taz Idenrification T'umber. ��1 2- � 3 �� _ If a Mianesota Tax Identification T'umbet is not required fot the business being operated, indicate so by pluing zn "X" in� fP_S7 C>E$TIFICA'IIO\ OF �'�'ORK£RS' C0�3PF.tiSATION CQ\�RAGE PtRSi:A.�Z TO A4L\hcSOTA ST�TI�T£ 176.1e2 I hereby ceru`y ivat I, oi my companv, atn in cempliance w;;S tbe v.•orkers cer., in<_urance co�•es�ge requi�es�n's of :�4in�esota Stamte 176.182, culxli.ision 2. I�:so understind t6at pro�isioa of ;21ce inforr.r:een in this cectification constitu�es su�ci�nt grounds for zdver�e ac�ea z�tinst zt licen<es held, iaclu�:ng revoca�e� �d <usQensioa ef s�id licences. � q �,/ larzr_ af Insc—��ce Comp�:�y: � ( � �1 �7 Policy \umb;r: Co�'er�e frem to I hace ¢o em ioyees co� ered undec a'orkers' covn�nsa!ie� =.:=urance �_ ' A\Y F:ILSIFIC9TI0'i� OR A.\SS��RS GI�'E'i OR'�iATERL4L SL�B?�IITTED �i'II,L RESL7.T L� DE\Z�L OF THIS .�PPLf CATI0:3 � I hereby sta's tbat I hz��e ansu•ered dl of the prueding ques�o�s, and tbat the iafer�tion contained herein is uue and ce,�ect to toz Er_st '' of my 3:novriedee and belief. I bereby state fiucfier that I bzl e re: eiced no mone}� oc other consideration, 6y w�ay of ]oan, �`t, conffibution, or ol�erwise, o:hec tban already disclosed in the a�plicaaon n•3uch I berew�ith submined. I also understand this premise m: y be inspected by police, rue, healt6 znd ocher ciq� o:;�cials at zny anri zll :�s n;en the b;;s:ne<s is ia ope,atioa. ���'c:1� ✓j� ---- Sitia:se (F 1�.-5- fez �!I applications) Date *"�ote: If this a�plication is Foo�l_iquor re14t,d. pieue co�.act a City of Szint Pa�,il Iiealtb Inspector, Steti�e Olson (266-4139), to re��iew ptaas. If any substantial chaoges to swcnu� are_anticip��, please contact a City of Saint Paul PIan Ezaminer at 2664��7 w apply for building.permiu. If tLere are any changes to tbe pa*king lot, floor spe: e., or for new operz5oas, please contact a Cit}°of Saint Paul Zoaing Inspe: tor az 265-9��08. AddiAonal application requiremenfs, please attach: A detailed description of the design, Iocation and square footage of the premises fo be licensed (rite p2an). 77�e follotiring data should be on the site pIan (preferahly on an S 1!2" x Il" or 81/2" z 14" paper): - I�'ame, address, and phone number. - Tbe scaie should be stafed snch as 1" = 20'. ^\ s6ould be indicated foward the top. • Piacement of all pertinent features of the interior of the lice[��ed facility such u seating areu, �itchens, offices, repair area, parh�ng, rest moms, etc - Sf a request is for an addifion or ezpansion of the licensed facilitp, indicate both the current area and the proposed ezpansion. A cop}• of your )ease agreement or proof of o�snership of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQLZREhiENTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> Tfappl}ingfor, ��� ����] �-� . _ K. Czbzret adu2G ple�e actac� uzitten proof that ezca enplo} ee is at ]eut 13 years o3d ConrersztienlRap par)or 2du]t plez�e anacb M_�cen prcwf thzt each e�lo; ee is at lez�t 18 }�e�s old. Entertzinment, ple�e sps-i:`y cl�sc A, B, oi C L:e�se; ebtain �*�d zr.ach sirna,wes of approvzl from 409c cf �eer nei�6bers ei'�fn 350 :ezt of the est�bl;<_hz:�nt. This licec>z zett be �pplied fer ia conjunction w'ith a Liquor, \�'ine,'�3�[ Oa Sae er RentaUD�ce Ha11 license. Firezrms, plezse attach a ler�er u ith the followi_� informa[ion: st�te if seIIine oc only repairinQ, Federzl Fue��:u Liczn<e ?�um'`zr, n t+z ef Arur..d Sen ices dischzrge (Hone �S':e, GeneraI, Bad Cenduct, tndesirable, Dishoaorable, ar oo �ic�r}' sen'ice. (�OTE: Establish�nt must be cemmerciaily ze�cd} -_ Game room, ptezu pro�•ide. �ue follou�ing infor�oa: nz� of �c.`,�ine znd list pace. (:�'OTE: A Peol Hall l;'cent i< requued if chere z:e �,ypool tzbles in the establishmenC) Healtb/Sgorfs clab adult, pleue attach written g.�f tUat euh e�1o;:z is at ]east 18 yeazs old. Liquor ofL�on sa1e refer to zr.a:hed liquor appLcs�on. -"' LocG opening ser�ices. ple<<e aCach a list of all c�plo}'ees (v. ich ho� 2ddress 2ad Yelep�one nuiaber} u�ho �'ill `��e doin� tbe locb oYZnia= sen�ice; attach S l0 Surety Bon3 . '�fassege centeq piease atcac� a detailed descripdea of ebe sen�ices beias pro��id:d. �f�szge center adult. pleze zttacb u�rirten preef ::at each emnloyee is at ]e2st IS years eld. '�Szs�ne prac6tioner, ple2�e zra:h a copy of Ier�; for appro��al fromHe�leh; pra�f of insur2nce co��erase of 51,O1a.0�A� za_h �ener� lizb:lip� and professienal liability x•ith the City of Saint Paul n-we,d as zn additinnzl inscred, as�d a?0 d�;' notice of czncellauaa; a letter from.; �.0 empioyer to veri,`y' e�lo}�nt w•ich a license msszoe center. '�iotorcccle dealer, plez�e in.lude State of ?.4innew:z IY_aler :�um�r. '�e� motor cehicIe dealer, please inct�de Stace of �linnesota IY_ater:iumSer. Par�iag IoUramp, please include tbe number of ga.-'sing spaces, and ztta,:L p12ns coataining a geaeral description of t',�e security prorided at rhe lot/ramp, a_site pian sbowing 'a-:t'ew�ays of the propose3 lo[ and the legal description of tbe pro�erty (this requirement necessary only if no site pIan is cunendy on file). Attach a cover letter dexribing your plzns to co�?;y w'ith the li�ting and pzinting require�nu. Pa� please attach 55,000.00 Surety Boa� Semnd hand dealer-motor Fehicle, ptease include State of ?�Rinnesota Dezler �omber. Second hxnd dealer-moWr rehicle parts, pleue 4: a:� SS,OO�.00I SvreEy Bon3 Steam roomlbath hoase adult, piease attach �ziaen proof t2�at each emp]oyee is az lezst 18 yeazs o13 Theatet adult, please attach wzineo proof thac ezch employee is ai lezst 18 yeazs old. If appl}ing for, �� � �o��� ' . . -. ' • . - . " Cabaret adu3t, p]edce anach s proof tbat ea:3 emplo; ee is at leza 13 pears old � L � Com ersa.ionJRap parlor zdult plez�e artach w'^�en proof thzt e:+ch em; lo;ee is zt ]ez�t 18 yeus old. Entertzinment, pleae sp°�i,`y d2ss A, B, or C li:cnce; obtain 2nd zrach si`natures of appro�•�l from 909c of }°ear nei�.`,� �it�'sa 350 f�t of the esta�lis�nt Ttus lice�e must be �pplie3 fec ia coajuncuon u•ith a Liquor, \Vine, ?,i�t On S� Rental.�D�ce Hall license. Firezrms, pleue attach a lztter v.�ith ttie followi*_e infonnation: stau ifi �ellin� or on]y repzirina, Federal Fi:e�� Liczn�e Iium�zr, nr+z of Am�ed Sen'ices dischzrge (Hone-<�le, Gener�l, Bad Ce�duct, tndesirable, Disbonorable, or no mi?it�' se��ice. (\OTE: Est�blishv�nt must be cemmerciaily zened) . -, Game room, pleue provide the follou•ing infor�en: nzme of m3chine x�d list price. (:�OTE: A Peel Hall licens, is reqv'ued if the;e �;e 2,ypool tables in tbe establishment) Healeh/Sportr ctub adult, plezse attach w�ritten p.� �f tha[ eazh emllo;;x is st Jeut ] 8 yeazs old Liquor ofUon sa1e. refer to �rached liquor applicz�on. '" ` L.ock apening ser�ices. ple�e attach a list of all e:.:�lopees (w'ith 6onz ad3ress and telep'�one nu;a'xr) u•ho W�iil bz doing the lo:k erzr�ia_ sen'ice; attach SI0,0�0 SuretyBon3 \iassa;e center, pleaze sttach a detailed descrip�an of the ser��ices beiae pio`•ided. \1a<sage center adult. plez e attach written pro.f - �at eac6 employee is at lezst 18 yeazs o7d. '�Sas oe practitioner. plrz�e z^a:L a copy of ]ee:: for zpprot•al frem Iie�ih; proof of insurance co��erege of SI,O��A��A� ea=6 �ene: �]izSlip� and professioaal liabiliry x•ith u e Ciry of Saint Pzul caned az zn ad3itienzl insered, and a.0 da;' noti: e of cancellztioa: a)ener from yo:u employer to veri5' e�lo;ment N�ith a license msszae center. �fotorcrcle dealer, plez�e in.lude State of b'tinnesoa Dealer:�amSer. '�eK motor sehicle deater, plrzse include State of �,innesota IYalet \umber. � Parlang IoVratnp, please in:lude the number of pa-k.ing spaces, and atta:b pians containing a general d�scription of :�e secuzity pro�•ided at the lotlramp, a site plan showing d:;�ew•a}�s of tbe proposed lot znd the legal desc[igrion of the pro�rty (this ree,uire�nt necessary only if ao site plan is curtea8y on file). Atta:L a cover ]etter dexribing your plans to co�Iy ��ith the lightine a�d pzinting requuemenu. . Pa�cnbroker, please attacb �5,00�.00 Surety Bon� Second hand deaJer-motor cehide, please inclucL State of ?�Tinnesota Dezler \Umber. Second }cand dealer-motor Fehide parts, pleZe auacb SS,OOa.Q� S+uety Bon3 Steam room/bath house adult, pleau attach x�ri:un pzoof that eacb employee is at least 18 yeazs o]d Theater adu3t, piease attach uzinen proof tbat eub employee is at lezct 18 years old. �