97-379LL C1LY Of ,S.t, ?8ll�. �.3t�LfJT2{�$ AFPI2OV�2rs Ii5^u$S�r bsLLiU3 FIX2H� fiSME C}F HEAR21�I6 THER£#R3 I4'� FIXTi@t`s :S� C?� I�P.&tINC� Ot$ TF� AAARCi {}F DATBAf�S a�J r4LmTrr ; FSi.E Idn, �� � � By F�;.e Nc. 18�42 Iii i�..glB Q+S'C�@Y 8� CU7IC�ET?�3i8"C1G21 a'_ir� t2�iri� fi2 n nE1"II:a3i2=rC �832.^.:Ei T fCZ' r}.�Tx�—CS—:d8jr ;;urposes in c�nnecti�n ;vi�n the idheeier �treeti�a:zster f:venus �:ealiq;,r„enL �roject ;��ir,: ar.�;�,t �?-P-11�1) - Pro�asAd P$BEIlI?SSL t� �,e lnC&LeA at tiae inrarsect_on of S3aeeler S+reet �nd N`unster �venue; described as f�11t��as: A;,l that p�rt of La± 24, Block C�, Homecrcft �dditicn to 5aint Faul Iyinc� �o��t; e�stez�Iy cf t�� fc.3_==win� tieuc:r_.�r� :Li �e: r^rom the soutneast c�rner of the said Lot ?4; iY�ence .aesterly B�2r,�3:?C� �f 29,C�Q feet to the ncint ct �eainnin_^„ thenc� nt�:tl:sast�riy tr� a�x,i�.*_- �n the aust line of the s�id Lot �4 iying 12.�i0 feet nortnErly of the said southeast cornPx, Rn� t�,�r� terminatin�. �rFli.minary ��rc�er Fina3 Qrdar �i Frava� agproved The 7�irect�r of TecA.nalcgy :*�aving su��nitLed his r�port ;n the abov� matter a� ra tt�e amount �f c�a�zactes a°rrarded far the isking ef tha ldr:d or ea�ements therein appropriated i tha above i��ravement and *o �ahc,m ga}able; and �isG haci.^.� su�anitt�d his assessment cf �enefits to �r�perr_y grom the ma�ina of saici ixr�prc�veme:,t, therefure oe it ��4:.Y�B, t•t,at rhe sa;.� ��sessment of �,�nafit� Ge and the saane is hererly 8vy.").TOZ?2G. a�SOI,VEL` E7I.�.iH�A� T'a'i8t 8 pih2_C i728Yi �� �r? p±8t'a �]2fOi'0 'C�32 i.UllIIC=i llpCYi 83].� regort ancl for a confirmation of the aw�rd of dam�ges :nacle by ?:he Di.reotar �f Techna2oqy end aisa u�on the said sssessment of benefits; at the �o�sncil Cr,ax�her, ir. ttae Ccurt Hou�e in tiie City �i 8L. Paul on the 4t1 c2a�of June 1997 at '� � J of �o':° t'�i;�y ^' c' Gck Y M and t.a� tha Direator oi Technology lae and ha is directed to give nvtic� �f gaid hssrjx?g as pre�cr=be� by the Charter. C6UNCSLPERs�ON YE85 nTc'tj>S 1�lakEy ;/ff'3s±rc,m �PF�� �}j�y [ ' i �'if'f��'1 ��u=� �/��ttman [��:-�° Ado�teu� by the Council: i�ate �„ __A `-i `��� ��—`��.J� t Certified P»�+se� I�y Gouncil �scretaru �-7 R]' �c �--R�-.�/��� �llAi1PldCr 1 In Favor A�R �6 1997 �ACf 8inst Niay�r rt;7lic Hearing Date — June 4, 1997 RE 3-28-97 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE BIVISION �fe� 3/23/97 Green Sheet Nwnber: 40041 onfaM Perswt and Pha�e Nwnber. EPAR'1MENT DIRECTOR CiTY COi1NCII. , e � Peter White 266-8850 ^°�° � A�� 2 ci.ERx i3DGET DIIIECTOR FFICE OF FiNANCIAL SVCS. ust tx on Com�cB nqenan by:4-16-9 7 Mus t be ln YOR (OR ASS[STANI) 1 OUNCIL RESEARCE OTAL !f OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: 1. To set heariug date to ratify cost of acquisition of easement for the Wheeler Street/Munster Avenue Realignment Project; and 2. To ratify the above amount. �*�� N / 8 84/ OD9�II�;NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) EASONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MIJST ANSWER THE FOLIAWfNG: I. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this deparlment? YFS NQ , PIANNING CODLNLSSfON A 6TpFP . Fias this persoNFvm ever been a City employee? YFS NO crva s¢xv�ce mrmnasiox . Dces this personlficm possess s skiil not nornially possessed by any YES NO CteCOMMilT66 current City employeel E lnin eil YES answers on a se rate sheet xnd attecL. PPORTS WIiiCft COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANMNG COUNCIL � S INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUIVITY (4Vho, Whet, When, Where, Why?): Project to acquire easement rights for realigumeut of the intersection of Wheeler Street and Maiuter Aveuue has been approved. Costs of easement acqnisition will have to be approved. , . KKit��e i .w..� .'�.y��= y„a..iiEa:'( DVANTACES IF APPROVED: Construction of the realigned streets will proceed as planned. ��i�r��' ����t�� ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ; � 1. Affected property owners will have an encumbrance on their property; and 2. City will have to compensate property owners for easement rights. I5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Intersection could not be realigned as planned. OTAL AMOIINT OF TRANSACTION: $(80.00 COSTtREVENiJE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YFS NO rmirre souxcE: 1997 CIB Bonds - Signal Enlxancement ACTIVITY NUMBER: NANCIAL INFQRMATION: (EXPLAI� LL C1LY Of ,S.t, ?8ll�. �.3t�LfJT2{�$ AFPI2OV�2rs Ii5^u$S�r bsLLiU3 FIX2H� fiSME C}F HEAR21�I6 THER£#R3 I4'� FIXTi@t`s :S� C?� I�P.&tINC� Ot$ TF� AAARCi {}F DATBAf�S a�J r4LmTrr ; FSi.E Idn, �� � � By F�;.e Nc. 18�42 Iii i�..glB Q+S'C�@Y 8� CU7IC�ET?�3i8"C1G21 a'_ir� t2�iri� fi2 n nE1"II:a3i2=rC �832.^.:Ei T fCZ' r}.�Tx�—CS—:d8jr ;;urposes in c�nnecti�n ;vi�n the idheeier �treeti�a:zster f:venus �:ealiq;,r„enL �roject ;��ir,: ar.�;�,t �?-P-11�1) - Pro�asAd P$BEIlI?SSL t� �,e lnC&LeA at tiae inrarsect_on of S3aeeler S+reet �nd N`unster �venue; described as f�11t��as: A;,l that p�rt of La± 24, Block C�, Homecrcft �dditicn to 5aint Faul Iyinc� �o��t; e�stez�Iy cf t�� fc.3_==win� tieuc:r_.�r� :Li �e: r^rom the soutneast c�rner of the said Lot ?4; iY�ence .aesterly B�2r,�3:?C� �f 29,C�Q feet to the ncint ct �eainnin_^„ thenc� nt�:tl:sast�riy tr� a�x,i�.*_- �n the aust line of the s�id Lot �4 iying 12.�i0 feet nortnErly of the said southeast cornPx, Rn� t�,�r� terminatin�. �rFli.minary ��rc�er Fina3 Qrdar �i Frava� agproved The 7�irect�r of TecA.nalcgy :*�aving su��nitLed his r�port ;n the abov� matter a� ra tt�e amount �f c�a�zactes a°rrarded far the isking ef tha ldr:d or ea�ements therein appropriated i tha above i��ravement and *o �ahc,m ga}able; and �isG haci.^.� su�anitt�d his assessment cf �enefits to �r�perr_y grom the ma�ina of saici ixr�prc�veme:,t, therefure oe it ��4:.Y�B, t•t,at rhe sa;.� ��sessment of �,�nafit� Ge and the saane is hererly 8vy.").TOZ?2G. a�SOI,VEL` E7I.�.iH�A� T'a'i8t 8 pih2_C i728Yi �� �r? p±8t'a �]2fOi'0 'C�32 i.UllIIC=i llpCYi 83].� regort ancl for a confirmation of the aw�rd of dam�ges :nacle by ?:he Di.reotar �f Techna2oqy end aisa u�on the said sssessment of benefits; at the �o�sncil Cr,ax�her, ir. ttae Ccurt Hou�e in tiie City �i 8L. Paul on the 4t1 c2a�of June 1997 at '� � J of �o':° t'�i;�y ^' c' Gck Y M and t.a� tha Direator oi Technology lae and ha is directed to give nvtic� �f gaid hssrjx?g as pre�cr=be� by the Charter. C6UNCSLPERs�ON YE85 nTc'tj>S 1�lakEy ;/ff'3s±rc,m �PF�� �}j�y [ ' i �'if'f��'1 ��u=� �/��ttman [��:-�° Ado�teu� by the Council: i�ate �„ __A `-i `��� ��—`��.J� t Certified P»�+se� I�y Gouncil �scretaru �-7 R]' �c �--R�-.�/��� �llAi1PldCr 1 In Favor A�R �6 1997 �ACf 8inst Niay�r rt;7lic Hearing Date — June 4, 1997 RE 3-28-97 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE BIVISION �fe� 3/23/97 Green Sheet Nwnber: 40041 onfaM Perswt and Pha�e Nwnber. EPAR'1MENT DIRECTOR CiTY COi1NCII. , e � Peter White 266-8850 ^°�° � A�� 2 ci.ERx i3DGET DIIIECTOR FFICE OF FiNANCIAL SVCS. ust tx on Com�cB nqenan by:4-16-9 7 Mus t be ln YOR (OR ASS[STANI) 1 OUNCIL RESEARCE OTAL !f OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: 1. To set heariug date to ratify cost of acquisition of easement for the Wheeler Street/Munster Avenue Realignment Project; and 2. To ratify the above amount. �*�� N / 8 84/ OD9�II�;NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) EASONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MIJST ANSWER THE FOLIAWfNG: I. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this deparlment? YFS NQ , PIANNING CODLNLSSfON A 6TpFP . Fias this persoNFvm ever been a City employee? YFS NO crva s¢xv�ce mrmnasiox . Dces this personlficm possess s skiil not nornially possessed by any YES NO CteCOMMilT66 current City employeel E lnin eil YES answers on a se rate sheet xnd attecL. PPORTS WIiiCft COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANMNG COUNCIL � S INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUIVITY (4Vho, Whet, When, Where, Why?): Project to acquire easement rights for realigumeut of the intersection of Wheeler Street and Maiuter Aveuue has been approved. Costs of easement acqnisition will have to be approved. , . KKit��e i .w..� .'�.y��= y„a..iiEa:'( DVANTACES IF APPROVED: Construction of the realigned streets will proceed as planned. ��i�r��' ����t�� ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ; � 1. Affected property owners will have an encumbrance on their property; and 2. City will have to compensate property owners for easement rights. I5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Intersection could not be realigned as planned. OTAL AMOIINT OF TRANSACTION: $(80.00 COSTtREVENiJE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YFS NO rmirre souxcE: 1997 CIB Bonds - Signal Enlxancement ACTIVITY NUMBER: NANCIAL INFQRMATION: (EXPLAI� LL C1LY Of ,S.t, ?8ll�. �.3t�LfJT2{�$ AFPI2OV�2rs Ii5^u$S�r bsLLiU3 FIX2H� fiSME C}F HEAR21�I6 THER£#R3 I4'� FIXTi@t`s :S� C?� I�P.&tINC� Ot$ TF� AAARCi {}F DATBAf�S a�J r4LmTrr ; FSi.E Idn, �� � � By F�;.e Nc. 18�42 Iii i�..glB Q+S'C�@Y 8� CU7IC�ET?�3i8"C1G21 a'_ir� t2�iri� fi2 n nE1"II:a3i2=rC �832.^.:Ei T fCZ' r}.�Tx�—CS—:d8jr ;;urposes in c�nnecti�n ;vi�n the idheeier �treeti�a:zster f:venus �:ealiq;,r„enL �roject ;��ir,: ar.�;�,t �?-P-11�1) - Pro�asAd P$BEIlI?SSL t� �,e lnC&LeA at tiae inrarsect_on of S3aeeler S+reet �nd N`unster �venue; described as f�11t��as: A;,l that p�rt of La± 24, Block C�, Homecrcft �dditicn to 5aint Faul Iyinc� �o��t; e�stez�Iy cf t�� fc.3_==win� tieuc:r_.�r� :Li �e: r^rom the soutneast c�rner of the said Lot ?4; iY�ence .aesterly B�2r,�3:?C� �f 29,C�Q feet to the ncint ct �eainnin_^„ thenc� nt�:tl:sast�riy tr� a�x,i�.*_- �n the aust line of the s�id Lot �4 iying 12.�i0 feet nortnErly of the said southeast cornPx, Rn� t�,�r� terminatin�. �rFli.minary ��rc�er Fina3 Qrdar �i Frava� agproved The 7�irect�r of TecA.nalcgy :*�aving su��nitLed his r�port ;n the abov� matter a� ra tt�e amount �f c�a�zactes a°rrarded far the isking ef tha ldr:d or ea�ements therein appropriated i tha above i��ravement and *o �ahc,m ga}able; and �isG haci.^.� su�anitt�d his assessment cf �enefits to �r�perr_y grom the ma�ina of saici ixr�prc�veme:,t, therefure oe it ��4:.Y�B, t•t,at rhe sa;.� ��sessment of �,�nafit� Ge and the saane is hererly 8vy.").TOZ?2G. a�SOI,VEL` E7I.�.iH�A� T'a'i8t 8 pih2_C i728Yi �� �r? p±8t'a �]2fOi'0 'C�32 i.UllIIC=i llpCYi 83].� regort ancl for a confirmation of the aw�rd of dam�ges :nacle by ?:he Di.reotar �f Techna2oqy end aisa u�on the said sssessment of benefits; at the �o�sncil Cr,ax�her, ir. ttae Ccurt Hou�e in tiie City �i 8L. Paul on the 4t1 c2a�of June 1997 at '� � J of �o':° t'�i;�y ^' c' Gck Y M and t.a� tha Direator oi Technology lae and ha is directed to give nvtic� �f gaid hssrjx?g as pre�cr=be� by the Charter. C6UNCSLPERs�ON YE85 nTc'tj>S 1�lakEy ;/ff'3s±rc,m �PF�� �}j�y [ ' i �'if'f��'1 ��u=� �/��ttman [��:-�° Ado�teu� by the Council: i�ate �„ __A `-i `��� ��—`��.J� t Certified P»�+se� I�y Gouncil �scretaru �-7 R]' �c �--R�-.�/��� �llAi1PldCr 1 In Favor A�R �6 1997 �ACf 8inst Niay�r rt;7lic Hearing Date — June 4, 1997 RE 3-28-97 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE BIVISION �fe� 3/23/97 Green Sheet Nwnber: 40041 onfaM Perswt and Pha�e Nwnber. EPAR'1MENT DIRECTOR CiTY COi1NCII. , e � Peter White 266-8850 ^°�° � A�� 2 ci.ERx i3DGET DIIIECTOR FFICE OF FiNANCIAL SVCS. ust tx on Com�cB nqenan by:4-16-9 7 Mus t be ln YOR (OR ASS[STANI) 1 OUNCIL RESEARCE OTAL !f OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: 1. To set heariug date to ratify cost of acquisition of easement for the Wheeler Street/Munster Avenue Realignment Project; and 2. To ratify the above amount. �*�� N / 8 84/ OD9�II�;NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) EASONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MIJST ANSWER THE FOLIAWfNG: I. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this deparlment? YFS NQ , PIANNING CODLNLSSfON A 6TpFP . Fias this persoNFvm ever been a City employee? YFS NO crva s¢xv�ce mrmnasiox . Dces this personlficm possess s skiil not nornially possessed by any YES NO CteCOMMilT66 current City employeel E lnin eil YES answers on a se rate sheet xnd attecL. PPORTS WIiiCft COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLANMNG COUNCIL � S INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUIVITY (4Vho, Whet, When, Where, Why?): Project to acquire easement rights for realigumeut of the intersection of Wheeler Street and Maiuter Aveuue has been approved. Costs of easement acqnisition will have to be approved. , . KKit��e i .w..� .'�.y��= y„a..iiEa:'( DVANTACES IF APPROVED: Construction of the realigned streets will proceed as planned. ��i�r��' ����t�� ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ; � 1. Affected property owners will have an encumbrance on their property; and 2. City will have to compensate property owners for easement rights. I5ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Intersection could not be realigned as planned. OTAL AMOIINT OF TRANSACTION: $(80.00 COSTtREVENiJE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YFS NO rmirre souxcE: 1997 CIB Bonds - Signal Enlxancement ACTIVITY NUMBER: NANCIAL INFQRMATION: (EXPLAI�