97-36�°m r r'° ' "° � �� i Council File # �1'�J�O fi" e ,� � �� � � ¢ Green Sheet # �5��� Presented by Referred To MINNESOTA �� , � Committee Date 1 An Councii Resolution amending the Tuifion Rennbursement Policy currently stated in the Saint Paul Salary 2 Fian and Rates of Compensation. 3 WHEREA5, the tuition reimbursement program has been a method whereby the City employees have been 4 able to improve their productivity, and WHEREAS, the reimbursement coverage has not been adjusted for a number of years and is no longer adequate for proper administration of the program, 7 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached Tuifion Reimbursement Poiicy will replace the 8 Tuition Reimbursement Policy currently stated in the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, 9 Section IIL H. for City employees. The purpose of the Tuition Reimbursement Policy is to assist employees 10 in taking classes that wiil improve their performance their cunent job and to allow for career growth within ll the Civil Service positions. This policy will become effective on January 1, 1997. 12 Requested by Department of: �a� � Approved by Mayor: By: �M � ��� Form Approved by City Attomey � BY� � � � �3 � g_ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: f �� � _e�'��"� Adopted by Council: �Z 3b DEPARTMENf/OFF[CEfCOUNCII.: DATE INTfIATF.D GREEN SHEET No. 35122 Human Resources 12131l96 COIVTACT PERSON & PHOI�`E: � /N1TTAI,�Dq7E ItvriTAUppTE Edwazd Vizard 266-6514 �ICx 7_DEPAR'IMENT D � � l a crrY couivcn. NUMBER ? CI'fYATCORNEY CITYCLERK MU5I BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR _ BUDGEf DIR _ FA7. & MGT. SERVICE DIR ROIITING 3 MAYOR(ORASST.) CIVII.SERVICECAbAQSSSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATtONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnox �QUES�n: An amendment to the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation with regazd to the education reimbursement policy, Section III.H, which would increase the maximum annual reitnbursement amount from $525 to $600 for full-time employees and from $250 to $300 for part-time employees. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL 5ERVICE CONTRAC7'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES'fIONS: PLr1NNlNG COMMSSSION _CML SERVICE COMI.1{SSION 1. Has this persoNfirtn eva worked under a contmct for this departrnent? _CIB COMMITTEE _ Yes No STAFF _ 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employce? _DISTRICTCOURT Yes No SiJFPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECI'SVE? 3. Does this person7fimt possess a skif] not normatly possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Eaplain ail yes answers m separate s6eet aod attacL to greeo sheet INI'17ATINC PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNf'fY (Who, What, W6en, WBere Why): The maximuxn reimbursement for tuition reimbursement has not been adjusted since the late 1980's wlule tuition has been increasing at a very rapid rate. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Tuirion reimbursement enables employees to obtain the education necessary to excel in their present positions and work toward more responsible positions isi City service. An increase in tuition��l�em�'�sia�i��R1�"�tment in the human capital needed to provide high quality public services. d p V°di� 3 EB £�� DLSADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Forty-one emgloyees in 1995 and 37 employees in 1994 received maximum reimbursement_If the higl�� r maximum had been in effect, the additional cost to the City would have about $3000 per yeaz. However, the cost would have been well within the htition reimbursement budget. DISADVANTpGES IF NOT APPROVED: Employees will take fewer ciasses. The standard 4-credit elctension course from the University of Minnesota costs between $300 and $400. Even at $600, tuirion rennbursement will not cover two classes per yeaz. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: S�., V' ,'. ��>^�.� ��;Cfl!„�T/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDINGSOURCE: t � �,� 7 ACTIVITYNUMBER: ������� �!#if�i 8 �° 9;7�! FINAIVCIAL INFORMATSON: (EXPLAII� _.,� JAN �3 1997 -- _ t"��� �� .�, . �� 3co Section III SPECIAL ALLOWANCES (continued) H. Purpose: The purpose of the Tuition Reunbursement Policy is to assist employees in participating in trauring experiences that will improve their performance on their current job and to allow for cazeer growth within the City Civil Service positions. Eligibility: Any full-time classified or unclassified employee of the City of Saint Paul who works 32 hours or more a week for 26 pay periods per yeaz and who has been regulazly employed for six consecutive months or employed as an unclassified employee is eligible to apply for hxifion reimbursement. Any part-time classified or unclassified employee who works 20-31 hours per week for 26 pay periods per year and who has been in Ciry employment far 6 consecurive months is also eligible for reunbursement at a reduced rate. Determination of employment status is based on the employee's fixll or part-rime status for a majority of the fiscal year. Excluded are provisional employees, temporary employees, and "Special EmploymenY' employees. This wili not exclude employees who have a permanent City ritle but who aze serving in a provisional title. Reimbursement Coverage: A refund for the cost of tuition, laboratory fees and other obligatory course fees. Tuition reunbursement does not include the cost of books and course supplies. Tuition reimbursement shall be limited to $3�SA8 60 .00 per calendar year for courses that are successfuily completed for any one full-time employee. Reimbursement shall be limited to �58:88 300.00 per calendar year for courses successfully completed for any part-time employee. Reimbursement for participation in conferences, seminars, and workshops, any training that involves travel will not be allowed under the Tuition Reimbursement Policy after June 1, 1491 excepring continuing legal education classes for the appropriate division or deparhnent. If an employee receives a grant, scholarship or any other reimbursement from any other public or private source for a course, the employee is only eligible for reimbursement from the City to the ea-tent that the course costs exceed the reimbursement from other sources. All other requirements regarding City policy must be met for eligibility. The application may be rejected if similar courses are offered by the City. Reimbursement will not be allowed for courses equivalent to those presented in the City's computer uaining center. Courses for a GED will be funded under this program. Limitations: Courses aze limited to those that are required by a degree or certificate plan that is approved by the institution and that is on file in the Training and Development Office. This plan must be related to a job title. Employees may take job-related courses. Courses that aze taken not as part of a degree plan must be related to some active title in the City. The amount of tuition reimbursement money available for any given year is limited to the amount appropriated by the Council. � Section III SFECIAL ALLOWANCES (continued) Departmental Responsibilities: Departments must develop budgets that will fund for other training during the 1992 budget cycle. Departmental responsibility for il�aiuing, including courses and training eaperiences that are required by the job, wi11 begin on January 1, 1992. This inciudes courses that carry a CEU. Approval: An employee of the City wishing to take advantage of this program must have the course work approved prior to enrollment by the head of his or her department or office and by the Manager of Training and Development. Applications will not be accepted more than 45 days prior to the start date of the training. Courses will be approved on a"fust come first served" basis. Payment: Payment is on a reimbursement basis only and only upon presenting proof of successfizl completion of the course of instruction and proof of payment. An exception occurs when an employee qualifies for and has been approved for Pre-Paid Tuition Assistance. The City may make other exceptions when it is in the interest of good management. In all cases successful completion of the course is a requirement for reimbursement. Repayment: Repayment is only required if the applicant has received Pre-Paid Tuition Assistance and does not complete or fails the course. Board of Edncafion: The Board of Education has a separate Tuition Reimbursement Policy. Changes in the Saint Paul policy will not affect the Boazd of Education. Administration: Employees must comply with adsninistrative procedures established by the Training and Development Office regarding deadlines, forms, and approvals. Claims for tuition reimbursement must be filled with the Training and Development Office within 90 days of compietion of the course. Effective Date: The provisions of this policy will go into effect upon passage by the Council. �°m r r'° ' "° � �� i Council File # �1'�J�O fi" e ,� � �� � � ¢ Green Sheet # �5��� Presented by Referred To MINNESOTA �� , � Committee Date 1 An Councii Resolution amending the Tuifion Rennbursement Policy currently stated in the Saint Paul Salary 2 Fian and Rates of Compensation. 3 WHEREA5, the tuition reimbursement program has been a method whereby the City employees have been 4 able to improve their productivity, and WHEREAS, the reimbursement coverage has not been adjusted for a number of years and is no longer adequate for proper administration of the program, 7 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached Tuifion Reimbursement Poiicy will replace the 8 Tuition Reimbursement Policy currently stated in the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, 9 Section IIL H. for City employees. The purpose of the Tuition Reimbursement Policy is to assist employees 10 in taking classes that wiil improve their performance their cunent job and to allow for career growth within ll the Civil Service positions. This policy will become effective on January 1, 1997. 12 Requested by Department of: �a� � Approved by Mayor: By: �M � ��� Form Approved by City Attomey � BY� � � � �3 � g_ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: f �� � _e�'��"� Adopted by Council: �Z 3b DEPARTMENf/OFF[CEfCOUNCII.: DATE INTfIATF.D GREEN SHEET No. 35122 Human Resources 12131l96 COIVTACT PERSON & PHOI�`E: � /N1TTAI,�Dq7E ItvriTAUppTE Edwazd Vizard 266-6514 �ICx 7_DEPAR'IMENT D � � l a crrY couivcn. NUMBER ? CI'fYATCORNEY CITYCLERK MU5I BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR _ BUDGEf DIR _ FA7. & MGT. SERVICE DIR ROIITING 3 MAYOR(ORASST.) CIVII.SERVICECAbAQSSSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATtONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnox �QUES�n: An amendment to the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation with regazd to the education reimbursement policy, Section III.H, which would increase the maximum annual reitnbursement amount from $525 to $600 for full-time employees and from $250 to $300 for part-time employees. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL 5ERVICE CONTRAC7'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES'fIONS: PLr1NNlNG COMMSSSION _CML SERVICE COMI.1{SSION 1. Has this persoNfirtn eva worked under a contmct for this departrnent? _CIB COMMITTEE _ Yes No STAFF _ 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employce? _DISTRICTCOURT Yes No SiJFPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECI'SVE? 3. Does this person7fimt possess a skif] not normatly possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Eaplain ail yes answers m separate s6eet aod attacL to greeo sheet INI'17ATINC PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNf'fY (Who, What, W6en, WBere Why): The maximuxn reimbursement for tuition reimbursement has not been adjusted since the late 1980's wlule tuition has been increasing at a very rapid rate. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Tuirion reimbursement enables employees to obtain the education necessary to excel in their present positions and work toward more responsible positions isi City service. An increase in tuition��l�em�'�sia�i��R1�"�tment in the human capital needed to provide high quality public services. d p V°di� 3 EB £�� DLSADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Forty-one emgloyees in 1995 and 37 employees in 1994 received maximum reimbursement_If the higl�� r maximum had been in effect, the additional cost to the City would have about $3000 per yeaz. However, the cost would have been well within the htition reimbursement budget. DISADVANTpGES IF NOT APPROVED: Employees will take fewer ciasses. The standard 4-credit elctension course from the University of Minnesota costs between $300 and $400. Even at $600, tuirion rennbursement will not cover two classes per yeaz. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: S�., V' ,'. ��>^�.� ��;Cfl!„�T/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDINGSOURCE: t � �,� 7 ACTIVITYNUMBER: ������� �!#if�i 8 �° 9;7�! FINAIVCIAL INFORMATSON: (EXPLAII� _.,� JAN �3 1997 -- _ t"��� �� .�, . �� 3co Section III SPECIAL ALLOWANCES (continued) H. Purpose: The purpose of the Tuition Reunbursement Policy is to assist employees in participating in trauring experiences that will improve their performance on their current job and to allow for cazeer growth within the City Civil Service positions. Eligibility: Any full-time classified or unclassified employee of the City of Saint Paul who works 32 hours or more a week for 26 pay periods per yeaz and who has been regulazly employed for six consecutive months or employed as an unclassified employee is eligible to apply for hxifion reimbursement. Any part-time classified or unclassified employee who works 20-31 hours per week for 26 pay periods per year and who has been in Ciry employment far 6 consecurive months is also eligible for reunbursement at a reduced rate. Determination of employment status is based on the employee's fixll or part-rime status for a majority of the fiscal year. Excluded are provisional employees, temporary employees, and "Special EmploymenY' employees. This wili not exclude employees who have a permanent City ritle but who aze serving in a provisional title. Reimbursement Coverage: A refund for the cost of tuition, laboratory fees and other obligatory course fees. Tuition reunbursement does not include the cost of books and course supplies. Tuition reimbursement shall be limited to $3�SA8 60 .00 per calendar year for courses that are successfuily completed for any one full-time employee. Reimbursement shall be limited to �58:88 300.00 per calendar year for courses successfully completed for any part-time employee. Reimbursement for participation in conferences, seminars, and workshops, any training that involves travel will not be allowed under the Tuition Reimbursement Policy after June 1, 1491 excepring continuing legal education classes for the appropriate division or deparhnent. If an employee receives a grant, scholarship or any other reimbursement from any other public or private source for a course, the employee is only eligible for reimbursement from the City to the ea-tent that the course costs exceed the reimbursement from other sources. All other requirements regarding City policy must be met for eligibility. The application may be rejected if similar courses are offered by the City. Reimbursement will not be allowed for courses equivalent to those presented in the City's computer uaining center. Courses for a GED will be funded under this program. Limitations: Courses aze limited to those that are required by a degree or certificate plan that is approved by the institution and that is on file in the Training and Development Office. This plan must be related to a job title. Employees may take job-related courses. Courses that aze taken not as part of a degree plan must be related to some active title in the City. The amount of tuition reimbursement money available for any given year is limited to the amount appropriated by the Council. � Section III SFECIAL ALLOWANCES (continued) Departmental Responsibilities: Departments must develop budgets that will fund for other training during the 1992 budget cycle. Departmental responsibility for il�aiuing, including courses and training eaperiences that are required by the job, wi11 begin on January 1, 1992. This inciudes courses that carry a CEU. Approval: An employee of the City wishing to take advantage of this program must have the course work approved prior to enrollment by the head of his or her department or office and by the Manager of Training and Development. Applications will not be accepted more than 45 days prior to the start date of the training. Courses will be approved on a"fust come first served" basis. Payment: Payment is on a reimbursement basis only and only upon presenting proof of successfizl completion of the course of instruction and proof of payment. An exception occurs when an employee qualifies for and has been approved for Pre-Paid Tuition Assistance. The City may make other exceptions when it is in the interest of good management. In all cases successful completion of the course is a requirement for reimbursement. Repayment: Repayment is only required if the applicant has received Pre-Paid Tuition Assistance and does not complete or fails the course. Board of Edncafion: The Board of Education has a separate Tuition Reimbursement Policy. Changes in the Saint Paul policy will not affect the Boazd of Education. Administration: Employees must comply with adsninistrative procedures established by the Training and Development Office regarding deadlines, forms, and approvals. Claims for tuition reimbursement must be filled with the Training and Development Office within 90 days of compietion of the course. Effective Date: The provisions of this policy will go into effect upon passage by the Council. �°m r r'° ' "° � �� i Council File # �1'�J�O fi" e ,� � �� � � ¢ Green Sheet # �5��� Presented by Referred To MINNESOTA �� , � Committee Date 1 An Councii Resolution amending the Tuifion Rennbursement Policy currently stated in the Saint Paul Salary 2 Fian and Rates of Compensation. 3 WHEREA5, the tuition reimbursement program has been a method whereby the City employees have been 4 able to improve their productivity, and WHEREAS, the reimbursement coverage has not been adjusted for a number of years and is no longer adequate for proper administration of the program, 7 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached Tuifion Reimbursement Poiicy will replace the 8 Tuition Reimbursement Policy currently stated in the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, 9 Section IIL H. for City employees. The purpose of the Tuition Reimbursement Policy is to assist employees 10 in taking classes that wiil improve their performance their cunent job and to allow for career growth within ll the Civil Service positions. This policy will become effective on January 1, 1997. 12 Requested by Department of: �a� � Approved by Mayor: By: �M � ��� Form Approved by City Attomey � BY� � � � �3 � g_ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: f �� � _e�'��"� Adopted by Council: �Z 3b DEPARTMENf/OFF[CEfCOUNCII.: DATE INTfIATF.D GREEN SHEET No. 35122 Human Resources 12131l96 COIVTACT PERSON & PHOI�`E: � /N1TTAI,�Dq7E ItvriTAUppTE Edwazd Vizard 266-6514 �ICx 7_DEPAR'IMENT D � � l a crrY couivcn. NUMBER ? CI'fYATCORNEY CITYCLERK MU5I BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR _ BUDGEf DIR _ FA7. & MGT. SERVICE DIR ROIITING 3 MAYOR(ORASST.) CIVII.SERVICECAbAQSSSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATtONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnox �QUES�n: An amendment to the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation with regazd to the education reimbursement policy, Section III.H, which would increase the maximum annual reitnbursement amount from $525 to $600 for full-time employees and from $250 to $300 for part-time employees. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL 5ERVICE CONTRAC7'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES'fIONS: PLr1NNlNG COMMSSSION _CML SERVICE COMI.1{SSION 1. Has this persoNfirtn eva worked under a contmct for this departrnent? _CIB COMMITTEE _ Yes No STAFF _ 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employce? _DISTRICTCOURT Yes No SiJFPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECI'SVE? 3. Does this person7fimt possess a skif] not normatly possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Eaplain ail yes answers m separate s6eet aod attacL to greeo sheet INI'17ATINC PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNf'fY (Who, What, W6en, WBere Why): The maximuxn reimbursement for tuition reimbursement has not been adjusted since the late 1980's wlule tuition has been increasing at a very rapid rate. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Tuirion reimbursement enables employees to obtain the education necessary to excel in their present positions and work toward more responsible positions isi City service. An increase in tuition��l�em�'�sia�i��R1�"�tment in the human capital needed to provide high quality public services. d p V°di� 3 EB £�� DLSADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Forty-one emgloyees in 1995 and 37 employees in 1994 received maximum reimbursement_If the higl�� r maximum had been in effect, the additional cost to the City would have about $3000 per yeaz. However, the cost would have been well within the htition reimbursement budget. DISADVANTpGES IF NOT APPROVED: Employees will take fewer ciasses. The standard 4-credit elctension course from the University of Minnesota costs between $300 and $400. Even at $600, tuirion rennbursement will not cover two classes per yeaz. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: S�., V' ,'. ��>^�.� ��;Cfl!„�T/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDINGSOURCE: t � �,� 7 ACTIVITYNUMBER: ������� �!#if�i 8 �° 9;7�! FINAIVCIAL INFORMATSON: (EXPLAII� _.,� JAN �3 1997 -- _ t"��� �� .�, . �� 3co Section III SPECIAL ALLOWANCES (continued) H. Purpose: The purpose of the Tuition Reunbursement Policy is to assist employees in participating in trauring experiences that will improve their performance on their current job and to allow for cazeer growth within the City Civil Service positions. Eligibility: Any full-time classified or unclassified employee of the City of Saint Paul who works 32 hours or more a week for 26 pay periods per yeaz and who has been regulazly employed for six consecutive months or employed as an unclassified employee is eligible to apply for hxifion reimbursement. Any part-time classified or unclassified employee who works 20-31 hours per week for 26 pay periods per year and who has been in Ciry employment far 6 consecurive months is also eligible for reunbursement at a reduced rate. Determination of employment status is based on the employee's fixll or part-rime status for a majority of the fiscal year. Excluded are provisional employees, temporary employees, and "Special EmploymenY' employees. This wili not exclude employees who have a permanent City ritle but who aze serving in a provisional title. Reimbursement Coverage: A refund for the cost of tuition, laboratory fees and other obligatory course fees. Tuition reunbursement does not include the cost of books and course supplies. Tuition reimbursement shall be limited to $3�SA8 60 .00 per calendar year for courses that are successfuily completed for any one full-time employee. Reimbursement shall be limited to �58:88 300.00 per calendar year for courses successfully completed for any part-time employee. Reimbursement for participation in conferences, seminars, and workshops, any training that involves travel will not be allowed under the Tuition Reimbursement Policy after June 1, 1491 excepring continuing legal education classes for the appropriate division or deparhnent. If an employee receives a grant, scholarship or any other reimbursement from any other public or private source for a course, the employee is only eligible for reimbursement from the City to the ea-tent that the course costs exceed the reimbursement from other sources. All other requirements regarding City policy must be met for eligibility. The application may be rejected if similar courses are offered by the City. Reimbursement will not be allowed for courses equivalent to those presented in the City's computer uaining center. Courses for a GED will be funded under this program. Limitations: Courses aze limited to those that are required by a degree or certificate plan that is approved by the institution and that is on file in the Training and Development Office. This plan must be related to a job title. Employees may take job-related courses. Courses that aze taken not as part of a degree plan must be related to some active title in the City. The amount of tuition reimbursement money available for any given year is limited to the amount appropriated by the Council. � Section III SFECIAL ALLOWANCES (continued) Departmental Responsibilities: Departments must develop budgets that will fund for other training during the 1992 budget cycle. Departmental responsibility for il�aiuing, including courses and training eaperiences that are required by the job, wi11 begin on January 1, 1992. This inciudes courses that carry a CEU. Approval: An employee of the City wishing to take advantage of this program must have the course work approved prior to enrollment by the head of his or her department or office and by the Manager of Training and Development. Applications will not be accepted more than 45 days prior to the start date of the training. Courses will be approved on a"fust come first served" basis. Payment: Payment is on a reimbursement basis only and only upon presenting proof of successfizl completion of the course of instruction and proof of payment. An exception occurs when an employee qualifies for and has been approved for Pre-Paid Tuition Assistance. The City may make other exceptions when it is in the interest of good management. In all cases successful completion of the course is a requirement for reimbursement. Repayment: Repayment is only required if the applicant has received Pre-Paid Tuition Assistance and does not complete or fails the course. Board of Edncafion: The Board of Education has a separate Tuition Reimbursement Policy. Changes in the Saint Paul policy will not affect the Boazd of Education. Administration: Employees must comply with adsninistrative procedures established by the Training and Development Office regarding deadlines, forms, and approvals. Claims for tuition reimbursement must be filled with the Training and Development Office within 90 days of compietion of the course. Effective Date: The provisions of this policy will go into effect upon passage by the Council.