97-350�� �° f r�` x i! f� $ � § .� t` E`�l ; 4 5� a."'"t i_ Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTlON tA1NT PAUI, MINNESOTA ��� �1� � �1�� • � ��� � � 1�� � ���1 1 2 WHEREAS, CF 97 29(1, as adopted by the Ciry Cou�ii on March 79, 1997, direcis city staff to proceed with dataifed drawings 3 fw a climate-controlled connaction beiween the Sairrt Paul Civic Center and the existing downtown skyway system; and 4 5 WHEREAS, there currently is no approved budget to conduct this preliminary design work; now 6 7 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that funding be provided for preliminary design of a climate-controlled cwnnec6on hetween the 8 Saint Paul Civic Center and the downtown business �strict; and be tt 9 �0 FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Sairrt Pau�, contingent upon a future recommendation of the Long Range 11 Capital ImprwemeM Budget Committee, that the 1997 Capitaf Imprwemerrt Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the 12 Councii wiU here6y be further amended in the folfowing manner. 13 14 15 16 Spending 17 CivrcCettter4onds 18 FP930-90300-0548 Councilcontmgency 19 P793�-903W-0565 Tmr�sfertocapiWlpfojects � 2� 22 Financina 23 Civic Center Connection to Skyway System 24 C97-7R060 25 26 CivicCenter-bonds 27 C97-7R060J306 Transfer6omcapRalprqectfuntl-othef 26 29 Spending 30 Civic CeMar Connection to Sky.vay System 31 G97-7R�60 � 33 Preliminary Design 34 35 36 37 � 39 40 41 Adoption Cerfified by Council Secretary: By: � � �- ��.�� � �—= Approved by Mayor: D �- `t 1 t ��h'1— e �C_— Current Amended Butlget Change Budaet ''i - 5 O 32591 � Green Sheet # Committee: �ate G1�A;�L�.�i^�:q 0 50 000 50,�0 D 50,000 50,000 Requested b partrnent of: PI and E ono ic v��opm rh By: Approval Recommended by Financial Services Office Director: ey: rn � Form y C A y: e �/��� 3�2L-�? Approved�y f�mission to Council: sy: Fxnruiat5emcesOfice-BUCqet wn (N'WSfRSWOGEt�t2WiE�LUtMES CCStWK4 �325�5"n Adopted by CounciL �ate �_ a�q� •�-` DFPARTA�AT/oFF[IXJCONVC6 DA7E1NCl]ATID � / ��. planningandEconomicDevelopment 03/26/97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32591 � - COMACfPFRSON�Pi�NC 1� DFPAR'IMEA'1'DLLiFl,T S� CIlS'LtlONCQ. PamelaWheclock, 266-G655 �� Q cerrnTroxr�'� ❑ cm� NUSTBEON�IMC9.AC61.DAHY(DA'1� amuc � B[�D('E.TDIRECfOR � FQI.&MGT.SFRVIC6DQC ASAP. a� aewv�(oxnssisrnxn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnosx�a ovai to provide preliminary design funding for an enclosed pedestrian walkway between the Saint Paul Civic Center and the downtown skywxY sYstem. xF.conm�.IDnrtoNS n�mve(.V m�us(� PER30NAL SIItVICE CONCHACfS M6Sf APISR'ER THE FOLLOPIING QUESTSONS: _m.nwmrocrnmmss�oN �crvn,sQevicECOimmsvow I.Hast6ispwaoNlvmevawotkalunderacontractfarilrisdepuhnrntR , xx_cmcewmrrg _ YFS NO � srntF _ 2.flasllrispersaJSimevabemacDY�aYa? : nu-nucrcouxr _ YES NO �me�TSww��[ucv couNCa osu�Trvsx 3. Dces ilrisr�+�+�fimin�%�4 a sl�li not uom+alls Po%sessed bv �Y cune��t eiry employee? YES NO � (Expiain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach b green sheet) MISSATINGPRaBLFM.lSSU60PP�Rt[INISY(WM1O, W4Z Wher, Whae.4'hy)_ ' There is � budgeted funding to conduct preliminary desig� wotk on proposals for a climate-controlled connection between the Saint Paul Civic ,. Center and the downtown skyway system. � � ADVANTAG6SIFAPPROVFD:, � `' Preliminary desi� work may continue. , DISADVAN'LACESffAPPROVFD' . " None . rnsaov.wrn�soFxoraimxovm. Preliminary desi� work couid not continue without funding. ' rorwnmooivroeraa�rsncnox 0 000 cosrixevanuesuncereu�crnc�eorra> O no �,�,n��so,�a a io a�T�.,,,�„UMeE Various Fn+,wcanc irffonnwnox: �vwx� C97-7F2060 h:YUersWdget1123YescdAbs ccs9.wic4 Y� �� �° f r�` x i! f� $ � § .� t` E`�l ; 4 5� a."'"t i_ Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTlON tA1NT PAUI, MINNESOTA ��� �1� � �1�� • � ��� � � 1�� � ���1 1 2 WHEREAS, CF 97 29(1, as adopted by the Ciry Cou�ii on March 79, 1997, direcis city staff to proceed with dataifed drawings 3 fw a climate-controlled connaction beiween the Sairrt Paul Civic Center and the existing downtown skyway system; and 4 5 WHEREAS, there currently is no approved budget to conduct this preliminary design work; now 6 7 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that funding be provided for preliminary design of a climate-controlled cwnnec6on hetween the 8 Saint Paul Civic Center and the downtown business �strict; and be tt 9 �0 FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Sairrt Pau�, contingent upon a future recommendation of the Long Range 11 Capital ImprwemeM Budget Committee, that the 1997 Capitaf Imprwemerrt Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the 12 Councii wiU here6y be further amended in the folfowing manner. 13 14 15 16 Spending 17 CivrcCettter4onds 18 FP930-90300-0548 Councilcontmgency 19 P793�-903W-0565 Tmr�sfertocapiWlpfojects � 2� 22 Financina 23 Civic Center Connection to Skyway System 24 C97-7R060 25 26 CivicCenter-bonds 27 C97-7R060J306 Transfer6omcapRalprqectfuntl-othef 26 29 Spending 30 Civic CeMar Connection to Sky.vay System 31 G97-7R�60 � 33 Preliminary Design 34 35 36 37 � 39 40 41 Adoption Cerfified by Council Secretary: By: � � �- ��.�� � �—= Approved by Mayor: D �- `t 1 t ��h'1— e �C_— Current Amended Butlget Change Budaet ''i - 5 O 32591 � Green Sheet # Committee: �ate G1�A;�L�.�i^�:q 0 50 000 50,�0 D 50,000 50,000 Requested b partrnent of: PI and E ono ic v��opm rh By: Approval Recommended by Financial Services Office Director: ey: rn � Form y C A y: e �/��� 3�2L-�? Approved�y f�mission to Council: sy: Fxnruiat5emcesOfice-BUCqet wn (N'WSfRSWOGEt�t2WiE�LUtMES CCStWK4 �325�5"n Adopted by CounciL �ate �_ a�q� •�-` DFPARTA�AT/oFF[IXJCONVC6 DA7E1NCl]ATID � / ��. planningandEconomicDevelopment 03/26/97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32591 � - COMACfPFRSON�Pi�NC 1� DFPAR'IMEA'1'DLLiFl,T S� CIlS'LtlONCQ. PamelaWheclock, 266-G655 �� Q cerrnTroxr�'� ❑ cm� NUSTBEON�IMC9.AC61.DAHY(DA'1� amuc � B[�D('E.TDIRECfOR � FQI.&MGT.SFRVIC6DQC ASAP. a� aewv�(oxnssisrnxn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnosx�a ovai to provide preliminary design funding for an enclosed pedestrian walkway between the Saint Paul Civic Center and the downtown skywxY sYstem. xF.conm�.IDnrtoNS n�mve(.V m�us(� PER30NAL SIItVICE CONCHACfS M6Sf APISR'ER THE FOLLOPIING QUESTSONS: _m.nwmrocrnmmss�oN �crvn,sQevicECOimmsvow I.Hast6ispwaoNlvmevawotkalunderacontractfarilrisdepuhnrntR , xx_cmcewmrrg _ YFS NO � srntF _ 2.flasllrispersaJSimevabemacDY�aYa? : nu-nucrcouxr _ YES NO �me�TSww��[ucv couNCa osu�Trvsx 3. Dces ilrisr�+�+�fimin�%�4 a sl�li not uom+alls Po%sessed bv �Y cune��t eiry employee? YES NO � (Expiain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach b green sheet) MISSATINGPRaBLFM.lSSU60PP�Rt[INISY(WM1O, W4Z Wher, Whae.4'hy)_ ' There is � budgeted funding to conduct preliminary desig� wotk on proposals for a climate-controlled connection between the Saint Paul Civic ,. Center and the downtown skyway system. � � ADVANTAG6SIFAPPROVFD:, � `' Preliminary desi� work may continue. , DISADVAN'LACESffAPPROVFD' . " None . rnsaov.wrn�soFxoraimxovm. Preliminary desi� work couid not continue without funding. ' rorwnmooivroeraa�rsncnox 0 000 cosrixevanuesuncereu�crnc�eorra> O no �,�,n��so,�a a io a�T�.,,,�„UMeE Various Fn+,wcanc irffonnwnox: �vwx� C97-7F2060 h:YUersWdget1123YescdAbs ccs9.wic4 Y� �� �° f r�` x i! f� $ � § .� t` E`�l ; 4 5� a."'"t i_ Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTlON tA1NT PAUI, MINNESOTA ��� �1� � �1�� • � ��� � � 1�� � ���1 1 2 WHEREAS, CF 97 29(1, as adopted by the Ciry Cou�ii on March 79, 1997, direcis city staff to proceed with dataifed drawings 3 fw a climate-controlled connaction beiween the Sairrt Paul Civic Center and the existing downtown skyway system; and 4 5 WHEREAS, there currently is no approved budget to conduct this preliminary design work; now 6 7 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that funding be provided for preliminary design of a climate-controlled cwnnec6on hetween the 8 Saint Paul Civic Center and the downtown business �strict; and be tt 9 �0 FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Sairrt Pau�, contingent upon a future recommendation of the Long Range 11 Capital ImprwemeM Budget Committee, that the 1997 Capitaf Imprwemerrt Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the 12 Councii wiU here6y be further amended in the folfowing manner. 13 14 15 16 Spending 17 CivrcCettter4onds 18 FP930-90300-0548 Councilcontmgency 19 P793�-903W-0565 Tmr�sfertocapiWlpfojects � 2� 22 Financina 23 Civic Center Connection to Skyway System 24 C97-7R060 25 26 CivicCenter-bonds 27 C97-7R060J306 Transfer6omcapRalprqectfuntl-othef 26 29 Spending 30 Civic CeMar Connection to Sky.vay System 31 G97-7R�60 � 33 Preliminary Design 34 35 36 37 � 39 40 41 Adoption Cerfified by Council Secretary: By: � � �- ��.�� � �—= Approved by Mayor: D �- `t 1 t ��h'1— e �C_— Current Amended Butlget Change Budaet ''i - 5 O 32591 � Green Sheet # Committee: �ate G1�A;�L�.�i^�:q 0 50 000 50,�0 D 50,000 50,000 Requested b partrnent of: PI and E ono ic v��opm rh By: Approval Recommended by Financial Services Office Director: ey: rn � Form y C A y: e �/��� 3�2L-�? Approved�y f�mission to Council: sy: Fxnruiat5emcesOfice-BUCqet wn (N'WSfRSWOGEt�t2WiE�LUtMES CCStWK4 �325�5"n Adopted by CounciL �ate �_ a�q� •�-` DFPARTA�AT/oFF[IXJCONVC6 DA7E1NCl]ATID � / ��. planningandEconomicDevelopment 03/26/97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32591 � - COMACfPFRSON�Pi�NC 1� DFPAR'IMEA'1'DLLiFl,T S� CIlS'LtlONCQ. PamelaWheclock, 266-G655 �� Q cerrnTroxr�'� ❑ cm� NUSTBEON�IMC9.AC61.DAHY(DA'1� amuc � B[�D('E.TDIRECfOR � FQI.&MGT.SFRVIC6DQC ASAP. a� aewv�(oxnssisrnxn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnosx�a ovai to provide preliminary design funding for an enclosed pedestrian walkway between the Saint Paul Civic Center and the downtown skywxY sYstem. xF.conm�.IDnrtoNS n�mve(.V m�us(� PER30NAL SIItVICE CONCHACfS M6Sf APISR'ER THE FOLLOPIING QUESTSONS: _m.nwmrocrnmmss�oN �crvn,sQevicECOimmsvow I.Hast6ispwaoNlvmevawotkalunderacontractfarilrisdepuhnrntR , xx_cmcewmrrg _ YFS NO � srntF _ 2.flasllrispersaJSimevabemacDY�aYa? : nu-nucrcouxr _ YES NO �me�TSww��[ucv couNCa osu�Trvsx 3. Dces ilrisr�+�+�fimin�%�4 a sl�li not uom+alls Po%sessed bv �Y cune��t eiry employee? YES NO � (Expiain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach b green sheet) MISSATINGPRaBLFM.lSSU60PP�Rt[INISY(WM1O, W4Z Wher, Whae.4'hy)_ ' There is � budgeted funding to conduct preliminary desig� wotk on proposals for a climate-controlled connection between the Saint Paul Civic ,. Center and the downtown skyway system. � � ADVANTAG6SIFAPPROVFD:, � `' Preliminary desi� work may continue. , DISADVAN'LACESffAPPROVFD' . " None . rnsaov.wrn�soFxoraimxovm. Preliminary desi� work couid not continue without funding. ' rorwnmooivroeraa�rsncnox 0 000 cosrixevanuesuncereu�crnc�eorra> O no �,�,n��so,�a a io a�T�.,,,�„UMeE Various Fn+,wcanc irffonnwnox: �vwx� C97-7F2060 h:YUersWdget1123YescdAbs ccs9.wic4 Y�