97-329council File # q7 �l � t Green Sheet # � � �- q `L Presented By RESOLVED, that the license application of Private Protection, Inc., Carl Lee Green, CEO, for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue in Saint Paul for a Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license is hezeby denied. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the findings of fact and conclusion of law contained in the Administrarive Law Judge Report in this case, dated January 20, 1997, are hereby adopted as the written findings and conclusions of the Council in this matter, except as modified below. The reasoning of the Memorandum of the Administrative Law Judge attached to the fmdings and conclusions is not adopted. The recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge for issuance of the license is also not accepted. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following amendments to the ALJ's Report are hereby adopted: 1. Finding of Fact No. 2 is hereby amended to read as follows: "2. The Applicant submitted an application for a dance hall license and paid the fees on March 17, 1996. That application has been amended �z1��c3ii:e:"��s and now stands as an ..:..:. : .:..:: ::.::. ..:.::...: .: : application for a Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license. T�t� 2. Finding of Fact No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5. The premises is are located at the intersection of Selby and Milton, an intersection notorious amongst police and local residents as being a location for a mulritude of consistent illegal activities of various sorts, including drug transactions. These activities took place prior to and have ee�i� ��i�l� tie�J� after the closing of the People's Choice bottle club. Exkiibits D, E & F." 3. A new Finding of Fact No. 13 is hereby adopted to read as follows: /� , RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 4. Conclusion of Law No. 4 is hereby amended to read as follows: C� �j — 3 �' q "4. The Applicant, Private Protection, Inc. has �i� met the m;n;roum qualifications for the issuance of a Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license at 920 Selby, St. Paul, Minnesota." 5. Conclusion of Law No. 6 is hereby amended to read as follows: "6. A grant of the Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license to the Applicant at the premises at 920 Selby, St. Paul, Mimiesota, would � unreasonably annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort, or repose of any considerable numbers of inembers of the publi ; �F r���°�'- � �-�a ��a � �°a ; �, 6. Conclusion of Law No. 7 is hereby deleted in its entirety. 7. A new Conclusion of Law No. 7 is hereby adopted to read as follows: $. Conclusion of Law No. 8 is hereby amended to read as follows: "&7. The application of the Applicant for a Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license should be �te� �€i%�:1a��r�-�t � a 3 4 5 6 7 8 �t � - � �-� This Resolution is based on the record of the proceedings before the ALJ,including the hearing on January 7, 1997, the documents and exhibits introduced therein, the fmdings of fact and conclusions of law of the ALJ as referenced above, the written subxnissions of the parties and the deliberarions of the Council in open session on February 26, 1997. A copy of this Resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by fust class mail to the Adwuiistrative Law Judge, and to the Applicant, Carl Green. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY = �-���"��-' Approved by Mayor: Date �Q� �"�l By: Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Att y BY: - V Cf� ��""'�c�'4-� �' `�- v Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date �� °I�-��-q a���� DEMflTMENTqFFICEACOUNGL DATE INITIATED CITY COUNCIL 3/27(97 GREEN SHEE CIXJTACTPERSON 8 PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE �pEPARTMENTDIflECTOR �CITYGOUNpL Councilmember Blakey 266-8610 A�IGN OCffYATfOPNEV �CRYCLEPK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE) NIII/BER FON � BUDGEf DIRECTOR a FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlq. NOUTING April 2, 1997 OROER aMAYOR(ORASSISfANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAOES (CLIP ALL LOCATfONS FOR SIGTiATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Finalizing City Council action taken February 26, 1997, denying the license application of Private Protection, Inc., Carl Lee Green, CEO, 920 Selby Avenue. RECOMMENDA7iONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pEflSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMM5310N _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS91ON �� Has this personflirm eve� worked under a conVact for this deparUne�t7 _CIBCOMMfT7EE _ YES NO 2. Has this per5on/Firm ever been a ciry employea? _ ssar-� — YES NO _ �ISTFtiCi CWR7 _ 3. Does this pereonttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by eny current ciry employee? SUPPORiSWHiCHCOUNCllO&lECT7VE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to grean sheet INITIATMIG PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, YJhere. Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPRWED. TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEA FINANGAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) e � �-� a� � � THE LAW OFFICES OF: INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 174D Rand Tower, 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 554�2 (612} 340-8290 Fas (612) 342-2990 (800) 282-6393 Russell A. Ingebritson Dougias Dale Reid, Sr. Neuman 0. Berger John C. Boylan' Philip A. Shepherd "Aiso admitted in Illinois "Also admitted in Oregon February 24, 1997 �,k��S ��b.Z��Qi� St. Paul City Clerk City Hall 15 West Kellogg, Room 310 St. Paul, MN 55102 MONTANA OFFICE: 3ames J. Shea"• 815 E. Front Street, Suite 3 Missoula, MT 59802 Fax (406) 549-4811 (406) 549-4700 (800) 790-7450 RECEIVED �EB 2 41997 e�rY ct�RK Re: License Application of Private Protection, Inc., 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find the Coalition of Neighborhood Groups', intervenor in the above action, Exceptions to Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation. Sincerely, ��'`� � '�"'1 Philip A. Shepherd PAS/klj Enc-osure cc Mr. Carl Green Evia maili ���� ������, Mr. R_chard Mosman (via mail) Ms. Ginger Palmer (via mail) � rr� �'� Sv� , � L V ��-�ry'-�. 3 9�-3a5 RECE(VED STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE AEARINGS FEB 2 41997 CITY CLERK FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: 62-2111-10844-3 CA'S �-�. Z�� q� � In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, ) Inc. d/b/a People's Choice ? 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) MinnesoCa, 55104 ) EXCEPTIONS TO ALJ'S F2NDING OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AISD RECOMMENDATI0I3 COMES NOW the Coalition of Neighborhood groups, Intervenor, by its attorne�, Philip A. Shepherd, and pursuant to the 3anuary 31, 1997 Notice of Counsel F?earing to file the following exceptions to the ALJ's January 21, 1997 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, anfl Recommendation: Objectians to Findings o£ Fact The AI,S fails *_o adequately describe the extent of tne violence and crime surrounding Lhe o1d "People`s Choice." T_r_t°rVenOr rj raC�S COl1RC11 Rl°CCi�JE.:"S CO �i1e 1989 "Peonle S C�'!C1C2" YeVOCZL'_O*1 =_�-, d CCp�/ OT. W73._CI'; 15 LI'ictVc�llc�.�J� 2 �Q IIlte'_'�VEZ?OY �t this time. Numerous W1tP_CSS2S tE'Si.1*1?Cl �O �RE S1CJ`'i.1i1Cd_^.t T012 LhGL the "Peoples Choice" giayed in attracring and fostering crime, violence, noise, drug transactions and other detrimental activities in �he surrour_ding neig'nbornood. In the late 1980`s L1_i° ��?�°OD� 2� S C��0=C2 !'�dd c i.T2Ii1EP_C10llS1}r P.egc�1VE. 1R'ipdCt Ori C^2 n�_��OYhOOC. Tt?E3 1"°S1CleZl�S �ld"J? invested uncoun�abl hOIIYS 1AL0 1�L'1-C11Il� UD W!1�= �i?E ��DPOD'12S Cnoice" 11dd d=stroyed. 9 g�-3a� Additional Findings o£ Fact 1. Applicant has known of the violent and criminal reputation of the name "People's Choice" since at least the Summer of 1996. 2. Applicant has made no attempt to distance himself from the violent and criminal reputation of the "People's Choice" or waylay the valid fears of the neighborhood residents. Specifically, Applicant has: a) failed to chose another name for use in its application. b) failed to alleviate the fears of concerned neighbors by choosing another name. c) failed to state at the Oct. 1996 City Council meeting that Applicant wi11 use another name. d) failed to state at Che ALJ hearing that the Applicant will use another name. 3. Apolicant has made a concerted ef-ort to asscciate himself with the name and reputation oi the "People's Choice" a� Applicant's app�ication is in the name "Peonle's Choice." Ex. A. u) ApplicaT�t spen� considerabie money i= �ouc'r_ing up ��e murals on the exterior o� 920 Selby, incluEting che words "People's Choice". Th= murals and tne name "People's Choice" were an integrai parL o= �t1C identi�i CdLlOZl Of L!1? OZCZ "People' S C hoice. ° c) Applicant has e�cplicitly negotiated wit'.^. the owners and past managers of the old "Peo�le's Choice" for the use of the name "People's Choice." Applicant attemnted to keeT� that trar_saC�ion conPidentizl_ Ex. B_ d? Sole and exclusive use or" the name "Peoole's Choice" was a signiiicant _nducemen� =o= apolicant �o lease Lhe premises a� 920 Selby. Ic. °i AvD11C'a.Ilt DayS 3 AO:L10_^_ O: i.�12 '_"2P-T. �G=" 1�SE Oi 2 q� -�a� the name ��People's Choice." Id. f) Applicant's sample restaurant menu and business plan prominently displays the name "People's Choice." See Application. 4. Applicant, and anyone associated with his application, does not have any experience in the restaurant industry. 5. Expert testimony was heard from Bill Sands, a banker at Western Bank, who testified that Applicant's business plan as submitted to LIEP was inadequate for the purposes of applying for or securing a loan. Also, even if the project was self-financed, the business plan lacked details, analysis, and other important elements to ensure a reasonable likelihood of success in the extremely difficult restaurant industry. 6. Expert testimony was heard £rom Sarah Kinney, a realtor with many years of experience in the neighborhood, who testified �na*_ the old "People's Choice" brought down prooerty values during tn> late 198o's, the property values have risen since the cid "Pec�ale's Choice" was shut down, and iinaily, if a new ° ?°O�l°�S Choice" OpEI1S llp t21°?7 p�Op2T;.y V;alll2S wi'__ decreas= aga_n based upon the violent and criminal renutation oi the rame "2eople's Choice.^ 7. Memners of rne J. S. Hill Elementary Schoo� testified to the negative impact the "People's Choice" would have on Lhe school community. Specifically, the School has concerns for the sa_ety o_ the stu3ents tha� walk to and °rom school, �� violence =rom the "People's Choice" spilling ever into the school B=O�?� �}/, cRG Oi i.�l° AY'OX1IIli�_V �O L}'12 :-:'_� 1 s�udenLS 0= t??2 C�L'CJ 3 97 0 transactions in and outside the "Feoples Choice." 8. That long-time residents of the neighborhood are justifiably and significantly fearful of the return of violence and criminal activity under the auspices of the ��People's Choice.° 9. The neighborhood expects the City to protect it citizens from the violent and criminal element attracted to the "People's Choice." 8. Failure to protect the citizens from this known risk would amount to gross negligence should harm befall a child, J. J. Aill student or other victim of violence or criminal activity. Conclusions of Law 1. No objection with ALJ conclusion NO. 1. 2. No objection with ALJ conclusion N0. 2. 3. No objection with ALS conclusion NO. 3. ^_. The Applicant, Prisate Protection, Znc., has not met �he mir.imum qualifications for the issuance of � Cabaret �'A" and Res�anrant "C" license av 920 Selby, S�, pau_, �N. 5. Carl Greer_'s moral character is suspect. He nas fGilec to rebudiate and disassociate himself with the use o= the name "P°OUZE' S C;1010E. " _-i° �785 ctt.°iiiD�EGl �O COIICE'd'1 �'f?E transaction allowing him to use tne name "People's Choice." He nas intentionally acted in numerous ways to associGte himsel� with L:7° V1 o1en� "d_^_d criminal reputaLion o= "Peop1 Choice." 5, z crant o= the Cabaret °A" and Restauran� "C" license T,v^ Lh� ?ApTJi�C2=iL. ci. �T?° AY'E2ti11S°S a� 920 Selby St.. ?dL:� �?�T, '� �� would unreasonably annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort, and repose of considerable numbers of inembers of the public. It is unlikely that Applicant will manage the cabaretJrestaurant properly, given his inexperience in the restaurant industry and the lack of details and analysis in his business p1an. 7. Under no condition should a Cabaret "A" or Restaurant "C" license be issued to Applicant. 8. The application of the Applicant for a Cabaret "A" and a Restaurant '�C" license should be denied. Recommendation The Coalition of neighborhood groups resgectively recommend that the St. Paul City Council deny the application af Private Protection, Inc., d/b/a "Peaple`s Choice" for a cabaret "A^ and a restaurant "C" license to be operated at tne premises at 92� Se1by Avenue, St. Paul, MN. i � Dzted this � � o� ����'`- 1997. INGHBRITS^vN � ASSOCIAT�S, P.F. Sy: ��` F' � ��' r t Philip A. Shepherd Nll�7 ���y. S.D. No. 222306 17a� Rand Tower 527 Marauetze Avenue South Min_neapOlis, MN S5a02 {6i2} 350-8290 5 DEG-10-1996 12�50 FROM CITY RTTt�YS OF�=ICE � a _ .. .� QAS III yh LICENSE APPLTCATiON �1�$/�� � � �' �I�!{."�/� T}pe af iiccax(s� beiag appSied for. � i�i�� C �9�,,,.1 �S APPI.ICATSO\' IC Ct TA iFtY Tn vrt ncn •+ U Pi.EASE tYPE OR PRA'7 W L\�K ��� y, oo . Compaayl� _Yriva.tG f�ro�tCf",dn Carycra�;an / Psr_,ersAiptSok AqviceQat:J If buzincss is iocorpomtcd, giti•a dase cf inct¢poratioo: � Doing $usiness As_ P� p �/ r7J 1 e. 'S fh, 8usiness Address: _ . ., �L .--- *-n� ���n yoo ��ay bata r� b�a, or � SQ�A�= �ao �� r•� - �s�c Bav=een what tross sttau is the busirnu la�cdl �r -� Are tba premi<ts aaw occupicd? _��1 p tiVtyat T}pe cf Susiaus? . �iaz7 ro Aadras. _ � /.� £. iG � ;)1�/( �-� 11./i�nt svcc AdSres: AFPlicaac Fnfasmarioa: ��� � r�: � Ln .'J L�rt { a,7 City 9� 9342Z990 P.21 CFIY QF SAIXt'�p orr� �r�, n��;,� z�a �,�,a,u� ��, :�ox+�.ax s.�.�ay .s�i pt!6...sa, }t�s t1W ]eiR)Jli La (61`� •d{.7[v y i $usiruts Phaac: ,�L�' 9��l1 =, "�'' � .,���+ sn,e � Thicfi side of the suai? �1� 5___�_f_ .c.lN 6'S��r� s�u z+� _ _ Gco Fmt AS66k 4�Sridca} � xo� aaa�s: 9SoZI F}�m/t t lfY.t . '�'` sa«s�aams . • ��? � ro �f� SIJJ Sam Z3 I?ait of Bictl�: �' ZJ �(n3 Plaa of Biss3t: ��J" ll �! � NtY�s� Hose Pbaae: � } rjj' iia�a }tm cver 6cea vicc of any fr.t�p, � or �iolzicn of aay ary orcfiaaxa acixs shaa c�ffie? YFS,_�� V_. Dase of arrest }��I 1p C7zazge: Convictian: Scaknce: E.ist she aames sod:rsidences ef sbree puzons of �ood mou2 rharacmr, 3iti•ia q' $PP�cant or fmaacally iatcres�rd m the preffisa ar busiaas. c asay be scfeczed to�r,s t6� appt;can{ M��r °OL ttiau.d to � �` ADDRESS Ct�er��.�es� -- 3�3� E G{� th cT • -r ..... r,.. .._ , �_ __ , . PH4\'E R�n irQ,'1 -�.�• I?ave aay of Sccascs ct•c Lers xe rat;edl ^ 1'�S 55Z-ir[.�,y7 .. rs ta C[.� 5 e- list ilu dates snd zessoas Far zcvocasi -oa. Arc you gcmg:o o�„�� rJis Su�anss �sazally? _ YES .. ., • �ii b'O If not, x�tw wfli operate ii7 1�(c..� • . . . .. _ s�r.� Sue �3 DEC-10-1996 12=5i � CITY RTTDRNEI'S OF��ICE TD --�_^-------- -••�--^_�___. � .,,�.. _ .. _... _ . G7`.3�9 93422990 P.22 9G� �z:uCm} Lw Bu¢at8in }T«rcAddrac SaeaA'aiz G:r Swe � TsP Pha+eNvmb PJcasc liu yau employmeoc hiscory fin �Ix pre�5ous fi�=e CSl : zar puiod: � List atl otbcx s�Ficen of tbc coipcuxrion: OFFlCER .. �2I.E HO.'� 1`TA3.� �c� Ketd} ADDI2�55 HO�IE BUSII�'ESS � DATEOF PHO�� PHOJ•� BTRTH � I£ bu�ness is a pazmvship, p7eaz� incfude tbe follou-in� infc:.,auan For each par.cra (use additionat pagcs if nrcts�asy); t5rst�a.�ae r7'idEie 2a�ed (.�Sai6cr,) I�u Darc ot �'vd� HaneAddra= Sneet\a�s Gsy Sw¢ Trf PhooeKum}�et r�gaa,�e �.ram�� p.t�am� iru m+�oraau, x�Aamar s�a� - � suk z;� �� Mii�'Sa'ESO'I'A TAX IERf3�'i47CATiO.�i l�'CA�PR-Pursmat �c ttx Law s of Mmaesasa. t986, CFsagfer 9AZ. Aaide S. Sectioa 2(Z7Q22} (Taz Qearaoce; Issnaaz of Licsaus).li�'� act6adties s,issqnired to �Sde to sbo Stase of Mi�aesou Commissioccr af Reveaue, tbe biiaaaoea busiaest taz iden�utiaa mtm�r and she saisl secoriry nvmber of cac� lieense appticaac Uu3er she k5s�aawta Cm•aaaKat Basa Pnccar Ass sad tbe Fderai Pzi�acy Aa of S9?d, we are zeqvired to advise yaa af s6e foUoe�i� , reg�diag she nse of ibe D�inauouTsc Idea�Sntioa 2dvzaber. � - 7His iafarmati�.aay be vud to dmy cbe isznaxx orsenewai of yourlicrose in sbe cvwt you oa+e ]�axsota saics. ear�iloyec s a3tt:hoidiag�ormoia�idcexdset�za; ` - Upaa recei�5ag chis mfacrosaoa, sbe3icansing susborsiy a� wpply u onty:o � 1.�rmaosa Depa�umac of Revcaac. Howevc, ��nndtt 2be Fcdaal Exchaage of Iufanmtion A�et che Depar.�at af Re� eaue may supply shiz iafoanaGoa to cbe 1a�ema] Rereaat Servic� • Miaxsosa Txx ideatification i�'c�mbers (Ss1u & L*se Tz: Tnmbcr) my 3x oStaina3 frora tha Staso nf a�aauotz„ Basmess Rxords ?kpaztrxat 10 Rivec pzrk PSaza (622 296-6I8I}� . Sociat Sc:carity T�Tn�b:r. I�"'•usoesoa Taz IdcasiF.uSoa 2�nmb�z: t�, �.�, �,�I _,_. If a Mianeso:a Tz: Idcaafsai;oa :�'c:�'xs is not rcovsrcd Por eLe busincss beiag onerzted, indicate so by pFacing an "X ia tF�e � . boz.._.._. _ __ . _ _ _ . ���I. - . -- . . , . ... . .---•• •-. .... ._. , H�trinea�l�mniwnKn[ �ddrtss �7 , DEC-10-1995 12�51 FROt1 CITY ATTORNEYS ��=ICE T� 934229g0 p, • CERTIf7GT10� OFK'ORi�RS COSSP�SATIO\ CO��GE FIiRSU��*T TO aiL�i'�S07A 5'FATUT'E T76.732� �` T bereby eercify chu?, oc my eompsn ,=_,y, IIICC�1i2ixC �'F.5 LhC ttqiJ:tTS 'toaq+tasa�:an iasuraace coren;e rcqaittmeou �f �lrnc Sca:vu I iGS82. SufdivialOII Z F 7I5¢ iip3Ct5{znd tbat pt0�'1SSC] oC f31iC iiifOi7lufioo in [1riS ctrt�CatioD COIIFUtyiez bu�cien( � Ouric ad� actiac against ati liceases De.}d, iaclad'wg:esxarica �d suspension of ssid liccascs. �`a� cf Iasusaace Company. Stitt, �rg,2'l.� t[r�;, S.a.; .�1�' �[Y ga�yr��: # AO t � i . ` � ( q - ��..Q� � � Crn•aagetsora-l1G1R�_to `' I b ve no empto�us co�•cred and�r � ortuf compcnsatioa i:suranco f � _�'� ��d. � . . , � A,\'Y fALSIfiCA21a�Y OF A.�SR�RS GIVEN OR?�f,1TERIAL SUB�. � RTLLRESLT,7 L� DE\'IAL OF THIS APpLICAII0�2 � I hereby ssate shx i 5avo anstivercd aQ of tbe �ecedng quc:�s�s. <ad t6at t4e infonnztian coatained baein iz uue and coarct tc tfx best of my l:rsovtedge aad bcti�f. I bereby s4 fur.6ec t5at I hzre:eccired no monoy or otber considaatioa, 6y way oF Iaaa. 8i.`C conin`isuaon, a ozhes�+,ise, osbez eban atready �sclaccd ia the zpplicat'san c �ch I bucuix� svbmixed. Z¢]so aadassad this prcmise may be iaspecy�d by pclicc, {r�, 6ealth and o�her cicy offici�Is ac any z�d all tiss w-t�cn cbe bus'sncu'u in operation '•J+ �� applicatictt it F°xVLi9uc? m1u:d. P]vse conta¢i a Gty cf Saint Paul Hcalch Iaspector. Ste.t O}soa (266-9233), ta revicv 7f aay sv6svatial chaugs trs snvccue art saticipascd. please coatau a Csry � Saiat s"'�auI Plan Esamina at 265-90Q7 so aPP�Y fffi burldmg pecmi� If aSezc ue aay chaages rc tttc p2rf�ng Fot.33o� spaee, or f� ncw oprratient, Pkax coniict s Gry of Saint Paul Zcaiog Iaspectcr at 256-9D� � Additiotsal appycation requiremeais, pia..ce aYtacii; A detsiJed descrfp6oa ai tht desfgsy Iocation and sqaatt tootage af tLn pretau¢S !a be licrosed {yzte gtan}. TFse Colioking data stiovld be oa sfie site ptass (pteCcrably on art 81t2" z Il" ar 8 It2�° z 1d" Papet7: - A'amq address, snd ph,one nnmbea • - TAt scaic ihouJd be s'aled svcfi as l" = 2D'. ^:I should be indicated fmrud the lap. - P7acmeat of alI petsineat fnztnres ni tbe iaferior of ifie Iicense3 fzciti(y suc3t as seatmg area; l3Scheus, ogices, repafr u'�, Fu�,r rest rooms, efe - If a reqaut is for aa addifiaa or e..-psusian of tf,e lim�sed fxiliip, �iea[c botfi tfie current arn and SJ�e proposcd �P�� . A capy eCpaar iexse ngree:aeat or ?roof of oxnership of t5e propertp. FOR SPECZ�'IC L�PPL£Cd'f7�A* arnfs;�rxs:� � c�r r.� � ��_ -- 57-3 Executive Summarv Business Plan People's Choice 920 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN and entercainmenc to che surrounding African American communiry in a safe and relaxing enviroament. Pro_prietor: Twe of business: $C2tiR� C1paC1N: Twe of inenu: Tv�e of entenainment: Hours of oneratioa: Number of er�nlovees: Addicional information: �Iay 1�, 199b Private Protection, Tnc. Restauzant 8d GriII sryle Speakers, fashioa shows, comedy, music, daacing, aud other forms of Iive entenaiameut. 1i:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. Thurs, Fn, aad Sat lI:CO am. -?2c30 a.n. Sun, Mon, Tne, and Wed 12 (esc. - includes iull �d aart time) Uniformed securiry wi11 be nrovided (as needed} from 7:00 p.n. until closing on Thurs, Pri, aad Sat. � � '��i���� IXFftB(T � _ � 97- � , I �1�1 r�r�� �j �� �v��, ; ��� �� , , I J ' 1 Appetizers Buffato wings Shrimp cheue guffs Quesadillas Nachos Supreme nachos Jalapeno poppers Soups & Salads Chili �p bowl B1ack eye pea cup bowl Soup of the day cup bowi House salad Ghef salad Cobb salad Taco 5a1ad Caesar salad with chicken 55.75 Sb.25 55.75 $5.85 $6.95 54.50 $1.75 52.75 51.50 $2.5d $1.5� S2.SQ $4.75 $5.95 $5.45 $5.50 $4.95 56.75 Sandwiches served with ciups aad a pickle sgea:, fries add 51.00 Club Ham & cheese Philly che�e szeak Fish Turkey $4.95 54.95 Si.80 $4.9a 55.15 Surgers se: ✓ed with ciups aad a pickle spear, iries add 51_00; �,.�*illed oaions add 50.2� Hamburge: 34.00 Cheeseburge: $4.30 c¢oice of ame:ican, swiss ar monterey jack , r 97-3 .t Bacon cherseburger Bar-b-q burger bacon s4.�s 54.5� $0.50 Dinners , served with choice of salad or vegetable, nce or gotato and roll Pork chop Steak Ham steak Fried chicken Ribs: pork beef Catfish Spaghetti Side items �7,10 $8.75 $6.75 56.25 58.25 $8.95 $7.95 86.50 French fries $1.35 Red beans & rice 51.20 Greens $0.95 Green beans 5095 Rice $ Cabbage $0.95 Corn6read $0.45 Beveraoes Soda Sl.ZS I.�manade 51.�Q Iced zea '� Nonaicaholic beer �i•�� Import 52.�0 Pitcher 53.�0 Import 54.75 . Daiquiries �?'� tviargaritas 5z.25 Mocktails 5275 Sex on Lhe beach, Pina Coladas, Homy Devil. juice �' "� � � 9�- E�CLrzrv� Suvr��Y PIans for cabaret license We inceud to offer speakers, fasbioa shows, comedy, music, and dancing in zhe relaxing atmosphere of a restauranc. There has beea no decision made as to whea and how ofren tfiis eutenaiament wilI be offered; this wilj depend on our market research. . Cabaret Hours The cabaret wi11 not be an everyday occunence. There wilI be no set haurs for operating such; it wiIl depend on she availability of speakers, groups, comedians and the time of year. The cabaret will be used az a markecing tool to generate clien�ele for the restaurant; it will aever exist as a separate entity for social purposes aaly. We wi1l be con,ztantly searching for the right balance witl� respecc so the cahareL thaL will allow us to significantly increase the revenue of tFie rescaurant in such a way that would aoL e:zist if People's Choice was soleIy a rescaurauc. 9 7 . �• , � LERS& AGREEMENT }� This Lease Agreement is made as of September �� , 1945, by and between DWH, a Minnesota partnership ("Lessar") and Private Protection, Inc. ("P.P.I•"), a Minnesota corporation ("Lessee"). 1. Premises. DWH hereby leases to P.P.I., and P.P.I. herelay leases from DWH, for the term and upon the conditions hereinafter provided, the Premises located on the sntire first floor and basement portion in the building at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Pau1, Minnesota, known at present as "People's Choice." 2. Term. The term of this Lease shall commence upon October 1, 1995 and shall continue fo= sixty (60} months until September 30, 2000. P.P.I- sha11 have the option to renew the lease for an additional five year period until September 34, 2005, at an amount su£ficient to cover reasonable monthly expenses such as water, sewer, gas, etc. 3. Rent. P.P.I• sha11 pay as Rent for the Premises S7QQ•00 per month for three manths commencing October 1, 1995; $1,�OQ.00 per month for seven months commencing January 1, 1996; and $1,400.0o per month for the balance of the five year lease commencing August 1, 1996. Rent shall be paid in monthly installmen�s, in advance, on the iirst day of each and every calendar month during the Term. 4. Trade Name. P.P.I• shall have the so2e and exclusive right to use the nane "People's Choice" in their use o£ the Premises. The fact that DWH entered inta this agreement, shall be rarever treated as confidential, and wi11 not be disclosed by DI+�T to any person except tneir lawyer, accauntant, tax preparer or as may be reauired by law or agreed to in writing by P.P.I• DWH recoqnizes and agrees that tne use of the name "Peonles`s Choice° was a signiiicant inducemert to P.P.S. �o enter intio this aareement ar.d that a portion of the rent described in section 3 is gaid in consideration o� this confidentiality provision. 5. Use. P.P.I• wil.Z use and occupy the Premises solely io= public entertainment and sociai purposes. P.P.I• wi11 not nse or occcpy the Premises io= any unlawful puspose, �nd wi1Z comgly with a11 present and future laws, ordinances, regulations and ordess of all governmental units having jur.isdiction over the Premises. DWH disclaims any warranty that the Premises are suiteble £or P•P•S•'s use and P.P.I. acknowledges that it has had a fu11 onportunity to maice its owa determination in tnis regard. 6. Assianment and SublettinQ. P.P-I• wi11 not assign, ��2RSi2i� IRO�L O?" encu*nber �f115 I�ease Or SL�''.�le� OS ren� OT ne�� occunancy or Lse o` the Premises, or any par� thereo�I�y any `Cii�.rC� p�iL'�� IIOr SIYd1.1 ZIly 2551CjRI12TIT. O? �S�cIlSZ2T Q� '��!1S Lease be I IXWBR � � 97-3 LEASE AGREEMENT effectuated by operation of 1aw or otherwise, without in each such case obtaining the prior written consent o£ DWH, which consent sha11 be subject to DWH's sole discretion. 7. Maintenance. P.P-I• understands it is leasing the Premises in an "as is" condition, which is at present not in first class condition. P.F•I• agrees to return the premises in the same, if not better condition at the expiration or �ermination of this Lease. DWH shall make all necessary repairs to the outer walls, roof, downspouts, gutters and basic structural elements and common areas of the building. DWH shall also make all necessary repairs to the portions of the building systems (plumbinq, sewage, heating, air conditioning and electrical) providing services jointly to the premises and other portions of the building. P.P.I• shall be responsible for all other portions of the bu5.lding systems serving the premises. Notwithstanding anything apparently to the contrary in this section, any costs of repairs or improvements to the building, to the premises or to any common areas which are occasioned by the negliqience or default of P.P.I•, its officexs, employees, agents or invitees, or by requirements of law, ordinance or other governmental directive and which arise out of the nature of P.P.I.'s use and occupancy of the premises or the installations of P.P.I• in the premises shall be paid for by P.P.I. as additional rent, immediately upon biliing. 8. Alterations. P.P.I. reserves the right to remove from the Premises any and all materials which in any way inter£ere w.ith the day-to-day runninq of their business or which aze in viol�tion of any St. Faul ordinances. DWA wi11 be contacted and have the option of takinq possession of any or a11 materials at that �ime; aI.I. other materials wi11 be disposed of at the discretion o£ P.P•I. All imarovemen�s paid £or by P.P.T. are subject to retention by B.?.I., unless said improvemen aze struczura3 in naiure. I= any mechanic`s lien is fiied agains� any part of the building io� work clai.med to have been done ior, or materiais iurnished to P.�•1•r such mechanic's Iien sha11 be dischargec3 by P.P.Z- within ten days thereafter, at P-P.I•'s sole cost and expense. Regardless of whether DW'H's consent is reauired or obtained hereunder: a?1 alterations shall be made ir.accordance with applicable laws, codes anci insurance guidel.ines, aad shall 'be performed in a good and wor]anar.ii.ke manner. P.P-I• shall not ins�all, without the orior consent of DWH, any eauipmeat whicfi wi11 or may necessitate any cnanges, repl.acements or additi.ons to, or in the use o=, the neatiaa, ventilating or air-conditionir.q sYs�en, or electrical system of the buildina. 9. Se� and Utilities. DTrtH sha11 �t�rnis'a heat, wazer, and el.ec'tric services to P.P.I. for their use in the oneration oi �heir busi�ess o. the Pre:nises duriag the CILr2i.1dR o= Lhis T•ease. 2 q7-� LEASE AGF2EEMENT 10. Insurance. P.P,I. agrees to purchase and to carry in fu11 force and effect commercial genera]. liab.ility insurance, providing coverage on an "occurrence" basis, which policy shall include coverage for Bodily Injury, Property Damage and Personal Snjury, in a combined single limit amount of not less than $1,000,000. I.1. Waivez and Indemnity. 11.1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, DwH and its partners, officers and employees shall not be liable to P.F.I., and P.P.I. hereby releases such parties from all damaqe, comgensation or claims from any cause other than the intentional andJor £oreseeabie mi.sconduct of DWH or its partners, officers or employees arising from: loss or damage to personal property or trade fixtures in the premises; lost business or other consequential damage arising out of interruption in the use of the premises; and any criminal act by any person other than DWH or its partners, officers or emplayees. 11.2. P.P.I. agrees to indemnify, defend and hold DWH and its partners, officers and employees harmless from and against any claim, 3oss, or expense arising aut o€ injury, death or property loss or damage occurring in the premises, except oniy to the extent caused by the intentional and/or forseeable misconduct of DWH or its partnes, officers or employees. DWH and its partners, offz.cers and employees sha11 be held liable if the cause was one they wese made aware of and did not rectify the oiiending circumstances in a reasonabl.e Zength oP time. 11.3. DWH agrees to indemnifp, defend and hold P.P.T. and its heirs, officers, employees, disectors, executors, ad�*ti.r_istrators, agents, and assigns hazmless iram zny losses, causes oi action or suits o� any kind or nature arising oL� a•`_ or rela�ing to claims arising under any £ederal, st�te, and locaZ statuie, ar requla�ion involving the previous ope=ation of People's Choi,ce by B.t3_T., Inc., a defunct Minnesota corporation wholly owned bg �he par�ners of DwH. DWH further agrees to indemrti�`y, clefend and hold P.P.i. znd its heirs, officers, emaloyees, directors, executors, admirristrators, agents and assigns harmiess £ram a11 common law claims for_breach of contract, invasion of nrivacy, promissory estoppel, personal injury or negligent retention and supervision whetrer developed or undeveloped invo?ving the previous epsration o£ Peonle`s Choice by 3.U.T., Inc_ I2. Default. �ny one o� tne following evenis saal? constitu�e an Event oi Deiault: (_) P.P.Z. s�a11 iail zo pay a^y monthl.y insiallmea� oi r2R� O?' �G S2i?� d5 f?E? nrovided, 'c-IlCj. SllCkl c��-a LEASE AGREEME23T default shall continue for a period of 15 days after the due date therefor; (ii) P.P.I. shall violate ar fail ta perform any of the other conditions, covenants or agreements herein made by P.P_I. and such default shall continue for 30 dags after notice from DWH. DWH agrees ta be reasonable under the circumstances, conditions, covenants or agreements herein made in finding P.P.I. in deEault. I€ an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, DWH may at its sole option by written notice to P.P.I. terminate this Zease. Neither the passage of time after the occurrence of the Event of Default nor exercise by DWH of any other remedy with regard to such Event of Default shall limit DWH's rights under this section. 13, Riqht of First Refusal. 13.1. If DWH desires to se11 the building subject to this Lease to any person or entity durinq the Term of tihis Lease and any subsequent renewal, DWH shall first offer such buil.dinq for sale to P.P.S. at the same price and on the same terms offered in good faith by such ather person or entity. Such offer sha11 be made by DWH by a notice given to P.P.I. The notice shall recite the price and other terms being of£ered in good faith by such other person or entity. P.P.I. sha11 have a peri.od of thirty days after receipz of the notice to accept or reject the offer. Acceptancs of the ofier sha11 be by notice given to the DWH. ,, I3.2. In the event that P.P.I. shal2 purchase the building from DSvH under the provision described above, P.P.I. sha11 receive as an offset to the purchase price tne cost oi any strnctu=al imnrovements it has made to tte builcting. Z3.3. Sn the event �hat P.P.I, sha11 no� gurchase ti?e bnildinq from DWH under the nravision described above, DTriu shal? reimburse P.P.I. £rom the proceeds of sa2e the cost o= any structural improvemen�s P.P.�. has made to the bu_lding. � 13.4. In the event that DWH shali seli the building to a party other than P.P.I., a11 provisions of this lease shall re*_aain in full force and ef�ect ior the full term of the leasa, including its renewal as provided in section 2 0£ tnis agreement. DWH acknowledges that in �aking this agree�en� that they rely whollg ugoa their own judgment, beliei and knowledge. DWH =urtner acknowledges 'tnat tney have careiuiiy read the foreyoir_g aareemeni ar_d understaad tI�e contea�s thereof and that they siga ihis agreement as their own fr=e act. DbvH iurther acknow?edges t'r_at � q� LBASE AGREEMENT they have consulted with and been rep=esented by an attorney thraughout the discussions which preceded the execution of this aqreement and that the terms have been completely read and explained by their attorney, and that those terms are £ully understood and voluntarily accepted by them, at that, except as otherwise indicated herein they sign this agreement for the axpress purpase of leasing the premises known as People's Choice, and precluding for as long as this agreement is valid any interest in People's Choice, and the management thereof. This agreement will be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. Lessor: Dated: Dated r�" � y � � -�7 �s r�ated: �b��- 71 �a9S ����,,��.�-- Edward Hayes; WHJpartner ' � � CU..�.�.-��7yt� John Tdilliams, DWAJpartner Lessee: i"�v�R� J e..�c.�2�cy��^� BY��� � y�b'F�- I�s CE STATE OF ?VII23NEcQna COUN'r'Y OF RAMSEY ss. k� The foregoing was acknowledged beiore me this 1 � day of Sentember, 1445, by Edward Hapes and by John Williams, partners of DTriH, on behali zs such Lessor. . )AiJIES S. Sil'cN �.° NOT��" ��•�L �C-MINNESOTA �1��r CH$$FG� COUM�i'�' rr co+.�asion ccn<ce �A:�. �7. 2090 � ���,.� �\�--. Natary Public LEASE AGREEMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA ) j ss. COtiNTY OF RAh1SEY ) q�-�aq The foreqoing was acknowledged before me this ��� dap of September, 1995, by 1�-EN� G-"��T�t��15 . CLO of Private Protection, Inc., on behalf as such Lessee. ¢ }AMES S. SI:EN Fe ":.�ti�r CHISAGO GOUN7Y �_': MY COMMIGSI�N ES�IPE] JAV. 3t. Z�0 This instrument was drafted by: James S. Si1en Attorney at I,aw �ttorney Id. No P.O. Box 48 Rush Ci�y, NSN- 231a60 55069. �� � �� No ry Public G :, , �� OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIV73 HEARINGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In re the Licenses of Private Protection, Inc. dlb/a People�s Choice 920 Selby Avenue CITY'S PROPOSED EXIiIBITS January 7, 1997 TO: Judge Richard Mosman, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the City's proposed exhibits for the Administrative Hearing on January 7, 1997. �ibit No. Exh. No. 1 Exh. No. 2 a Description St. Pau1 City Council File #96-1343 (6 pp.�; Notice of Hearing, dated December 3, 1996, with Affidavit of Service (4 pp.�; Exh. No. 3 License Application, dated March 17, 1996, with attached "Certification of Compliance with the Minnesota Worker's Compensation Law" form, license payment receipt, and "Minnesota Tax Identification Number" form (5 pp.}; Exh. No. 4 Exh. No. 5 Exh. No. 6 License Application, dated March 17, 1996, with attached September 27, 1995 "Lease Agreement" t9 pp.); Executive Summary, Business P1an, dated May 14, 1996, with attached April 23, 1996 letter from Brett Larson to Carl Green (5 pp.}_ Amended Articles of Incorporation of Private Protection, Inc., filed September 2, 1994 (4 pp. ) ; .� . Exh. No. 7 Exh. No. 8 Exh . No . 9--���//„s� r� Exh. No. 10 Exh . No . 11�"��,rG� � Exh. No. 12 Exh. No. 13 Exh. No. 14 Exh. No. 15 Exh. No. 16 Exh. No. 17 Exh. No. 18 Exh. No. 19��,,%/ory� �� Exh. No. 2� Exh. No. 21 q�-3� Property Ownership/Occupant Screen and Business License Manager Screen (4 pp.); April 15, 1996 letter trom Christine Rozek to Carl Green (1 p.); Executive Summary, Susiness P1an, dated April 15, 1996 (1 p.); April 26, 1996 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl/Earl Green (2 pp•?; Lease Agreement, dated September 1995 (1 p.); Letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek, received May 3, 1996 (1 p.); May 6, 1446 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl Green (1 p.); May 21, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek (3 pp.); June 3, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek {1 p.); June 10, 1996 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl Green (2 pp.); June 18, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek with attached affidavits from Carl L. Green, Curtis Olson, and Elizabeth Y. Green (4 pp.); July 22, 1996 letter from Virginia Palmer to Car1 Green (2 pp.}; July 23, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Virginia Palmer (1 p.�; September 3 "Inspector Response Data Entry/Update Screen" (2 pp.); September 20, 1996 agreement to conditions, signed and dated September 25, 1996 (1 p.). . .. � 97-�a` Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicable St. Paul City ordinances: St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.�5 § 310.06 � 310.17 Chapter 426 Respectfully submitted this 7th day of January, 1997. Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612}266-8710 � " - � OFFIC�jF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timolhy�tar.K Ciry AUOmey -- � �-�a5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Division 400 City Hall t S West Kelkgg Blvd Saini Pau(, Mmnesota 55102 NOTI�E OF HEARING December 3, 1996 Carl & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 55404 Telephone: 611 266-8110 Facsimile: 61119&5679 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. dJb/a People's Choice Dear Mr, and Mrs. Green: This is to notify you that a hearing�will be held.concerning the above-referenced license application pursuant to Chapter 310.05 and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code at the following time, date and place: Date: December 20, 1996 Ti.me: 9:30 a.m, Place: Room 42 City Hall-Couaty Courthouse 15 W. ICellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, NIId 551Q1 The hearing examiner will be an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Richard Mosmaa Administrative I,aw Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Aveaue South Richfield, 2�T 55423 Phone: 861-3331 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide for hearing concerning licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 31�, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or � � � Private Protechon, Inc. � d1bla Peo ple's Choice — City's E�. No. 2 ` �. � . 9�-�a conditions. The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has determined that conditions on the above-referenced license are appropriate and will recommend issuance of the licenses applied for subject to the conditions. However, at the hearing before the Saint Paul City Council testimony was heard by citizens in opposition to the issuance of the license. Evidence may be presented to the judge through the intervention of interested parties in the proceeding. ' The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62, and the procedural rules of Chapter 1400.5100-140D,840o of the Minnesota Rules and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. You have a right to be represented by an attorney, to represent yourselves, or to be represented by a person of your choosing to the extent not otherwise prohibited as the unauthorized practice of law. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all. parties identify themselves for the record. The City wi11 then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may , cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If data classified as not public (e.g. private or confidential) is admitted into evidence, it may become public unless a party objects and asks for relief under Minn. Stat. §14.60, subd. 2. A notice of appearance must be filed with the judge within twenty (20) days of the date of service of the notice of and order for hearing if a party intends to appear at the hearing, unless the hearing date is less than twenty days from the issuance of this notice . The undersigned will appear on behalf of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Please be advised that if you fail to appear at the hearing it may result in the allegations of the notice of and order for hearing � �} y � i ��-��9 being accepted as true and result in a determination in favor of the License Office to recommend conditions on the license. Very truly yours, � ��� Virgin�almer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessles, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Aearings, Suite 17D0, Minneapolis, MN 55401 Judge Richard Mosman, 604 Richfield Bank, 6625 Lyndale Ave. So., Richfield, MN, 55423 Nancy Anderson, City Council, Room 310 City Hall Peggy Byrne, Executive Director, Summit-University Planning Council, 627 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, 55104 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Ttmothy E. Marx, City Attorney g �_ � a CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Nonn Coleman, Mayor civit Division 400 City Hall I S West Kellagg Blvd Saint Paul, �nnesom SSIO2 Telephone: 612 266-8710 Fdcsimile: 6I2 298-5619 December 31, 1996 The Honorable Richard Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Mr. Carl Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 E. 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 554�4 Mr. Philip A. Shepherd Collins & Ingebritson, PA 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. d/b/a People's Choice Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the hearing in the above-entitled matter, which was continued until Tuesday, January 7, 199? at 9:30 a.m., will be heard in Room 1504 of the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paiii� i.ia'.I72S6�d. The City Hall Annex is located on Fourth Street, between Wabasha and Saint Peter Streets. Sincerely, �/� � � � Virgin a D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek LIEP "° � �1-'.;'f s.. t � ! � 9� &TATE OF MINNESOTA ) 5S. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY 1 JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and sa�s that on December 3, 1996, ehe served the attached NOTICE OF HEARING on the following named persons by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Carl & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. &15 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN. 55404 (which is the last known addresses the same, with postage prepaid, in Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of December, 1996. /� l/ .IJ //l< GliL�� � Notary Public . • RITA M. 80SSARD � hOTARY PUBLIC — h711:ti`c50TA RANSEY COUNTY ' MY�mn.ExpiresJSn.37.2W0� of said persons? and depositing the United States mails at St. � -� �=� � g � L CL�SS iII ciTY oFS.ai�r P�LL LICE\SE APPLICATION or ficeofLicense.In< w;�ens a�dEm�rzenme�tzi?:.�: e.ion ?50 S� Pncr St. Suim 309 Saim Pzul. AM1ianuou '9 (f . — _.�_i .�•� �._ (61'_726S909Jfa�(61^_):cb-9:13 _ ' �J�C�4 /'-^ T?��S APPLTC.4TI0\' IS StiBJECI' TO RE�ZEW BY THE PtiBLIC PLEASE 7YPE OR PRI1T L\ L\'K i ,, - �l� zf. . T}PeofLicense(s)beingappliedfoi: _;>2+"'%C ���, ll �� f�,t `� ��;�,*�S�'�c �dr';-z( ¢'—�-Y��-�•F-��SP_ � r Company \'us�: �F' r W�' r� t�Y �� L� C�� t rt Corp�ration / Pzra�ers.^.+p / Sole Propdetort.a If business is incorporated, gi��e date of iacc;poralion: � Boin� Business As: ��L ��C%,� 1� ;$ l�L BUSiness Address: Besiness Phone: ,3f'- '�� ��� Stree[ Address �- � ? � � � S / � � �y�, �JC Jr GtY // State Z Beeween what cross streeu is the business located? `�.�� - %Zf �4 j 7 l�JJlTft� Whjch side of the street? w� �t Ara the prer.rises now occupied? � V✓bat Type of Business? � '�7aii To Address: _� / � • 1 L � St�f �'f ������y k�'G li S �f✓ .SS���-/ Stccet Address City State Zip Applicant Information: \'azm and Tide: �.(l �`� �f t_ Home Address: �.r� � . C f'P � .� C�r2�r First yLddle (.Maiden) GSo�I Jf�m/e f R vt ..f'o - L�of Cc`o �� Title �� �� Sveet Address � ���— �—� ity State Zip Date of Birth: �- z-.3 "�e� Place of Bireh: �R �� X-f �re .� Home Phone: Y�B' %���1 Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violauon of any city ordinance orher than tr�c? YES _ NO � � Date of azrest: Chazge: _ Conviction: R'here? Sentence: List the names and residences of ttuee peisons of good moral cbazacter, living witfiin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related applicant or financiaily interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanYs chazacter: n��.� ADDRESS �!^.e���`het'SZ 3 �3� E. Gcgtn �t • TnvPY C�i f=--- �Ccc�t Flc�:v F'u Run 1ia ��* ��lzCctn List licenses which you currendy bold, forr�rly held, or may have an interest ia: �r�7e��-;Ve liavt't�5 'ti(,�r`,�Z_ , 4�r;�r��e lnvC��,a. PHONE iC�hts 55�-i¢s t,sS��3z� i,�n5` 1 ci L'� V r�•OM ��z � y: s K �� �a � >�� Have any of the above'£iazued licenses ever been recoked? _ YES ✓?30 If yes, list che dates and reacons fox revocation: � Are you going to opente this business personally? ✓ YES _:�O If not, who will operate ii? '' Fnt Name Middle Initiai ('.;aiden) Iast Date of Birth Homeqddsess: SaeeeName City Stau Zip Phone:.umber _ � Are eeu �eino to ha�e a r.�a��aer cr a:s.::_.; :; ti;i< bus;ne<:: }�ES comple� the fo!lo•,�i::: i :,orn:.ticn: �1t1 K,r`�� ��tf\ �� f.Fli S �"� i .`,� . F:stS�nr >^.io�e:ai�� ..`.ad^_') I.�tt .,.,.�ef3inh 'r.o:,z Ad: Speet \�� Plezc.e list pe=s es�lo��nt fustory fer �e rre��ie�s fice (_; ; zaz �riod: Buciness/Emoto�,—,ent �dd;ess �r',i!h �a l . Tnn.. (s15 ;- . If,�?� Str S�te P4e,-.e �um6er /✓�/.� f'F�rl ��rl+'n � �t� Tv,c 7 ��r~���n{Cn�'rYe�.L�',,ttnGe �`trove /✓�✓SSVirn J List a11 ocher o:ficers cf t6e cocg�:aac7: OFFICER TLE HQUtE HO'�'iE BliSI\'ESS DAI'EOF \A;vIE �{ 'fice Held) ADDRESS PHO�E PHO\B BIRTA til�z�l�e�i1 ��reFn ���retfer ��c� �n)irt t? YSs 4�93 3.z1.v� izyo-�s If business is a pazmership, pie��e inc}ude t�e iollowing inie::nation for eac6 partner (use additiona! pages if nececsary); :mu�i (.`.:aidenj 97 \O �fv�em.ma�er;snct:l;e>:r.x.�:.'�ae�r:or.Fiea�e Hoxs�Address S¢e.ei:�a� First'�`.me bTiddle Ir�iriei (?�faiden) '-iome Addrus: Sveet Name City Lzn Sczte Zip I,zst Stim Zip Date of Binh Phene Num�r Dace ot NiLNl�'ESOTA TAX IDE,\`TIFICATIO\' �'L'�'[BER - Pursu�t to the Laws of ?�Iinnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (I'ae Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing au[borities �-e required to procide to [he State of'vlinnesota Commissioner of Revenue, tbe :Minnesota business tax identification nu�Ser znd cbe cC;izl cecurity numbet of each license applicant. Under the'.vlinnesota Govemmeot Data Pracaces Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze requ'ued to advise you of the folloa�ing regazding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification rTUmb_r: �_ - This informatior.cray be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in che event you owe Minnesota sales, empioyer s withholding or motor vehicle ezcice tazes; - Upon xeceiving this information, che licensing authority will supply it only co the'vlinnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Depaztment of Reti�enue may supply tivs information to che Intemal Revenue Sercice. Minnesota Tzx Identification \'umbers (Szles & Use Taz \umber) mzy be obtaiaed from the State of'�Iinnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Pa:k Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Suurity?�'umber: '.vTinncsota Tax Idenafication \'umber: _ If a Minnesota Taz Iden�cation \�umbez is not requ'ued for t6e business being operated indicau so by pIacing aa "X" in the boz. 9�-3a9 CERTIFICA510S OF �6'ORKERS` CO�L'�\SATIO\ CO� ER4GE PliRSt AAT TO �^,I�\ESOTA ST.4TLTE 176.1 S^ I hereb}' cerufy tbat I. or my comaan}•, zm;n compliance �; ;�h �he M�e:kets' cor.•.pensa;ion insura�ce co��eraee requaemen[s of '�4innezota Statute 176.182, sath;ivision 2. I a1<o vndz:_c+,y�d Lhat pro� i�iea of false informatioo in this cercification conseimtes sufiicient grounds for ad��erse action a�ainst all licenses 6eld, inciudine re�rocaaca a�d suspension of said licences. tiame of Insurance Company: Policy N�m6er. Cocerage from to I have no employees covered undec k�orF:e:� comp�nsatioa :::.urance ANY F3LSIFIC:�TIO\ OF A\S��'ERS GIVEV QR �1L�TERIAL SLB�ZITTED R�iLL RESi:LT I\ DE\IAL O� THIS �PPLICATifl*� I bereby state that I have answered all of �e precedin� quesuans, �d that the infoxmauon contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belieE I hereby state funber that I have received no money or other consideration, by vray of loan, sifr, conuibuuon, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in che application w hich 3 berewith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fize, health and othet city offici�ls at any and all u�s when the business is in operation. n ����� 1'' �!U'�� '" Signa.ure (REQliIRED for all applications) /� **Note: If this applicavon is Food/Liquorrelated, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review p]ans. If any substancial changes to s�ucture aze anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Ezami¢u at 266-9007 to apply for buiiding permits. If there are any changes to the pazking lot, floot space, or foz new operations, pleue contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Additional application requiremenfs, please attach: A detailed description of the design, ]ocation and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The folloc�ing data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 81/2" x 11" or 81/2" x 14" paper): • I�'ame, address, and phone number. - The scate should be sfated such as 1" = 2A'. ^?.' should be indicated fovcazd the top. - PIacement of atl pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seafing areas, ldfchens, offices, repair azea, pazldng, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or er.pansion of the licensed faci['sty, indicate both the current ues and fhe proposed expansion A copy of pour Iease agreement or pr�of of ownership of the property. FdFt SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREME:VTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> ����a9 Lin^i1F;CRi:^✓H C�F CIkSPLiAKLi ViiH THE NIHNESGiA VJ^nKERS' C.'7`iPERSRTIOH LFV Accordin� .o BH Statutes 77b.�b2, ticcnsin5 agcncics arc prohibi2cd fro�n issuing licc.ticcs vi:hovi vcritication of xorkcrs covcrege. A LICE%SE AvACtUtTtOt Urv�T BE PROCESSEJ tniLESS THIS FORK 15 CUmLFT� StGtiED AWD RETUCkeJ (p(ccse print). questions on filling ovi this form sboutd be direc:ed to the Stcie of Rin�csota "spccial CmQcnsation furd° - 296•2157. r _ _. pa� T t>` , ��� �' i - Doin9 busincss as i �: . ; ,r � �t ! ..' ' last tirst mid3te fvlt busincss nar,�, if difSereM .han yoor Sociat Scwrity Mo. � �" � � frdcral Ei+Qtoyer 7D Ao. State SD Ro. Addrems ' - . �-� f ' . = . . ,�i .�, � , � s.rret ao�ress�or :oo:c n,rber ci:y ar toun namc statc namc zip ca - i., �; Business Tetep�one No. C�� 1r. 7 �'• "`"' `1= Hane iclephone Ho. t� �) '- ! - � Typc of H�siness ���'- ='" -�� i { �"•i � � .�- _ f � � �i�r'�.'1 �,�_1 ;t�� -`.� , t i , descrip:ion (for cxar.Qlc: buitding,consfruction; or togging; or cianufae.uring) Vorkcrs' Ccr.pensation =? �, .� - C ,,,_ n ` , ` �='ar.�.':!y PoliC H e�'A,�. . tnsuraxc Cor.y�eny uamc� s �'-� - : � . : �'' ' - Y o. . �. . . . �ull.rame o4 insurance cmp�ny C�Ot irtsurance a ent) tull nu�+Sc� from insurance policy �— _._.t t �t . � - .., ; � . : V i . ; , ,-. . .; ; 'l - a�" . � )� .. . _ , ( ;�,tt '.l�_,✓_ �4{�Kz � N'�Y'�z: Da:es ef Coverage � ihrorigh � " �} � '� ' � � �t,.,�, startin9 da2e erding Ca:c � '' < < . '�t � ` �;�" �' S certity that f am not reqvired :o carry uorkers' cmper,saTion insurasxa becauset ` � -"`F �' ��� ,�� ��". i� {=yscY. ^r�c� _ I am a sotc proprietor or� 1 have no cr.Qloyccs. t have no eep(oyecs �ho are covercd by tAC vcrkers' cmQensation lcv. (Only mployces who are specifically exenpted staiuie are naS eovere6 by the uotkers' cccper.saSion iav. These inctude: Spouse; Parents; Chjtdren, reyardless o{ a7 and farm tabor rnQloyeas of a,'amily farm tAat spent less xban S8,D00 for farm labor in thc prcrious wlcrda� ycar, I otfier workers uhose work activity is tontroltable by the essptoycr m.isi be covered.) 1 u�crstacd that the inforaatio� provided above vitt be vc�ificd by thc Nimeseia Department of Labor a.�d tndustry. undersiard ihat 1 am subject to a 15,000 penaltK, iF i e information is false. I ceriity that the intorrration provided abo is ecwratc aed ca�ptcic. '�, �� �� _ � % ^, r Siyned by � / �' i� 0 - , D32c �T �i `" �: , __._ - � [NO tocat licensing a9exy, 9en. contr., timber 6vyer or other yersonloryonization attir+9 as an interme6icsy to de4ives this to� to chc Dcpt. of Labor ard Irduztry shalt bc respon:ib�c for acwracy oi thc inlorn�tion provided by tTc person signing thc iorm. i R�� . -} (`� � Q ! � d�a1G: ~+ �t J/ _ � 12 a�a;.,>d O� 9.� /��nt �,.: c (= a�nvni ✓�a: l_euh: �Ceceiiat �or �ac�rreenf ! �` �C .�maunf 7�ec¢ivarL '/ �' 7 `' � / CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL OGfice ot Licrnse, Inspections and Environmental Prorection 3w St. ve�a St. smm 3ao Saw� PaW. Mimtmia 55102 (612) ib69100 C��6 yl,�&,.� 1� �//?�..t l��awod d3�: — i J I 9� -�a9 PLEASE hQTE - FASI,IIRE TO S�PLY THE FOLI,OAZNG INFORMATION AILL JEOPARDZ'�E OR DELAY THE PROCF',SS2bTG OF YOIIR LICENSE ISSIIA27CE OR RENEPiAI, APPLICATICN. MI2v"NESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION A Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72)(Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Co:ozaissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification nuiwer and tre social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the Federal. Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of this information; 1J This in£ormation �.ay be used to deny the issuance or r�:?ewal of your licer.se ?n the event you owa Minnesota sales, e�ployer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; 2) Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Department of 12evenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Infor�ation Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Minnesota Tax Identi£ication Numbers (Sales & t3se Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota - Business Records Department - 10 River Park Plaza. Phone: 296-6181. tipp�icanr.•s Social Security � { �f�2�k i'Yo� C � Iti- � I".� n � J`.> C. 1(,t ; i i? ! f' �' rL�,s �i r r'�: : f � � i� 5���'� 3�1-y,��= � � s- lJ ,.;...��� . Minnesota Tax IdentiPication Number: ',,.;,j�: (If a Minnesota Tax Identi£ication Number is not required for the business bein operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box. ) �J - l�� ,J � /�f�'�� ���� a6 S Signature Date ��� C �v � ��-�a5 0 •� / / � �(�� f15�i� '"4 AniendrJ ;Ai(�r't� ;�: luro:��o�.::�;u� ��s' Pn�:rt�' P���Irrhi�n. L:. . The undersigned incorpo�ator. bcing :� r.atur:il pei,rn� u1'+ui� .r +�,: t.,; puip.i,c „i ����n+in. .. COfQOCS(IOII RI7(Ief I�'t!l1I1�SUI;t SIl(US<�. � �t:tfll;'1 )�)���, il������ .lilu{:f+ �.�: :��ilC�i ��l Ineorporn6on set torth f�erein :�ttrrc'[_r: u��°e Section L01 N;1�d[ The name of the eorporat�on u 1'u�.n. P��rt��tuni. Inc :\R'11('LE l \\'U Section 2 01 REGISTERED OFFIC�E. Tl�t r�giilered of:ire ��t� tlin cur^or.�uun i. (ui:ited .�t / GIS East 16th Sireet, �'(mn�apo4is, i�t\ 5��1(�d �� AR"(fCLf: '1�f IRIiR; Sectio�t 3.01 INCORPOFtATOR ��i,e �,:�»,� ;t„�; :,�i�i,�., �>r �i,� :::.,,,��,,:.,;, i. \i:el�.i�:�.:n Beeks, Sr., 6t$ East IGth Street, `hnne.�poli<. �iX ��-!0�! AIt'I;C'Lt; PQl.tt SCCtion 401 CAP{TFV1_ Tlte a��reg:ne ntintbc; oC>h,c,. oC.!c•e� ��!':..L d:r to�;��+�.rt:� .h.di hace aud�oritt� to issua �s 1.000 sh:u�. 1K"Il('LE Pl\'(. SeCtiott .`+�1 Cn\�f�10\ S�I�(�C�h �I�heie �h;ul b�' ��i�. �':.. ;�„i .��.. �' �uuinnu; .!�.t„ consisllnk of �i0�) sh;ire+ :lll commor. <h:irc• .h.dl br �,:!u�,� .ir:�� i�.�.:•�:� ru�,_d ��_•'�r.� .:::.i m a{I matt�rs _ $acucn 5 0? CLASSES OF_AUA-�:(S�1_{A<� �lO<'I� li.; li�,.:�:: .�! [i.;�.'. ;r..��. I,� t,�:.: "--- to h�tie. estlbli;h bv resolution diffucni d.:>.,� u� ,�n� oi .L::::. ,�. .::: �.o,u;�• rch;. :��:,? mat� t'i� tiie n�hts (e�capf ��oLnu n,1it.) ar. � p�:l��irr.c_. rf... .. ..... . .. . _. , � ,.._ Sect�o:i 5 Q? :lC'"I O!_ l:lll�_tili;A!2'r.l_IOI 1)l:tt �I i�� �h.r.,:.n!d;�• •.. .._ .. ,... ..,._ af!irr,.....e ��ota �€� a ��tajon;�� u:� dr� �:•„���: { : :. _ .iia,;.:� ; _ _ _. �. _. .,,�_�. �, .. . _. ., d�.ii} held nteetin_ e�ce^r d;aL t.`i�• �L:u�i:cu,!,. ,..:ii ..... .., , . . . . .. ..... _ . .. . r ^ '�C...: O� :�i-.i \Ol::l; �)O�\CI' l;f :h.� �I;:!1� �17::1 p� . .. .. _ �,. .... ... , . . . . � � a`�,'{��% ..! ., � =� � /! i . . Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice —' City's Exh. No. 6 ., r , �7-3a9 0 ogo� :\IL'CIC'L(� >(\ Sec!ion 60{ fI�ST Bn:1Rn_QF 1�(RFC1'O�S Thr tlr.t Bo:ud of I)nrrtor. .t�.•II con.i.i uf three (3) persons ��ho.c names :ue rinthi�u;d� Ba.i.., ti� ll;r�i,. \\:�ti.�r. .....; (.,�f (n;��� Section 6.03 ACT OP TFfE BO.ARD. "ihe fSuard ot Du<•r�.��. .ir:!i i.J.c .i�;wn b� thr affirmative vote of all of the Airecte�rs Section 6.05 W`RiTiL'N ACTiO�. Any acuan ;equu�d �+r ivu:utt: � ta 1�.: t.+��iti ti�tt}tiuii; ,i meetin� by ws�tten act;on signed by all of dea directors, r�crpi .0 d�a,r inatt.r< ulvci3 rcqui�, shareholder app:oval, in which ca�e the acuon shafi br �� �nce1 b� .ill duce;"i. 1RTIC'I.E SE:�'F\ Sect�On 7.01 CU�IULATIVE V(�TINCi No f�older c+i',tuii. of ti��. ia�pot.t�;uit ,h;tll t�r entitled to any cumulanve voting ngSits :1RTIt'LB fSGH"{' Section 8.01 PRE-E�4P1lVL_it��ri_t_1_S �o holci�r nf �torl rf ih�� ernpur;;mr .h.�ll h:,« .tn� pre-emptive rights :\R"Il('LP \I\l SeCt�On 90; r�t�lE\[���1E�iT Si�h��e! tu \(ins� St:u iU:�1 t;� tivh J6 tlic.r �1�u�lr� ��I [ncorporation shall bo amended U� th� ;iftiun:unr �oir oi l��u��„ ,:( ;l�r ��.�!:nr po��,� rf d�. shares entitle�i to vote Ii_; -r, /; , ; �j �;' U $7ATE Or h11N':�E`SOTA DEPA£"M.f1T 0= STAT£ F;LED SCC V L i�:� � ,� ;._ � � L ��;c !!: :.� \ntfii;�.�:�.: �_.,:. ,; Inro;pora�o: (,�:� Fn.y lbth � \I!:;n.a� \1\ :-, . � ,:r J� � :� � � � /�.t��sb'sas�+.�r! ��� c_, s.-��-1; � - -� •f�� 9�-�a� ''� - - � i ��,rr:-.,, �TAT� �F 1 �T�:'��E5C�7'.': � -;. _ . � , �.._ . , r, �;L��,; ��CRFT.AR}' Or c7�,1Ti_ � �' ., � - � �.; .. � `e�" � '' :l;iTICLF.S C� ?'tiC (�i�PO :,1T:0\' :.� <. rr;. ;�,°. � �\�,L'.r..,.`' J3)1G177PLGfdLtf ��i'S.'r>7'r:f.? ( ;'�riv�ii" = � ,�^ � - � . PLEASE T'YPE OP iZL`T LEGIF>L2'iti £L,1C?: L�I:- %`� Ple:se ma? :ae d::cr::o;s on the re�; ex s:::e �xzo:a cnr-� "•.:�• -� -� A..: ::�ior:ra . :. c. :. .. ... : _ _,. .: . ...._ _ � � c: • r , TO EXPED:TE TFiE F.EI'C.Ti.1 OF YOLT. DOC[.:� P..-.-�iSF_ SL�C��J 1 A S"..:.:Pi 7, $C;.F-:1^7:^S$SLD L1 : i::-C;i i. Tha undersigned incorporator(s) is an {ase)indi�✓idua!(�; 18 years cf a�s or o!der a�d a��r' :he 1�;'o++in, a ��dES e' i�corpora:ion to form a(mark ONLY one;: !� .TY�I:-PROtiT BUSI\'F55 CORi'Gitr'.TIO:� (�:ap: °°14) .`�'O.'� i`RC.�r7T fOF:i'".,`RAP,:J\ (Ci •;••cr:;:','.� .SRTICi� 1 ti,a.'.fE "Chc *�amc o; �;��e to;� n �<: d >v���`�/��,�-� ��•- —»-----�. (busi.esa Co.` ozHon ru:nes must i�dude a rorf+o-a;e de.:�unon s•.�. as tr.v: c:at.c'.Conen_::c�n, Co;np..:i�', I.:.^t:'�v' cr an ahhr.���':� of cne o(those k•ox3sJ ARTICLb U FEGISTEAED O£RC£ ADDFESS A't AGLtiT 7'he rc�itemd offrce add:ess of the ebcporatlen ic: !��iS� /7 �( �'H!'. i✓0 %��%'/� _ � �----- �"%'✓ � S > "t'/J � {A mmp�Ce �treet ad&ess or n.ra1 route md Tun1 mute boz nemSev i nou'ved: t:�r addaess can:.at be a P.O. Bo+) C3h� The registercd agent at the abovc �ddress i<: -- �'— �' -- (IioteYouuenotf.yui>e+:lohav<a:e�istv+d+geni.l tia�e AR'i1CLE?71 SI-L1FE5 i � �., The mrporation is authorizcd to issue a!o,sl of ��'` -- shares. (Sf you arn e busincss eorjmration you r.iust �uthorv.c at icasi or.c �hare. S�onptoiit c�rpc �rat�ons 1n• not [�guin�3 in h��'c shs:« ) ARTICLEN LtiCORPORATORS 76Ve1. the aodersig�cd u+mrF+oramds) mrtih� t}u! 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U7�'Lr, l�i=. � �; � �-u.�u✓.li—..i, 5�_'c.'�ry �E 5�.:.. s�'. e� CITY OF ST PAIIL CAF ID House n JNIT � 0239300920 00920 Occupant:LEROY DANI�LS P 1: 02282321015b Parcei Code 2: 0766�0001003 FEE NAME q�-3a9 Date: May 1E PROPERTY OWNr2SriiP STRBET NAME OCCUPANT.SC3�EN SELBY AVB CONSTR YR Ward Dist Tract Blk O1 08 35400 408 Aomestead Name(s) 1:EDWARD I-LAYES JOHN WIL�SAN',S L�ROY DANTE 2:1484 SHERBURNE AVE 3:ST PAUL MN 551042415 4: TAX I3AME l: 2: 3: TAX DESCRIPTION 1:BEG AT NE COR OF LOT 1!H S 2:QN E L 83 38/100 FT TA W 37 3:09/100 FT TH N 10 50/100 FT 4:TA W 21 87/100 FT TH N 7 5:02/100 FT TH W 1 OS/100 ?T SMITA AND 1: 2: 3: Zone 1:&-3 2: 3: 1: 2: TAYLOR'S Description General Business ADDITION IIsage Recreational Subuse CLUB/ASSOCIATION HAT / 1�11��■ Private Protection, Inc. — d/bia People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 7 9�-�a� Date: May 1 BIISINESS bTCEPiSE MANAGER SCREE21 License ID 17996 Name JOHN WILLIAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 1484 Street Direction Unit Street Name SHERBURNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 1:11974, 11073 2:CITY COUNCIL APPROVED RENEWAL OF THE PRIV CLUB LIC 3: �N A LIST OF CLASS III RFNEFIAL5 4:093087 CITY COL7NCIL AMENDED C.F. 87-1121 ADOPTED O 5:N 080487 TO ADD CONDITIOIQS TO BUT, INC. DBA PEOLP[ 6:S CHOICE C.�'. 87-1428 7:0407&8 PH ON CONSIDER SUSPENAING PRIV CLUB LIC FOR 8: 30 DAYS FROM 4/15/88 TO Sj15/88 APPROVED CF 88-49 Env Notes 1: 2: 3: 4: �r�-�aq Date: May 15 Bt3SINESS LICENSE MANAGER SCREEN License ID 17946 Name JOHN WILLIAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 1484 Street Direction Unit Street Name SHERBURNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 9:9 10:052389 PFI DATE OF 062189 & 062389 BEFORE AN ADMINI ' 11:STRATIVE LAW JUDGE SET 12:072589 PH ON REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE - 13:LAYED OVER TO 480889 14:080889 REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE PRESENTE 15:D AT COiINCIL ° DISCUSSION PROMPTED DECISION TO REV 16:OKE LICENSES Env Notes 1: z: 3: 4: . . ��-�a9 Date: May 15 BUSINESS LICENSE MA2tAGER SCREEN License III 17996 Name JOIiN WILLZAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 148A Street Qirection Unit Street Name SHERBt3RNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 17:081589 ALL LICENSE5 REVOKED EFFECTIVE 8j27/89 - C. 18:F. 89-1489 19: • 20• 21: 22: 23: 24• Env Notes 1: 2: 3: 4: O}'FICE OF LtC£\SE. ]SSS'ECT10`�S A\D E\�'7R0\\fE\7.�1LPROTEC710\ Rohert 1,'assier. Dvector THE CITY OF SAlNT PAUL Norm Colemon, Ma}�or April 15, 1996 Privafe Protection lnc. (PPI) Cari Green 615 E. 16th St. Minneapolis, MN 55404 LO(347ppR0�BSS701�:iL BUILDIFG Surte 300 ??0 St. Peter Stree! SRrnt Pau1. A; Innesata 55702-I510 RE: License application #57870 at 920 Sefby Avenue Dear Mr. Green: �-�a Telephone: 6J?-266-9D90 Faccrmile: 6J?-2669099 6L?-?66-9124 The Office of LIEP has begun the review of your license appGcation at 920 Selby Avenue. At this time, the foliowing documentation has not been submitted: 1) lease or purchase agreement for the premise at 920 Selby Avenue Also, i� subsequent exchanges of various voice-mail messages, you have indicated a desire to change your application from a dance hail to a cabaret, which raises a number of questions regarding the conduct of business at that location. As i have indicated on your answering machine, I would like you to come in to meet with Kris Schweinfer, Senior License 4nspector, and me to discuss your license application. We will need to see a copy of your licenselpurchase agreement and a plan fior your business which inciudes, but is not limited to a description of your intended hours of operation, method of operation, security measures, parking availability, and the age of clientele you hope to attract. Piease call me at 266-9108 or Kris Schweiner at 266-9112 as soon as possible to set up your appointment. A Council hearing wiil not be set until these issues are resolved. Sincerely, - j . f �' 1[!��L.� �.i IW�..� LM��� / J Christine A. Rozek Deputy Directar ��� cc: Robert Kessier Kris Schweinler Ginger Palmer 1 iAL �� 4-� �" �",`, �"' `�' .�N����� � ���� � Private Protechon, Inc. ! d/bla People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 8 �. THE CITY OF S�I'.�T PAUL !�'orn� Colempn, Ma��m Aprif 26. 1996 Private Protection, lnc. �': �� fari Green 615 E. 16th St. Minneapolis, MN 55404 OFFICE 6F 3JCE'�SE, INSPLC'rIOKS AVD ESCIP.O�\:E\7AI. FROTECTtOti i?ohan Xrstler, D,reclOr LOIS R ypp,OFESS10h',SL IJUI4D7NG Smte i00 : SOS� PererS;�eet SoruPQUI d!mretom551@-ISlO RE: ticense Appiication #57870 at 920 Seiby Avenue Dear Mr. Graen: ! Tefephane.'612-�66-9090 rACnmile: 61:-_669D99 6/1-:66-9!_4 � At a meeting on 4l17l96, in the LIEP office with Kris Schweinler snd me, you �vere informed that two significant items were missing from your ds,^ � h�l! a�;,;icati�n for 920 Selby Avenue - a site pian and fease agreement, Subsequent to our meeting both of those items were received in the L{EP office on 4f18/96. F4o�vever I am unable to approve the lease because of the foilowing: 1} The lease is signed by Dennis E. Watkins of PP{, the �•c�rporate applicant at 920 Selby. However, Mr. Watkins does not appear as an officer of PP! on your ficense application. In fact, you wife, Elizabeth Green, is listed as the sole officer. How does Mr. Watkins have the authority to sign for PPI if he is not an officer of the corporat+on? What role will Mr. Watkins play in the operation planned for 920 Selby Avenue? These issues must be resoived before LfEP can make a recommendation to the City Council regardir.g your application. At our meeting tCris and i also expressed concern regarding your intent to operate your business until 3:00 AM Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. This ofEice wili not support a 3:00 AM ciosure and wiil request that conditions be placed on your license that require an earfier closure. • P� a� P�rotechon, Inc. • d/b/a People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 10 � April26, 1996 G� Priva!e Protect"ron. in;, Finally, PPf requested that the ficense applfed for be changed from a dance hafi to a cabaret. You and your wife indicated that you felt a cabaret 4icense wauld give PP{ more control over t�^�a activities at 920 Seiby. The {icense appiication wi{{ be changed to ref(ect your request. 7he fes for bcth licenses is $164.00. P(ease 4et me know if you F�ave funher questions or concems. { will Iook for your written respo�se within the next week. Sincerely, -� T � �,�,'��.,�.� � ,_�� -+ � �t-� tc. � Christine A. Rozek � � `� Deputy Director 266-9108 CAR/jl cc: Robert Kessler\Director UEP Kris Schweinler/LIEP Ginges Palmer/City Attorney s�-�a5 PRIVATE PROTECTION, INC. bl.i East lbth Street, Loa•er Level Minneapolis, Ml�t 5�404 (612) 321-4840 Christine A. Rozek Office of License, Inspeaions and Enviranmental Protection Lowry Profession.,1 B::::dina Suite .i00 350 St. Pecer St. St. Paul, MN 5�102-1510 Ms. Rozek, I would Iike to respond to a Ietter that you sent to me in order to clarify a few things. i. Elizabeth Green is not listed as the sole officer; Carl Green should also be listed as an o�cer. 2. At the time the lease agreement was signed, Dennis E. Watkins was an officer of the corporatioa and had the authority to sign such an agreement. He will play no role in the operation of any business conduaed at 920 Selby Avenue. If there are any other questions ot concems that you have, please do not hesitate to coatact me. ^,^� � j% , / � --'. Cazl L. Green CEO Private Protection, Inc. cc: Kris Schweinler - cv i ',;`�� � Pr Inc. ■ —' dfb/a People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 12 �i�-��.9 swxux lAU L � w*� THE CITY OF SAitiT PAL�I. hbrm Calemart, Mayor May fi, 1496 Te:epnorte: 6! ?-166-9C9G Facs�m;te: 6i 2-. •+69099 5J?-?66-91 >t Carl Green PPI 615 E. 16th Street Ivlinneapolis, lv�' S5�04 OFFICE OF L10E?:SE, IFSPEC770AS A,tiD £'.�\7R0;� �fE':TAI, PROTECTION RoberLKerrler, Dveclar LOWR3'PRO�cSSJO.�'�,L BUILDAG Smfe i0P 350 St. Peter Stmet SaintPaul, AL�nssota SSl D2-JSt 0 Re: License application #57870 at 920 Se1by Avenue Dear Mr. Green: As a result of your ]etter to me (undated) which was received in this office on 5(3l96, it appears that several coaections need to made in the class three license application form that you have submitted for a cabaret license at 920 Seiby Avenue. The application asks for all officers of the corporation and you have indicated to me that that section was not completed properiy because your name was not included. A copy of your current application as we31 as a blank application form has been included with this letter. Please resubmit you application with the conect information in every category. You must also complete the sections on Ta�c Identification numbers and Workers' Compensation. You also indicated in your letter that the lease agreement that you submitted to LIEP was signed by an individual who has no standing with the corporation. There is no record in your application of Dennis E. Watkins as a corporate officer, yet he has signed your lease as the CEO of the corporation. We request that you submit a new ]ease that has been signed by all of the prop�r parties. Elizabeth Cneen is the only possible signatory of the lease for PPI, according to the records that you have previously sent to LIEP. Ifyou have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 266-9108 or Kris Schwein7er at 266-9110. Your hearing wili not be scheduled before the City Council until your application includes the corrected application form and lease agreement as requested in this letter. Sincerely '' 1 „�,,,1 , �.� �-�1? � ��� Christine A. Rozek J Deputy Director cc: Robert Kessler Kris Schweinlet Cringer Patmer ���� ■ Private Protecrion, Ine. '-' d/b/a People's Choice —' City's Exh. l�TO. 13 ,�, 9�-� a9 (612) 321-9840 PRIVATE PROTECTION, INC. 615 East 16th Streec, Loa Le� Minneapolis, 'dIN 5�4C� Christine A. Rozek Officz of License, Inspections and Encironmental Protection Lowry Professional Buildin� Suite 300 35� St. Peter St. St. Paul, MI� 55102-1�10 May 21, 1996 HAND DELIVERED Ms. Rozek, I do not ask LIEP or the City Council to suppon this business, what I want is for you not to impose any restrictions or the cabaret license, they would unlawfully restrict rights protected by the Constitution of che United States of America. This applicant has no history of violations of the laws and ordinances that apply to public health, safety or morais. Funhermore, the Council, nor official community organizations have a basis for saying no to our abilities to profitably manage a legitimate business on Selby Avenue and Milton Street or anywhere else in the City of Sc. Paul, whether or not the neighborhood is described as a magnet for drugs and having a history of violence, or the fact that some other African American business owners could not manage under such conditions and/or circumstances. Personalized decision making under conditions of complexity, uncertainty and interdependence requires a variety of skills. Sincerely, ) � ^ � 1� 'f � X'./,� � j�./,� f , Yf ��`,�.�;,/ Carl L. Green CEO Private Proteaion, Inc. � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/bla People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 14 :� g�-�a9 I cenify that the lease agreement made as of SepLember 27, 1995 by and between DWH, a Minnesota partnership ("Lessor'� and Private Proreccion, Inc. ("PPP'�, a Minnesota corporation ("Lessee") is a�'alid lease agreement and Carl L. Green, CEO of PPI, has re- signed such, and saJd agreement will be enforced by any of the current listed officers of PPI. � t� � � J �l (� �' � '�i�. Notary Public � ,1ANE R. FETERSON � � NOiHRY QUB�IC — tlati?lESOTA �� DAKOTA COtSNTY My Comm. Exp�res Jen. 31, 2W6 ■ • �z �a ���� �� ; , q7-�a9 ElECLTIVE SUi�ti�1ART Plans for cabaret Iicense ���e intend to offer sQeakers, fashion shows, comedy, music, and dancing in Lhe rel�ing atmosphere of a reaaurant. There has been no decision made as to when and how ofcen this enlertainment �-i11 be offered; this wi11 depend on our market resezrch. Cabaret Hours The cabaret will not be an even occurrence. There will be no set hours for operating such; it a-i11 depend on the availabiliry of speakers, groups, comedians and the tame of year. The cabarec will be used as a marketing tool to generate clientele foz the restaurant; it will never exist as a separate entity for social purposes only. We a�il1 be constantly searchLng for the *ighc balance with respect to the cabaret that will ailow us to significantly increase the revenue of the :estaurant in such a way that would not exist if People's Choice was solely a restaurant. q�-3ag PRIVATE PROTECTION, II��C. 61� East 16th Street, Loz Le��el D4inneapolis, MN 554�4 (bi2) 321-9840 ChrisTine A. Rozek Office of License, Inspectier.s and Encironmental P.o�ection Lowry Professional Building Suite 300 3�0 St. Peter St. St. Paul, ?v11�T �5102-1�1C June 3, 1996 HAI�� DELIVERED Ms. Rozek, I am writing to inquire about the status of the cabaret license for 920 Selby Avenue (People's Choice). I fail to understand u LIEP's concern regarding the lease zgreement is. We have received permission from the owner to open a business operating a restaurant and bringing in live entenainment. According to the application, this is all that is required. If there is some other statute covering the lease agreement, please present it for my review. Surely there is a statute of limications for che timely processing of our application. If the time limitation has been exceeded, we would appreciate the expedient processing of our application for a cabaret license. We have been patient thus far, but would appreciate additional informaLion as to the status of our application and reasons for any delays. Sincerely, ! `�� �. ` ` _ , . . Carl L. Green CEO Private Proteaion, Inc. ������ Private Protechon, Ine. '— d(b/a People's Choice � Cit.y's Egh. No. 15 OFFICE OF IJCE:vSE, P..'SPECTiO:.S AND ENt'IRO?:ME.\TA1. PROTEC270M .RobertKeaeler, Director THE CITY OF SAP�T PAUL No-m Coteman, kJayor :,GNRY PROr'�SSIONrtL BUILDING Swt¢ 30✓ :50 St. Peler Sveei Smnt Pau1, Mm.a,.: �!a 55102J570 June fl 0, 1946 �arl Lee Green 9504 Hamlet Avenue South Cottage Grove, MN 55016 RE: Application for Cabuet License at 920 Selby Avenue Dear Mr. Green: G�-3 a5 ielephone: 6l1-266-9090 F'acs�m; ie: 6/1-2669J�S 612-1b6911! We have racelved your most recent correspondence regarding the application for a Cabazet "B" Yicense for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paat, Ivfin.nesota. After reviewing the entire fi(e to date with the City Attorney's Office, we have determined that we need some additional infornsation to finish processing your application. Pursuant to Sa�nt Paul Legislative Code 426.05(2), your application must contain "names and addresses of the property owner, the business owner, the lessee, the manager or operator and, if a corporation, atl the names and addresses of the officers of such corporation, and any other person or corporation which may have a financial interest in the premises to be licensed. Because your application has significant inconsistencies regarding the structure of the corporation, Private Protection, Inc., which is applying for the license, we will need information in the form of corporate or business records, minutes or other documentation regarding the current stockholders and officers of the corporation. A notarized statement by you of the officers will not be considered sufficient. We will also need specific information regarding the pians you have for use of the building. In your application, you indicate plans for a restaurant are in the future, but also tefer to the cabaret being enjoyed in the "rela�cing atmosphere of a restaurant". Pursuant to 426.04 (4) ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code your application must include a"description of the services to be offered". • Private Protechon� ■ — dibla People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 16 G� -32y9 Page 2/3une 10, 1996 Carl Lee Cnee�z Additionally, under the Cabaret ordinance, 426.05(c), the Saint Paul City Council has an obligation to consider reasonable facts or circumstances relating to the public health, safety and welfare. Your intended use of the property is crucial to determination of the po<ential suitability of tha ares or neighborhood and the possihle traffic and parking problems. We will hnish processing your license agplication when we have received the above information. Sincereiy, ��� � � Christine A. Rozek Beputy Direetor cc: Robert Kesster/I�irector-LIEF' Ginger PalmerlCity f�ttorney Councilmember 7erry BlakeyiWazd 1 Gerry McInemeylWard i I{ris SchweinlerlSa. License Inspector C�l �i� PRIV �TE PROTEC�IO�, I`�C. 6li East 16zh Streer Loc Le. Minnezpolis, D1N 5�4G4 (6L) 321-934Q Christine A. Rozek O$ice of License, Inspecciors and Envi:onmenLal Protettion Lowry Professional Buildin� Suite 300 3�0 St. Peter St. St. Paul, MN >j102-1�10 June 18, 1996 HAND DELIVEREA Ms. Rozek, Please find enclosed affidavits and informacion you have again requested. I request �hat LIEP submit the license application for a cabaret "B" license to be used at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul to the City Council at the next possible meeting. I plan to view any funher delays in the processing of our application as a denial, and will present the application and supporcing information to an administrative judge. You cannot delay, place restrictions upon or deny our application or subsequent license based on what you think may happen. Prior restraint is unconstitutional. Furthermore, we derive the freedom to stsuaure our corporation under Chapter 302A of the Minnesota Business Corporation Act. To question or to request changes be made to said structure that conforms to Chapter 302A, is denying us our right of equal treatment under the law. If further information is required, check with the Secretary for the State af Minnesota; a complete and up-to-date record of all relevant corporate activities is kept on file. 3incerely, ,�! l . ' /'. �- . ." Carl L. Green CEO Private Protection, Inc. � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 17 G� - 3�9 AFFID�V'IT OF C�RL L. G�EEti I, Car1 L. Green, being first duly sz �pon oath, depose znd state as follows: 1. I submit this :ifidacit ia respc^se to the charge of significant inconsistencies regarding the structu:e of che Cor�oration and plans tor the building by Privzte Protection, Inc. (PPI) �hich is ap: ?ying for a cabaret "B" license for the premises aT 920 Se1by Avenue, St. Paul, Minr.�sota. 2. I have read the charge alle�ed bv the License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection committee and ChrisLine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies regarding the structure of the Corporation and plans for the building. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Stockholders of PPI. No one else hzs a financial in�erest. 4. Curtis Olson was promoted from Operations Manager to President of PPI on or about May 5, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Curtis Olson. 5. PPI has already submitted specific information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhibit A. This ea�hibit consists of five {5) pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive suznmary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located east of ihe establishment on Selby Avenue}. FURTHER APFIANT SAITH NOT. � '�� � �f /'✓�J�✓ Carl L. Green Subscribed and swor to before me this ���' day of tt-�:�- , 1996. ��--,�ri 1�1�� e�� Notary Public � • � SANDRAA LEONARD � NOTARY PUBLIC— M{MNESpfA MY Wmm. Exyiras3an.91.2700 A�FIDAVIT OF C�`RTIS OLSO`1 q� -� a9 I, Curtis Olson being fi;st enly sc, o:� uaon oath, depose znd state as follows: L I submit this affida��it in resoorse to the charge of significant incoasis��ncies regarding the structu:e of the Corporatioa and plans for the building by Private Protection, Inc. (PPII mhich is applying for a cabaret "B" license for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. I have read the chzrge allesed by the License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection committee and Chriszine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies re;arding the structure of the Corporation and plans for the buildin;. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Stockholders of PPI. No one else has a financiai interest. �F. I, Curtis Olson, was p:omoted from Operations Manager to Presidenc of PPI on or about May �, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Cunis Olson. 5. PPI has already submitted spedfic information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhibit A. This er.hibit consists of five (5} pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive summary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located east of the establishment on Selby Avenue). FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NOT. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 � day of � u-*�= , 1996. 1 ��� P � �� � --_` �� \ k Y� 1 � � - � kt ' �� � No ary : � � �/ ����-c`'� Curtis DIsOn ' �n�rmrmnnnn: � A4�RY MARGARET 6fACDdNAtD � �� 3 NOTARYPUBLIC-MINNES07A NENNE?�VGOUNTY t ��lly C�m!s,len E, rss Jan. St: 2966 ✓wNn.l.vwv � � � G�-�a� �FFID�VIT OF ELIZ_�BETH �'. GREEN I, Elizabeth Y. Green, bein� =irst duly s�'o:n upon oath, depose aad stace as follows: l. I submit this affidzait in respor:se to the chzrge of significant inconsistencies regarding the structwe of the CorYOration and plans for the building by Pricate Protection, Inc. (1'PI) z-hich is appicing for a cabaret "B" license for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. I hace read the charge alleged b� the License, Inspections, and Encironmental Protection committee and Christine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies :egarding the stmcture of the Corporation and plans for the building. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Scockholders of PPI. No one else has a financial interest. 4. Curtis Olson was promoted from Operations Manager to President of PPI on or about May 5, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Curtis Oison. 5. PPI has already submitted specific information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhihit A. This exhibit consists of five (5) pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive summary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located eazt o£ the establishment on Selby Avenue). FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NOT. � �i�-Z � ��t � ' � �� � � ;.� i . Eli berh Y. Gree Subscribed and swor so before me this fJ� � day ofC� ✓G� , 1996. ,� C�--� 1. � SUSANJ.VENNERSTnDM i'� .YC�hRYPUBL:G-MINNE ""�; HENNEPINCOUNTY .-'%� MrCOMMISS�ONE%PiFES'3'-:A _ ,� SwINi TADL � **�A CITZ' OF SAINT P.-�GL ,A�orrn Ca(cman. 31m July 22, 15°6 Car1 Lee Green 9504 Na��let Averu� �outh Coctage Grov2, I'\' SSOi6 OFFICE OF THE CSTI' .4TTOR\El' 7'.mn�ln f. 1lartt Crn .4+tom:t (� � �� 7 c» d n,:�,�,o :f0 C+n� Holt ( r N est 1:el7ogg Bh'd. Scmt Pau1, Afinnesom t t) p? 7c7epltont 61� :56�S�10 Facsunile: 61� :9S-.i619 RE: P.pplication :or Cabare� -_c=nse at 920 Selby Av=ru° Dear Nr. Green: I have reviewed �he letter you sent to Christine A. Rozek at the Ofzice of License, =nspectio�s and Environmental Protection, dated June 18, 1996 in res�onse to :�er letter o£ June 10, 1996 requesting additional information needed to process your application for a Cabaret "B" license for the �remises at 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The LIEP office requested specific additional information to iinish processing your license appl_cation in the form of: 1) corporate or business records, minutes or other documentation of your current stockholders and ofiicers if the corporation, and 2) specific information regardir.g the plans you have for use of the building. The information which you returned, in the form of affidavits, is not what was requested, but is instead an affidavit asserting the £acts which they wish to know. Ms. Rozek's letter of June lOth was quite clear that they did not want additional aifidavits, but needed corporate records, by-laws or other information to substantiate the coxporate s�ructure_ This information is not on record at the State, which hGs only youx name as the CEO of Private Protection, Inc, buc no information as to other officers, directors or stockholders. :he Office of the Secretary of State indicated that the information is ty�=cally in the by-laws, which are not filed with the State. The request for this information is not an attempt to change your corporate structure, nor is the request for legitimate information under the licersing ordinar_ce an attempt to delay your license. Based on all of the submissions to date, it appears that you and your wife are the sole stock�olders of the corporation, that she is a director of the corporation, you are the CEO, and Curtis Olson is the President. We are still requesting documentation in the form of � � Private Protect�on, Inc. — d!b/a People's Choice — City's Esh. No. 18 � . q�-�a� the corporate by-�aws cr �^eeting minutes to cca��r^, that lIITOYPIdtlOR d?1d 1L _i. 15 : O� YECE?1V2C7 vV AllC3USt 2, 1J �}:z�- «"_l� be considered in �_-?'s �ina= determination. The June 10, 1996 _e*ter a_so requested additional information about the nature o� �he pla:s for use of the building, based upon the iact tha� you r=�erenc2d plans ior a restaurant, but had not applied ior a rest�urant =_cense. You have now submitted aa application ior a r>staur�^� _icense, and that application will be pYOC25S@Cl along w' �^ LL2 CGD:1"2i- "'�° d`J�J� 1Cct1CZ1. Piease feel �ree te co:�tsct -= ii you have any questior_s regarding rhis ma�ter_ Sincerely, --� �/C�/!U.��. �J ., !�- � , J V1Yy�'1?112 D. ?almer Assis�ant City Attc�r_°y cc: Christire 3ozek, Ci__ce c: LIEP � ��: INSPECTOR RESPONSE IIATA E23TRY/UPDATS SCREEN License ID 57870 Busihess Name PRIVATE PROTECTION INC Business Address 920 SELBY AVE DBA PPIJPEOPLE'S CHOICE Date Paid 08f26/96 ��-�aq Date: Sep 3 1 = 23ew 2 = Renew 3 = Approvec 4 = Not Appx 5 = In Proc Dept/Div Indicator Notes Made by Inspectors --------- --------- -------------------------------------=---------- Licensinq 4 1:3-20-96--NEED SITE PLAN, LEASE AGREEMENT & CITY Fire 4 2:COUNCIL APPROVAL--LK--LIC Zoning 1 3:COMPUTER PLACED ON HOLD Env Health 0 4:. 5:6-20-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDI23G CODB COMPLIANCE. GS 6:7J11/96 - FIRE - DENIED - PENDING CODE Licenses 1:2432 CABARET - CLASS A 2:2480 RESTAt3RANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS 3:2481 RESTAURANT (C]-LIMITED � ��■ Private Protechon, Inc. — dlbJa People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 20 4 4 ° License ID Business 23ame Business Address DBA Date Paid Dept f Di•v Licensing Fire Zoning Env Health INSPECTOR RESPONSB DATA ENTRY/UPDATE SCREEN 57870 PRIVATE PROTECTION INC 920 SELBY AVE PpI/PEOPLE'S CHOICE OS/26j96 c/7 Date: Sep 3 1 = New 2 = Renew 3 = Approved 4 = 23ot Appr 5 = In Proc Indicator Notes Made by Inspectors --------- -----°----------------- ------------°-------- 4 �; COI�SPLIANCE. 4 g:7-18-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCE. G.5. 1 9;7-23-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCS. G.5. 0 10:8-22-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCE. G.S. 11: 12' Licenses 1:2432 CABARET - CLASS A 2:2480 RESTAURANT (B)-MORE THA2t 12 SEATS 3:2481 RESTAURANT (C)-LIMITED 09(25/i?96 15:15 6123:??::3 P?i �_�3-ii� CIT' OF 57 Pt�'JL �IEP 61'� 266 9124 QVPIOGORj,jC$b18E.R2Bl1`,Cl�ONS AND !N�[Ran7.tLNrai Pi.aYPf.'mox RnMrt Xeakr, Dfncw. .�> �� ,�, ;11*A71; ?aGE 01 ''r�d2 4�"�a, QTY �F S� PAUL uc�se,wD r.ur�+�: s�ia�sso90 Nwr�CokinanXws+ IAS7EC710N5 Farnd46Jl•946�91it 71oSXFilnSMrt � SfRI 3GD $olNPauC AAJnamWO 7�70) September 20, 1996 � 2 aqr¢e to the follom3ng conditions be3ng plaeie on ths caharet and �estaurant-C License at 92o Selby qven�as ae Pollo�vs: ` 1. The reatauzant muat receive tinal agprovgl!from the 8nvironmsntal Aeml:h Inspectar bePore 1ood�or bevsragas osa be served. 2. No alcohol can be serv@d, displaKed, sold,'or conswned on the preatists unless � llquor 1laense 4s'abeairisd. 3. The establishmeht auaC close at 12:30 a.ta. SuAday throug?h Wadasaday and no late2 �tla� 1:00 a;in. Thursaay through 5aturday. a. The faaility aay not be ranteQ by? any ontside qroup. � ' TO7RL P.02 � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice — City's Esh. No. 21 SEP-25-1996 15�24 6123176440 97� p.01 �� 9-as-9� � * � � � m � a� v � �' � �. �� � o �� � �- Ro � 0 � 0 O N -{� ___ �l = m � T � CD � � � � O � T � N O � tD a' �G . .. �� . •. � � 00 � • .. •. • . � � � O 3 Cp � N � � � �a � � � � Q rh � � �. � � � � � � � � � � 3 � � � N N � � � � � � � � � � n � �`��-L� � � � � � Q � � � � � X" � • • • • � � � � • •• • • � � � O � � � f� = N m -i �"��-LIJ �1 �/ ♦A V■ � r� ��/ � \ ^+ O � � � �/ � �1 !"F � � N � i�i� �h � � \ n � _1 3 > > Q � � � � � � � �0 (D � � � Q � � V Q N %`. � • i • • •• � � � � • •• • � �� � � � � 3 � C9 N � � � W � C9 � -I� � tfl � � „�_ � � � _ � W 1 ��' L� �� V� , v �� 0 j � O � � � �D � � � ■ � � i�i/ V/ O � � � �� � -� N W .p C3'� �'1 O O O O O O �l7-�� State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearing In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc. et. al. 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 City of St. Paul OAH Docket No.: Notice of Motion and Motion for O}�}�ortunitv To Ogpose Petition Allowing Intervention PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that in the matter of the above referenced license application, Carl Green will mo�•e this courc for the opportunity to oppose the petition allowing intervention, and that any order was issued based on error. Comes now Carl Green citing the following addit'sonal reasons: 1. Noting the record as suggested by Richard Mosman is not sufFicient. 2. The coalition failed to serve copies of the Notice of Motion and Motion Allowing Intervention as a Party in the above captioned matter in accordance with Minnesota rules. 3. The order states that the motion was received by the administrazive law judge on December 20, 1996, but the actual hearing took place the day before on December 19, 1996. 4. The order is not true, there was no representation of the parties applying for the license in connection with a telephone conference on December 14, 1996. Nor is it e�ident that the interest and position of the coalition with respect to the cabaret license has not already been adequately represented in this proceeding by the Ciry of St. Paul. 9�-3a' 5. In the interest of justice, and for a full development of the facts and positions of all interested parties and citizens on the subjea, the participation of the coalition is unnecessary, and Carl Green should have an opportunity to be heard; any denial would unlawfully deny him rights secured by the Constitution of the United States of America. 6. The order allowing intervention is a complete fabrication of the truth of the facts. Carl Green requests the following: 1. That the order allowing intervention be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for Carl Green to have an opportuniry to be heard in opposition to the coalition of neighborhood groups to intervene as an interested party in this matter. 3. That the interest of the coalition has already been adequately addressed and represented by the City of St. Paul, and that any further delays would discover nothing new. I?ated: December 27, 1946 ��i � �•�� Carl L. Green � Pro Se 9504 Hamlet Avenue 50. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 ��-3a9 Affidavit of Service State of Minnesota County of Washington Carl Green of the City of Cottage Grove, County of Washington, State of Minnesota being duly sworn, says that on the 27th day of December 1996 he served the annexed Notice of Motion and Motion for Opportunity to Oppose Petition Allowing Intervention upon: City of 5t. Paul Attn: Virginia Palmer 400 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Philip Shephard Attorney at Law 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Ave. Minnepolis, Minnesota 55402 Subscribed and sworn before me this 27th day of December 1996. SANDRAA.LEONARD NOTAftY PUBIIG - MINNESOt�I Ay Comm. ExPUes.lmf. 81.200 �� ���� ( '�Y'AX � � � Xf/(9_Q/v� ' Carl L. Green � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timothy E Mar� City Anorney �7-�a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mtryor Civil Division 4OO Ciry HaII IS West Kellogg Blvd Saurt Paul, Muv�esota SSIO2 Tetephone: 612 266-8710 Facsimile: 6I2 298-5619 December 31, 1996 The Honorable Richard Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Mr. Carl Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 E. 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 554Q4 Mr. Philip A. Shepherd Collins & Ingebritson, PA 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. dJb/a People's Choice Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the hearing in the above-entitled matter, which was continued until Tuesday, January 7, 1997 at 9:30 a.m., will be heard in Room 1504 of the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The City Hall Annex is located on Fourth Street, between Wabasha and Saint Peter Streets. Sincerely, ��� � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timorhy E. Mars, City Rttwrrey 97-3a5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Moyo� Civi! Divisiors 400 Ciry Hatl l5 Wut Kellogg Blvd Saint Pau1, M'mnesom 55701 NOTI�Fi OF HEARING December 3, 1996 Car1 & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 55404 Te7ephoxe: 611166-877D Facsimi!¢: 67219&5619 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Tnc. d/b/a People's Choice Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green: This is to notify you that a hearing�will be held concerning.the above-referenced license_application pursuant to Chapter..310.O5.and 310.06 of the Saint_Paul_Legislative"Code_at tfie following_ time� date and�pla�ce: � � - - �- '" " - .� ' Date: December 20, 1996 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place: Room 42 City Hall-County Courthouse 15 W. Rellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, i+�7 55101 The hearing examiner will be an Administrative Law Judge £rom the State o£ Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Phone: Richard Mosmaa Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Saak 6625 Lyadale Avenue South Richtield, NII�T 55423 861-3331 The�Council of 'the City of.$aint Paul.has the.,authority to provide for hearing concerning licensed premises and_for adverse acEion against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or 4�- ��9 conditions. The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Pratection has determined that conditions on the above-referenced license are appropriate and will recommend issuance of the licenses applied for subject to the conditions. However, at the hearing before the Saint Paul City Council testimony was heard by citizens in opposition to the issuance of the license. Evidence may be presented to the judge through the intervention of interested 'parties in the proceeding. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62, and the procedural rules of Chapter 1400.5100-1400.8400 of the Minnesota Rules and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. You have a right to be represeated by ar� attcrney, tc represent yourselves, or co be represented by a person of your choosing to the extent not otherwise prohibited as the unauthorized practice of law. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Sudge will have a11 parties identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may ` cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel *_he a*_tendance of witr_esses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If data classified as not public (e.g. private or confidential) is admitted into evidence, it may become public unless a party objects and asks for relief under Minn. Stat. §14.60, subd. 2. A notice of appearance must be filed with the judge within twenty (20} days of the date of service of the notice of and order for hearing if a party intends to appear at the hearing, unless the hearing date is less than twenty days from the issuance of this notice . The undersigned will appear on behalf of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Please be advised that if you fail to appear at the hearing it may result in the allegations of the notice of and order for hearing � i � 9�-�a9 being accepted as true and result in a determination in £avor of the License Office to recommend eonditions on the license. Very truly yours, � � �� � Vi'rgin�almer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Nancy Thomas, Office of Ac3ministrative Hearings, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, MN 55401 3udge Richa :dosman, bC4 Richf�eld ^nank, '0625 Lynciale Ave. So., Richfield, MN, 55423 Nancy Anderson, City Council, Room 310 City Ha11 Peggy Byrne, Bxecutive Director, Summit-University Planning CounCil, 627 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, 55104 De�.31.1998 11:18AM No.441� P. 113 �7l-�ay� � tnw oFr^tcE oF: INGEBRITSON & A,SSOCIAT�S, P.A. Rueseq A. Iagebriteon Douqys Dek R�id, Jr. Ne�an 0. Sa�cr JoEn C. �y1an• Fhiltip A. Shepheed � k k ,�,�� ,. '�; I ��' ;' e; ' $ I ^� ' [� , I;� ,,.. <u, ,+ � 11a0 Rand Tower 627 Msiquetta Avenuo Sou� Mianw�polia. Mlnnaaom 66a02 Telophona (6Y� 346�8£90 Toll�F`ree (8W) 7$2s893 Telctaz (8I� Sa2�2g90 ' aLo admitted ia llliaote �►i[�ST� .R TR�NSIQ53TON SH�i&�' DATE TRANSMITTED: �� TIASE: '�`�� PLEASE DELIVER 'I'�IE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) T0: xr+a�: �'d`"S� C'c�P� FAX NUM�ER: FROH: PILE: _ MESSAGEI_ INGEBRITSON & ASSOC 3�i�-ab�s� ph:►; .��,�k�+ �I`,�u•�e Q�rv+�v9 +w. �e_s L.� o NOTE: THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED OiVLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVTDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICFI ZT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIIS INFORMATIaN THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAT. AND EXII�T FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLTCA$LE T.AW. IF YOU ARE NOT THE Z23TENOED RECYPIF1�iT OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSISLE FOR DELIVERING TFIE MESSAGE QF THE =N'PENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREHY NOTIFIED THAT APiY DTSSEMINATION, DIS'i'RIBU'PIOL3 OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICA2ZON TS STRICTLY PROHISZTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THTS COMMSJNTCATION IN ERROR� PLEASE IQOTIFY US I2�IEDIATELY BY TELEPHOPtE A2iD RETURN TFFE Oi2IGI1`iAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE .ABOVE AODRESS VIA U.S. POS2AL SF.F2VZCE. TfIP.2dK YOII. • Zg ypU DO NO RECEIVE ALL � PAGES, INCLIIDING TfIIS Ct3VERSHBE2'� p�r,�E �,�,y AS 5002Q AS POSSIBLE: (622j 340— 8290 OR (S00) 282-6393. �Dec. 31. 199fi �,� 7 �. i''� 11;19AM IN6EBRITSON & ASS6C THE LAW OFFICE8 OF: INGEBRITSON $� ASSOCIATES, P.A. I740 Rand Towez, 527 Marquctte Avenne South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (S12) 340-8290 Fax (612) 342�2990 (800) 2B2-6393 No.4417 P, 2/3 ����a� MONTAIVA OFF,[CE: James J. Shea•' Slfi E. Front Stteet, 3uite 3 Miseou)x, MT 55802 Fax (406) 549-4811 (aos) 5a9-47on (800) 790-7460 �eN A. It�ebritson �glas Dale Re�d, Jr. �nan 0. Serger 5� G. Boylan' lip A. Shepk�exd Also admitted in Itlinois Also admittad in Oregnn V%a Fax 349-2665 pecember 31, 1996 Mr. Aichard Mo�man,�- Administrative Law Judge c/o Louise Cooper Office of Administratxve Hearings 100 Washington Square, #1700 Mi.nneapolis, MN 55401-2138 � Re: In the Matter of the License AppZication of Private ` Protection, Inc, et al.. Dear Louise Cooper: I was told by the City artorneys office that you aze the one to see to obtain subpaenaa for administrative hearinge. T am a pro bono attoxney for a coalition of neighborhood gxoups that have just been allowed to intervene. The hearing is scheduled for January 7, 199�. Plea�e send three subpoenas for our use in the hearing, If there is any other information that you need pleaee call me immediaCely as time is short. Thank you in advance. � � =PAS Very truly yours, �� � 1 �� Philip A. Shepherd r � � r _� 4 'Ij� �I�ec.31.1996 11:19AM INGEBRITSON & ASSOC No,4417 P. 3/3 STATE O� MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADINISTRATIVE HEARINGS for the C1TY OF SAINT PALJL ,� In Re: the license apglication of Carl and E�xzabeth Green Private Protection, Inc dba Peoples Choice, 920 Selby Ave St. Paul, Minaesota Qrder A11owi�ng Iz�tervention �/�-���/ , ,��'�,, .� , 1996 By Motion zeceived by the Administrative Law Judge on December 2Q, 1996, a Coalition of neighbozhood groups seeJ,c an Order a�lowing intervention as a party in the above captioned matter in accozdance with Minn, rules 1400.5200. Based upon the morion of the Coalition, the affidavits and documents accompanying it and the repxesentation of the pazties in cozuiecYion with a - telephone conference on Decembez 19, 1996, it is evident that the intexests and ;r, position vf the Coalition xs not adequately represented by the City of Saint ;' Paul in tMs proceeding. The noHce o£ hearing in t}us matter was served less than 30 days prior to the hearing and in the intezest of justice, and foT a full development of the facts and positions of all interested parries and citizens on the subject, the participation of the Coalition is necessary. �•�i��c� � � � � r. � � 9� The Motion of the Coalition of neighborhood groups to intervene in the above captioned matter as a pazty is hereby granted. A.Il notices to the Coalitzan of neighborhood groups as a party to this proceeding shall be served as fol�ows: Mr Philip Shephard Attorney at T.aw 1740 Rand Tower tele: 612 340 8290 527 Niaz�quette Ave, S. • Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 r � � ��� ��_�� [<<Y� _--- ,� _ �_`�`� _�-�`=` �ate Richard A. Mosma Administrative La judge � �� i�'eacTUe� ii:ii � � ACTION REPORT tiva act3on(sl comPleted OFFIGE OP ADMIN.HEARING TX DATE/TIME DESTINATION DEC.31 11:D9 612 342 2990 = , w� # f « � f � � � # TEL:6123492665 DURATIOtd PGS. RESULT M 0° 01' 00' 003 OK N -3 d`j P. 001 k G� �� _. l a� �i �...�_•�x�✓�... . , • jd " s'.`U_a ." � � � 1 ' � ' 1 -.� . _ ji"�.:.� - =:e> ': ��1; y :- ' - " '• TO: Edward Hayes 1484 Sherbume St. Paul, Minnesota 55104-2415 GREETiNGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of #he Licpnse ARplication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at MinneaQolis, Minnesota this �r of ,l�nuarv, 1997. _ KEVIN E. JOHNS�N Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612)340-8290 G�-��g � > �`. - �;<.. � _::� � = � �- : V ��-. ���;: l '; ��`..CC� � t STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMII�IISTRATIVE HEARINGS HEARING SUBPOENA TO: John Wiiliams 1484 Sherburne St. Paui, Minnesota 55104-2415 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HERESY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hail Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in ths City of St. Pauf, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day ofi January, 1997, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of the License A�Alication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this � of lanuary, 1997. , � � KEVIN E. JOHNSON Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612) 340-8290 9�-��9 r . ; �..w,,... . � . .�;,.. : y � .. '> .��'..�w3 tY.�i • � - � � � � � � � � � � . f'. - `.J ` ;. '' TO: Cari Green 9504 Hamlet Avenue South Cottage Grove, Minnesota 55016 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Mlinnesota, at 1504 Ci#y Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paut, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at 9:30 o'cfock in tfie forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of the License ARplication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuani to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14,51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this �r of Januarv, 1997. EVIN E. JOHNS Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd {612) 340-8290 ,, 9�-3a9 .....;� :���... • � • � _ '::vir � • • � i ' . <: -�Ji}_ �': � t ! : • TO; Gurtis Olson 3004 Old Highway 8 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at �Qo'ctock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of - - - � �. . . - - . - . - Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Hono�able Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this �ir of Januarv, 1997. � Chief Administrafive Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612) 340-8290 ,t_ ��o� n nl� 1an. 2.19`97 2:49PM INGEBRITSON & ASSDC No,4465 P, 1/3 mxE raw oFC�cE oF: RuaeeII A. I�tgebt'itaon Dpugi�a Dsb $md, JT. Neum�a 0. Baxgnr John C. Hoylan• Phaip A. SLep6erd �ACSI I.E fiRA.NSbIISSION SSB� DATE Z`RANSM�'�'TED: !� 3! ��� TIME' �' !� 9�-3�9 17A0 Raad Tower 627 Maequette Avenue 9otsth Mi:uxapolk. Mino�ta 66�0'L Te]ephone (B1E) 940.8290 Toll•F�ee (800) E87�8398 Teitlaz (fi12) 8;2,299t1 ' alao admittad in Illinoie PLEASE DELIVER 'Z`HE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) T0: xr,rrE: Lo'^;Se ��v FAX I3T]MSEFt: FROM: FZI.E: ______ MESSAGE:_ INGEBBITSON & ASSOCIA�TES, P.A. 3�1 q -�6bS"� pl�: �; n S��f�.e.,rvl �r',���-ie Q,�u �,r, f 6��� !es � o NOTE: THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE Z2iDIVSpiJAL OR ENTITY TO WFiICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVIL£GED� CONFIDENTIAL AND EXII�2' FROM DSSClOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOII AF2E NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIEN2' OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPO2iSI8LE FOR DELIVERING TIiE MES$AGE OF TAE II3TENDED �ECIPT�NT, YOTJ ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THA`P ANY DISSEMINATIO2i, DSSTRIBUTIOiZ OR CQPYING OF THZS COMMUNICATxC�N IS STRICT2Y PROAIBTTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED TFi25 COM1�it7NICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFX US I2IHEDIATELY $Y TELEPH�NE AND RETCTRN THE OFiIGINAL MESSAGE TQ US AT 2`FIE A8p'YE ADDRESS VIA U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THAI�IK YOU. ZF YOU DO NO RECSIVE�L � PAGE5 zNCLUDING THZS COVERSfFgET, PLE'.ASE CALL �,_ �� AS SOON AS POSSSBLE: (622} 3siQ— 8290 OR {8�0) 282-6393- �� ►-' i — Jan, 2.1997 2:49PM INGEBRITSON & ASSOC 3. Edward Hayes John Williams 1464 Sherburne S�. Paul, MN 55104-2415 No, 4465 P. 3/3 4�-3a5 Ownera of 92a Se�by Mr. Hayes and Mr. Williams have knowledge of the building and previous businessee at 92o Selby. If there is any other znformation that you need please call me immediately as time is ahort. Thank you in advance. Vexy truly yours, �� `' ���--� Philip A. Shepherd PAS JAN. -02' 97(THU) 14��41 OFPICE OF ADMIN. HEARING TEL:6123492665 �� �a� P. 001 TRANSACTION REPORT Receptlon Transaction(s) completed NO. TX DATE/TIME DEST[NATION 432 JAN. 2 14:39 612 342 2990 DURATION PGS. RESULT btOOE �° 00' S3" �03 OK N ECM 9 Dec. 23. 1896 2:49PM ITIGEBRITSON & ASS4C THE LAR' OFF[CES OF: INGEBKI'TSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 1740 Tiand Tower, S27 Marquette A,venae South Mieaeagolis. Minnesota 55402 {6l2) 340-8290 Faz 1612) 342-2990 t8�) 262-6393 Busyeu A. tnge6riraon na,�� nae x�a. sz. Neumu+ 0. H¢rger John C. Boylan' philip A. Shepherd •Nso admitted in Dliuois ••�tlso ad,,,aeed in oregon FACSIMILI' TRANSMSSSION SAEET DATE TRP.NSMITTED: Dec mbex' 23 ].996 TIME: PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FAGE(S} TO: Na.4310 P. 1!4 q �� MnNTAP7A OFFICE: a�� �. sn��- 815 E. Front Stree4, SuFte 3 Miggoula, SST 69802 Fax (406� 549-4811 {ao� sasa7oo (800) 790•7460 NAME: Richard A Moeman Ad ini trative Law Judae _--� FAX NUMBER: ( J� I " �� FROM: Philip A SheAherd attornev for the Coalition __ FILE: T�he matter of the license anAlication for Peoole's oice. MESSAGE: NOTE: THIS MESSAGE SS INTEA7DED ONLY FOEt TAE U5E OF TEIE INDTVIDUAL QR ENTITX TO WFI3CH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT ZS PRIVTLEGED, CONFIDENTIAL b1ND EXEMPT FAQM DISGLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOU ARE NdT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OR 'PHE EMPL01'EE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOk DELIVERING THE MESSAGE OF THE INTEI�I3ED RECIPIENT, YQU ARE AEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINRTION, DISTRIBUTION 4R COPYING OF TI3IS COMMUNICATZON IS 3TRZCTLY PROHTBZTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED 'FHIS COMMt333ICATTON IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE 20 IIS AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA U.S. POSTAL SERVICE_ THANK YOU. IF 'fQ� DO 1`IO RfiCEZVE ALL 5 PAG&S, ZNCLUIJING THIS COVERSHEET. PLEASE CALL K_ ari AS SOON AS POSSIBLE: (612J 34�-8290 Ok (S00} 282-6393. � Dec.23. 1996 2:47PM iNGEBRITSON & ASSOG Pdu.4310 P. 2/4 y�J_3�� THE I,AW OFFiCES OF: Ruee.ei3 A. Ingebriteon Dnuglae Dale ke+d. Sz. Neu+nan 0. Be:ges Joha C. Boy7an' phitip A. Shephe3d • A4so admiUted in Iltirrois •• Aleo admitted in O�egon INGEBI�ITSON & ASSOC�ATES, P.A. 1740 Rand Towes, 527 Marqnette Avenue South Minaeagalis, 1ltinneaota b5402 (612) 340-6290 Fax (612) 342•2990 (800) 282-fi398 Mr. Ftichard Mosman Administrative Law 3udge 604 Richtield Bank 5025 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 DeCember 23, 1996 MONTAI3A OFFICE: Jamea J. Shea'• 815 E. Pront SWdat, Suite 3 Misaovia. MT 588�2 Faz (aD6) 5a9�asll (906) 649�4'f64 (6W) 7�746U Re: In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc, et al. Dear Mr. Mosman: Enclosed please find the original Petition to Intervene as well as the proposed Order regarding the above matter. very truly yours, ?�� � �'l Philip A. 9hepherd PAS/klj Enclosures � Dec. 23. 1996 2:48PNi iNGEBRITSON & ASSOG STATE OF' MINNESOTA OFFICE 4F AI?MSNISTRATIVE AEARING . 3 In the Matter of the License } Application of Private Protection, Inc. d/bla People's Choice } 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, � Minnesota, 5510& , ORDER COMES NQW, this Court, aftez review of the Coali.tion of neigYiborhood group's motion to intervene, and all relatiae parts of this case to oxder the foilowing: z'T IS ORDfiRED THAT: 1. The Coali�ion of neighborhood groups motion to intervene as a party with full rights of a party in the above-entitled action is granted. Dated this day of 1996• BY THE COURT: Richard A. Mosman Administrative Law Sudge Ido. 4310 P. 3/4 C�-�_ 3� f CITY OF SATNT PAUL oAF3 Docket No.: 1 Dec. 23. 1996 2:48PPg INGEBRITSON & ASSOG No.4310 P. 4/4 �7_�a; RFTIEF AND ORDER SOIIGHT 1. An order permitting the Caalition of neighborhood groups to intervene as a party with full rights of a party in the above-antitl�d action. 2. For such other and further relief the Court deems just and equitable to grant at this time. � Dated this � day of fl�'�' , 1996. INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, F.A- By: � F � � I ` Philip A• Shepherd MtU Atty. I.D. No. 222366 ].740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South MinneapoJ.is, MN 55442 {61Z) 340-829D Z q�-3ag THE LAW OFFICES OF: INGESRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 1740 Rand Tower, 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (612) 340-8290 Faa (612) 342-2990 (800) 282-6393 Russell A. Ingebritson Douglas Dale Reid, Jr. Neuman 0. Berger John C. Boylan* Phi]ip A. Shepherd `A3so admitted in Illinois `*tllso admitted in Oregon Mr. Richard Mosman Administrative Law 604 Richfield Bank 6025 Lyndale Avenue Richfield, MN 55423 Judge South December 18, 1996 ����B�C 2 �' 1996 MONTANA OFFICE: James J. Shea" 815 E. Front Street, Suite 3 Missou]a, MT 59802 Fax (406) 549-4Sll (406) 549-4700 (800) 790-7450 Re: In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc, et al. Dear Mr. Mosman: Enclosed herewith please find the Coalition's Notice of Motion and Motion to Continue 12/20/96 Hearing as well as a proposed Order and an affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd in support of said motion in regards to the above-entitled matter. VeYy truly yours, ��,�,� .5��.� � Philip A. Shepherd PASjklj Enclosures � q�- 3� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, } NOTICE OF MOTION AND Inc, dfb/a People's Choice ) MOTION TO CONTINUE 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) 12/20/96 HEARING Minnesota, 55104 ) ) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Coalition of neighborhood groups will motion �1 Court for a continuance af the 12/20/96 hearir�g in the above captioned case. The Coalition will bring this motion as soon as the ALJ is able to schedule a hearing but not later than 12/20/96. COMES NOW a Coalition of neighborhoods groups to motion this Court for a continuance of the 12/20J96 hearing cites the following reasons: 1, 2. 3. 4. The Coalition The Notice of Hearing was served 12/3J96 for a hearing on 12/20/96. The Coalition was informed of the 12J20/96 hearing on Tuesday, December 10, 1996. The Coalition will be petitioning to intervene in the present case. The Coalition has inadequate time to properly prepare its petition to intervene. The Coalition has inadequate time to properly prepare its case against approval of the above application. 5. The Coalition will need to subpoena witnesses for its case against the approval of the application and the Coalition's petition to intervene must be granted before it has the legal ability to issue subpoenas. 6. The Coalition`s attorney is and will be unavailable to attend the hearing due to a trial previously scheduled. Philip Shepherd is currently attending trial in the Stearns County District Court, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Case No.: C6-46-569, captioned Bruners vs. Hemmesch 1 q�-3�5 and Moen which begdn on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 and is expected to continue through the end of the week into and including Friday, December 20, 1996. The Coalition requests the following order: 1. That the 12/20/96 hearing be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for the Coalition's petition to intervene at some time after 1/15j97. 3. That a hearing regarding application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc., d/b/a People's Choice be scheduled for sometime after February l, 1997. The Coalition's motion is supported by the Affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd. Dated this /�� day of i���""�� 1996. INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. BY : '�'�� �' �``�� Philip A. Shepherd MN Atty. I.D. No. 2223a6 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 340-8290 � 9�-�a-� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING ) In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, ) Inc. d/b/a People's Choice ) 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) Minnesota, 55104 ) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: AFFIDAVIT OF PHILIP A. SHEPHERD COMES NOW, Philip A. Shepherd, under oath to state as follows: 1. Philip A. Shepherd is attorney for a number of neighborhood groups hereinafter "Coalition�' in the above- captioned case. 2. Your affiant was notified of the December 20, 1996 hearing on December 10, 1996. 3. The ten (10) days from actual notice to the date of hearing are inadequate for the Coalition to properly prepare its petition to intervene. 4. The Coalition will bring a petition to intervene prior to December 20, 1996. The coalition needs additional time to prepare its memorandum in support of petition to intervene. 5. The Coalition's petition to intervene must be granted before the Coalition can obtain subpoenas and subpoena testimony necessary for a complete hearing and a proper opposition. 6. The ten (107 days from actual notice to the date of hearing are inadequate £or the Coalition to properly prepare its 1 �� 3ag opposition to the approval o£ the application in the above- captioned case. 7_ The Coalition needs time to subpoena witnesses, schedule witnesses, notify employers of needed time off to appear and testify, and to obtain all relevant documents £rom city files. 8. Lastly, your affiant is unavailable to attend the hearing due to a trial previously scheduled. Affiant is currently at trial in the Stearns County District Court, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Case No.: C6-96-569, captioned Bruners vs. Hemmesch and Moen. Trial which began on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 is expected to continue through the end of the week into and including Friday, December 20, 1996. 9. In the interest of justice and a full and fair hearing on the application the December 20, 1996 hearing must be vacated and a new hearing date scheduled. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. r�ated: J�. ��'"�6 �/� �-�"� Philip A. Shepherd � Subscribed and sw n to before me this ��1 day�of , 1996. c `+ARI LY dENO ",OTARY PUBLIG N'eS07 "t Ca;nmisscn Expires 1ar, 31, 2000 2 _t' F,<.,=o . �< _� ah:.>_MrnMwnww.� �1� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc. d/b/a People's Choice 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55104 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: ORDER COMES NOW, this Court, after review of the Coalition of neighborhood group's motion to continue the 12/20f96 hearing, Affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd in support, and all relative parts of this case file to order the following: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. That the 12/20/96 hearing be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for the Coalition's petition to intervene on the day of , 1997 at o'clock. 3. That a hearing RE: Application for Licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Tnc., dfb/a "People's Choice" be scheduled on the day of , 1997 at o'clock. Dated this day of , 1996. BY THE COURT: Richard A. Mosman Administrative Law Judge 1 e � �-� a� � � THE LAW OFFICES OF: INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 174D Rand Tower, 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 554�2 (612} 340-8290 Fas (612) 342-2990 (800) 282-6393 Russell A. Ingebritson Dougias Dale Reid, Sr. Neuman 0. Berger John C. Boylan' Philip A. Shepherd "Aiso admitted in Illinois "Also admitted in Oregon February 24, 1997 �,k��S ��b.Z��Qi� St. Paul City Clerk City Hall 15 West Kellogg, Room 310 St. Paul, MN 55102 MONTANA OFFICE: 3ames J. Shea"• 815 E. Front Street, Suite 3 Missoula, MT 59802 Fax (406) 549-4811 (406) 549-4700 (800) 790-7450 RECEIVED �EB 2 41997 e�rY ct�RK Re: License Application of Private Protection, Inc., 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find the Coalition of Neighborhood Groups', intervenor in the above action, Exceptions to Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation. Sincerely, ��'`� � '�"'1 Philip A. Shepherd PAS/klj Enc-osure cc Mr. Carl Green Evia maili ���� ������, Mr. R_chard Mosman (via mail) Ms. Ginger Palmer (via mail) � rr� �'� Sv� , � L V ��-�ry'-�. 3 9�-3a5 RECE(VED STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE AEARINGS FEB 2 41997 CITY CLERK FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: 62-2111-10844-3 CA'S �-�. Z�� q� � In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, ) Inc. d/b/a People's Choice ? 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) MinnesoCa, 55104 ) EXCEPTIONS TO ALJ'S F2NDING OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AISD RECOMMENDATI0I3 COMES NOW the Coalition of Neighborhood groups, Intervenor, by its attorne�, Philip A. Shepherd, and pursuant to the 3anuary 31, 1997 Notice of Counsel F?earing to file the following exceptions to the ALJ's January 21, 1997 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, anfl Recommendation: Objectians to Findings o£ Fact The AI,S fails *_o adequately describe the extent of tne violence and crime surrounding Lhe o1d "People`s Choice." T_r_t°rVenOr rj raC�S COl1RC11 Rl°CCi�JE.:"S CO �i1e 1989 "Peonle S C�'!C1C2" YeVOCZL'_O*1 =_�-, d CCp�/ OT. W73._CI'; 15 LI'ictVc�llc�.�J� 2 �Q IIlte'_'�VEZ?OY �t this time. Numerous W1tP_CSS2S tE'Si.1*1?Cl �O �RE S1CJ`'i.1i1Cd_^.t T012 LhGL the "Peoples Choice" giayed in attracring and fostering crime, violence, noise, drug transactions and other detrimental activities in �he surrour_ding neig'nbornood. In the late 1980`s L1_i° ��?�°OD� 2� S C��0=C2 !'�dd c i.T2Ii1EP_C10llS1}r P.egc�1VE. 1R'ipdCt Ori C^2 n�_��OYhOOC. Tt?E3 1"°S1CleZl�S �ld"J? invested uncoun�abl hOIIYS 1AL0 1�L'1-C11Il� UD W!1�= �i?E ��DPOD'12S Cnoice" 11dd d=stroyed. 9 g�-3a� Additional Findings o£ Fact 1. Applicant has known of the violent and criminal reputation of the name "People's Choice" since at least the Summer of 1996. 2. Applicant has made no attempt to distance himself from the violent and criminal reputation of the "People's Choice" or waylay the valid fears of the neighborhood residents. Specifically, Applicant has: a) failed to chose another name for use in its application. b) failed to alleviate the fears of concerned neighbors by choosing another name. c) failed to state at the Oct. 1996 City Council meeting that Applicant wi11 use another name. d) failed to state at Che ALJ hearing that the Applicant will use another name. 3. Apolicant has made a concerted ef-ort to asscciate himself with the name and reputation oi the "People's Choice" a� Applicant's app�ication is in the name "Peonle's Choice." Ex. A. u) ApplicaT�t spen� considerabie money i= �ouc'r_ing up ��e murals on the exterior o� 920 Selby, incluEting che words "People's Choice". Th= murals and tne name "People's Choice" were an integrai parL o= �t1C identi�i CdLlOZl Of L!1? OZCZ "People' S C hoice. ° c) Applicant has e�cplicitly negotiated wit'.^. the owners and past managers of the old "Peo�le's Choice" for the use of the name "People's Choice." Applicant attemnted to keeT� that trar_saC�ion conPidentizl_ Ex. B_ d? Sole and exclusive use or" the name "Peoole's Choice" was a signiiicant _nducemen� =o= apolicant �o lease Lhe premises a� 920 Selby. Ic. °i AvD11C'a.Ilt DayS 3 AO:L10_^_ O: i.�12 '_"2P-T. �G=" 1�SE Oi 2 q� -�a� the name ��People's Choice." Id. f) Applicant's sample restaurant menu and business plan prominently displays the name "People's Choice." See Application. 4. Applicant, and anyone associated with his application, does not have any experience in the restaurant industry. 5. Expert testimony was heard from Bill Sands, a banker at Western Bank, who testified that Applicant's business plan as submitted to LIEP was inadequate for the purposes of applying for or securing a loan. Also, even if the project was self-financed, the business plan lacked details, analysis, and other important elements to ensure a reasonable likelihood of success in the extremely difficult restaurant industry. 6. Expert testimony was heard £rom Sarah Kinney, a realtor with many years of experience in the neighborhood, who testified �na*_ the old "People's Choice" brought down prooerty values during tn> late 198o's, the property values have risen since the cid "Pec�ale's Choice" was shut down, and iinaily, if a new ° ?°O�l°�S Choice" OpEI1S llp t21°?7 p�Op2T;.y V;alll2S wi'__ decreas= aga_n based upon the violent and criminal renutation oi the rame "2eople's Choice.^ 7. Memners of rne J. S. Hill Elementary Schoo� testified to the negative impact the "People's Choice" would have on Lhe school community. Specifically, the School has concerns for the sa_ety o_ the stu3ents tha� walk to and °rom school, �� violence =rom the "People's Choice" spilling ever into the school B=O�?� �}/, cRG Oi i.�l° AY'OX1IIli�_V �O L}'12 :-:'_� 1 s�udenLS 0= t??2 C�L'CJ 3 97 0 transactions in and outside the "Feoples Choice." 8. That long-time residents of the neighborhood are justifiably and significantly fearful of the return of violence and criminal activity under the auspices of the ��People's Choice.° 9. The neighborhood expects the City to protect it citizens from the violent and criminal element attracted to the "People's Choice." 8. Failure to protect the citizens from this known risk would amount to gross negligence should harm befall a child, J. J. Aill student or other victim of violence or criminal activity. Conclusions of Law 1. No objection with ALJ conclusion NO. 1. 2. No objection with ALJ conclusion N0. 2. 3. No objection with ALS conclusion NO. 3. ^_. The Applicant, Prisate Protection, Znc., has not met �he mir.imum qualifications for the issuance of � Cabaret �'A" and Res�anrant "C" license av 920 Selby, S�, pau_, �N. 5. Carl Greer_'s moral character is suspect. He nas fGilec to rebudiate and disassociate himself with the use o= the name "P°OUZE' S C;1010E. " _-i° �785 ctt.°iiiD�EGl �O COIICE'd'1 �'f?E transaction allowing him to use tne name "People's Choice." He nas intentionally acted in numerous ways to associGte himsel� with L:7° V1 o1en� "d_^_d criminal reputaLion o= "Peop1 Choice." 5, z crant o= the Cabaret °A" and Restauran� "C" license T,v^ Lh� ?ApTJi�C2=iL. ci. �T?° AY'E2ti11S°S a� 920 Selby St.. ?dL:� �?�T, '� �� would unreasonably annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort, and repose of considerable numbers of inembers of the public. It is unlikely that Applicant will manage the cabaretJrestaurant properly, given his inexperience in the restaurant industry and the lack of details and analysis in his business p1an. 7. Under no condition should a Cabaret "A" or Restaurant "C" license be issued to Applicant. 8. The application of the Applicant for a Cabaret "A" and a Restaurant '�C" license should be denied. Recommendation The Coalition of neighborhood groups resgectively recommend that the St. Paul City Council deny the application af Private Protection, Inc., d/b/a "Peaple`s Choice" for a cabaret "A^ and a restaurant "C" license to be operated at tne premises at 92� Se1by Avenue, St. Paul, MN. i � Dzted this � � o� ����'`- 1997. INGHBRITS^vN � ASSOCIAT�S, P.F. Sy: ��` F' � ��' r t Philip A. Shepherd Nll�7 ���y. S.D. No. 222306 17a� Rand Tower 527 Marauetze Avenue South Min_neapOlis, MN S5a02 {6i2} 350-8290 5 DEG-10-1996 12�50 FROM CITY RTTt�YS OF�=ICE � a _ .. .� QAS III yh LICENSE APPLTCATiON �1�$/�� � � �' �I�!{."�/� T}pe af iiccax(s� beiag appSied for. � i�i�� C �9�,,,.1 �S APPI.ICATSO\' IC Ct TA iFtY Tn vrt ncn •+ U Pi.EASE tYPE OR PRA'7 W L\�K ��� y, oo . Compaayl� _Yriva.tG f�ro�tCf",dn Carycra�;an / Psr_,ersAiptSok AqviceQat:J If buzincss is iocorpomtcd, giti•a dase cf inct¢poratioo: � Doing $usiness As_ P� p �/ r7J 1 e. 'S fh, 8usiness Address: _ . ., �L .--- *-n� ���n yoo ��ay bata r� b�a, or � SQ�A�= �ao �� r•� - �s�c Bav=een what tross sttau is the busirnu la�cdl �r -� Are tba premi<ts aaw occupicd? _��1 p tiVtyat T}pe cf Susiaus? . �iaz7 ro Aadras. _ � /.� £. iG � ;)1�/( �-� 11./i�nt svcc AdSres: AFPlicaac Fnfasmarioa: ��� � r�: � Ln .'J L�rt { a,7 City 9� 9342Z990 P.21 CFIY QF SAIXt'�p orr� �r�, n��;,� z�a �,�,a,u� ��, :�ox+�.ax s.�.�ay .s�i pt!6...sa, }t�s t1W ]eiR)Jli La (61`� •d{.7[v y i $usiruts Phaac: ,�L�' 9��l1 =, "�'' � .,���+ sn,e � Thicfi side of the suai? �1� 5___�_f_ .c.lN 6'S��r� s�u z+� _ _ Gco Fmt AS66k 4�Sridca} � xo� aaa�s: 9SoZI F}�m/t t lfY.t . '�'` sa«s�aams . • ��? � ro �f� SIJJ Sam Z3 I?ait of Bictl�: �' ZJ �(n3 Plaa of Biss3t: ��J" ll �! � NtY�s� Hose Pbaae: � } rjj' iia�a }tm cver 6cea vicc of any fr.t�p, � or �iolzicn of aay ary orcfiaaxa acixs shaa c�ffie? YFS,_�� V_. Dase of arrest }��I 1p C7zazge: Convictian: Scaknce: E.ist she aames sod:rsidences ef sbree puzons of �ood mou2 rharacmr, 3iti•ia q' $PP�cant or fmaacally iatcres�rd m the preffisa ar busiaas. c asay be scfeczed to�r,s t6� appt;can{ M��r °OL ttiau.d to � �` ADDRESS Ct�er��.�es� -- 3�3� E G{� th cT • -r ..... r,.. .._ , �_ __ , . PH4\'E R�n irQ,'1 -�.�• I?ave aay of Sccascs ct•c Lers xe rat;edl ^ 1'�S 55Z-ir[.�,y7 .. rs ta C[.� 5 e- list ilu dates snd zessoas Far zcvocasi -oa. Arc you gcmg:o o�„�� rJis Su�anss �sazally? _ YES .. ., • �ii b'O If not, x�tw wfli operate ii7 1�(c..� • . . . .. _ s�r.� Sue �3 DEC-10-1996 12=5i � CITY RTTDRNEI'S OF��ICE TD --�_^-------- -••�--^_�___. � .,,�.. _ .. _... _ . G7`.3�9 93422990 P.22 9G� �z:uCm} Lw Bu¢at8in }T«rcAddrac SaeaA'aiz G:r Swe � TsP Pha+eNvmb PJcasc liu yau employmeoc hiscory fin �Ix pre�5ous fi�=e CSl : zar puiod: � List atl otbcx s�Ficen of tbc coipcuxrion: OFFlCER .. �2I.E HO.'� 1`TA3.� �c� Ketd} ADDI2�55 HO�IE BUSII�'ESS � DATEOF PHO�� PHOJ•� BTRTH � I£ bu�ness is a pazmvship, p7eaz� incfude tbe follou-in� infc:.,auan For each par.cra (use additionat pagcs if nrcts�asy); t5rst�a.�ae r7'idEie 2a�ed (.�Sai6cr,) I�u Darc ot �'vd� HaneAddra= Sneet\a�s Gsy Sw¢ Trf PhooeKum}�et r�gaa,�e �.ram�� p.t�am� iru m+�oraau, x�Aamar s�a� - � suk z;� �� Mii�'Sa'ESO'I'A TAX IERf3�'i47CATiO.�i l�'CA�PR-Pursmat �c ttx Law s of Mmaesasa. t986, CFsagfer 9AZ. Aaide S. Sectioa 2(Z7Q22} (Taz Qearaoce; Issnaaz of Licsaus).li�'� act6adties s,issqnired to �Sde to sbo Stase of Mi�aesou Commissioccr af Reveaue, tbe biiaaaoea busiaest taz iden�utiaa mtm�r and she saisl secoriry nvmber of cac� lieense appticaac Uu3er she k5s�aawta Cm•aaaKat Basa Pnccar Ass sad tbe Fderai Pzi�acy Aa of S9?d, we are zeqvired to advise yaa af s6e foUoe�i� , reg�diag she nse of ibe D�inauouTsc Idea�Sntioa 2dvzaber. � - 7His iafarmati�.aay be vud to dmy cbe isznaxx orsenewai of yourlicrose in sbe cvwt you oa+e ]�axsota saics. ear�iloyec s a3tt:hoidiag�ormoia�idcexdset�za; ` - Upaa recei�5ag chis mfacrosaoa, sbe3icansing susborsiy a� wpply u onty:o � 1.�rmaosa Depa�umac of Revcaac. Howevc, ��nndtt 2be Fcdaal Exchaage of Iufanmtion A�et che Depar.�at af Re� eaue may supply shiz iafoanaGoa to cbe 1a�ema] Rereaat Servic� • Miaxsosa Txx ideatification i�'c�mbers (Ss1u & L*se Tz: Tnmbcr) my 3x oStaina3 frora tha Staso nf a�aauotz„ Basmess Rxords ?kpaztrxat 10 Rivec pzrk PSaza (622 296-6I8I}� . Sociat Sc:carity T�Tn�b:r. I�"'•usoesoa Taz IdcasiF.uSoa 2�nmb�z: t�, �.�, �,�I _,_. If a Mianeso:a Tz: Idcaafsai;oa :�'c:�'xs is not rcovsrcd Por eLe busincss beiag onerzted, indicate so by pFacing an "X ia tF�e � . boz.._.._. _ __ . _ _ _ . ���I. - . -- . . , . ... . .---•• •-. .... ._. , H�trinea�l�mniwnKn[ �ddrtss �7 , DEC-10-1995 12�51 FROt1 CITY ATTORNEYS ��=ICE T� 934229g0 p, • CERTIf7GT10� OFK'ORi�RS COSSP�SATIO\ CO��GE FIiRSU��*T TO aiL�i'�S07A 5'FATUT'E T76.732� �` T bereby eercify chu?, oc my eompsn ,=_,y, IIICC�1i2ixC �'F.5 LhC ttqiJ:tTS 'toaq+tasa�:an iasuraace coren;e rcqaittmeou �f �lrnc Sca:vu I iGS82. SufdivialOII Z F 7I5¢ iip3Ct5{znd tbat pt0�'1SSC] oC f31iC iiifOi7lufioo in [1riS ctrt�CatioD COIIFUtyiez bu�cien( � Ouric ad� actiac against ati liceases De.}d, iaclad'wg:esxarica �d suspension of ssid liccascs. �`a� cf Iasusaace Company. Stitt, �rg,2'l.� t[r�;, S.a.; .�1�' �[Y ga�yr��: # AO t � i . ` � ( q - ��..Q� � � Crn•aagetsora-l1G1R�_to `' I b ve no empto�us co�•cred and�r � ortuf compcnsatioa i:suranco f � _�'� ��d. � . . , � A,\'Y fALSIfiCA21a�Y OF A.�SR�RS GIVEN OR?�f,1TERIAL SUB�. � RTLLRESLT,7 L� DE\'IAL OF THIS APpLICAII0�2 � I hereby ssate shx i 5avo anstivercd aQ of tbe �ecedng quc:�s�s. <ad t6at t4e infonnztian coatained baein iz uue and coarct tc tfx best of my l:rsovtedge aad bcti�f. I bereby s4 fur.6ec t5at I hzre:eccired no monoy or otber considaatioa, 6y way oF Iaaa. 8i.`C conin`isuaon, a ozhes�+,ise, osbez eban atready �sclaccd ia the zpplicat'san c �ch I bucuix� svbmixed. Z¢]so aadassad this prcmise may be iaspecy�d by pclicc, {r�, 6ealth and o�her cicy offici�Is ac any z�d all tiss w-t�cn cbe bus'sncu'u in operation '•J+ �� applicatictt it F°xVLi9uc? m1u:d. P]vse conta¢i a Gty cf Saint Paul Hcalch Iaspector. Ste.t O}soa (266-9233), ta revicv 7f aay sv6svatial chaugs trs snvccue art saticipascd. please coatau a Csry � Saiat s"'�auI Plan Esamina at 265-90Q7 so aPP�Y fffi burldmg pecmi� If aSezc ue aay chaages rc tttc p2rf�ng Fot.33o� spaee, or f� ncw oprratient, Pkax coniict s Gry of Saint Paul Zcaiog Iaspectcr at 256-9D� � Additiotsal appycation requiremeais, pia..ce aYtacii; A detsiJed descrfp6oa ai tht desfgsy Iocation and sqaatt tootage af tLn pretau¢S !a be licrosed {yzte gtan}. TFse Colioking data stiovld be oa sfie site ptass (pteCcrably on art 81t2" z Il" ar 8 It2�° z 1d" Papet7: - A'amq address, snd ph,one nnmbea • - TAt scaic ihouJd be s'aled svcfi as l" = 2D'. ^:I should be indicated fmrud the lap. - P7acmeat of alI petsineat fnztnres ni tbe iaferior of ifie Iicense3 fzciti(y suc3t as seatmg area; l3Scheus, ogices, repafr u'�, Fu�,r rest rooms, efe - If a reqaut is for aa addifiaa or e..-psusian of tf,e lim�sed fxiliip, �iea[c botfi tfie current arn and SJ�e proposcd �P�� . A capy eCpaar iexse ngree:aeat or ?roof of oxnership of t5e propertp. FOR SPECZ�'IC L�PPL£Cd'f7�A* arnfs;�rxs:� � c�r r.� � ��_ -- 57-3 Executive Summarv Business Plan People's Choice 920 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN and entercainmenc to che surrounding African American communiry in a safe and relaxing enviroament. Pro_prietor: Twe of business: $C2tiR� C1paC1N: Twe of inenu: Tv�e of entenainment: Hours of oneratioa: Number of er�nlovees: Addicional information: �Iay 1�, 199b Private Protection, Tnc. Restauzant 8d GriII sryle Speakers, fashioa shows, comedy, music, daacing, aud other forms of Iive entenaiameut. 1i:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. Thurs, Fn, aad Sat lI:CO am. -?2c30 a.n. Sun, Mon, Tne, and Wed 12 (esc. - includes iull �d aart time) Uniformed securiry wi11 be nrovided (as needed} from 7:00 p.n. until closing on Thurs, Pri, aad Sat. � � '��i���� IXFftB(T � _ � 97- � , I �1�1 r�r�� �j �� �v��, ; ��� �� , , I J ' 1 Appetizers Buffato wings Shrimp cheue guffs Quesadillas Nachos Supreme nachos Jalapeno poppers Soups & Salads Chili �p bowl B1ack eye pea cup bowl Soup of the day cup bowi House salad Ghef salad Cobb salad Taco 5a1ad Caesar salad with chicken 55.75 Sb.25 55.75 $5.85 $6.95 54.50 $1.75 52.75 51.50 $2.5d $1.5� S2.SQ $4.75 $5.95 $5.45 $5.50 $4.95 56.75 Sandwiches served with ciups aad a pickle sgea:, fries add 51.00 Club Ham & cheese Philly che�e szeak Fish Turkey $4.95 54.95 Si.80 $4.9a 55.15 Surgers se: ✓ed with ciups aad a pickle spear, iries add 51_00; �,.�*illed oaions add 50.2� Hamburge: 34.00 Cheeseburge: $4.30 c¢oice of ame:ican, swiss ar monterey jack , r 97-3 .t Bacon cherseburger Bar-b-q burger bacon s4.�s 54.5� $0.50 Dinners , served with choice of salad or vegetable, nce or gotato and roll Pork chop Steak Ham steak Fried chicken Ribs: pork beef Catfish Spaghetti Side items �7,10 $8.75 $6.75 56.25 58.25 $8.95 $7.95 86.50 French fries $1.35 Red beans & rice 51.20 Greens $0.95 Green beans 5095 Rice $ Cabbage $0.95 Corn6read $0.45 Beveraoes Soda Sl.ZS I.�manade 51.�Q Iced zea '� Nonaicaholic beer �i•�� Import 52.�0 Pitcher 53.�0 Import 54.75 . Daiquiries �?'� tviargaritas 5z.25 Mocktails 5275 Sex on Lhe beach, Pina Coladas, Homy Devil. juice �' "� � � 9�- E�CLrzrv� Suvr��Y PIans for cabaret license We inceud to offer speakers, fasbioa shows, comedy, music, and dancing in zhe relaxing atmosphere of a restauranc. There has beea no decision made as to whea and how ofren tfiis eutenaiament wilI be offered; this wilj depend on our market research. . Cabaret Hours The cabaret wi11 not be an everyday occunence. There wilI be no set haurs for operating such; it wiIl depend on she availability of speakers, groups, comedians and the time of year. The cabaret will be used az a markecing tool to generate clien�ele for the restaurant; it will aever exist as a separate entity for social purposes aaly. We wi1l be con,ztantly searching for the right balance witl� respecc so the cahareL thaL will allow us to significantly increase the revenue of tFie rescaurant in such a way that would aoL e:zist if People's Choice was soleIy a rescaurauc. 9 7 . �• , � LERS& AGREEMENT }� This Lease Agreement is made as of September �� , 1945, by and between DWH, a Minnesota partnership ("Lessar") and Private Protection, Inc. ("P.P.I•"), a Minnesota corporation ("Lessee"). 1. Premises. DWH hereby leases to P.P.I., and P.P.I. herelay leases from DWH, for the term and upon the conditions hereinafter provided, the Premises located on the sntire first floor and basement portion in the building at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Pau1, Minnesota, known at present as "People's Choice." 2. Term. The term of this Lease shall commence upon October 1, 1995 and shall continue fo= sixty (60} months until September 30, 2000. P.P.I- sha11 have the option to renew the lease for an additional five year period until September 34, 2005, at an amount su£ficient to cover reasonable monthly expenses such as water, sewer, gas, etc. 3. Rent. P.P.I• sha11 pay as Rent for the Premises S7QQ•00 per month for three manths commencing October 1, 1995; $1,�OQ.00 per month for seven months commencing January 1, 1996; and $1,400.0o per month for the balance of the five year lease commencing August 1, 1996. Rent shall be paid in monthly installmen�s, in advance, on the iirst day of each and every calendar month during the Term. 4. Trade Name. P.P.I• shall have the so2e and exclusive right to use the nane "People's Choice" in their use o£ the Premises. The fact that DWH entered inta this agreement, shall be rarever treated as confidential, and wi11 not be disclosed by DI+�T to any person except tneir lawyer, accauntant, tax preparer or as may be reauired by law or agreed to in writing by P.P.I• DWH recoqnizes and agrees that tne use of the name "Peonles`s Choice° was a signiiicant inducemert to P.P.S. �o enter intio this aareement ar.d that a portion of the rent described in section 3 is gaid in consideration o� this confidentiality provision. 5. Use. P.P.I• wil.Z use and occupy the Premises solely io= public entertainment and sociai purposes. P.P.I• wi11 not nse or occcpy the Premises io= any unlawful puspose, �nd wi1Z comgly with a11 present and future laws, ordinances, regulations and ordess of all governmental units having jur.isdiction over the Premises. DWH disclaims any warranty that the Premises are suiteble £or P•P•S•'s use and P.P.I. acknowledges that it has had a fu11 onportunity to maice its owa determination in tnis regard. 6. Assianment and SublettinQ. P.P-I• wi11 not assign, ��2RSi2i� IRO�L O?" encu*nber �f115 I�ease Or SL�''.�le� OS ren� OT ne�� occunancy or Lse o` the Premises, or any par� thereo�I�y any `Cii�.rC� p�iL'�� IIOr SIYd1.1 ZIly 2551CjRI12TIT. O? �S�cIlSZ2T Q� '��!1S Lease be I IXWBR � � 97-3 LEASE AGREEMENT effectuated by operation of 1aw or otherwise, without in each such case obtaining the prior written consent o£ DWH, which consent sha11 be subject to DWH's sole discretion. 7. Maintenance. P.P-I• understands it is leasing the Premises in an "as is" condition, which is at present not in first class condition. P.F•I• agrees to return the premises in the same, if not better condition at the expiration or �ermination of this Lease. DWH shall make all necessary repairs to the outer walls, roof, downspouts, gutters and basic structural elements and common areas of the building. DWH shall also make all necessary repairs to the portions of the building systems (plumbinq, sewage, heating, air conditioning and electrical) providing services jointly to the premises and other portions of the building. P.P.I• shall be responsible for all other portions of the bu5.lding systems serving the premises. Notwithstanding anything apparently to the contrary in this section, any costs of repairs or improvements to the building, to the premises or to any common areas which are occasioned by the negliqience or default of P.P.I•, its officexs, employees, agents or invitees, or by requirements of law, ordinance or other governmental directive and which arise out of the nature of P.P.I.'s use and occupancy of the premises or the installations of P.P.I• in the premises shall be paid for by P.P.I. as additional rent, immediately upon biliing. 8. Alterations. P.P.I. reserves the right to remove from the Premises any and all materials which in any way inter£ere w.ith the day-to-day runninq of their business or which aze in viol�tion of any St. Faul ordinances. DWA wi11 be contacted and have the option of takinq possession of any or a11 materials at that �ime; aI.I. other materials wi11 be disposed of at the discretion o£ P.P•I. All imarovemen�s paid £or by P.P.T. are subject to retention by B.?.I., unless said improvemen aze struczura3 in naiure. I= any mechanic`s lien is fiied agains� any part of the building io� work clai.med to have been done ior, or materiais iurnished to P.�•1•r such mechanic's Iien sha11 be dischargec3 by P.P.Z- within ten days thereafter, at P-P.I•'s sole cost and expense. Regardless of whether DW'H's consent is reauired or obtained hereunder: a?1 alterations shall be made ir.accordance with applicable laws, codes anci insurance guidel.ines, aad shall 'be performed in a good and wor]anar.ii.ke manner. P.P-I• shall not ins�all, without the orior consent of DWH, any eauipmeat whicfi wi11 or may necessitate any cnanges, repl.acements or additi.ons to, or in the use o=, the neatiaa, ventilating or air-conditionir.q sYs�en, or electrical system of the buildina. 9. Se� and Utilities. DTrtH sha11 �t�rnis'a heat, wazer, and el.ec'tric services to P.P.I. for their use in the oneration oi �heir busi�ess o. the Pre:nises duriag the CILr2i.1dR o= Lhis T•ease. 2 q7-� LEASE AGF2EEMENT 10. Insurance. P.P,I. agrees to purchase and to carry in fu11 force and effect commercial genera]. liab.ility insurance, providing coverage on an "occurrence" basis, which policy shall include coverage for Bodily Injury, Property Damage and Personal Snjury, in a combined single limit amount of not less than $1,000,000. I.1. Waivez and Indemnity. 11.1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, DwH and its partners, officers and employees shall not be liable to P.F.I., and P.P.I. hereby releases such parties from all damaqe, comgensation or claims from any cause other than the intentional andJor £oreseeabie mi.sconduct of DWH or its partners, officers or employees arising from: loss or damage to personal property or trade fixtures in the premises; lost business or other consequential damage arising out of interruption in the use of the premises; and any criminal act by any person other than DWH or its partners, officers or emplayees. 11.2. P.P.I. agrees to indemnify, defend and hold DWH and its partners, officers and employees harmless from and against any claim, 3oss, or expense arising aut o€ injury, death or property loss or damage occurring in the premises, except oniy to the extent caused by the intentional and/or forseeable misconduct of DWH or its partnes, officers or employees. DWH and its partners, offz.cers and employees sha11 be held liable if the cause was one they wese made aware of and did not rectify the oiiending circumstances in a reasonabl.e Zength oP time. 11.3. DWH agrees to indemnifp, defend and hold P.P.T. and its heirs, officers, employees, disectors, executors, ad�*ti.r_istrators, agents, and assigns hazmless iram zny losses, causes oi action or suits o� any kind or nature arising oL� a•`_ or rela�ing to claims arising under any £ederal, st�te, and locaZ statuie, ar requla�ion involving the previous ope=ation of People's Choi,ce by B.t3_T., Inc., a defunct Minnesota corporation wholly owned bg �he par�ners of DwH. DWH further agrees to indemrti�`y, clefend and hold P.P.i. znd its heirs, officers, emaloyees, directors, executors, admirristrators, agents and assigns harmiess £ram a11 common law claims for_breach of contract, invasion of nrivacy, promissory estoppel, personal injury or negligent retention and supervision whetrer developed or undeveloped invo?ving the previous epsration o£ Peonle`s Choice by 3.U.T., Inc_ I2. Default. �ny one o� tne following evenis saal? constitu�e an Event oi Deiault: (_) P.P.Z. s�a11 iail zo pay a^y monthl.y insiallmea� oi r2R� O?' �G S2i?� d5 f?E? nrovided, 'c-IlCj. SllCkl c��-a LEASE AGREEME23T default shall continue for a period of 15 days after the due date therefor; (ii) P.P.I. shall violate ar fail ta perform any of the other conditions, covenants or agreements herein made by P.P_I. and such default shall continue for 30 dags after notice from DWH. DWH agrees ta be reasonable under the circumstances, conditions, covenants or agreements herein made in finding P.P.I. in deEault. I€ an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, DWH may at its sole option by written notice to P.P.I. terminate this Zease. Neither the passage of time after the occurrence of the Event of Default nor exercise by DWH of any other remedy with regard to such Event of Default shall limit DWH's rights under this section. 13, Riqht of First Refusal. 13.1. If DWH desires to se11 the building subject to this Lease to any person or entity durinq the Term of tihis Lease and any subsequent renewal, DWH shall first offer such buil.dinq for sale to P.P.S. at the same price and on the same terms offered in good faith by such ather person or entity. Such offer sha11 be made by DWH by a notice given to P.P.I. The notice shall recite the price and other terms being of£ered in good faith by such other person or entity. P.P.I. sha11 have a peri.od of thirty days after receipz of the notice to accept or reject the offer. Acceptancs of the ofier sha11 be by notice given to the DWH. ,, I3.2. In the event that P.P.I. shal2 purchase the building from DSvH under the provision described above, P.P.I. sha11 receive as an offset to the purchase price tne cost oi any strnctu=al imnrovements it has made to tte builcting. Z3.3. Sn the event �hat P.P.I, sha11 no� gurchase ti?e bnildinq from DWH under the nravision described above, DTriu shal? reimburse P.P.I. £rom the proceeds of sa2e the cost o= any structural improvemen�s P.P.�. has made to the bu_lding. � 13.4. In the event that DWH shali seli the building to a party other than P.P.I., a11 provisions of this lease shall re*_aain in full force and ef�ect ior the full term of the leasa, including its renewal as provided in section 2 0£ tnis agreement. DWH acknowledges that in �aking this agree�en� that they rely whollg ugoa their own judgment, beliei and knowledge. DWH =urtner acknowledges 'tnat tney have careiuiiy read the foreyoir_g aareemeni ar_d understaad tI�e contea�s thereof and that they siga ihis agreement as their own fr=e act. DbvH iurther acknow?edges t'r_at � q� LBASE AGREEMENT they have consulted with and been rep=esented by an attorney thraughout the discussions which preceded the execution of this aqreement and that the terms have been completely read and explained by their attorney, and that those terms are £ully understood and voluntarily accepted by them, at that, except as otherwise indicated herein they sign this agreement for the axpress purpase of leasing the premises known as People's Choice, and precluding for as long as this agreement is valid any interest in People's Choice, and the management thereof. This agreement will be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. Lessor: Dated: Dated r�" � y � � -�7 �s r�ated: �b��- 71 �a9S ����,,��.�-- Edward Hayes; WHJpartner ' � � CU..�.�.-��7yt� John Tdilliams, DWAJpartner Lessee: i"�v�R� J e..�c.�2�cy��^� BY��� � y�b'F�- I�s CE STATE OF ?VII23NEcQna COUN'r'Y OF RAMSEY ss. k� The foregoing was acknowledged beiore me this 1 � day of Sentember, 1445, by Edward Hapes and by John Williams, partners of DTriH, on behali zs such Lessor. . )AiJIES S. Sil'cN �.° NOT��" ��•�L �C-MINNESOTA �1��r CH$$FG� COUM�i'�' rr co+.�asion ccn<ce �A:�. �7. 2090 � ���,.� �\�--. Natary Public LEASE AGREEMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA ) j ss. COtiNTY OF RAh1SEY ) q�-�aq The foreqoing was acknowledged before me this ��� dap of September, 1995, by 1�-EN� G-"��T�t��15 . CLO of Private Protection, Inc., on behalf as such Lessee. ¢ }AMES S. SI:EN Fe ":.�ti�r CHISAGO GOUN7Y �_': MY COMMIGSI�N ES�IPE] JAV. 3t. Z�0 This instrument was drafted by: James S. Si1en Attorney at I,aw �ttorney Id. No P.O. Box 48 Rush Ci�y, NSN- 231a60 55069. �� � �� No ry Public G :, , �� OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIV73 HEARINGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In re the Licenses of Private Protection, Inc. dlb/a People�s Choice 920 Selby Avenue CITY'S PROPOSED EXIiIBITS January 7, 1997 TO: Judge Richard Mosman, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the City's proposed exhibits for the Administrative Hearing on January 7, 1997. �ibit No. Exh. No. 1 Exh. No. 2 a Description St. Pau1 City Council File #96-1343 (6 pp.�; Notice of Hearing, dated December 3, 1996, with Affidavit of Service (4 pp.�; Exh. No. 3 License Application, dated March 17, 1996, with attached "Certification of Compliance with the Minnesota Worker's Compensation Law" form, license payment receipt, and "Minnesota Tax Identification Number" form (5 pp.}; Exh. No. 4 Exh. No. 5 Exh. No. 6 License Application, dated March 17, 1996, with attached September 27, 1995 "Lease Agreement" t9 pp.); Executive Summary, Business P1an, dated May 14, 1996, with attached April 23, 1996 letter from Brett Larson to Carl Green (5 pp.}_ Amended Articles of Incorporation of Private Protection, Inc., filed September 2, 1994 (4 pp. ) ; .� . Exh. No. 7 Exh. No. 8 Exh . No . 9--���//„s� r� Exh. No. 10 Exh . No . 11�"��,rG� � Exh. No. 12 Exh. No. 13 Exh. No. 14 Exh. No. 15 Exh. No. 16 Exh. No. 17 Exh. No. 18 Exh. No. 19��,,%/ory� �� Exh. No. 2� Exh. No. 21 q�-3� Property Ownership/Occupant Screen and Business License Manager Screen (4 pp.); April 15, 1996 letter trom Christine Rozek to Carl Green (1 p.); Executive Summary, Susiness P1an, dated April 15, 1996 (1 p.); April 26, 1996 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl/Earl Green (2 pp•?; Lease Agreement, dated September 1995 (1 p.); Letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek, received May 3, 1996 (1 p.); May 6, 1446 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl Green (1 p.); May 21, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek (3 pp.); June 3, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek {1 p.); June 10, 1996 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl Green (2 pp.); June 18, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek with attached affidavits from Carl L. Green, Curtis Olson, and Elizabeth Y. Green (4 pp.); July 22, 1996 letter from Virginia Palmer to Car1 Green (2 pp.}; July 23, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Virginia Palmer (1 p.�; September 3 "Inspector Response Data Entry/Update Screen" (2 pp.); September 20, 1996 agreement to conditions, signed and dated September 25, 1996 (1 p.). . .. � 97-�a` Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicable St. Paul City ordinances: St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.�5 § 310.06 � 310.17 Chapter 426 Respectfully submitted this 7th day of January, 1997. Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612}266-8710 � " - � OFFIC�jF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timolhy�tar.K Ciry AUOmey -- � �-�a5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Division 400 City Hall t S West Kelkgg Blvd Saini Pau(, Mmnesota 55102 NOTI�E OF HEARING December 3, 1996 Carl & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 55404 Telephone: 611 266-8110 Facsimile: 61119&5679 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. dJb/a People's Choice Dear Mr, and Mrs. Green: This is to notify you that a hearing�will be held.concerning the above-referenced license application pursuant to Chapter 310.05 and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code at the following time, date and place: Date: December 20, 1996 Ti.me: 9:30 a.m, Place: Room 42 City Hall-Couaty Courthouse 15 W. ICellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, NIId 551Q1 The hearing examiner will be an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Richard Mosmaa Administrative I,aw Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Aveaue South Richfield, 2�T 55423 Phone: 861-3331 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide for hearing concerning licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 31�, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or � � � Private Protechon, Inc. � d1bla Peo ple's Choice — City's E�. No. 2 ` �. � . 9�-�a conditions. The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has determined that conditions on the above-referenced license are appropriate and will recommend issuance of the licenses applied for subject to the conditions. However, at the hearing before the Saint Paul City Council testimony was heard by citizens in opposition to the issuance of the license. Evidence may be presented to the judge through the intervention of interested parties in the proceeding. ' The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62, and the procedural rules of Chapter 1400.5100-140D,840o of the Minnesota Rules and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. You have a right to be represented by an attorney, to represent yourselves, or to be represented by a person of your choosing to the extent not otherwise prohibited as the unauthorized practice of law. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all. parties identify themselves for the record. The City wi11 then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may , cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If data classified as not public (e.g. private or confidential) is admitted into evidence, it may become public unless a party objects and asks for relief under Minn. Stat. §14.60, subd. 2. A notice of appearance must be filed with the judge within twenty (20) days of the date of service of the notice of and order for hearing if a party intends to appear at the hearing, unless the hearing date is less than twenty days from the issuance of this notice . The undersigned will appear on behalf of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Please be advised that if you fail to appear at the hearing it may result in the allegations of the notice of and order for hearing � �} y � i ��-��9 being accepted as true and result in a determination in favor of the License Office to recommend conditions on the license. Very truly yours, � ��� Virgin�almer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessles, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Aearings, Suite 17D0, Minneapolis, MN 55401 Judge Richard Mosman, 604 Richfield Bank, 6625 Lyndale Ave. So., Richfield, MN, 55423 Nancy Anderson, City Council, Room 310 City Hall Peggy Byrne, Executive Director, Summit-University Planning Council, 627 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, 55104 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Ttmothy E. Marx, City Attorney g �_ � a CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Nonn Coleman, Mayor civit Division 400 City Hall I S West Kellagg Blvd Saint Paul, �nnesom SSIO2 Telephone: 612 266-8710 Fdcsimile: 6I2 298-5619 December 31, 1996 The Honorable Richard Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Mr. Carl Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 E. 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 554�4 Mr. Philip A. Shepherd Collins & Ingebritson, PA 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. d/b/a People's Choice Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the hearing in the above-entitled matter, which was continued until Tuesday, January 7, 199? at 9:30 a.m., will be heard in Room 1504 of the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paiii� i.ia'.I72S6�d. The City Hall Annex is located on Fourth Street, between Wabasha and Saint Peter Streets. Sincerely, �/� � � � Virgin a D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek LIEP "° � �1-'.;'f s.. t � ! � 9� &TATE OF MINNESOTA ) 5S. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY 1 JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and sa�s that on December 3, 1996, ehe served the attached NOTICE OF HEARING on the following named persons by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Carl & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. &15 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN. 55404 (which is the last known addresses the same, with postage prepaid, in Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of December, 1996. /� l/ .IJ //l< GliL�� � Notary Public . • RITA M. 80SSARD � hOTARY PUBLIC — h711:ti`c50TA RANSEY COUNTY ' MY�mn.ExpiresJSn.37.2W0� of said persons? and depositing the United States mails at St. � -� �=� � g � L CL�SS iII ciTY oFS.ai�r P�LL LICE\SE APPLICATION or ficeofLicense.In< w;�ens a�dEm�rzenme�tzi?:.�: e.ion ?50 S� Pncr St. Suim 309 Saim Pzul. AM1ianuou '9 (f . — _.�_i .�•� �._ (61'_726S909Jfa�(61^_):cb-9:13 _ ' �J�C�4 /'-^ T?��S APPLTC.4TI0\' IS StiBJECI' TO RE�ZEW BY THE PtiBLIC PLEASE 7YPE OR PRI1T L\ L\'K i ,, - �l� zf. . T}PeofLicense(s)beingappliedfoi: _;>2+"'%C ���, ll �� f�,t `� ��;�,*�S�'�c �dr';-z( ¢'—�-Y��-�•F-��SP_ � r Company \'us�: �F' r W�' r� t�Y �� L� C�� t rt Corp�ration / Pzra�ers.^.+p / Sole Propdetort.a If business is incorporated, gi��e date of iacc;poralion: � Boin� Business As: ��L ��C%,� 1� ;$ l�L BUSiness Address: Besiness Phone: ,3f'- '�� ��� Stree[ Address �- � ? � � � S / � � �y�, �JC Jr GtY // State Z Beeween what cross streeu is the business located? `�.�� - %Zf �4 j 7 l�JJlTft� Whjch side of the street? w� �t Ara the prer.rises now occupied? � V✓bat Type of Business? � '�7aii To Address: _� / � • 1 L � St�f �'f ������y k�'G li S �f✓ .SS���-/ Stccet Address City State Zip Applicant Information: \'azm and Tide: �.(l �`� �f t_ Home Address: �.r� � . C f'P � .� C�r2�r First yLddle (.Maiden) GSo�I Jf�m/e f R vt ..f'o - L�of Cc`o �� Title �� �� Sveet Address � ���— �—� ity State Zip Date of Birth: �- z-.3 "�e� Place of Bireh: �R �� X-f �re .� Home Phone: Y�B' %���1 Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violauon of any city ordinance orher than tr�c? YES _ NO � � Date of azrest: Chazge: _ Conviction: R'here? Sentence: List the names and residences of ttuee peisons of good moral cbazacter, living witfiin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related applicant or financiaily interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanYs chazacter: n��.� ADDRESS �!^.e���`het'SZ 3 �3� E. Gcgtn �t • TnvPY C�i f=--- �Ccc�t Flc�:v F'u Run 1ia ��* ��lzCctn List licenses which you currendy bold, forr�rly held, or may have an interest ia: �r�7e��-;Ve liavt't�5 'ti(,�r`,�Z_ , 4�r;�r��e lnvC��,a. PHONE iC�hts 55�-i¢s t,sS��3z� i,�n5` 1 ci L'� V r�•OM ��z � y: s K �� �a � >�� Have any of the above'£iazued licenses ever been recoked? _ YES ✓?30 If yes, list che dates and reacons fox revocation: � Are you going to opente this business personally? ✓ YES _:�O If not, who will operate ii? '' Fnt Name Middle Initiai ('.;aiden) Iast Date of Birth Homeqddsess: SaeeeName City Stau Zip Phone:.umber _ � Are eeu �eino to ha�e a r.�a��aer cr a:s.::_.; :; ti;i< bus;ne<:: }�ES comple� the fo!lo•,�i::: i :,orn:.ticn: �1t1 K,r`�� ��tf\ �� f.Fli S �"� i .`,� . F:stS�nr >^.io�e:ai�� ..`.ad^_') I.�tt .,.,.�ef3inh 'r.o:,z Ad: Speet \�� Plezc.e list pe=s es�lo��nt fustory fer �e rre��ie�s fice (_; ; zaz �riod: Buciness/Emoto�,—,ent �dd;ess �r',i!h �a l . Tnn.. (s15 ;- . If,�?� Str S�te P4e,-.e �um6er /✓�/.� f'F�rl ��rl+'n � �t� Tv,c 7 ��r~���n{Cn�'rYe�.L�',,ttnGe �`trove /✓�✓SSVirn J List a11 ocher o:ficers cf t6e cocg�:aac7: OFFICER TLE HQUtE HO'�'iE BliSI\'ESS DAI'EOF \A;vIE �{ 'fice Held) ADDRESS PHO�E PHO\B BIRTA til�z�l�e�i1 ��reFn ���retfer ��c� �n)irt t? YSs 4�93 3.z1.v� izyo-�s If business is a pazmership, pie��e inc}ude t�e iollowing inie::nation for eac6 partner (use additiona! pages if nececsary); :mu�i (.`.:aidenj 97 \O �fv�em.ma�er;snct:l;e>:r.x.�:.'�ae�r:or.Fiea�e Hoxs�Address S¢e.ei:�a� First'�`.me bTiddle Ir�iriei (?�faiden) '-iome Addrus: Sveet Name City Lzn Sczte Zip I,zst Stim Zip Date of Binh Phene Num�r Dace ot NiLNl�'ESOTA TAX IDE,\`TIFICATIO\' �'L'�'[BER - Pursu�t to the Laws of ?�Iinnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (I'ae Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing au[borities �-e required to procide to [he State of'vlinnesota Commissioner of Revenue, tbe :Minnesota business tax identification nu�Ser znd cbe cC;izl cecurity numbet of each license applicant. Under the'.vlinnesota Govemmeot Data Pracaces Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze requ'ued to advise you of the folloa�ing regazding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification rTUmb_r: �_ - This informatior.cray be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in che event you owe Minnesota sales, empioyer s withholding or motor vehicle ezcice tazes; - Upon xeceiving this information, che licensing authority will supply it only co the'vlinnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Depaztment of Reti�enue may supply tivs information to che Intemal Revenue Sercice. Minnesota Tzx Identification \'umbers (Szles & Use Taz \umber) mzy be obtaiaed from the State of'�Iinnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Pa:k Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Suurity?�'umber: '.vTinncsota Tax Idenafication \'umber: _ If a Minnesota Taz Iden�cation \�umbez is not requ'ued for t6e business being operated indicau so by pIacing aa "X" in the boz. 9�-3a9 CERTIFICA510S OF �6'ORKERS` CO�L'�\SATIO\ CO� ER4GE PliRSt AAT TO �^,I�\ESOTA ST.4TLTE 176.1 S^ I hereb}' cerufy tbat I. or my comaan}•, zm;n compliance �; ;�h �he M�e:kets' cor.•.pensa;ion insura�ce co��eraee requaemen[s of '�4innezota Statute 176.182, sath;ivision 2. I a1<o vndz:_c+,y�d Lhat pro� i�iea of false informatioo in this cercification conseimtes sufiicient grounds for ad��erse action a�ainst all licenses 6eld, inciudine re�rocaaca a�d suspension of said licences. tiame of Insurance Company: Policy N�m6er. Cocerage from to I have no employees covered undec k�orF:e:� comp�nsatioa :::.urance ANY F3LSIFIC:�TIO\ OF A\S��'ERS GIVEV QR �1L�TERIAL SLB�ZITTED R�iLL RESi:LT I\ DE\IAL O� THIS �PPLICATifl*� I bereby state that I have answered all of �e precedin� quesuans, �d that the infoxmauon contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belieE I hereby state funber that I have received no money or other consideration, by vray of loan, sifr, conuibuuon, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in che application w hich 3 berewith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fize, health and othet city offici�ls at any and all u�s when the business is in operation. n ����� 1'' �!U'�� '" Signa.ure (REQliIRED for all applications) /� **Note: If this applicavon is Food/Liquorrelated, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review p]ans. If any substancial changes to s�ucture aze anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Ezami¢u at 266-9007 to apply for buiiding permits. If there are any changes to the pazking lot, floot space, or foz new operations, pleue contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Additional application requiremenfs, please attach: A detailed description of the design, ]ocation and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The folloc�ing data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 81/2" x 11" or 81/2" x 14" paper): • I�'ame, address, and phone number. - The scate should be sfated such as 1" = 2A'. ^?.' should be indicated fovcazd the top. - PIacement of atl pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seafing areas, ldfchens, offices, repair azea, pazldng, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or er.pansion of the licensed faci['sty, indicate both the current ues and fhe proposed expansion A copy of pour Iease agreement or pr�of of ownership of the property. FdFt SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREME:VTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> ����a9 Lin^i1F;CRi:^✓H C�F CIkSPLiAKLi ViiH THE NIHNESGiA VJ^nKERS' C.'7`iPERSRTIOH LFV Accordin� .o BH Statutes 77b.�b2, ticcnsin5 agcncics arc prohibi2cd fro�n issuing licc.ticcs vi:hovi vcritication of xorkcrs covcrege. A LICE%SE AvACtUtTtOt Urv�T BE PROCESSEJ tniLESS THIS FORK 15 CUmLFT� StGtiED AWD RETUCkeJ (p(ccse print). questions on filling ovi this form sboutd be direc:ed to the Stcie of Rin�csota "spccial CmQcnsation furd° - 296•2157. r _ _. pa� T t>` , ��� �' i - Doin9 busincss as i �: . ; ,r � �t ! ..' ' last tirst mid3te fvlt busincss nar,�, if difSereM .han yoor Sociat Scwrity Mo. � �" � � frdcral Ei+Qtoyer 7D Ao. State SD Ro. Addrems ' - . �-� f ' . = . . ,�i .�, � , � s.rret ao�ress�or :oo:c n,rber ci:y ar toun namc statc namc zip ca - i., �; Business Tetep�one No. C�� 1r. 7 �'• "`"' `1= Hane iclephone Ho. t� �) '- ! - � Typc of H�siness ���'- ='" -�� i { �"•i � � .�- _ f � � �i�r'�.'1 �,�_1 ;t�� -`.� , t i , descrip:ion (for cxar.Qlc: buitding,consfruction; or togging; or cianufae.uring) Vorkcrs' Ccr.pensation =? �, .� - C ,,,_ n ` , ` �='ar.�.':!y PoliC H e�'A,�. . tnsuraxc Cor.y�eny uamc� s �'-� - : � . : �'' ' - Y o. . �. . . . �ull.rame o4 insurance cmp�ny C�Ot irtsurance a ent) tull nu�+Sc� from insurance policy �— _._.t t �t . � - .., ; � . : V i . ; , ,-. . .; ; 'l - a�" . � )� .. . _ , ( ;�,tt '.l�_,✓_ �4{�Kz � N'�Y'�z: Da:es ef Coverage � ihrorigh � " �} � '� ' � � �t,.,�, startin9 da2e erding Ca:c � '' < < . '�t � ` �;�" �' S certity that f am not reqvired :o carry uorkers' cmper,saTion insurasxa becauset ` � -"`F �' ��� ,�� ��". i� {=yscY. ^r�c� _ I am a sotc proprietor or� 1 have no cr.Qloyccs. t have no eep(oyecs �ho are covercd by tAC vcrkers' cmQensation lcv. (Only mployces who are specifically exenpted staiuie are naS eovere6 by the uotkers' cccper.saSion iav. These inctude: Spouse; Parents; Chjtdren, reyardless o{ a7 and farm tabor rnQloyeas of a,'amily farm tAat spent less xban S8,D00 for farm labor in thc prcrious wlcrda� ycar, I otfier workers uhose work activity is tontroltable by the essptoycr m.isi be covered.) 1 u�crstacd that the inforaatio� provided above vitt be vc�ificd by thc Nimeseia Department of Labor a.�d tndustry. undersiard ihat 1 am subject to a 15,000 penaltK, iF i e information is false. I ceriity that the intorrration provided abo is ecwratc aed ca�ptcic. '�, �� �� _ � % ^, r Siyned by � / �' i� 0 - , D32c �T �i `" �: , __._ - � [NO tocat licensing a9exy, 9en. contr., timber 6vyer or other yersonloryonization attir+9 as an interme6icsy to de4ives this to� to chc Dcpt. of Labor ard Irduztry shalt bc respon:ib�c for acwracy oi thc inlorn�tion provided by tTc person signing thc iorm. i R�� . -} (`� � Q ! � d�a1G: ~+ �t J/ _ � 12 a�a;.,>d O� 9.� /��nt �,.: c (= a�nvni ✓�a: l_euh: �Ceceiiat �or �ac�rreenf ! �` �C .�maunf 7�ec¢ivarL '/ �' 7 `' � / CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL OGfice ot Licrnse, Inspections and Environmental Prorection 3w St. ve�a St. smm 3ao Saw� PaW. Mimtmia 55102 (612) ib69100 C��6 yl,�&,.� 1� �//?�..t l��awod d3�: — i J I 9� -�a9 PLEASE hQTE - FASI,IIRE TO S�PLY THE FOLI,OAZNG INFORMATION AILL JEOPARDZ'�E OR DELAY THE PROCF',SS2bTG OF YOIIR LICENSE ISSIIA27CE OR RENEPiAI, APPLICATICN. MI2v"NESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION A Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72)(Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Co:ozaissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification nuiwer and tre social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the Federal. Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of this information; 1J This in£ormation �.ay be used to deny the issuance or r�:?ewal of your licer.se ?n the event you owa Minnesota sales, e�ployer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; 2) Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Department of 12evenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Infor�ation Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Minnesota Tax Identi£ication Numbers (Sales & t3se Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota - Business Records Department - 10 River Park Plaza. Phone: 296-6181. tipp�icanr.•s Social Security � { �f�2�k i'Yo� C � Iti- � I".� n � J`.> C. 1(,t ; i i? ! f' �' rL�,s �i r r'�: : f � � i� 5���'� 3�1-y,��= � � s- lJ ,.;...��� . Minnesota Tax IdentiPication Number: ',,.;,j�: (If a Minnesota Tax Identi£ication Number is not required for the business bein operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box. ) �J - l�� ,J � /�f�'�� ���� a6 S Signature Date ��� C �v � ��-�a5 0 •� / / � �(�� f15�i� '"4 AniendrJ ;Ai(�r't� ;�: luro:��o�.::�;u� ��s' Pn�:rt�' P���Irrhi�n. L:. . The undersigned incorpo�ator. bcing :� r.atur:il pei,rn� u1'+ui� .r +�,: t.,; puip.i,c „i ����n+in. .. COfQOCS(IOII RI7(Ief I�'t!l1I1�SUI;t SIl(US<�. � �t:tfll;'1 )�)���, il������ .lilu{:f+ �.�: :��ilC�i ��l Ineorporn6on set torth f�erein :�ttrrc'[_r: u��°e Section L01 N;1�d[ The name of the eorporat�on u 1'u�.n. P��rt��tuni. Inc :\R'11('LE l \\'U Section 2 01 REGISTERED OFFIC�E. Tl�t r�giilered of:ire ��t� tlin cur^or.�uun i. (ui:ited .�t / GIS East 16th Sireet, �'(mn�apo4is, i�t\ 5��1(�d �� AR"(fCLf: '1�f IRIiR; Sectio�t 3.01 INCORPOFtATOR ��i,e �,:�»,� ;t„�; :,�i�i,�., �>r �i,� :::.,,,��,,:.,;, i. \i:el�.i�:�.:n Beeks, Sr., 6t$ East IGth Street, `hnne.�poli<. �iX ��-!0�! AIt'I;C'Lt; PQl.tt SCCtion 401 CAP{TFV1_ Tlte a��reg:ne ntintbc; oC>h,c,. oC.!c•e� ��!':..L d:r to�;��+�.rt:� .h.di hace aud�oritt� to issua �s 1.000 sh:u�. 1K"Il('LE Pl\'(. SeCtiott .`+�1 Cn\�f�10\ S�I�(�C�h �I�heie �h;ul b�' ��i�. �':.. ;�„i .��.. �' �uuinnu; .!�.t„ consisllnk of �i0�) sh;ire+ :lll commor. <h:irc• .h.dl br �,:!u�,� .ir:�� i�.�.:•�:� ru�,_d ��_•'�r.� .:::.i m a{I matt�rs _ $acucn 5 0? CLASSES OF_AUA-�:(S�1_{A<� �lO<'I� li.; li�,.:�:: .�! [i.;�.'. ;r..��. I,� t,�:.: "--- to h�tie. estlbli;h bv resolution diffucni d.:>.,� u� ,�n� oi .L::::. ,�. .::: �.o,u;�• rch;. :��:,? mat� t'i� tiie n�hts (e�capf ��oLnu n,1it.) ar. � p�:l��irr.c_. rf... .. ..... . .. . _. , � ,.._ Sect�o:i 5 Q? :lC'"I O!_ l:lll�_tili;A!2'r.l_IOI 1)l:tt �I i�� �h.r.,:.n!d;�• •.. .._ .. ,... ..,._ af!irr,.....e ��ota �€� a ��tajon;�� u:� dr� �:•„���: { : :. _ .iia,;.:� ; _ _ _. �. _. .,,�_�. �, .. . _. ., d�.ii} held nteetin_ e�ce^r d;aL t.`i�• �L:u�i:cu,!,. ,..:ii ..... .., , . . . . .. ..... _ . .. . r ^ '�C...: O� :�i-.i \Ol::l; �)O�\CI' l;f :h.� �I;:!1� �17::1 p� . .. .. _ �,. .... ... , . . . . � � a`�,'{��% ..! ., � =� � /! i . . Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice —' City's Exh. No. 6 ., r , �7-3a9 0 ogo� :\IL'CIC'L(� >(\ Sec!ion 60{ fI�ST Bn:1Rn_QF 1�(RFC1'O�S Thr tlr.t Bo:ud of I)nrrtor. .t�.•II con.i.i uf three (3) persons ��ho.c names :ue rinthi�u;d� Ba.i.., ti� ll;r�i,. \\:�ti.�r. .....; (.,�f (n;��� Section 6.03 ACT OP TFfE BO.ARD. "ihe fSuard ot Du<•r�.��. .ir:!i i.J.c .i�;wn b� thr affirmative vote of all of the Airecte�rs Section 6.05 W`RiTiL'N ACTiO�. Any acuan ;equu�d �+r ivu:utt: � ta 1�.: t.+��iti ti�tt}tiuii; ,i meetin� by ws�tten act;on signed by all of dea directors, r�crpi .0 d�a,r inatt.r< ulvci3 rcqui�, shareholder app:oval, in which ca�e the acuon shafi br �� �nce1 b� .ill duce;"i. 1RTIC'I.E SE:�'F\ Sect�On 7.01 CU�IULATIVE V(�TINCi No f�older c+i',tuii. of ti��. ia�pot.t�;uit ,h;tll t�r entitled to any cumulanve voting ngSits :1RTIt'LB fSGH"{' Section 8.01 PRE-E�4P1lVL_it��ri_t_1_S �o holci�r nf �torl rf ih�� ernpur;;mr .h.�ll h:,« .tn� pre-emptive rights :\R"Il('LP \I\l SeCt�On 90; r�t�lE\[���1E�iT Si�h��e! tu \(ins� St:u iU:�1 t;� tivh J6 tlic.r �1�u�lr� ��I [ncorporation shall bo amended U� th� ;iftiun:unr �oir oi l��u��„ ,:( ;l�r ��.�!:nr po��,� rf d�. shares entitle�i to vote Ii_; -r, /; , ; �j �;' U $7ATE Or h11N':�E`SOTA DEPA£"M.f1T 0= STAT£ F;LED SCC V L i�:� � ,� ;._ � � L ��;c !!: :.� \ntfii;�.�:�.: �_.,:. ,; Inro;pora�o: (,�:� Fn.y lbth � \I!:;n.a� \1\ :-, . � ,:r J� � :� � � � /�.t��sb'sas�+.�r! ��� c_, s.-��-1; � - -� •f�� 9�-�a� ''� - - � i ��,rr:-.,, �TAT� �F 1 �T�:'��E5C�7'.': � -;. _ . � , �.._ . , r, �;L��,; ��CRFT.AR}' Or c7�,1Ti_ � �' ., � - � �.; .. � `e�" � '' :l;iTICLF.S C� ?'tiC (�i�PO :,1T:0\' :.� <. rr;. ;�,°. � �\�,L'.r..,.`' J3)1G177PLGfdLtf ��i'S.'r>7'r:f.? ( ;'�riv�ii" = � ,�^ � - � . PLEASE T'YPE OP iZL`T LEGIF>L2'iti £L,1C?: L�I:- %`� Ple:se ma? :ae d::cr::o;s on the re�; ex s:::e �xzo:a cnr-� "•.:�• -� -� A..: ::�ior:ra . :. c. :. .. ... : _ _,. .: . ...._ _ � � c: • r , TO EXPED:TE TFiE F.EI'C.Ti.1 OF YOLT. DOC[.:� P..-.-�iSF_ SL�C��J 1 A S"..:.:Pi 7, $C;.F-:1^7:^S$SLD L1 : i::-C;i i. Tha undersigned incorporator(s) is an {ase)indi�✓idua!(�; 18 years cf a�s or o!der a�d a��r' :he 1�;'o++in, a ��dES e' i�corpora:ion to form a(mark ONLY one;: !� .TY�I:-PROtiT BUSI\'F55 CORi'Gitr'.TIO:� (�:ap: °°14) .`�'O.'� i`RC.�r7T fOF:i'".,`RAP,:J\ (Ci •;••cr:;:','.� .SRTICi� 1 ti,a.'.fE "Chc *�amc o; �;��e to;� n �<: d >v���`�/��,�-� ��•- —»-----�. (busi.esa Co.` ozHon ru:nes must i�dude a rorf+o-a;e de.:�unon s•.�. as tr.v: c:at.c'.Conen_::c�n, Co;np..:i�', I.:.^t:'�v' cr an ahhr.���':� of cne o(those k•ox3sJ ARTICLb U FEGISTEAED O£RC£ ADDFESS A't AGLtiT 7'he rc�itemd offrce add:ess of the ebcporatlen ic: !��iS� /7 �( �'H!'. i✓0 %��%'/� _ � �----- �"%'✓ � S > "t'/J � {A mmp�Ce �treet ad&ess or n.ra1 route md Tun1 mute boz nemSev i nou'ved: t:�r addaess can:.at be a P.O. Bo+) C3h� The registercd agent at the abovc �ddress i<: -- �'— �' -- (IioteYouuenotf.yui>e+:lohav<a:e�istv+d+geni.l tia�e AR'i1CLE?71 SI-L1FE5 i � �., The mrporation is authorizcd to issue a!o,sl of ��'` -- shares. (Sf you arn e busincss eorjmration you r.iust �uthorv.c at icasi or.c �hare. S�onptoiit c�rpc �rat�ons 1n• not [�guin�3 in h��'c shs:« ) ARTICLEN LtiCORPORATORS 76Ve1. the aodersig�cd u+mrF+oramds) mrtih� t}u! I am (we are) auLhe:s.�: tu eam::c thcx• a�slc; and t*�t !hr v^!or�.�lina m t}+rse v.^.�drs:x true and mr. ¢ct 3 p\'e) ako urulersta�7 du� d a�y o.'th'v cdoz�ahon a v'+ten!icsa:h .+s kno..'m�lv nuse:a`ni f 1v! ev:vn+l rrn�;ars wiD aj p!e e� i�l hdetRaedthev�artide5u.�deroa!h [P.�m'dcthomm�aor!�d+.o....f�...6�- �-- r..a..�_ ...._... ` .. :........... �nmr�:at�n or, an additior.al shcet i`. c•.+u havc m�s. tlun t..�o �.�cu:�c-ato:� ) ,- ! , i ' . , � � '" i� , Y " .,,,, iC(._i-.. � )<✓�t .�t � _��L�j �___�GI� , [�.i � •i— l /�/.%''/ �jVSIIf< = V S�.TC� �i:l' f J�J�C ZI'� .� / SIL;i11�'-° . �J ^~\ \ \ / �I j `' 1 1_ \ L /'/). Jl �1 'i,i/ _> '�1 �icL,.'.t f�Cl':/) '�'_,_y, r__—_„(�c_,_i:-_.�-�.�__;_''f l, , ;� Stmet ' � CiN S:��e Zip Si�.vtirr Lu; thr5tarda:d Ind•,u:-i�! CL-ssi4ca:ios Coce iStC) that aos: ace: �:c y desc� :Se nah:re ot !he bu<iness of tM� ec:ro:a6e.^.. Seiec: or.c of tSe 2�igi: SIC Ca3�s I<4d oa :i�e ::ac.tis:do o ,^: :or^i. --- I'nnt r. mc an: n'�ono r.umt.-r u! n•non :o 1+c mr.t.v^..�i :i :Srr. n��,n.<:�, :: al.r.r :ix :�.6:�: o! 9v�..o s:u, i.�. C:•;l9iSa Rnv W:.•� � , _ . '�` '�.� <�9'.�f:,� . � ;/.�'_._ --_ "_ "_ _ ' N.�:n.. + i� S1.;.4 ( �i � f 1 a- '_ '_" �i;..o. ..... .. State Zii � C � 4�. v�.'c '��F 9�-� �9 l R-N� °.4�-� �' m l^ b ` .! C� G��` � � Y � � E R'L f �' ` �` � ��. <"� �.r�v� M�.+�- � �^'��. :I_-�a- N + `f `�?' �. �.�j" N �,'!� `9'+���f ! Pnf� "'"'_ __"""t'L�� n-.'_ �: i 1 4 T ;_ ,r.'� �_ °"� � `— e: M �. � _� ' f __ _"'__ _ ' __ � LL Y ,. Y � � � � s��-�, S �'.i U n � .��" �'° F�" n �:; .. __. � � �°:' _ ¢ i� � *� x: ;�' r w ,r_ • !', __ ._.._.. ' ': ii.__._.... ...�, t' c" '' 4tJlf clOilt7 g-;� �=}.i.� iE 1Jf1'O_C J?`_'' :''8'_ `r_" "'_ _,'i thi� , �d=� i�� '_F.: Jtf,-- -` t�i� ��F•_:@t�' _�; �`_3�=, .`_. *_:.2 incarpo:._i�: o_` �he �� __;�:ors`_i�n _.,°er ar.;_; i;� accor� »i:.h ^ro��.�'- _f ``h" -`:=n`_=. __ ..:nr'=s--'- =h_�tli�z� i18t?�� �'°_1�_N. ":� � x ,'�"b;:;:4 7 ,__�'. -.;'_"_" _'_ ' '--tc_> __ "__- '� i;� - . �, . � _ .. � , �_.,'f; _� . ii:, u_• Cc'_" t.R84. ,.._iCi_., __ �L�==iL•J!'3_.-'� -���',� 1t113 C�CPJY_!'10*l :5 Rfi'�+` 18�7���'i C o:il.^.���� D:7��=: Y��F 13n� O� T'i1r�C1�5C�C•=. �:��rporeta .._:,�: .�iva'_e E'r,�te�L:_,. . i:.y�rpoCdhF �:;;ar_ar P7u,-bU:: i�`-b�� Chac�tz: F��rc,_d 'Jnd?r: �G2;, Th];, CeCriTiC3F,? r�35 f�aEl'S 155U?C� v. U7�'Lr, l�i=. � �; � �-u.�u✓.li—..i, 5�_'c.'�ry �E 5�.:.. s�'. e� CITY OF ST PAIIL CAF ID House n JNIT � 0239300920 00920 Occupant:LEROY DANI�LS P 1: 02282321015b Parcei Code 2: 0766�0001003 FEE NAME q�-3a9 Date: May 1E PROPERTY OWNr2SriiP STRBET NAME OCCUPANT.SC3�EN SELBY AVB CONSTR YR Ward Dist Tract Blk O1 08 35400 408 Aomestead Name(s) 1:EDWARD I-LAYES JOHN WIL�SAN',S L�ROY DANTE 2:1484 SHERBURNE AVE 3:ST PAUL MN 551042415 4: TAX I3AME l: 2: 3: TAX DESCRIPTION 1:BEG AT NE COR OF LOT 1!H S 2:QN E L 83 38/100 FT TA W 37 3:09/100 FT TH N 10 50/100 FT 4:TA W 21 87/100 FT TH N 7 5:02/100 FT TH W 1 OS/100 ?T SMITA AND 1: 2: 3: Zone 1:&-3 2: 3: 1: 2: TAYLOR'S Description General Business ADDITION IIsage Recreational Subuse CLUB/ASSOCIATION HAT / 1�11��■ Private Protection, Inc. — d/bia People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 7 9�-�a� Date: May 1 BIISINESS bTCEPiSE MANAGER SCREE21 License ID 17996 Name JOHN WILLIAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 1484 Street Direction Unit Street Name SHERBURNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 1:11974, 11073 2:CITY COUNCIL APPROVED RENEWAL OF THE PRIV CLUB LIC 3: �N A LIST OF CLASS III RFNEFIAL5 4:093087 CITY COL7NCIL AMENDED C.F. 87-1121 ADOPTED O 5:N 080487 TO ADD CONDITIOIQS TO BUT, INC. DBA PEOLP[ 6:S CHOICE C.�'. 87-1428 7:0407&8 PH ON CONSIDER SUSPENAING PRIV CLUB LIC FOR 8: 30 DAYS FROM 4/15/88 TO Sj15/88 APPROVED CF 88-49 Env Notes 1: 2: 3: 4: �r�-�aq Date: May 15 Bt3SINESS LICENSE MANAGER SCREEN License ID 17946 Name JOHN WILLIAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 1484 Street Direction Unit Street Name SHERBURNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 9:9 10:052389 PFI DATE OF 062189 & 062389 BEFORE AN ADMINI ' 11:STRATIVE LAW JUDGE SET 12:072589 PH ON REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE - 13:LAYED OVER TO 480889 14:080889 REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE PRESENTE 15:D AT COiINCIL ° DISCUSSION PROMPTED DECISION TO REV 16:OKE LICENSES Env Notes 1: z: 3: 4: . . ��-�a9 Date: May 15 BUSINESS LICENSE MA2tAGER SCREEN License III 17996 Name JOIiN WILLZAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 148A Street Qirection Unit Street Name SHERBt3RNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 17:081589 ALL LICENSE5 REVOKED EFFECTIVE 8j27/89 - C. 18:F. 89-1489 19: • 20• 21: 22: 23: 24• Env Notes 1: 2: 3: 4: O}'FICE OF LtC£\SE. ]SSS'ECT10`�S A\D E\�'7R0\\fE\7.�1LPROTEC710\ Rohert 1,'assier. Dvector THE CITY OF SAlNT PAUL Norm Colemon, Ma}�or April 15, 1996 Privafe Protection lnc. (PPI) Cari Green 615 E. 16th St. Minneapolis, MN 55404 LO(347ppR0�BSS701�:iL BUILDIFG Surte 300 ??0 St. Peter Stree! SRrnt Pau1. A; Innesata 55702-I510 RE: License application #57870 at 920 Sefby Avenue Dear Mr. Green: �-�a Telephone: 6J?-266-9D90 Faccrmile: 6J?-2669099 6L?-?66-9124 The Office of LIEP has begun the review of your license appGcation at 920 Selby Avenue. At this time, the foliowing documentation has not been submitted: 1) lease or purchase agreement for the premise at 920 Selby Avenue Also, i� subsequent exchanges of various voice-mail messages, you have indicated a desire to change your application from a dance hail to a cabaret, which raises a number of questions regarding the conduct of business at that location. As i have indicated on your answering machine, I would like you to come in to meet with Kris Schweinfer, Senior License 4nspector, and me to discuss your license application. We will need to see a copy of your licenselpurchase agreement and a plan fior your business which inciudes, but is not limited to a description of your intended hours of operation, method of operation, security measures, parking availability, and the age of clientele you hope to attract. Piease call me at 266-9108 or Kris Schweiner at 266-9112 as soon as possible to set up your appointment. A Council hearing wiil not be set until these issues are resolved. Sincerely, - j . f �' 1[!��L.� �.i IW�..� LM��� / J Christine A. Rozek Deputy Directar ��� cc: Robert Kessier Kris Schweinler Ginger Palmer 1 iAL �� 4-� �" �",`, �"' `�' .�N����� � ���� � Private Protechon, Inc. ! d/bla People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 8 �. THE CITY OF S�I'.�T PAUL !�'orn� Colempn, Ma��m Aprif 26. 1996 Private Protection, lnc. �': �� fari Green 615 E. 16th St. Minneapolis, MN 55404 OFFICE 6F 3JCE'�SE, INSPLC'rIOKS AVD ESCIP.O�\:E\7AI. FROTECTtOti i?ohan Xrstler, D,reclOr LOIS R ypp,OFESS10h',SL IJUI4D7NG Smte i00 : SOS� PererS;�eet SoruPQUI d!mretom551@-ISlO RE: ticense Appiication #57870 at 920 Seiby Avenue Dear Mr. Graen: ! Tefephane.'612-�66-9090 rACnmile: 61:-_669D99 6/1-:66-9!_4 � At a meeting on 4l17l96, in the LIEP office with Kris Schweinler snd me, you �vere informed that two significant items were missing from your ds,^ � h�l! a�;,;icati�n for 920 Selby Avenue - a site pian and fease agreement, Subsequent to our meeting both of those items were received in the L{EP office on 4f18/96. F4o�vever I am unable to approve the lease because of the foilowing: 1} The lease is signed by Dennis E. Watkins of PP{, the �•c�rporate applicant at 920 Selby. However, Mr. Watkins does not appear as an officer of PP! on your ficense application. In fact, you wife, Elizabeth Green, is listed as the sole officer. How does Mr. Watkins have the authority to sign for PPI if he is not an officer of the corporat+on? What role will Mr. Watkins play in the operation planned for 920 Selby Avenue? These issues must be resoived before LfEP can make a recommendation to the City Council regardir.g your application. At our meeting tCris and i also expressed concern regarding your intent to operate your business until 3:00 AM Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. This ofEice wili not support a 3:00 AM ciosure and wiil request that conditions be placed on your license that require an earfier closure. • P� a� P�rotechon, Inc. • d/b/a People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 10 � April26, 1996 G� Priva!e Protect"ron. in;, Finally, PPf requested that the ficense applfed for be changed from a dance hafi to a cabaret. You and your wife indicated that you felt a cabaret 4icense wauld give PP{ more control over t�^�a activities at 920 Seiby. The {icense appiication wi{{ be changed to ref(ect your request. 7he fes for bcth licenses is $164.00. P(ease 4et me know if you F�ave funher questions or concems. { will Iook for your written respo�se within the next week. Sincerely, -� T � �,�,'��.,�.� � ,_�� -+ � �t-� tc. � Christine A. Rozek � � `� Deputy Director 266-9108 CAR/jl cc: Robert Kessler\Director UEP Kris Schweinler/LIEP Ginges Palmer/City Attorney s�-�a5 PRIVATE PROTECTION, INC. bl.i East lbth Street, Loa•er Level Minneapolis, Ml�t 5�404 (612) 321-4840 Christine A. Rozek Office of License, Inspeaions and Enviranmental Protection Lowry Profession.,1 B::::dina Suite .i00 350 St. Pecer St. St. Paul, MN 5�102-1510 Ms. Rozek, I would Iike to respond to a Ietter that you sent to me in order to clarify a few things. i. Elizabeth Green is not listed as the sole officer; Carl Green should also be listed as an o�cer. 2. At the time the lease agreement was signed, Dennis E. Watkins was an officer of the corporatioa and had the authority to sign such an agreement. He will play no role in the operation of any business conduaed at 920 Selby Avenue. If there are any other questions ot concems that you have, please do not hesitate to coatact me. ^,^� � j% , / � --'. Cazl L. Green CEO Private Protection, Inc. cc: Kris Schweinler - cv i ',;`�� � Pr Inc. ■ —' dfb/a People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 12 �i�-��.9 swxux lAU L � w*� THE CITY OF SAitiT PAL�I. hbrm Calemart, Mayor May fi, 1496 Te:epnorte: 6! ?-166-9C9G Facs�m;te: 6i 2-. •+69099 5J?-?66-91 >t Carl Green PPI 615 E. 16th Street Ivlinneapolis, lv�' S5�04 OFFICE OF L10E?:SE, IFSPEC770AS A,tiD £'.�\7R0;� �fE':TAI, PROTECTION RoberLKerrler, Dveclar LOWR3'PRO�cSSJO.�'�,L BUILDAG Smfe i0P 350 St. Peter Stmet SaintPaul, AL�nssota SSl D2-JSt 0 Re: License application #57870 at 920 Se1by Avenue Dear Mr. Green: As a result of your ]etter to me (undated) which was received in this office on 5(3l96, it appears that several coaections need to made in the class three license application form that you have submitted for a cabaret license at 920 Seiby Avenue. The application asks for all officers of the corporation and you have indicated to me that that section was not completed properiy because your name was not included. A copy of your current application as we31 as a blank application form has been included with this letter. Please resubmit you application with the conect information in every category. You must also complete the sections on Ta�c Identification numbers and Workers' Compensation. You also indicated in your letter that the lease agreement that you submitted to LIEP was signed by an individual who has no standing with the corporation. There is no record in your application of Dennis E. Watkins as a corporate officer, yet he has signed your lease as the CEO of the corporation. We request that you submit a new ]ease that has been signed by all of the prop�r parties. Elizabeth Cneen is the only possible signatory of the lease for PPI, according to the records that you have previously sent to LIEP. Ifyou have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 266-9108 or Kris Schwein7er at 266-9110. Your hearing wili not be scheduled before the City Council until your application includes the corrected application form and lease agreement as requested in this letter. Sincerely '' 1 „�,,,1 , �.� �-�1? � ��� Christine A. Rozek J Deputy Director cc: Robert Kessler Kris Schweinlet Cringer Patmer ���� ■ Private Protecrion, Ine. '-' d/b/a People's Choice —' City's Exh. l�TO. 13 ,�, 9�-� a9 (612) 321-9840 PRIVATE PROTECTION, INC. 615 East 16th Streec, Loa Le� Minneapolis, 'dIN 5�4C� Christine A. Rozek Officz of License, Inspections and Encironmental Protection Lowry Professional Buildin� Suite 300 35� St. Peter St. St. Paul, MI� 55102-1�10 May 21, 1996 HAND DELIVERED Ms. Rozek, I do not ask LIEP or the City Council to suppon this business, what I want is for you not to impose any restrictions or the cabaret license, they would unlawfully restrict rights protected by the Constitution of che United States of America. This applicant has no history of violations of the laws and ordinances that apply to public health, safety or morais. Funhermore, the Council, nor official community organizations have a basis for saying no to our abilities to profitably manage a legitimate business on Selby Avenue and Milton Street or anywhere else in the City of Sc. Paul, whether or not the neighborhood is described as a magnet for drugs and having a history of violence, or the fact that some other African American business owners could not manage under such conditions and/or circumstances. Personalized decision making under conditions of complexity, uncertainty and interdependence requires a variety of skills. Sincerely, ) � ^ � 1� 'f � X'./,� � j�./,� f , Yf ��`,�.�;,/ Carl L. Green CEO Private Proteaion, Inc. � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/bla People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 14 :� g�-�a9 I cenify that the lease agreement made as of SepLember 27, 1995 by and between DWH, a Minnesota partnership ("Lessor'� and Private Proreccion, Inc. ("PPP'�, a Minnesota corporation ("Lessee") is a�'alid lease agreement and Carl L. Green, CEO of PPI, has re- signed such, and saJd agreement will be enforced by any of the current listed officers of PPI. � t� � � J �l (� �' � '�i�. Notary Public � ,1ANE R. FETERSON � � NOiHRY QUB�IC — tlati?lESOTA �� DAKOTA COtSNTY My Comm. Exp�res Jen. 31, 2W6 ■ • �z �a ���� �� ; , q7-�a9 ElECLTIVE SUi�ti�1ART Plans for cabaret Iicense ���e intend to offer sQeakers, fashion shows, comedy, music, and dancing in Lhe rel�ing atmosphere of a reaaurant. There has been no decision made as to when and how ofcen this enlertainment �-i11 be offered; this wi11 depend on our market resezrch. Cabaret Hours The cabaret will not be an even occurrence. There will be no set hours for operating such; it a-i11 depend on the availabiliry of speakers, groups, comedians and the tame of year. The cabarec will be used as a marketing tool to generate clientele foz the restaurant; it will never exist as a separate entity for social purposes only. We a�il1 be constantly searchLng for the *ighc balance with respect to the cabaret that will ailow us to significantly increase the revenue of the :estaurant in such a way that would not exist if People's Choice was solely a restaurant. q�-3ag PRIVATE PROTECTION, II��C. 61� East 16th Street, Loz Le��el D4inneapolis, MN 554�4 (bi2) 321-9840 ChrisTine A. Rozek Office of License, Inspectier.s and Encironmental P.o�ection Lowry Professional Building Suite 300 3�0 St. Peter St. St. Paul, ?v11�T �5102-1�1C June 3, 1996 HAI�� DELIVERED Ms. Rozek, I am writing to inquire about the status of the cabaret license for 920 Selby Avenue (People's Choice). I fail to understand u LIEP's concern regarding the lease zgreement is. We have received permission from the owner to open a business operating a restaurant and bringing in live entenainment. According to the application, this is all that is required. If there is some other statute covering the lease agreement, please present it for my review. Surely there is a statute of limications for che timely processing of our application. If the time limitation has been exceeded, we would appreciate the expedient processing of our application for a cabaret license. We have been patient thus far, but would appreciate additional informaLion as to the status of our application and reasons for any delays. Sincerely, ! `�� �. ` ` _ , . . Carl L. Green CEO Private Proteaion, Inc. ������ Private Protechon, Ine. '— d(b/a People's Choice � Cit.y's Egh. No. 15 OFFICE OF IJCE:vSE, P..'SPECTiO:.S AND ENt'IRO?:ME.\TA1. PROTEC270M .RobertKeaeler, Director THE CITY OF SAP�T PAUL No-m Coteman, kJayor :,GNRY PROr'�SSIONrtL BUILDING Swt¢ 30✓ :50 St. Peler Sveei Smnt Pau1, Mm.a,.: �!a 55102J570 June fl 0, 1946 �arl Lee Green 9504 Hamlet Avenue South Cottage Grove, MN 55016 RE: Application for Cabuet License at 920 Selby Avenue Dear Mr. Green: G�-3 a5 ielephone: 6l1-266-9090 F'acs�m; ie: 6/1-2669J�S 612-1b6911! We have racelved your most recent correspondence regarding the application for a Cabazet "B" Yicense for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paat, Ivfin.nesota. After reviewing the entire fi(e to date with the City Attorney's Office, we have determined that we need some additional infornsation to finish processing your application. Pursuant to Sa�nt Paul Legislative Code 426.05(2), your application must contain "names and addresses of the property owner, the business owner, the lessee, the manager or operator and, if a corporation, atl the names and addresses of the officers of such corporation, and any other person or corporation which may have a financial interest in the premises to be licensed. Because your application has significant inconsistencies regarding the structure of the corporation, Private Protection, Inc., which is applying for the license, we will need information in the form of corporate or business records, minutes or other documentation regarding the current stockholders and officers of the corporation. A notarized statement by you of the officers will not be considered sufficient. We will also need specific information regarding the pians you have for use of the building. In your application, you indicate plans for a restaurant are in the future, but also tefer to the cabaret being enjoyed in the "rela�cing atmosphere of a restaurant". Pursuant to 426.04 (4) ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code your application must include a"description of the services to be offered". • Private Protechon� ■ — dibla People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 16 G� -32y9 Page 2/3une 10, 1996 Carl Lee Cnee�z Additionally, under the Cabaret ordinance, 426.05(c), the Saint Paul City Council has an obligation to consider reasonable facts or circumstances relating to the public health, safety and welfare. Your intended use of the property is crucial to determination of the po<ential suitability of tha ares or neighborhood and the possihle traffic and parking problems. We will hnish processing your license agplication when we have received the above information. Sincereiy, ��� � � Christine A. Rozek Beputy Direetor cc: Robert Kesster/I�irector-LIEF' Ginger PalmerlCity f�ttorney Councilmember 7erry BlakeyiWazd 1 Gerry McInemeylWard i I{ris SchweinlerlSa. License Inspector C�l �i� PRIV �TE PROTEC�IO�, I`�C. 6li East 16zh Streer Loc Le. Minnezpolis, D1N 5�4G4 (6L) 321-934Q Christine A. Rozek O$ice of License, Inspecciors and Envi:onmenLal Protettion Lowry Professional Buildin� Suite 300 3�0 St. Peter St. St. Paul, MN >j102-1�10 June 18, 1996 HAND DELIVEREA Ms. Rozek, Please find enclosed affidavits and informacion you have again requested. I request �hat LIEP submit the license application for a cabaret "B" license to be used at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul to the City Council at the next possible meeting. I plan to view any funher delays in the processing of our application as a denial, and will present the application and supporcing information to an administrative judge. You cannot delay, place restrictions upon or deny our application or subsequent license based on what you think may happen. Prior restraint is unconstitutional. Furthermore, we derive the freedom to stsuaure our corporation under Chapter 302A of the Minnesota Business Corporation Act. To question or to request changes be made to said structure that conforms to Chapter 302A, is denying us our right of equal treatment under the law. If further information is required, check with the Secretary for the State af Minnesota; a complete and up-to-date record of all relevant corporate activities is kept on file. 3incerely, ,�! l . ' /'. �- . ." Carl L. Green CEO Private Protection, Inc. � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 17 G� - 3�9 AFFID�V'IT OF C�RL L. G�EEti I, Car1 L. Green, being first duly sz �pon oath, depose znd state as follows: 1. I submit this :ifidacit ia respc^se to the charge of significant inconsistencies regarding the structu:e of che Cor�oration and plans tor the building by Privzte Protection, Inc. (PPI) �hich is ap: ?ying for a cabaret "B" license for the premises aT 920 Se1by Avenue, St. Paul, Minr.�sota. 2. I have read the charge alle�ed bv the License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection committee and ChrisLine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies regarding the structure of the Corporation and plans for the building. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Stockholders of PPI. No one else hzs a financial in�erest. 4. Curtis Olson was promoted from Operations Manager to President of PPI on or about May 5, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Curtis Olson. 5. PPI has already submitted specific information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhibit A. This ea�hibit consists of five {5) pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive suznmary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located east of ihe establishment on Selby Avenue}. FURTHER APFIANT SAITH NOT. � '�� � �f /'✓�J�✓ Carl L. Green Subscribed and swor to before me this ���' day of tt-�:�- , 1996. ��--,�ri 1�1�� e�� Notary Public � • � SANDRAA LEONARD � NOTARY PUBLIC— M{MNESpfA MY Wmm. Exyiras3an.91.2700 A�FIDAVIT OF C�`RTIS OLSO`1 q� -� a9 I, Curtis Olson being fi;st enly sc, o:� uaon oath, depose znd state as follows: L I submit this affida��it in resoorse to the charge of significant incoasis��ncies regarding the structu:e of the Corporatioa and plans for the building by Private Protection, Inc. (PPII mhich is applying for a cabaret "B" license for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. I have read the chzrge allesed by the License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection committee and Chriszine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies re;arding the structure of the Corporation and plans for the buildin;. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Stockholders of PPI. No one else has a financiai interest. �F. I, Curtis Olson, was p:omoted from Operations Manager to Presidenc of PPI on or about May �, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Cunis Olson. 5. PPI has already submitted spedfic information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhibit A. This er.hibit consists of five (5} pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive summary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located east of the establishment on Selby Avenue). FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NOT. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 � day of � u-*�= , 1996. 1 ��� P � �� � --_` �� \ k Y� 1 � � - � kt ' �� � No ary : � � �/ ����-c`'� Curtis DIsOn ' �n�rmrmnnnn: � A4�RY MARGARET 6fACDdNAtD � �� 3 NOTARYPUBLIC-MINNES07A NENNE?�VGOUNTY t ��lly C�m!s,len E, rss Jan. St: 2966 ✓wNn.l.vwv � � � G�-�a� �FFID�VIT OF ELIZ_�BETH �'. GREEN I, Elizabeth Y. Green, bein� =irst duly s�'o:n upon oath, depose aad stace as follows: l. I submit this affidzait in respor:se to the chzrge of significant inconsistencies regarding the structwe of the CorYOration and plans for the building by Pricate Protection, Inc. (1'PI) z-hich is appicing for a cabaret "B" license for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. I hace read the charge alleged b� the License, Inspections, and Encironmental Protection committee and Christine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies :egarding the stmcture of the Corporation and plans for the building. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Scockholders of PPI. No one else has a financial interest. 4. Curtis Olson was promoted from Operations Manager to President of PPI on or about May 5, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Curtis Oison. 5. PPI has already submitted specific information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhihit A. This exhibit consists of five (5) pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive summary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located eazt o£ the establishment on Selby Avenue). FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NOT. � �i�-Z � ��t � ' � �� � � ;.� i . Eli berh Y. Gree Subscribed and swor so before me this fJ� � day ofC� ✓G� , 1996. ,� C�--� 1. � SUSANJ.VENNERSTnDM i'� .YC�hRYPUBL:G-MINNE ""�; HENNEPINCOUNTY .-'%� MrCOMMISS�ONE%PiFES'3'-:A _ ,� SwINi TADL � **�A CITZ' OF SAINT P.-�GL ,A�orrn Ca(cman. 31m July 22, 15°6 Car1 Lee Green 9504 Na��let Averu� �outh Coctage Grov2, I'\' SSOi6 OFFICE OF THE CSTI' .4TTOR\El' 7'.mn�ln f. 1lartt Crn .4+tom:t (� � �� 7 c» d n,:�,�,o :f0 C+n� Holt ( r N est 1:el7ogg Bh'd. Scmt Pau1, Afinnesom t t) p? 7c7epltont 61� :56�S�10 Facsunile: 61� :9S-.i619 RE: P.pplication :or Cabare� -_c=nse at 920 Selby Av=ru° Dear Nr. Green: I have reviewed �he letter you sent to Christine A. Rozek at the Ofzice of License, =nspectio�s and Environmental Protection, dated June 18, 1996 in res�onse to :�er letter o£ June 10, 1996 requesting additional information needed to process your application for a Cabaret "B" license for the �remises at 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The LIEP office requested specific additional information to iinish processing your license appl_cation in the form of: 1) corporate or business records, minutes or other documentation of your current stockholders and ofiicers if the corporation, and 2) specific information regardir.g the plans you have for use of the building. The information which you returned, in the form of affidavits, is not what was requested, but is instead an affidavit asserting the £acts which they wish to know. Ms. Rozek's letter of June lOth was quite clear that they did not want additional aifidavits, but needed corporate records, by-laws or other information to substantiate the coxporate s�ructure_ This information is not on record at the State, which hGs only youx name as the CEO of Private Protection, Inc, buc no information as to other officers, directors or stockholders. :he Office of the Secretary of State indicated that the information is ty�=cally in the by-laws, which are not filed with the State. The request for this information is not an attempt to change your corporate structure, nor is the request for legitimate information under the licersing ordinar_ce an attempt to delay your license. Based on all of the submissions to date, it appears that you and your wife are the sole stock�olders of the corporation, that she is a director of the corporation, you are the CEO, and Curtis Olson is the President. We are still requesting documentation in the form of � � Private Protect�on, Inc. — d!b/a People's Choice — City's Esh. No. 18 � . q�-�a� the corporate by-�aws cr �^eeting minutes to cca��r^, that lIITOYPIdtlOR d?1d 1L _i. 15 : O� YECE?1V2C7 vV AllC3USt 2, 1J �}:z�- «"_l� be considered in �_-?'s �ina= determination. The June 10, 1996 _e*ter a_so requested additional information about the nature o� �he pla:s for use of the building, based upon the iact tha� you r=�erenc2d plans ior a restaurant, but had not applied ior a rest�urant =_cense. You have now submitted aa application ior a r>staur�^� _icense, and that application will be pYOC25S@Cl along w' �^ LL2 CGD:1"2i- "'�° d`J�J� 1Cct1CZ1. Piease feel �ree te co:�tsct -= ii you have any questior_s regarding rhis ma�ter_ Sincerely, --� �/C�/!U.��. �J ., !�- � , J V1Yy�'1?112 D. ?almer Assis�ant City Attc�r_°y cc: Christire 3ozek, Ci__ce c: LIEP � ��: INSPECTOR RESPONSE IIATA E23TRY/UPDATS SCREEN License ID 57870 Busihess Name PRIVATE PROTECTION INC Business Address 920 SELBY AVE DBA PPIJPEOPLE'S CHOICE Date Paid 08f26/96 ��-�aq Date: Sep 3 1 = 23ew 2 = Renew 3 = Approvec 4 = Not Appx 5 = In Proc Dept/Div Indicator Notes Made by Inspectors --------- --------- -------------------------------------=---------- Licensinq 4 1:3-20-96--NEED SITE PLAN, LEASE AGREEMENT & CITY Fire 4 2:COUNCIL APPROVAL--LK--LIC Zoning 1 3:COMPUTER PLACED ON HOLD Env Health 0 4:. 5:6-20-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDI23G CODB COMPLIANCE. GS 6:7J11/96 - FIRE - DENIED - PENDING CODE Licenses 1:2432 CABARET - CLASS A 2:2480 RESTAt3RANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS 3:2481 RESTAURANT (C]-LIMITED � ��■ Private Protechon, Inc. — dlbJa People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 20 4 4 ° License ID Business 23ame Business Address DBA Date Paid Dept f Di•v Licensing Fire Zoning Env Health INSPECTOR RESPONSB DATA ENTRY/UPDATE SCREEN 57870 PRIVATE PROTECTION INC 920 SELBY AVE PpI/PEOPLE'S CHOICE OS/26j96 c/7 Date: Sep 3 1 = New 2 = Renew 3 = Approved 4 = 23ot Appr 5 = In Proc Indicator Notes Made by Inspectors --------- -----°----------------- ------------°-------- 4 �; COI�SPLIANCE. 4 g:7-18-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCE. G.5. 1 9;7-23-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCS. G.5. 0 10:8-22-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCE. G.S. 11: 12' Licenses 1:2432 CABARET - CLASS A 2:2480 RESTAURANT (B)-MORE THA2t 12 SEATS 3:2481 RESTAURANT (C)-LIMITED 09(25/i?96 15:15 6123:??::3 P?i �_�3-ii� CIT' OF 57 Pt�'JL �IEP 61'� 266 9124 QVPIOGORj,jC$b18E.R2Bl1`,Cl�ONS AND !N�[Ran7.tLNrai Pi.aYPf.'mox RnMrt Xeakr, Dfncw. .�> �� ,�, ;11*A71; ?aGE 01 ''r�d2 4�"�a, QTY �F S� PAUL uc�se,wD r.ur�+�: s�ia�sso90 Nwr�CokinanXws+ IAS7EC710N5 Farnd46Jl•946�91it 71oSXFilnSMrt � SfRI 3GD $olNPauC AAJnamWO 7�70) September 20, 1996 � 2 aqr¢e to the follom3ng conditions be3ng plaeie on ths caharet and �estaurant-C License at 92o Selby qven�as ae Pollo�vs: ` 1. The reatauzant muat receive tinal agprovgl!from the 8nvironmsntal Aeml:h Inspectar bePore 1ood�or bevsragas osa be served. 2. No alcohol can be serv@d, displaKed, sold,'or conswned on the preatists unless � llquor 1laense 4s'abeairisd. 3. The establishmeht auaC close at 12:30 a.ta. SuAday throug?h Wadasaday and no late2 �tla� 1:00 a;in. Thursaay through 5aturday. a. The faaility aay not be ranteQ by? any ontside qroup. � ' TO7RL P.02 � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice — City's Esh. No. 21 SEP-25-1996 15�24 6123176440 97� p.01 �� 9-as-9� � * � � � m � a� v � �' � �. �� � o �� � �- Ro � 0 � 0 O N -{� ___ �l = m � T � CD � � � � O � T � N O � tD a' �G . .. �� . •. � � 00 � • .. •. • . � � � O 3 Cp � N � � � �a � � � � Q rh � � �. � � � � � � � � � � 3 � � � N N � � � � � � � � � � n � �`��-L� � � � � � Q � � � � � X" � • • • • � � � � • •• • • � � � O � � � f� = N m -i �"��-LIJ �1 �/ ♦A V■ � r� ��/ � \ ^+ O � � � �/ � �1 !"F � � N � i�i� �h � � \ n � _1 3 > > Q � � � � � � � �0 (D � � � Q � � V Q N %`. � • i • • •• � � � � • •• • � �� � � � � 3 � C9 N � � � W � C9 � -I� � tfl � � „�_ � � � _ � W 1 ��' L� �� V� , v �� 0 j � O � � � �D � � � ■ � � i�i/ V/ O � � � �� � -� N W .p C3'� �'1 O O O O O O �l7-�� State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearing In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc. et. al. 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 City of St. Paul OAH Docket No.: Notice of Motion and Motion for O}�}�ortunitv To Ogpose Petition Allowing Intervention PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that in the matter of the above referenced license application, Carl Green will mo�•e this courc for the opportunity to oppose the petition allowing intervention, and that any order was issued based on error. Comes now Carl Green citing the following addit'sonal reasons: 1. Noting the record as suggested by Richard Mosman is not sufFicient. 2. The coalition failed to serve copies of the Notice of Motion and Motion Allowing Intervention as a Party in the above captioned matter in accordance with Minnesota rules. 3. The order states that the motion was received by the administrazive law judge on December 20, 1996, but the actual hearing took place the day before on December 19, 1996. 4. The order is not true, there was no representation of the parties applying for the license in connection with a telephone conference on December 14, 1996. Nor is it e�ident that the interest and position of the coalition with respect to the cabaret license has not already been adequately represented in this proceeding by the Ciry of St. Paul. 9�-3a' 5. In the interest of justice, and for a full development of the facts and positions of all interested parties and citizens on the subjea, the participation of the coalition is unnecessary, and Carl Green should have an opportunity to be heard; any denial would unlawfully deny him rights secured by the Constitution of the United States of America. 6. The order allowing intervention is a complete fabrication of the truth of the facts. Carl Green requests the following: 1. That the order allowing intervention be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for Carl Green to have an opportuniry to be heard in opposition to the coalition of neighborhood groups to intervene as an interested party in this matter. 3. That the interest of the coalition has already been adequately addressed and represented by the City of St. Paul, and that any further delays would discover nothing new. I?ated: December 27, 1946 ��i � �•�� Carl L. Green � Pro Se 9504 Hamlet Avenue 50. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 ��-3a9 Affidavit of Service State of Minnesota County of Washington Carl Green of the City of Cottage Grove, County of Washington, State of Minnesota being duly sworn, says that on the 27th day of December 1996 he served the annexed Notice of Motion and Motion for Opportunity to Oppose Petition Allowing Intervention upon: City of 5t. Paul Attn: Virginia Palmer 400 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Philip Shephard Attorney at Law 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Ave. Minnepolis, Minnesota 55402 Subscribed and sworn before me this 27th day of December 1996. SANDRAA.LEONARD NOTAftY PUBIIG - MINNESOt�I Ay Comm. ExPUes.lmf. 81.200 �� ���� ( '�Y'AX � � � Xf/(9_Q/v� ' Carl L. Green � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timothy E Mar� City Anorney �7-�a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mtryor Civil Division 4OO Ciry HaII IS West Kellogg Blvd Saurt Paul, Muv�esota SSIO2 Tetephone: 612 266-8710 Facsimile: 6I2 298-5619 December 31, 1996 The Honorable Richard Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Mr. Carl Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 E. 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 554Q4 Mr. Philip A. Shepherd Collins & Ingebritson, PA 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. dJb/a People's Choice Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the hearing in the above-entitled matter, which was continued until Tuesday, January 7, 1997 at 9:30 a.m., will be heard in Room 1504 of the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The City Hall Annex is located on Fourth Street, between Wabasha and Saint Peter Streets. Sincerely, ��� � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timorhy E. Mars, City Rttwrrey 97-3a5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Moyo� Civi! Divisiors 400 Ciry Hatl l5 Wut Kellogg Blvd Saint Pau1, M'mnesom 55701 NOTI�Fi OF HEARING December 3, 1996 Car1 & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 55404 Te7ephoxe: 611166-877D Facsimi!¢: 67219&5619 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Tnc. d/b/a People's Choice Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green: This is to notify you that a hearing�will be held concerning.the above-referenced license_application pursuant to Chapter..310.O5.and 310.06 of the Saint_Paul_Legislative"Code_at tfie following_ time� date and�pla�ce: � � - - �- '" " - .� ' Date: December 20, 1996 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place: Room 42 City Hall-County Courthouse 15 W. Rellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, i+�7 55101 The hearing examiner will be an Administrative Law Judge £rom the State o£ Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Phone: Richard Mosmaa Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Saak 6625 Lyadale Avenue South Richtield, NII�T 55423 861-3331 The�Council of 'the City of.$aint Paul.has the.,authority to provide for hearing concerning licensed premises and_for adverse acEion against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or 4�- ��9 conditions. The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Pratection has determined that conditions on the above-referenced license are appropriate and will recommend issuance of the licenses applied for subject to the conditions. However, at the hearing before the Saint Paul City Council testimony was heard by citizens in opposition to the issuance of the license. Evidence may be presented to the judge through the intervention of interested 'parties in the proceeding. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62, and the procedural rules of Chapter 1400.5100-1400.8400 of the Minnesota Rules and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. You have a right to be represeated by ar� attcrney, tc represent yourselves, or co be represented by a person of your choosing to the extent not otherwise prohibited as the unauthorized practice of law. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Sudge will have a11 parties identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may ` cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel *_he a*_tendance of witr_esses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If data classified as not public (e.g. private or confidential) is admitted into evidence, it may become public unless a party objects and asks for relief under Minn. Stat. §14.60, subd. 2. A notice of appearance must be filed with the judge within twenty (20} days of the date of service of the notice of and order for hearing if a party intends to appear at the hearing, unless the hearing date is less than twenty days from the issuance of this notice . The undersigned will appear on behalf of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Please be advised that if you fail to appear at the hearing it may result in the allegations of the notice of and order for hearing � i � 9�-�a9 being accepted as true and result in a determination in £avor of the License Office to recommend eonditions on the license. Very truly yours, � � �� � Vi'rgin�almer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Nancy Thomas, Office of Ac3ministrative Hearings, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, MN 55401 3udge Richa :dosman, bC4 Richf�eld ^nank, '0625 Lynciale Ave. So., Richfield, MN, 55423 Nancy Anderson, City Council, Room 310 City Ha11 Peggy Byrne, Bxecutive Director, Summit-University Planning CounCil, 627 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, 55104 De�.31.1998 11:18AM No.441� P. 113 �7l-�ay� � tnw oFr^tcE oF: INGEBRITSON & A,SSOCIAT�S, P.A. Rueseq A. Iagebriteon Douqys Dek R�id, Jr. Ne�an 0. Sa�cr JoEn C. �y1an• Fhiltip A. Shepheed � k k ,�,�� ,. '�; I ��' ;' e; ' $ I ^� ' [� , I;� ,,.. <u, ,+ � 11a0 Rand Tower 627 Msiquetta Avenuo Sou� Mianw�polia. Mlnnaaom 66a02 Telophona (6Y� 346�8£90 Toll�F`ree (8W) 7$2s893 Telctaz (8I� Sa2�2g90 ' aLo admitted ia llliaote �►i[�ST� .R TR�NSIQ53TON SH�i&�' DATE TRANSMITTED: �� TIASE: '�`�� PLEASE DELIVER 'I'�IE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) T0: xr+a�: �'d`"S� C'c�P� FAX NUM�ER: FROH: PILE: _ MESSAGEI_ INGEBRITSON & ASSOC 3�i�-ab�s� ph:►; .��,�k�+ �I`,�u•�e Q�rv+�v9 +w. �e_s L.� o NOTE: THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED OiVLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVTDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICFI ZT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIIS INFORMATIaN THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAT. AND EXII�T FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLTCA$LE T.AW. IF YOU ARE NOT THE Z23TENOED RECYPIF1�iT OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSISLE FOR DELIVERING TFIE MESSAGE QF THE =N'PENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREHY NOTIFIED THAT APiY DTSSEMINATION, DIS'i'RIBU'PIOL3 OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICA2ZON TS STRICTLY PROHISZTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THTS COMMSJNTCATION IN ERROR� PLEASE IQOTIFY US I2�IEDIATELY BY TELEPHOPtE A2iD RETURN TFFE Oi2IGI1`iAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE .ABOVE AODRESS VIA U.S. POS2AL SF.F2VZCE. TfIP.2dK YOII. • Zg ypU DO NO RECEIVE ALL � PAGES, INCLIIDING TfIIS Ct3VERSHBE2'� p�r,�E �,�,y AS 5002Q AS POSSIBLE: (622j 340— 8290 OR (S00) 282-6393. �Dec. 31. 199fi �,� 7 �. i''� 11;19AM IN6EBRITSON & ASS6C THE LAW OFFICE8 OF: INGEBRITSON $� ASSOCIATES, P.A. I740 Rand Towez, 527 Marquctte Avenne South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (S12) 340-8290 Fax (612) 342�2990 (800) 2B2-6393 No.4417 P, 2/3 ����a� MONTAIVA OFF,[CE: James J. Shea•' Slfi E. Front Stteet, 3uite 3 Miseou)x, MT 55802 Fax (406) 549-4811 (aos) 5a9-47on (800) 790-7460 �eN A. It�ebritson �glas Dale Re�d, Jr. �nan 0. Serger 5� G. Boylan' lip A. Shepk�exd Also admitted in Itlinois Also admittad in Oregnn V%a Fax 349-2665 pecember 31, 1996 Mr. Aichard Mo�man,�- Administrative Law Judge c/o Louise Cooper Office of Administratxve Hearings 100 Washington Square, #1700 Mi.nneapolis, MN 55401-2138 � Re: In the Matter of the License AppZication of Private ` Protection, Inc, et al.. Dear Louise Cooper: I was told by the City artorneys office that you aze the one to see to obtain subpaenaa for administrative hearinge. T am a pro bono attoxney for a coalition of neighborhood gxoups that have just been allowed to intervene. The hearing is scheduled for January 7, 199�. Plea�e send three subpoenas for our use in the hearing, If there is any other information that you need pleaee call me immediaCely as time is short. Thank you in advance. � � =PAS Very truly yours, �� � 1 �� Philip A. Shepherd r � � r _� 4 'Ij� �I�ec.31.1996 11:19AM INGEBRITSON & ASSOC No,4417 P. 3/3 STATE O� MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADINISTRATIVE HEARINGS for the C1TY OF SAINT PALJL ,� In Re: the license apglication of Carl and E�xzabeth Green Private Protection, Inc dba Peoples Choice, 920 Selby Ave St. Paul, Minaesota Qrder A11owi�ng Iz�tervention �/�-���/ , ,��'�,, .� , 1996 By Motion zeceived by the Administrative Law Judge on December 2Q, 1996, a Coalition of neighbozhood groups seeJ,c an Order a�lowing intervention as a party in the above captioned matter in accozdance with Minn, rules 1400.5200. Based upon the morion of the Coalition, the affidavits and documents accompanying it and the repxesentation of the pazties in cozuiecYion with a - telephone conference on Decembez 19, 1996, it is evident that the intexests and ;r, position vf the Coalition xs not adequately represented by the City of Saint ;' Paul in tMs proceeding. The noHce o£ hearing in t}us matter was served less than 30 days prior to the hearing and in the intezest of justice, and foT a full development of the facts and positions of all interested parries and citizens on the subject, the participation of the Coalition is necessary. �•�i��c� � � � � r. � � 9� The Motion of the Coalition of neighborhood groups to intervene in the above captioned matter as a pazty is hereby granted. A.Il notices to the Coalitzan of neighborhood groups as a party to this proceeding shall be served as fol�ows: Mr Philip Shephard Attorney at T.aw 1740 Rand Tower tele: 612 340 8290 527 Niaz�quette Ave, S. • Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 r � � ��� ��_�� [<<Y� _--- ,� _ �_`�`� _�-�`=` �ate Richard A. Mosma Administrative La judge � �� i�'eacTUe� ii:ii � � ACTION REPORT tiva act3on(sl comPleted OFFIGE OP ADMIN.HEARING TX DATE/TIME DESTINATION DEC.31 11:D9 612 342 2990 = , w� # f « � f � � � # TEL:6123492665 DURATIOtd PGS. RESULT M 0° 01' 00' 003 OK N -3 d`j P. 001 k G� �� _. l a� �i �...�_•�x�✓�... . , • jd " s'.`U_a ." � � � 1 ' � ' 1 -.� . _ ji"�.:.� - =:e> ': ��1; y :- ' - " '• TO: Edward Hayes 1484 Sherbume St. Paul, Minnesota 55104-2415 GREETiNGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of #he Licpnse ARplication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at MinneaQolis, Minnesota this �r of ,l�nuarv, 1997. _ KEVIN E. JOHNS�N Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612)340-8290 G�-��g � > �`. - �;<.. � _::� � = � �- : V ��-. ���;: l '; ��`..CC� � t STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMII�IISTRATIVE HEARINGS HEARING SUBPOENA TO: John Wiiliams 1484 Sherburne St. Paui, Minnesota 55104-2415 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HERESY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hail Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in ths City of St. Pauf, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day ofi January, 1997, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of the License A�Alication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this � of lanuary, 1997. , � � KEVIN E. JOHNSON Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612) 340-8290 9�-��9 r . ; �..w,,... . � . .�;,.. : y � .. '> .��'..�w3 tY.�i • � - � � � � � � � � � � . f'. - `.J ` ;. '' TO: Cari Green 9504 Hamlet Avenue South Cottage Grove, Minnesota 55016 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Mlinnesota, at 1504 Ci#y Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paut, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at 9:30 o'cfock in tfie forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of the License ARplication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuani to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14,51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this �r of Januarv, 1997. EVIN E. JOHNS Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd {612) 340-8290 ,, 9�-3a9 .....;� :���... • � • � _ '::vir � • • � i ' . <: -�Ji}_ �': � t ! : • TO; Gurtis Olson 3004 Old Highway 8 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at �Qo'ctock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of - - - � �. . . - - . - . - Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Hono�able Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this �ir of Januarv, 1997. � Chief Administrafive Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612) 340-8290 ,t_ ��o� n nl� 1an. 2.19`97 2:49PM INGEBRITSON & ASSDC No,4465 P, 1/3 mxE raw oFC�cE oF: RuaeeII A. I�tgebt'itaon Dpugi�a Dsb $md, JT. Neum�a 0. Baxgnr John C. Hoylan• Phaip A. SLep6erd �ACSI I.E fiRA.NSbIISSION SSB� DATE Z`RANSM�'�'TED: !� 3! ��� TIME' �' !� 9�-3�9 17A0 Raad Tower 627 Maequette Avenue 9otsth Mi:uxapolk. Mino�ta 66�0'L Te]ephone (B1E) 940.8290 Toll•F�ee (800) E87�8398 Teitlaz (fi12) 8;2,299t1 ' alao admittad in Illinoie PLEASE DELIVER 'Z`HE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) T0: xr,rrE: Lo'^;Se ��v FAX I3T]MSEFt: FROM: FZI.E: ______ MESSAGE:_ INGEBBITSON & ASSOCIA�TES, P.A. 3�1 q -�6bS"� pl�: �; n S��f�.e.,rvl �r',���-ie Q,�u �,r, f 6��� !es � o NOTE: THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE Z2iDIVSpiJAL OR ENTITY TO WFiICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVIL£GED� CONFIDENTIAL AND EXII�2' FROM DSSClOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOII AF2E NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIEN2' OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPO2iSI8LE FOR DELIVERING TIiE MES$AGE OF TAE II3TENDED �ECIPT�NT, YOTJ ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THA`P ANY DISSEMINATIO2i, DSSTRIBUTIOiZ OR CQPYING OF THZS COMMUNICATxC�N IS STRICT2Y PROAIBTTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED TFi25 COM1�it7NICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFX US I2IHEDIATELY $Y TELEPH�NE AND RETCTRN THE OFiIGINAL MESSAGE TQ US AT 2`FIE A8p'YE ADDRESS VIA U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THAI�IK YOU. ZF YOU DO NO RECSIVE�L � PAGE5 zNCLUDING THZS COVERSfFgET, PLE'.ASE CALL �,_ �� AS SOON AS POSSSBLE: (622} 3siQ— 8290 OR {8�0) 282-6393- �� ►-' i — Jan, 2.1997 2:49PM INGEBRITSON & ASSOC 3. Edward Hayes John Williams 1464 Sherburne S�. Paul, MN 55104-2415 No, 4465 P. 3/3 4�-3a5 Ownera of 92a Se�by Mr. Hayes and Mr. Williams have knowledge of the building and previous businessee at 92o Selby. If there is any other znformation that you need please call me immediately as time is ahort. Thank you in advance. Vexy truly yours, �� `' ���--� Philip A. Shepherd PAS JAN. -02' 97(THU) 14��41 OFPICE OF ADMIN. HEARING TEL:6123492665 �� �a� P. 001 TRANSACTION REPORT Receptlon Transaction(s) completed NO. TX DATE/TIME DEST[NATION 432 JAN. 2 14:39 612 342 2990 DURATION PGS. RESULT btOOE �° 00' S3" �03 OK N ECM 9 Dec. 23. 1896 2:49PM ITIGEBRITSON & ASS4C THE LAR' OFF[CES OF: INGEBKI'TSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 1740 Tiand Tower, S27 Marquette A,venae South Mieaeagolis. Minnesota 55402 {6l2) 340-8290 Faz 1612) 342-2990 t8�) 262-6393 Busyeu A. tnge6riraon na,�� nae x�a. sz. Neumu+ 0. H¢rger John C. Boylan' philip A. Shepherd •Nso admitted in Dliuois ••�tlso ad,,,aeed in oregon FACSIMILI' TRANSMSSSION SAEET DATE TRP.NSMITTED: Dec mbex' 23 ].996 TIME: PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FAGE(S} TO: Na.4310 P. 1!4 q �� MnNTAP7A OFFICE: a�� �. sn��- 815 E. Front Stree4, SuFte 3 Miggoula, SST 69802 Fax (406� 549-4811 {ao� sasa7oo (800) 790•7460 NAME: Richard A Moeman Ad ini trative Law Judae _--� FAX NUMBER: ( J� I " �� FROM: Philip A SheAherd attornev for the Coalition __ FILE: T�he matter of the license anAlication for Peoole's oice. MESSAGE: NOTE: THIS MESSAGE SS INTEA7DED ONLY FOEt TAE U5E OF TEIE INDTVIDUAL QR ENTITX TO WFI3CH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT ZS PRIVTLEGED, CONFIDENTIAL b1ND EXEMPT FAQM DISGLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOU ARE NdT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OR 'PHE EMPL01'EE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOk DELIVERING THE MESSAGE OF THE INTEI�I3ED RECIPIENT, YQU ARE AEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINRTION, DISTRIBUTION 4R COPYING OF TI3IS COMMUNICATZON IS 3TRZCTLY PROHTBZTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED 'FHIS COMMt333ICATTON IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE 20 IIS AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA U.S. POSTAL SERVICE_ THANK YOU. IF 'fQ� DO 1`IO RfiCEZVE ALL 5 PAG&S, ZNCLUIJING THIS COVERSHEET. PLEASE CALL K_ ari AS SOON AS POSSIBLE: (612J 34�-8290 Ok (S00} 282-6393. � Dec.23. 1996 2:47PM iNGEBRITSON & ASSOG Pdu.4310 P. 2/4 y�J_3�� THE I,AW OFFiCES OF: Ruee.ei3 A. Ingebriteon Dnuglae Dale ke+d. Sz. Neu+nan 0. Be:ges Joha C. Boy7an' phitip A. Shephe3d • A4so admiUted in Iltirrois •• Aleo admitted in O�egon INGEBI�ITSON & ASSOC�ATES, P.A. 1740 Rand Towes, 527 Marqnette Avenue South Minaeagalis, 1ltinneaota b5402 (612) 340-6290 Fax (612) 342•2990 (800) 282-fi398 Mr. Ftichard Mosman Administrative Law 3udge 604 Richtield Bank 5025 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 DeCember 23, 1996 MONTAI3A OFFICE: Jamea J. Shea'• 815 E. Pront SWdat, Suite 3 Misaovia. MT 588�2 Faz (aD6) 5a9�asll (906) 649�4'f64 (6W) 7�746U Re: In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc, et al. Dear Mr. Mosman: Enclosed please find the original Petition to Intervene as well as the proposed Order regarding the above matter. very truly yours, ?�� � �'l Philip A. 9hepherd PAS/klj Enclosures � Dec. 23. 1996 2:48PNi iNGEBRITSON & ASSOG STATE OF' MINNESOTA OFFICE 4F AI?MSNISTRATIVE AEARING . 3 In the Matter of the License } Application of Private Protection, Inc. d/bla People's Choice } 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, � Minnesota, 5510& , ORDER COMES NQW, this Court, aftez review of the Coali.tion of neigYiborhood group's motion to intervene, and all relatiae parts of this case to oxder the foilowing: z'T IS ORDfiRED THAT: 1. The Coali�ion of neighborhood groups motion to intervene as a party with full rights of a party in the above-entitled action is granted. Dated this day of 1996• BY THE COURT: Richard A. Mosman Administrative Law Sudge Ido. 4310 P. 3/4 C�-�_ 3� f CITY OF SATNT PAUL oAF3 Docket No.: 1 Dec. 23. 1996 2:48PPg INGEBRITSON & ASSOG No.4310 P. 4/4 �7_�a; RFTIEF AND ORDER SOIIGHT 1. An order permitting the Caalition of neighborhood groups to intervene as a party with full rights of a party in the above-antitl�d action. 2. For such other and further relief the Court deems just and equitable to grant at this time. � Dated this � day of fl�'�' , 1996. INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, F.A- By: � F � � I ` Philip A• Shepherd MtU Atty. I.D. No. 222366 ].740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South MinneapoJ.is, MN 55442 {61Z) 340-829D Z q�-3ag THE LAW OFFICES OF: INGESRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 1740 Rand Tower, 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (612) 340-8290 Faa (612) 342-2990 (800) 282-6393 Russell A. Ingebritson Douglas Dale Reid, Jr. Neuman 0. Berger John C. Boylan* Phi]ip A. Shepherd `A3so admitted in Illinois `*tllso admitted in Oregon Mr. Richard Mosman Administrative Law 604 Richfield Bank 6025 Lyndale Avenue Richfield, MN 55423 Judge South December 18, 1996 ����B�C 2 �' 1996 MONTANA OFFICE: James J. Shea" 815 E. Front Street, Suite 3 Missou]a, MT 59802 Fax (406) 549-4Sll (406) 549-4700 (800) 790-7450 Re: In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc, et al. Dear Mr. Mosman: Enclosed herewith please find the Coalition's Notice of Motion and Motion to Continue 12/20/96 Hearing as well as a proposed Order and an affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd in support of said motion in regards to the above-entitled matter. VeYy truly yours, ��,�,� .5��.� � Philip A. Shepherd PASjklj Enclosures � q�- 3� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, } NOTICE OF MOTION AND Inc, dfb/a People's Choice ) MOTION TO CONTINUE 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) 12/20/96 HEARING Minnesota, 55104 ) ) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Coalition of neighborhood groups will motion �1 Court for a continuance af the 12/20/96 hearir�g in the above captioned case. The Coalition will bring this motion as soon as the ALJ is able to schedule a hearing but not later than 12/20/96. COMES NOW a Coalition of neighborhoods groups to motion this Court for a continuance of the 12/20J96 hearing cites the following reasons: 1, 2. 3. 4. The Coalition The Notice of Hearing was served 12/3J96 for a hearing on 12/20/96. The Coalition was informed of the 12J20/96 hearing on Tuesday, December 10, 1996. The Coalition will be petitioning to intervene in the present case. The Coalition has inadequate time to properly prepare its petition to intervene. The Coalition has inadequate time to properly prepare its case against approval of the above application. 5. The Coalition will need to subpoena witnesses for its case against the approval of the application and the Coalition's petition to intervene must be granted before it has the legal ability to issue subpoenas. 6. The Coalition`s attorney is and will be unavailable to attend the hearing due to a trial previously scheduled. Philip Shepherd is currently attending trial in the Stearns County District Court, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Case No.: C6-46-569, captioned Bruners vs. Hemmesch 1 q�-3�5 and Moen which begdn on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 and is expected to continue through the end of the week into and including Friday, December 20, 1996. The Coalition requests the following order: 1. That the 12/20/96 hearing be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for the Coalition's petition to intervene at some time after 1/15j97. 3. That a hearing regarding application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc., d/b/a People's Choice be scheduled for sometime after February l, 1997. The Coalition's motion is supported by the Affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd. Dated this /�� day of i���""�� 1996. INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. BY : '�'�� �' �``�� Philip A. Shepherd MN Atty. I.D. No. 2223a6 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 340-8290 � 9�-�a-� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING ) In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, ) Inc. d/b/a People's Choice ) 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) Minnesota, 55104 ) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: AFFIDAVIT OF PHILIP A. SHEPHERD COMES NOW, Philip A. Shepherd, under oath to state as follows: 1. Philip A. Shepherd is attorney for a number of neighborhood groups hereinafter "Coalition�' in the above- captioned case. 2. Your affiant was notified of the December 20, 1996 hearing on December 10, 1996. 3. The ten (10) days from actual notice to the date of hearing are inadequate for the Coalition to properly prepare its petition to intervene. 4. The Coalition will bring a petition to intervene prior to December 20, 1996. The coalition needs additional time to prepare its memorandum in support of petition to intervene. 5. The Coalition's petition to intervene must be granted before the Coalition can obtain subpoenas and subpoena testimony necessary for a complete hearing and a proper opposition. 6. The ten (107 days from actual notice to the date of hearing are inadequate £or the Coalition to properly prepare its 1 �� 3ag opposition to the approval o£ the application in the above- captioned case. 7_ The Coalition needs time to subpoena witnesses, schedule witnesses, notify employers of needed time off to appear and testify, and to obtain all relevant documents £rom city files. 8. Lastly, your affiant is unavailable to attend the hearing due to a trial previously scheduled. Affiant is currently at trial in the Stearns County District Court, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Case No.: C6-96-569, captioned Bruners vs. Hemmesch and Moen. Trial which began on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 is expected to continue through the end of the week into and including Friday, December 20, 1996. 9. In the interest of justice and a full and fair hearing on the application the December 20, 1996 hearing must be vacated and a new hearing date scheduled. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. r�ated: J�. ��'"�6 �/� �-�"� Philip A. Shepherd � Subscribed and sw n to before me this ��1 day�of , 1996. c `+ARI LY dENO ",OTARY PUBLIG N'eS07 "t Ca;nmisscn Expires 1ar, 31, 2000 2 _t' F,<.,=o . �< _� ah:.>_MrnMwnww.� �1� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc. d/b/a People's Choice 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55104 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: ORDER COMES NOW, this Court, after review of the Coalition of neighborhood group's motion to continue the 12/20f96 hearing, Affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd in support, and all relative parts of this case file to order the following: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. That the 12/20/96 hearing be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for the Coalition's petition to intervene on the day of , 1997 at o'clock. 3. That a hearing RE: Application for Licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Tnc., dfb/a "People's Choice" be scheduled on the day of , 1997 at o'clock. Dated this day of , 1996. BY THE COURT: Richard A. Mosman Administrative Law Judge 1 council File # q7 �l � t Green Sheet # � � �- q `L Presented By RESOLVED, that the license application of Private Protection, Inc., Carl Lee Green, CEO, for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue in Saint Paul for a Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license is hezeby denied. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the findings of fact and conclusion of law contained in the Administrarive Law Judge Report in this case, dated January 20, 1997, are hereby adopted as the written findings and conclusions of the Council in this matter, except as modified below. The reasoning of the Memorandum of the Administrative Law Judge attached to the fmdings and conclusions is not adopted. The recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge for issuance of the license is also not accepted. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following amendments to the ALJ's Report are hereby adopted: 1. Finding of Fact No. 2 is hereby amended to read as follows: "2. The Applicant submitted an application for a dance hall license and paid the fees on March 17, 1996. That application has been amended �z1��c3ii:e:"��s and now stands as an ..:..:. : .:..:: ::.::. ..:.::...: .: : application for a Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license. T�t� 2. Finding of Fact No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5. The premises is are located at the intersection of Selby and Milton, an intersection notorious amongst police and local residents as being a location for a mulritude of consistent illegal activities of various sorts, including drug transactions. These activities took place prior to and have ee�i� ��i�l� tie�J� after the closing of the People's Choice bottle club. Exkiibits D, E & F." 3. A new Finding of Fact No. 13 is hereby adopted to read as follows: /� , RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 4. Conclusion of Law No. 4 is hereby amended to read as follows: C� �j — 3 �' q "4. The Applicant, Private Protection, Inc. has �i� met the m;n;roum qualifications for the issuance of a Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license at 920 Selby, St. Paul, Minnesota." 5. Conclusion of Law No. 6 is hereby amended to read as follows: "6. A grant of the Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license to the Applicant at the premises at 920 Selby, St. Paul, Mimiesota, would � unreasonably annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort, or repose of any considerable numbers of inembers of the publi ; �F r���°�'- � �-�a ��a � �°a ; �, 6. Conclusion of Law No. 7 is hereby deleted in its entirety. 7. A new Conclusion of Law No. 7 is hereby adopted to read as follows: $. Conclusion of Law No. 8 is hereby amended to read as follows: "&7. The application of the Applicant for a Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license should be �te� �€i%�:1a��r�-�t � a 3 4 5 6 7 8 �t � - � �-� This Resolution is based on the record of the proceedings before the ALJ,including the hearing on January 7, 1997, the documents and exhibits introduced therein, the fmdings of fact and conclusions of law of the ALJ as referenced above, the written subxnissions of the parties and the deliberarions of the Council in open session on February 26, 1997. A copy of this Resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by fust class mail to the Adwuiistrative Law Judge, and to the Applicant, Carl Green. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY = �-���"��-' Approved by Mayor: Date �Q� �"�l By: Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Att y BY: - V Cf� ��""'�c�'4-� �' `�- v Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date �� °I�-��-q a���� DEMflTMENTqFFICEACOUNGL DATE INITIATED CITY COUNCIL 3/27(97 GREEN SHEE CIXJTACTPERSON 8 PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE �pEPARTMENTDIflECTOR �CITYGOUNpL Councilmember Blakey 266-8610 A�IGN OCffYATfOPNEV �CRYCLEPK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE) NIII/BER FON � BUDGEf DIRECTOR a FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlq. NOUTING April 2, 1997 OROER aMAYOR(ORASSISfANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAOES (CLIP ALL LOCATfONS FOR SIGTiATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Finalizing City Council action taken February 26, 1997, denying the license application of Private Protection, Inc., Carl Lee Green, CEO, 920 Selby Avenue. RECOMMENDA7iONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pEflSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMM5310N _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS91ON �� Has this personflirm eve� worked under a conVact for this deparUne�t7 _CIBCOMMfT7EE _ YES NO 2. Has this per5on/Firm ever been a ciry employea? _ ssar-� — YES NO _ �ISTFtiCi CWR7 _ 3. Does this pereonttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by eny current ciry employee? SUPPORiSWHiCHCOUNCllO&lECT7VE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to grean sheet INITIATMIG PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, YJhere. Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPRWED. TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEA FINANGAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) e � �-� a� � � THE LAW OFFICES OF: INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 174D Rand Tower, 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 554�2 (612} 340-8290 Fas (612) 342-2990 (800) 282-6393 Russell A. Ingebritson Dougias Dale Reid, Sr. Neuman 0. Berger John C. Boylan' Philip A. Shepherd "Aiso admitted in Illinois "Also admitted in Oregon February 24, 1997 �,k��S ��b.Z��Qi� St. Paul City Clerk City Hall 15 West Kellogg, Room 310 St. Paul, MN 55102 MONTANA OFFICE: 3ames J. Shea"• 815 E. Front Street, Suite 3 Missoula, MT 59802 Fax (406) 549-4811 (406) 549-4700 (800) 790-7450 RECEIVED �EB 2 41997 e�rY ct�RK Re: License Application of Private Protection, Inc., 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find the Coalition of Neighborhood Groups', intervenor in the above action, Exceptions to Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation. Sincerely, ��'`� � '�"'1 Philip A. Shepherd PAS/klj Enc-osure cc Mr. Carl Green Evia maili ���� ������, Mr. R_chard Mosman (via mail) Ms. Ginger Palmer (via mail) � rr� �'� Sv� , � L V ��-�ry'-�. 3 9�-3a5 RECE(VED STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE AEARINGS FEB 2 41997 CITY CLERK FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: 62-2111-10844-3 CA'S �-�. Z�� q� � In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, ) Inc. d/b/a People's Choice ? 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) MinnesoCa, 55104 ) EXCEPTIONS TO ALJ'S F2NDING OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AISD RECOMMENDATI0I3 COMES NOW the Coalition of Neighborhood groups, Intervenor, by its attorne�, Philip A. Shepherd, and pursuant to the 3anuary 31, 1997 Notice of Counsel F?earing to file the following exceptions to the ALJ's January 21, 1997 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, anfl Recommendation: Objectians to Findings o£ Fact The AI,S fails *_o adequately describe the extent of tne violence and crime surrounding Lhe o1d "People`s Choice." T_r_t°rVenOr rj raC�S COl1RC11 Rl°CCi�JE.:"S CO �i1e 1989 "Peonle S C�'!C1C2" YeVOCZL'_O*1 =_�-, d CCp�/ OT. W73._CI'; 15 LI'ictVc�llc�.�J� 2 �Q IIlte'_'�VEZ?OY �t this time. Numerous W1tP_CSS2S tE'Si.1*1?Cl �O �RE S1CJ`'i.1i1Cd_^.t T012 LhGL the "Peoples Choice" giayed in attracring and fostering crime, violence, noise, drug transactions and other detrimental activities in �he surrour_ding neig'nbornood. In the late 1980`s L1_i° ��?�°OD� 2� S C��0=C2 !'�dd c i.T2Ii1EP_C10llS1}r P.egc�1VE. 1R'ipdCt Ori C^2 n�_��OYhOOC. Tt?E3 1"°S1CleZl�S �ld"J? invested uncoun�abl hOIIYS 1AL0 1�L'1-C11Il� UD W!1�= �i?E ��DPOD'12S Cnoice" 11dd d=stroyed. 9 g�-3a� Additional Findings o£ Fact 1. Applicant has known of the violent and criminal reputation of the name "People's Choice" since at least the Summer of 1996. 2. Applicant has made no attempt to distance himself from the violent and criminal reputation of the "People's Choice" or waylay the valid fears of the neighborhood residents. Specifically, Applicant has: a) failed to chose another name for use in its application. b) failed to alleviate the fears of concerned neighbors by choosing another name. c) failed to state at the Oct. 1996 City Council meeting that Applicant wi11 use another name. d) failed to state at Che ALJ hearing that the Applicant will use another name. 3. Apolicant has made a concerted ef-ort to asscciate himself with the name and reputation oi the "People's Choice" a� Applicant's app�ication is in the name "Peonle's Choice." Ex. A. u) ApplicaT�t spen� considerabie money i= �ouc'r_ing up ��e murals on the exterior o� 920 Selby, incluEting che words "People's Choice". Th= murals and tne name "People's Choice" were an integrai parL o= �t1C identi�i CdLlOZl Of L!1? OZCZ "People' S C hoice. ° c) Applicant has e�cplicitly negotiated wit'.^. the owners and past managers of the old "Peo�le's Choice" for the use of the name "People's Choice." Applicant attemnted to keeT� that trar_saC�ion conPidentizl_ Ex. B_ d? Sole and exclusive use or" the name "Peoole's Choice" was a signiiicant _nducemen� =o= apolicant �o lease Lhe premises a� 920 Selby. Ic. °i AvD11C'a.Ilt DayS 3 AO:L10_^_ O: i.�12 '_"2P-T. �G=" 1�SE Oi 2 q� -�a� the name ��People's Choice." Id. f) Applicant's sample restaurant menu and business plan prominently displays the name "People's Choice." See Application. 4. Applicant, and anyone associated with his application, does not have any experience in the restaurant industry. 5. Expert testimony was heard from Bill Sands, a banker at Western Bank, who testified that Applicant's business plan as submitted to LIEP was inadequate for the purposes of applying for or securing a loan. Also, even if the project was self-financed, the business plan lacked details, analysis, and other important elements to ensure a reasonable likelihood of success in the extremely difficult restaurant industry. 6. Expert testimony was heard £rom Sarah Kinney, a realtor with many years of experience in the neighborhood, who testified �na*_ the old "People's Choice" brought down prooerty values during tn> late 198o's, the property values have risen since the cid "Pec�ale's Choice" was shut down, and iinaily, if a new ° ?°O�l°�S Choice" OpEI1S llp t21°?7 p�Op2T;.y V;alll2S wi'__ decreas= aga_n based upon the violent and criminal renutation oi the rame "2eople's Choice.^ 7. Memners of rne J. S. Hill Elementary Schoo� testified to the negative impact the "People's Choice" would have on Lhe school community. Specifically, the School has concerns for the sa_ety o_ the stu3ents tha� walk to and °rom school, �� violence =rom the "People's Choice" spilling ever into the school B=O�?� �}/, cRG Oi i.�l° AY'OX1IIli�_V �O L}'12 :-:'_� 1 s�udenLS 0= t??2 C�L'CJ 3 97 0 transactions in and outside the "Feoples Choice." 8. That long-time residents of the neighborhood are justifiably and significantly fearful of the return of violence and criminal activity under the auspices of the ��People's Choice.° 9. The neighborhood expects the City to protect it citizens from the violent and criminal element attracted to the "People's Choice." 8. Failure to protect the citizens from this known risk would amount to gross negligence should harm befall a child, J. J. Aill student or other victim of violence or criminal activity. Conclusions of Law 1. No objection with ALJ conclusion NO. 1. 2. No objection with ALJ conclusion N0. 2. 3. No objection with ALS conclusion NO. 3. ^_. The Applicant, Prisate Protection, Znc., has not met �he mir.imum qualifications for the issuance of � Cabaret �'A" and Res�anrant "C" license av 920 Selby, S�, pau_, �N. 5. Carl Greer_'s moral character is suspect. He nas fGilec to rebudiate and disassociate himself with the use o= the name "P°OUZE' S C;1010E. " _-i° �785 ctt.°iiiD�EGl �O COIICE'd'1 �'f?E transaction allowing him to use tne name "People's Choice." He nas intentionally acted in numerous ways to associGte himsel� with L:7° V1 o1en� "d_^_d criminal reputaLion o= "Peop1 Choice." 5, z crant o= the Cabaret °A" and Restauran� "C" license T,v^ Lh� ?ApTJi�C2=iL. ci. �T?° AY'E2ti11S°S a� 920 Selby St.. ?dL:� �?�T, '� �� would unreasonably annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort, and repose of considerable numbers of inembers of the public. It is unlikely that Applicant will manage the cabaretJrestaurant properly, given his inexperience in the restaurant industry and the lack of details and analysis in his business p1an. 7. Under no condition should a Cabaret "A" or Restaurant "C" license be issued to Applicant. 8. The application of the Applicant for a Cabaret "A" and a Restaurant '�C" license should be denied. Recommendation The Coalition of neighborhood groups resgectively recommend that the St. Paul City Council deny the application af Private Protection, Inc., d/b/a "Peaple`s Choice" for a cabaret "A^ and a restaurant "C" license to be operated at tne premises at 92� Se1by Avenue, St. Paul, MN. i � Dzted this � � o� ����'`- 1997. INGHBRITS^vN � ASSOCIAT�S, P.F. Sy: ��` F' � ��' r t Philip A. Shepherd Nll�7 ���y. S.D. No. 222306 17a� Rand Tower 527 Marauetze Avenue South Min_neapOlis, MN S5a02 {6i2} 350-8290 5 DEG-10-1996 12�50 FROM CITY RTTt�YS OF�=ICE � a _ .. .� QAS III yh LICENSE APPLTCATiON �1�$/�� � � �' �I�!{."�/� T}pe af iiccax(s� beiag appSied for. � i�i�� C �9�,,,.1 �S APPI.ICATSO\' IC Ct TA iFtY Tn vrt ncn •+ U Pi.EASE tYPE OR PRA'7 W L\�K ��� y, oo . Compaayl� _Yriva.tG f�ro�tCf",dn Carycra�;an / Psr_,ersAiptSok AqviceQat:J If buzincss is iocorpomtcd, giti•a dase cf inct¢poratioo: � Doing $usiness As_ P� p �/ r7J 1 e. 'S fh, 8usiness Address: _ . ., �L .--- *-n� ���n yoo ��ay bata r� b�a, or � SQ�A�= �ao �� r•� - �s�c Bav=een what tross sttau is the busirnu la�cdl �r -� Are tba premi<ts aaw occupicd? _��1 p tiVtyat T}pe cf Susiaus? . �iaz7 ro Aadras. _ � /.� £. iG � ;)1�/( �-� 11./i�nt svcc AdSres: AFPlicaac Fnfasmarioa: ��� � r�: � Ln .'J L�rt { a,7 City 9� 9342Z990 P.21 CFIY QF SAIXt'�p orr� �r�, n��;,� z�a �,�,a,u� ��, :�ox+�.ax s.�.�ay .s�i pt!6...sa, }t�s t1W ]eiR)Jli La (61`� •d{.7[v y i $usiruts Phaac: ,�L�' 9��l1 =, "�'' � .,���+ sn,e � Thicfi side of the suai? �1� 5___�_f_ .c.lN 6'S��r� s�u z+� _ _ Gco Fmt AS66k 4�Sridca} � xo� aaa�s: 9SoZI F}�m/t t lfY.t . '�'` sa«s�aams . • ��? � ro �f� SIJJ Sam Z3 I?ait of Bictl�: �' ZJ �(n3 Plaa of Biss3t: ��J" ll �! � NtY�s� Hose Pbaae: � } rjj' iia�a }tm cver 6cea vicc of any fr.t�p, � or �iolzicn of aay ary orcfiaaxa acixs shaa c�ffie? YFS,_�� V_. Dase of arrest }��I 1p C7zazge: Convictian: Scaknce: E.ist she aames sod:rsidences ef sbree puzons of �ood mou2 rharacmr, 3iti•ia q' $PP�cant or fmaacally iatcres�rd m the preffisa ar busiaas. c asay be scfeczed to�r,s t6� appt;can{ M��r °OL ttiau.d to � �` ADDRESS Ct�er��.�es� -- 3�3� E G{� th cT • -r ..... r,.. .._ , �_ __ , . PH4\'E R�n irQ,'1 -�.�• I?ave aay of Sccascs ct•c Lers xe rat;edl ^ 1'�S 55Z-ir[.�,y7 .. rs ta C[.� 5 e- list ilu dates snd zessoas Far zcvocasi -oa. Arc you gcmg:o o�„�� rJis Su�anss �sazally? _ YES .. ., • �ii b'O If not, x�tw wfli operate ii7 1�(c..� • . . . .. _ s�r.� Sue �3 DEC-10-1996 12=5i � CITY RTTDRNEI'S OF��ICE TD --�_^-------- -••�--^_�___. � .,,�.. _ .. _... _ . G7`.3�9 93422990 P.22 9G� �z:uCm} Lw Bu¢at8in }T«rcAddrac SaeaA'aiz G:r Swe � TsP Pha+eNvmb PJcasc liu yau employmeoc hiscory fin �Ix pre�5ous fi�=e CSl : zar puiod: � List atl otbcx s�Ficen of tbc coipcuxrion: OFFlCER .. �2I.E HO.'� 1`TA3.� �c� Ketd} ADDI2�55 HO�IE BUSII�'ESS � DATEOF PHO�� PHOJ•� BTRTH � I£ bu�ness is a pazmvship, p7eaz� incfude tbe follou-in� infc:.,auan For each par.cra (use additionat pagcs if nrcts�asy); t5rst�a.�ae r7'idEie 2a�ed (.�Sai6cr,) I�u Darc ot �'vd� HaneAddra= Sneet\a�s Gsy Sw¢ Trf PhooeKum}�et r�gaa,�e �.ram�� p.t�am� iru m+�oraau, x�Aamar s�a� - � suk z;� �� Mii�'Sa'ESO'I'A TAX IERf3�'i47CATiO.�i l�'CA�PR-Pursmat �c ttx Law s of Mmaesasa. t986, CFsagfer 9AZ. Aaide S. Sectioa 2(Z7Q22} (Taz Qearaoce; Issnaaz of Licsaus).li�'� act6adties s,issqnired to �Sde to sbo Stase of Mi�aesou Commissioccr af Reveaue, tbe biiaaaoea busiaest taz iden�utiaa mtm�r and she saisl secoriry nvmber of cac� lieense appticaac Uu3er she k5s�aawta Cm•aaaKat Basa Pnccar Ass sad tbe Fderai Pzi�acy Aa of S9?d, we are zeqvired to advise yaa af s6e foUoe�i� , reg�diag she nse of ibe D�inauouTsc Idea�Sntioa 2dvzaber. � - 7His iafarmati�.aay be vud to dmy cbe isznaxx orsenewai of yourlicrose in sbe cvwt you oa+e ]�axsota saics. ear�iloyec s a3tt:hoidiag�ormoia�idcexdset�za; ` - Upaa recei�5ag chis mfacrosaoa, sbe3icansing susborsiy a� wpply u onty:o � 1.�rmaosa Depa�umac of Revcaac. Howevc, ��nndtt 2be Fcdaal Exchaage of Iufanmtion A�et che Depar.�at af Re� eaue may supply shiz iafoanaGoa to cbe 1a�ema] Rereaat Servic� • Miaxsosa Txx ideatification i�'c�mbers (Ss1u & L*se Tz: Tnmbcr) my 3x oStaina3 frora tha Staso nf a�aauotz„ Basmess Rxords ?kpaztrxat 10 Rivec pzrk PSaza (622 296-6I8I}� . Sociat Sc:carity T�Tn�b:r. I�"'•usoesoa Taz IdcasiF.uSoa 2�nmb�z: t�, �.�, �,�I _,_. If a Mianeso:a Tz: Idcaafsai;oa :�'c:�'xs is not rcovsrcd Por eLe busincss beiag onerzted, indicate so by pFacing an "X ia tF�e � . boz.._.._. _ __ . _ _ _ . ���I. - . -- . . , . ... . .---•• •-. .... ._. , H�trinea�l�mniwnKn[ �ddrtss �7 , DEC-10-1995 12�51 FROt1 CITY ATTORNEYS ��=ICE T� 934229g0 p, • CERTIf7GT10� OFK'ORi�RS COSSP�SATIO\ CO��GE FIiRSU��*T TO aiL�i'�S07A 5'FATUT'E T76.732� �` T bereby eercify chu?, oc my eompsn ,=_,y, IIICC�1i2ixC �'F.5 LhC ttqiJ:tTS 'toaq+tasa�:an iasuraace coren;e rcqaittmeou �f �lrnc Sca:vu I iGS82. SufdivialOII Z F 7I5¢ iip3Ct5{znd tbat pt0�'1SSC] oC f31iC iiifOi7lufioo in [1riS ctrt�CatioD COIIFUtyiez bu�cien( � Ouric ad� actiac against ati liceases De.}d, iaclad'wg:esxarica �d suspension of ssid liccascs. �`a� cf Iasusaace Company. Stitt, �rg,2'l.� t[r�;, S.a.; .�1�' �[Y ga�yr��: # AO t � i . ` � ( q - ��..Q� � � Crn•aagetsora-l1G1R�_to `' I b ve no empto�us co�•cred and�r � ortuf compcnsatioa i:suranco f � _�'� ��d. � . . , � A,\'Y fALSIfiCA21a�Y OF A.�SR�RS GIVEN OR?�f,1TERIAL SUB�. � RTLLRESLT,7 L� DE\'IAL OF THIS APpLICAII0�2 � I hereby ssate shx i 5avo anstivercd aQ of tbe �ecedng quc:�s�s. <ad t6at t4e infonnztian coatained baein iz uue and coarct tc tfx best of my l:rsovtedge aad bcti�f. I bereby s4 fur.6ec t5at I hzre:eccired no monoy or otber considaatioa, 6y way oF Iaaa. 8i.`C conin`isuaon, a ozhes�+,ise, osbez eban atready �sclaccd ia the zpplicat'san c �ch I bucuix� svbmixed. Z¢]so aadassad this prcmise may be iaspecy�d by pclicc, {r�, 6ealth and o�her cicy offici�Is ac any z�d all tiss w-t�cn cbe bus'sncu'u in operation '•J+ �� applicatictt it F°xVLi9uc? m1u:d. P]vse conta¢i a Gty cf Saint Paul Hcalch Iaspector. Ste.t O}soa (266-9233), ta revicv 7f aay sv6svatial chaugs trs snvccue art saticipascd. please coatau a Csry � Saiat s"'�auI Plan Esamina at 265-90Q7 so aPP�Y fffi burldmg pecmi� If aSezc ue aay chaages rc tttc p2rf�ng Fot.33o� spaee, or f� ncw oprratient, Pkax coniict s Gry of Saint Paul Zcaiog Iaspectcr at 256-9D� � Additiotsal appycation requiremeais, pia..ce aYtacii; A detsiJed descrfp6oa ai tht desfgsy Iocation and sqaatt tootage af tLn pretau¢S !a be licrosed {yzte gtan}. TFse Colioking data stiovld be oa sfie site ptass (pteCcrably on art 81t2" z Il" ar 8 It2�° z 1d" Papet7: - A'amq address, snd ph,one nnmbea • - TAt scaic ihouJd be s'aled svcfi as l" = 2D'. ^:I should be indicated fmrud the lap. - P7acmeat of alI petsineat fnztnres ni tbe iaferior of ifie Iicense3 fzciti(y suc3t as seatmg area; l3Scheus, ogices, repafr u'�, Fu�,r rest rooms, efe - If a reqaut is for aa addifiaa or e..-psusian of tf,e lim�sed fxiliip, �iea[c botfi tfie current arn and SJ�e proposcd �P�� . A capy eCpaar iexse ngree:aeat or ?roof of oxnership of t5e propertp. FOR SPECZ�'IC L�PPL£Cd'f7�A* arnfs;�rxs:� � c�r r.� � ��_ -- 57-3 Executive Summarv Business Plan People's Choice 920 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN and entercainmenc to che surrounding African American communiry in a safe and relaxing enviroament. Pro_prietor: Twe of business: $C2tiR� C1paC1N: Twe of inenu: Tv�e of entenainment: Hours of oneratioa: Number of er�nlovees: Addicional information: �Iay 1�, 199b Private Protection, Tnc. Restauzant 8d GriII sryle Speakers, fashioa shows, comedy, music, daacing, aud other forms of Iive entenaiameut. 1i:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. Thurs, Fn, aad Sat lI:CO am. -?2c30 a.n. Sun, Mon, Tne, and Wed 12 (esc. - includes iull �d aart time) Uniformed securiry wi11 be nrovided (as needed} from 7:00 p.n. until closing on Thurs, Pri, aad Sat. � � '��i���� IXFftB(T � _ � 97- � , I �1�1 r�r�� �j �� �v��, ; ��� �� , , I J ' 1 Appetizers Buffato wings Shrimp cheue guffs Quesadillas Nachos Supreme nachos Jalapeno poppers Soups & Salads Chili �p bowl B1ack eye pea cup bowl Soup of the day cup bowi House salad Ghef salad Cobb salad Taco 5a1ad Caesar salad with chicken 55.75 Sb.25 55.75 $5.85 $6.95 54.50 $1.75 52.75 51.50 $2.5d $1.5� S2.SQ $4.75 $5.95 $5.45 $5.50 $4.95 56.75 Sandwiches served with ciups aad a pickle sgea:, fries add 51.00 Club Ham & cheese Philly che�e szeak Fish Turkey $4.95 54.95 Si.80 $4.9a 55.15 Surgers se: ✓ed with ciups aad a pickle spear, iries add 51_00; �,.�*illed oaions add 50.2� Hamburge: 34.00 Cheeseburge: $4.30 c¢oice of ame:ican, swiss ar monterey jack , r 97-3 .t Bacon cherseburger Bar-b-q burger bacon s4.�s 54.5� $0.50 Dinners , served with choice of salad or vegetable, nce or gotato and roll Pork chop Steak Ham steak Fried chicken Ribs: pork beef Catfish Spaghetti Side items �7,10 $8.75 $6.75 56.25 58.25 $8.95 $7.95 86.50 French fries $1.35 Red beans & rice 51.20 Greens $0.95 Green beans 5095 Rice $ Cabbage $0.95 Corn6read $0.45 Beveraoes Soda Sl.ZS I.�manade 51.�Q Iced zea '� Nonaicaholic beer �i•�� Import 52.�0 Pitcher 53.�0 Import 54.75 . Daiquiries �?'� tviargaritas 5z.25 Mocktails 5275 Sex on Lhe beach, Pina Coladas, Homy Devil. juice �' "� � � 9�- E�CLrzrv� Suvr��Y PIans for cabaret license We inceud to offer speakers, fasbioa shows, comedy, music, and dancing in zhe relaxing atmosphere of a restauranc. There has beea no decision made as to whea and how ofren tfiis eutenaiament wilI be offered; this wilj depend on our market research. . Cabaret Hours The cabaret wi11 not be an everyday occunence. There wilI be no set haurs for operating such; it wiIl depend on she availability of speakers, groups, comedians and the time of year. The cabaret will be used az a markecing tool to generate clien�ele for the restaurant; it will aever exist as a separate entity for social purposes aaly. We wi1l be con,ztantly searching for the right balance witl� respecc so the cahareL thaL will allow us to significantly increase the revenue of tFie rescaurant in such a way that would aoL e:zist if People's Choice was soleIy a rescaurauc. 9 7 . �• , � LERS& AGREEMENT }� This Lease Agreement is made as of September �� , 1945, by and between DWH, a Minnesota partnership ("Lessar") and Private Protection, Inc. ("P.P.I•"), a Minnesota corporation ("Lessee"). 1. Premises. DWH hereby leases to P.P.I., and P.P.I. herelay leases from DWH, for the term and upon the conditions hereinafter provided, the Premises located on the sntire first floor and basement portion in the building at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Pau1, Minnesota, known at present as "People's Choice." 2. Term. The term of this Lease shall commence upon October 1, 1995 and shall continue fo= sixty (60} months until September 30, 2000. P.P.I- sha11 have the option to renew the lease for an additional five year period until September 34, 2005, at an amount su£ficient to cover reasonable monthly expenses such as water, sewer, gas, etc. 3. Rent. P.P.I• sha11 pay as Rent for the Premises S7QQ•00 per month for three manths commencing October 1, 1995; $1,�OQ.00 per month for seven months commencing January 1, 1996; and $1,400.0o per month for the balance of the five year lease commencing August 1, 1996. Rent shall be paid in monthly installmen�s, in advance, on the iirst day of each and every calendar month during the Term. 4. Trade Name. P.P.I• shall have the so2e and exclusive right to use the nane "People's Choice" in their use o£ the Premises. The fact that DWH entered inta this agreement, shall be rarever treated as confidential, and wi11 not be disclosed by DI+�T to any person except tneir lawyer, accauntant, tax preparer or as may be reauired by law or agreed to in writing by P.P.I• DWH recoqnizes and agrees that tne use of the name "Peonles`s Choice° was a signiiicant inducemert to P.P.S. �o enter intio this aareement ar.d that a portion of the rent described in section 3 is gaid in consideration o� this confidentiality provision. 5. Use. P.P.I• wil.Z use and occupy the Premises solely io= public entertainment and sociai purposes. P.P.I• wi11 not nse or occcpy the Premises io= any unlawful puspose, �nd wi1Z comgly with a11 present and future laws, ordinances, regulations and ordess of all governmental units having jur.isdiction over the Premises. DWH disclaims any warranty that the Premises are suiteble £or P•P•S•'s use and P.P.I. acknowledges that it has had a fu11 onportunity to maice its owa determination in tnis regard. 6. Assianment and SublettinQ. P.P-I• wi11 not assign, ��2RSi2i� IRO�L O?" encu*nber �f115 I�ease Or SL�''.�le� OS ren� OT ne�� occunancy or Lse o` the Premises, or any par� thereo�I�y any `Cii�.rC� p�iL'�� IIOr SIYd1.1 ZIly 2551CjRI12TIT. O? �S�cIlSZ2T Q� '��!1S Lease be I IXWBR � � 97-3 LEASE AGREEMENT effectuated by operation of 1aw or otherwise, without in each such case obtaining the prior written consent o£ DWH, which consent sha11 be subject to DWH's sole discretion. 7. Maintenance. P.P-I• understands it is leasing the Premises in an "as is" condition, which is at present not in first class condition. P.F•I• agrees to return the premises in the same, if not better condition at the expiration or �ermination of this Lease. DWH shall make all necessary repairs to the outer walls, roof, downspouts, gutters and basic structural elements and common areas of the building. DWH shall also make all necessary repairs to the portions of the building systems (plumbinq, sewage, heating, air conditioning and electrical) providing services jointly to the premises and other portions of the building. P.P.I• shall be responsible for all other portions of the bu5.lding systems serving the premises. Notwithstanding anything apparently to the contrary in this section, any costs of repairs or improvements to the building, to the premises or to any common areas which are occasioned by the negliqience or default of P.P.I•, its officexs, employees, agents or invitees, or by requirements of law, ordinance or other governmental directive and which arise out of the nature of P.P.I.'s use and occupancy of the premises or the installations of P.P.I• in the premises shall be paid for by P.P.I. as additional rent, immediately upon biliing. 8. Alterations. P.P.I. reserves the right to remove from the Premises any and all materials which in any way inter£ere w.ith the day-to-day runninq of their business or which aze in viol�tion of any St. Faul ordinances. DWA wi11 be contacted and have the option of takinq possession of any or a11 materials at that �ime; aI.I. other materials wi11 be disposed of at the discretion o£ P.P•I. All imarovemen�s paid £or by P.P.T. are subject to retention by B.?.I., unless said improvemen aze struczura3 in naiure. I= any mechanic`s lien is fiied agains� any part of the building io� work clai.med to have been done ior, or materiais iurnished to P.�•1•r such mechanic's Iien sha11 be dischargec3 by P.P.Z- within ten days thereafter, at P-P.I•'s sole cost and expense. Regardless of whether DW'H's consent is reauired or obtained hereunder: a?1 alterations shall be made ir.accordance with applicable laws, codes anci insurance guidel.ines, aad shall 'be performed in a good and wor]anar.ii.ke manner. P.P-I• shall not ins�all, without the orior consent of DWH, any eauipmeat whicfi wi11 or may necessitate any cnanges, repl.acements or additi.ons to, or in the use o=, the neatiaa, ventilating or air-conditionir.q sYs�en, or electrical system of the buildina. 9. Se� and Utilities. DTrtH sha11 �t�rnis'a heat, wazer, and el.ec'tric services to P.P.I. for their use in the oneration oi �heir busi�ess o. the Pre:nises duriag the CILr2i.1dR o= Lhis T•ease. 2 q7-� LEASE AGF2EEMENT 10. Insurance. P.P,I. agrees to purchase and to carry in fu11 force and effect commercial genera]. liab.ility insurance, providing coverage on an "occurrence" basis, which policy shall include coverage for Bodily Injury, Property Damage and Personal Snjury, in a combined single limit amount of not less than $1,000,000. I.1. Waivez and Indemnity. 11.1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, DwH and its partners, officers and employees shall not be liable to P.F.I., and P.P.I. hereby releases such parties from all damaqe, comgensation or claims from any cause other than the intentional andJor £oreseeabie mi.sconduct of DWH or its partners, officers or employees arising from: loss or damage to personal property or trade fixtures in the premises; lost business or other consequential damage arising out of interruption in the use of the premises; and any criminal act by any person other than DWH or its partners, officers or emplayees. 11.2. P.P.I. agrees to indemnify, defend and hold DWH and its partners, officers and employees harmless from and against any claim, 3oss, or expense arising aut o€ injury, death or property loss or damage occurring in the premises, except oniy to the extent caused by the intentional and/or forseeable misconduct of DWH or its partnes, officers or employees. DWH and its partners, offz.cers and employees sha11 be held liable if the cause was one they wese made aware of and did not rectify the oiiending circumstances in a reasonabl.e Zength oP time. 11.3. DWH agrees to indemnifp, defend and hold P.P.T. and its heirs, officers, employees, disectors, executors, ad�*ti.r_istrators, agents, and assigns hazmless iram zny losses, causes oi action or suits o� any kind or nature arising oL� a•`_ or rela�ing to claims arising under any £ederal, st�te, and locaZ statuie, ar requla�ion involving the previous ope=ation of People's Choi,ce by B.t3_T., Inc., a defunct Minnesota corporation wholly owned bg �he par�ners of DwH. DWH further agrees to indemrti�`y, clefend and hold P.P.i. znd its heirs, officers, emaloyees, directors, executors, admirristrators, agents and assigns harmiess £ram a11 common law claims for_breach of contract, invasion of nrivacy, promissory estoppel, personal injury or negligent retention and supervision whetrer developed or undeveloped invo?ving the previous epsration o£ Peonle`s Choice by 3.U.T., Inc_ I2. Default. �ny one o� tne following evenis saal? constitu�e an Event oi Deiault: (_) P.P.Z. s�a11 iail zo pay a^y monthl.y insiallmea� oi r2R� O?' �G S2i?� d5 f?E? nrovided, 'c-IlCj. SllCkl c��-a LEASE AGREEME23T default shall continue for a period of 15 days after the due date therefor; (ii) P.P.I. shall violate ar fail ta perform any of the other conditions, covenants or agreements herein made by P.P_I. and such default shall continue for 30 dags after notice from DWH. DWH agrees ta be reasonable under the circumstances, conditions, covenants or agreements herein made in finding P.P.I. in deEault. I€ an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, DWH may at its sole option by written notice to P.P.I. terminate this Zease. Neither the passage of time after the occurrence of the Event of Default nor exercise by DWH of any other remedy with regard to such Event of Default shall limit DWH's rights under this section. 13, Riqht of First Refusal. 13.1. If DWH desires to se11 the building subject to this Lease to any person or entity durinq the Term of tihis Lease and any subsequent renewal, DWH shall first offer such buil.dinq for sale to P.P.S. at the same price and on the same terms offered in good faith by such ather person or entity. Such offer sha11 be made by DWH by a notice given to P.P.I. The notice shall recite the price and other terms being of£ered in good faith by such other person or entity. P.P.I. sha11 have a peri.od of thirty days after receipz of the notice to accept or reject the offer. Acceptancs of the ofier sha11 be by notice given to the DWH. ,, I3.2. In the event that P.P.I. shal2 purchase the building from DSvH under the provision described above, P.P.I. sha11 receive as an offset to the purchase price tne cost oi any strnctu=al imnrovements it has made to tte builcting. Z3.3. Sn the event �hat P.P.I, sha11 no� gurchase ti?e bnildinq from DWH under the nravision described above, DTriu shal? reimburse P.P.I. £rom the proceeds of sa2e the cost o= any structural improvemen�s P.P.�. has made to the bu_lding. � 13.4. In the event that DWH shali seli the building to a party other than P.P.I., a11 provisions of this lease shall re*_aain in full force and ef�ect ior the full term of the leasa, including its renewal as provided in section 2 0£ tnis agreement. DWH acknowledges that in �aking this agree�en� that they rely whollg ugoa their own judgment, beliei and knowledge. DWH =urtner acknowledges 'tnat tney have careiuiiy read the foreyoir_g aareemeni ar_d understaad tI�e contea�s thereof and that they siga ihis agreement as their own fr=e act. DbvH iurther acknow?edges t'r_at � q� LBASE AGREEMENT they have consulted with and been rep=esented by an attorney thraughout the discussions which preceded the execution of this aqreement and that the terms have been completely read and explained by their attorney, and that those terms are £ully understood and voluntarily accepted by them, at that, except as otherwise indicated herein they sign this agreement for the axpress purpase of leasing the premises known as People's Choice, and precluding for as long as this agreement is valid any interest in People's Choice, and the management thereof. This agreement will be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. Lessor: Dated: Dated r�" � y � � -�7 �s r�ated: �b��- 71 �a9S ����,,��.�-- Edward Hayes; WHJpartner ' � � CU..�.�.-��7yt� John Tdilliams, DWAJpartner Lessee: i"�v�R� J e..�c.�2�cy��^� BY��� � y�b'F�- I�s CE STATE OF ?VII23NEcQna COUN'r'Y OF RAMSEY ss. k� The foregoing was acknowledged beiore me this 1 � day of Sentember, 1445, by Edward Hapes and by John Williams, partners of DTriH, on behali zs such Lessor. . )AiJIES S. Sil'cN �.° NOT��" ��•�L �C-MINNESOTA �1��r CH$$FG� COUM�i'�' rr co+.�asion ccn<ce �A:�. �7. 2090 � ���,.� �\�--. Natary Public LEASE AGREEMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA ) j ss. COtiNTY OF RAh1SEY ) q�-�aq The foreqoing was acknowledged before me this ��� dap of September, 1995, by 1�-EN� G-"��T�t��15 . CLO of Private Protection, Inc., on behalf as such Lessee. ¢ }AMES S. SI:EN Fe ":.�ti�r CHISAGO GOUN7Y �_': MY COMMIGSI�N ES�IPE] JAV. 3t. Z�0 This instrument was drafted by: James S. Si1en Attorney at I,aw �ttorney Id. No P.O. Box 48 Rush Ci�y, NSN- 231a60 55069. �� � �� No ry Public G :, , �� OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIV73 HEARINGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In re the Licenses of Private Protection, Inc. dlb/a People�s Choice 920 Selby Avenue CITY'S PROPOSED EXIiIBITS January 7, 1997 TO: Judge Richard Mosman, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the City's proposed exhibits for the Administrative Hearing on January 7, 1997. �ibit No. Exh. No. 1 Exh. No. 2 a Description St. Pau1 City Council File #96-1343 (6 pp.�; Notice of Hearing, dated December 3, 1996, with Affidavit of Service (4 pp.�; Exh. No. 3 License Application, dated March 17, 1996, with attached "Certification of Compliance with the Minnesota Worker's Compensation Law" form, license payment receipt, and "Minnesota Tax Identification Number" form (5 pp.}; Exh. No. 4 Exh. No. 5 Exh. No. 6 License Application, dated March 17, 1996, with attached September 27, 1995 "Lease Agreement" t9 pp.); Executive Summary, Business P1an, dated May 14, 1996, with attached April 23, 1996 letter from Brett Larson to Carl Green (5 pp.}_ Amended Articles of Incorporation of Private Protection, Inc., filed September 2, 1994 (4 pp. ) ; .� . Exh. No. 7 Exh. No. 8 Exh . No . 9--���//„s� r� Exh. No. 10 Exh . No . 11�"��,rG� � Exh. No. 12 Exh. No. 13 Exh. No. 14 Exh. No. 15 Exh. No. 16 Exh. No. 17 Exh. No. 18 Exh. No. 19��,,%/ory� �� Exh. No. 2� Exh. No. 21 q�-3� Property Ownership/Occupant Screen and Business License Manager Screen (4 pp.); April 15, 1996 letter trom Christine Rozek to Carl Green (1 p.); Executive Summary, Susiness P1an, dated April 15, 1996 (1 p.); April 26, 1996 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl/Earl Green (2 pp•?; Lease Agreement, dated September 1995 (1 p.); Letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek, received May 3, 1996 (1 p.); May 6, 1446 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl Green (1 p.); May 21, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek (3 pp.); June 3, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek {1 p.); June 10, 1996 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl Green (2 pp.); June 18, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek with attached affidavits from Carl L. Green, Curtis Olson, and Elizabeth Y. Green (4 pp.); July 22, 1996 letter from Virginia Palmer to Car1 Green (2 pp.}; July 23, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Virginia Palmer (1 p.�; September 3 "Inspector Response Data Entry/Update Screen" (2 pp.); September 20, 1996 agreement to conditions, signed and dated September 25, 1996 (1 p.). . .. � 97-�a` Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicable St. Paul City ordinances: St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.�5 § 310.06 � 310.17 Chapter 426 Respectfully submitted this 7th day of January, 1997. Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612}266-8710 � " - � OFFIC�jF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timolhy�tar.K Ciry AUOmey -- � �-�a5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Division 400 City Hall t S West Kelkgg Blvd Saini Pau(, Mmnesota 55102 NOTI�E OF HEARING December 3, 1996 Carl & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 55404 Telephone: 611 266-8110 Facsimile: 61119&5679 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. dJb/a People's Choice Dear Mr, and Mrs. Green: This is to notify you that a hearing�will be held.concerning the above-referenced license application pursuant to Chapter 310.05 and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code at the following time, date and place: Date: December 20, 1996 Ti.me: 9:30 a.m, Place: Room 42 City Hall-Couaty Courthouse 15 W. ICellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, NIId 551Q1 The hearing examiner will be an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Richard Mosmaa Administrative I,aw Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Aveaue South Richfield, 2�T 55423 Phone: 861-3331 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide for hearing concerning licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 31�, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or � � � Private Protechon, Inc. � d1bla Peo ple's Choice — City's E�. No. 2 ` �. � . 9�-�a conditions. The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has determined that conditions on the above-referenced license are appropriate and will recommend issuance of the licenses applied for subject to the conditions. However, at the hearing before the Saint Paul City Council testimony was heard by citizens in opposition to the issuance of the license. Evidence may be presented to the judge through the intervention of interested parties in the proceeding. ' The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62, and the procedural rules of Chapter 1400.5100-140D,840o of the Minnesota Rules and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. You have a right to be represented by an attorney, to represent yourselves, or to be represented by a person of your choosing to the extent not otherwise prohibited as the unauthorized practice of law. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all. parties identify themselves for the record. The City wi11 then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may , cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If data classified as not public (e.g. private or confidential) is admitted into evidence, it may become public unless a party objects and asks for relief under Minn. Stat. §14.60, subd. 2. A notice of appearance must be filed with the judge within twenty (20) days of the date of service of the notice of and order for hearing if a party intends to appear at the hearing, unless the hearing date is less than twenty days from the issuance of this notice . The undersigned will appear on behalf of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Please be advised that if you fail to appear at the hearing it may result in the allegations of the notice of and order for hearing � �} y � i ��-��9 being accepted as true and result in a determination in favor of the License Office to recommend conditions on the license. Very truly yours, � ��� Virgin�almer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessles, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Aearings, Suite 17D0, Minneapolis, MN 55401 Judge Richard Mosman, 604 Richfield Bank, 6625 Lyndale Ave. So., Richfield, MN, 55423 Nancy Anderson, City Council, Room 310 City Hall Peggy Byrne, Executive Director, Summit-University Planning Council, 627 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, 55104 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Ttmothy E. Marx, City Attorney g �_ � a CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Nonn Coleman, Mayor civit Division 400 City Hall I S West Kellagg Blvd Saint Paul, �nnesom SSIO2 Telephone: 612 266-8710 Fdcsimile: 6I2 298-5619 December 31, 1996 The Honorable Richard Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Mr. Carl Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 E. 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 554�4 Mr. Philip A. Shepherd Collins & Ingebritson, PA 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. d/b/a People's Choice Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the hearing in the above-entitled matter, which was continued until Tuesday, January 7, 199? at 9:30 a.m., will be heard in Room 1504 of the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paiii� i.ia'.I72S6�d. The City Hall Annex is located on Fourth Street, between Wabasha and Saint Peter Streets. Sincerely, �/� � � � Virgin a D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek LIEP "° � �1-'.;'f s.. t � ! � 9� &TATE OF MINNESOTA ) 5S. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY 1 JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and sa�s that on December 3, 1996, ehe served the attached NOTICE OF HEARING on the following named persons by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Carl & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. &15 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN. 55404 (which is the last known addresses the same, with postage prepaid, in Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of December, 1996. /� l/ .IJ //l< GliL�� � Notary Public . • RITA M. 80SSARD � hOTARY PUBLIC — h711:ti`c50TA RANSEY COUNTY ' MY�mn.ExpiresJSn.37.2W0� of said persons? and depositing the United States mails at St. � -� �=� � g � L CL�SS iII ciTY oFS.ai�r P�LL LICE\SE APPLICATION or ficeofLicense.In< w;�ens a�dEm�rzenme�tzi?:.�: e.ion ?50 S� Pncr St. Suim 309 Saim Pzul. AM1ianuou '9 (f . — _.�_i .�•� �._ (61'_726S909Jfa�(61^_):cb-9:13 _ ' �J�C�4 /'-^ T?��S APPLTC.4TI0\' IS StiBJECI' TO RE�ZEW BY THE PtiBLIC PLEASE 7YPE OR PRI1T L\ L\'K i ,, - �l� zf. . T}PeofLicense(s)beingappliedfoi: _;>2+"'%C ���, ll �� f�,t `� ��;�,*�S�'�c �dr';-z( ¢'—�-Y��-�•F-��SP_ � r Company \'us�: �F' r W�' r� t�Y �� L� C�� t rt Corp�ration / Pzra�ers.^.+p / Sole Propdetort.a If business is incorporated, gi��e date of iacc;poralion: � Boin� Business As: ��L ��C%,� 1� ;$ l�L BUSiness Address: Besiness Phone: ,3f'- '�� ��� Stree[ Address �- � ? � � � S / � � �y�, �JC Jr GtY // State Z Beeween what cross streeu is the business located? `�.�� - %Zf �4 j 7 l�JJlTft� Whjch side of the street? w� �t Ara the prer.rises now occupied? � V✓bat Type of Business? � '�7aii To Address: _� / � • 1 L � St�f �'f ������y k�'G li S �f✓ .SS���-/ Stccet Address City State Zip Applicant Information: \'azm and Tide: �.(l �`� �f t_ Home Address: �.r� � . C f'P � .� C�r2�r First yLddle (.Maiden) GSo�I Jf�m/e f R vt ..f'o - L�of Cc`o �� Title �� �� Sveet Address � ���— �—� ity State Zip Date of Birth: �- z-.3 "�e� Place of Bireh: �R �� X-f �re .� Home Phone: Y�B' %���1 Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violauon of any city ordinance orher than tr�c? YES _ NO � � Date of azrest: Chazge: _ Conviction: R'here? Sentence: List the names and residences of ttuee peisons of good moral cbazacter, living witfiin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related applicant or financiaily interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanYs chazacter: n��.� ADDRESS �!^.e���`het'SZ 3 �3� E. Gcgtn �t • TnvPY C�i f=--- �Ccc�t Flc�:v F'u Run 1ia ��* ��lzCctn List licenses which you currendy bold, forr�rly held, or may have an interest ia: �r�7e��-;Ve liavt't�5 'ti(,�r`,�Z_ , 4�r;�r��e lnvC��,a. PHONE iC�hts 55�-i¢s t,sS��3z� i,�n5` 1 ci L'� V r�•OM ��z � y: s K �� �a � >�� Have any of the above'£iazued licenses ever been recoked? _ YES ✓?30 If yes, list che dates and reacons fox revocation: � Are you going to opente this business personally? ✓ YES _:�O If not, who will operate ii? '' Fnt Name Middle Initiai ('.;aiden) Iast Date of Birth Homeqddsess: SaeeeName City Stau Zip Phone:.umber _ � Are eeu �eino to ha�e a r.�a��aer cr a:s.::_.; :; ti;i< bus;ne<:: }�ES comple� the fo!lo•,�i::: i :,orn:.ticn: �1t1 K,r`�� ��tf\ �� f.Fli S �"� i .`,� . F:stS�nr >^.io�e:ai�� ..`.ad^_') I.�tt .,.,.�ef3inh 'r.o:,z Ad: Speet \�� Plezc.e list pe=s es�lo��nt fustory fer �e rre��ie�s fice (_; ; zaz �riod: Buciness/Emoto�,—,ent �dd;ess �r',i!h �a l . Tnn.. (s15 ;- . If,�?� Str S�te P4e,-.e �um6er /✓�/.� f'F�rl ��rl+'n � �t� Tv,c 7 ��r~���n{Cn�'rYe�.L�',,ttnGe �`trove /✓�✓SSVirn J List a11 ocher o:ficers cf t6e cocg�:aac7: OFFICER TLE HQUtE HO'�'iE BliSI\'ESS DAI'EOF \A;vIE �{ 'fice Held) ADDRESS PHO�E PHO\B BIRTA til�z�l�e�i1 ��reFn ���retfer ��c� �n)irt t? YSs 4�93 3.z1.v� izyo-�s If business is a pazmership, pie��e inc}ude t�e iollowing inie::nation for eac6 partner (use additiona! pages if nececsary); :mu�i (.`.:aidenj 97 \O �fv�em.ma�er;snct:l;e>:r.x.�:.'�ae�r:or.Fiea�e Hoxs�Address S¢e.ei:�a� First'�`.me bTiddle Ir�iriei (?�faiden) '-iome Addrus: Sveet Name City Lzn Sczte Zip I,zst Stim Zip Date of Binh Phene Num�r Dace ot NiLNl�'ESOTA TAX IDE,\`TIFICATIO\' �'L'�'[BER - Pursu�t to the Laws of ?�Iinnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (I'ae Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing au[borities �-e required to procide to [he State of'vlinnesota Commissioner of Revenue, tbe :Minnesota business tax identification nu�Ser znd cbe cC;izl cecurity numbet of each license applicant. Under the'.vlinnesota Govemmeot Data Pracaces Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze requ'ued to advise you of the folloa�ing regazding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification rTUmb_r: �_ - This informatior.cray be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in che event you owe Minnesota sales, empioyer s withholding or motor vehicle ezcice tazes; - Upon xeceiving this information, che licensing authority will supply it only co the'vlinnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Depaztment of Reti�enue may supply tivs information to che Intemal Revenue Sercice. Minnesota Tzx Identification \'umbers (Szles & Use Taz \umber) mzy be obtaiaed from the State of'�Iinnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Pa:k Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Suurity?�'umber: '.vTinncsota Tax Idenafication \'umber: _ If a Minnesota Taz Iden�cation \�umbez is not requ'ued for t6e business being operated indicau so by pIacing aa "X" in the boz. 9�-3a9 CERTIFICA510S OF �6'ORKERS` CO�L'�\SATIO\ CO� ER4GE PliRSt AAT TO �^,I�\ESOTA ST.4TLTE 176.1 S^ I hereb}' cerufy tbat I. or my comaan}•, zm;n compliance �; ;�h �he M�e:kets' cor.•.pensa;ion insura�ce co��eraee requaemen[s of '�4innezota Statute 176.182, sath;ivision 2. I a1<o vndz:_c+,y�d Lhat pro� i�iea of false informatioo in this cercification conseimtes sufiicient grounds for ad��erse action a�ainst all licenses 6eld, inciudine re�rocaaca a�d suspension of said licences. tiame of Insurance Company: Policy N�m6er. Cocerage from to I have no employees covered undec k�orF:e:� comp�nsatioa :::.urance ANY F3LSIFIC:�TIO\ OF A\S��'ERS GIVEV QR �1L�TERIAL SLB�ZITTED R�iLL RESi:LT I\ DE\IAL O� THIS �PPLICATifl*� I bereby state that I have answered all of �e precedin� quesuans, �d that the infoxmauon contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belieE I hereby state funber that I have received no money or other consideration, by vray of loan, sifr, conuibuuon, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in che application w hich 3 berewith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fize, health and othet city offici�ls at any and all u�s when the business is in operation. n ����� 1'' �!U'�� '" Signa.ure (REQliIRED for all applications) /� **Note: If this applicavon is Food/Liquorrelated, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review p]ans. If any substancial changes to s�ucture aze anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Ezami¢u at 266-9007 to apply for buiiding permits. If there are any changes to the pazking lot, floot space, or foz new operations, pleue contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Additional application requiremenfs, please attach: A detailed description of the design, ]ocation and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The folloc�ing data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 81/2" x 11" or 81/2" x 14" paper): • I�'ame, address, and phone number. - The scate should be sfated such as 1" = 2A'. ^?.' should be indicated fovcazd the top. - PIacement of atl pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seafing areas, ldfchens, offices, repair azea, pazldng, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or er.pansion of the licensed faci['sty, indicate both the current ues and fhe proposed expansion A copy of pour Iease agreement or pr�of of ownership of the property. FdFt SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREME:VTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> ����a9 Lin^i1F;CRi:^✓H C�F CIkSPLiAKLi ViiH THE NIHNESGiA VJ^nKERS' C.'7`iPERSRTIOH LFV Accordin� .o BH Statutes 77b.�b2, ticcnsin5 agcncics arc prohibi2cd fro�n issuing licc.ticcs vi:hovi vcritication of xorkcrs covcrege. A LICE%SE AvACtUtTtOt Urv�T BE PROCESSEJ tniLESS THIS FORK 15 CUmLFT� StGtiED AWD RETUCkeJ (p(ccse print). questions on filling ovi this form sboutd be direc:ed to the Stcie of Rin�csota "spccial CmQcnsation furd° - 296•2157. r _ _. pa� T t>` , ��� �' i - Doin9 busincss as i �: . ; ,r � �t ! ..' ' last tirst mid3te fvlt busincss nar,�, if difSereM .han yoor Sociat Scwrity Mo. � �" � � frdcral Ei+Qtoyer 7D Ao. State SD Ro. Addrems ' - . �-� f ' . = . . ,�i .�, � , � s.rret ao�ress�or :oo:c n,rber ci:y ar toun namc statc namc zip ca - i., �; Business Tetep�one No. C�� 1r. 7 �'• "`"' `1= Hane iclephone Ho. t� �) '- ! - � Typc of H�siness ���'- ='" -�� i { �"•i � � .�- _ f � � �i�r'�.'1 �,�_1 ;t�� -`.� , t i , descrip:ion (for cxar.Qlc: buitding,consfruction; or togging; or cianufae.uring) Vorkcrs' Ccr.pensation =? �, .� - C ,,,_ n ` , ` �='ar.�.':!y PoliC H e�'A,�. . tnsuraxc Cor.y�eny uamc� s �'-� - : � . : �'' ' - Y o. . �. . . . �ull.rame o4 insurance cmp�ny C�Ot irtsurance a ent) tull nu�+Sc� from insurance policy �— _._.t t �t . � - .., ; � . : V i . ; , ,-. . .; ; 'l - a�" . � )� .. . _ , ( ;�,tt '.l�_,✓_ �4{�Kz � N'�Y'�z: Da:es ef Coverage � ihrorigh � " �} � '� ' � � �t,.,�, startin9 da2e erding Ca:c � '' < < . '�t � ` �;�" �' S certity that f am not reqvired :o carry uorkers' cmper,saTion insurasxa becauset ` � -"`F �' ��� ,�� ��". i� {=yscY. ^r�c� _ I am a sotc proprietor or� 1 have no cr.Qloyccs. t have no eep(oyecs �ho are covercd by tAC vcrkers' cmQensation lcv. (Only mployces who are specifically exenpted staiuie are naS eovere6 by the uotkers' cccper.saSion iav. These inctude: Spouse; Parents; Chjtdren, reyardless o{ a7 and farm tabor rnQloyeas of a,'amily farm tAat spent less xban S8,D00 for farm labor in thc prcrious wlcrda� ycar, I otfier workers uhose work activity is tontroltable by the essptoycr m.isi be covered.) 1 u�crstacd that the inforaatio� provided above vitt be vc�ificd by thc Nimeseia Department of Labor a.�d tndustry. undersiard ihat 1 am subject to a 15,000 penaltK, iF i e information is false. I ceriity that the intorrration provided abo is ecwratc aed ca�ptcic. '�, �� �� _ � % ^, r Siyned by � / �' i� 0 - , D32c �T �i `" �: , __._ - � [NO tocat licensing a9exy, 9en. contr., timber 6vyer or other yersonloryonization attir+9 as an interme6icsy to de4ives this to� to chc Dcpt. of Labor ard Irduztry shalt bc respon:ib�c for acwracy oi thc inlorn�tion provided by tTc person signing thc iorm. i R�� . -} (`� � Q ! � d�a1G: ~+ �t J/ _ � 12 a�a;.,>d O� 9.� /��nt �,.: c (= a�nvni ✓�a: l_euh: �Ceceiiat �or �ac�rreenf ! �` �C .�maunf 7�ec¢ivarL '/ �' 7 `' � / CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL OGfice ot Licrnse, Inspections and Environmental Prorection 3w St. ve�a St. smm 3ao Saw� PaW. Mimtmia 55102 (612) ib69100 C��6 yl,�&,.� 1� �//?�..t l��awod d3�: — i J I 9� -�a9 PLEASE hQTE - FASI,IIRE TO S�PLY THE FOLI,OAZNG INFORMATION AILL JEOPARDZ'�E OR DELAY THE PROCF',SS2bTG OF YOIIR LICENSE ISSIIA27CE OR RENEPiAI, APPLICATICN. MI2v"NESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION A Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72)(Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Co:ozaissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification nuiwer and tre social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the Federal. Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of this information; 1J This in£ormation �.ay be used to deny the issuance or r�:?ewal of your licer.se ?n the event you owa Minnesota sales, e�ployer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; 2) Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Department of 12evenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Infor�ation Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Minnesota Tax Identi£ication Numbers (Sales & t3se Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota - Business Records Department - 10 River Park Plaza. Phone: 296-6181. tipp�icanr.•s Social Security � { �f�2�k i'Yo� C � Iti- � I".� n � J`.> C. 1(,t ; i i? ! f' �' rL�,s �i r r'�: : f � � i� 5���'� 3�1-y,��= � � s- lJ ,.;...��� . Minnesota Tax IdentiPication Number: ',,.;,j�: (If a Minnesota Tax Identi£ication Number is not required for the business bein operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box. ) �J - l�� ,J � /�f�'�� ���� a6 S Signature Date ��� C �v � ��-�a5 0 •� / / � �(�� f15�i� '"4 AniendrJ ;Ai(�r't� ;�: luro:��o�.::�;u� ��s' Pn�:rt�' P���Irrhi�n. L:. . The undersigned incorpo�ator. bcing :� r.atur:il pei,rn� u1'+ui� .r +�,: t.,; puip.i,c „i ����n+in. .. COfQOCS(IOII RI7(Ief I�'t!l1I1�SUI;t SIl(US<�. � �t:tfll;'1 )�)���, il������ .lilu{:f+ �.�: :��ilC�i ��l Ineorporn6on set torth f�erein :�ttrrc'[_r: u��°e Section L01 N;1�d[ The name of the eorporat�on u 1'u�.n. P��rt��tuni. Inc :\R'11('LE l \\'U Section 2 01 REGISTERED OFFIC�E. Tl�t r�giilered of:ire ��t� tlin cur^or.�uun i. (ui:ited .�t / GIS East 16th Sireet, �'(mn�apo4is, i�t\ 5��1(�d �� AR"(fCLf: '1�f IRIiR; Sectio�t 3.01 INCORPOFtATOR ��i,e �,:�»,� ;t„�; :,�i�i,�., �>r �i,� :::.,,,��,,:.,;, i. \i:el�.i�:�.:n Beeks, Sr., 6t$ East IGth Street, `hnne.�poli<. �iX ��-!0�! AIt'I;C'Lt; PQl.tt SCCtion 401 CAP{TFV1_ Tlte a��reg:ne ntintbc; oC>h,c,. oC.!c•e� ��!':..L d:r to�;��+�.rt:� .h.di hace aud�oritt� to issua �s 1.000 sh:u�. 1K"Il('LE Pl\'(. SeCtiott .`+�1 Cn\�f�10\ S�I�(�C�h �I�heie �h;ul b�' ��i�. �':.. ;�„i .��.. �' �uuinnu; .!�.t„ consisllnk of �i0�) sh;ire+ :lll commor. <h:irc• .h.dl br �,:!u�,� .ir:�� i�.�.:•�:� ru�,_d ��_•'�r.� .:::.i m a{I matt�rs _ $acucn 5 0? CLASSES OF_AUA-�:(S�1_{A<� �lO<'I� li.; li�,.:�:: .�! [i.;�.'. ;r..��. I,� t,�:.: "--- to h�tie. estlbli;h bv resolution diffucni d.:>.,� u� ,�n� oi .L::::. ,�. .::: �.o,u;�• rch;. :��:,? mat� t'i� tiie n�hts (e�capf ��oLnu n,1it.) ar. � p�:l��irr.c_. rf... .. ..... . .. . _. , � ,.._ Sect�o:i 5 Q? :lC'"I O!_ l:lll�_tili;A!2'r.l_IOI 1)l:tt �I i�� �h.r.,:.n!d;�• •.. .._ .. ,... ..,._ af!irr,.....e ��ota �€� a ��tajon;�� u:� dr� �:•„���: { : :. _ .iia,;.:� ; _ _ _. �. _. .,,�_�. �, .. . _. ., d�.ii} held nteetin_ e�ce^r d;aL t.`i�• �L:u�i:cu,!,. ,..:ii ..... .., , . . . . .. ..... _ . .. . r ^ '�C...: O� :�i-.i \Ol::l; �)O�\CI' l;f :h.� �I;:!1� �17::1 p� . .. .. _ �,. .... ... , . . . . � � a`�,'{��% ..! ., � =� � /! i . . Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice —' City's Exh. No. 6 ., r , �7-3a9 0 ogo� :\IL'CIC'L(� >(\ Sec!ion 60{ fI�ST Bn:1Rn_QF 1�(RFC1'O�S Thr tlr.t Bo:ud of I)nrrtor. .t�.•II con.i.i uf three (3) persons ��ho.c names :ue rinthi�u;d� Ba.i.., ti� ll;r�i,. \\:�ti.�r. .....; (.,�f (n;��� Section 6.03 ACT OP TFfE BO.ARD. "ihe fSuard ot Du<•r�.��. .ir:!i i.J.c .i�;wn b� thr affirmative vote of all of the Airecte�rs Section 6.05 W`RiTiL'N ACTiO�. Any acuan ;equu�d �+r ivu:utt: � ta 1�.: t.+��iti ti�tt}tiuii; ,i meetin� by ws�tten act;on signed by all of dea directors, r�crpi .0 d�a,r inatt.r< ulvci3 rcqui�, shareholder app:oval, in which ca�e the acuon shafi br �� �nce1 b� .ill duce;"i. 1RTIC'I.E SE:�'F\ Sect�On 7.01 CU�IULATIVE V(�TINCi No f�older c+i',tuii. of ti��. ia�pot.t�;uit ,h;tll t�r entitled to any cumulanve voting ngSits :1RTIt'LB fSGH"{' Section 8.01 PRE-E�4P1lVL_it��ri_t_1_S �o holci�r nf �torl rf ih�� ernpur;;mr .h.�ll h:,« .tn� pre-emptive rights :\R"Il('LP \I\l SeCt�On 90; r�t�lE\[���1E�iT Si�h��e! tu \(ins� St:u iU:�1 t;� tivh J6 tlic.r �1�u�lr� ��I [ncorporation shall bo amended U� th� ;iftiun:unr �oir oi l��u��„ ,:( ;l�r ��.�!:nr po��,� rf d�. shares entitle�i to vote Ii_; -r, /; , ; �j �;' U $7ATE Or h11N':�E`SOTA DEPA£"M.f1T 0= STAT£ F;LED SCC V L i�:� � ,� ;._ � � L ��;c !!: :.� \ntfii;�.�:�.: �_.,:. ,; Inro;pora�o: (,�:� Fn.y lbth � \I!:;n.a� \1\ :-, . � ,:r J� � :� � � � /�.t��sb'sas�+.�r! ��� c_, s.-��-1; � - -� •f�� 9�-�a� ''� - - � i ��,rr:-.,, �TAT� �F 1 �T�:'��E5C�7'.': � -;. _ . � , �.._ . , r, �;L��,; ��CRFT.AR}' Or c7�,1Ti_ � �' ., � - � �.; .. � `e�" � '' :l;iTICLF.S C� ?'tiC (�i�PO :,1T:0\' :.� <. rr;. ;�,°. � �\�,L'.r..,.`' J3)1G177PLGfdLtf ��i'S.'r>7'r:f.? ( ;'�riv�ii" = � ,�^ � - � . PLEASE T'YPE OP iZL`T LEGIF>L2'iti £L,1C?: L�I:- %`� Ple:se ma? :ae d::cr::o;s on the re�; ex s:::e �xzo:a cnr-� "•.:�• -� -� A..: ::�ior:ra . :. c. :. .. ... : _ _,. .: . ...._ _ � � c: • r , TO EXPED:TE TFiE F.EI'C.Ti.1 OF YOLT. DOC[.:� P..-.-�iSF_ SL�C��J 1 A S"..:.:Pi 7, $C;.F-:1^7:^S$SLD L1 : i::-C;i i. Tha undersigned incorporator(s) is an {ase)indi�✓idua!(�; 18 years cf a�s or o!der a�d a��r' :he 1�;'o++in, a ��dES e' i�corpora:ion to form a(mark ONLY one;: !� .TY�I:-PROtiT BUSI\'F55 CORi'Gitr'.TIO:� (�:ap: °°14) .`�'O.'� i`RC.�r7T fOF:i'".,`RAP,:J\ (Ci •;••cr:;:','.� .SRTICi� 1 ti,a.'.fE "Chc *�amc o; �;��e to;� n �<: d >v���`�/��,�-� ��•- —»-----�. (busi.esa Co.` ozHon ru:nes must i�dude a rorf+o-a;e de.:�unon s•.�. as tr.v: c:at.c'.Conen_::c�n, Co;np..:i�', I.:.^t:'�v' cr an ahhr.���':� of cne o(those k•ox3sJ ARTICLb U FEGISTEAED O£RC£ ADDFESS A't AGLtiT 7'he rc�itemd offrce add:ess of the ebcporatlen ic: !��iS� /7 �( �'H!'. i✓0 %��%'/� _ � �----- �"%'✓ � S > "t'/J � {A mmp�Ce �treet ad&ess or n.ra1 route md Tun1 mute boz nemSev i nou'ved: t:�r addaess can:.at be a P.O. Bo+) C3h� The registercd agent at the abovc �ddress i<: -- �'— �' -- (IioteYouuenotf.yui>e+:lohav<a:e�istv+d+geni.l tia�e AR'i1CLE?71 SI-L1FE5 i � �., The mrporation is authorizcd to issue a!o,sl of ��'` -- shares. (Sf you arn e busincss eorjmration you r.iust �uthorv.c at icasi or.c �hare. S�onptoiit c�rpc �rat�ons 1n• not [�guin�3 in h��'c shs:« ) ARTICLEN LtiCORPORATORS 76Ve1. the aodersig�cd u+mrF+oramds) mrtih� t}u! I am (we are) auLhe:s.�: tu eam::c thcx• a�slc; and t*�t !hr v^!or�.�lina m t}+rse v.^.�drs:x true and mr. ¢ct 3 p\'e) ako urulersta�7 du� d a�y o.'th'v cdoz�ahon a v'+ten!icsa:h .+s kno..'m�lv nuse:a`ni f 1v! ev:vn+l rrn�;ars wiD aj p!e e� i�l hdetRaedthev�artide5u.�deroa!h [P.�m'dcthomm�aor!�d+.o....f�...6�- �-- r..a..�_ ...._... ` .. :........... �nmr�:at�n or, an additior.al shcet i`. c•.+u havc m�s. tlun t..�o �.�cu:�c-ato:� ) ,- ! , i ' . , � � '" i� , Y " .,,,, iC(._i-.. � )<✓�t .�t � _��L�j �___�GI� , [�.i � •i— l /�/.%''/ �jVSIIf< = V S�.TC� �i:l' f J�J�C ZI'� .� / SIL;i11�'-° . �J ^~\ \ \ / �I j `' 1 1_ \ L /'/). Jl �1 'i,i/ _> '�1 �icL,.'.t f�Cl':/) '�'_,_y, r__—_„(�c_,_i:-_.�-�.�__;_''f l, , ;� Stmet ' � CiN S:��e Zip Si�.vtirr Lu; thr5tarda:d Ind•,u:-i�! CL-ssi4ca:ios Coce iStC) that aos: ace: �:c y desc� :Se nah:re ot !he bu<iness of tM� ec:ro:a6e.^.. Seiec: or.c of tSe 2�igi: SIC Ca3�s I<4d oa :i�e ::ac.tis:do o ,^: :or^i. --- I'nnt r. mc an: n'�ono r.umt.-r u! n•non :o 1+c mr.t.v^..�i :i :Srr. n��,n.<:�, :: al.r.r :ix :�.6:�: o! 9v�..o s:u, i.�. C:•;l9iSa Rnv W:.•� � , _ . '�` '�.� <�9'.�f:,� . � ;/.�'_._ --_ "_ "_ _ ' N.�:n.. + i� S1.;.4 ( �i � f 1 a- '_ '_" �i;..o. ..... .. State Zii � C � 4�. v�.'c '��F 9�-� �9 l R-N� °.4�-� �' m l^ b ` .! C� G��` � � Y � � E R'L f �' ` �` � ��. <"� �.r�v� M�.+�- � �^'��. :I_-�a- N + `f `�?' �. �.�j" N �,'!� `9'+���f ! Pnf� "'"'_ __"""t'L�� n-.'_ �: i 1 4 T ;_ ,r.'� �_ °"� � `— e: M �. � _� ' f __ _"'__ _ ' __ � LL Y ,. Y � � � � s��-�, S �'.i U n � .��" �'° F�" n �:; .. __. � � �°:' _ ¢ i� � *� x: ;�' r w ,r_ • !', __ ._.._.. ' ': ii.__._.... ...�, t' c" '' 4tJlf clOilt7 g-;� �=}.i.� iE 1Jf1'O_C J?`_'' :''8'_ `r_" "'_ _,'i thi� , �d=� i�� '_F.: Jtf,-- -` t�i� ��F•_:@t�' _�; �`_3�=, .`_. *_:.2 incarpo:._i�: o_` �he �� __;�:ors`_i�n _.,°er ar.;_; i;� accor� »i:.h ^ro��.�'- _f ``h" -`:=n`_=. __ ..:nr'=s--'- =h_�tli�z� i18t?�� �'°_1�_N. ":� � x ,'�"b;:;:4 7 ,__�'. -.;'_"_" _'_ ' '--tc_> __ "__- '� i;� - . �, . � _ .. � , �_.,'f; _� . ii:, u_• Cc'_" t.R84. ,.._iCi_., __ �L�==iL•J!'3_.-'� -���',� 1t113 C�CPJY_!'10*l :5 Rfi'�+` 18�7���'i C o:il.^.���� D:7��=: Y��F 13n� O� T'i1r�C1�5C�C•=. �:��rporeta .._:,�: .�iva'_e E'r,�te�L:_,. . i:.y�rpoCdhF �:;;ar_ar P7u,-bU:: i�`-b�� Chac�tz: F��rc,_d 'Jnd?r: �G2;, Th];, CeCriTiC3F,? r�35 f�aEl'S 155U?C� v. U7�'Lr, l�i=. � �; � �-u.�u✓.li—..i, 5�_'c.'�ry �E 5�.:.. s�'. e� CITY OF ST PAIIL CAF ID House n JNIT � 0239300920 00920 Occupant:LEROY DANI�LS P 1: 02282321015b Parcei Code 2: 0766�0001003 FEE NAME q�-3a9 Date: May 1E PROPERTY OWNr2SriiP STRBET NAME OCCUPANT.SC3�EN SELBY AVB CONSTR YR Ward Dist Tract Blk O1 08 35400 408 Aomestead Name(s) 1:EDWARD I-LAYES JOHN WIL�SAN',S L�ROY DANTE 2:1484 SHERBURNE AVE 3:ST PAUL MN 551042415 4: TAX I3AME l: 2: 3: TAX DESCRIPTION 1:BEG AT NE COR OF LOT 1!H S 2:QN E L 83 38/100 FT TA W 37 3:09/100 FT TH N 10 50/100 FT 4:TA W 21 87/100 FT TH N 7 5:02/100 FT TH W 1 OS/100 ?T SMITA AND 1: 2: 3: Zone 1:&-3 2: 3: 1: 2: TAYLOR'S Description General Business ADDITION IIsage Recreational Subuse CLUB/ASSOCIATION HAT / 1�11��■ Private Protection, Inc. — d/bia People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 7 9�-�a� Date: May 1 BIISINESS bTCEPiSE MANAGER SCREE21 License ID 17996 Name JOHN WILLIAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 1484 Street Direction Unit Street Name SHERBURNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 1:11974, 11073 2:CITY COUNCIL APPROVED RENEWAL OF THE PRIV CLUB LIC 3: �N A LIST OF CLASS III RFNEFIAL5 4:093087 CITY COL7NCIL AMENDED C.F. 87-1121 ADOPTED O 5:N 080487 TO ADD CONDITIOIQS TO BUT, INC. DBA PEOLP[ 6:S CHOICE C.�'. 87-1428 7:0407&8 PH ON CONSIDER SUSPENAING PRIV CLUB LIC FOR 8: 30 DAYS FROM 4/15/88 TO Sj15/88 APPROVED CF 88-49 Env Notes 1: 2: 3: 4: �r�-�aq Date: May 15 Bt3SINESS LICENSE MANAGER SCREEN License ID 17946 Name JOHN WILLIAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 1484 Street Direction Unit Street Name SHERBURNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 9:9 10:052389 PFI DATE OF 062189 & 062389 BEFORE AN ADMINI ' 11:STRATIVE LAW JUDGE SET 12:072589 PH ON REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE - 13:LAYED OVER TO 480889 14:080889 REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE PRESENTE 15:D AT COiINCIL ° DISCUSSION PROMPTED DECISION TO REV 16:OKE LICENSES Env Notes 1: z: 3: 4: . . ��-�a9 Date: May 15 BUSINESS LICENSE MA2tAGER SCREEN License III 17996 Name JOIiN WILLZAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 148A Street Qirection Unit Street Name SHERBt3RNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 17:081589 ALL LICENSE5 REVOKED EFFECTIVE 8j27/89 - C. 18:F. 89-1489 19: • 20• 21: 22: 23: 24• Env Notes 1: 2: 3: 4: O}'FICE OF LtC£\SE. ]SSS'ECT10`�S A\D E\�'7R0\\fE\7.�1LPROTEC710\ Rohert 1,'assier. Dvector THE CITY OF SAlNT PAUL Norm Colemon, Ma}�or April 15, 1996 Privafe Protection lnc. (PPI) Cari Green 615 E. 16th St. Minneapolis, MN 55404 LO(347ppR0�BSS701�:iL BUILDIFG Surte 300 ??0 St. Peter Stree! SRrnt Pau1. A; Innesata 55702-I510 RE: License application #57870 at 920 Sefby Avenue Dear Mr. Green: �-�a Telephone: 6J?-266-9D90 Faccrmile: 6J?-2669099 6L?-?66-9124 The Office of LIEP has begun the review of your license appGcation at 920 Selby Avenue. At this time, the foliowing documentation has not been submitted: 1) lease or purchase agreement for the premise at 920 Selby Avenue Also, i� subsequent exchanges of various voice-mail messages, you have indicated a desire to change your application from a dance hail to a cabaret, which raises a number of questions regarding the conduct of business at that location. As i have indicated on your answering machine, I would like you to come in to meet with Kris Schweinfer, Senior License 4nspector, and me to discuss your license application. We will need to see a copy of your licenselpurchase agreement and a plan fior your business which inciudes, but is not limited to a description of your intended hours of operation, method of operation, security measures, parking availability, and the age of clientele you hope to attract. Piease call me at 266-9108 or Kris Schweiner at 266-9112 as soon as possible to set up your appointment. A Council hearing wiil not be set until these issues are resolved. Sincerely, - j . f �' 1[!��L.� �.i IW�..� LM��� / J Christine A. Rozek Deputy Directar ��� cc: Robert Kessier Kris Schweinler Ginger Palmer 1 iAL �� 4-� �" �",`, �"' `�' .�N����� � ���� � Private Protechon, Inc. ! d/bla People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 8 �. THE CITY OF S�I'.�T PAUL !�'orn� Colempn, Ma��m Aprif 26. 1996 Private Protection, lnc. �': �� fari Green 615 E. 16th St. Minneapolis, MN 55404 OFFICE 6F 3JCE'�SE, INSPLC'rIOKS AVD ESCIP.O�\:E\7AI. FROTECTtOti i?ohan Xrstler, D,reclOr LOIS R ypp,OFESS10h',SL IJUI4D7NG Smte i00 : SOS� PererS;�eet SoruPQUI d!mretom551@-ISlO RE: ticense Appiication #57870 at 920 Seiby Avenue Dear Mr. Graen: ! Tefephane.'612-�66-9090 rACnmile: 61:-_669D99 6/1-:66-9!_4 � At a meeting on 4l17l96, in the LIEP office with Kris Schweinler snd me, you �vere informed that two significant items were missing from your ds,^ � h�l! a�;,;icati�n for 920 Selby Avenue - a site pian and fease agreement, Subsequent to our meeting both of those items were received in the L{EP office on 4f18/96. F4o�vever I am unable to approve the lease because of the foilowing: 1} The lease is signed by Dennis E. Watkins of PP{, the �•c�rporate applicant at 920 Selby. However, Mr. Watkins does not appear as an officer of PP! on your ficense application. In fact, you wife, Elizabeth Green, is listed as the sole officer. How does Mr. Watkins have the authority to sign for PPI if he is not an officer of the corporat+on? What role will Mr. Watkins play in the operation planned for 920 Selby Avenue? These issues must be resoived before LfEP can make a recommendation to the City Council regardir.g your application. At our meeting tCris and i also expressed concern regarding your intent to operate your business until 3:00 AM Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. This ofEice wili not support a 3:00 AM ciosure and wiil request that conditions be placed on your license that require an earfier closure. • P� a� P�rotechon, Inc. • d/b/a People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 10 � April26, 1996 G� Priva!e Protect"ron. in;, Finally, PPf requested that the ficense applfed for be changed from a dance hafi to a cabaret. You and your wife indicated that you felt a cabaret 4icense wauld give PP{ more control over t�^�a activities at 920 Seiby. The {icense appiication wi{{ be changed to ref(ect your request. 7he fes for bcth licenses is $164.00. P(ease 4et me know if you F�ave funher questions or concems. { will Iook for your written respo�se within the next week. Sincerely, -� T � �,�,'��.,�.� � ,_�� -+ � �t-� tc. � Christine A. Rozek � � `� Deputy Director 266-9108 CAR/jl cc: Robert Kessler\Director UEP Kris Schweinler/LIEP Ginges Palmer/City Attorney s�-�a5 PRIVATE PROTECTION, INC. bl.i East lbth Street, Loa•er Level Minneapolis, Ml�t 5�404 (612) 321-4840 Christine A. Rozek Office of License, Inspeaions and Enviranmental Protection Lowry Profession.,1 B::::dina Suite .i00 350 St. Pecer St. St. Paul, MN 5�102-1510 Ms. Rozek, I would Iike to respond to a Ietter that you sent to me in order to clarify a few things. i. Elizabeth Green is not listed as the sole officer; Carl Green should also be listed as an o�cer. 2. At the time the lease agreement was signed, Dennis E. Watkins was an officer of the corporatioa and had the authority to sign such an agreement. He will play no role in the operation of any business conduaed at 920 Selby Avenue. If there are any other questions ot concems that you have, please do not hesitate to coatact me. ^,^� � j% , / � --'. Cazl L. Green CEO Private Protection, Inc. cc: Kris Schweinler - cv i ',;`�� � Pr Inc. ■ —' dfb/a People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 12 �i�-��.9 swxux lAU L � w*� THE CITY OF SAitiT PAL�I. hbrm Calemart, Mayor May fi, 1496 Te:epnorte: 6! ?-166-9C9G Facs�m;te: 6i 2-. •+69099 5J?-?66-91 >t Carl Green PPI 615 E. 16th Street Ivlinneapolis, lv�' S5�04 OFFICE OF L10E?:SE, IFSPEC770AS A,tiD £'.�\7R0;� �fE':TAI, PROTECTION RoberLKerrler, Dveclar LOWR3'PRO�cSSJO.�'�,L BUILDAG Smfe i0P 350 St. Peter Stmet SaintPaul, AL�nssota SSl D2-JSt 0 Re: License application #57870 at 920 Se1by Avenue Dear Mr. Green: As a result of your ]etter to me (undated) which was received in this office on 5(3l96, it appears that several coaections need to made in the class three license application form that you have submitted for a cabaret license at 920 Seiby Avenue. The application asks for all officers of the corporation and you have indicated to me that that section was not completed properiy because your name was not included. A copy of your current application as we31 as a blank application form has been included with this letter. Please resubmit you application with the conect information in every category. You must also complete the sections on Ta�c Identification numbers and Workers' Compensation. You also indicated in your letter that the lease agreement that you submitted to LIEP was signed by an individual who has no standing with the corporation. There is no record in your application of Dennis E. Watkins as a corporate officer, yet he has signed your lease as the CEO of the corporation. We request that you submit a new ]ease that has been signed by all of the prop�r parties. Elizabeth Cneen is the only possible signatory of the lease for PPI, according to the records that you have previously sent to LIEP. Ifyou have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 266-9108 or Kris Schwein7er at 266-9110. Your hearing wili not be scheduled before the City Council until your application includes the corrected application form and lease agreement as requested in this letter. Sincerely '' 1 „�,,,1 , �.� �-�1? � ��� Christine A. Rozek J Deputy Director cc: Robert Kessler Kris Schweinlet Cringer Patmer ���� ■ Private Protecrion, Ine. '-' d/b/a People's Choice —' City's Exh. l�TO. 13 ,�, 9�-� a9 (612) 321-9840 PRIVATE PROTECTION, INC. 615 East 16th Streec, Loa Le� Minneapolis, 'dIN 5�4C� Christine A. Rozek Officz of License, Inspections and Encironmental Protection Lowry Professional Buildin� Suite 300 35� St. Peter St. St. Paul, MI� 55102-1�10 May 21, 1996 HAND DELIVERED Ms. Rozek, I do not ask LIEP or the City Council to suppon this business, what I want is for you not to impose any restrictions or the cabaret license, they would unlawfully restrict rights protected by the Constitution of che United States of America. This applicant has no history of violations of the laws and ordinances that apply to public health, safety or morais. Funhermore, the Council, nor official community organizations have a basis for saying no to our abilities to profitably manage a legitimate business on Selby Avenue and Milton Street or anywhere else in the City of Sc. Paul, whether or not the neighborhood is described as a magnet for drugs and having a history of violence, or the fact that some other African American business owners could not manage under such conditions and/or circumstances. Personalized decision making under conditions of complexity, uncertainty and interdependence requires a variety of skills. Sincerely, ) � ^ � 1� 'f � X'./,� � j�./,� f , Yf ��`,�.�;,/ Carl L. Green CEO Private Proteaion, Inc. � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/bla People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 14 :� g�-�a9 I cenify that the lease agreement made as of SepLember 27, 1995 by and between DWH, a Minnesota partnership ("Lessor'� and Private Proreccion, Inc. ("PPP'�, a Minnesota corporation ("Lessee") is a�'alid lease agreement and Carl L. Green, CEO of PPI, has re- signed such, and saJd agreement will be enforced by any of the current listed officers of PPI. � t� � � J �l (� �' � '�i�. Notary Public � ,1ANE R. FETERSON � � NOiHRY QUB�IC — tlati?lESOTA �� DAKOTA COtSNTY My Comm. Exp�res Jen. 31, 2W6 ■ • �z �a ���� �� ; , q7-�a9 ElECLTIVE SUi�ti�1ART Plans for cabaret Iicense ���e intend to offer sQeakers, fashion shows, comedy, music, and dancing in Lhe rel�ing atmosphere of a reaaurant. There has been no decision made as to when and how ofcen this enlertainment �-i11 be offered; this wi11 depend on our market resezrch. Cabaret Hours The cabaret will not be an even occurrence. There will be no set hours for operating such; it a-i11 depend on the availabiliry of speakers, groups, comedians and the tame of year. The cabarec will be used as a marketing tool to generate clientele foz the restaurant; it will never exist as a separate entity for social purposes only. We a�il1 be constantly searchLng for the *ighc balance with respect to the cabaret that will ailow us to significantly increase the revenue of the :estaurant in such a way that would not exist if People's Choice was solely a restaurant. q�-3ag PRIVATE PROTECTION, II��C. 61� East 16th Street, Loz Le��el D4inneapolis, MN 554�4 (bi2) 321-9840 ChrisTine A. Rozek Office of License, Inspectier.s and Encironmental P.o�ection Lowry Professional Building Suite 300 3�0 St. Peter St. St. Paul, ?v11�T �5102-1�1C June 3, 1996 HAI�� DELIVERED Ms. Rozek, I am writing to inquire about the status of the cabaret license for 920 Selby Avenue (People's Choice). I fail to understand u LIEP's concern regarding the lease zgreement is. We have received permission from the owner to open a business operating a restaurant and bringing in live entenainment. According to the application, this is all that is required. If there is some other statute covering the lease agreement, please present it for my review. Surely there is a statute of limications for che timely processing of our application. If the time limitation has been exceeded, we would appreciate the expedient processing of our application for a cabaret license. We have been patient thus far, but would appreciate additional informaLion as to the status of our application and reasons for any delays. Sincerely, ! `�� �. ` ` _ , . . Carl L. Green CEO Private Proteaion, Inc. ������ Private Protechon, Ine. '— d(b/a People's Choice � Cit.y's Egh. No. 15 OFFICE OF IJCE:vSE, P..'SPECTiO:.S AND ENt'IRO?:ME.\TA1. PROTEC270M .RobertKeaeler, Director THE CITY OF SAP�T PAUL No-m Coteman, kJayor :,GNRY PROr'�SSIONrtL BUILDING Swt¢ 30✓ :50 St. Peler Sveei Smnt Pau1, Mm.a,.: �!a 55102J570 June fl 0, 1946 �arl Lee Green 9504 Hamlet Avenue South Cottage Grove, MN 55016 RE: Application for Cabuet License at 920 Selby Avenue Dear Mr. Green: G�-3 a5 ielephone: 6l1-266-9090 F'acs�m; ie: 6/1-2669J�S 612-1b6911! We have racelved your most recent correspondence regarding the application for a Cabazet "B" Yicense for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paat, Ivfin.nesota. After reviewing the entire fi(e to date with the City Attorney's Office, we have determined that we need some additional infornsation to finish processing your application. Pursuant to Sa�nt Paul Legislative Code 426.05(2), your application must contain "names and addresses of the property owner, the business owner, the lessee, the manager or operator and, if a corporation, atl the names and addresses of the officers of such corporation, and any other person or corporation which may have a financial interest in the premises to be licensed. Because your application has significant inconsistencies regarding the structure of the corporation, Private Protection, Inc., which is applying for the license, we will need information in the form of corporate or business records, minutes or other documentation regarding the current stockholders and officers of the corporation. A notarized statement by you of the officers will not be considered sufficient. We will also need specific information regarding the pians you have for use of the building. In your application, you indicate plans for a restaurant are in the future, but also tefer to the cabaret being enjoyed in the "rela�cing atmosphere of a restaurant". Pursuant to 426.04 (4) ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code your application must include a"description of the services to be offered". • Private Protechon� ■ — dibla People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 16 G� -32y9 Page 2/3une 10, 1996 Carl Lee Cnee�z Additionally, under the Cabaret ordinance, 426.05(c), the Saint Paul City Council has an obligation to consider reasonable facts or circumstances relating to the public health, safety and welfare. Your intended use of the property is crucial to determination of the po<ential suitability of tha ares or neighborhood and the possihle traffic and parking problems. We will hnish processing your license agplication when we have received the above information. Sincereiy, ��� � � Christine A. Rozek Beputy Direetor cc: Robert Kesster/I�irector-LIEF' Ginger PalmerlCity f�ttorney Councilmember 7erry BlakeyiWazd 1 Gerry McInemeylWard i I{ris SchweinlerlSa. License Inspector C�l �i� PRIV �TE PROTEC�IO�, I`�C. 6li East 16zh Streer Loc Le. Minnezpolis, D1N 5�4G4 (6L) 321-934Q Christine A. Rozek O$ice of License, Inspecciors and Envi:onmenLal Protettion Lowry Professional Buildin� Suite 300 3�0 St. Peter St. St. Paul, MN >j102-1�10 June 18, 1996 HAND DELIVEREA Ms. Rozek, Please find enclosed affidavits and informacion you have again requested. I request �hat LIEP submit the license application for a cabaret "B" license to be used at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul to the City Council at the next possible meeting. I plan to view any funher delays in the processing of our application as a denial, and will present the application and supporcing information to an administrative judge. You cannot delay, place restrictions upon or deny our application or subsequent license based on what you think may happen. Prior restraint is unconstitutional. Furthermore, we derive the freedom to stsuaure our corporation under Chapter 302A of the Minnesota Business Corporation Act. To question or to request changes be made to said structure that conforms to Chapter 302A, is denying us our right of equal treatment under the law. If further information is required, check with the Secretary for the State af Minnesota; a complete and up-to-date record of all relevant corporate activities is kept on file. 3incerely, ,�! l . ' /'. �- . ." Carl L. Green CEO Private Protection, Inc. � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 17 G� - 3�9 AFFID�V'IT OF C�RL L. G�EEti I, Car1 L. Green, being first duly sz �pon oath, depose znd state as follows: 1. I submit this :ifidacit ia respc^se to the charge of significant inconsistencies regarding the structu:e of che Cor�oration and plans tor the building by Privzte Protection, Inc. (PPI) �hich is ap: ?ying for a cabaret "B" license for the premises aT 920 Se1by Avenue, St. Paul, Minr.�sota. 2. I have read the charge alle�ed bv the License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection committee and ChrisLine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies regarding the structure of the Corporation and plans for the building. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Stockholders of PPI. No one else hzs a financial in�erest. 4. Curtis Olson was promoted from Operations Manager to President of PPI on or about May 5, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Curtis Olson. 5. PPI has already submitted specific information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhibit A. This ea�hibit consists of five {5) pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive suznmary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located east of ihe establishment on Selby Avenue}. FURTHER APFIANT SAITH NOT. � '�� � �f /'✓�J�✓ Carl L. Green Subscribed and swor to before me this ���' day of tt-�:�- , 1996. ��--,�ri 1�1�� e�� Notary Public � • � SANDRAA LEONARD � NOTARY PUBLIC— M{MNESpfA MY Wmm. Exyiras3an.91.2700 A�FIDAVIT OF C�`RTIS OLSO`1 q� -� a9 I, Curtis Olson being fi;st enly sc, o:� uaon oath, depose znd state as follows: L I submit this affida��it in resoorse to the charge of significant incoasis��ncies regarding the structu:e of the Corporatioa and plans for the building by Private Protection, Inc. (PPII mhich is applying for a cabaret "B" license for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. I have read the chzrge allesed by the License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection committee and Chriszine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies re;arding the structure of the Corporation and plans for the buildin;. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Stockholders of PPI. No one else has a financiai interest. �F. I, Curtis Olson, was p:omoted from Operations Manager to Presidenc of PPI on or about May �, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Cunis Olson. 5. PPI has already submitted spedfic information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhibit A. This er.hibit consists of five (5} pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive summary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located east of the establishment on Selby Avenue). FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NOT. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 � day of � u-*�= , 1996. 1 ��� P � �� � --_` �� \ k Y� 1 � � - � kt ' �� � No ary : � � �/ ����-c`'� Curtis DIsOn ' �n�rmrmnnnn: � A4�RY MARGARET 6fACDdNAtD � �� 3 NOTARYPUBLIC-MINNES07A NENNE?�VGOUNTY t ��lly C�m!s,len E, rss Jan. St: 2966 ✓wNn.l.vwv � � � G�-�a� �FFID�VIT OF ELIZ_�BETH �'. GREEN I, Elizabeth Y. Green, bein� =irst duly s�'o:n upon oath, depose aad stace as follows: l. I submit this affidzait in respor:se to the chzrge of significant inconsistencies regarding the structwe of the CorYOration and plans for the building by Pricate Protection, Inc. (1'PI) z-hich is appicing for a cabaret "B" license for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. I hace read the charge alleged b� the License, Inspections, and Encironmental Protection committee and Christine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies :egarding the stmcture of the Corporation and plans for the building. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Scockholders of PPI. No one else has a financial interest. 4. Curtis Olson was promoted from Operations Manager to President of PPI on or about May 5, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Curtis Oison. 5. PPI has already submitted specific information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhihit A. This exhibit consists of five (5) pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive summary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located eazt o£ the establishment on Selby Avenue). FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NOT. � �i�-Z � ��t � ' � �� � � ;.� i . Eli berh Y. Gree Subscribed and swor so before me this fJ� � day ofC� ✓G� , 1996. ,� C�--� 1. � SUSANJ.VENNERSTnDM i'� .YC�hRYPUBL:G-MINNE ""�; HENNEPINCOUNTY .-'%� MrCOMMISS�ONE%PiFES'3'-:A _ ,� SwINi TADL � **�A CITZ' OF SAINT P.-�GL ,A�orrn Ca(cman. 31m July 22, 15°6 Car1 Lee Green 9504 Na��let Averu� �outh Coctage Grov2, I'\' SSOi6 OFFICE OF THE CSTI' .4TTOR\El' 7'.mn�ln f. 1lartt Crn .4+tom:t (� � �� 7 c» d n,:�,�,o :f0 C+n� Holt ( r N est 1:el7ogg Bh'd. Scmt Pau1, Afinnesom t t) p? 7c7epltont 61� :56�S�10 Facsunile: 61� :9S-.i619 RE: P.pplication :or Cabare� -_c=nse at 920 Selby Av=ru° Dear Nr. Green: I have reviewed �he letter you sent to Christine A. Rozek at the Ofzice of License, =nspectio�s and Environmental Protection, dated June 18, 1996 in res�onse to :�er letter o£ June 10, 1996 requesting additional information needed to process your application for a Cabaret "B" license for the �remises at 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The LIEP office requested specific additional information to iinish processing your license appl_cation in the form of: 1) corporate or business records, minutes or other documentation of your current stockholders and ofiicers if the corporation, and 2) specific information regardir.g the plans you have for use of the building. The information which you returned, in the form of affidavits, is not what was requested, but is instead an affidavit asserting the £acts which they wish to know. Ms. Rozek's letter of June lOth was quite clear that they did not want additional aifidavits, but needed corporate records, by-laws or other information to substantiate the coxporate s�ructure_ This information is not on record at the State, which hGs only youx name as the CEO of Private Protection, Inc, buc no information as to other officers, directors or stockholders. :he Office of the Secretary of State indicated that the information is ty�=cally in the by-laws, which are not filed with the State. The request for this information is not an attempt to change your corporate structure, nor is the request for legitimate information under the licersing ordinar_ce an attempt to delay your license. Based on all of the submissions to date, it appears that you and your wife are the sole stock�olders of the corporation, that she is a director of the corporation, you are the CEO, and Curtis Olson is the President. We are still requesting documentation in the form of � � Private Protect�on, Inc. — d!b/a People's Choice — City's Esh. No. 18 � . q�-�a� the corporate by-�aws cr �^eeting minutes to cca��r^, that lIITOYPIdtlOR d?1d 1L _i. 15 : O� YECE?1V2C7 vV AllC3USt 2, 1J �}:z�- «"_l� be considered in �_-?'s �ina= determination. The June 10, 1996 _e*ter a_so requested additional information about the nature o� �he pla:s for use of the building, based upon the iact tha� you r=�erenc2d plans ior a restaurant, but had not applied ior a rest�urant =_cense. You have now submitted aa application ior a r>staur�^� _icense, and that application will be pYOC25S@Cl along w' �^ LL2 CGD:1"2i- "'�° d`J�J� 1Cct1CZ1. Piease feel �ree te co:�tsct -= ii you have any questior_s regarding rhis ma�ter_ Sincerely, --� �/C�/!U.��. �J ., !�- � , J V1Yy�'1?112 D. ?almer Assis�ant City Attc�r_°y cc: Christire 3ozek, Ci__ce c: LIEP � ��: INSPECTOR RESPONSE IIATA E23TRY/UPDATS SCREEN License ID 57870 Busihess Name PRIVATE PROTECTION INC Business Address 920 SELBY AVE DBA PPIJPEOPLE'S CHOICE Date Paid 08f26/96 ��-�aq Date: Sep 3 1 = 23ew 2 = Renew 3 = Approvec 4 = Not Appx 5 = In Proc Dept/Div Indicator Notes Made by Inspectors --------- --------- -------------------------------------=---------- Licensinq 4 1:3-20-96--NEED SITE PLAN, LEASE AGREEMENT & CITY Fire 4 2:COUNCIL APPROVAL--LK--LIC Zoning 1 3:COMPUTER PLACED ON HOLD Env Health 0 4:. 5:6-20-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDI23G CODB COMPLIANCE. GS 6:7J11/96 - FIRE - DENIED - PENDING CODE Licenses 1:2432 CABARET - CLASS A 2:2480 RESTAt3RANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS 3:2481 RESTAURANT (C]-LIMITED � ��■ Private Protechon, Inc. — dlbJa People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 20 4 4 ° License ID Business 23ame Business Address DBA Date Paid Dept f Di•v Licensing Fire Zoning Env Health INSPECTOR RESPONSB DATA ENTRY/UPDATE SCREEN 57870 PRIVATE PROTECTION INC 920 SELBY AVE PpI/PEOPLE'S CHOICE OS/26j96 c/7 Date: Sep 3 1 = New 2 = Renew 3 = Approved 4 = 23ot Appr 5 = In Proc Indicator Notes Made by Inspectors --------- -----°----------------- ------------°-------- 4 �; COI�SPLIANCE. 4 g:7-18-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCE. G.5. 1 9;7-23-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCS. G.5. 0 10:8-22-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCE. G.S. 11: 12' Licenses 1:2432 CABARET - CLASS A 2:2480 RESTAURANT (B)-MORE THA2t 12 SEATS 3:2481 RESTAURANT (C)-LIMITED 09(25/i?96 15:15 6123:??::3 P?i �_�3-ii� CIT' OF 57 Pt�'JL �IEP 61'� 266 9124 QVPIOGORj,jC$b18E.R2Bl1`,Cl�ONS AND !N�[Ran7.tLNrai Pi.aYPf.'mox RnMrt Xeakr, Dfncw. .�> �� ,�, ;11*A71; ?aGE 01 ''r�d2 4�"�a, QTY �F S� PAUL uc�se,wD r.ur�+�: s�ia�sso90 Nwr�CokinanXws+ IAS7EC710N5 Farnd46Jl•946�91it 71oSXFilnSMrt � SfRI 3GD $olNPauC AAJnamWO 7�70) September 20, 1996 � 2 aqr¢e to the follom3ng conditions be3ng plaeie on ths caharet and �estaurant-C License at 92o Selby qven�as ae Pollo�vs: ` 1. The reatauzant muat receive tinal agprovgl!from the 8nvironmsntal Aeml:h Inspectar bePore 1ood�or bevsragas osa be served. 2. No alcohol can be serv@d, displaKed, sold,'or conswned on the preatists unless � llquor 1laense 4s'abeairisd. 3. The establishmeht auaC close at 12:30 a.ta. SuAday throug?h Wadasaday and no late2 �tla� 1:00 a;in. Thursaay through 5aturday. a. The faaility aay not be ranteQ by? any ontside qroup. � ' TO7RL P.02 � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice — City's Esh. No. 21 SEP-25-1996 15�24 6123176440 97� p.01 �� 9-as-9� � * � � � m � a� v � �' � �. �� � o �� � �- Ro � 0 � 0 O N -{� ___ �l = m � T � CD � � � � O � T � N O � tD a' �G . .. �� . •. � � 00 � • .. •. • . � � � O 3 Cp � N � � � �a � � � � Q rh � � �. � � � � � � � � � � 3 � � � N N � � � � � � � � � � n � �`��-L� � � � � � Q � � � � � X" � • • • • � � � � • •• • • � � � O � � � f� = N m -i �"��-LIJ �1 �/ ♦A V■ � r� ��/ � \ ^+ O � � � �/ � �1 !"F � � N � i�i� �h � � \ n � _1 3 > > Q � � � � � � � �0 (D � � � Q � � V Q N %`. � • i • • •• � � � � • •• • � �� � � � � 3 � C9 N � � � W � C9 � -I� � tfl � � „�_ � � � _ � W 1 ��' L� �� V� , v �� 0 j � O � � � �D � � � ■ � � i�i/ V/ O � � � �� � -� N W .p C3'� �'1 O O O O O O �l7-�� State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearing In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc. et. al. 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 City of St. Paul OAH Docket No.: Notice of Motion and Motion for O}�}�ortunitv To Ogpose Petition Allowing Intervention PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that in the matter of the above referenced license application, Carl Green will mo�•e this courc for the opportunity to oppose the petition allowing intervention, and that any order was issued based on error. Comes now Carl Green citing the following addit'sonal reasons: 1. Noting the record as suggested by Richard Mosman is not sufFicient. 2. The coalition failed to serve copies of the Notice of Motion and Motion Allowing Intervention as a Party in the above captioned matter in accordance with Minnesota rules. 3. The order states that the motion was received by the administrazive law judge on December 20, 1996, but the actual hearing took place the day before on December 19, 1996. 4. The order is not true, there was no representation of the parties applying for the license in connection with a telephone conference on December 14, 1996. Nor is it e�ident that the interest and position of the coalition with respect to the cabaret license has not already been adequately represented in this proceeding by the Ciry of St. Paul. 9�-3a' 5. In the interest of justice, and for a full development of the facts and positions of all interested parties and citizens on the subjea, the participation of the coalition is unnecessary, and Carl Green should have an opportunity to be heard; any denial would unlawfully deny him rights secured by the Constitution of the United States of America. 6. The order allowing intervention is a complete fabrication of the truth of the facts. Carl Green requests the following: 1. That the order allowing intervention be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for Carl Green to have an opportuniry to be heard in opposition to the coalition of neighborhood groups to intervene as an interested party in this matter. 3. That the interest of the coalition has already been adequately addressed and represented by the City of St. Paul, and that any further delays would discover nothing new. I?ated: December 27, 1946 ��i � �•�� Carl L. Green � Pro Se 9504 Hamlet Avenue 50. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 ��-3a9 Affidavit of Service State of Minnesota County of Washington Carl Green of the City of Cottage Grove, County of Washington, State of Minnesota being duly sworn, says that on the 27th day of December 1996 he served the annexed Notice of Motion and Motion for Opportunity to Oppose Petition Allowing Intervention upon: City of 5t. Paul Attn: Virginia Palmer 400 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Philip Shephard Attorney at Law 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Ave. Minnepolis, Minnesota 55402 Subscribed and sworn before me this 27th day of December 1996. SANDRAA.LEONARD NOTAftY PUBIIG - MINNESOt�I Ay Comm. ExPUes.lmf. 81.200 �� ���� ( '�Y'AX � � � Xf/(9_Q/v� ' Carl L. Green � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timothy E Mar� City Anorney �7-�a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mtryor Civil Division 4OO Ciry HaII IS West Kellogg Blvd Saurt Paul, Muv�esota SSIO2 Tetephone: 612 266-8710 Facsimile: 6I2 298-5619 December 31, 1996 The Honorable Richard Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Mr. Carl Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 E. 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 554Q4 Mr. Philip A. Shepherd Collins & Ingebritson, PA 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. dJb/a People's Choice Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the hearing in the above-entitled matter, which was continued until Tuesday, January 7, 1997 at 9:30 a.m., will be heard in Room 1504 of the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The City Hall Annex is located on Fourth Street, between Wabasha and Saint Peter Streets. Sincerely, ��� � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timorhy E. Mars, City Rttwrrey 97-3a5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Moyo� Civi! Divisiors 400 Ciry Hatl l5 Wut Kellogg Blvd Saint Pau1, M'mnesom 55701 NOTI�Fi OF HEARING December 3, 1996 Car1 & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 55404 Te7ephoxe: 611166-877D Facsimi!¢: 67219&5619 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Tnc. d/b/a People's Choice Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green: This is to notify you that a hearing�will be held concerning.the above-referenced license_application pursuant to Chapter..310.O5.and 310.06 of the Saint_Paul_Legislative"Code_at tfie following_ time� date and�pla�ce: � � - - �- '" " - .� ' Date: December 20, 1996 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place: Room 42 City Hall-County Courthouse 15 W. Rellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, i+�7 55101 The hearing examiner will be an Administrative Law Judge £rom the State o£ Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Phone: Richard Mosmaa Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Saak 6625 Lyadale Avenue South Richtield, NII�T 55423 861-3331 The�Council of 'the City of.$aint Paul.has the.,authority to provide for hearing concerning licensed premises and_for adverse acEion against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or 4�- ��9 conditions. The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Pratection has determined that conditions on the above-referenced license are appropriate and will recommend issuance of the licenses applied for subject to the conditions. However, at the hearing before the Saint Paul City Council testimony was heard by citizens in opposition to the issuance of the license. Evidence may be presented to the judge through the intervention of interested 'parties in the proceeding. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62, and the procedural rules of Chapter 1400.5100-1400.8400 of the Minnesota Rules and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. You have a right to be represeated by ar� attcrney, tc represent yourselves, or co be represented by a person of your choosing to the extent not otherwise prohibited as the unauthorized practice of law. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Sudge will have a11 parties identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may ` cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel *_he a*_tendance of witr_esses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If data classified as not public (e.g. private or confidential) is admitted into evidence, it may become public unless a party objects and asks for relief under Minn. Stat. §14.60, subd. 2. A notice of appearance must be filed with the judge within twenty (20} days of the date of service of the notice of and order for hearing if a party intends to appear at the hearing, unless the hearing date is less than twenty days from the issuance of this notice . The undersigned will appear on behalf of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Please be advised that if you fail to appear at the hearing it may result in the allegations of the notice of and order for hearing � i � 9�-�a9 being accepted as true and result in a determination in £avor of the License Office to recommend eonditions on the license. Very truly yours, � � �� � Vi'rgin�almer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Nancy Thomas, Office of Ac3ministrative Hearings, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, MN 55401 3udge Richa :dosman, bC4 Richf�eld ^nank, '0625 Lynciale Ave. So., Richfield, MN, 55423 Nancy Anderson, City Council, Room 310 City Ha11 Peggy Byrne, Bxecutive Director, Summit-University Planning CounCil, 627 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, 55104 De�.31.1998 11:18AM No.441� P. 113 �7l-�ay� � tnw oFr^tcE oF: INGEBRITSON & A,SSOCIAT�S, P.A. Rueseq A. Iagebriteon Douqys Dek R�id, Jr. Ne�an 0. Sa�cr JoEn C. �y1an• Fhiltip A. Shepheed � k k ,�,�� ,. '�; I ��' ;' e; ' $ I ^� ' [� , I;� ,,.. <u, ,+ � 11a0 Rand Tower 627 Msiquetta Avenuo Sou� Mianw�polia. Mlnnaaom 66a02 Telophona (6Y� 346�8£90 Toll�F`ree (8W) 7$2s893 Telctaz (8I� Sa2�2g90 ' aLo admitted ia llliaote �►i[�ST� .R TR�NSIQ53TON SH�i&�' DATE TRANSMITTED: �� TIASE: '�`�� PLEASE DELIVER 'I'�IE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) T0: xr+a�: �'d`"S� C'c�P� FAX NUM�ER: FROH: PILE: _ MESSAGEI_ INGEBRITSON & ASSOC 3�i�-ab�s� ph:►; .��,�k�+ �I`,�u•�e Q�rv+�v9 +w. �e_s L.� o NOTE: THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED OiVLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVTDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICFI ZT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIIS INFORMATIaN THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAT. AND EXII�T FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLTCA$LE T.AW. IF YOU ARE NOT THE Z23TENOED RECYPIF1�iT OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSISLE FOR DELIVERING TFIE MESSAGE QF THE =N'PENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREHY NOTIFIED THAT APiY DTSSEMINATION, DIS'i'RIBU'PIOL3 OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICA2ZON TS STRICTLY PROHISZTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THTS COMMSJNTCATION IN ERROR� PLEASE IQOTIFY US I2�IEDIATELY BY TELEPHOPtE A2iD RETURN TFFE Oi2IGI1`iAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE .ABOVE AODRESS VIA U.S. POS2AL SF.F2VZCE. TfIP.2dK YOII. • Zg ypU DO NO RECEIVE ALL � PAGES, INCLIIDING TfIIS Ct3VERSHBE2'� p�r,�E �,�,y AS 5002Q AS POSSIBLE: (622j 340— 8290 OR (S00) 282-6393. �Dec. 31. 199fi �,� 7 �. i''� 11;19AM IN6EBRITSON & ASS6C THE LAW OFFICE8 OF: INGEBRITSON $� ASSOCIATES, P.A. I740 Rand Towez, 527 Marquctte Avenne South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (S12) 340-8290 Fax (612) 342�2990 (800) 2B2-6393 No.4417 P, 2/3 ����a� MONTAIVA OFF,[CE: James J. Shea•' Slfi E. Front Stteet, 3uite 3 Miseou)x, MT 55802 Fax (406) 549-4811 (aos) 5a9-47on (800) 790-7460 �eN A. It�ebritson �glas Dale Re�d, Jr. �nan 0. Serger 5� G. Boylan' lip A. Shepk�exd Also admitted in Itlinois Also admittad in Oregnn V%a Fax 349-2665 pecember 31, 1996 Mr. Aichard Mo�man,�- Administrative Law Judge c/o Louise Cooper Office of Administratxve Hearings 100 Washington Square, #1700 Mi.nneapolis, MN 55401-2138 � Re: In the Matter of the License AppZication of Private ` Protection, Inc, et al.. Dear Louise Cooper: I was told by the City artorneys office that you aze the one to see to obtain subpaenaa for administrative hearinge. T am a pro bono attoxney for a coalition of neighborhood gxoups that have just been allowed to intervene. The hearing is scheduled for January 7, 199�. Plea�e send three subpoenas for our use in the hearing, If there is any other information that you need pleaee call me immediaCely as time is short. Thank you in advance. � � =PAS Very truly yours, �� � 1 �� Philip A. Shepherd r � � r _� 4 'Ij� �I�ec.31.1996 11:19AM INGEBRITSON & ASSOC No,4417 P. 3/3 STATE O� MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADINISTRATIVE HEARINGS for the C1TY OF SAINT PALJL ,� In Re: the license apglication of Carl and E�xzabeth Green Private Protection, Inc dba Peoples Choice, 920 Selby Ave St. Paul, Minaesota Qrder A11owi�ng Iz�tervention �/�-���/ , ,��'�,, .� , 1996 By Motion zeceived by the Administrative Law Judge on December 2Q, 1996, a Coalition of neighbozhood groups seeJ,c an Order a�lowing intervention as a party in the above captioned matter in accozdance with Minn, rules 1400.5200. Based upon the morion of the Coalition, the affidavits and documents accompanying it and the repxesentation of the pazties in cozuiecYion with a - telephone conference on Decembez 19, 1996, it is evident that the intexests and ;r, position vf the Coalition xs not adequately represented by the City of Saint ;' Paul in tMs proceeding. The noHce o£ hearing in t}us matter was served less than 30 days prior to the hearing and in the intezest of justice, and foT a full development of the facts and positions of all interested parries and citizens on the subject, the participation of the Coalition is necessary. �•�i��c� � � � � r. � � 9� The Motion of the Coalition of neighborhood groups to intervene in the above captioned matter as a pazty is hereby granted. A.Il notices to the Coalitzan of neighborhood groups as a party to this proceeding shall be served as fol�ows: Mr Philip Shephard Attorney at T.aw 1740 Rand Tower tele: 612 340 8290 527 Niaz�quette Ave, S. • Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 r � � ��� ��_�� [<<Y� _--- ,� _ �_`�`� _�-�`=` �ate Richard A. Mosma Administrative La judge � �� i�'eacTUe� ii:ii � � ACTION REPORT tiva act3on(sl comPleted OFFIGE OP ADMIN.HEARING TX DATE/TIME DESTINATION DEC.31 11:D9 612 342 2990 = , w� # f « � f � � � # TEL:6123492665 DURATIOtd PGS. RESULT M 0° 01' 00' 003 OK N -3 d`j P. 001 k G� �� _. l a� �i �...�_•�x�✓�... . , • jd " s'.`U_a ." � � � 1 ' � ' 1 -.� . _ ji"�.:.� - =:e> ': ��1; y :- ' - " '• TO: Edward Hayes 1484 Sherbume St. Paul, Minnesota 55104-2415 GREETiNGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of #he Licpnse ARplication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at MinneaQolis, Minnesota this �r of ,l�nuarv, 1997. _ KEVIN E. JOHNS�N Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612)340-8290 G�-��g � > �`. - �;<.. � _::� � = � �- : V ��-. ���;: l '; ��`..CC� � t STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMII�IISTRATIVE HEARINGS HEARING SUBPOENA TO: John Wiiliams 1484 Sherburne St. Paui, Minnesota 55104-2415 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HERESY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hail Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in ths City of St. Pauf, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day ofi January, 1997, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of the License A�Alication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this � of lanuary, 1997. , � � KEVIN E. JOHNSON Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612) 340-8290 9�-��9 r . ; �..w,,... . � . .�;,.. : y � .. '> .��'..�w3 tY.�i • � - � � � � � � � � � � . f'. - `.J ` ;. '' TO: Cari Green 9504 Hamlet Avenue South Cottage Grove, Minnesota 55016 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Mlinnesota, at 1504 Ci#y Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paut, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at 9:30 o'cfock in tfie forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of the License ARplication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuani to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14,51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this �r of Januarv, 1997. EVIN E. JOHNS Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd {612) 340-8290 ,, 9�-3a9 .....;� :���... • � • � _ '::vir � • • � i ' . <: -�Ji}_ �': � t ! : • TO; Gurtis Olson 3004 Old Highway 8 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at �Qo'ctock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of - - - � �. . . - - . - . - Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Hono�able Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this �ir of Januarv, 1997. � Chief Administrafive Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612) 340-8290 ,t_ ��o� n nl� 1an. 2.19`97 2:49PM INGEBRITSON & ASSDC No,4465 P, 1/3 mxE raw oFC�cE oF: RuaeeII A. I�tgebt'itaon Dpugi�a Dsb $md, JT. Neum�a 0. Baxgnr John C. Hoylan• Phaip A. SLep6erd �ACSI I.E fiRA.NSbIISSION SSB� DATE Z`RANSM�'�'TED: !� 3! ��� TIME' �' !� 9�-3�9 17A0 Raad Tower 627 Maequette Avenue 9otsth Mi:uxapolk. Mino�ta 66�0'L Te]ephone (B1E) 940.8290 Toll•F�ee (800) E87�8398 Teitlaz (fi12) 8;2,299t1 ' alao admittad in Illinoie PLEASE DELIVER 'Z`HE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) T0: xr,rrE: Lo'^;Se ��v FAX I3T]MSEFt: FROM: FZI.E: ______ MESSAGE:_ INGEBBITSON & ASSOCIA�TES, P.A. 3�1 q -�6bS"� pl�: �; n S��f�.e.,rvl �r',���-ie Q,�u �,r, f 6��� !es � o NOTE: THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE Z2iDIVSpiJAL OR ENTITY TO WFiICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVIL£GED� CONFIDENTIAL AND EXII�2' FROM DSSClOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOII AF2E NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIEN2' OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPO2iSI8LE FOR DELIVERING TIiE MES$AGE OF TAE II3TENDED �ECIPT�NT, YOTJ ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THA`P ANY DISSEMINATIO2i, DSSTRIBUTIOiZ OR CQPYING OF THZS COMMUNICATxC�N IS STRICT2Y PROAIBTTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED TFi25 COM1�it7NICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFX US I2IHEDIATELY $Y TELEPH�NE AND RETCTRN THE OFiIGINAL MESSAGE TQ US AT 2`FIE A8p'YE ADDRESS VIA U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THAI�IK YOU. ZF YOU DO NO RECSIVE�L � PAGE5 zNCLUDING THZS COVERSfFgET, PLE'.ASE CALL �,_ �� AS SOON AS POSSSBLE: (622} 3siQ— 8290 OR {8�0) 282-6393- �� ►-' i — Jan, 2.1997 2:49PM INGEBRITSON & ASSOC 3. Edward Hayes John Williams 1464 Sherburne S�. Paul, MN 55104-2415 No, 4465 P. 3/3 4�-3a5 Ownera of 92a Se�by Mr. Hayes and Mr. Williams have knowledge of the building and previous businessee at 92o Selby. If there is any other znformation that you need please call me immediately as time is ahort. Thank you in advance. Vexy truly yours, �� `' ���--� Philip A. Shepherd PAS JAN. -02' 97(THU) 14��41 OFPICE OF ADMIN. HEARING TEL:6123492665 �� �a� P. 001 TRANSACTION REPORT Receptlon Transaction(s) completed NO. TX DATE/TIME DEST[NATION 432 JAN. 2 14:39 612 342 2990 DURATION PGS. RESULT btOOE �° 00' S3" �03 OK N ECM 9 Dec. 23. 1896 2:49PM ITIGEBRITSON & ASS4C THE LAR' OFF[CES OF: INGEBKI'TSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 1740 Tiand Tower, S27 Marquette A,venae South Mieaeagolis. Minnesota 55402 {6l2) 340-8290 Faz 1612) 342-2990 t8�) 262-6393 Busyeu A. tnge6riraon na,�� nae x�a. sz. Neumu+ 0. H¢rger John C. Boylan' philip A. Shepherd •Nso admitted in Dliuois ••�tlso ad,,,aeed in oregon FACSIMILI' TRANSMSSSION SAEET DATE TRP.NSMITTED: Dec mbex' 23 ].996 TIME: PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FAGE(S} TO: Na.4310 P. 1!4 q �� MnNTAP7A OFFICE: a�� �. sn��- 815 E. Front Stree4, SuFte 3 Miggoula, SST 69802 Fax (406� 549-4811 {ao� sasa7oo (800) 790•7460 NAME: Richard A Moeman Ad ini trative Law Judae _--� FAX NUMBER: ( J� I " �� FROM: Philip A SheAherd attornev for the Coalition __ FILE: T�he matter of the license anAlication for Peoole's oice. MESSAGE: NOTE: THIS MESSAGE SS INTEA7DED ONLY FOEt TAE U5E OF TEIE INDTVIDUAL QR ENTITX TO WFI3CH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT ZS PRIVTLEGED, CONFIDENTIAL b1ND EXEMPT FAQM DISGLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOU ARE NdT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OR 'PHE EMPL01'EE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOk DELIVERING THE MESSAGE OF THE INTEI�I3ED RECIPIENT, YQU ARE AEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINRTION, DISTRIBUTION 4R COPYING OF TI3IS COMMUNICATZON IS 3TRZCTLY PROHTBZTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED 'FHIS COMMt333ICATTON IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE 20 IIS AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA U.S. POSTAL SERVICE_ THANK YOU. IF 'fQ� DO 1`IO RfiCEZVE ALL 5 PAG&S, ZNCLUIJING THIS COVERSHEET. PLEASE CALL K_ ari AS SOON AS POSSIBLE: (612J 34�-8290 Ok (S00} 282-6393. � Dec.23. 1996 2:47PM iNGEBRITSON & ASSOG Pdu.4310 P. 2/4 y�J_3�� THE I,AW OFFiCES OF: Ruee.ei3 A. Ingebriteon Dnuglae Dale ke+d. Sz. Neu+nan 0. Be:ges Joha C. Boy7an' phitip A. Shephe3d • A4so admiUted in Iltirrois •• Aleo admitted in O�egon INGEBI�ITSON & ASSOC�ATES, P.A. 1740 Rand Towes, 527 Marqnette Avenue South Minaeagalis, 1ltinneaota b5402 (612) 340-6290 Fax (612) 342•2990 (800) 282-fi398 Mr. Ftichard Mosman Administrative Law 3udge 604 Richtield Bank 5025 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 DeCember 23, 1996 MONTAI3A OFFICE: Jamea J. Shea'• 815 E. Pront SWdat, Suite 3 Misaovia. MT 588�2 Faz (aD6) 5a9�asll (906) 649�4'f64 (6W) 7�746U Re: In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc, et al. Dear Mr. Mosman: Enclosed please find the original Petition to Intervene as well as the proposed Order regarding the above matter. very truly yours, ?�� � �'l Philip A. 9hepherd PAS/klj Enclosures � Dec. 23. 1996 2:48PNi iNGEBRITSON & ASSOG STATE OF' MINNESOTA OFFICE 4F AI?MSNISTRATIVE AEARING . 3 In the Matter of the License } Application of Private Protection, Inc. d/bla People's Choice } 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, � Minnesota, 5510& , ORDER COMES NQW, this Court, aftez review of the Coali.tion of neigYiborhood group's motion to intervene, and all relatiae parts of this case to oxder the foilowing: z'T IS ORDfiRED THAT: 1. The Coali�ion of neighborhood groups motion to intervene as a party with full rights of a party in the above-entitled action is granted. Dated this day of 1996• BY THE COURT: Richard A. Mosman Administrative Law Sudge Ido. 4310 P. 3/4 C�-�_ 3� f CITY OF SATNT PAUL oAF3 Docket No.: 1 Dec. 23. 1996 2:48PPg INGEBRITSON & ASSOG No.4310 P. 4/4 �7_�a; RFTIEF AND ORDER SOIIGHT 1. An order permitting the Caalition of neighborhood groups to intervene as a party with full rights of a party in the above-antitl�d action. 2. For such other and further relief the Court deems just and equitable to grant at this time. � Dated this � day of fl�'�' , 1996. INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, F.A- By: � F � � I ` Philip A• Shepherd MtU Atty. I.D. No. 222366 ].740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South MinneapoJ.is, MN 55442 {61Z) 340-829D Z q�-3ag THE LAW OFFICES OF: INGESRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 1740 Rand Tower, 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (612) 340-8290 Faa (612) 342-2990 (800) 282-6393 Russell A. Ingebritson Douglas Dale Reid, Jr. Neuman 0. Berger John C. Boylan* Phi]ip A. Shepherd `A3so admitted in Illinois `*tllso admitted in Oregon Mr. Richard Mosman Administrative Law 604 Richfield Bank 6025 Lyndale Avenue Richfield, MN 55423 Judge South December 18, 1996 ����B�C 2 �' 1996 MONTANA OFFICE: James J. Shea" 815 E. Front Street, Suite 3 Missou]a, MT 59802 Fax (406) 549-4Sll (406) 549-4700 (800) 790-7450 Re: In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc, et al. Dear Mr. Mosman: Enclosed herewith please find the Coalition's Notice of Motion and Motion to Continue 12/20/96 Hearing as well as a proposed Order and an affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd in support of said motion in regards to the above-entitled matter. VeYy truly yours, ��,�,� .5��.� � Philip A. Shepherd PASjklj Enclosures � q�- 3� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, } NOTICE OF MOTION AND Inc, dfb/a People's Choice ) MOTION TO CONTINUE 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) 12/20/96 HEARING Minnesota, 55104 ) ) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Coalition of neighborhood groups will motion �1 Court for a continuance af the 12/20/96 hearir�g in the above captioned case. The Coalition will bring this motion as soon as the ALJ is able to schedule a hearing but not later than 12/20/96. COMES NOW a Coalition of neighborhoods groups to motion this Court for a continuance of the 12/20J96 hearing cites the following reasons: 1, 2. 3. 4. The Coalition The Notice of Hearing was served 12/3J96 for a hearing on 12/20/96. The Coalition was informed of the 12J20/96 hearing on Tuesday, December 10, 1996. The Coalition will be petitioning to intervene in the present case. The Coalition has inadequate time to properly prepare its petition to intervene. The Coalition has inadequate time to properly prepare its case against approval of the above application. 5. The Coalition will need to subpoena witnesses for its case against the approval of the application and the Coalition's petition to intervene must be granted before it has the legal ability to issue subpoenas. 6. The Coalition`s attorney is and will be unavailable to attend the hearing due to a trial previously scheduled. Philip Shepherd is currently attending trial in the Stearns County District Court, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Case No.: C6-46-569, captioned Bruners vs. Hemmesch 1 q�-3�5 and Moen which begdn on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 and is expected to continue through the end of the week into and including Friday, December 20, 1996. The Coalition requests the following order: 1. That the 12/20/96 hearing be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for the Coalition's petition to intervene at some time after 1/15j97. 3. That a hearing regarding application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc., d/b/a People's Choice be scheduled for sometime after February l, 1997. The Coalition's motion is supported by the Affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd. Dated this /�� day of i���""�� 1996. INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. BY : '�'�� �' �``�� Philip A. Shepherd MN Atty. I.D. No. 2223a6 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 340-8290 � 9�-�a-� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING ) In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, ) Inc. d/b/a People's Choice ) 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) Minnesota, 55104 ) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: AFFIDAVIT OF PHILIP A. SHEPHERD COMES NOW, Philip A. Shepherd, under oath to state as follows: 1. Philip A. Shepherd is attorney for a number of neighborhood groups hereinafter "Coalition�' in the above- captioned case. 2. Your affiant was notified of the December 20, 1996 hearing on December 10, 1996. 3. The ten (10) days from actual notice to the date of hearing are inadequate for the Coalition to properly prepare its petition to intervene. 4. The Coalition will bring a petition to intervene prior to December 20, 1996. The coalition needs additional time to prepare its memorandum in support of petition to intervene. 5. The Coalition's petition to intervene must be granted before the Coalition can obtain subpoenas and subpoena testimony necessary for a complete hearing and a proper opposition. 6. The ten (107 days from actual notice to the date of hearing are inadequate £or the Coalition to properly prepare its 1 �� 3ag opposition to the approval o£ the application in the above- captioned case. 7_ The Coalition needs time to subpoena witnesses, schedule witnesses, notify employers of needed time off to appear and testify, and to obtain all relevant documents £rom city files. 8. Lastly, your affiant is unavailable to attend the hearing due to a trial previously scheduled. Affiant is currently at trial in the Stearns County District Court, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Case No.: C6-96-569, captioned Bruners vs. Hemmesch and Moen. Trial which began on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 is expected to continue through the end of the week into and including Friday, December 20, 1996. 9. In the interest of justice and a full and fair hearing on the application the December 20, 1996 hearing must be vacated and a new hearing date scheduled. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. r�ated: J�. ��'"�6 �/� �-�"� Philip A. Shepherd � Subscribed and sw n to before me this ��1 day�of , 1996. c `+ARI LY dENO ",OTARY PUBLIG N'eS07 "t Ca;nmisscn Expires 1ar, 31, 2000 2 _t' F,<.,=o . �< _� ah:.>_MrnMwnww.� �1� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc. d/b/a People's Choice 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55104 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: ORDER COMES NOW, this Court, after review of the Coalition of neighborhood group's motion to continue the 12/20f96 hearing, Affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd in support, and all relative parts of this case file to order the following: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. That the 12/20/96 hearing be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for the Coalition's petition to intervene on the day of , 1997 at o'clock. 3. That a hearing RE: Application for Licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Tnc., dfb/a "People's Choice" be scheduled on the day of , 1997 at o'clock. Dated this day of , 1996. BY THE COURT: Richard A. Mosman Administrative Law Judge 1 e � �-� a� � � THE LAW OFFICES OF: INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 174D Rand Tower, 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 554�2 (612} 340-8290 Fas (612) 342-2990 (800) 282-6393 Russell A. Ingebritson Dougias Dale Reid, Sr. Neuman 0. Berger John C. Boylan' Philip A. Shepherd "Aiso admitted in Illinois "Also admitted in Oregon February 24, 1997 �,k��S ��b.Z��Qi� St. Paul City Clerk City Hall 15 West Kellogg, Room 310 St. Paul, MN 55102 MONTANA OFFICE: 3ames J. Shea"• 815 E. Front Street, Suite 3 Missoula, MT 59802 Fax (406) 549-4811 (406) 549-4700 (800) 790-7450 RECEIVED �EB 2 41997 e�rY ct�RK Re: License Application of Private Protection, Inc., 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find the Coalition of Neighborhood Groups', intervenor in the above action, Exceptions to Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation. Sincerely, ��'`� � '�"'1 Philip A. Shepherd PAS/klj Enc-osure cc Mr. Carl Green Evia maili ���� ������, Mr. R_chard Mosman (via mail) Ms. Ginger Palmer (via mail) � rr� �'� Sv� , � L V ��-�ry'-�. 3 9�-3a5 RECE(VED STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE AEARINGS FEB 2 41997 CITY CLERK FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: 62-2111-10844-3 CA'S �-�. Z�� q� � In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, ) Inc. d/b/a People's Choice ? 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) MinnesoCa, 55104 ) EXCEPTIONS TO ALJ'S F2NDING OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AISD RECOMMENDATI0I3 COMES NOW the Coalition of Neighborhood groups, Intervenor, by its attorne�, Philip A. Shepherd, and pursuant to the 3anuary 31, 1997 Notice of Counsel F?earing to file the following exceptions to the ALJ's January 21, 1997 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, anfl Recommendation: Objectians to Findings o£ Fact The AI,S fails *_o adequately describe the extent of tne violence and crime surrounding Lhe o1d "People`s Choice." T_r_t°rVenOr rj raC�S COl1RC11 Rl°CCi�JE.:"S CO �i1e 1989 "Peonle S C�'!C1C2" YeVOCZL'_O*1 =_�-, d CCp�/ OT. W73._CI'; 15 LI'ictVc�llc�.�J� 2 �Q IIlte'_'�VEZ?OY �t this time. Numerous W1tP_CSS2S tE'Si.1*1?Cl �O �RE S1CJ`'i.1i1Cd_^.t T012 LhGL the "Peoples Choice" giayed in attracring and fostering crime, violence, noise, drug transactions and other detrimental activities in �he surrour_ding neig'nbornood. In the late 1980`s L1_i° ��?�°OD� 2� S C��0=C2 !'�dd c i.T2Ii1EP_C10llS1}r P.egc�1VE. 1R'ipdCt Ori C^2 n�_��OYhOOC. Tt?E3 1"°S1CleZl�S �ld"J? invested uncoun�abl hOIIYS 1AL0 1�L'1-C11Il� UD W!1�= �i?E ��DPOD'12S Cnoice" 11dd d=stroyed. 9 g�-3a� Additional Findings o£ Fact 1. Applicant has known of the violent and criminal reputation of the name "People's Choice" since at least the Summer of 1996. 2. Applicant has made no attempt to distance himself from the violent and criminal reputation of the "People's Choice" or waylay the valid fears of the neighborhood residents. Specifically, Applicant has: a) failed to chose another name for use in its application. b) failed to alleviate the fears of concerned neighbors by choosing another name. c) failed to state at the Oct. 1996 City Council meeting that Applicant wi11 use another name. d) failed to state at Che ALJ hearing that the Applicant will use another name. 3. Apolicant has made a concerted ef-ort to asscciate himself with the name and reputation oi the "People's Choice" a� Applicant's app�ication is in the name "Peonle's Choice." Ex. A. u) ApplicaT�t spen� considerabie money i= �ouc'r_ing up ��e murals on the exterior o� 920 Selby, incluEting che words "People's Choice". Th= murals and tne name "People's Choice" were an integrai parL o= �t1C identi�i CdLlOZl Of L!1? OZCZ "People' S C hoice. ° c) Applicant has e�cplicitly negotiated wit'.^. the owners and past managers of the old "Peo�le's Choice" for the use of the name "People's Choice." Applicant attemnted to keeT� that trar_saC�ion conPidentizl_ Ex. B_ d? Sole and exclusive use or" the name "Peoole's Choice" was a signiiicant _nducemen� =o= apolicant �o lease Lhe premises a� 920 Selby. Ic. °i AvD11C'a.Ilt DayS 3 AO:L10_^_ O: i.�12 '_"2P-T. �G=" 1�SE Oi 2 q� -�a� the name ��People's Choice." Id. f) Applicant's sample restaurant menu and business plan prominently displays the name "People's Choice." See Application. 4. Applicant, and anyone associated with his application, does not have any experience in the restaurant industry. 5. Expert testimony was heard from Bill Sands, a banker at Western Bank, who testified that Applicant's business plan as submitted to LIEP was inadequate for the purposes of applying for or securing a loan. Also, even if the project was self-financed, the business plan lacked details, analysis, and other important elements to ensure a reasonable likelihood of success in the extremely difficult restaurant industry. 6. Expert testimony was heard £rom Sarah Kinney, a realtor with many years of experience in the neighborhood, who testified �na*_ the old "People's Choice" brought down prooerty values during tn> late 198o's, the property values have risen since the cid "Pec�ale's Choice" was shut down, and iinaily, if a new ° ?°O�l°�S Choice" OpEI1S llp t21°?7 p�Op2T;.y V;alll2S wi'__ decreas= aga_n based upon the violent and criminal renutation oi the rame "2eople's Choice.^ 7. Memners of rne J. S. Hill Elementary Schoo� testified to the negative impact the "People's Choice" would have on Lhe school community. Specifically, the School has concerns for the sa_ety o_ the stu3ents tha� walk to and °rom school, �� violence =rom the "People's Choice" spilling ever into the school B=O�?� �}/, cRG Oi i.�l° AY'OX1IIli�_V �O L}'12 :-:'_� 1 s�udenLS 0= t??2 C�L'CJ 3 97 0 transactions in and outside the "Feoples Choice." 8. That long-time residents of the neighborhood are justifiably and significantly fearful of the return of violence and criminal activity under the auspices of the ��People's Choice.° 9. The neighborhood expects the City to protect it citizens from the violent and criminal element attracted to the "People's Choice." 8. Failure to protect the citizens from this known risk would amount to gross negligence should harm befall a child, J. J. Aill student or other victim of violence or criminal activity. Conclusions of Law 1. No objection with ALJ conclusion NO. 1. 2. No objection with ALJ conclusion N0. 2. 3. No objection with ALS conclusion NO. 3. ^_. The Applicant, Prisate Protection, Znc., has not met �he mir.imum qualifications for the issuance of � Cabaret �'A" and Res�anrant "C" license av 920 Selby, S�, pau_, �N. 5. Carl Greer_'s moral character is suspect. He nas fGilec to rebudiate and disassociate himself with the use o= the name "P°OUZE' S C;1010E. " _-i° �785 ctt.°iiiD�EGl �O COIICE'd'1 �'f?E transaction allowing him to use tne name "People's Choice." He nas intentionally acted in numerous ways to associGte himsel� with L:7° V1 o1en� "d_^_d criminal reputaLion o= "Peop1 Choice." 5, z crant o= the Cabaret °A" and Restauran� "C" license T,v^ Lh� ?ApTJi�C2=iL. ci. �T?° AY'E2ti11S°S a� 920 Selby St.. ?dL:� �?�T, '� �� would unreasonably annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort, and repose of considerable numbers of inembers of the public. It is unlikely that Applicant will manage the cabaretJrestaurant properly, given his inexperience in the restaurant industry and the lack of details and analysis in his business p1an. 7. Under no condition should a Cabaret "A" or Restaurant "C" license be issued to Applicant. 8. The application of the Applicant for a Cabaret "A" and a Restaurant '�C" license should be denied. Recommendation The Coalition of neighborhood groups resgectively recommend that the St. Paul City Council deny the application af Private Protection, Inc., d/b/a "Peaple`s Choice" for a cabaret "A^ and a restaurant "C" license to be operated at tne premises at 92� Se1by Avenue, St. Paul, MN. i � Dzted this � � o� ����'`- 1997. INGHBRITS^vN � ASSOCIAT�S, P.F. Sy: ��` F' � ��' r t Philip A. Shepherd Nll�7 ���y. S.D. No. 222306 17a� Rand Tower 527 Marauetze Avenue South Min_neapOlis, MN S5a02 {6i2} 350-8290 5 DEG-10-1996 12�50 FROM CITY RTTt�YS OF�=ICE � a _ .. .� QAS III yh LICENSE APPLTCATiON �1�$/�� � � �' �I�!{."�/� T}pe af iiccax(s� beiag appSied for. � i�i�� C �9�,,,.1 �S APPI.ICATSO\' IC Ct TA iFtY Tn vrt ncn •+ U Pi.EASE tYPE OR PRA'7 W L\�K ��� y, oo . Compaayl� _Yriva.tG f�ro�tCf",dn Carycra�;an / Psr_,ersAiptSok AqviceQat:J If buzincss is iocorpomtcd, giti•a dase cf inct¢poratioo: � Doing $usiness As_ P� p �/ r7J 1 e. 'S fh, 8usiness Address: _ . ., �L .--- *-n� ���n yoo ��ay bata r� b�a, or � SQ�A�= �ao �� r•� - �s�c Bav=een what tross sttau is the busirnu la�cdl �r -� Are tba premi<ts aaw occupicd? _��1 p tiVtyat T}pe cf Susiaus? . �iaz7 ro Aadras. _ � /.� £. iG � ;)1�/( �-� 11./i�nt svcc AdSres: AFPlicaac Fnfasmarioa: ��� � r�: � Ln .'J L�rt { a,7 City 9� 9342Z990 P.21 CFIY QF SAIXt'�p orr� �r�, n��;,� z�a �,�,a,u� ��, :�ox+�.ax s.�.�ay .s�i pt!6...sa, }t�s t1W ]eiR)Jli La (61`� •d{.7[v y i $usiruts Phaac: ,�L�' 9��l1 =, "�'' � .,���+ sn,e � Thicfi side of the suai? �1� 5___�_f_ .c.lN 6'S��r� s�u z+� _ _ Gco Fmt AS66k 4�Sridca} � xo� aaa�s: 9SoZI F}�m/t t lfY.t . '�'` sa«s�aams . • ��? � ro �f� SIJJ Sam Z3 I?ait of Bictl�: �' ZJ �(n3 Plaa of Biss3t: ��J" ll �! � NtY�s� Hose Pbaae: � } rjj' iia�a }tm cver 6cea vicc of any fr.t�p, � or �iolzicn of aay ary orcfiaaxa acixs shaa c�ffie? YFS,_�� V_. Dase of arrest }��I 1p C7zazge: Convictian: Scaknce: E.ist she aames sod:rsidences ef sbree puzons of �ood mou2 rharacmr, 3iti•ia q' $PP�cant or fmaacally iatcres�rd m the preffisa ar busiaas. c asay be scfeczed to�r,s t6� appt;can{ M��r °OL ttiau.d to � �` ADDRESS Ct�er��.�es� -- 3�3� E G{� th cT • -r ..... r,.. .._ , �_ __ , . PH4\'E R�n irQ,'1 -�.�• I?ave aay of Sccascs ct•c Lers xe rat;edl ^ 1'�S 55Z-ir[.�,y7 .. rs ta C[.� 5 e- list ilu dates snd zessoas Far zcvocasi -oa. Arc you gcmg:o o�„�� rJis Su�anss �sazally? _ YES .. ., • �ii b'O If not, x�tw wfli operate ii7 1�(c..� • . . . .. _ s�r.� Sue �3 DEC-10-1996 12=5i � CITY RTTDRNEI'S OF��ICE TD --�_^-------- -••�--^_�___. � .,,�.. _ .. _... _ . G7`.3�9 93422990 P.22 9G� �z:uCm} Lw Bu¢at8in }T«rcAddrac SaeaA'aiz G:r Swe � TsP Pha+eNvmb PJcasc liu yau employmeoc hiscory fin �Ix pre�5ous fi�=e CSl : zar puiod: � List atl otbcx s�Ficen of tbc coipcuxrion: OFFlCER .. �2I.E HO.'� 1`TA3.� �c� Ketd} ADDI2�55 HO�IE BUSII�'ESS � DATEOF PHO�� PHOJ•� BTRTH � I£ bu�ness is a pazmvship, p7eaz� incfude tbe follou-in� infc:.,auan For each par.cra (use additionat pagcs if nrcts�asy); t5rst�a.�ae r7'idEie 2a�ed (.�Sai6cr,) I�u Darc ot �'vd� HaneAddra= Sneet\a�s Gsy Sw¢ Trf PhooeKum}�et r�gaa,�e �.ram�� p.t�am� iru m+�oraau, x�Aamar s�a� - � suk z;� �� Mii�'Sa'ESO'I'A TAX IERf3�'i47CATiO.�i l�'CA�PR-Pursmat �c ttx Law s of Mmaesasa. t986, CFsagfer 9AZ. Aaide S. Sectioa 2(Z7Q22} (Taz Qearaoce; Issnaaz of Licsaus).li�'� act6adties s,issqnired to �Sde to sbo Stase of Mi�aesou Commissioccr af Reveaue, tbe biiaaaoea busiaest taz iden�utiaa mtm�r and she saisl secoriry nvmber of cac� lieense appticaac Uu3er she k5s�aawta Cm•aaaKat Basa Pnccar Ass sad tbe Fderai Pzi�acy Aa of S9?d, we are zeqvired to advise yaa af s6e foUoe�i� , reg�diag she nse of ibe D�inauouTsc Idea�Sntioa 2dvzaber. � - 7His iafarmati�.aay be vud to dmy cbe isznaxx orsenewai of yourlicrose in sbe cvwt you oa+e ]�axsota saics. ear�iloyec s a3tt:hoidiag�ormoia�idcexdset�za; ` - Upaa recei�5ag chis mfacrosaoa, sbe3icansing susborsiy a� wpply u onty:o � 1.�rmaosa Depa�umac of Revcaac. Howevc, ��nndtt 2be Fcdaal Exchaage of Iufanmtion A�et che Depar.�at af Re� eaue may supply shiz iafoanaGoa to cbe 1a�ema] Rereaat Servic� • Miaxsosa Txx ideatification i�'c�mbers (Ss1u & L*se Tz: Tnmbcr) my 3x oStaina3 frora tha Staso nf a�aauotz„ Basmess Rxords ?kpaztrxat 10 Rivec pzrk PSaza (622 296-6I8I}� . Sociat Sc:carity T�Tn�b:r. I�"'•usoesoa Taz IdcasiF.uSoa 2�nmb�z: t�, �.�, �,�I _,_. If a Mianeso:a Tz: Idcaafsai;oa :�'c:�'xs is not rcovsrcd Por eLe busincss beiag onerzted, indicate so by pFacing an "X ia tF�e � . boz.._.._. _ __ . _ _ _ . ���I. - . -- . . , . ... . .---•• •-. .... ._. , H�trinea�l�mniwnKn[ �ddrtss �7 , DEC-10-1995 12�51 FROt1 CITY ATTORNEYS ��=ICE T� 934229g0 p, • CERTIf7GT10� OFK'ORi�RS COSSP�SATIO\ CO��GE FIiRSU��*T TO aiL�i'�S07A 5'FATUT'E T76.732� �` T bereby eercify chu?, oc my eompsn ,=_,y, IIICC�1i2ixC �'F.5 LhC ttqiJ:tTS 'toaq+tasa�:an iasuraace coren;e rcqaittmeou �f �lrnc Sca:vu I iGS82. SufdivialOII Z F 7I5¢ iip3Ct5{znd tbat pt0�'1SSC] oC f31iC iiifOi7lufioo in [1riS ctrt�CatioD COIIFUtyiez bu�cien( � Ouric ad� actiac against ati liceases De.}d, iaclad'wg:esxarica �d suspension of ssid liccascs. �`a� cf Iasusaace Company. Stitt, �rg,2'l.� t[r�;, S.a.; .�1�' �[Y ga�yr��: # AO t � i . ` � ( q - ��..Q� � � Crn•aagetsora-l1G1R�_to `' I b ve no empto�us co�•cred and�r � ortuf compcnsatioa i:suranco f � _�'� ��d. � . . , � A,\'Y fALSIfiCA21a�Y OF A.�SR�RS GIVEN OR?�f,1TERIAL SUB�. � RTLLRESLT,7 L� DE\'IAL OF THIS APpLICAII0�2 � I hereby ssate shx i 5avo anstivercd aQ of tbe �ecedng quc:�s�s. <ad t6at t4e infonnztian coatained baein iz uue and coarct tc tfx best of my l:rsovtedge aad bcti�f. I bereby s4 fur.6ec t5at I hzre:eccired no monoy or otber considaatioa, 6y way oF Iaaa. 8i.`C conin`isuaon, a ozhes�+,ise, osbez eban atready �sclaccd ia the zpplicat'san c �ch I bucuix� svbmixed. Z¢]so aadassad this prcmise may be iaspecy�d by pclicc, {r�, 6ealth and o�her cicy offici�Is ac any z�d all tiss w-t�cn cbe bus'sncu'u in operation '•J+ �� applicatictt it F°xVLi9uc? m1u:d. P]vse conta¢i a Gty cf Saint Paul Hcalch Iaspector. Ste.t O}soa (266-9233), ta revicv 7f aay sv6svatial chaugs trs snvccue art saticipascd. please coatau a Csry � Saiat s"'�auI Plan Esamina at 265-90Q7 so aPP�Y fffi burldmg pecmi� If aSezc ue aay chaages rc tttc p2rf�ng Fot.33o� spaee, or f� ncw oprratient, Pkax coniict s Gry of Saint Paul Zcaiog Iaspectcr at 256-9D� � Additiotsal appycation requiremeais, pia..ce aYtacii; A detsiJed descrfp6oa ai tht desfgsy Iocation and sqaatt tootage af tLn pretau¢S !a be licrosed {yzte gtan}. TFse Colioking data stiovld be oa sfie site ptass (pteCcrably on art 81t2" z Il" ar 8 It2�° z 1d" Papet7: - A'amq address, snd ph,one nnmbea • - TAt scaic ihouJd be s'aled svcfi as l" = 2D'. ^:I should be indicated fmrud the lap. - P7acmeat of alI petsineat fnztnres ni tbe iaferior of ifie Iicense3 fzciti(y suc3t as seatmg area; l3Scheus, ogices, repafr u'�, Fu�,r rest rooms, efe - If a reqaut is for aa addifiaa or e..-psusian of tf,e lim�sed fxiliip, �iea[c botfi tfie current arn and SJ�e proposcd �P�� . A capy eCpaar iexse ngree:aeat or ?roof of oxnership of t5e propertp. FOR SPECZ�'IC L�PPL£Cd'f7�A* arnfs;�rxs:� � c�r r.� � ��_ -- 57-3 Executive Summarv Business Plan People's Choice 920 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN and entercainmenc to che surrounding African American communiry in a safe and relaxing enviroament. Pro_prietor: Twe of business: $C2tiR� C1paC1N: Twe of inenu: Tv�e of entenainment: Hours of oneratioa: Number of er�nlovees: Addicional information: �Iay 1�, 199b Private Protection, Tnc. Restauzant 8d GriII sryle Speakers, fashioa shows, comedy, music, daacing, aud other forms of Iive entenaiameut. 1i:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. Thurs, Fn, aad Sat lI:CO am. -?2c30 a.n. Sun, Mon, Tne, and Wed 12 (esc. - includes iull �d aart time) Uniformed securiry wi11 be nrovided (as needed} from 7:00 p.n. until closing on Thurs, Pri, aad Sat. � � '��i���� IXFftB(T � _ � 97- � , I �1�1 r�r�� �j �� �v��, ; ��� �� , , I J ' 1 Appetizers Buffato wings Shrimp cheue guffs Quesadillas Nachos Supreme nachos Jalapeno poppers Soups & Salads Chili �p bowl B1ack eye pea cup bowl Soup of the day cup bowi House salad Ghef salad Cobb salad Taco 5a1ad Caesar salad with chicken 55.75 Sb.25 55.75 $5.85 $6.95 54.50 $1.75 52.75 51.50 $2.5d $1.5� S2.SQ $4.75 $5.95 $5.45 $5.50 $4.95 56.75 Sandwiches served with ciups aad a pickle sgea:, fries add 51.00 Club Ham & cheese Philly che�e szeak Fish Turkey $4.95 54.95 Si.80 $4.9a 55.15 Surgers se: ✓ed with ciups aad a pickle spear, iries add 51_00; �,.�*illed oaions add 50.2� Hamburge: 34.00 Cheeseburge: $4.30 c¢oice of ame:ican, swiss ar monterey jack , r 97-3 .t Bacon cherseburger Bar-b-q burger bacon s4.�s 54.5� $0.50 Dinners , served with choice of salad or vegetable, nce or gotato and roll Pork chop Steak Ham steak Fried chicken Ribs: pork beef Catfish Spaghetti Side items �7,10 $8.75 $6.75 56.25 58.25 $8.95 $7.95 86.50 French fries $1.35 Red beans & rice 51.20 Greens $0.95 Green beans 5095 Rice $ Cabbage $0.95 Corn6read $0.45 Beveraoes Soda Sl.ZS I.�manade 51.�Q Iced zea '� Nonaicaholic beer �i•�� Import 52.�0 Pitcher 53.�0 Import 54.75 . Daiquiries �?'� tviargaritas 5z.25 Mocktails 5275 Sex on Lhe beach, Pina Coladas, Homy Devil. juice �' "� � � 9�- E�CLrzrv� Suvr��Y PIans for cabaret license We inceud to offer speakers, fasbioa shows, comedy, music, and dancing in zhe relaxing atmosphere of a restauranc. There has beea no decision made as to whea and how ofren tfiis eutenaiament wilI be offered; this wilj depend on our market research. . Cabaret Hours The cabaret wi11 not be an everyday occunence. There wilI be no set haurs for operating such; it wiIl depend on she availability of speakers, groups, comedians and the time of year. The cabaret will be used az a markecing tool to generate clien�ele for the restaurant; it will aever exist as a separate entity for social purposes aaly. We wi1l be con,ztantly searching for the right balance witl� respecc so the cahareL thaL will allow us to significantly increase the revenue of tFie rescaurant in such a way that would aoL e:zist if People's Choice was soleIy a rescaurauc. 9 7 . �• , � LERS& AGREEMENT }� This Lease Agreement is made as of September �� , 1945, by and between DWH, a Minnesota partnership ("Lessar") and Private Protection, Inc. ("P.P.I•"), a Minnesota corporation ("Lessee"). 1. Premises. DWH hereby leases to P.P.I., and P.P.I. herelay leases from DWH, for the term and upon the conditions hereinafter provided, the Premises located on the sntire first floor and basement portion in the building at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Pau1, Minnesota, known at present as "People's Choice." 2. Term. The term of this Lease shall commence upon October 1, 1995 and shall continue fo= sixty (60} months until September 30, 2000. P.P.I- sha11 have the option to renew the lease for an additional five year period until September 34, 2005, at an amount su£ficient to cover reasonable monthly expenses such as water, sewer, gas, etc. 3. Rent. P.P.I• sha11 pay as Rent for the Premises S7QQ•00 per month for three manths commencing October 1, 1995; $1,�OQ.00 per month for seven months commencing January 1, 1996; and $1,400.0o per month for the balance of the five year lease commencing August 1, 1996. Rent shall be paid in monthly installmen�s, in advance, on the iirst day of each and every calendar month during the Term. 4. Trade Name. P.P.I• shall have the so2e and exclusive right to use the nane "People's Choice" in their use o£ the Premises. The fact that DWH entered inta this agreement, shall be rarever treated as confidential, and wi11 not be disclosed by DI+�T to any person except tneir lawyer, accauntant, tax preparer or as may be reauired by law or agreed to in writing by P.P.I• DWH recoqnizes and agrees that tne use of the name "Peonles`s Choice° was a signiiicant inducemert to P.P.S. �o enter intio this aareement ar.d that a portion of the rent described in section 3 is gaid in consideration o� this confidentiality provision. 5. Use. P.P.I• wil.Z use and occupy the Premises solely io= public entertainment and sociai purposes. P.P.I• wi11 not nse or occcpy the Premises io= any unlawful puspose, �nd wi1Z comgly with a11 present and future laws, ordinances, regulations and ordess of all governmental units having jur.isdiction over the Premises. DWH disclaims any warranty that the Premises are suiteble £or P•P•S•'s use and P.P.I. acknowledges that it has had a fu11 onportunity to maice its owa determination in tnis regard. 6. Assianment and SublettinQ. P.P-I• wi11 not assign, ��2RSi2i� IRO�L O?" encu*nber �f115 I�ease Or SL�''.�le� OS ren� OT ne�� occunancy or Lse o` the Premises, or any par� thereo�I�y any `Cii�.rC� p�iL'�� IIOr SIYd1.1 ZIly 2551CjRI12TIT. O? �S�cIlSZ2T Q� '��!1S Lease be I IXWBR � � 97-3 LEASE AGREEMENT effectuated by operation of 1aw or otherwise, without in each such case obtaining the prior written consent o£ DWH, which consent sha11 be subject to DWH's sole discretion. 7. Maintenance. P.P-I• understands it is leasing the Premises in an "as is" condition, which is at present not in first class condition. P.F•I• agrees to return the premises in the same, if not better condition at the expiration or �ermination of this Lease. DWH shall make all necessary repairs to the outer walls, roof, downspouts, gutters and basic structural elements and common areas of the building. DWH shall also make all necessary repairs to the portions of the building systems (plumbinq, sewage, heating, air conditioning and electrical) providing services jointly to the premises and other portions of the building. P.P.I• shall be responsible for all other portions of the bu5.lding systems serving the premises. Notwithstanding anything apparently to the contrary in this section, any costs of repairs or improvements to the building, to the premises or to any common areas which are occasioned by the negliqience or default of P.P.I•, its officexs, employees, agents or invitees, or by requirements of law, ordinance or other governmental directive and which arise out of the nature of P.P.I.'s use and occupancy of the premises or the installations of P.P.I• in the premises shall be paid for by P.P.I. as additional rent, immediately upon biliing. 8. Alterations. P.P.I. reserves the right to remove from the Premises any and all materials which in any way inter£ere w.ith the day-to-day runninq of their business or which aze in viol�tion of any St. Faul ordinances. DWA wi11 be contacted and have the option of takinq possession of any or a11 materials at that �ime; aI.I. other materials wi11 be disposed of at the discretion o£ P.P•I. All imarovemen�s paid £or by P.P.T. are subject to retention by B.?.I., unless said improvemen aze struczura3 in naiure. I= any mechanic`s lien is fiied agains� any part of the building io� work clai.med to have been done ior, or materiais iurnished to P.�•1•r such mechanic's Iien sha11 be dischargec3 by P.P.Z- within ten days thereafter, at P-P.I•'s sole cost and expense. Regardless of whether DW'H's consent is reauired or obtained hereunder: a?1 alterations shall be made ir.accordance with applicable laws, codes anci insurance guidel.ines, aad shall 'be performed in a good and wor]anar.ii.ke manner. P.P-I• shall not ins�all, without the orior consent of DWH, any eauipmeat whicfi wi11 or may necessitate any cnanges, repl.acements or additi.ons to, or in the use o=, the neatiaa, ventilating or air-conditionir.q sYs�en, or electrical system of the buildina. 9. Se� and Utilities. DTrtH sha11 �t�rnis'a heat, wazer, and el.ec'tric services to P.P.I. for their use in the oneration oi �heir busi�ess o. the Pre:nises duriag the CILr2i.1dR o= Lhis T•ease. 2 q7-� LEASE AGF2EEMENT 10. Insurance. P.P,I. agrees to purchase and to carry in fu11 force and effect commercial genera]. liab.ility insurance, providing coverage on an "occurrence" basis, which policy shall include coverage for Bodily Injury, Property Damage and Personal Snjury, in a combined single limit amount of not less than $1,000,000. I.1. Waivez and Indemnity. 11.1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, DwH and its partners, officers and employees shall not be liable to P.F.I., and P.P.I. hereby releases such parties from all damaqe, comgensation or claims from any cause other than the intentional andJor £oreseeabie mi.sconduct of DWH or its partners, officers or employees arising from: loss or damage to personal property or trade fixtures in the premises; lost business or other consequential damage arising out of interruption in the use of the premises; and any criminal act by any person other than DWH or its partners, officers or emplayees. 11.2. P.P.I. agrees to indemnify, defend and hold DWH and its partners, officers and employees harmless from and against any claim, 3oss, or expense arising aut o€ injury, death or property loss or damage occurring in the premises, except oniy to the extent caused by the intentional and/or forseeable misconduct of DWH or its partnes, officers or employees. DWH and its partners, offz.cers and employees sha11 be held liable if the cause was one they wese made aware of and did not rectify the oiiending circumstances in a reasonabl.e Zength oP time. 11.3. DWH agrees to indemnifp, defend and hold P.P.T. and its heirs, officers, employees, disectors, executors, ad�*ti.r_istrators, agents, and assigns hazmless iram zny losses, causes oi action or suits o� any kind or nature arising oL� a•`_ or rela�ing to claims arising under any £ederal, st�te, and locaZ statuie, ar requla�ion involving the previous ope=ation of People's Choi,ce by B.t3_T., Inc., a defunct Minnesota corporation wholly owned bg �he par�ners of DwH. DWH further agrees to indemrti�`y, clefend and hold P.P.i. znd its heirs, officers, emaloyees, directors, executors, admirristrators, agents and assigns harmiess £ram a11 common law claims for_breach of contract, invasion of nrivacy, promissory estoppel, personal injury or negligent retention and supervision whetrer developed or undeveloped invo?ving the previous epsration o£ Peonle`s Choice by 3.U.T., Inc_ I2. Default. �ny one o� tne following evenis saal? constitu�e an Event oi Deiault: (_) P.P.Z. s�a11 iail zo pay a^y monthl.y insiallmea� oi r2R� O?' �G S2i?� d5 f?E? nrovided, 'c-IlCj. SllCkl c��-a LEASE AGREEME23T default shall continue for a period of 15 days after the due date therefor; (ii) P.P.I. shall violate ar fail ta perform any of the other conditions, covenants or agreements herein made by P.P_I. and such default shall continue for 30 dags after notice from DWH. DWH agrees ta be reasonable under the circumstances, conditions, covenants or agreements herein made in finding P.P.I. in deEault. I€ an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, DWH may at its sole option by written notice to P.P.I. terminate this Zease. Neither the passage of time after the occurrence of the Event of Default nor exercise by DWH of any other remedy with regard to such Event of Default shall limit DWH's rights under this section. 13, Riqht of First Refusal. 13.1. If DWH desires to se11 the building subject to this Lease to any person or entity durinq the Term of tihis Lease and any subsequent renewal, DWH shall first offer such buil.dinq for sale to P.P.S. at the same price and on the same terms offered in good faith by such ather person or entity. Such offer sha11 be made by DWH by a notice given to P.P.I. The notice shall recite the price and other terms being of£ered in good faith by such other person or entity. P.P.I. sha11 have a peri.od of thirty days after receipz of the notice to accept or reject the offer. Acceptancs of the ofier sha11 be by notice given to the DWH. ,, I3.2. In the event that P.P.I. shal2 purchase the building from DSvH under the provision described above, P.P.I. sha11 receive as an offset to the purchase price tne cost oi any strnctu=al imnrovements it has made to tte builcting. Z3.3. Sn the event �hat P.P.I, sha11 no� gurchase ti?e bnildinq from DWH under the nravision described above, DTriu shal? reimburse P.P.I. £rom the proceeds of sa2e the cost o= any structural improvemen�s P.P.�. has made to the bu_lding. � 13.4. In the event that DWH shali seli the building to a party other than P.P.I., a11 provisions of this lease shall re*_aain in full force and ef�ect ior the full term of the leasa, including its renewal as provided in section 2 0£ tnis agreement. DWH acknowledges that in �aking this agree�en� that they rely whollg ugoa their own judgment, beliei and knowledge. DWH =urtner acknowledges 'tnat tney have careiuiiy read the foreyoir_g aareemeni ar_d understaad tI�e contea�s thereof and that they siga ihis agreement as their own fr=e act. DbvH iurther acknow?edges t'r_at � q� LBASE AGREEMENT they have consulted with and been rep=esented by an attorney thraughout the discussions which preceded the execution of this aqreement and that the terms have been completely read and explained by their attorney, and that those terms are £ully understood and voluntarily accepted by them, at that, except as otherwise indicated herein they sign this agreement for the axpress purpase of leasing the premises known as People's Choice, and precluding for as long as this agreement is valid any interest in People's Choice, and the management thereof. This agreement will be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. Lessor: Dated: Dated r�" � y � � -�7 �s r�ated: �b��- 71 �a9S ����,,��.�-- Edward Hayes; WHJpartner ' � � CU..�.�.-��7yt� John Tdilliams, DWAJpartner Lessee: i"�v�R� J e..�c.�2�cy��^� BY��� � y�b'F�- I�s CE STATE OF ?VII23NEcQna COUN'r'Y OF RAMSEY ss. k� The foregoing was acknowledged beiore me this 1 � day of Sentember, 1445, by Edward Hapes and by John Williams, partners of DTriH, on behali zs such Lessor. . )AiJIES S. Sil'cN �.° NOT��" ��•�L �C-MINNESOTA �1��r CH$$FG� COUM�i'�' rr co+.�asion ccn<ce �A:�. �7. 2090 � ���,.� �\�--. Natary Public LEASE AGREEMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA ) j ss. COtiNTY OF RAh1SEY ) q�-�aq The foreqoing was acknowledged before me this ��� dap of September, 1995, by 1�-EN� G-"��T�t��15 . CLO of Private Protection, Inc., on behalf as such Lessee. ¢ }AMES S. SI:EN Fe ":.�ti�r CHISAGO GOUN7Y �_': MY COMMIGSI�N ES�IPE] JAV. 3t. Z�0 This instrument was drafted by: James S. Si1en Attorney at I,aw �ttorney Id. No P.O. Box 48 Rush Ci�y, NSN- 231a60 55069. �� � �� No ry Public G :, , �� OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIV73 HEARINGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In re the Licenses of Private Protection, Inc. dlb/a People�s Choice 920 Selby Avenue CITY'S PROPOSED EXIiIBITS January 7, 1997 TO: Judge Richard Mosman, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the City's proposed exhibits for the Administrative Hearing on January 7, 1997. �ibit No. Exh. No. 1 Exh. No. 2 a Description St. Pau1 City Council File #96-1343 (6 pp.�; Notice of Hearing, dated December 3, 1996, with Affidavit of Service (4 pp.�; Exh. No. 3 License Application, dated March 17, 1996, with attached "Certification of Compliance with the Minnesota Worker's Compensation Law" form, license payment receipt, and "Minnesota Tax Identification Number" form (5 pp.}; Exh. No. 4 Exh. No. 5 Exh. No. 6 License Application, dated March 17, 1996, with attached September 27, 1995 "Lease Agreement" t9 pp.); Executive Summary, Business P1an, dated May 14, 1996, with attached April 23, 1996 letter from Brett Larson to Carl Green (5 pp.}_ Amended Articles of Incorporation of Private Protection, Inc., filed September 2, 1994 (4 pp. ) ; .� . Exh. No. 7 Exh. No. 8 Exh . No . 9--���//„s� r� Exh. No. 10 Exh . No . 11�"��,rG� � Exh. No. 12 Exh. No. 13 Exh. No. 14 Exh. No. 15 Exh. No. 16 Exh. No. 17 Exh. No. 18 Exh. No. 19��,,%/ory� �� Exh. No. 2� Exh. No. 21 q�-3� Property Ownership/Occupant Screen and Business License Manager Screen (4 pp.); April 15, 1996 letter trom Christine Rozek to Carl Green (1 p.); Executive Summary, Susiness P1an, dated April 15, 1996 (1 p.); April 26, 1996 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl/Earl Green (2 pp•?; Lease Agreement, dated September 1995 (1 p.); Letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek, received May 3, 1996 (1 p.); May 6, 1446 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl Green (1 p.); May 21, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek (3 pp.); June 3, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek {1 p.); June 10, 1996 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl Green (2 pp.); June 18, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek with attached affidavits from Carl L. Green, Curtis Olson, and Elizabeth Y. Green (4 pp.); July 22, 1996 letter from Virginia Palmer to Car1 Green (2 pp.}; July 23, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Virginia Palmer (1 p.�; September 3 "Inspector Response Data Entry/Update Screen" (2 pp.); September 20, 1996 agreement to conditions, signed and dated September 25, 1996 (1 p.). . .. � 97-�a` Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicable St. Paul City ordinances: St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.�5 § 310.06 � 310.17 Chapter 426 Respectfully submitted this 7th day of January, 1997. Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612}266-8710 � " - � OFFIC�jF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timolhy�tar.K Ciry AUOmey -- � �-�a5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Division 400 City Hall t S West Kelkgg Blvd Saini Pau(, Mmnesota 55102 NOTI�E OF HEARING December 3, 1996 Carl & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 55404 Telephone: 611 266-8110 Facsimile: 61119&5679 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. dJb/a People's Choice Dear Mr, and Mrs. Green: This is to notify you that a hearing�will be held.concerning the above-referenced license application pursuant to Chapter 310.05 and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code at the following time, date and place: Date: December 20, 1996 Ti.me: 9:30 a.m, Place: Room 42 City Hall-Couaty Courthouse 15 W. ICellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, NIId 551Q1 The hearing examiner will be an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Richard Mosmaa Administrative I,aw Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Aveaue South Richfield, 2�T 55423 Phone: 861-3331 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide for hearing concerning licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 31�, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or � � � Private Protechon, Inc. � d1bla Peo ple's Choice — City's E�. No. 2 ` �. � . 9�-�a conditions. The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has determined that conditions on the above-referenced license are appropriate and will recommend issuance of the licenses applied for subject to the conditions. However, at the hearing before the Saint Paul City Council testimony was heard by citizens in opposition to the issuance of the license. Evidence may be presented to the judge through the intervention of interested parties in the proceeding. ' The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62, and the procedural rules of Chapter 1400.5100-140D,840o of the Minnesota Rules and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. You have a right to be represented by an attorney, to represent yourselves, or to be represented by a person of your choosing to the extent not otherwise prohibited as the unauthorized practice of law. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all. parties identify themselves for the record. The City wi11 then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may , cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If data classified as not public (e.g. private or confidential) is admitted into evidence, it may become public unless a party objects and asks for relief under Minn. Stat. §14.60, subd. 2. A notice of appearance must be filed with the judge within twenty (20) days of the date of service of the notice of and order for hearing if a party intends to appear at the hearing, unless the hearing date is less than twenty days from the issuance of this notice . The undersigned will appear on behalf of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Please be advised that if you fail to appear at the hearing it may result in the allegations of the notice of and order for hearing � �} y � i ��-��9 being accepted as true and result in a determination in favor of the License Office to recommend conditions on the license. Very truly yours, � ��� Virgin�almer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessles, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Aearings, Suite 17D0, Minneapolis, MN 55401 Judge Richard Mosman, 604 Richfield Bank, 6625 Lyndale Ave. So., Richfield, MN, 55423 Nancy Anderson, City Council, Room 310 City Hall Peggy Byrne, Executive Director, Summit-University Planning Council, 627 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, 55104 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Ttmothy E. Marx, City Attorney g �_ � a CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Nonn Coleman, Mayor civit Division 400 City Hall I S West Kellagg Blvd Saint Paul, �nnesom SSIO2 Telephone: 612 266-8710 Fdcsimile: 6I2 298-5619 December 31, 1996 The Honorable Richard Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Mr. Carl Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 E. 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 554�4 Mr. Philip A. Shepherd Collins & Ingebritson, PA 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. d/b/a People's Choice Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the hearing in the above-entitled matter, which was continued until Tuesday, January 7, 199? at 9:30 a.m., will be heard in Room 1504 of the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paiii� i.ia'.I72S6�d. The City Hall Annex is located on Fourth Street, between Wabasha and Saint Peter Streets. Sincerely, �/� � � � Virgin a D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek LIEP "° � �1-'.;'f s.. t � ! � 9� &TATE OF MINNESOTA ) 5S. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY 1 JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and sa�s that on December 3, 1996, ehe served the attached NOTICE OF HEARING on the following named persons by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Carl & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. &15 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN. 55404 (which is the last known addresses the same, with postage prepaid, in Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of December, 1996. /� l/ .IJ //l< GliL�� � Notary Public . • RITA M. 80SSARD � hOTARY PUBLIC — h711:ti`c50TA RANSEY COUNTY ' MY�mn.ExpiresJSn.37.2W0� of said persons? and depositing the United States mails at St. � -� �=� � g � L CL�SS iII ciTY oFS.ai�r P�LL LICE\SE APPLICATION or ficeofLicense.In< w;�ens a�dEm�rzenme�tzi?:.�: e.ion ?50 S� Pncr St. Suim 309 Saim Pzul. AM1ianuou '9 (f . — _.�_i .�•� �._ (61'_726S909Jfa�(61^_):cb-9:13 _ ' �J�C�4 /'-^ T?��S APPLTC.4TI0\' IS StiBJECI' TO RE�ZEW BY THE PtiBLIC PLEASE 7YPE OR PRI1T L\ L\'K i ,, - �l� zf. . T}PeofLicense(s)beingappliedfoi: _;>2+"'%C ���, ll �� f�,t `� ��;�,*�S�'�c �dr';-z( ¢'—�-Y��-�•F-��SP_ � r Company \'us�: �F' r W�' r� t�Y �� L� C�� t rt Corp�ration / Pzra�ers.^.+p / Sole Propdetort.a If business is incorporated, gi��e date of iacc;poralion: � Boin� Business As: ��L ��C%,� 1� ;$ l�L BUSiness Address: Besiness Phone: ,3f'- '�� ��� Stree[ Address �- � ? � � � S / � � �y�, �JC Jr GtY // State Z Beeween what cross streeu is the business located? `�.�� - %Zf �4 j 7 l�JJlTft� Whjch side of the street? w� �t Ara the prer.rises now occupied? � V✓bat Type of Business? � '�7aii To Address: _� / � • 1 L � St�f �'f ������y k�'G li S �f✓ .SS���-/ Stccet Address City State Zip Applicant Information: \'azm and Tide: �.(l �`� �f t_ Home Address: �.r� � . C f'P � .� C�r2�r First yLddle (.Maiden) GSo�I Jf�m/e f R vt ..f'o - L�of Cc`o �� Title �� �� Sveet Address � ���— �—� ity State Zip Date of Birth: �- z-.3 "�e� Place of Bireh: �R �� X-f �re .� Home Phone: Y�B' %���1 Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violauon of any city ordinance orher than tr�c? YES _ NO � � Date of azrest: Chazge: _ Conviction: R'here? Sentence: List the names and residences of ttuee peisons of good moral cbazacter, living witfiin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related applicant or financiaily interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanYs chazacter: n��.� ADDRESS �!^.e���`het'SZ 3 �3� E. Gcgtn �t • TnvPY C�i f=--- �Ccc�t Flc�:v F'u Run 1ia ��* ��lzCctn List licenses which you currendy bold, forr�rly held, or may have an interest ia: �r�7e��-;Ve liavt't�5 'ti(,�r`,�Z_ , 4�r;�r��e lnvC��,a. PHONE iC�hts 55�-i¢s t,sS��3z� i,�n5` 1 ci L'� V r�•OM ��z � y: s K �� �a � >�� Have any of the above'£iazued licenses ever been recoked? _ YES ✓?30 If yes, list che dates and reacons fox revocation: � Are you going to opente this business personally? ✓ YES _:�O If not, who will operate ii? '' Fnt Name Middle Initiai ('.;aiden) Iast Date of Birth Homeqddsess: SaeeeName City Stau Zip Phone:.umber _ � Are eeu �eino to ha�e a r.�a��aer cr a:s.::_.; :; ti;i< bus;ne<:: }�ES comple� the fo!lo•,�i::: i :,orn:.ticn: �1t1 K,r`�� ��tf\ �� f.Fli S �"� i .`,� . F:stS�nr >^.io�e:ai�� ..`.ad^_') I.�tt .,.,.�ef3inh 'r.o:,z Ad: Speet \�� Plezc.e list pe=s es�lo��nt fustory fer �e rre��ie�s fice (_; ; zaz �riod: Buciness/Emoto�,—,ent �dd;ess �r',i!h �a l . Tnn.. (s15 ;- . If,�?� Str S�te P4e,-.e �um6er /✓�/.� f'F�rl ��rl+'n � �t� Tv,c 7 ��r~���n{Cn�'rYe�.L�',,ttnGe �`trove /✓�✓SSVirn J List a11 ocher o:ficers cf t6e cocg�:aac7: OFFICER TLE HQUtE HO'�'iE BliSI\'ESS DAI'EOF \A;vIE �{ 'fice Held) ADDRESS PHO�E PHO\B BIRTA til�z�l�e�i1 ��reFn ���retfer ��c� �n)irt t? YSs 4�93 3.z1.v� izyo-�s If business is a pazmership, pie��e inc}ude t�e iollowing inie::nation for eac6 partner (use additiona! pages if nececsary); :mu�i (.`.:aidenj 97 \O �fv�em.ma�er;snct:l;e>:r.x.�:.'�ae�r:or.Fiea�e Hoxs�Address S¢e.ei:�a� First'�`.me bTiddle Ir�iriei (?�faiden) '-iome Addrus: Sveet Name City Lzn Sczte Zip I,zst Stim Zip Date of Binh Phene Num�r Dace ot NiLNl�'ESOTA TAX IDE,\`TIFICATIO\' �'L'�'[BER - Pursu�t to the Laws of ?�Iinnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (I'ae Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing au[borities �-e required to procide to [he State of'vlinnesota Commissioner of Revenue, tbe :Minnesota business tax identification nu�Ser znd cbe cC;izl cecurity numbet of each license applicant. Under the'.vlinnesota Govemmeot Data Pracaces Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze requ'ued to advise you of the folloa�ing regazding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification rTUmb_r: �_ - This informatior.cray be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in che event you owe Minnesota sales, empioyer s withholding or motor vehicle ezcice tazes; - Upon xeceiving this information, che licensing authority will supply it only co the'vlinnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Depaztment of Reti�enue may supply tivs information to che Intemal Revenue Sercice. Minnesota Tzx Identification \'umbers (Szles & Use Taz \umber) mzy be obtaiaed from the State of'�Iinnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Pa:k Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Suurity?�'umber: '.vTinncsota Tax Idenafication \'umber: _ If a Minnesota Taz Iden�cation \�umbez is not requ'ued for t6e business being operated indicau so by pIacing aa "X" in the boz. 9�-3a9 CERTIFICA510S OF �6'ORKERS` CO�L'�\SATIO\ CO� ER4GE PliRSt AAT TO �^,I�\ESOTA ST.4TLTE 176.1 S^ I hereb}' cerufy tbat I. or my comaan}•, zm;n compliance �; ;�h �he M�e:kets' cor.•.pensa;ion insura�ce co��eraee requaemen[s of '�4innezota Statute 176.182, sath;ivision 2. I a1<o vndz:_c+,y�d Lhat pro� i�iea of false informatioo in this cercification conseimtes sufiicient grounds for ad��erse action a�ainst all licenses 6eld, inciudine re�rocaaca a�d suspension of said licences. tiame of Insurance Company: Policy N�m6er. Cocerage from to I have no employees covered undec k�orF:e:� comp�nsatioa :::.urance ANY F3LSIFIC:�TIO\ OF A\S��'ERS GIVEV QR �1L�TERIAL SLB�ZITTED R�iLL RESi:LT I\ DE\IAL O� THIS �PPLICATifl*� I bereby state that I have answered all of �e precedin� quesuans, �d that the infoxmauon contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belieE I hereby state funber that I have received no money or other consideration, by vray of loan, sifr, conuibuuon, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in che application w hich 3 berewith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fize, health and othet city offici�ls at any and all u�s when the business is in operation. n ����� 1'' �!U'�� '" Signa.ure (REQliIRED for all applications) /� **Note: If this applicavon is Food/Liquorrelated, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review p]ans. If any substancial changes to s�ucture aze anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Ezami¢u at 266-9007 to apply for buiiding permits. If there are any changes to the pazking lot, floot space, or foz new operations, pleue contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Additional application requiremenfs, please attach: A detailed description of the design, ]ocation and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The folloc�ing data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 81/2" x 11" or 81/2" x 14" paper): • I�'ame, address, and phone number. - The scate should be sfated such as 1" = 2A'. ^?.' should be indicated fovcazd the top. - PIacement of atl pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seafing areas, ldfchens, offices, repair azea, pazldng, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or er.pansion of the licensed faci['sty, indicate both the current ues and fhe proposed expansion A copy of pour Iease agreement or pr�of of ownership of the property. FdFt SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREME:VTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> ����a9 Lin^i1F;CRi:^✓H C�F CIkSPLiAKLi ViiH THE NIHNESGiA VJ^nKERS' C.'7`iPERSRTIOH LFV Accordin� .o BH Statutes 77b.�b2, ticcnsin5 agcncics arc prohibi2cd fro�n issuing licc.ticcs vi:hovi vcritication of xorkcrs covcrege. A LICE%SE AvACtUtTtOt Urv�T BE PROCESSEJ tniLESS THIS FORK 15 CUmLFT� StGtiED AWD RETUCkeJ (p(ccse print). questions on filling ovi this form sboutd be direc:ed to the Stcie of Rin�csota "spccial CmQcnsation furd° - 296•2157. r _ _. pa� T t>` , ��� �' i - Doin9 busincss as i �: . ; ,r � �t ! ..' ' last tirst mid3te fvlt busincss nar,�, if difSereM .han yoor Sociat Scwrity Mo. � �" � � frdcral Ei+Qtoyer 7D Ao. State SD Ro. Addrems ' - . �-� f ' . = . . ,�i .�, � , � s.rret ao�ress�or :oo:c n,rber ci:y ar toun namc statc namc zip ca - i., �; Business Tetep�one No. C�� 1r. 7 �'• "`"' `1= Hane iclephone Ho. t� �) '- ! - � Typc of H�siness ���'- ='" -�� i { �"•i � � .�- _ f � � �i�r'�.'1 �,�_1 ;t�� -`.� , t i , descrip:ion (for cxar.Qlc: buitding,consfruction; or togging; or cianufae.uring) Vorkcrs' Ccr.pensation =? �, .� - C ,,,_ n ` , ` �='ar.�.':!y PoliC H e�'A,�. . tnsuraxc Cor.y�eny uamc� s �'-� - : � . : �'' ' - Y o. . �. . . . �ull.rame o4 insurance cmp�ny C�Ot irtsurance a ent) tull nu�+Sc� from insurance policy �— _._.t t �t . � - .., ; � . : V i . ; , ,-. . .; ; 'l - a�" . � )� .. . _ , ( ;�,tt '.l�_,✓_ �4{�Kz � N'�Y'�z: Da:es ef Coverage � ihrorigh � " �} � '� ' � � �t,.,�, startin9 da2e erding Ca:c � '' < < . '�t � ` �;�" �' S certity that f am not reqvired :o carry uorkers' cmper,saTion insurasxa becauset ` � -"`F �' ��� ,�� ��". i� {=yscY. ^r�c� _ I am a sotc proprietor or� 1 have no cr.Qloyccs. t have no eep(oyecs �ho are covercd by tAC vcrkers' cmQensation lcv. (Only mployces who are specifically exenpted staiuie are naS eovere6 by the uotkers' cccper.saSion iav. These inctude: Spouse; Parents; Chjtdren, reyardless o{ a7 and farm tabor rnQloyeas of a,'amily farm tAat spent less xban S8,D00 for farm labor in thc prcrious wlcrda� ycar, I otfier workers uhose work activity is tontroltable by the essptoycr m.isi be covered.) 1 u�crstacd that the inforaatio� provided above vitt be vc�ificd by thc Nimeseia Department of Labor a.�d tndustry. undersiard ihat 1 am subject to a 15,000 penaltK, iF i e information is false. I ceriity that the intorrration provided abo is ecwratc aed ca�ptcic. '�, �� �� _ � % ^, r Siyned by � / �' i� 0 - , D32c �T �i `" �: , __._ - � [NO tocat licensing a9exy, 9en. contr., timber 6vyer or other yersonloryonization attir+9 as an interme6icsy to de4ives this to� to chc Dcpt. of Labor ard Irduztry shalt bc respon:ib�c for acwracy oi thc inlorn�tion provided by tTc person signing thc iorm. i R�� . -} (`� � Q ! � d�a1G: ~+ �t J/ _ � 12 a�a;.,>d O� 9.� /��nt �,.: c (= a�nvni ✓�a: l_euh: �Ceceiiat �or �ac�rreenf ! �` �C .�maunf 7�ec¢ivarL '/ �' 7 `' � / CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL OGfice ot Licrnse, Inspections and Environmental Prorection 3w St. ve�a St. smm 3ao Saw� PaW. Mimtmia 55102 (612) ib69100 C��6 yl,�&,.� 1� �//?�..t l��awod d3�: — i J I 9� -�a9 PLEASE hQTE - FASI,IIRE TO S�PLY THE FOLI,OAZNG INFORMATION AILL JEOPARDZ'�E OR DELAY THE PROCF',SS2bTG OF YOIIR LICENSE ISSIIA27CE OR RENEPiAI, APPLICATICN. MI2v"NESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION A Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72)(Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Co:ozaissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification nuiwer and tre social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the Federal. Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of this information; 1J This in£ormation �.ay be used to deny the issuance or r�:?ewal of your licer.se ?n the event you owa Minnesota sales, e�ployer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; 2) Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Department of 12evenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Infor�ation Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Minnesota Tax Identi£ication Numbers (Sales & t3se Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota - Business Records Department - 10 River Park Plaza. Phone: 296-6181. tipp�icanr.•s Social Security � { �f�2�k i'Yo� C � Iti- � I".� n � J`.> C. 1(,t ; i i? ! f' �' rL�,s �i r r'�: : f � � i� 5���'� 3�1-y,��= � � s- lJ ,.;...��� . Minnesota Tax IdentiPication Number: ',,.;,j�: (If a Minnesota Tax Identi£ication Number is not required for the business bein operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box. ) �J - l�� ,J � /�f�'�� ���� a6 S Signature Date ��� C �v � ��-�a5 0 •� / / � �(�� f15�i� '"4 AniendrJ ;Ai(�r't� ;�: luro:��o�.::�;u� ��s' Pn�:rt�' P���Irrhi�n. L:. . The undersigned incorpo�ator. bcing :� r.atur:il pei,rn� u1'+ui� .r +�,: t.,; puip.i,c „i ����n+in. .. COfQOCS(IOII RI7(Ief I�'t!l1I1�SUI;t SIl(US<�. � �t:tfll;'1 )�)���, il������ .lilu{:f+ �.�: :��ilC�i ��l Ineorporn6on set torth f�erein :�ttrrc'[_r: u��°e Section L01 N;1�d[ The name of the eorporat�on u 1'u�.n. P��rt��tuni. Inc :\R'11('LE l \\'U Section 2 01 REGISTERED OFFIC�E. Tl�t r�giilered of:ire ��t� tlin cur^or.�uun i. (ui:ited .�t / GIS East 16th Sireet, �'(mn�apo4is, i�t\ 5��1(�d �� AR"(fCLf: '1�f IRIiR; Sectio�t 3.01 INCORPOFtATOR ��i,e �,:�»,� ;t„�; :,�i�i,�., �>r �i,� :::.,,,��,,:.,;, i. \i:el�.i�:�.:n Beeks, Sr., 6t$ East IGth Street, `hnne.�poli<. �iX ��-!0�! AIt'I;C'Lt; PQl.tt SCCtion 401 CAP{TFV1_ Tlte a��reg:ne ntintbc; oC>h,c,. oC.!c•e� ��!':..L d:r to�;��+�.rt:� .h.di hace aud�oritt� to issua �s 1.000 sh:u�. 1K"Il('LE Pl\'(. SeCtiott .`+�1 Cn\�f�10\ S�I�(�C�h �I�heie �h;ul b�' ��i�. �':.. ;�„i .��.. �' �uuinnu; .!�.t„ consisllnk of �i0�) sh;ire+ :lll commor. <h:irc• .h.dl br �,:!u�,� .ir:�� i�.�.:•�:� ru�,_d ��_•'�r.� .:::.i m a{I matt�rs _ $acucn 5 0? CLASSES OF_AUA-�:(S�1_{A<� �lO<'I� li.; li�,.:�:: .�! [i.;�.'. ;r..��. I,� t,�:.: "--- to h�tie. estlbli;h bv resolution diffucni d.:>.,� u� ,�n� oi .L::::. ,�. .::: �.o,u;�• rch;. :��:,? mat� t'i� tiie n�hts (e�capf ��oLnu n,1it.) ar. � p�:l��irr.c_. rf... .. ..... . .. . _. , � ,.._ Sect�o:i 5 Q? :lC'"I O!_ l:lll�_tili;A!2'r.l_IOI 1)l:tt �I i�� �h.r.,:.n!d;�• •.. .._ .. ,... ..,._ af!irr,.....e ��ota �€� a ��tajon;�� u:� dr� �:•„���: { : :. _ .iia,;.:� ; _ _ _. �. _. .,,�_�. �, .. . _. ., d�.ii} held nteetin_ e�ce^r d;aL t.`i�• �L:u�i:cu,!,. ,..:ii ..... .., , . . . . .. ..... _ . .. . r ^ '�C...: O� :�i-.i \Ol::l; �)O�\CI' l;f :h.� �I;:!1� �17::1 p� . .. .. _ �,. .... ... , . . . . � � a`�,'{��% ..! ., � =� � /! i . . Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice —' City's Exh. No. 6 ., r , �7-3a9 0 ogo� :\IL'CIC'L(� >(\ Sec!ion 60{ fI�ST Bn:1Rn_QF 1�(RFC1'O�S Thr tlr.t Bo:ud of I)nrrtor. .t�.•II con.i.i uf three (3) persons ��ho.c names :ue rinthi�u;d� Ba.i.., ti� ll;r�i,. \\:�ti.�r. .....; (.,�f (n;��� Section 6.03 ACT OP TFfE BO.ARD. "ihe fSuard ot Du<•r�.��. .ir:!i i.J.c .i�;wn b� thr affirmative vote of all of the Airecte�rs Section 6.05 W`RiTiL'N ACTiO�. Any acuan ;equu�d �+r ivu:utt: � ta 1�.: t.+��iti ti�tt}tiuii; ,i meetin� by ws�tten act;on signed by all of dea directors, r�crpi .0 d�a,r inatt.r< ulvci3 rcqui�, shareholder app:oval, in which ca�e the acuon shafi br �� �nce1 b� .ill duce;"i. 1RTIC'I.E SE:�'F\ Sect�On 7.01 CU�IULATIVE V(�TINCi No f�older c+i',tuii. of ti��. ia�pot.t�;uit ,h;tll t�r entitled to any cumulanve voting ngSits :1RTIt'LB fSGH"{' Section 8.01 PRE-E�4P1lVL_it��ri_t_1_S �o holci�r nf �torl rf ih�� ernpur;;mr .h.�ll h:,« .tn� pre-emptive rights :\R"Il('LP \I\l SeCt�On 90; r�t�lE\[���1E�iT Si�h��e! tu \(ins� St:u iU:�1 t;� tivh J6 tlic.r �1�u�lr� ��I [ncorporation shall bo amended U� th� ;iftiun:unr �oir oi l��u��„ ,:( ;l�r ��.�!:nr po��,� rf d�. shares entitle�i to vote Ii_; -r, /; , ; �j �;' U $7ATE Or h11N':�E`SOTA DEPA£"M.f1T 0= STAT£ F;LED SCC V L i�:� � ,� ;._ � � L ��;c !!: :.� \ntfii;�.�:�.: �_.,:. ,; Inro;pora�o: (,�:� Fn.y lbth � \I!:;n.a� \1\ :-, . � ,:r J� � :� � � � /�.t��sb'sas�+.�r! ��� c_, s.-��-1; � - -� •f�� 9�-�a� ''� - - � i ��,rr:-.,, �TAT� �F 1 �T�:'��E5C�7'.': � -;. _ . � , �.._ . , r, �;L��,; ��CRFT.AR}' Or c7�,1Ti_ � �' ., � - � �.; .. � `e�" � '' :l;iTICLF.S C� ?'tiC (�i�PO :,1T:0\' :.� <. rr;. ;�,°. � �\�,L'.r..,.`' J3)1G177PLGfdLtf ��i'S.'r>7'r:f.? ( ;'�riv�ii" = � ,�^ � - � . PLEASE T'YPE OP iZL`T LEGIF>L2'iti £L,1C?: L�I:- %`� Ple:se ma? :ae d::cr::o;s on the re�; ex s:::e �xzo:a cnr-� "•.:�• -� -� A..: ::�ior:ra . :. c. :. .. ... : _ _,. .: . ...._ _ � � c: • r , TO EXPED:TE TFiE F.EI'C.Ti.1 OF YOLT. DOC[.:� P..-.-�iSF_ SL�C��J 1 A S"..:.:Pi 7, $C;.F-:1^7:^S$SLD L1 : i::-C;i i. Tha undersigned incorporator(s) is an {ase)indi�✓idua!(�; 18 years cf a�s or o!der a�d a��r' :he 1�;'o++in, a ��dES e' i�corpora:ion to form a(mark ONLY one;: !� .TY�I:-PROtiT BUSI\'F55 CORi'Gitr'.TIO:� (�:ap: °°14) .`�'O.'� i`RC.�r7T fOF:i'".,`RAP,:J\ (Ci •;••cr:;:','.� .SRTICi� 1 ti,a.'.fE "Chc *�amc o; �;��e to;� n �<: d >v���`�/��,�-� ��•- —»-----�. (busi.esa Co.` ozHon ru:nes must i�dude a rorf+o-a;e de.:�unon s•.�. as tr.v: c:at.c'.Conen_::c�n, Co;np..:i�', I.:.^t:'�v' cr an ahhr.���':� of cne o(those k•ox3sJ ARTICLb U FEGISTEAED O£RC£ ADDFESS A't AGLtiT 7'he rc�itemd offrce add:ess of the ebcporatlen ic: !��iS� /7 �( �'H!'. i✓0 %��%'/� _ � �----- �"%'✓ � S > "t'/J � {A mmp�Ce �treet ad&ess or n.ra1 route md Tun1 mute boz nemSev i nou'ved: t:�r addaess can:.at be a P.O. Bo+) C3h� The registercd agent at the abovc �ddress i<: -- �'— �' -- (IioteYouuenotf.yui>e+:lohav<a:e�istv+d+geni.l tia�e AR'i1CLE?71 SI-L1FE5 i � �., The mrporation is authorizcd to issue a!o,sl of ��'` -- shares. (Sf you arn e busincss eorjmration you r.iust �uthorv.c at icasi or.c �hare. S�onptoiit c�rpc �rat�ons 1n• not [�guin�3 in h��'c shs:« ) ARTICLEN LtiCORPORATORS 76Ve1. the aodersig�cd u+mrF+oramds) mrtih� t}u! 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U7�'Lr, l�i=. � �; � �-u.�u✓.li—..i, 5�_'c.'�ry �E 5�.:.. s�'. e� CITY OF ST PAIIL CAF ID House n JNIT � 0239300920 00920 Occupant:LEROY DANI�LS P 1: 02282321015b Parcei Code 2: 0766�0001003 FEE NAME q�-3a9 Date: May 1E PROPERTY OWNr2SriiP STRBET NAME OCCUPANT.SC3�EN SELBY AVB CONSTR YR Ward Dist Tract Blk O1 08 35400 408 Aomestead Name(s) 1:EDWARD I-LAYES JOHN WIL�SAN',S L�ROY DANTE 2:1484 SHERBURNE AVE 3:ST PAUL MN 551042415 4: TAX I3AME l: 2: 3: TAX DESCRIPTION 1:BEG AT NE COR OF LOT 1!H S 2:QN E L 83 38/100 FT TA W 37 3:09/100 FT TH N 10 50/100 FT 4:TA W 21 87/100 FT TH N 7 5:02/100 FT TH W 1 OS/100 ?T SMITA AND 1: 2: 3: Zone 1:&-3 2: 3: 1: 2: TAYLOR'S Description General Business ADDITION IIsage Recreational Subuse CLUB/ASSOCIATION HAT / 1�11��■ Private Protection, Inc. — d/bia People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 7 9�-�a� Date: May 1 BIISINESS bTCEPiSE MANAGER SCREE21 License ID 17996 Name JOHN WILLIAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 1484 Street Direction Unit Street Name SHERBURNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 1:11974, 11073 2:CITY COUNCIL APPROVED RENEWAL OF THE PRIV CLUB LIC 3: �N A LIST OF CLASS III RFNEFIAL5 4:093087 CITY COL7NCIL AMENDED C.F. 87-1121 ADOPTED O 5:N 080487 TO ADD CONDITIOIQS TO BUT, INC. DBA PEOLP[ 6:S CHOICE C.�'. 87-1428 7:0407&8 PH ON CONSIDER SUSPENAING PRIV CLUB LIC FOR 8: 30 DAYS FROM 4/15/88 TO Sj15/88 APPROVED CF 88-49 Env Notes 1: 2: 3: 4: �r�-�aq Date: May 15 Bt3SINESS LICENSE MANAGER SCREEN License ID 17946 Name JOHN WILLIAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 1484 Street Direction Unit Street Name SHERBURNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 9:9 10:052389 PFI DATE OF 062189 & 062389 BEFORE AN ADMINI ' 11:STRATIVE LAW JUDGE SET 12:072589 PH ON REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE - 13:LAYED OVER TO 480889 14:080889 REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE PRESENTE 15:D AT COiINCIL ° DISCUSSION PROMPTED DECISION TO REV 16:OKE LICENSES Env Notes 1: z: 3: 4: . . ��-�a9 Date: May 15 BUSINESS LICENSE MA2tAGER SCREEN License III 17996 Name JOIiN WILLZAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 148A Street Qirection Unit Street Name SHERBt3RNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 17:081589 ALL LICENSE5 REVOKED EFFECTIVE 8j27/89 - C. 18:F. 89-1489 19: • 20• 21: 22: 23: 24• Env Notes 1: 2: 3: 4: O}'FICE OF LtC£\SE. ]SSS'ECT10`�S A\D E\�'7R0\\fE\7.�1LPROTEC710\ Rohert 1,'assier. Dvector THE CITY OF SAlNT PAUL Norm Colemon, Ma}�or April 15, 1996 Privafe Protection lnc. (PPI) Cari Green 615 E. 16th St. Minneapolis, MN 55404 LO(347ppR0�BSS701�:iL BUILDIFG Surte 300 ??0 St. Peter Stree! SRrnt Pau1. A; Innesata 55702-I510 RE: License application #57870 at 920 Sefby Avenue Dear Mr. Green: �-�a Telephone: 6J?-266-9D90 Faccrmile: 6J?-2669099 6L?-?66-9124 The Office of LIEP has begun the review of your license appGcation at 920 Selby Avenue. At this time, the foliowing documentation has not been submitted: 1) lease or purchase agreement for the premise at 920 Selby Avenue Also, i� subsequent exchanges of various voice-mail messages, you have indicated a desire to change your application from a dance hail to a cabaret, which raises a number of questions regarding the conduct of business at that location. As i have indicated on your answering machine, I would like you to come in to meet with Kris Schweinfer, Senior License 4nspector, and me to discuss your license application. We will need to see a copy of your licenselpurchase agreement and a plan fior your business which inciudes, but is not limited to a description of your intended hours of operation, method of operation, security measures, parking availability, and the age of clientele you hope to attract. Piease call me at 266-9108 or Kris Schweiner at 266-9112 as soon as possible to set up your appointment. A Council hearing wiil not be set until these issues are resolved. Sincerely, - j . f �' 1[!��L.� �.i IW�..� LM��� / J Christine A. Rozek Deputy Directar ��� cc: Robert Kessier Kris Schweinler Ginger Palmer 1 iAL �� 4-� �" �",`, �"' `�' .�N����� � ���� � Private Protechon, Inc. ! d/bla People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 8 �. THE CITY OF S�I'.�T PAUL !�'orn� Colempn, Ma��m Aprif 26. 1996 Private Protection, lnc. �': �� fari Green 615 E. 16th St. Minneapolis, MN 55404 OFFICE 6F 3JCE'�SE, INSPLC'rIOKS AVD ESCIP.O�\:E\7AI. FROTECTtOti i?ohan Xrstler, D,reclOr LOIS R ypp,OFESS10h',SL IJUI4D7NG Smte i00 : SOS� PererS;�eet SoruPQUI d!mretom551@-ISlO RE: ticense Appiication #57870 at 920 Seiby Avenue Dear Mr. Graen: ! Tefephane.'612-�66-9090 rACnmile: 61:-_669D99 6/1-:66-9!_4 � At a meeting on 4l17l96, in the LIEP office with Kris Schweinler snd me, you �vere informed that two significant items were missing from your ds,^ � h�l! a�;,;icati�n for 920 Selby Avenue - a site pian and fease agreement, Subsequent to our meeting both of those items were received in the L{EP office on 4f18/96. F4o�vever I am unable to approve the lease because of the foilowing: 1} The lease is signed by Dennis E. Watkins of PP{, the �•c�rporate applicant at 920 Selby. However, Mr. Watkins does not appear as an officer of PP! on your ficense application. In fact, you wife, Elizabeth Green, is listed as the sole officer. How does Mr. Watkins have the authority to sign for PPI if he is not an officer of the corporat+on? What role will Mr. Watkins play in the operation planned for 920 Selby Avenue? These issues must be resoived before LfEP can make a recommendation to the City Council regardir.g your application. At our meeting tCris and i also expressed concern regarding your intent to operate your business until 3:00 AM Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. This ofEice wili not support a 3:00 AM ciosure and wiil request that conditions be placed on your license that require an earfier closure. • P� a� P�rotechon, Inc. • d/b/a People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 10 � April26, 1996 G� Priva!e Protect"ron. in;, Finally, PPf requested that the ficense applfed for be changed from a dance hafi to a cabaret. You and your wife indicated that you felt a cabaret 4icense wauld give PP{ more control over t�^�a activities at 920 Seiby. The {icense appiication wi{{ be changed to ref(ect your request. 7he fes for bcth licenses is $164.00. P(ease 4et me know if you F�ave funher questions or concems. { will Iook for your written respo�se within the next week. Sincerely, -� T � �,�,'��.,�.� � ,_�� -+ � �t-� tc. � Christine A. Rozek � � `� Deputy Director 266-9108 CAR/jl cc: Robert Kessler\Director UEP Kris Schweinler/LIEP Ginges Palmer/City Attorney s�-�a5 PRIVATE PROTECTION, INC. bl.i East lbth Street, Loa•er Level Minneapolis, Ml�t 5�404 (612) 321-4840 Christine A. Rozek Office of License, Inspeaions and Enviranmental Protection Lowry Profession.,1 B::::dina Suite .i00 350 St. Pecer St. St. Paul, MN 5�102-1510 Ms. Rozek, I would Iike to respond to a Ietter that you sent to me in order to clarify a few things. i. Elizabeth Green is not listed as the sole officer; Carl Green should also be listed as an o�cer. 2. At the time the lease agreement was signed, Dennis E. Watkins was an officer of the corporatioa and had the authority to sign such an agreement. He will play no role in the operation of any business conduaed at 920 Selby Avenue. If there are any other questions ot concems that you have, please do not hesitate to coatact me. ^,^� � j% , / � --'. Cazl L. Green CEO Private Protection, Inc. cc: Kris Schweinler - cv i ',;`�� � Pr Inc. ■ —' dfb/a People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 12 �i�-��.9 swxux lAU L � w*� THE CITY OF SAitiT PAL�I. hbrm Calemart, Mayor May fi, 1496 Te:epnorte: 6! ?-166-9C9G Facs�m;te: 6i 2-. •+69099 5J?-?66-91 >t Carl Green PPI 615 E. 16th Street Ivlinneapolis, lv�' S5�04 OFFICE OF L10E?:SE, IFSPEC770AS A,tiD £'.�\7R0;� �fE':TAI, PROTECTION RoberLKerrler, Dveclar LOWR3'PRO�cSSJO.�'�,L BUILDAG Smfe i0P 350 St. Peter Stmet SaintPaul, AL�nssota SSl D2-JSt 0 Re: License application #57870 at 920 Se1by Avenue Dear Mr. Green: As a result of your ]etter to me (undated) which was received in this office on 5(3l96, it appears that several coaections need to made in the class three license application form that you have submitted for a cabaret license at 920 Seiby Avenue. The application asks for all officers of the corporation and you have indicated to me that that section was not completed properiy because your name was not included. A copy of your current application as we31 as a blank application form has been included with this letter. Please resubmit you application with the conect information in every category. You must also complete the sections on Ta�c Identification numbers and Workers' Compensation. You also indicated in your letter that the lease agreement that you submitted to LIEP was signed by an individual who has no standing with the corporation. There is no record in your application of Dennis E. Watkins as a corporate officer, yet he has signed your lease as the CEO of the corporation. We request that you submit a new ]ease that has been signed by all of the prop�r parties. Elizabeth Cneen is the only possible signatory of the lease for PPI, according to the records that you have previously sent to LIEP. Ifyou have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 266-9108 or Kris Schwein7er at 266-9110. Your hearing wili not be scheduled before the City Council until your application includes the corrected application form and lease agreement as requested in this letter. Sincerely '' 1 „�,,,1 , �.� �-�1? � ��� Christine A. Rozek J Deputy Director cc: Robert Kessler Kris Schweinlet Cringer Patmer ���� ■ Private Protecrion, Ine. '-' d/b/a People's Choice —' City's Exh. l�TO. 13 ,�, 9�-� a9 (612) 321-9840 PRIVATE PROTECTION, INC. 615 East 16th Streec, Loa Le� Minneapolis, 'dIN 5�4C� Christine A. Rozek Officz of License, Inspections and Encironmental Protection Lowry Professional Buildin� Suite 300 35� St. Peter St. St. Paul, MI� 55102-1�10 May 21, 1996 HAND DELIVERED Ms. Rozek, I do not ask LIEP or the City Council to suppon this business, what I want is for you not to impose any restrictions or the cabaret license, they would unlawfully restrict rights protected by the Constitution of che United States of America. This applicant has no history of violations of the laws and ordinances that apply to public health, safety or morais. Funhermore, the Council, nor official community organizations have a basis for saying no to our abilities to profitably manage a legitimate business on Selby Avenue and Milton Street or anywhere else in the City of Sc. Paul, whether or not the neighborhood is described as a magnet for drugs and having a history of violence, or the fact that some other African American business owners could not manage under such conditions and/or circumstances. Personalized decision making under conditions of complexity, uncertainty and interdependence requires a variety of skills. Sincerely, ) � ^ � 1� 'f � X'./,� � j�./,� f , Yf ��`,�.�;,/ Carl L. Green CEO Private Proteaion, Inc. � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/bla People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 14 :� g�-�a9 I cenify that the lease agreement made as of SepLember 27, 1995 by and between DWH, a Minnesota partnership ("Lessor'� and Private Proreccion, Inc. ("PPP'�, a Minnesota corporation ("Lessee") is a�'alid lease agreement and Carl L. Green, CEO of PPI, has re- signed such, and saJd agreement will be enforced by any of the current listed officers of PPI. � t� � � J �l (� �' � '�i�. Notary Public � ,1ANE R. FETERSON � � NOiHRY QUB�IC — tlati?lESOTA �� DAKOTA COtSNTY My Comm. Exp�res Jen. 31, 2W6 ■ • �z �a ���� �� ; , q7-�a9 ElECLTIVE SUi�ti�1ART Plans for cabaret Iicense ���e intend to offer sQeakers, fashion shows, comedy, music, and dancing in Lhe rel�ing atmosphere of a reaaurant. There has been no decision made as to when and how ofcen this enlertainment �-i11 be offered; this wi11 depend on our market resezrch. Cabaret Hours The cabaret will not be an even occurrence. There will be no set hours for operating such; it a-i11 depend on the availabiliry of speakers, groups, comedians and the tame of year. The cabarec will be used as a marketing tool to generate clientele foz the restaurant; it will never exist as a separate entity for social purposes only. We a�il1 be constantly searchLng for the *ighc balance with respect to the cabaret that will ailow us to significantly increase the revenue of the :estaurant in such a way that would not exist if People's Choice was solely a restaurant. q�-3ag PRIVATE PROTECTION, II��C. 61� East 16th Street, Loz Le��el D4inneapolis, MN 554�4 (bi2) 321-9840 ChrisTine A. Rozek Office of License, Inspectier.s and Encironmental P.o�ection Lowry Professional Building Suite 300 3�0 St. Peter St. St. Paul, ?v11�T �5102-1�1C June 3, 1996 HAI�� DELIVERED Ms. Rozek, I am writing to inquire about the status of the cabaret license for 920 Selby Avenue (People's Choice). I fail to understand u LIEP's concern regarding the lease zgreement is. We have received permission from the owner to open a business operating a restaurant and bringing in live entenainment. According to the application, this is all that is required. If there is some other statute covering the lease agreement, please present it for my review. Surely there is a statute of limications for che timely processing of our application. If the time limitation has been exceeded, we would appreciate the expedient processing of our application for a cabaret license. We have been patient thus far, but would appreciate additional informaLion as to the status of our application and reasons for any delays. Sincerely, ! `�� �. ` ` _ , . . Carl L. Green CEO Private Proteaion, Inc. ������ Private Protechon, Ine. '— d(b/a People's Choice � Cit.y's Egh. No. 15 OFFICE OF IJCE:vSE, P..'SPECTiO:.S AND ENt'IRO?:ME.\TA1. PROTEC270M .RobertKeaeler, Director THE CITY OF SAP�T PAUL No-m Coteman, kJayor :,GNRY PROr'�SSIONrtL BUILDING Swt¢ 30✓ :50 St. Peler Sveei Smnt Pau1, Mm.a,.: �!a 55102J570 June fl 0, 1946 �arl Lee Green 9504 Hamlet Avenue South Cottage Grove, MN 55016 RE: Application for Cabuet License at 920 Selby Avenue Dear Mr. Green: G�-3 a5 ielephone: 6l1-266-9090 F'acs�m; ie: 6/1-2669J�S 612-1b6911! We have racelved your most recent correspondence regarding the application for a Cabazet "B" Yicense for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paat, Ivfin.nesota. After reviewing the entire fi(e to date with the City Attorney's Office, we have determined that we need some additional infornsation to finish processing your application. Pursuant to Sa�nt Paul Legislative Code 426.05(2), your application must contain "names and addresses of the property owner, the business owner, the lessee, the manager or operator and, if a corporation, atl the names and addresses of the officers of such corporation, and any other person or corporation which may have a financial interest in the premises to be licensed. Because your application has significant inconsistencies regarding the structure of the corporation, Private Protection, Inc., which is applying for the license, we will need information in the form of corporate or business records, minutes or other documentation regarding the current stockholders and officers of the corporation. A notarized statement by you of the officers will not be considered sufficient. We will also need specific information regarding the pians you have for use of the building. In your application, you indicate plans for a restaurant are in the future, but also tefer to the cabaret being enjoyed in the "rela�cing atmosphere of a restaurant". Pursuant to 426.04 (4) ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code your application must include a"description of the services to be offered". • Private Protechon� ■ — dibla People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 16 G� -32y9 Page 2/3une 10, 1996 Carl Lee Cnee�z Additionally, under the Cabaret ordinance, 426.05(c), the Saint Paul City Council has an obligation to consider reasonable facts or circumstances relating to the public health, safety and welfare. Your intended use of the property is crucial to determination of the po<ential suitability of tha ares or neighborhood and the possihle traffic and parking problems. We will hnish processing your license agplication when we have received the above information. Sincereiy, ��� � � Christine A. Rozek Beputy Direetor cc: Robert Kesster/I�irector-LIEF' Ginger PalmerlCity f�ttorney Councilmember 7erry BlakeyiWazd 1 Gerry McInemeylWard i I{ris SchweinlerlSa. License Inspector C�l �i� PRIV �TE PROTEC�IO�, I`�C. 6li East 16zh Streer Loc Le. Minnezpolis, D1N 5�4G4 (6L) 321-934Q Christine A. Rozek O$ice of License, Inspecciors and Envi:onmenLal Protettion Lowry Professional Buildin� Suite 300 3�0 St. Peter St. St. Paul, MN >j102-1�10 June 18, 1996 HAND DELIVEREA Ms. Rozek, Please find enclosed affidavits and informacion you have again requested. I request �hat LIEP submit the license application for a cabaret "B" license to be used at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul to the City Council at the next possible meeting. I plan to view any funher delays in the processing of our application as a denial, and will present the application and supporcing information to an administrative judge. You cannot delay, place restrictions upon or deny our application or subsequent license based on what you think may happen. Prior restraint is unconstitutional. Furthermore, we derive the freedom to stsuaure our corporation under Chapter 302A of the Minnesota Business Corporation Act. To question or to request changes be made to said structure that conforms to Chapter 302A, is denying us our right of equal treatment under the law. If further information is required, check with the Secretary for the State af Minnesota; a complete and up-to-date record of all relevant corporate activities is kept on file. 3incerely, ,�! l . ' /'. �- . ." Carl L. Green CEO Private Protection, Inc. � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 17 G� - 3�9 AFFID�V'IT OF C�RL L. G�EEti I, Car1 L. Green, being first duly sz �pon oath, depose znd state as follows: 1. I submit this :ifidacit ia respc^se to the charge of significant inconsistencies regarding the structu:e of che Cor�oration and plans tor the building by Privzte Protection, Inc. (PPI) �hich is ap: ?ying for a cabaret "B" license for the premises aT 920 Se1by Avenue, St. Paul, Minr.�sota. 2. I have read the charge alle�ed bv the License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection committee and ChrisLine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies regarding the structure of the Corporation and plans for the building. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Stockholders of PPI. No one else hzs a financial in�erest. 4. Curtis Olson was promoted from Operations Manager to President of PPI on or about May 5, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Curtis Olson. 5. PPI has already submitted specific information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhibit A. This ea�hibit consists of five {5) pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive suznmary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located east of ihe establishment on Selby Avenue}. FURTHER APFIANT SAITH NOT. � '�� � �f /'✓�J�✓ Carl L. Green Subscribed and swor to before me this ���' day of tt-�:�- , 1996. ��--,�ri 1�1�� e�� Notary Public � • � SANDRAA LEONARD � NOTARY PUBLIC— M{MNESpfA MY Wmm. Exyiras3an.91.2700 A�FIDAVIT OF C�`RTIS OLSO`1 q� -� a9 I, Curtis Olson being fi;st enly sc, o:� uaon oath, depose znd state as follows: L I submit this affida��it in resoorse to the charge of significant incoasis��ncies regarding the structu:e of the Corporatioa and plans for the building by Private Protection, Inc. (PPII mhich is applying for a cabaret "B" license for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. I have read the chzrge allesed by the License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection committee and Chriszine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies re;arding the structure of the Corporation and plans for the buildin;. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Stockholders of PPI. No one else has a financiai interest. �F. I, Curtis Olson, was p:omoted from Operations Manager to Presidenc of PPI on or about May �, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Cunis Olson. 5. PPI has already submitted spedfic information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhibit A. This er.hibit consists of five (5} pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive summary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located east of the establishment on Selby Avenue). FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NOT. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 � day of � u-*�= , 1996. 1 ��� P � �� � --_` �� \ k Y� 1 � � - � kt ' �� � No ary : � � �/ ����-c`'� Curtis DIsOn ' �n�rmrmnnnn: � A4�RY MARGARET 6fACDdNAtD � �� 3 NOTARYPUBLIC-MINNES07A NENNE?�VGOUNTY t ��lly C�m!s,len E, rss Jan. St: 2966 ✓wNn.l.vwv � � � G�-�a� �FFID�VIT OF ELIZ_�BETH �'. GREEN I, Elizabeth Y. Green, bein� =irst duly s�'o:n upon oath, depose aad stace as follows: l. I submit this affidzait in respor:se to the chzrge of significant inconsistencies regarding the structwe of the CorYOration and plans for the building by Pricate Protection, Inc. (1'PI) z-hich is appicing for a cabaret "B" license for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. I hace read the charge alleged b� the License, Inspections, and Encironmental Protection committee and Christine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies :egarding the stmcture of the Corporation and plans for the building. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Scockholders of PPI. No one else has a financial interest. 4. Curtis Olson was promoted from Operations Manager to President of PPI on or about May 5, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Curtis Oison. 5. PPI has already submitted specific information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhihit A. This exhibit consists of five (5) pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive summary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located eazt o£ the establishment on Selby Avenue). FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NOT. � �i�-Z � ��t � ' � �� � � ;.� i . Eli berh Y. Gree Subscribed and swor so before me this fJ� � day ofC� ✓G� , 1996. ,� C�--� 1. � SUSANJ.VENNERSTnDM i'� .YC�hRYPUBL:G-MINNE ""�; HENNEPINCOUNTY .-'%� MrCOMMISS�ONE%PiFES'3'-:A _ ,� SwINi TADL � **�A CITZ' OF SAINT P.-�GL ,A�orrn Ca(cman. 31m July 22, 15°6 Car1 Lee Green 9504 Na��let Averu� �outh Coctage Grov2, I'\' SSOi6 OFFICE OF THE CSTI' .4TTOR\El' 7'.mn�ln f. 1lartt Crn .4+tom:t (� � �� 7 c» d n,:�,�,o :f0 C+n� Holt ( r N est 1:el7ogg Bh'd. Scmt Pau1, Afinnesom t t) p? 7c7epltont 61� :56�S�10 Facsunile: 61� :9S-.i619 RE: P.pplication :or Cabare� -_c=nse at 920 Selby Av=ru° Dear Nr. Green: I have reviewed �he letter you sent to Christine A. Rozek at the Ofzice of License, =nspectio�s and Environmental Protection, dated June 18, 1996 in res�onse to :�er letter o£ June 10, 1996 requesting additional information needed to process your application for a Cabaret "B" license for the �remises at 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The LIEP office requested specific additional information to iinish processing your license appl_cation in the form of: 1) corporate or business records, minutes or other documentation of your current stockholders and ofiicers if the corporation, and 2) specific information regardir.g the plans you have for use of the building. The information which you returned, in the form of affidavits, is not what was requested, but is instead an affidavit asserting the £acts which they wish to know. Ms. Rozek's letter of June lOth was quite clear that they did not want additional aifidavits, but needed corporate records, by-laws or other information to substantiate the coxporate s�ructure_ This information is not on record at the State, which hGs only youx name as the CEO of Private Protection, Inc, buc no information as to other officers, directors or stockholders. :he Office of the Secretary of State indicated that the information is ty�=cally in the by-laws, which are not filed with the State. The request for this information is not an attempt to change your corporate structure, nor is the request for legitimate information under the licersing ordinar_ce an attempt to delay your license. Based on all of the submissions to date, it appears that you and your wife are the sole stock�olders of the corporation, that she is a director of the corporation, you are the CEO, and Curtis Olson is the President. We are still requesting documentation in the form of � � Private Protect�on, Inc. — d!b/a People's Choice — City's Esh. No. 18 � . q�-�a� the corporate by-�aws cr �^eeting minutes to cca��r^, that lIITOYPIdtlOR d?1d 1L _i. 15 : O� YECE?1V2C7 vV AllC3USt 2, 1J �}:z�- «"_l� be considered in �_-?'s �ina= determination. The June 10, 1996 _e*ter a_so requested additional information about the nature o� �he pla:s for use of the building, based upon the iact tha� you r=�erenc2d plans ior a restaurant, but had not applied ior a rest�urant =_cense. You have now submitted aa application ior a r>staur�^� _icense, and that application will be pYOC25S@Cl along w' �^ LL2 CGD:1"2i- "'�° d`J�J� 1Cct1CZ1. Piease feel �ree te co:�tsct -= ii you have any questior_s regarding rhis ma�ter_ Sincerely, --� �/C�/!U.��. �J ., !�- � , J V1Yy�'1?112 D. ?almer Assis�ant City Attc�r_°y cc: Christire 3ozek, Ci__ce c: LIEP � ��: INSPECTOR RESPONSE IIATA E23TRY/UPDATS SCREEN License ID 57870 Busihess Name PRIVATE PROTECTION INC Business Address 920 SELBY AVE DBA PPIJPEOPLE'S CHOICE Date Paid 08f26/96 ��-�aq Date: Sep 3 1 = 23ew 2 = Renew 3 = Approvec 4 = Not Appx 5 = In Proc Dept/Div Indicator Notes Made by Inspectors --------- --------- -------------------------------------=---------- Licensinq 4 1:3-20-96--NEED SITE PLAN, LEASE AGREEMENT & CITY Fire 4 2:COUNCIL APPROVAL--LK--LIC Zoning 1 3:COMPUTER PLACED ON HOLD Env Health 0 4:. 5:6-20-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDI23G CODB COMPLIANCE. GS 6:7J11/96 - FIRE - DENIED - PENDING CODE Licenses 1:2432 CABARET - CLASS A 2:2480 RESTAt3RANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS 3:2481 RESTAURANT (C]-LIMITED � ��■ Private Protechon, Inc. — dlbJa People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 20 4 4 ° License ID Business 23ame Business Address DBA Date Paid Dept f Di•v Licensing Fire Zoning Env Health INSPECTOR RESPONSB DATA ENTRY/UPDATE SCREEN 57870 PRIVATE PROTECTION INC 920 SELBY AVE PpI/PEOPLE'S CHOICE OS/26j96 c/7 Date: Sep 3 1 = New 2 = Renew 3 = Approved 4 = 23ot Appr 5 = In Proc Indicator Notes Made by Inspectors --------- -----°----------------- ------------°-------- 4 �; COI�SPLIANCE. 4 g:7-18-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCE. G.5. 1 9;7-23-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCS. G.5. 0 10:8-22-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCE. G.S. 11: 12' Licenses 1:2432 CABARET - CLASS A 2:2480 RESTAURANT (B)-MORE THA2t 12 SEATS 3:2481 RESTAURANT (C)-LIMITED 09(25/i?96 15:15 6123:??::3 P?i �_�3-ii� CIT' OF 57 Pt�'JL �IEP 61'� 266 9124 QVPIOGORj,jC$b18E.R2Bl1`,Cl�ONS AND !N�[Ran7.tLNrai Pi.aYPf.'mox RnMrt Xeakr, Dfncw. .�> �� ,�, ;11*A71; ?aGE 01 ''r�d2 4�"�a, QTY �F S� PAUL uc�se,wD r.ur�+�: s�ia�sso90 Nwr�CokinanXws+ IAS7EC710N5 Farnd46Jl•946�91it 71oSXFilnSMrt � SfRI 3GD $olNPauC AAJnamWO 7�70) September 20, 1996 � 2 aqr¢e to the follom3ng conditions be3ng plaeie on ths caharet and �estaurant-C License at 92o Selby qven�as ae Pollo�vs: ` 1. The reatauzant muat receive tinal agprovgl!from the 8nvironmsntal Aeml:h Inspectar bePore 1ood�or bevsragas osa be served. 2. No alcohol can be serv@d, displaKed, sold,'or conswned on the preatists unless � llquor 1laense 4s'abeairisd. 3. The establishmeht auaC close at 12:30 a.ta. SuAday throug?h Wadasaday and no late2 �tla� 1:00 a;in. Thursaay through 5aturday. a. The faaility aay not be ranteQ by? any ontside qroup. � ' TO7RL P.02 � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice — City's Esh. No. 21 SEP-25-1996 15�24 6123176440 97� p.01 �� 9-as-9� � * � � � m � a� v � �' � �. �� � o �� � �- Ro � 0 � 0 O N -{� ___ �l = m � T � CD � � � � O � T � N O � tD a' �G . .. �� . •. � � 00 � • .. •. • . � � � O 3 Cp � N � � � �a � � � � Q rh � � �. � � � � � � � � � � 3 � � � N N � � � � � � � � � � n � �`��-L� � � � � � Q � � � � � X" � • • • • � � � � • •• • • � � � O � � � f� = N m -i �"��-LIJ �1 �/ ♦A V■ � r� ��/ � \ ^+ O � � � �/ � �1 !"F � � N � i�i� �h � � \ n � _1 3 > > Q � � � � � � � �0 (D � � � Q � � V Q N %`. � • i • • •• � � � � • •• • � �� � � � � 3 � C9 N � � � W � C9 � -I� � tfl � � „�_ � � � _ � W 1 ��' L� �� V� , v �� 0 j � O � � � �D � � � ■ � � i�i/ V/ O � � � �� � -� N W .p C3'� �'1 O O O O O O �l7-�� State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearing In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc. et. al. 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 City of St. Paul OAH Docket No.: Notice of Motion and Motion for O}�}�ortunitv To Ogpose Petition Allowing Intervention PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that in the matter of the above referenced license application, Carl Green will mo�•e this courc for the opportunity to oppose the petition allowing intervention, and that any order was issued based on error. Comes now Carl Green citing the following addit'sonal reasons: 1. Noting the record as suggested by Richard Mosman is not sufFicient. 2. The coalition failed to serve copies of the Notice of Motion and Motion Allowing Intervention as a Party in the above captioned matter in accordance with Minnesota rules. 3. The order states that the motion was received by the administrazive law judge on December 20, 1996, but the actual hearing took place the day before on December 19, 1996. 4. The order is not true, there was no representation of the parties applying for the license in connection with a telephone conference on December 14, 1996. Nor is it e�ident that the interest and position of the coalition with respect to the cabaret license has not already been adequately represented in this proceeding by the Ciry of St. Paul. 9�-3a' 5. In the interest of justice, and for a full development of the facts and positions of all interested parties and citizens on the subjea, the participation of the coalition is unnecessary, and Carl Green should have an opportunity to be heard; any denial would unlawfully deny him rights secured by the Constitution of the United States of America. 6. The order allowing intervention is a complete fabrication of the truth of the facts. Carl Green requests the following: 1. That the order allowing intervention be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for Carl Green to have an opportuniry to be heard in opposition to the coalition of neighborhood groups to intervene as an interested party in this matter. 3. That the interest of the coalition has already been adequately addressed and represented by the City of St. Paul, and that any further delays would discover nothing new. I?ated: December 27, 1946 ��i � �•�� Carl L. Green � Pro Se 9504 Hamlet Avenue 50. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 ��-3a9 Affidavit of Service State of Minnesota County of Washington Carl Green of the City of Cottage Grove, County of Washington, State of Minnesota being duly sworn, says that on the 27th day of December 1996 he served the annexed Notice of Motion and Motion for Opportunity to Oppose Petition Allowing Intervention upon: City of 5t. Paul Attn: Virginia Palmer 400 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Philip Shephard Attorney at Law 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Ave. Minnepolis, Minnesota 55402 Subscribed and sworn before me this 27th day of December 1996. SANDRAA.LEONARD NOTAftY PUBIIG - MINNESOt�I Ay Comm. ExPUes.lmf. 81.200 �� ���� ( '�Y'AX � � � Xf/(9_Q/v� ' Carl L. Green � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timothy E Mar� City Anorney �7-�a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mtryor Civil Division 4OO Ciry HaII IS West Kellogg Blvd Saurt Paul, Muv�esota SSIO2 Tetephone: 612 266-8710 Facsimile: 6I2 298-5619 December 31, 1996 The Honorable Richard Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Mr. Carl Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 E. 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 554Q4 Mr. Philip A. Shepherd Collins & Ingebritson, PA 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. dJb/a People's Choice Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the hearing in the above-entitled matter, which was continued until Tuesday, January 7, 1997 at 9:30 a.m., will be heard in Room 1504 of the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The City Hall Annex is located on Fourth Street, between Wabasha and Saint Peter Streets. Sincerely, ��� � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timorhy E. Mars, City Rttwrrey 97-3a5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Moyo� Civi! Divisiors 400 Ciry Hatl l5 Wut Kellogg Blvd Saint Pau1, M'mnesom 55701 NOTI�Fi OF HEARING December 3, 1996 Car1 & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 55404 Te7ephoxe: 611166-877D Facsimi!¢: 67219&5619 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Tnc. d/b/a People's Choice Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green: This is to notify you that a hearing�will be held concerning.the above-referenced license_application pursuant to Chapter..310.O5.and 310.06 of the Saint_Paul_Legislative"Code_at tfie following_ time� date and�pla�ce: � � - - �- '" " - .� ' Date: December 20, 1996 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place: Room 42 City Hall-County Courthouse 15 W. Rellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, i+�7 55101 The hearing examiner will be an Administrative Law Judge £rom the State o£ Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Phone: Richard Mosmaa Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Saak 6625 Lyadale Avenue South Richtield, NII�T 55423 861-3331 The�Council of 'the City of.$aint Paul.has the.,authority to provide for hearing concerning licensed premises and_for adverse acEion against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or 4�- ��9 conditions. The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Pratection has determined that conditions on the above-referenced license are appropriate and will recommend issuance of the licenses applied for subject to the conditions. However, at the hearing before the Saint Paul City Council testimony was heard by citizens in opposition to the issuance of the license. Evidence may be presented to the judge through the intervention of interested 'parties in the proceeding. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62, and the procedural rules of Chapter 1400.5100-1400.8400 of the Minnesota Rules and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. You have a right to be represeated by ar� attcrney, tc represent yourselves, or co be represented by a person of your choosing to the extent not otherwise prohibited as the unauthorized practice of law. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Sudge will have a11 parties identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may ` cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel *_he a*_tendance of witr_esses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If data classified as not public (e.g. private or confidential) is admitted into evidence, it may become public unless a party objects and asks for relief under Minn. Stat. §14.60, subd. 2. A notice of appearance must be filed with the judge within twenty (20} days of the date of service of the notice of and order for hearing if a party intends to appear at the hearing, unless the hearing date is less than twenty days from the issuance of this notice . The undersigned will appear on behalf of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Please be advised that if you fail to appear at the hearing it may result in the allegations of the notice of and order for hearing � i � 9�-�a9 being accepted as true and result in a determination in £avor of the License Office to recommend eonditions on the license. Very truly yours, � � �� � Vi'rgin�almer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Nancy Thomas, Office of Ac3ministrative Hearings, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, MN 55401 3udge Richa :dosman, bC4 Richf�eld ^nank, '0625 Lynciale Ave. So., Richfield, MN, 55423 Nancy Anderson, City Council, Room 310 City Ha11 Peggy Byrne, Bxecutive Director, Summit-University Planning CounCil, 627 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, 55104 De�.31.1998 11:18AM No.441� P. 113 �7l-�ay� � tnw oFr^tcE oF: INGEBRITSON & A,SSOCIAT�S, P.A. Rueseq A. Iagebriteon Douqys Dek R�id, Jr. Ne�an 0. Sa�cr JoEn C. �y1an• Fhiltip A. Shepheed � k k ,�,�� ,. '�; I ��' ;' e; ' $ I ^� ' [� , I;� ,,.. <u, ,+ � 11a0 Rand Tower 627 Msiquetta Avenuo Sou� Mianw�polia. Mlnnaaom 66a02 Telophona (6Y� 346�8£90 Toll�F`ree (8W) 7$2s893 Telctaz (8I� Sa2�2g90 ' aLo admitted ia llliaote �►i[�ST� .R TR�NSIQ53TON SH�i&�' DATE TRANSMITTED: �� TIASE: '�`�� PLEASE DELIVER 'I'�IE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) T0: xr+a�: �'d`"S� C'c�P� FAX NUM�ER: FROH: PILE: _ MESSAGEI_ INGEBRITSON & ASSOC 3�i�-ab�s� ph:►; .��,�k�+ �I`,�u•�e Q�rv+�v9 +w. �e_s L.� o NOTE: THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED OiVLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVTDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICFI ZT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIIS INFORMATIaN THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAT. AND EXII�T FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLTCA$LE T.AW. IF YOU ARE NOT THE Z23TENOED RECYPIF1�iT OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSISLE FOR DELIVERING TFIE MESSAGE QF THE =N'PENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREHY NOTIFIED THAT APiY DTSSEMINATION, DIS'i'RIBU'PIOL3 OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICA2ZON TS STRICTLY PROHISZTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THTS COMMSJNTCATION IN ERROR� PLEASE IQOTIFY US I2�IEDIATELY BY TELEPHOPtE A2iD RETURN TFFE Oi2IGI1`iAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE .ABOVE AODRESS VIA U.S. POS2AL SF.F2VZCE. TfIP.2dK YOII. • Zg ypU DO NO RECEIVE ALL � PAGES, INCLIIDING TfIIS Ct3VERSHBE2'� p�r,�E �,�,y AS 5002Q AS POSSIBLE: (622j 340— 8290 OR (S00) 282-6393. �Dec. 31. 199fi �,� 7 �. i''� 11;19AM IN6EBRITSON & ASS6C THE LAW OFFICE8 OF: INGEBRITSON $� ASSOCIATES, P.A. I740 Rand Towez, 527 Marquctte Avenne South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (S12) 340-8290 Fax (612) 342�2990 (800) 2B2-6393 No.4417 P, 2/3 ����a� MONTAIVA OFF,[CE: James J. Shea•' Slfi E. Front Stteet, 3uite 3 Miseou)x, MT 55802 Fax (406) 549-4811 (aos) 5a9-47on (800) 790-7460 �eN A. It�ebritson �glas Dale Re�d, Jr. �nan 0. Serger 5� G. Boylan' lip A. Shepk�exd Also admitted in Itlinois Also admittad in Oregnn V%a Fax 349-2665 pecember 31, 1996 Mr. Aichard Mo�man,�- Administrative Law Judge c/o Louise Cooper Office of Administratxve Hearings 100 Washington Square, #1700 Mi.nneapolis, MN 55401-2138 � Re: In the Matter of the License AppZication of Private ` Protection, Inc, et al.. Dear Louise Cooper: I was told by the City artorneys office that you aze the one to see to obtain subpaenaa for administrative hearinge. T am a pro bono attoxney for a coalition of neighborhood gxoups that have just been allowed to intervene. The hearing is scheduled for January 7, 199�. Plea�e send three subpoenas for our use in the hearing, If there is any other information that you need pleaee call me immediaCely as time is short. Thank you in advance. � � =PAS Very truly yours, �� � 1 �� Philip A. Shepherd r � � r _� 4 'Ij� �I�ec.31.1996 11:19AM INGEBRITSON & ASSOC No,4417 P. 3/3 STATE O� MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADINISTRATIVE HEARINGS for the C1TY OF SAINT PALJL ,� In Re: the license apglication of Carl and E�xzabeth Green Private Protection, Inc dba Peoples Choice, 920 Selby Ave St. Paul, Minaesota Qrder A11owi�ng Iz�tervention �/�-���/ , ,��'�,, .� , 1996 By Motion zeceived by the Administrative Law Judge on December 2Q, 1996, a Coalition of neighbozhood groups seeJ,c an Order a�lowing intervention as a party in the above captioned matter in accozdance with Minn, rules 1400.5200. Based upon the morion of the Coalition, the affidavits and documents accompanying it and the repxesentation of the pazties in cozuiecYion with a - telephone conference on Decembez 19, 1996, it is evident that the intexests and ;r, position vf the Coalition xs not adequately represented by the City of Saint ;' Paul in tMs proceeding. The noHce o£ hearing in t}us matter was served less than 30 days prior to the hearing and in the intezest of justice, and foT a full development of the facts and positions of all interested parries and citizens on the subject, the participation of the Coalition is necessary. �•�i��c� � � � � r. � � 9� The Motion of the Coalition of neighborhood groups to intervene in the above captioned matter as a pazty is hereby granted. A.Il notices to the Coalitzan of neighborhood groups as a party to this proceeding shall be served as fol�ows: Mr Philip Shephard Attorney at T.aw 1740 Rand Tower tele: 612 340 8290 527 Niaz�quette Ave, S. • Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 r � � ��� ��_�� [<<Y� _--- ,� _ �_`�`� _�-�`=` �ate Richard A. Mosma Administrative La judge � �� i�'eacTUe� ii:ii � � ACTION REPORT tiva act3on(sl comPleted OFFIGE OP ADMIN.HEARING TX DATE/TIME DESTINATION DEC.31 11:D9 612 342 2990 = , w� # f « � f � � � # TEL:6123492665 DURATIOtd PGS. RESULT M 0° 01' 00' 003 OK N -3 d`j P. 001 k G� �� _. l a� �i �...�_•�x�✓�... . , • jd " s'.`U_a ." � � � 1 ' � ' 1 -.� . _ ji"�.:.� - =:e> ': ��1; y :- ' - " '• TO: Edward Hayes 1484 Sherbume St. Paul, Minnesota 55104-2415 GREETiNGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of #he Licpnse ARplication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at MinneaQolis, Minnesota this �r of ,l�nuarv, 1997. _ KEVIN E. JOHNS�N Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612)340-8290 G�-��g � > �`. - �;<.. � _::� � = � �- : V ��-. ���;: l '; ��`..CC� � t STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMII�IISTRATIVE HEARINGS HEARING SUBPOENA TO: John Wiiliams 1484 Sherburne St. Paui, Minnesota 55104-2415 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HERESY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hail Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in ths City of St. Pauf, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day ofi January, 1997, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of the License A�Alication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this � of lanuary, 1997. , � � KEVIN E. JOHNSON Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612) 340-8290 9�-��9 r . ; �..w,,... . � . .�;,.. : y � .. '> .��'..�w3 tY.�i • � - � � � � � � � � � � . f'. - `.J ` ;. '' TO: Cari Green 9504 Hamlet Avenue South Cottage Grove, Minnesota 55016 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Mlinnesota, at 1504 Ci#y Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paut, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at 9:30 o'cfock in tfie forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of the License ARplication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuani to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14,51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this �r of Januarv, 1997. EVIN E. JOHNS Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd {612) 340-8290 ,, 9�-3a9 .....;� :���... • � • � _ '::vir � • • � i ' . <: -�Ji}_ �': � t ! : • TO; Gurtis Olson 3004 Old Highway 8 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at �Qo'ctock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of - - - � �. . . - - . - . - Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Hono�able Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this �ir of Januarv, 1997. � Chief Administrafive Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612) 340-8290 ,t_ ��o� n nl� 1an. 2.19`97 2:49PM INGEBRITSON & ASSDC No,4465 P, 1/3 mxE raw oFC�cE oF: RuaeeII A. I�tgebt'itaon Dpugi�a Dsb $md, JT. Neum�a 0. Baxgnr John C. Hoylan• Phaip A. SLep6erd �ACSI I.E fiRA.NSbIISSION SSB� DATE Z`RANSM�'�'TED: !� 3! ��� TIME' �' !� 9�-3�9 17A0 Raad Tower 627 Maequette Avenue 9otsth Mi:uxapolk. Mino�ta 66�0'L Te]ephone (B1E) 940.8290 Toll•F�ee (800) E87�8398 Teitlaz (fi12) 8;2,299t1 ' alao admittad in Illinoie PLEASE DELIVER 'Z`HE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) T0: xr,rrE: Lo'^;Se ��v FAX I3T]MSEFt: FROM: FZI.E: ______ MESSAGE:_ INGEBBITSON & ASSOCIA�TES, P.A. 3�1 q -�6bS"� pl�: �; n S��f�.e.,rvl �r',���-ie Q,�u �,r, f 6��� !es � o NOTE: THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE Z2iDIVSpiJAL OR ENTITY TO WFiICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVIL£GED� CONFIDENTIAL AND EXII�2' FROM DSSClOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOII AF2E NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIEN2' OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPO2iSI8LE FOR DELIVERING TIiE MES$AGE OF TAE II3TENDED �ECIPT�NT, YOTJ ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THA`P ANY DISSEMINATIO2i, DSSTRIBUTIOiZ OR CQPYING OF THZS COMMUNICATxC�N IS STRICT2Y PROAIBTTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED TFi25 COM1�it7NICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFX US I2IHEDIATELY $Y TELEPH�NE AND RETCTRN THE OFiIGINAL MESSAGE TQ US AT 2`FIE A8p'YE ADDRESS VIA U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THAI�IK YOU. ZF YOU DO NO RECSIVE�L � PAGE5 zNCLUDING THZS COVERSfFgET, PLE'.ASE CALL �,_ �� AS SOON AS POSSSBLE: (622} 3siQ— 8290 OR {8�0) 282-6393- �� ►-' i — Jan, 2.1997 2:49PM INGEBRITSON & ASSOC 3. Edward Hayes John Williams 1464 Sherburne S�. Paul, MN 55104-2415 No, 4465 P. 3/3 4�-3a5 Ownera of 92a Se�by Mr. Hayes and Mr. Williams have knowledge of the building and previous businessee at 92o Selby. If there is any other znformation that you need please call me immediately as time is ahort. Thank you in advance. Vexy truly yours, �� `' ���--� Philip A. Shepherd PAS JAN. -02' 97(THU) 14��41 OFPICE OF ADMIN. HEARING TEL:6123492665 �� �a� P. 001 TRANSACTION REPORT Receptlon Transaction(s) completed NO. TX DATE/TIME DEST[NATION 432 JAN. 2 14:39 612 342 2990 DURATION PGS. RESULT btOOE �° 00' S3" �03 OK N ECM 9 Dec. 23. 1896 2:49PM ITIGEBRITSON & ASS4C THE LAR' OFF[CES OF: INGEBKI'TSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 1740 Tiand Tower, S27 Marquette A,venae South Mieaeagolis. Minnesota 55402 {6l2) 340-8290 Faz 1612) 342-2990 t8�) 262-6393 Busyeu A. tnge6riraon na,�� nae x�a. sz. Neumu+ 0. H¢rger John C. Boylan' philip A. Shepherd •Nso admitted in Dliuois ••�tlso ad,,,aeed in oregon FACSIMILI' TRANSMSSSION SAEET DATE TRP.NSMITTED: Dec mbex' 23 ].996 TIME: PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FAGE(S} TO: Na.4310 P. 1!4 q �� MnNTAP7A OFFICE: a�� �. sn��- 815 E. Front Stree4, SuFte 3 Miggoula, SST 69802 Fax (406� 549-4811 {ao� sasa7oo (800) 790•7460 NAME: Richard A Moeman Ad ini trative Law Judae _--� FAX NUMBER: ( J� I " �� FROM: Philip A SheAherd attornev for the Coalition __ FILE: T�he matter of the license anAlication for Peoole's oice. MESSAGE: NOTE: THIS MESSAGE SS INTEA7DED ONLY FOEt TAE U5E OF TEIE INDTVIDUAL QR ENTITX TO WFI3CH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT ZS PRIVTLEGED, CONFIDENTIAL b1ND EXEMPT FAQM DISGLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOU ARE NdT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OR 'PHE EMPL01'EE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOk DELIVERING THE MESSAGE OF THE INTEI�I3ED RECIPIENT, YQU ARE AEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINRTION, DISTRIBUTION 4R COPYING OF TI3IS COMMUNICATZON IS 3TRZCTLY PROHTBZTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED 'FHIS COMMt333ICATTON IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE 20 IIS AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA U.S. POSTAL SERVICE_ THANK YOU. IF 'fQ� DO 1`IO RfiCEZVE ALL 5 PAG&S, ZNCLUIJING THIS COVERSHEET. PLEASE CALL K_ ari AS SOON AS POSSIBLE: (612J 34�-8290 Ok (S00} 282-6393. � Dec.23. 1996 2:47PM iNGEBRITSON & ASSOG Pdu.4310 P. 2/4 y�J_3�� THE I,AW OFFiCES OF: Ruee.ei3 A. Ingebriteon Dnuglae Dale ke+d. Sz. Neu+nan 0. Be:ges Joha C. Boy7an' phitip A. Shephe3d • A4so admiUted in Iltirrois •• Aleo admitted in O�egon INGEBI�ITSON & ASSOC�ATES, P.A. 1740 Rand Towes, 527 Marqnette Avenue South Minaeagalis, 1ltinneaota b5402 (612) 340-6290 Fax (612) 342•2990 (800) 282-fi398 Mr. Ftichard Mosman Administrative Law 3udge 604 Richtield Bank 5025 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 DeCember 23, 1996 MONTAI3A OFFICE: Jamea J. Shea'• 815 E. Pront SWdat, Suite 3 Misaovia. MT 588�2 Faz (aD6) 5a9�asll (906) 649�4'f64 (6W) 7�746U Re: In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc, et al. Dear Mr. Mosman: Enclosed please find the original Petition to Intervene as well as the proposed Order regarding the above matter. very truly yours, ?�� � �'l Philip A. 9hepherd PAS/klj Enclosures � Dec. 23. 1996 2:48PNi iNGEBRITSON & ASSOG STATE OF' MINNESOTA OFFICE 4F AI?MSNISTRATIVE AEARING . 3 In the Matter of the License } Application of Private Protection, Inc. d/bla People's Choice } 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, � Minnesota, 5510& , ORDER COMES NQW, this Court, aftez review of the Coali.tion of neigYiborhood group's motion to intervene, and all relatiae parts of this case to oxder the foilowing: z'T IS ORDfiRED THAT: 1. The Coali�ion of neighborhood groups motion to intervene as a party with full rights of a party in the above-entitled action is granted. Dated this day of 1996• BY THE COURT: Richard A. Mosman Administrative Law Sudge Ido. 4310 P. 3/4 C�-�_ 3� f CITY OF SATNT PAUL oAF3 Docket No.: 1 Dec. 23. 1996 2:48PPg INGEBRITSON & ASSOG No.4310 P. 4/4 �7_�a; RFTIEF AND ORDER SOIIGHT 1. An order permitting the Caalition of neighborhood groups to intervene as a party with full rights of a party in the above-antitl�d action. 2. For such other and further relief the Court deems just and equitable to grant at this time. � Dated this � day of fl�'�' , 1996. INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, F.A- By: � F � � I ` Philip A• Shepherd MtU Atty. I.D. No. 222366 ].740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South MinneapoJ.is, MN 55442 {61Z) 340-829D Z q�-3ag THE LAW OFFICES OF: INGESRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 1740 Rand Tower, 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (612) 340-8290 Faa (612) 342-2990 (800) 282-6393 Russell A. Ingebritson Douglas Dale Reid, Jr. Neuman 0. Berger John C. Boylan* Phi]ip A. Shepherd `A3so admitted in Illinois `*tllso admitted in Oregon Mr. Richard Mosman Administrative Law 604 Richfield Bank 6025 Lyndale Avenue Richfield, MN 55423 Judge South December 18, 1996 ����B�C 2 �' 1996 MONTANA OFFICE: James J. Shea" 815 E. Front Street, Suite 3 Missou]a, MT 59802 Fax (406) 549-4Sll (406) 549-4700 (800) 790-7450 Re: In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc, et al. Dear Mr. Mosman: Enclosed herewith please find the Coalition's Notice of Motion and Motion to Continue 12/20/96 Hearing as well as a proposed Order and an affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd in support of said motion in regards to the above-entitled matter. VeYy truly yours, ��,�,� .5��.� � Philip A. Shepherd PASjklj Enclosures � q�- 3� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, } NOTICE OF MOTION AND Inc, dfb/a People's Choice ) MOTION TO CONTINUE 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) 12/20/96 HEARING Minnesota, 55104 ) ) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Coalition of neighborhood groups will motion �1 Court for a continuance af the 12/20/96 hearir�g in the above captioned case. The Coalition will bring this motion as soon as the ALJ is able to schedule a hearing but not later than 12/20/96. COMES NOW a Coalition of neighborhoods groups to motion this Court for a continuance of the 12/20J96 hearing cites the following reasons: 1, 2. 3. 4. The Coalition The Notice of Hearing was served 12/3J96 for a hearing on 12/20/96. The Coalition was informed of the 12J20/96 hearing on Tuesday, December 10, 1996. The Coalition will be petitioning to intervene in the present case. The Coalition has inadequate time to properly prepare its petition to intervene. The Coalition has inadequate time to properly prepare its case against approval of the above application. 5. The Coalition will need to subpoena witnesses for its case against the approval of the application and the Coalition's petition to intervene must be granted before it has the legal ability to issue subpoenas. 6. The Coalition`s attorney is and will be unavailable to attend the hearing due to a trial previously scheduled. Philip Shepherd is currently attending trial in the Stearns County District Court, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Case No.: C6-46-569, captioned Bruners vs. Hemmesch 1 q�-3�5 and Moen which begdn on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 and is expected to continue through the end of the week into and including Friday, December 20, 1996. The Coalition requests the following order: 1. That the 12/20/96 hearing be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for the Coalition's petition to intervene at some time after 1/15j97. 3. That a hearing regarding application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc., d/b/a People's Choice be scheduled for sometime after February l, 1997. The Coalition's motion is supported by the Affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd. Dated this /�� day of i���""�� 1996. INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. BY : '�'�� �' �``�� Philip A. Shepherd MN Atty. I.D. No. 2223a6 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 340-8290 � 9�-�a-� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING ) In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, ) Inc. d/b/a People's Choice ) 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) Minnesota, 55104 ) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: AFFIDAVIT OF PHILIP A. SHEPHERD COMES NOW, Philip A. Shepherd, under oath to state as follows: 1. Philip A. Shepherd is attorney for a number of neighborhood groups hereinafter "Coalition�' in the above- captioned case. 2. Your affiant was notified of the December 20, 1996 hearing on December 10, 1996. 3. The ten (10) days from actual notice to the date of hearing are inadequate for the Coalition to properly prepare its petition to intervene. 4. The Coalition will bring a petition to intervene prior to December 20, 1996. The coalition needs additional time to prepare its memorandum in support of petition to intervene. 5. The Coalition's petition to intervene must be granted before the Coalition can obtain subpoenas and subpoena testimony necessary for a complete hearing and a proper opposition. 6. The ten (107 days from actual notice to the date of hearing are inadequate £or the Coalition to properly prepare its 1 �� 3ag opposition to the approval o£ the application in the above- captioned case. 7_ The Coalition needs time to subpoena witnesses, schedule witnesses, notify employers of needed time off to appear and testify, and to obtain all relevant documents £rom city files. 8. Lastly, your affiant is unavailable to attend the hearing due to a trial previously scheduled. Affiant is currently at trial in the Stearns County District Court, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Case No.: C6-96-569, captioned Bruners vs. Hemmesch and Moen. Trial which began on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 is expected to continue through the end of the week into and including Friday, December 20, 1996. 9. In the interest of justice and a full and fair hearing on the application the December 20, 1996 hearing must be vacated and a new hearing date scheduled. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. r�ated: J�. ��'"�6 �/� �-�"� Philip A. Shepherd � Subscribed and sw n to before me this ��1 day�of , 1996. c `+ARI LY dENO ",OTARY PUBLIG N'eS07 "t Ca;nmisscn Expires 1ar, 31, 2000 2 _t' F,<.,=o . �< _� ah:.>_MrnMwnww.� �1� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc. d/b/a People's Choice 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55104 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: ORDER COMES NOW, this Court, after review of the Coalition of neighborhood group's motion to continue the 12/20f96 hearing, Affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd in support, and all relative parts of this case file to order the following: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. That the 12/20/96 hearing be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for the Coalition's petition to intervene on the day of , 1997 at o'clock. 3. That a hearing RE: Application for Licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Tnc., dfb/a "People's Choice" be scheduled on the day of , 1997 at o'clock. Dated this day of , 1996. BY THE COURT: Richard A. Mosman Administrative Law Judge 1 council File # q7 �l � t Green Sheet # � � �- q `L Presented By RESOLVED, that the license application of Private Protection, Inc., Carl Lee Green, CEO, for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue in Saint Paul for a Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license is hezeby denied. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the findings of fact and conclusion of law contained in the Administrarive Law Judge Report in this case, dated January 20, 1997, are hereby adopted as the written findings and conclusions of the Council in this matter, except as modified below. The reasoning of the Memorandum of the Administrative Law Judge attached to the fmdings and conclusions is not adopted. The recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge for issuance of the license is also not accepted. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following amendments to the ALJ's Report are hereby adopted: 1. Finding of Fact No. 2 is hereby amended to read as follows: "2. The Applicant submitted an application for a dance hall license and paid the fees on March 17, 1996. That application has been amended �z1��c3ii:e:"��s and now stands as an ..:..:. : .:..:: ::.::. ..:.::...: .: : application for a Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license. T�t� 2. Finding of Fact No. 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: "5. The premises is are located at the intersection of Selby and Milton, an intersection notorious amongst police and local residents as being a location for a mulritude of consistent illegal activities of various sorts, including drug transactions. These activities took place prior to and have ee�i� ��i�l� tie�J� after the closing of the People's Choice bottle club. Exkiibits D, E & F." 3. A new Finding of Fact No. 13 is hereby adopted to read as follows: /� , RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 4. Conclusion of Law No. 4 is hereby amended to read as follows: C� �j — 3 �' q "4. The Applicant, Private Protection, Inc. has �i� met the m;n;roum qualifications for the issuance of a Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license at 920 Selby, St. Paul, Minnesota." 5. Conclusion of Law No. 6 is hereby amended to read as follows: "6. A grant of the Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license to the Applicant at the premises at 920 Selby, St. Paul, Mimiesota, would � unreasonably annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort, or repose of any considerable numbers of inembers of the publi ; �F r���°�'- � �-�a ��a � �°a ; �, 6. Conclusion of Law No. 7 is hereby deleted in its entirety. 7. A new Conclusion of Law No. 7 is hereby adopted to read as follows: $. Conclusion of Law No. 8 is hereby amended to read as follows: "&7. The application of the Applicant for a Cabaret "A" and Restaurant "C" license should be �te� �€i%�:1a��r�-�t � a 3 4 5 6 7 8 �t � - � �-� This Resolution is based on the record of the proceedings before the ALJ,including the hearing on January 7, 1997, the documents and exhibits introduced therein, the fmdings of fact and conclusions of law of the ALJ as referenced above, the written subxnissions of the parties and the deliberarions of the Council in open session on February 26, 1997. A copy of this Resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by fust class mail to the Adwuiistrative Law Judge, and to the Applicant, Carl Green. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY = �-���"��-' Approved by Mayor: Date �Q� �"�l By: Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Att y BY: - V Cf� ��""'�c�'4-� �' `�- v Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date �� °I�-��-q a���� DEMflTMENTqFFICEACOUNGL DATE INITIATED CITY COUNCIL 3/27(97 GREEN SHEE CIXJTACTPERSON 8 PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE �pEPARTMENTDIflECTOR �CITYGOUNpL Councilmember Blakey 266-8610 A�IGN OCffYATfOPNEV �CRYCLEPK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE) NIII/BER FON � BUDGEf DIRECTOR a FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlq. NOUTING April 2, 1997 OROER aMAYOR(ORASSISfANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAOES (CLIP ALL LOCATfONS FOR SIGTiATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Finalizing City Council action taken February 26, 1997, denying the license application of Private Protection, Inc., Carl Lee Green, CEO, 920 Selby Avenue. RECOMMENDA7iONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pEflSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMM5310N _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS91ON �� Has this personflirm eve� worked under a conVact for this deparUne�t7 _CIBCOMMfT7EE _ YES NO 2. Has this per5on/Firm ever been a ciry employea? _ ssar-� — YES NO _ �ISTFtiCi CWR7 _ 3. Does this pereonttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by eny current ciry employee? SUPPORiSWHiCHCOUNCllO&lECT7VE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to grean sheet INITIATMIG PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, YJhere. Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPRWED. TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEA FINANGAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) e � �-� a� � � THE LAW OFFICES OF: INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 174D Rand Tower, 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 554�2 (612} 340-8290 Fas (612) 342-2990 (800) 282-6393 Russell A. Ingebritson Dougias Dale Reid, Sr. Neuman 0. Berger John C. Boylan' Philip A. Shepherd "Aiso admitted in Illinois "Also admitted in Oregon February 24, 1997 �,k��S ��b.Z��Qi� St. Paul City Clerk City Hall 15 West Kellogg, Room 310 St. Paul, MN 55102 MONTANA OFFICE: 3ames J. Shea"• 815 E. Front Street, Suite 3 Missoula, MT 59802 Fax (406) 549-4811 (406) 549-4700 (800) 790-7450 RECEIVED �EB 2 41997 e�rY ct�RK Re: License Application of Private Protection, Inc., 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find the Coalition of Neighborhood Groups', intervenor in the above action, Exceptions to Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation. Sincerely, ��'`� � '�"'1 Philip A. Shepherd PAS/klj Enc-osure cc Mr. Carl Green Evia maili ���� ������, Mr. R_chard Mosman (via mail) Ms. Ginger Palmer (via mail) � rr� �'� Sv� , � L V ��-�ry'-�. 3 9�-3a5 RECE(VED STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE AEARINGS FEB 2 41997 CITY CLERK FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: 62-2111-10844-3 CA'S �-�. Z�� q� � In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, ) Inc. d/b/a People's Choice ? 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) MinnesoCa, 55104 ) EXCEPTIONS TO ALJ'S F2NDING OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AISD RECOMMENDATI0I3 COMES NOW the Coalition of Neighborhood groups, Intervenor, by its attorne�, Philip A. Shepherd, and pursuant to the 3anuary 31, 1997 Notice of Counsel F?earing to file the following exceptions to the ALJ's January 21, 1997 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, anfl Recommendation: Objectians to Findings o£ Fact The AI,S fails *_o adequately describe the extent of tne violence and crime surrounding Lhe o1d "People`s Choice." T_r_t°rVenOr rj raC�S COl1RC11 Rl°CCi�JE.:"S CO �i1e 1989 "Peonle S C�'!C1C2" YeVOCZL'_O*1 =_�-, d CCp�/ OT. W73._CI'; 15 LI'ictVc�llc�.�J� 2 �Q IIlte'_'�VEZ?OY �t this time. Numerous W1tP_CSS2S tE'Si.1*1?Cl �O �RE S1CJ`'i.1i1Cd_^.t T012 LhGL the "Peoples Choice" giayed in attracring and fostering crime, violence, noise, drug transactions and other detrimental activities in �he surrour_ding neig'nbornood. In the late 1980`s L1_i° ��?�°OD� 2� S C��0=C2 !'�dd c i.T2Ii1EP_C10llS1}r P.egc�1VE. 1R'ipdCt Ori C^2 n�_��OYhOOC. Tt?E3 1"°S1CleZl�S �ld"J? invested uncoun�abl hOIIYS 1AL0 1�L'1-C11Il� UD W!1�= �i?E ��DPOD'12S Cnoice" 11dd d=stroyed. 9 g�-3a� Additional Findings o£ Fact 1. Applicant has known of the violent and criminal reputation of the name "People's Choice" since at least the Summer of 1996. 2. Applicant has made no attempt to distance himself from the violent and criminal reputation of the "People's Choice" or waylay the valid fears of the neighborhood residents. Specifically, Applicant has: a) failed to chose another name for use in its application. b) failed to alleviate the fears of concerned neighbors by choosing another name. c) failed to state at the Oct. 1996 City Council meeting that Applicant wi11 use another name. d) failed to state at Che ALJ hearing that the Applicant will use another name. 3. Apolicant has made a concerted ef-ort to asscciate himself with the name and reputation oi the "People's Choice" a� Applicant's app�ication is in the name "Peonle's Choice." Ex. A. u) ApplicaT�t spen� considerabie money i= �ouc'r_ing up ��e murals on the exterior o� 920 Selby, incluEting che words "People's Choice". Th= murals and tne name "People's Choice" were an integrai parL o= �t1C identi�i CdLlOZl Of L!1? OZCZ "People' S C hoice. ° c) Applicant has e�cplicitly negotiated wit'.^. the owners and past managers of the old "Peo�le's Choice" for the use of the name "People's Choice." Applicant attemnted to keeT� that trar_saC�ion conPidentizl_ Ex. B_ d? Sole and exclusive use or" the name "Peoole's Choice" was a signiiicant _nducemen� =o= apolicant �o lease Lhe premises a� 920 Selby. Ic. °i AvD11C'a.Ilt DayS 3 AO:L10_^_ O: i.�12 '_"2P-T. �G=" 1�SE Oi 2 q� -�a� the name ��People's Choice." Id. f) Applicant's sample restaurant menu and business plan prominently displays the name "People's Choice." See Application. 4. Applicant, and anyone associated with his application, does not have any experience in the restaurant industry. 5. Expert testimony was heard from Bill Sands, a banker at Western Bank, who testified that Applicant's business plan as submitted to LIEP was inadequate for the purposes of applying for or securing a loan. Also, even if the project was self-financed, the business plan lacked details, analysis, and other important elements to ensure a reasonable likelihood of success in the extremely difficult restaurant industry. 6. Expert testimony was heard £rom Sarah Kinney, a realtor with many years of experience in the neighborhood, who testified �na*_ the old "People's Choice" brought down prooerty values during tn> late 198o's, the property values have risen since the cid "Pec�ale's Choice" was shut down, and iinaily, if a new ° ?°O�l°�S Choice" OpEI1S llp t21°?7 p�Op2T;.y V;alll2S wi'__ decreas= aga_n based upon the violent and criminal renutation oi the rame "2eople's Choice.^ 7. Memners of rne J. S. Hill Elementary Schoo� testified to the negative impact the "People's Choice" would have on Lhe school community. Specifically, the School has concerns for the sa_ety o_ the stu3ents tha� walk to and °rom school, �� violence =rom the "People's Choice" spilling ever into the school B=O�?� �}/, cRG Oi i.�l° AY'OX1IIli�_V �O L}'12 :-:'_� 1 s�udenLS 0= t??2 C�L'CJ 3 97 0 transactions in and outside the "Feoples Choice." 8. That long-time residents of the neighborhood are justifiably and significantly fearful of the return of violence and criminal activity under the auspices of the ��People's Choice.° 9. The neighborhood expects the City to protect it citizens from the violent and criminal element attracted to the "People's Choice." 8. Failure to protect the citizens from this known risk would amount to gross negligence should harm befall a child, J. J. Aill student or other victim of violence or criminal activity. Conclusions of Law 1. No objection with ALJ conclusion NO. 1. 2. No objection with ALJ conclusion N0. 2. 3. No objection with ALS conclusion NO. 3. ^_. The Applicant, Prisate Protection, Znc., has not met �he mir.imum qualifications for the issuance of � Cabaret �'A" and Res�anrant "C" license av 920 Selby, S�, pau_, �N. 5. Carl Greer_'s moral character is suspect. He nas fGilec to rebudiate and disassociate himself with the use o= the name "P°OUZE' S C;1010E. " _-i° �785 ctt.°iiiD�EGl �O COIICE'd'1 �'f?E transaction allowing him to use tne name "People's Choice." He nas intentionally acted in numerous ways to associGte himsel� with L:7° V1 o1en� "d_^_d criminal reputaLion o= "Peop1 Choice." 5, z crant o= the Cabaret °A" and Restauran� "C" license T,v^ Lh� ?ApTJi�C2=iL. ci. �T?° AY'E2ti11S°S a� 920 Selby St.. ?dL:� �?�T, '� �� would unreasonably annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort, and repose of considerable numbers of inembers of the public. It is unlikely that Applicant will manage the cabaretJrestaurant properly, given his inexperience in the restaurant industry and the lack of details and analysis in his business p1an. 7. Under no condition should a Cabaret "A" or Restaurant "C" license be issued to Applicant. 8. The application of the Applicant for a Cabaret "A" and a Restaurant '�C" license should be denied. Recommendation The Coalition of neighborhood groups resgectively recommend that the St. Paul City Council deny the application af Private Protection, Inc., d/b/a "Peaple`s Choice" for a cabaret "A^ and a restaurant "C" license to be operated at tne premises at 92� Se1by Avenue, St. Paul, MN. i � Dzted this � � o� ����'`- 1997. INGHBRITS^vN � ASSOCIAT�S, P.F. Sy: ��` F' � ��' r t Philip A. Shepherd Nll�7 ���y. S.D. No. 222306 17a� Rand Tower 527 Marauetze Avenue South Min_neapOlis, MN S5a02 {6i2} 350-8290 5 DEG-10-1996 12�50 FROM CITY RTTt�YS OF�=ICE � a _ .. .� QAS III yh LICENSE APPLTCATiON �1�$/�� � � �' �I�!{."�/� T}pe af iiccax(s� beiag appSied for. � i�i�� C �9�,,,.1 �S APPI.ICATSO\' IC Ct TA iFtY Tn vrt ncn •+ U Pi.EASE tYPE OR PRA'7 W L\�K ��� y, oo . Compaayl� _Yriva.tG f�ro�tCf",dn Carycra�;an / Psr_,ersAiptSok AqviceQat:J If buzincss is iocorpomtcd, giti•a dase cf inct¢poratioo: � Doing $usiness As_ P� p �/ r7J 1 e. 'S fh, 8usiness Address: _ . ., �L .--- *-n� ���n yoo ��ay bata r� b�a, or � SQ�A�= �ao �� r•� - �s�c Bav=een what tross sttau is the busirnu la�cdl �r -� Are tba premi<ts aaw occupicd? _��1 p tiVtyat T}pe cf Susiaus? . �iaz7 ro Aadras. _ � /.� £. iG � ;)1�/( �-� 11./i�nt svcc AdSres: AFPlicaac Fnfasmarioa: ��� � r�: � Ln .'J L�rt { a,7 City 9� 9342Z990 P.21 CFIY QF SAIXt'�p orr� �r�, n��;,� z�a �,�,a,u� ��, :�ox+�.ax s.�.�ay .s�i pt!6...sa, }t�s t1W ]eiR)Jli La (61`� •d{.7[v y i $usiruts Phaac: ,�L�' 9��l1 =, "�'' � .,���+ sn,e � Thicfi side of the suai? �1� 5___�_f_ .c.lN 6'S��r� s�u z+� _ _ Gco Fmt AS66k 4�Sridca} � xo� aaa�s: 9SoZI F}�m/t t lfY.t . '�'` sa«s�aams . • ��? � ro �f� SIJJ Sam Z3 I?ait of Bictl�: �' ZJ �(n3 Plaa of Biss3t: ��J" ll �! � NtY�s� Hose Pbaae: � } rjj' iia�a }tm cver 6cea vicc of any fr.t�p, � or �iolzicn of aay ary orcfiaaxa acixs shaa c�ffie? YFS,_�� V_. Dase of arrest }��I 1p C7zazge: Convictian: Scaknce: E.ist she aames sod:rsidences ef sbree puzons of �ood mou2 rharacmr, 3iti•ia q' $PP�cant or fmaacally iatcres�rd m the preffisa ar busiaas. c asay be scfeczed to�r,s t6� appt;can{ M��r °OL ttiau.d to � �` ADDRESS Ct�er��.�es� -- 3�3� E G{� th cT • -r ..... r,.. .._ , �_ __ , . PH4\'E R�n irQ,'1 -�.�• I?ave aay of Sccascs ct•c Lers xe rat;edl ^ 1'�S 55Z-ir[.�,y7 .. rs ta C[.� 5 e- list ilu dates snd zessoas Far zcvocasi -oa. Arc you gcmg:o o�„�� rJis Su�anss �sazally? _ YES .. ., • �ii b'O If not, x�tw wfli operate ii7 1�(c..� • . . . .. _ s�r.� Sue �3 DEC-10-1996 12=5i � CITY RTTDRNEI'S OF��ICE TD --�_^-------- -••�--^_�___. � .,,�.. _ .. _... _ . G7`.3�9 93422990 P.22 9G� �z:uCm} Lw Bu¢at8in }T«rcAddrac SaeaA'aiz G:r Swe � TsP Pha+eNvmb PJcasc liu yau employmeoc hiscory fin �Ix pre�5ous fi�=e CSl : zar puiod: � List atl otbcx s�Ficen of tbc coipcuxrion: OFFlCER .. �2I.E HO.'� 1`TA3.� �c� Ketd} ADDI2�55 HO�IE BUSII�'ESS � DATEOF PHO�� PHOJ•� BTRTH � I£ bu�ness is a pazmvship, p7eaz� incfude tbe follou-in� infc:.,auan For each par.cra (use additionat pagcs if nrcts�asy); t5rst�a.�ae r7'idEie 2a�ed (.�Sai6cr,) I�u Darc ot �'vd� HaneAddra= Sneet\a�s Gsy Sw¢ Trf PhooeKum}�et r�gaa,�e �.ram�� p.t�am� iru m+�oraau, x�Aamar s�a� - � suk z;� �� Mii�'Sa'ESO'I'A TAX IERf3�'i47CATiO.�i l�'CA�PR-Pursmat �c ttx Law s of Mmaesasa. t986, CFsagfer 9AZ. Aaide S. Sectioa 2(Z7Q22} (Taz Qearaoce; Issnaaz of Licsaus).li�'� act6adties s,issqnired to �Sde to sbo Stase of Mi�aesou Commissioccr af Reveaue, tbe biiaaaoea busiaest taz iden�utiaa mtm�r and she saisl secoriry nvmber of cac� lieense appticaac Uu3er she k5s�aawta Cm•aaaKat Basa Pnccar Ass sad tbe Fderai Pzi�acy Aa of S9?d, we are zeqvired to advise yaa af s6e foUoe�i� , reg�diag she nse of ibe D�inauouTsc Idea�Sntioa 2dvzaber. � - 7His iafarmati�.aay be vud to dmy cbe isznaxx orsenewai of yourlicrose in sbe cvwt you oa+e ]�axsota saics. ear�iloyec s a3tt:hoidiag�ormoia�idcexdset�za; ` - Upaa recei�5ag chis mfacrosaoa, sbe3icansing susborsiy a� wpply u onty:o � 1.�rmaosa Depa�umac of Revcaac. Howevc, ��nndtt 2be Fcdaal Exchaage of Iufanmtion A�et che Depar.�at af Re� eaue may supply shiz iafoanaGoa to cbe 1a�ema] Rereaat Servic� • Miaxsosa Txx ideatification i�'c�mbers (Ss1u & L*se Tz: Tnmbcr) my 3x oStaina3 frora tha Staso nf a�aauotz„ Basmess Rxords ?kpaztrxat 10 Rivec pzrk PSaza (622 296-6I8I}� . Sociat Sc:carity T�Tn�b:r. I�"'•usoesoa Taz IdcasiF.uSoa 2�nmb�z: t�, �.�, �,�I _,_. If a Mianeso:a Tz: Idcaafsai;oa :�'c:�'xs is not rcovsrcd Por eLe busincss beiag onerzted, indicate so by pFacing an "X ia tF�e � . boz.._.._. _ __ . _ _ _ . ���I. - . -- . . , . ... . .---•• •-. .... ._. , H�trinea�l�mniwnKn[ �ddrtss �7 , DEC-10-1995 12�51 FROt1 CITY ATTORNEYS ��=ICE T� 934229g0 p, • CERTIf7GT10� OFK'ORi�RS COSSP�SATIO\ CO��GE FIiRSU��*T TO aiL�i'�S07A 5'FATUT'E T76.732� �` T bereby eercify chu?, oc my eompsn ,=_,y, IIICC�1i2ixC �'F.5 LhC ttqiJ:tTS 'toaq+tasa�:an iasuraace coren;e rcqaittmeou �f �lrnc Sca:vu I iGS82. SufdivialOII Z F 7I5¢ iip3Ct5{znd tbat pt0�'1SSC] oC f31iC iiifOi7lufioo in [1riS ctrt�CatioD COIIFUtyiez bu�cien( � Ouric ad� actiac against ati liceases De.}d, iaclad'wg:esxarica �d suspension of ssid liccascs. �`a� cf Iasusaace Company. Stitt, �rg,2'l.� t[r�;, S.a.; .�1�' �[Y ga�yr��: # AO t � i . ` � ( q - ��..Q� � � Crn•aagetsora-l1G1R�_to `' I b ve no empto�us co�•cred and�r � ortuf compcnsatioa i:suranco f � _�'� ��d. � . . , � A,\'Y fALSIfiCA21a�Y OF A.�SR�RS GIVEN OR?�f,1TERIAL SUB�. � RTLLRESLT,7 L� DE\'IAL OF THIS APpLICAII0�2 � I hereby ssate shx i 5avo anstivercd aQ of tbe �ecedng quc:�s�s. <ad t6at t4e infonnztian coatained baein iz uue and coarct tc tfx best of my l:rsovtedge aad bcti�f. I bereby s4 fur.6ec t5at I hzre:eccired no monoy or otber considaatioa, 6y way oF Iaaa. 8i.`C conin`isuaon, a ozhes�+,ise, osbez eban atready �sclaccd ia the zpplicat'san c �ch I bucuix� svbmixed. Z¢]so aadassad this prcmise may be iaspecy�d by pclicc, {r�, 6ealth and o�her cicy offici�Is ac any z�d all tiss w-t�cn cbe bus'sncu'u in operation '•J+ �� applicatictt it F°xVLi9uc? m1u:d. P]vse conta¢i a Gty cf Saint Paul Hcalch Iaspector. Ste.t O}soa (266-9233), ta revicv 7f aay sv6svatial chaugs trs snvccue art saticipascd. please coatau a Csry � Saiat s"'�auI Plan Esamina at 265-90Q7 so aPP�Y fffi burldmg pecmi� If aSezc ue aay chaages rc tttc p2rf�ng Fot.33o� spaee, or f� ncw oprratient, Pkax coniict s Gry of Saint Paul Zcaiog Iaspectcr at 256-9D� � Additiotsal appycation requiremeais, pia..ce aYtacii; A detsiJed descrfp6oa ai tht desfgsy Iocation and sqaatt tootage af tLn pretau¢S !a be licrosed {yzte gtan}. TFse Colioking data stiovld be oa sfie site ptass (pteCcrably on art 81t2" z Il" ar 8 It2�° z 1d" Papet7: - A'amq address, snd ph,one nnmbea • - TAt scaic ihouJd be s'aled svcfi as l" = 2D'. ^:I should be indicated fmrud the lap. - P7acmeat of alI petsineat fnztnres ni tbe iaferior of ifie Iicense3 fzciti(y suc3t as seatmg area; l3Scheus, ogices, repafr u'�, Fu�,r rest rooms, efe - If a reqaut is for aa addifiaa or e..-psusian of tf,e lim�sed fxiliip, �iea[c botfi tfie current arn and SJ�e proposcd �P�� . A capy eCpaar iexse ngree:aeat or ?roof of oxnership of t5e propertp. FOR SPECZ�'IC L�PPL£Cd'f7�A* arnfs;�rxs:� � c�r r.� � ��_ -- 57-3 Executive Summarv Business Plan People's Choice 920 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN and entercainmenc to che surrounding African American communiry in a safe and relaxing enviroament. Pro_prietor: Twe of business: $C2tiR� C1paC1N: Twe of inenu: Tv�e of entenainment: Hours of oneratioa: Number of er�nlovees: Addicional information: �Iay 1�, 199b Private Protection, Tnc. Restauzant 8d GriII sryle Speakers, fashioa shows, comedy, music, daacing, aud other forms of Iive entenaiameut. 1i:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. Thurs, Fn, aad Sat lI:CO am. -?2c30 a.n. Sun, Mon, Tne, and Wed 12 (esc. - includes iull �d aart time) Uniformed securiry wi11 be nrovided (as needed} from 7:00 p.n. until closing on Thurs, Pri, aad Sat. � � '��i���� IXFftB(T � _ � 97- � , I �1�1 r�r�� �j �� �v��, ; ��� �� , , I J ' 1 Appetizers Buffato wings Shrimp cheue guffs Quesadillas Nachos Supreme nachos Jalapeno poppers Soups & Salads Chili �p bowl B1ack eye pea cup bowl Soup of the day cup bowi House salad Ghef salad Cobb salad Taco 5a1ad Caesar salad with chicken 55.75 Sb.25 55.75 $5.85 $6.95 54.50 $1.75 52.75 51.50 $2.5d $1.5� S2.SQ $4.75 $5.95 $5.45 $5.50 $4.95 56.75 Sandwiches served with ciups aad a pickle sgea:, fries add 51.00 Club Ham & cheese Philly che�e szeak Fish Turkey $4.95 54.95 Si.80 $4.9a 55.15 Surgers se: ✓ed with ciups aad a pickle spear, iries add 51_00; �,.�*illed oaions add 50.2� Hamburge: 34.00 Cheeseburge: $4.30 c¢oice of ame:ican, swiss ar monterey jack , r 97-3 .t Bacon cherseburger Bar-b-q burger bacon s4.�s 54.5� $0.50 Dinners , served with choice of salad or vegetable, nce or gotato and roll Pork chop Steak Ham steak Fried chicken Ribs: pork beef Catfish Spaghetti Side items �7,10 $8.75 $6.75 56.25 58.25 $8.95 $7.95 86.50 French fries $1.35 Red beans & rice 51.20 Greens $0.95 Green beans 5095 Rice $ Cabbage $0.95 Corn6read $0.45 Beveraoes Soda Sl.ZS I.�manade 51.�Q Iced zea '� Nonaicaholic beer �i•�� Import 52.�0 Pitcher 53.�0 Import 54.75 . Daiquiries �?'� tviargaritas 5z.25 Mocktails 5275 Sex on Lhe beach, Pina Coladas, Homy Devil. juice �' "� � � 9�- E�CLrzrv� Suvr��Y PIans for cabaret license We inceud to offer speakers, fasbioa shows, comedy, music, and dancing in zhe relaxing atmosphere of a restauranc. There has beea no decision made as to whea and how ofren tfiis eutenaiament wilI be offered; this wilj depend on our market research. . Cabaret Hours The cabaret wi11 not be an everyday occunence. There wilI be no set haurs for operating such; it wiIl depend on she availability of speakers, groups, comedians and the time of year. The cabaret will be used az a markecing tool to generate clien�ele for the restaurant; it will aever exist as a separate entity for social purposes aaly. We wi1l be con,ztantly searching for the right balance witl� respecc so the cahareL thaL will allow us to significantly increase the revenue of tFie rescaurant in such a way that would aoL e:zist if People's Choice was soleIy a rescaurauc. 9 7 . �• , � LERS& AGREEMENT }� This Lease Agreement is made as of September �� , 1945, by and between DWH, a Minnesota partnership ("Lessar") and Private Protection, Inc. ("P.P.I•"), a Minnesota corporation ("Lessee"). 1. Premises. DWH hereby leases to P.P.I., and P.P.I. herelay leases from DWH, for the term and upon the conditions hereinafter provided, the Premises located on the sntire first floor and basement portion in the building at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Pau1, Minnesota, known at present as "People's Choice." 2. Term. The term of this Lease shall commence upon October 1, 1995 and shall continue fo= sixty (60} months until September 30, 2000. P.P.I- sha11 have the option to renew the lease for an additional five year period until September 34, 2005, at an amount su£ficient to cover reasonable monthly expenses such as water, sewer, gas, etc. 3. Rent. P.P.I• sha11 pay as Rent for the Premises S7QQ•00 per month for three manths commencing October 1, 1995; $1,�OQ.00 per month for seven months commencing January 1, 1996; and $1,400.0o per month for the balance of the five year lease commencing August 1, 1996. Rent shall be paid in monthly installmen�s, in advance, on the iirst day of each and every calendar month during the Term. 4. Trade Name. P.P.I• shall have the so2e and exclusive right to use the nane "People's Choice" in their use o£ the Premises. The fact that DWH entered inta this agreement, shall be rarever treated as confidential, and wi11 not be disclosed by DI+�T to any person except tneir lawyer, accauntant, tax preparer or as may be reauired by law or agreed to in writing by P.P.I• DWH recoqnizes and agrees that tne use of the name "Peonles`s Choice° was a signiiicant inducemert to P.P.S. �o enter intio this aareement ar.d that a portion of the rent described in section 3 is gaid in consideration o� this confidentiality provision. 5. Use. P.P.I• wil.Z use and occupy the Premises solely io= public entertainment and sociai purposes. P.P.I• wi11 not nse or occcpy the Premises io= any unlawful puspose, �nd wi1Z comgly with a11 present and future laws, ordinances, regulations and ordess of all governmental units having jur.isdiction over the Premises. DWH disclaims any warranty that the Premises are suiteble £or P•P•S•'s use and P.P.I. acknowledges that it has had a fu11 onportunity to maice its owa determination in tnis regard. 6. Assianment and SublettinQ. P.P-I• wi11 not assign, ��2RSi2i� IRO�L O?" encu*nber �f115 I�ease Or SL�''.�le� OS ren� OT ne�� occunancy or Lse o` the Premises, or any par� thereo�I�y any `Cii�.rC� p�iL'�� IIOr SIYd1.1 ZIly 2551CjRI12TIT. O? �S�cIlSZ2T Q� '��!1S Lease be I IXWBR � � 97-3 LEASE AGREEMENT effectuated by operation of 1aw or otherwise, without in each such case obtaining the prior written consent o£ DWH, which consent sha11 be subject to DWH's sole discretion. 7. Maintenance. P.P-I• understands it is leasing the Premises in an "as is" condition, which is at present not in first class condition. P.F•I• agrees to return the premises in the same, if not better condition at the expiration or �ermination of this Lease. DWH shall make all necessary repairs to the outer walls, roof, downspouts, gutters and basic structural elements and common areas of the building. DWH shall also make all necessary repairs to the portions of the building systems (plumbinq, sewage, heating, air conditioning and electrical) providing services jointly to the premises and other portions of the building. P.P.I• shall be responsible for all other portions of the bu5.lding systems serving the premises. Notwithstanding anything apparently to the contrary in this section, any costs of repairs or improvements to the building, to the premises or to any common areas which are occasioned by the negliqience or default of P.P.I•, its officexs, employees, agents or invitees, or by requirements of law, ordinance or other governmental directive and which arise out of the nature of P.P.I.'s use and occupancy of the premises or the installations of P.P.I• in the premises shall be paid for by P.P.I. as additional rent, immediately upon biliing. 8. Alterations. P.P.I. reserves the right to remove from the Premises any and all materials which in any way inter£ere w.ith the day-to-day runninq of their business or which aze in viol�tion of any St. Faul ordinances. DWA wi11 be contacted and have the option of takinq possession of any or a11 materials at that �ime; aI.I. other materials wi11 be disposed of at the discretion o£ P.P•I. All imarovemen�s paid £or by P.P.T. are subject to retention by B.?.I., unless said improvemen aze struczura3 in naiure. I= any mechanic`s lien is fiied agains� any part of the building io� work clai.med to have been done ior, or materiais iurnished to P.�•1•r such mechanic's Iien sha11 be dischargec3 by P.P.Z- within ten days thereafter, at P-P.I•'s sole cost and expense. Regardless of whether DW'H's consent is reauired or obtained hereunder: a?1 alterations shall be made ir.accordance with applicable laws, codes anci insurance guidel.ines, aad shall 'be performed in a good and wor]anar.ii.ke manner. P.P-I• shall not ins�all, without the orior consent of DWH, any eauipmeat whicfi wi11 or may necessitate any cnanges, repl.acements or additi.ons to, or in the use o=, the neatiaa, ventilating or air-conditionir.q sYs�en, or electrical system of the buildina. 9. Se� and Utilities. DTrtH sha11 �t�rnis'a heat, wazer, and el.ec'tric services to P.P.I. for their use in the oneration oi �heir busi�ess o. the Pre:nises duriag the CILr2i.1dR o= Lhis T•ease. 2 q7-� LEASE AGF2EEMENT 10. Insurance. P.P,I. agrees to purchase and to carry in fu11 force and effect commercial genera]. liab.ility insurance, providing coverage on an "occurrence" basis, which policy shall include coverage for Bodily Injury, Property Damage and Personal Snjury, in a combined single limit amount of not less than $1,000,000. I.1. Waivez and Indemnity. 11.1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, DwH and its partners, officers and employees shall not be liable to P.F.I., and P.P.I. hereby releases such parties from all damaqe, comgensation or claims from any cause other than the intentional andJor £oreseeabie mi.sconduct of DWH or its partners, officers or employees arising from: loss or damage to personal property or trade fixtures in the premises; lost business or other consequential damage arising out of interruption in the use of the premises; and any criminal act by any person other than DWH or its partners, officers or emplayees. 11.2. P.P.I. agrees to indemnify, defend and hold DWH and its partners, officers and employees harmless from and against any claim, 3oss, or expense arising aut o€ injury, death or property loss or damage occurring in the premises, except oniy to the extent caused by the intentional and/or forseeable misconduct of DWH or its partnes, officers or employees. DWH and its partners, offz.cers and employees sha11 be held liable if the cause was one they wese made aware of and did not rectify the oiiending circumstances in a reasonabl.e Zength oP time. 11.3. DWH agrees to indemnifp, defend and hold P.P.T. and its heirs, officers, employees, disectors, executors, ad�*ti.r_istrators, agents, and assigns hazmless iram zny losses, causes oi action or suits o� any kind or nature arising oL� a•`_ or rela�ing to claims arising under any £ederal, st�te, and locaZ statuie, ar requla�ion involving the previous ope=ation of People's Choi,ce by B.t3_T., Inc., a defunct Minnesota corporation wholly owned bg �he par�ners of DwH. DWH further agrees to indemrti�`y, clefend and hold P.P.i. znd its heirs, officers, emaloyees, directors, executors, admirristrators, agents and assigns harmiess £ram a11 common law claims for_breach of contract, invasion of nrivacy, promissory estoppel, personal injury or negligent retention and supervision whetrer developed or undeveloped invo?ving the previous epsration o£ Peonle`s Choice by 3.U.T., Inc_ I2. Default. �ny one o� tne following evenis saal? constitu�e an Event oi Deiault: (_) P.P.Z. s�a11 iail zo pay a^y monthl.y insiallmea� oi r2R� O?' �G S2i?� d5 f?E? nrovided, 'c-IlCj. SllCkl c��-a LEASE AGREEME23T default shall continue for a period of 15 days after the due date therefor; (ii) P.P.I. shall violate ar fail ta perform any of the other conditions, covenants or agreements herein made by P.P_I. and such default shall continue for 30 dags after notice from DWH. DWH agrees ta be reasonable under the circumstances, conditions, covenants or agreements herein made in finding P.P.I. in deEault. I€ an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, DWH may at its sole option by written notice to P.P.I. terminate this Zease. Neither the passage of time after the occurrence of the Event of Default nor exercise by DWH of any other remedy with regard to such Event of Default shall limit DWH's rights under this section. 13, Riqht of First Refusal. 13.1. If DWH desires to se11 the building subject to this Lease to any person or entity durinq the Term of tihis Lease and any subsequent renewal, DWH shall first offer such buil.dinq for sale to P.P.S. at the same price and on the same terms offered in good faith by such ather person or entity. Such offer sha11 be made by DWH by a notice given to P.P.I. The notice shall recite the price and other terms being of£ered in good faith by such other person or entity. P.P.I. sha11 have a peri.od of thirty days after receipz of the notice to accept or reject the offer. Acceptancs of the ofier sha11 be by notice given to the DWH. ,, I3.2. In the event that P.P.I. shal2 purchase the building from DSvH under the provision described above, P.P.I. sha11 receive as an offset to the purchase price tne cost oi any strnctu=al imnrovements it has made to tte builcting. Z3.3. Sn the event �hat P.P.I, sha11 no� gurchase ti?e bnildinq from DWH under the nravision described above, DTriu shal? reimburse P.P.I. £rom the proceeds of sa2e the cost o= any structural improvemen�s P.P.�. has made to the bu_lding. � 13.4. In the event that DWH shali seli the building to a party other than P.P.I., a11 provisions of this lease shall re*_aain in full force and ef�ect ior the full term of the leasa, including its renewal as provided in section 2 0£ tnis agreement. DWH acknowledges that in �aking this agree�en� that they rely whollg ugoa their own judgment, beliei and knowledge. DWH =urtner acknowledges 'tnat tney have careiuiiy read the foreyoir_g aareemeni ar_d understaad tI�e contea�s thereof and that they siga ihis agreement as their own fr=e act. DbvH iurther acknow?edges t'r_at � q� LBASE AGREEMENT they have consulted with and been rep=esented by an attorney thraughout the discussions which preceded the execution of this aqreement and that the terms have been completely read and explained by their attorney, and that those terms are £ully understood and voluntarily accepted by them, at that, except as otherwise indicated herein they sign this agreement for the axpress purpase of leasing the premises known as People's Choice, and precluding for as long as this agreement is valid any interest in People's Choice, and the management thereof. This agreement will be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. Lessor: Dated: Dated r�" � y � � -�7 �s r�ated: �b��- 71 �a9S ����,,��.�-- Edward Hayes; WHJpartner ' � � CU..�.�.-��7yt� John Tdilliams, DWAJpartner Lessee: i"�v�R� J e..�c.�2�cy��^� BY��� � y�b'F�- I�s CE STATE OF ?VII23NEcQna COUN'r'Y OF RAMSEY ss. k� The foregoing was acknowledged beiore me this 1 � day of Sentember, 1445, by Edward Hapes and by John Williams, partners of DTriH, on behali zs such Lessor. . )AiJIES S. Sil'cN �.° NOT��" ��•�L �C-MINNESOTA �1��r CH$$FG� COUM�i'�' rr co+.�asion ccn<ce �A:�. �7. 2090 � ���,.� �\�--. Natary Public LEASE AGREEMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA ) j ss. COtiNTY OF RAh1SEY ) q�-�aq The foreqoing was acknowledged before me this ��� dap of September, 1995, by 1�-EN� G-"��T�t��15 . CLO of Private Protection, Inc., on behalf as such Lessee. ¢ }AMES S. SI:EN Fe ":.�ti�r CHISAGO GOUN7Y �_': MY COMMIGSI�N ES�IPE] JAV. 3t. Z�0 This instrument was drafted by: James S. Si1en Attorney at I,aw �ttorney Id. No P.O. Box 48 Rush Ci�y, NSN- 231a60 55069. �� � �� No ry Public G :, , �� OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIV73 HEARINGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In re the Licenses of Private Protection, Inc. dlb/a People�s Choice 920 Selby Avenue CITY'S PROPOSED EXIiIBITS January 7, 1997 TO: Judge Richard Mosman, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the City's proposed exhibits for the Administrative Hearing on January 7, 1997. �ibit No. Exh. No. 1 Exh. No. 2 a Description St. Pau1 City Council File #96-1343 (6 pp.�; Notice of Hearing, dated December 3, 1996, with Affidavit of Service (4 pp.�; Exh. No. 3 License Application, dated March 17, 1996, with attached "Certification of Compliance with the Minnesota Worker's Compensation Law" form, license payment receipt, and "Minnesota Tax Identification Number" form (5 pp.}; Exh. No. 4 Exh. No. 5 Exh. No. 6 License Application, dated March 17, 1996, with attached September 27, 1995 "Lease Agreement" t9 pp.); Executive Summary, Business P1an, dated May 14, 1996, with attached April 23, 1996 letter from Brett Larson to Carl Green (5 pp.}_ Amended Articles of Incorporation of Private Protection, Inc., filed September 2, 1994 (4 pp. ) ; .� . Exh. No. 7 Exh. No. 8 Exh . No . 9--���//„s� r� Exh. No. 10 Exh . No . 11�"��,rG� � Exh. No. 12 Exh. No. 13 Exh. No. 14 Exh. No. 15 Exh. No. 16 Exh. No. 17 Exh. No. 18 Exh. No. 19��,,%/ory� �� Exh. No. 2� Exh. No. 21 q�-3� Property Ownership/Occupant Screen and Business License Manager Screen (4 pp.); April 15, 1996 letter trom Christine Rozek to Carl Green (1 p.); Executive Summary, Susiness P1an, dated April 15, 1996 (1 p.); April 26, 1996 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl/Earl Green (2 pp•?; Lease Agreement, dated September 1995 (1 p.); Letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek, received May 3, 1996 (1 p.); May 6, 1446 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl Green (1 p.); May 21, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek (3 pp.); June 3, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek {1 p.); June 10, 1996 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl Green (2 pp.); June 18, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek with attached affidavits from Carl L. Green, Curtis Olson, and Elizabeth Y. Green (4 pp.); July 22, 1996 letter from Virginia Palmer to Car1 Green (2 pp.}; July 23, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Virginia Palmer (1 p.�; September 3 "Inspector Response Data Entry/Update Screen" (2 pp.); September 20, 1996 agreement to conditions, signed and dated September 25, 1996 (1 p.). . .. � 97-�a` Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicable St. Paul City ordinances: St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.�5 § 310.06 � 310.17 Chapter 426 Respectfully submitted this 7th day of January, 1997. Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612}266-8710 � " - � OFFIC�jF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timolhy�tar.K Ciry AUOmey -- � �-�a5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Division 400 City Hall t S West Kelkgg Blvd Saini Pau(, Mmnesota 55102 NOTI�E OF HEARING December 3, 1996 Carl & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 55404 Telephone: 611 266-8110 Facsimile: 61119&5679 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. dJb/a People's Choice Dear Mr, and Mrs. Green: This is to notify you that a hearing�will be held.concerning the above-referenced license application pursuant to Chapter 310.05 and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code at the following time, date and place: Date: December 20, 1996 Ti.me: 9:30 a.m, Place: Room 42 City Hall-Couaty Courthouse 15 W. ICellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, NIId 551Q1 The hearing examiner will be an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Richard Mosmaa Administrative I,aw Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Aveaue South Richfield, 2�T 55423 Phone: 861-3331 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide for hearing concerning licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 31�, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or � � � Private Protechon, Inc. � d1bla Peo ple's Choice — City's E�. No. 2 ` �. � . 9�-�a conditions. The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has determined that conditions on the above-referenced license are appropriate and will recommend issuance of the licenses applied for subject to the conditions. However, at the hearing before the Saint Paul City Council testimony was heard by citizens in opposition to the issuance of the license. Evidence may be presented to the judge through the intervention of interested parties in the proceeding. ' The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62, and the procedural rules of Chapter 1400.5100-140D,840o of the Minnesota Rules and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. You have a right to be represented by an attorney, to represent yourselves, or to be represented by a person of your choosing to the extent not otherwise prohibited as the unauthorized practice of law. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all. parties identify themselves for the record. The City wi11 then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may , cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If data classified as not public (e.g. private or confidential) is admitted into evidence, it may become public unless a party objects and asks for relief under Minn. Stat. §14.60, subd. 2. A notice of appearance must be filed with the judge within twenty (20) days of the date of service of the notice of and order for hearing if a party intends to appear at the hearing, unless the hearing date is less than twenty days from the issuance of this notice . The undersigned will appear on behalf of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Please be advised that if you fail to appear at the hearing it may result in the allegations of the notice of and order for hearing � �} y � i ��-��9 being accepted as true and result in a determination in favor of the License Office to recommend conditions on the license. Very truly yours, � ��� Virgin�almer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessles, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Aearings, Suite 17D0, Minneapolis, MN 55401 Judge Richard Mosman, 604 Richfield Bank, 6625 Lyndale Ave. So., Richfield, MN, 55423 Nancy Anderson, City Council, Room 310 City Hall Peggy Byrne, Executive Director, Summit-University Planning Council, 627 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, 55104 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Ttmothy E. Marx, City Attorney g �_ � a CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Nonn Coleman, Mayor civit Division 400 City Hall I S West Kellagg Blvd Saint Paul, �nnesom SSIO2 Telephone: 612 266-8710 Fdcsimile: 6I2 298-5619 December 31, 1996 The Honorable Richard Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Mr. Carl Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 E. 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 554�4 Mr. Philip A. Shepherd Collins & Ingebritson, PA 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. d/b/a People's Choice Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the hearing in the above-entitled matter, which was continued until Tuesday, January 7, 199? at 9:30 a.m., will be heard in Room 1504 of the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paiii� i.ia'.I72S6�d. The City Hall Annex is located on Fourth Street, between Wabasha and Saint Peter Streets. Sincerely, �/� � � � Virgin a D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek LIEP "° � �1-'.;'f s.. t � ! � 9� &TATE OF MINNESOTA ) 5S. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY 1 JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and sa�s that on December 3, 1996, ehe served the attached NOTICE OF HEARING on the following named persons by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Carl & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. &15 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN. 55404 (which is the last known addresses the same, with postage prepaid, in Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of December, 1996. /� l/ .IJ //l< GliL�� � Notary Public . • RITA M. 80SSARD � hOTARY PUBLIC — h711:ti`c50TA RANSEY COUNTY ' MY�mn.ExpiresJSn.37.2W0� of said persons? and depositing the United States mails at St. � -� �=� � g � L CL�SS iII ciTY oFS.ai�r P�LL LICE\SE APPLICATION or ficeofLicense.In< w;�ens a�dEm�rzenme�tzi?:.�: e.ion ?50 S� Pncr St. Suim 309 Saim Pzul. AM1ianuou '9 (f . — _.�_i .�•� �._ (61'_726S909Jfa�(61^_):cb-9:13 _ ' �J�C�4 /'-^ T?��S APPLTC.4TI0\' IS StiBJECI' TO RE�ZEW BY THE PtiBLIC PLEASE 7YPE OR PRI1T L\ L\'K i ,, - �l� zf. . T}PeofLicense(s)beingappliedfoi: _;>2+"'%C ���, ll �� f�,t `� ��;�,*�S�'�c �dr';-z( ¢'—�-Y��-�•F-��SP_ � r Company \'us�: �F' r W�' r� t�Y �� L� C�� t rt Corp�ration / Pzra�ers.^.+p / Sole Propdetort.a If business is incorporated, gi��e date of iacc;poralion: � Boin� Business As: ��L ��C%,� 1� ;$ l�L BUSiness Address: Besiness Phone: ,3f'- '�� ��� Stree[ Address �- � ? � � � S / � � �y�, �JC Jr GtY // State Z Beeween what cross streeu is the business located? `�.�� - %Zf �4 j 7 l�JJlTft� Whjch side of the street? w� �t Ara the prer.rises now occupied? � V✓bat Type of Business? � '�7aii To Address: _� / � • 1 L � St�f �'f ������y k�'G li S �f✓ .SS���-/ Stccet Address City State Zip Applicant Information: \'azm and Tide: �.(l �`� �f t_ Home Address: �.r� � . C f'P � .� C�r2�r First yLddle (.Maiden) GSo�I Jf�m/e f R vt ..f'o - L�of Cc`o �� Title �� �� Sveet Address � ���— �—� ity State Zip Date of Birth: �- z-.3 "�e� Place of Bireh: �R �� X-f �re .� Home Phone: Y�B' %���1 Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violauon of any city ordinance orher than tr�c? YES _ NO � � Date of azrest: Chazge: _ Conviction: R'here? Sentence: List the names and residences of ttuee peisons of good moral cbazacter, living witfiin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related applicant or financiaily interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanYs chazacter: n��.� ADDRESS �!^.e���`het'SZ 3 �3� E. Gcgtn �t • TnvPY C�i f=--- �Ccc�t Flc�:v F'u Run 1ia ��* ��lzCctn List licenses which you currendy bold, forr�rly held, or may have an interest ia: �r�7e��-;Ve liavt't�5 'ti(,�r`,�Z_ , 4�r;�r��e lnvC��,a. PHONE iC�hts 55�-i¢s t,sS��3z� i,�n5` 1 ci L'� V r�•OM ��z � y: s K �� �a � >�� Have any of the above'£iazued licenses ever been recoked? _ YES ✓?30 If yes, list che dates and reacons fox revocation: � Are you going to opente this business personally? ✓ YES _:�O If not, who will operate ii? '' Fnt Name Middle Initiai ('.;aiden) Iast Date of Birth Homeqddsess: SaeeeName City Stau Zip Phone:.umber _ � Are eeu �eino to ha�e a r.�a��aer cr a:s.::_.; :; ti;i< bus;ne<:: }�ES comple� the fo!lo•,�i::: i :,orn:.ticn: �1t1 K,r`�� ��tf\ �� f.Fli S �"� i .`,� . F:stS�nr >^.io�e:ai�� ..`.ad^_') I.�tt .,.,.�ef3inh 'r.o:,z Ad: Speet \�� Plezc.e list pe=s es�lo��nt fustory fer �e rre��ie�s fice (_; ; zaz �riod: Buciness/Emoto�,—,ent �dd;ess �r',i!h �a l . Tnn.. (s15 ;- . If,�?� Str S�te P4e,-.e �um6er /✓�/.� f'F�rl ��rl+'n � �t� Tv,c 7 ��r~���n{Cn�'rYe�.L�',,ttnGe �`trove /✓�✓SSVirn J List a11 ocher o:ficers cf t6e cocg�:aac7: OFFICER TLE HQUtE HO'�'iE BliSI\'ESS DAI'EOF \A;vIE �{ 'fice Held) ADDRESS PHO�E PHO\B BIRTA til�z�l�e�i1 ��reFn ���retfer ��c� �n)irt t? YSs 4�93 3.z1.v� izyo-�s If business is a pazmership, pie��e inc}ude t�e iollowing inie::nation for eac6 partner (use additiona! pages if nececsary); :mu�i (.`.:aidenj 97 \O �fv�em.ma�er;snct:l;e>:r.x.�:.'�ae�r:or.Fiea�e Hoxs�Address S¢e.ei:�a� First'�`.me bTiddle Ir�iriei (?�faiden) '-iome Addrus: Sveet Name City Lzn Sczte Zip I,zst Stim Zip Date of Binh Phene Num�r Dace ot NiLNl�'ESOTA TAX IDE,\`TIFICATIO\' �'L'�'[BER - Pursu�t to the Laws of ?�Iinnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (I'ae Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing au[borities �-e required to procide to [he State of'vlinnesota Commissioner of Revenue, tbe :Minnesota business tax identification nu�Ser znd cbe cC;izl cecurity numbet of each license applicant. Under the'.vlinnesota Govemmeot Data Pracaces Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze requ'ued to advise you of the folloa�ing regazding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification rTUmb_r: �_ - This informatior.cray be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in che event you owe Minnesota sales, empioyer s withholding or motor vehicle ezcice tazes; - Upon xeceiving this information, che licensing authority will supply it only co the'vlinnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Depaztment of Reti�enue may supply tivs information to che Intemal Revenue Sercice. Minnesota Tzx Identification \'umbers (Szles & Use Taz \umber) mzy be obtaiaed from the State of'�Iinnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Pa:k Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Suurity?�'umber: '.vTinncsota Tax Idenafication \'umber: _ If a Minnesota Taz Iden�cation \�umbez is not requ'ued for t6e business being operated indicau so by pIacing aa "X" in the boz. 9�-3a9 CERTIFICA510S OF �6'ORKERS` CO�L'�\SATIO\ CO� ER4GE PliRSt AAT TO �^,I�\ESOTA ST.4TLTE 176.1 S^ I hereb}' cerufy tbat I. or my comaan}•, zm;n compliance �; ;�h �he M�e:kets' cor.•.pensa;ion insura�ce co��eraee requaemen[s of '�4innezota Statute 176.182, sath;ivision 2. I a1<o vndz:_c+,y�d Lhat pro� i�iea of false informatioo in this cercification conseimtes sufiicient grounds for ad��erse action a�ainst all licenses 6eld, inciudine re�rocaaca a�d suspension of said licences. tiame of Insurance Company: Policy N�m6er. Cocerage from to I have no employees covered undec k�orF:e:� comp�nsatioa :::.urance ANY F3LSIFIC:�TIO\ OF A\S��'ERS GIVEV QR �1L�TERIAL SLB�ZITTED R�iLL RESi:LT I\ DE\IAL O� THIS �PPLICATifl*� I bereby state that I have answered all of �e precedin� quesuans, �d that the infoxmauon contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belieE I hereby state funber that I have received no money or other consideration, by vray of loan, sifr, conuibuuon, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in che application w hich 3 berewith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fize, health and othet city offici�ls at any and all u�s when the business is in operation. n ����� 1'' �!U'�� '" Signa.ure (REQliIRED for all applications) /� **Note: If this applicavon is Food/Liquorrelated, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review p]ans. If any substancial changes to s�ucture aze anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Ezami¢u at 266-9007 to apply for buiiding permits. If there are any changes to the pazking lot, floot space, or foz new operations, pleue contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Additional application requiremenfs, please attach: A detailed description of the design, ]ocation and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The folloc�ing data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 81/2" x 11" or 81/2" x 14" paper): • I�'ame, address, and phone number. - The scate should be sfated such as 1" = 2A'. ^?.' should be indicated fovcazd the top. - PIacement of atl pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seafing areas, ldfchens, offices, repair azea, pazldng, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or er.pansion of the licensed faci['sty, indicate both the current ues and fhe proposed expansion A copy of pour Iease agreement or pr�of of ownership of the property. FdFt SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREME:VTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> ����a9 Lin^i1F;CRi:^✓H C�F CIkSPLiAKLi ViiH THE NIHNESGiA VJ^nKERS' C.'7`iPERSRTIOH LFV Accordin� .o BH Statutes 77b.�b2, ticcnsin5 agcncics arc prohibi2cd fro�n issuing licc.ticcs vi:hovi vcritication of xorkcrs covcrege. A LICE%SE AvACtUtTtOt Urv�T BE PROCESSEJ tniLESS THIS FORK 15 CUmLFT� StGtiED AWD RETUCkeJ (p(ccse print). questions on filling ovi this form sboutd be direc:ed to the Stcie of Rin�csota "spccial CmQcnsation furd° - 296•2157. r _ _. pa� T t>` , ��� �' i - Doin9 busincss as i �: . ; ,r � �t ! ..' ' last tirst mid3te fvlt busincss nar,�, if difSereM .han yoor Sociat Scwrity Mo. � �" � � frdcral Ei+Qtoyer 7D Ao. State SD Ro. Addrems ' - . �-� f ' . = . . ,�i .�, � , � s.rret ao�ress�or :oo:c n,rber ci:y ar toun namc statc namc zip ca - i., �; Business Tetep�one No. C�� 1r. 7 �'• "`"' `1= Hane iclephone Ho. t� �) '- ! - � Typc of H�siness ���'- ='" -�� i { �"•i � � .�- _ f � � �i�r'�.'1 �,�_1 ;t�� -`.� , t i , descrip:ion (for cxar.Qlc: buitding,consfruction; or togging; or cianufae.uring) Vorkcrs' Ccr.pensation =? �, .� - C ,,,_ n ` , ` �='ar.�.':!y PoliC H e�'A,�. . tnsuraxc Cor.y�eny uamc� s �'-� - : � . : �'' ' - Y o. . �. . . . �ull.rame o4 insurance cmp�ny C�Ot irtsurance a ent) tull nu�+Sc� from insurance policy �— _._.t t �t . � - .., ; � . : V i . ; , ,-. . .; ; 'l - a�" . � )� .. . _ , ( ;�,tt '.l�_,✓_ �4{�Kz � N'�Y'�z: Da:es ef Coverage � ihrorigh � " �} � '� ' � � �t,.,�, startin9 da2e erding Ca:c � '' < < . '�t � ` �;�" �' S certity that f am not reqvired :o carry uorkers' cmper,saTion insurasxa becauset ` � -"`F �' ��� ,�� ��". i� {=yscY. ^r�c� _ I am a sotc proprietor or� 1 have no cr.Qloyccs. t have no eep(oyecs �ho are covercd by tAC vcrkers' cmQensation lcv. (Only mployces who are specifically exenpted staiuie are naS eovere6 by the uotkers' cccper.saSion iav. These inctude: Spouse; Parents; Chjtdren, reyardless o{ a7 and farm tabor rnQloyeas of a,'amily farm tAat spent less xban S8,D00 for farm labor in thc prcrious wlcrda� ycar, I otfier workers uhose work activity is tontroltable by the essptoycr m.isi be covered.) 1 u�crstacd that the inforaatio� provided above vitt be vc�ificd by thc Nimeseia Department of Labor a.�d tndustry. undersiard ihat 1 am subject to a 15,000 penaltK, iF i e information is false. I ceriity that the intorrration provided abo is ecwratc aed ca�ptcic. '�, �� �� _ � % ^, r Siyned by � / �' i� 0 - , D32c �T �i `" �: , __._ - � [NO tocat licensing a9exy, 9en. contr., timber 6vyer or other yersonloryonization attir+9 as an interme6icsy to de4ives this to� to chc Dcpt. of Labor ard Irduztry shalt bc respon:ib�c for acwracy oi thc inlorn�tion provided by tTc person signing thc iorm. i R�� . -} (`� � Q ! � d�a1G: ~+ �t J/ _ � 12 a�a;.,>d O� 9.� /��nt �,.: c (= a�nvni ✓�a: l_euh: �Ceceiiat �or �ac�rreenf ! �` �C .�maunf 7�ec¢ivarL '/ �' 7 `' � / CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL OGfice ot Licrnse, Inspections and Environmental Prorection 3w St. ve�a St. smm 3ao Saw� PaW. Mimtmia 55102 (612) ib69100 C��6 yl,�&,.� 1� �//?�..t l��awod d3�: — i J I 9� -�a9 PLEASE hQTE - FASI,IIRE TO S�PLY THE FOLI,OAZNG INFORMATION AILL JEOPARDZ'�E OR DELAY THE PROCF',SS2bTG OF YOIIR LICENSE ISSIIA27CE OR RENEPiAI, APPLICATICN. MI2v"NESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION A Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72)(Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Co:ozaissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification nuiwer and tre social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the Federal. Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of this information; 1J This in£ormation �.ay be used to deny the issuance or r�:?ewal of your licer.se ?n the event you owa Minnesota sales, e�ployer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; 2) Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Department of 12evenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Infor�ation Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Minnesota Tax Identi£ication Numbers (Sales & t3se Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota - Business Records Department - 10 River Park Plaza. Phone: 296-6181. tipp�icanr.•s Social Security � { �f�2�k i'Yo� C � Iti- � I".� n � J`.> C. 1(,t ; i i? ! f' �' rL�,s �i r r'�: : f � � i� 5���'� 3�1-y,��= � � s- lJ ,.;...��� . Minnesota Tax IdentiPication Number: ',,.;,j�: (If a Minnesota Tax Identi£ication Number is not required for the business bein operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box. ) �J - l�� ,J � /�f�'�� ���� a6 S Signature Date ��� C �v � ��-�a5 0 •� / / � �(�� f15�i� '"4 AniendrJ ;Ai(�r't� ;�: luro:��o�.::�;u� ��s' Pn�:rt�' P���Irrhi�n. L:. . The undersigned incorpo�ator. bcing :� r.atur:il pei,rn� u1'+ui� .r +�,: t.,; puip.i,c „i ����n+in. .. COfQOCS(IOII RI7(Ief I�'t!l1I1�SUI;t SIl(US<�. � �t:tfll;'1 )�)���, il������ .lilu{:f+ �.�: :��ilC�i ��l Ineorporn6on set torth f�erein :�ttrrc'[_r: u��°e Section L01 N;1�d[ The name of the eorporat�on u 1'u�.n. P��rt��tuni. Inc :\R'11('LE l \\'U Section 2 01 REGISTERED OFFIC�E. Tl�t r�giilered of:ire ��t� tlin cur^or.�uun i. (ui:ited .�t / GIS East 16th Sireet, �'(mn�apo4is, i�t\ 5��1(�d �� AR"(fCLf: '1�f IRIiR; Sectio�t 3.01 INCORPOFtATOR ��i,e �,:�»,� ;t„�; :,�i�i,�., �>r �i,� :::.,,,��,,:.,;, i. \i:el�.i�:�.:n Beeks, Sr., 6t$ East IGth Street, `hnne.�poli<. �iX ��-!0�! AIt'I;C'Lt; PQl.tt SCCtion 401 CAP{TFV1_ Tlte a��reg:ne ntintbc; oC>h,c,. oC.!c•e� ��!':..L d:r to�;��+�.rt:� .h.di hace aud�oritt� to issua �s 1.000 sh:u�. 1K"Il('LE Pl\'(. SeCtiott .`+�1 Cn\�f�10\ S�I�(�C�h �I�heie �h;ul b�' ��i�. �':.. ;�„i .��.. �' �uuinnu; .!�.t„ consisllnk of �i0�) sh;ire+ :lll commor. <h:irc• .h.dl br �,:!u�,� .ir:�� i�.�.:•�:� ru�,_d ��_•'�r.� .:::.i m a{I matt�rs _ $acucn 5 0? CLASSES OF_AUA-�:(S�1_{A<� �lO<'I� li.; li�,.:�:: .�! [i.;�.'. ;r..��. I,� t,�:.: "--- to h�tie. estlbli;h bv resolution diffucni d.:>.,� u� ,�n� oi .L::::. ,�. .::: �.o,u;�• rch;. :��:,? mat� t'i� tiie n�hts (e�capf ��oLnu n,1it.) ar. � p�:l��irr.c_. rf... .. ..... . .. . _. , � ,.._ Sect�o:i 5 Q? :lC'"I O!_ l:lll�_tili;A!2'r.l_IOI 1)l:tt �I i�� �h.r.,:.n!d;�• •.. .._ .. ,... ..,._ af!irr,.....e ��ota �€� a ��tajon;�� u:� dr� �:•„���: { : :. _ .iia,;.:� ; _ _ _. �. _. .,,�_�. �, .. . _. ., d�.ii} held nteetin_ e�ce^r d;aL t.`i�• �L:u�i:cu,!,. ,..:ii ..... .., , . . . . .. ..... _ . .. . r ^ '�C...: O� :�i-.i \Ol::l; �)O�\CI' l;f :h.� �I;:!1� �17::1 p� . .. .. _ �,. .... ... , . . . . � � a`�,'{��% ..! ., � =� � /! i . . Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice —' City's Exh. No. 6 ., r , �7-3a9 0 ogo� :\IL'CIC'L(� >(\ Sec!ion 60{ fI�ST Bn:1Rn_QF 1�(RFC1'O�S Thr tlr.t Bo:ud of I)nrrtor. .t�.•II con.i.i uf three (3) persons ��ho.c names :ue rinthi�u;d� Ba.i.., ti� ll;r�i,. \\:�ti.�r. .....; (.,�f (n;��� Section 6.03 ACT OP TFfE BO.ARD. "ihe fSuard ot Du<•r�.��. .ir:!i i.J.c .i�;wn b� thr affirmative vote of all of the Airecte�rs Section 6.05 W`RiTiL'N ACTiO�. Any acuan ;equu�d �+r ivu:utt: � ta 1�.: t.+��iti ti�tt}tiuii; ,i meetin� by ws�tten act;on signed by all of dea directors, r�crpi .0 d�a,r inatt.r< ulvci3 rcqui�, shareholder app:oval, in which ca�e the acuon shafi br �� �nce1 b� .ill duce;"i. 1RTIC'I.E SE:�'F\ Sect�On 7.01 CU�IULATIVE V(�TINCi No f�older c+i',tuii. of ti��. ia�pot.t�;uit ,h;tll t�r entitled to any cumulanve voting ngSits :1RTIt'LB fSGH"{' Section 8.01 PRE-E�4P1lVL_it��ri_t_1_S �o holci�r nf �torl rf ih�� ernpur;;mr .h.�ll h:,« .tn� pre-emptive rights :\R"Il('LP \I\l SeCt�On 90; r�t�lE\[���1E�iT Si�h��e! tu \(ins� St:u iU:�1 t;� tivh J6 tlic.r �1�u�lr� ��I [ncorporation shall bo amended U� th� ;iftiun:unr �oir oi l��u��„ ,:( ;l�r ��.�!:nr po��,� rf d�. shares entitle�i to vote Ii_; -r, /; , ; �j �;' U $7ATE Or h11N':�E`SOTA DEPA£"M.f1T 0= STAT£ F;LED SCC V L i�:� � ,� ;._ � � L ��;c !!: :.� \ntfii;�.�:�.: �_.,:. ,; Inro;pora�o: (,�:� Fn.y lbth � \I!:;n.a� \1\ :-, . � ,:r J� � :� � � � /�.t��sb'sas�+.�r! ��� c_, s.-��-1; � - -� •f�� 9�-�a� ''� - - � i ��,rr:-.,, �TAT� �F 1 �T�:'��E5C�7'.': � -;. _ . � , �.._ . , r, �;L��,; ��CRFT.AR}' Or c7�,1Ti_ � �' ., � - � �.; .. � `e�" � '' :l;iTICLF.S C� ?'tiC (�i�PO :,1T:0\' :.� <. rr;. ;�,°. � �\�,L'.r..,.`' J3)1G177PLGfdLtf ��i'S.'r>7'r:f.? ( ;'�riv�ii" = � ,�^ � - � . PLEASE T'YPE OP iZL`T LEGIF>L2'iti £L,1C?: L�I:- %`� Ple:se ma? :ae d::cr::o;s on the re�; ex s:::e �xzo:a cnr-� "•.:�• -� -� A..: ::�ior:ra . :. c. :. .. ... : _ _,. .: . ...._ _ � � c: • r , TO EXPED:TE TFiE F.EI'C.Ti.1 OF YOLT. DOC[.:� P..-.-�iSF_ SL�C��J 1 A S"..:.:Pi 7, $C;.F-:1^7:^S$SLD L1 : i::-C;i i. Tha undersigned incorporator(s) is an {ase)indi�✓idua!(�; 18 years cf a�s or o!der a�d a��r' :he 1�;'o++in, a ��dES e' i�corpora:ion to form a(mark ONLY one;: !� .TY�I:-PROtiT BUSI\'F55 CORi'Gitr'.TIO:� (�:ap: °°14) .`�'O.'� i`RC.�r7T fOF:i'".,`RAP,:J\ (Ci •;••cr:;:','.� .SRTICi� 1 ti,a.'.fE "Chc *�amc o; �;��e to;� n �<: d >v���`�/��,�-� ��•- —»-----�. (busi.esa Co.` ozHon ru:nes must i�dude a rorf+o-a;e de.:�unon s•.�. as tr.v: c:at.c'.Conen_::c�n, Co;np..:i�', I.:.^t:'�v' cr an ahhr.���':� of cne o(those k•ox3sJ ARTICLb U FEGISTEAED O£RC£ ADDFESS A't AGLtiT 7'he rc�itemd offrce add:ess of the ebcporatlen ic: !��iS� /7 �( �'H!'. i✓0 %��%'/� _ � �----- �"%'✓ � S > "t'/J � {A mmp�Ce �treet ad&ess or n.ra1 route md Tun1 mute boz nemSev i nou'ved: t:�r addaess can:.at be a P.O. Bo+) C3h� The registercd agent at the abovc �ddress i<: -- �'— �' -- (IioteYouuenotf.yui>e+:lohav<a:e�istv+d+geni.l tia�e AR'i1CLE?71 SI-L1FE5 i � �., The mrporation is authorizcd to issue a!o,sl of ��'` -- shares. (Sf you arn e busincss eorjmration you r.iust �uthorv.c at icasi or.c �hare. S�onptoiit c�rpc �rat�ons 1n• not [�guin�3 in h��'c shs:« ) ARTICLEN LtiCORPORATORS 76Ve1. the aodersig�cd u+mrF+oramds) mrtih� t}u! I am (we are) auLhe:s.�: tu eam::c thcx• a�slc; and t*�t !hr v^!or�.�lina m t}+rse v.^.�drs:x true and mr. ¢ct 3 p\'e) ako urulersta�7 du� d a�y o.'th'v cdoz�ahon a v'+ten!icsa:h .+s kno..'m�lv nuse:a`ni f 1v! ev:vn+l rrn�;ars wiD aj p!e e� i�l hdetRaedthev�artide5u.�deroa!h [P.�m'dcthomm�aor!�d+.o....f�...6�- �-- r..a..�_ ...._... ` .. :........... �nmr�:at�n or, an additior.al shcet i`. c•.+u havc m�s. tlun t..�o �.�cu:�c-ato:� ) ,- ! , i ' . , � � '" i� , Y " .,,,, iC(._i-.. � )<✓�t .�t � _��L�j �___�GI� , [�.i � •i— l /�/.%''/ �jVSIIf< = V S�.TC� �i:l' f J�J�C ZI'� .� / SIL;i11�'-° . �J ^~\ \ \ / �I j `' 1 1_ \ L /'/). Jl �1 'i,i/ _> '�1 �icL,.'.t f�Cl':/) '�'_,_y, r__—_„(�c_,_i:-_.�-�.�__;_''f l, , ;� Stmet ' � CiN S:��e Zip Si�.vtirr Lu; thr5tarda:d Ind•,u:-i�! CL-ssi4ca:ios Coce iStC) that aos: ace: �:c y desc� :Se nah:re ot !he bu<iness of tM� ec:ro:a6e.^.. Seiec: or.c of tSe 2�igi: SIC Ca3�s I<4d oa :i�e ::ac.tis:do o ,^: :or^i. --- I'nnt r. mc an: n'�ono r.umt.-r u! n•non :o 1+c mr.t.v^..�i :i :Srr. n��,n.<:�, :: al.r.r :ix :�.6:�: o! 9v�..o s:u, i.�. C:•;l9iSa Rnv W:.•� � , _ . '�` '�.� <�9'.�f:,� . � ;/.�'_._ --_ "_ "_ _ ' N.�:n.. + i� S1.;.4 ( �i � f 1 a- '_ '_" �i;..o. ..... .. State Zii � C � 4�. v�.'c '��F 9�-� �9 l R-N� °.4�-� �' m l^ b ` .! C� G��` � � Y � � E R'L f �' ` �` � ��. <"� �.r�v� M�.+�- � �^'��. :I_-�a- N + `f `�?' �. �.�j" N �,'!� `9'+���f ! Pnf� "'"'_ __"""t'L�� n-.'_ �: i 1 4 T ;_ ,r.'� �_ °"� � `— e: M �. � _� ' f __ _"'__ _ ' __ � LL Y ,. Y � � � � s��-�, S �'.i U n � .��" �'° F�" n �:; .. __. � � �°:' _ ¢ i� � *� x: ;�' r w ,r_ • !', __ ._.._.. 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U7�'Lr, l�i=. � �; � �-u.�u✓.li—..i, 5�_'c.'�ry �E 5�.:.. s�'. e� CITY OF ST PAIIL CAF ID House n JNIT � 0239300920 00920 Occupant:LEROY DANI�LS P 1: 02282321015b Parcei Code 2: 0766�0001003 FEE NAME q�-3a9 Date: May 1E PROPERTY OWNr2SriiP STRBET NAME OCCUPANT.SC3�EN SELBY AVB CONSTR YR Ward Dist Tract Blk O1 08 35400 408 Aomestead Name(s) 1:EDWARD I-LAYES JOHN WIL�SAN',S L�ROY DANTE 2:1484 SHERBURNE AVE 3:ST PAUL MN 551042415 4: TAX I3AME l: 2: 3: TAX DESCRIPTION 1:BEG AT NE COR OF LOT 1!H S 2:QN E L 83 38/100 FT TA W 37 3:09/100 FT TH N 10 50/100 FT 4:TA W 21 87/100 FT TH N 7 5:02/100 FT TH W 1 OS/100 ?T SMITA AND 1: 2: 3: Zone 1:&-3 2: 3: 1: 2: TAYLOR'S Description General Business ADDITION IIsage Recreational Subuse CLUB/ASSOCIATION HAT / 1�11��■ Private Protection, Inc. — d/bia People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 7 9�-�a� Date: May 1 BIISINESS bTCEPiSE MANAGER SCREE21 License ID 17996 Name JOHN WILLIAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 1484 Street Direction Unit Street Name SHERBURNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 1:11974, 11073 2:CITY COUNCIL APPROVED RENEWAL OF THE PRIV CLUB LIC 3: �N A LIST OF CLASS III RFNEFIAL5 4:093087 CITY COL7NCIL AMENDED C.F. 87-1121 ADOPTED O 5:N 080487 TO ADD CONDITIOIQS TO BUT, INC. DBA PEOLP[ 6:S CHOICE C.�'. 87-1428 7:0407&8 PH ON CONSIDER SUSPENAING PRIV CLUB LIC FOR 8: 30 DAYS FROM 4/15/88 TO Sj15/88 APPROVED CF 88-49 Env Notes 1: 2: 3: 4: �r�-�aq Date: May 15 Bt3SINESS LICENSE MANAGER SCREEN License ID 17946 Name JOHN WILLIAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 1484 Street Direction Unit Street Name SHERBURNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 9:9 10:052389 PFI DATE OF 062189 & 062389 BEFORE AN ADMINI ' 11:STRATIVE LAW JUDGE SET 12:072589 PH ON REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE - 13:LAYED OVER TO 480889 14:080889 REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE PRESENTE 15:D AT COiINCIL ° DISCUSSION PROMPTED DECISION TO REV 16:OKE LICENSES Env Notes 1: z: 3: 4: . . ��-�a9 Date: May 15 BUSINESS LICENSE MA2tAGER SCREEN License III 17996 Name JOIiN WILLZAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 148A Street Qirection Unit Street Name SHERBt3RNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 17:081589 ALL LICENSE5 REVOKED EFFECTIVE 8j27/89 - C. 18:F. 89-1489 19: • 20• 21: 22: 23: 24• Env Notes 1: 2: 3: 4: O}'FICE OF LtC£\SE. ]SSS'ECT10`�S A\D E\�'7R0\\fE\7.�1LPROTEC710\ Rohert 1,'assier. Dvector THE CITY OF SAlNT PAUL Norm Colemon, Ma}�or April 15, 1996 Privafe Protection lnc. (PPI) Cari Green 615 E. 16th St. Minneapolis, MN 55404 LO(347ppR0�BSS701�:iL BUILDIFG Surte 300 ??0 St. Peter Stree! SRrnt Pau1. A; Innesata 55702-I510 RE: License application #57870 at 920 Sefby Avenue Dear Mr. Green: �-�a Telephone: 6J?-266-9D90 Faccrmile: 6J?-2669099 6L?-?66-9124 The Office of LIEP has begun the review of your license appGcation at 920 Selby Avenue. At this time, the foliowing documentation has not been submitted: 1) lease or purchase agreement for the premise at 920 Selby Avenue Also, i� subsequent exchanges of various voice-mail messages, you have indicated a desire to change your application from a dance hail to a cabaret, which raises a number of questions regarding the conduct of business at that location. As i have indicated on your answering machine, I would like you to come in to meet with Kris Schweinfer, Senior License 4nspector, and me to discuss your license application. We will need to see a copy of your licenselpurchase agreement and a plan fior your business which inciudes, but is not limited to a description of your intended hours of operation, method of operation, security measures, parking availability, and the age of clientele you hope to attract. Piease call me at 266-9108 or Kris Schweiner at 266-9112 as soon as possible to set up your appointment. A Council hearing wiil not be set until these issues are resolved. Sincerely, - j . f �' 1[!��L.� �.i IW�..� LM��� / J Christine A. Rozek Deputy Directar ��� cc: Robert Kessier Kris Schweinler Ginger Palmer 1 iAL �� 4-� �" �",`, �"' `�' .�N����� � ���� � Private Protechon, Inc. ! d/bla People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 8 �. THE CITY OF S�I'.�T PAUL !�'orn� Colempn, Ma��m Aprif 26. 1996 Private Protection, lnc. �': �� fari Green 615 E. 16th St. Minneapolis, MN 55404 OFFICE 6F 3JCE'�SE, INSPLC'rIOKS AVD ESCIP.O�\:E\7AI. FROTECTtOti i?ohan Xrstler, D,reclOr LOIS R ypp,OFESS10h',SL IJUI4D7NG Smte i00 : SOS� PererS;�eet SoruPQUI d!mretom551@-ISlO RE: ticense Appiication #57870 at 920 Seiby Avenue Dear Mr. Graen: ! Tefephane.'612-�66-9090 rACnmile: 61:-_669D99 6/1-:66-9!_4 � At a meeting on 4l17l96, in the LIEP office with Kris Schweinler snd me, you �vere informed that two significant items were missing from your ds,^ � h�l! a�;,;icati�n for 920 Selby Avenue - a site pian and fease agreement, Subsequent to our meeting both of those items were received in the L{EP office on 4f18/96. F4o�vever I am unable to approve the lease because of the foilowing: 1} The lease is signed by Dennis E. Watkins of PP{, the �•c�rporate applicant at 920 Selby. However, Mr. Watkins does not appear as an officer of PP! on your ficense application. In fact, you wife, Elizabeth Green, is listed as the sole officer. How does Mr. Watkins have the authority to sign for PPI if he is not an officer of the corporat+on? What role will Mr. Watkins play in the operation planned for 920 Selby Avenue? These issues must be resoived before LfEP can make a recommendation to the City Council regardir.g your application. At our meeting tCris and i also expressed concern regarding your intent to operate your business until 3:00 AM Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. This ofEice wili not support a 3:00 AM ciosure and wiil request that conditions be placed on your license that require an earfier closure. • P� a� P�rotechon, Inc. • d/b/a People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 10 � April26, 1996 G� Priva!e Protect"ron. in;, Finally, PPf requested that the ficense applfed for be changed from a dance hafi to a cabaret. You and your wife indicated that you felt a cabaret 4icense wauld give PP{ more control over t�^�a activities at 920 Seiby. The {icense appiication wi{{ be changed to ref(ect your request. 7he fes for bcth licenses is $164.00. P(ease 4et me know if you F�ave funher questions or concems. { will Iook for your written respo�se within the next week. Sincerely, -� T � �,�,'��.,�.� � ,_�� -+ � �t-� tc. � Christine A. Rozek � � `� Deputy Director 266-9108 CAR/jl cc: Robert Kessler\Director UEP Kris Schweinler/LIEP Ginges Palmer/City Attorney s�-�a5 PRIVATE PROTECTION, INC. bl.i East lbth Street, Loa•er Level Minneapolis, Ml�t 5�404 (612) 321-4840 Christine A. Rozek Office of License, Inspeaions and Enviranmental Protection Lowry Profession.,1 B::::dina Suite .i00 350 St. Pecer St. St. Paul, MN 5�102-1510 Ms. Rozek, I would Iike to respond to a Ietter that you sent to me in order to clarify a few things. i. Elizabeth Green is not listed as the sole officer; Carl Green should also be listed as an o�cer. 2. At the time the lease agreement was signed, Dennis E. Watkins was an officer of the corporatioa and had the authority to sign such an agreement. He will play no role in the operation of any business conduaed at 920 Selby Avenue. If there are any other questions ot concems that you have, please do not hesitate to coatact me. ^,^� � j% , / � --'. Cazl L. Green CEO Private Protection, Inc. cc: Kris Schweinler - cv i ',;`�� � Pr Inc. ■ —' dfb/a People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 12 �i�-��.9 swxux lAU L � w*� THE CITY OF SAitiT PAL�I. hbrm Calemart, Mayor May fi, 1496 Te:epnorte: 6! ?-166-9C9G Facs�m;te: 6i 2-. •+69099 5J?-?66-91 >t Carl Green PPI 615 E. 16th Street Ivlinneapolis, lv�' S5�04 OFFICE OF L10E?:SE, IFSPEC770AS A,tiD £'.�\7R0;� �fE':TAI, PROTECTION RoberLKerrler, Dveclar LOWR3'PRO�cSSJO.�'�,L BUILDAG Smfe i0P 350 St. Peter Stmet SaintPaul, AL�nssota SSl D2-JSt 0 Re: License application #57870 at 920 Se1by Avenue Dear Mr. Green: As a result of your ]etter to me (undated) which was received in this office on 5(3l96, it appears that several coaections need to made in the class three license application form that you have submitted for a cabaret license at 920 Seiby Avenue. The application asks for all officers of the corporation and you have indicated to me that that section was not completed properiy because your name was not included. A copy of your current application as we31 as a blank application form has been included with this letter. Please resubmit you application with the conect information in every category. You must also complete the sections on Ta�c Identification numbers and Workers' Compensation. You also indicated in your letter that the lease agreement that you submitted to LIEP was signed by an individual who has no standing with the corporation. There is no record in your application of Dennis E. Watkins as a corporate officer, yet he has signed your lease as the CEO of the corporation. We request that you submit a new ]ease that has been signed by all of the prop�r parties. Elizabeth Cneen is the only possible signatory of the lease for PPI, according to the records that you have previously sent to LIEP. Ifyou have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 266-9108 or Kris Schwein7er at 266-9110. Your hearing wili not be scheduled before the City Council until your application includes the corrected application form and lease agreement as requested in this letter. Sincerely '' 1 „�,,,1 , �.� �-�1? � ��� Christine A. Rozek J Deputy Director cc: Robert Kessler Kris Schweinlet Cringer Patmer ���� ■ Private Protecrion, Ine. '-' d/b/a People's Choice —' City's Exh. l�TO. 13 ,�, 9�-� a9 (612) 321-9840 PRIVATE PROTECTION, INC. 615 East 16th Streec, Loa Le� Minneapolis, 'dIN 5�4C� Christine A. Rozek Officz of License, Inspections and Encironmental Protection Lowry Professional Buildin� Suite 300 35� St. Peter St. St. Paul, MI� 55102-1�10 May 21, 1996 HAND DELIVERED Ms. Rozek, I do not ask LIEP or the City Council to suppon this business, what I want is for you not to impose any restrictions or the cabaret license, they would unlawfully restrict rights protected by the Constitution of che United States of America. This applicant has no history of violations of the laws and ordinances that apply to public health, safety or morais. Funhermore, the Council, nor official community organizations have a basis for saying no to our abilities to profitably manage a legitimate business on Selby Avenue and Milton Street or anywhere else in the City of Sc. Paul, whether or not the neighborhood is described as a magnet for drugs and having a history of violence, or the fact that some other African American business owners could not manage under such conditions and/or circumstances. Personalized decision making under conditions of complexity, uncertainty and interdependence requires a variety of skills. Sincerely, ) � ^ � 1� 'f � X'./,� � j�./,� f , Yf ��`,�.�;,/ Carl L. Green CEO Private Proteaion, Inc. � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/bla People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 14 :� g�-�a9 I cenify that the lease agreement made as of SepLember 27, 1995 by and between DWH, a Minnesota partnership ("Lessor'� and Private Proreccion, Inc. ("PPP'�, a Minnesota corporation ("Lessee") is a�'alid lease agreement and Carl L. Green, CEO of PPI, has re- signed such, and saJd agreement will be enforced by any of the current listed officers of PPI. � t� � � J �l (� �' � '�i�. Notary Public � ,1ANE R. FETERSON � � NOiHRY QUB�IC — tlati?lESOTA �� DAKOTA COtSNTY My Comm. Exp�res Jen. 31, 2W6 ■ • �z �a ���� �� ; , q7-�a9 ElECLTIVE SUi�ti�1ART Plans for cabaret Iicense ���e intend to offer sQeakers, fashion shows, comedy, music, and dancing in Lhe rel�ing atmosphere of a reaaurant. There has been no decision made as to when and how ofcen this enlertainment �-i11 be offered; this wi11 depend on our market resezrch. Cabaret Hours The cabaret will not be an even occurrence. There will be no set hours for operating such; it a-i11 depend on the availabiliry of speakers, groups, comedians and the tame of year. The cabarec will be used as a marketing tool to generate clientele foz the restaurant; it will never exist as a separate entity for social purposes only. We a�il1 be constantly searchLng for the *ighc balance with respect to the cabaret that will ailow us to significantly increase the revenue of the :estaurant in such a way that would not exist if People's Choice was solely a restaurant. q�-3ag PRIVATE PROTECTION, II��C. 61� East 16th Street, Loz Le��el D4inneapolis, MN 554�4 (bi2) 321-9840 ChrisTine A. Rozek Office of License, Inspectier.s and Encironmental P.o�ection Lowry Professional Building Suite 300 3�0 St. Peter St. St. Paul, ?v11�T �5102-1�1C June 3, 1996 HAI�� DELIVERED Ms. Rozek, I am writing to inquire about the status of the cabaret license for 920 Selby Avenue (People's Choice). I fail to understand u LIEP's concern regarding the lease zgreement is. We have received permission from the owner to open a business operating a restaurant and bringing in live entenainment. According to the application, this is all that is required. If there is some other statute covering the lease agreement, please present it for my review. Surely there is a statute of limications for che timely processing of our application. If the time limitation has been exceeded, we would appreciate the expedient processing of our application for a cabaret license. We have been patient thus far, but would appreciate additional informaLion as to the status of our application and reasons for any delays. Sincerely, ! `�� �. ` ` _ , . . Carl L. Green CEO Private Proteaion, Inc. ������ Private Protechon, Ine. '— d(b/a People's Choice � Cit.y's Egh. No. 15 OFFICE OF IJCE:vSE, P..'SPECTiO:.S AND ENt'IRO?:ME.\TA1. PROTEC270M .RobertKeaeler, Director THE CITY OF SAP�T PAUL No-m Coteman, kJayor :,GNRY PROr'�SSIONrtL BUILDING Swt¢ 30✓ :50 St. Peler Sveei Smnt Pau1, Mm.a,.: �!a 55102J570 June fl 0, 1946 �arl Lee Green 9504 Hamlet Avenue South Cottage Grove, MN 55016 RE: Application for Cabuet License at 920 Selby Avenue Dear Mr. Green: G�-3 a5 ielephone: 6l1-266-9090 F'acs�m; ie: 6/1-2669J�S 612-1b6911! We have racelved your most recent correspondence regarding the application for a Cabazet "B" Yicense for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paat, Ivfin.nesota. After reviewing the entire fi(e to date with the City Attorney's Office, we have determined that we need some additional infornsation to finish processing your application. Pursuant to Sa�nt Paul Legislative Code 426.05(2), your application must contain "names and addresses of the property owner, the business owner, the lessee, the manager or operator and, if a corporation, atl the names and addresses of the officers of such corporation, and any other person or corporation which may have a financial interest in the premises to be licensed. Because your application has significant inconsistencies regarding the structure of the corporation, Private Protection, Inc., which is applying for the license, we will need information in the form of corporate or business records, minutes or other documentation regarding the current stockholders and officers of the corporation. A notarized statement by you of the officers will not be considered sufficient. We will also need specific information regarding the pians you have for use of the building. In your application, you indicate plans for a restaurant are in the future, but also tefer to the cabaret being enjoyed in the "rela�cing atmosphere of a restaurant". Pursuant to 426.04 (4) ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code your application must include a"description of the services to be offered". • Private Protechon� ■ — dibla People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 16 G� -32y9 Page 2/3une 10, 1996 Carl Lee Cnee�z Additionally, under the Cabaret ordinance, 426.05(c), the Saint Paul City Council has an obligation to consider reasonable facts or circumstances relating to the public health, safety and welfare. Your intended use of the property is crucial to determination of the po<ential suitability of tha ares or neighborhood and the possihle traffic and parking problems. We will hnish processing your license agplication when we have received the above information. Sincereiy, ��� � � Christine A. Rozek Beputy Direetor cc: Robert Kesster/I�irector-LIEF' Ginger PalmerlCity f�ttorney Councilmember 7erry BlakeyiWazd 1 Gerry McInemeylWard i I{ris SchweinlerlSa. License Inspector C�l �i� PRIV �TE PROTEC�IO�, I`�C. 6li East 16zh Streer Loc Le. Minnezpolis, D1N 5�4G4 (6L) 321-934Q Christine A. Rozek O$ice of License, Inspecciors and Envi:onmenLal Protettion Lowry Professional Buildin� Suite 300 3�0 St. Peter St. St. Paul, MN >j102-1�10 June 18, 1996 HAND DELIVEREA Ms. Rozek, Please find enclosed affidavits and informacion you have again requested. I request �hat LIEP submit the license application for a cabaret "B" license to be used at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul to the City Council at the next possible meeting. I plan to view any funher delays in the processing of our application as a denial, and will present the application and supporcing information to an administrative judge. You cannot delay, place restrictions upon or deny our application or subsequent license based on what you think may happen. Prior restraint is unconstitutional. Furthermore, we derive the freedom to stsuaure our corporation under Chapter 302A of the Minnesota Business Corporation Act. To question or to request changes be made to said structure that conforms to Chapter 302A, is denying us our right of equal treatment under the law. If further information is required, check with the Secretary for the State af Minnesota; a complete and up-to-date record of all relevant corporate activities is kept on file. 3incerely, ,�! l . ' /'. �- . ." Carl L. Green CEO Private Protection, Inc. � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 17 G� - 3�9 AFFID�V'IT OF C�RL L. G�EEti I, Car1 L. Green, being first duly sz �pon oath, depose znd state as follows: 1. I submit this :ifidacit ia respc^se to the charge of significant inconsistencies regarding the structu:e of che Cor�oration and plans tor the building by Privzte Protection, Inc. (PPI) �hich is ap: ?ying for a cabaret "B" license for the premises aT 920 Se1by Avenue, St. Paul, Minr.�sota. 2. I have read the charge alle�ed bv the License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection committee and ChrisLine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies regarding the structure of the Corporation and plans for the building. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Stockholders of PPI. No one else hzs a financial in�erest. 4. Curtis Olson was promoted from Operations Manager to President of PPI on or about May 5, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Curtis Olson. 5. PPI has already submitted specific information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhibit A. This ea�hibit consists of five {5) pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive suznmary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located east of ihe establishment on Selby Avenue}. FURTHER APFIANT SAITH NOT. � '�� � �f /'✓�J�✓ Carl L. Green Subscribed and swor to before me this ���' day of tt-�:�- , 1996. ��--,�ri 1�1�� e�� Notary Public � • � SANDRAA LEONARD � NOTARY PUBLIC— M{MNESpfA MY Wmm. Exyiras3an.91.2700 A�FIDAVIT OF C�`RTIS OLSO`1 q� -� a9 I, Curtis Olson being fi;st enly sc, o:� uaon oath, depose znd state as follows: L I submit this affida��it in resoorse to the charge of significant incoasis��ncies regarding the structu:e of the Corporatioa and plans for the building by Private Protection, Inc. (PPII mhich is applying for a cabaret "B" license for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. I have read the chzrge allesed by the License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection committee and Chriszine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies re;arding the structure of the Corporation and plans for the buildin;. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Stockholders of PPI. No one else has a financiai interest. �F. I, Curtis Olson, was p:omoted from Operations Manager to Presidenc of PPI on or about May �, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Cunis Olson. 5. PPI has already submitted spedfic information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhibit A. This er.hibit consists of five (5} pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive summary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located east of the establishment on Selby Avenue). FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NOT. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 � day of � u-*�= , 1996. 1 ��� P � �� � --_` �� \ k Y� 1 � � - � kt ' �� � No ary : � � �/ ����-c`'� Curtis DIsOn ' �n�rmrmnnnn: � A4�RY MARGARET 6fACDdNAtD � �� 3 NOTARYPUBLIC-MINNES07A NENNE?�VGOUNTY t ��lly C�m!s,len E, rss Jan. St: 2966 ✓wNn.l.vwv � � � G�-�a� �FFID�VIT OF ELIZ_�BETH �'. GREEN I, Elizabeth Y. Green, bein� =irst duly s�'o:n upon oath, depose aad stace as follows: l. I submit this affidzait in respor:se to the chzrge of significant inconsistencies regarding the structwe of the CorYOration and plans for the building by Pricate Protection, Inc. (1'PI) z-hich is appicing for a cabaret "B" license for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. I hace read the charge alleged b� the License, Inspections, and Encironmental Protection committee and Christine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies :egarding the stmcture of the Corporation and plans for the building. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Scockholders of PPI. No one else has a financial interest. 4. Curtis Olson was promoted from Operations Manager to President of PPI on or about May 5, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Curtis Oison. 5. PPI has already submitted specific information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhihit A. This exhibit consists of five (5) pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive summary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located eazt o£ the establishment on Selby Avenue). FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NOT. � �i�-Z � ��t � ' � �� � � ;.� i . Eli berh Y. Gree Subscribed and swor so before me this fJ� � day ofC� ✓G� , 1996. ,� C�--� 1. � SUSANJ.VENNERSTnDM i'� .YC�hRYPUBL:G-MINNE ""�; HENNEPINCOUNTY .-'%� MrCOMMISS�ONE%PiFES'3'-:A _ ,� SwINi TADL � **�A CITZ' OF SAINT P.-�GL ,A�orrn Ca(cman. 31m July 22, 15°6 Car1 Lee Green 9504 Na��let Averu� �outh Coctage Grov2, I'\' SSOi6 OFFICE OF THE CSTI' .4TTOR\El' 7'.mn�ln f. 1lartt Crn .4+tom:t (� � �� 7 c» d n,:�,�,o :f0 C+n� Holt ( r N est 1:el7ogg Bh'd. Scmt Pau1, Afinnesom t t) p? 7c7epltont 61� :56�S�10 Facsunile: 61� :9S-.i619 RE: P.pplication :or Cabare� -_c=nse at 920 Selby Av=ru° Dear Nr. Green: I have reviewed �he letter you sent to Christine A. Rozek at the Ofzice of License, =nspectio�s and Environmental Protection, dated June 18, 1996 in res�onse to :�er letter o£ June 10, 1996 requesting additional information needed to process your application for a Cabaret "B" license for the �remises at 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The LIEP office requested specific additional information to iinish processing your license appl_cation in the form of: 1) corporate or business records, minutes or other documentation of your current stockholders and ofiicers if the corporation, and 2) specific information regardir.g the plans you have for use of the building. The information which you returned, in the form of affidavits, is not what was requested, but is instead an affidavit asserting the £acts which they wish to know. Ms. Rozek's letter of June lOth was quite clear that they did not want additional aifidavits, but needed corporate records, by-laws or other information to substantiate the coxporate s�ructure_ This information is not on record at the State, which hGs only youx name as the CEO of Private Protection, Inc, buc no information as to other officers, directors or stockholders. :he Office of the Secretary of State indicated that the information is ty�=cally in the by-laws, which are not filed with the State. The request for this information is not an attempt to change your corporate structure, nor is the request for legitimate information under the licersing ordinar_ce an attempt to delay your license. Based on all of the submissions to date, it appears that you and your wife are the sole stock�olders of the corporation, that she is a director of the corporation, you are the CEO, and Curtis Olson is the President. We are still requesting documentation in the form of � � Private Protect�on, Inc. — d!b/a People's Choice — City's Esh. No. 18 � . q�-�a� the corporate by-�aws cr �^eeting minutes to cca��r^, that lIITOYPIdtlOR d?1d 1L _i. 15 : O� YECE?1V2C7 vV AllC3USt 2, 1J �}:z�- «"_l� be considered in �_-?'s �ina= determination. The June 10, 1996 _e*ter a_so requested additional information about the nature o� �he pla:s for use of the building, based upon the iact tha� you r=�erenc2d plans ior a restaurant, but had not applied ior a rest�urant =_cense. You have now submitted aa application ior a r>staur�^� _icense, and that application will be pYOC25S@Cl along w' �^ LL2 CGD:1"2i- "'�° d`J�J� 1Cct1CZ1. Piease feel �ree te co:�tsct -= ii you have any questior_s regarding rhis ma�ter_ Sincerely, --� �/C�/!U.��. �J ., !�- � , J V1Yy�'1?112 D. ?almer Assis�ant City Attc�r_°y cc: Christire 3ozek, Ci__ce c: LIEP � ��: INSPECTOR RESPONSE IIATA E23TRY/UPDATS SCREEN License ID 57870 Busihess Name PRIVATE PROTECTION INC Business Address 920 SELBY AVE DBA PPIJPEOPLE'S CHOICE Date Paid 08f26/96 ��-�aq Date: Sep 3 1 = 23ew 2 = Renew 3 = Approvec 4 = Not Appx 5 = In Proc Dept/Div Indicator Notes Made by Inspectors --------- --------- -------------------------------------=---------- Licensinq 4 1:3-20-96--NEED SITE PLAN, LEASE AGREEMENT & CITY Fire 4 2:COUNCIL APPROVAL--LK--LIC Zoning 1 3:COMPUTER PLACED ON HOLD Env Health 0 4:. 5:6-20-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDI23G CODB COMPLIANCE. GS 6:7J11/96 - FIRE - DENIED - PENDING CODE Licenses 1:2432 CABARET - CLASS A 2:2480 RESTAt3RANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS 3:2481 RESTAURANT (C]-LIMITED � ��■ Private Protechon, Inc. — dlbJa People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 20 4 4 ° License ID Business 23ame Business Address DBA Date Paid Dept f Di•v Licensing Fire Zoning Env Health INSPECTOR RESPONSB DATA ENTRY/UPDATE SCREEN 57870 PRIVATE PROTECTION INC 920 SELBY AVE PpI/PEOPLE'S CHOICE OS/26j96 c/7 Date: Sep 3 1 = New 2 = Renew 3 = Approved 4 = 23ot Appr 5 = In Proc Indicator Notes Made by Inspectors --------- -----°----------------- ------------°-------- 4 �; COI�SPLIANCE. 4 g:7-18-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCE. G.5. 1 9;7-23-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCS. G.5. 0 10:8-22-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCE. G.S. 11: 12' Licenses 1:2432 CABARET - CLASS A 2:2480 RESTAURANT (B)-MORE THA2t 12 SEATS 3:2481 RESTAURANT (C)-LIMITED 09(25/i?96 15:15 6123:??::3 P?i �_�3-ii� CIT' OF 57 Pt�'JL �IEP 61'� 266 9124 QVPIOGORj,jC$b18E.R2Bl1`,Cl�ONS AND !N�[Ran7.tLNrai Pi.aYPf.'mox RnMrt Xeakr, Dfncw. .�> �� ,�, ;11*A71; ?aGE 01 ''r�d2 4�"�a, QTY �F S� PAUL uc�se,wD r.ur�+�: s�ia�sso90 Nwr�CokinanXws+ IAS7EC710N5 Farnd46Jl•946�91it 71oSXFilnSMrt � SfRI 3GD $olNPauC AAJnamWO 7�70) September 20, 1996 � 2 aqr¢e to the follom3ng conditions be3ng plaeie on ths caharet and �estaurant-C License at 92o Selby qven�as ae Pollo�vs: ` 1. The reatauzant muat receive tinal agprovgl!from the 8nvironmsntal Aeml:h Inspectar bePore 1ood�or bevsragas osa be served. 2. No alcohol can be serv@d, displaKed, sold,'or conswned on the preatists unless � llquor 1laense 4s'abeairisd. 3. The establishmeht auaC close at 12:30 a.ta. SuAday throug?h Wadasaday and no late2 �tla� 1:00 a;in. Thursaay through 5aturday. a. The faaility aay not be ranteQ by? any ontside qroup. � ' TO7RL P.02 � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice — City's Esh. No. 21 SEP-25-1996 15�24 6123176440 97� p.01 �� 9-as-9� � * � � � m � a� v � �' � �. �� � o �� � �- Ro � 0 � 0 O N -{� ___ �l = m � T � CD � � � � O � T � N O � tD a' �G . .. �� . •. � � 00 � • .. •. • . � � � O 3 Cp � N � � � �a � � � � Q rh � � �. � � � � � � � � � � 3 � � � N N � � � � � � � � � � n � �`��-L� � � � � � Q � � � � � X" � • • • • � � � � • •• • • � � � O � � � f� = N m -i �"��-LIJ �1 �/ ♦A V■ � r� ��/ � \ ^+ O � � � �/ � �1 !"F � � N � i�i� �h � � \ n � _1 3 > > Q � � � � � � � �0 (D � � � Q � � V Q N %`. � • i • • •• � � � � • •• • � �� � � � � 3 � C9 N � � � W � C9 � -I� � tfl � � „�_ � � � _ � W 1 ��' L� �� V� , v �� 0 j � O � � � �D � � � ■ � � i�i/ V/ O � � � �� � -� N W .p C3'� �'1 O O O O O O �l7-�� State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearing In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc. et. al. 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 City of St. Paul OAH Docket No.: Notice of Motion and Motion for O}�}�ortunitv To Ogpose Petition Allowing Intervention PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that in the matter of the above referenced license application, Carl Green will mo�•e this courc for the opportunity to oppose the petition allowing intervention, and that any order was issued based on error. Comes now Carl Green citing the following addit'sonal reasons: 1. Noting the record as suggested by Richard Mosman is not sufFicient. 2. The coalition failed to serve copies of the Notice of Motion and Motion Allowing Intervention as a Party in the above captioned matter in accordance with Minnesota rules. 3. The order states that the motion was received by the administrazive law judge on December 20, 1996, but the actual hearing took place the day before on December 19, 1996. 4. The order is not true, there was no representation of the parties applying for the license in connection with a telephone conference on December 14, 1996. Nor is it e�ident that the interest and position of the coalition with respect to the cabaret license has not already been adequately represented in this proceeding by the Ciry of St. Paul. 9�-3a' 5. In the interest of justice, and for a full development of the facts and positions of all interested parties and citizens on the subjea, the participation of the coalition is unnecessary, and Carl Green should have an opportunity to be heard; any denial would unlawfully deny him rights secured by the Constitution of the United States of America. 6. The order allowing intervention is a complete fabrication of the truth of the facts. Carl Green requests the following: 1. That the order allowing intervention be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for Carl Green to have an opportuniry to be heard in opposition to the coalition of neighborhood groups to intervene as an interested party in this matter. 3. That the interest of the coalition has already been adequately addressed and represented by the City of St. Paul, and that any further delays would discover nothing new. I?ated: December 27, 1946 ��i � �•�� Carl L. Green � Pro Se 9504 Hamlet Avenue 50. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 ��-3a9 Affidavit of Service State of Minnesota County of Washington Carl Green of the City of Cottage Grove, County of Washington, State of Minnesota being duly sworn, says that on the 27th day of December 1996 he served the annexed Notice of Motion and Motion for Opportunity to Oppose Petition Allowing Intervention upon: City of 5t. Paul Attn: Virginia Palmer 400 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Philip Shephard Attorney at Law 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Ave. Minnepolis, Minnesota 55402 Subscribed and sworn before me this 27th day of December 1996. SANDRAA.LEONARD NOTAftY PUBIIG - MINNESOt�I Ay Comm. ExPUes.lmf. 81.200 �� ���� ( '�Y'AX � � � Xf/(9_Q/v� ' Carl L. Green � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timothy E Mar� City Anorney �7-�a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mtryor Civil Division 4OO Ciry HaII IS West Kellogg Blvd Saurt Paul, Muv�esota SSIO2 Tetephone: 612 266-8710 Facsimile: 6I2 298-5619 December 31, 1996 The Honorable Richard Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Mr. Carl Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 E. 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 554Q4 Mr. Philip A. Shepherd Collins & Ingebritson, PA 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. dJb/a People's Choice Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the hearing in the above-entitled matter, which was continued until Tuesday, January 7, 1997 at 9:30 a.m., will be heard in Room 1504 of the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The City Hall Annex is located on Fourth Street, between Wabasha and Saint Peter Streets. Sincerely, ��� � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timorhy E. Mars, City Rttwrrey 97-3a5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Moyo� Civi! Divisiors 400 Ciry Hatl l5 Wut Kellogg Blvd Saint Pau1, M'mnesom 55701 NOTI�Fi OF HEARING December 3, 1996 Car1 & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 55404 Te7ephoxe: 611166-877D Facsimi!¢: 67219&5619 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Tnc. d/b/a People's Choice Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green: This is to notify you that a hearing�will be held concerning.the above-referenced license_application pursuant to Chapter..310.O5.and 310.06 of the Saint_Paul_Legislative"Code_at tfie following_ time� date and�pla�ce: � � - - �- '" " - .� ' Date: December 20, 1996 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place: Room 42 City Hall-County Courthouse 15 W. Rellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, i+�7 55101 The hearing examiner will be an Administrative Law Judge £rom the State o£ Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Phone: Richard Mosmaa Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Saak 6625 Lyadale Avenue South Richtield, NII�T 55423 861-3331 The�Council of 'the City of.$aint Paul.has the.,authority to provide for hearing concerning licensed premises and_for adverse acEion against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or 4�- ��9 conditions. The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Pratection has determined that conditions on the above-referenced license are appropriate and will recommend issuance of the licenses applied for subject to the conditions. However, at the hearing before the Saint Paul City Council testimony was heard by citizens in opposition to the issuance of the license. Evidence may be presented to the judge through the intervention of interested 'parties in the proceeding. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62, and the procedural rules of Chapter 1400.5100-1400.8400 of the Minnesota Rules and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. You have a right to be represeated by ar� attcrney, tc represent yourselves, or co be represented by a person of your choosing to the extent not otherwise prohibited as the unauthorized practice of law. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Sudge will have a11 parties identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may ` cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel *_he a*_tendance of witr_esses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If data classified as not public (e.g. private or confidential) is admitted into evidence, it may become public unless a party objects and asks for relief under Minn. Stat. §14.60, subd. 2. A notice of appearance must be filed with the judge within twenty (20} days of the date of service of the notice of and order for hearing if a party intends to appear at the hearing, unless the hearing date is less than twenty days from the issuance of this notice . The undersigned will appear on behalf of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Please be advised that if you fail to appear at the hearing it may result in the allegations of the notice of and order for hearing � i � 9�-�a9 being accepted as true and result in a determination in £avor of the License Office to recommend eonditions on the license. Very truly yours, � � �� � Vi'rgin�almer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Nancy Thomas, Office of Ac3ministrative Hearings, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, MN 55401 3udge Richa :dosman, bC4 Richf�eld ^nank, '0625 Lynciale Ave. So., Richfield, MN, 55423 Nancy Anderson, City Council, Room 310 City Ha11 Peggy Byrne, Bxecutive Director, Summit-University Planning CounCil, 627 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, 55104 De�.31.1998 11:18AM No.441� P. 113 �7l-�ay� � tnw oFr^tcE oF: INGEBRITSON & A,SSOCIAT�S, P.A. Rueseq A. Iagebriteon Douqys Dek R�id, Jr. Ne�an 0. Sa�cr JoEn C. �y1an• Fhiltip A. Shepheed � k k ,�,�� ,. '�; I ��' ;' e; ' $ I ^� ' [� , I;� ,,.. <u, ,+ � 11a0 Rand Tower 627 Msiquetta Avenuo Sou� Mianw�polia. Mlnnaaom 66a02 Telophona (6Y� 346�8£90 Toll�F`ree (8W) 7$2s893 Telctaz (8I� Sa2�2g90 ' aLo admitted ia llliaote �►i[�ST� .R TR�NSIQ53TON SH�i&�' DATE TRANSMITTED: �� TIASE: '�`�� PLEASE DELIVER 'I'�IE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) T0: xr+a�: �'d`"S� C'c�P� FAX NUM�ER: FROH: PILE: _ MESSAGEI_ INGEBRITSON & ASSOC 3�i�-ab�s� ph:►; .��,�k�+ �I`,�u•�e Q�rv+�v9 +w. �e_s L.� o NOTE: THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED OiVLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVTDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICFI ZT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIIS INFORMATIaN THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAT. AND EXII�T FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLTCA$LE T.AW. IF YOU ARE NOT THE Z23TENOED RECYPIF1�iT OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSISLE FOR DELIVERING TFIE MESSAGE QF THE =N'PENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREHY NOTIFIED THAT APiY DTSSEMINATION, DIS'i'RIBU'PIOL3 OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICA2ZON TS STRICTLY PROHISZTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THTS COMMSJNTCATION IN ERROR� PLEASE IQOTIFY US I2�IEDIATELY BY TELEPHOPtE A2iD RETURN TFFE Oi2IGI1`iAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE .ABOVE AODRESS VIA U.S. POS2AL SF.F2VZCE. TfIP.2dK YOII. • Zg ypU DO NO RECEIVE ALL � PAGES, INCLIIDING TfIIS Ct3VERSHBE2'� p�r,�E �,�,y AS 5002Q AS POSSIBLE: (622j 340— 8290 OR (S00) 282-6393. �Dec. 31. 199fi �,� 7 �. i''� 11;19AM IN6EBRITSON & ASS6C THE LAW OFFICE8 OF: INGEBRITSON $� ASSOCIATES, P.A. I740 Rand Towez, 527 Marquctte Avenne South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (S12) 340-8290 Fax (612) 342�2990 (800) 2B2-6393 No.4417 P, 2/3 ����a� MONTAIVA OFF,[CE: James J. Shea•' Slfi E. Front Stteet, 3uite 3 Miseou)x, MT 55802 Fax (406) 549-4811 (aos) 5a9-47on (800) 790-7460 �eN A. It�ebritson �glas Dale Re�d, Jr. �nan 0. Serger 5� G. Boylan' lip A. Shepk�exd Also admitted in Itlinois Also admittad in Oregnn V%a Fax 349-2665 pecember 31, 1996 Mr. Aichard Mo�man,�- Administrative Law Judge c/o Louise Cooper Office of Administratxve Hearings 100 Washington Square, #1700 Mi.nneapolis, MN 55401-2138 � Re: In the Matter of the License AppZication of Private ` Protection, Inc, et al.. Dear Louise Cooper: I was told by the City artorneys office that you aze the one to see to obtain subpaenaa for administrative hearinge. T am a pro bono attoxney for a coalition of neighborhood gxoups that have just been allowed to intervene. The hearing is scheduled for January 7, 199�. Plea�e send three subpoenas for our use in the hearing, If there is any other information that you need pleaee call me immediaCely as time is short. Thank you in advance. � � =PAS Very truly yours, �� � 1 �� Philip A. Shepherd r � � r _� 4 'Ij� �I�ec.31.1996 11:19AM INGEBRITSON & ASSOC No,4417 P. 3/3 STATE O� MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADINISTRATIVE HEARINGS for the C1TY OF SAINT PALJL ,� In Re: the license apglication of Carl and E�xzabeth Green Private Protection, Inc dba Peoples Choice, 920 Selby Ave St. Paul, Minaesota Qrder A11owi�ng Iz�tervention �/�-���/ , ,��'�,, .� , 1996 By Motion zeceived by the Administrative Law Judge on December 2Q, 1996, a Coalition of neighbozhood groups seeJ,c an Order a�lowing intervention as a party in the above captioned matter in accozdance with Minn, rules 1400.5200. Based upon the morion of the Coalition, the affidavits and documents accompanying it and the repxesentation of the pazties in cozuiecYion with a - telephone conference on Decembez 19, 1996, it is evident that the intexests and ;r, position vf the Coalition xs not adequately represented by the City of Saint ;' Paul in tMs proceeding. The noHce o£ hearing in t}us matter was served less than 30 days prior to the hearing and in the intezest of justice, and foT a full development of the facts and positions of all interested parries and citizens on the subject, the participation of the Coalition is necessary. �•�i��c� � � � � r. � � 9� The Motion of the Coalition of neighborhood groups to intervene in the above captioned matter as a pazty is hereby granted. A.Il notices to the Coalitzan of neighborhood groups as a party to this proceeding shall be served as fol�ows: Mr Philip Shephard Attorney at T.aw 1740 Rand Tower tele: 612 340 8290 527 Niaz�quette Ave, S. • Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 r � � ��� ��_�� [<<Y� _--- ,� _ �_`�`� _�-�`=` �ate Richard A. Mosma Administrative La judge � �� i�'eacTUe� ii:ii � � ACTION REPORT tiva act3on(sl comPleted OFFIGE OP ADMIN.HEARING TX DATE/TIME DESTINATION DEC.31 11:D9 612 342 2990 = , w� # f « � f � � � # TEL:6123492665 DURATIOtd PGS. RESULT M 0° 01' 00' 003 OK N -3 d`j P. 001 k G� �� _. l a� �i �...�_•�x�✓�... . , • jd " s'.`U_a ." � � � 1 ' � ' 1 -.� . _ ji"�.:.� - =:e> ': ��1; y :- ' - " '• TO: Edward Hayes 1484 Sherbume St. Paul, Minnesota 55104-2415 GREETiNGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of #he Licpnse ARplication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at MinneaQolis, Minnesota this �r of ,l�nuarv, 1997. _ KEVIN E. JOHNS�N Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612)340-8290 G�-��g � > �`. - �;<.. � _::� � = � �- : V ��-. ���;: l '; ��`..CC� � t STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMII�IISTRATIVE HEARINGS HEARING SUBPOENA TO: John Wiiliams 1484 Sherburne St. Paui, Minnesota 55104-2415 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HERESY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hail Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in ths City of St. Pauf, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day ofi January, 1997, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of the License A�Alication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this � of lanuary, 1997. , � � KEVIN E. JOHNSON Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612) 340-8290 9�-��9 r . ; �..w,,... . � . .�;,.. : y � .. '> .��'..�w3 tY.�i • � - � � � � � � � � � � . f'. - `.J ` ;. '' TO: Cari Green 9504 Hamlet Avenue South Cottage Grove, Minnesota 55016 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Mlinnesota, at 1504 Ci#y Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paut, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at 9:30 o'cfock in tfie forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of the License ARplication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuani to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14,51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this �r of Januarv, 1997. EVIN E. JOHNS Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd {612) 340-8290 ,, 9�-3a9 .....;� :���... • � • � _ '::vir � • • � i ' . <: -�Ji}_ �': � t ! : • TO; Gurtis Olson 3004 Old Highway 8 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at �Qo'ctock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of - - - � �. . . - - . - . - Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Hono�able Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this �ir of Januarv, 1997. � Chief Administrafive Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612) 340-8290 ,t_ ��o� n nl� 1an. 2.19`97 2:49PM INGEBRITSON & ASSDC No,4465 P, 1/3 mxE raw oFC�cE oF: RuaeeII A. I�tgebt'itaon Dpugi�a Dsb $md, JT. Neum�a 0. Baxgnr John C. Hoylan• Phaip A. SLep6erd �ACSI I.E fiRA.NSbIISSION SSB� DATE Z`RANSM�'�'TED: !� 3! ��� TIME' �' !� 9�-3�9 17A0 Raad Tower 627 Maequette Avenue 9otsth Mi:uxapolk. Mino�ta 66�0'L Te]ephone (B1E) 940.8290 Toll•F�ee (800) E87�8398 Teitlaz (fi12) 8;2,299t1 ' alao admittad in Illinoie PLEASE DELIVER 'Z`HE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) T0: xr,rrE: Lo'^;Se ��v FAX I3T]MSEFt: FROM: FZI.E: ______ MESSAGE:_ INGEBBITSON & ASSOCIA�TES, P.A. 3�1 q -�6bS"� pl�: �; n S��f�.e.,rvl �r',���-ie Q,�u �,r, f 6��� !es � o NOTE: THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE Z2iDIVSpiJAL OR ENTITY TO WFiICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVIL£GED� CONFIDENTIAL AND EXII�2' FROM DSSClOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOII AF2E NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIEN2' OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPO2iSI8LE FOR DELIVERING TIiE MES$AGE OF TAE II3TENDED �ECIPT�NT, YOTJ ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THA`P ANY DISSEMINATIO2i, DSSTRIBUTIOiZ OR CQPYING OF THZS COMMUNICATxC�N IS STRICT2Y PROAIBTTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED TFi25 COM1�it7NICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFX US I2IHEDIATELY $Y TELEPH�NE AND RETCTRN THE OFiIGINAL MESSAGE TQ US AT 2`FIE A8p'YE ADDRESS VIA U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THAI�IK YOU. ZF YOU DO NO RECSIVE�L � PAGE5 zNCLUDING THZS COVERSfFgET, PLE'.ASE CALL �,_ �� AS SOON AS POSSSBLE: (622} 3siQ— 8290 OR {8�0) 282-6393- �� ►-' i — Jan, 2.1997 2:49PM INGEBRITSON & ASSOC 3. Edward Hayes John Williams 1464 Sherburne S�. Paul, MN 55104-2415 No, 4465 P. 3/3 4�-3a5 Ownera of 92a Se�by Mr. Hayes and Mr. Williams have knowledge of the building and previous businessee at 92o Selby. If there is any other znformation that you need please call me immediately as time is ahort. Thank you in advance. Vexy truly yours, �� `' ���--� Philip A. Shepherd PAS JAN. -02' 97(THU) 14��41 OFPICE OF ADMIN. HEARING TEL:6123492665 �� �a� P. 001 TRANSACTION REPORT Receptlon Transaction(s) completed NO. TX DATE/TIME DEST[NATION 432 JAN. 2 14:39 612 342 2990 DURATION PGS. RESULT btOOE �° 00' S3" �03 OK N ECM 9 Dec. 23. 1896 2:49PM ITIGEBRITSON & ASS4C THE LAR' OFF[CES OF: INGEBKI'TSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 1740 Tiand Tower, S27 Marquette A,venae South Mieaeagolis. Minnesota 55402 {6l2) 340-8290 Faz 1612) 342-2990 t8�) 262-6393 Busyeu A. tnge6riraon na,�� nae x�a. sz. Neumu+ 0. H¢rger John C. Boylan' philip A. Shepherd •Nso admitted in Dliuois ••�tlso ad,,,aeed in oregon FACSIMILI' TRANSMSSSION SAEET DATE TRP.NSMITTED: Dec mbex' 23 ].996 TIME: PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FAGE(S} TO: Na.4310 P. 1!4 q �� MnNTAP7A OFFICE: a�� �. sn��- 815 E. Front Stree4, SuFte 3 Miggoula, SST 69802 Fax (406� 549-4811 {ao� sasa7oo (800) 790•7460 NAME: Richard A Moeman Ad ini trative Law Judae _--� FAX NUMBER: ( J� I " �� FROM: Philip A SheAherd attornev for the Coalition __ FILE: T�he matter of the license anAlication for Peoole's oice. MESSAGE: NOTE: THIS MESSAGE SS INTEA7DED ONLY FOEt TAE U5E OF TEIE INDTVIDUAL QR ENTITX TO WFI3CH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT ZS PRIVTLEGED, CONFIDENTIAL b1ND EXEMPT FAQM DISGLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOU ARE NdT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OR 'PHE EMPL01'EE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOk DELIVERING THE MESSAGE OF THE INTEI�I3ED RECIPIENT, YQU ARE AEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINRTION, DISTRIBUTION 4R COPYING OF TI3IS COMMUNICATZON IS 3TRZCTLY PROHTBZTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED 'FHIS COMMt333ICATTON IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE 20 IIS AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA U.S. POSTAL SERVICE_ THANK YOU. IF 'fQ� DO 1`IO RfiCEZVE ALL 5 PAG&S, ZNCLUIJING THIS COVERSHEET. PLEASE CALL K_ ari AS SOON AS POSSIBLE: (612J 34�-8290 Ok (S00} 282-6393. � Dec.23. 1996 2:47PM iNGEBRITSON & ASSOG Pdu.4310 P. 2/4 y�J_3�� THE I,AW OFFiCES OF: Ruee.ei3 A. Ingebriteon Dnuglae Dale ke+d. Sz. Neu+nan 0. Be:ges Joha C. Boy7an' phitip A. Shephe3d • A4so admiUted in Iltirrois •• Aleo admitted in O�egon INGEBI�ITSON & ASSOC�ATES, P.A. 1740 Rand Towes, 527 Marqnette Avenue South Minaeagalis, 1ltinneaota b5402 (612) 340-6290 Fax (612) 342•2990 (800) 282-fi398 Mr. Ftichard Mosman Administrative Law 3udge 604 Richtield Bank 5025 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 DeCember 23, 1996 MONTAI3A OFFICE: Jamea J. Shea'• 815 E. Pront SWdat, Suite 3 Misaovia. MT 588�2 Faz (aD6) 5a9�asll (906) 649�4'f64 (6W) 7�746U Re: In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc, et al. Dear Mr. Mosman: Enclosed please find the original Petition to Intervene as well as the proposed Order regarding the above matter. very truly yours, ?�� � �'l Philip A. 9hepherd PAS/klj Enclosures � Dec. 23. 1996 2:48PNi iNGEBRITSON & ASSOG STATE OF' MINNESOTA OFFICE 4F AI?MSNISTRATIVE AEARING . 3 In the Matter of the License } Application of Private Protection, Inc. d/bla People's Choice } 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, � Minnesota, 5510& , ORDER COMES NQW, this Court, aftez review of the Coali.tion of neigYiborhood group's motion to intervene, and all relatiae parts of this case to oxder the foilowing: z'T IS ORDfiRED THAT: 1. The Coali�ion of neighborhood groups motion to intervene as a party with full rights of a party in the above-entitled action is granted. Dated this day of 1996• BY THE COURT: Richard A. Mosman Administrative Law Sudge Ido. 4310 P. 3/4 C�-�_ 3� f CITY OF SATNT PAUL oAF3 Docket No.: 1 Dec. 23. 1996 2:48PPg INGEBRITSON & ASSOG No.4310 P. 4/4 �7_�a; RFTIEF AND ORDER SOIIGHT 1. An order permitting the Caalition of neighborhood groups to intervene as a party with full rights of a party in the above-antitl�d action. 2. For such other and further relief the Court deems just and equitable to grant at this time. � Dated this � day of fl�'�' , 1996. INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, F.A- By: � F � � I ` Philip A• Shepherd MtU Atty. I.D. No. 222366 ].740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South MinneapoJ.is, MN 55442 {61Z) 340-829D Z q�-3ag THE LAW OFFICES OF: INGESRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 1740 Rand Tower, 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (612) 340-8290 Faa (612) 342-2990 (800) 282-6393 Russell A. Ingebritson Douglas Dale Reid, Jr. Neuman 0. Berger John C. Boylan* Phi]ip A. Shepherd `A3so admitted in Illinois `*tllso admitted in Oregon Mr. Richard Mosman Administrative Law 604 Richfield Bank 6025 Lyndale Avenue Richfield, MN 55423 Judge South December 18, 1996 ����B�C 2 �' 1996 MONTANA OFFICE: James J. Shea" 815 E. Front Street, Suite 3 Missou]a, MT 59802 Fax (406) 549-4Sll (406) 549-4700 (800) 790-7450 Re: In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc, et al. Dear Mr. Mosman: Enclosed herewith please find the Coalition's Notice of Motion and Motion to Continue 12/20/96 Hearing as well as a proposed Order and an affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd in support of said motion in regards to the above-entitled matter. VeYy truly yours, ��,�,� .5��.� � Philip A. Shepherd PASjklj Enclosures � q�- 3� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, } NOTICE OF MOTION AND Inc, dfb/a People's Choice ) MOTION TO CONTINUE 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) 12/20/96 HEARING Minnesota, 55104 ) ) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Coalition of neighborhood groups will motion �1 Court for a continuance af the 12/20/96 hearir�g in the above captioned case. The Coalition will bring this motion as soon as the ALJ is able to schedule a hearing but not later than 12/20/96. COMES NOW a Coalition of neighborhoods groups to motion this Court for a continuance of the 12/20J96 hearing cites the following reasons: 1, 2. 3. 4. The Coalition The Notice of Hearing was served 12/3J96 for a hearing on 12/20/96. The Coalition was informed of the 12J20/96 hearing on Tuesday, December 10, 1996. The Coalition will be petitioning to intervene in the present case. The Coalition has inadequate time to properly prepare its petition to intervene. The Coalition has inadequate time to properly prepare its case against approval of the above application. 5. The Coalition will need to subpoena witnesses for its case against the approval of the application and the Coalition's petition to intervene must be granted before it has the legal ability to issue subpoenas. 6. The Coalition`s attorney is and will be unavailable to attend the hearing due to a trial previously scheduled. Philip Shepherd is currently attending trial in the Stearns County District Court, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Case No.: C6-46-569, captioned Bruners vs. Hemmesch 1 q�-3�5 and Moen which begdn on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 and is expected to continue through the end of the week into and including Friday, December 20, 1996. The Coalition requests the following order: 1. That the 12/20/96 hearing be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for the Coalition's petition to intervene at some time after 1/15j97. 3. That a hearing regarding application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc., d/b/a People's Choice be scheduled for sometime after February l, 1997. The Coalition's motion is supported by the Affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd. Dated this /�� day of i���""�� 1996. INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. BY : '�'�� �' �``�� Philip A. Shepherd MN Atty. I.D. No. 2223a6 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 340-8290 � 9�-�a-� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING ) In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, ) Inc. d/b/a People's Choice ) 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) Minnesota, 55104 ) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: AFFIDAVIT OF PHILIP A. SHEPHERD COMES NOW, Philip A. Shepherd, under oath to state as follows: 1. Philip A. Shepherd is attorney for a number of neighborhood groups hereinafter "Coalition�' in the above- captioned case. 2. Your affiant was notified of the December 20, 1996 hearing on December 10, 1996. 3. The ten (10) days from actual notice to the date of hearing are inadequate for the Coalition to properly prepare its petition to intervene. 4. The Coalition will bring a petition to intervene prior to December 20, 1996. The coalition needs additional time to prepare its memorandum in support of petition to intervene. 5. The Coalition's petition to intervene must be granted before the Coalition can obtain subpoenas and subpoena testimony necessary for a complete hearing and a proper opposition. 6. The ten (107 days from actual notice to the date of hearing are inadequate £or the Coalition to properly prepare its 1 �� 3ag opposition to the approval o£ the application in the above- captioned case. 7_ The Coalition needs time to subpoena witnesses, schedule witnesses, notify employers of needed time off to appear and testify, and to obtain all relevant documents £rom city files. 8. Lastly, your affiant is unavailable to attend the hearing due to a trial previously scheduled. Affiant is currently at trial in the Stearns County District Court, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Case No.: C6-96-569, captioned Bruners vs. Hemmesch and Moen. Trial which began on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 is expected to continue through the end of the week into and including Friday, December 20, 1996. 9. In the interest of justice and a full and fair hearing on the application the December 20, 1996 hearing must be vacated and a new hearing date scheduled. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. r�ated: J�. ��'"�6 �/� �-�"� Philip A. Shepherd � Subscribed and sw n to before me this ��1 day�of , 1996. c `+ARI LY dENO ",OTARY PUBLIG N'eS07 "t Ca;nmisscn Expires 1ar, 31, 2000 2 _t' F,<.,=o . �< _� ah:.>_MrnMwnww.� �1� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc. d/b/a People's Choice 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55104 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: ORDER COMES NOW, this Court, after review of the Coalition of neighborhood group's motion to continue the 12/20f96 hearing, Affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd in support, and all relative parts of this case file to order the following: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. That the 12/20/96 hearing be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for the Coalition's petition to intervene on the day of , 1997 at o'clock. 3. That a hearing RE: Application for Licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Tnc., dfb/a "People's Choice" be scheduled on the day of , 1997 at o'clock. Dated this day of , 1996. BY THE COURT: Richard A. Mosman Administrative Law Judge 1 e � �-� a� � � THE LAW OFFICES OF: INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 174D Rand Tower, 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 554�2 (612} 340-8290 Fas (612) 342-2990 (800) 282-6393 Russell A. Ingebritson Dougias Dale Reid, Sr. Neuman 0. Berger John C. Boylan' Philip A. Shepherd "Aiso admitted in Illinois "Also admitted in Oregon February 24, 1997 �,k��S ��b.Z��Qi� St. Paul City Clerk City Hall 15 West Kellogg, Room 310 St. Paul, MN 55102 MONTANA OFFICE: 3ames J. Shea"• 815 E. Front Street, Suite 3 Missoula, MT 59802 Fax (406) 549-4811 (406) 549-4700 (800) 790-7450 RECEIVED �EB 2 41997 e�rY ct�RK Re: License Application of Private Protection, Inc., 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find the Coalition of Neighborhood Groups', intervenor in the above action, Exceptions to Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation. Sincerely, ��'`� � '�"'1 Philip A. Shepherd PAS/klj Enc-osure cc Mr. Carl Green Evia maili ���� ������, Mr. R_chard Mosman (via mail) Ms. Ginger Palmer (via mail) � rr� �'� Sv� , � L V ��-�ry'-�. 3 9�-3a5 RECE(VED STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE AEARINGS FEB 2 41997 CITY CLERK FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: 62-2111-10844-3 CA'S �-�. Z�� q� � In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, ) Inc. d/b/a People's Choice ? 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) MinnesoCa, 55104 ) EXCEPTIONS TO ALJ'S F2NDING OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AISD RECOMMENDATI0I3 COMES NOW the Coalition of Neighborhood groups, Intervenor, by its attorne�, Philip A. Shepherd, and pursuant to the 3anuary 31, 1997 Notice of Counsel F?earing to file the following exceptions to the ALJ's January 21, 1997 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, anfl Recommendation: Objectians to Findings o£ Fact The AI,S fails *_o adequately describe the extent of tne violence and crime surrounding Lhe o1d "People`s Choice." T_r_t°rVenOr rj raC�S COl1RC11 Rl°CCi�JE.:"S CO �i1e 1989 "Peonle S C�'!C1C2" YeVOCZL'_O*1 =_�-, d CCp�/ OT. W73._CI'; 15 LI'ictVc�llc�.�J� 2 �Q IIlte'_'�VEZ?OY �t this time. Numerous W1tP_CSS2S tE'Si.1*1?Cl �O �RE S1CJ`'i.1i1Cd_^.t T012 LhGL the "Peoples Choice" giayed in attracring and fostering crime, violence, noise, drug transactions and other detrimental activities in �he surrour_ding neig'nbornood. In the late 1980`s L1_i° ��?�°OD� 2� S C��0=C2 !'�dd c i.T2Ii1EP_C10llS1}r P.egc�1VE. 1R'ipdCt Ori C^2 n�_��OYhOOC. Tt?E3 1"°S1CleZl�S �ld"J? invested uncoun�abl hOIIYS 1AL0 1�L'1-C11Il� UD W!1�= �i?E ��DPOD'12S Cnoice" 11dd d=stroyed. 9 g�-3a� Additional Findings o£ Fact 1. Applicant has known of the violent and criminal reputation of the name "People's Choice" since at least the Summer of 1996. 2. Applicant has made no attempt to distance himself from the violent and criminal reputation of the "People's Choice" or waylay the valid fears of the neighborhood residents. Specifically, Applicant has: a) failed to chose another name for use in its application. b) failed to alleviate the fears of concerned neighbors by choosing another name. c) failed to state at the Oct. 1996 City Council meeting that Applicant wi11 use another name. d) failed to state at Che ALJ hearing that the Applicant will use another name. 3. Apolicant has made a concerted ef-ort to asscciate himself with the name and reputation oi the "People's Choice" a� Applicant's app�ication is in the name "Peonle's Choice." Ex. A. u) ApplicaT�t spen� considerabie money i= �ouc'r_ing up ��e murals on the exterior o� 920 Selby, incluEting che words "People's Choice". Th= murals and tne name "People's Choice" were an integrai parL o= �t1C identi�i CdLlOZl Of L!1? OZCZ "People' S C hoice. ° c) Applicant has e�cplicitly negotiated wit'.^. the owners and past managers of the old "Peo�le's Choice" for the use of the name "People's Choice." Applicant attemnted to keeT� that trar_saC�ion conPidentizl_ Ex. B_ d? Sole and exclusive use or" the name "Peoole's Choice" was a signiiicant _nducemen� =o= apolicant �o lease Lhe premises a� 920 Selby. Ic. °i AvD11C'a.Ilt DayS 3 AO:L10_^_ O: i.�12 '_"2P-T. �G=" 1�SE Oi 2 q� -�a� the name ��People's Choice." Id. f) Applicant's sample restaurant menu and business plan prominently displays the name "People's Choice." See Application. 4. Applicant, and anyone associated with his application, does not have any experience in the restaurant industry. 5. Expert testimony was heard from Bill Sands, a banker at Western Bank, who testified that Applicant's business plan as submitted to LIEP was inadequate for the purposes of applying for or securing a loan. Also, even if the project was self-financed, the business plan lacked details, analysis, and other important elements to ensure a reasonable likelihood of success in the extremely difficult restaurant industry. 6. Expert testimony was heard £rom Sarah Kinney, a realtor with many years of experience in the neighborhood, who testified �na*_ the old "People's Choice" brought down prooerty values during tn> late 198o's, the property values have risen since the cid "Pec�ale's Choice" was shut down, and iinaily, if a new ° ?°O�l°�S Choice" OpEI1S llp t21°?7 p�Op2T;.y V;alll2S wi'__ decreas= aga_n based upon the violent and criminal renutation oi the rame "2eople's Choice.^ 7. Memners of rne J. S. Hill Elementary Schoo� testified to the negative impact the "People's Choice" would have on Lhe school community. Specifically, the School has concerns for the sa_ety o_ the stu3ents tha� walk to and °rom school, �� violence =rom the "People's Choice" spilling ever into the school B=O�?� �}/, cRG Oi i.�l° AY'OX1IIli�_V �O L}'12 :-:'_� 1 s�udenLS 0= t??2 C�L'CJ 3 97 0 transactions in and outside the "Feoples Choice." 8. That long-time residents of the neighborhood are justifiably and significantly fearful of the return of violence and criminal activity under the auspices of the ��People's Choice.° 9. The neighborhood expects the City to protect it citizens from the violent and criminal element attracted to the "People's Choice." 8. Failure to protect the citizens from this known risk would amount to gross negligence should harm befall a child, J. J. Aill student or other victim of violence or criminal activity. Conclusions of Law 1. No objection with ALJ conclusion NO. 1. 2. No objection with ALJ conclusion N0. 2. 3. No objection with ALS conclusion NO. 3. ^_. The Applicant, Prisate Protection, Znc., has not met �he mir.imum qualifications for the issuance of � Cabaret �'A" and Res�anrant "C" license av 920 Selby, S�, pau_, �N. 5. Carl Greer_'s moral character is suspect. He nas fGilec to rebudiate and disassociate himself with the use o= the name "P°OUZE' S C;1010E. " _-i° �785 ctt.°iiiD�EGl �O COIICE'd'1 �'f?E transaction allowing him to use tne name "People's Choice." He nas intentionally acted in numerous ways to associGte himsel� with L:7° V1 o1en� "d_^_d criminal reputaLion o= "Peop1 Choice." 5, z crant o= the Cabaret °A" and Restauran� "C" license T,v^ Lh� ?ApTJi�C2=iL. ci. �T?° AY'E2ti11S°S a� 920 Selby St.. ?dL:� �?�T, '� �� would unreasonably annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort, and repose of considerable numbers of inembers of the public. It is unlikely that Applicant will manage the cabaretJrestaurant properly, given his inexperience in the restaurant industry and the lack of details and analysis in his business p1an. 7. Under no condition should a Cabaret "A" or Restaurant "C" license be issued to Applicant. 8. The application of the Applicant for a Cabaret "A" and a Restaurant '�C" license should be denied. Recommendation The Coalition of neighborhood groups resgectively recommend that the St. Paul City Council deny the application af Private Protection, Inc., d/b/a "Peaple`s Choice" for a cabaret "A^ and a restaurant "C" license to be operated at tne premises at 92� Se1by Avenue, St. Paul, MN. i � Dzted this � � o� ����'`- 1997. INGHBRITS^vN � ASSOCIAT�S, P.F. Sy: ��` F' � ��' r t Philip A. Shepherd Nll�7 ���y. S.D. No. 222306 17a� Rand Tower 527 Marauetze Avenue South Min_neapOlis, MN S5a02 {6i2} 350-8290 5 DEG-10-1996 12�50 FROM CITY RTTt�YS OF�=ICE � a _ .. .� QAS III yh LICENSE APPLTCATiON �1�$/�� � � �' �I�!{."�/� T}pe af iiccax(s� beiag appSied for. � i�i�� C �9�,,,.1 �S APPI.ICATSO\' IC Ct TA iFtY Tn vrt ncn •+ U Pi.EASE tYPE OR PRA'7 W L\�K ��� y, oo . Compaayl� _Yriva.tG f�ro�tCf",dn Carycra�;an / Psr_,ersAiptSok AqviceQat:J If buzincss is iocorpomtcd, giti•a dase cf inct¢poratioo: � Doing $usiness As_ P� p �/ r7J 1 e. 'S fh, 8usiness Address: _ . ., �L .--- *-n� ���n yoo ��ay bata r� b�a, or � SQ�A�= �ao �� r•� - �s�c Bav=een what tross sttau is the busirnu la�cdl �r -� Are tba premi<ts aaw occupicd? _��1 p tiVtyat T}pe cf Susiaus? . �iaz7 ro Aadras. _ � /.� £. iG � ;)1�/( �-� 11./i�nt svcc AdSres: AFPlicaac Fnfasmarioa: ��� � r�: � Ln .'J L�rt { a,7 City 9� 9342Z990 P.21 CFIY QF SAIXt'�p orr� �r�, n��;,� z�a �,�,a,u� ��, :�ox+�.ax s.�.�ay .s�i pt!6...sa, }t�s t1W ]eiR)Jli La (61`� •d{.7[v y i $usiruts Phaac: ,�L�' 9��l1 =, "�'' � .,���+ sn,e � Thicfi side of the suai? �1� 5___�_f_ .c.lN 6'S��r� s�u z+� _ _ Gco Fmt AS66k 4�Sridca} � xo� aaa�s: 9SoZI F}�m/t t lfY.t . '�'` sa«s�aams . • ��? � ro �f� SIJJ Sam Z3 I?ait of Bictl�: �' ZJ �(n3 Plaa of Biss3t: ��J" ll �! � NtY�s� Hose Pbaae: � } rjj' iia�a }tm cver 6cea vicc of any fr.t�p, � or �iolzicn of aay ary orcfiaaxa acixs shaa c�ffie? YFS,_�� V_. Dase of arrest }��I 1p C7zazge: Convictian: Scaknce: E.ist she aames sod:rsidences ef sbree puzons of �ood mou2 rharacmr, 3iti•ia q' $PP�cant or fmaacally iatcres�rd m the preffisa ar busiaas. c asay be scfeczed to�r,s t6� appt;can{ M��r °OL ttiau.d to � �` ADDRESS Ct�er��.�es� -- 3�3� E G{� th cT • -r ..... r,.. .._ , �_ __ , . PH4\'E R�n irQ,'1 -�.�• I?ave aay of Sccascs ct•c Lers xe rat;edl ^ 1'�S 55Z-ir[.�,y7 .. rs ta C[.� 5 e- list ilu dates snd zessoas Far zcvocasi -oa. Arc you gcmg:o o�„�� rJis Su�anss �sazally? _ YES .. ., • �ii b'O If not, x�tw wfli operate ii7 1�(c..� • . . . .. _ s�r.� Sue �3 DEC-10-1996 12=5i � CITY RTTDRNEI'S OF��ICE TD --�_^-------- -••�--^_�___. � .,,�.. _ .. _... _ . G7`.3�9 93422990 P.22 9G� �z:uCm} Lw Bu¢at8in }T«rcAddrac SaeaA'aiz G:r Swe � TsP Pha+eNvmb PJcasc liu yau employmeoc hiscory fin �Ix pre�5ous fi�=e CSl : zar puiod: � List atl otbcx s�Ficen of tbc coipcuxrion: OFFlCER .. �2I.E HO.'� 1`TA3.� �c� Ketd} ADDI2�55 HO�IE BUSII�'ESS � DATEOF PHO�� PHOJ•� BTRTH � I£ bu�ness is a pazmvship, p7eaz� incfude tbe follou-in� infc:.,auan For each par.cra (use additionat pagcs if nrcts�asy); t5rst�a.�ae r7'idEie 2a�ed (.�Sai6cr,) I�u Darc ot �'vd� HaneAddra= Sneet\a�s Gsy Sw¢ Trf PhooeKum}�et r�gaa,�e �.ram�� p.t�am� iru m+�oraau, x�Aamar s�a� - � suk z;� �� Mii�'Sa'ESO'I'A TAX IERf3�'i47CATiO.�i l�'CA�PR-Pursmat �c ttx Law s of Mmaesasa. t986, CFsagfer 9AZ. Aaide S. Sectioa 2(Z7Q22} (Taz Qearaoce; Issnaaz of Licsaus).li�'� act6adties s,issqnired to �Sde to sbo Stase of Mi�aesou Commissioccr af Reveaue, tbe biiaaaoea busiaest taz iden�utiaa mtm�r and she saisl secoriry nvmber of cac� lieense appticaac Uu3er she k5s�aawta Cm•aaaKat Basa Pnccar Ass sad tbe Fderai Pzi�acy Aa of S9?d, we are zeqvired to advise yaa af s6e foUoe�i� , reg�diag she nse of ibe D�inauouTsc Idea�Sntioa 2dvzaber. � - 7His iafarmati�.aay be vud to dmy cbe isznaxx orsenewai of yourlicrose in sbe cvwt you oa+e ]�axsota saics. ear�iloyec s a3tt:hoidiag�ormoia�idcexdset�za; ` - Upaa recei�5ag chis mfacrosaoa, sbe3icansing susborsiy a� wpply u onty:o � 1.�rmaosa Depa�umac of Revcaac. Howevc, ��nndtt 2be Fcdaal Exchaage of Iufanmtion A�et che Depar.�at af Re� eaue may supply shiz iafoanaGoa to cbe 1a�ema] Rereaat Servic� • Miaxsosa Txx ideatification i�'c�mbers (Ss1u & L*se Tz: Tnmbcr) my 3x oStaina3 frora tha Staso nf a�aauotz„ Basmess Rxords ?kpaztrxat 10 Rivec pzrk PSaza (622 296-6I8I}� . Sociat Sc:carity T�Tn�b:r. I�"'•usoesoa Taz IdcasiF.uSoa 2�nmb�z: t�, �.�, �,�I _,_. If a Mianeso:a Tz: Idcaafsai;oa :�'c:�'xs is not rcovsrcd Por eLe busincss beiag onerzted, indicate so by pFacing an "X ia tF�e � . boz.._.._. _ __ . _ _ _ . ���I. - . -- . . , . ... . .---•• •-. .... ._. , H�trinea�l�mniwnKn[ �ddrtss �7 , DEC-10-1995 12�51 FROt1 CITY ATTORNEYS ��=ICE T� 934229g0 p, • CERTIf7GT10� OFK'ORi�RS COSSP�SATIO\ CO��GE FIiRSU��*T TO aiL�i'�S07A 5'FATUT'E T76.732� �` T bereby eercify chu?, oc my eompsn ,=_,y, IIICC�1i2ixC �'F.5 LhC ttqiJ:tTS 'toaq+tasa�:an iasuraace coren;e rcqaittmeou �f �lrnc Sca:vu I iGS82. SufdivialOII Z F 7I5¢ iip3Ct5{znd tbat pt0�'1SSC] oC f31iC iiifOi7lufioo in [1riS ctrt�CatioD COIIFUtyiez bu�cien( � Ouric ad� actiac against ati liceases De.}d, iaclad'wg:esxarica �d suspension of ssid liccascs. �`a� cf Iasusaace Company. Stitt, �rg,2'l.� t[r�;, S.a.; .�1�' �[Y ga�yr��: # AO t � i . ` � ( q - ��..Q� � � Crn•aagetsora-l1G1R�_to `' I b ve no empto�us co�•cred and�r � ortuf compcnsatioa i:suranco f � _�'� ��d. � . . , � A,\'Y fALSIfiCA21a�Y OF A.�SR�RS GIVEN OR?�f,1TERIAL SUB�. � RTLLRESLT,7 L� DE\'IAL OF THIS APpLICAII0�2 � I hereby ssate shx i 5avo anstivercd aQ of tbe �ecedng quc:�s�s. <ad t6at t4e infonnztian coatained baein iz uue and coarct tc tfx best of my l:rsovtedge aad bcti�f. I bereby s4 fur.6ec t5at I hzre:eccired no monoy or otber considaatioa, 6y way oF Iaaa. 8i.`C conin`isuaon, a ozhes�+,ise, osbez eban atready �sclaccd ia the zpplicat'san c �ch I bucuix� svbmixed. Z¢]so aadassad this prcmise may be iaspecy�d by pclicc, {r�, 6ealth and o�her cicy offici�Is ac any z�d all tiss w-t�cn cbe bus'sncu'u in operation '•J+ �� applicatictt it F°xVLi9uc? m1u:d. P]vse conta¢i a Gty cf Saint Paul Hcalch Iaspector. Ste.t O}soa (266-9233), ta revicv 7f aay sv6svatial chaugs trs snvccue art saticipascd. please coatau a Csry � Saiat s"'�auI Plan Esamina at 265-90Q7 so aPP�Y fffi burldmg pecmi� If aSezc ue aay chaages rc tttc p2rf�ng Fot.33o� spaee, or f� ncw oprratient, Pkax coniict s Gry of Saint Paul Zcaiog Iaspectcr at 256-9D� � Additiotsal appycation requiremeais, pia..ce aYtacii; A detsiJed descrfp6oa ai tht desfgsy Iocation and sqaatt tootage af tLn pretau¢S !a be licrosed {yzte gtan}. TFse Colioking data stiovld be oa sfie site ptass (pteCcrably on art 81t2" z Il" ar 8 It2�° z 1d" Papet7: - A'amq address, snd ph,one nnmbea • - TAt scaic ihouJd be s'aled svcfi as l" = 2D'. ^:I should be indicated fmrud the lap. - P7acmeat of alI petsineat fnztnres ni tbe iaferior of ifie Iicense3 fzciti(y suc3t as seatmg area; l3Scheus, ogices, repafr u'�, Fu�,r rest rooms, efe - If a reqaut is for aa addifiaa or e..-psusian of tf,e lim�sed fxiliip, �iea[c botfi tfie current arn and SJ�e proposcd �P�� . A capy eCpaar iexse ngree:aeat or ?roof of oxnership of t5e propertp. FOR SPECZ�'IC L�PPL£Cd'f7�A* arnfs;�rxs:� � c�r r.� � ��_ -- 57-3 Executive Summarv Business Plan People's Choice 920 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN and entercainmenc to che surrounding African American communiry in a safe and relaxing enviroament. Pro_prietor: Twe of business: $C2tiR� C1paC1N: Twe of inenu: Tv�e of entenainment: Hours of oneratioa: Number of er�nlovees: Addicional information: �Iay 1�, 199b Private Protection, Tnc. Restauzant 8d GriII sryle Speakers, fashioa shows, comedy, music, daacing, aud other forms of Iive entenaiameut. 1i:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. Thurs, Fn, aad Sat lI:CO am. -?2c30 a.n. Sun, Mon, Tne, and Wed 12 (esc. - includes iull �d aart time) Uniformed securiry wi11 be nrovided (as needed} from 7:00 p.n. until closing on Thurs, Pri, aad Sat. � � '��i���� IXFftB(T � _ � 97- � , I �1�1 r�r�� �j �� �v��, ; ��� �� , , I J ' 1 Appetizers Buffato wings Shrimp cheue guffs Quesadillas Nachos Supreme nachos Jalapeno poppers Soups & Salads Chili �p bowl B1ack eye pea cup bowl Soup of the day cup bowi House salad Ghef salad Cobb salad Taco 5a1ad Caesar salad with chicken 55.75 Sb.25 55.75 $5.85 $6.95 54.50 $1.75 52.75 51.50 $2.5d $1.5� S2.SQ $4.75 $5.95 $5.45 $5.50 $4.95 56.75 Sandwiches served with ciups aad a pickle sgea:, fries add 51.00 Club Ham & cheese Philly che�e szeak Fish Turkey $4.95 54.95 Si.80 $4.9a 55.15 Surgers se: ✓ed with ciups aad a pickle spear, iries add 51_00; �,.�*illed oaions add 50.2� Hamburge: 34.00 Cheeseburge: $4.30 c¢oice of ame:ican, swiss ar monterey jack , r 97-3 .t Bacon cherseburger Bar-b-q burger bacon s4.�s 54.5� $0.50 Dinners , served with choice of salad or vegetable, nce or gotato and roll Pork chop Steak Ham steak Fried chicken Ribs: pork beef Catfish Spaghetti Side items �7,10 $8.75 $6.75 56.25 58.25 $8.95 $7.95 86.50 French fries $1.35 Red beans & rice 51.20 Greens $0.95 Green beans 5095 Rice $ Cabbage $0.95 Corn6read $0.45 Beveraoes Soda Sl.ZS I.�manade 51.�Q Iced zea '� Nonaicaholic beer �i•�� Import 52.�0 Pitcher 53.�0 Import 54.75 . Daiquiries �?'� tviargaritas 5z.25 Mocktails 5275 Sex on Lhe beach, Pina Coladas, Homy Devil. juice �' "� � � 9�- E�CLrzrv� Suvr��Y PIans for cabaret license We inceud to offer speakers, fasbioa shows, comedy, music, and dancing in zhe relaxing atmosphere of a restauranc. There has beea no decision made as to whea and how ofren tfiis eutenaiament wilI be offered; this wilj depend on our market research. . Cabaret Hours The cabaret wi11 not be an everyday occunence. There wilI be no set haurs for operating such; it wiIl depend on she availability of speakers, groups, comedians and the time of year. The cabaret will be used az a markecing tool to generate clien�ele for the restaurant; it will aever exist as a separate entity for social purposes aaly. We wi1l be con,ztantly searching for the right balance witl� respecc so the cahareL thaL will allow us to significantly increase the revenue of tFie rescaurant in such a way that would aoL e:zist if People's Choice was soleIy a rescaurauc. 9 7 . �• , � LERS& AGREEMENT }� This Lease Agreement is made as of September �� , 1945, by and between DWH, a Minnesota partnership ("Lessar") and Private Protection, Inc. ("P.P.I•"), a Minnesota corporation ("Lessee"). 1. Premises. DWH hereby leases to P.P.I., and P.P.I. herelay leases from DWH, for the term and upon the conditions hereinafter provided, the Premises located on the sntire first floor and basement portion in the building at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Pau1, Minnesota, known at present as "People's Choice." 2. Term. The term of this Lease shall commence upon October 1, 1995 and shall continue fo= sixty (60} months until September 30, 2000. P.P.I- sha11 have the option to renew the lease for an additional five year period until September 34, 2005, at an amount su£ficient to cover reasonable monthly expenses such as water, sewer, gas, etc. 3. Rent. P.P.I• sha11 pay as Rent for the Premises S7QQ•00 per month for three manths commencing October 1, 1995; $1,�OQ.00 per month for seven months commencing January 1, 1996; and $1,400.0o per month for the balance of the five year lease commencing August 1, 1996. Rent shall be paid in monthly installmen�s, in advance, on the iirst day of each and every calendar month during the Term. 4. Trade Name. P.P.I• shall have the so2e and exclusive right to use the nane "People's Choice" in their use o£ the Premises. The fact that DWH entered inta this agreement, shall be rarever treated as confidential, and wi11 not be disclosed by DI+�T to any person except tneir lawyer, accauntant, tax preparer or as may be reauired by law or agreed to in writing by P.P.I• DWH recoqnizes and agrees that tne use of the name "Peonles`s Choice° was a signiiicant inducemert to P.P.S. �o enter intio this aareement ar.d that a portion of the rent described in section 3 is gaid in consideration o� this confidentiality provision. 5. Use. P.P.I• wil.Z use and occupy the Premises solely io= public entertainment and sociai purposes. P.P.I• wi11 not nse or occcpy the Premises io= any unlawful puspose, �nd wi1Z comgly with a11 present and future laws, ordinances, regulations and ordess of all governmental units having jur.isdiction over the Premises. DWH disclaims any warranty that the Premises are suiteble £or P•P•S•'s use and P.P.I. acknowledges that it has had a fu11 onportunity to maice its owa determination in tnis regard. 6. Assianment and SublettinQ. P.P-I• wi11 not assign, ��2RSi2i� IRO�L O?" encu*nber �f115 I�ease Or SL�''.�le� OS ren� OT ne�� occunancy or Lse o` the Premises, or any par� thereo�I�y any `Cii�.rC� p�iL'�� IIOr SIYd1.1 ZIly 2551CjRI12TIT. O? �S�cIlSZ2T Q� '��!1S Lease be I IXWBR � � 97-3 LEASE AGREEMENT effectuated by operation of 1aw or otherwise, without in each such case obtaining the prior written consent o£ DWH, which consent sha11 be subject to DWH's sole discretion. 7. Maintenance. P.P-I• understands it is leasing the Premises in an "as is" condition, which is at present not in first class condition. P.F•I• agrees to return the premises in the same, if not better condition at the expiration or �ermination of this Lease. DWH shall make all necessary repairs to the outer walls, roof, downspouts, gutters and basic structural elements and common areas of the building. DWH shall also make all necessary repairs to the portions of the building systems (plumbinq, sewage, heating, air conditioning and electrical) providing services jointly to the premises and other portions of the building. P.P.I• shall be responsible for all other portions of the bu5.lding systems serving the premises. Notwithstanding anything apparently to the contrary in this section, any costs of repairs or improvements to the building, to the premises or to any common areas which are occasioned by the negliqience or default of P.P.I•, its officexs, employees, agents or invitees, or by requirements of law, ordinance or other governmental directive and which arise out of the nature of P.P.I.'s use and occupancy of the premises or the installations of P.P.I• in the premises shall be paid for by P.P.I. as additional rent, immediately upon biliing. 8. Alterations. P.P.I. reserves the right to remove from the Premises any and all materials which in any way inter£ere w.ith the day-to-day runninq of their business or which aze in viol�tion of any St. Faul ordinances. DWA wi11 be contacted and have the option of takinq possession of any or a11 materials at that �ime; aI.I. other materials wi11 be disposed of at the discretion o£ P.P•I. All imarovemen�s paid £or by P.P.T. are subject to retention by B.?.I., unless said improvemen aze struczura3 in naiure. I= any mechanic`s lien is fiied agains� any part of the building io� work clai.med to have been done ior, or materiais iurnished to P.�•1•r such mechanic's Iien sha11 be dischargec3 by P.P.Z- within ten days thereafter, at P-P.I•'s sole cost and expense. Regardless of whether DW'H's consent is reauired or obtained hereunder: a?1 alterations shall be made ir.accordance with applicable laws, codes anci insurance guidel.ines, aad shall 'be performed in a good and wor]anar.ii.ke manner. P.P-I• shall not ins�all, without the orior consent of DWH, any eauipmeat whicfi wi11 or may necessitate any cnanges, repl.acements or additi.ons to, or in the use o=, the neatiaa, ventilating or air-conditionir.q sYs�en, or electrical system of the buildina. 9. Se� and Utilities. DTrtH sha11 �t�rnis'a heat, wazer, and el.ec'tric services to P.P.I. for their use in the oneration oi �heir busi�ess o. the Pre:nises duriag the CILr2i.1dR o= Lhis T•ease. 2 q7-� LEASE AGF2EEMENT 10. Insurance. P.P,I. agrees to purchase and to carry in fu11 force and effect commercial genera]. liab.ility insurance, providing coverage on an "occurrence" basis, which policy shall include coverage for Bodily Injury, Property Damage and Personal Snjury, in a combined single limit amount of not less than $1,000,000. I.1. Waivez and Indemnity. 11.1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, DwH and its partners, officers and employees shall not be liable to P.F.I., and P.P.I. hereby releases such parties from all damaqe, comgensation or claims from any cause other than the intentional andJor £oreseeabie mi.sconduct of DWH or its partners, officers or employees arising from: loss or damage to personal property or trade fixtures in the premises; lost business or other consequential damage arising out of interruption in the use of the premises; and any criminal act by any person other than DWH or its partners, officers or emplayees. 11.2. P.P.I. agrees to indemnify, defend and hold DWH and its partners, officers and employees harmless from and against any claim, 3oss, or expense arising aut o€ injury, death or property loss or damage occurring in the premises, except oniy to the extent caused by the intentional and/or forseeable misconduct of DWH or its partnes, officers or employees. DWH and its partners, offz.cers and employees sha11 be held liable if the cause was one they wese made aware of and did not rectify the oiiending circumstances in a reasonabl.e Zength oP time. 11.3. DWH agrees to indemnifp, defend and hold P.P.T. and its heirs, officers, employees, disectors, executors, ad�*ti.r_istrators, agents, and assigns hazmless iram zny losses, causes oi action or suits o� any kind or nature arising oL� a•`_ or rela�ing to claims arising under any £ederal, st�te, and locaZ statuie, ar requla�ion involving the previous ope=ation of People's Choi,ce by B.t3_T., Inc., a defunct Minnesota corporation wholly owned bg �he par�ners of DwH. DWH further agrees to indemrti�`y, clefend and hold P.P.i. znd its heirs, officers, emaloyees, directors, executors, admirristrators, agents and assigns harmiess £ram a11 common law claims for_breach of contract, invasion of nrivacy, promissory estoppel, personal injury or negligent retention and supervision whetrer developed or undeveloped invo?ving the previous epsration o£ Peonle`s Choice by 3.U.T., Inc_ I2. Default. �ny one o� tne following evenis saal? constitu�e an Event oi Deiault: (_) P.P.Z. s�a11 iail zo pay a^y monthl.y insiallmea� oi r2R� O?' �G S2i?� d5 f?E? nrovided, 'c-IlCj. SllCkl c��-a LEASE AGREEME23T default shall continue for a period of 15 days after the due date therefor; (ii) P.P.I. shall violate ar fail ta perform any of the other conditions, covenants or agreements herein made by P.P_I. and such default shall continue for 30 dags after notice from DWH. DWH agrees ta be reasonable under the circumstances, conditions, covenants or agreements herein made in finding P.P.I. in deEault. I€ an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, DWH may at its sole option by written notice to P.P.I. terminate this Zease. Neither the passage of time after the occurrence of the Event of Default nor exercise by DWH of any other remedy with regard to such Event of Default shall limit DWH's rights under this section. 13, Riqht of First Refusal. 13.1. If DWH desires to se11 the building subject to this Lease to any person or entity durinq the Term of tihis Lease and any subsequent renewal, DWH shall first offer such buil.dinq for sale to P.P.S. at the same price and on the same terms offered in good faith by such ather person or entity. Such offer sha11 be made by DWH by a notice given to P.P.I. The notice shall recite the price and other terms being of£ered in good faith by such other person or entity. P.P.I. sha11 have a peri.od of thirty days after receipz of the notice to accept or reject the offer. Acceptancs of the ofier sha11 be by notice given to the DWH. ,, I3.2. In the event that P.P.I. shal2 purchase the building from DSvH under the provision described above, P.P.I. sha11 receive as an offset to the purchase price tne cost oi any strnctu=al imnrovements it has made to tte builcting. Z3.3. Sn the event �hat P.P.I, sha11 no� gurchase ti?e bnildinq from DWH under the nravision described above, DTriu shal? reimburse P.P.I. £rom the proceeds of sa2e the cost o= any structural improvemen�s P.P.�. has made to the bu_lding. � 13.4. In the event that DWH shali seli the building to a party other than P.P.I., a11 provisions of this lease shall re*_aain in full force and ef�ect ior the full term of the leasa, including its renewal as provided in section 2 0£ tnis agreement. DWH acknowledges that in �aking this agree�en� that they rely whollg ugoa their own judgment, beliei and knowledge. DWH =urtner acknowledges 'tnat tney have careiuiiy read the foreyoir_g aareemeni ar_d understaad tI�e contea�s thereof and that they siga ihis agreement as their own fr=e act. DbvH iurther acknow?edges t'r_at � q� LBASE AGREEMENT they have consulted with and been rep=esented by an attorney thraughout the discussions which preceded the execution of this aqreement and that the terms have been completely read and explained by their attorney, and that those terms are £ully understood and voluntarily accepted by them, at that, except as otherwise indicated herein they sign this agreement for the axpress purpase of leasing the premises known as People's Choice, and precluding for as long as this agreement is valid any interest in People's Choice, and the management thereof. This agreement will be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. Lessor: Dated: Dated r�" � y � � -�7 �s r�ated: �b��- 71 �a9S ����,,��.�-- Edward Hayes; WHJpartner ' � � CU..�.�.-��7yt� John Tdilliams, DWAJpartner Lessee: i"�v�R� J e..�c.�2�cy��^� BY��� � y�b'F�- I�s CE STATE OF ?VII23NEcQna COUN'r'Y OF RAMSEY ss. k� The foregoing was acknowledged beiore me this 1 � day of Sentember, 1445, by Edward Hapes and by John Williams, partners of DTriH, on behali zs such Lessor. . )AiJIES S. Sil'cN �.° NOT��" ��•�L �C-MINNESOTA �1��r CH$$FG� COUM�i'�' rr co+.�asion ccn<ce �A:�. �7. 2090 � ���,.� �\�--. Natary Public LEASE AGREEMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA ) j ss. COtiNTY OF RAh1SEY ) q�-�aq The foreqoing was acknowledged before me this ��� dap of September, 1995, by 1�-EN� G-"��T�t��15 . CLO of Private Protection, Inc., on behalf as such Lessee. ¢ }AMES S. SI:EN Fe ":.�ti�r CHISAGO GOUN7Y �_': MY COMMIGSI�N ES�IPE] JAV. 3t. Z�0 This instrument was drafted by: James S. Si1en Attorney at I,aw �ttorney Id. No P.O. Box 48 Rush Ci�y, NSN- 231a60 55069. �� � �� No ry Public G :, , �� OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIV73 HEARINGS FOR THE COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF SAINT PAUL In re the Licenses of Private Protection, Inc. dlb/a People�s Choice 920 Selby Avenue CITY'S PROPOSED EXIiIBITS January 7, 1997 TO: Judge Richard Mosman, Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 The following constitutes a list of the City's proposed exhibits for the Administrative Hearing on January 7, 1997. �ibit No. Exh. No. 1 Exh. No. 2 a Description St. Pau1 City Council File #96-1343 (6 pp.�; Notice of Hearing, dated December 3, 1996, with Affidavit of Service (4 pp.�; Exh. No. 3 License Application, dated March 17, 1996, with attached "Certification of Compliance with the Minnesota Worker's Compensation Law" form, license payment receipt, and "Minnesota Tax Identification Number" form (5 pp.}; Exh. No. 4 Exh. No. 5 Exh. No. 6 License Application, dated March 17, 1996, with attached September 27, 1995 "Lease Agreement" t9 pp.); Executive Summary, Business P1an, dated May 14, 1996, with attached April 23, 1996 letter from Brett Larson to Carl Green (5 pp.}_ Amended Articles of Incorporation of Private Protection, Inc., filed September 2, 1994 (4 pp. ) ; .� . Exh. No. 7 Exh. No. 8 Exh . No . 9--���//„s� r� Exh. No. 10 Exh . No . 11�"��,rG� � Exh. No. 12 Exh. No. 13 Exh. No. 14 Exh. No. 15 Exh. No. 16 Exh. No. 17 Exh. No. 18 Exh. No. 19��,,%/ory� �� Exh. No. 2� Exh. No. 21 q�-3� Property Ownership/Occupant Screen and Business License Manager Screen (4 pp.); April 15, 1996 letter trom Christine Rozek to Carl Green (1 p.); Executive Summary, Susiness P1an, dated April 15, 1996 (1 p.); April 26, 1996 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl/Earl Green (2 pp•?; Lease Agreement, dated September 1995 (1 p.); Letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek, received May 3, 1996 (1 p.); May 6, 1446 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl Green (1 p.); May 21, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek (3 pp.); June 3, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek {1 p.); June 10, 1996 letter from Christine Rozek to Carl Green (2 pp.); June 18, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Christine Rozek with attached affidavits from Carl L. Green, Curtis Olson, and Elizabeth Y. Green (4 pp.); July 22, 1996 letter from Virginia Palmer to Car1 Green (2 pp.}; July 23, 1996 letter from Carl Green to Virginia Palmer (1 p.�; September 3 "Inspector Response Data Entry/Update Screen" (2 pp.); September 20, 1996 agreement to conditions, signed and dated September 25, 1996 (1 p.). . .. � 97-�a` Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicable St. Paul City ordinances: St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.�5 § 310.06 � 310.17 Chapter 426 Respectfully submitted this 7th day of January, 1997. Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney Office of The City Attorney 400 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612}266-8710 � " - � OFFIC�jF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timolhy�tar.K Ciry AUOmey -- � �-�a5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Division 400 City Hall t S West Kelkgg Blvd Saini Pau(, Mmnesota 55102 NOTI�E OF HEARING December 3, 1996 Carl & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 55404 Telephone: 611 266-8110 Facsimile: 61119&5679 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. dJb/a People's Choice Dear Mr, and Mrs. Green: This is to notify you that a hearing�will be held.concerning the above-referenced license application pursuant to Chapter 310.05 and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code at the following time, date and place: Date: December 20, 1996 Ti.me: 9:30 a.m, Place: Room 42 City Hall-Couaty Courthouse 15 W. ICellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, NIId 551Q1 The hearing examiner will be an Administrative Law Judge from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Richard Mosmaa Administrative I,aw Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Aveaue South Richfield, 2�T 55423 Phone: 861-3331 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide for hearing concerning licensed premises and for adverse action against such licenses, under Chapter 31�, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or � � � Private Protechon, Inc. � d1bla Peo ple's Choice — City's E�. No. 2 ` �. � . 9�-�a conditions. The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has determined that conditions on the above-referenced license are appropriate and will recommend issuance of the licenses applied for subject to the conditions. However, at the hearing before the Saint Paul City Council testimony was heard by citizens in opposition to the issuance of the license. Evidence may be presented to the judge through the intervention of interested parties in the proceeding. ' The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62, and the procedural rules of Chapter 1400.5100-140D,840o of the Minnesota Rules and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. You have a right to be represented by an attorney, to represent yourselves, or to be represented by a person of your choosing to the extent not otherwise prohibited as the unauthorized practice of law. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all. parties identify themselves for the record. The City wi11 then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may , cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If data classified as not public (e.g. private or confidential) is admitted into evidence, it may become public unless a party objects and asks for relief under Minn. Stat. §14.60, subd. 2. A notice of appearance must be filed with the judge within twenty (20) days of the date of service of the notice of and order for hearing if a party intends to appear at the hearing, unless the hearing date is less than twenty days from the issuance of this notice . The undersigned will appear on behalf of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Please be advised that if you fail to appear at the hearing it may result in the allegations of the notice of and order for hearing � �} y � i ��-��9 being accepted as true and result in a determination in favor of the License Office to recommend conditions on the license. Very truly yours, � ��� Virgin�almer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessles, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Aearings, Suite 17D0, Minneapolis, MN 55401 Judge Richard Mosman, 604 Richfield Bank, 6625 Lyndale Ave. So., Richfield, MN, 55423 Nancy Anderson, City Council, Room 310 City Hall Peggy Byrne, Executive Director, Summit-University Planning Council, 627 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, 55104 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Ttmothy E. Marx, City Attorney g �_ � a CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Nonn Coleman, Mayor civit Division 400 City Hall I S West Kellagg Blvd Saint Paul, �nnesom SSIO2 Telephone: 612 266-8710 Fdcsimile: 6I2 298-5619 December 31, 1996 The Honorable Richard Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Mr. Carl Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 E. 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 554�4 Mr. Philip A. Shepherd Collins & Ingebritson, PA 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. d/b/a People's Choice Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the hearing in the above-entitled matter, which was continued until Tuesday, January 7, 199? at 9:30 a.m., will be heard in Room 1504 of the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paiii� i.ia'.I72S6�d. The City Hall Annex is located on Fourth Street, between Wabasha and Saint Peter Streets. Sincerely, �/� � � � Virgin a D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek LIEP "° � �1-'.;'f s.. t � ! � 9� &TATE OF MINNESOTA ) 5S. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY 1 JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and sa�s that on December 3, 1996, ehe served the attached NOTICE OF HEARING on the following named persons by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Carl & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. &15 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN. 55404 (which is the last known addresses the same, with postage prepaid, in Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of December, 1996. /� l/ .IJ //l< GliL�� � Notary Public . • RITA M. 80SSARD � hOTARY PUBLIC — h711:ti`c50TA RANSEY COUNTY ' MY�mn.ExpiresJSn.37.2W0� of said persons? and depositing the United States mails at St. � -� �=� � g � L CL�SS iII ciTY oFS.ai�r P�LL LICE\SE APPLICATION or ficeofLicense.In< w;�ens a�dEm�rzenme�tzi?:.�: e.ion ?50 S� Pncr St. Suim 309 Saim Pzul. AM1ianuou '9 (f . — _.�_i .�•� �._ (61'_726S909Jfa�(61^_):cb-9:13 _ ' �J�C�4 /'-^ T?��S APPLTC.4TI0\' IS StiBJECI' TO RE�ZEW BY THE PtiBLIC PLEASE 7YPE OR PRI1T L\ L\'K i ,, - �l� zf. . T}PeofLicense(s)beingappliedfoi: _;>2+"'%C ���, ll �� f�,t `� ��;�,*�S�'�c �dr';-z( ¢'—�-Y��-�•F-��SP_ � r Company \'us�: �F' r W�' r� t�Y �� L� C�� t rt Corp�ration / Pzra�ers.^.+p / Sole Propdetort.a If business is incorporated, gi��e date of iacc;poralion: � Boin� Business As: ��L ��C%,� 1� ;$ l�L BUSiness Address: Besiness Phone: ,3f'- '�� ��� Stree[ Address �- � ? � � � S / � � �y�, �JC Jr GtY // State Z Beeween what cross streeu is the business located? `�.�� - %Zf �4 j 7 l�JJlTft� Whjch side of the street? w� �t Ara the prer.rises now occupied? � V✓bat Type of Business? � '�7aii To Address: _� / � • 1 L � St�f �'f ������y k�'G li S �f✓ .SS���-/ Stccet Address City State Zip Applicant Information: \'azm and Tide: �.(l �`� �f t_ Home Address: �.r� � . C f'P � .� C�r2�r First yLddle (.Maiden) GSo�I Jf�m/e f R vt ..f'o - L�of Cc`o �� Title �� �� Sveet Address � ���— �—� ity State Zip Date of Birth: �- z-.3 "�e� Place of Bireh: �R �� X-f �re .� Home Phone: Y�B' %���1 Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violauon of any city ordinance orher than tr�c? YES _ NO � � Date of azrest: Chazge: _ Conviction: R'here? Sentence: List the names and residences of ttuee peisons of good moral cbazacter, living witfiin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related applicant or financiaily interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanYs chazacter: n��.� ADDRESS �!^.e���`het'SZ 3 �3� E. Gcgtn �t • TnvPY C�i f=--- �Ccc�t Flc�:v F'u Run 1ia ��* ��lzCctn List licenses which you currendy bold, forr�rly held, or may have an interest ia: �r�7e��-;Ve liavt't�5 'ti(,�r`,�Z_ , 4�r;�r��e lnvC��,a. PHONE iC�hts 55�-i¢s t,sS��3z� i,�n5` 1 ci L'� V r�•OM ��z � y: s K �� �a � >�� Have any of the above'£iazued licenses ever been recoked? _ YES ✓?30 If yes, list che dates and reacons fox revocation: � Are you going to opente this business personally? ✓ YES _:�O If not, who will operate ii? '' Fnt Name Middle Initiai ('.;aiden) Iast Date of Birth Homeqddsess: SaeeeName City Stau Zip Phone:.umber _ � Are eeu �eino to ha�e a r.�a��aer cr a:s.::_.; :; ti;i< bus;ne<:: }�ES comple� the fo!lo•,�i::: i :,orn:.ticn: �1t1 K,r`�� ��tf\ �� f.Fli S �"� i .`,� . F:stS�nr >^.io�e:ai�� ..`.ad^_') I.�tt .,.,.�ef3inh 'r.o:,z Ad: Speet \�� Plezc.e list pe=s es�lo��nt fustory fer �e rre��ie�s fice (_; ; zaz �riod: Buciness/Emoto�,—,ent �dd;ess �r',i!h �a l . Tnn.. (s15 ;- . If,�?� Str S�te P4e,-.e �um6er /✓�/.� f'F�rl ��rl+'n � �t� Tv,c 7 ��r~���n{Cn�'rYe�.L�',,ttnGe �`trove /✓�✓SSVirn J List a11 ocher o:ficers cf t6e cocg�:aac7: OFFICER TLE HQUtE HO'�'iE BliSI\'ESS DAI'EOF \A;vIE �{ 'fice Held) ADDRESS PHO�E PHO\B BIRTA til�z�l�e�i1 ��reFn ���retfer ��c� �n)irt t? YSs 4�93 3.z1.v� izyo-�s If business is a pazmership, pie��e inc}ude t�e iollowing inie::nation for eac6 partner (use additiona! pages if nececsary); :mu�i (.`.:aidenj 97 \O �fv�em.ma�er;snct:l;e>:r.x.�:.'�ae�r:or.Fiea�e Hoxs�Address S¢e.ei:�a� First'�`.me bTiddle Ir�iriei (?�faiden) '-iome Addrus: Sveet Name City Lzn Sczte Zip I,zst Stim Zip Date of Binh Phene Num�r Dace ot NiLNl�'ESOTA TAX IDE,\`TIFICATIO\' �'L'�'[BER - Pursu�t to the Laws of ?�Iinnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (I'ae Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing au[borities �-e required to procide to [he State of'vlinnesota Commissioner of Revenue, tbe :Minnesota business tax identification nu�Ser znd cbe cC;izl cecurity numbet of each license applicant. Under the'.vlinnesota Govemmeot Data Pracaces Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze requ'ued to advise you of the folloa�ing regazding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification rTUmb_r: �_ - This informatior.cray be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in che event you owe Minnesota sales, empioyer s withholding or motor vehicle ezcice tazes; - Upon xeceiving this information, che licensing authority will supply it only co the'vlinnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Depaztment of Reti�enue may supply tivs information to che Intemal Revenue Sercice. Minnesota Tzx Identification \'umbers (Szles & Use Taz \umber) mzy be obtaiaed from the State of'�Iinnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Pa:k Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Suurity?�'umber: '.vTinncsota Tax Idenafication \'umber: _ If a Minnesota Taz Iden�cation \�umbez is not requ'ued for t6e business being operated indicau so by pIacing aa "X" in the boz. 9�-3a9 CERTIFICA510S OF �6'ORKERS` CO�L'�\SATIO\ CO� ER4GE PliRSt AAT TO �^,I�\ESOTA ST.4TLTE 176.1 S^ I hereb}' cerufy tbat I. or my comaan}•, zm;n compliance �; ;�h �he M�e:kets' cor.•.pensa;ion insura�ce co��eraee requaemen[s of '�4innezota Statute 176.182, sath;ivision 2. I a1<o vndz:_c+,y�d Lhat pro� i�iea of false informatioo in this cercification conseimtes sufiicient grounds for ad��erse action a�ainst all licenses 6eld, inciudine re�rocaaca a�d suspension of said licences. tiame of Insurance Company: Policy N�m6er. Cocerage from to I have no employees covered undec k�orF:e:� comp�nsatioa :::.urance ANY F3LSIFIC:�TIO\ OF A\S��'ERS GIVEV QR �1L�TERIAL SLB�ZITTED R�iLL RESi:LT I\ DE\IAL O� THIS �PPLICATifl*� I bereby state that I have answered all of �e precedin� quesuans, �d that the infoxmauon contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belieE I hereby state funber that I have received no money or other consideration, by vray of loan, sifr, conuibuuon, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in che application w hich 3 berewith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fize, health and othet city offici�ls at any and all u�s when the business is in operation. n ����� 1'' �!U'�� '" Signa.ure (REQliIRED for all applications) /� **Note: If this applicavon is Food/Liquorrelated, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review p]ans. If any substancial changes to s�ucture aze anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Ezami¢u at 266-9007 to apply for buiiding permits. If there are any changes to the pazking lot, floot space, or foz new operations, pleue contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Additional application requiremenfs, please attach: A detailed description of the design, ]ocation and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The folloc�ing data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 81/2" x 11" or 81/2" x 14" paper): • I�'ame, address, and phone number. - The scate should be sfated such as 1" = 2A'. ^?.' should be indicated fovcazd the top. - PIacement of atl pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seafing areas, ldfchens, offices, repair azea, pazldng, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or er.pansion of the licensed faci['sty, indicate both the current ues and fhe proposed expansion A copy of pour Iease agreement or pr�of of ownership of the property. FdFt SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREME:VTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> ����a9 Lin^i1F;CRi:^✓H C�F CIkSPLiAKLi ViiH THE NIHNESGiA VJ^nKERS' C.'7`iPERSRTIOH LFV Accordin� .o BH Statutes 77b.�b2, ticcnsin5 agcncics arc prohibi2cd fro�n issuing licc.ticcs vi:hovi vcritication of xorkcrs covcrege. A LICE%SE AvACtUtTtOt Urv�T BE PROCESSEJ tniLESS THIS FORK 15 CUmLFT� StGtiED AWD RETUCkeJ (p(ccse print). questions on filling ovi this form sboutd be direc:ed to the Stcie of Rin�csota "spccial CmQcnsation furd° - 296•2157. r _ _. pa� T t>` , ��� �' i - Doin9 busincss as i �: . ; ,r � �t ! ..' ' last tirst mid3te fvlt busincss nar,�, if difSereM .han yoor Sociat Scwrity Mo. � �" � � frdcral Ei+Qtoyer 7D Ao. State SD Ro. Addrems ' - . �-� f ' . = . . ,�i .�, � , � s.rret ao�ress�or :oo:c n,rber ci:y ar toun namc statc namc zip ca - i., �; Business Tetep�one No. C�� 1r. 7 �'• "`"' `1= Hane iclephone Ho. t� �) '- ! - � Typc of H�siness ���'- ='" -�� i { �"•i � � .�- _ f � � �i�r'�.'1 �,�_1 ;t�� -`.� , t i , descrip:ion (for cxar.Qlc: buitding,consfruction; or togging; or cianufae.uring) Vorkcrs' Ccr.pensation =? �, .� - C ,,,_ n ` , ` �='ar.�.':!y PoliC H e�'A,�. . tnsuraxc Cor.y�eny uamc� s �'-� - : � . : �'' ' - Y o. . �. . . . �ull.rame o4 insurance cmp�ny C�Ot irtsurance a ent) tull nu�+Sc� from insurance policy �— _._.t t �t . � - .., ; � . : V i . ; , ,-. . .; ; 'l - a�" . � )� .. . _ , ( ;�,tt '.l�_,✓_ �4{�Kz � N'�Y'�z: Da:es ef Coverage � ihrorigh � " �} � '� ' � � �t,.,�, startin9 da2e erding Ca:c � '' < < . '�t � ` �;�" �' S certity that f am not reqvired :o carry uorkers' cmper,saTion insurasxa becauset ` � -"`F �' ��� ,�� ��". i� {=yscY. ^r�c� _ I am a sotc proprietor or� 1 have no cr.Qloyccs. t have no eep(oyecs �ho are covercd by tAC vcrkers' cmQensation lcv. (Only mployces who are specifically exenpted staiuie are naS eovere6 by the uotkers' cccper.saSion iav. These inctude: Spouse; Parents; Chjtdren, reyardless o{ a7 and farm tabor rnQloyeas of a,'amily farm tAat spent less xban S8,D00 for farm labor in thc prcrious wlcrda� ycar, I otfier workers uhose work activity is tontroltable by the essptoycr m.isi be covered.) 1 u�crstacd that the inforaatio� provided above vitt be vc�ificd by thc Nimeseia Department of Labor a.�d tndustry. undersiard ihat 1 am subject to a 15,000 penaltK, iF i e information is false. I ceriity that the intorrration provided abo is ecwratc aed ca�ptcic. '�, �� �� _ � % ^, r Siyned by � / �' i� 0 - , D32c �T �i `" �: , __._ - � [NO tocat licensing a9exy, 9en. contr., timber 6vyer or other yersonloryonization attir+9 as an interme6icsy to de4ives this to� to chc Dcpt. of Labor ard Irduztry shalt bc respon:ib�c for acwracy oi thc inlorn�tion provided by tTc person signing thc iorm. i R�� . -} (`� � Q ! � d�a1G: ~+ �t J/ _ � 12 a�a;.,>d O� 9.� /��nt �,.: c (= a�nvni ✓�a: l_euh: �Ceceiiat �or �ac�rreenf ! �` �C .�maunf 7�ec¢ivarL '/ �' 7 `' � / CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL OGfice ot Licrnse, Inspections and Environmental Prorection 3w St. ve�a St. smm 3ao Saw� PaW. Mimtmia 55102 (612) ib69100 C��6 yl,�&,.� 1� �//?�..t l��awod d3�: — i J I 9� -�a9 PLEASE hQTE - FASI,IIRE TO S�PLY THE FOLI,OAZNG INFORMATION AILL JEOPARDZ'�E OR DELAY THE PROCF',SS2bTG OF YOIIR LICENSE ISSIIA27CE OR RENEPiAI, APPLICATICN. MI2v"NESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION A Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(270.72)(Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Co:ozaissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification nuiwer and tre social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the Federal. Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of this information; 1J This in£ormation �.ay be used to deny the issuance or r�:?ewal of your licer.se ?n the event you owa Minnesota sales, e�ployer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; 2) Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Department of 12evenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Infor�ation Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Minnesota Tax Identi£ication Numbers (Sales & t3se Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota - Business Records Department - 10 River Park Plaza. Phone: 296-6181. tipp�icanr.•s Social Security � { �f�2�k i'Yo� C � Iti- � I".� n � J`.> C. 1(,t ; i i? ! f' �' rL�,s �i r r'�: : f � � i� 5���'� 3�1-y,��= � � s- lJ ,.;...��� . Minnesota Tax IdentiPication Number: ',,.;,j�: (If a Minnesota Tax Identi£ication Number is not required for the business bein operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box. ) �J - l�� ,J � /�f�'�� ���� a6 S Signature Date ��� C �v � ��-�a5 0 •� / / � �(�� f15�i� '"4 AniendrJ ;Ai(�r't� ;�: luro:��o�.::�;u� ��s' Pn�:rt�' P���Irrhi�n. L:. . The undersigned incorpo�ator. bcing :� r.atur:il pei,rn� u1'+ui� .r +�,: t.,; puip.i,c „i ����n+in. .. COfQOCS(IOII RI7(Ief I�'t!l1I1�SUI;t SIl(US<�. � �t:tfll;'1 )�)���, il������ .lilu{:f+ �.�: :��ilC�i ��l Ineorporn6on set torth f�erein :�ttrrc'[_r: u��°e Section L01 N;1�d[ The name of the eorporat�on u 1'u�.n. P��rt��tuni. Inc :\R'11('LE l \\'U Section 2 01 REGISTERED OFFIC�E. Tl�t r�giilered of:ire ��t� tlin cur^or.�uun i. (ui:ited .�t / GIS East 16th Sireet, �'(mn�apo4is, i�t\ 5��1(�d �� AR"(fCLf: '1�f IRIiR; Sectio�t 3.01 INCORPOFtATOR ��i,e �,:�»,� ;t„�; :,�i�i,�., �>r �i,� :::.,,,��,,:.,;, i. \i:el�.i�:�.:n Beeks, Sr., 6t$ East IGth Street, `hnne.�poli<. �iX ��-!0�! AIt'I;C'Lt; PQl.tt SCCtion 401 CAP{TFV1_ Tlte a��reg:ne ntintbc; oC>h,c,. oC.!c•e� ��!':..L d:r to�;��+�.rt:� .h.di hace aud�oritt� to issua �s 1.000 sh:u�. 1K"Il('LE Pl\'(. SeCtiott .`+�1 Cn\�f�10\ S�I�(�C�h �I�heie �h;ul b�' ��i�. �':.. ;�„i .��.. �' �uuinnu; .!�.t„ consisllnk of �i0�) sh;ire+ :lll commor. <h:irc• .h.dl br �,:!u�,� .ir:�� i�.�.:•�:� ru�,_d ��_•'�r.� .:::.i m a{I matt�rs _ $acucn 5 0? CLASSES OF_AUA-�:(S�1_{A<� �lO<'I� li.; li�,.:�:: .�! [i.;�.'. ;r..��. I,� t,�:.: "--- to h�tie. estlbli;h bv resolution diffucni d.:>.,� u� ,�n� oi .L::::. ,�. .::: �.o,u;�• rch;. :��:,? mat� t'i� tiie n�hts (e�capf ��oLnu n,1it.) ar. � p�:l��irr.c_. rf... .. ..... . .. . _. , � ,.._ Sect�o:i 5 Q? :lC'"I O!_ l:lll�_tili;A!2'r.l_IOI 1)l:tt �I i�� �h.r.,:.n!d;�• •.. .._ .. ,... ..,._ af!irr,.....e ��ota �€� a ��tajon;�� u:� dr� �:•„���: { : :. _ .iia,;.:� ; _ _ _. �. _. .,,�_�. �, .. . _. ., d�.ii} held nteetin_ e�ce^r d;aL t.`i�• �L:u�i:cu,!,. ,..:ii ..... .., , . . . . .. ..... _ . .. . r ^ '�C...: O� :�i-.i \Ol::l; �)O�\CI' l;f :h.� �I;:!1� �17::1 p� . .. .. _ �,. .... ... , . . . . � � a`�,'{��% ..! ., � =� � /! i . . Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice —' City's Exh. No. 6 ., r , �7-3a9 0 ogo� :\IL'CIC'L(� >(\ Sec!ion 60{ fI�ST Bn:1Rn_QF 1�(RFC1'O�S Thr tlr.t Bo:ud of I)nrrtor. .t�.•II con.i.i uf three (3) persons ��ho.c names :ue rinthi�u;d� Ba.i.., ti� ll;r�i,. \\:�ti.�r. .....; (.,�f (n;��� Section 6.03 ACT OP TFfE BO.ARD. "ihe fSuard ot Du<•r�.��. .ir:!i i.J.c .i�;wn b� thr affirmative vote of all of the Airecte�rs Section 6.05 W`RiTiL'N ACTiO�. Any acuan ;equu�d �+r ivu:utt: � ta 1�.: t.+��iti ti�tt}tiuii; ,i meetin� by ws�tten act;on signed by all of dea directors, r�crpi .0 d�a,r inatt.r< ulvci3 rcqui�, shareholder app:oval, in which ca�e the acuon shafi br �� �nce1 b� .ill duce;"i. 1RTIC'I.E SE:�'F\ Sect�On 7.01 CU�IULATIVE V(�TINCi No f�older c+i',tuii. of ti��. ia�pot.t�;uit ,h;tll t�r entitled to any cumulanve voting ngSits :1RTIt'LB fSGH"{' Section 8.01 PRE-E�4P1lVL_it��ri_t_1_S �o holci�r nf �torl rf ih�� ernpur;;mr .h.�ll h:,« .tn� pre-emptive rights :\R"Il('LP \I\l SeCt�On 90; r�t�lE\[���1E�iT Si�h��e! tu \(ins� St:u iU:�1 t;� tivh J6 tlic.r �1�u�lr� ��I [ncorporation shall bo amended U� th� ;iftiun:unr �oir oi l��u��„ ,:( ;l�r ��.�!:nr po��,� rf d�. shares entitle�i to vote Ii_; -r, /; , ; �j �;' U $7ATE Or h11N':�E`SOTA DEPA£"M.f1T 0= STAT£ F;LED SCC V L i�:� � ,� ;._ � � L ��;c !!: :.� \ntfii;�.�:�.: �_.,:. ,; Inro;pora�o: (,�:� Fn.y lbth � \I!:;n.a� \1\ :-, . � ,:r J� � :� � � � /�.t��sb'sas�+.�r! ��� c_, s.-��-1; � - -� •f�� 9�-�a� ''� - - � i ��,rr:-.,, �TAT� �F 1 �T�:'��E5C�7'.': � -;. _ . � , �.._ . , r, �;L��,; ��CRFT.AR}' Or c7�,1Ti_ � �' ., � - � �.; .. � `e�" � '' :l;iTICLF.S C� ?'tiC (�i�PO :,1T:0\' :.� <. rr;. ;�,°. � �\�,L'.r..,.`' J3)1G177PLGfdLtf ��i'S.'r>7'r:f.? ( ;'�riv�ii" = � ,�^ � - � . PLEASE T'YPE OP iZL`T LEGIF>L2'iti £L,1C?: L�I:- %`� Ple:se ma? :ae d::cr::o;s on the re�; ex s:::e �xzo:a cnr-� "•.:�• -� -� A..: ::�ior:ra . :. c. :. .. ... : _ _,. .: . ...._ _ � � c: • r , TO EXPED:TE TFiE F.EI'C.Ti.1 OF YOLT. DOC[.:� P..-.-�iSF_ SL�C��J 1 A S"..:.:Pi 7, $C;.F-:1^7:^S$SLD L1 : i::-C;i i. Tha undersigned incorporator(s) is an {ase)indi�✓idua!(�; 18 years cf a�s or o!der a�d a��r' :he 1�;'o++in, a ��dES e' i�corpora:ion to form a(mark ONLY one;: !� .TY�I:-PROtiT BUSI\'F55 CORi'Gitr'.TIO:� (�:ap: °°14) .`�'O.'� i`RC.�r7T fOF:i'".,`RAP,:J\ (Ci •;••cr:;:','.� .SRTICi� 1 ti,a.'.fE "Chc *�amc o; �;��e to;� n �<: d >v���`�/��,�-� ��•- —»-----�. (busi.esa Co.` ozHon ru:nes must i�dude a rorf+o-a;e de.:�unon s•.�. as tr.v: c:at.c'.Conen_::c�n, Co;np..:i�', I.:.^t:'�v' cr an ahhr.���':� of cne o(those k•ox3sJ ARTICLb U FEGISTEAED O£RC£ ADDFESS A't AGLtiT 7'he rc�itemd offrce add:ess of the ebcporatlen ic: !��iS� /7 �( �'H!'. i✓0 %��%'/� _ � �----- �"%'✓ � S > "t'/J � {A mmp�Ce �treet ad&ess or n.ra1 route md Tun1 mute boz nemSev i nou'ved: t:�r addaess can:.at be a P.O. Bo+) C3h� The registercd agent at the abovc �ddress i<: -- �'— �' -- (IioteYouuenotf.yui>e+:lohav<a:e�istv+d+geni.l tia�e AR'i1CLE?71 SI-L1FE5 i � �., The mrporation is authorizcd to issue a!o,sl of ��'` -- shares. (Sf you arn e busincss eorjmration you r.iust �uthorv.c at icasi or.c �hare. S�onptoiit c�rpc �rat�ons 1n• not [�guin�3 in h��'c shs:« ) ARTICLEN LtiCORPORATORS 76Ve1. the aodersig�cd u+mrF+oramds) mrtih� t}u! I am (we are) auLhe:s.�: tu eam::c thcx• a�slc; and t*�t !hr v^!or�.�lina m t}+rse v.^.�drs:x true and mr. ¢ct 3 p\'e) ako urulersta�7 du� d a�y o.'th'v cdoz�ahon a v'+ten!icsa:h .+s kno..'m�lv nuse:a`ni f 1v! ev:vn+l rrn�;ars wiD aj p!e e� i�l hdetRaedthev�artide5u.�deroa!h [P.�m'dcthomm�aor!�d+.o....f�...6�- �-- r..a..�_ ...._... ` .. :........... �nmr�:at�n or, an additior.al shcet i`. c•.+u havc m�s. tlun t..�o �.�cu:�c-ato:� ) ,- ! , i ' . , � � '" i� , Y " .,,,, iC(._i-.. � )<✓�t .�t � _��L�j �___�GI� , [�.i � •i— l /�/.%''/ �jVSIIf< = V S�.TC� �i:l' f J�J�C ZI'� .� / SIL;i11�'-° . �J ^~\ \ \ / �I j `' 1 1_ \ L /'/). Jl �1 'i,i/ _> '�1 �icL,.'.t f�Cl':/) '�'_,_y, r__—_„(�c_,_i:-_.�-�.�__;_''f l, , ;� Stmet ' � CiN S:��e Zip Si�.vtirr Lu; thr5tarda:d Ind•,u:-i�! CL-ssi4ca:ios Coce iStC) that aos: ace: �:c y desc� :Se nah:re ot !he bu<iness of tM� ec:ro:a6e.^.. Seiec: or.c of tSe 2�igi: SIC Ca3�s I<4d oa :i�e ::ac.tis:do o ,^: :or^i. --- I'nnt r. mc an: n'�ono r.umt.-r u! n•non :o 1+c mr.t.v^..�i :i :Srr. n��,n.<:�, :: al.r.r :ix :�.6:�: o! 9v�..o s:u, i.�. C:•;l9iSa Rnv W:.•� � , _ . '�` '�.� <�9'.�f:,� . � ;/.�'_._ --_ "_ "_ _ ' N.�:n.. + i� S1.;.4 ( �i � f 1 a- '_ '_" �i;..o. ..... .. State Zii � C � 4�. v�.'c '��F 9�-� �9 l R-N� °.4�-� �' m l^ b ` .! C� G��` � � Y � � E R'L f �' ` �` � ��. <"� �.r�v� M�.+�- � �^'��. :I_-�a- N + `f `�?' �. �.�j" N �,'!� `9'+���f ! Pnf� "'"'_ __"""t'L�� n-.'_ �: i 1 4 T ;_ ,r.'� �_ °"� � `— e: M �. � _� ' f __ _"'__ _ ' __ � LL Y ,. Y � � � � s��-�, S �'.i U n � .��" �'° F�" n �:; .. __. � � �°:' _ ¢ i� � *� x: ;�' r w ,r_ • !', __ ._.._.. ' ': ii.__._.... ...�, t' c" '' 4tJlf clOilt7 g-;� �=}.i.� iE 1Jf1'O_C J?`_'' :''8'_ `r_" "'_ _,'i thi� , �d=� i�� '_F.: Jtf,-- -` t�i� ��F•_:@t�' _�; �`_3�=, .`_. *_:.2 incarpo:._i�: o_` �he �� __;�:ors`_i�n _.,°er ar.;_; i;� accor� »i:.h ^ro��.�'- _f ``h" -`:=n`_=. __ ..:nr'=s--'- =h_�tli�z� i18t?�� �'°_1�_N. ":� � x ,'�"b;:;:4 7 ,__�'. -.;'_"_" _'_ ' '--tc_> __ "__- '� i;� - . �, . � _ .. � , �_.,'f; _� . ii:, u_• Cc'_" t.R84. ,.._iCi_., __ �L�==iL•J!'3_.-'� -���',� 1t113 C�CPJY_!'10*l :5 Rfi'�+` 18�7���'i C o:il.^.���� D:7��=: Y��F 13n� O� T'i1r�C1�5C�C•=. �:��rporeta .._:,�: .�iva'_e E'r,�te�L:_,. . i:.y�rpoCdhF �:;;ar_ar P7u,-bU:: i�`-b�� Chac�tz: F��rc,_d 'Jnd?r: �G2;, Th];, CeCriTiC3F,? r�35 f�aEl'S 155U?C� v. U7�'Lr, l�i=. � �; � �-u.�u✓.li—..i, 5�_'c.'�ry �E 5�.:.. s�'. e� CITY OF ST PAIIL CAF ID House n JNIT � 0239300920 00920 Occupant:LEROY DANI�LS P 1: 02282321015b Parcei Code 2: 0766�0001003 FEE NAME q�-3a9 Date: May 1E PROPERTY OWNr2SriiP STRBET NAME OCCUPANT.SC3�EN SELBY AVB CONSTR YR Ward Dist Tract Blk O1 08 35400 408 Aomestead Name(s) 1:EDWARD I-LAYES JOHN WIL�SAN',S L�ROY DANTE 2:1484 SHERBURNE AVE 3:ST PAUL MN 551042415 4: TAX I3AME l: 2: 3: TAX DESCRIPTION 1:BEG AT NE COR OF LOT 1!H S 2:QN E L 83 38/100 FT TA W 37 3:09/100 FT TH N 10 50/100 FT 4:TA W 21 87/100 FT TH N 7 5:02/100 FT TH W 1 OS/100 ?T SMITA AND 1: 2: 3: Zone 1:&-3 2: 3: 1: 2: TAYLOR'S Description General Business ADDITION IIsage Recreational Subuse CLUB/ASSOCIATION HAT / 1�11��■ Private Protection, Inc. — d/bia People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 7 9�-�a� Date: May 1 BIISINESS bTCEPiSE MANAGER SCREE21 License ID 17996 Name JOHN WILLIAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 1484 Street Direction Unit Street Name SHERBURNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 1:11974, 11073 2:CITY COUNCIL APPROVED RENEWAL OF THE PRIV CLUB LIC 3: �N A LIST OF CLASS III RFNEFIAL5 4:093087 CITY COL7NCIL AMENDED C.F. 87-1121 ADOPTED O 5:N 080487 TO ADD CONDITIOIQS TO BUT, INC. DBA PEOLP[ 6:S CHOICE C.�'. 87-1428 7:0407&8 PH ON CONSIDER SUSPENAING PRIV CLUB LIC FOR 8: 30 DAYS FROM 4/15/88 TO Sj15/88 APPROVED CF 88-49 Env Notes 1: 2: 3: 4: �r�-�aq Date: May 15 Bt3SINESS LICENSE MANAGER SCREEN License ID 17946 Name JOHN WILLIAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 1484 Street Direction Unit Street Name SHERBURNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 9:9 10:052389 PFI DATE OF 062189 & 062389 BEFORE AN ADMINI ' 11:STRATIVE LAW JUDGE SET 12:072589 PH ON REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE - 13:LAYED OVER TO 480889 14:080889 REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE PRESENTE 15:D AT COiINCIL ° DISCUSSION PROMPTED DECISION TO REV 16:OKE LICENSES Env Notes 1: z: 3: 4: . . ��-�a9 Date: May 15 BUSINESS LICENSE MA2tAGER SCREEN License III 17996 Name JOIiN WILLZAMS Transfer from License ID Transfer to License ID Street Number 148A Street Qirection Unit Street Name SHERBt3RNE Street Type AV City ST.PAUL State MN Zip 55104 Phone Notes 17:081589 ALL LICENSE5 REVOKED EFFECTIVE 8j27/89 - C. 18:F. 89-1489 19: • 20• 21: 22: 23: 24• Env Notes 1: 2: 3: 4: O}'FICE OF LtC£\SE. ]SSS'ECT10`�S A\D E\�'7R0\\fE\7.�1LPROTEC710\ Rohert 1,'assier. Dvector THE CITY OF SAlNT PAUL Norm Colemon, Ma}�or April 15, 1996 Privafe Protection lnc. (PPI) Cari Green 615 E. 16th St. Minneapolis, MN 55404 LO(347ppR0�BSS701�:iL BUILDIFG Surte 300 ??0 St. Peter Stree! SRrnt Pau1. A; Innesata 55702-I510 RE: License application #57870 at 920 Sefby Avenue Dear Mr. Green: �-�a Telephone: 6J?-266-9D90 Faccrmile: 6J?-2669099 6L?-?66-9124 The Office of LIEP has begun the review of your license appGcation at 920 Selby Avenue. At this time, the foliowing documentation has not been submitted: 1) lease or purchase agreement for the premise at 920 Selby Avenue Also, i� subsequent exchanges of various voice-mail messages, you have indicated a desire to change your application from a dance hail to a cabaret, which raises a number of questions regarding the conduct of business at that location. As i have indicated on your answering machine, I would like you to come in to meet with Kris Schweinfer, Senior License 4nspector, and me to discuss your license application. We will need to see a copy of your licenselpurchase agreement and a plan fior your business which inciudes, but is not limited to a description of your intended hours of operation, method of operation, security measures, parking availability, and the age of clientele you hope to attract. Piease call me at 266-9108 or Kris Schweiner at 266-9112 as soon as possible to set up your appointment. A Council hearing wiil not be set until these issues are resolved. Sincerely, - j . f �' 1[!��L.� �.i IW�..� LM��� / J Christine A. Rozek Deputy Directar ��� cc: Robert Kessier Kris Schweinler Ginger Palmer 1 iAL �� 4-� �" �",`, �"' `�' .�N����� � ���� � Private Protechon, Inc. ! d/bla People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 8 �. THE CITY OF S�I'.�T PAUL !�'orn� Colempn, Ma��m Aprif 26. 1996 Private Protection, lnc. �': �� fari Green 615 E. 16th St. Minneapolis, MN 55404 OFFICE 6F 3JCE'�SE, INSPLC'rIOKS AVD ESCIP.O�\:E\7AI. FROTECTtOti i?ohan Xrstler, D,reclOr LOIS R ypp,OFESS10h',SL IJUI4D7NG Smte i00 : SOS� PererS;�eet SoruPQUI d!mretom551@-ISlO RE: ticense Appiication #57870 at 920 Seiby Avenue Dear Mr. Graen: ! Tefephane.'612-�66-9090 rACnmile: 61:-_669D99 6/1-:66-9!_4 � At a meeting on 4l17l96, in the LIEP office with Kris Schweinler snd me, you �vere informed that two significant items were missing from your ds,^ � h�l! a�;,;icati�n for 920 Selby Avenue - a site pian and fease agreement, Subsequent to our meeting both of those items were received in the L{EP office on 4f18/96. F4o�vever I am unable to approve the lease because of the foilowing: 1} The lease is signed by Dennis E. Watkins of PP{, the �•c�rporate applicant at 920 Selby. However, Mr. Watkins does not appear as an officer of PP! on your ficense application. In fact, you wife, Elizabeth Green, is listed as the sole officer. How does Mr. Watkins have the authority to sign for PPI if he is not an officer of the corporat+on? What role will Mr. Watkins play in the operation planned for 920 Selby Avenue? These issues must be resoived before LfEP can make a recommendation to the City Council regardir.g your application. At our meeting tCris and i also expressed concern regarding your intent to operate your business until 3:00 AM Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. This ofEice wili not support a 3:00 AM ciosure and wiil request that conditions be placed on your license that require an earfier closure. • P� a� P�rotechon, Inc. • d/b/a People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 10 � April26, 1996 G� Priva!e Protect"ron. in;, Finally, PPf requested that the ficense applfed for be changed from a dance hafi to a cabaret. You and your wife indicated that you felt a cabaret 4icense wauld give PP{ more control over t�^�a activities at 920 Seiby. The {icense appiication wi{{ be changed to ref(ect your request. 7he fes for bcth licenses is $164.00. P(ease 4et me know if you F�ave funher questions or concems. { will Iook for your written respo�se within the next week. Sincerely, -� T � �,�,'��.,�.� � ,_�� -+ � �t-� tc. � Christine A. Rozek � � `� Deputy Director 266-9108 CAR/jl cc: Robert Kessler\Director UEP Kris Schweinler/LIEP Ginges Palmer/City Attorney s�-�a5 PRIVATE PROTECTION, INC. bl.i East lbth Street, Loa•er Level Minneapolis, Ml�t 5�404 (612) 321-4840 Christine A. Rozek Office of License, Inspeaions and Enviranmental Protection Lowry Profession.,1 B::::dina Suite .i00 350 St. Pecer St. St. Paul, MN 5�102-1510 Ms. Rozek, I would Iike to respond to a Ietter that you sent to me in order to clarify a few things. i. Elizabeth Green is not listed as the sole officer; Carl Green should also be listed as an o�cer. 2. At the time the lease agreement was signed, Dennis E. Watkins was an officer of the corporatioa and had the authority to sign such an agreement. He will play no role in the operation of any business conduaed at 920 Selby Avenue. If there are any other questions ot concems that you have, please do not hesitate to coatact me. ^,^� � j% , / � --'. Cazl L. Green CEO Private Protection, Inc. cc: Kris Schweinler - cv i ',;`�� � Pr Inc. ■ —' dfb/a People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 12 �i�-��.9 swxux lAU L � w*� THE CITY OF SAitiT PAL�I. hbrm Calemart, Mayor May fi, 1496 Te:epnorte: 6! ?-166-9C9G Facs�m;te: 6i 2-. •+69099 5J?-?66-91 >t Carl Green PPI 615 E. 16th Street Ivlinneapolis, lv�' S5�04 OFFICE OF L10E?:SE, IFSPEC770AS A,tiD £'.�\7R0;� �fE':TAI, PROTECTION RoberLKerrler, Dveclar LOWR3'PRO�cSSJO.�'�,L BUILDAG Smfe i0P 350 St. Peter Stmet SaintPaul, AL�nssota SSl D2-JSt 0 Re: License application #57870 at 920 Se1by Avenue Dear Mr. Green: As a result of your ]etter to me (undated) which was received in this office on 5(3l96, it appears that several coaections need to made in the class three license application form that you have submitted for a cabaret license at 920 Seiby Avenue. The application asks for all officers of the corporation and you have indicated to me that that section was not completed properiy because your name was not included. A copy of your current application as we31 as a blank application form has been included with this letter. Please resubmit you application with the conect information in every category. You must also complete the sections on Ta�c Identification numbers and Workers' Compensation. You also indicated in your letter that the lease agreement that you submitted to LIEP was signed by an individual who has no standing with the corporation. There is no record in your application of Dennis E. Watkins as a corporate officer, yet he has signed your lease as the CEO of the corporation. We request that you submit a new ]ease that has been signed by all of the prop�r parties. Elizabeth Cneen is the only possible signatory of the lease for PPI, according to the records that you have previously sent to LIEP. Ifyou have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 266-9108 or Kris Schwein7er at 266-9110. Your hearing wili not be scheduled before the City Council until your application includes the corrected application form and lease agreement as requested in this letter. Sincerely '' 1 „�,,,1 , �.� �-�1? � ��� Christine A. Rozek J Deputy Director cc: Robert Kessler Kris Schweinlet Cringer Patmer ���� ■ Private Protecrion, Ine. '-' d/b/a People's Choice —' City's Exh. l�TO. 13 ,�, 9�-� a9 (612) 321-9840 PRIVATE PROTECTION, INC. 615 East 16th Streec, Loa Le� Minneapolis, 'dIN 5�4C� Christine A. Rozek Officz of License, Inspections and Encironmental Protection Lowry Professional Buildin� Suite 300 35� St. Peter St. St. Paul, MI� 55102-1�10 May 21, 1996 HAND DELIVERED Ms. Rozek, I do not ask LIEP or the City Council to suppon this business, what I want is for you not to impose any restrictions or the cabaret license, they would unlawfully restrict rights protected by the Constitution of che United States of America. This applicant has no history of violations of the laws and ordinances that apply to public health, safety or morais. Funhermore, the Council, nor official community organizations have a basis for saying no to our abilities to profitably manage a legitimate business on Selby Avenue and Milton Street or anywhere else in the City of Sc. Paul, whether or not the neighborhood is described as a magnet for drugs and having a history of violence, or the fact that some other African American business owners could not manage under such conditions and/or circumstances. Personalized decision making under conditions of complexity, uncertainty and interdependence requires a variety of skills. Sincerely, ) � ^ � 1� 'f � X'./,� � j�./,� f , Yf ��`,�.�;,/ Carl L. Green CEO Private Proteaion, Inc. � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/bla People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 14 :� g�-�a9 I cenify that the lease agreement made as of SepLember 27, 1995 by and between DWH, a Minnesota partnership ("Lessor'� and Private Proreccion, Inc. ("PPP'�, a Minnesota corporation ("Lessee") is a�'alid lease agreement and Carl L. Green, CEO of PPI, has re- signed such, and saJd agreement will be enforced by any of the current listed officers of PPI. � t� � � J �l (� �' � '�i�. Notary Public � ,1ANE R. FETERSON � � NOiHRY QUB�IC — tlati?lESOTA �� DAKOTA COtSNTY My Comm. Exp�res Jen. 31, 2W6 ■ • �z �a ���� �� ; , q7-�a9 ElECLTIVE SUi�ti�1ART Plans for cabaret Iicense ���e intend to offer sQeakers, fashion shows, comedy, music, and dancing in Lhe rel�ing atmosphere of a reaaurant. There has been no decision made as to when and how ofcen this enlertainment �-i11 be offered; this wi11 depend on our market resezrch. Cabaret Hours The cabaret will not be an even occurrence. There will be no set hours for operating such; it a-i11 depend on the availabiliry of speakers, groups, comedians and the tame of year. The cabarec will be used as a marketing tool to generate clientele foz the restaurant; it will never exist as a separate entity for social purposes only. We a�il1 be constantly searchLng for the *ighc balance with respect to the cabaret that will ailow us to significantly increase the revenue of the :estaurant in such a way that would not exist if People's Choice was solely a restaurant. q�-3ag PRIVATE PROTECTION, II��C. 61� East 16th Street, Loz Le��el D4inneapolis, MN 554�4 (bi2) 321-9840 ChrisTine A. Rozek Office of License, Inspectier.s and Encironmental P.o�ection Lowry Professional Building Suite 300 3�0 St. Peter St. St. Paul, ?v11�T �5102-1�1C June 3, 1996 HAI�� DELIVERED Ms. Rozek, I am writing to inquire about the status of the cabaret license for 920 Selby Avenue (People's Choice). I fail to understand u LIEP's concern regarding the lease zgreement is. We have received permission from the owner to open a business operating a restaurant and bringing in live entenainment. According to the application, this is all that is required. If there is some other statute covering the lease agreement, please present it for my review. Surely there is a statute of limications for che timely processing of our application. If the time limitation has been exceeded, we would appreciate the expedient processing of our application for a cabaret license. We have been patient thus far, but would appreciate additional informaLion as to the status of our application and reasons for any delays. Sincerely, ! `�� �. ` ` _ , . . Carl L. Green CEO Private Proteaion, Inc. ������ Private Protechon, Ine. '— d(b/a People's Choice � Cit.y's Egh. No. 15 OFFICE OF IJCE:vSE, P..'SPECTiO:.S AND ENt'IRO?:ME.\TA1. PROTEC270M .RobertKeaeler, Director THE CITY OF SAP�T PAUL No-m Coteman, kJayor :,GNRY PROr'�SSIONrtL BUILDING Swt¢ 30✓ :50 St. Peler Sveei Smnt Pau1, Mm.a,.: �!a 55102J570 June fl 0, 1946 �arl Lee Green 9504 Hamlet Avenue South Cottage Grove, MN 55016 RE: Application for Cabuet License at 920 Selby Avenue Dear Mr. Green: G�-3 a5 ielephone: 6l1-266-9090 F'acs�m; ie: 6/1-2669J�S 612-1b6911! We have racelved your most recent correspondence regarding the application for a Cabazet "B" Yicense for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paat, Ivfin.nesota. After reviewing the entire fi(e to date with the City Attorney's Office, we have determined that we need some additional infornsation to finish processing your application. Pursuant to Sa�nt Paul Legislative Code 426.05(2), your application must contain "names and addresses of the property owner, the business owner, the lessee, the manager or operator and, if a corporation, atl the names and addresses of the officers of such corporation, and any other person or corporation which may have a financial interest in the premises to be licensed. Because your application has significant inconsistencies regarding the structure of the corporation, Private Protection, Inc., which is applying for the license, we will need information in the form of corporate or business records, minutes or other documentation regarding the current stockholders and officers of the corporation. A notarized statement by you of the officers will not be considered sufficient. We will also need specific information regarding the pians you have for use of the building. In your application, you indicate plans for a restaurant are in the future, but also tefer to the cabaret being enjoyed in the "rela�cing atmosphere of a restaurant". Pursuant to 426.04 (4) ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code your application must include a"description of the services to be offered". • Private Protechon� ■ — dibla People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 16 G� -32y9 Page 2/3une 10, 1996 Carl Lee Cnee�z Additionally, under the Cabaret ordinance, 426.05(c), the Saint Paul City Council has an obligation to consider reasonable facts or circumstances relating to the public health, safety and welfare. Your intended use of the property is crucial to determination of the po<ential suitability of tha ares or neighborhood and the possihle traffic and parking problems. We will hnish processing your license agplication when we have received the above information. Sincereiy, ��� � � Christine A. Rozek Beputy Direetor cc: Robert Kesster/I�irector-LIEF' Ginger PalmerlCity f�ttorney Councilmember 7erry BlakeyiWazd 1 Gerry McInemeylWard i I{ris SchweinlerlSa. License Inspector C�l �i� PRIV �TE PROTEC�IO�, I`�C. 6li East 16zh Streer Loc Le. Minnezpolis, D1N 5�4G4 (6L) 321-934Q Christine A. Rozek O$ice of License, Inspecciors and Envi:onmenLal Protettion Lowry Professional Buildin� Suite 300 3�0 St. Peter St. St. Paul, MN >j102-1�10 June 18, 1996 HAND DELIVEREA Ms. Rozek, Please find enclosed affidavits and informacion you have again requested. I request �hat LIEP submit the license application for a cabaret "B" license to be used at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul to the City Council at the next possible meeting. I plan to view any funher delays in the processing of our application as a denial, and will present the application and supporcing information to an administrative judge. You cannot delay, place restrictions upon or deny our application or subsequent license based on what you think may happen. Prior restraint is unconstitutional. Furthermore, we derive the freedom to stsuaure our corporation under Chapter 302A of the Minnesota Business Corporation Act. To question or to request changes be made to said structure that conforms to Chapter 302A, is denying us our right of equal treatment under the law. If further information is required, check with the Secretary for the State af Minnesota; a complete and up-to-date record of all relevant corporate activities is kept on file. 3incerely, ,�! l . ' /'. �- . ." Carl L. Green CEO Private Protection, Inc. � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice — City's Exh. No. 17 G� - 3�9 AFFID�V'IT OF C�RL L. G�EEti I, Car1 L. Green, being first duly sz �pon oath, depose znd state as follows: 1. I submit this :ifidacit ia respc^se to the charge of significant inconsistencies regarding the structu:e of che Cor�oration and plans tor the building by Privzte Protection, Inc. (PPI) �hich is ap: ?ying for a cabaret "B" license for the premises aT 920 Se1by Avenue, St. Paul, Minr.�sota. 2. I have read the charge alle�ed bv the License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection committee and ChrisLine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies regarding the structure of the Corporation and plans for the building. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Stockholders of PPI. No one else hzs a financial in�erest. 4. Curtis Olson was promoted from Operations Manager to President of PPI on or about May 5, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Curtis Olson. 5. PPI has already submitted specific information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhibit A. This ea�hibit consists of five {5) pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive suznmary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located east of ihe establishment on Selby Avenue}. FURTHER APFIANT SAITH NOT. � '�� � �f /'✓�J�✓ Carl L. Green Subscribed and swor to before me this ���' day of tt-�:�- , 1996. ��--,�ri 1�1�� e�� Notary Public � • � SANDRAA LEONARD � NOTARY PUBLIC— M{MNESpfA MY Wmm. Exyiras3an.91.2700 A�FIDAVIT OF C�`RTIS OLSO`1 q� -� a9 I, Curtis Olson being fi;st enly sc, o:� uaon oath, depose znd state as follows: L I submit this affida��it in resoorse to the charge of significant incoasis��ncies regarding the structu:e of the Corporatioa and plans for the building by Private Protection, Inc. (PPII mhich is applying for a cabaret "B" license for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. I have read the chzrge allesed by the License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection committee and Chriszine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies re;arding the structure of the Corporation and plans for the buildin;. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Stockholders of PPI. No one else has a financiai interest. �F. I, Curtis Olson, was p:omoted from Operations Manager to Presidenc of PPI on or about May �, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Cunis Olson. 5. PPI has already submitted spedfic information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhibit A. This er.hibit consists of five (5} pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive summary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located east of the establishment on Selby Avenue). FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NOT. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 � day of � u-*�= , 1996. 1 ��� P � �� � --_` �� \ k Y� 1 � � - � kt ' �� � No ary : � � �/ ����-c`'� Curtis DIsOn ' �n�rmrmnnnn: � A4�RY MARGARET 6fACDdNAtD � �� 3 NOTARYPUBLIC-MINNES07A NENNE?�VGOUNTY t ��lly C�m!s,len E, rss Jan. St: 2966 ✓wNn.l.vwv � � � G�-�a� �FFID�VIT OF ELIZ_�BETH �'. GREEN I, Elizabeth Y. Green, bein� =irst duly s�'o:n upon oath, depose aad stace as follows: l. I submit this affidzait in respor:se to the chzrge of significant inconsistencies regarding the structwe of the CorYOration and plans for the building by Pricate Protection, Inc. (1'PI) z-hich is appicing for a cabaret "B" license for the premises at 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. I hace read the charge alleged b� the License, Inspections, and Encironmental Protection committee and Christine Rozek and I disagree with the allegation that there are significant inconsistencies :egarding the stmcture of the Corporation and plans for the building. 3. Carl L. Green and Elizabeth Y. Green are the sole Directors and Scockholders of PPI. No one else has a financial interest. 4. Curtis Olson was promoted from Operations Manager to President of PPI on or about May 5, 1996. There are no other officers other than Carl Green and Curtis Oison. 5. PPI has already submitted specific information regarding the plans for the building and have attached another copy as Exhihit A. This exhibit consists of five (5) pages. The first page entails the executive summary for the entire restaurant establishment, and the fifth page entails an executive summary for plans for the cabaret license. PPI intends to operate People's Choice as similarly situated establishments within the City of St. Paul (including those located eazt o£ the establishment on Selby Avenue). FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NOT. � �i�-Z � ��t � ' � �� � � ;.� i . Eli berh Y. Gree Subscribed and swor so before me this fJ� � day ofC� ✓G� , 1996. ,� C�--� 1. � SUSANJ.VENNERSTnDM i'� .YC�hRYPUBL:G-MINNE ""�; HENNEPINCOUNTY .-'%� MrCOMMISS�ONE%PiFES'3'-:A _ ,� SwINi TADL � **�A CITZ' OF SAINT P.-�GL ,A�orrn Ca(cman. 31m July 22, 15°6 Car1 Lee Green 9504 Na��let Averu� �outh Coctage Grov2, I'\' SSOi6 OFFICE OF THE CSTI' .4TTOR\El' 7'.mn�ln f. 1lartt Crn .4+tom:t (� � �� 7 c» d n,:�,�,o :f0 C+n� Holt ( r N est 1:el7ogg Bh'd. Scmt Pau1, Afinnesom t t) p? 7c7epltont 61� :56�S�10 Facsunile: 61� :9S-.i619 RE: P.pplication :or Cabare� -_c=nse at 920 Selby Av=ru° Dear Nr. Green: I have reviewed �he letter you sent to Christine A. Rozek at the Ofzice of License, =nspectio�s and Environmental Protection, dated June 18, 1996 in res�onse to :�er letter o£ June 10, 1996 requesting additional information needed to process your application for a Cabaret "B" license for the �remises at 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The LIEP office requested specific additional information to iinish processing your license appl_cation in the form of: 1) corporate or business records, minutes or other documentation of your current stockholders and ofiicers if the corporation, and 2) specific information regardir.g the plans you have for use of the building. The information which you returned, in the form of affidavits, is not what was requested, but is instead an affidavit asserting the £acts which they wish to know. Ms. Rozek's letter of June lOth was quite clear that they did not want additional aifidavits, but needed corporate records, by-laws or other information to substantiate the coxporate s�ructure_ This information is not on record at the State, which hGs only youx name as the CEO of Private Protection, Inc, buc no information as to other officers, directors or stockholders. :he Office of the Secretary of State indicated that the information is ty�=cally in the by-laws, which are not filed with the State. The request for this information is not an attempt to change your corporate structure, nor is the request for legitimate information under the licersing ordinar_ce an attempt to delay your license. Based on all of the submissions to date, it appears that you and your wife are the sole stock�olders of the corporation, that she is a director of the corporation, you are the CEO, and Curtis Olson is the President. We are still requesting documentation in the form of � � Private Protect�on, Inc. — d!b/a People's Choice — City's Esh. No. 18 � . q�-�a� the corporate by-�aws cr �^eeting minutes to cca��r^, that lIITOYPIdtlOR d?1d 1L _i. 15 : O� YECE?1V2C7 vV AllC3USt 2, 1J �}:z�- «"_l� be considered in �_-?'s �ina= determination. The June 10, 1996 _e*ter a_so requested additional information about the nature o� �he pla:s for use of the building, based upon the iact tha� you r=�erenc2d plans ior a restaurant, but had not applied ior a rest�urant =_cense. You have now submitted aa application ior a r>staur�^� _icense, and that application will be pYOC25S@Cl along w' �^ LL2 CGD:1"2i- "'�° d`J�J� 1Cct1CZ1. Piease feel �ree te co:�tsct -= ii you have any questior_s regarding rhis ma�ter_ Sincerely, --� �/C�/!U.��. �J ., !�- � , J V1Yy�'1?112 D. ?almer Assis�ant City Attc�r_°y cc: Christire 3ozek, Ci__ce c: LIEP � ��: INSPECTOR RESPONSE IIATA E23TRY/UPDATS SCREEN License ID 57870 Busihess Name PRIVATE PROTECTION INC Business Address 920 SELBY AVE DBA PPIJPEOPLE'S CHOICE Date Paid 08f26/96 ��-�aq Date: Sep 3 1 = 23ew 2 = Renew 3 = Approvec 4 = Not Appx 5 = In Proc Dept/Div Indicator Notes Made by Inspectors --------- --------- -------------------------------------=---------- Licensinq 4 1:3-20-96--NEED SITE PLAN, LEASE AGREEMENT & CITY Fire 4 2:COUNCIL APPROVAL--LK--LIC Zoning 1 3:COMPUTER PLACED ON HOLD Env Health 0 4:. 5:6-20-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDI23G CODB COMPLIANCE. GS 6:7J11/96 - FIRE - DENIED - PENDING CODE Licenses 1:2432 CABARET - CLASS A 2:2480 RESTAt3RANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS 3:2481 RESTAURANT (C]-LIMITED � ��■ Private Protechon, Inc. — dlbJa People's Choice — City's Ezh. No. 20 4 4 ° License ID Business 23ame Business Address DBA Date Paid Dept f Di•v Licensing Fire Zoning Env Health INSPECTOR RESPONSB DATA ENTRY/UPDATE SCREEN 57870 PRIVATE PROTECTION INC 920 SELBY AVE PpI/PEOPLE'S CHOICE OS/26j96 c/7 Date: Sep 3 1 = New 2 = Renew 3 = Approved 4 = 23ot Appr 5 = In Proc Indicator Notes Made by Inspectors --------- -----°----------------- ------------°-------- 4 �; COI�SPLIANCE. 4 g:7-18-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCE. G.5. 1 9;7-23-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCS. G.5. 0 10:8-22-96 FIRE. DENIED PENDING CODE COMPLIANCE. G.S. 11: 12' Licenses 1:2432 CABARET - CLASS A 2:2480 RESTAURANT (B)-MORE THA2t 12 SEATS 3:2481 RESTAURANT (C)-LIMITED 09(25/i?96 15:15 6123:??::3 P?i �_�3-ii� CIT' OF 57 Pt�'JL �IEP 61'� 266 9124 QVPIOGORj,jC$b18E.R2Bl1`,Cl�ONS AND !N�[Ran7.tLNrai Pi.aYPf.'mox RnMrt Xeakr, Dfncw. .�> �� ,�, ;11*A71; ?aGE 01 ''r�d2 4�"�a, QTY �F S� PAUL uc�se,wD r.ur�+�: s�ia�sso90 Nwr�CokinanXws+ IAS7EC710N5 Farnd46Jl•946�91it 71oSXFilnSMrt � SfRI 3GD $olNPauC AAJnamWO 7�70) September 20, 1996 � 2 aqr¢e to the follom3ng conditions be3ng plaeie on ths caharet and �estaurant-C License at 92o Selby qven�as ae Pollo�vs: ` 1. The reatauzant muat receive tinal agprovgl!from the 8nvironmsntal Aeml:h Inspectar bePore 1ood�or bevsragas osa be served. 2. No alcohol can be serv@d, displaKed, sold,'or conswned on the preatists unless � llquor 1laense 4s'abeairisd. 3. The establishmeht auaC close at 12:30 a.ta. SuAday throug?h Wadasaday and no late2 �tla� 1:00 a;in. Thursaay through 5aturday. a. The faaility aay not be ranteQ by? any ontside qroup. � ' TO7RL P.02 � � Private Protechon, Inc. — d/b/a People's Choice — City's Esh. No. 21 SEP-25-1996 15�24 6123176440 97� p.01 �� 9-as-9� � * � � � m � a� v � �' � �. �� � o �� � �- Ro � 0 � 0 O N -{� ___ �l = m � T � CD � � � � O � T � N O � tD a' �G . .. �� . •. � � 00 � • .. •. • . � � � O 3 Cp � N � � � �a � � � � Q rh � � �. � � � � � � � � � � 3 � � � N N � � � � � � � � � � n � �`��-L� � � � � � Q � � � � � X" � • • • • � � � � • •• • • � � � O � � � f� = N m -i �"��-LIJ �1 �/ ♦A V■ � r� ��/ � \ ^+ O � � � �/ � �1 !"F � � N � i�i� �h � � \ n � _1 3 > > Q � � � � � � � �0 (D � � � Q � � V Q N %`. � • i • • •• � � � � • •• • � �� � � � � 3 � C9 N � � � W � C9 � -I� � tfl � � „�_ � � � _ � W 1 ��' L� �� V� , v �� 0 j � O � � � �D � � � ■ � � i�i/ V/ O � � � �� � -� N W .p C3'� �'1 O O O O O O �l7-�� State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearing In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc. et. al. 920 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 City of St. Paul OAH Docket No.: Notice of Motion and Motion for O}�}�ortunitv To Ogpose Petition Allowing Intervention PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that in the matter of the above referenced license application, Carl Green will mo�•e this courc for the opportunity to oppose the petition allowing intervention, and that any order was issued based on error. Comes now Carl Green citing the following addit'sonal reasons: 1. Noting the record as suggested by Richard Mosman is not sufFicient. 2. The coalition failed to serve copies of the Notice of Motion and Motion Allowing Intervention as a Party in the above captioned matter in accordance with Minnesota rules. 3. The order states that the motion was received by the administrazive law judge on December 20, 1996, but the actual hearing took place the day before on December 19, 1996. 4. The order is not true, there was no representation of the parties applying for the license in connection with a telephone conference on December 14, 1996. Nor is it e�ident that the interest and position of the coalition with respect to the cabaret license has not already been adequately represented in this proceeding by the Ciry of St. Paul. 9�-3a' 5. In the interest of justice, and for a full development of the facts and positions of all interested parties and citizens on the subjea, the participation of the coalition is unnecessary, and Carl Green should have an opportunity to be heard; any denial would unlawfully deny him rights secured by the Constitution of the United States of America. 6. The order allowing intervention is a complete fabrication of the truth of the facts. Carl Green requests the following: 1. That the order allowing intervention be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for Carl Green to have an opportuniry to be heard in opposition to the coalition of neighborhood groups to intervene as an interested party in this matter. 3. That the interest of the coalition has already been adequately addressed and represented by the City of St. Paul, and that any further delays would discover nothing new. I?ated: December 27, 1946 ��i � �•�� Carl L. Green � Pro Se 9504 Hamlet Avenue 50. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 ��-3a9 Affidavit of Service State of Minnesota County of Washington Carl Green of the City of Cottage Grove, County of Washington, State of Minnesota being duly sworn, says that on the 27th day of December 1996 he served the annexed Notice of Motion and Motion for Opportunity to Oppose Petition Allowing Intervention upon: City of 5t. Paul Attn: Virginia Palmer 400 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Philip Shephard Attorney at Law 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Ave. Minnepolis, Minnesota 55402 Subscribed and sworn before me this 27th day of December 1996. SANDRAA.LEONARD NOTAftY PUBIIG - MINNESOt�I Ay Comm. ExPUes.lmf. 81.200 �� ���� ( '�Y'AX � � � Xf/(9_Q/v� ' Carl L. Green � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timothy E Mar� City Anorney �7-�a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mtryor Civil Division 4OO Ciry HaII IS West Kellogg Blvd Saurt Paul, Muv�esota SSIO2 Tetephone: 612 266-8710 Facsimile: 6I2 298-5619 December 31, 1996 The Honorable Richard Mosman Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Bank 6625 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Mr. Carl Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 E. 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 554Q4 Mr. Philip A. Shepherd Collins & Ingebritson, PA 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc. dJb/a People's Choice Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the hearing in the above-entitled matter, which was continued until Tuesday, January 7, 1997 at 9:30 a.m., will be heard in Room 1504 of the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The City Hall Annex is located on Fourth Street, between Wabasha and Saint Peter Streets. Sincerely, ��� � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timorhy E. Mars, City Rttwrrey 97-3a5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Moyo� Civi! Divisiors 400 Ciry Hatl l5 Wut Kellogg Blvd Saint Pau1, M'mnesom 55701 NOTI�Fi OF HEARING December 3, 1996 Car1 & Elizabeth Green Private Protection, Inc. 615 East 16th Street Minneapolis, MN 55404 Te7ephoxe: 611166-877D Facsimi!¢: 67219&5619 RE: Application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Tnc. d/b/a People's Choice Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green: This is to notify you that a hearing�will be held concerning.the above-referenced license_application pursuant to Chapter..310.O5.and 310.06 of the Saint_Paul_Legislative"Code_at tfie following_ time� date and�pla�ce: � � - - �- '" " - .� ' Date: December 20, 1996 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place: Room 42 City Hall-County Courthouse 15 W. Rellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, i+�7 55101 The hearing examiner will be an Administrative Law Judge £rom the State o£ Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings: Name: Phone: Richard Mosmaa Administrative Law Judge 604 Richfield Saak 6625 Lyadale Avenue South Richtield, NII�T 55423 861-3331 The�Council of 'the City of.$aint Paul.has the.,authority to provide for hearing concerning licensed premises and_for adverse acEion against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310.05 and 310.06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Adverse action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other penalties or 4�- ��9 conditions. The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Pratection has determined that conditions on the above-referenced license are appropriate and will recommend issuance of the licenses applied for subject to the conditions. However, at the hearing before the Saint Paul City Council testimony was heard by citizens in opposition to the issuance of the license. Evidence may be presented to the judge through the intervention of interested 'parties in the proceeding. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes sections 14.57 to 14.62, and the procedural rules of Chapter 1400.5100-1400.8400 of the Minnesota Rules and such parts of the procedures under section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as may be applicable. You have a right to be represeated by ar� attcrney, tc represent yourselves, or co be represented by a person of your choosing to the extent not otherwise prohibited as the unauthorized practice of law. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Sudge will have a11 parties identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may ` cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the City's attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be taken by the City Council. You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to compel *_he a*_tendance of witr_esses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000. If data classified as not public (e.g. private or confidential) is admitted into evidence, it may become public unless a party objects and asks for relief under Minn. Stat. §14.60, subd. 2. A notice of appearance must be filed with the judge within twenty (20} days of the date of service of the notice of and order for hearing if a party intends to appear at the hearing, unless the hearing date is less than twenty days from the issuance of this notice . The undersigned will appear on behalf of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. Please be advised that if you fail to appear at the hearing it may result in the allegations of the notice of and order for hearing � i � 9�-�a9 being accepted as true and result in a determination in £avor of the License Office to recommend eonditions on the license. Very truly yours, � � �� � Vi'rgin�almer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Nancy Thomas, Office of Ac3ministrative Hearings, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, MN 55401 3udge Richa :dosman, bC4 Richf�eld ^nank, '0625 Lynciale Ave. So., Richfield, MN, 55423 Nancy Anderson, City Council, Room 310 City Ha11 Peggy Byrne, Bxecutive Director, Summit-University Planning CounCil, 627 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, 55104 De�.31.1998 11:18AM No.441� P. 113 �7l-�ay� � tnw oFr^tcE oF: INGEBRITSON & A,SSOCIAT�S, P.A. Rueseq A. Iagebriteon Douqys Dek R�id, Jr. Ne�an 0. Sa�cr JoEn C. �y1an• Fhiltip A. Shepheed � k k ,�,�� ,. '�; I ��' ;' e; ' $ I ^� ' [� , I;� ,,.. <u, ,+ � 11a0 Rand Tower 627 Msiquetta Avenuo Sou� Mianw�polia. Mlnnaaom 66a02 Telophona (6Y� 346�8£90 Toll�F`ree (8W) 7$2s893 Telctaz (8I� Sa2�2g90 ' aLo admitted ia llliaote �►i[�ST� .R TR�NSIQ53TON SH�i&�' DATE TRANSMITTED: �� TIASE: '�`�� PLEASE DELIVER 'I'�IE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) T0: xr+a�: �'d`"S� C'c�P� FAX NUM�ER: FROH: PILE: _ MESSAGEI_ INGEBRITSON & ASSOC 3�i�-ab�s� ph:►; .��,�k�+ �I`,�u•�e Q�rv+�v9 +w. �e_s L.� o NOTE: THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED OiVLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVTDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICFI ZT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIIS INFORMATIaN THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAT. AND EXII�T FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLTCA$LE T.AW. IF YOU ARE NOT THE Z23TENOED RECYPIF1�iT OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSISLE FOR DELIVERING TFIE MESSAGE QF THE =N'PENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREHY NOTIFIED THAT APiY DTSSEMINATION, DIS'i'RIBU'PIOL3 OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICA2ZON TS STRICTLY PROHISZTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THTS COMMSJNTCATION IN ERROR� PLEASE IQOTIFY US I2�IEDIATELY BY TELEPHOPtE A2iD RETURN TFFE Oi2IGI1`iAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE .ABOVE AODRESS VIA U.S. POS2AL SF.F2VZCE. TfIP.2dK YOII. • Zg ypU DO NO RECEIVE ALL � PAGES, INCLIIDING TfIIS Ct3VERSHBE2'� p�r,�E �,�,y AS 5002Q AS POSSIBLE: (622j 340— 8290 OR (S00) 282-6393. �Dec. 31. 199fi �,� 7 �. i''� 11;19AM IN6EBRITSON & ASS6C THE LAW OFFICE8 OF: INGEBRITSON $� ASSOCIATES, P.A. I740 Rand Towez, 527 Marquctte Avenne South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (S12) 340-8290 Fax (612) 342�2990 (800) 2B2-6393 No.4417 P, 2/3 ����a� MONTAIVA OFF,[CE: James J. Shea•' Slfi E. Front Stteet, 3uite 3 Miseou)x, MT 55802 Fax (406) 549-4811 (aos) 5a9-47on (800) 790-7460 �eN A. It�ebritson �glas Dale Re�d, Jr. �nan 0. Serger 5� G. Boylan' lip A. Shepk�exd Also admitted in Itlinois Also admittad in Oregnn V%a Fax 349-2665 pecember 31, 1996 Mr. Aichard Mo�man,�- Administrative Law Judge c/o Louise Cooper Office of Administratxve Hearings 100 Washington Square, #1700 Mi.nneapolis, MN 55401-2138 � Re: In the Matter of the License AppZication of Private ` Protection, Inc, et al.. Dear Louise Cooper: I was told by the City artorneys office that you aze the one to see to obtain subpaenaa for administrative hearinge. T am a pro bono attoxney for a coalition of neighborhood gxoups that have just been allowed to intervene. The hearing is scheduled for January 7, 199�. Plea�e send three subpoenas for our use in the hearing, If there is any other information that you need pleaee call me immediaCely as time is short. Thank you in advance. � � =PAS Very truly yours, �� � 1 �� Philip A. Shepherd r � � r _� 4 'Ij� �I�ec.31.1996 11:19AM INGEBRITSON & ASSOC No,4417 P. 3/3 STATE O� MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADINISTRATIVE HEARINGS for the C1TY OF SAINT PALJL ,� In Re: the license apglication of Carl and E�xzabeth Green Private Protection, Inc dba Peoples Choice, 920 Selby Ave St. Paul, Minaesota Qrder A11owi�ng Iz�tervention �/�-���/ , ,��'�,, .� , 1996 By Motion zeceived by the Administrative Law Judge on December 2Q, 1996, a Coalition of neighbozhood groups seeJ,c an Order a�lowing intervention as a party in the above captioned matter in accozdance with Minn, rules 1400.5200. Based upon the morion of the Coalition, the affidavits and documents accompanying it and the repxesentation of the pazties in cozuiecYion with a - telephone conference on Decembez 19, 1996, it is evident that the intexests and ;r, position vf the Coalition xs not adequately represented by the City of Saint ;' Paul in tMs proceeding. The noHce o£ hearing in t}us matter was served less than 30 days prior to the hearing and in the intezest of justice, and foT a full development of the facts and positions of all interested parries and citizens on the subject, the participation of the Coalition is necessary. �•�i��c� � � � � r. � � 9� The Motion of the Coalition of neighborhood groups to intervene in the above captioned matter as a pazty is hereby granted. A.Il notices to the Coalitzan of neighborhood groups as a party to this proceeding shall be served as fol�ows: Mr Philip Shephard Attorney at T.aw 1740 Rand Tower tele: 612 340 8290 527 Niaz�quette Ave, S. • Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 r � � ��� ��_�� [<<Y� _--- ,� _ �_`�`� _�-�`=` �ate Richard A. Mosma Administrative La judge � �� i�'eacTUe� ii:ii � � ACTION REPORT tiva act3on(sl comPleted OFFIGE OP ADMIN.HEARING TX DATE/TIME DESTINATION DEC.31 11:D9 612 342 2990 = , w� # f « � f � � � # TEL:6123492665 DURATIOtd PGS. RESULT M 0° 01' 00' 003 OK N -3 d`j P. 001 k G� �� _. l a� �i �...�_•�x�✓�... . , • jd " s'.`U_a ." � � � 1 ' � ' 1 -.� . _ ji"�.:.� - =:e> ': ��1; y :- ' - " '• TO: Edward Hayes 1484 Sherbume St. Paul, Minnesota 55104-2415 GREETiNGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of #he Licpnse ARplication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at MinneaQolis, Minnesota this �r of ,l�nuarv, 1997. _ KEVIN E. JOHNS�N Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612)340-8290 G�-��g � > �`. - �;<.. � _::� � = � �- : V ��-. ���;: l '; ��`..CC� � t STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMII�IISTRATIVE HEARINGS HEARING SUBPOENA TO: John Wiiliams 1484 Sherburne St. Paui, Minnesota 55104-2415 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HERESY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hail Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in ths City of St. Pauf, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day ofi January, 1997, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of the License A�Alication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this � of lanuary, 1997. , � � KEVIN E. JOHNSON Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612) 340-8290 9�-��9 r . ; �..w,,... . � . .�;,.. : y � .. '> .��'..�w3 tY.�i • � - � � � � � � � � � � . f'. - `.J ` ;. '' TO: Cari Green 9504 Hamlet Avenue South Cottage Grove, Minnesota 55016 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Mlinnesota, at 1504 Ci#y Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paut, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at 9:30 o'cfock in tfie forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of the License ARplication of Private Protection Inc et al. Pursuani to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14,51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this �r of Januarv, 1997. EVIN E. JOHNS Chief Administrative Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd {612) 340-8290 ,, 9�-3a9 .....;� :���... • � • � _ '::vir � • • � i ' . <: -�Ji}_ �': � t ! : • TO; Gurtis Olson 3004 Old Highway 8 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses and to appear before Administrative Law Judge Richard Mosman of the Office of Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at 1504 City Hall Annex, 25 West 4th Street, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the 7th day of January, 1997, at �Qo'ctock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the matter of - - - � �. . . - - . - . - Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Hono�able Kevin E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this �ir of Januarv, 1997. � Chief Administrafive Law Judge 612/341-7600 Subpoena requested by: Philip A. Shepherd (612) 340-8290 ,t_ ��o� n nl� 1an. 2.19`97 2:49PM INGEBRITSON & ASSDC No,4465 P, 1/3 mxE raw oFC�cE oF: RuaeeII A. I�tgebt'itaon Dpugi�a Dsb $md, JT. Neum�a 0. Baxgnr John C. Hoylan• Phaip A. SLep6erd �ACSI I.E fiRA.NSbIISSION SSB� DATE Z`RANSM�'�'TED: !� 3! ��� TIME' �' !� 9�-3�9 17A0 Raad Tower 627 Maequette Avenue 9otsth Mi:uxapolk. Mino�ta 66�0'L Te]ephone (B1E) 940.8290 Toll•F�ee (800) E87�8398 Teitlaz (fi12) 8;2,299t1 ' alao admittad in Illinoie PLEASE DELIVER 'Z`HE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) T0: xr,rrE: Lo'^;Se ��v FAX I3T]MSEFt: FROM: FZI.E: ______ MESSAGE:_ INGEBBITSON & ASSOCIA�TES, P.A. 3�1 q -�6bS"� pl�: �; n S��f�.e.,rvl �r',���-ie Q,�u �,r, f 6��� !es � o NOTE: THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE Z2iDIVSpiJAL OR ENTITY TO WFiICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVIL£GED� CONFIDENTIAL AND EXII�2' FROM DSSClOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOII AF2E NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIEN2' OR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPO2iSI8LE FOR DELIVERING TIiE MES$AGE OF TAE II3TENDED �ECIPT�NT, YOTJ ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THA`P ANY DISSEMINATIO2i, DSSTRIBUTIOiZ OR CQPYING OF THZS COMMUNICATxC�N IS STRICT2Y PROAIBTTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED TFi25 COM1�it7NICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFX US I2IHEDIATELY $Y TELEPH�NE AND RETCTRN THE OFiIGINAL MESSAGE TQ US AT 2`FIE A8p'YE ADDRESS VIA U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THAI�IK YOU. ZF YOU DO NO RECSIVE�L � PAGE5 zNCLUDING THZS COVERSfFgET, PLE'.ASE CALL �,_ �� AS SOON AS POSSSBLE: (622} 3siQ— 8290 OR {8�0) 282-6393- �� ►-' i — Jan, 2.1997 2:49PM INGEBRITSON & ASSOC 3. Edward Hayes John Williams 1464 Sherburne S�. Paul, MN 55104-2415 No, 4465 P. 3/3 4�-3a5 Ownera of 92a Se�by Mr. Hayes and Mr. Williams have knowledge of the building and previous businessee at 92o Selby. If there is any other znformation that you need please call me immediately as time is ahort. Thank you in advance. Vexy truly yours, �� `' ���--� Philip A. Shepherd PAS JAN. -02' 97(THU) 14��41 OFPICE OF ADMIN. HEARING TEL:6123492665 �� �a� P. 001 TRANSACTION REPORT Receptlon Transaction(s) completed NO. TX DATE/TIME DEST[NATION 432 JAN. 2 14:39 612 342 2990 DURATION PGS. RESULT btOOE �° 00' S3" �03 OK N ECM 9 Dec. 23. 1896 2:49PM ITIGEBRITSON & ASS4C THE LAR' OFF[CES OF: INGEBKI'TSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 1740 Tiand Tower, S27 Marquette A,venae South Mieaeagolis. Minnesota 55402 {6l2) 340-8290 Faz 1612) 342-2990 t8�) 262-6393 Busyeu A. tnge6riraon na,�� nae x�a. sz. Neumu+ 0. H¢rger John C. Boylan' philip A. Shepherd •Nso admitted in Dliuois ••�tlso ad,,,aeed in oregon FACSIMILI' TRANSMSSSION SAEET DATE TRP.NSMITTED: Dec mbex' 23 ].996 TIME: PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING FAGE(S} TO: Na.4310 P. 1!4 q �� MnNTAP7A OFFICE: a�� �. sn��- 815 E. Front Stree4, SuFte 3 Miggoula, SST 69802 Fax (406� 549-4811 {ao� sasa7oo (800) 790•7460 NAME: Richard A Moeman Ad ini trative Law Judae _--� FAX NUMBER: ( J� I " �� FROM: Philip A SheAherd attornev for the Coalition __ FILE: T�he matter of the license anAlication for Peoole's oice. MESSAGE: NOTE: THIS MESSAGE SS INTEA7DED ONLY FOEt TAE U5E OF TEIE INDTVIDUAL QR ENTITX TO WFI3CH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT ZS PRIVTLEGED, CONFIDENTIAL b1ND EXEMPT FAQM DISGLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOU ARE NdT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OR 'PHE EMPL01'EE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOk DELIVERING THE MESSAGE OF THE INTEI�I3ED RECIPIENT, YQU ARE AEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINRTION, DISTRIBUTION 4R COPYING OF TI3IS COMMUNICATZON IS 3TRZCTLY PROHTBZTED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED 'FHIS COMMt333ICATTON IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE 20 IIS AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA U.S. POSTAL SERVICE_ THANK YOU. IF 'fQ� DO 1`IO RfiCEZVE ALL 5 PAG&S, ZNCLUIJING THIS COVERSHEET. PLEASE CALL K_ ari AS SOON AS POSSIBLE: (612J 34�-8290 Ok (S00} 282-6393. � Dec.23. 1996 2:47PM iNGEBRITSON & ASSOG Pdu.4310 P. 2/4 y�J_3�� THE I,AW OFFiCES OF: Ruee.ei3 A. Ingebriteon Dnuglae Dale ke+d. Sz. Neu+nan 0. Be:ges Joha C. Boy7an' phitip A. Shephe3d • A4so admiUted in Iltirrois •• Aleo admitted in O�egon INGEBI�ITSON & ASSOC�ATES, P.A. 1740 Rand Towes, 527 Marqnette Avenue South Minaeagalis, 1ltinneaota b5402 (612) 340-6290 Fax (612) 342•2990 (800) 282-fi398 Mr. Ftichard Mosman Administrative Law 3udge 604 Richtield Bank 5025 Lyndale Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 DeCember 23, 1996 MONTAI3A OFFICE: Jamea J. Shea'• 815 E. Pront SWdat, Suite 3 Misaovia. MT 588�2 Faz (aD6) 5a9�asll (906) 649�4'f64 (6W) 7�746U Re: In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc, et al. Dear Mr. Mosman: Enclosed please find the original Petition to Intervene as well as the proposed Order regarding the above matter. very truly yours, ?�� � �'l Philip A. 9hepherd PAS/klj Enclosures � Dec. 23. 1996 2:48PNi iNGEBRITSON & ASSOG STATE OF' MINNESOTA OFFICE 4F AI?MSNISTRATIVE AEARING . 3 In the Matter of the License } Application of Private Protection, Inc. d/bla People's Choice } 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, � Minnesota, 5510& , ORDER COMES NQW, this Court, aftez review of the Coali.tion of neigYiborhood group's motion to intervene, and all relatiae parts of this case to oxder the foilowing: z'T IS ORDfiRED THAT: 1. The Coali�ion of neighborhood groups motion to intervene as a party with full rights of a party in the above-entitled action is granted. Dated this day of 1996• BY THE COURT: Richard A. Mosman Administrative Law Sudge Ido. 4310 P. 3/4 C�-�_ 3� f CITY OF SATNT PAUL oAF3 Docket No.: 1 Dec. 23. 1996 2:48PPg INGEBRITSON & ASSOG No.4310 P. 4/4 �7_�a; RFTIEF AND ORDER SOIIGHT 1. An order permitting the Caalition of neighborhood groups to intervene as a party with full rights of a party in the above-antitl�d action. 2. For such other and further relief the Court deems just and equitable to grant at this time. � Dated this � day of fl�'�' , 1996. INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, F.A- By: � F � � I ` Philip A• Shepherd MtU Atty. I.D. No. 222366 ].740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South MinneapoJ.is, MN 55442 {61Z) 340-829D Z q�-3ag THE LAW OFFICES OF: INGESRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 1740 Rand Tower, 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (612) 340-8290 Faa (612) 342-2990 (800) 282-6393 Russell A. Ingebritson Douglas Dale Reid, Jr. Neuman 0. Berger John C. Boylan* Phi]ip A. Shepherd `A3so admitted in Illinois `*tllso admitted in Oregon Mr. Richard Mosman Administrative Law 604 Richfield Bank 6025 Lyndale Avenue Richfield, MN 55423 Judge South December 18, 1996 ����B�C 2 �' 1996 MONTANA OFFICE: James J. Shea" 815 E. Front Street, Suite 3 Missou]a, MT 59802 Fax (406) 549-4Sll (406) 549-4700 (800) 790-7450 Re: In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc, et al. Dear Mr. Mosman: Enclosed herewith please find the Coalition's Notice of Motion and Motion to Continue 12/20/96 Hearing as well as a proposed Order and an affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd in support of said motion in regards to the above-entitled matter. VeYy truly yours, ��,�,� .5��.� � Philip A. Shepherd PASjklj Enclosures � q�- 3� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, } NOTICE OF MOTION AND Inc, dfb/a People's Choice ) MOTION TO CONTINUE 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) 12/20/96 HEARING Minnesota, 55104 ) ) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Coalition of neighborhood groups will motion �1 Court for a continuance af the 12/20/96 hearir�g in the above captioned case. The Coalition will bring this motion as soon as the ALJ is able to schedule a hearing but not later than 12/20/96. COMES NOW a Coalition of neighborhoods groups to motion this Court for a continuance of the 12/20J96 hearing cites the following reasons: 1, 2. 3. 4. The Coalition The Notice of Hearing was served 12/3J96 for a hearing on 12/20/96. The Coalition was informed of the 12J20/96 hearing on Tuesday, December 10, 1996. The Coalition will be petitioning to intervene in the present case. The Coalition has inadequate time to properly prepare its petition to intervene. The Coalition has inadequate time to properly prepare its case against approval of the above application. 5. The Coalition will need to subpoena witnesses for its case against the approval of the application and the Coalition's petition to intervene must be granted before it has the legal ability to issue subpoenas. 6. The Coalition`s attorney is and will be unavailable to attend the hearing due to a trial previously scheduled. Philip Shepherd is currently attending trial in the Stearns County District Court, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Case No.: C6-46-569, captioned Bruners vs. Hemmesch 1 q�-3�5 and Moen which begdn on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 and is expected to continue through the end of the week into and including Friday, December 20, 1996. The Coalition requests the following order: 1. That the 12/20/96 hearing be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for the Coalition's petition to intervene at some time after 1/15j97. 3. That a hearing regarding application for licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Inc., d/b/a People's Choice be scheduled for sometime after February l, 1997. The Coalition's motion is supported by the Affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd. Dated this /�� day of i���""�� 1996. INGEBRITSON & ASSOCIATES, P.A. BY : '�'�� �' �``�� Philip A. Shepherd MN Atty. I.D. No. 2223a6 1740 Rand Tower 527 Marquette Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 340-8290 � 9�-�a-� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING ) In the Matter of the License ) Application of Private Protection, ) Inc. d/b/a People's Choice ) 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, ) Minnesota, 55104 ) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: AFFIDAVIT OF PHILIP A. SHEPHERD COMES NOW, Philip A. Shepherd, under oath to state as follows: 1. Philip A. Shepherd is attorney for a number of neighborhood groups hereinafter "Coalition�' in the above- captioned case. 2. Your affiant was notified of the December 20, 1996 hearing on December 10, 1996. 3. The ten (10) days from actual notice to the date of hearing are inadequate for the Coalition to properly prepare its petition to intervene. 4. The Coalition will bring a petition to intervene prior to December 20, 1996. The coalition needs additional time to prepare its memorandum in support of petition to intervene. 5. The Coalition's petition to intervene must be granted before the Coalition can obtain subpoenas and subpoena testimony necessary for a complete hearing and a proper opposition. 6. The ten (107 days from actual notice to the date of hearing are inadequate £or the Coalition to properly prepare its 1 �� 3ag opposition to the approval o£ the application in the above- captioned case. 7_ The Coalition needs time to subpoena witnesses, schedule witnesses, notify employers of needed time off to appear and testify, and to obtain all relevant documents £rom city files. 8. Lastly, your affiant is unavailable to attend the hearing due to a trial previously scheduled. Affiant is currently at trial in the Stearns County District Court, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Case No.: C6-96-569, captioned Bruners vs. Hemmesch and Moen. Trial which began on Tuesday, December 17, 1996 is expected to continue through the end of the week into and including Friday, December 20, 1996. 9. In the interest of justice and a full and fair hearing on the application the December 20, 1996 hearing must be vacated and a new hearing date scheduled. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. r�ated: J�. ��'"�6 �/� �-�"� Philip A. Shepherd � Subscribed and sw n to before me this ��1 day�of , 1996. c `+ARI LY dENO ",OTARY PUBLIG N'eS07 "t Ca;nmisscn Expires 1ar, 31, 2000 2 _t' F,<.,=o . �< _� ah:.>_MrnMwnww.� �1� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING In the Matter of the License Application of Private Protection, Inc. d/b/a People's Choice 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55104 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OAH Docket No.: ORDER COMES NOW, this Court, after review of the Coalition of neighborhood group's motion to continue the 12/20f96 hearing, Affidavit of Philip A. Shepherd in support, and all relative parts of this case file to order the following: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. That the 12/20/96 hearing be vacated. 2. That a hearing be scheduled for the Coalition's petition to intervene on the day of , 1997 at o'clock. 3. That a hearing RE: Application for Licenses at 920 Selby Avenue by Private Protection, Tnc., dfb/a "People's Choice" be scheduled on the day of , 1997 at o'clock. Dated this day of , 1996. BY THE COURT: Richard A. Mosman Administrative Law Judge 1