D00545 �' _ • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRAT'IVE ORDER BUDGET REVtSION No.: ���5 Date: � � �' �1 � GS #: -���b cS ADl�'IINISTRATIVE DRDER, ConsisteM with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of ihe Director of the DepartmeM of Pu6iic Workc to amend the 19 95 6udget of the Street Repair and CleaninR Fund fund, the Director of the Departrnerrt of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: e�,dset` a,d�t � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 • 2zs 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 zzs 225 225 225 -42331-011l - 42331 - 0439 - 42332 - 0341 - 42332 - 0344 - 42333 - 011l - 42333 - 0439 - 42336 - 0111 - 42336 - 0439 - 42337 - 0111 - 42337 - 0439 - 42335 - 0111 - 42338 - 0329 - 42338 - 0439 - 42XXX- OXXX Full Tune Peimanent Fringe Benefits Motor Fuel Parts For Vehicles Full Time Pexmanent Fringe Benefits Full Time Peimanent Fringe Benefits Full Titne Pem�anen[ Fringe Benefits Full Time Permanent Other-Rep/Maint Grds, Str Fringe Benefi[s All othex sp¢nding Totals $419,536.00 ($30,OOQ.00) $389,536.00 $114,534.00 ($7,800.00) $106,734.00 $0.00 51,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $162,929.00 ($20,000.00) $142,929.00 $]62,929.00 ($5,200.00) $157,729.00 $107,036.00 ($25,000.00) $52,036.00 $29,231.00 ($6,500.00) $22,731.00 $183,763.00 ($25,000.00) $158,763.00 $50,162.OQ ($6,500.00) $43,662.00 $50,565.00 $100,000.00 $180,565.00 $32,623.00 ($3,000.00) $29,623.00 $21,981.00 $26,000.00 $47,981.00 $13,759,204.00 $0.00 $13,759,204.00 $15,124,493.00 $0.00 $15,124,493.00 S •� � PreparedbY: Msnager �'�i ��- ReG�ested by. Departme Direcror C �' %��� ! � ` ��.�--�--eX Approved y:l layor � - ` l � �� �.� �a..,_ �� PAA b1ENT/OFFI E/CAUNCIL pTE INRIA7ED ��y� �� Publi�woz� �" �t� C�!�. 4/20/95 GREEN SHEET r,o.� CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE 1AUDATE INRIAUDATE Gary L. ErichSOn 266-6229 N �� �� cin a ORNEY � 0 cm c�� c �� MUSTBEONCO��ILAGEfA�ABY(DAT� � �BU�GETDIRECTOfi � FINANGEACCOUNTING �MAYOR(OPASSI5TAN7) Q pp�y � TAL R OF SIGNATIlRE PAGES � (CLP ALL LOCA710i75 FOR SIGNATURE) O DEPARTMENi ACWU s4 �L pCT1�N REQUESTED Approve Administrarive Oicler adjusting the budgets of acavities 42331,42333,42336,42337 and 42338 S�eet Repair and Cleu�ing Administration in the S[reet Repair and Cleaning Fund 225. RECOMMEN9AZ10NS7�ppwa pq orAejec� (q) pEpSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS YUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION_CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 7. Hd5 ihis pBISON(rm eVaf Wo1'ked undef aCOntraCt f0f ihis depaRment? CIB COMMITTEE YES NO A STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a dry employee? — — YES NO , DisTqiCi CouNCIL _ 9. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNqLO&lECT1VE? VES NO Explain all yes answars on saparete sheet ami attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI�: The winter of 1/1J95-3J31)95 has been mild. There has been one snow emergency in 1995. Work is assigned to Winter Saeet Mtce. when not mobilized foi snow emergencies. Winter patching is done on routes in order to keep the streets free of hazazds. Brushing is done on about 125 paved alleys. This is prepazazory work before the alley is chip sealed in ffie summer. If brushing was done during the summer, it would hold up the work and add cost. In March, winter crews began pazching with hot mix. This provides better, longer lasang patches. Street sweepers were sent out on arterial streeu to remove the winter build up of sand and salt which can be hazardous when dry. The funding for the additional budget in activiry 42338 is not an increase, but rather a transfer of unspent funds i� the winter snow codes of »lowine. heaw removal and removal at crosswalks. � ADVANTAGESIF APPROVED: Budgets will be adjusted to more closely reflect actual work assigned �2ECEiVED MAY 2 41995 �;aTY i;�.�_�+� OtSADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Activiry 42338 Winter Sffeet Maintenance will not reflect the proper allocation of city resources to support the acmal work progiams that were performed in 1995. �� ALAMOUNTOFTflANSACTION$ -0- C0.5T/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIpCLEONE) YES NO oiNCSOUecE ACTIVISVNUMBEF 42331,42333,d2336,42337 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINJ dUl