97-311������``�E�_ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL. M &esented Referted To 1 2 3 4 Council File # ��1/ Green Sheet # �� A ` o� ; � Committee Date Reqnesting the State Legislature Exempt Saint Paul from Amendments to Minnesota Statutes, sec 205.07, subd. 1, and allow the voters in 5aint Paul to decide the term of office for Saint Paul City Councilmembers 5 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature enacted certain amendments in 1994 and 1995 to Minnesota 6 Statutes, Sea 205.07, subd. 1(the "1994(1995 Amendments"), which governs the date of municipal 7 elections and also governs, inter alia, the term of office of city council members; and 8 WE-IEREAS, the St. Paul City Council is advised that, accarding to a legal opinion issued by the St. Paul 9 City Attorney, dated February 3, 1997, the 1994/1995 Amendments changed the term of office of 10 councilmembers in home rule charter cities to four years; and ll WI�REAS, the Minnesota Attorney General, in an opinion issued to the City of Crystal, dated October 12 27, 1995, has also concluded that the 1994/1995 Amendments to Sec. 205 apply to charter cities; and 13 WHEREAS, according to the St. Paul City Attorney, the 1994J1995 Amendments are effective as of 14 January 1, 1998, so that the four year term of office will apply to St. Paul Councilmembers elected in the 15 fa11 elections of 1997 unless action is taken to exempt the Ciry of St. Paul from the effect of the 1994l1995 16 Amendments; and 17 WHEREAS, the change in the term of office for councilmembers mandated by the effect of the 199411945 18 Amendments conflicts with the St. Paul Charter, Sea 2A2, which sets the term of Council Members at two 19 years; and 20 WI-�REAS, in 1984 and 1986 the voters of St. Paui rejected charter amendment proposals that would have 21 e�ended the terms of Councilmembers to four years; and 1 ��-,�» i WIIEREAS, the Saint Paul Charter Commission considered these issues and believes that the appropriate 2 process for changing the term of office of Councilmembers under the St. Paul Home Rule Charter is to put 3 the issue before the voters of the City and on March 10, 1997 adopted a resolution supporting immediate 4 action by the Legislature to exempt the City of Saint Paul from these statutes;. 5 NOW TF�REFORE BE IT RESOL�ED that the St. Paul City Council supports immediate action by the 6 Legislature to exempt the City of St. Paul $om the 1494(1995 Amendments to Minnesota Statutes, Sec. ? 105.07, subd. 1, so as to allow the voters of Saint Paul to decide the term of office far St. Paul City 8 Councilmembers. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� �,°^ S a- = � r�r� By. Approved by Mayot: Date ��l 5 7" By: °�C�._. r' ",� Adopted by Council: Date f V\ o ,,.�� �( � q q'"t City Council Roberta Megard 266-8640 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 3-19-97 9`?-3// GREEN SHEET N� 2 � � � 2 INI7IAWATE INRIAVDATE — DEPARTIAEM OIRECTOR a CITY CqUNCIL crosrtowaev � cm c�eaK BUDGET DiflECTOR � FIN. & MGi SERVICES DIR. MAYOR (OR AS515(ANn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Requesting the State Legislature exempt St. Paul from Amendmenu to:Minnesota Statutes, sec ?ASA7, subd.l, and allow the voters in Saint Paul to decide the term of office for Saint Paul City Councll. flECOMMENDATiONS: Apptwe (A) rn flejeGt (R) __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE CAMMI5SIOM _ CIB COMMITfEE _ _ STAFF _ _DISTftIGTCOUflT _, SUPPORTS WHfCN CAUNCIlO&1EGTNE? PERSONAI SEHVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this persoMirm ever worked under a con[ract tor t6is departmeni? YES NO 2 Has this persoNfirm ever been a oiry emplpyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNiirm possess a sWli not normally possessetl by any arrent city empioyee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separata aheM and attach to green sheM 1FAPPROVED: )TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ NDIWG SOURCE 4NCIAL INFQFMATION: (EXPfA1N) COSTfREVENUE BUDGEtEO (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NUMBER YES NO �". 19. 9? 12 � 45PM �cBLJTT£RSRODT 292-1 DOD P02 _,� SAtNT PAUL SAINT PAtlL, March 19, 1997 Dave Thune, Councii President 310-B City Fiail 15 West Keilogg Se. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Council President Thune: CpMMISSION 55102 97' 31 � Attached is a copy of a ltesolution appraved by the Charter Commission at its ragular meeting held Mazch 10, 193'7. • This concerns the sff�ct of recent legisiation regarding municipa] elections. A.s you know, the City Attorney has opined that these amendments mandate a change in the term of City Council members whieh is in cont,Iict with the City Chaz[er. The Charter Commission has initiated discussions with the St. Paul legislat9ve delegation to resrore the status quo under the City Chaner. The Resolution reflects that initiauve. We hope the City Councit willsupgort this measure by appropriate resolution as soon as your agenda would permit. Very trulY Yours, ����� Robert t). Sulterbrodt �.� Chair Telephone: 292-1000 RDB_lmm Enclosure cc: Mayor Norm Coleman All CouncSl Members aa(�r 8 PqINTE00ti AECYCL69 PAPEp �- . _.� iS.S� 12�45PM �BUTTERBRODT 292-1D00 ,� SA{NT PAUL CN COMMISSI�N 3AIMT PAUL, 55102 pD3 ��-�/l RESOLUTTON adopted by tha Commission in regular sesszon, March 10, 1999; ali present voting aye, Commissioners bris�oll and Losca3w abscaining. WH�AS, the Minnesota I.egislattsre enacted certa9n amendments in 1994 and i995 to Nlinnesota Statutes, 5ec. 205.07, subd. 1(che "i994/1995 Amendments"), whach governs the date of municipal elecrions and also governs, inter �, the term af o�ce of oity council members; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Chatter Commission is advised thae, according to a lagal opinion issued by the Si. PauI City Attorney, dated Febivary 3, 1497, dte I99411995 Amendmenrs changed the term of ofFiee of council members in home rule char�r cities to four years: and �'HEREA.S, the Charter Commission is fiirther advised that the Niinnesota Attrnney General, in an opinion issued to the Caty of Crysral, dat�d October 27, 2995, has also conciuded that the 1994t1995 Amendmencs w Sac. 20i apply to charter cities; and WHEREAS, aceording ta the Sc. Paut City Attorney, che 19941199g Amendments are effective as of January 1, 194$, so tttaz the fout year term of off'ice will apply to St. Paul Council members eIected in the fali elections of 199"7 un]ess action is taken to exempt the City of St. Paul from the effect of the 1994J1995 Amendments; WHEItEAS, the change in the term of o�ce for council rnembers mandated by the effect of tk� 1994/i995 Amendmenta cantlicts with che St. Pau3 Charter, Sea 2.62, which sets the term of Cauncii members at two years; and WHEIiEAS, in 1484 and 1486 the voters of St. Paul rejeeted chart�z amerniment proposals that wouId have extended the terms of Covncil members to four years; and WH�REAS, the Charter Commission believes that the appropriate process for changing the term af office of Council membe�s under the St. Paui I-Tome Itule Charter is to put the issue befose the voters of the C'sty; NOW THBRBFORE, BE IT RE50LVED, that the St. Paul Charter Commission supports immediate action by the Legislasure to exempt the Ciry af St. Pau1 from the 1994l1995 Amen�iments co Minoesota Sracuces, Sec, 2a5.07, subd. 1, so as ta leave the issue of ttze term of office for St, Paui City Council rstembecs to the vaters of St. Paul. «.c� a VNIMlD ON [iEC7CLED PAOEA ������``�E�_ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL. M &esented Referted To 1 2 3 4 Council File # ��1/ Green Sheet # �� A ` o� ; � Committee Date Reqnesting the State Legislature Exempt Saint Paul from Amendments to Minnesota Statutes, sec 205.07, subd. 1, and allow the voters in 5aint Paul to decide the term of office for Saint Paul City Councilmembers 5 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature enacted certain amendments in 1994 and 1995 to Minnesota 6 Statutes, Sea 205.07, subd. 1(the "1994(1995 Amendments"), which governs the date of municipal 7 elections and also governs, inter alia, the term of office of city council members; and 8 WE-IEREAS, the St. Paul City Council is advised that, accarding to a legal opinion issued by the St. Paul 9 City Attorney, dated February 3, 1997, the 1994/1995 Amendments changed the term of office of 10 councilmembers in home rule charter cities to four years; and ll WI�REAS, the Minnesota Attorney General, in an opinion issued to the City of Crystal, dated October 12 27, 1995, has also concluded that the 1994/1995 Amendments to Sec. 205 apply to charter cities; and 13 WHEREAS, according to the St. Paul City Attorney, the 1994J1995 Amendments are effective as of 14 January 1, 1998, so that the four year term of office will apply to St. Paul Councilmembers elected in the 15 fa11 elections of 1997 unless action is taken to exempt the Ciry of St. Paul from the effect of the 1994l1995 16 Amendments; and 17 WHEREAS, the change in the term of office for councilmembers mandated by the effect of the 199411945 18 Amendments conflicts with the St. Paul Charter, Sea 2A2, which sets the term of Council Members at two 19 years; and 20 WI-�REAS, in 1984 and 1986 the voters of St. Paui rejected charter amendment proposals that would have 21 e�ended the terms of Councilmembers to four years; and 1 ��-,�» i WIIEREAS, the Saint Paul Charter Commission considered these issues and believes that the appropriate 2 process for changing the term of office of Councilmembers under the St. Paul Home Rule Charter is to put 3 the issue before the voters of the City and on March 10, 1997 adopted a resolution supporting immediate 4 action by the Legislature to exempt the City of Saint Paul from these statutes;. 5 NOW TF�REFORE BE IT RESOL�ED that the St. Paul City Council supports immediate action by the 6 Legislature to exempt the City of St. Paul $om the 1494(1995 Amendments to Minnesota Statutes, Sec. ? 105.07, subd. 1, so as to allow the voters of Saint Paul to decide the term of office far St. Paul City 8 Councilmembers. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� �,°^ S a- = � r�r� By. Approved by Mayot: Date ��l 5 7" By: °�C�._. r' ",� Adopted by Council: Date f V\ o ,,.�� �( � q q'"t City Council Roberta Megard 266-8640 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 3-19-97 9`?-3// GREEN SHEET N� 2 � � � 2 INI7IAWATE INRIAVDATE — DEPARTIAEM OIRECTOR a CITY CqUNCIL crosrtowaev � cm c�eaK BUDGET DiflECTOR � FIN. & MGi SERVICES DIR. MAYOR (OR AS515(ANn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Requesting the State Legislature exempt St. Paul from Amendmenu to:Minnesota Statutes, sec ?ASA7, subd.l, and allow the voters in Saint Paul to decide the term of office for Saint Paul City Councll. flECOMMENDATiONS: Apptwe (A) rn flejeGt (R) __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE CAMMI5SIOM _ CIB COMMITfEE _ _ STAFF _ _DISTftIGTCOUflT _, SUPPORTS WHfCN CAUNCIlO&1EGTNE? PERSONAI SEHVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this persoMirm ever worked under a con[ract tor t6is departmeni? YES NO 2 Has this persoNfirm ever been a oiry emplpyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNiirm possess a sWli not normally possessetl by any arrent city empioyee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separata aheM and attach to green sheM 1FAPPROVED: )TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ NDIWG SOURCE 4NCIAL INFQFMATION: (EXPfA1N) COSTfREVENUE BUDGEtEO (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NUMBER YES NO �". 19. 9? 12 � 45PM �cBLJTT£RSRODT 292-1 DOD P02 _,� SAtNT PAUL SAINT PAtlL, March 19, 1997 Dave Thune, Councii President 310-B City Fiail 15 West Keilogg Se. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Council President Thune: CpMMISSION 55102 97' 31 � Attached is a copy of a ltesolution appraved by the Charter Commission at its ragular meeting held Mazch 10, 193'7. • This concerns the sff�ct of recent legisiation regarding municipa] elections. A.s you know, the City Attorney has opined that these amendments mandate a change in the term of City Council members whieh is in cont,Iict with the City Chaz[er. The Charter Commission has initiated discussions with the St. Paul legislat9ve delegation to resrore the status quo under the City Chaner. The Resolution reflects that initiauve. We hope the City Councit willsupgort this measure by appropriate resolution as soon as your agenda would permit. Very trulY Yours, ����� Robert t). Sulterbrodt �.� Chair Telephone: 292-1000 RDB_lmm Enclosure cc: Mayor Norm Coleman All CouncSl Members aa(�r 8 PqINTE00ti AECYCL69 PAPEp �- . _.� iS.S� 12�45PM �BUTTERBRODT 292-1D00 ,� SA{NT PAUL CN COMMISSI�N 3AIMT PAUL, 55102 pD3 ��-�/l RESOLUTTON adopted by tha Commission in regular sesszon, March 10, 1999; ali present voting aye, Commissioners bris�oll and Losca3w abscaining. WH�AS, the Minnesota I.egislattsre enacted certa9n amendments in 1994 and i995 to Nlinnesota Statutes, 5ec. 205.07, subd. 1(che "i994/1995 Amendments"), whach governs the date of municipal elecrions and also governs, inter �, the term af o�ce of oity council members; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Chatter Commission is advised thae, according to a lagal opinion issued by the Si. PauI City Attorney, dated Febivary 3, 1497, dte I99411995 Amendmenrs changed the term of ofFiee of council members in home rule char�r cities to four years: and �'HEREA.S, the Charter Commission is fiirther advised that the Niinnesota Attrnney General, in an opinion issued to the Caty of Crysral, dat�d October 27, 2995, has also conciuded that the 1994t1995 Amendmencs w Sac. 20i apply to charter cities; and WHEREAS, aceording ta the Sc. Paut City Attorney, che 19941199g Amendments are effective as of January 1, 194$, so tttaz the fout year term of off'ice will apply to St. Paul Council members eIected in the fali elections of 199"7 un]ess action is taken to exempt the City of St. Paul from the effect of the 1994J1995 Amendments; WHEItEAS, the change in the term of o�ce for council rnembers mandated by the effect of tk� 1994/i995 Amendmenta cantlicts with che St. Pau3 Charter, Sea 2.62, which sets the term of Cauncii members at two years; and WHEIiEAS, in 1484 and 1486 the voters of St. Paul rejeeted chart�z amerniment proposals that wouId have extended the terms of Covncil members to four years; and WH�REAS, the Charter Commission believes that the appropriate process for changing the term af office of Council membe�s under the St. Paui I-Tome Itule Charter is to put the issue befose the voters of the C'sty; NOW THBRBFORE, BE IT RE50LVED, that the St. Paul Charter Commission supports immediate action by the Legislasure to exempt the Ciry af St. Pau1 from the 1994l1995 Amen�iments co Minoesota Sracuces, Sec, 2a5.07, subd. 1, so as ta leave the issue of ttze term of office for St, Paui City Council rstembecs to the vaters of St. Paul. «.c� a VNIMlD ON [iEC7CLED PAOEA ������``�E�_ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL. M &esented Referted To 1 2 3 4 Council File # ��1/ Green Sheet # �� A ` o� ; � Committee Date Reqnesting the State Legislature Exempt Saint Paul from Amendments to Minnesota Statutes, sec 205.07, subd. 1, and allow the voters in 5aint Paul to decide the term of office for Saint Paul City Councilmembers 5 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature enacted certain amendments in 1994 and 1995 to Minnesota 6 Statutes, Sea 205.07, subd. 1(the "1994(1995 Amendments"), which governs the date of municipal 7 elections and also governs, inter alia, the term of office of city council members; and 8 WE-IEREAS, the St. Paul City Council is advised that, accarding to a legal opinion issued by the St. Paul 9 City Attorney, dated February 3, 1997, the 1994/1995 Amendments changed the term of office of 10 councilmembers in home rule charter cities to four years; and ll WI�REAS, the Minnesota Attorney General, in an opinion issued to the City of Crystal, dated October 12 27, 1995, has also concluded that the 1994/1995 Amendments to Sec. 205 apply to charter cities; and 13 WHEREAS, according to the St. Paul City Attorney, the 1994J1995 Amendments are effective as of 14 January 1, 1998, so that the four year term of office will apply to St. Paul Councilmembers elected in the 15 fa11 elections of 1997 unless action is taken to exempt the Ciry of St. Paul from the effect of the 1994l1995 16 Amendments; and 17 WHEREAS, the change in the term of office for councilmembers mandated by the effect of the 199411945 18 Amendments conflicts with the St. Paul Charter, Sea 2A2, which sets the term of Council Members at two 19 years; and 20 WI-�REAS, in 1984 and 1986 the voters of St. Paui rejected charter amendment proposals that would have 21 e�ended the terms of Councilmembers to four years; and 1 ��-,�» i WIIEREAS, the Saint Paul Charter Commission considered these issues and believes that the appropriate 2 process for changing the term of office of Councilmembers under the St. Paul Home Rule Charter is to put 3 the issue before the voters of the City and on March 10, 1997 adopted a resolution supporting immediate 4 action by the Legislature to exempt the City of Saint Paul from these statutes;. 5 NOW TF�REFORE BE IT RESOL�ED that the St. Paul City Council supports immediate action by the 6 Legislature to exempt the City of St. Paul $om the 1494(1995 Amendments to Minnesota Statutes, Sec. ? 105.07, subd. 1, so as to allow the voters of Saint Paul to decide the term of office far St. Paul City 8 Councilmembers. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� �,°^ S a- = � r�r� By. Approved by Mayot: Date ��l 5 7" By: °�C�._. r' ",� Adopted by Council: Date f V\ o ,,.�� �( � q q'"t City Council Roberta Megard 266-8640 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 3-19-97 9`?-3// GREEN SHEET N� 2 � � � 2 INI7IAWATE INRIAVDATE — DEPARTIAEM OIRECTOR a CITY CqUNCIL crosrtowaev � cm c�eaK BUDGET DiflECTOR � FIN. & MGi SERVICES DIR. MAYOR (OR AS515(ANn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Requesting the State Legislature exempt St. Paul from Amendmenu to:Minnesota Statutes, sec ?ASA7, subd.l, and allow the voters in Saint Paul to decide the term of office for Saint Paul City Councll. flECOMMENDATiONS: Apptwe (A) rn flejeGt (R) __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE CAMMI5SIOM _ CIB COMMITfEE _ _ STAFF _ _DISTftIGTCOUflT _, SUPPORTS WHfCN CAUNCIlO&1EGTNE? PERSONAI SEHVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this persoMirm ever worked under a con[ract tor t6is departmeni? YES NO 2 Has this persoNfirm ever been a oiry emplpyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNiirm possess a sWli not normally possessetl by any arrent city empioyee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separata aheM and attach to green sheM 1FAPPROVED: )TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ NDIWG SOURCE 4NCIAL INFQFMATION: (EXPfA1N) COSTfREVENUE BUDGEtEO (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NUMBER YES NO �". 19. 9? 12 � 45PM �cBLJTT£RSRODT 292-1 DOD P02 _,� SAtNT PAUL SAINT PAtlL, March 19, 1997 Dave Thune, Councii President 310-B City Fiail 15 West Keilogg Se. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Council President Thune: CpMMISSION 55102 97' 31 � Attached is a copy of a ltesolution appraved by the Charter Commission at its ragular meeting held Mazch 10, 193'7. • This concerns the sff�ct of recent legisiation regarding municipa] elections. A.s you know, the City Attorney has opined that these amendments mandate a change in the term of City Council members whieh is in cont,Iict with the City Chaz[er. The Charter Commission has initiated discussions with the St. Paul legislat9ve delegation to resrore the status quo under the City Chaner. The Resolution reflects that initiauve. We hope the City Councit willsupgort this measure by appropriate resolution as soon as your agenda would permit. Very trulY Yours, ����� Robert t). Sulterbrodt �.� Chair Telephone: 292-1000 RDB_lmm Enclosure cc: Mayor Norm Coleman All CouncSl Members aa(�r 8 PqINTE00ti AECYCL69 PAPEp �- . _.� iS.S� 12�45PM �BUTTERBRODT 292-1D00 ,� SA{NT PAUL CN COMMISSI�N 3AIMT PAUL, 55102 pD3 ��-�/l RESOLUTTON adopted by tha Commission in regular sesszon, March 10, 1999; ali present voting aye, Commissioners bris�oll and Losca3w abscaining. WH�AS, the Minnesota I.egislattsre enacted certa9n amendments in 1994 and i995 to Nlinnesota Statutes, 5ec. 205.07, subd. 1(che "i994/1995 Amendments"), whach governs the date of municipal elecrions and also governs, inter �, the term af o�ce of oity council members; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul Chatter Commission is advised thae, according to a lagal opinion issued by the Si. PauI City Attorney, dated Febivary 3, 1497, dte I99411995 Amendmenrs changed the term of ofFiee of council members in home rule char�r cities to four years: and �'HEREA.S, the Charter Commission is fiirther advised that the Niinnesota Attrnney General, in an opinion issued to the Caty of Crysral, dat�d October 27, 2995, has also conciuded that the 1994t1995 Amendmencs w Sac. 20i apply to charter cities; and WHEREAS, aceording ta the Sc. Paut City Attorney, che 19941199g Amendments are effective as of January 1, 194$, so tttaz the fout year term of off'ice will apply to St. Paul Council members eIected in the fali elections of 199"7 un]ess action is taken to exempt the City of St. Paul from the effect of the 1994J1995 Amendments; WHEItEAS, the change in the term of o�ce for council rnembers mandated by the effect of tk� 1994/i995 Amendmenta cantlicts with che St. Pau3 Charter, Sea 2.62, which sets the term of Cauncii members at two years; and WHEIiEAS, in 1484 and 1486 the voters of St. Paul rejeeted chart�z amerniment proposals that wouId have extended the terms of Covncil members to four years; and WH�REAS, the Charter Commission believes that the appropriate process for changing the term af office of Council membe�s under the St. Paui I-Tome Itule Charter is to put the issue befose the voters of the C'sty; NOW THBRBFORE, BE IT RE50LVED, that the St. Paul Charter Commission supports immediate action by the Legislasure to exempt the Ciry af St. Pau1 from the 1994l1995 Amen�iments co Minoesota Sracuces, Sec, 2a5.07, subd. 1, so as ta leave the issue of ttze term of office for St, Paui City Council rstembecs to the vaters of St. Paul. «.c� a VNIMlD ON [iEC7CLED PAOEA