Richards & Durant ; AMERICAN FAMILY � <� 6131 Blue Circle Drive I Eden Prairie MN 55343-9130 I amfam.com " Mailing Address:PO Box 1246 I Minneapolis,MN 55440-1246 I Phone:(952)933-4884 April 08, 2013 39-PMZ001 CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD 310 CITY HALL RECEIVED SAINT PAUL MN 55102 APR 10 2013 RE: Our Claim Number: 00-815-008898-3905 Our Policy Number: 22RJ9870-01 CITY CLERK Our Insured: George Richards & Michael Durant Date of Loss: February 12, 2013 Our Company Name: American Family Mutual Insurance Company Your Drive: James Richard Miller City of St. Paul Vehicle 935860 Plate: Dear City Clerk: Enclosed is our Notice of Claim to the City of St Paul, Minnesota for the damages to our insured's fence that was damaged by James Richard Miller, employee of the City of St. Paul, on 2-12-2013. Sincerely, ����� Pat Zoerb Subrogation Senior Adjuster American Family Mutual Insurance Company 1-800-MYAMFAM (1-800-692-6326) X 66303 pzoerbC�3amfam.com Fax: (866) 833-5588 www.amfam.com/claims Enc: i �NOTICE OF CLAIM FORM to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �Y3innesota SYate Statute 466.05 states that "...every person...who claims damages frorn aaey municipality...shall cause to be presented to the governing body of the municipality within 180 days after the alleged loss or injury is discovered a notice stating the time,pdace,and circumstances thereof,and the amormt of compensation or other relief demanded." Please complete this form in its entirety by clearly typing or priniing your answer to each qaestion. If more space is needed,attach additional sheets. Please note that you w�1I not be contacted by telephone to clarify answers,so provide as much iaformatiou as necessary to eaplain your claim,and the amount of compensation being requested. You w�71 receive a written acl�owledgement once your form is received. The process can take np to ten weeks or longer depending on the nature of your claim. This form must be signed,and bo�l►pages completed. If something does not apply,write°N/A'. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOCUME�NTS TO: CITY CLERK, 15 WEST KELLOGG BL�D, 310 CITY HALL, SAINT PAUL,MN 55102 First Name PAT Midiile Initial M Last Name ZOERB I V E D Company or Busines�Name �MERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE O 2013 Are You an Insurance Company? Yes/No If Yes,Claim Number? 00815-008898 Stre�t Address P 0 BOX 1246 CITY CLERK City MINNEl�pOLIS State MN Zip Code 55440 Daytinie Phone�-6326 X663LQe�1 Phone NA - Evening Telephone NA - Date of Accident/Injury or Date Discovered 02-12-20.13 - T�e 9�47 � pm Please state,in detail,what occurred(happened),and why you are submitting a claim.Please indicate why or how you feel the City of Saint Paul or its employees are involved aad/or.responsible far your damages. OUR INSURED S, GEORGE RICHARDS & MICHAEL DURANT'S FENCE WAS DAMAGED BY THE CITY OF ST PAUL'S EMPLOYEE JAMES RICHARD MILLER. `iSEE AtT�ACHED POLICE REPORT. WE ARE SEEKING REIMBURSEMENT OF THE DAMA ES TO OUR INSURED'S FENCE FOR A �OTAL OF $634 59 WHICH INCLUDES OUR INSURED'S $S00 00 DEDUCTIBLE Please check the box(es)that most closely represent the reason for completing this form: ❑My vehicle was damaged in an accident ❑My vehicle was damaged during a tow ❑My vehicle was damaged by a pothoie or condition of the street ❑My vehicle was clam,aged by a plow ❑My vehicle was wrongfully towed and/or ticketed ❑I was injured an CitY ProP�h' �Okhertypeofproperlydamage-pleasespecify CITY OF ST PAUL VEHICLE DAMAGED OUR INSURED'S FENCE. ❑ Other type of injury-please specify In order to process your claim von need to inclnde couies of all apnlicable documents. For tlie claims types listed below,please be sure to include the documents indicated or it will delay the handling of your claim. Documents V�tILL NOT be returned and become the property of the City. You aze encouraged to keep a copy for yourself before submitting your claim form. - O Property damage claims to a vehicle:two estimates�or the repairs to yaur vehicle if the dam.age exceeds - $500:00;or the actual bills and/or receipts far the iepairs O Towuig claims:Iegilile copies of any ticket issued and a copy of the impound lot receipt � O�Jther property damage clairiis:two repair estimates if the damage exceeds$500.04;or the actual bills and/ar receipts for the repairs;.detailed list of dama:ged items � � O Injury claims:medical biTls,receipts O Photographs are always welcome to document and support your claim but will not be returned. Page 1 of 2-Please complete and return both pages of Claim Form � Faiinre to complete and retarn both pages w�l resnit in delay in the handling of yorir claim. A�1 Claims-nlease comulete this section Were there witnesses to the�incident? Yes No Unknown (circle) Provide their naxnes,addresses and telephone numbers: E POLICE REPORT. Were the police or law enforcement called? Y No Unlrnown (circle) If yes,what department or agency? ST PAUL POLICE DEPT Case#or report# 13028999 Where did ttie accident or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street,intersection,name of park ar facility, closest landmark,etc. Please be as detailed as possible. If necessary,attach a diagram. SEE POLICE REPORT. ALLEY BEHIND 1009 AGATE STREET ST PAUL MN 55117 Please indicate the amount you are seelcing in compensation or what you would like the City to do to resolve this claim to yout satisfactiOn. WE ARE SEEKING SUBROGATION FOR THE DAMAGES TO OUR INSURED'S F .N . . THAT WAS DAMAGED IN THE AMOUNT OF $634 59 Vehicle Claims—please comvlete tLis section �check box if this section does not arn�lv Your Velucle: Year . NA Make NA Model NA License Plate Number NA State_�g_Color Na Registered Owner NA Driver of Vehicle NA Area Damaged. NA City Vehicle: Year 2007 Make FORD Model DRW License Plate Numbet 935860 State 1KN Color UNKNOWN — SEE POLICE REPORT. Driver of Vehicle_(City Employee's Name) JAMES RICHARD MILLER � AreaDamaged TRAILER BEING PULLED BY CITY VEHICLE DAMAGED FENCE. Ininry Claims t�leas�complete this section �check box if this section does not avulv How were you injured? What part(s)of your body were injured? Have 3�ou souglit medical treatment? Yes No Planning to Seek Treaiment(circle)_ When did you receive treatment? {provide date(s)) Name of Medical Provider(s): Address Telephone Did you miss work as a result of your injury? Yes No When did you miss�voil�? (provide date(s)) Name of your Employer: Address Telephone �Check here i€yon are attaching more pages to this claim form. Nnmber of addibonal pages �' . By signi�eg this form,you are stating tha.t all information you have provuled is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Unsigned for�ns wi11 not be processed Submitting a false claim can result in prosecution. Date form was completed 4-8-2013 Print the Name of the Person who Completed this Form: �� 1,'t �--�''��--� Signatare of Person Mal�ng the Claim: �� t �p . a � �,��' _- '� ��li���.�..G'� G+dhr�� Revised February 2021 � �J ti'�..,�.L'�.Pv'lr�� Accident Report Page 1 of 1 ��� � 13028999 f� s � � ,R.AWAM a..aa. �e+a,+ qum .YN '°"" °"" °'°lue n` rT 'N (fl i70 �0 t� 2 12 20i3 0997 � � a 1 IO 1009 AGATE �D�d s w ��1qM� p` ,'�^�—8'MT �' 8w�'•' e ooumr�o n+wa �ccwtr m imuic4�nssmsuaa�runwc 62 �,•. ST. PAUL. +_• 10 JENKS �� nama awei�ca�rue�n-� m�r� a�w o�mns iommiox m�nw��M►+Ka•: san eur 0.Fn1M .wxa, O1 X124298107507 �IN B O1 s.ciai a�.�onc.wn anarrm� w+nn�.�ws.wn wnnr�n. rKaa� O1 JAMES RICHARD MILLER OS 09 62 WFMN N dl APdlp W M0. O1 1015 CHURCHII.L ST N:- 99 ? � a . ka, n�r�x O1 ST PAUL 55103 �eowo 'Ot +�9 �9 6 0 5 N �e •�x � �c�or. ,�.o uEC. su,e, ncawo O 1 . M "' rcn. irv� oew nee io�ar mw�ra�t wrarctu�n w�ruw� � mc ra w.r mrow mwratt �xaxo�rm�s roNMr� � 98 l�" 98 N; 0�, • 0 e� ocur awe�wv.E nie aiu'c,wwc � � oea. 01 CITY OF ST PAUL MONICIPAL EQUIP N � ywm �oe�cr m� .mno� m�rn ve�m p2 891 NO DALE ST �� YMNiAE GI9.6LT[.S NMllO GIYC� CRV,�A767P � O�IlGT Wlla! 15 ST PAUL MN 55103 "_': �1 uw�oc wa �aoa rua aaw wrm «ooa vuw w�en oroia 98 FORD DRW 200 awxv vuie� n vewro . �ae�n �wr«wr. wE� siao x�n� � ,�,,,, ramwr an�ev O1 935860 Nl[i A 35 35 q�p rOLCY/11NM�1 WIRI41['i OMT 11 PaI.YMYER � «��w w,MO .�c„o�. ••••�• ��o�nr wvo�.vw�co�we�cu�rwrae veMC�.sc�ew,o�eaa sr�sus """m � � ,,.E ►IAC , • REMEYHOt TO MDTtit TME iMTE iATROI(nwM u�dw Y{6 Ui.TiS�M iMMit►. mM�R'WLV[NptMwW�-MOW�lWwB1�wR ooisu�fn C01aa¢Ulvlir.alNa�oe�f.rotatr�/aBeww omq�Ml 11�IYAItlEtlE1 {Mf M�Ed {6 7YK U� 1WId lECf 14lY 101[��IIIIIMaf - l O� �11� �11MM�R .�\ a V� °"�` o o,w ...� �� � ' 0,,,4, .o .. o„� �..� ��..� � a�� ._o, or�mso*wio�waeornaremMOnaounwuoro�werow�oronrwoiax:eaavmor�wKs� o�rlawww�acmraLawwoKa�w � waa AL1M MIIMTIIl: 35 _. 98 ,�...�. DRIVER {1 WAS A CITY OF ST. PAUI. FUHI.IC WORK3 0� � EKPLOY£E. HE WAS Vi/B I!! TFIE�ALLEY BfiHZND 1d49 � 1°�`T" AGAT.E._. AS FiE WAS ETT.EMPTING TO DRI�[E..U.P...TH� 98 HILL, HI3 VEHTCLE STARTED TO SLIDE HACKWAEtDS ANR oxtwooe �'1Pt7O�^"j HS DpING�THAT THE TltAILER 'FHA'f AR KAS P�IJLLING . M'� N,- STRUCtt TNE F'ENCE AT 1009 AGJiTE. 01 me n�a �� � �r 98 t00aAti�TE .. ... . . ; ._. ... _..._..... � � _ . .. ,�, O1 � .... _._..._. ,�wr„o,. • . . . _..... O1 � ... . ........ .......____�........ � Oj� AMTE O 1 . .. ..._ ..... ....... _.- . .... � 05 ,. .... ........ .._... Y �oawx .. .... . . �.....,..__. . _....._ ._... � 90 02 � OI�CPl11M�41NILNOM00Ei 1�9B�GY 1�i1�ilOM Q�fR�MRIIOI IOfJL \ St Paul PD ❑.a.. O�« "'' OFFICER Justin Millar S33 �S 3 G https;//www.dvslesuqport.or�/dvsinfo/accidentrecords 2008/Includes_LE/PrintReportIndi... 2/12/2013 Saint Paul Police Department Pege ' °f4 � ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Complaint Number Reference CN Date and Tfine of Report 13028999 02/12/2013 10:45:00 Prlmary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENT Primsry Repordng Ofioer. �qj�►g�, Justin M Ideme oflncetion/business: Primary squad: 253 C�ation ot incident: 1009 AGATE ST Secondary reporting�offlcer.� ST PAUL, MN 55117 Approver. Grdhek, Jon o�s�-Central Date 8 time of ou:cuurrer►ce: 02/12/201310:45:00� site: 02/12/201310:45:00 Arrest made: Seaondary ofiense: Police Offk;er Assautted or lnjured: Polke Ofir�r Assisted Suiclde: Crime Scene Processed: OFFENSE DETAILS TRAF�IC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENT Attempt Only: Appears to be Gang Related: Crime Scene Method 6 Polnt of Entry T�� Public domain Fo►�e used: Hid lnsJde: oosc,iption: Highway/street/road/alley Pantofentry: Method: NAMES Suspect Miller, James Richard 891 DALE N KNOWN ST PAUL, MN 55117 NJcknsmes or Altases Nick Name: A(ias: AKA First Name: AKA Last Name: Details seX: Male Re�: White DO6: 5J9/1962 Resident srarus: Hispanic: A9e� 50 fro�►► to Phones Home: Cell: Contact Worh: Fax: p�r. SP522D88B564EF8 Saint Paul Police Department Pe� 2 of4 � ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Compla/nt Number Reference CN Date and Time of Report 13028999 02/12/2013 10:45:00 Primary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE ACClDENT Employment Occupation, pUBUC WORKS EMPLOYEE Employer. CITY OF ST. PAUL Iden811catFon SSN.• License a 1D#: License State: Physica!Descrfption tIS: Metric: Height: to Build: Hair Lengih: Hair Co/or. Weight: to Skin: Facis!Nair. Hair Type: Teeth: Eye Cobr. Blood Type: Ofle»der InformaBon q�yy�: Pursuit engaged: V'alated Reshaining O�der. DUI: Resisterx:e encountered: CondiGon: Taken to hes/th care facillty: Medical r�stease obfained: VICt1111 1009 AGATE N ST PAUL, MN Nfcknames or Alieses Nidc Name: Alies: AKA Ffrst Name: AKA Lasf Name: Detalls sex: Unknown Rece: Unknown DOB: Resident Status: Hispenic: Age: ftom to Pho»es Home: Cell: Contact: Work. Fax; Pager. Employment Occupation: Employer. IdentlRcaUon SSN: L�ense or lD#: License State: SP522D888584EF8 Saint Paul Police Department P�e 3 of4 ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Comp/ajnt Number Refe�ence CN Date and Tlme of Report 13028999 02/12/2013 10:45:00 Primary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENT PhysJca!Descdpdon uS: No �e�� No Heighk� to Buiid: Hair Le�: Nair Coloc Weighh. to Sldn: Fadel Hair. Hair Typa: Teeth: Eye Color. B/ood Type: Vlcdm informa6on Tyae� Individual Can ldentify O/iender. No wrrriny to Press cnerqes: �o Condition: Taken to health cere facAity: NO Med�car,e�ease oararned: No SOLVABILITY FACTORS Suspect can be Idenhfled: 8Y� Photos Taken: Sto(en Prope�ty Tracesb/e: Evidence Tumed!n: Property Tumed M: Retafed lrtcident: Lab Biological Anatysis: Fingerprints Taken: Nar�otic Anatysis: items Fingerprinted: tab Comments: PROPERTY ITEM#1 rype or�oss: Damaged Date of Loss: Locatart tosh. Owner. Date Recovered: Location Recovered: Modei#: Quentfty: � Serfal#: ,a,tic+e rypei�tem: Other property / Miscellaneous items rora�vaiue: Description: FENCE Tumed in at: Locker ID#: Lab exams: SP5220888584EF8 Saint Paul Police Department Pe9e 4 of4 ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT CompleJnt Number Reference CN Date and Time of Report 13028999 02/12/2013 10:45:00 Primary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENT VEHICLE INFORMATION (Information Only) Registered owner. Milter, James Richard Status DescdP�lon starus: Other v�n��.: 935860 Ye� 2007 rowed: srate: MN rrae� Pickup owner. Miiler,James Y�r. �� White Stolen Method: V.I.N.: �: tock status Mske: FO�d Trensmission: Keys in vehide: H1ode�: DRW Shift Position: Mileege: VehicJe Damage NONE Participants: Person Type: Name: Address: Phone: Suspect Miller, James Richard 891 DALE N ST PAUL, MN 55117 Victim 1009 AGATE N ST PAUL, MN NARRATIVE No icc video. I, Offlcer J. Miller, was sent to 1009 Agate on a single vehicle accident. On scene I verbally identified the driver as Miller, James Richard. Mifler is a City of St. Paul Public Works Employee and was drnring a city pick-up truck. Miller was w/b in the alley behind 1009 Agate when his vehicle and the trailer connected to his vehicle began to slide backwards down the hilt. The trailer then struck and did damage to the fence at 1009 Agate. See state accident report. Squad#254 took photos of the damaged fence, see there supplement. There was no damage to the city owned truck and/or trailer. I attempted to make contact with the residence of 1009 Agate, but no one was home. PUBLIC NARRATIVE TRAFFIC ACCIDENT AT 1009 AGATE WITH A CITY OF ST. PAUL PUBLIC WORKS VEHICLE SP522D88B584EF8 Saint Paui Police Department Pe98 ' °" � SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REP4RT Complafnt Number Reference CIV Date and Tme of Report 13028999 02/13/2013 06:59:00 Pdmary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENT Primary Repo►ting�fiscer. ���n, Steven L Name of IocetioNbusiness: Primery squad: tocetlon ot incident: 1009 AGATE ST Secondary reportl�offlcer. ST PAUL, MN 55117 Approver. o;stricr. Central Date&ttme ot occurrence: p2/12/2013 10:45:00� sire: 02/12/2013 10:45:00 Arrest made: Ser:ondary olfense: Police OfficerAssaulted orinjured: Polk:e ON9cerAssisted Suiciale: C�me Scerte P�ocessed: NARRATIVE On 02-13-13, I, Sergeant Carlson reviewed this case. No Tag was issued at the scene. -Noted. PUBLlC NARRATIVE SP522D888564EF8 AMERICAN FAMILY American Family Insurance Group Claim Scanning Center • 6000 American Parkway Madison,WI 53783-0001 Apri103,2013 Ph: 800-692-6326 Ext 21131 welinger@amfam.com Fas:866-494-8929 RICHARDS,GEORGE&DURANT,MICHAEL Claim Number: 00815008898 1009 AGATE ST Date of Loss: 2/12/2013 SAINT PAUL,MN 55117-5032 The attached estimate of damages has been prepared for your property. The estimate has used common prices for labor and material from your area. Enclosed is our draft for the actual cash value(today's replacement cost less depreciation)of your damaged properry. For Dwelling and Structure damages,we may have included your mortgage company,WELLS FARGO BANK NA#708,on the draft as required by your policy. Summary For Dwelling Extension Replacement Cost Value Less Recoverable Less Non Recoverable Actual Cash Value(ACV) Depreciation Depreciation $634.59 $634.59 Less Deductible ($500.00) Total ACV Settlement 5134.59 See the enclosed estimate for details of your settlement which may include other itemized details not shown above. If you wish to make a claim for the recoverable depreciation amount,you must do TWO things: 1. You must have the item(s)replaced or repaired within one year from your date of loss.*EYCeption:Georgia and Washington policies ONLY-Please refer to your policy language as well as the section of this estimate titled Claiming Recoverable Depreciation following the Estimate Recap or Coverage Limit Details sections. 2. You must submit a final repair bill or purchase receipt showing the item(s)has been repaired or repiaced. The attached estimate is what we eYpect to be the reasonable cost to repair or replace the property. This estimate may not include permit fees. If total charges for repair/replacement plus permits exceed the amount shown here for that repair/replacement,prior to any deductible,then additional amounts may be payable. If the actual cost is more or less,the final payment will be adjusted accordingly. If you wish,you may repair or replace with higher quality items,however,you will be responsible for any increase in cost. Please refer to your policy under either CONDITIONS-SECTION I or HOW WE SETTLE LOSSES-SECTION I for further details on determining your loss settlement. Please present this estimate to a contractor or repair facility of your choice BEFORE you authorize the start of repairs. If any additional damage or costs are identified,for which you believe we should be responsible,they must be approved by a representative of American Family Insurance prior to having the additional work done. If you,your contractor,or repair faciliry have any questions,please contact us at(800)692-6326 x 21131. AMERICAN FAMILY American Family Insurance Group American Family Insurance appreciates your business. Thank You, Warren Elinger RICHARDS,GEORGE&DURANT,MICHAEL 00815008898 4/3/2013 Page:2 AMERICAN.FAMILY American Family Insurance Group � Insured: RICHARDS,GEORGE&DURANT,MICHAEL Phone: (651)225-1508 1009 AGATE ST SAINT PAUL,MN 55117-5032 Claim Rep.: Warren Elinger Estimator: Warren Elinger Claim Number: 00815008898 Policy Number: 22RJ987001 Type of Loss: Other Coverage Deductible Policy Limit Dwelling $0.00 $185,500.00 Contents $0.00 $139,200.00 Dwelling Extension $500.00 $18,550.00 Date Contacted: 4/3/2013 Date of Loss: 2/12/2013 9:00 AM Date Est.Completed: 4/3/2013 1:04 PM Price List: MNMN7X APRl3 Restoration/Service/Remodel RICNARDS,GEORGE&DURANT,MICHAEL 00815008898 4/3/2013 Page:3 AMERICAN FAMILY American Family Insurance Group Estimate Recap For Dwelling Extension Recoverable Non-recoverable Description RCV Depreciation Depreciation ACV Fence 634.59 0.00 0.00 634.59 634.59 0.00 0.00 634..59 IMPORTANT-Please read the definitions below What is replacement cost(RCV)? Replacement cost is the cost to repair the damaged item with an item of like kind and quality,without deduction for depreciation. What is depreciation? Depreciation is the amount deducted from the replacement cost based upon the age and condition of the item being replaced. What is actual cash value(ACV)? Actual cash value is based on the cost to repair or replace the damaged item with an item of like kind and quality,less depreciation. The Actual Cash Value (ACV) is based on an item's:Age divided by no�mal Useful life, unless otherwise noted. Deviation from Age divided by normal Useful life is common due to inspection evaluation, condition of the item, obsolescence,product research, expert opinions, utiliry/functional value, market value and in some cases all or some of the above. For further information on ACV and the depreciation applied,please contact your claim representative. Sa[es Tax- You are entitled to reimbursement of sales tnx when incurredfor items listed in this estimate upon documentation submitted to American Family for the repair or replacement that item. If your home is older than 1978 it may contain lead painted materials. The EPA may require contractors to follow special procedures to contain and/or remediate lead from the damaged area. If a lead test is taken ' and your home was found to contain lead,American Family Insurance requires you to notify us before I beginning any repairs. Please be aware that the EPA regulations consider lead to be a pollutant. Your policy limits the testing, cleaning, containment and removal of a pollutant to $10,000.00 for covered losses. Physical mailyou submit: American Family Insurance appreciates your assistance in the handling ofyour claim. Any documentation you submit will be scanned and electronically retained in your claim frle. Please include the claim number on the items submitted. The original documentation will be destroyed after 30 days. If you would like your documents returned,please indicate this on the documents and provide the address where you want the documents sent. Email: My goal is to provide outstanding customer service. If you will be using email to communicate with me regarding your claim,please be sure to include your name and claim number on the subject line. Please forward any email correspondence regarding your claim to the email address listed below. Thank you for RICHARDS,GEORGE&DURANT,MICHAEL 00815008898 4/3/2013 Page:4 AMERICAN.FAMIIY American Family Insurance Group being our customer. EMAIL: welinger@amfam.com RICHARDS,GEORGE&DURANT,MICHAEL 00815008898 4/3/2013 Page:5 AMERICAN.FAMILY American Family Insurance Group RICHARDS GEORGE & D Fence Description Base Service Replacement Actual Cash Qty Unit Price Charge Cost Total Depreciation Valae la.Remove Chain link fence-fabric only-4'high-galvanized 44.50 LF $0.78 $0.00 $34.71 -$0.00 $34.71 lb.Replace Chain link fence-fabric only-4'high-galvanized 44.50 LF $3.87 $46.52 $218.74 -$0.00 $218.74 2a.Remove Post-2 3/8"diameter metat-4'high fence 3.00 EA $13.20 $0.00 $39.60 -$0.00 $39.60 2b.Replace Post-2 3/8"diameter metal-4'high fence 3.00 EA $39.93 $32.36 $152.15 -$0.00 $152.15 3a.Remove Chain-link fence-top rail 38.50 LF $0.45 $0.00 $17.33 -$0.00 $1733 3b.Replace Chain-link fence-top rail 38.50 LF $2.26 $23.50 $110.51 -$0.00 $I10.51 4.Haul debris-per pickup truck load-including dump fees 0.50 EA $123.10 $0.00 $61.55 -$0.00 $61.55 No depreciation applied,repairs only not full line replacement. Totals $102.38 5634.59 -$0.00 5634.59 Base Service Replacement Cost Charge Total Depreciation Actual Cash Value Estimate Totais $102.38 5634.59 -$0.00 $634.59 American Family Insurance(as are all insurance companies in the State of Minnesota)is required by Section 65A.29, Subdivision I 1 of the Minnesota Statutes to make the following written statement when a claim is presented by you or a claimant: If you ha�e two or more paid losses during the three year experience period immediately preceding the nest renewat date,y�our policy may be subject to non renewal. However,the following type losses wouid not be included: a. losses caused by natural causes including but not limited to lighming,wind,or hail; or b. losses for which no payment was made by us;or c. losses for which we recovered 80%or more of the payment through subrogation. We try to settle all claims;however there may be times where an agreement cannot be reached. We may not be sued unless there is full compliance with all the terms of this policy. Suit against us must be brought within two years after the loss or damage occurs. My goal is to provide excellent customer service. T/�ank you jor being our customer. RICHARDS,GEORGE&DURANT,MICHAEL 00815008898 4/3/2013 Page:6 • �� ixC��� � $ �k+F�"�=,.�*J� }r:. . S � � S� �' '�'`�� i w�i � �� �..'.'S� k y ti ��'� �.� ��k �x'�t �,�i r-•4 ; . � '� x . � °'��.. { a ��� ;r M � : � ;�.`."_`"� ,� ,�, � q � � .�e °'�ta� �'=�_. �� �.' �,r." r,., ;.„�� :�� .��.,- - .._. � � ,-,,,,:�,. �.�.... ,°,�* w '*���::;�.,., � if °y �� � �.r _ �.. . n ` ��' ,� � �W � ' y . .�,.:,s:;,.. __- .�,.�_._...._ � , _ __.__._... __._- } �E �: . �$� � � e � �� �:� �� �� � ,.�.- - � - .,�'� �°; ��:���""�� ' .F� � � t� s _'�, �` � •�k� .� � � � '�. . - :: �,�. - � 'x�K � �,. ;" 05 ;; - � � � . . . hy4_t �.w: `�� ;� •� ! � � - �� � � ; � s' , f '. � ' r� 1 « I � � w ��. � , . 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