Loosen ' RECE►VED NOTICE OF CLAIM FORM to the City of s�i�tBP��, Minnesota Minnesota State Statute 466.05 states that "...every person...who claims damages jr��n�n(un�t��cause to be presented ta the governing body of the municipality within 180 days after the alleged loss or injury is discovered a notice stating the time,place,and circumstances thereof,and the amount of compensation nr other relief demanded." Please complete this form in its entirety by clearly typing or printing your answer to each question. If more space is needed,attach additional sheets. Please note that you will not be contacted by telephone to clarify answers,so provide as much information as necessary to explain your claim,and the amount of compensation being requested. You will receive a written acknowledgement once your form is received. The process can take up to ten weeks or longer depending on the nature of your claim. This form must be signed,and both pages completed. If something does not apply,write`N/A'. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOCUMENTS TO: CITY CLERK, 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, 310 CITY HALL, SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 �/ First Name � �`�'`'}""�` �o"u'"�Middle Initial � Last Name '�"�'`�' Company or Business Name Are You an Insurance Company? Yes/� If Yes,Claim Number? Street Address a��Z �} �'`�` 5 C1Ly �'1�l.lw�n L�.i ,7� � �7 State M� Zip Code `��y� � Daytime Phone( G iZ) G�� - G ►��I g Cell Phone(��Z ) G�L- �'`' �g Evening Telephone( ) - Date of Accident/Injury or Date Discovered � '�'� ��3 Time ��' S � am/�m Please state,in detail,what occurred(happened),and why you are submitting a claim.Please indicate why or how you feel the City of Saint Paul or its employees are involved and/or responsible for your damages. 4,c- ���u 1�.�Z a . Please check the box(es)that most closely represent the�reason for completing this form: ❑ My vehicle was damaged in an accident O My vehicle was damaged during a tow ❑ My vehicle was damaged by a pothole or condition of the street ❑ My vehicle was damaged by a plow ❑My vehicle was wrongfully towed and/or ticketed ❑I was injured on City property �ther type of property damage—please specify `Y��- •+ ��� �� �❑ Other type of injury—please specify In order to process your claim•�ou need to include copies of all applicable documents. For the claims types listed below,please be sure to incly�de the documents indicated or it will delay the handling of your claim. Documents WILL NOT be returned and b�come the property of the City. You are encouraged to keep a copy for yourself before submitting your claim form. O Property damage claims to a vehicle: two esCimates for the repairs to your vehicle if the damage exceeds �$50 00; or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs Towing claims: legible copies of any ticket i�sued and a copy of the impound lot receipt O Other property damage claims: two repair estimates if the damage exceeds$500.00; or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs;detailed list of damaged i[ems O Injury claims: medical bills,receipts O Photographs are always welcome to document and support your claim but will not be returned. Page 1 of 2—Please complete and return both pages of Claim Form Failure to complete and return both pages will result in delay in the handling of your claim. All Claims—please comulete this section Were there witnesses to the incident? Yes No Unknown (circle) Provide their names,addresses and telephone numbers: Were the police or law enforcement called? Yes� No Unknown (circle) If yes,what department or agency? � ��.�. yt� �� Case#or report# ��' — �� ��' �}`'Z Where did the accident or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street,intersection,name of park or facility, closest landmark,etc. Please be as detailed as possible. If necessary,attach a diagram. � ��°�� �G vi.e�.r �..,k{r c y►.�, C k r !^l• � -�o wc-L tv�w<< ;-� i..ri�' S'�'d�c-•� Please indicate the amount you are seeking in compensa�tion or what you would like the City to do to resolve this daim to your satisfaction. `I� 1 I o . U � Vehicle Claims please comulete this section �check box if this section does not apnlv Your Vehicle: Year Make Model License Plate Number State Color Registered Owner Driver of Vehicle Area Damaged City Vehicle: Year Make , Model License Plate Number � State Color Driver of Vehicle(City Employee's Natne) Area Damaged iniurv Claims please comUlete this section �1'check h�x if this section does not apply How were you injured? What part(s)of your body were injured? Have you sought medical treatment? Yes No Planning to Seek Treatment(circle) When did you receive treatment? (provide date(s)) Name of Medical Provider(s): � - Address Telephone Did you miss work as a result of your injury? Yes No When did you miss work? (provide date(s)) Name of your Employer: Address Telephone ,�heck here if you are attaching more pages to this claim form. Number of additional pages �. � By signing this form,you are stating that all infor»rccation you have provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Unsigned forms will not be prdcessed. Submitting a false claim can result in prosecution. Date form was completed �/�'�� Print the Name of the Person who Completed this Fo�m: �l�� v. ���� L a 6 �.c..� Signature of Person Making the Claim: �r. —�—. Revised February 20l 1 4/5/13 Reason I am submitting a claim: My car was stolen, and reported stolen, which you can see from the atta.ched Minneapolis police report. While in the possession of the car thief, my car was towed during a St. Paul snow emergency. I am submitting the claim form to the city of St. Paul not beca�se I feel it was unjustly towed- I have no idea if it was unjustly towed or not and assume it was towed leggally, but I am submitting the claim to recover the administra.tive and storage fees I had to pay to retrieve my car from the impound lot, due to no fault of my own. ; I am willing to pay the towing fee of$54.50 as I assume that it was towed by an outside vendor and not the city o$St Paul, but I am seeking re- imbursement for the $30 dollar storalge charge and the $80 dollar administrative fee ($110 dollars total reimbursement). I had my parking tickets that were accrued by the car thief during this same snow emergency waived once I showed evidence my car was stolen by the city of St Paul, I don't see any difference in getting these similar administrative fees waived. Thank you for your time. Theodore Loosen I il I +lY �� Saint Paul Polic� impound L�t. 830 Barge Ghar�neE Road, Wehic(e Reie�se Form Make: 92 HONDA License#: TLG�Ob ' GN: 130377t7 Invoi�e#: 1A316q Qate/Time Released� 02126/2013 17:52 I Tow Charge. � 54.50 ' __._.___..s�_..___.__._.__. ---.. Reieased to: OWNER ��tflrage Charge: � 30.00 _ __ _ ._._. ,... _..� - Paid by� CREDiT CARD dmin Charge: $ 8Q.40 � Rsleased by: PER�ITA Tax: (7.625°l0) S 10,26 I,the ur�dersigned,have recovered the vehfcle described abc�ve. Subtotai: $ 174.76 i�i11 c�eck t1�e vehicie for damage ar any other prvb�ems Chat may have occurred while this vehicle was in the custbdy of the Service Charge: � 0.0� Saint Paui Pc�lice Department. I acknowledge i will r�pc�rt damage and/or any other prabiems to the impaund L,ot stafF Tatal Charges: � 174.76 csn this fc�rm prior to leaving the impound 1ot. Damage andlor other problem: Polrce F2��orf maCe Yes�No�IF Yes, CN , #f IVfl: Why? T�PR�TECT Yt�UR RiGHTS REP�RT ANY PROBLEMSlQAMAGE SEFORE LEAVING THE LOT 5/2Qfl0 �iC��l81UC� MPD CAPRS Case Report With Supplements - MP-13-047742 Page 1 of 3 Case Report with Minneapolis Police Department CCN: MP-13-047742 Supplements __ _ _.___ _ _ __.. .__ __ Report Details Reporting Officer: 001087: Derek Chauvin Approval Status: Approved Assisting Officer: Approval Date: Feb 18,2013 Supervising Officer: 095704:Christopher Hudok Date Returned: Approving Supervisor: 095704:Christopher George Hudok Return Count: � Call/Sqd: 362 Date Printed: Mar 14,2013 Precinct: 03 Last Uploaded: Feb 18,2013 Related CCN : -- ;I Solvability: 45 Reported Date: Feb 18,2013 19:21 Primary Routed Unit: 4037-Pct 3,tnvestigators Entered By: 001087 Incident Details Offense1: AUTOTH Desc: Motor Vehicle Theft I Statute: 609.52 Attempted: Address: 2912 37 AV S MINNEAPOLIS,MN 55406 Occurred From: 02/14/2013 20:30 � Dispatched: 19:04:00 Occurred To: 02/18/2013 18:50 Arrived: 19:11:00 Location: ' Cleared: 19:45:00 Minor Involved: No Public Data OFFI�ER SPOKE TO VICTIM WHO STATED THE LISTED VEHICLE WAS LEGALLY PARKED IN FRONT OF THE ABOVE LOCATION. VICTIM STATED THE VEHICLE WAS PARKED ON THE LISTED DATE AND TIME. VICTIM STATED HE REALLY DOESN'T PAY ATTENTION TO THE LOCATION OF HIS VEHICLE WHEN HE IS NOT USING IT. VICTIM FOUND THE VEHICLE GONE TODAY.�VICTIM STATED THAT HE HAS THE ONLY KEY AND NO ONE ELSE HAS PERMISSION TO DRIVE THE VEHICLE. VICTIM STATED THERE WAS NOT A SPARE KEY IN THE VEHICLE AND THAT IT WAS NOT REPOSSESSED. VICTIM ISSUED A MPLS BLUE CARD. AUTO DESK NOTIFIED. � https://caprsweb/CaprsApp/CaprsReport.aspx?GUID=b 1 f07579-8b5c-41 ab-b027-e9aea90a23d8 3/14/2013 Iv1PT� �`AFR,�� C'as� Rept�rt With Sugpl�ment� -?�1P`-13-44774� Pag� 1 c�f3 Case Repart with 1�Iizrn��rpoii� Pol�c� Depactment CCN: MP-13�U4774� Supplement,� _ _ __ _ Report Detaits Reporting Officer: 441087 Derek Chauvin Approvai Stat�: Approved Assisting Officer: aRPravai Date: Feb 18,2013 Supervising Officer: �95704:Christopher Nudok OatE Returned: Appraving Supervisor. 095704_Christopher Gearge Hudak Return Count: � GalUSqd: 382 Date P�inted: Mar 14,2013 Rrecinct; 03 'I Last Upioaded: Fets 18,2013 Related CCN: -- Solva4iiity: 45 R�port�d Date. F�b 1�,2013 19�21 Primary Rau#ed Unit: 4fl3?-Pct 3 Investig�tor� �nte�ed By: 001087 �J1CI{�@('Et D@t31�S Offertsel: Atl"tC3TN Desc: f�iotor Vehicie Theft I Statute: 6Q9.52 Att�mpted: �d�dres�= ��12�37 RV 5 PAINI�t�AP0�.i5.hAN 5540� Qccurted From: 02114l20t 3 20;34 � Dispatched: 19.44`00 CTCCUrr�tl To: 021�812tf13 1�:517 ARived: 18��1�00 Location: Clesred: 19:i5:00 Mtnorrnvotvea; �� Public Data QFFiCER SPOKE TU VICTIM WHC7 STATED THE LlSTEd VEHiCLE WAS LEGALLY PARKEE}!N FRONT OF THE A64VE LOCATION. VICTIM ST`A7ED THE VENIC�E WAS i'ARKED OtJ THE LVSTED C}ATE ANa T1M�. V1C7fM STATED HE REALLY pp�SN'T PAY ATTENTi�N TO THE l4CATiON OF NfS VEHIC�E WNEN HE iS NOT USING IT. VlCTIM F't7UMD 7HE V�H(CLE GONE TODAY.VICTIM STAI'�C3 THAT HE HAS THE C}NLY t�EY Af�C? 1Vt)Ci�IE EI.SE HAS PERM15SlC}1d T'C7 DRIV� TFiE VEHICLE. VICTIM STATE[�THE�t�WAS hIOT A SF'AFtE KEY iN 7HE VEHiCLE A�JD TFiAT IT WAS NOT REPQSSESSED. VICTIM iSSUE�A MPLS BLUE CARb. At�TQ DESK NUTIFIED. � � I https:l/c�prsw�blCaprs��p!C;��rsRepart.a.spx?GE.TID—b 1�17579-$b5�:-4 t a�a-bQ2?-e9ae��0a23�8 3/14/2413 1�1PD f'AI'RS Case Report Va'i"th Supplen�ents - 'vtF-1 3-0477�2 Page? of 3 _ _ _. _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ Victim Role/Rale#: ���1 Name: Loosen,Theodore Michae! Residenca: 2912 37 AV S MINNEAPC)lIS,MN 55406 Telephone: C 612-616-8598 Drv LEc!F: MN E75506501351? Date of Birth: 09J05119?8 Event Age:34 Est.Age:34-34 Race: V+fiite Sex: Mais ', Height: Buitd: Victim of: AUTOTN Suspect Role!Roie#: 5001 II Name: Unknown Reside�ce: Unknawn Telephone: Date of Sirth: Event Age:4 Est.Age:4 Raoe: Sex: Height: Suild: Relationships SUb1@d Rg,l Cta onsrilD TYAB bb�e�t V001 Loosen,Theodore Unknawn S�1 Unknown, Modus Ope�andi Ca o De�.cr°,�tior� Rei�d Uffense omrn n Crirne Elements ��+g� Crime Location Auto Crirr�Lacation SlreeVSid�walk Griminai ACtivity PossessinglConcealing __ _ . . . __ _. .... . ._ . _ __ _._. _.... Vehicle I I Vehicle Number: 1 Owner Role: V001 Owne�Name: l.00sen,Theodore �ke; Honda Modet: Civic . Model Year: 1992 VIN#: 1 HGEG8547NLQ42555 Ptate: MN TLG100 Plate Year: 2G13 Estimated Value: �� a� Yehicte Sratus a o date [}escrration Vehicle Stalen Y� Vehicle Descriptlon https:/leaprsweb/CaprsApp/CaprsReport.aspx?GUID==b 1 f07579-8b5c-�1 ab-b027-e9aea90a23d$ 311�J2013 MFD CvAPRS C`ase Re�art With Su�plements -'v�P-13-047742 Pa�e 3 of'3 Cateaarv D�scriptian Comments Vehide Color Side Grey/5iwer vehide CotorTop Grayl5iNer VB�TiCI@'Ty� d dOOf Case Suppiements There are no suppiements for this case. ___ _ __ _ . __ __ End of report for case MP-13-047742. P�int IQ: b1f07579-8b5c-41ab-kr427-e9aea80a23d8 _ _ I _ _ _ __ �I I https:i%caprswebiC'�pr�App/Ca�rsRc;pe>rt.aspx?CiL 1 D—b 1�?S 79-�b5c-41 ab-b027-e9aea9Qa23 d$ 3/14/20 t 3 D�PARTM�NT OE POLIC� 7'homas I"s.`.it�»th,("hief nf Aaticc CITY 4F SAINT' PAUL .il�?Grr�uv5trt•e� Teleph�»re:b5!-?91-6QGS C«hristApher�.Caloman.9�tayor S�.Paul,14linrre.maa 551(11 Fae.rimile:6t7-?66-5;11 � � c� CERTtF1ED Nt3TIFICATtON LETTER � STATE C}F MiNNESOTA RAMSEY GOUNTY I � ;��t� ���t ;;��;�; U2I�612(J13 C g'•�: 1303771 i ��6�' i c�';;=�=�": t�2,'241201a �����r � �;�:t�>�,,��� MEC'HA:NIC, t442 �d'.I.t��i.: �HGF�G�547NL042555 =°�1`���r L� ���� �;#�n,�: 92 H(�NI�A (...i�;����=: ��s. TLGI00 �'t�t�: MN O�,�r€�r: I.<onsen, Thec3t�c�re � 2912 �7t��v�; � � Minneapolis�tn 5340�i ,���;�;�e I�3160 The ab�ve listed vehicl�, in whic�you hav�a property interest as the awnerr'lien halder, has been irnpnunded by the Saint Paul Poliee Departrnent,in accordance witla City Legislative Code Chapters 161, I62 anc� l b3, Minnesata Statute 168B.(J4, or other a�plieahle law. This vehicle was towed to and is bein�held at the I'olice Impatind Lc�t, �3Q B�r�,7e C'hannel Road, St. I'aul, �innesota 551(l? C'lazm�Vehi�l� Under Minnesata Statutes 168B.OSl, 168B.07, & 16��.��,y�u havc tl�e right t+a reclaim the�.3ehicle. Also pur5uant to the abc���e statutes, you may hatre the ri�ht ta re;ciaim�ro�erCy fram the vehiele.Failurc€o�;�laim the ve1��41� and�'c�r its eontents within the apprapriate tim� altowed and ur�der the c;onditions set forth in the �� gc�vernin�statutes canstitutes a w�iver o�all ri�ht,title, and int�rest in the vehict� and its �c��aten�. Piea�e�e�e the artaehed infprmation for perTinent statute languag�. � If claimed,the vehicie and��or its contents will be r�easec�to yau upan satisi�actary evidence of aw•nership, inst�rance and pay�e�t of a11 tawing,ac3ministr�tiv� fees. storage #'ees �nd tax. If you da not clairn the vchicle ancLfnr its con�ents within I 5 days after legal notice tt�the awne;r, it is cc�nsidered a waiver hy yau c�f all ri�;ht, title. ar�d interesf in tY�e vehicle andlar its Contents azld cc�nscnt tn th�Lransfer of title to anri cii��vsal or saie of the vehicic and/or its co�tents under Minn. Stat. l 68B.(}�. The Ciry will dis�ase ur sell dny uncCaimed vel�icle anc�Jar contenYs. Per Minnn. Stat.§ l fi�I3.0�1 Subci. 1 & l a. AA-AI3A-E6t�Gmpl��yer