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1 F�EGEIV�D INJURY LAW MA� 212013 TERRYiSLANE RUGHONEN CITY CLERK March 19, 2013 City Clerk 15 West Kellogg Blvd. 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: My Client: James Warren DOL: 8-30-12 Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find your Notice of Claim form for my client, James Warren. Mr. Warren was struck by a city of St. Paul squad car driven by Timothy Filiowion. I have enclosed a copy of the accident report as well as photographs of the property damage. Please set up a claim for Mr. Warren and have a claims handler contact me immediately. Thank you, Very truly yours, TSR Injury Law �2J� Rick J. ton RJH• ma Direc . 952-832-3584 Rick�a TSRInjurvLaw.com Enclosure Terry,Slane&Ruohonen,PLLC � 7760 France Avenue South Suite 820 Bloomington, MN 55435 � °952.832.5800 f 952.835.8900 T5RINJURYLAW.COM � �r+l�ll�Antony P�DS � of 2 20'13-03-06 '15:28:38(OMT) �65'136664�� From:Wllllem O�vison � � ........... . ....... . ........ .... P�«��, F, i0i: 4; 1��C� ;Sn �N:E��RY 1���;. _ � . .. . - � .. �� . . . . -A;(S I �} �s n . .. . li'�!. d.4 J L � . � . � � .. ... ... . . . .:��t. . .. � �.I ..*...�� . � ... - . �■ ■ � . . .. . .. , � �_, ' . . . . .. ' i ` NE��'xC� +0!���A�1�'CfI� �v t�ie Ci�y;o€S��nt�a��I, lt�inn�,.��ta ,Ulrnne,mta Surre.Seuru[a Ad6.Of arwas rhat";..ev�r,y persvn,.,:�t�f�a clairns dcrmagas frc}m an}+tnwticlpal�ry_.-.shatC aause ra be presented to the g'ovGr+tut�body.oJihG►1wniCippA'fy.witTttn.lBQda}r�!sJYar th0[�llegad t6ss.o�-inj�ry it d�CCavereu+�noHca rtarfng rhe tiirie,P1aee.and crrcwe,,stancea rherao�;':arrd t???,af,wunt qj"cr�mpensarioa+Ar.nthar rcfief d,�muru(e�d." .. r �'Iease cavu�rlete.t�Cor�ax tu.iFs cut�r�t3`b}�.cicarl�".��11.7R�.4�pL7Y1�,11.��.nr.a�srv.sr t4 e�cb caue,�t�o�c. Yf zoun:svuce fs neeck+ed,atta ch adc�itiQU�l a�aets..:�?Ier�e n,axs tl�nt.you wilf not}.t�eqiltae .d 1�y#ele��tone ta.clat'i1y an3We1�'tsr 9t�.�io'eFde a8 .�,uch infozmatin�aa necessary�a�xp�?�,�uux�claun,Aud the a�noant.of�m��nsxGinnUeir��.i�ec�uaptac�. YQU wUl rec�fvc� �.r.ittcn a,ckYio'�'l�dgc?tietxt.Anc,�.yourt.irak�fis rece3�ed. fihapro�e8a�,a�S�6 u,�ka t�t:t�sveeks qr lo�er.depencIit�g on!he xratuxe o.f�yottr caafw. 'T�'is tv�n sppsE be signed,�d hoth.pagcs.cnxa�t .ed. 7t somcthi�ag does.not.a.p�,P9►write'1`�!A', - 1 . .,, S�i�dU �C�1�"L.��w'I`�D �'C►���QT�E��'1�1�C7N.[�N�S TQ; +GT7'Y C�.ERK, " x��c��sT��.�o����,�,�a.o ���t��.;s���u�;� ss�a� FirSt�fiaA�� � i���L� MiddleXzlxtiai,�,1.33th?am�1 '�`��h��� Cotnp�w�!otBu�iness N�znc. � � - � Axe''�''au�n_�nsurance�omp,nzi��`t 'i'e3 2�0 . S�Yes,:�Iai�iNurnber? £ Si�ect 13,iddi`oss. "f i/��� . � �. CzLY ,��.�.��t�� — ,�tat� . t'�l�i ti�G��`��'�Jl_. Zip�ode��i 1.. . . f. T�aytime Phane. i��-�Cell FkDZ�e��,�-��ve�i.ng Te�eplic�ne(�1�" _ Date of Accident/Ynjury or�ate.Dis�avered � `�.7�'���!� i xime i U�� am pm :PIe�tSe SraEe,,i�d�tail�what occurred(ktapp�ned),�s�d why you are.snbmi��zig�cI�zxn.P2ease indi t wt ar fiow y u. feet e(.� �� " x�'a I ar i e t ee s�i�zvht�+.ed:and/ox respansi � �or��4 d. ges �' - . i, �. f ��c�.SC�ICf.IC�.j7QX{CS}�C Jt7Q5L'G�QSG�}'.1Zj7I�.t1Y LI1C.TC$SQ�1�QE Gpp1�7�8ftIi�6�s.fo�m:.: . . '. My.vchicic vras dsui�g�rS in cin�ei.dern . ' . �.G7 I�'�y ve2ricle wus�ua$ed dt�rit�g�t.tow C1 My ve2ucle was dannaged by��ozh�I.�.nr Ganditi�n Ot the.stre�c ;D l�y Ye�cle.�vas.da,msged by s pl�w CJ My ve�icl�was wrongfulty:to�ued xrcI/ax ticl�eted ;C1 I vc�as injLn-ed an City�zoperty D(,?th.ar ty,pe vf gro�erty c�m�ga.–paease spe.cify ; . G.�th.er type�sf i�jury�-�leas�spe�rfj' ' �t ordcr to pracc�s.yotrr Gl.aim van ne,�d,,,,;�a ancltYde topies of„�i ap�Iicab�e c�ac.c�r�e�nts, ,, ,. 'Ppr tfiz clnii��s typGS lissed bc�c�w,Pleast.ia�sure to.i�clud��Is�doGa.m�nts itx}iCaud oz it vuilt delay ihe hanctlin�of , , �raur claim_:Tlo�uzuents..t'�r L.TiOT�be xetuxned az��beGnuxe thc pzcaperc�,�f ch..e.G`ity� You s.r��aGOCtzag�d tra keep a copyfor.yours�lf�iefaresubxnitting.y4tir.claim�ofm, , . Q prpperCy.r�smags.GI�tc►a'Yel�e��:tvvt7 estizaia#r,�fox ihc re�iait9 to�our�etu�clp if tkte�dam��c exoeec3s $SQO.OQi IJZtYiC3CCLlS1b�IIS:�ItCfiIQFFCG�1j7C3.�UI'.tt1GI�a1T5 ; � t�Taur�g claiims:l.e�ible c�pies of an�a�tc�t issued and a c�py nf the 3mpound�ac re,ceapt �Oetx�r prop�rty.damnge ctaims;twQ�epsiz�sti�s�s if't�xc daz�go oxcee.ds$�ElCt.p6;�r t�ie zictusl bills , . aadfQr rGC��prs for the repaiis;..deta�l�ci list�!''damage�ditems Q Tnjttzy:claim4:me�,ica,t bills,rece:igts ' . 4 Photn�phs az�tticv�ys weIct�m,e ta cicscument and su�port.your cl�i.tn:but wiIi not.be zeivmed. . . ; , �'s�e���Z-pleASe cvmplet�a�n�i returtx bot��aage,s of Cia�m.�'orm _ _ _ , . _ _ � _ _. __. __ _ __ __ . ___ _ __ _ _ __ ; , _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ � � To: Oenlelle Aniony Psgw 2 of 2 �O'13-03-06 '15:28:38 CGMT) '165'134444�� From� willl�m Osvicon ,. n n r T , 1 �Q. ��7 L_...._� '�_,_...._. _ .._.. �`�R, �. t01� �: 1�?�� �� :��J.UkY lAf� i - _ � ` � _ . . . . � ,. <>..,r . , . . `�,--< 3 � = � - F�ICt�'e:#�cumpl�te�rn�re�urrc.baE�.gs�e�.�rallxe�al�iu,c��+'e�ay�iz�:E�e.3aaz�c�l�ngpPyaux.claim. ..A�1i1 f Iuu�ss n1e,a�se c��p�cte��►fs�ect�on , � , ,: '�V'ere theie w4�esses xt�tbe zncicler:t� Y'�s � Unkca4wz� (ci.r�le) Pkovzda,t�e��sn��s,adclx�sses.�rs�te�Te�:6�ne nuznk��zs. � ,,. `��ze.tho.poli�e or 1aw.enfoxce,rnezit ca � � I�"u ; Unkai�wn g e If�+es,wh�t.depattai�n.c.r�r age�cy.?�����-.�..,T: .�Cas���zegart�k �`��,I'�'� �Wharc did t6c accic�ent oi�njuiy:takC plac�? 1�ctS�de.�trc���ddr�ss,crcr�st�ee�t,z.nt�rs. .. on�,itame crf. �rlt rf �iz4y, �1a��„ct.lazxdmax�: - P eas � �etayle as .ossi le. n ,at�clz a�t�,gr _. _. tA�1 �J� an��.�i���.���,�1���,� _. _ , .., , . � P��asc x,nc���te�i��. .G �wy �z� e�k��a in� at n a�y�vu W�rittd li�e�e Gity r�.da ta z�o�v�.thz�cxaim ta.�+a�.r satisfscfion.. �� . , �. .. . ,... . 'ehfcl . � s�: le , m. tcte�tttzs se ti � ' �4 checIc ax i t 's tffln dr�cs nok so�l� Yanz rJehicke; Y'ea� .Tt'�alce. . �vloci.�2..,_.. _ T.,ic�vse�'Iate�iuniber State.�.�,_Ca�r ` �� . I�,egistezed C�un�r_ � � Driv@r af�l�hicle Aita�}aan:t d _ �.���'.-..�,_-�_ City�leliicla ''SCear�,��.��`�lalte �o�al I;fc�qse P1ate�Tumber S� e Co��� ,���.Q�� . �.. 3h�z��e�of'S��T��c��,( � . ... IoY .'s ain� + ti.rea�?�a�ed _ I `n �' --,�e com Zete . s •ou : j checic if •s .on n ta I �� � � � �� � � .. Jl.����lc�t �h�t part�(s)nf yaur b�dy��yere in�. ed:l • f { � . I-�ave yau.saught:m�dical txeaxc��nt e� �"�o �'Ia�n,�tp$e.�k Ti�attne�E(cirCle� Whe�t itid yna xeceive ireahn�nt? ' --.-.-.-EP�'Q!?x�e d�?��(�}) Namc.of ic 1 '$e s :� Addxess , Telephon� bid.y4'a miss work a5 a.result af yc�t�r u�jury7 es .�Q _ Whcn_dxd.y.ou miss wark't � l� i (Pr.o."�xcT�da,te(s}) Naure.vf your��uPloycr; ` _ �t,di�t�s.s % TeleP2ian� . CI Chcck._�ere if'�aa.arrG�tt�r.�sing m�one�pa�ges.tt�t�s,cls�er�fqr,n �Tvmb�r.af additio�.�a�os. . . I3y si,��i�r�g�tl!aas forrrc;.�ar<:�re stating that uli inforrna�iarz yvtz.�ve�rb�utd'ed ii�_,irzce und`carrect.tQ t�ta..best , . a�',�QUr k�aowferlge. �nszgn�d f�rrtis�uill'.rtot.]�e,�ro�ess.ed. � ! , ; Submit�ir� a alse clairra cczn�exr�T�sr�proseculinra, T?�te 4oxm Fras.c�aiQa'�itet�d S ,�. P,rint the.Name.ot.#�e�'ez��x'�'�hv Co let�d : s.�u: � _.___,_______ _.. `. . �� . s 55ignatu�`e af Y'e�son.Making x�C C:! .. : ,... . _ kevised Febtvary,201I _ . • , � ;l __ _ ....__ _ ...__ . ._ __....__ . .. _ _._ .. _ __ _ • __ ..__ .. _ . . _. __ ... _ _.. _..__ _ . . .__ ...._ . .. .. _ ..._ .. ; _ __ .. ... ... ... _ _. _ . . .. . . __ ..... _...._. _ ; .. � __ . .. ..._____..... ..... _. . .. ___..... _ _ _ . ... ___........ _ . _ _.. .... ...._.. . _. .. ........._... ..._....... �. � _ -- — ------- ---- � � o — ����. � � 12208196 . � ,� � nrt�r+wwn nie raor ve�+acs �� r+.uaEO s wr raorrrn w.re v�iw wqjhu uamvrrnue � e rj `1' Q3 DO `00 �1�' , 8 30 2012� 22}.0 m 0 ROUTE SVSTFH RIXlfE 1M�EBER ON 97AEET NAME RMOWAV MflECT10N AT li N E �� � ' N E �IMfER9ECf10N� OR -� 8� �g 8 W { 10 JOhnSOn Pk S "' �TM � pN p,q17i 4Y4 ROUfE f.STREE[COR7 UMIT,di FEA7�IF�F C�Y� WT ELEM � �T 62 8,� 3�25 *`. 10 E. Margaret Street sure aass asuiue rvs�na+ w+�n��raErrweers.: sr�� QA49 0.3TATU5 r.�cra+� FACT[R1 PUSITION OWVERULENSENIIMBER-t � D O� O� 01 O1 V742296811313 MN D O1 O1 Z186264645915 6RE OF&l1TH IUME i��1NODlE.lAST) MTE OF BIRTM f#GfOR] ��z wu.��Frtur.MioaF.usn 07 15 6� SONG XIONG LEE 06 15 77 JAMES ROBERT WARREN oawoi. nFS„utt �re MraNEN AOM�ESS ... . ORVIOL REBfPCf �aOAFBS � O1 Ol 1596 CFiAMBER ST N, O1 1931 KENWOOD DR E N? O1 �� aTM.nAh.ffi � CT;STATE,21P . 651-341-9892 01 °""u� 651-772-2955 �yApz,EWOOD 55117 O1 ST PAUL 551a6 s�eorr s�Eorr uaenc urxt rL sEV �+ca�o ���0 ��� � EppT gnFEEOPf uRBAG EIECT �� � � u6E �4 �� 04 06 05 N � M "�4 04 06 05 N O1 Ol �r F ' rw.+.weFn K.cn� irre oauc x� roNOSr OransvonT • sannce xun�+u.mEa itan .we oaua ivae rot+osn Omn�asvoar �ueuu�s�^�'� T� 98 �ST 98 N, �; 98 �f:'' 9S Y; ��a �°'"�t ppE or«w �ne � I�� 0� °C"° O1M1k�""� N WARREN JAMES ROBERT pY LEE SONG XIONG ,�, �„� ��„P .,�� ,� ��s� N O1 03 1596 CHANiBER ST N,• 1931 KENWOOD DR E RRlCN3 DIIECT KN USE vo�usE an sr��m wur+� owECr arv sreh.z� 0 5 O 1 O1 ST PAUL MN 55106 "1V�; 05 MAPLEWOOD MN 5511? � � v�x+ eowa oMOwo �� ''��'" OOL°" � LCF 00 BLU 11 ��� "'"'� BUIC 05 TOYT HIG 201 GRN ����� „o,,,,,�, o„eo�st„ WfSEV PIATEi 3T1tE0 YEARREO RO�u�OFl�S Y06TNlA4E�B« RAfE/ STREG YEMREG �y� iamw OL 02 418HVT NRJ 2 O1 � Ol XMY616 [�l 12 ���n �«�.�R .+sw.mce PO1C1'"`"'�" A052484691004018 21st CentuYy Insura 310975 Liberty Mutual WMIC-0 IULWT � cnaco � w�z wa `'+"r�o wsxcno�� �"SP B"°�� IF ACCI�ENT�NVa�VED A COMMERCIAL MOTOR YEHICLE,9CHOOl BUS,OR HEAD 3TART BUS vv�c ^'� � � REMENBER TO NOTIFY THE STATE PATROL�requlrod vndar MS 16D•783 snd 169.l51�1• _ � �pNME�1.VEwCtENVARERI•AqTIXiCMNIERNAAE DOTHUMBER � COYME0.tlALV61R1ErAM8ER1-W70RCARPIFAqM�E OOTNU�BER M9SEI�OERSJY/ITMFbSES ' ..lN�i POSiNOATEOfB1RfM SO( NPE lA� lJRBAG EJEGf IH19EV IUIIOSP 7PANSPORI ���E ��� 'N ❑� .. . �O�NER � �1JNB AMBSER�'�CE " RlX!lMJMBFR �OTM6lt � M66FlNICE RUqNlIb6ER ❑� � • �Of1� � UAA1�GEl1PR0Y�f1'IYHLOwTAONUYBER � ONNER OF OTHSt OANNOEO PROPERNAND OESCJi17T1UN OF MIUCiEU MOPEfiN PNO'�YBLON'UG MAMEN31 . - DEVIGE ACC TYP I IWtl1ATNE 0 1 " .... ............. ._-. .........._.... . ............... ... ...._........_..... . ._ . C;_=' scwe�n� � IInit 1 was driving south on,Johnons Pkwy. As Unit " 03 ��� I Johnso PkW)I 1 was approaching the intersection of Johnson an � �a,,,,, .Margaret..she .slowed .to stop...Ther� was.a.qehi..c7,e... gg O1 in front of unit 1 making a left turn onto 'Mq� �e� . _ I � Margaret which-cauaed her to stop her uehicle, -- < ,� , 04 � N' �;�_ I '�UniC 2,'who wa's kiehind uniC l';' stopged:' .'- 6� .vre oF n2 .: . ., " . ..r ._........ . . }* 98 "'� P.t that time, unit 3 was driving south on Johnso� �. � . it we�n�rt� ���� ,.,,r � , p$yry,. Unit 3.rear-ended unit.2. which_ caused un..... o r� 1 (v �, l � ��; 2 to rear-end unit 1. � I _. .... .. womas+s � �^•� .., ..... . .. .. . ... . . . . .., .. _. ..r . ... R 2 s PPE9FM ..._'_ ;"'__"___.-�.�.. ... _. j: �! '"'_ ' . . . .. . . ,f� � �r ro E w . _........ Iy,. _ �SC.�`L �. ;tr� ..�,.. -- � uc:rt ROES(iM ��' ...... ... ......... r;. .�. �7; . .. .. ... .... .... yx .. - . � 04 ,Y.,�....._..... OS ; ao wru , - ..._ . . . . . ..... � �� E Margaret Street ' "- � ' O1 �� _. — ......... ...._...... N , :. �, .. . _ , �.r. .. � . aw',n+u 'f'' /� ,' .. . .. . ..... _ �= rm cww ��:.i I// S''S� .. ........... . . . . .. . ..... _ �1 Q�1 �L � I 1 ..::"° ,�E�, ��... - .._. OAT . T .... .�lTAIE VATROL lOCl1L 1 : ��w�cw�iaae,�oce� St Faul PD ❑�F Q ot"E" � Sergeant Todd Feroni 111 �� � _._. o . ' �ocuc�uo. �"+�D A 12208196 ` � wr,uoarr rue�aor�vexcxFS wu.EO s Mw .�orrtN oare o�v uwruer re� � r y rn � , o POUfE�5Y8TEM RIXRENUUBEROR5IREETNAME . PMDW�sdNEC71C%� Q�MlfER5EL710N� OR �_ 8� �' N '�E f/ ( vnm .�• rt s w°F� � QV RWTE S'S ROIftE/.S7AEET.CORP ll,.eT,pi FEATIMtE COIMTYND (� . RlfELBI �RFFENE7JLEPOM , '}�� • +� LJ FICIOR� P09TION ORNERIICEN9EMMAYEiI•1 STATE OJlS3 OLSTATl9 P09TION ORNE1il1LEN9ENU.IBER.2 STATE pASS DLST�T1b FACTOR� 01 C763001880816 NII�7 D O1 GACTOR 2 NM1E(F WST,MIOOLE.V3T1 aveafanm NNAE(fYt3f.MWLE.lA4T) aveareim„ rncrowz TIMOTHY CHARLES FILIOWICH 11 16 77 or�wo� RESTRIGf .AOORE53 � on no� a�rnicr 4NU�rs MNINEP ADME55 O1 72� PAYNE AVE N,• O1 '' � qir,sUTEZw PHYSCI d7Y.S�fA1E 2V al ST. PAUL 55106 6512665565 R(.'OAV�U A�OfiESS SE% ShF�ECWT B�FE EOPT Nfl8K3 EJECT WJ 9EY ' �� SE]1 SNAF�EOPr �FlJ7f NPBAC EJEG� INJ SEV RCOMND O1 ��E� M "�P 4 "� 04 06 OS N , 11L€Gy�1L T'PE �OR,sUO IYPE TON09P TIUNSrK1Ml AABIAAMCE6EfMCE PYNNUYBER � T'PE O�NUG IVPE TOH06P O O!R A4IBUUNCESERVCE r+w rawe�r+ T1V 98 14'T 98 N; O�e • pon+�n Q°'"E" f� occi�v FIRE � OWMER N�E pCqp OWNERN/JlE �T ' ;�: 03 CITY OF ST.PAUI, _ �'' ,� �„� rw.eo bo�ss . - v�rn .nort�s5 �% al 367 GROVE STREET N' pULUNO OwECT �� VENIISE GnSfl�TE.IIP RILLWG di1ECT CRY,SfRE.ZV UMT 07 ST. PAUL, MN 55103 `�. 05 � �pg r�.w oa�on ano�oc o.w�oc wucE r�aoe� r�r+ coioa Ol FORD CRNV 200 WB pIfSEV MATE� 9!�NLEOFEnVEN�IE �� �OSTHNwflrEM PtATEf 9TPEG YEMItE� �� SEy�.y�� �� p�ti MOt11W1Y 4q5EV STREG YEAftREG 02 NOPLATE MN Ol O1 ��E POUC'!NUMBEfl ����n ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL wu�rto w¢wr eov c�r+co wswT w� Ms�cTi°'+� �PB�1O�E` IFACCIDENTRNOLVEDACOMRIERCIALNOTORVEHICLf,SCNOOLBUS,OfiHEADSTARTBUS ri.�t TM� rraE ruc _ , REMEMBER TO NOTIFY THE STATE PATROL(re9ufrad under MS 16Y.]83 end 169.�51�} � � �p,YERCW.VEWC1EN11MBER]•NOTOfiGNHEANMIE OOTNUMBER CWWERtl11LVEHCIEMDBERt.MJfORG�F1tINME � DOTMlId9ER � PAS.4FN�ERS/VMTNE6¢! IApT POSIN MiEOfd 50t T'� u� ArtiBAO EJECf tl19EV TON0.9P iRANSPORi WH+NIMIFR � N ERS � �� NJB � Q Gi11EN � a AMBSEIiVICE � RUNNUFiBFR � AAIs . �OTNEII O ��y�y� RIIN NUA6ER � IM • �O1�fiR (1 I�>" UMIAGEORtOPERfY/YFJ.tOWTMMUMBOi � OWnflt OF OTHER WMMSED PIIOPERTYNiD OE9CRIPTION OF OAWUED M�HTYANNOR YRLOW UO MIYBEP(S) OEMGE .. . n. ....._ . �.,._ . .. . , NMMTNE: •GC7YP ' . , � ' ' '""" '..: . .'. .: . '. .... . : . . � SG11lBU5 � .' ' : ' ' . . � ' . .. J ..........,.... . .... . . . ........ ..... ..... . . . . . ... . . . . . . '� . . . . ..._"_... .. . ..... . . .. .. . . . WOmcNG , • , . . . � ' . . . ....... . . . . ..... .. :_. .. .. � ....................�...... .... . . . . . LoUiN .""....._......_.. . . . ': .............. . .. . . ��....._......' .: . • . . . . . ........ . . ._ .I� .....,._ M aEl � .Y : : : . . : . . . . . . .��� . ...... . .. . ....... ... .... . . . .... . .. ON BROOE n+i : ' ; . � � ;. �......... _ `. .$ . ... ........ . . . ,. i� .. 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PwTFOISTAiqN �STATEMTROI O LOCK �. , ...�:.�.i... .... .. .. . ... . .... . : . ..�.. _..:. .y....:... ' � . AfiFl1LY orf�nwNUC.rwE�rne�ooE� St Paul PD 0�"'� Q O11°` Sergeant Todd Feroni 111 , Saint Paul Police Departmeni Page 2 °f 2 SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Complaint Number Reference CN Date and Time of Report 12208196 08/31/2012 01:21 :00 Primary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR I took the following photo's. List of Photos for CN 12208196: 1. 12208196-08302012_222747-TRAFFICACCDNT-1.jpg - Johnson and Beech 2. 12208196-08302012_222815-TRAFFICACCDNT-2.jpg - crash scene SB 3. 12208196-08302012_222816-TRAFFICACCDNT-3.jpg - blury 4. 12208196-08302012_222824-TRAFFICACCDNT-4.jpg - crash scene SB 5. 12208196-08302012_222833-TRAFFICACCDNT-5.jpg - SB photo 6. 12208196-08302012_222840-TRAFFICACCDNT-6.jpg - SB photo 7. 12208196-08302012_222847-TRAFFICACCDNT-7.jpg - SB photo 8. 12208196-08302012_222909-TRAFFICACCDNT-8.jpg - EB photo 9. 12208196-08302012_222915-TRAFFICACCDNT-9.jpg - EB photo 10. 12208196-08302012_222928-TRAFFICACCDNT-10.jpg - EB photo 11. 12208196-08302012_222933-TRAFFICACCDNT-11.jpg - EB photo 12. 12208196-08302012_222950-TRAFFICACCDNT-12.jpg - EB photo 13. 12208196-08302012_222952-TRAFFICACCDNT-13.jpg - EB photo 14. 12208196-08302012_223004-TRAFFICACCDNT-14.jpg - front of squad 1933 15. 12208196-08302012_223011-TRAFFICACCDNT-15.jpg - front of squad 1933 16. 12208196-08302012_223015-TRAFFICACCDNT-16.jpg - back of XMY616 17. 12208196-08302012_223022-TRAFFICACCDNT-17.jpg - same 18. 12208196-08302012_223032-TRAFFICACCDNT-18.jpg - back of 418HVT 19. 12208196-08302012_223041-TRAFFICACCDNT-19.jpg - front of XMY616 20. 12208196-08302012_223051-TRAFFICACCDNT-20.jpg - front of 418HVT 21. 12208196-08312012_013022-TRAFFICACCDNT-21.db - unk The labeled photos were TRANSFERRED to the Media Vault. PUBLIC NARRATIVE Supplement report: SP98AF85587C9A1 �'�aint Paul Police Department Pa9e � of5 ORIGIt�AL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Complaint Number Reference CN Date and Time of Report 12208196 08/30/2012 22:48:00 Primary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Primary Reporting O�cer.� FefOfll, Todd R Name of location/business: Primarysquad: 305 �ocationofincident:JOHNSON PA& MARGARET Secondaryreportingo�cer.• ST PAUL, MN 55106 Approver.• NeSh, James oisrrict. Eastern Date&time of occurrence: 08/30/2012 22:10:00 to Site: 08/30/2012 22:10:00 Arrest made: Secondary offense: Police O�cer Assaulted or lnjured: Police O�cer Assisted Suicide: Crime Scene Processed: OFFENSE DETAILS TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Attempt Only: Appears to be Gang Related: NAMES Driver Filiowich, Timothy Charles 722 PAYNE AV ST PAU L, M N 55106 Nicknames or Aliases Nick Name: Alias: AKA First Name: AKA Last Name: Details Sex: Race: DOB: 11/16/1977 Resident Status: Hispanic: Age: 34 from fo Phones Home: Cell: Contact: Work: 651-266-5565 Fax: Pager. Employment Occupation: Employer. CITY OF ST. PAUL SP98AF85587C9A1 I 5aint Paul Police Department Page 2 of 5 ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Complainf Number Reference CN Date and Time of Report 12208196 08/30/2012 22:48:00 Primary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Identification SSN: License or ID#: License State: Driver Lee, Song Xiong 1596 CHAMBER ST PAUL, MN 55106 Nicknames or Afiases Nick Name: Alias: AKA First Name: AKA Last Name: Details sex: Female Race: Asian �oe: 6/15/1978 Resident Status: Hispanic: Age: 34 from to Phones Hame: 65'-772-2°55 Cel1: Contact: Wo�: Fax: Pager.• Employment Occupation: Employer. Identificafion SSN: License or ID#: License State: Driver Warren, James Robert 1931 KENWOOD DR E MAPLEWOOD, MN 55117 Nicknames or Aliases Nick Name: Alias: RKA First Name: AKA Last Name: Details Resident Status: Sex: Race: White DO6� 7/15/1968 Hispanic: Age: 44 from to Phones Home: Cell: Contact: Work: Fax: Pager.• SP98AF85587C9A1 Saint Paul Police Department Page 3 of 5 ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Complaint Number Reference CN Date and Time of Report 12208196 08/30/2012 22:48:00 Primary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Emp;oyment Occupation: Employer.� Identifrcafion SSN.� License or ID#: License State: Suspect UNKNOWN Nicknames or A/iases Nick Name: Alias: AKA First Name: AKA Last Name: Details Sex: Race: DOB: Resident Status: Hispanic: Age: from to Phones Nome: Cell: Contact: Work: Fax: Pager.• Employment Occupation: Employer. Identification SSN: License or ID#: License State: Physical Description US: Metnc: Height: to Build: Hair Length: Hair Color. Weight: to Skin: FacialHair. HairType: Teeth: Eye Color.• Blood Type: Offender lnformation Arrested: Pursuit engaged: Violated Restraining Order. DUI: Resistance encountered: Condition: Taken to health care facility: Medical release obtained: SP98AF85587C9A1 Saint Paul Police Department �� Page 4 of5 ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Complaint Number Reference CN Date and Time of Report 12208196 08/30/2012 22:48:00 Primary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR SOLV�lBILiTY FAC70RS Suspect can be Identi�ed: BY� Photos Taken: Stolen Property Traceable: Evidence Tumed In: Property Tumed In: Related Incident: La6 Biological Analysis: Fingerprints Taken: Narcotic Analysis: Items Fingerprinted: Lab Comments: VEHICLE INFORMATION (Information Only) Registered owner. Wafi"2t1, James Robert Status Description Status: License no.: X�Y616 Year.• Towed: State: NIN Tyne� Sedan owner.- Warren, James Yeac Color. Stolen Method: V.I.N.: Doors: Lock status Make: BUICk Transmission: Keys in vehicle: Model: LESABRE Shift Position: Mileage: Registered owner. L88, Song Xiong Status Description Status: License no.: 418HVT Year.� Towed: State: M►�I Type� Sports utiliry vehicle owner. Lee, Song Xiong Year.• $/2012 Color.• Stolen Method: V.I.N.: Doors: Lock status Make: TOyOtB Transmission: Keys in vehicle: Model: HYLANDER Shift Position: Mileage: SP98AF85587C9A1 Page 5 of 5 5aint Paul Police Departmeni ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Complaint Number Reference CN Date and Time of Report 12208196 08/30/2012 22:48:00 Primary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Participants: " Person Type: Name: Address: Phone: Driver Filiowich, Timothy Charles 722 PAYNE AV ST PAUL, MN 55106 Driver Lee, Song Xiong 1596 CHAMBER 651-772-2955 ST PAU L, M N 55106 Driver Warren, James Robert 1931 KENWOOD DR E MAPLEWOOD, MN 55117 Suspect NARRATIVE I, Sgt Feroni, was requested to a squad accident at the intersection of Johnson Pkwy/Margaret. When I arrived I saw a St. Paul Police squad car driven by Officer Tim Filiowich was involved in an accident with two other cars. Officer Filiowich told me the following. He was s/b Johnson Pkwy approaching Margaret. He looked down at his computer, looked back up and saw a car that was stopped in traffic. Officer Filiowich said he immediately braked and struck the rear of Mn XMY-616 (Buick LeSabre) driven by Warren, James Robert 07-15-68. I spoke with Warren who told me the following. He was driving his car XMY-616 s/b Johnson Pkwy approaching Margaret. He saw the car in front of him was stopped in traffic. He braked and came to a stop behind 418-HVT (Toyota Hylander) driven by Lee, Song Xiong 6-15-77. Warren said he was struck from behind by the squad car and the impact forced him into the rear of Lee's car. I spoke with Lee, Song Xiong 6-15-77 who told me the following. She was driving s/b Johnson approaching Margaret. A car was stopped, waiting to turn left or e/b Margaret from Johnson. Lee said she stopped for the car turning left. Lee said she was struck from behind by Warren. Medic 24, run#24183 responded. Warren complained of neck pain but refused transport to the hospital by medics. Lee said she was not injured but sore. Officer Filiowich said he was not injured. Ofricer Tallirico and Wilson painted the scene. All vehicles were able to drive. Officer Filiowich drove squad 1933 to PSG for repair. Officer Wilson took photos. State accid�nt report completed. I reviewed the ICC and downloaded it. PUBLIC NARRATIVE Squad 1933 was involved in a property damage accident at Johnson/Margaret. Officer Filiowich was s/b Johnson approaching Margaret and struck the rear of a Buick LeSabre which struck the car in front of it. No injuries reported by the drivers. � SP98AF85567C9A1 Saint Paul Police Department Pa9e 1 of2 SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Complaint Number Reference CN Date and Time of Report 12208196 10/10/2012 01 :50:00 Primary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Primary Reporting O�cer.� FIIIOWICh, Timothy Name of Iccation/business: Primarysquad: 37� �ocationofincident:JOHNSON PA& MARGARET Secondary reporting officer. ST PAU L, MN 55106 Approver. NBSh, James oistrict: Eastern Date&time of occurrence: 08/30/2012 22:10:00 to Site: 08/30/2012 22:10:00 Arrest made: Secondary offense: Police Officer Assaulfed or Injured: Police O�cer Assisted Suicide: Crime Scene Processed: OFFENSE DETAILS TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Attempt Only: Appears tu 6e Gang Related: SOLVABILITY FACTORS Suspect can be Identified: By� Photos Taken: Stolen Property Traceable: Evidence Tumed In: Property Tumed In: Related Incident: Lab Biological Analysis: Fingerprints Taken: Narcotic Analysis: Items Fingerprinted: Lab Comments: Participants: Person Type: Name: Address: Phone: NARRATIVE On 08/30/2012 at 2210 hours, 1, Officer T. Filiowich (Sq. 371) was driving south on Johnson Pkwy to a disturbance call at Earl and Suburban (CN 12-208-189). As I cleared the intersection of Minnehaha I looked at my in-car laptop to check information for the call I was en route to. SP98AF85587C9A1 ''Saint Paul Police Department' Pa9e 2 °f 2 SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Complaint Number Reference CN Date and Time of Report 12208196 10/10/2012 01:50:00 Primary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR At that time, three vehicles in front of ine came to a stop on Johnson Pkwy at the intersection of Margaret. I was driving approximately 30 mph when the vehicles stopped. As I looked forward and saw the vehicles stopped I immediately applied my brakes but was unable to stop. I struck the vehicle in front of ine, MN LIC/XMY-616. Squads arrived on scene to assist and Sgt. Feroni was notified and responded to the scene as well. See supplements, original and state accident. Nothing further. PUBLIC NARRATIVE Supplement Report SP98AF85587C9A1 5aint Paul Police Department Page 1 of 1 SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Complaint Numbe� Reference CN Date and Time of Report 12208196 08/31/2012 08:30:00 Primary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Primary Reporting Officer.- CaflSOfl, Steve� L Name oflocatiorul�usiness: Primarysquad: Location ofincident: JOHNSON PA& MARGARET Secondary reporting officer. ST PAUL, MN 55106 Approver. �istrict: Eastern Date&time of occurrence: 08/30/2012 22:10:00 to Site: 08/30/2012 22:10:00 Arrest made: Secondary offense: Police O�cerAssaulted or Injured: Police O�cerAssisted Suicide: Crime Scene Processed: NARRATIVE On 08-31-12, I, Sergeant Carlson reviewed this case involving a marked squad car near the intersection of Johnson-Margaret. -Noted. PUBLIC NARRATIVE SP98AF65587C9A1 Saint Paul Police Departmeni Pa9e ' °f2 SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Complaint Number Reference CN Date and Time of Report 12208196 08/31/2012 01:21:00 Primary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Primary Reporting Officer.• WIISOII, DOUgl85 Name of location/business: Primarysquad: 360 �ocationofincident:JOHNSON PA& MARGARET Secondary reporting officer.� ST PAUL, MN 55106 Approver.• NeSh, James �istrict: Eastern Date&time of occurrence: 08/30/2012 22:10:00 to Site: 08/30/2012 22:10:00 Arrest made: Secondary offense: Police O�cer Assaulted or Injured: Police O�cer Assisted Suicide: Crime Scene Processed: OFFENSE DETAILS TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Attempt Only: Appears to be Gang Re/ated: SOLVABILITY FACTORS Suspect can be Identified: BY� Photos Taken: YeS Stolen Property Traceable: Evidence Tumed In: Property Tumed In: Related Incident: Lab Biological Analysis: Fingerprints Taken: Narcotic Analysis: Items Fingerprinted: Lab Comments: Participants: Person Type: Name: Address: Phone: NARRATIVE On 08-30-2012, at approx 2210 hrs, I Officer Wilson, squad 360 was dispatched to Margaret and Johnson to assist at a crash. Upon my arrival I assisted by taking photo's and mapping the crash scene. The field sketch and measurements were turned in to Sgt Gravesen in the Crime Lab. SP98AF85587C9A1 V �•{�,. . •�f-`., . �' ��-�� �- _.:�, �� � \y�� ��� �.�._ �� � � . - ,,�,��,. . , �, .,f . . �'';�,�y`o' E ' . �• � �� . �. ,,,> � . • �j'- � ° �ri� ,� �4� 1 .�. � �,at�,� , i , �. 4" .:#�x'`�`.,: .,� . _.�-- tT` � '"1�i__. .��" i(�� • , �ir7 � . ~t,��j'�,�«�r� � \-v. .!l�Jn�'., %"5.1�`�. c- � , � ,,�. � �a .�f�l� ���� . � . � � � ��� ��, � ��� �P�.Y � kiy �' . . . . . 7 . ��1�: , ��. '_� ' .�.,...T � . � :P •\ �. I� �'. i'W. � � i:;�:*: . ��' � -�..�' . ,'� . 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