97-290, . � t ' � i lg. ! �i,'7 Council File # � — �9 O L �°� � a� Green Sheet # 32590 Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4S 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5S 59 60 61 Date WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Civic Center is currently undertaking a major renovation and expa�sion project to provide for increased convention activity in the future; and 1NFIEREAS, this project does not include a physical pedestrian connection beiween the Saint Paul Civic Center and the downtown skyway system; and WHEftEAS, a climate-coMrolled connection to the skyway sysiem wouid substantiafty increase the attraetiveness of the Civic Center as a potential convention location, thereby increasing convention business and enhancing the economic vitality of the downtown business district; and WHEREAS, the timing of the connection is critical to the marketing of the Civic Center Convention Center; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority has expressed an interest in funding`" the Connection within the Landmark Tower and/or Lowry Professional Building; and WHEREAS, in 1996 Ramsey County government officials had expressed an interest in having a pedestrian connection; and WHEREAS, the opening of the Civic Center Convention Center is May, 1998 and the latest optimum date for the pedestrian connection is October 1, 1998; and WHEREAS, the construction timeline is twelve (12) months a�d an additional four (4) months for bidding procedures and an additional three (3) months to provide detailed drawings, soil samples, utilities, etc., as well as working with the affected property owners to address their issues and needs; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a capital project be established to provide for design and construdion of a climate-controlled connection between the Saint Paul Civic Center and the downtown business district; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the project design provide for a skyway connection past the Saint Paul Public Librery along one of two proposed routes; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Department of Planning and Economic Development, the Office of Financial Services, the the Department of Public Works, the Port Authority, the Civic Center Authority and the Convention and Visitors Bureau collarborate with other public and private beneficiaries to complete a financing plan for the connection; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the CiTy Council of Saint Paul directs the Administration to: 1. Provide bi-monthly updates to the Mayor and the City Council on the progress on the connection and to assign appropriate interdepartmental staff to provide leadership on the completion of the connection system and to work with the architect on identifying utilities, soil conditions, etc.; 2. Proceed with detailed drawings for the climate controlled connedion using the best features of both proposals which would incorporate the least intrusive features to the aesthetics of the architecture of the buildings and would respect the beauty of Rice Park; would not close Washington Street, and would provide the most direct route possible within a budget of approximately $7 million (see Exhibit A attached); 3. Direct staff to prepare local or state legislative changes needed to implement this plan; 4. Work with all affected building owners to address their specific needs and/or concerns; 5. Work with the committee headed up by Carl Kuhrmeyers and Lowell Shea Hellerviks to secure outside contributions, and recruit advertisement and naming rights dollars, etc. which meet legal requirements; 6. Request the Port Authority, Sai�t Paul Public Library, and Civic Center Authority to provide for the ongoing maintenance needs of the connection in their 1998-2000 budgets (roughly $90,000-$150,000 annually) and to add a directive that the ongoing maintenance after the year 2000 to be paid for by the hotel-motel proceeds after the Convention Center, Science Museum, and Parking Ramps are completed and operational; 7_ Apprise the Mayor and City Council of any unforeseen challenges or problems prior to awarding a bid for construdion to begin; ` The Port Authority esEmates this connec[ion to be around $500,000 and will atldress any shortfall'rf any for this part of the connection. � q 64 65 66 67 6'9 � 8. Seeure, prior to construction, all the available financing commitrnents, compiete with any needed budget amendmeMs, including ideMifying additional hoteVmotel dollars being dedicated to cover any shwtfall in tlie aforementionad budget and to include Uie pedastrian co�nection in the 1995 proposed City budgeG 9. Direct stafi W prepare a payback pla . The plan wilf include revenue from tt�e HoteUMotel ta�c, advertising, naming rights and otlier revenues derived from the connection; 10. Have ttie pedestrian cw+nection ope�ti by October 1, 1998; and be it 71 72 73 74 75 6arrent- �-l�l- a9O :� - : - _ - -- -- --- :.au:��' :< - - " ' i .:i ' " ' ' " __ ' ' ' '_ ' " _-' • _ ' - '_ •i r�� " ' •i .� �� � !e ' '_ '_ _" _ '_ , _— _ ' ' ' __ " . ' _ ' _' " "' _"' _' '_" ' " "' " _ . �• � �• - iSirui.-' � __ _ '" _ " ' _ �: -* _ ' ' ' ' ' "' �• � .- . Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� � ..._ � _ � Apprwed by Mayor. Date By: C� I D!!1!�Ii� Requ ted by Departrnent of. By: Approval Recommended by Budget Director: $Y rn , Form Ap by CRy A mey: By: ( ...4/' ' � �- _ __� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: BY� � i�V `�`--' FimMialSemcesOMce-BWgetStttion (M. ER5IBUWE11123tRESOlU111RE5 CCS].WKd IXil1&'9]) Adopted by Council: Date -- �� rt „_,� \`l , �� `L�� ��,�,,��,,. DA'lEIIilR�l'IIIi ��- a °' - - 03/19/97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32590 ODNT.1CfP�Rd�PHOT� � DFPAR'R�M'D�ECI'OR a QIYW�NC�. Pamela W'ueelocic, 266-6655 � 3❑ rnrwrrox�r � c�rrctm,c ��ox�.�a��� � o �� o ���.��� AS.A.P. ❑a xuvae�oxxss�ruzn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATQRE YAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAIIONS FOR SIGNATQRE) � val to establish a new capital project to design and conshvct an enclosed pedestrian walkway between the Saint Paul Civic Center and the vmtown skywaY S5'stem- �mwrwas,i PII2SONAL SE[t�'ICE CON1RACfS M[J5f ANSR'ER THE FOLIAWING QUFSfIONS: rcarumxxmeamssod cNasxnceconuusaota 1.Flaztlrispnaodfume�uwo�kedwderamntractforth¢depmvnent? xx cmooeum�rt� YES NO _ ' sc+&F _ 2HasWispasod5mte�srbcenacitY<mPbYa? n�slwcrcwxr YES NO smeoxrs mxicfteouxe¢ oe.henver 3. Dces thia pe`aw✓fimi poaxs.v a s1oL not nonna�YP�%%� bY �Y cwrent ay' employa? YES NO ((F,znlatn al� yes �aswers on sepnnie sneet ana aaun co s sneet.) anrtnmea�eoat•tat �ss� orvoxrm+rrr(weo. w�: wnm. wnc�. wnr). There is a nced to construct a climate-controlled connection from the Saint Paul Civic Center to the downtown skyway system in order to improve the marketability of the Civic Cenier as a convention location. novnxracFS� neexovID: � Economic activity for downtown hotel, retail and entertainment establisluuents would gow, thereby enhancing the city's tax base. " DISADYANfACESff APPAOV6D� . � Construction financing proposed for this project would not be available for other projeets. MSADVnNfAGE40F NOT APPROVID: Without a climate-contmlled connection ko downtown hotels, restaurants and shops, organizations that might otherwise consider Saint Paul as a desirable convention location - particulazly diuing cold weather monUvs - may choose to to go elszwhere. ror.wnnioum�oa�rvsncnox .Q6.7�0.0�� CO$'f/FtSVEN1IEBUDC6iED(CIRCL60Pi6) O xo s�,���� Various ncnv�nnvMSa U8(IOUS fn+,uccut.�uoww.�nox:�.naq G97-7R060 n:v�ers`�mzaresan'ys asz.wxa � i �� — � �a EXHIBIT A in ncin Sales Tax Transfer Civic Center - bonds/interest eamings HoteUMotei Tax Saint Paul Port Authority Ramsey County Donations/contributions/payments Snending Design Construction Contingency 1997 2,050,000 2,150, 000 500,000 1,0OO,OQO 1,000,000 6,700,000 1998 300,000 300,000 TOTAL 2,050,040 2,150,000 300,000 500,000 1,OOQ,OQO 1,000,000 7,000,000 900,000 900,000 5,600,000 5,600,000 200,000 300,000 500,000 6,700,000 3d0,000 7,000,000 , . � t ' � i lg. ! �i,'7 Council File # � — �9 O L �°� � a� Green Sheet # 32590 Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4S 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5S 59 60 61 Date WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Civic Center is currently undertaking a major renovation and expa�sion project to provide for increased convention activity in the future; and 1NFIEREAS, this project does not include a physical pedestrian connection beiween the Saint Paul Civic Center and the downtown skyway system; and WHEftEAS, a climate-coMrolled connection to the skyway sysiem wouid substantiafty increase the attraetiveness of the Civic Center as a potential convention location, thereby increasing convention business and enhancing the economic vitality of the downtown business district; and WHEREAS, the timing of the connection is critical to the marketing of the Civic Center Convention Center; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority has expressed an interest in funding`" the Connection within the Landmark Tower and/or Lowry Professional Building; and WHEREAS, in 1996 Ramsey County government officials had expressed an interest in having a pedestrian connection; and WHEREAS, the opening of the Civic Center Convention Center is May, 1998 and the latest optimum date for the pedestrian connection is October 1, 1998; and WHEREAS, the construction timeline is twelve (12) months a�d an additional four (4) months for bidding procedures and an additional three (3) months to provide detailed drawings, soil samples, utilities, etc., as well as working with the affected property owners to address their issues and needs; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a capital project be established to provide for design and construdion of a climate-controlled connection between the Saint Paul Civic Center and the downtown business district; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the project design provide for a skyway connection past the Saint Paul Public Librery along one of two proposed routes; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Department of Planning and Economic Development, the Office of Financial Services, the the Department of Public Works, the Port Authority, the Civic Center Authority and the Convention and Visitors Bureau collarborate with other public and private beneficiaries to complete a financing plan for the connection; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the CiTy Council of Saint Paul directs the Administration to: 1. Provide bi-monthly updates to the Mayor and the City Council on the progress on the connection and to assign appropriate interdepartmental staff to provide leadership on the completion of the connection system and to work with the architect on identifying utilities, soil conditions, etc.; 2. Proceed with detailed drawings for the climate controlled connedion using the best features of both proposals which would incorporate the least intrusive features to the aesthetics of the architecture of the buildings and would respect the beauty of Rice Park; would not close Washington Street, and would provide the most direct route possible within a budget of approximately $7 million (see Exhibit A attached); 3. Direct staff to prepare local or state legislative changes needed to implement this plan; 4. Work with all affected building owners to address their specific needs and/or concerns; 5. Work with the committee headed up by Carl Kuhrmeyers and Lowell Shea Hellerviks to secure outside contributions, and recruit advertisement and naming rights dollars, etc. which meet legal requirements; 6. Request the Port Authority, Sai�t Paul Public Library, and Civic Center Authority to provide for the ongoing maintenance needs of the connection in their 1998-2000 budgets (roughly $90,000-$150,000 annually) and to add a directive that the ongoing maintenance after the year 2000 to be paid for by the hotel-motel proceeds after the Convention Center, Science Museum, and Parking Ramps are completed and operational; 7_ Apprise the Mayor and City Council of any unforeseen challenges or problems prior to awarding a bid for construdion to begin; ` The Port Authority esEmates this connec[ion to be around $500,000 and will atldress any shortfall'rf any for this part of the connection. � q 64 65 66 67 6'9 � 8. Seeure, prior to construction, all the available financing commitrnents, compiete with any needed budget amendmeMs, including ideMifying additional hoteVmotel dollars being dedicated to cover any shwtfall in tlie aforementionad budget and to include Uie pedastrian co�nection in the 1995 proposed City budgeG 9. Direct stafi W prepare a payback pla . The plan wilf include revenue from tt�e HoteUMotel ta�c, advertising, naming rights and otlier revenues derived from the connection; 10. Have ttie pedestrian cw+nection ope�ti by October 1, 1998; and be it 71 72 73 74 75 6arrent- �-l�l- a9O :� - : - _ - -- -- --- :.au:��' :< - - " ' i .:i ' " ' ' " __ ' ' ' '_ ' " _-' • _ ' - '_ •i r�� " ' •i .� �� � !e ' '_ '_ _" _ '_ , _— _ ' ' ' __ " . ' _ ' _' " "' _"' _' '_" ' " "' " _ . �• � �• - iSirui.-' � __ _ '" _ " ' _ �: -* _ ' ' ' ' ' "' �• � .- . Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� � ..._ � _ � Apprwed by Mayor. Date By: C� I D!!1!�Ii� Requ ted by Departrnent of. By: Approval Recommended by Budget Director: $Y rn , Form Ap by CRy A mey: By: ( ...4/' ' � �- _ __� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: BY� � i�V `�`--' FimMialSemcesOMce-BWgetStttion (M. ER5IBUWE11123tRESOlU111RE5 CCS].WKd IXil1&'9]) Adopted by Council: Date -- �� rt „_,� \`l , �� `L�� ��,�,,��,,. DA'lEIIilR�l'IIIi ��- a °' - - 03/19/97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32590 ODNT.1CfP�Rd�PHOT� � DFPAR'R�M'D�ECI'OR a QIYW�NC�. Pamela W'ueelocic, 266-6655 � 3❑ rnrwrrox�r � c�rrctm,c ��ox�.�a��� � o �� o ���.��� AS.A.P. ❑a xuvae�oxxss�ruzn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATQRE YAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAIIONS FOR SIGNATQRE) � val to establish a new capital project to design and conshvct an enclosed pedestrian walkway between the Saint Paul Civic Center and the vmtown skywaY S5'stem- �mwrwas,i PII2SONAL SE[t�'ICE CON1RACfS M[J5f ANSR'ER THE FOLIAWING QUFSfIONS: rcarumxxmeamssod cNasxnceconuusaota 1.Flaztlrispnaodfume�uwo�kedwderamntractforth¢depmvnent? xx cmooeum�rt� YES NO _ ' sc+&F _ 2HasWispasod5mte�srbcenacitY<mPbYa? n�slwcrcwxr YES NO smeoxrs mxicfteouxe¢ oe.henver 3. Dces thia pe`aw✓fimi poaxs.v a s1oL not nonna�YP�%%� bY �Y cwrent ay' employa? YES NO ((F,znlatn al� yes �aswers on sepnnie sneet ana aaun co s sneet.) anrtnmea�eoat•tat �ss� orvoxrm+rrr(weo. w�: wnm. wnc�. wnr). There is a nced to construct a climate-controlled connection from the Saint Paul Civic Center to the downtown skyway system in order to improve the marketability of the Civic Cenier as a convention location. novnxracFS� neexovID: � Economic activity for downtown hotel, retail and entertainment establisluuents would gow, thereby enhancing the city's tax base. " DISADYANfACESff APPAOV6D� . � Construction financing proposed for this project would not be available for other projeets. MSADVnNfAGE40F NOT APPROVID: Without a climate-contmlled connection ko downtown hotels, restaurants and shops, organizations that might otherwise consider Saint Paul as a desirable convention location - particulazly diuing cold weather monUvs - may choose to to go elszwhere. ror.wnnioum�oa�rvsncnox .Q6.7�0.0�� CO$'f/FtSVEN1IEBUDC6iED(CIRCL60Pi6) O xo s�,���� Various ncnv�nnvMSa U8(IOUS fn+,uccut.�uoww.�nox:�.naq G97-7R060 n:v�ers`�mzaresan'ys asz.wxa � i �� — � �a EXHIBIT A in ncin Sales Tax Transfer Civic Center - bonds/interest eamings HoteUMotei Tax Saint Paul Port Authority Ramsey County Donations/contributions/payments Snending Design Construction Contingency 1997 2,050,000 2,150, 000 500,000 1,0OO,OQO 1,000,000 6,700,000 1998 300,000 300,000 TOTAL 2,050,040 2,150,000 300,000 500,000 1,OOQ,OQO 1,000,000 7,000,000 900,000 900,000 5,600,000 5,600,000 200,000 300,000 500,000 6,700,000 3d0,000 7,000,000 , . � t ' � i lg. ! �i,'7 Council File # � — �9 O L �°� � a� Green Sheet # 32590 Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4S 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5S 59 60 61 Date WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Civic Center is currently undertaking a major renovation and expa�sion project to provide for increased convention activity in the future; and 1NFIEREAS, this project does not include a physical pedestrian connection beiween the Saint Paul Civic Center and the downtown skyway system; and WHEftEAS, a climate-coMrolled connection to the skyway sysiem wouid substantiafty increase the attraetiveness of the Civic Center as a potential convention location, thereby increasing convention business and enhancing the economic vitality of the downtown business district; and WHEREAS, the timing of the connection is critical to the marketing of the Civic Center Convention Center; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority has expressed an interest in funding`" the Connection within the Landmark Tower and/or Lowry Professional Building; and WHEREAS, in 1996 Ramsey County government officials had expressed an interest in having a pedestrian connection; and WHEREAS, the opening of the Civic Center Convention Center is May, 1998 and the latest optimum date for the pedestrian connection is October 1, 1998; and WHEREAS, the construction timeline is twelve (12) months a�d an additional four (4) months for bidding procedures and an additional three (3) months to provide detailed drawings, soil samples, utilities, etc., as well as working with the affected property owners to address their issues and needs; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a capital project be established to provide for design and construdion of a climate-controlled connection between the Saint Paul Civic Center and the downtown business district; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the project design provide for a skyway connection past the Saint Paul Public Librery along one of two proposed routes; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Department of Planning and Economic Development, the Office of Financial Services, the the Department of Public Works, the Port Authority, the Civic Center Authority and the Convention and Visitors Bureau collarborate with other public and private beneficiaries to complete a financing plan for the connection; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the CiTy Council of Saint Paul directs the Administration to: 1. Provide bi-monthly updates to the Mayor and the City Council on the progress on the connection and to assign appropriate interdepartmental staff to provide leadership on the completion of the connection system and to work with the architect on identifying utilities, soil conditions, etc.; 2. Proceed with detailed drawings for the climate controlled connedion using the best features of both proposals which would incorporate the least intrusive features to the aesthetics of the architecture of the buildings and would respect the beauty of Rice Park; would not close Washington Street, and would provide the most direct route possible within a budget of approximately $7 million (see Exhibit A attached); 3. Direct staff to prepare local or state legislative changes needed to implement this plan; 4. Work with all affected building owners to address their specific needs and/or concerns; 5. Work with the committee headed up by Carl Kuhrmeyers and Lowell Shea Hellerviks to secure outside contributions, and recruit advertisement and naming rights dollars, etc. which meet legal requirements; 6. Request the Port Authority, Sai�t Paul Public Library, and Civic Center Authority to provide for the ongoing maintenance needs of the connection in their 1998-2000 budgets (roughly $90,000-$150,000 annually) and to add a directive that the ongoing maintenance after the year 2000 to be paid for by the hotel-motel proceeds after the Convention Center, Science Museum, and Parking Ramps are completed and operational; 7_ Apprise the Mayor and City Council of any unforeseen challenges or problems prior to awarding a bid for construdion to begin; ` The Port Authority esEmates this connec[ion to be around $500,000 and will atldress any shortfall'rf any for this part of the connection. � q 64 65 66 67 6'9 � 8. Seeure, prior to construction, all the available financing commitrnents, compiete with any needed budget amendmeMs, including ideMifying additional hoteVmotel dollars being dedicated to cover any shwtfall in tlie aforementionad budget and to include Uie pedastrian co�nection in the 1995 proposed City budgeG 9. Direct stafi W prepare a payback pla . The plan wilf include revenue from tt�e HoteUMotel ta�c, advertising, naming rights and otlier revenues derived from the connection; 10. Have ttie pedestrian cw+nection ope�ti by October 1, 1998; and be it 71 72 73 74 75 6arrent- �-l�l- a9O :� - : - _ - -- -- --- :.au:��' :< - - " ' i .:i ' " ' ' " __ ' ' ' '_ ' " _-' • _ ' - '_ •i r�� " ' •i .� �� � !e ' '_ '_ _" _ '_ , _— _ ' ' ' __ " . ' _ ' _' " "' _"' _' '_" ' " "' " _ . �• � �• - iSirui.-' � __ _ '" _ " ' _ �: -* _ ' ' ' ' ' "' �• � .- . Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� � ..._ � _ � Apprwed by Mayor. Date By: C� I D!!1!�Ii� Requ ted by Departrnent of. By: Approval Recommended by Budget Director: $Y rn , Form Ap by CRy A mey: By: ( ...4/' ' � �- _ __� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: BY� � i�V `�`--' FimMialSemcesOMce-BWgetStttion (M. ER5IBUWE11123tRESOlU111RE5 CCS].WKd IXil1&'9]) Adopted by Council: Date -- �� rt „_,� \`l , �� `L�� ��,�,,��,,. DA'lEIIilR�l'IIIi ��- a °' - - 03/19/97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32590 ODNT.1CfP�Rd�PHOT� � DFPAR'R�M'D�ECI'OR a QIYW�NC�. Pamela W'ueelocic, 266-6655 � 3❑ rnrwrrox�r � c�rrctm,c ��ox�.�a��� � o �� o ���.��� AS.A.P. ❑a xuvae�oxxss�ruzn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATQRE YAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAIIONS FOR SIGNATQRE) � val to establish a new capital project to design and conshvct an enclosed pedestrian walkway between the Saint Paul Civic Center and the vmtown skywaY S5'stem- �mwrwas,i PII2SONAL SE[t�'ICE CON1RACfS M[J5f ANSR'ER THE FOLIAWING QUFSfIONS: rcarumxxmeamssod cNasxnceconuusaota 1.Flaztlrispnaodfume�uwo�kedwderamntractforth¢depmvnent? xx cmooeum�rt� YES NO _ ' sc+&F _ 2HasWispasod5mte�srbcenacitY<mPbYa? n�slwcrcwxr YES NO smeoxrs mxicfteouxe¢ oe.henver 3. Dces thia pe`aw✓fimi poaxs.v a s1oL not nonna�YP�%%� bY �Y cwrent ay' employa? YES NO ((F,znlatn al� yes �aswers on sepnnie sneet ana aaun co s sneet.) anrtnmea�eoat•tat �ss� orvoxrm+rrr(weo. w�: wnm. wnc�. wnr). There is a nced to construct a climate-controlled connection from the Saint Paul Civic Center to the downtown skyway system in order to improve the marketability of the Civic Cenier as a convention location. novnxracFS� neexovID: � Economic activity for downtown hotel, retail and entertainment establisluuents would gow, thereby enhancing the city's tax base. " DISADYANfACESff APPAOV6D� . � Construction financing proposed for this project would not be available for other projeets. MSADVnNfAGE40F NOT APPROVID: Without a climate-contmlled connection ko downtown hotels, restaurants and shops, organizations that might otherwise consider Saint Paul as a desirable convention location - particulazly diuing cold weather monUvs - may choose to to go elszwhere. ror.wnnioum�oa�rvsncnox .Q6.7�0.0�� CO$'f/FtSVEN1IEBUDC6iED(CIRCL60Pi6) O xo s�,���� Various ncnv�nnvMSa U8(IOUS fn+,uccut.�uoww.�nox:�.naq G97-7R060 n:v�ers`�mzaresan'ys asz.wxa � i �� — � �a EXHIBIT A in ncin Sales Tax Transfer Civic Center - bonds/interest eamings HoteUMotei Tax Saint Paul Port Authority Ramsey County Donations/contributions/payments Snending Design Construction Contingency 1997 2,050,000 2,150, 000 500,000 1,0OO,OQO 1,000,000 6,700,000 1998 300,000 300,000 TOTAL 2,050,040 2,150,000 300,000 500,000 1,OOQ,OQO 1,000,000 7,000,000 900,000 900,000 5,600,000 5,600,000 200,000 300,000 500,000 6,700,000 3d0,000 7,000,000