97-277�.L� �iiy �.f �'�. F3ui Y, �� . RESOIAfiI627 APPRflVYNG ASSE331+�NR A2�.'�? C#s:+i�a.�t�3t-.,�-, , . �. �_ �•:. • �r � a�, J9 I G,s.Pv . _,_.__,_._ ,_;22 '7ot ; r�g Werd In ihe at�tter af cY�e s�ses�ment of i�enefizs, cast s�d exper.se� P�r 2 L_�1158 {y72g, Bvardin�s-un ef vacart buildirg� f�r ?v�vember i3!'•6. 79?C�S� ;9?26) Be�.nol of vacaa:t buildir_qs £�r Deae��er 1555 3rs� , 7anuary i3y7, J97i�.`.1B (97�?} Bc�ardin�,�-up af vacant buildinGS frr �xi���,y,e iG�a', ���7u5F. t�7��:7 summary Ahatements (snaw removal �ndfcr sa�zdi.x�c� walks for winter oi i997. Prelimi< 4rdcr F''2IId1. C�ZC2B2 xx �pFii4ve� �p�rcved ss Tiie �8�°r3.°..Il:EYSL Ci i�Tl+?ii�5 r:3u� �T73 2:f�:@:'Y3Ez� ii�Y` Flilc3' 1:: GJ:iri°iu'G7.�ii fiii�.'. 'Cki£ al i���ravement havir.c �aeEa u�3�±it}�y �� the v�unril, kr.tl tri� ��unoii i�viaci cu_r,sid2re3 sante ar.r3 fe,und tne said sssessment satisfacto�y, �I:srafar�, �e it FE50LYED, T�aat the s�ifl assesam�nt be and the �a�!iE i� i�erebV in e2I rest=iec*_a z�pprGVe � . RE99LVED Ft)R?�R, That a�,u13i.ic :earin� he nmd �n saicl a�s��vm�nt �a the I9th �y o� a2ay, 199'{ at the hour af Four th=rty a'clock F.M., in the Cauncil Chaznber of the Court Aouse and City iia11 Building, in 'she i:ity of �t. �-°a�1, that the Valuatic�:, an3 Asse�drt:er.t En�ineer giv� neriae �f sai� ?'!eetis�g�., as ra� by t�?e C� st�ti, y;.n �aid iiotzce tnE tim� ana place of hearing, the nature or the is��� sia� the amcunt as���ved a�ainst �he 302 3r luts of the perticuZar �vr: er t� :a2:osn t��e n2tice is direated, v"`flU4I�2LI>EF,Gt?ki YeaS 3�Ey8 � � &lakaY V �tnr. 7�dLF18 J ��ilN � `_�ri'sr�m:= �egard ���tt�a- ri`t'h2:Re Ad+.�p.ed by th� Caurz�.i� : Lats �`w. °` 1 ,�' t l �rtified Passed by Counoi2 SacreLary T3Y . � . �i � �=t.� �n Favar � - s�C�ai2tEt - - ` �k� i=F3}+o-i �N�! feven ��� � .y ,rt�. � o L"egislative Hearing Officer - May 6, 199? Public Hearin� Aate - Mav 14. 1997 T.M.S.iREAL �STA�'� DIVISION lonlacl Person and PLone Number: Roxana Flink �"�V 266-8859 be ov Couacil Agenda by: 3-ZG-97 6e In Council Research ORte noon on Friday 3-14-97 �'Af:Kq I tt'LIP A{.I. �: RE-3-7-97 Dnlc: 3/5/97 Grecn Shcct Numbcr: gggy EFARTALE[.T ARLECtOR 12Y COU1�CiL � ITY ATTORI�'EY 17Y CI.ERK BIillGET DiAECIOR .& D1GT. SvC. DIIi. UYOR (OR AS$ISIAr"n 1 OWCILRESEARCti h i it>NA Ft�it FIt:NA�f It$iq J9705B, 9725; J9?OSC, 9726; J97051B, 9727; 39705A, 9728 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assesssnenfs for Boardings-up for Nov & Dec 1996, Demolitions For Dec 1996 - Jan 1997 and Summ Abate for w�inter of 1997. 1'inxnwc cOrmvSStOx A gretE' 1. iiaz the person/firm erer worked under a contracl Cor this deparimeot4 YES NO avr[. sEx��cE eonm[tss�on A r„u0a no��h • 1�a5 thLS personifvm ever been a Ciq� employeel YES NO . Does thit person/Cvm possrss a skill not normally possessed by any YE$ NO as ConmtmEE A v,c,�i nlap cvrrent Cit}' employee7 ruxhtdhCounc(IObjcctfee �— Ezplain aU YES answers on a scparale shecf and atlach. Neighborhoods Ward 2 �TiNG PROBLEM� ISSUE, OPPOR7IINITY (11fio� N'6a1, R'hca, V�'6erc, R'hy?): Property oFVUers or renters create a hcalEh hazard at various times tllroughout the City of Saint Paul when their pronertv is not kent un. AN7'AGES IF APPAOVED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Boardings-t�p, Demolitions and Summary Abatements. 'I'his i��cludes cuttiug tall grass and weeds, l�auli�ig away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, a31 household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all ofher items. In winter this inclades the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. IF APFROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Pund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable over 1 year aad collected with fhe property taxes if ttot IF NOT APPROVED: Neighborhoods would be left fo deteriorate and properfy values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash wouid accumulate everywhere. Aisease and pests could become a oroblem. AMOUNTOF'TRANSACTION: $Z14�26g.23 COSTlREVEN(SEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO �G�t7E3'i.�z- �.._c�c�P�� aIIFP �C7:SrirfY�'L3ffiF3L CIAL INfORMATION: (EXPLAII� ������� � �,y�t,n�.T 228 property owners will be ttotified oF the public hearine and charQes. �.L� �iiy �.f �'�. F3ui Y, �� . RESOIAfiI627 APPRflVYNG ASSE331+�NR A2�.'�? C#s:+i�a.�t�3t-.,�-, , . �. �_ �•:. • �r � a�, J9 I G,s.Pv . _,_.__,_._ ,_;22 '7ot ; r�g Werd In ihe at�tter af cY�e s�ses�ment of i�enefizs, cast s�d exper.se� P�r 2 L_�1158 {y72g, Bvardin�s-un ef vacart buildirg� f�r ?v�vember i3!'•6. 79?C�S� ;9?26) Be�.nol of vacaa:t buildir_qs £�r Deae��er 1555 3rs� , 7anuary i3y7, J97i�.`.1B (97�?} Bc�ardin�,�-up af vacant buildinGS frr �xi���,y,e iG�a', ���7u5F. t�7��:7 summary Ahatements (snaw removal �ndfcr sa�zdi.x�c� walks for winter oi i997. Prelimi< 4rdcr F''2IId1. C�ZC2B2 xx �pFii4ve� �p�rcved ss Tiie �8�°r3.°..Il:EYSL Ci i�Tl+?ii�5 r:3u� �T73 2:f�:@:'Y3Ez� ii�Y` Flilc3' 1:: GJ:iri°iu'G7.�ii fiii�.'. 'Cki£ al i���ravement havir.c �aeEa u�3�±it}�y �� the v�unril, kr.tl tri� ��unoii i�viaci cu_r,sid2re3 sante ar.r3 fe,und tne said sssessment satisfacto�y, �I:srafar�, �e it FE50LYED, T�aat the s�ifl assesam�nt be and the �a�!iE i� i�erebV in e2I rest=iec*_a z�pprGVe � . RE99LVED Ft)R?�R, That a�,u13i.ic :earin� he nmd �n saicl a�s��vm�nt �a the I9th �y o� a2ay, 199'{ at the hour af Four th=rty a'clock F.M., in the Cauncil Chaznber of the Court Aouse and City iia11 Building, in 'she i:ity of �t. �-°a�1, that the Valuatic�:, an3 Asse�drt:er.t En�ineer giv� neriae �f sai� ?'!eetis�g�., as ra� by t�?e C� st�ti, y;.n �aid iiotzce tnE tim� ana place of hearing, the nature or the is��� sia� the amcunt as���ved a�ainst �he 302 3r luts of the perticuZar �vr: er t� :a2:osn t��e n2tice is direated, v"`flU4I�2LI>EF,Gt?ki YeaS 3�Ey8 � � &lakaY V �tnr. 7�dLF18 J ��ilN � `_�ri'sr�m:= �egard ���tt�a- ri`t'h2:Re Ad+.�p.ed by th� Caurz�.i� : Lats �`w. °` 1 ,�' t l �rtified Passed by Counoi2 SacreLary T3Y . � . �i � �=t.� �n Favar � - s�C�ai2tEt - - ` �k� i=F3}+o-i �N�! feven ��� � .y ,rt�. � o L"egislative Hearing Officer - May 6, 199? Public Hearin� Aate - Mav 14. 1997 T.M.S.iREAL �STA�'� DIVISION lonlacl Person and PLone Number: Roxana Flink �"�V 266-8859 be ov Couacil Agenda by: 3-ZG-97 6e In Council Research ORte noon on Friday 3-14-97 �'Af:Kq I tt'LIP A{.I. �: RE-3-7-97 Dnlc: 3/5/97 Grecn Shcct Numbcr: gggy EFARTALE[.T ARLECtOR 12Y COU1�CiL � ITY ATTORI�'EY 17Y CI.ERK BIillGET DiAECIOR .& D1GT. SvC. DIIi. UYOR (OR AS$ISIAr"n 1 OWCILRESEARCti h i it>NA Ft�it FIt:NA�f It$iq J9705B, 9725; J9?OSC, 9726; J97051B, 9727; 39705A, 9728 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assesssnenfs for Boardings-up for Nov & Dec 1996, Demolitions For Dec 1996 - Jan 1997 and Summ Abate for w�inter of 1997. 1'inxnwc cOrmvSStOx A gretE' 1. iiaz the person/firm erer worked under a contracl Cor this deparimeot4 YES NO avr[. sEx��cE eonm[tss�on A r„u0a no��h • 1�a5 thLS personifvm ever been a Ciq� employeel YES NO . Does thit person/Cvm possrss a skill not normally possessed by any YE$ NO as ConmtmEE A v,c,�i nlap cvrrent Cit}' employee7 ruxhtdhCounc(IObjcctfee �— Ezplain aU YES answers on a scparale shecf and atlach. Neighborhoods Ward 2 �TiNG PROBLEM� ISSUE, OPPOR7IINITY (11fio� N'6a1, R'hca, V�'6erc, R'hy?): Property oFVUers or renters create a hcalEh hazard at various times tllroughout the City of Saint Paul when their pronertv is not kent un. AN7'AGES IF APPAOVED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Boardings-t�p, Demolitions and Summary Abatements. 'I'his i��cludes cuttiug tall grass and weeds, l�auli�ig away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, a31 household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all ofher items. In winter this inclades the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. IF APFROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Pund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable over 1 year aad collected with fhe property taxes if ttot IF NOT APPROVED: Neighborhoods would be left fo deteriorate and properfy values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash wouid accumulate everywhere. Aisease and pests could become a oroblem. AMOUNTOF'TRANSACTION: $Z14�26g.23 COSTlREVEN(SEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO �G�t7E3'i.�z- �.._c�c�P�� aIIFP �C7:SrirfY�'L3ffiF3L CIAL INfORMATION: (EXPLAII� ������� � �,y�t,n�.T 228 property owners will be ttotified oF the public hearine and charQes. �.L� �iiy �.f �'�. F3ui Y, �� . RESOIAfiI627 APPRflVYNG ASSE331+�NR A2�.'�? C#s:+i�a.�t�3t-.,�-, , . �. �_ �•:. • �r � a�, J9 I G,s.Pv . _,_.__,_._ ,_;22 '7ot ; r�g Werd In ihe at�tter af cY�e s�ses�ment of i�enefizs, cast s�d exper.se� P�r 2 L_�1158 {y72g, Bvardin�s-un ef vacart buildirg� f�r ?v�vember i3!'•6. 79?C�S� ;9?26) Be�.nol of vacaa:t buildir_qs £�r Deae��er 1555 3rs� , 7anuary i3y7, J97i�.`.1B (97�?} Bc�ardin�,�-up af vacant buildinGS frr �xi���,y,e iG�a', ���7u5F. t�7��:7 summary Ahatements (snaw removal �ndfcr sa�zdi.x�c� walks for winter oi i997. Prelimi< 4rdcr F''2IId1. C�ZC2B2 xx �pFii4ve� �p�rcved ss Tiie �8�°r3.°..Il:EYSL Ci i�Tl+?ii�5 r:3u� �T73 2:f�:@:'Y3Ez� ii�Y` Flilc3' 1:: GJ:iri°iu'G7.�ii fiii�.'. 'Cki£ al i���ravement havir.c �aeEa u�3�±it}�y �� the v�unril, kr.tl tri� ��unoii i�viaci cu_r,sid2re3 sante ar.r3 fe,und tne said sssessment satisfacto�y, �I:srafar�, �e it FE50LYED, T�aat the s�ifl assesam�nt be and the �a�!iE i� i�erebV in e2I rest=iec*_a z�pprGVe � . RE99LVED Ft)R?�R, That a�,u13i.ic :earin� he nmd �n saicl a�s��vm�nt �a the I9th �y o� a2ay, 199'{ at the hour af Four th=rty a'clock F.M., in the Cauncil Chaznber of the Court Aouse and City iia11 Building, in 'she i:ity of �t. �-°a�1, that the Valuatic�:, an3 Asse�drt:er.t En�ineer giv� neriae �f sai� ?'!eetis�g�., as ra� by t�?e C� st�ti, y;.n �aid iiotzce tnE tim� ana place of hearing, the nature or the is��� sia� the amcunt as���ved a�ainst �he 302 3r luts of the perticuZar �vr: er t� :a2:osn t��e n2tice is direated, v"`flU4I�2LI>EF,Gt?ki YeaS 3�Ey8 � � &lakaY V �tnr. 7�dLF18 J ��ilN � `_�ri'sr�m:= �egard ���tt�a- ri`t'h2:Re Ad+.�p.ed by th� Caurz�.i� : Lats �`w. °` 1 ,�' t l �rtified Passed by Counoi2 SacreLary T3Y . � . �i � �=t.� �n Favar � - s�C�ai2tEt - - ` �k� i=F3}+o-i �N�! feven ��� � .y ,rt�. � o L"egislative Hearing Officer - May 6, 199? Public Hearin� Aate - Mav 14. 1997 T.M.S.iREAL �STA�'� DIVISION lonlacl Person and PLone Number: Roxana Flink �"�V 266-8859 be ov Couacil Agenda by: 3-ZG-97 6e In Council Research ORte noon on Friday 3-14-97 �'Af:Kq I tt'LIP A{.I. �: RE-3-7-97 Dnlc: 3/5/97 Grecn Shcct Numbcr: gggy EFARTALE[.T ARLECtOR 12Y COU1�CiL � ITY ATTORI�'EY 17Y CI.ERK BIillGET DiAECIOR .& D1GT. SvC. DIIi. UYOR (OR AS$ISIAr"n 1 OWCILRESEARCti h i it>NA Ft�it FIt:NA�f It$iq J9705B, 9725; J9?OSC, 9726; J97051B, 9727; 39705A, 9728 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assesssnenfs for Boardings-up for Nov & Dec 1996, Demolitions For Dec 1996 - Jan 1997 and Summ Abate for w�inter of 1997. 1'inxnwc cOrmvSStOx A gretE' 1. iiaz the person/firm erer worked under a contracl Cor this deparimeot4 YES NO avr[. sEx��cE eonm[tss�on A r„u0a no��h • 1�a5 thLS personifvm ever been a Ciq� employeel YES NO . Does thit person/Cvm possrss a skill not normally possessed by any YE$ NO as ConmtmEE A v,c,�i nlap cvrrent Cit}' employee7 ruxhtdhCounc(IObjcctfee �— Ezplain aU YES answers on a scparale shecf and atlach. Neighborhoods Ward 2 �TiNG PROBLEM� ISSUE, OPPOR7IINITY (11fio� N'6a1, R'hca, V�'6erc, R'hy?): Property oFVUers or renters create a hcalEh hazard at various times tllroughout the City of Saint Paul when their pronertv is not kent un. AN7'AGES IF APPAOVED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Boardings-t�p, Demolitions and Summary Abatements. 'I'his i��cludes cuttiug tall grass and weeds, l�auli�ig away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, a31 household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all ofher items. In winter this inclades the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. IF APFROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Pund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable over 1 year aad collected with fhe property taxes if ttot IF NOT APPROVED: Neighborhoods would be left fo deteriorate and properfy values would decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash wouid accumulate everywhere. Aisease and pests could become a oroblem. AMOUNTOF'TRANSACTION: $Z14�26g.23 COSTlREVEN(SEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO �G�t7E3'i.�z- �.._c�c�P�� aIIFP �C7:SrirfY�'L3ffiF3L CIAL INfORMATION: (EXPLAII� ������� � �,y�t,n�.T 228 property owners will be ttotified oF the public hearine and charQes.