97-274L� " � r , :__� ,� �.L. ��_� �,L�zLz� F�� ��;�. - �� a� RESOLUTI{R�7 APPROY2HG ASSES�i t7T AbID By - FSX2"rtG TIl� GF i�ARYNG TAEREc32d r�iie ;ic. i8?i' As3eSamFrat A.�. J362 'TCt u? a � Yaard In the a:atter cf tne assess�Er,t of benefits, cost ar-� eupen�Fs f�r 3,2 Construc*_ion of starm sevrer and sanitary seore r servica connectior.s, u� rzquasted Ny t3za property o°ra:�er, in aonju,^.c�ior, witt� Lhe C;r�na; s�. P1�ana �raa storm sewer an� �tr�et �avin� and 1_c�nrir.g prvj�ct• Pr�limi��arY �r3er aggrcved Fugust ??. 19v3 Final �rder 9a-1565 approved Nlvember 15, 29°3 '�he sss�sszr.gnt of heisefits, co�t and ex�az�ses �cx ar.� ir. �on:;ection �aith thi above improvement 2iavinq keEn aub�nit.sd to the Ccuncii, and ttie Council ?aavinq Cia2 SEstl? 3iid fC+ll?7d tli2 EalL� oS52852Iti'_'_t SITY.7.S�ct�=t7Y`)� t�igY'2fOsG� �.}� 1t RE3+�i.i7EZ?, iY•.at �T,e saia assessmezxt Y:e z�ti:i the same i� hExe�y :in �il re�pects a�psovecl, RE84LV�D FURRf�EL, That a public heasing b� had on said z��se�sment on th� 14th day vf a2ay 1�337 at the 2zaur �f Four thirty '�ock ,i�i.. ira the Couiici:L G?ia?nbex of the ^�ourt ?ioase and City HaII Buil�ing, in the ,'.'ity of St, ?�ul; thau the V�luatio � and Aseessment Engineer give notice oP said meetinys, a� req}�ired by the Charter, stating in said r.otica the time ant+ place of hearing, th� natura c£ trie imFircva�rent, an� the amount assessed a�saixast tre lat cr iats af th� p�rticular =wner ta w2a�? the no�ice is directed. c:c}LTYdCiLFER3oN Yeas ATays 8�,3 i:2 y 9� B�4 strem �/I:niT13 V l C��zi .�r. t*fi3x? :hur.e (o SIl F8V'Ol" � RC�Bi.rist Ac3o�;t2d hy t�e Council: Dat� � �- \��� ��'`� C�rtifi�d �'ass�d hy �`oir_ci2 Sec�ptary �' ;% G P't�yQ3' �r�r�euen LS6L � t �d� ��� 1 � 1997 ��;�<<��� , �c ri t 1 I 1'7')7 IiP. 3-7—)] ':IiC T.M.S.iREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 3-4-97 Greeu Sheet Number: $$744 . EPARIMENT DIRF,CIOR CIIY COUNCiL QY onSaM Person and Phone Nwnber: �a� 7Y AITORNEY IlY CLERK Peter White 266-8850 _ SUDGEi DIAECIOR N. & biGT. SVC. DIR. fAYOR (OR ASSiSIAN� 1 OUNCIL RES$ARCII uSt be Ori COnncil t�gerida by: 3-26-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-14-97 OTAL A OF SIGNATURG PACLS 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIQNS FOR SIGNATURi) CTION RLQULSI'LD: Setting date of public hearing of the ratification of assessments foz storm sewer and sanitary service connections in conjunction with the crandJ6t. lhans Area Praject. File No. 18713 Assessment No. 0262 RECOA7nfENDAT10N5: n1'PROVE (A} OR RFJECT (R) LRSONAL SEitVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TIIG I'OLLOWING 1. Sins ihc persoidrrrn evcr worked under a contrnct tor this depnrtment? YCS NO PLINNINC COAtM1S510N � yT�pp . Ilns tlus persaUfinn cver 6cen a City employcc? Y6S NO CIVil SEAYiCE COTfM56SiON . Docs Wis person/firn+ passess n skill not normnlly passessed Uy nny YLS NO current City employec? CIB COMAffITEE Lx ain aI1 XCS a�GSwers on a sc cnte slieet anc! attach. PPORTSWIIICIICOUNCILORTfiCTIVL7 Heighborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S) � DiSTRICT i'LANNING COUNCIL 8. 16. �.7 iNITIATING PROALFM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wfio, Whnt, K7ien, Where, WhyT): � Project is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin collecting assessments to help pay for the project. ni7vnNTncrs ir nrrnov�v: Same as above. DISA4VANTAGGS IF APPROVGD: senefitted property owners will have assessments payable via property taxes. DISADVANTAGfiS IF NOT APPROVLD: To not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. POTAL AbfOUNT OF TRANSACTION: '�` a.4 6 � 7 9 5. 5 4 WSl'lREYCNOL 4UDGGTED (CIRCLE ONG) YES NO I�tJNDINGSOURCL: Assessments ACTNITYNUMBLR: �tmc6t F'���rch C.�nt�r ��t�,� 0 7 19a; 215 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. L� " � r , :__� ,� �.L. ��_� �,L�zLz� F�� ��;�. - �� a� RESOLUTI{R�7 APPROY2HG ASSES�i t7T AbID By - FSX2"rtG TIl� GF i�ARYNG TAEREc32d r�iie ;ic. i8?i' As3eSamFrat A.�. J362 'TCt u? a � Yaard In the a:atter cf tne assess�Er,t of benefits, cost ar-� eupen�Fs f�r 3,2 Construc*_ion of starm sevrer and sanitary seore r servica connectior.s, u� rzquasted Ny t3za property o°ra:�er, in aonju,^.c�ior, witt� Lhe C;r�na; s�. P1�ana �raa storm sewer an� �tr�et �avin� and 1_c�nrir.g prvj�ct• Pr�limi��arY �r3er aggrcved Fugust ??. 19v3 Final �rder 9a-1565 approved Nlvember 15, 29°3 '�he sss�sszr.gnt of heisefits, co�t and ex�az�ses �cx ar.� ir. �on:;ection �aith thi above improvement 2iavinq keEn aub�nit.sd to the Ccuncii, and ttie Council ?aavinq Cia2 SEstl? 3iid fC+ll?7d tli2 EalL� oS52852Iti'_'_t SITY.7.S�ct�=t7Y`)� t�igY'2fOsG� �.}� 1t RE3+�i.i7EZ?, iY•.at �T,e saia assessmezxt Y:e z�ti:i the same i� hExe�y :in �il re�pects a�psovecl, RE84LV�D FURRf�EL, That a public heasing b� had on said z��se�sment on th� 14th day vf a2ay 1�337 at the 2zaur �f Four thirty '�ock ,i�i.. ira the Couiici:L G?ia?nbex of the ^�ourt ?ioase and City HaII Buil�ing, in the ,'.'ity of St, ?�ul; thau the V�luatio � and Aseessment Engineer give notice oP said meetinys, a� req}�ired by the Charter, stating in said r.otica the time ant+ place of hearing, th� natura c£ trie imFircva�rent, an� the amount assessed a�saixast tre lat cr iats af th� p�rticular =wner ta w2a�? the no�ice is directed. c:c}LTYdCiLFER3oN Yeas ATays 8�,3 i:2 y 9� B�4 strem �/I:niT13 V l C��zi .�r. t*fi3x? :hur.e (o SIl F8V'Ol" � RC�Bi.rist Ac3o�;t2d hy t�e Council: Dat� � �- \��� ��'`� C�rtifi�d �'ass�d hy �`oir_ci2 Sec�ptary �' ;% G P't�yQ3' �r�r�euen LS6L � t �d� ��� 1 � 1997 ��;�<<��� , �c ri t 1 I 1'7')7 IiP. 3-7—)] ':IiC T.M.S.iREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 3-4-97 Greeu Sheet Number: $$744 . EPARIMENT DIRF,CIOR CIIY COUNCiL QY onSaM Person and Phone Nwnber: �a� 7Y AITORNEY IlY CLERK Peter White 266-8850 _ SUDGEi DIAECIOR N. & biGT. SVC. DIR. fAYOR (OR ASSiSIAN� 1 OUNCIL RES$ARCII uSt be Ori COnncil t�gerida by: 3-26-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-14-97 OTAL A OF SIGNATURG PACLS 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIQNS FOR SIGNATURi) CTION RLQULSI'LD: Setting date of public hearing of the ratification of assessments foz storm sewer and sanitary service connections in conjunction with the crandJ6t. lhans Area Praject. File No. 18713 Assessment No. 0262 RECOA7nfENDAT10N5: n1'PROVE (A} OR RFJECT (R) LRSONAL SEitVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TIIG I'OLLOWING 1. Sins ihc persoidrrrn evcr worked under a contrnct tor this depnrtment? YCS NO PLINNINC COAtM1S510N � yT�pp . Ilns tlus persaUfinn cver 6cen a City employcc? Y6S NO CIVil SEAYiCE COTfM56SiON . Docs Wis person/firn+ passess n skill not normnlly passessed Uy nny YLS NO current City employec? CIB COMAffITEE Lx ain aI1 XCS a�GSwers on a sc cnte slieet anc! attach. PPORTSWIIICIICOUNCILORTfiCTIVL7 Heighborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S) � DiSTRICT i'LANNING COUNCIL 8. 16. �.7 iNITIATING PROALFM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wfio, Whnt, K7ien, Where, WhyT): � Project is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin collecting assessments to help pay for the project. ni7vnNTncrs ir nrrnov�v: Same as above. DISA4VANTAGGS IF APPROVGD: senefitted property owners will have assessments payable via property taxes. DISADVANTAGfiS IF NOT APPROVLD: To not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. POTAL AbfOUNT OF TRANSACTION: '�` a.4 6 � 7 9 5. 5 4 WSl'lREYCNOL 4UDGGTED (CIRCLE ONG) YES NO I�tJNDINGSOURCL: Assessments ACTNITYNUMBLR: �tmc6t F'���rch C.�nt�r ��t�,� 0 7 19a; 215 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. L� " � r , :__� ,� �.L. ��_� �,L�zLz� F�� ��;�. - �� a� RESOLUTI{R�7 APPROY2HG ASSES�i t7T AbID By - FSX2"rtG TIl� GF i�ARYNG TAEREc32d r�iie ;ic. i8?i' As3eSamFrat A.�. J362 'TCt u? a � Yaard In the a:atter cf tne assess�Er,t of benefits, cost ar-� eupen�Fs f�r 3,2 Construc*_ion of starm sevrer and sanitary seore r servica connectior.s, u� rzquasted Ny t3za property o°ra:�er, in aonju,^.c�ior, witt� Lhe C;r�na; s�. P1�ana �raa storm sewer an� �tr�et �avin� and 1_c�nrir.g prvj�ct• Pr�limi��arY �r3er aggrcved Fugust ??. 19v3 Final �rder 9a-1565 approved Nlvember 15, 29°3 '�he sss�sszr.gnt of heisefits, co�t and ex�az�ses �cx ar.� ir. �on:;ection �aith thi above improvement 2iavinq keEn aub�nit.sd to the Ccuncii, and ttie Council ?aavinq Cia2 SEstl? 3iid fC+ll?7d tli2 EalL� oS52852Iti'_'_t SITY.7.S�ct�=t7Y`)� t�igY'2fOsG� �.}� 1t RE3+�i.i7EZ?, iY•.at �T,e saia assessmezxt Y:e z�ti:i the same i� hExe�y :in �il re�pects a�psovecl, RE84LV�D FURRf�EL, That a public heasing b� had on said z��se�sment on th� 14th day vf a2ay 1�337 at the 2zaur �f Four thirty '�ock ,i�i.. ira the Couiici:L G?ia?nbex of the ^�ourt ?ioase and City HaII Buil�ing, in the ,'.'ity of St, ?�ul; thau the V�luatio � and Aseessment Engineer give notice oP said meetinys, a� req}�ired by the Charter, stating in said r.otica the time ant+ place of hearing, th� natura c£ trie imFircva�rent, an� the amount assessed a�saixast tre lat cr iats af th� p�rticular =wner ta w2a�? the no�ice is directed. c:c}LTYdCiLFER3oN Yeas ATays 8�,3 i:2 y 9� B�4 strem �/I:niT13 V l C��zi .�r. t*fi3x? :hur.e (o SIl F8V'Ol" � RC�Bi.rist Ac3o�;t2d hy t�e Council: Dat� � �- \��� ��'`� C�rtifi�d �'ass�d hy �`oir_ci2 Sec�ptary �' ;% G P't�yQ3' �r�r�euen LS6L � t �d� ��� 1 � 1997 ��;�<<��� , �c ri t 1 I 1'7')7 IiP. 3-7—)] ':IiC T.M.S.iREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 3-4-97 Greeu Sheet Number: $$744 . EPARIMENT DIRF,CIOR CIIY COUNCiL QY onSaM Person and Phone Nwnber: �a� 7Y AITORNEY IlY CLERK Peter White 266-8850 _ SUDGEi DIAECIOR N. & biGT. SVC. DIR. fAYOR (OR ASSiSIAN� 1 OUNCIL RES$ARCII uSt be Ori COnncil t�gerida by: 3-26-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-14-97 OTAL A OF SIGNATURG PACLS 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIQNS FOR SIGNATURi) CTION RLQULSI'LD: Setting date of public hearing of the ratification of assessments foz storm sewer and sanitary service connections in conjunction with the crandJ6t. lhans Area Praject. File No. 18713 Assessment No. 0262 RECOA7nfENDAT10N5: n1'PROVE (A} OR RFJECT (R) LRSONAL SEitVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TIIG I'OLLOWING 1. Sins ihc persoidrrrn evcr worked under a contrnct tor this depnrtment? YCS NO PLINNINC COAtM1S510N � yT�pp . Ilns tlus persaUfinn cver 6cen a City employcc? Y6S NO CIVil SEAYiCE COTfM56SiON . Docs Wis person/firn+ passess n skill not normnlly passessed Uy nny YLS NO current City employec? CIB COMAffITEE Lx ain aI1 XCS a�GSwers on a sc cnte slieet anc! attach. PPORTSWIIICIICOUNCILORTfiCTIVL7 Heighborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S) � DiSTRICT i'LANNING COUNCIL 8. 16. �.7 iNITIATING PROALFM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wfio, Whnt, K7ien, Where, WhyT): � Project is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin collecting assessments to help pay for the project. ni7vnNTncrs ir nrrnov�v: Same as above. DISA4VANTAGGS IF APPROVGD: senefitted property owners will have assessments payable via property taxes. DISADVANTAGfiS IF NOT APPROVLD: To not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. POTAL AbfOUNT OF TRANSACTION: '�` a.4 6 � 7 9 5. 5 4 WSl'lREYCNOL 4UDGGTED (CIRCLE ONG) YES NO I�tJNDINGSOURCL: Assessments ACTNITYNUMBLR: �tmc6t F'���rch C.�nt�r ��t�,� 0 7 19a; 215 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges.