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The Spot Bar
� .�:� i. _�� F,�,,� ,� � �,,,,.. �W I CITY OF ST. PAUL CLERKS OF 503157 ' C/O SANDRA BODENSTEINER 15 W. KELLOGG BLVD. 310 CITY HALL i ST. PAUL MN 55102 i � 1 , WLLF File#503157-4 City of St. Paul CASE#13-002-446 NOTICE OF CLAIM FORM to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Minnesota State Statute 466.05 states that"...every person...who claims damages from any municipality...shal!cause to be presersted to the governing body of the municipality within 180 days afier the alleged loss or injury is discovered a notice stating r/te tirne,place,and circumst¢nces fhereof,and the vmount of compensation nr other relief demanded" Please comptete this form in its entirety by clearly typing or printing your answer to each question. If more space is needed,attach additional sheets.Ylease note that yon will not be contacted by telephone to clarify answers,so provide as much information as necessary to explain your claim,and the amount oi compensation being requested. You w�11 receive a written acl�owledgement once your form is received. The process can take up to ten weeks or longer depending on the nature of your claim. This form must be signed,and both pages completed. If something does not apply,write`N1A'. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND UTHER DOCUMENTS TO: CITY CLERK, 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD,310 CITY HALL, SAINT PAUL,MN 55102 First Name MidcIle Initial Last Name Company orBusiness Name _��ber Lane Law Firm o/b/o North Pointe Insurance Company a/s/o The Spot Bar Are You an Insurance Company? Yes/No If Yes,Claim Number? North Pointe Claim#P0005278 Street Address$16 Eldorado Rd Ste 7 City Bloominqton _ S�� IL �P C�e 61704 Daytime Phone(, 0�9 „��_-1245 Cell Phone(_) - Evening Tetephone(_) - Date of AccidenU Injury or Date Discovered 01-04-13 Time am/pm Please state,in detail,what occurred(happened),and why you are submitting a claim.Please indicate why or how you feel the City of Saint Paul or its employees are involved and/or responsible for your damages. _Ihe Citv of St Paul was qerformina tree maintenance brt trimming limbs O� of the limbs had fallen and i flicted a a es to The S ot Bar located at 859 Randol h Ave St. P�ul MN 55102. Please check the box(es)that most ciosely represent the reason for completing ttus form: ❑My vehicle was damaged in an accident ❑My vehicle was damaged during a tow ❑My vehicle was damaged by a pothole or condition of the street ❑My vehicle was damaged by a plow � ❑My vehicle was wrongfully towed and/or ticketed ❑I was injured on City property � �Other type of property damage—please specify Buildina Damacies ❑Other type of injury—please specify In order to process your claim�ou need to include corries of all ar�t�iicable documents. I For the cla.ims types listed below,please be sure to include the documents indicated ar it will delay the handling of I your claim. Documents WII.L NOT be retumed and become the property of the City. You are encouraged to keep a copy for yourself before submitting your claim form. O Property damage claims to a vehicle:two estimates for the repairs to your vehicle if the damage exceeds � $500.00;or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs O Towing claims: legible copies of any ticket issued and a copy of the impound lot receipt O Other property damage claims:two repair estimates if the damage exceeds$500.00;or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs;detailed list of damaged items O Injury claims:medical bills,receipts O Photographs are always welcome to document and support your claim but will not be retumed. Page 1 of 2—Please complete and return both pages of Claim Form i , I , Failure to mplete and return both pages will res�ilt in delay in the handling of your claim. 11 Claim — 1 c le e ' Were there witnesses t4 the incident? Yes No Unknown (circle) Provide their names,addresses and telephone numbers: Were the police or law;enforcement called? `!'es No Unl�own (circle) If yes,what departmen�or agency? Case#o � Where did the acciden��or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street,intersection,name of park or facility, closest landmark,etc. ��'lease be as detailed as possible. If necessary,attach a diagram. ! The S ot Bar located at$59 Randol h Ave St. Paul, MN 551A2 ; Please indicate the am unt you are seeking in compensation or what you would like the City to do to resolve this claim to our satisfaction. $�903.85 Y i Vehicle Cl ' - 1 � e com lete ' 'on L�check box if this section does not a pnlv Your Velucle: Year�Make ModeL Lice e Plate Number State Color - Registered Owner ; Driv r of Vehicle ; Area Damaged � City Vehicle: Year Make ModeL � License Plate Number State Color y Driver of Vehicle(City Employee's Name) �I Area Damaged � r Claims— t om 1 e this secti checkbox' ' section does not a 1" � How were you injur ? . i � What part(s)of yo i body were injured? ': i Have you sought�edical treatment? Yes No Planning to Seek Treatment(circle) When did you rece ve treatment? (provide date(s)) . Name of Medical�rovider(s): 'y Address Telephone �y Did you miss wor as a result of your injury? Yes No y When did you mi�s work� (provide date(s)) �; Name of your E�ployer: � Address Telephone + �J Check;'here if you are attaching more pages to tlus claim form. Number of additional pages 1q . i �S, By signing th form,you are stating that all information you have provided is true and correct to the best �; of your know�dge. Unsigned fornzs will not be processed. 't '. �- 1J ; Submitt[ng�false claim can result in prosecution. Date form was completed � `�'(ti Print the N�me of the Person who Complete ' Form:��1150r1 1Lt�Y11'1�X'y�1 rfl _ � \,. � ��(�e, � , --�r rn o�bro NCS ►� �ns. �D , . `:, Signatar%f Person Maldng the Claim: ; `�Re�ised�ruary 2011 �__/ i i Statement of Loss Claim # P000s27s Claims Consultants 5485 Seventh Street Satsuma, AL 36572 1/16/2013 Adjuster Todd Wieczorek Phone (800)229-6742 x 33293 Insured Name Meredith O'Toole Loss Address 859 Randolph Ave,St Paui,MN 55102 Phone Number (612)747-4815 Other Phone Ins Claim# P0005278 Date of Loss 1/4/2013 Ins Company North Pointe Abstract of Coverage Policy# NPD39228 Effective - Forms Coverage Limit Co-Insurance Deductible Bidg 1 Loc 1 $295,000.00 $1,000.00 Coverage-Bldg 1 Loc 1 Coverage $295,000.00 Not Applicable RC Detail ACV Detatl Value Loss Claim Replacement Cost Value $0.00 $0.00 Actual Cash Value $0.00 $0.00 Total Estimated Loss $1,903.85 �1,903.85 $1,903.85 Less Depreciation ($30.17) ACV Loss $1,873.68 Less Non-Recoverable Depreciation ($0.00) Sub-Total $1,903.85 s1,873.68 Less Deductible Applied ($1,000.00) ($1,000.00) Adjusted Loss Amount $903.85 $873.68 $9U3.85 Recoverable Depreciation $30.17 Total Loss � Claim $�,sos.ss $903.ss Total Recoverable Depreciation �o.�l ' A copy of this document does not constitute a settlement of this claim. The above figures are subject to insurance company I approvaL Accepted by i , Claims Consultants _ 5485 Seventh Street "� t° Satsuma,AL 36572 Insured: Meredith O"Toole Home: (612)747-4815 Property: 859 Randolph Ave St Paul,MN 55102 Claim Rep.: Todd Wieczorek Business: (800)229-6742 x 33293 Estimator: Scott Becker Business: (507)317-8683 Reference: Business: (800)229-6742 Company: North Pointe Business: 28819 Franklin Road Southfield,MI 48034 Claim Nnmber: P0005278 Policy Number:NPD39228 Type of Loss: Other Date Contacted: 1/14/2013 Date of Loss: 1/4/2013 Date Received: 1/14/2013 Date Inspected: 1/15/2013 Date Entered: 1/16/2013 8:15 AM Price List: MNMN7X JAN13 Restorafion/Service/Remodel Estimate: OTOOLE MEREDITH NOTICE:This is a repair estimate only¬ an authorization to repair.Determination of coverage and issuance of payment, for any,is at the sole discretion of the insurance cornpauy. ""'THIS I5 A COUR'I'ESY ESTIMATE OlYLY""' i Claims Consultants � ���. 5485 Seventh Street Satsuma,AL 36572 OTOOLE_MEREDITH Building 1 a> ��� �°`' '�" T Left Elevation . Height:8' :. ...- � -*�..___._ = a . � ��e. 1 ... . . . .. .. ... � r 1325.31 SF Walls 754.14 SF Ceiling 2079.45 SF Walls&Ceiling 754.14 SF Floor 83.79 SY Fiooring 165.66 LF Floor Perimeter 165.66 LF Ceil.Perimeter DESCRIPTION QUANTITY IJNIT COST RCV DEPREC. ACV 1. Siding-cedar slat, 1"x 4"over 48.00 5F 1.64 78.72 (0.00) 78.72 plywood(excludes ply) 2. Siding-cedar slat, 1"x 4"over 32.50 SF 512 166.41 {0.00) 166.41 plywood(excludes ply) 3. Clean with pressurelchexnical spray 754.14 SF 0.26 196.08 (0.00) 196.08 4. Stain&finish wood siding 754.14 SF 1.01 761.68 (30.17) 731.51 5. Carpenter-General Framer-per 1.OQ HR 62.56 62.56 (0.00) 62.56 hour Allowed to detach and reset the signs. 6. Haul debris-per pickup truck load- 1.00 EA 123.09 123.09 (0.00) 123.09 � including dump fees Totals: Left Elevation 1,388.54 30.17 1,358.37 2r a• Front Elevation Aeight:4" i Fp��� m 21.98 SF Walls 248.28 SF Ceiling ', 270.26 S�Walls&Ceiling 248.28 SF Floor 27.59 SY Flooring 65.94 LF Floor Perimeter 65.94 LF Ceil.Perimeter " DESCRIPTION QUANTITY iJNIT COST RCV DEPREC. ACV 7. Siding-cedar slat,1"s 4"over 42.00 SF 1.64 68.88 (0.00) 68.88 plywood(excludes ply) 8. Carpenter-General Framer-per 3.00 HR 62.56 187.68 (0.00) 187.68 hour Allowed to attach the siding to the main structure. Totals: Front Elevation T� 256.56 0.00 256.5b Total: Building 1 1,645.10 30.17 1,614.93 �...,. ° ��<<:,� OTOOLE MEREDITH � 1/16/2013 Page:2 , i . �81II1S COIISl11tSIIts 5485 Seventh Street _ - -- Satsuma,AL 36572 Line Item Subtotals: OTOOLE_MEREDITH 1,645.10 30.17 1,614.93 Adjustments for Base Service Charges Adjnstment Painter' 93.64 Siding Installer 142.20 Total Adjustments for Base Service Charges: 235.84 Line Item Totals: OTOOLE MEREDITH 1,880.94 30.17 1,850.77 Grand Total Areas: 1,347.29 SF Walls 1,002.42 SF Ceiling 2,349.71 SF Walls and Ceiling 1,002.42 SF Floor 11138 5Y F(ooring 231.61 LF Floor Perimeter 0.00 SF Long Wall 0.00 SF Short Wa11 231.61 LF Ceil.Perimeter 1,002.42 Floor Area 1,058.09 Total Area 1,347.29 Interior Wall Area 3,242.80 Exterior Wall Area 234.27 Exterior Perimeter of Walls 0.00 Surfacc Area 0.00 Number of Squares 0.�0 Total Perimeter Length 0.00 Total Ridge Length 0.00 Total Hip Length I I i OTOOL� MEREDITH 1/16l2013 Page:3 i i Claims Consultants ,.,_,.,�,,. , 5485 Seventh Street Satsuma,AL 36572 Summary for Bldg 1 Loc 1 Line Item Total 1,645.10 Total Adjustments for Base Service Charges 235.84 Mad Sales Tax Reimb @ 7.625% 22.91 Replacement Cost Value 51,903.85 Less Depreciation (30.17) Actual Cash Value $1,873.68 Less Deductible (1,000.00) Net Claim $873.68 Total Recoverable Depreciation 30.17 Net Claim if Depreciation is Recovered $903.85 Scott Becker i O'I'OOLE MEREDITH 1/16/2013 Page:4 { _ . i 1 � � C�� p �1 C � D � �-. � m �y .e�4L M � O � N O � 3 � � c 0 � v h C � � 7 � � O F---.S.Et� �' .t+ r � .ez� � � m ; � � o 7 y � F m � � � J � f- y' s 6 � c r� 0 N � I � •{ '` � m m b � 1 -zs - � a � ���,a� � � W� � a � � � � �� o � Photo Sheet ��� Meredith OToole � Claim#: P0005278 Claims Consultants policy#: NPD39228 5485 Seventh Street Satsuma,AL 36572 _ � � ��� � �,.- ' 0 � � �,�;�� � c y�; - � . . � .} t� Tt -�� i �"'� �� �+��.��� � . I ( 1 ` -�' � � �,�j� � �'f r�. �� ,� 9 - �.^ � :� l � i:,�� �. •y i`i-� �, ,� �� ��� . s ) �:� � �•�� Address Verify t � i �'; �� t � k c�,��� �� ��' -, # c, `� '�s- �� ��� �� � � 4 , .. ; �� � ��3 , �� j����� `� � � � n���:- � Date Taken:1/15/2013 �.� � ',�'�. , � �.g t a� , {� _ .. - : ..g.._ .::: , ., _• , � ,s, x 5. '�,� -�s ���� Taken By: Scott Becker k - '��� �,� ��`� ��- " u= ��.. ��-��!�, ra �•- '"�; w._ ` � ::, ... ' t,...: ; - �.� y�: �,.. _ '� a. :i:. � �r cf.^�� �r�-- - ���'•� '��..��.: . . �.x :..� ... ... � _ � . �.,.-,�'�",+,- - ...... ... . .. . . . s-`.� i��$.'=.-�a.,�'L� s TG� The Spot Date Taken:1/15/2013 Taken By: Scott Becker Baz signage. � � ��Is� - .r I � ::�i 1 E _ -_ ..4 �:.'- '�ry� .K � �� _ � �2 T :���. � �� ����. ���7�7�'�k*,f E��$. . �� x � . � �� � `'z'�'= ,�, h �`� ;"'�y'��:'°:> . Phota 5heet -1- 1/16/2Q13 . � .. . . .; � . . .. .. .. �. .. .. Photo Sheet ��� Meredith O'Toole Claim#: P0005278 Claims Consultants po[icy#: NPD39228 5485 Seventh Street Satsuma,AL 36572 R � _ � �� � � _ � §. ` �� x _ �, �� � �;' � �.� ,>.az ;� ;<, �� �� . ����, � -� � '�'� -� Front Elev ! �`r<` 4"'�w�.n % . ; �K . ���°������ , � ��. ���,'. �� �°��k �` � ,� � � Date Taken:1/15/2013 '"� ��'� ��- z ;� �'"5'�,� . � �� � ���� , j f' �� ��,� �`�� �� `�' Taken B . Scott Becker �; u �� s ��. �, � _��°��.�- y. r .� �'`" � � i : �� '�����>.�'���`�..s �- Overview of the front. -� 4� � ' Y " ""' '��=�'�. �s �",�"� .� �� ° ��r� i ,z�-f ��_ ��` �z`� _�. , '- ? � s , �;+ �' , � . , _� , � �, � � �� � ; .� ; � �„ �'�`. 154§.:p. {. �h¢ _'_ I�X �M� �� � � �y� .��qt ' ' � .� ��l��.: t 'a�'b � � . �}� .� "a ;#� �,� �, � t ' � � � .... .. � 3 f k . . '�:;�c,�^s� � � F�,s �.,�%�, .,� : - � ���.a',. ���.. +�...A��y;ri"e �� ::ti i �� � �� 's "� � nC-'4. �" �: "; . .: . 4,� x':a3s''' c��_.� . .. a rr . ��`,�'. ����:�,� . ���'..�� � � �����#� c'�. x eu� � :� � �i s � '' ;.;� �" �� s �� � �% �`" �.s:. � ,s.t��r��r y�r�-�"'� ��� �xi����x�"� �r s `� �c`��i—� �.� � � _ `g = � � � � ��.4" � � Y 3�. m . 1� .. � �` 4h L �. �. ;��.�w � �,�-: ~ � ��`��s,�� �;���.� �:��; � � � � ���``� � Right elev -'°'--� �` z. �'c � ,rn` '�'� a z, _ .� ,�x �f �.�s � � '�'��� �`S � ���'��� �'�. �� � �V -: Date Taken:1/15/2013 � ��� � �" . -` �� � :� 't §' --..:,,'�`: � �."� h 3��!� a E �� ; �� _ �; e �T ' Taken By: Sco##Becker � k ��� }"� y . . �. �r �� '� � `"` t3verviewof#3�eri�ht. � ����,�I��i������������,���;� ��:� — � b�. . :..: F. . � . .. �', . IS 4_��. -4 . .�.� : �•. e +�. �.. P����_� � ' ,�.'; s y`k:.. � � �A3_ _ � ,S'._-.. °eF � .v Phot�Sheet -�- 1/I6t2U13 I , � i � Photo Sheet I��: Meredith O'Toole Claim#: P0005278 Claims Consultants Policy#: NPD39228 5485 Seventh Street Satsuma,AL 36572 �- � <- �• � ��� � �.,. � # � � � � � � � � � «� 3_ �' �� �� � � _� ��'# � �' Eg a���' � `�, � � i.€, C . � I i 1 �� �� � � '� "� �� '`"�� '� .:�' I�I � �°i i ��. �'�� � ,�xx.��:c,,` � x�' �� ����. ra��i i�I� FI'Otlt z�`-.�����'�`��`i`��.i -�3�. �°�'^� � t c� r �� � �,��; 5 `"° �2'� '��'� ��� ��' ��� � Date Taken:1/15/2013 •���� �'.� -�`''�� ``�; '� i � '�I'1, � �i�t� � e�� ,' '; .� - s �r� � Taken By: Scott Becker �g t .-,'�'�+s -��.� �'k.�5;:.:� �'f � '� Overview of th n � �..� e fro t Front left corner 6 �� was hit and the boards are loose_ ` �� � �i� � �,� - � -� � :�_� � �'�� , I i��a•- y �: . x3 . i�g � �?`�'� T« . $ .1`. ��9F� �4 �;¢;.:: - �. � ,L M ��,. , z $ � '€ �.�° ci. .r:: �,..�� �?�,. `�' _ .. �.., ,....._a: -" � � _ m. `��,� , -� 4 -�� ��� �. �' � �- .�'�-K ���k;'t. '� � �Z' G _ :.�r j S � �� ,�� � Left Elev �� � r � Date Taken:1/15/2013 ;1l �.� � ��,. � -'� Taken By: Scott Becker Overview.This was the side that took � � W��° the direct hit from the limb. ��' ���. �� �� �� - ,:._ ��,���' ���"' 'g�.� • A��� �� _�� � Y�' � � � � � �, �� >z� �.r#'. � ��, � �:� � ? �� 3� f���".�:: + ���� � :.,�.�. x,.� �'�-� � :x� � �.�> � ''� � � r-, >� - ` �� i �� d� ' „ �.,, _:.��� `' � ' � � • � � ,`� €' f} " �:� ,�`� � ,� -� � .:��, �, � _. . .� _.�. F�ato Sheet -3- lfl6,2p13 Photo Sheet ��� Meredith OToole Claim#: P0005278 Claims Consultants Policy#: NPD39228 5485 Seventh Street Satsuma,AL 36572 „r,�;. _ ,,.. - r._ �. ;�-�-� ��� �'`-`�� Left Elev q-� � �..�y . Date Taken:1/15/2013 Taken By: Scott Becker �; -� . °� � '-�� The comer was hit and cedar siding i �3 damaged E": 4 � . . . �� 5' ��� '� 8t' � )3� � .`j f a -^'g `I -�'`�i�'�' y y �?t' ~ � � _<� +r', 3„ � � �� � ; �� �y ��k �'� f�`-r� ; � �c,�� ,.€-f ,S'-`x� 8 Y,� . ='_�k',v�tr'�s```�'^`:�s1�'� '�' ' dl T�?-a �� L� .,5� j l,y j;� : 4� ... ��II �� ��f '� ;� Left Elev � , � 'H, � � Date Taken:1/15/2o13 � � .:, �' : i��' Taken By: Scott Becker •'} ,�� � � � '� � � y.�� � '�`6' : �� . ,� ,� `��� I did not see any fresh movement on the ,,"< � '�' foundation_ ' � , �� � A A � i �x ��� ' �" � �4 � ��+ '3 `���•{ �`K � '�,. -�,:. :�a �., ,� `�� � - � � ` �� �� � r .:a _. � � � � ' ^� � .t,.r... +�% ' x� �c� Y� ' ���': � -�'E�', �� 3 g'� e� �," �:t''� ���<c� ":.y'ii �.—"°�g ,: � ��r�*^Y �' `����' `� �' y �°`�' �..��t �� � 5 '��,� { i - � �,�� '�°.� . __�. ��-�. � ..� . � Photo Sheet -4- 1/16/2013 Ph�t� Sheet . �nsured: Meredith OToole Claim#: P0005278 Claims Consultants 5485 Seventh Street Policy#: NPD39228 Satsuma,AL 36572 ;��:.:_ � ., � - - . � � �-�� � } °� � °.,_�_ ���` � " Left Elev �,: �=�- x,.;°- � �� ` �.�. : Date Taken:1/15/2013 ,� , � �... : � £�. �`�_ ¢..�"` Taken By: Scott Becker s il, xj ' Damaged siding. .. _ v''�a:`�: <; x .�-�..' �x:;;, - �,; .. 'i � �� -� � r -�. , -. ,� i, � , _,. . . .��. a. .,,�.� Y �`: i. a���s.E K( . ��', s� �L; � � 4¢ y - '",�d� .a �.�.�• " '3: � t � * i ����j. .,�,,. x S 4 p.�a 4 # �t�� ��'�� ^S �� � ` �:'S i��� �JI!n+-�..'"�.�� i __�3�'i' .%�. { _ i�' i1 � ' .i. : � �� 'x3- __ .,T J��"�S� •' 7 � � �� �� 7 i ?� V� 1'3£A�Y°'.L ,�� '�� } �� �� Left Elev �� � �., �{ ,, - - '� � ��' Date Taken: 1/15/2013 q ;� � �. � < �� _ �' �� �F�� ;��:�=��:,�,��� Taken By: Scott Becker . � ,��, } � 1 Y, � `�� ?, � Corner wood will require replacement �� ' �� i� � '� � �s � The remainder will require detach and ;� �' �,� 4�::� f�:; reset in tlus area. `' , �� zti ' � � �_ �� '* � �r 1 'r�� a '� q � ;� � � 3 j � A `a7 0.�- ,.y;�:.,Y � .a�s^.'�ry ���r.,� 5 i "(� i � �` � "i Y '�RJ� �� ��� � a� s;a � 4 u' ���r S^ y�'_ �.� j � y �x, � .�?`::� - ?q, .t -.�.�.., - �. -�' ;d" , . .. . . . . _ �..__....�. �� M. . s°� Photo 5heet -5_ l/1b12023 Photo Sheet Insu�: Meredith O'Toole claim#: P0005278 Claims Consultants Policy#: NPD39228 5485 Seventh Street Satsuma,AL 36572 ' Left Elev Date Taken:1/15/2013 Taken By: Scott Bedcer Size of the siding. ,�, ��3 � "+'�-"Y, •`� �m� , F�. '� � ' �`: � � � ' e � � �" �" `�2 y �. �, . �- . �`� �v� .� h �y.� � ��� .,s. .� � ai� �€.�� � ,� �'a {„e .. . �"�� .;� �� :S" ' t � � � � � �� �* x� `� m" v�°�-��. �� �§. �e ��i f> Yu "�' k1� �°Y�I � '� _.._ ._� ��a..�f:. . � �.-��� . ... ���"..-.._._'�x� . r:';..-_ . . ; '�,.� � `ti� � i x� �'�` ` � � Left Elev F, y,, 1 � � ' � +' Date Taken:1/15/2013 � �s � � '� Taken By: Scott Becker 3' Y{ r � � � � Size of the siding �� _ �. � �� gp� ��z �� . � ""'� '�f�' E'�i"(° ?�4�'�� �:. r,rett�f, �� �� 3 ! -� �°��' �. a.. �����. � 4. "F �?� � �§ :� "'•�a'�.. �.,,,�i, . `� � � i �.�� � � �� � . � $�z' � 3 �;t'�a� yw�r � j � t� S`��y „ t f �$����� �� � g�� �y•. s _�•;, . . . . -�'�3 _. �1.�- . . _ . Photo Sheet -6- 1/16/2013 � - � i x Photo Sheet �� Meredith O'Toole G7aim#: P0005278 Claims Consultants Policy#: NPD39228 5485 Seventh Street Satsuma,AL 36572 � ` �� � ��•--�� � -��. �� � z - ��$� � ,.� , �; ,� ��u �-3�b�-.,. '�'� � l 9� �' ,.y::T_� Y d I � .. ^„�c'� ..:'� ''� k x ^g�� r ��°� �'�. ,: ya.�o_$ "". � .�` ,:'�," «, i�c,"y.�'�'`"� �� �,�" ��` �`� a�.� �' � �.�ti �,�� �'�' ��:.�^ .�-�����,: "� a�'� ' �?�, � 4�z. ��`a.. -# i ' �T.� z '� t °S�4 . �.*y1�' ;�i ��"�� �,��h� b,�� �a .� � � �� �- �, �� � �� ��� �; Left Elev �, �,�r.,. :�� �'� ,�,. E� �; -.� � �' �-'�F �; �.� ..r.�' �;,� : � � : �"� ��`� e �.- - '��- ��=� ~�-������-�., � -��� �`,���-� : ����;�. �� Date Taken:1/15/2013 �'� �� s�"� �" �_� � �'� � ���� ��� � , k ��fi ` �� � � ;� � �, � � �. �',��:� Taken By: Scott Becker ��,., " �;� "��_..�� _� �,� �... -�..��i �'� �*.-�. a N 'S, � :d. � 4c .'Y f r. 'Rt 'N'�"��,., �iy]� "+ ?T t �-e,. � ��; �� „� > Showing the second location the limb �� � -��� � ����� ���� � � � � '��� � �`� ' hit. z�� �, ^� � `'•h�i� �� ��,�+ r Ft��'�.l'��4��4 y� �' 'yi�-s� . _ ��z�. . �, �'-` ��.a..�' :. w c .rrs�'+e„��=.� �.�, a"-,;;:: �r;.�`,,;�s � �� "j �r�. `,��° �w.. Y iz �' C���� ��E : ����„`� 'v ,,' ��`� . ��. .c,'`-s��'c a. :� ' ;� � � � .. ��,�, "� r.r g, ��� . �aL—°i. '� � �y'y�'� �"h 7� �M .?�- P,'F'.'.,���'a;.i. ^+�r z r�`�` � �� �� Y�"���� �x���� �'� 'k�,�`M�' � ��'� �. �'�, p-.CS Y:sEs����y + '��°`'c.� �s,� _ a"' ���"������ , - � �.' ���.� '�"'e�._. �..,`�'� *�,` �-'�'��"£,� ��� * �.�.-� ` �� �s ' . ,..�.� ,�.°, ,�`� .� ��,�, � � . Is',�L�-�� +.rw., � � � �`-*�'� x��� '�`. ,bt'� �s c -�- _." '-''«���„�r�`"ti�����; n ��� '�` r��� �} �' � �'4,,�`� �� �� �� �::�� ;� _ �t � ;��{ £,z ��` � . �'��r .. � t :�,�� �-- .,� .:.� �� �'� �.'� �k�„`-�r� a �& !`-_ `��c�x >,�, �'` ���"� . _ � n a��HI '�. �.:��a S��.� 'f�'a. �i�: . . . �ce£�.ha..^i�', '.LF,... '"^--�va.�.�s;r.�.�'c�'�-..��.�f e�.�__:: . a�"�. :� �, �1 �4y�si � � � r� .� . u -��$ ��- , � �� , � ,�.:.�r� . ` � � � }: � �g �� � ��� � Left Elev �.�.g °r'�"�'�� = � �y.y:. �, : ���'. . �C �' ' .. �'� r 4' � '#,�. a,�,'� ;� ,��� = � , DateTaken:1/15/2013 � ���_,� � �� °-��. - ��',� ;�` Taken By: Scott Becker � �� �. ' a �v � = Overview R�� ' _.�� X � `� � �� �b 8..'::"��,ds 'T _ � . �; ^,��.. ���, t � �'�+fY�`'Qi 3�qTx'k. { . � .�� �+'.:g.�';:�.�^ �. � '"t �E�I-�_ . _ jr - ,''y-i..: j ...�""ti!-� I i�r" �� ���� . va..ar ��T� � a -, � � s"" � =:5 _:�'a � 'e°"'�o+„�+ . _ z{ , . . .. . ,.a. . ' ���? Photo Sheet -7- 1/16/2013 , i . Photo Sheet �u�� Meredith OToole Claim#: P0005278 Claims Consultants policy#: NPD39228 5485 Seventh Street Satsuma,AL 36572 � ��� � �������� -�� � � � .�.�.x�s` R`��H yt' '�-�� - �.ys, :r^ y . � ;vS *.�t �`3�`��c�-S ;e.'�:-.',�'�' Y�'`��� h .�����t��_�'rs' .?` ,y _ _ `� x �,� " , `','���-_� ��` '�` �' Left ����; ^�� ; a ����� ��. ��.'�.,��. � 4a� ``� � � `���� ����'" � Date Taken:1/15/2013 ��������� �_ � ��� ��� : �.�,. ��s;� �: �.,.,.#� ��'�; �.�� r �>x:,��`'�'�� �r �� i� �, �. - Taken By: Scott Becker No damage was noted above the area. ��� *;� - } e ¢��, .��x_s Tree Date Taken:1/15/2013 Taken By: Scott Becker _ _-: Showing the tree that was removed. - ..� T.� _ . -.. : � �.: ..� -- � -, y��,�,.e�`>` ����,� :q;.. 'a�,�� ,b. _ . . ��a� .. . ^����,�.�+ ,� F��. �" a � <+F..: ) � � F -... �" z- '. �.�, t ,:,��� ,� -. ;� t '-:+r. .t. >',�� s.,�4� 4 _ "'� � y ' � 'ta � ' �� } � �'3 � . Mf�i#{�� �6i?���"�.,� .; , �, ..- � �,�'�r"� � �y,�t�,�,��£�e�_� y�. W� '�"- wy�,., ���t'c��.�a-`d'; ��'�i` ,��,�. �.3�'�i� ,y �$ J '9 Photo 5heet -8- 1/16l2013 Photo Sheet ��� Meredith O'Toole Claim#: P0005278 Claims Consuttants Policy#. NPD39228 5485 Seventh Street Satsuma,AL 36572 3�$�r��C.�:�,� t��"��'' °�y:�d�`�� �� ��;�� �> �-�� �-� r,� �� '°s'��� � ��" ,�-�� � �x ,�.���,*' y �'�_ � � � �as ,� ����4,, `��� �s� t�' �,. � � k�. � �"a m'�'*�'ka �"� ��X �� .a��7 �. � o? "`�` -�°a��i'`�. 'z^� 1���+ _y a sa-� �'�' �-� �y�'� ->.5° r � �� : �:� ����� °��',�_ ,� ° Left Elev ��«..� "� �, � - ��,�"��.�'' ��;����.� �``��� �_� � , � . x ,���• . �� � , � w �. � : Date Taken:1/15/2013 i ,,: ����� , �'�~� ��:�._ ` -�� � � ti_-, � �� �� � Taken By: Scott Becker x � � ��� __���� ,�., �= �,�: -. - � � �' �: ��� ��` ���� _� �"� Overview from across the street � #� �_ S � �v,.�; ,� � ^' � � . � � .� - �:� � Q�� � �_ �*' _ �`r�; �� � � � '�°�° � � KK �- y� � �'�,:�~�"� �� ,* � ��� '��° yyp �.3 3�..,i ,r'M,�'�" .4 "5� CK t � ��. �.� #`�k "�°+'�v � jx,r: : � �`��'�'�'\ �y'r�.�r' ? .t �"'�F'��.,i,�p��a-�..-��•., � 2� .:��;g' Nc�� �.��„ t ^+"'�� �3"- � ,,,, � 3„ "�.�`.���r'.�'�. .�` �"} �u ,,,,r�, . ' �-gy 4 ��`�' � �'�"�`� �._�- �. � ����� � 3 ., . : , -� -< ....:- y.�.,�r,� - : .. � �n � �, . - � :- �� .'��� ' } � '� S' ��:.�h. , ,,.,; . . � ::�� �.: � , � 2 r . ... ,., ,., , +a'�� � . � � . �, ��_ ._ y, �-- .<.,. E.a� . a'�:,-.. �. xt-. ��' � %c� ..:4�•f , . . . , �,y d����� ' . y� � � ^'°� X � .�` � �� ; �. �,�?- � -' � _� � �,h����`� .._�'r Rear Elev �. � ,. . ,� � � �_ � � � ��� � Date Taken:1/15/2013 _, '" -�' �.�._'Yz+s. � '� ` Taken By: Scott Becker �€ �� , ,� , . ,. , = Overview - - �;� '' �'��°; I -��° - I � :�:. �5 .": Photo Sheet -9- 1l1612d 13 j , i , Photo Sheet Insured: Meredith OToole Claim#: POQ05278 Claims Consultants Policy#: NPD39228 5485 Seventh Street Satsuma,AL 36572 ��� � �� ° ��� ������'� r.��� ,�,III e', 1� � � � L�y � � ` A � � ����c� . , � - _ � = Right E{ev � �-�� �r r 4 0 � . ���, ��`"� � . :� �,����,,,,g-��� :� � Date Taken:1/15/2013 � �.�. . - a � �� �. c�� ��_ �����*- �.t Taken By: Scott Becker : � �� - - ��� � ".� � � a. - i ° - ��.:.� �;, �c'`�.. �. �� -�e,-,. � _ � ,Q,�.xz °. O�0M0W .�,�..�a ,, � „sr,.�. -v:;� .�s� ; , s �� _ �'�': ��... :<:s � �_,. . � ' �' �, � *>� ' � 1. _ F �H^r� 'c� � � � . �_ � 4 `�.� f�� .+a �i . �,n_. �r,�at5-�.,m-'..,awu*.�. - =�✓'a' '� . _ ...:�': .. . .. � �- °3^`a�, '� �.s`� �y ' I 4 � "°� ,� �, �,�_ g ,� �1 r4 ••t��� i��:: � >M1"ifi���y��°'e A�. � } . � �'� A � � 4Y y- ��,���� ' �` � ,� � ' a L� Jr 1 I�F��%�!� ��II� ��-�� r�- � � �'� ��. �` � .,������� � �'�IIII iI��Y�,������ F�OII� � � �s���"-,. ��� �.,_�� � �`-` .y"�... � i c .,I . � +�� Dat�Ta6�en:1/15/2413 .��,-_�' �� ,,� - �. �� : ��� �V � ' :��, ' �� x�.� � ` TakenBy: S�dttBecker �+. .��„ � �z�. �, ��'��� � , � � .." The carn�is loose and will requirc _=� �;-� � x �-Y+,�`r,� ..��'�� resetting. `w� ' � r r �; � I��i`��� I ' �, � �„ _ ����� �r � .. 1 � �r�^ '�� '�" s� � � Y. i� X� � ' `�� {A�"w"Y'� ''!r - ������.0 � �. tl - � `��_����� '„' .' , �r N �� ���m "� �� �Y � . ��� �� � �„� �� '�, � ��'� ��`� ���� �s �� � � �� '�`�� �:�. � " �w�,:��� ; � �� � r !�. �� :y� 7k ��'� �r-.`�'.+�; Q � .. .:a r ?Hi .� �' .`=", �74� � � �i�' '�a :��.. i! �K�C � b, . y� `. y� ��`�g��,�"«�- p �+�Z� ? _ � � 5 � �- � �� �.� i�.r�� ��� �� �'' Pr �;� f t � � ��+f b�.: �� -k������ � �� � 9 ��� ��� ���� �y��,-�� k �^���'"�� �` � �� �` �' n�; _ �-�._ �a �+ �'�- : k�� ���`��4�: t���� � � ' �S ��::e ��.-c'' �t.N. ,��1 _ � _ 'R �;.. �. . � - . ���.�� ..�..�,_:�. ... . ''of"" r*,:. �IOfft$l1tEt�: . .. . .. .. _rt�T. . ... , . . . . .. . ... � 1�16t�.i3 i � Photo Sheet �r�� Meredith OToole Claim#: P0005278 Ciaims Consultants policy#: NPD39228 5485 Seventh Street Satsuma,AL 36572 :` -��;::: � . :`���. � ��. Y ��v =��"" Basement - Date Taken:1/15/2013 i��: r '; ��� ',�'iI ' Taken By: Scott Becker � �} � � Na fresh movement was noted in the _„,�� _ _ .,,�;' basement. ��.-..,�i :_ar" �x r "?� �� �'� . ���� M1 F� ,�� �'� ,�m' � i°�.' � � � � , tr �1. _ �r� �;.3"`>� •; f.�°- � ��� ��_� y 1. z"`�^'� � -� �� ��� � ; � : -'��� :, �e :+* ,� ,��. � � �� � �4;qa���,� _ i.h9^ x� � ^'� R,_?_i...�. `Y. �' Basement � - :��� Date Taken:1/15/2013 Taken By: Scott Becker No fresh movement was noted in the basement. �" r � '����� �� �, ` � � r :rt �k � � ��i������ .. � � �' � �5���� ��r x �y�;ar>��� � �*�,��f i�i:,� ��.L:, ; 1c `� 'H�`��9+3'p I �' v� ; �i�„�� �3��d" , IV y ! � LT rY ' �' I�,'��IM I li�III ���� 1' ��� � � ,� � I� � .� I � +�+'�� �` � ��, x � � �ii i i i i� �4��+ �" � ��t _ �%` �z 'r�' � �u�` "�'�� I I t . w� .� � �.. �,x��� �' ' � �,��� � �g ��,�.� '` -=��- ��� ,.��� +<.�`�. .� ti - _ ��.: 4a �i; �_ � � �1,�... �-.'�t,_v _..�... ' _ �3`��k . Photo Sheet -ll- 1l16/2013 . � .. . � � �I � � �. P��t� ►Jheet Insured: Meredith OToole Claim#: P0005278 Claims Consultants Policy�: NPD39228 5485 Seventh Street Satsuma,AL 36572 �z��� �-a-��`�'�°� '� � � �= �� �'� �t � ,� ��s��pwf��p, �`�'�� ��; ''� ,�, �T�iit '4 ,�� �� �.� i���1 a ��`:��� d i��,� �� � ����� � : d�, Basement - - Date Taken:1/15/2013 � � �u -� Taken By: Scott Becker No fresh movement was noted in the basement. :���.�,�� _ � :��x � �'"r.` � . <�� ���r �� �� „��, � ����` �> i� �±a���-`��� � �;�'� zs � ; � � _ '�'� .�`�������-� X 5�"� t .. � �i� �. � �� - _�� R�. a a'�=,�,� ''��-x � �,� g�� �� �,� .„�°"�, � �� � ;"����;: . ��� � '�* °�" k,��± � _*_:�€' ;°� �``'� Interior Date Taken:1/15/2013 Taken By: Scott Becker �� ;r-, ��= Bar overview.Tlus is the left elevation - wall.No damage noted ..;:�., �. ;,.. _ � - ���� �;���{ ': � j �, ;��z� ...,,,�' ,�� I v� '��•���'�i�. ����� � � �� � �� � � - - � YA=�',��Y 3i.YS4 .. — �i £r-�� �'�hY ��_`� _� . � :.: �� ; '�'�`��.3`::: Y " :.�'� •� ' .},m�. ' �arv �"�� �, ��... ,..�.: . . __..... . ... . P�5010$ttCCt _1Z- }�I6PZ�I3' � � i , � ; Photo Sheet ��� Meredith O'Toole Claim#: P0005278 Claims Consultants Policy#: NPD39228 5485 SeveMh Street Satsuma,AL 36572 Interior Date Taken: 1/15/2013 ;_� � Taken By: Scott Becker ,«��;� � ;;` No damage noted. �? iiil I,' � ~P �t- i � � a - � �:� .. - ��� �'.�•� - .�"�"�"�.�`�km`.a .�._ ,�.. _ . _. '�.-s" �s:- .�`- - � '°- �� '�,._. ` ."%_ �F� �� , ; �".��,�= Interior ��=����_`� ' Date Taken: 1/15/2013 Taken By: Scott Becker No fresh move�nent noted. a - �;. :4 `��'�, =�-. ��� ,� ..��� s� :v' <`s^ 0� ,a .�1?' -# �` �' s —�'° 3.:: �^`� p=-. 5 y� � ��f x t� �� Photo Sheet -13- 1/16/2013