McDonald, Catherine I��CEIV�D MAR 18 2013 CITY CLERl� NOTICE UF CLAIM FORM �o the City of Ssint P�n1,1��iineesota IIFtNne�ora SWt SIalWe 46�QS a�alet fiot".._everv/�rao�--.rb dai�c�lo�e�csJ�'ar ary�r�nc�ty-.sWl t�Mtse b btpresa�krl b d►� ad+���f��w�i�.laon dQy:u�er dYe a�k�rd bss or ny.w�r is�ea�vered e»oNC+e s��n.�,he tewe ploce,mad �na�,lier+a�arl tlr a�o�t of cro�arseris�er elicr qcicf Je�r�aled" 11�M!pw�M�M�i1�"!�i�ilt aMh�b�l!�ff���e'�i�Aw 7�r a■r7�er rr Mci�e�M�a, It'a�ee�wae ic �ccdei,attar5 a�itl�l s�ee� Pfea�e aoir tiait�w�a�t tie cr■�i Ir!tde�ir■e t�c�l[y s�vs,s rwYe as s�i irfi��lir ac aec�T 1�eqihi 7�r�Li�a�1�a��t i a�a�ali��t re�siaL Y�A eeai�e a vtit�ari a�da�s�rlei�uMerYt��ce�nrr�rs ir nceirai, Y1ie Mrcaac a�biAoe�1��rnel�Mr 1�ie�e���Il� �ai�a�rr t�ba. TYc�eew�►a�o�#Le d�red,a�d Mtl�NMer�a�MMd- lt's�w�M1i�rMe�a�t a�pl�r>�reile'IITU'. �����A,�������t �Y�.j:� 1S WL�ST KEI.LOGG BLVD,31e C1TY HAId.,SAINT PAUL,MN SSl•2 r�N,� r,��h�Y iv�c, �aaa��wa,.��w,� ��J(��vi�.�,l c,� Com�any or�Name Aro You ae�noe Campany? Yes/� ff Ya,t�im N�mb�zr? Street Adciress ���- �V� �/2CA � � �/� Git�r � 1+ 1�11 �— � A i � S�t� �1 l�1 7ap Code.� ) fl1�- n,�;me r�oe�(� - ca�rbm��?�1�1��E�Td�one t� - n���a�u�,.�►�o�n��a Z f r» �� r�� � :�z ��� Pi�se srace,in detail.�occumed(hapPe�ed�aod whY�acc sab�mitmug a daim.Pfease ia�e.�hy ar how yon se�l the G'ri�r o�f Saoiut Pa�l o�r its�iaplor��iuYdvtd�Ib�r r�far yarrr d�c. � � a �--. �7 • tr S � Q'l VI'� � -� W�. l V i- , 1 Pka�d�eck 1�bauc(�)t�M most ida�r te��ce�t 1�tcaaa�e�ht'�Itis� ���v l 1�v lrsc-(�t..ul �i-��.c. �M�r vehide was da�aa�ed in aa�a�idont 0�Y����i a� �`YI�,��. ❑My vride was d�am�cd b�a polhdc ar aoadition of t�e stred O My vd�dc vvas damagod by a piow ����rc�e�ru�nno�[ial�r�o�ed a�dlar 6�ded ' 0 I�r�oc iey�r�ed oa Cit�►P�Y �YP��PaP�'�Y�—P��fY ❑Other type of injury—Ptr�se specifp In o�rder to pr000��your daim Fc�r thc daims types�[od bolvw,Pieasc be 9acc w iad�dc thc doc�eols mdip�d ar it�li dehy the han�ing of �vw c�ua. Douw�c WI[.�.,NO�I'bc�e�eried sr�i�000we t�c pnopertr af the�r. Yo�a�e asoo�n�ed Iao ioeap a va�pyr for y�ow�tf befae��o�ar ctai�m farm. O propecip damage claims to a ve�cie:t�a escimatrs far the rcp�s to�oar v�if the�c�coods �500.0�ar thc aGa�i bilk sntUac�oapr�far d�trpoi�s O To�d�oimc:le�ie cqaioc Qf�ealr tic�et�ssd a c,�py a�f Mbe ieapa�o�d k�t n�odp� O Othcr p�opaty daaagc daiee�twro iy�ai�-tstim�tcs if tbc�c�ccooas 550�00;or thc actnal bills a�r�oapls 6oir tie re�ai��d�od�i�t af d�a�od i�e�s O IAjmy daims;ee�edic,al bills.noai�s O Photo�s�ne al�vayr.wrek�ome to doo�meet asd sappoit yo�d�but will ent be ietu�� Fa�e 1 rf 2—Ple�e ca�1�1e a�i rdrt�i�tlt�x�f'G'ii Firaa Failm�e to campkte�d n!�bati pa�e�w�7 r+es■lt a�j�tre�af�cla�. Ap C7aiM�s—d�e a�1�� W�e there witneases to thc ineicicet? Ycs � Unlnwwn (circle) Pt�ovide theur aawr�,7dd[esscc aad telcp600c o�obe�s: Wexe the poliac or law enfactaement calkd? Y No Untno�vn (circie) if�,�#rat dq�atrmant p��nc�r?L�c,�v�[.tnr G�#or rc�o�t# aJ��d "1�j�'�.ol io 1 ti1V�a+e did tl�e aoc3deet oc iujiuy tai�e plaoe? Ptuvide stc�eet ad�ess,aoss street,iatusedion,nac+ae of Park ar facelity, clasest bon�n�a�k,duc. I'Iczsc bc aas debiiod�poss�ic. If nioassaryr.a�a di�r�m. 2►-,�, C t� A-11��,�-��c Pl�se in�ic�te the amoant you are seeking in connpe�0ion a�whaR yau woold like the C'�ty to do w resolve this daim co y�our�aatii�an, -�inc� Gv t � c,uw��rn�n-t ,���ca! �v �t I�cw 1 Pv l ��.e, Vin t7�UYi�' � R Vdiidc(�i�s ekasc�e tlis scc�e� �c6eck bo��if this seaion dces not a�uaiv Yae�r Ve�+icl� Yeu � �� I�oons�e I'la�0e Aluiober Sh�e Co1or Registe�ed Oarner Driver af Vdiido Area Dama�gec� C�r Yehic� Ypr � MO� I.�xo�e Pl�e A�mobe,r StsAe C.olor �riv�ar of V�(C"aA7 E�loy'oc's Nauoe) Arta Dama�ed I■imrr G7Y�r�t �_ '��u•• ��ax if itic s�ectiaa das�t�Y How w�r�e yon injw�ed? W�it p�t(s)of l�'��'m9�od`! Have yon saagM medical tr+e�meat`! Yes No Pf�to See�c Treatme�(cirde) Whaa did�t�occi�e t�alae�art? (p��d��)) Naim�of Modic�l Pravid�a{s�° � Acldcess T Did�oa mi��nod�aec a�ns�af�o�r� Yes N° Wlraa dd�rora miss wrat`! (P�'ovide date(s)) Name of�F.m�lqer T� Addrr� �t�ck Lere Y'�rw are aWd�Mt�'���M�c d�fi�rr. �a��laiili�l��� �l��������j�~'��r�r��!�►i�t it br�wr nrncf 1�r�is i�st ilf�'� U�.�w�w�t be� S�w�Ai��fi�a►c�ii�r a�n�y i��. D�le�Mras c�sy�kte� �i■t trc rla��tu�c��.� u�s F«r� ��'/���n,�C�� l 1/1�C, �111 (�o I�l Gt, i�.I SipaA�+e.tP+ees�.w Mai�t 1Ye t�i�' R�v�ad Fcb.wx 2ul t � � v � o � � � � o �` � � a�i �—�' °�' �� � CD � m � � . cQ � � 3 � 3 �'� — �D nCDi 6 � � �D � v � m � � �� '0 v � � � `� m 3 � � � ✓ � o n� < m Q. Q a � = v m � � .D � , � 3 � o � N � D o � � � '0 -- -• `� Z � n � � �°. o °—. � rn� m = � m D '� ; -1 � o �i � � � � Q r -I v, 0 o � � � � � l. � O � � Q ? �' m � Q. C� � a 1 � (D (- Cp � ,� � f? � p Cfl �7 � '' N � � � N � (p �' � < N� � (p O �p � � G� N � 6 � � N ? � � N � = I CD .+ p 7 fA p 0 (n Z � � � (D - � � � GJ r � � 0 � � 3 � �� �- '� n Q C� I'n I =�� o -* � � � m W N r � T � a � � c°�n � � � � O , r- - � m \_ o � a � o � � 00 cn � \ Z (� �� p � � � fl- T O .,�D Z ��/, � � �, � �° � � � o � W �' � °� °- � o- m T i � � ` � � � � O � � Z � � � � � � � �=. J W � D � � 'i D � o N N � � � �D � � a ° � � m � �: °� �' ° � � c� � � O c� n � � � 3 m v � � n � m � -�, � � � � � � fl. O �'' � m � o � cQ < m ^ C N � v � � r �` � C7 D � � � � � � � !� C ,- � � N � � � � N O /'� � O CJt O W Z ��� �p CO 0 O CD � � O � p � � � � � � m �'. � � O � r ��. �I TI O � , o j ` , � � �� � � � -j- o � ' �(C 0 o c � � , � � --v re � � _ _ _ _ ___