McDonald Citation# 888 7���,��
The undersigned,being duly sworn,upon his/her oath deposes a d y
* 8 8 8 7 5 5 2 9 6 *
Date of Offense / � Time of Offense ` ' r
Veh.License Na Year State Make Style Color
Location of Offense:
VIOLATION: SNOW EMERGENCY St. Paul Ordinance 161.03 FINE ��J3.��
(Amount includes mandatory state surcharges of$13.00)
N ,
ting �� Officer Citing
�ficer Number Dept.
'osted Night Plow ❑Day Plow ❑Plowed in(Windrow) ❑Tagged Before Plow ❑Drove Off
(n,� I�cc.c�y �`e L�4r.��6�6�
Citation can be paid at the Impound Lot.Please read the back of the citation for payment instructions.
• To pay your citation
• For additionai information or to pay your fine by telephone using a credit card,call: 651-266-9202
Please have your citation number and credit card available. ,
• h4ail payments to: Ramsey District Court Make Checks payable to: Ramsey District Court
Traffic Violations Bureau (A charge of up to$30.00 will be assessed on all returned checks)
15 West Kellogg Boulevard-Room 130
, S!. Pau!, MN 55102-1613
Violations Bureau Locations
St.Paul Court Suburban Court Law Enforcement Center
15 W. Kellogg Bivd., Rm 130 2050 White BearAvenue 425 Grove Street
St. Paul, MN 55102 Mapiewood, MN 55109 St. Paul,MN 55101
Office Hours:8:00 AM-4:30 PM Monday-Friday(Excluding Holidays)
Hearing Officers-By appointment only. Cali(651-266-9202) �
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Payment and Penalties
_If you wish to plead guilty and submit payment for the effense on the reverse side of the citation,you must do so within 21 days from the date the citation
is fiiled wdh ihe Court:it is ymtrresponsiHititpte-pre - a timely.rvapn�r.Pl�ase allow 5 business days for processing.A$5.00 late fee
is added to all unpaid fine balances.After 40 days from tha date the citation is filed with the Court,an additional delinquent fee may be add�tlZO ati unpaid -
fine amounts and the case may be referred to a col�ections agenc,�. If�he offense is a petty misdemeanor,failure to appear will be considered a plea of
guilty and waiver of the right to trial unless the failure to appear is due to circumstances beyond the person's control(M.S.169.91)and(M.S.609.491).
To plead not guilty,or to plead guilty and offer an explanation,take the following steps: 1)After 10 business days,call 651-266-9202 to confirm
that the citaYion has been filed with the Court, a�d 2) request a hearYng officer appointment.You must have a photo ID with you when meeting
�vith a Hearing Officer.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I understand that by paying this fine I am entering a let� a of guilty to this offense and voluntarily waive the following rights to:
1. The righ!to a trial by the Court in which I am presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
2. The right to confront and cross-examine all witnesses against me.
3. The ri�ht to remain silent or to testify on my own behalf.
4. The right to subpoena and present wiin2sses to testify on my behalf.
I also understand 4hat this offense is a petty misdemeanor and the maximum penalty is a$300.00 fine.