Enterprise (2) Entergrise Rent-A-Car � �f� P4 BC?X 842442 DALLr^►S.TX 752842442 Tuesday,Marcv�5,2013 CITY CLERK OF ST PAUL 310 Cih'Hall RECEI�f ED 15 kellogg Bh�d.,Vt%est ST.PAL7.,���v sslaz MAR 1 1 2013 �:;�_i_�` ��`�►�� Rc�: Balance Du� .�386.68 Bili�ng Irr�voice 61226308 Ctaim No. t133ti8354 Date of Loss ll/07/21112 Renter's Name ENTERPRISE LUT DAMAGE Dear SirlMadam: Our review indicates that you are respansible for the damages to our velucle. Enclosed�lease find dociunentarion ta sfipport our claun. Please review tl�is iuformation and remit payment iu fi►II to ttre address above. Please inchide our claixu number o�t your payment. If you = �refer you may alsa pay the aznouut due using a debit card,credit card or directly from your l�anl: = account at https:/lwww.velocitypa}nueut.cou�/client/bankofaanerica/erac/index.htm = If yoti have reported this clavu to your insurance and�'or credit card company.please contact ocu office witl�the claim inforivation. If you have any qt�estions,please contact�is at the number below. Si�eerely, Erin 1�4�gee Recovery Specialist ERiI�i.L.MAGEE t�l EHI.COM Damage Recovery Unit DIltECT: 970-226-8352 OFFICE:866-30Q-3238 FAX:888-874-5937 2 of 9 I�'VOICE Date: 03fOSf2Q I 3 CITY CLERK OF ST PAUL Claun#: 03308354 310 City Hall Unit#f: �GFLGQ 15 Kellogg Blvd.,West Billiug Iuvoice#: 61?2b308 ST. PAI1L,MN�4102 Vehicle Inforn�atia� VIN: JN8AE2KP5�9039621 Year: 201? Make: NISN Model: QUES Item Total Gost Amonnt Due Dainages $280.70 $280.?0 qdmiaistrative Fees $SO.QtI $50,00 Loss of Use $5598 $55.98 i.aoo aays�s39_s9�4tay�2 loo^r.o��uRm�r Diminislunent of Value $28.07 Rlaived Total Amo�int D�te: $386.68* *Remit payment in U_S. Dollars. PAY L'PON REC`EIPT = — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ALL P�YME:tiTS�li?ST INCLL?DE THIS RE?1�ITTANCE Tf)BE CREDIT'ED PROPERLY! PAYABLE TO: DAMAGE RECOVERY UNIT Claim#: 033d8354 PO BOX 842442 Uuit#: 7GFLGQ DALLAS,T�7�2842A42 Billing Invaice#: 61226308 Toll Free#: 866-3�0-3238 Total Amauut Due: � 386.b8* *Remit gayment ui U.S.Dollars. Total Amount Remitted: S 3of9 O��r daim uiunber: 03308354 Yonr Claim Information Yaur instuance/credit card company: Your claim numUer: Name of claiins adjuster: Adjuster!company email address: Adjuster/company plioae uuinber: Adjuster/compauy fax ntunber: Adjuster/company mailing address: Address Citt�, State, Zip Please rep11�to: Damage Recovery Unit Emait:DRUZ�ehi.com or Fax: 888-874-8937 Phone: 866-3Q0-3238 Maii: PO BOX 842442 DAI..LAS.TX?52842442 _.�; �� ��'�� _ �- � �'��� � <,�; �, :�. � ,��� °, ! � ;: -„ ; �� R� � �� � h � � � I i` x.y� '. d ��"x , � 5 � ���Y �. �/: \� _ �� "v�"' �� - at���`�`.��.>:� � .,. �a � ��g � ' �,• v +� � = t'� _ � � ��`- �: � � �� � i z � � � � �� � - �� ' � � rM °� '� � /�'� � • �} ,�r c � s� � _ a�. � r '��� � - x 3���� � . � �� _ ���� ' ��' �� �� � �i'� -��ji,p' �. �.� � ��€�` ' '� `� ��. , � � � ��� � ,, . �, �'.� �. a r,��,, �-��. t a` „� ;,; �ie �I r; i ''�,', Y, III ; I;I � y x:' ' �:., 'I`I .;I �i ��'a # M I� — ,, �. �... ��'�"��� »�,> �.. � �&` .. ...: �; ��� ; _.i ' �. �(' _„ �t �� �✓�", �� r � �- , {' �� � � � /y �A S y s� �� £� ?x , � ���� �4sv.-_;:-� � �;� � ... � :_ b / � P� ' � �i, � �,.� . r �'� _§ s' �.. , _; ��.,.,. �:�: �;� ti,;', � �= �;- »��.., � rr��. �'.�' r z�; � ��F � ^�k� � ►�'t � � � � � ' . i , - y ' � �'�'-, _�r;!1 �i����lV������il, _ '�ii�ii�.d��, �' y: �M �� '�i � �°f = - F.\.: � �' � � � � : � A E� � 1,.: / � �/� � �:��; y^ � � ti � � � =��� �W , � f, � �.;« �, �. � a�,�;' ��: g�< �. � � ;,� ��� � �� £ `F� �i � ; ��' � § ..: �: � � ;w, , , ' „.� � ' ,: _ ; .. ..._ ... ,. , �of 9 �stimate Irtf�rmation R�epair Facility Estimate tQ: REGDOT2tt4o5�a�a Claim: OX79061E5 Repeir FacitiEy Latuff Auto Bady Esfimator WILLIAM LATL7FF Address- 8$0 lJniversity Ave File ID: 5Q02 Platform: Audatex-Audatex Estimating Phone� fi51-2242828 Date Created: 11;0812012 Faz: Federal Tax ID 4 1-0777 034 State Tax ID: BAR: ��hi�le E)a#a Unit#: 7GFLGQ Year 2012 Make: Nissan Madei: QllEST VIN: JN8AE2KP5C9039621 Color: Grey Lic.State: IL License: N421685 Body Style- PASSENGER VAN Engine: 6CYL GA50LINE 3.5 (3dometer 29917 Prod_Qate: 01f2012 Points of Impact Primary- Right Rear Comer 5econriary: Left Side �ti� Line Op Description Type Parf# Price Qty Labor Paint OQ1' RPR COVER,REAR BUMPER 28 OQ2' RE� ' CaVER,REAR<BUMPER — 2_5R 003 R8�1 REFLECTOR,REAR BUMPER RT 0.68 Qfl4* REF FLEX ADDITIVE AC 5.00 1 OR OU5* SUS HAZARDOUS WASTE SL �QD 9 - OB - _-- - - - — OQ6' RPFt SET BA�K REAR GQVEF�. 4-�B T�ta1s Parts = Paris Toia! {.��' ; Type Additianallabor Rate Houn Totak Labor-6ady 37.00 3.1 114.7t� Lsbor-RefinESh 37.Ofl 2_5 92.5{t Labor Total 207.20 1��.'Cl�tS t�latenals-Paint �2� Materials Total B2•5a �tS�,�II!�i11JS ' Other-Rdditional Cos# �o� Other-Sublet 5-� Misceitaneous Tat�f 11.OU �1t'�tlS�fil�.`tl� Insurance Pay 280.7II Totai C1aim gefore Taxes ` 280.70 7 of 9 Fina!7o#al 280.T0 Op Codes R81 Operation-Remaveflnstall REF Qperation-Refinish RPR C�peratior�-Repair SUB Operafion-Sublet Part Type Codes AC CYther-Additional Cost SL Other-SubleQ LaborCodes 8 Labor-Body R �abor-Refinish Paint Type Codes R Labor-Refinish 8�f 9 N�TICE QF CL�IM F4RM to the City of Saint Paut,Minnesota d?ir�rierofa SlRte Sfatrrm aG6.45 states rlmt"...evrnr persair...a�lio claurrs dntiragesfrorn rrr�y�niwrcipnfint.,sfrnN cnt�se to be presentarl to ahe gqrertziag I�ady�J'the inu+ucipafiry ivithin 1&0 clatis afler dre alleged loss ar in%ury+.c ditcovered a nofice statu:g tke trme,place,and r,irr.rnnstattm,s Fhere�(,anrl tJre afnouru ojcanpe�i,ratirnr or odeer rclief derna+tdttL'" Please complete this form in its entirety by clearly typing or printin�your answer to each question, [€rnore space is ��eeded,aEtach addifio:ial sl�ecfs. Please note tlsat you wili not be contacted by telephone to clarffy aaswers,so provide as mnch information ss necessary to ea�glain your ciaim,and tNe amount of compensatinn heing reqaested. You�rill recei�•e a �r�ritten ackno�vEedgement once your t'orm is received. The process enn take up to ten weetss or longer depending on the mature uf your claim. This form n►ust bc signecl,and 6uth pages cornpleted. If samething docs not appiy,writte`NIA.', S�ND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOGCJMENTS TO: CITY CLERK, 15��VEST I�ELLOGG BLVD,310 CITY HALL,SAINT PAUL,NIN 55102 First Name Middle Initial_�___Last Name Cnmpany ar Business I�'ame �1T�='�P1�-�� 1��T- f�" �L- �� t���.� Are Y u an nsurin�e ompany? Yes/No If Yes,Clairn Number? D"�2C�rCz33�� .._._� Sts�et Address � i�C�Y� ��1-U�2 City lJ�.rt��_ State T]C Zip Code�'�Z�t-� Daytitne Phone�}�0-v3�-6elI Phane�,_,_,_).,�..� Evening Te[ephone( ) - Date of Accident!Ittjury or[�ate Disco��ered I! �,�"�1��...- Time,�D am/� Please stare,in detail,�+hat occurred(h�ppened),and why you are submitpng a ciaim.Please indicate w6y or hvw you feel the City of Saint Paul or it•em�loyees are inv�lveii aod/or respansible for yovr d-�ges. ��� ti�c�i c.����.� N� S tr .�- � }- °� �. r� -�- b� ' = �C = ' V = , = Please check ttie box{es}that most closely represent tGe re�son�or r.ompleting this form: �'My vehicfe was damaged in an accident �My vehiele was damageci during a tow �My vehicle was damaged by a pothole or condition of the street D bgy vehicle was ci�maged by a plaw ❑My vehicle w�s wrongfully towed andlor ticketed �I wAS injured on City prapercy �Other type of property dama=e-please specify � O Ocher type of injury-please specify In ordeC to process yaur clain�y,ou need to incliide coAies of all anplicable doct�menfs. Fe�r the claims types 1'ssted below,please be sure ta includa the documents indicated or it will delay the handling of vour claim, Documents WILL NO"f be returned and beGOme the property of the Ciry. You are encouraged to keep a copy for yourself before submitting your claim farm. 4 Property damage ctairtts to a vehicle:two esticnates for the repairs to your vehic[e if the damage exceeds $500.�0;ar the aceual bills anrUor receipts for the repairs O Towin�claims:legible copies of any ticket issued and a copy af the impound tot receipt O�dier property dama�e clf►inis:rivo repair esti�nates if the damage exceeds$�00.00;or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs;detailed tist�f damaged items O Injury claims:�nedicgl bilis,receipts �Photographs are always��elcome to document and sugport your clazm but will noY be retarned. Page 1 of 2-Please complete and return both pages of Claim Form ��f 9 Failure ta co�nplefe and retarn both pages will result in deIay in the handling of y�ur ciaim. All Clairos-olease comnlete this section Were therr:witneyses to the inc'tc3ent? � Nn Unknown {circle) Provide their narnes,addresses and teiephane nambers:��.Z�C.�, }C��pC��S _ foSl - 7_ _�,-UU�� We�the police or law e�forcement called? es Nv Unknown (circle) If yes,what deparEment or agency? �P�D Case#or report#��N ZS� (��t C�2 C'A'l�r1Fi-�'(�}�q-t/C..�K-. Where did the accident vr injury cake place? Provide sireet address,cross street,intersectinn,name of park or facility, closest lnndmad:.etc. Please be s detailed as passible. If necessary,attach a diagram. !t tp 1 t)Yt�v e.,r S t�-u �j-� �� ST p�ta t_ �(�,i SS�L-L) ' I'3ease indicate the amo�{nE vou are seeking in compensation ar what you would tike the City to da co resolve this claim to your satisfaction. �b��. (r�� Vchicle Claims-[riease comulete this secti�n O check#x�x if this sectic�n daes not�plv Your Veh�cle: Year C.�t�_Make 1SS Madel FS License Plate�Iumber �v State J„(,�Color Reoistered Owner 1 �- t�W S Driver of Vehicle - I Area Dflrnaged City Vehicle: Ye�tr (,)t�J1�- Make I44c�de1 License Piate Number lV State�Q,�Golar N Driver of Vehicle(City Err►ployee's Name) t }Vl c,�_ "C-t.X^ Area Damaged N i�' ' in4ar�C1ai�ns-nlease eem�lets t�►is seetiort {ch�bzfx�sftS�is s�ti�in 8��s noi ap�lv �-I�w were you in�ured? 1�'hat part{s)vf yoar body were injured?.___--------..�..�____...____�._.�______.�.._.____�..__.___...�_.—��____ _ , Have you sought medical treacrnent? Yes No Planninb to Seek Treatrnent(circle) = I When did you receive treatment? i (provide date(s)} _ Name of Medic�l Providee(s): — Address 'I'elep(�one Did you miss work as A result of your in}ury? Yes A`o Whe�z did yuu miss work? (prc�vide date(s}) Name of yt�ur Employer: Address TeIephone '�I,Check here it'you are afitaching more pages to this clairn farm. Number oC additional pages ��,,.. B,y si��iir��this fvrm,yor�are stating that ald ittformatio�a you have provided is drtce and correct tn tl:e best o f your knowledge. Ufzsignsd forms will nvt be processed. 5ubrniliin��u false ctaifn can result in prosecution. Dat�form was cornpleled . � ��2_C"71� Pi•int ihe I�ame af the Person wh<y Completed �s Form:�-��__.�-�.,_/���- Signature of Person i1�Iaking the Claitn:_� Revised Febrvary 201[