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Eute�prise Rent-A-Car � �f7 RE��l���� Po Box sa�aa� MAR 0 8 2013 DALLAS,'I'X 752842�42 - /''� .-�*y � �e� EJ` 1 �� Vt�i i14 Tttesday,Marcl�O5,2013 CITY CLERK OF ST PALTL 310 Cit��I3a11 15 KeIlogg Bl�d.,V4�est ST.PAI'L,�4N 55102 Re: Balance Duc+ $386.68 Bitling Invoice b12163118 Claina No. t1330835� Date of Lass 11/Q7/Z�Il Rerrter's Name ENTERPRfSE LUT DAM4GE Dear SiriMadam: -- - --- _ I� Our review uidicates that you are responsible far Ehe damages[o our velucle. Enclosed please fmd doctunentatiau ta support our claun. Please review tl�is ivformation and remit payment iu fiill to the address�bove_ Please include our claim numb�r o��your�ayment. If you = prefer you may also pay tbe ainouut due using a debit card,credit card or directly from your l�anit — accaunt at https:!/www.velacitypaymeut.cou�lclientlbaukofamerica/erac/index.hUn = If you have repor[ed this claim to your insuraiYCe aud f ar credit eard company,please cantact our office with the claim inforniatio�. If you have any qt�estious,please coutact�is at the numb�r bel�w. Siucerely, Erin I�4agee Recovery Specialist ERIN.L.MAGEE�EHI.COl�� Dan�age Recovery Unit DIRECT:470-22[-8352 OFFICE: 866-3QU-3238 FAX: 888-874-8937 2of7 L\VOICE Date: 03/05/2013 CITY CLERK OF ST PAUL Claim#: 033Q8354 310 City Hall Unit#: 7GFLGQ 15 Kellogg Blvd..West Billiug I�ivoice#: 61?26308 ST. PAi3L,MN 55102 Vehicle Infonnatiou VIN: JN8AE2KPSC9039621 Year: 2012 Make: T1ISN Model: QUES Itero Tatal Cost amoant Due Da�nages $280.70 $280.70 Admiuistrative Fees $5a.00 $50.00 Loss ofUse $5�.9g $55_98 1.400 days��S39.99/�y�100.occupancy Diminislunent of Value $28.07 Waived - -- '�etal Atfloant Dae: �386.b8* *Re�nit payment iu U.S.Dotlars. PAY L�PON RECEIPT = — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — = ALL PAYME'�TS�1L1ST INCLL'DE THIS RE1�iTT?ANCE TO BE CREDITED PROPERLY! PAYABLE TO: DAMAGE RECOVERY LTNIT Claim#: 03308354 PO BOX 84?442 Uuit#i: 7GFLGQ DALLAS,TX 752842442 Billing Invoice#: 61226308 Toll Free#: 866-300-3238 Total Amount Due: � 386.b8� *Remit payment ui U.S.Dollars. Total Amonnt Remitted: $ I' 3af7 Otu claim munber: 03308354 Yoar Claim Information Your insivance/credit card campany: Yaur claim nuntUer: Name of claims adjuster: Adjuster!company email address: Adjuster/company phone uumber: Adjuster/compauy fax number: Adjuster f company mailiug address: .4cldress Cit}�, State, Zip Please repl�=to: Dat�iage Recovery Unit Email:DRU2Celu.com ar Fax: 888-874-8937 Phone: 865-300-3238 Mail: PO BOX 842442 DALLAS.TX?52842442 '� ! � �:.�...'#rF h�'i. ���' �.' „� .: '�,�,:s'� "�i k� "N> d„ ff"T.:;/�' F'{' ���. ,�-' '„< �. � .�+�3 y - � �,� /�, 6 ��.. �� �.� y� �i �3 fi �� � E � � ��. ; �� '���: ���;'. � . : �; � : T . ;'� '�w ,;q,. �'':.c-n- �- �,. � " ;� � ��� ._ ,. ,: ;� �. g�., . y .: ,> v.— . � �� ��_ � -� - . � . :_� �� � : , .�. s= � � 3 � � � ��. , ��i �� E r�s� > � � � a ` �^� _ ��' r � _ � = � � f � � �� _ �n} _ �€� "'�� ' �� �`� gr�. �� � � � �� _ � 3��� � � � — o im �•, � h \. � ������ /, � �,� /7% ':,.{i',�% y i�' ,3- I�an'.: �. ,� �r y :,,,.. < .. � "_ � f� �_, �4 � � � ��P�� "�.� ��: IIII {, Ij � � � i� +� -7 � �� � - - � :. � ,�I� :. � . . � ., � ? � . :. _ � -a= � ��f. � { �;:. �. wo�;-:,/ . . - . , : „ . .� .., ., .. . ,.. . ... ., . . . _ . _. a.n„ ,.,, , �. . . .. , ...:. „ . :'� .,, :. 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'�� �i'il���I�I�II������������ i � � � � � � .. � r � � ' E -� �� ���, �� �� � � �` � ' � � °�� � ,� ��� ,�. � �� � �� ,� �„�� °_�_�� .� _.� ,- � a � �� � � . : � �. � 4 � :. :,'.. �� w� �l, e� a �: �. � � � 4. f- `J, 9 ; ?^:�. . � .:wl4�i - ..... .-.� :...:.,, . ,. .<...,. .... .. .. .....:..:.. ..:..... ... .........:�. . ,.,,:.,. _ ,..,.. ......,,., ..�.... . . ...,..... . f �of 7 E�timate lntarm�tion ' ; ' R�pair Facii�ty Estimate ID: �tE�oontt4n5�a�5o Claim: OX19061E5 Repair Facility: Latuff Auto Body Estimstor W#LLIA(v1 LATUF� Address_ 880 Unnrersity Ave �ile IQ: 5d02 Piatform. Audatex-Audatex Es6mating Phone: 851-2242828 Date Creffied: 11;08,`2012 Fax: Federal Tax Id: 41-077703d State Tax ID: BAR= �/t!�31C�E.'�}�ta Unit#: 7GFLG4 Year 2012 Make �tissan Model: Ql1EST VIN: JN8AE2KPSC9039821 Color Grey Lic.State IL License: N421685 Bady Style: PASSENGER VAN Engine: 6CYL GA�OLItJE 3.5 Odometer: 21997 Prod.Qate: 09P2612 Points of impact Primary: Right Rear Carner Secondary: Left Side Line Lint Op Description Type Part# Price Qty Labor Paint 041' RPR COVER,REAR BUMPER 2B 002' RE� CQVER,REAR BUMPEI2 25R QQ3 R81 REFLECTQ3�,REAR BUMPER RT O.fiB O�A* REF FLEX ADDITNE AC 8.00 1 OF2 QQ5* SUB HAZARdOUS WASTE SL 5�--- 9 -.__ 9H_ -- _ _ _ _—_ _ -- _ _ _ -- — --- -- - — — t}Q6` RPR SET SACK REAR CC�VER �-5B �i��d�S P9t�S = Parts Total �E?tl� �ype Additional Labor Rate Hours Totaf Labor-Bady 37.Ofl 3.7 114.70 Labor-Refinish 37.0{l 2.5 92.50 Labor Tota! 207.20 ��Ci'fr��S f�letenais-Paint 62.50 Materials Totai �2�� Rdl�scellartec�us ; Other-Additional Cost �� £?ther-5ubiet ` 5.tlfl Misceltaneous Total 13.00 �it�jUS#tl'�h"� Insurance Pay 2�t0.70 Total Ciaim Be#ore Taxes 280;:70 7�f7 Final Toial 28Q.70 p Codes f2&I Operation-Remav�llnslatt REF Qperation-Refinish RPR Operaf�on-Repair SUB Operation-Sublet Part Type Codes AC Other-Additianai Cosf SL �ther-Sublet Labc�r Codes 8 Labar-Body R Labor-Refinish Paint Type Codes R Labor-Refinish