Vue �c������c�B���s �a� �ECi�c����.�otic� a� C[aiE�� �a �i�y Q� �a�F-�f Pa�€� . ' ' ll9innesot3 State Statute 466.05 NOT/CE OF CLAIM...(EJv���,��ho claims damages from any municipality...shall cause to be presented to the gove�ning body of the municipality �virhin 180 days after the alleged loss or inju�y is discovered a notice stating the tim���c� �n�cumstances thereof, and the amount of compensation or other relief demanded � ,. - , �ri i '! a��.�.+ii{ Piease cornplete tl�is forr�i in its entirety by typing or printing your ans�Ner to each question in tlie space provided. If additional space is needed, please attach additional sheets. _.. _ ___ - FLEASE RETURN THIS . Office of City CIer1� �-��� COMPLETED FORM T.�: 170 City Hall ( 15 Vil lCeliogg Blvd � � St Paul MN 55102 f,.=' ;' _r � IC�C �re S oua � __.___- , ; ._ ___. _._ . Your Name: „ vr�f� - _ _.Stre�t Address:- - -� / ... _ _---_ --- --.....--------__.. -- - -- - --� - .--__ - _ _ --- ��--____��Or� �-jf __ ._. - . City: s C�.,(.VL� �G� �C,� State: /�1 /�.� Zip Code: 5 .S�l 03 Daytime Telephone: �S/) ��` '�- G���/ , Evening Telepl�one: ( ) Darte of Accident or Incident: �7 � / �Day of Weelc S(.��1CfCc Time; � 30 ,�m r pm (circ�e one) . � ' Ptease state, in detail, wliat occurred and the circumstances sur;ounding the event. Indicate how the ity of,�aint Paul is involved, and why you feel the City is responsible. _ � % �S% � � M � �� � j Please indicate your reason for completing this form: � ;� G.1 Veliicle accident �-7 Other property damage (please provide specifics below) �;`;�:j;. � Vehicle was towed �'�:i�,� ❑ Vehicle damaged ❑ Otl�er injury to person (please provide specifics below) ',��� ;:I 4 : i ❑ Slipped and fell. on City property ;.,i,:! ; i: t ..�� { Please provide the names and telephone numbers of any City em�loyees involved in this ��;� �. incident/accident and how they were involved: �' '� � . -; (over) . � � i If your vehicle vvas involved, please complete the following: Year; malce, and model: License Plate Number: Extani and area damaged: Was a City vehicle involved in this accident/incident? Yes No (circle one) If yes, please complete the following: Type of vehicle Year, mai<e, and model � Color of vehicle License Plate Number: - Description of vehicle Location of accident/incident (please provide specifics sucl� as street address, intersection, cross streets, park name, facility name; etc.): ---._ .P_Jease.d[aw. or_attach. a_diagram_.!f..aPPficaU(e-------- ---_ - —._. ----- ---- ---- —.__ .:-- -- ...--•-- ---�------ -- Piease specify the nature and extent of tlie compensation or other relief you are requesting. Please attach copies of any bills, receipts, ticl<ets, or other documents to support your claim. If you are claiming damage to a vei�icle, please submit two estimates. . Were t}�ere witnesses to this accident/incident? Yes No (circle one) If yes, please give the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the witnesses: Were the police called? Yes No (circle one) If yes, what department or agency? • Police report number: Please print the name of the , / person completing this form: � V � V LI Q� . ��-- ' / � ` � Please sign your name: f Date form signed: � � � �/ � � �;, . Risl< Mgmt Division - Revised 1-30-01 ''���I���'�� F{.' :;.a;�G9;i�l ;+���tl;%�;' f-