D00540�� C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �ra,ea coPies to: - City Gerk (Originaq - Fnance Dept's Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. ' � I I '7 D • 'i � ' : 1 �� ' _.�l _ • : I� 3 I�:�� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Chiefi of the St. Paul Police Department to amend the 1995 budget of the General Fund, the Director of the Department of Fnance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: CURRENT FROM: 001 - General Fund 04100 - Operations Division 0141-40150 - Over Time TO: 001 - General Fund 04100 - Operations Division • 0219-40015 - Professional Services U221-40015 - Postage 0256-40015 - Regisuation 0249-40015 - Other Equipment 0389-40015 - Other Misc. Supplies Net Change Q� The above change will enable the 1995 Police Youth Liaison Grant budget to reflect the manner in which these funds will be spent. No_ �- 354d Date: -� - F APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET 590,117 (13,11� 577,000 590,117 (13,11� 577,000 5,523 4,477 10,000 30Q 20U 500 3,550 3,950 7,500 6,090 2,882 8,972 892 1,608 2,500 16,355 13,117 29,472 .• �ved b Budge� or Date A042595A � �u�� � DEPARTMENT/OfFICEJCOUNCIL OATE INITIATED v 'v _ 314 9 6 top�.��+n5i-_ GREEN SHEE _ . __ CONTACT PERSON & PHONE DEPARTMENi OIHECTORNITIAVDATE � C�N �uNGL INITIALIDATE ASSIGN GTYATTORNEY CIiYCLERK Chief William F' 292-3588 NUYBEB FOfl O BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DAT� ROUTING �,BUDGET DIqECTOF FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ORDEq O MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n TOTAL # OF SI(iNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) ACT70N flEQUESTED: Approval ofthe auached Adm;n;crrar;ve Order. RECOMMENDAnONS: APProve (A) or Rejeet (F1} pERSONAL SERVICE CON7pACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG CqMM�SSION _ CNIL SEFVICE COMMISSION i. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a coMract for this department? - _CIBCOMMITfEE YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciiy employee? , S7AFF — YES NO _, D4STRICT CAURT _ 3. poes this person/firm possess a skiN not normaily possessed by a�ry cutteM city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 YES NO � Explain all yes answers on aeperete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOfiTUNIN (Who, Wha�, Whan, Whare, Why): The Saint Paul Police Depariment desires to reallocate its spending authority in the Police Youth Liaison Program Grant to reflect the mauner in wlrich the funds will be spe�rt. � VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The Saim Paul Police Departmem spending plan in the Police Youth Liaison Program Grant will properly reflect the anticipated 1995 expenditures. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVE�: None. RECEIVED MAY 111995 CITY CLERK DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: The 1995 Police Youth Liaison Program Graut budget will nat properly reflect the mauuer in which the funds are to be spent. TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEU (CIHCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE C,eneral Fund (001) ACTIVITY NUMBEB 04100 � FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � �