97-260Council File # 9 � �i0 ( 9'', � _ < € �' � `. ; '', 's Ordinance # RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT P�UL, MINNESOTA � �� �: � „% j� ,<p ;� .m" � ' � s' ; < ,�p�� 4 Presented By ;' � �f/ �� '✓�� �,r'� Referred To Green Sheet# 35424 S3 Committee: Date 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLVED: That agplication, ID #82035, for a new Gazabling Manager's License by Jennifet J. 01son DBA children's Program of No=thern Ireland at Goby's Grille & Pub at 472 Snelling Avenue S., be and the same is hereby approved. �1r � n r� Requested by Department ot: • — — s. —— e=• •�- ,�• 1 •t�e — '� Adopted by Counc'1: Date Adoption rtified by 8 Y° �.L —��� Approved by Maydr: Date 2J /}� $Y � 1 � s �' � BY s �/� � � Form Approved by City Attorney B y : ,-1 !'t% �,—�'�- �J 1 �.�1 .wT---- U Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council By: EPARTMENTlOFPICE/COUNCiI LIEP CANTACC PEHSOl18 PNONE Wi l l i am A C�.nther _ GREEN SHEET �� . � 4 2 ��� INITIAVDATE INRIAL/DATE DEPARiMENf DIflE � CIiY CAUNCiL CISYATfdFiNEY O CrtYCLEf1K BUDGEf �IfiECTOR O FIM. 8 MGL SERYICES DIR. MAYOP (Op ASSISTAtii) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Sennifer J. �lson DBA Children's Program o£ Northern Ireland requests Council approval of her application for a new Gambling Manager's License, ID ��82035, at Goby's Gxille & Pub, 472 Snelling Avenue S. _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITfEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISIAICTCOURT _ SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? PEASONAL SERVICE CONSRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWIqG �UESTIONS: 1. Has Vns persoMfirm ever worked wMer a coMract for Mis depasfinent? - YES NO . 2 Has thi5 personRirm aver 6een a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/Firm po55e5s a skill not normaily possessetl by any curte�rt Ciry employee? YES NO Ezplain all yea answers on seperate sheet and attech t0 grean sheet Where, Why): E� l�-is:° ��` U � ,� � �'�jl a F "c t` t, . i: d"-'�'�f JAN 1 � 1997 ,- �°; ..>, __, : . , .. �.. �'v'�: �;s�'s��, J��9 2 � l�� � � ����� „h�! 2 "� �a�,—, AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION FUNDIFdG SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMRT70N: (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBEH creensheet# 35424 L.I.E.P. REVIEW GHECKLIST �ate: / 9 ?'�`� In Tracker? .� 7 apP'n Received / npP Processed License ID # 82035 license Type: Camh� � ng ManagPr COmpany Name: Jennifer J. Olson DBA:Ghildren's ProQram of Northern Ireland BusinessAddresss: 472 SnellinQ AVe. S. (Gobv's� SusinessPhone: 920-3520 ContaCt Name/Address: 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd. 4�270 HOme PhonO: 920-3520 . � - Date to Council Research: 2' Public Hearing Date: 1 z, Ig47 Labels Ordered: N/A Notice Sent to Applicant: �����9 �J District Council #: 14 Notice Sent to Public: /� Ward #: n� Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney /O C�f�i�/ � ` �/ D,� ����g� � Environmental Heaith ���/ Fire �J� License Site Plan Raceived:� t Lease F�ce7ved: '• / /J l Police � � ��C-�7"(� �� ���� ������ ! ��`��� Zoning y� /// ! �G212 • (Rev. �/2/9e) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BASE LJC ft � SEO # FEE CHK DATE INI'f � �, New � Give date that ihe two-day gambling m2nager seminar was completed. �7 /�� !/!o � Locabon ot traming �! CL�1Ct.Y'� (Gry) Q Aenewal Give date of training received within three years prior to tho date of tha applicaGon for renewal. _/ ! locafian of Vaining (��ry) GamblinciMaiiaqer . — : ' > , `::;:, ;;; ::;' iAST NAME FIAST NAME MiDDLE: NAMc bhA10EN ! Date ot airth Scc. Se::ri^: "anmbet � t`Isen ,�enn��er �o t=�bbot-r ���a1�1�5 � h I Si� F� 5� m� s-� � � R�. �,c.9 M rv 55 i o� MEMBERSHIP: Date gambling manager became a membe� of the orqanizatlan �!__f_J�, . � �,,.,., „ , .,.,,. ".,,. , , , ,.. ., CSrnnmzrrtrnn 7nfnrmrrtinn N ma ot Organizauo� C�,,+��e.�s Address Minnesota Lawfut Gambling Gambling Manager Application � (�r�.�;t�yy-�3a� Sex : Q Mals ,e� Female ticense Number A na�,,.� ��a7Q City/State Zp Code Phpne �n�-e �I�',� s+.c���G �;�;}�,��;�,,� r6�zl�ao-35�� .�S2f��formafioii -- A$t0,000 fidelity bond in favor of the organizauon must be obtamed for the gambling manager. Name of insurance company (do not use agency name) Q •�� �� '- Bond Number ��-�> �� � FJ '' ..:, ,:,...,.: » :,. ,... .., . ,. , ,. .. Acknowtedamerit V cfeciare that: • I have read Ihis applica6on and a�l informa6on submitted to the board; • all iniormation is true, accurate and complete; � a1i other required information has been fuiiy disclosed; • f am tha only gam6ling manager of the organiza6oa: � 4 wilk tamiTiarize mysef4 with the faws of Minnesota goveming tawtuS gambRng and rufes of the boacd and agree, iE lioensed, to atride by those laws end rules, indud�ng amendments ro them; • any changes in appticatioo inlo�ma�io� v��lf be su5mitted to the boa�d a�d locai unit ol gavernment within 10 days af ;he chanae; • An aKdavit Wr gamh4ing manager hes beea compiated and attached, and • I understand Fhat failure ro provide required informa6on ar providing fatse intormaGOn may resuit in the deniaf or revocatlon of ihe Iicense. m �� �� � r� Send the campleted applieation and al! tequired attachments to: Gamblfng Control Board 5ulte 300 S. 1711 W. County Road B RosevUle, MN 55113 �a o3.S' Council File # 9 � �i0 ( 9'', � _ < € �' � `. ; '', 's Ordinance # RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT P�UL, MINNESOTA � �� �: � „% j� ,<p ;� .m" � ' � s' ; < ,�p�� 4 Presented By ;' � �f/ �� '✓�� �,r'� Referred To Green Sheet# 35424 S3 Committee: Date 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLVED: That agplication, ID #82035, for a new Gazabling Manager's License by Jennifet J. 01son DBA children's Program of No=thern Ireland at Goby's Grille & Pub at 472 Snelling Avenue S., be and the same is hereby approved. �1r � n r� Requested by Department ot: • — — s. —— e=• •�- ,�• 1 •t�e — '� Adopted by Counc'1: Date Adoption rtified by 8 Y° �.L —��� Approved by Maydr: Date 2J /}� $Y � 1 � s �' � BY s �/� � � Form Approved by City Attorney B y : ,-1 !'t% �,—�'�- �J 1 �.�1 .wT---- U Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council By: EPARTMENTlOFPICE/COUNCiI LIEP CANTACC PEHSOl18 PNONE Wi l l i am A C�.nther _ GREEN SHEET �� . � 4 2 ��� INITIAVDATE INRIAL/DATE DEPARiMENf DIflE � CIiY CAUNCiL CISYATfdFiNEY O CrtYCLEf1K BUDGEf �IfiECTOR O FIM. 8 MGL SERYICES DIR. MAYOP (Op ASSISTAtii) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Sennifer J. �lson DBA Children's Program o£ Northern Ireland requests Council approval of her application for a new Gambling Manager's License, ID ��82035, at Goby's Gxille & Pub, 472 Snelling Avenue S. _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITfEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISIAICTCOURT _ SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? PEASONAL SERVICE CONSRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWIqG �UESTIONS: 1. Has Vns persoMfirm ever worked wMer a coMract for Mis depasfinent? - YES NO . 2 Has thi5 personRirm aver 6een a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/Firm po55e5s a skill not normaily possessetl by any curte�rt Ciry employee? YES NO Ezplain all yea answers on seperate sheet and attech t0 grean sheet Where, Why): E� l�-is:° ��` U � ,� � �'�jl a F "c t` t, . i: d"-'�'�f JAN 1 � 1997 ,- �°; ..>, __, : . , .. �.. �'v'�: �;s�'s��, J��9 2 � l�� � � ����� „h�! 2 "� �a�,—, AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION FUNDIFdG SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMRT70N: (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBEH creensheet# 35424 L.I.E.P. REVIEW GHECKLIST �ate: / 9 ?'�`� In Tracker? .� 7 apP'n Received / npP Processed License ID # 82035 license Type: Camh� � ng ManagPr COmpany Name: Jennifer J. Olson DBA:Ghildren's ProQram of Northern Ireland BusinessAddresss: 472 SnellinQ AVe. S. (Gobv's� SusinessPhone: 920-3520 ContaCt Name/Address: 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd. 4�270 HOme PhonO: 920-3520 . � - Date to Council Research: 2' Public Hearing Date: 1 z, Ig47 Labels Ordered: N/A Notice Sent to Applicant: �����9 �J District Council #: 14 Notice Sent to Public: /� Ward #: n� Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney /O C�f�i�/ � ` �/ D,� ����g� � Environmental Heaith ���/ Fire �J� License Site Plan Raceived:� t Lease F�ce7ved: '• / /J l Police � � ��C-�7"(� �� ���� ������ ! ��`��� Zoning y� /// ! �G212 • (Rev. �/2/9e) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BASE LJC ft � SEO # FEE CHK DATE INI'f � �, New � Give date that ihe two-day gambling m2nager seminar was completed. �7 /�� !/!o � Locabon ot traming �! CL�1Ct.Y'� (Gry) Q Aenewal Give date of training received within three years prior to tho date of tha applicaGon for renewal. _/ ! locafian of Vaining (��ry) GamblinciMaiiaqer . — : ' > , `::;:, ;;; ::;' iAST NAME FIAST NAME MiDDLE: NAMc bhA10EN ! Date ot airth Scc. Se::ri^: "anmbet � t`Isen ,�enn��er �o t=�bbot-r ���a1�1�5 � h I Si� F� 5� m� s-� � � R�. �,c.9 M rv 55 i o� MEMBERSHIP: Date gambling manager became a membe� of the orqanizatlan �!__f_J�, . � �,,.,., „ , .,.,,. ".,,. , , , ,.. ., CSrnnmzrrtrnn 7nfnrmrrtinn N ma ot Organizauo� C�,,+��e.�s Address Minnesota Lawfut Gambling Gambling Manager Application � (�r�.�;t�yy-�3a� Sex : Q Mals ,e� Female ticense Number A na�,,.� ��a7Q City/State Zp Code Phpne �n�-e �I�',� s+.c���G �;�;}�,��;�,,� r6�zl�ao-35�� .�S2f��formafioii -- A$t0,000 fidelity bond in favor of the organizauon must be obtamed for the gambling manager. Name of insurance company (do not use agency name) Q •�� �� '- Bond Number ��-�> �� � FJ '' ..:, ,:,...,.: » :,. ,... .., . ,. , ,. .. Acknowtedamerit V cfeciare that: • I have read Ihis applica6on and a�l informa6on submitted to the board; • all iniormation is true, accurate and complete; � a1i other required information has been fuiiy disclosed; • f am tha only gam6ling manager of the organiza6oa: � 4 wilk tamiTiarize mysef4 with the faws of Minnesota goveming tawtuS gambRng and rufes of the boacd and agree, iE lioensed, to atride by those laws end rules, indud�ng amendments ro them; • any changes in appticatioo inlo�ma�io� v��lf be su5mitted to the boa�d a�d locai unit ol gavernment within 10 days af ;he chanae; • An aKdavit Wr gamh4ing manager hes beea compiated and attached, and • I understand Fhat failure ro provide required informa6on ar providing fatse intormaGOn may resuit in the deniaf or revocatlon of ihe Iicense. m �� �� � r� Send the campleted applieation and al! tequired attachments to: Gamblfng Control Board 5ulte 300 S. 1711 W. County Road B RosevUle, MN 55113 �a o3.S' Council File # 9 � �i0 ( 9'', � _ < € �' � `. ; '', 's Ordinance # RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT P�UL, MINNESOTA � �� �: � „% j� ,<p ;� .m" � ' � s' ; < ,�p�� 4 Presented By ;' � �f/ �� '✓�� �,r'� Referred To Green Sheet# 35424 S3 Committee: Date 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLVED: That agplication, ID #82035, for a new Gazabling Manager's License by Jennifet J. 01son DBA children's Program of No=thern Ireland at Goby's Grille & Pub at 472 Snelling Avenue S., be and the same is hereby approved. �1r � n r� Requested by Department ot: • — — s. —— e=• •�- ,�• 1 •t�e — '� Adopted by Counc'1: Date Adoption rtified by 8 Y° �.L —��� Approved by Maydr: Date 2J /}� $Y � 1 � s �' � BY s �/� � � Form Approved by City Attorney B y : ,-1 !'t% �,—�'�- �J 1 �.�1 .wT---- U Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council By: EPARTMENTlOFPICE/COUNCiI LIEP CANTACC PEHSOl18 PNONE Wi l l i am A C�.nther _ GREEN SHEET �� . � 4 2 ��� INITIAVDATE INRIAL/DATE DEPARiMENf DIflE � CIiY CAUNCiL CISYATfdFiNEY O CrtYCLEf1K BUDGEf �IfiECTOR O FIM. 8 MGL SERYICES DIR. MAYOP (Op ASSISTAtii) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Sennifer J. �lson DBA Children's Program o£ Northern Ireland requests Council approval of her application for a new Gambling Manager's License, ID ��82035, at Goby's Gxille & Pub, 472 Snelling Avenue S. _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITfEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISIAICTCOURT _ SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? PEASONAL SERVICE CONSRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWIqG �UESTIONS: 1. Has Vns persoMfirm ever worked wMer a coMract for Mis depasfinent? - YES NO . 2 Has thi5 personRirm aver 6een a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/Firm po55e5s a skill not normaily possessetl by any curte�rt Ciry employee? YES NO Ezplain all yea answers on seperate sheet and attech t0 grean sheet Where, Why): E� l�-is:° ��` U � ,� � �'�jl a F "c t` t, . i: d"-'�'�f JAN 1 � 1997 ,- �°; ..>, __, : . , .. �.. �'v'�: �;s�'s��, J��9 2 � l�� � � ����� „h�! 2 "� �a�,—, AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION FUNDIFdG SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMRT70N: (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBEH creensheet# 35424 L.I.E.P. REVIEW GHECKLIST �ate: / 9 ?'�`� In Tracker? .� 7 apP'n Received / npP Processed License ID # 82035 license Type: Camh� � ng ManagPr COmpany Name: Jennifer J. Olson DBA:Ghildren's ProQram of Northern Ireland BusinessAddresss: 472 SnellinQ AVe. S. (Gobv's� SusinessPhone: 920-3520 ContaCt Name/Address: 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd. 4�270 HOme PhonO: 920-3520 . � - Date to Council Research: 2' Public Hearing Date: 1 z, Ig47 Labels Ordered: N/A Notice Sent to Applicant: �����9 �J District Council #: 14 Notice Sent to Public: /� Ward #: n� Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney /O C�f�i�/ � ` �/ D,� ����g� � Environmental Heaith ���/ Fire �J� License Site Plan Raceived:� t Lease F�ce7ved: '• / /J l Police � � ��C-�7"(� �� ���� ������ ! ��`��� Zoning y� /// ! �G212 • (Rev. �/2/9e) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BASE LJC ft � SEO # FEE CHK DATE INI'f � �, New � Give date that ihe two-day gambling m2nager seminar was completed. �7 /�� !/!o � Locabon ot traming �! CL�1Ct.Y'� (Gry) Q Aenewal Give date of training received within three years prior to tho date of tha applicaGon for renewal. _/ ! locafian of Vaining (��ry) GamblinciMaiiaqer . — : ' > , `::;:, ;;; ::;' iAST NAME FIAST NAME MiDDLE: NAMc bhA10EN ! Date ot airth Scc. Se::ri^: "anmbet � t`Isen ,�enn��er �o t=�bbot-r ���a1�1�5 � h I Si� F� 5� m� s-� � � R�. �,c.9 M rv 55 i o� MEMBERSHIP: Date gambling manager became a membe� of the orqanizatlan �!__f_J�, . � �,,.,., „ , .,.,,. ".,,. , , , ,.. ., CSrnnmzrrtrnn 7nfnrmrrtinn N ma ot Organizauo� C�,,+��e.�s Address Minnesota Lawfut Gambling Gambling Manager Application � (�r�.�;t�yy-�3a� Sex : Q Mals ,e� Female ticense Number A na�,,.� ��a7Q City/State Zp Code Phpne �n�-e �I�',� s+.c���G �;�;}�,��;�,,� r6�zl�ao-35�� .�S2f��formafioii -- A$t0,000 fidelity bond in favor of the organizauon must be obtamed for the gambling manager. Name of insurance company (do not use agency name) Q •�� �� '- Bond Number ��-�> �� � FJ '' ..:, ,:,...,.: » :,. ,... .., . ,. , ,. .. Acknowtedamerit V cfeciare that: • I have read Ihis applica6on and a�l informa6on submitted to the board; • all iniormation is true, accurate and complete; � a1i other required information has been fuiiy disclosed; • f am tha only gam6ling manager of the organiza6oa: � 4 wilk tamiTiarize mysef4 with the faws of Minnesota goveming tawtuS gambRng and rufes of the boacd and agree, iE lioensed, to atride by those laws end rules, indud�ng amendments ro them; • any changes in appticatioo inlo�ma�io� v��lf be su5mitted to the boa�d a�d locai unit ol gavernment within 10 days af ;he chanae; • An aKdavit Wr gamh4ing manager hes beea compiated and attached, and • I understand Fhat failure ro provide required informa6on ar providing fatse intormaGOn may resuit in the deniaf or revocatlon of ihe Iicense. m �� �� � r� Send the campleted applieation and al! tequired attachments to: Gamblfng Control Board 5ulte 300 S. 1711 W. County Road B RosevUle, MN 55113 �a o3.S'