97-26, � . f (� �` ( �` � �'i � f� � Council File # 9 � - c� � ���� 1 .,1!lt;� :� r , Green Sheet # QV�� Presented By Referred To Co�aittee: Date 1 RESOLVED, That the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to seek a$150,000 2 Lihrary Accessibility Grant from the Department of Families and Isarning, Office of Ia'brary 3 Development and Services, State of Minnesota, to improve accessibi]ity to the Saint Anthony Park 4 Branch Library, City of Saint Paul. Requested by Department of: Libraries By: (.�t�4� ��� Porm Approved by City Attorney Hy: �� . Approved by Mayor: Date / �l� � sY� I`v �� �� RESOLUTiON CfTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA By: � � Approoed by Mayor for Submiasion to B !' �� t � � l�l� /1 .,� � }� i v� 1� �¢E:� ) Adopted by Council: Date � q Adoption Certified by Counc Secretary �t rl - 3� ,.,, TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �11:� G� REEN SHEET Mf11AVDATE— �EPARTMENT DIRF_GT�R Cfft' ATf�RNEY BUDGET D1StECTOR MAYOR (Ofl ASSISTAN'n INffiAUPATE CITY COUNqI CITY CLERK FIN, 6 MGT. SERVICES Dlfl. (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) Approval of Council Resolution allowing the Libraries to apply for a grant from the State of Minnesota for accessibility at the Saint Anthony Park Branch Library. _ PLANt11NG GOMMI$510M _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMiSSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ OISTRICTCOURF _ SUPPOATS WNICH CDUNGIL Oft1ECTIVEI PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personttirm ever worked u�ar a contract for this tlepar�l�1[Q`fMPQ YES NO � 2. Has this personKrm evar been a ciry amployea? Y� No �tAN 0 9 1997 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill nat normally possesseG by any curcent ciry employee? YES NO � Rfl{/( � pr � ExQlain ell yes answers on separete sheet and anach to'g16trh`llf6ei �F�� This Library Accessibility Grant would help financially supplement the necessary remodeling for the Saint Anthony Park Branch Library to allow our physically disabled customers to utilize the Library's materials, programs and services. The architectur- al barriers that limit a customers use of the building would be removed. This grant is only available for remodeling dh existing building, not new construc- tion. 1'he physically disabled customers of the Metropolitan area would gain access to the materials, services and programs of the Saint Anthony Park Branch. It would make one of the few remaining libraries in the City meet ADA requirements for accessibility. None •'_ .� ,��,.n� 4✓...-,..._�_r_ ' _� .� x a.'s9. a, 9} .Y�J i�' 1 e : �Vb Saint Paul Public Library would not be eligible to appiy for the Library Accessibility Grant. OTALAMOUN70PTHANSACTION $ n�d COSTJREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO UNDItdG SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER VANCIA� INFORFhATION: (EXPIAIN) DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN, FAMILIE5 AND LE�ARNING P.2 9�-a� 5b0 CEDAR ST�tEE2 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101-2273 PH: 612I296-2821 FAX: 612/296-5418 L18RARY ACCESSIStLITY GRANTS: GUlAELINES AND CRI'fER1A '1. App(ications wiil be accepted for projects to improve accessibllity to public library facilities by removing architecturat barriars trom a building or site. Architectural barriers are defined as physicai impediments which limii or restrict a person's usage of materiais, programs or services af the l;brary. Examples of projeczs to remove architectural barriers include, but are not fimited to, modifications to parking areas, ramps, building entryways, elavators, lifts, building expansion, rest rooms, drinking fountains, public telephones, circuiation desks, hardwara, signaga, �evised arrangement of fur�iture and shelving fior wider aislas and aorridors, etc. 2. Grants may be made for projects in one of three categories. Cetegary 1 is for projects which include additions to existing buildings used as tibraries or remodeling in which the existing building used as a library is altered. Category 11 is for use in preparing another existing building for vse as a tibrary. Category 111 is for all ather projects. AII �ew construction of a new buiiding is not eligible for grants. 3. Applications wiil ba accepted from regionai public librsry systems and cities and counties part;cipating in regional public library systems designated as eligible undsr the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 134.33, subd. 3. The applicant jurisdiction must own or hold title to the building or site for Category 1 or N projects. 4. A project may include more than removal of architectural barriers. However, the grants may oniy be used to fund up to 50% of the approved projecYs total budgeted costs fior removal of architectural barriars. The maximum arant amount for which a uroiect mav an�iv is 5150 OOd. 5. Applicants shall assure that the local share of tha project budget is available when the application is submitted or that it will be provided by the appticant end be avsilable by 2he project initiation date. "tn kind" contributions may not be used as loca{ match. 6. Applications shell be submittsd on forms provided by the Office of Library Development and Services, Minnesota Department of Children, Famities and Learning, hy the dates estabiished by the Commissioner. 7. Ssparate applications shall be submitted for each building or location at which architectural bar�iers are to ba removed and each will be considered as a separate project. 8. The applicant's salf-evaluation and transition plan performed in compliance with Americans With Disabilities Act (AdA) requirements is a part af the grant application. 9. The site where the project takes place must provide maximum convenient aacess to the greatest number of peopte in the community during ihe normal course of their daily activities, such as a part of, or immediate{y adjacent to, the oentral businass district or a retail commercial area such as a shopping center. JAN 09 '97 03�15PM SPP� ADMIN LEbrary Developmeat aad Services 440 Capito! Square �nitding St. Paul, MN 531012273 PHONE t612) 296-61Q4 FAX t612) 296-3272 TTX (612) 297-2094 7RN 09 '97 03=16PM SPPL ADMIN LIBRARY ACCESSIBILITY QRAN7S: GUIDELINES AND CR1TERiA p. 2 P.3 1 t - 01. �+ 10. It ihe project ls a Category f or II projact, the applicant shall retain the services of an architect licensed in Minnesota as the project architect. 11. !f the pro}ect is a Category f or 11 project, the appticant shaif provide a report by ihe project archi- tect which includes: {1 � an evaluation of the existing building with fdentificavon ot needed aiterations addressing fire snd safety hazards; S2► structural soundness and live load cspacity as determined by a structurat engineer licensed in Minnesota; 13) mechanieal sys#ems as determined by s machanical engineer ficensad in Minnesota; and (4} e(ecYrical systems as determined by an electrical engineer licensed in Minnesota, 12. Payment ot grant fiunds wiil be made upon submission by the grantea of evidance that bilis have been paid for removal of architectura! barriers, and payments shall not exceed 60% of tha proleot cost for removai of arahitectural barriers up to the amount in the grant contract. 13. If a project is compfeted for an emount (ess than the amount in the groject budget for ramoval ofi architsctural barriers in the approved applicatian, and if the grant amount wouid therefore become grsater than 5Q9'o 04 tha totai project expenditures, the grsnt amount will bs reduoed so tfiat it is not greater than b0% bf the total project expenditures. 14. A Category 1 or 11 project may not have been initieted by advertising for bids or executing construction contracts prinr to the grantee's receipt ofi the signed grant contract. 15. A Category I or ll project shali be initiafed within 184 days afYer the appticani receives tfie signed grant contract. LTBDEVIACCESStiR1CRiTERL4.97 5/1a/g6 , y [1fE'r §S�L1�1� lIIe� 5!F 1 ROBERTA MEGARD Counc�member CZTY OP` SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCII. 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 b12J266-8640 Fas 612/266-8574 Intemet roberta.megazd@stpaul.gov MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT January 13, 1997 Council President Da�e Thune Councilmembers Councilmember Roberta Megard � Resolution for Suspension 9�t- a� ANN D. C[ESLAK Legislative Aide Due to a State Grant deadline, I will be bringing in a resolution under suspension at the Councii meeting on January 15, 1997. A copy of the resolution and supporting documents are attached. I would appreciate your support far this non-controversial item. Thank you. Enclosure CC: Na�cy Anderson s�<s Ptinted on Recycled Paper , � . f (� �` ( �` � �'i � f� � Council File # 9 � - c� � ���� 1 .,1!lt;� :� r , Green Sheet # QV�� Presented By Referred To Co�aittee: Date 1 RESOLVED, That the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to seek a$150,000 2 Lihrary Accessibility Grant from the Department of Families and Isarning, Office of Ia'brary 3 Development and Services, State of Minnesota, to improve accessibi]ity to the Saint Anthony Park 4 Branch Library, City of Saint Paul. Requested by Department of: Libraries By: (.�t�4� ��� Porm Approved by City Attorney Hy: �� . Approved by Mayor: Date / �l� � sY� I`v �� �� RESOLUTiON CfTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA By: � � Approoed by Mayor for Submiasion to B !' �� t � � l�l� /1 .,� � }� i v� 1� �¢E:� ) Adopted by Council: Date � q Adoption Certified by Counc Secretary �t rl - 3� ,.,, TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �11:� G� REEN SHEET Mf11AVDATE— �EPARTMENT DIRF_GT�R Cfft' ATf�RNEY BUDGET D1StECTOR MAYOR (Ofl ASSISTAN'n INffiAUPATE CITY COUNqI CITY CLERK FIN, 6 MGT. SERVICES Dlfl. (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) Approval of Council Resolution allowing the Libraries to apply for a grant from the State of Minnesota for accessibility at the Saint Anthony Park Branch Library. _ PLANt11NG GOMMI$510M _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMiSSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ OISTRICTCOURF _ SUPPOATS WNICH CDUNGIL Oft1ECTIVEI PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personttirm ever worked u�ar a contract for this tlepar�l�1[Q`fMPQ YES NO � 2. Has this personKrm evar been a ciry amployea? Y� No �tAN 0 9 1997 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill nat normally possesseG by any curcent ciry employee? YES NO � Rfl{/( � pr � ExQlain ell yes answers on separete sheet and anach to'g16trh`llf6ei �F�� This Library Accessibility Grant would help financially supplement the necessary remodeling for the Saint Anthony Park Branch Library to allow our physically disabled customers to utilize the Library's materials, programs and services. The architectur- al barriers that limit a customers use of the building would be removed. This grant is only available for remodeling dh existing building, not new construc- tion. 1'he physically disabled customers of the Metropolitan area would gain access to the materials, services and programs of the Saint Anthony Park Branch. It would make one of the few remaining libraries in the City meet ADA requirements for accessibility. None •'_ .� ,��,.n� 4✓...-,..._�_r_ ' _� .� x a.'s9. a, 9} .Y�J i�' 1 e : �Vb Saint Paul Public Library would not be eligible to appiy for the Library Accessibility Grant. OTALAMOUN70PTHANSACTION $ n�d COSTJREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO UNDItdG SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER VANCIA� INFORFhATION: (EXPIAIN) DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN, FAMILIE5 AND LE�ARNING P.2 9�-a� 5b0 CEDAR ST�tEE2 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101-2273 PH: 612I296-2821 FAX: 612/296-5418 L18RARY ACCESSIStLITY GRANTS: GUlAELINES AND CRI'fER1A '1. App(ications wiil be accepted for projects to improve accessibllity to public library facilities by removing architecturat barriars trom a building or site. Architectural barriers are defined as physicai impediments which limii or restrict a person's usage of materiais, programs or services af the l;brary. Examples of projeczs to remove architectural barriers include, but are not fimited to, modifications to parking areas, ramps, building entryways, elavators, lifts, building expansion, rest rooms, drinking fountains, public telephones, circuiation desks, hardwara, signaga, �evised arrangement of fur�iture and shelving fior wider aislas and aorridors, etc. 2. Grants may be made for projects in one of three categories. Cetegary 1 is for projects which include additions to existing buildings used as tibraries or remodeling in which the existing building used as a library is altered. Category 11 is for use in preparing another existing building for vse as a tibrary. Category 111 is for all ather projects. AII �ew construction of a new buiiding is not eligible for grants. 3. Applications wiil ba accepted from regionai public librsry systems and cities and counties part;cipating in regional public library systems designated as eligible undsr the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 134.33, subd. 3. The applicant jurisdiction must own or hold title to the building or site for Category 1 or N projects. 4. A project may include more than removal of architectural barriers. However, the grants may oniy be used to fund up to 50% of the approved projecYs total budgeted costs fior removal of architectural barriars. The maximum arant amount for which a uroiect mav an�iv is 5150 OOd. 5. Applicants shall assure that the local share of tha project budget is available when the application is submitted or that it will be provided by the appticant end be avsilable by 2he project initiation date. "tn kind" contributions may not be used as loca{ match. 6. Applications shell be submittsd on forms provided by the Office of Library Development and Services, Minnesota Department of Children, Famities and Learning, hy the dates estabiished by the Commissioner. 7. Ssparate applications shall be submitted for each building or location at which architectural bar�iers are to ba removed and each will be considered as a separate project. 8. The applicant's salf-evaluation and transition plan performed in compliance with Americans With Disabilities Act (AdA) requirements is a part af the grant application. 9. The site where the project takes place must provide maximum convenient aacess to the greatest number of peopte in the community during ihe normal course of their daily activities, such as a part of, or immediate{y adjacent to, the oentral businass district or a retail commercial area such as a shopping center. JAN 09 '97 03�15PM SPP� ADMIN LEbrary Developmeat aad Services 440 Capito! Square �nitding St. Paul, MN 531012273 PHONE t612) 296-61Q4 FAX t612) 296-3272 TTX (612) 297-2094 7RN 09 '97 03=16PM SPPL ADMIN LIBRARY ACCESSIBILITY QRAN7S: GUIDELINES AND CR1TERiA p. 2 P.3 1 t - 01. �+ 10. It ihe project ls a Category f or II projact, the applicant shall retain the services of an architect licensed in Minnesota as the project architect. 11. !f the pro}ect is a Category f or 11 project, the appticant shaif provide a report by ihe project archi- tect which includes: {1 � an evaluation of the existing building with fdentificavon ot needed aiterations addressing fire snd safety hazards; S2► structural soundness and live load cspacity as determined by a structurat engineer licensed in Minnesota; 13) mechanieal sys#ems as determined by s machanical engineer ficensad in Minnesota; and (4} e(ecYrical systems as determined by an electrical engineer licensed in Minnesota, 12. Payment ot grant fiunds wiil be made upon submission by the grantea of evidance that bilis have been paid for removal of architectura! barriers, and payments shall not exceed 60% of tha proleot cost for removai of arahitectural barriers up to the amount in the grant contract. 13. If a project is compfeted for an emount (ess than the amount in the groject budget for ramoval ofi architsctural barriers in the approved applicatian, and if the grant amount wouid therefore become grsater than 5Q9'o 04 tha totai project expenditures, the grsnt amount will bs reduoed so tfiat it is not greater than b0% bf the total project expenditures. 14. A Category 1 or 11 project may not have been initieted by advertising for bids or executing construction contracts prinr to the grantee's receipt ofi the signed grant contract. 15. A Category I or ll project shali be initiafed within 184 days afYer the appticani receives tfie signed grant contract. LTBDEVIACCESStiR1CRiTERL4.97 5/1a/g6 , y [1fE'r §S�L1�1� lIIe� 5!F 1 ROBERTA MEGARD Counc�member CZTY OP` SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCII. 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 b12J266-8640 Fas 612/266-8574 Intemet roberta.megazd@stpaul.gov MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT January 13, 1997 Council President Da�e Thune Councilmembers Councilmember Roberta Megard � Resolution for Suspension 9�t- a� ANN D. C[ESLAK Legislative Aide Due to a State Grant deadline, I will be bringing in a resolution under suspension at the Councii meeting on January 15, 1997. A copy of the resolution and supporting documents are attached. I would appreciate your support far this non-controversial item. Thank you. Enclosure CC: Na�cy Anderson s�<s Ptinted on Recycled Paper , � . f (� �` ( �` � �'i � f� � Council File # 9 � - c� � ���� 1 .,1!lt;� :� r , Green Sheet # QV�� Presented By Referred To Co�aittee: Date 1 RESOLVED, That the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to seek a$150,000 2 Lihrary Accessibility Grant from the Department of Families and Isarning, Office of Ia'brary 3 Development and Services, State of Minnesota, to improve accessibi]ity to the Saint Anthony Park 4 Branch Library, City of Saint Paul. Requested by Department of: Libraries By: (.�t�4� ��� Porm Approved by City Attorney Hy: �� . Approved by Mayor: Date / �l� � sY� I`v �� �� RESOLUTiON CfTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA By: � � Approoed by Mayor for Submiasion to B !' �� t � � l�l� /1 .,� � }� i v� 1� �¢E:� ) Adopted by Council: Date � q Adoption Certified by Counc Secretary �t rl - 3� ,.,, TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �11:� G� REEN SHEET Mf11AVDATE— �EPARTMENT DIRF_GT�R Cfft' ATf�RNEY BUDGET D1StECTOR MAYOR (Ofl ASSISTAN'n INffiAUPATE CITY COUNqI CITY CLERK FIN, 6 MGT. SERVICES Dlfl. (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) Approval of Council Resolution allowing the Libraries to apply for a grant from the State of Minnesota for accessibility at the Saint Anthony Park Branch Library. _ PLANt11NG GOMMI$510M _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMiSSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ OISTRICTCOURF _ SUPPOATS WNICH CDUNGIL Oft1ECTIVEI PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personttirm ever worked u�ar a contract for this tlepar�l�1[Q`fMPQ YES NO � 2. Has this personKrm evar been a ciry amployea? Y� No �tAN 0 9 1997 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill nat normally possesseG by any curcent ciry employee? YES NO � Rfl{/( � pr � ExQlain ell yes answers on separete sheet and anach to'g16trh`llf6ei �F�� This Library Accessibility Grant would help financially supplement the necessary remodeling for the Saint Anthony Park Branch Library to allow our physically disabled customers to utilize the Library's materials, programs and services. The architectur- al barriers that limit a customers use of the building would be removed. This grant is only available for remodeling dh existing building, not new construc- tion. 1'he physically disabled customers of the Metropolitan area would gain access to the materials, services and programs of the Saint Anthony Park Branch. It would make one of the few remaining libraries in the City meet ADA requirements for accessibility. None •'_ .� ,��,.n� 4✓...-,..._�_r_ ' _� .� x a.'s9. a, 9} .Y�J i�' 1 e : �Vb Saint Paul Public Library would not be eligible to appiy for the Library Accessibility Grant. OTALAMOUN70PTHANSACTION $ n�d COSTJREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO UNDItdG SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER VANCIA� INFORFhATION: (EXPIAIN) DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN, FAMILIE5 AND LE�ARNING P.2 9�-a� 5b0 CEDAR ST�tEE2 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101-2273 PH: 612I296-2821 FAX: 612/296-5418 L18RARY ACCESSIStLITY GRANTS: GUlAELINES AND CRI'fER1A '1. App(ications wiil be accepted for projects to improve accessibllity to public library facilities by removing architecturat barriars trom a building or site. Architectural barriers are defined as physicai impediments which limii or restrict a person's usage of materiais, programs or services af the l;brary. Examples of projeczs to remove architectural barriers include, but are not fimited to, modifications to parking areas, ramps, building entryways, elavators, lifts, building expansion, rest rooms, drinking fountains, public telephones, circuiation desks, hardwara, signaga, �evised arrangement of fur�iture and shelving fior wider aislas and aorridors, etc. 2. Grants may be made for projects in one of three categories. Cetegary 1 is for projects which include additions to existing buildings used as tibraries or remodeling in which the existing building used as a library is altered. Category 11 is for use in preparing another existing building for vse as a tibrary. Category 111 is for all ather projects. AII �ew construction of a new buiiding is not eligible for grants. 3. Applications wiil ba accepted from regionai public librsry systems and cities and counties part;cipating in regional public library systems designated as eligible undsr the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 134.33, subd. 3. The applicant jurisdiction must own or hold title to the building or site for Category 1 or N projects. 4. A project may include more than removal of architectural barriers. However, the grants may oniy be used to fund up to 50% of the approved projecYs total budgeted costs fior removal of architectural barriars. The maximum arant amount for which a uroiect mav an�iv is 5150 OOd. 5. Applicants shall assure that the local share of tha project budget is available when the application is submitted or that it will be provided by the appticant end be avsilable by 2he project initiation date. "tn kind" contributions may not be used as loca{ match. 6. Applications shell be submittsd on forms provided by the Office of Library Development and Services, Minnesota Department of Children, Famities and Learning, hy the dates estabiished by the Commissioner. 7. Ssparate applications shall be submitted for each building or location at which architectural bar�iers are to ba removed and each will be considered as a separate project. 8. The applicant's salf-evaluation and transition plan performed in compliance with Americans With Disabilities Act (AdA) requirements is a part af the grant application. 9. The site where the project takes place must provide maximum convenient aacess to the greatest number of peopte in the community during ihe normal course of their daily activities, such as a part of, or immediate{y adjacent to, the oentral businass district or a retail commercial area such as a shopping center. JAN 09 '97 03�15PM SPP� ADMIN LEbrary Developmeat aad Services 440 Capito! Square �nitding St. Paul, MN 531012273 PHONE t612) 296-61Q4 FAX t612) 296-3272 TTX (612) 297-2094 7RN 09 '97 03=16PM SPPL ADMIN LIBRARY ACCESSIBILITY QRAN7S: GUIDELINES AND CR1TERiA p. 2 P.3 1 t - 01. �+ 10. It ihe project ls a Category f or II projact, the applicant shall retain the services of an architect licensed in Minnesota as the project architect. 11. !f the pro}ect is a Category f or 11 project, the appticant shaif provide a report by ihe project archi- tect which includes: {1 � an evaluation of the existing building with fdentificavon ot needed aiterations addressing fire snd safety hazards; S2► structural soundness and live load cspacity as determined by a structurat engineer licensed in Minnesota; 13) mechanieal sys#ems as determined by s machanical engineer ficensad in Minnesota; and (4} e(ecYrical systems as determined by an electrical engineer licensed in Minnesota, 12. Payment ot grant fiunds wiil be made upon submission by the grantea of evidance that bilis have been paid for removal of architectura! barriers, and payments shall not exceed 60% of tha proleot cost for removai of arahitectural barriers up to the amount in the grant contract. 13. If a project is compfeted for an emount (ess than the amount in the groject budget for ramoval ofi architsctural barriers in the approved applicatian, and if the grant amount wouid therefore become grsater than 5Q9'o 04 tha totai project expenditures, the grsnt amount will bs reduoed so tfiat it is not greater than b0% bf the total project expenditures. 14. A Category 1 or 11 project may not have been initieted by advertising for bids or executing construction contracts prinr to the grantee's receipt ofi the signed grant contract. 15. A Category I or ll project shali be initiafed within 184 days afYer the appticani receives tfie signed grant contract. LTBDEVIACCESStiR1CRiTERL4.97 5/1a/g6 , y [1fE'r §S�L1�1� lIIe� 5!F 1 ROBERTA MEGARD Counc�member CZTY OP` SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCII. 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 b12J266-8640 Fas 612/266-8574 Intemet roberta.megazd@stpaul.gov MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT January 13, 1997 Council President Da�e Thune Councilmembers Councilmember Roberta Megard � Resolution for Suspension 9�t- a� ANN D. C[ESLAK Legislative Aide Due to a State Grant deadline, I will be bringing in a resolution under suspension at the Councii meeting on January 15, 1997. A copy of the resolution and supporting documents are attached. I would appreciate your support far this non-controversial item. Thank you. Enclosure CC: Na�cy Anderson s�<s Ptinted on Recycled Paper