97-256�L ,.ity ci S`-_. ^¢ui xESVycrr=cxu a��av�x� xsssss�vfi a� F2XSNG T� C1F Ai'niYi'isz: TIY�RE{$�F tAdogtad ?;ssessmexit No, Ch�S Tj :Y � — baarc Tn tne matLer of tPe asses�ment of neneiics, cost rar�d expenses far 3 2mproving the A11ey in B2ock 1, Gilbert's Greenway Court b;r grading and paving vrith bituminous �ateriai. 2reli;n5.nary order_95-�U94 anproved August 30 19�5_ Final Order 95-1304 approved�Octorer 25, 1g95 �4�, The assessment af benefits, cost and �xpenses for �nd in conneotian �aith the a�ove impruvement having �e2n �uhmitte� to t2?e Css;�nvil, and tr;a �`oun_cil t�avirig considered same and found the snid asse�sment satisfactory, therefore, 2�2 at �94L,YED, Th�t the said a�ses4:nsnt ?�� and th� same is �iereby in all r+�sf�cts apnroved. RESOLVEB FUR.�R, That & p��2ic hearing be i�ad cn sai� u�ses�%aent axi t.he 7tY� �.y of $�,v, 199?, sst the :�our cf Four triirty o' uloon :°.Y3. , in the Cc•unc_:a2 Ch���r cf the Caurt xouse and city Aai1 Building, in the CiCy of st. Paul; that the Vaivats.on �nd Assessment Engineer give no*ice of said t�eetings, as reqxiired by the Charter, sta*_inc} in sai� natice the time and place c?f hearing the nature of the impr�vemsnt, and the amount as;essed aqair:s� the lot or 3ots of the particular owner ta whosc the notiae is direate�. Y2aa Nays �Biaxey ✓a�stro:r. .�&arris �?4¢a�93//acA.rr .iNja�,s�r{j �Retts�an ✓TY,une fied ccv�cs .�aL r�u. � — �.5� Fsy Y'].1� P1G. �.�7�. �11�11Ctl2fl Se�_ rei ary i.�,�' _-; ,G2�? �Ia F'a•ror p'Ag�inst Mayor �, •, z n�� z-zo-9� Green Sheet N�ber 34174 .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION t' ,�n�xrn�croa oovxcu, � ° l i. � �"- rnsos oa rra.e x.i6n: �.�. oS ` c��.o� ATlOB1�Y CZIItK � P�er VVhite 266-SS50 °°' r,si nsr.cros . taicr. svc. �. � � � YoY to�c.�ssr.+� � aFSeaacx � �_ � 1� bC pn Cpyp�l� Agendg by; 3-19-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-7-97 3�. ?:=� ALfOFSIGNATUREYAGFS 1 {CIdpALLIACATIONSFOBS[C:NATURL� " - CIION REQUESfFSY. � ettiag date of public hearing of the ratification of assessments for alley ade aad pave in Biock 1, Qilbert�s Greenway Court. iie Na. 3879s Assessment No. O(.2s � 170NS:APPROVE(�UORBE7ECT� NAL�RVICECONTitACfSMUSfANSWFRTAEFYILIAWING: . Has fbe pe�amlBrm ever warked �der a om4�ed far � depsrhnenf? ]'ES NO riweam+cco�io� A cr�en . A�s t�s ptnm/5rm ever hem � C'riy emplogec? YES NO aVLLBQYIdCOMM�IDN � . Das t6ia pe�sael6im po�esa a slo� mt wacros6y Po�d bY anY YFS NO co aoeurtrr� em*est CkY �iO9ee? a_ sIl YES answers an a sc abeet aod eHeeL. Tswiucxcovxca.osfuurivEa �Teighborhoods CWNCII, WARD(S� � DISTRICf PldNNING COUNCII, j�5 TING PROBI FM, ISSIJE, OPPORTUNITY (Wha, �. �. �h. �YT)� roject ia completad. Ratifiaation is necessary in order to begin collectiag ssessments to help pay for the project. VANTAGFS IF APPROVF•D: ame as above. ['�L 2 � 1�97 ISADVANfAGES IF APPROVID: enefitted propertp oxners vill have assessments payable via property taxes. ISADVANTAGFS IF NTOT APPROVF.a o not as�ess the bensfits wouid Ds inconsisteat aith Citp policy. nt �ovxr oF r�vsacriox: �/ 9 S8 cosr�svnv�rE simcErEn tctxcr,s orr� �s xo ��� Assessments i PiA 1995 ��'�'Y��: �/S� 03J. 5� t �H� �!'lt.0� 26 property owners will be notified of Lhe public hearing and charges. �L ,.ity ci S`-_. ^¢ui xESVycrr=cxu a��av�x� xsssss�vfi a� F2XSNG T� C1F Ai'niYi'isz: TIY�RE{$�F tAdogtad ?;ssessmexit No, Ch�S Tj :Y � — baarc Tn tne matLer of tPe asses�ment of neneiics, cost rar�d expenses far 3 2mproving the A11ey in B2ock 1, Gilbert's Greenway Court b;r grading and paving vrith bituminous �ateriai. 2reli;n5.nary order_95-�U94 anproved August 30 19�5_ Final Order 95-1304 approved�Octorer 25, 1g95 �4�, The assessment af benefits, cost and �xpenses for �nd in conneotian �aith the a�ove impruvement having �e2n �uhmitte� to t2?e Css;�nvil, and tr;a �`oun_cil t�avirig considered same and found the snid asse�sment satisfactory, therefore, 2�2 at �94L,YED, Th�t the said a�ses4:nsnt ?�� and th� same is �iereby in all r+�sf�cts apnroved. RESOLVEB FUR.�R, That & p��2ic hearing be i�ad cn sai� u�ses�%aent axi t.he 7tY� �.y of $�,v, 199?, sst the :�our cf Four triirty o' uloon :°.Y3. , in the Cc•unc_:a2 Ch���r cf the Caurt xouse and city Aai1 Building, in the CiCy of st. Paul; that the Vaivats.on �nd Assessment Engineer give no*ice of said t�eetings, as reqxiired by the Charter, sta*_inc} in sai� natice the time and place c?f hearing the nature of the impr�vemsnt, and the amount as;essed aqair:s� the lot or 3ots of the particular owner ta whosc the notiae is direate�. Y2aa Nays �Biaxey ✓a�stro:r. .�&arris �?4¢a�93//acA.rr .iNja�,s�r{j �Retts�an ✓TY,une fied ccv�cs .�aL r�u. � — �.5� Fsy Y'].1� P1G. �.�7�. �11�11Ctl2fl Se�_ rei ary i.�,�' _-; ,G2�? �Ia F'a•ror p'Ag�inst Mayor �, •, z n�� z-zo-9� Green Sheet N�ber 34174 .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION t' ,�n�xrn�croa oovxcu, � ° l i. � �"- rnsos oa rra.e x.i6n: �.�. oS ` c��.o� ATlOB1�Y CZIItK � P�er VVhite 266-SS50 °°' r,si nsr.cros . taicr. svc. �. � � � YoY to�c.�ssr.+� � aFSeaacx � �_ � 1� bC pn Cpyp�l� Agendg by; 3-19-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-7-97 3�. ?:=� ALfOFSIGNATUREYAGFS 1 {CIdpALLIACATIONSFOBS[C:NATURL� " - CIION REQUESfFSY. � ettiag date of public hearing of the ratification of assessments for alley ade aad pave in Biock 1, Qilbert�s Greenway Court. iie Na. 3879s Assessment No. O(.2s � 170NS:APPROVE(�UORBE7ECT� NAL�RVICECONTitACfSMUSfANSWFRTAEFYILIAWING: . Has fbe pe�amlBrm ever warked �der a om4�ed far � depsrhnenf? ]'ES NO riweam+cco�io� A cr�en . A�s t�s ptnm/5rm ever hem � C'riy emplogec? YES NO aVLLBQYIdCOMM�IDN � . Das t6ia pe�sael6im po�esa a slo� mt wacros6y Po�d bY anY YFS NO co aoeurtrr� em*est CkY �iO9ee? a_ sIl YES answers an a sc abeet aod eHeeL. Tswiucxcovxca.osfuurivEa �Teighborhoods CWNCII, WARD(S� � DISTRICf PldNNING COUNCII, j�5 TING PROBI FM, ISSIJE, OPPORTUNITY (Wha, �. �. �h. �YT)� roject ia completad. Ratifiaation is necessary in order to begin collectiag ssessments to help pay for the project. VANTAGFS IF APPROVF•D: ame as above. ['�L 2 � 1�97 ISADVANfAGES IF APPROVID: enefitted propertp oxners vill have assessments payable via property taxes. ISADVANTAGFS IF NTOT APPROVF.a o not as�ess the bensfits wouid Ds inconsisteat aith Citp policy. nt �ovxr oF r�vsacriox: �/ 9 S8 cosr�svnv�rE simcErEn tctxcr,s orr� �s xo ��� Assessments i PiA 1995 ��'�'Y��: �/S� 03J. 5� t �H� �!'lt.0� 26 property owners will be notified of Lhe public hearing and charges. �L ,.ity ci S`-_. ^¢ui xESVycrr=cxu a��av�x� xsssss�vfi a� F2XSNG T� C1F Ai'niYi'isz: TIY�RE{$�F tAdogtad ?;ssessmexit No, Ch�S Tj :Y � — baarc Tn tne matLer of tPe asses�ment of neneiics, cost rar�d expenses far 3 2mproving the A11ey in B2ock 1, Gilbert's Greenway Court b;r grading and paving vrith bituminous �ateriai. 2reli;n5.nary order_95-�U94 anproved August 30 19�5_ Final Order 95-1304 approved�Octorer 25, 1g95 �4�, The assessment af benefits, cost and �xpenses for �nd in conneotian �aith the a�ove impruvement having �e2n �uhmitte� to t2?e Css;�nvil, and tr;a �`oun_cil t�avirig considered same and found the snid asse�sment satisfactory, therefore, 2�2 at �94L,YED, Th�t the said a�ses4:nsnt ?�� and th� same is �iereby in all r+�sf�cts apnroved. RESOLVEB FUR.�R, That & p��2ic hearing be i�ad cn sai� u�ses�%aent axi t.he 7tY� �.y of $�,v, 199?, sst the :�our cf Four triirty o' uloon :°.Y3. , in the Cc•unc_:a2 Ch���r cf the Caurt xouse and city Aai1 Building, in the CiCy of st. Paul; that the Vaivats.on �nd Assessment Engineer give no*ice of said t�eetings, as reqxiired by the Charter, sta*_inc} in sai� natice the time and place c?f hearing the nature of the impr�vemsnt, and the amount as;essed aqair:s� the lot or 3ots of the particular owner ta whosc the notiae is direate�. Y2aa Nays �Biaxey ✓a�stro:r. .�&arris �?4¢a�93//acA.rr .iNja�,s�r{j �Retts�an ✓TY,une fied ccv�cs .�aL r�u. � — �.5� Fsy Y'].1� P1G. �.�7�. �11�11Ctl2fl Se�_ rei ary i.�,�' _-; ,G2�? �Ia F'a•ror p'Ag�inst Mayor �, •, z n�� z-zo-9� Green Sheet N�ber 34174 .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION t' ,�n�xrn�croa oovxcu, � ° l i. � �"- rnsos oa rra.e x.i6n: �.�. oS ` c��.o� ATlOB1�Y CZIItK � P�er VVhite 266-SS50 °°' r,si nsr.cros . taicr. svc. �. � � � YoY to�c.�ssr.+� � aFSeaacx � �_ � 1� bC pn Cpyp�l� Agendg by; 3-19-97 Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 3-7-97 3�. ?:=� ALfOFSIGNATUREYAGFS 1 {CIdpALLIACATIONSFOBS[C:NATURL� " - CIION REQUESfFSY. � ettiag date of public hearing of the ratification of assessments for alley ade aad pave in Biock 1, Qilbert�s Greenway Court. iie Na. 3879s Assessment No. O(.2s � 170NS:APPROVE(�UORBE7ECT� NAL�RVICECONTitACfSMUSfANSWFRTAEFYILIAWING: . Has fbe pe�amlBrm ever warked �der a om4�ed far � depsrhnenf? ]'ES NO riweam+cco�io� A cr�en . A�s t�s ptnm/5rm ever hem � C'riy emplogec? YES NO aVLLBQYIdCOMM�IDN � . Das t6ia pe�sael6im po�esa a slo� mt wacros6y Po�d bY anY YFS NO co aoeurtrr� em*est CkY �iO9ee? a_ sIl YES answers an a sc abeet aod eHeeL. Tswiucxcovxca.osfuurivEa �Teighborhoods CWNCII, WARD(S� � DISTRICf PldNNING COUNCII, j�5 TING PROBI FM, ISSIJE, OPPORTUNITY (Wha, �. �. �h. �YT)� roject ia completad. Ratifiaation is necessary in order to begin collectiag ssessments to help pay for the project. VANTAGFS IF APPROVF•D: ame as above. ['�L 2 � 1�97 ISADVANfAGES IF APPROVID: enefitted propertp oxners vill have assessments payable via property taxes. ISADVANTAGFS IF NTOT APPROVF.a o not as�ess the bensfits wouid Ds inconsisteat aith Citp policy. nt �ovxr oF r�vsacriox: �/ 9 S8 cosr�svnv�rE simcErEn tctxcr,s orr� �s xo ��� Assessments i PiA 1995 ��'�'Y��: �/S� 03J. 5� t �H� �!'lt.0� 26 property owners will be notified of Lhe public hearing and charges.